[Debian-eeepc-devel] Lenny on an Asus 1002HA

Frédéric BOITEUX fboiteux at calistel.com
Wed Jan 14 15:05:46 UTC 2009

Le mer 14 jan 2009 15:15:45 CET, Robert Epprecht <epprecht at solnet.ch> a
écrit :

> I consider two things important:
> * Do use the *text*, not the GUI editor. The GUI messes everything up...
It's my personal choice also.

> * If you translate a page then please *do* add a commit message giving
>   the exact English version number, that the translation is based on.
>   (You see this when selecting info in the English version). So the next
>   person working on the translation can just diff the two English versions
>   to know what has to be done. This helps a lot, even if you are the only
>   one working on a language.
Good point.
> It would be very nice if you would decide to help with the french version :)
I'll try to help :-P


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