[Debian-coldfire-devel] Binutils patch
Wouter Verhelst
wouter at grep.be
Thu Jan 19 23:01:04 UTC 2006
Hi all,
I've been doing some work on binutils during the last few days, and the
integer opcodes should be ready (have yet to start on the floating point
ones). I could put them in the subversion repository, but I'm wondering
what's best:
* import the patch only,
* import a CVS snapshot of binutils as one revision, and apply the patch
to that as another revision,
* import the Debian package as one revision, and apply the patch as
another one.
Note that I made it against the Debian package, but as the patch is
pretty minor, it should apply to a CVS snapshot without much problems.
.../ -/ ---/ .--./ / .--/ .-/ .../ -/ ../ -./ --./ / -.--/ ---/ ..-/ .-./ / -/
../ --/ ./ / .--/ ../ -/ ..../ / -../ ./ -.-./ ---/ -../ ../ -./ --./ / --/
-.--/ / .../ ../ --./ -./ .-/ -/ ..-/ .-./ ./ .-.-.-/ / --/ ---/ .-./ .../ ./ /
../ .../ / ---/ ..-/ -/ -../ .-/ -/ ./ -../ / -/ ./ -.-./ ..../ -./ ---/ .-../
---/ --./ -.--/ / .-/ -./ -.--/ .--/ .-/ -.--/ .-.-.-/ / ...-.-/
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