[Debian-l10n-commits] [SCM] DDTP - Debian Descriptions Translation Project branch, master, updated. 20080812.0-116-g9d06ac3

Martijn van Oosterhout kleptog at svana.org
Sat Jun 16 16:48:25 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9068fc67fc9ae5d5efde0e5ad4995ba6da423718
Author: Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog at svana.org>
Date:   Fri Jun 15 18:09:09 2012 +0200

    Add changes to DDTSS accumulated over a long period. This includes, amongst other things:
    - rosettaimport
    - messages
    - suggestions
    - counting translations

diff --git a/ddtss/ddts_lib.pm b/ddtss/ddts_lib.pm
index 210b3b7..fcbcb00 100644
--- a/ddtss/ddts_lib.pm
+++ b/ddtss/ddts_lib.pm
@@ -41,6 +41,21 @@ my $mADDRwithUserName = qr/([ "\<\>\(\)\w+\.\@-]+)/;
 # Must be greater than zero, otherwise we'll keep fetching the same description over and over
 my $OWNER_EXPIRE = 15;
+sub get_parttrans ($) {
+	my $milestone = shift;
+	my @packages=();
+	my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT package from description_milestone_tb join active_tb on description_milestone_tb.description_id=active_tb.description_id join description_tb on description_milestone_tb.description_id=description_tb.description_id where milestone=? order by package");
+	$sth->execute("$milestone");
+	my $package;
+	while(($package) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
+		push @packages,"$package";
+	}
+	return (@packages);
 # This is _copied_ from /org/ddtp.debian.net/ddts.cgi
 sub get_versions ($) {
 	my $desc_id = shift;
diff --git a/ddtss/ddtss-cgi b/ddtss/ddtss-cgi
index ec4b594..a52adb1 100755
--- a/ddtss/ddtss-cgi
+++ b/ddtss/ddtss-cgi
@@ -1,24 +1,33 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
 use strict;
 # This is the installation directory
 use lib '/org/ddtp.debian.net/ddtss';
-use DDTSS;
+use DDTSS_Pg;
 use LWP::Simple;
 #use Text::Iconv;
 use CGI qw/escapeHTML/;
 use Encode;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
 $ENV{TZ} = "Europe/Amsterdam";
 my $stylesheet = "/ddtss/ddtss.css";
-my @html_headers = ( -encoding => "UTF-8", -style => {-src => $stylesheet} );
+function popup (url) {
+ fenster = window.open(url, \"Popupfenster\", \"width=400,height=300,resizable=yes\");
+ fenster.focus();
+ return false;
+my @html_headers = ( -encoding => "UTF-8", -style => {-src => $stylesheet}, -script =>$JSCRIPT);
 my $q = new CGI;
 my $user = $q->cookie("id");
 my $lang = "";
 my $logged_in = 0;
+my $is_admin = 0;
 #$user = "kleptog:S7xgBKLo,xx";
 #$user = ",xx";
@@ -45,6 +54,7 @@ $lang ||= 'xx';
 my $path = $ENV{PATH_INFO} || '/';
 # Later $self is overwritten for the per language page, so keep a copy of the real thing
 my $self = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} || 'local';
+my $http_host = $ENV{HTTP_HOST} || 'local';
 if( defined $q->param("_charset_") and uc($q->param("_charset_")) ne "UTF-8" )
@@ -76,6 +86,22 @@ elsif( $path eq "/logout" )
+elsif( $path eq "/rosettaimport" )
+  rosettaimport();
+elsif( $path =~ m,^/suggestion/([\d]+)$, )
+  suggestion_display($1);
+elsif( $path =~ m,^/messageto/([\w+.]+)$, )
+  messageto_display($1);
+elsif( $path =~ m,^/delmessage/([\d]+)$, )
+  delmessage_display($1);
 elsif( $path eq "/createlogin" )
@@ -99,6 +125,10 @@ elsif( $path =~ m:^/(\w{2,5})(/.*)?$: )
+  elsif( $path =~ m,^/forexternalreview/([-\w+.]+)$, )
+  {
+    forexternalreview_display($1);
+  }
   elsif( $path =~ m,^/translate/([-\w+.]+)$, )
@@ -161,6 +191,203 @@ sub wordlist_display
+sub delmessage_display 
+  my $msg_count = $1;
+  my $db = DDTSS_Open_Write();
+  if( not $logged_in )
+  {
+    display_error("You must logged in for this action!");
+    exit;
+  }
+  $user =~ s/:.*//;  
+  my $s_messages="";
+  $db->get("aliases/$user/messages", $s_messages );
+  my @messages=split /~,~/,$s_messages;
+  my $del_msg=splice(@messages,$msg_count,1);
+  $s_messages=join ("~,~", at messages);
+  $db->put("aliases/$user/messages", $s_messages );
