[SCM] live-manual branch, debian, updated. debian/3.0_a10-1-39-g216427c

chals chals at altorricon.com
Tue Apr 3 07:21:43 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit 0ea89c0cafb87ecad01fa934f9260ab0faf4f734
Author: chals <chals at altorricon.com>
Date:   Sat Mar 24 13:24:45 2012 +0100

    Fixing formatting in user_customization-runtime and updating Spanish translation.

diff --git a/manual/de/live-manual.ssm b/manual/de/live-manual.ssm
index b74de42..4edd8b7 100644
--- a/manual/de/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/de/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie können es unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation veröffentlicht, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder gemäss Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Option) jeder späteren Version.<br><br>Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, dass es Ihnen von Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder der VERWENDBARKEIT FÜR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der GNU General Public License.<br><br>Sie sollten ein Exemplar der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm erhalten haben. Falls nicht, siehe <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.<br><br>Der komplette Text der GNU General Public License kann in der Datei /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 gefunden werden.
- :published: 2012-03-19
+ :published: 2012-03-24
 @publisher: Debian Live Projekt <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 610fdb1..4a13247 100644
--- a/manual/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ To change the default username you can simply specify it in your config:
-$ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
+ $ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
@@ -138,24 +138,49 @@ directories are written on writable media, typically a ram disk (tmpfs) and
 ram disks' data do not survive reboots.
 The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent
-medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a
+medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a
 multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian
 Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot
 parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#.
-3~ Full persistence
+If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not
+set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for
+persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the
+_* a partition, identified by its GPT name.
+_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label.
+_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem
+(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In
+this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file
+extension, e.g. "<label>.ext3".
+It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by
+specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man
+page. The "identifying labels" referred to above can be any of the
+_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays.
+_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays.
+_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots.
+_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots.
+3~ Full persistent overlays
 By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing
 modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a
-writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a
-clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled "live-rw" must be attached
-on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the boot
-parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on the
+persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label
+must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a
 hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:
- # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1
+ # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1
@@ -166,59 +191,85 @@ label with one of the following:
- # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
+ $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
-But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and
-considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence
-could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file
-representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of
-a foreign OS, with something like:
+Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full
- $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
- $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw
+ $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
+ $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov
-Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the
-boot parameter 'persistent'.
+Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and
+3~ Custom overlays
+A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary
+directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's
+filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in
+which way.
+How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the
+live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most
+uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent
+in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:
-3~ Home automounting
+ $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1
+ $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
+ $ echo "/home" >> /mnt/live.persist
+ $ echo "/var/cache/apt" >> /mnt/live.persist
-If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition
-labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted
-as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the
-default user. It can be combined with full persistence.
+Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and
+/var/cache/apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on
+all changes to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please
+note that any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white
+spaces or the special "." and ".." path components. Also, neither "/live"
+(or any of its sub-directories) nor "/" can be made persistent using custom
+mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described
+Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}#
+files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same
+directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are
+"nested" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be
+mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested
+custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same
+#{live.persist}# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle
+that case if you really need it (hint: you usually don't).
 3~ Snapshots
 Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted
-while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system
+while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system
 (tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The
-content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the
-above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio
-archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices
-connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named
-like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to
-data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called
-to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write
-continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device
-friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems.
+volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive
+named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead
+to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot
+--refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not
+write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device
+friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as
+much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot.
 A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it
 works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home.
-Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and
-home automounting can.
+Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion.
 3~ Persistent SubText
 If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for
-different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and
-#{live-rw-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in
+different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and
+#{full-ov-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in
 conjunction with the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple
 but unique persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a
 persistent partition labeled #{live-sn-subText}# they would use the boot
diff --git a/manual/en/live-manual.ssm b/manual/en/live-manual.ssm
index 1f6bf4d..1fa12a4 100644
--- a/manual/en/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/en/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.<br><br>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.<br><br>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>The complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
- :published: 2012-03-19
+ :published: 2012-03-24
 @publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/en/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/en/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 9ee889b..05549b8 100644
--- a/manual/en/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/en/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ To change the default username you can simply specify it in your config:
-$ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
+ $ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by specifyin
 _* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays.
--* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays.
+_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays.
--* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots.
+_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots.
--* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots.
+_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots.
 3~ Full persistent overlays
@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary direct
 How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:
-code {
  $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1
  $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
  $ echo "/home" >> /mnt/live.persist
  $ echo "/var/cache/apt" >> /mnt/live.persist
 Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and /var/cache/apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on all changes to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please note that any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white spaces or the special "." and ".." path components. Also, neither "/live" (or any of its sub-directories) nor "/" can be made persistent using custom mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described above).
diff --git a/manual/es/live-manual.ssm b/manual/es/live-manual.ssm
index 9fa6379..6877545 100644
--- a/manual/es/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/es/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Este programa es software libre: puede ser redistribuido y/o modificado bajo los términos de la GNU General Public License publicada por la Free Software Foundation, bien de la versión 3 de la Licencia, o (a su elección) cualquier versión posterior. <br><br> Este programa se distribuye con la esperanza de que sea útil, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA, incluso sin la garantía implícita de COMERCIALIZACIÓN o IDONEIDAD PARA UN PROPÓSITO PARTICULAR. Consulte la GNU General Public License para más detalles. <br><br> Debería haber recibido una copia de la General Public License GNU junto con este programa. Si no, vea http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br> El texto completo de la GNU Licencia Pública General se pueden encontrar en /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3
- :published: 2012-03-19
+ :published: 2012-03-24
 @publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 219104e..91232f4 100644
--- a/manual/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ en la configuración:
-$ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
+ $ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
@@ -142,38 +142,63 @@ su comportamiento predeterminado, se debe considerar un sistema de sólo
 lectura y todos los cambios en tiempo de ejecución del sistema se pierden al
 apagar el equipo.
-La persistencia (o modo guardar cambios) es un nombre común que se dá a los
-diferentes tipos de soluciones para guardar algunos o todos los cambios
-realizados durante la ejecución tras reiniciar el sistema. Para entender
-cómo funciona es útil saber que incluso si el sistema se inicia y se ejecuta
-desde los medios de almacenamiento de sólo lectura, las modificaciones de
-los ficheros y directorios se escriben en medios de escritura, por lo
-general en la memoria ram (tmpfs) y los datos guardados en la ram no se
-guardan tras reiniciar.
+La persistencia es un nombre común que se dá a los diferentes tipos de
+soluciones para guardar algunos o todos los cambios realizados durante la
+ejecución tras reiniciar el sistema. Para entender cómo funciona es útil
+saber que incluso si el sistema se inicia y se ejecuta desde los medios de
+almacenamiento de sólo lectura, las modificaciones de los ficheros y
+directorios se escriben en medios de escritura, por lo general en la memoria
+ram (tmpfs) y los datos guardados en la ram no se guardan tras reiniciar.
 Los datos almacenados en esta memoria ram se pueden guardar en un soporte
-grabable como un disco duro, una memoria USB, un recurso compartido de red o
-incluso en una sesión de un CD/DVD regrabable en multisesión. Todos estos
+grabable como un medio de almacenamiento local, un recurso compartido en red
+o incluso en una sesión de un CD/DVD regrabable en multisesión. Todos estos
 medios son compatibles con Debian Live de diferentes maneras, y todos menos
 el último requieren un parámetro de arranque especial que se especificará en
 el momento del arranque: #{persistent}#.
-3~ Persistencia total
+Si se usa el parámetro de arranque #{persistent}# (y no se usa la opción
+#{nopersistent}#), se busca en los medios de almacenamiento locales
+(p.ej. discos duros, llaves USB) volúmenes con persistencia durante el
+arranque. Un volumen persistente es cualquiera de los siguientes: 
+_* una partición, identificada por su nombre GPT.
+_* Un sistema de ficheros, identificado por su etiqueta de sistema de
+_* una fichero imagen/archivo situado en el sistema raiz de cualquier
+sistema de ficheros que pueda ser leido (incluso una partición NTFS de otro
+sistema operativo), identificado por su nombre de fichero. En este caso el
+nombre del fichero debe contener el nombre el sistema de ficheros como
+extensión, p.ej. "<label>.ext3".
+Es posible restringir qué tipos de volúmenes persistentes se pueden usar
+especificando ciertos parámetros de arranque descritos en la página del
+manual de live-boot(7). Las "etiquetas identificadoras" referidas
+anteriormente pueden ser cualquiera de las siguientes:
+_* #{full-ov}# para overlays con persistencia total.
+_* #{custom-ov}# para overlays personalizadas.
+_* #{live-sn}# para instantáneas de sistemas completos.
+_* #{home-sn}# para instantáneas de /home.
+3~ Overlays de persistencia total 
 Por «Persistencia total» se entiende la utilización de una partición de
 escritura en lugar de usar un tmpfs (sistema de ficheros temporal) para
-guardar los cambios realizados a los medios de sólo lectura (con el sistema
-copiar-al-escribir o COW «copy-on-write» N. del T.). Para utilizar esta
-función se debe crear una partición grabable vacía con la etiqueta «live-rw»
-formateada con un sistema de ficheros compatible en el medio usado para
-arracar el sistema en vivo. En el momento de arrancar se debe iniciar el
-sistema con el parámetro de arranque 'persistent'. Esta partición puede ser
-una partición ext2 en el disco duro o en una memoria USB creada con, por
+guardar los cambios realizados en los medios de sólo lectura (con el sistema
+copiar-al-escribir o COW «copy-on-write» N. del T.). Para utilizar este tipo
+de persistencia la etiqueta del volumen debe ser #{full-ov}#. Esta podría
+ser, por ejemplo, una partición ext2 o un disco duro o una llave usb creada
+con. p.ej:
- # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1
+ # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1
@@ -184,70 +209,95 @@ etiqueta con uno de los siguientes:
- # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
+ $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
-Pero ya que los usuarios de un sistema en vivo no siempre pueden utilizar
-una partición del disco duro, y teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de
-memorias USB tienen velocidades de escritura lentas, la persistencia total
-también puede ser usada con ficheros imagen, de este modo se puede crear un
-fichero que represente una partición y poner ese fichero imagen incluso en
-una partición NTFS de un sistema operativo no nativo, con algo similar a
+Un ejemplo de cómo crear un fichero imagen basado en ext2 usando
+persistencia total.
- $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
- $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw
+ $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
+ $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov
-A continuación, copiar el fichero #{live-rw}# a un partición grabable y
-reiniciar el sistema con el parámetro de arranque «persistent».
+A continuación, copiar el fichero #{full-ov}# en una partición grabable y
+reiniciar el sistema.
+3~ Overlays personalizadas
+Un volumen con la etiqueta #{custom-ov}# puede ser personalizado para crear
+arbitrariamente directorios persistentes. El fichero #{live.persist}#,
+situado en el sistema de ficheros raiz del volumen, controla que directorios
+hace persistentes y también de que manera.
+En la página del manual de live.persist(5) se explica en detalle cómo se
+configura el montaje de las overlays, pero un sencillo ejemplo es suficiente
+para la mayoría de los casos. Supongamos que queremos crear nuestro
+directorio home y APT cache persistentes en un sistema de ficheros ext3 en
+la partición /dev/sdb1:
-3~ Montar Home de forma automática
+ $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1
+ $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
+ $ echo "/home" >> /mnt/live.persist
+ $ echo "/var/cache/apt" >> /mnt/live.persist
-Si durante el arranque se encuentra una partición (sistema de ficheros) con
-un fichero imagen o una partición con la etiqueta #{home-rw}# el sistema de
-ficheros será montado de forma automática como #{/home}#, lo que permite la
-persistencia de los ficheros que pertenecen a, por ejemplo, el usuario por
-defecto. Se puede combinar con persistencia total.
