[Debian-olpc-devel] Processed: reassign 729838 to libxvmcnvidia1, affects 729838, tagging 729838, found 730300 in 2.3.0-3 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at bugs.debian.org
Sun Nov 24 20:41:25 UTC 2013
Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:
> reassign 729838 libxvmcnvidia1 304.108-2
Bug #729838 [src:nvidia-graphics-drivers] libgl1-nvidia-glx recommends libxvmcnvidia1
Bug reassigned from package 'src:nvidia-graphics-drivers' to 'libxvmcnvidia1'.
No longer marked as found in versions nvidia-graphics-drivers/319.60-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #729838 to the same values previously set
Bug #729838 [libxvmcnvidia1] libgl1-nvidia-glx recommends libxvmcnvidia1
Marked as found in versions nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-304xx/304.108-2.
> affects 729838 libgl1-nvidia-glx
Bug #729838 [libxvmcnvidia1] libgl1-nvidia-glx recommends libxvmcnvidia1
Added indication that 729838 affects libgl1-nvidia-glx
> tags 729838 + pending
Bug #729838 [libxvmcnvidia1] libgl1-nvidia-glx recommends libxvmcnvidia1
Added tag(s) pending.
> found 730300 2.3.0-3
Bug #730300 [liblttng-ust0,liblttng-ust2] liblttng-ust2 and liblttng-ust0: error when trying to install together
There is no source info for the package 'liblttng-ust2' at version '2.3.0-3' with architecture ''
Marked as found in versions ust/2.3.0-3.
> tags 729022 - help moreinfo
Bug #729022 {Done: Matthias Klose <doko at debian.org>} [libgcj14,gcj-4.8-jre-headless] libgcj14: File conflict between libgcj14 and gcj-4.8-jre-headless
Removed tag(s) help and moreinfo.
> found 730267 1.12~alpha1+dfsg-1
Bug #730267 [libkrb5-dev,heimdal-multidev] libkrb5-dev: file conflict with heimdal-multidev: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/k{adm, rb5}*.pc
There is no source info for the package 'heimdal-multidev' at version '1.12~alpha1+dfsg-1' with architecture ''
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #730267 to the same values previously set
> found 730267 1.6~git20131117+dfsg-2
Bug #730267 [libkrb5-dev,heimdal-multidev] libkrb5-dev: file conflict with heimdal-multidev: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/k{adm, rb5}*.pc
There is no source info for the package 'libkrb5-dev' at version '1.6~git20131117+dfsg-2' with architecture ''
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #730267 to the same values previously set
> # fixing confused bugs http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/bts-is-confused.cgi - found and fixed in the same version
> notfixed 726676 3.10.11-1
Bug #726676 {Done: Andris Kalnozols <andris at hpl.hp.com>} [src:linux] linux-image-3.10-3-amd64: TCP packet loss when using proxy ARP IP addresses
No longer marked as fixed in versions src:linux/3.10.11-1.
> notfixed 724910 1:2.1.17-2
Bug #724910 {Done: Pascal Volk <user at localhost.localdomain.org>} [dovecot-core] dovecot-core: README.Debian contains the wron wiki URL
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1:2.1.17-2.
> notfixed 717515 2.01.10-32.7
Bug #717515 {Done: Julien Viard de Galbert <julien at vdg.blogsite.org>} [webalizer] webalizer: man page states STDIN is default logfile, in reality it is /var/log/apache/access.log.1
No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.01.10-32.7.
> notfixed 710677 5.5.0~rc2+dfsg-1
Bug #710677 {Done: Lior Kaplan <kaplan at debian.org>} [php5] [php5] Call to undefined function json_decode()/json_encode()
No longer marked as fixed in versions 5.5.0~rc2+dfsg-1.
> notfixed 707759 5.5.0~rc1-2
Bug #707759 {Done: Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>} [libapache2-mod-php5] remove scary words in Description
No longer marked as fixed in versions 5.5.0~rc1-2.
> notfound 681120 1:1.4-p6-13.1
Bug #681120 {Done: Eric Dorland <eric at debian.org>} [automake1.4] CVE-2012-3386: Information disclosure
No longer marked as found in versions automake/1:1.4-p6-13.1.
> found 681120 1:1.4-p6-13
Bug #681120 {Done: Eric Dorland <eric at debian.org>} [automake1.4] CVE-2012-3386: Information disclosure
Marked as found in versions automake/1:1.4-p6-13.
> notfixed 671234 4.2-build2005-2
Bug #671234 [oss4-source] Please include oss-source in sid
No longer marked as fixed in versions oss4/4.2-build2005-2.
> notfound 668574 6.18.01-1
Bug #668574 [tcsh] tcsh: "echo ``" causes segfault
No longer marked as found in versions tcsh/6.18.01-1.
> notfixed 656228 2.20.1-5
Bug #656228 [util-linux] util-linux: please ship all the release notes
No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.20.1-5.
> notfixed 647625 20080907-4
Bug #647625 [haskell98-report] haskell98-report: error in postscript file
No longer marked as fixed in versions 20080907-4.
> notfixed 641853 0.8.8+dfsg-1
Bug #641853 [calibre] calibre: no such file or directory error even though the dir/file exists
No longer marked as fixed in versions calibre/0.8.8+dfsg-1.
> close 641853
Bug #641853 [calibre] calibre: no such file or directory error even though the dir/file exists
Marked Bug as done
> notfound 632398 3.4.0-2
Bug #632398 [zenity] zenity: file-filter option is not documented
No longer marked as found in versions zenity/3.4.0-2.
