[Debian-eeepc-devel] EEEPC 1005HGO + ppp-2.4.5-4 + O2

Paul Menzel paulepanter at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jan 16 11:36:46 UTC 2011

Dear Hans,

Am Sonntag, den 16.01.2011, 10:05 +0100 schrieb Hans-J. Ullrich:

> has anyone successfully managed to get gprs/umts-connection with a ppp-version 
> 2.4.5 or higher + O2? If so, it would be nice, if you could send me a copy of 
> your configuration. I cannot get any connection with the mentioned version 
> above, but it is working perfectly with ppp-version 2.4.4rel-10.1 !
> Because of this, I suppose, there is a bug, but developers of ppp say, I am 
> wrong.

were is that correspondence documented?

> Otherwise, I could still no one find, to get this combination running. 
> All blogs I found in the internet were using old version ppp-2.4.4rel-10.1, 
> but NOT the latest oner from squeeze/unstable.
> I am using O2 loop, with Huawei E620 and umtsmon-0.9.
> All other tools I tested with latest ppp were
> - pon
> - gnome-ppp
> - kppp
> - knetwork-manager
> - ixconn
> which all depend on ppp-2.4.5-4 (or higher) with no success.
> Thanks for any help.

If you have talked to upstream, I would suggest to submit a report to
the Debian BTS using `reportbug ppp` and maybe add the Debian Eee PC
group to the users [1].



[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEeePC/Bugs/About
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