+  DDTSS_Close($db);
+  goto_main_display("Message was removed");
+  exit;
+sub suggestion_display
+  my $suggestion_id = $1;
+  my $db = DDTSS_Open_Write();
+  my %suggestion = DDTSS_Get_Suggestion_Infos($db,$suggestion_id);
+  my $msg;
+  $user =~ s/:.*//;  
+  if( defined $q->param("comment") )
+  { $db->put("suggestion/$suggestion_id/comment", $q->param("comment") ); }
+  # If they asked to do nothing, then do nothing
+  if( defined $q->param("nothing") )
+  {
+    DDTSS_Log( $db, "suggestion/$suggestion_id/log", time()." change-comment-only by $user" );
+    DDTSS_Close($db);
+    goto_main_display("Changed comment only for suggestion $suggestion_id");
+    exit;
+  }
+  if( not $logged_in )
+  {
+    if (( defined $q->param("refuse") ) or ( defined $q->param("accept") )) {
+      $msg="For 'refuse' and 'accept' you need to login";
+    }
+    $q->delete('refuse','accept');
+  }
+  if( not DDTSS_Check_Valid_Language($db,$suggestion{'language'}) )
+  {
+    DDTSS_Close($db);
+    display_langlist(); 
+    return;
+  }
+  my $log=0;
+  $db->get("suggestion/$suggestion_id/log", $log );
+  my $comment = "";
+  $db->get("suggestion/$suggestion_id/comment", $comment);
+  if( defined $q->param("refuse") )
+  {
+    $suggestion{'refuse'}++;
+    $db->put("suggestion/$suggestion_id/refuse", $suggestion{'refuse'});
+    DDTSS_Log( $db, "suggestion/$suggestion_id/log", time()." refuse by $user" );
+    DDTSS_Close($db);
+    goto_main_display("Save refuse vote for suggestion $suggestion_id");
+    exit;
+  }
+  if( defined $q->param("accept") )
+  {
+    $suggestion{'refuse'}=100;
+    $db->put("suggestion/$suggestion_id/refuse", $suggestion{'refuse'});
+    my ($data, $short, $long, $oldshort, $oldlong);
+    if( own_a_description($suggestion{'description_id'},$suggestion{'language'},$user) == 0 )
+    {
+      $data= get_untrans_file_from_db($suggestion{'language'},$user,($suggestion{'description_id'}));
+    }
+    if( $data !~ /^# Package[^:]*: ([\w.+-]+)/m )
+    { 
+      display_error( "Fetched description didn't contain package name -$data-$suggestion{'language'},$user,$suggestion{'description_id'}-" );
+      exit;
+    }
+    ($short, $long) = ($suggestion{'suggestion'} =~ /^Description-[^:]*: (.*)\n((?: .*\n)+)/m);
+    ($oldshort, $oldlong) = ($suggestion{'translation'} =~ /^Description-[^:]*: (.*)\n((?: .*\n)+)/m);
+    my $iter = 0;
+    $db->get("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/iter", $iter );
+    $iter++;
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/comment", "the old suggestion comment:\n".$comment); 
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}", "forreview" );
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/timestamp", time() ); 
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/data", $data ); 
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/short", $short);
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/long", $long);
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/owner", $user);
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/oldshort", $oldshort);
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/oldlong", $oldlong);
+    $db->put("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/log", "the old suggestion log:\n".$log."--- new log ---\n"); 
+    $db->del("$suggestion{'language'}/packages/$suggestion{'package'}/reviewers");
+    $db->put( "aliases/$user/timestamp", time() );
+    $db->put( "aliases/$user/lastlanguage", $lang );
+    DDTSS_Log( $db, "suggestion/$suggestion_id/log", time()." accept by $user" );
+    DDTSS_Close($db);
+    goto_main_display("Save accept vote for suggestion $suggestion_id");
+    exit;
+  }
+  print $q->header( -type =>'text/html', -charset => "UTF-8", -expires => '+1s' ),
+        $q->start_html( -title => "DDTSS: Work on the suggestion $suggestion_id", @html_headers ),