> close 632398
Bug #632398 [zenity] zenity: file-filter option is not documented
Marked Bug as done
> notfound 629167 0.5.0-0.1
Bug #629167 {Done: Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>} [patchage] patchage: Drop LASH support
No longer marked as found in versions patchage/0.5.0-0.1.
> found 629167 0.4.4-1.2
Bug #629167 {Done: Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>} [patchage] patchage: Drop LASH support
Marked as found in versions patchage/0.4.4-1.2.
> notfixed 629120 0.94-2
Bug #629120 [libdbus-glib-1-2] network-manager: doesn't connect anymore to wireless networks
No longer marked as fixed in versions 0.94-2.
> notfound 594930 2.20.1-1
Bug #594930 [libgtk2.0-0] Spews console with GTK+ messages
Bug #580139 [libgtk2.0-0] (inkscape:25344): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_misc_set_alignment: assertion `GTK_IS_MISC (misc)' failed
Bug #588506 [libgtk2.0-0] cannot start inkscape using gnome GUI
Bug #618833 [libgtk2.0-0] inkscape spews to stderr: Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_misc_set_alignment: assertion `GTK_IS_MISC (misc)' failed
No longer marked as found in versions gtk+2.0/2.20.1-1.
No longer marked as found in versions gtk+2.0/2.20.1-1.
No longer marked as found in versions gtk+2.0/2.20.1-1.
No longer marked as found in versions gtk+2.0/2.20.1-1.
> close 594930
Bug #594930 [libgtk2.0-0] Spews console with GTK+ messages
Bug #580139 [libgtk2.0-0] (inkscape:25344): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_misc_set_alignment: assertion `GTK_IS_MISC (misc)' failed
Bug #588506 [libgtk2.0-0] cannot start inkscape using gnome GUI
Bug #618833 [libgtk2.0-0] inkscape spews to stderr: Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_misc_set_alignment: assertion `GTK_IS_MISC (misc)' failed
Marked Bug as done
Marked Bug as done
Marked Bug as done
Marked Bug as done
> notfixed 616402 3.6.6-1.1
Bug #616402 [afflib-tools] afflib-tools: please return to shared libafflib linkage
No longer marked as fixed in versions afflib-tools/3.6.6-1.1.
> notfixed 607497 0.2.7-1.1
Bug #607497 [midori] midori: Loads HTTPS with SSL errors without any notice
Bug #672880 [midori] CVE-2012-2132: does not indicate whether or not an SSL certificate is valid
No longer marked as fixed in versions midori/0.2.7-1.1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions midori/0.2.7-1.1.
> notfixed 596081 0.0.20100314-1
Bug #596081 {Done: Georges Khaznadar <georges.khaznadar at free.fr>} [kicad] kicad: Kicad libraries regul and discret contains errors in components 7805 and TO220_VERT
No longer marked as fixed in versions kicad/0.0.20100314-1.
> notfixed 584798 2.0.0-2
Bug #584798 {Done: Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>} [flightgear] flightgear: Segmentation fault
No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.0.0-2.
> notfixed 574105 2.92-1
Bug #574105 {Done: Bernd Zeimetz <bernd at bzed.de>} [gpsd] API breakage in version 2.92
No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.92-1.
> notfixed 568704 0.99-0.2
Bug #568704 {Done: Daigo Moriwaki <daigo at debian.org>} [libunwind] ftp.debian.org: libunwind is not built on specified architectures
There is no source info for the package 'libunwind' at version '0.99-0.2' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '0.99-0.2'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 0.99-0.2.
> notfixed 564634 23.1+1-5
Bug #564634 {Done: Frank Küster <frank at kuesterei.ch>} [emacs23] emacs23: Problem with Emacs' geometry and its not respecting Xresources
No longer marked as fixed in versions 23.1+1-5.
> notfound 533383 0.9~beta11-1
Bug #533383 [aqualung] aqualung crashes if a CDDA is in the CD-drive
No longer marked as found in versions aqualung/0.9~beta11-1.
> close 533383
Bug #533383 [aqualung] aqualung crashes if a CDDA is in the CD-drive
Marked Bug as done
> notfound 527128 3.3~rc1-1
Bug #527128 {Done: Jonny Lamb <jonny at debian.org>} [awesome] focus doesn't respect which tag is showing when changed quickly
No longer marked as found in versions awesome/3.3~rc1-1.
> notfixed 527997 4.62-1
Bug #527997 [nmap] nmap: links against embedded copy of liblua
No longer marked as fixed in versions 4.62-1.
> notfound 526256 2.42-1
Bug #526256 {Done: Leo 'costela' Antunes <costela at debian.org>} [transmission-cli] transmission-cli: no IPV6 support
No longer marked as found in versions transmission/2.42-1.
> notfound 510519 2.24.1-1
Bug #510519 {Done: Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>} [evince] evince: Reports "Unknown MIME Type" when a file doesn't actually exist
No longer marked as found in versions evince/2.24.1-1.
> notfound 491074 6b11-1
Bug #491074 {Done: "Torsten Werner" <mail.twerner at googlemail.com>} [openjdk-6-jdk] openjdk-6-jdk: sigsegv when compiling with javac
No longer marked as found in versions openjdk-6/6b11-1.
> notfixed 472477 3.2.2-2
Bug #472477 [gnome-keyring] ssh-add -D does not remove SSH key from gnome-keyring-daemon memory
No longer marked as fixed in versions 3.2.2-2.
> notfixed 463034 1.97-1
Bug #463034 [powertop] powertop: PowerPC support
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1.97-1.