+Entonces reiniciamos. Durante el primer arranque los contenidos de /home y
+/var/cache/apt se copiarán en el volumen persistente y a partir de ese
+momento todos los cambios en esos directorios se guardarán allí. Tener en
+cuenta que los rutas listadas en el fichero #{live.persist}# no pueden
+contener espacios en blanco o los componentes especiales "." y  "..". Además
+ni "/live" (o ninguno de sus sub-directorios) ni "/" pueden hacerse
+persistentes montándolos de forma personalizada. Para este último, usar el
+tipo de persistencia #{full-ov}# descrito anteriormente.
+Se puede usar diferentes volúmenes ovelay personalizados al mismo tiempo
+(con sus propios ficheros #{live.persist}#) pero si varios volúmenes hacen
+que un mismo directorio sea persistente, sólo uno de ellos será usado. Si
+dos unidades montadas están "anidadas" (es decir, una es un sub-directorio
+de la otra) el directorio superior será montado antes que el inferior de
+este modo no quedará uno escondido por el otro. La personalización de los
+montajes anidadados es problemática si están listados en el mismo fichero
+#{live.persist}#. Consultar la página del manual de live.persist(5) para ver
+como manejar ese caso si realmente es necesario. (aclaración: normalmente no
+lo es).
 3~ Instantáneas
 Las instantáneas son colecciones de ficheros y directorios que no se montan
-durante la ejecución, pero que se copian desde un dispositivo persistente al
+durante la ejecución, pero que se copian desde un volumen persistente al
 sistema (tmpfs) en el arranque y que se resincroniza en el reinicio/apagado
-del sistema.  El contenido de una instantánea puede residir en una partición
-o en un fichero imagen (como los tipos mencionados anteriormente) con la
-etiqueta #{live-sn}#, pero el valor predeterminado es un archivo cpio simple
-denominado #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. Como en el caso anterior, en el momento del
-arranque los dispositivos conectados al sistema se recorren buscando una
-partición o un fichero llamado así. Una interrupción de la alimentación en
-tiempo de ejecución podría conducir a la pérdida de datos, por lo tanto, se
-puede usar la herramienta #{live-snapshot --refresh}# para sincronizar
-cambios importantes. Este tipo de persistencia es la menos agresiva con
-dispositivos tipo flash y el más rápido de todos los sistemas de
-persistencia, ya que no escribe continuamente en los medios de
+del sistema.  El volumen debe tener la etiqueta #{live-sn}#, y su valor
+predeterminado es un simple archivo cpio denominado #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. Una
+interrupción del suministro eléctrico en tiempo de ejecución podría conducir
+a la pérdida de datos, por lo tanto, se puede usar la herramienta
+#{live-snapshot --refresh}# para sincronizar cambios importantes. Este tipo
+de persistencia es la menos agresiva con los dispositivos tipo flash y el
+más rápido de todos los sistemas de persistencia, ya que no escribe
+continuamente en los medios de almacenamiento, pero ocupa tanta RAM como el
+tamaño de la instantánea sin comprimir.
 Existe también una versión de la instantánea /home y su etiqueta es
 #{home-sn.*}#; que funciona igual que la instantánea principal, pero sólo se
 aplica a /home.
-Las instantáneas actualmente no pueden manejar el borrado de ficheros pero
-la persistencia total y el montaje automático sí pueden.
+Las instantáneas no pueden manejar el borrado de ficheros.
 3~ SubText persistente
 Si un usuario necesita un almacenamiento persistente múltiple del mismo tipo
-para diferentes lugares o pruebas, tales como #{live-rw-nonwork}# y
-#{live-rw-work}#, el parámetro de arranque #{persistent-subtext}# usado
+para diferentes lugares o pruebas, tales como #{full-ov-nonwork}# y
+#{full-ov-work}#, el parámetro de arranque #{persistent-subtext}# usado
 junto con el parámetro de arranque #{persistent}# permitirá medios de
-almacenamiento persistentes múltiples pero únicos. Un ejemplo sería si un
+almacenamiento persistentes múltiples pero únicos. Un ejemplo sería, si un
 usuario desea utilizar una partición persistente etiquetada
-#{live-sn-subText}# usaría los parámetros de arranque de: #{persistent}#
+#{live-sn-subText}# usaría los parámetros de arranque: #{persistent}#
 3~ Remasterización parcial
diff --git a/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm b/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm
index f27083c..e7dc387 100644
--- a/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Ce programme est un logiciel libre; vous pouvez le redistribuer ou le modifier suivant les termes de la Licence Générale Publique GNU telle que publiée par la Free Software Foundation: soit la version 3 de cette licence, soit (à votre gré) toute version ultérieure.<br><br>Ce programme est distribué dans l’espoir qu’il vous sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE: sans même la garantie implicite de COMMERCIALISABILITÉ ni d’ADÉQUATION À UN OBJECTIF PARTICULIER. Consultez la Licence Générale Publique GNU pour plus de détails.<br><br>Vous devriez avoir reçu une copie de la Licence Générale Publique GNU avec ce programme ; si ce n’est pas le cas, consultez http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>Le texte complet de la Licence Générale Publique GNU peut être trouvé dans le fichier / usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3
- :published: 2012-03-19
+ :published: 2012-03-24
 @publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 91b3776..6012440 100644
--- a/manual/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ spécifier dans votre config:
-$ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
+ $ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
@@ -149,27 +149,50 @@ modification des fichiers et répertoires sont écrits sur des supports
 inscriptibles, typiquement un disque ram (tmpfs) et aux disques RAM les
 données ne survivent pas à un redémarrage.
-Les données stockées sur ce disque virtuel doivent être enregistrées sur un
-support inscriptible persistant comme un disque dur, une clé USB, un partage
-réseau ou même une séance d'un CD/DVD multisession (ré)inscriptible. Tous
-ces supports sont pris en charge dans Debian Live de différentes manières,
-et tous mais le dernier nécessitent un paramètre de démarrage spéciale à
-préciser au moment du démarrage: #{persistent}#.
+The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent
+medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a
+multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian
+Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot
+parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#.
-3~ Persistance pleine
+If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not
+set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for
+persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the
-Par «persistance pleine» on entend que plutôt que d'utiliser un tmpfs pour
-le stockage des modifications au support en lecture seule (avec le système
-copy-on-write, COW) une partition accessible en écriture est utilisée. Pour
-utiliser cette fonction une partition avec un système de fichiers accessible
-en écriture avec l'étiquette "live-rw" doit être fixé sur le système au
-moment du démarrage et le système doit être démarré avec le paramètre de
-démarrage "persistent". Cette partition peut être une partition ext2 du
-disque dur ou sur une clé USB créé avec, par exemple:
+_* a partition, identified by its GPT name.
+_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label.
+_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem
+(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In
+this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file
+extension, e.g. "<label>.ext3".
+It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by
+specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man
+page. The "identifying labels" referred to above can be any of the
+_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays.
+_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays.
+_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots.
+_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots.
+3~ Full persistent overlays
+By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing
+modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a
+persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label
+must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a
+hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:
- # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1
+ # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1
@@ -181,72 +204,90 @@ modifier l'étiquette avec l'un des suivants:
- # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
+ $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
-Mais puisque les utilisateurs du système live ne peuvent pas toujours
-utiliser une partition du disque dur, et considérant que la plupart des clés
-USB ont des vitesses d'écriture pauvres, «pleine» persistance pourrait
-également être utilisé avec des fichiers image, si vous pouviez créer un
-fichier qui représente une partition et mettre cette image fichier, même sur
-une partition NTFS d'un système d'exploitation étranger, avec quelque chose
+Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full
- $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
- $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw
+ $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
+ $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov
-Ensuite, copiez le fichier #{live-rw}# sur une partition accessible en
-écriture et redémarrer avec le paramètre de démarrage "persistent".
+Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and
+3~ Custom overlays
+A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary
+directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's
+filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in
+which way.
+How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the
+live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most
+uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent
+in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:
-3~ Montage automatique de Home
+ $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1
+ $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
+ $ echo "/home" >> /mnt/live.persist
+ $ echo "/var/cache/apt" >> /mnt/live.persist
-Si lors de l'initialisation une partition (système de fichiers) un fichier
-image ou une partition étiquetée #{home-rw}# est découverte, ce système de
-fichiers sera monté directement comme #{/home}#, permettant ainsi la
-persistance des fichiers qui appartiennent à l'utilisateur par défaut. Elle
-peut être combinée avec la persistance complète.
+Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and
+/var/cache/apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on
+all changes to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please
+note that any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white
+spaces or the special "." and ".." path components. Also, neither "/live"
+(or any of its sub-directories) nor "/" can be made persistent using custom
+mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described
+Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}#
+files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same
+directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are
+"nested" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be
+mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested
+custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same
+#{live.persist}# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle
+that case if you really need it (hint: you usually don't).
 3~ Instantanés
-Les instantanés sont des collections de fichiers et de répertoires qui ne
-sont pas montés lors de l'exécution, mais qui sont copiés à partir d'un
-périphérique persistant à le système (tmpfs) au démarrage et qui sont
-resynchronisés au redémarrage/arrêt du système. Le contenu d'un instantané
-pourrait résider sur une partition ou un fichier image (comme les types
-mentionnés ci-dessus) étiquetés #{live-sn}#, mais il est par défaut à une
-archive cpio simple appelé #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. Comme ci-dessus, au moment
-du démarrage, les périphériques connectés à le système sont examinés pour
-voir si une partition ou un fichier nommé comme ça pourrait être trouvé. Une
-coupure de courant pendant l'exécution pourrait conduire à la perte de
-données, donc un outil appelé #{live-snapshot --refresh}# pourrait être
-appelé à synchroniser des changements importants. Ce type de persistance,
-car elle n'écrit pas continuellement dans les supports persistants, est la
-plus respectuese avec les dispositifs flash et la plus rapide de tous les
-systèmes de persistance.
+Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted
+while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system
+(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The
+volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive
+named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead
+to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot
+--refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not
+write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device
+friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as
+much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot.
 Une version instantané de /home existe aussi, et son étiquette est
 #{home-sn.*}#; elle travaille le même que l'instantané principale, mais il
 est seulement appliquée à /home.
-Les instantanés ne peuvent pas actuellement gérer la suppression de
-fichiers, mais la persistance pleine et le montage automatique de home si
-peuvent le faire.
+Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion.
 3~ SubText persistant
-Si un utilisateur a besoin de multiples stockages persistants du même type
-pour différents endroits ou l'essai, tel que #{live-rw-nonwork}# et
-#{live-rw-work}#, le paramètre de démarrage #{persistent-subtext}# utilisé
-en conjonction avec le paramètre de démarrage #{persistent}# permettra
-multiples mais uniques supports persistants. Un exemple serait le cas si un
-utilisateur voudrait utiliser une partition persistante étiqueté
-#{live-sn-subText}# il utiliserait les paramètres de démarrage:
-#{persistent}# #{persistent-subtext=subText}#.
+If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for
+different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and
+#{full-ov-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in
+conjunction with the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple
+but unique persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a
+persistent partition labeled #{live-sn-subText}# they would use the boot
+parameters of: #{persistent}# #{persistent-subtext=subText}#.
 3~ Remasterisation partielle
diff --git a/manual/it/live-manual.ssm b/manual/it/live-manual.ssm
index c378356..67261bb 100644
--- a/manual/it/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/it/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Questo programma è software libero: è possibile ridistribuirlo e modificarlo secondo i termini della GNU General Public License come pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation, sia la versione 3 della licenza o (a scelta) una versione successiva.<br><br>Questo programma è distribuito nella speranza che possa essere utile, ma SENZA ALCUNA GARANZIA, nemmeno la garanzia implicita di COMMERCIABILITÀ o IDONEITÀ PER UN PARTICOLARE SCOPO. Vedere la GNU General Public License per ulteriori dettagli.<br><br>Si dovrebbe aver ricevuto una copia della GNU General Public License con questo programma. In caso contrario, vedere http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>Il testo completo della GNU General Public License può essere trovato nel file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3.
- :published: 2012-03-19
+ :published: 2012-03-24
 @publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index fc0cea0..0acc7a2 100644
--- a/manual/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ To change the default username you can simply specify it in your config:
-$ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
+ $ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
@@ -141,27 +141,50 @@ eseguito da un dispositivo in sola lettura, le modifiche a file e directory
 vengono scritte su uno scrivibile, tipicamente un ram disk (tmpfs) e i dati
 sui ram disk non sopravvivono ai riavvii.
