[SCM] live-manual branch, debian-next, updated. debian/3.0_a14-1-10-gd2ce1d7

Ben Armstrong synrg at debian.org
Wed Aug 1 10:20:48 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian-next branch:
commit d2ce1d7115dc6dfeddcd2bc3c6ba8c2b6cdd6296
Author: Ben Armstrong <synrg at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Aug 1 07:08:18 2012 -0300

    Rewriting introductory package list sections around metapackages instead of predefined lists.

diff --git a/manual/en/user_customization-packages.ssi b/manual/en/user_customization-packages.ssi
index 834790a..9704220 100644
--- a/manual/en/user_customization-packages.ssi
+++ b/manual/en/user_customization-packages.ssi
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 1~customizing-package-installation Customizing package installation
-Perhaps the most basic customization of a Debian live system is the selection of packages to be included in the image. This chapter guides you through the various build-time options to customize live-build's installation of packages. The broadest choices influencing which packages are available to install in the image are the distribution and archive areas. To ensure decent download speeds, you should choose a nearby distribution mirror. You can also add your own repositories for backports, experimental or custom packages, or include packages directly as files. You can define your own lists of packages to include, use live-build's predefined lists, use /{tasksel}/ tasks, or a combination of all three. Finally, a number of options give some control over /{apt}/, or if you prefer, /{aptitude}/, at build time when packages are installed. You may find these handy if you use a proxy, want to disable installation of recommended packages to save space, or need to control which vers
 ions of packages are installed via APT pinning, to name a few possibilities.
+Perhaps the most basic customization of a Debian live system is the selection of packages to be included in the image. This chapter guides you through the various build-time options to customize live-build's installation of packages. The broadest choices influencing which packages are available to install in the image are the distribution and archive areas. To ensure decent download speeds, you should choose a nearby distribution mirror. You can also add your own repositories for backports, experimental or custom packages, or include packages directly as files. You can define lists of packages, including metapackages which will install many related packages at once, such as packages for a particular desktop or language. Finally, a number of options give some control over /{apt}/, or if you prefer, /{aptitude}/, at build time when packages are installed. You may find these handy if you use a proxy, want to disable installation of recommended packages to save space, or need to
  control which versions of packages are installed via APT pinning, to name a few possibilities.
 2~ Package sources
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ code{
 3~ Local package lists
-You may supplement the predefined lists using local package lists stored in #{config/package-lists/}#.
+Whether you list metapackages, individual packages, or a combination of both, all local package lists are stored in #{config/package-lists/}#.
 Package lists that exist in this directory need to have a #{.list}# suffix in order to be processed, and then an additional stage suffix, #{.chroot}# or #{.binary}# to indicate which stage the list is for.


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