[Debian-hebrew-package] Re: A Message To All Debian Aspell Dictionary Maintainers

Kevin Atkinson kevina at gnu.org
Mon Nov 14 22:58:02 UTC 2005

On Mon, 14 Nov 2005, [iso-8859-4] K^Ystutis Biliknas wrote:

>> If the reason you are generating it from source is because the official
>> Aspell dictionary is not being kept up to date I ask that you consider
>> also maintaining the official Aspell dictionary.
> And how I can do it? How can I update files in the official Aspell
> repository?

You basically need to use the "proc" script found in the 
aspell-lang-*.tar.bz2 found at http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/.

Most updates to the official Aspell repository go through me so that I can 
check that the everything is OK with the dictionary before accepting it. 
However, once I am comfortable that you know how to create an Official 
dictionary correctly I can give you direct access.

I will be contacting you privately regarding the specifics for the 
Lithuanian dictionary.

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