-I dati immagazzinati su questo ramdisk andrebbero salvati un supporto
-scrivibile persistente come un hard disk, una chiave USB, una condivisione
-di rete o anche una sessione di un CD/DVD riscrivibile multisessione. Tutti
-questi supporti sono gestiti in Debian Live in modi differenti, e tutti
-tranne l'ultimo richiedono un parametro d'avvio speciale da specificare
-all'avvio: #{persistent}#.
+The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent
+medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a
+multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian
+Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot
+parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#.
-3~ Persistenza completa
+If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not
+set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for
+persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the
-Con "persistenza completa" si intende l'uso di una partizione scrivibile
-invece di un filesystem temporaneo (tmpfs) per salvare le modifiche al
-supporto in sola lettura (con il sistema COW, copy-on-write). Per utilizzare
-questa caratteristica, una partizione con un filesystem scrivibile e
-supportato ed etichettata come "live-rw" deve essere collegata al sistema in
-fase di avvio e il sistema va fatto partire con il parametro
-"persistent". Questa partizione potrebbe essere di tipo ext2 su un hard disk
-o una penna usb creata ad esempio con:
+_* a partition, identified by its GPT name.
+_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label.
+_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem
+(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In
+this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file
+extension, e.g. "<label>.ext3".
+It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by
+specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man
+page. The "identifying labels" referred to above can be any of the
+_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays.
+_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays.
+_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots.
+_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots.
+3~ Full persistent overlays
+By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing
+modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a
+persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label
+must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a
+hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:
- # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1
+ # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1
@@ -173,66 +196,89 @@ l'etichetta con una delle seguenti:
- # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
+ $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
-Ma siccome gli utenti dei sistemi live non hanno sempre la possibilità di
-utilizzare una partizione su disco rigido, e considerando che la maggior
-parte delle chiavi USB hanno scarse velocità di scrittura, la persistenza
-"completa" può anche essere usata con dei file immagine, è possibile creare
-un file che rappresenta una partizione e inserire questo file immagine anche
-su una partizione NTFS di un sistema operativo estraneo, qualcosa come:
+Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full
- $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
- $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw
+ $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
+ $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov
-Quindi copiare il file #{live-rw}# su una partizione scrivibile e riavviare
-con il parametro d'avvio "persistent".
+Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and
+3~ Custom overlays
+A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary
+directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's
+filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in
+which way.
+How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the
+live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most
+uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent
+in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:
-3~ Mount automatico della home
+ $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1
+ $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
+ $ echo "/home" >> /mnt/live.persist
+ $ echo "/var/cache/apt" >> /mnt/live.persist
-Se durante l'avvio viene trovata una partizione (filesystem) su file
-immagine o una partizione etichettata come #{home-rw}#, questa verrà montata
-direttamente come #{/home}#, permettendo quindi la persistenza dei file che
-appartengono ad esempio all'utente predefinito. Può essere unita alla
-persistenza completa.
+Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and
+/var/cache/apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on
+all changes to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please
+note that any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white
+spaces or the special "." and ".." path components. Also, neither "/live"
+(or any of its sub-directories) nor "/" can be made persistent using custom
+mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described
+Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}#
+files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same
+directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are
+"nested" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be
+mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested
+custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same
+#{live.persist}# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle
+that case if you really need it (hint: you usually don't).
 3~ Istantanee
-Le istantanee sono raccolte di file e directory che non vengono montate
-durante l'esecuzione ma copiate all'avvio da un dispositivo persistente al
-sistema (tmpfs) e risincronizzate al riavvio e spegnimento. Il contenuto di
-un'istantanea può risiedere su una partizione o file immagine (come i tipi
-menzionati poc'anzi) etichettati come #{live-sn}#, ma sotto forma di un
-semplice archivio cpio nominato #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. Come sopra, all'avvio,
-i device a blocchi collegati al sistema vengono analizzati alla ricerca di
-una partizione o file così nominati. Un'interruzione di corrente durante
-l'esecuzione potrebbe portare ad una perdita di dati, per cui si può usare
-uno strumento che richiama #{live-snapshot --refresh}# per sincronizzare i
-cambiamenti importanti. Giacché non scrive continuamente sul dispositivo,
-questo tipo di persistenza è il sistema più comodo e veloce per dispositivi
-basati su memoria flash.
+Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted
+while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system
+(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The
+volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive
+named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead
+to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot
+--refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not
+write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device
+friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as
+much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot.
 Esiste anche un'istantanea della /home con etichetta #{home-sn.*}#; funziona
 come la principale ma viene applicata solo ad /home.
-Attualmente le istantanee non possono gestire la cancellazione dei file, al
-contrario della persistenza completa e il mount automatico della home. 
+Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion.
 3~ Sottotesto persistente
-Se un utente avesse bisogno di archiviazioni multiple dello stesso tipo per
-differenti posti o per test, come #{live-rw-casa}# e #{live-rw-lavoro}#, il
-parametro d'avvio #{persistent-subtext}# usato in congiunzione con
-#{persistent}# permetterà supporti persistenti multipli ma univoci. Un
-esempio potrebbe essere un utente che vuole usare una partizione etichettata
-come #{live-sn-sottotesto}#, userebbe: #{persistent}#
+If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for
+different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and
+#{full-ov-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in
+conjunction with the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple
+but unique persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a
+persistent partition labeled #{live-sn-subText}# they would use the boot
+parameters of: #{persistent}# #{persistent-subtext=subText}#.
 3~ Rimasterizzazione parziale
diff --git a/manual/po/de/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/de/live-manual.ssm.po
index 69ee21d..4123ac2 100644
--- a/manual/po/de/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/de/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-19 18:09+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 11:45+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 14:15+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-03-19\n"
+" :published: 2012-03-24\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index 22995c9..20776b6 100644
--- a/manual/po/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-07 21:01-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 13:10+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 14:15+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -18,22 +18,25 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
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+#: en/user_basics.ssi:42 en/user_basics.ssi:58 en/user_basics.ssi:73
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:108 en/user_basics.ssi:116 en/user_basics.ssi:128
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:140 en/user_basics.ssi:152 en/user_basics.ssi:160
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:168 en/user_basics.ssi:184 en/user_basics.ssi:194
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:202 en/user_basics.ssi:218 en/user_basics.ssi:226
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:236 en/user_basics.ssi:254 en/user_basics.ssi:282
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:298 en/user_basics.ssi:306 en/user_basics.ssi:326
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:351 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:28 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:39
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:26 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:35
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:54 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:66
 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:32
@@ -59,46 +62,50 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_examples.ssi:14
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:114 en/user_installation.ssi:129
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:146 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:24
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:157 en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:193 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:232 en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:277
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:90 en/user_installation.ssi:114
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:129 en/user_installation.ssi:146
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:24
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:49 en/user_overview.ssi:57
 msgid "code{"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:128
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:145 en/about_manual.ssi:158 en/about_manual.ssi:167
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/about_manual.ssi:193
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:201 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:117 en/project_coding-style.ssi:128
 #: en/project_procedures.ssi:16 en/project_procedures.ssi:54
-#: en/project_procedures.ssi:131 en/user_basics.ssi:36 en/user_basics.ssi:46
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:64 en/user_basics.ssi:77 en/user_basics.ssi:112
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:120 en/user_basics.ssi:134 en/user_basics.ssi:144
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:156 en/user_basics.ssi:164 en/user_basics.ssi:172
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:188 en/user_basics.ssi:198 en/user_basics.ssi:206
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:222 en/user_basics.ssi:230 en/user_basics.ssi:240
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:274 en/user_basics.ssi:286 en/user_basics.ssi:302
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337 en/user_basics.ssi:376
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+#: en/user_basics.ssi:46 en/user_basics.ssi:64 en/user_basics.ssi:77
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:112 en/user_basics.ssi:120 en/user_basics.ssi:134
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:144 en/user_basics.ssi:156 en/user_basics.ssi:164
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:172 en/user_basics.ssi:188 en/user_basics.ssi:198
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:206 en/user_basics.ssi:222 en/user_basics.ssi:230
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:240 en/user_basics.ssi:274 en/user_basics.ssi:286
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:302 en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:376 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:18
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:35 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:45
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:31 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:46
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:58 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:38
@@ -124,25 +131,26 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:119 en/user_installation.ssi:136
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:161 en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:236 en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:273 en/user_examples.ssi:291
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:94 en/user_installation.ssi:119
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:136 en/user_installation.ssi:149
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:43
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:53 en/user_overview.ssi:61
 msgid "}code"
 msgstr ""
@@ -215,7 +223,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:29
-msgid "$ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\""
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\"\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -377,7 +386,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 msgid ""
 "The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent "
-"medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a "
+"medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a "
 "multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian "
 "Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot "
 "parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#."
@@ -385,130 +394,221 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:100
-msgid "3~ Full persistence"
+msgid ""
+"If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not "
+"set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for "
+"persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the following:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:102
+msgid "_* a partition, identified by its GPT name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104
+msgid "_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+msgid ""
+"_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem "
+"(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In "
+"this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+"extension, e.g. \"<label>.ext3\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by "
+"specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man page. "
+"The \"identifying labels\" referred to above can be any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+msgid "_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+msgid "_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+msgid "_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+msgid "_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+msgid "3~ Full persistent overlays"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
 msgid ""
 "By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing "
 "modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a "
-"writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a "
-"clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled \"live-rw\" must be "
-"attached on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on "
-"the hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
+"persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label "
+"must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a "
+"hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1\n"
+msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:128
 msgid "See also {Using the space left on a USB stick}#using-usb-extra-space."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130
 msgid ""
 "If you already have a partition on your device, you could just change the "
 "label with one of the following:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:134
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
+msgid " $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and "
-"considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence "
-"could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file "
-"representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of "
-"a foreign OS, with something like:"
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full "
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:125
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
-" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw\n"
+" $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
+" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:129
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
 msgid ""
-"Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'."
+"Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+msgid "3~ Custom overlays"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:131
-msgid "3~ Home automounting"
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+msgid ""
+"A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary "
+"directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's "
+"filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in "
+"which way."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:133
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
 msgid ""
-"If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition "
-"labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted "
-"as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the "
-"default user. It can be combined with full persistence."
+"How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
+"live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most "
+"uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent "
+"in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
+" $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+" $ echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+" $ echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
+msgid ""
+"Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and /var/cache/"
+"apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on all changes "
+"to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please note that "
+"any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white spaces or "
+"the special \".\" and \"..\" path components. Also, neither \"/live\" (or "
+"any of its sub-directories) nor \"/\" can be made persistent using custom "
+"mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166
+msgid ""
+"Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}# "
+"files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same "
+"directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are "
+"\"nested\" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be "
+"mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested "
+"custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same #{live.persist}"
+"# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle that case if you "
+"really need it (hint: you usually don't)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:168
 msgid "3~ Snapshots"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:137
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
 msgid ""
 "Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted "
-"while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system "
+"while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system "
 "(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The "
-"content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the "
-"above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio "
-"archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices "
-"connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named "
-"like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to "
-"data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called "
-"to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write "
-"continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
-"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems."
+"volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive "
+"named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead "
+"to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot --"
+"refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not "
+"write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
+"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as "
+"much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:139
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 msgid ""
 "A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it "
 "works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:141
-msgid ""
-"Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and "
-"home automounting can."
