[Debian-eeepc-devel] Brltty and the custom installer for the Eee

Ben Armstrong synrg at sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
Mon Dec 8 17:47:05 UTC 2008

On Mon, 8 Dec 2008 18:32:27 +0100
"Robin Kipp" <webmaster at robin-kipp.de> wrote:
> thanks a lot for your tips. I'll see about the WLAN, I hope the WLAN-chip in 
> the Eee isn't damaged or something.

Highly unlikely.

> At this time, Debian acts as there was 
> no WLAN chip really, lspci and lsusb didn't show anything WLAN related 
> either...

That's what you'd expect if it's turned off in the BIOS.  See my
previous reply about how to find it.

> Also, could someone maybe explain quickly what needs to be done to 
> get brltty included in the official Debian Eee image? I'm just curious about 
> it really... :-) Thanks again for all your great support!!!

We'll take care of it.  It's just a matter of including the brltty udeb.


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