+        (defined $msg ? $q->h1($q->font({-color => 'red'}, escapeHTML $msg)) : ''),
+        $q->h1("Work on the suggestion $suggestion_id");
+  print $q->ul(
+          map { $q->li( $q->tt( $_ ) ) } 
+	    ("# Source: $suggestion{'source'}","# Package(s): $suggestion{'packages'}","# Prioritize: $suggestion{'prioritize'}","# Versions: $suggestion{'versions'}","# Submitter: $suggestion{'importer'}","# Importtime: $suggestion{'importtime'}",,"# Import-md5sum: $suggestion{'description_md5'}","# Import-Package: $suggestion{'package'}","# Import-Version: $suggestion{'version'}","# Refuses: $suggestion{'refuse'}")
+        );
+  print $q->start_table(),
+	$q->TR( $q->th ($q->h5("english description")), $q->th ($q->h5("diff"))),
+        $q->TR( $q->td ($q->pre($suggestion{'description'})), $q->td($q->pre(make_colour_diff($suggestion{'translation'},$suggestion{'suggestion'})))),
+	$q->TR( $q->th ($q->h5("translated description")), $q->th ($q->h5("suggested description"))),
+        $q->TR( $q->td ($q->pre($suggestion{'translation'})), $q->td ($q->pre($suggestion{'suggestion'}))),
+	$q->end_table();
+  print $q->start_form( { -method => 'post' } ),
+        "Comment field: (free form, for discussion about translation.<br>\n",
+        $q->textarea(-name => "comment", -default => $comment, -columns => 75, -rows => 4),
+	$q->br,
+        $q->submit(-name => "refuse", -label => "Refuse the suggestion"),
+        $q->submit(-name => "nothing", -label => "Change comment only"),
+	$q->submit(-name => "accept",  -label => "Use the suggestion"),
+        $q->end_form();
+  print $q->br("Log: ".$q->pre("$log")) ;
+  print $q->end_html();
+  DDTSS_Close($db);
+sub messageto_display
+  my $to_user = $1;
+  my $db = DDTSS_Open_Write();
+  if( not $logged_in )
+  {
+    $q->delete('submit','message');
+  }
+  if( defined $q->param("submit") and defined $q->param("message"))
+  {
+    my $s_messages="";
+    $db->get("aliases/$to_user/messages", $s_messages );
+    $s_messages.="~,~" if $s_messages;
+    $user =~ s/:.*//;  
+    $s_messages.="($user,".time()."):".$q->param("message");
+    $db->put("aliases/$to_user/messages", $s_messages );
+    print $q->header( -type =>'text/html', -charset => "UTF-8", -expires => '+1h' ),
+          $q->start_html( -title => "Write a message to $to_user", @html_headers ),
+          $q->h1("Message was sent to $to_user"),
+	  "<form action=\"\">
+	  <input type=\"button\" value=\"close window\" onclick=\"self.close()\">
+	  </form>";
+    print $q->end_html();
+    DDTSS_Close($db);
+    exit;
+  }
+  DDTSS_Close($db);
+  print $q->header( -type =>'text/html', -charset => "UTF-8", -expires => '+1h' ),
+        $q->start_html( -title => "Write a message to $to_user", @html_headers ),
+        $q->h1("Message to $to_user");
+  print $q->start_form( { -method => 'post' } ),
+        $q->textarea(-name => "message", -columns => 45, -rows => 4),
+	$q->br,
+        $q->submit( {-name => "submit", -label => 'send message' } ),
+        $q->end_form();
+  print $q->end_html();
 sub display_langlist
   my $db = DDTSS_Open_Read();
@@ -187,7 +414,7 @@ sub display_langlist
         $q->start_html( -title => "DDTSS", @html_headers ),
         $q->p("The DDTSS (DDTS Satellite or Debian Distributed Translation Server Satellite) is a web frontend to the DDTS email server. It provides facilities to request translations, enter a translation and review other peoples translations. Afterwards the updated translation can be sent via email to the DDTS server."),
-        $q->p({-style => 'color: #ff0000'}, "Scheduled downtime: around 13:00 UTC on the 29th of August."),
+        $q->p({-style=>'color: #ff0000'}, "Scheduled downtime: 08:00-10:00 UTC on 5 June 2011"),
         $q->p("The DDTSS was created by Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog (at) svana.org>.\n"),
         $q->p("More information about the DDTP and the DDTSS can be found ", $q->a({-href => 'http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/ddtp'},"here")."." );