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174
+msgid "Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid "3~ Persistent SubText"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for "
-"different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and #{live-rw-"
+"different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and #{full-ov-"
 "work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in conjunction with "
 "the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple but unique "
 "persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a persistent "
@@ -517,12 +617,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Partial remastering"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:148
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "The run-time modification of the tmpfs could be collected using live-"
 "snapshot in a squashfs and added to the cd by remastering the iso in the "
diff --git a/manual/po/es/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/es/live-manual.ssm.po
index e042a9f..ce50851 100644
--- a/manual/po/es/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/es/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-19 18:09+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 11:45+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-12 08:00-0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: José Luis Zabalza and Carlos Zuferri «chals» "
 "<jlz.3008 at gmail.com> <chals at altorricon.com\n"
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-03-19\n"
+" :published: 2012-03-24\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index 3c7f5ab..d16999e 100644
--- a/manual/po/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-07 21:01-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-19 18:11+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 13:10+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-24 13:18+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: José Luis Zabalza and Carlos Zuferri «chals» "
 "<jlz.3008 at gmail.com> <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Debian live Spanish translation team <debian-live at lists."
@@ -23,22 +23,25 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
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@@ -64,46 +67,50 @@ msgstr ""
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+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
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+#: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:90 en/user_installation.ssi:114
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:129 en/user_installation.ssi:146
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:24
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:49 en/user_overview.ssi:57
 msgid "code{"
 msgstr "code{"
 #. type: Plain text
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+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/about_manual.ssi:193
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+#: en/user_basics.ssi:302 en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:376 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:18
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:35 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:45
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 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:58 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:38
@@ -129,25 +136,26 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
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-#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:119 en/user_installation.ssi:136
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
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+#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:161 en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:236 en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:273 en/user_examples.ssi:291
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:94 en/user_installation.ssi:119
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:136 en/user_installation.ssi:149
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:43
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:53 en/user_overview.ssi:61
 msgid "}code"
 msgstr "}code"
@@ -243,7 +251,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:29
-msgid "$ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\""
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\"\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -444,72 +453,136 @@ msgid ""
 "directories are written on writable media, typically a ram disk (tmpfs) and "
 "ram disks' data do not survive reboots."
 msgstr ""
-"La persistencia (o modo guardar cambios) es un nombre común que se dá a los "
-"diferentes tipos de soluciones para guardar algunos o todos los cambios "
-"realizados durante la ejecución tras reiniciar el sistema. Para entender "
-"cómo funciona es útil saber que incluso si el sistema se inicia y se ejecuta "
-"desde los medios de almacenamiento de sólo lectura, las modificaciones de "
-"los ficheros y directorios se escriben en medios de escritura, por lo "
-"general en la memoria ram (tmpfs) y los datos guardados en la ram no se "
-"guardan tras reiniciar."
+"La persistencia es un nombre común que se dá a los diferentes tipos de "
+"soluciones para guardar algunos o todos los cambios realizados durante la "
+"ejecución tras reiniciar el sistema. Para entender cómo funciona es útil "
+"saber que incluso si el sistema se inicia y se ejecuta desde los medios de "
+"almacenamiento de sólo lectura, las modificaciones de los ficheros y "
+"directorios se escriben en medios de escritura, por lo general en la memoria "
+"ram (tmpfs) y los datos guardados en la ram no se guardan tras reiniciar."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 msgid ""
 "The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent "
-"medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a "
+"medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a "
 "multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian "
 "Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot "
 "parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#."
 msgstr ""
 "Los datos almacenados en esta memoria ram se pueden guardar en un soporte "
-"grabable como un disco duro, una memoria USB, un recurso compartido de red o "
-"incluso en una sesión de un CD/DVD regrabable en multisesión. Todos estos "
+"grabable como un medio de almacenamiento local, un recurso compartido en red "
+"o incluso en una sesión de un CD/DVD regrabable en multisesión. Todos estos "
 "medios son compatibles con Debian Live de diferentes maneras, y todos menos "
 "el último requieren un parámetro de arranque especial que se especificará en "
 "el momento del arranque: #{persistent}#."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:100
-msgid "3~ Full persistence"
-msgstr "3~ Persistencia total"
+msgid ""
+"If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not "
+"set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for "
+"persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si se usa el parámetro de arranque #{persistent}# (y no se usa la opción #"
+"{nopersistent}#), se busca en los medios de almacenamiento locales (p.ej. "
+"discos duros, llaves USB) volúmenes con persistencia durante el arranque. Un "
+"volumen persistente es cualquiera de los siguientes: "
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:102
+msgid "_* a partition, identified by its GPT name."
+msgstr "_* una partición, identificada por su nombre GPT."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104
+msgid "_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label."
+msgstr ""
+"_* Un sistema de ficheros, identificado por su etiqueta de sistema de "
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+msgid ""
+"_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem "
+"(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In "
+"this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+"extension, e.g. \"<label>.ext3\"."
+msgstr ""
+"_* una fichero imagen/archivo situado en el sistema raiz de cualquier "
+"sistema de ficheros que pueda ser leido (incluso una partición NTFS de otro "
+"sistema operativo), identificado por su nombre de fichero. En este caso el "
+"nombre del fichero debe contener el nombre el sistema de ficheros como "
+"extensión, p.ej. \"<label>.ext3\"."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by "
+"specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man page. "
+"The \"identifying labels\" referred to above can be any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible restringir qué tipos de volúmenes persistentes se pueden usar "
+"especificando ciertos parámetros de arranque descritos en la página del "
+"manual de live-boot(7). Las \"etiquetas identificadoras\" referidas "
+"anteriormente pueden ser cualquiera de las siguientes:"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+msgid "_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays."
+msgstr "_* #{full-ov}# para overlays con persistencia total."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+msgid "_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays."
+msgstr "_* #{custom-ov}# para overlays personalizadas."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+msgid "_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots."
+msgstr "_* #{live-sn}# para instantáneas de sistemas completos."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+msgid "_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots."
+msgstr "_* #{home-sn}# para instantáneas de /home."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+msgid "3~ Full persistent overlays"
+msgstr "3~ Overlays de persistencia total "
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
 msgid ""
 "By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing "
 "modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a "
-"writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a "
-"clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled \"live-rw\" must be "
-"attached on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on "
-"the hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
+"persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label "
+"must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a "
+"hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
 msgstr ""
 "Por «Persistencia total» se entiende la utilización de una partición de "
 "escritura en lugar de usar un tmpfs (sistema de ficheros temporal) para "
-"guardar los cambios realizados a los medios de sólo lectura (con el sistema "
-"copiar-al-escribir o COW «copy-on-write» N. del T.). Para utilizar esta "
-"función se debe crear una partición grabable vacía con la etiqueta «live-rw» "
-"formateada con un sistema de ficheros compatible en el medio usado para "
-"arracar el sistema en vivo. En el momento de arrancar se debe iniciar el "
-"sistema con el parámetro de arranque 'persistent'. Esta partición puede ser "
-"una partición ext2 en el disco duro o en una memoria USB creada con, por "
+"guardar los cambios realizados en los medios de sólo lectura (con el sistema "
+"copiar-al-escribir o COW «copy-on-write» N. del T.). Para utilizar este tipo "
+"de persistencia la etiqueta del volumen debe ser #{full-ov}#. Esta podría "
+"ser, por ejemplo, una partición ext2 o un disco duro o una llave usb creada "
+"con. p.ej:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1\n"
+msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:128
 msgid "See also {Using the space left on a USB stick}#using-usb-extra-space."
 msgstr ""
 "Ver {Usar el espacio libre en el dispositivo USB}#using-usb-extra-space."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130
 msgid ""
 "If you already have a partition on your device, you could just change the "
 "label with one of the following:"
@@ -518,103 +591,157 @@ msgstr ""
 "etiqueta con uno de los siguientes:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:134
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
+msgid " $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and "
-"considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence "
-"could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file "
-"representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of "
-"a foreign OS, with something like:"
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full "
 msgstr ""
-"Pero ya que los usuarios de un sistema en vivo no siempre pueden utilizar "
-"una partición del disco duro, y teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de "
-"memorias USB tienen velocidades de escritura lentas, la persistencia total "
-"también puede ser usada con ficheros imagen, de este modo se puede crear un "
-"fichero que represente una partición y poner ese fichero imagen incluso en "
-"una partición NTFS de un sistema operativo no nativo, con algo similar a "
+"Un ejemplo de cómo crear un fichero imagen basado en ext2 usando "
+"persistencia total."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:125
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
-" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw\n"
+" $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
+" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:129
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
 msgid ""
-"Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'."
+"Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and "
 msgstr ""
-"A continuación, copiar el fichero #{live-rw}# a un partición grabable y "
-"reiniciar el sistema con el parámetro de arranque «persistent»."
+"A continuación, copiar el fichero #{full-ov}# en una partición grabable y "
+"reiniciar el sistema."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:131
-msgid "3~ Home automounting"
-msgstr "3~ Montar Home de forma automática"
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+msgid "3~ Custom overlays"
+msgstr "3~ Overlays personalizadas"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:133
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
 msgid ""
-"If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition "
-"labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted "
-"as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the "
-"default user. It can be combined with full persistence."
+"A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary "
+"directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's "
+"filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in "
+"which way."
 msgstr ""
-"Si durante el arranque se encuentra una partición (sistema de ficheros) con "
-"un fichero imagen o una partición con la etiqueta #{home-rw}# el sistema de "
-"ficheros será montado de forma automática como #{/home}#, lo que permite la "
-"persistencia de los ficheros que pertenecen a, por ejemplo, el usuario por "
-"defecto. Se puede combinar con persistencia total."
+"Un volumen con la etiqueta #{custom-ov}# puede ser personalizado para crear "
+"arbitrariamente directorios persistentes. El fichero #{live.persist}#, "
+"situado en el sistema de ficheros raiz del volumen, controla que directorios "
+"hace persistentes y también de que manera."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+msgid ""
+"How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
+"live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most "
+"uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent "
+"in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:"
+msgstr ""
+"En la página del manual de live.persist(5) se explica en detalle cómo se "
+"configura el montaje de las overlays, pero un sencillo ejemplo es suficiente "
+"para la mayoría de los casos. Supongamos que queremos crear nuestro "
+"directorio home y APT cache persistentes en un sistema de ficheros ext3 en "
+"la partición /dev/sdb1:"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
+" $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+" $ echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+" $ echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
+msgid ""
+"Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and /var/cache/"
+"apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on all changes "
+"to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please note that "
+"any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white spaces or "
+"the special \".\" and \"..\" path components. Also, neither \"/live\" (or "
+"any of its sub-directories) nor \"/\" can be made persistent using custom "
+"mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described "
+msgstr ""
+"Entonces reiniciamos. Durante el primer arranque los contenidos de /home y /"
+"var/cache/apt se copiarán en el volumen persistente y a partir de ese "
+"momento todos los cambios en esos directorios se guardarán allí. Tener en "
+"cuenta que los rutas listadas en el fichero #{live.persist}# no pueden "
+"contener espacios en blanco o los componentes especiales \".\" y  \"..\". "
+"Además ni \"/live\" (o ninguno de sus sub-directorios) ni \"/\" pueden "
+"hacerse persistentes montándolos de forma personalizada. Para este último, "
+"usar el tipo de persistencia #{full-ov}# descrito anteriormente."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166
+msgid ""
+"Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}# "
+"files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same "
+"directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are "
+"\"nested\" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be "
+"mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested "
+"custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same #{live.persist}"
+"# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle that case if you "
+"really need it (hint: you usually don't)."
+msgstr ""
+"Se puede usar diferentes volúmenes ovelay personalizados al mismo tiempo "
+"(con sus propios ficheros #{live.persist}#) pero si varios volúmenes hacen "
+"que un mismo directorio sea persistente, sólo uno de ellos será usado. Si "
+"dos unidades montadas están \"anidadas\" (es decir, una es un sub-directorio "
+"de la otra) el directorio superior será montado antes que el inferior de "
+"este modo no quedará uno escondido por el otro. La personalización de los "
+"montajes anidadados es problemática si están listados en el mismo fichero #"
+"{live.persist}#. Consultar la página del manual de live.persist(5) para ver "
+"como manejar ese caso si realmente es necesario. (aclaración: normalmente no "
+"lo es)."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:168
 msgid "3~ Snapshots"
 msgstr "3~ Instantáneas"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:137
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
 msgid ""
 "Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted "
-"while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system "
+"while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system "
 "(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The "
-"content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the "
-"above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio "
-"archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices "
-"connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named "
-"like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to "
-"data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called "
-"to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write "
-"continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
-"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems."
