[Debian-eeepc-devel] Beep when power is low?

Phil Endecott spam_from_debian_eee at chezphil.org
Mon Sep 1 15:36:17 UTC 2008

Hi Everyone,

Is there any way to configure the Eee (901 in my case) to beep when the 
battery is very low?  I'm guessing that there should be some sort of 
ACPI low battery indication for this.  Does the default Xandros install 
do anything?

(I have a habit of forgetting to plug mine back into the mains power 
after I have taken it somewhere.  Also, I find the choice of colours on 
the battery LED is wrong: surely green should mean "AC power OK" and 
red should mean "danger, running from battery"; but it's the other way 
around.  Presumably there's nothing we can do about that.)

Cheers,  Phil.

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