   print $q->h1("Select a language:"),
@@ -230,10 +457,33 @@ sub main_display
   my $untranslated = DDTSS_Get_Untranslated($db,$lang,$user);
   my $forreview = DDTSS_Get_ForReview($db,$lang,$user);
   my $translated = DDTSS_Get_Translated($db,$lang);
+  my $suggestion = DDTSS_Get_Suggestions($db,$lang);
+  my $counttranslations=0;
+  $db->get("aliases/$user/counttranslations", $counttranslations );
+  my $countreviews=0;
+  $db->get("aliases/$user/countreviews", $countreviews );
+  my $realname="";
+  $db->get("aliases/$user/realname", $realname );
   # Split into reviewed and unreviewed (by the user ofcourse)
   my $reviewed = [ grep { not $_->[2] } @$forreview ];
   $forreview = [ grep { $_->[2] } @$forreview ];
+  my $s_messages="";
+  $db->get("aliases/$user/messages", $s_messages );
+  $s_messages =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
+  my @messages = split /~,~/,$s_messages;
+  my $s_teammessages="";
+  $db->get("$lang/messages", $s_teammessages );
+  $s_teammessages =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
+  my @teammessages = split /~,~/,$s_teammessages;
+  my $s_projectmessages="";
+  $db->get("messages", $s_projectmessages );
+  $s_projectmessages =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
+  my @projectmessages = split /~,~/,$s_projectmessages;
   my $requirelogin = 0;
   my $minuntranslated = 5;
@@ -249,14 +499,50 @@ sub main_display
   print $q->header( -type =>'text/html', -charset => "UTF-8", -refresh => "240; url=$self", -expires => '+10s', -cookie => $usercookie ),
-        $q->start_html( -title => "DDTSS ($lang)", @html_headers, -xbase => $q->url(-base=>1)."$self/" );
+        $q->start_html( -title => "DDTSS ($lang)", @html_headers, -xbase => "http://$http_host$self/" );
   print $q->h1("DDTSS for $lang");
-  print $q->p("<div style='color: #ff0000'>The DDTSS has moved to a new system. Please report any issues to the <a href='mailto:debian-i18n\@lists.debian.org'>mailing list</a></div>");
+  print $q->p({-style=>'color: #ff0000'}, "Scheduled downtime: 08:00-10:00 UTC on 5 June 2011");
+#  print "<div class=messages>\n",
+#        $q->h3("Project-Messages (".scalar(@projectmessages)."):", help("Messages for the DDTP"));
+#  @projectmessages=reverse (@projectmessages);
+  my $msg_count=scalar(@projectmessages);
+#  @projectmessages=(splice (@projectmessages,0,5));
+#  print (scalar(@projectmessages)
+#          ? $q->ul(map { 
+#              my ($userfrom,$timestamp,$message) = ($_ =~ /\(([\w]+)(?:,([0-9]+))?\):(.*)/); 
+#	      $msg_count--;
+#              $q->li( "(".$q->a( {href=>"$realself/messageto/$userfrom", onclick=>"return popup(this.href)"}, "$userfrom" )."): ".localtime($timestamp)." ",(($is_admin) ? $q->a( {href=>"$realself/delprojectmessage/$msg_count"}, "DEL" ) : "" ),"<br>",$q->b($message));
+#            } (@projectmessages) )
+#          : "None"),
+#        "</div>\n";
+  if( not $logged_in ) 
+  { 
+    print $q->p($q->b("Please login... Only with a login, you can use all features! Go to " . 
+             $q->a({-href => "$realself/login"}, "Login")
+	     ));
+  };
   print $q->p("The DDTSS is a queue-based system. New translations are automatically fetched only when there are only a few pending translation. Translations will only be sent off after they have received a certain amount of review. New translations will be fetched in priority order, so the goal is to get your priority numbers as low as possible!");
   print $q->p("The rate of getting new descriptions to translate is not automatic. If you find you keep running low on things to translate, ask me to increase it.");
   print $q->p( $q->a({-href => 'http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/ddtp#rules'}, "Common translation rules") );
+#  print "<div class=messages>\n",
+#        $q->h3("$lang-Team-Messages (".scalar(@teammessages)."):", help("Messages from your language team"));