> notfound 179384 0.7.14
Bug #179384 {Done: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <jackyf.devel at gmail.com>} [apt] apt: Limit rate suport (very important for slow connections!)
Bug #146877 {Done: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <jackyf.devel at gmail.com>} [apt] apt should have an option to limit bandwidth
Bug #156578 {Done: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <jackyf.devel at gmail.com>} [apt] apt: please implement bandwidth throttling
Bug #240417 {Done: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <jackyf.devel at gmail.com>} [apt] /usr/bin/apt-get: Request for feature: download rate limit option
Bug #270869 {Done: "Eugene V. Lyubimkin" <jackyf.devel at gmail.com>} [apt] /usr/bin/apt-get: [wish] apt-get --limit-download-rate=x [as wget]
No longer marked as found in versions apt/0.7.14.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #146877 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #156578 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #240417 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #270869 to the same values previously set
> notfound 377950 2.6.1-3
Bug #377950 {Done: Luigi Gangitano <luigi at debian.org>} [squid] unrecognized: ' httpd_accel_with_proxy on'
Bug #380442 {Done: Luigi Gangitano <luigi at debian.org>} [squid] squid: HTTP acceleration is broken
No longer marked as found in versions squid/2.6.1-3.
No longer marked as found in versions squid/2.6.1-3.
> fixed 402177 2.16.2-2
Bug #402177 [epiphany-browser] Still impossible to open blank (page/URL) new tabs
Marked as fixed in versions epiphany-browser/2.16.2-2.
> notfixed 402177 2.28.0-1
Bug #402177 [epiphany-browser] Still impossible to open blank (page/URL) new tabs
No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.28.0-1.
> notfixed 398742 0.92.0-6
Bug #398742 {Done: Yavor Doganov <yavor at doganov.org>} [wmaker] wmaker: Source package fails to compile
No longer marked as fixed in versions 0.92.0-6.
> notfixed 388416 2.4.1-2
Bug #388416 {Done: Aron Xu <happyaron.xu at gmail.com>} [fontconfig] fontconfig: Errors during upgrade: "error scanning"
No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.4.1-2.
> reassign 726057 msr-tools 1.3-1
Bug #726057 {Done: Andres Salomon <dilinger at debian.org>} [cpuid,msr-tools] msr-tools and cpuid: error when trying to install together
Bug reassigned from package 'cpuid,msr-tools' to 'msr-tools'.
No longer marked as found in versions msr-tools/1.3-1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions msr-tools/1.3-2.
Bug #726057 {Done: Andres Salomon <dilinger at debian.org>} [msr-tools] msr-tools and cpuid: error when trying to install together
Marked as found in versions msr-tools/1.3-1.
> close 726057 1.3-2
Bug #726057 {Done: Andres Salomon <dilinger at debian.org>} [msr-tools] msr-tools and cpuid: error when trying to install together
Marked as fixed in versions msr-tools/1.3-2.
Bug #726057 {Done: Andres Salomon <dilinger at debian.org>} [msr-tools] msr-tools and cpuid: error when trying to install together
Bug 726057 is already marked as done; not doing anything.
> affects 726057 + cpuid
Bug #726057 {Done: Andres Salomon <dilinger at debian.org>} [msr-tools] msr-tools and cpuid: error when trying to install together
Added indication that 726057 affects cpuid
> reopen 302784
Bug #302784 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: md5 check not caught
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> reassign 352474 mountmedia
Bug #352474 {Done: Joey Hess <joeyh at debian.org>} [mountfloppy] Should not ask device question if no candidate devices found
Bug reassigned from package 'mountfloppy' to 'mountmedia'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #352474 to the same values previously set
No longer marked as fixed in versions mountmedia/0.17.
> fixed 352474 0.17
Bug #352474 {Done: Joey Hess <joeyh at debian.org>} [mountmedia] Should not ask device question if no candidate devices found
Marked as fixed in versions mountmedia/0.17.
> close 352474
Bug #352474 {Done: Joey Hess <joeyh at debian.org>} [mountmedia] Should not ask device question if no candidate devices found
Bug 352474 is already marked as done; not doing anything.
> reopen 430392
Bug #430392 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: Please show an error message more later
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> reopen 434502
Bug #434502 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: No info or error will be shown when using --purge
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> reopen 445034
Bug #445034 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] ignores version specification in "install pkg=ver"
Bug #590686 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude returns success (0) on failure to install
Bug #592818 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude returns with exit code 0 even if install of a certain version of package fails
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> fixed 451658 2.5.92-1
Bug #451658 {Done: Hilmar Preusse <hille42 at web.de>} [libfontconfig1-dev] libfontconfig1-dev: Please include a doc-base registration file
There is no source info for the package 'libfontconfig1-dev' at version '2.5.92-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '2.5.92-1'
Marked as fixed in versions 2.5.92-1.
> notfound 457647 2.22-1
Bug #457647 {Done: Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org>} [ttf-dejavu] fontconfig-files of upstream sources are not in package
No longer marked as found in versions ttf-dejavu/2.22-1.
> reopen 497299
Bug #497299 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] search should return exit status 1 if no matches, like grep(1)
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> reopen 501732
Bug #501732 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] debtags not shown
Bug #532080 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: searching for tags does not work
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> reopen 504153
Bug #504153 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: leaves empty ~/.debtags/ dir on exit
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> fixed 505678 8.14.4-4
Bug #505678 {Done: Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org>} [libmilter-dev] libmilter-dev: cannot compile milters in 32-bit chroot
Marked as fixed in versions sendmail/8.14.4-4.
