[Debburn-devel] sections query: burn and image creator apps and libs

Steve McIntyre steve at einval.com
Mon Feb 22 12:01:29 UTC 2010

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 09:59:01PM +0200, George Danchev wrote:
>the following question was thrown at me, so I guess it would be wise to sound 
>your opinion a bit:
>I really wonder why wodim and cdrskin are in
>"otherosfs" whereas dvd+rw-tools is in "utils".
>Is there a chance to get all three together in
>one category ? ("utils" seems appropriate.)
>Should we consider burning apps and libs to be in utils and image creators 
>apps and libs into otherosfs?

Could do, I guess. The current locations are essentially arbitrary as
far as I can see; there's clearly no consistency to them. "utils"
seems like a good choice for now, but it's a bit broad. I've seen
suggestions that we should have a "media" or "multimedia" section and
that would make much more sense, I think...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve at einval.com
"Every time you use Tcl, God kills a kitten." -- Malcolm Ray

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