+#  @teammessages=reverse (@teammessages);
+#  $msg_count=scalar(@teammessages);
+#  @teammessages=(splice (@teammessages,0,5));
+#  print (scalar(@teammessages)
+#          ? $q->ul(map { 
+#              my ($userfrom,$timestamp,$message) = ($_ =~ /\((\w+)(?:,([0-9]+))?\):(.*)/); 
+#	      $msg_count--;
+#              $q->li( "(".$q->a( {href=>"$realself/messageto/$userfrom", onclick=>"return popup(this.href)"}, "$userfrom" )."): ".localtime($timestamp)." ",(($is_admin)
+#	      ? $q->a( {href=>"$realself/delteammessage/$msg_count"}, "DEL" ) : "" ),"<br>",$q->b($message));
+#            } (@teammessages) )
+#          : "None"),
+#        "</div>\n";
   if( $requirelogin )
     print $q->p( "Note: this language requires a login to do edits. Please sign up to the language mailing list to learn the procedures before doing anything." );
@@ -266,6 +552,11 @@ sub main_display
     $extra = $q->br().$q->a( {href=>"fetch"}, "Fetch new description" );
+  print $q->start_table(),
+        $q->col( { -width => '60%' }) ,
+        $q->col( { -width => '40%' }) ;
+#        $q->col( { -width => '200px' } ) ;
+  print "<tr><td valign='top' >\n";
   print "<div class=untranslated>\n",
         $q->h2("Pending translation", help("List of descriptions needing translation.\nWhen you select a description, it will be locked for you for 15 minutes.")),
         (scalar(@$forreview) > 15 ? $q->b("The number of translations pending review has gotten quite large.<br>Consider reviewing some translations first.") : ""),
@@ -285,6 +576,36 @@ sub main_display
           ? $q->ol(map { $q->li( $q->a({href=>"forreview/$_->[0]?$_->[3]"}, $_->[0]), $_->[1]) } @$forreview)
           : "None"),
+#  print "<div class=suggestion>\n",
+#        $q->h2("Suggestions (".scalar(@$suggestion).") ", help("List of suggestions that need review.")),
+#        (scalar(@$suggestion)
+#          ? $q->ol(map { ( ($_->[5] < 4) ? $q->li( $q->a({href=>"$realself/suggestion/$_->[0]"}, $_->[1]), $_->[3], $_->[4]) : "" ) } @$suggestion)
+#          : "None"),
+#        "</div>\n";
+  print "</td><td valign='top' >\n";
+  print "<div class=infobox>\n",
+        $q->h2("Infos about $realname:", help("About your account, some stats,....")),
+	"<ul>\n";
+  print	$q->li( "Account: ".$user);
+  print	$q->li( "logged_in (" . $q->a({-href => "$realself/logout"}, "Logout") . ")") if ($logged_in);
+  print	$q->li( "not logged in (" . $q->a({-href => "$realself/login"}, "Login") . ")") if (not $logged_in);
+  print	$q->li( "Translations: $counttranslations");
+  print	$q->li( "Reviews: $countreviews");
+  print	"</ul>\n",
+        "</div>\n";
+  print "<div class=messages>\n",
+        $q->h2("Messages for you (".scalar(@messages).") ", help("Messages from other users for you"));
+  @messages=reverse (@messages);
+  $msg_count=scalar(@messages);
+  @messages=(splice (@messages,0,10));
+  print (scalar(@messages)
+          ? $q->ul(map { 
+	      my ($userfrom,$timestamp,$message) = ($_ =~ /\(([\w]+)(?:,([0-9]+))?\):(.*)/); 
+	      $msg_count--;
+              $q->li( "(".$q->a( {href=>"$realself/messageto/$userfrom", onclick=>"return popup(this.href)"}, "$userfrom" )."): ".localtime($timestamp)." ".$q->a( {href=>"$realself/delmessage/$msg_count"}, "DEL" )."<br>",$q->b($message));
+	    } @messages )
+          : "None"),
+        "</div>\n";
   print "<div class=reviewed>\n",
         $q->h2("Reviewed by you (".scalar(@$reviewed).") ", help("List of translations you have already reviewed.\nYou can still make changes though.")),
@@ -297,6 +618,8 @@ sub main_display
           ? $q->ol(map { $q->li( $q->a({href=>"translated/$_->[3]"}, $_->[0]), "($_->[1]) $_->[2]") } @$translated)
           : "None"),
+  print "</td></tr>\n";
+  print $q->end_table();
   print $q->a({-href => $self}, 'Refresh'),
         " ",
         $q->a({-href => "$realself/xx"}, "Another language"),  # Illegal language triggers selection page
