[Debian-eeepc-devel] eeepc-live prerelease image

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue Dec 29 08:58:04 UTC 2009

Darren Salt writes:

 > > - fn-f2 does not have any effect.  wifi interface is up all and works
 > >   all the time.
 > Interesting. The kernel should be handling this...
 > What does acpi_listen have to say when you press Fn-F2?

acpi_listen does not say anything about any fn-fx key except f1, which
is suspend.  looks like this explains many of the issues that i reported
and should be fixed before it makes sense to proceed with testing.

 > [snip]
 > > - viewing video didn't work (error opening/initializing the selected
 > >   video_out (-vo) device), but mplayer app showed up on the screen.
 > Xv should be fine, at least with GMA950 and similar... then again, yours is
 > GMA500. xshm should work, though (and I'm quite sure that it would with
 > xine).

i couldn't find any of those in the default repositories that came with
the test image.

 > *But* before you do that, see whether they produce hotkey or button events
 > (acpi_listen). If there are no hotkey events, it would be worth installing
 > eeepc-acpi-scripts from git (which has support for the button
 > events).

i'll try to look into that, but how about including it in the test image?

 > Well, for one thing, it wants OpenGL; but the software renderer should be
 > working, at least. As for why it's not getting the correct
 > resolution...

the default resolution 1024x768 is not the resolution that i use in my
normal lenny based system.  i have 1366x768 resolution as explained on
page http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEeePC/Model/1101HA.  it would be nice
if that could be implemented automatically during installation.

 > > - external monitor didn't work (fn-f8 had no effect).
 > That's relying on xrandr which, in turn, is relying on the graphics driver.
 > What does xrandr output when run without parameters?

user at debian:~$ xrandr 
Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   1024x768       61.0* 

-- juha

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