[Debburn-devel] Tovid GUI problem

Mike Reilly mikereilly at newlands0.demon.co.uk
Sun Nov 25 11:17:46 UTC 2007

Thanks for some great software.  I have a small bug to report - 
apologies if it's already reported but I couldn't see it on the Wiki.

I was using the Tovid GUI only, and clicked on the burn step (step 3): 
it immediately failed.  I've copied the output below.  The problem is 
that I was using an output directory called '/tmp/Tovid Output' and the 
command generated didn't quite cope with the space.  I fixed it by 
issuing the command:

      makedvd -quiet -author /tmp/Tovid\ output/Untitled_disc.xml

instead of

       makedvd -quiet -author /tmp/Tovid output/Untitled_disc.xml

Once again - thanks for your efforts.

Mike Reilly

The following commands will be run:
makedvd -quiet -author /tmp/Tovid output/Untitled_disc.xml
Running command: makedvd -quiet -author /tmp/Tovid output/Untitled_disc.xml
A script to create a DVD-Video file structure and burn it to DVD
Part of the tovid suite, version 0.31
Usage: makedvd [OPTIONS] FILE.xml
   or: makedvd [OPTIONS] DVD_DIR

With FILE.xml, containing dvdauthor XML as generated by 'makexml',
or DVD_DIR, a directory containing a DVD filesystem (VIDEO_TS, namely).

OPTIONS may be any of the following:

  -author              Create DVD filesystem from FILE.xml
  -burn                Burn DVD filesystem from DVD_DIR
  -device DEVFS_NAME   DVD recorder device name (Default: /dev/dvdrw)
  -speed NUM           Burn speed (Default: automatic)
  -label DISC_LABEL    Disc label (Default: base name of FILE)

See the makedvd manual page ('man makedvd') for additional documentation.
Error: Unrecognized command-line option '/tmp/Tovid'
makedvd -quiet -author /tmp/Tovid output/Untitled_disc.xml

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