@@ -374,6 +697,7 @@ sub translate_display
   # the lag between submission and acceptance.
   if( $db->get("$lang/packages/$package", $state) )
+    DDTSS_Close($db);
     print $q->header( -type =>'text/html', -refresh => "1; url=$self/fetch?package=$package" ),
           $q->start_html( -title => "DDTSS", @html_headers ),
@@ -395,12 +719,16 @@ sub translate_display
   if( $db->get($key, $data) )
   { display_error("Package translation for $package gone, sorry...\n" ) }
 #  print STDERR "line 374\n";
+  print STDERR "$key => $data\n";
   my $msg;
   if( defined $q->param("submit") )
     $msg = submit_translation( $db, $package, $key, $q->param("short"), $q->param("long") );
     if( not defined $msg )
+      my $count=0;
+      $db->get("aliases/$user/counttranslations", $count );
+      $db->put("aliases/$user/counttranslations", ++$count );
       DDTSS_Unlock( $db, "$lang/packages/$package", $user );
 #      print STDERR "line 383\n";
@@ -424,7 +752,7 @@ sub translate_display
     if( not defined $short )
       print STDERR "Error retreiving template for $package($lang)\n";
-      display_error("Internal error: Couldn't retreive translation template") 
+      display_error("Internal error: Couldn't retreive translation template [\n$data\n]") 
@@ -454,6 +782,178 @@ sub translate_display
 # Display the screen that reviewers see
+sub forexternalreview_display
+  my $package = shift;
+  $q->charset("UTF-8");
+  my $db = DDTSS_Open_Write();
+  if( not DDTSS_Check_Valid_Language($db,$lang) )
+  {
+    DDTSS_Close($db);
+    display_langlist(); 
+    return;
+  }
+  my $requirelogin = 0;
+  my($owner, $short, $long, $data, $reviewers, $timestamp );
+  my $msg = '';
+  # Description adjusted, submit new version ... (mailing list etc)
+  if( defined $q->param("submit") )
+  {
+    $msg = submit_externalreview( $db, $package, $q->param("short"), $q->param("long"), $q->param("comment").$q->param("NameEMail") );
+    if( not defined $msg )
+    {
+      DDTSS_Close($db);
+      goto_main_display("Changes and comments for $package sent to the team, thanks for your contribution");
+      exit;
+    }
+  }
+  eval {
+    $data = get_untrans( $lang, "", $package, "1" );
+  };
+  # Any error/warning procuded, display it
+  if( $@ )
+  {
+    display_error($@);
+  }
+  if( not defined $data )
+  {
+    display_error("Couldn't fetch an untranslated description: $lang, $package");
+  }
+  if( not defined $data or $data !~ /Description:/ or $data !~ /Description-[a-z_A-Z]+:/)
+  {
+    display_error("Couldn't fetch package description");
+  }
+  if( $data !~ /^# Package[^:]*: ([\w.+-]+)/m )
+  { display_error( "Fetched description didn't contain package name" ) }
+  eval {
+    my $str = Encode::decode_utf8($data, Encode::FB_CROAK);
+  };
+  if($@)
+  {
+    print STDERR "Encoding error ($@)\n";
+    print STDERR "Data: [$data]\n";
+    display_error("Encoding error retreiving data for package $package");
+  }
+  $data =~ s,^# patch http*,#  patch http,m; # don't show patch-box
+  ($short, $long) = ($data =~ /^Description-$lang: (.*)\n((?: .*\n)+)/m);
+  my($oldshort,$oldlong,$diffshort,$difflong);
+  if( defined $oldshort and $short ne $oldshort )
+  {
+    $diffshort = make_colour_diff( $oldshort, $short );
+  }
+  if( defined $oldlong and $long ne $oldlong )
+  {
+    $difflong = make_colour_diff( $oldlong, $long );
+  }
+  my $trailer = $q->h5("Name and EMail-Address" ).
+		$q->ul(
+                  $q->input( { -type => 'text', -size => 52, -name => 'NameEMail' } ),
+                  $q->br(),
+		  ("With a email-Address the translator team can contact you, if they have questions.")
+		).
+                $q->br().
+                $q->submit(-name => "submit",  -label => "Send to team").
+                $q->br().
