[kmark@pipeline.com: Re: [Debian-hebrew-common] a package which includes Hebrew literature]

Kevin Mark kmark at pipeline.com
Sat Apr 22 07:37:21 UTC 2006

----- Forwarded message from Kevin Mark <kmark at pipeline.com> -----

Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 03:10:17 -0400
To: kobi zamir <kobi.zamir at gmail.com>

Hi Kobi,
On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 09:34:14AM +0300, kobi zamir wrote:
> Hello,
> I also do not think we should package none technical books for debian.
> BUT:
> -------
> There are very few free software and free literature volunteers that
> are interested in Hebrew. We should look for ways to help each other.
floss programmers mosly work in english. This is a practical matter. Its
the job of floss folks to help non-technical people who speak other
languages learn about the benefits and ability of floss to use it to
create content in their language.
> The ben yehuda project has volunteers that like Hebrew literature very much,
> but most of them do not like technical things. They have a lot of
> problems in there
> project that can use technical help.
That is where floss folks can help to understand the problems and
show how floss will help solve those problems.
> On the other hand the free software in school volunteers like technical
> things, but I'm sure they can get help from the ben yehuda volunteers.
Yes. In the US, my group and others have much difficulty getting floss
into english school. If we can befriend people who make books in different
languages, it will benefit both of us.
> Things I think we can do to help the ben yehuda project
> to be more available for free software projects like the schools project:
Helping create technology for their project will allow more hebrew
documents to be available on the internet, this is good. And with all
FLOSS work, this effort can be reused and improved by others. 
> 1. find a way to convert their _non_valid_w3c_ html literature database to
> search-able index-able archive-able pure utf-8 text database.
> 2. Create small trivial tools that can  work with Hebrew utf-8 texts -
>   * convert them to and from _valid_w3c_ html format.
>   * search  them (Asaf: only basic search at first, and then see where
> to go from there).
>   * index them by outhor, year of publication, typist ...
>   * what ever some one will think of.
> 3. Recomend ways of using the ben-yehuda project using free tools:
>   * "Use konqerer web browser and culmus fonts ... "
>   * Currently only konqorer web browser can print Hebrew with nikud.
>   * Some versions of firefox and epiphany can not show nikud correctly
> even on screen.
> 4. file bug reports on firefox nikud printing.
Debian has no objection about accepting software to fix the technical
problems of the Ben Yehuda project. And no problems with bug reports
about lack of bidi or hebrew functionality. This is the way to go!
> By,
> Kobi.
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