> fixed 559348 2.8.0-1.1
Bug #559348 {Done: Riku Voipio <riku.voipio at iki.fi>} [fontconfig] dependencies are not guaranteed at prerm time
Marked as fixed in versions fontconfig/2.8.0-1.1.
> reopen 576212
Bug #576212 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: continues without prompt when installing non-existent packages
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> reopen 587671
Bug #587671 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: cmdline actions ignoring -o options
Bug #652234 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: cmdline ignores -o Package-Display-Width
Bug #664576 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] don't ask if there is nothing to do
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> reopen 639789
Bug #639789 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: Should pause and ask user before continuing when some downloads failed
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> reopen 675833
Bug #675833 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude changelog command returns exit code 0 on errors
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> reopen 677551
Bug #677551 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] Let's get rid of libept
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> notfound 679073 2012.20120623-2
Bug #679073 {Done: Hilmar Preusse <hille42 at web.de>} [texlive-binaries] texlive-base: failed during dist-upgrade (/usr/bin/fmtutil: Segmentation fault)
No longer marked as found in versions texlive-bin/2012.20120623-2.
> reopen 679602
Bug #679602 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: Shows package task-spooler in Tasks hierachy despite being section misc
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> notfound 681051 0.3.9+dfsg-1
Bug #681051 {Done: أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) <aelmahmoudy at sabily.org>} [xpra] xpra: menus pop up off-screen
No longer marked as found in versions 0.3.9+dfsg-1.
> notfound 682596 2.12.20-1
Bug #682596 {Done: Andreas Metzler <ametzler at debian.org>} [src:gnutls26] gnutls26: Move some dependencies to Build-Depends-Indep
No longer marked as found in versions gnutls26/2.12.20-1.
> found 684330 0.80
Bug #684330 {Done: Guillem Jover <guillem at debian.org>} [kfreebsd-kernel-headers] /usr/include/netinet/sctp.h: <netinet/sctp.h> does not compile
Marked as found in versions kfreebsd-kernel-headers/0.80.
> fixed 684330 9.0-1
Bug #684330 {Done: Guillem Jover <guillem at debian.org>} [kfreebsd-kernel-headers] /usr/include/netinet/sctp.h: <netinet/sctp.h> does not compile
Marked as fixed in versions kfreebsd-kernel-headers/9.0-1.
> notfound 685269 2.33-2
Bug #685269 {Done: Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org>} [src:ttf-dejavu] Please use xz extreme compression
No longer marked as found in versions ttf-dejavu/2.33-2.
> notfound 685269 2.33-3
Bug #685269 {Done: Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org>} [src:ttf-dejavu] Please use xz extreme compression
No longer marked as found in versions ttf-dejavu/2.33-3.
> notfound 686648 1.36+svn2287-1
Bug #686648 {Done: Simon McVittie <smcv at debian.org>} [ioquake3] ioquake3: consider disallowing auto-downloading in wheezy
No longer marked as found in versions ioquake3/1.36+svn2287-1.
> found 690986 8.1+dfsg-7
Bug #690986 {Done: Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org>} [kfreebsd-8] CVE-2012-5363 CVE-2012-5365
There is no source info for the package 'kfreebsd-8' at version '8.1+dfsg-7' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '8.1+dfsg-7'
Marked as found in versions 8.1+dfsg-7.
> fixed 691433 3.6-rzb2752+dfsg-1
Bug #691433 {Done: Charlie Smotherman <cjsmo at cableone.net>} [ampache] ampache: cronjob exits with error after package removal
Marked as fixed in versions ampache/3.6-rzb2752+dfsg-1.
> notfound 691635 1.49.0-3.1
Bug #691635 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost-mpi-python1.49.0] libboost-mpi-python1.49.0: missing dependency on openmpi-bin and breaks pydoc
No longer marked as found in versions boost1.49/1.49.0-3.1.
> notfound 692416 1:9.9.2.dfsg.P1-1
Bug #692416 {Done: LaMont Jones <lamont at debian.org>} [bind9] [Wishlist] bind9 with dlopen enabled as default
No longer marked as found in versions bind9/1:9.9.2.dfsg.P1-1.
> notfixed 696059 3.3~rc6-1~experimental.1
Bug #696059 {Done: Ben Hutchings <ben at decadent.org.uk>} [linux] linux: PATCH required for server interrupt load balancing/irqbalance (tested)
There is no source info for the package 'linux' at version '3.3~rc6-1~experimental.1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '3.3~rc6-1~experimental.1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 3.3~rc6-1~experimental.1.
> fixed 696059 3.3~rc6-1~experimental.1
Bug #696059 {Done: Ben Hutchings <ben at decadent.org.uk>} [linux] linux: PATCH required for server interrupt load balancing/irqbalance (tested)
There is no source info for the package 'linux' at version '3.3~rc6-1~experimental.1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '3.3~rc6-1~experimental.1'
Marked as fixed in versions 3.3~rc6-1~experimental.1.
> notfound 696464 3.12.6-3
Bug #696464 {Done: "Didier 'OdyX' Raboud" <odyx at debian.org>} [hplip] hp 1020 debian 7 failed
No longer marked as found in versions hplip/3.12.6-3.
> fixed 699135 1.0.1-2
Bug #699135 {Done: Alexander Wirt <formorer at debian.org>} [src:libnfnetlink] libnfnetlink: FTBFS on x32: Needs libtool update
Marked as fixed in versions libnfnetlink/1.0.1-2.
