[Debian-np-devel] Updates on ISO

Marco Presi zufus@debian.org
Wed, 09 Jun 2004 15:56:10 -0300

Hallo all,

      I understood how to replace exim with postfix. All the procedure
      requires also a modify on debian-installer, because postif
      postinst requires that /etc/hostname is setted, and there is no
      way to do it unless modifying debian-installer.

      Actually Otavio build a udeb that fix this problem. I am going to
      test it in the next 2 hours.

      Apart from this (if you run the installer and manually set
      /etc/hostname) the installer works.

      I tried the Server profile (installing only np-mail-server). All
      deps are installed fine, but the configure script fails. I will
      send you later details about this.

      Ciao Ciao 


"I videogiochi non influenzano i bambini. Voglio dire, se Pac-Man avesse
influenzato la nostra generazione, staremmo tutti saltando in sale
scure, masticando pillole magiche e ascoltando musica elettronica

"Videogames do not influence kids. I mean, if Pac-Man influenced our
generation, we were all jumping in dark rooms, chomping pills and
listening to electronic repeating music."

Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc. 1989