[Debian-eeepc-devel] Eeepc 1005HA: enabling network

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue Dec 1 23:47:29 UTC 2009

Tim Legg writes:

 > Aside from editing this file with an entry for eth0 (for wired) and
 > eth1 (for wireless), where else do edit in order turn use the
 > ethernet card?  Is there a configuration script for helping setup the
 > configuration for the netwrok devices?

once you have added an iface entry for your eth0 (wired) interface, you
can turn it on by command

ifup eth0

or automatically at boot time if you also have

auto eth0

line there.  regarding configuration wireless interface, i'm using wicd

deb http://apt.wicd.net lenny extras

wicd can also handle your wired ethernet.

-- juha

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