> notfixed 704988 3.4.1-1~experimental.1
Bug #704988 {Done: Ben Hutchings <ben at decadent.org.uk>} [src:linux] linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64: nfsd allocation errors in dmesg
The source 'linux' and version '3.4.1-1~experimental.1' do not appear to match any binary packages
No longer marked as fixed in versions 3.4.1-1~experimental.1.
> fixed 704988 linux-2.6/3.4.1-1~experimental.1
Bug #704988 {Done: Ben Hutchings <ben at decadent.org.uk>} [src:linux] linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64: nfsd allocation errors in dmesg
Marked as fixed in versions linux-2.6/3.4.1-1~experimental.1.
> fixed 711342 3.10.1-1
Bug #711342 {Done: Ben Hutchings <ben at decadent.org.uk>} [src:linux] linux-image-3.10-rc4-amd64: does not include f2fs filesystem support
Marked as fixed in versions linux/3.10.1-1.
> fixed 713042 3.5-1~experimental.1
Bug #713042 {Done: Ben Hutchings <ben at decadent.org.uk>} [src:linux] linux-image-3.2.0-4-686-pae: USB webcam turns on but fails to work (regression)
Marked as fixed in versions linux/3.5-1~experimental.1.
> found 714260 2.6.0-1
Bug #714260 {Done: Markus Wanner <markus at bluegap.ch>} [fgfs-base] fgfs-base: New upstream release
Marked as found in versions fgfs-base/2.6.0-1.
> notfound 714260 2.6.0-1.1
Bug #714260 {Done: Markus Wanner <markus at bluegap.ch>} [fgfs-base] fgfs-base: New upstream release
No longer marked as found in versions fgfs-base/2.6.0-1.1.
> notfixed 718471 2:3.14.6-1
Bug #718471 {Done: Mike Hommey <mh at glandium.org>} [libnss3] iceweasel: Root Verisign cert allowed to sign code in ff but not iceweasel
There is no source info for the package 'libnss3' at version '2:3.14.6-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '2:3.14.6-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 2:3.14.6-1.
> notfound 720128 1.16
Bug #720128 {Done: Joey Hess <joeyh at debian.org>} [mr] mr: Update of manpage and Suggests field for 'mr grep'.
No longer marked as found in versions mr/1.16.
> notfound 726156
Bug #726156 {Done: Michael Vogt <mvo at debian.org>} [python-apt] latest APT breaks InstallProgress
No longer marked as found in versions python-apt/
> notfound 722485 3.10.2+dfsg-11
Bug #722485 {Done: Thomas Preud'homme <robotux at debian.org>} [libdspam7-drv-hash] libdspam7-drv-hash: dspam segfaults [cssclean]
No longer marked as found in versions dspam/3.10.2+dfsg-11.
> found 722485 3.10.2+dfsg-11
Bug #722485 {Done: Thomas Preud'homme <robotux at debian.org>} [libdspam7-drv-hash] libdspam7-drv-hash: dspam segfaults [cssclean]
Marked as found in versions dspam/3.10.2+dfsg-11 and reopened.
> notfound 719766 4.0.0+dfsg-1
Bug #719766 {Done: Cédric Boutillier <boutil at debian.org>} [ruby-activesupport-4.0] ruby-activesupport-4.0: Uninstallable: Depends on nonexistent package ruby-thread-safe
No longer marked as found in versions rails-4.0/4.0.0+dfsg-1.
> notfixed 715325 1.3.10+dfsg-1
Bug #715325 {Done: Jérémy Lal <kapouer at melix.org>} [npm] npm: CVE-2013-4116: predictable temporary filenames when unpacking tarballs
There is no source info for the package 'npm' at version '1.3.10+dfsg-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '1.3.10+dfsg-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1.3.10+dfsg-1.
> fixed 715325 1.3.10~dfsg-1
Bug #715325 {Done: Jérémy Lal <kapouer at melix.org>} [npm] npm: CVE-2013-4116: predictable temporary filenames when unpacking tarballs
Marked as fixed in versions npm/1.3.10~dfsg-1.
> fixed 714300 1.1.1-1
Bug #714300 {Done: Andrew Lee (李健秋) <ajqlee at debian.org>} [pcmanfm] pcmanfm: crashes when ejecting removable media volume
Marked as fixed in versions pcmanfm/1.1.1-1.
> fixed 711309 1:4.1.1~rc1-1
Bug #711309 {Done: Danie Heins <myscelus at mail.bg>} [libreoffice-writer] libreoffice-writer: Inserts new lines after links
Marked as fixed in versions libreoffice/1:4.1.1~rc1-1.
> notfixed 709259 1:8.8.0+2011.09.23-491607-1
Bug #709259 {Done: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann at progress-technologies.net>} [open-vm-tools] vmsvc: Failed to get vmstats.
There is no source info for the package 'open-vm-tools' at version '1:8.8.0+2011.09.23-491607-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '1:8.8.0+2011.09.23-491607-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1:8.8.0+2011.09.23-491607-1.
> fixed 709259 2:8.8.0+2011.09.23-491607-1
Bug #709259 {Done: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann at progress-technologies.net>} [open-vm-tools] vmsvc: Failed to get vmstats.
Marked as fixed in versions open-vm-tools/2:8.8.0+2011.09.23-491607-1.
> fixed 681069 8.0-1
Bug #681069 {Done: Scott Kitterman <scott at kitterman.com>} [linkchecker] Throws exceptions when run
Marked as fixed in versions linkchecker/8.0-1.
> fixed 680978 3.8.0-1
Bug #680978 {Done: Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org>} [gnome-shell] gnome-shell: installing from extensions.gnome.org requires unzip
Marked as fixed in versions gnome-shell/3.8.0-1.
