[Debian-eeepc-devel] Auto-select VGA mode

Luiz Eduardo Guaraldo guaraldo at universolivre.com.br
Thu Sep 11 15:27:16 UTC 2008

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Hi, all...

This is my first post on this mailling list, so let me present myself:
My name is Luiz Guaraldo, Brasilian from Porto Alegre (the city of FISL).

I'm part of the Debian Users Group Debian-RS and Debian-BR. I not a
programmer, but one thing that let me thinking about was the vga-toggle
of the eeepc-acpi-scripts.

So, as I know a little bit of bash scripting, I made some changes to let
it find the best resolution of the VGA display automatically and I want
to share it.

I'm sending you my /etc/default/eeepc-acpi-scripts. I just put a new
line (MODE="`\usr\bin\xrandr|grep \+|/usr/bin/head -n1|awk {'print
$1'}`") that get the answer of xrandr, separate what displays send as
"best resolution", get the first line (VGA) and put it as MODE

In the other hand, I sending some changes on vga-toggle.sh script. I've
found some problems when you unplug vga display before toggling to LVDS.
It just don't toggle. Well, Now it works perfectly and I hope to help
the Debian EeePC Project.

Thanks a lot!

- --

Luiz Guaraldo
Tec. Redes Computadores
CREA/RS 146230


Porto Alegre: 55-51-4063-9076
São Paulo...: 55-11-4063-8864
New York....:  1-212-202-1454


ICQ...: 256177778
YID...: guaraldo_rs
MSN...: guaraldo_rs at msn.com
Jabber: guaraldo at propus.com.br
E-mail: guaraldo at propus.com.br

Propus Informática Ltda.
Rua Santa Rita, 282, 2o andar - Bairro Floresta
90.220-220 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil
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