[Debian-eeepc-devel] eeepc-acpi-scripts integration: please test
Damyan Ivanov
dmn at debian.org
Thu May 13 19:54:23 UTC 2010
-=| Luca Niccoli, Thu, May 13, 2010 at 10:21:32AM +0200 |=-
> On 13 May 2010 06:38, Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org> wrote:
> > The only problem is that I won't get notified when the "main" script
> > is changed, which I would, if it is in /etc
> Well, as long as your own modified script works, I don't see why you
> should backport changes.
To get possible new useful functionality.
> When it stops working, there is your notification :)
No, thanks.
> > Putting things in /usr just makes it inconvenient to change, not
> > impossible. I'd expect people fiddling with /etc (or /usr) to be able
> > to keep the changes sane.
> It's not that they can't change things; the point is that it's their
> responsibility, they deal with the consequences.
This is also true for stuff under /etc.
> With conffiles, it works the other way around; the maintainer MUST
> preserve changes and provide migration paths.
dpkg provides the migration.
> This is something of utter importance, since it keeps maintaining and
> upgrading a debian box from becoming an horrible nightmare; but
> applying it to scripts is an abuse IMO.
It works well, in my experience.
> > It doesn't help. You get the shouting now too, don't you? :)
> Not really, since the user just needs to point the event rule back to
> his own script.
> Back then, scripts were gone, and local modifications joined the
> bleeding choir invisible with them...
I meant that I am already shouting at you because you want to make it
inconvenient to experiment witht the scripts. :)
> > Of course, one could argue that all the user notification stuff
> > doesn't belong in eeepc-acpi-scripts in the first place and escape
> > this particular can of worms.
> Well, to be more precise the whole wireless toggling stuff doesn't
> belong to eeepc-acpi-scripts, so the can of worms is twice removed....
There is no wireless toggling in e-a-s. Only notification. There was
wireless un/plugging in the early days, but it is no longer necessary,
including the current squeeze kernel.
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