> notfixed 680690 3.4.0
Bug #680690 {Done: Ross Gammon <rossgammon at mail.dk>} [gramps] gramps: Crash when clicking "ok" in family window
There is no source info for the package 'gramps' at version '3.4.0' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '3.4.0'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 3.4.0.
> notfound 665443 ucf/3.0025+nmu2
Bug #665443 {Done: Robert Luberda <robert at debian.org>} [ucf] ucf: Fails to `revert to using old-style, non-debconf prompting.'
Bug #721284 {Done: Robert Luberda <robert at debian.org>} [ucf] rlinetd and ucf problems in update-inetd
No longer marked as found in versions ucf/3.0025+nmu2.
No longer marked as found in versions ucf/3.0025+nmu2.
> notfound 464101 0.6.0~rc1-1
Bug #464101 {Done: Matvey Kozhev <sikon at lucidfox.org>} [smplayer] Missing smplayer-themes
No longer marked as found in versions smplayer/0.6.0~rc1-1.
> reopen 121313
Bug #121313 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude: Seems to hide package manager errors and fails to install packages mysteriously
Bug #139615 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] doesn't return non-zero from errors
Bug #174090 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude doesn't report fatal errors
Bug #445035 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] exit code always successful
Bug #516161 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude has unpredictable state following network error
Bug #529925 {Done: Daniel Hartwig <mandyke at gmail.com>} [aptitude] aptitude should exit non-zero on error
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions aptitude/0.6.9-1~exp1.
> fixed 190630 2.1.05+dfsg-1
Bug #190630 {Done: Neil Williams <codehelp at debian.org>} [yorick-doc] yorick-doc: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends
Marked as fixed in versions yorick/2.1.05+dfsg-1.
> fixed 265638 6.5.3-1
Bug #265638 {Done: Johan Haggi <jh at orsobruno.net>} [gcompris-sound-it] gcompris-sound-it: Wrong rate of italian ogg files
Marked as fixed in versions gcompris/6.5.3-1.
> fixed 304087 0.5.1-1
Bug #304087 {Done: Kel Modderman <kelrin at tpg.com.au>} [wpasupplicant] static wep broken on wext driver backend
Marked as fixed in versions wpasupplicant/0.5.1-1.
> fixed 306804 2.9.0-1
Bug #306804 {Done: Wolfgang Baer <WBaer at gmx.de>} [libxerces2-java-doc] libxerces2-java-doc: Please change the Build-Depends from 'j2re1.4' to 'java2-compiler' and recognize the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Marked as fixed in versions libxerces2-java/2.9.0-1.
> notfixed 314404 1:2.0.0-1
Bug #314404 {Done: Fathi Boudra <fabo at debian.org>} [kile] kile: Can only add complete (.cwl) files from default directory
There is no source info for the package 'kile' at version '1:2.0.0-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '1:2.0.0-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1:2.0.0-1.
> fixed 314404 1:2.0-1
Bug #314404 {Done: Fathi Boudra <fabo at debian.org>} [kile] kile: Can only add complete (.cwl) files from default directory
Marked as fixed in versions kile/1:2.0-1.
> found 317146 4.2.1.dfsg-2
Bug #317146 {Done: Fathi Boudra <fabo at debian.org>} [mingw32] Regression: mingw-4.2 requires shared lib{gcc,stdc++} for cross-dll exceptions
Bug #451438 {Done: Fathi Boudra <fabo at debian.org>} [mingw32] mingw32: cannot find -lgcc_s
Marked as found in versions mingw32/4.2.1.dfsg-2 and reopened.
Marked as found in versions mingw32/4.2.1.dfsg-2 and reopened.
> notfixed 319409 1:2.0.0-1
Bug #319409 {Done: Fathi Boudra <fabo at debian.org>} [kile] kile: opens in Normal Mode files of a Kile project after a reverse search
There is no source info for the package 'kile' at version '1:2.0.0-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '1:2.0.0-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1:2.0.0-1.
> fixed 319409 1:2.0-1
Bug #319409 {Done: Fathi Boudra <fabo at debian.org>} [kile] kile: opens in Normal Mode files of a Kile project after a reverse search
Marked as fixed in versions kile/1:2.0-1.
> notfixed 448752 1:2.0.0-1
Bug #448752 {Done: Fathi Boudra <fabo at debian.org>} [kile] searches for docs in wrong place
There is no source info for the package 'kile' at version '1:2.0.0-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '1:2.0.0-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1:2.0.0-1.
> fixed 448752 1:2.0-1
Bug #448752 {Done: Fathi Boudra <fabo at debian.org>} [kile] searches for docs in wrong place
Marked as fixed in versions kile/1:2.0-1.
> notfixed 379106 2.16.3-7
Bug #379106 {Done: Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>} [libgnomevfs2-0] nautilus: sftp remote access method depends on remote ssh login prompt
There is no source info for the package 'libgnomevfs2-0' at version '2.16.3-7' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '2.16.3-7'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.16.3-7.
> fixed 379106 1:2.16.3-7
Bug #379106 {Done: Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>} [libgnomevfs2-0] nautilus: sftp remote access method depends on remote ssh login prompt
Marked as fixed in versions gnome-vfs2/1:2.16.3-7.
> notfound 379106 2.14.2-3
Bug #379106 {Done: Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>} [libgnomevfs2-0] nautilus: sftp remote access method depends on remote ssh login prompt
No longer marked as found in versions 2.14.2-3.