+                ("'Send to team' send the changes and the comments to the translator team.");
+  my $comment = "";
+  DDTSS_Close($db);
+  display_translate_screen( $data, "External Reviewing $package", $msg, $comment, $trailer,
+       $short, $long, $diffshort, $difflong );
+# Display the screen for the rosettaimort
+sub rosettaimport
+  $q->charset("UTF-8");
+  my ($packagename, $version, $md5sum, $language, $translation);
+  if( defined $q->param("packagename") )
+  {
+    $packagename=$q->param("packagename");
+  } else {
+    display_error("no packagename defined"); 
+    exit;
+  }
+  if( defined $q->param("md5sum") )
+  {
+    $md5sum=$q->param("md5sum");
+  } else {
+    display_error("no md5sum defined"); 
+    exit;
+  }
+  if( defined $q->param("language") )
+  {
+    $language=$q->param("language");
+  } else {
+    display_error("no language defined"); 
+    exit;
+  }
+  if( defined $q->param("translation") )
+  {
+    $translation=$q->param("translation");
+  } else {
+    display_error("no translation defined"); 
+    exit;
+  }
+  if( defined $q->param("version") )
+  {
+    $version=$q->param("version");
+  } else {
+    display_error("no version defined"); 
+    exit;
+  }
+#  my $db = DDTSS_Open_Write();
+#  if( not DDTSS_Check_Valid_Language($db,$lang) )
+#  {
+#    DDTSS_Close($db);
+#    display_langlist(); 
+#    return;
+#  }
+  #my $requirelogin = 1;
+  $translation =~ s/\s+$//;   # Trailing newlines
+  $translation =~ s/\r\n?/\n/g;   # Fix line endings
+  $translation =~ s/[ \t]+$//mg;
+  my $importer="rosetta";
+  my $return=submit_one_suggestion($packagename,$version,$md5sum,$translation,$language,$importer);
+  if (defined($return)) {
+  	display_error($return);
+  }
+  goto_main_display("Add as suggestion, thanks for your contribution");
+# Display the screen that reviewers see
 sub forreview_display
   my $package = shift;
@@ -479,7 +979,11 @@ sub forreview_display
   my($owner, $short, $long, $data, $reviewers, $timestamp );
   if( $db->get( "$lang/packages/$package/owner", $owner ) )
-  { display_error("Package $package no longer available for review"); }
+  {
+    $db->del("$lang/packages/$package");
+    DDTSS_Close($db);
+    display_error("Package $package no longer available for review"); 
+  }
   # The timestamp is to identify if the translation changed during review
   $db->get( "$lang/packages/$package/timestamp", $timestamp );
@@ -516,14 +1020,21 @@ sub forreview_display
         if( scalar( grep { $_ eq $user } @a ) == 0 )
           $db->put("$lang/packages/$package/reviewers", $reviewers.",".$user);
+          my $count=0;
+	  $db->get("aliases/$user/countreviews", $count );
+          $db->put("aliases/$user/countreviews", ++$count );
           DDTSS_Log( $db, "$lang/packages/$package/log", time()." reviewed by $user" );
+        my $count=0;
+	$db->get("aliases/$user/countreviews", $count );
+        $db->put("aliases/$user/countreviews", ++$count );
         DDTSS_Log( $db, "$lang/packages/$package/log", time()." reviewed by $user" );
+      $db->put( "aliases/$user/timestamp", time() );
       $db->put( "aliases/$user/lastlanguage", $lang );
@@ -582,6 +1093,20 @@ sub forreview_display
+  if( $logged_in) {
+    $trailer .= $q->br("Note: the owner is: ".$q->b("$owner").$q->a( {href=>"$realself/messageto/$owner", onclick=>"return popup(this.href)"}, "(Write a message)" ).", reviewer are: ") ;
+    my @reviewerlist=split /,/, $reviewers;
+    $trailer .= join(" | ",map { $q->b($_).$q->a( {href=>"$realself/messageto/$_", onclick=>"return popup(this.href)"}, "(Write a message)" ) } @reviewerlist);
+  } else {
+    $trailer .= $q->br("Note: the owner is: ".$q->b("$owner").", reviewer are: ") ;
+    my @reviewerlist=split /,/, $reviewers;
+    $trailer .= join(" | ",map { $q->b($_) } @reviewerlist);
+  }
+  my $log=0;
+  $db->get("$lang/packages/$package/log", $log );
+  $trailer .= $q->br("Log: ".$q->pre("$log")) ;
   my $comment = "";
   $db->get("$lang/packages/$package/comment", $comment);
@@ -714,6 +1239,113 @@ sub translated_display
+sub submit_externalreview
+  my( $db, $package, $short, $long, $comment ) = @_;
+  $short =~ s/^\s+//;
+  $short =~ s/\s+$//;
+  $short =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+  $long =~ s/\s+$//;   # Trailing newlines
+  $long =~ s/\r\n?/\n/g;   # Fix line endings
+  $long =~ s/^[ \t]*$/./mg;  # Don't use \s because that matches \n