+"volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive "
+"named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead "
+"to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot --"
+"refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not "
+"write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
+"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as "
+"much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot."
 msgstr ""
 "Las instantáneas son colecciones de ficheros y directorios que no se montan "
-"durante la ejecución, pero que se copian desde un dispositivo persistente al "
+"durante la ejecución, pero que se copian desde un volumen persistente al "
 "sistema (tmpfs) en el arranque y que se resincroniza en el reinicio/apagado "
-"del sistema.  El contenido de una instantánea puede residir en una partición "
-"o en un fichero imagen (como los tipos mencionados anteriormente) con la "
-"etiqueta #{live-sn}#, pero el valor predeterminado es un archivo cpio simple "
-"denominado #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. Como en el caso anterior, en el momento del "
-"arranque los dispositivos conectados al sistema se recorren buscando una "
-"partición o un fichero llamado así. Una interrupción de la alimentación en "
-"tiempo de ejecución podría conducir a la pérdida de datos, por lo tanto, se "
-"puede usar la herramienta #{live-snapshot --refresh}# para sincronizar "
-"cambios importantes. Este tipo de persistencia es la menos agresiva con "
-"dispositivos tipo flash y el más rápido de todos los sistemas de "
-"persistencia, ya que no escribe continuamente en los medios de "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:139
+"del sistema.  El volumen debe tener la etiqueta #{live-sn}#, y su valor "
+"predeterminado es un simple archivo cpio denominado #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. Una "
+"interrupción del suministro eléctrico en tiempo de ejecución podría conducir "
+"a la pérdida de datos, por lo tanto, se puede usar la herramienta #{live-"
+"snapshot --refresh}# para sincronizar cambios importantes. Este tipo de "
+"persistencia es la menos agresiva con los dispositivos tipo flash y el más "
+"rápido de todos los sistemas de persistencia, ya que no escribe "
+"continuamente en los medios de almacenamiento, pero ocupa tanta RAM como el "
+"tamaño de la instantánea sin comprimir."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 msgid ""
 "A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it "
 "works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home."
@@ -624,24 +751,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "a /home."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:141
-msgid ""
-"Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and "
-"home automounting can."
-msgstr ""
-"Las instantáneas actualmente no pueden manejar el borrado de ficheros pero "
-"la persistencia total y el montaje automático sí pueden."
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174
+msgid "Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion."
+msgstr "Las instantáneas no pueden manejar el borrado de ficheros."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid "3~ Persistent SubText"
 msgstr "3~ SubText persistente"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for "
-"different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and #{live-rw-"
+"different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and #{full-ov-"
 "work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in conjunction with "
 "the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple but unique "
 "persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a persistent "
@@ -649,20 +772,20 @@ msgid ""
 "#{persistent}# #{persistent-subtext=subText}#."
 msgstr ""
 "Si un usuario necesita un almacenamiento persistente múltiple del mismo tipo "
-"para diferentes lugares o pruebas, tales como #{live-rw-nonwork}# y #{live-"
-"rw-work}#, el parámetro de arranque #{persistent-subtext}# usado junto con "
+"para diferentes lugares o pruebas, tales como #{full-ov-nonwork}# y #{full-"
+"ov-work}#, el parámetro de arranque #{persistent-subtext}# usado junto con "
 "el parámetro de arranque #{persistent}# permitirá medios de almacenamiento "
-"persistentes múltiples pero únicos. Un ejemplo sería si un usuario desea "
+"persistentes múltiples pero únicos. Un ejemplo sería, si un usuario desea "
 "utilizar una partición persistente etiquetada #{live-sn-subText}# usaría los "
-"parámetros de arranque de: #{persistent}# #{persistent-subtext=subText}#."
+"parámetros de arranque: #{persistent}# #{persistent-subtext=subText}#."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Partial remastering"
 msgstr "3~ Remasterización parcial"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:148
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "The run-time modification of the tmpfs could be collected using live-"
 "snapshot in a squashfs and added to the cd by remastering the iso in the "
diff --git a/manual/po/fr/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/fr/live-manual.ssm.po
index 2286628..d85fe35 100644
--- a/manual/po/fr/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/fr/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-19 18:09+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 11:45+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-19 16:32+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri «chals» <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
 "Language-Team:  <debian-live at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-03-19\n"
+" :published: 2012-03-24\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index 26648c8..129bd97 100644
--- a/manual/po/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-07 21:01-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 13:10+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-17 19:24+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri «chals» <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
 "Language-Team:  <debian-live at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -19,22 +19,25 @@ msgstr ""
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@@ -60,46 +63,50 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
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 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:49 en/user_overview.ssi:57
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+#: en/user_basics.ssi:240 en/user_basics.ssi:274 en/user_basics.ssi:286
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:302 en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:376 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:18
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:35 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:45
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:31 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:46
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:58 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:38
@@ -125,25 +132,26 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:119 en/user_installation.ssi:136
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:161 en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:236 en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:273 en/user_examples.ssi:291
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:94 en/user_installation.ssi:119
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:136 en/user_installation.ssi:149
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:43
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:53 en/user_overview.ssi:61
 msgid "}code"
 msgstr "}code"
@@ -238,7 +246,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:29
-msgid "$ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\""
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\"\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -448,9 +457,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent "
+#| "medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of "
+#| "a multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in "
+#| "Debian Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special "
+#| "boot parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#."
 msgid ""
 "The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent "
-"medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a "
+"medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a "
 "multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian "
 "Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot "
 "parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#."
@@ -464,19 +480,85 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:100
-msgid "3~ Full persistence"
-msgstr "3~ Persistance pleine"
+msgid ""
+"If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not "
+"set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for "
+"persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:102
+msgid "_* a partition, identified by its GPT name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104
+msgid "_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+msgid ""
+"_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem "
+"(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In "
+"this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+"extension, e.g. \"<label>.ext3\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by "
+"specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man page. "
+"The \"identifying labels\" referred to above can be any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+msgid "_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+msgid "_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+msgid "_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_* From snapshots"
+msgid "_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots."
+msgstr "_* À partir des instantanés"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "3~ Full persistence"
+msgid "3~ Full persistent overlays"
+msgstr "3~ Persistance pleine"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for "
+#| "storing modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, "
+#| "COW, system) a writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a "
+#| "partition with a clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled \"live-"
+#| "rw\" must be attached on the system at boot time and the system must be "
+#| "started with the boot parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an "
+#| "ext2 partition on the hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
 msgid ""
 "By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing "
 "modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a "
-"writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a "
-"clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled \"live-rw\" must be "
-"attached on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on "
-"the hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
+"persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label "
+"must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a "
+"hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
 msgstr ""
 "Par «persistance pleine» on entend que plutôt que d'utiliser un tmpfs pour "
 "le stockage des modifications au support en lecture seule (avec le système "
@@ -488,20 +570,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "disque dur ou sur une clé USB créé avec, par exemple:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1\n"
+msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:128
 msgid "See also {Using the space left on a USB stick}#using-usb-extra-space."
 msgstr ""
 "Voir aussi {Utilisation de l'espace disponible sur une clé USB}#using-usb-"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130
 msgid ""
 "If you already have a partition on your device, you could just change the "
 "label with one of the following:"
@@ -510,84 +592,131 @@ msgstr ""
 "modifier l'étiquette avec l'un des suivants:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:134
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
+msgid " $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and "
-"considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence "
-"could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file "
-"representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of "
-"a foreign OS, with something like:"
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full "
 msgstr ""
-"Mais puisque les utilisateurs du système live ne peuvent pas toujours "
-"utiliser une partition du disque dur, et considérant que la plupart des clés "
-"USB ont des vitesses d'écriture pauvres, «pleine» persistance pourrait "
-"également être utilisé avec des fichiers image, si vous pouviez créer un "
-"fichier qui représente une partition et mettre cette image fichier, même sur "
-"une partition NTFS d'un système d'exploitation étranger, avec quelque chose "
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:125
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
-" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw\n"
+" $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
+" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:129
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with "
+#| "the boot parameter 'persistent'."
 msgid ""
-"Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'."
+"Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and "
 msgstr ""
 "Ensuite, copiez le fichier #{live-rw}# sur une partition accessible en "
 "écriture et redémarrer avec le paramètre de démarrage \"persistent\"."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:131
-msgid "3~ Home automounting"
-msgstr "3~ Montage automatique de Home"
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+msgid "3~ Custom overlays"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+msgid ""
+"A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary "
+"directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's "
+"filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in "
+"which way."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+msgid ""
+"How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
+"live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most "
+"uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent "
+"in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
+" $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+" $ echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+" $ echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
+msgid ""
+"Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and /var/cache/"
+"apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on all changes "
+"to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please note that "
+"any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white spaces or "
+"the special \".\" and \"..\" path components. Also, neither \"/live\" (or "
+"any of its sub-directories) nor \"/\" can be made persistent using custom "
+"mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described "
+msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:133
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166
 msgid ""
-"If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition "
-"labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted "
-"as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the "
-"default user. It can be combined with full persistence."
+"Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}# "
+"files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same "
+"directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are "
+"\"nested\" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be "
+"mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested "
+"custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same #{live.persist}"
+"# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle that case if you "
+"really need it (hint: you usually don't)."
 msgstr ""
-"Si lors de l'initialisation une partition (système de fichiers) un fichier "
-"image ou une partition étiquetée #{home-rw}# est découverte, ce système de "
-"fichiers sera monté directement comme #{/home}#, permettant ainsi la "
-"persistance des fichiers qui appartiennent à l'utilisateur par défaut. Elle "
-"peut être combinée avec la persistance complète."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:168
 msgid "3~ Snapshots"
 msgstr "3~ Instantanés"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:137
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted "
+#| "while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system "
+#| "(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. "
+#| "The content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file "
+#| "(like the above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to "
+#| "a simple cpio archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, "
+#| "the block devices connected to the system are traversed to see if a "
+#| "partition or a file named like that could be found. A power interruption "
+#| "during run time could lead to data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-"
+#| "snapshot --refresh}# could be called to sync important changes. This type "
+#| "of persistence, since it does not write continuously to the persistent "
+#| "media, is the most flash-based device friendly and the fastest of all the "
+#| "persistence systems."
 msgid ""
 "Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted "
-"while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system "
+"while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system "
 "(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The "
-"content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the "
-"above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio "
-"archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices "
-"connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named "
-"like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to "
-"data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called "
-"to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write "
-"continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
-"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems."
+"volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive "
+"named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead "
+"to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot --"
+"refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not "
+"write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
+"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as "
+"much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot."
 msgstr ""
 "Les instantanés sont des collections de fichiers et de répertoires qui ne "
 "sont pas montés lors de l'exécution, mais qui sont copiés à partir d'un "
@@ -606,7 +735,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "systèmes de persistance."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:139
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 msgid ""
 "A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it "
 "works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home."
@@ -616,25 +745,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "seulement appliquée à /home."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:141
-msgid ""
-"Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and "
-"home automounting can."
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and "
+#| "home automounting can."
+msgid "Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion."
 msgstr ""
 "Les instantanés ne peuvent pas actuellement gérer la suppression de "
 "fichiers, mais la persistance pleine et le montage automatique de home si "
 "peuvent le faire."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid "3~ Persistent SubText"
 msgstr "3~ SubText persistant"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for "
+#| "different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and #{live-rw-"
+#| "work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in conjunction "
+#| "with the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple but unique "
+#| "persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a "
+#| "persistent partition labeled #{live-sn-subText}# they would use the boot "
+#| "parameters of: #{persistent}# #{persistent-subtext=subText}#."
