[Debian-eeepc-devel] New live USB image: 1.0~a8

Robert Epprecht epprecht at solnet.ch
Thu Nov 27 06:29:15 UTC 2008

Ben Armstrong <synrg at sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca> writes:

> On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 20:03:51 +0100
> Robert Epprecht <epprecht at solnet.ch> wrote:
>> Two things that would be nice to have in a live image:
>> * easy to find possibility to scan for wlan access points
> The first is there already.  There should be an icon in your panel.

Yes, I saw that. I was confused by the fact that it *asks* for a network
name. But now I see that if I select the last entry 'create new network'
(or similar) it *does* scan for visible ACs.

>> * easy to find possibility to change keyboard layout for non English users
> I think this is a boot option for the live image, but I haven't tested
> it.  Something like appending "keyb=de locale=de_DE.UTF-8" at boot time.

The 'keyb=de' is working. With the locale I had no luck. But I think 
you said on irc that locales are not installed on that image yet.
Well I don't care about the locales, it's the keyboard layout that I need.

> This should be made clear in a help screen at the boot prompt and then
> shown again in a start page included in the image that is shown when
> the web browser is autostarted in case the user missed it at the boot
> prompt.

Yes, it's the 'easy to find' part that is essential on a live image.
I do know how I can change my console keymap, but the average live
image user might not (well he might not use the text console either ;).  

> I think this causes the appropriate locale to be generated at boot time
> as well, which is why it needs to happen there and not after you've
> booted (as the X session needs to be started with the locale already
> created and ready to use).

I did not test this part yet.

Thanks Ben,
Robert Epprecht

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