+  $long =~ s/[ \t]+$//mg;
+  $long =~ s/^/ /mg; # Insert leading space
+  eval {
+    my $shortx = Encode::decode_utf8($short, Encode::FB_CROAK);
+    my $longx = Encode::decode_utf8($long, Encode::FB_CROAK);
+    if( length($shortx) > 80 or $longx =~ /^.{80}/m )
+    {
+      return "Translation contains line longer than 80 characters";
+    }
+  };
+  if( $@ )
+  {
+    print STDERR "Encoding failure: charset=[".$q->param("_charset_")."], browser=[$ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}], err=[$@]\n";
+    print STDERR "short=[$short]\n";
+    print STDERR "long=[$long]\n";
+    return "Entered data was not validly encoded. Please check your translation contains no invalid characters. If this error persists, contact me at <kleptog\@svana.org>";
+  }
+  my $data;
+  my ($engshort,$englong);
+  my ($oldshort,$oldlong);
+  eval {
+    $data = get_untrans( $lang, "", $package, "1" );
+  };
+  # Any error/warning procuded, display it
+  if( $@ )
+  {
+    return ($@);
+  }
+  if( not defined $data )
+  {
+    return("Couldn't fetch an untranslated description: $lang, $package");
+  }
+  if( not defined $data or $data !~ /Description:/ or $data !~ /Description-[a-z_A-Z]+:/)
+  {
+    return("Couldn't fetch package description");
+  }
+  if( $data !~ /^# Package[^:]*: ([\w.+-]+)/m )
+  { return( "Fetched description didn't contain package name" ) }
+  eval {
+    my $str = Encode::decode_utf8($data, Encode::FB_CROAK);
+  };
+  if($@)
+  {
+    print STDERR "Encoding error ($@)\n";
+    print STDERR "Data: [$data]\n";
+    display_error("Encoding error retreiving data for package $package");
+  }
+  $data =~ s,^# patch http*,#  patch http,m; # don't show patch-box
+  ($oldshort, $oldlong) = ($data =~ /^Description-$lang: (.*)\n((?: .*\n)+)/m);
+  ($engshort, $englong) = ($data =~ /^Description: (.*)\n((?: .*\n)+)/m);
+  (my $packagename) = ($data =~ /# Package[^:]*: ([\w.+-]+)/m);
+  (my $version) = ($data =~ /# Version[^:]*: (.+)/m);
+  my $md5sum=md5_hex("$engshort\n$englong");
+  my $str1 = $oldshort . "\n" . $oldlong;
+  my $str2 = $short . "\n" . $long;
+  my $words = 1;
+  if( $lang eq "ja" )
+  { $words = 0 }
+  my $diff = DDTSS_CreateDiff( $str1, $str2, $words );
+  my $res = "";
+  for my $hunk (@$diff)
+  {
+    my($type,$str) = @$hunk;
+    $str = $q->escapeHTML($str);
+    if( $type eq "" )
+    {
+      $res .= $str;
+    }
+    elsif( $type eq "-" )
+    {
+      $res .= "-(".$str.")";
+    }
+    elsif( $type eq "+" )
+    {
+      $res .= "+(".$str.")";
+    }
+  }
+  $diff=$res;
+  submit_one_suggestion($packagename,$version,$md5sum,"Description-$lang: $short\n$long",$lang,"externalreview");
+  return undef;
 sub submit_translation
   my( $db, $package, $key, $short, $long ) = @_;
@@ -924,7 +1556,8 @@ sub fetch_translation
   my $path;
   # If we already have this package in the system, overwrite untranslated...
-  if( $db->get( "$lang/packages/$package/data", $temp ) == 0 )
+  # Checking for the root key added because it appeared to be missing sometimes, reason unknown
+  if( $db->get( "$lang/packages/$package", $temp ) == 0 and $db->get( "$lang/packages/$package/data", $temp ) == 0 )
     $db->put( "$lang/packages/$package/data", $data );
@@ -1047,7 +1680,7 @@ sub display_createlogin
     $sender->MailMsg({to => $email, 
                       subject => 'Confirm DDTSS account', 
                       msg => "To confirm you account ($alias) on the DDTSS, please follow this link\n".
-                             $q->url(-base=>1)."$self/verifylogin?a=$alias&k=$key\n\n".
+                             "http://$http_host$self/verifylogin?a=$alias&k=$key\n\n".
                              "If you did not create an account, please ignore this email.\n".
                              "DDTSS (Debian Distributed Translation Server Satelite)\n"});
@@ -1179,6 +1812,7 @@ sub display_login
   print $q->p("A login on the DDTSS is only used so you can keep the status
               of what you've reviewed between machines."),
+	$q->p("(To create a account go to " . $q->a({-href => "$realself/createlogin"}, "Create Login") .  ")"),
         $q->start_form( -method => 'post' ),
         $q->start_table( -id => 'login' ),
         $q->TR( $q->td( $q->label( { -for => 'alias' }, "Alias:" ) ), 

DDTP - Debian Descriptions Translation Project

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