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for "
-"different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and #{live-rw-"
+"different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and #{full-ov-"
 "work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in conjunction with "
 "the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple but unique "
 "persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a persistent "
@@ -651,12 +791,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Partial remastering"
 msgstr "3~ Remasterisation partielle"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:148
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "The run-time modification of the tmpfs could be collected using live-"
 "snapshot in a squashfs and added to the cd by remastering the iso in the "
diff --git a/manual/po/it/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/it/live-manual.ssm.po
index e18f94e..bc7eaff 100644
--- a/manual/po/it/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/it/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-19 18:09+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 11:45+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-11 10:33+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: skizzhg <skizzhg at gmx.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <tp at lists.linux.it>\n"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-03-19\n"
+" :published: 2012-03-24\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index d5958d7..ad7801a 100644
--- a/manual/po/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-07 21:01-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 13:10+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-06 08:11+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: skizzhg <skizzhg at gmx.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <tp at lists.linux.it>\n"
@@ -19,22 +19,25 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/about_manual.ssi:84 en/about_manual.ssi:92 en/about_manual.ssi:100
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:108 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:133
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:146 en/about_manual.ssi:157 en/about_manual.ssi:165
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:108 en/about_manual.ssi:116 en/about_manual.ssi:124
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:136 en/about_manual.ssi:149 en/about_manual.ssi:162
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/about_manual.ssi:181 en/about_manual.ssi:189
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:197 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:28 en/project_coding-style.ssi:38
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:51 en/project_coding-style.ssi:61
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:92 en/project_coding-style.ssi:100
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:110 en/project_coding-style.ssi:121
 #: en/project_procedures.ssi:12 en/project_procedures.ssi:46
-#: en/project_procedures.ssi:58 en/user_basics.ssi:32 en/user_basics.ssi:42
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:58 en/user_basics.ssi:73 en/user_basics.ssi:108
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:116 en/user_basics.ssi:128 en/user_basics.ssi:140
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:152 en/user_basics.ssi:160 en/user_basics.ssi:168
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:184 en/user_basics.ssi:194 en/user_basics.ssi:202
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:218 en/user_basics.ssi:226 en/user_basics.ssi:236
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:254 en/user_basics.ssi:282 en/user_basics.ssi:298
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:306 en/user_basics.ssi:326 en/user_basics.ssi:351
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+#: en/user_basics.ssi:42 en/user_basics.ssi:58 en/user_basics.ssi:73
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:108 en/user_basics.ssi:116 en/user_basics.ssi:128
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:140 en/user_basics.ssi:152 en/user_basics.ssi:160
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:168 en/user_basics.ssi:184 en/user_basics.ssi:194
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:202 en/user_basics.ssi:218 en/user_basics.ssi:226
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:236 en/user_basics.ssi:254 en/user_basics.ssi:282
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:298 en/user_basics.ssi:306 en/user_basics.ssi:326
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:351 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:28 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:39
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:26 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:35
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:54 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:66
 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:32
@@ -60,46 +63,50 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_examples.ssi:14
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:114 en/user_installation.ssi:129
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:146 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:24
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:157 en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:193 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:232 en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:277
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:90 en/user_installation.ssi:114
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:129 en/user_installation.ssi:146
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:24
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:49 en/user_overview.ssi:57
 msgid "code{"
 msgstr "code{"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:128
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:145 en/about_manual.ssi:158 en/about_manual.ssi:167
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/about_manual.ssi:193
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:201 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:117 en/project_coding-style.ssi:128
 #: en/project_procedures.ssi:16 en/project_procedures.ssi:54
-#: en/project_procedures.ssi:131 en/user_basics.ssi:36 en/user_basics.ssi:46
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:64 en/user_basics.ssi:77 en/user_basics.ssi:112
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:120 en/user_basics.ssi:134 en/user_basics.ssi:144
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:156 en/user_basics.ssi:164 en/user_basics.ssi:172
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:188 en/user_basics.ssi:198 en/user_basics.ssi:206
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:222 en/user_basics.ssi:230 en/user_basics.ssi:240
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:274 en/user_basics.ssi:286 en/user_basics.ssi:302
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337 en/user_basics.ssi:376
+#: en/project_procedures.ssi:131 en/style_guide.ssi:128 en/user_basics.ssi:36
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:46 en/user_basics.ssi:64 en/user_basics.ssi:77
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:112 en/user_basics.ssi:120 en/user_basics.ssi:134
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:144 en/user_basics.ssi:156 en/user_basics.ssi:164
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:172 en/user_basics.ssi:188 en/user_basics.ssi:198
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:206 en/user_basics.ssi:222 en/user_basics.ssi:230
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:240 en/user_basics.ssi:274 en/user_basics.ssi:286
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:302 en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:376 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:18
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:35 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:45
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:31 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:46
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:58 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:38
@@ -125,25 +132,26 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:119 en/user_installation.ssi:136
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:161 en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:236 en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:273 en/user_examples.ssi:291
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:94 en/user_installation.ssi:119
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:136 en/user_installation.ssi:149
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:43
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:53 en/user_overview.ssi:61
 msgid "}code"
 msgstr "}code"
@@ -231,7 +239,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:29
-msgid "$ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\""
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\"\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -430,9 +439,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent "
+#| "medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of "
+#| "a multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in "
+#| "Debian Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special "
+#| "boot parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#."
 msgid ""
 "The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent "
-"medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a "
+"medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a "
 "multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian "
 "Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot "
 "parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#."
@@ -446,19 +462,85 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:100
-msgid "3~ Full persistence"
-msgstr "3~ Persistenza completa"
+msgid ""
+"If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not "
+"set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for "
+"persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:102
+msgid "_* a partition, identified by its GPT name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104
+msgid "_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+msgid ""
+"_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem "
+"(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In "
+"this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+"extension, e.g. \"<label>.ext3\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by "
+"specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man page. "
+"The \"identifying labels\" referred to above can be any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+msgid "_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+msgid "_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+msgid "_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_* From snapshots"
+msgid "_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots."
+msgstr "_* Da istantanee"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "3~ Full persistence"
+msgid "3~ Full persistent overlays"
+msgstr "3~ Persistenza completa"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for "
+#| "storing modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, "
+#| "COW, system) a writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a "
+#| "partition with a clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled \"live-"
+#| "rw\" must be attached on the system at boot time and the system must be "
+#| "started with the boot parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an "
+#| "ext2 partition on the hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
 msgid ""
 "By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing "
 "modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a "
-"writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a "
-"clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled \"live-rw\" must be "
-"attached on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on "
-"the hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
+"persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label "
+"must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a "
+"hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
 msgstr ""
 "Con \"persistenza completa\" si intende l'uso di una partizione scrivibile "
 "invece di un filesystem temporaneo (tmpfs) per salvare le modifiche al "
@@ -470,20 +552,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "penna usb creata ad esempio con:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1\n"
+msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:128
 msgid "See also {Using the space left on a USB stick}#using-usb-extra-space."
 msgstr ""
 "Si veda anche {Usare lo spazio rimanente su una penna USB}#using-usb-extra-"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130
 msgid ""
 "If you already have a partition on your device, you could just change the "
 "label with one of the following:"
@@ -492,84 +574,131 @@ msgstr ""
 "l'etichetta con una delle seguenti:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:134
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
+msgid " $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and "
-"considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence "
-"could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file "
-"representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of "
-"a foreign OS, with something like:"
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full "
 msgstr ""
-"Ma siccome gli utenti dei sistemi live non hanno sempre la possibilità di "
-"utilizzare una partizione su disco rigido, e considerando che la maggior "
-"parte delle chiavi USB hanno scarse velocità di scrittura, la persistenza "
-"\"completa\" può anche essere usata con dei file immagine, è possibile "
-"creare un file che rappresenta una partizione e inserire questo file "
-"immagine anche su una partizione NTFS di un sistema operativo estraneo, "
-"qualcosa come:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:125
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
-" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw\n"
+" $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
+" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:129
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with "
+#| "the boot parameter 'persistent'."
 msgid ""
-"Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'."
+"Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and "
 msgstr ""
 "Quindi copiare il file #{live-rw}# su una partizione scrivibile e riavviare "
 "con il parametro d'avvio \"persistent\"."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:131
-msgid "3~ Home automounting"
-msgstr "3~ Mount automatico della home"
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+msgid "3~ Custom overlays"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+msgid ""
+"A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary "
+"directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's "
+"filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in "
+"which way."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+msgid ""
+"How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
+"live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most "
+"uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent "
+"in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
+" $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+" $ echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+" $ echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
+msgid ""
+"Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and /var/cache/"
+"apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on all changes "
+"to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please note that "
+"any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white spaces or "
+"the special \".\" and \"..\" path components. Also, neither \"/live\" (or "
+"any of its sub-directories) nor \"/\" can be made persistent using custom "
+"mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described "
+msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:133
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166
 msgid ""
-"If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition "
-"labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted "
-"as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the "
-"default user. It can be combined with full persistence."
+"Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}# "
+"files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same "
+"directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are "
+"\"nested\" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be "
+"mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested "
+"custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same #{live.persist}"
+"# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle that case if you "
+"really need it (hint: you usually don't)."
 msgstr ""
-"Se durante l'avvio viene trovata una partizione (filesystem) su file "
-"immagine o una partizione etichettata come #{home-rw}#, questa verrà montata "
-"direttamente come #{/home}#, permettendo quindi la persistenza dei file che "
-"appartengono ad esempio all'utente predefinito. Può essere unita alla "
-"persistenza completa."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:168
 msgid "3~ Snapshots"
 msgstr "3~ Istantanee"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:137
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted "
+#| "while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system "
+#| "(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. "
+#| "The content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file "
+#| "(like the above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to "
+#| "a simple cpio archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, "
+#| "the block devices connected to the system are traversed to see if a "
+#| "partition or a file named like that could be found. A power interruption "
+#| "during run time could lead to data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-"
+#| "snapshot --refresh}# could be called to sync important changes. This type "
+#| "of persistence, since it does not write continuously to the persistent "
+#| "media, is the most flash-based device friendly and the fastest of all the "
+#| "persistence systems."
 msgid ""
 "Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted "
-"while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system "
+"while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system "
 "(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The "
-"content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the "
-"above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio "
-"archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices "
-"connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named "
-"like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to "
-"data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called "
-"to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write "
-"continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
-"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems."
+"volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive "
+"named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead "
+"to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot --"
+"refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not "
+"write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
+"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as "
+"much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot."
 msgstr ""
 "Le istantanee sono raccolte di file e directory che non vengono montate "
 "durante l'esecuzione ma copiate all'avvio da un dispositivo persistente al "
@@ -586,7 +715,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "basati su memoria flash."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:139
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 msgid ""
 "A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it "
 "works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home."
@@ -595,24 +724,35 @@ msgstr ""
 "come la principale ma viene applicata solo ad /home."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:141
-msgid ""
-"Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and "
-"home automounting can."
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and "
+#| "home automounting can."
+msgid "Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion."
 msgstr ""
 "Attualmente le istantanee non possono gestire la cancellazione dei file, al "
 "contrario della persistenza completa e il mount automatico della home. "
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid "3~ Persistent SubText"
 msgstr "3~ Sottotesto persistente"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for "
+#| "different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and #{live-rw-"
+#| "work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in conjunction "
+#| "with the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple but unique "
+#| "persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a "
+#| "persistent partition labeled #{live-sn-subText}# they would use the boot "
+#| "parameters of: #{persistent}# #{persistent-subtext=subText}#."
