[Debian-eeepc-devel] Debian Squeeze/Sid on a eeepc 1002HA
Frédéric Boiteux
fboiteux at calistel.com
Wed Dec 9 14:13:48 UTC 2009
Le Mon, 7 Dec 2009 15:29:29 +0100,
Frédéric Boiteux <fboiteux at calistel.com> a écrit :
> I've tried to install a Debian Squeeze (and some packages from Sid,
> as eeepc-acpi-scripts) on an Asus Eeepc 1002HA, and found some
> problems about managing events from my eeepc : here is a list of
> problems I encounter :
> * when I boot with an external monitor plugged, with KMS enabled and
> no Xorg.conf, I get the gdm screen on both screen at 640x480 : is it
> possible to let it use specific best resolution from each screen, as
> can do 'xrandr --output XXX --auto ' ?
It seems to be a known bug (see bug #546180 and 551666), but I didn't
find a workaround, getting X crashes and hardlocks :-(( -> come back to
Lenny for now.
> * I wanted to correct this with the 'toggle-videomode' button (Fn-F8
> on my keyboard, you can see one here :
> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3025/3063690282_7fdbb66bf0_o.jpg) : the
> button does nothing, whereas it was working (at least some months ago)
> on the Lenny system) :-(
> So I tried each Fn-F* special keys, and I'm puzzled : I've tried to
> debug with acpid, but it seems acpid isn't used anymore !?
> Here is results of my tests :
> - SH Engine (up of Fn-F1/F2) : does nothing, not detected by acpid
> - Fn-F1 (sleep) : does suspend, ok
> - Fn-F2 (wlan) : toggle rfkill, ok
> - Fn-F4 (no symbol written on keyboard) : button/zoom ZOOM detected
> by acpid , no action
> - Fn-F5 and Fn-F6 (brightness down/up) : ok
> - Fn-F7 (blank screen) : does nothing, not detected by acpid,
> whereas I was using it on my Lenny system !
> - Fn-F8 (toggle video) : does nothing, but detected by acpid :
> acpid: received input layer event "video/switchmode VMOD 00000080
> 00000000" acpid: 0 total rules matched
> acpid: completed input layer event "video/switchmode VMOD
> 00000080 00000000"
> - Fn-F9 (?) : does nothing detected by acpid as PROG1, ok.
> - Fn-F10, F11 & F12 (Sound mute, down, up) : ok.
> I wonder how to get Fn-F7, Fn-F8 and perhaps SH-Engine keys
> working ?
I've tried to run acpid with debug (acpid -d -d -d -l) and tried the
Fn-F8 (toggle video) :
acpid: received input layer event "video/switchmode VMOD 00000080
00000000" acpid: rule from /etc/acpi/events/lid did not match
acpid: rule from /etc/acpi/events/hotkey did not match
acpid: rule from /etc/acpi/events/powerbtn-acpi-support did not match
acpid: rule from /etc/acpi/events/ac_adapter_removed did not match
acpid: rule from /etc/acpi/events/hotkey-netlink did not match
acpid: rule from /etc/acpi/events/ac_adapter_inserted did not match
acpid: rule from /etc/acpi/events/sleep-netlink did not match
acpid: rule from /etc/acpi/events/sleep did not match
acpid: 0 total rules matched
acpid: completed input layer event "video/switchmode VMOD 00000080
and I get the same thing with other Fn-F* keys : no rules from
eeepc-acpi-scripts package seem to be used ?!? but function is handled
by other means, as brightness, sound, rfkill and sleep function keys
are working.
Is it the standard behaviour now ? Or did I miss something to
get /etc/acpi/actions/ scripts to be used ? ?
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