[Debian-eeepc-devel] clock lacks behind
Juha Heinanen
jh at tutpro.com
Wed May 12 08:47:19 UTC 2010
Trent W. Buck trentbuck at gmail.com writes:
> Run ntpd. AFAIK ntpdate's functionality has been entirely absorbed into
> ntpd as at Squeeze.
debian eeepc is a laptop, which means that often i'm using it with gprs
network connectivity, where i need to pay for the bytes. i don't know
how much running ntp would consume in an hour.
this morning i setup ppp connection and run ntpdate-debian at
now about four hours later when i run ntdate-debian again, it reports
899 seconds offset:
root at rautu:~# ntpdate-debian
12 May 11:41:37 ntpdate[26601]: step time server offset 899.850821 sec
which is quite a lot.
how is is possible that a modern laptop has lots its ability to keep its
time straight? i don't remember seeing this kind of behavior with my
earlier laptops.
-- juha
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