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for "
-"different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and #{live-rw-"
+"different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and #{full-ov-"
 "work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in conjunction with "
 "the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple but unique "
 "persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a persistent "
@@ -628,12 +768,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Partial remastering"
 msgstr "3~ Rimasterizzazione parziale"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:148
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "The run-time modification of the tmpfs could be collected using live-"
 "snapshot in a squashfs and added to the cd by remastering the iso in the "
diff --git a/manual/po/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm.po
index 8cc170c..9af575b 100644
--- a/manual/po/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-19 18:09+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 11:45+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-22 07:52-0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-03-19\n"
+" :published: 2012-03-24\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index 9e46904..16614d6 100644
--- a/manual/po/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-07 21:01-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 13:10+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-30 11:40+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -18,22 +18,25 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
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+#: en/about_manual.ssi:136 en/about_manual.ssi:149 en/about_manual.ssi:162
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/about_manual.ssi:181 en/about_manual.ssi:189
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:197 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
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+#: en/user_basics.ssi:42 en/user_basics.ssi:58 en/user_basics.ssi:73
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:108 en/user_basics.ssi:116 en/user_basics.ssi:128
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:140 en/user_basics.ssi:152 en/user_basics.ssi:160
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:168 en/user_basics.ssi:184 en/user_basics.ssi:194
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:202 en/user_basics.ssi:218 en/user_basics.ssi:226
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:236 en/user_basics.ssi:254 en/user_basics.ssi:282
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:298 en/user_basics.ssi:306 en/user_basics.ssi:326
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:351 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:28 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:39
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 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:54 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:66
 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:32
@@ -59,46 +62,50 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_examples.ssi:14
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:114 en/user_installation.ssi:129
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:146 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:24
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:157 en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:193 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:232 en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:277
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:90 en/user_installation.ssi:114
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:129 en/user_installation.ssi:146
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:24
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:49 en/user_overview.ssi:57
 msgid "code{"
 msgstr "code{"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:128
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:145 en/about_manual.ssi:158 en/about_manual.ssi:167
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/about_manual.ssi:193
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:201 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:117 en/project_coding-style.ssi:128
 #: en/project_procedures.ssi:16 en/project_procedures.ssi:54
-#: en/project_procedures.ssi:131 en/user_basics.ssi:36 en/user_basics.ssi:46
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:64 en/user_basics.ssi:77 en/user_basics.ssi:112
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-#: en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337 en/user_basics.ssi:376
+#: en/project_procedures.ssi:131 en/style_guide.ssi:128 en/user_basics.ssi:36
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:46 en/user_basics.ssi:64 en/user_basics.ssi:77
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:112 en/user_basics.ssi:120 en/user_basics.ssi:134
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:144 en/user_basics.ssi:156 en/user_basics.ssi:164
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:172 en/user_basics.ssi:188 en/user_basics.ssi:198
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:206 en/user_basics.ssi:222 en/user_basics.ssi:230
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:240 en/user_basics.ssi:274 en/user_basics.ssi:286
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:302 en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:376 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:18
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:35 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:45
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:31 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:46
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:58 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:38
@@ -124,25 +131,26 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:119 en/user_installation.ssi:136
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:161 en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:236 en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:273 en/user_examples.ssi:291
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:94 en/user_installation.ssi:119
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:136 en/user_installation.ssi:149
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:43
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:53 en/user_overview.ssi:61
 msgid "}code"
 msgstr "}code"
@@ -215,7 +223,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:29
-msgid "$ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\""
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\"\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -377,7 +386,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 msgid ""
 "The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent "
-"medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a "
+"medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a "
 "multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian "
 "Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot "
 "parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#."
@@ -385,130 +394,221 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:100
-msgid "3~ Full persistence"
+msgid ""
+"If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not "
+"set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for "
+"persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the following:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:102
+msgid "_* a partition, identified by its GPT name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104
+msgid "_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+msgid ""
+"_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem "
+"(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In "
+"this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+"extension, e.g. \"<label>.ext3\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by "
+"specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man page. "
+"The \"identifying labels\" referred to above can be any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+msgid "_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+msgid "_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+msgid "_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+msgid "_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+msgid "3~ Full persistent overlays"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
 msgid ""
 "By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing "
 "modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a "
-"writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a "
-"clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled \"live-rw\" must be "
-"attached on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on "
-"the hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
+"persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label "
+"must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a "
+"hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1\n"
+msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:128
 msgid "See also {Using the space left on a USB stick}#using-usb-extra-space."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130
 msgid ""
 "If you already have a partition on your device, you could just change the "
 "label with one of the following:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:134
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
+msgid " $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and "
-"considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence "
-"could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file "
-"representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of "
-"a foreign OS, with something like:"
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full "
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:125
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
-" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw\n"
+" $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
+" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:129
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
 msgid ""
-"Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'."
+"Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+msgid "3~ Custom overlays"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:131
-msgid "3~ Home automounting"
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+msgid ""
+"A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary "
+"directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's "
+"filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in "
+"which way."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:133
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
 msgid ""
-"If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition "
-"labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted "
-"as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the "
-"default user. It can be combined with full persistence."
+"How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
+"live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most "
+"uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent "
+"in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
+" $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+" $ echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+" $ echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
+msgid ""
+"Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and /var/cache/"
+"apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on all changes "
+"to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please note that "
+"any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white spaces or "
+"the special \".\" and \"..\" path components. Also, neither \"/live\" (or "
+"any of its sub-directories) nor \"/\" can be made persistent using custom "
+"mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166
+msgid ""
+"Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}# "
+"files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same "
+"directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are "
+"\"nested\" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be "
+"mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested "
+"custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same #{live.persist}"
+"# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle that case if you "
+"really need it (hint: you usually don't)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:168
 msgid "3~ Snapshots"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:137
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
 msgid ""
 "Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted "
-"while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system "
+"while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system "
 "(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The "
-"content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the "
-"above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio "
-"archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices "
-"connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named "
-"like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to "
-"data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called "
-"to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write "
-"continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
-"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems."
+"volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive "
+"named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead "
+"to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot --"
+"refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not "
+"write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
+"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as "
+"much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:139
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 msgid ""
 "A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it "
 "works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:141
-msgid ""
-"Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and "
-"home automounting can."
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174
+msgid "Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid "3~ Persistent SubText"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for "
-"different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and #{live-rw-"
+"different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and #{full-ov-"
 "work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in conjunction with "
 "the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple but unique "
 "persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a persistent "
@@ -517,12 +617,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Partial remastering"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:148
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "The run-time modification of the tmpfs could be collected using live-"
 "snapshot in a squashfs and added to the cd by remastering the iso in the "
diff --git a/manual/po/ro/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/ro/live-manual.ssm.po
index 5fe2744..3fc585f 100644
--- a/manual/po/ro/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/ro/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-19 18:09+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 11:45+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-23 00:04+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-03-19\n"
+" :published: 2012-03-24\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index 81415fc..07f44ae 100644
--- a/manual/po/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-07 21:01-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 13:10+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-30 11:40+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -19,22 +19,25 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/about_manual.ssi:84 en/about_manual.ssi:92 en/about_manual.ssi:100
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+#: en/user_basics.ssi:168 en/user_basics.ssi:184 en/user_basics.ssi:194
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:202 en/user_basics.ssi:218 en/user_basics.ssi:226
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:236 en/user_basics.ssi:254 en/user_basics.ssi:282
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:298 en/user_basics.ssi:306 en/user_basics.ssi:326
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:351 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:28 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:39
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 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:32
@@ -60,46 +63,50 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
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 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_examples.ssi:14
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:114 en/user_installation.ssi:129
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:146 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:24
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:157 en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:193 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:232 en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:277
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:90 en/user_installation.ssi:114
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:129 en/user_installation.ssi:146
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:24
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:49 en/user_overview.ssi:57
 msgid "code{"
 msgstr "code{"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:128
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:145 en/about_manual.ssi:158 en/about_manual.ssi:167
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/about_manual.ssi:193
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:201 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
 #: en/project_coding-style.ssi:117 en/project_coding-style.ssi:128
 #: en/project_procedures.ssi:16 en/project_procedures.ssi:54
-#: en/project_procedures.ssi:131 en/user_basics.ssi:36 en/user_basics.ssi:46
-#: en/user_basics.ssi:64 en/user_basics.ssi:77 en/user_basics.ssi:112
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-#: en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337 en/user_basics.ssi:376
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+#: en/user_basics.ssi:46 en/user_basics.ssi:64 en/user_basics.ssi:77
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:112 en/user_basics.ssi:120 en/user_basics.ssi:134
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:144 en/user_basics.ssi:156 en/user_basics.ssi:164
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:172 en/user_basics.ssi:188 en/user_basics.ssi:198
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:206 en/user_basics.ssi:222 en/user_basics.ssi:230
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:240 en/user_basics.ssi:274 en/user_basics.ssi:286
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:302 en/user_basics.ssi:310 en/user_basics.ssi:337
+#: en/user_basics.ssi:376 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:18
+#: en/user_customization-binary.ssi:35 en/user_customization-binary.ssi:45
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:31 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:46
 #: en/user_customization-contents.ssi:58 en/user_customization-contents.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-installer.ssi:38
@@ -125,25 +132,26 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:119 en/user_installation.ssi:136
-#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:161 en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:236 en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:273 en/user_examples.ssi:291
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:94 en/user_installation.ssi:119
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:136 en/user_installation.ssi:149
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:43
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:53 en/user_overview.ssi:61
 msgid "}code"
 msgstr "}code"
@@ -216,7 +224,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:29
-msgid "$ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\""
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\"\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -378,7 +387,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 msgid ""
 "The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent "
-"medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a "
+"medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a "
 "multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian "
 "Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot "
 "parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#."
@@ -386,130 +395,221 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:100
-msgid "3~ Full persistence"
+msgid ""
+"If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not "
+"set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for "
+"persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the following:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:102
+msgid "_* a partition, identified by its GPT name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104
+msgid "_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+msgid ""
+"_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem "
+"(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In "
+"this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+"extension, e.g. \"<label>.ext3\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by "
+"specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man page. "
+"The \"identifying labels\" referred to above can be any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+msgid "_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+msgid "_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+msgid "_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+msgid "_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+msgid "3~ Full persistent overlays"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
 msgid ""
 "By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing "
 "modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a "
-"writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a "
-"clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled \"live-rw\" must be "
-"attached on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on "
-"the hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
+"persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label "
+"must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a "
+"hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1\n"
+msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:128
 msgid "See also {Using the space left on a USB stick}#using-usb-extra-space."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130
 msgid ""
 "If you already have a partition on your device, you could just change the "
 "label with one of the following:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:134
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
+msgid " $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and "
-"considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence "
-"could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file "
-"representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of "
-"a foreign OS, with something like:"
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full "
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:125
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
-" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw\n"
+" $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
+" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:129
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
 msgid ""
-"Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'."
+"Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+msgid "3~ Custom overlays"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:131
-msgid "3~ Home automounting"
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+msgid ""
+"A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary "
+"directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's "
+"filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in "
+"which way."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:133
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
 msgid ""
-"If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition "
-"labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted "
-"as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the "
-"default user. It can be combined with full persistence."
+"How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
+"live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most "
+"uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent "
+"in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
+" $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+" $ echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+" $ echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
+msgid ""
+"Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and /var/cache/"
+"apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on all changes "
+"to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please note that "
+"any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white spaces or "
+"the special \".\" and \"..\" path components. Also, neither \"/live\" (or "
+"any of its sub-directories) nor \"/\" can be made persistent using custom "
+"mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166
+msgid ""
+"Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}# "
+"files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same "
+"directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are "
+"\"nested\" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be "
+"mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested "
+"custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same #{live.persist}"
+"# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle that case if you "
+"really need it (hint: you usually don't)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:168
 msgid "3~ Snapshots"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:137
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
 msgid ""
 "Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted "
-"while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system "
+"while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system "
 "(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The "
-"content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the "
-"above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio "
-"archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices "
-"connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named "
-"like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to "
-"data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called "
-"to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write "
-"continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
-"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems."
+"volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive "
+"named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead "
+"to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot --"
+"refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not "
+"write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
+"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as "
+"much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:139
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 msgid ""
 "A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it "
 "works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:141
-msgid ""
-"Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and "
-"home automounting can."
