[Debian-arabic-packages] The future of aspell-ar package

Mohammed Sameer msameer at foolab.org
Sat Oct 7 18:16:57 UTC 2006

On Sat, Oct 07, 2006 at 07:03:45PM +0200, Lior Kaplan wrote:
> Mohammed Sameer wrote:
> >>>>> 3. There's an option to package both.
> >>>> I don't think so with out seeing more work done on the large dictionary.
> >>>> Unless someone asks for this directly.
> >>> well, Considering that mine and the one by google contain errors but the one by
> >>> google has a lot of words and cover the language better. I guess we should package
> >>> their work ?
> >> Fine. I think I would package the Google list as aspell-ar-large and let
> >> the users decide. Since the it's such a large list it will slow most
> >> applications that use this list.
> >>
> > I've noticed that aspell is a bit slow. OpenOffice also suffers a 90 (or was it 200) MB
> > memory increase when it loads that list (After converting it to the myspell format).
> > 
> > I'd like to help with packaging this one. Will check it tonight if we agree on packaging
> > it.
> Start by opening an ITP for it. The best way would be to build a package
> and import it to the subverion for reviews.
> Let me know when you have the base, and I'll guide you through the
> import part.

I did already. It was CC'ed to this list.

Now there's something: The package version is 1.2-0
I don't think it's possible to create a debian package with the version 1.2-0-1
Maybe we should use 1.2+0-1 ? I'm not really sure.

What do you think ??

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