> notfixed 411814 0.9-1
Bug #411814 {Done: Michael Tokarev <mjt at tls.msk.ru>} [qemu] incredible slow while installing debian from cd
There is no source info for the package 'qemu' at version '0.9-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '0.9-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 0.9-1.
> fixed 411814 0.9.0-1
Bug #411814 {Done: Michael Tokarev <mjt at tls.msk.ru>} [qemu] incredible slow while installing debian from cd
Marked as fixed in versions qemu/0.9.0-1.
> notfound 423833 1.3.2-3
Bug #423833 {Done: Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) <gandalf at le-vert.net>} [audacious] audacious: Crash (illegal instruction) when playing MP3 file
No longer marked as found in versions audacious/1.3.2-3.
> notfixed 423833 1.3.4-2
Bug #423833 {Done: Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) <gandalf at le-vert.net>} [audacious] audacious: Crash (illegal instruction) when playing MP3 file
There is no source info for the package 'audacious' at version '1.3.4-2' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '1.3.4-2'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1.3.4-2.
> fixed 423833 audacious-plugins/1.3.4-2
Bug #423833 {Done: Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) <gandalf at le-vert.net>} [audacious] audacious: Crash (illegal instruction) when playing MP3 file
Marked as fixed in versions audacious-plugins/1.3.4-2.
> reopen 433372
Bug #433372 {Done: Christine Spang <christine at debian.org>} [armagetronad] armagetronad: Wrong category in desktop definition
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them.
Bug reopened
No longer marked as fixed in versions armagetronad/0.3.0-2.
> fixed 446833 0.4.5-2
Bug #446833 {Done: Carlo Segre <segre at iit.edu>} [xournal] xournal: Does not draw or erase
Marked as fixed in versions xournal/0.4.5-2.
> notfixed 446833
Bug #446833 {Done: Carlo Segre <segre at iit.edu>} [xournal] xournal: Does not draw or erase
There is no source info for the package 'xournal' at version '' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version ''
No longer marked as fixed in versions
> found 446833
Bug #446833 {Done: Carlo Segre <segre at iit.edu>} [xournal] xournal: Does not draw or erase
There is no source info for the package 'xournal' at version '' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version ''
Marked as found in versions
> notfixed 466398 4.7.0+git20080711-1
Bug #466398 {Done: "Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐)" <danai.sae-han at edpnet.be>} [latex-cjk-korean] Odd description (may interfere with dependencies?)
There is no source info for the package 'latex-cjk-korean' at version '4.7.0+git20080711-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '4.7.0+git20080711-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 4.7.0+git20080711-1.
> fixed 466398 4.8.0+git20080711-1
Bug #466398 {Done: "Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐)" <danai.sae-han at edpnet.be>} [latex-cjk-korean] Odd description (may interfere with dependencies?)
Marked as fixed in versions cjk/4.8.0+git20080711-1.
> notfixed 482554 4.7.0+git20080711-1
Bug #482554 {Done: "Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐)" <danai.sae-han at edpnet.be>} [latex-cjk-common] latex-cjk-common: freetype1 deprecation
There is no source info for the package 'latex-cjk-common' at version '4.7.0+git20080711-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '4.7.0+git20080711-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 4.7.0+git20080711-1.
> fixed 482554 4.8.0+git20080711-1
Bug #482554 {Done: "Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐)" <danai.sae-han at edpnet.be>} [latex-cjk-common] latex-cjk-common: freetype1 deprecation
Marked as fixed in versions cjk/4.8.0+git20080711-1.
> notfound 486154
Bug #486154 {Done: jredrejo at debian.org (José L. Redrejo Rodríguez)} [recordmydesktop] [recordmydesktop] hebrew translation
No longer marked as found in versions recordmydesktop/
> fixed 500998 0.8-1
Bug #500998 {Done: Luca Capello <luca at pca.it>} [network-manager] network-manager: system lockup with LDAP lookup for group
Bug #510678 {Done: Luca Capello <luca at pca.it>} [network-manager] network-manager: system lockup with LDAP lookup for group
Bug #532670 {Done: Luca Capello <luca at pca.it>} [network-manager] network-manager: system lockup with LDAP lookup for group
Bug #549332 {Done: Luca Capello <luca at pca.it>} [network-manager] network-manager: system lockup with LDAP lookup for group
Marked as fixed in versions network-manager/0.8-1.
Marked as fixed in versions network-manager/0.8-1.
Marked as fixed in versions network-manager/0.8-1.
Marked as fixed in versions network-manager/0.8-1.
> fixed 518616 1.6.0-1
Bug #518616 {Done: "Francesco P. Lovergine" <frankie at debian.org>} [python-gdal] Subject: python-gdal: ascii rasters are not imported correctly
Marked as fixed in versions gdal/1.6.0-1.
> fixed 524195 3.0.4-1
Bug #524195 {Done: ivan <ivan1986 at list.ru>} [php5-memcache] php5-memcache not registered as session save handler
Marked as fixed in versions php-memcache/3.0.4-1.
> notfixed 524195 3.0.4-1.1
Bug #524195 {Done: ivan <ivan1986 at list.ru>} [php5-memcache] php5-memcache not registered as session save handler
There is no source info for the package 'php5-memcache' at version '3.0.4-1.1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '3.0.4-1.1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 3.0.4-1.1.
> notfixed 539488 4.4.4-1
Bug #539488 {Done: Bastien ROUCARIES <roucaries.bastien at gmail.com>} [dolphin] [dolphin] Dolphin freeze when try to preview some huge folder element (pdf)
There is no source info for the package 'dolphin' at version '4.4.4-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '4.4.4-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 4.4.4-1.