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174
+msgid "Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid "3~ Persistent SubText"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for "
-"different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and #{live-rw-"
+"different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and #{full-ov-"
 "work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in conjunction with "
 "the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple but unique "
 "persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a persistent "
@@ -518,12 +618,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Partial remastering"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:148
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "The run-time modification of the tmpfs could be collected using live-"
 "snapshot in a squashfs and added to the cd by remastering the iso in the "
diff --git a/manual/pot/live-manual.ssm.pot b/manual/pot/live-manual.ssm.pot
index fbec5b6..126cea8 100644
--- a/manual/pot/live-manual.ssm.pot
+++ b/manual/pot/live-manual.ssm.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-19 18:09+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 11:45+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-03-19\n"
+" :published: 2012-03-24\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/pot/user_customization-runtime.ssi.pot b/manual/pot/user_customization-runtime.ssi.pot
index a7c3c3e..443c435 100644
--- a/manual/pot/user_customization-runtime.ssi.pot
+++ b/manual/pot/user_customization-runtime.ssi.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-07 21:01-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-24 13:10+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -18,22 +18,25 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
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@@ -59,46 +62,50 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
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 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:49 en/user_overview.ssi:57
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 #. type: Plain text
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@@ -124,25 +131,26 @@ msgstr ""
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+#: en/user_examples.ssi:273 en/user_examples.ssi:291
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:94 en/user_installation.ssi:119
+#: en/user_installation.ssi:136 en/user_installation.ssi:149
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:43
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:53 en/user_overview.ssi:61
 msgid "}code"
 msgstr ""
@@ -215,7 +223,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:29
-msgid "$ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\""
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ lb config --bootappend-live \"username=live-user\"\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -377,7 +386,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 msgid ""
 "The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent "
-"medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a "
+"medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a "
 "multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian "
 "Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot "
 "parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#."
@@ -385,130 +394,221 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:100
-msgid "3~ Full persistence"
+msgid ""
+"If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not "
+"set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for "
+"persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the following:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:102
+msgid "_* a partition, identified by its GPT name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104
+msgid "_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+msgid ""
+"_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem "
+"(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In "
+"this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+"extension, e.g. \"<label>.ext3\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by "
+"specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man page. "
+"The \"identifying labels\" referred to above can be any of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+msgid "_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+msgid "_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+msgid "_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+msgid "_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+msgid "3~ Full persistent overlays"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
 msgid ""
 "By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing "
 "modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a "
-"writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a "
-"clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled \"live-rw\" must be "
-"attached on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on "
-"the hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
+"persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label "
+"must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a "
+"hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:106
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1\n"
+msgid " # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:110
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:128
 msgid "See also {Using the space left on a USB stick}#using-usb-extra-space."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130
 msgid ""
 "If you already have a partition on your device, you could just change the "
 "label with one of the following:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:134
 #, no-wrap
-msgid " # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
+msgid " $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and "
-"considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence "
-"could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file "
-"representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of "
-"a foreign OS, with something like:"
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full "
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:125
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-" $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
-" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw\n"
+" $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file\n"
+" $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:129
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
 msgid ""
-"Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the "
-"boot parameter 'persistent'."
+"Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+msgid "3~ Custom overlays"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:131
-msgid "3~ Home automounting"
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+msgid ""
+"A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary "
+"directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's "
+"filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in "
+"which way."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:133
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
 msgid ""
-"If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition "
-"labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted "
-"as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the "
-"default user. It can be combined with full persistence."
+"How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
+"live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most "
+"uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent "
+"in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1\n"
+" $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+" $ echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+" $ echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live.persist\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
+msgid ""
+"Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and /var/cache/"
+"apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on all changes "
+"to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please note that "
+"any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white spaces or "
+"the special \".\" and \"..\" path components. Also, neither \"/live\" (or "
+"any of its sub-directories) nor \"/\" can be made persistent using custom "
+"mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166
+msgid ""
+"Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}# "
+"files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same "
+"directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are "
+"\"nested\" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be "
+"mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested "
+"custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same #{live.persist}"
+"# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle that case if you "
+"really need it (hint: you usually don't)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:168
 msgid "3~ Snapshots"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:137
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
 msgid ""
 "Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted "
-"while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system "
+"while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system "
 "(tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The "
-"content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the "
-"above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio "
-"archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices "
-"connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named "
-"like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to "
-"data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called "
-"to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write "
-"continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
-"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems."
+"volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive "
+"named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead "
+"to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot --"
+"refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not "
+"write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device "
+"friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as "
+"much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:139
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 msgid ""
 "A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it "
 "works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:141
-msgid ""
-"Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and "
-"home automounting can."
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174
+msgid "Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid "3~ Persistent SubText"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for "
-"different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and #{live-rw-"
+"different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and #{full-ov-"
 "work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in conjunction with "
 "the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple but unique "
 "persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a persistent "
@@ -517,12 +617,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Partial remastering"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:148
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "The run-time modification of the tmpfs could be collected using live-"
 "snapshot in a squashfs and added to the cd by remastering the iso in the "
diff --git a/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm b/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm
index 1f6bf4d..1fa12a4 100644
--- a/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.<br><br>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.<br><br>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>The complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
- :published: 2012-03-19
+ :published: 2012-03-24
 @publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 610fdb1..4a13247 100644
--- a/manual/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ To change the default username you can simply specify it in your config:
-$ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
+ $ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
@@ -138,24 +138,49 @@ directories are written on writable media, typically a ram disk (tmpfs) and
 ram disks' data do not survive reboots.
 The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent
-medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a
+medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a
 multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian
 Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot
 parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#.
-3~ Full persistence
+If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not
+set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for
+persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the
+_* a partition, identified by its GPT name.
+_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label.
+_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem
+(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In
+this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file
+extension, e.g. "<label>.ext3".
+It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by
+specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man
+page. The "identifying labels" referred to above can be any of the
+_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays.
+_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays.
+_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots.
+_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots.
+3~ Full persistent overlays
 By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing
 modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a
-writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a
-clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled "live-rw" must be attached
-on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the boot
-parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on the
+persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label
+must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a
 hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:
- # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1
+ # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1
@@ -166,59 +191,85 @@ label with one of the following:
- # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
+ $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
-But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and
-considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence
-could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file
-representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of
-a foreign OS, with something like:
+Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full
- $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
- $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw
+ $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
+ $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov
-Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the
-boot parameter 'persistent'.
+Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and
+3~ Custom overlays
+A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary
+directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's
+filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in
+which way.
+How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the
+live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most
+uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent
+in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:
-3~ Home automounting
+ $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1
+ $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
+ $ echo "/home" >> /mnt/live.persist
+ $ echo "/var/cache/apt" >> /mnt/live.persist
-If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition
-labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted
-as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the
-default user. It can be combined with full persistence.
+Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and
+/var/cache/apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on
+all changes to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please
+note that any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white
+spaces or the special "." and ".." path components. Also, neither "/live"
+(or any of its sub-directories) nor "/" can be made persistent using custom
+mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described
+Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}#
+files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same
+directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are
+"nested" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be
+mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested
+custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same
+#{live.persist}# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle
+that case if you really need it (hint: you usually don't).
 3~ Snapshots
 Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted
-while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system
+while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system
 (tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The
-content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the
-above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio
-archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices
-connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named
-like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to
-data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called
-to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write
-continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device
-friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems.
+volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive
+named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead
+to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot
+--refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not
+write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device
+friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as
+much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot.
 A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it
 works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home.
-Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and
-home automounting can.
+Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion.
 3~ Persistent SubText
 If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for
-different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and
-#{live-rw-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in
+different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and
+#{full-ov-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in
 conjunction with the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple
 but unique persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a
 persistent partition labeled #{live-sn-subText}# they would use the boot
diff --git a/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm b/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm
index 1f6bf4d..1fa12a4 100644
--- a/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.<br><br>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.<br><br>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>The complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
- :published: 2012-03-19
+ :published: 2012-03-24
 @publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 610fdb1..4a13247 100644
--- a/manual/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ To change the default username you can simply specify it in your config:
-$ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
+ $ lb config --bootappend-live "username=live-user"
@@ -138,24 +138,49 @@ directories are written on writable media, typically a ram disk (tmpfs) and
 ram disks' data do not survive reboots.
 The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent
-medium like a Hard Disk, a USB key, a network share or even a session of a
+medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a
 multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian
 Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot
 parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistent}#.
-3~ Full persistence
+If the boot parameter #{persistent}# is set (and #{nopersistent}# is not
+set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for
+persistent volumes during boot. A persistent volumes is any of the
+_* a partition, identified by its GPT name.
+_* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label.
+_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem
+(even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In
+this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file
+extension, e.g. "<label>.ext3".
+It is possible to restrict which types of persistent volumes to use by
+specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man
+page. The "identifying labels" referred to above can be any of the
+_* #{full-ov}# for full persistent overlays.
+_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays.
+_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots.
+_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots.
+3~ Full persistent overlays
 By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing
 modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a
-writable partition is used. In order to use this feature a partition with a
-clean writable supported filesystem on it labeled "live-rw" must be attached
-on the system at boot time and the system must be started with the boot
-parameter 'persistent'. This partition could be an ext2 partition on the
+persistent volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label
+must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext2 partition on a
 hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:
- # mkfs.ext2 -L live-rw /dev/sdb1
+ # mkfs.ext2 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1
@@ -166,59 +191,85 @@ label with one of the following:
- # tune2fs -L live-rw /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
+ $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
-But since live system users cannot always use a hard drive partition, and
-considering that most USB keys have poor write speeds, 'full' persistence
-could be also used with just image files, so you could create a file
-representing a partition and put this image file even on a NTFS partition of
-a foreign OS, with something like:
+Here's an example of how to create an ext2-based image file used for full
- $ dd if=/dev/null of=live-rw bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
- $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F live-rw
+ $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
+ $ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -F full-ov
-Then copy the #{live-rw}# file to a writable partition and reboot with the
-boot parameter 'persistent'.
+Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and
+3~ Custom overlays
+A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary
+directories persistent. The file #{live.persist}#, located on the volume's
+filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in
+which way.
+How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the
+live.persist(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most
+uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent
+in an ext3 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:
-3~ Home automounting
+ $ mkfs.ext3 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1
+ $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
+ $ echo "/home" >> /mnt/live.persist
+ $ echo "/var/cache/apt" >> /mnt/live.persist
-If during the boot a partition (filesystem) image file or a partition
-labeled #{home-rw}# is discovered, this filesystem will be directly mounted
-as #{/home}#, thus permitting persistence of files that belong to e.g. the
-default user. It can be combined with full persistence.
+Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of /home and
+/var/cache/apt will be copied into the persistent volume, and from then on
+all changes to these directories will live in the persistent volume. Please
+note that any paths listed in the #{live.persist}# file cannot contain white
+spaces or the special "." and ".." path components. Also, neither "/live"
+(or any of its sub-directories) nor "/" can be made persistent using custom
+mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described
+Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live.persist}#
+files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same
+directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are
+"nested" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be
+mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested
+custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same
+#{live.persist}# file. See the live.persist(5) man page for how to handle
+that case if you really need it (hint: you usually don't).
 3~ Snapshots
 Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted
-while running but which are copied from a persistent device to the system
+while running but which are copied from a persistent volume to the system
 (tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The
-content of a snapshot could reside on a partition or an image file (like the
-above mentioned types) labeled #{live-sn}#, but it defaults to a simple cpio
-archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. As above, at boot time, the block devices
-connected to the system are traversed to see if a partition or a file named
-like that could be found. A power interruption during run time could lead to
-data loss, hence a tool invoked #{live-snapshot --refresh}# could be called
-to sync important changes. This type of persistence, since it does not write
-continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device
-friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems.
+volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive
+named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead
+to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot
+--refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not
+write continuously to the persistent media, is the most flash-based device
+friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as
+much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot.
 A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it
 works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home.
-Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion but full persistence and
-home automounting can.
+Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion.
 3~ Persistent SubText
 If a user would need multiple persistent storage of the same type for
-different locations or testing, such as #{live-rw-nonwork}# and
-#{live-rw-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in
+different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and
+#{full-ov-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistent-subtext}# used in
 conjunction with the boot parameter #{persistent}# will allow for multiple
 but unique persistent media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a
 persistent partition labeled #{live-sn-subText}# they would use the boot


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