[Debian-eeepc-devel] Debian lenny on ASUS Eee PC 1000H

Darren Salt linux at youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk
Sat Dec 27 12:53:15 UTC 2008

I demand that Luca Capello may or may not have written...

> I guess that we need to wait for 2.6.27 and rfkill support


> to have Fn+F2 disabling bluetooth as well, right?

No; you want the rightmost of the four silver buttons.

> AFAIK there is no other way to disable bluetooth from userspace.


This provides /sys/devices/platform/eeepc/bluetooth and is for 2.6.26 &
2.6.27. Part of this patch is also needed for 2.6.28.

| Darren Salt    | linux or ds at              | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Output less CO2 => avoid boiling weather.     TIME IS RUNNING OUT *FAST*.

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