[Debian-hebrew-common] Hebrew packages joint maintainership

Baruch Even baruch at ev-en.org
Sat Jul 23 20:38:10 UTC 2005


I've imported my Hebrew related packages into the subversion repository
of debian-hebrew.

I created a new mailing list debian-hebrew-package to be the
"maintainer" e-mail of the packages and changed all my packages to use
that address as the new maintainer.

During the next week I'll upload the packages to change the maintainer
in the Debian records as well so we'll start getting the bug reports there.

Note, there is a set way on how to maintain packages in a subversion
repository, especially when changing upstream version. If you are not
sure what you are doing talk to me and we'll do an upstream version
import together.

Things to do yet:
 - Make sure hspell-gui 0.2.5 is buildable.
 - Add hdate-applet to the repository (I will do that soon)
 - Add libhdate (Lior, do you want me to do it?)


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