[Debian-arabic-packages] xfardic-xdb-gnulinux package is ready to review

Alan Baghumian alan at technotux.com
Sun Oct 8 07:19:53 UTC 2006


Done. Please take a look at updated packages:


Checked with lintian -iI.

But a small question:

xfardic-xdb-gnulinux provides xfardic-xdb virtual package, that's
dependency of xfardic package. Is it really needed to make
xfardic-xdb-gnulinux depend on xfardic package?


> On Thu, Sep 28, 2006, Alan Baghumian wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hi Alan,
>> Please take a look at packages to make it ready to be uploaded. Then
>> will work on xfardic package itself.
> The packaging looks good but :
>  * please use @cdbs@ in control.in
>  * please don't use "DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL := yes" by default
>    (comment the line out and launch it manually when you build package)
>  * please elaborate (if possible) in the description.
>  * does your package depend on xfardic?
> --
> adn
> Mohammed Adn�ne Trojette
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