[Debian-coldfire-devel] Linux on coldfire

Stephen R Marenka stephen at marenka.net
Thu Jan 26 14:17:05 UTC 2006

Okay, so I've gotten the dbug prompt. Yeah!

Now, where's the linux? Maybe I overlooked it in the packaging? I was
under the impression that not all the current patches are in mainline.

This [1] would seem like a good start, but requires a user account 
with freescale.

[1] <http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=CWB-MCF547X-548X-2-6-KL&parentCode=CW_BSP&nodeId=01272600610332>

I haven't figured out how to wrest the answers from google yet (at least
not much beyond uclinux), so I thought I'd make sure one of ya'll wasn't 
way ahead of me already.

What gcc should we be using?



Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!
<stephen at marenka.net>
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