[Debian-olpc-devel] Bug#512258: sugar-web-activity: drop-down input fields (HTML forms) not working

Sascha Silbe sascha-debian-bugs-sugar-1 at silbe.org
Thu Feb 12 22:53:56 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 11:51:02PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

[unsigned packages]
> I claim (through this signed email) that I myself compiled all 
> packages offered at debian.jones.dk in clean (or 
> least-possible-unclean[1]) build environments.
If I somehow suggested your packages are of minor quality or something 
like that just because they're not signed, I apologize.
I'm sensitive regarding unsigned packages because I have good reasons 
_not_ to trust the university network (i.e. my internet uplink).

> My Lenny packages has been compiled against libraries in Lenny.
> Sid packages has been compiled against libraries in Sid.
OK, seems like I misunderstood how testing works. Until now, I thought 
packages are always uploaded to sid and automatically enter testing if 
no bug is filed against the new version within a certain period (one 
Do you have a quick pointer to some documentation explaining how it 
actually works?

> Please test if a pure Sid environment works.
I haven't yet been able to reproduce it inside a VM running mixed 
lenny+sid packages as well. They only differ in non-sugar-related 
As the issue persists on the original machine, I'll need to debug it 
further. I've seen some further unblocking confirmations; as the 
differences between sid and lenny seem only minor now (i.e. not 
affecting any code) I'll try again with the lenny ones now.

CU Sascha

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