[Debian-eeepc-devel] New version of eeepc-acpi-scripts needs testing

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Sun Sep 7 11:29:00 UTC 2008

-=| oz, Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 09:24:46AM +0200 |=-
> On Sat, 6 Sep 2008 17:33:44 +0300
> Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org> wrote:
> > The scripts will work with both drivers, obviously they work better 
> > with the full kernel support that is not quite there yet.
> Aha, thanks for your explanation. I use the native kernel drivers and
> not the separate package eeepc-acpi-modules-2.6-686 (which is supposed
> to leave the debian sources soon, iirc). So there is no bluetooth
> support on my 2.6.26-1-system yet.

Not on the hardware hot-(un)plugging part. The scripts still can 
load/unload hci_usb, which should save power.

> > The blue LED stays on if *either* one of wlan or bluetooth is 
> > enabled.  
> Ah, interesting. In my german manual was only written, that it lights
> up, when the integrated WLAN is active. 

Perhaps the translator was confused as both wlan and bluetooth use 
'wireless' technology :) I haven't looked at my (Bulgarian) manual.  
The above statement was deduced from practical experience.

Meanwhile, I pushed another stream of fixes. Please test the Git 
version on your EeePC and report any problems.

dam            JabberID: dam at jabber.minus273.org

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