[Debian-eeepc-devel] Squeeze release goals

Pedro Bulach Gapski pbgapski at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 17:59:51 UTC 2009

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Juha Heinanen <jh at tutpro.com> wrote:
> Pedro Bulach Gapski writes:
>  > Sure. Install grub-pc from sid, and add a file to /etc/grub:
>  >
>  > cat /etc/grub.d/01_915resolution
>  > echo insmod 915resolution
>  > echo 915resolution 38 1366 768 8
>  > echo 915resolution 49 1366 768 16
>  > echo 915resolution 58 1366 768 32
> pedro,
> this i had done already.
>  > Install v86d from the archives, as uvesafb requires it. Then add this
>  > to /etc/modules:
>  > # framebuffer config and console
>  > uvesafb vbemode=0x011b nocrtc mtrr=2
>  >
>  > Please check uvesafb docs, as your module options may be different.
>  >
>  > Then change xorg.conf and place:
>  > Driver          "fbdev"
>  > on your device section.
>  >
>  > That is. One improvement (that I have not tried) would be to load the
>  > uvesafb module in the initrd.
> before i try that, can you explain what is advantage of using fbdev
> driver instead of vesa?

my perceived performance improved a lot (see my other post)
Randr support
screen blanking

>  >
>  > For reference, I am running kernel 2.6.30-2 and X 7.4.
> my kernel is 2.6.30-6-bpo50+1 and X 7.3.
>  > Indeed. My glxgears numbers have been greatly reduced when I upgraded
>  > to xorg 7.4, although general experience improved. My glxgears give me
>  > about 50 FPS, and performance is acceptable for general use.
> that is only 1/4th of what i'm getting.  so the advice is stay with X 7.3
> or could your reduced number have something to do with fbdev?

See my other post for the numbers. My feeling is that 7.4 gives a more
accurate value and better visual result. It would be interesting to
check that on another hardware, though.

Notice that you can test that setup by loading the module by hand
(without X running) and just fixing 1 line on the xorg.conf file.


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