[Debburn-devel] can't burn DVD+R on IDE burner

Stephen Compall s11 at member.fsf.org
Fri May 4 22:38:51 UTC 2007

wodim prints some error messages at fixating time, as seen at end of log
with -vvv -VVV at http://scompall.nocandysw.com/_local/wodim-dvd
+r.1s11.log.bz2 (7.34 MB, using 1.1.5)

http://scompall.nocandysw.com/_local/cdrecord-dvd+r.1s11.log.bz2 (7.36
MB) is similar run for cdrecord that completed successfully.

I used dev=ATA:1,0,0 with cdrecord, dev=/dev/hdc with wodim, always
burning as root.

Output of wodim --devices: 
/home/sirian/tmp/cdrkit-1.1.5/build/wodim/wodim: Overview of accessible drives (2 found):
 0  dev='/dev/hdc'      rwrw-- : '_NEC' 'DVD_RW ND-3550A'
 1  dev='/dev/hdd'      rwrw-- : 'ASUS' 'CRW-4824AH'

I tried wodim with and without -sao; cdrecord requires -sao for DVD+R

;;; Stephen Compall ** http://scompall.nocandysw.com/blog **
Failure to imagine vast possibilities usually stems from a lack of
imagination, not a lack of possibility.
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