> fixed 539488 4:4.4.4-1
Bug #539488 {Done: Bastien ROUCARIES <roucaries.bastien at gmail.com>} [dolphin] [dolphin] Dolphin freeze when try to preview some huge folder element (pdf)
Marked as fixed in versions kdebase/4:4.4.4-1.
> notfixed 543871 4.0.1-1
Bug #543871 {Done: "Francesco P. Lovergine" <frankie at debian.org>} [libnetcdf-dev] libnetcdf-dev: installs older header files instead of version 4
There is no source info for the package 'libnetcdf-dev' at version '4.0.1-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '4.0.1-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 4.0.1-1.
> fixed 543871 1:4.0.1-1
Bug #543871 {Done: "Francesco P. Lovergine" <frankie at debian.org>} [libnetcdf-dev] libnetcdf-dev: installs older header files instead of version 4
Marked as fixed in versions netcdf/1:4.0.1-1.
> notfound 544020 0.8.0c-3
Bug #544020 {Done: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>} [gnunet-fuse] build of gnunet-fuse_0.8.0c-3 on sparc (dist=unstable) failed
No longer marked as found in versions gnunet-fuse/0.8.0c-3.
> notfixed 544020 0.8.0c-8
Bug #544020 {Done: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>} [gnunet-fuse] build of gnunet-fuse_0.8.0c-3 on sparc (dist=unstable) failed
There is no source info for the package 'gnunet-fuse' at version '0.8.0c-8' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '0.8.0c-8'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 0.8.0c-8.
> fixed 544020 gnunet/0.8.0c-8
Bug #544020 {Done: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>} [gnunet-fuse] build of gnunet-fuse_0.8.0c-3 on sparc (dist=unstable) failed
Marked as fixed in versions gnunet/0.8.0c-8.
> notfixed 566243 1:1.2.2-1
Bug #566243 {Done: Lionel Le Folgoc <mrpouit at gmail.com>} [xfce4-clipman-plugin] xfce4-clipman-plugin: xfconf setting for reverse order could be documented somewhere
There is no source info for the package 'xfce4-clipman-plugin' at version '1:1.2.2-1' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '1:1.2.2-1'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1:1.2.2-1.
> fixed 566243 2:1.2.2-1
Bug #566243 {Done: Lionel Le Folgoc <mrpouit at gmail.com>} [xfce4-clipman-plugin] xfce4-clipman-plugin: xfconf setting for reverse order could be documented somewhere
Marked as fixed in versions xfce4-clipman-plugin/2:1.2.2-1.
> fixed 567264 2:1.8.1-1
Bug #567264 {Done: Phil Armstrong <phil at kantaka.co.uk>} [xserver-xorg-core] xserver-xorg-core: 16 bpp display is very dim on powerpc
Marked as fixed in versions xorg-server/2:1.8.1-1.
> notfixed 577526 cups-bsd/1.5.3-2.15
Bug #577526 {Done: Bastien ROUCARIÈS <bastien.roucaries at u-cergy.fr>} [cups-bsd] cups-bsd: lprm doesn't take effect without restarting cups
The source cups-bsd and version 1.5.3-2.15 do not appear to match any binary packages
No longer marked as fixed in versions cups-bsd/1.5.3-2.15.
> fixed 577526 1.5.3-2.15
Bug #577526 {Done: Bastien ROUCARIÈS <bastien.roucaries at u-cergy.fr>} [cups-bsd] cups-bsd: lprm doesn't take effect without restarting cups
Marked as fixed in versions cups/1.5.3-2.15.
> notfixed 594823 3.9.2-2
Bug #594823 {Done: Mark Purcell <mark at purcell.id.au>} [libsane-hpaio] [libsane-hpaio] Document that users need to be under group lp
There is no source info for the package 'libsane-hpaio' at version '3.9.2-2' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '3.9.2-2'
No longer marked as fixed in versions 3.9.2-2.
> notfound 596103 0.3.9-1
Bug #596103 {Done: Dmitry Borodaenko <angdraug at debian.org>} [libdbd-pg-ruby1.9.1] libdbd-pg-ruby1.9.1: db.select_all(query) returns last row several times
No longer marked as found in versions libdbd-pg-ruby/0.3.9-1.
> fixed 600119 3.10.9-1
Bug #600119 {Done: Mark Purcell <mark at purcell.id.au>} [libsane-hpaio] [libsane-hpaio] Scanner not detected
Marked as fixed in versions hplip/3.10.9-1.
> notfixed 616952 2.4.2-2
Bug #616952 {Done: Scott Kitterman <debian at kitterman.com>} [src:psycopg2] psycopg2: deprecation of dh_pycentral, please use dh_python2
The source 'psycopg2' and version '2.4.2-2' do not appear to match any binary packages
No longer marked as fixed in versions psycopg2/2.4.2-2.
> fixed 616952 2.4.2-1
Bug #616952 {Done: Scott Kitterman <debian at kitterman.com>} [src:psycopg2] psycopg2: deprecation of dh_pycentral, please use dh_python2
Marked as fixed in versions psycopg2/2.4.2-1.
> notfixed 617106 0.90.1-1+rm
Bug #617106 {Done: Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org>} [src:sugar-presence-service-0.90] sugar-presence-service-0.90: deprecation of dh_pycentral, please use dh_python2
The source 'sugar-presence-service-0.90' and version '0.90.1-1+rm' do not appear to match any binary packages
No longer marked as fixed in versions 0.90.1-1+rm.
> fixed 617106 0.90.2-1
Bug #617106 {Done: Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org>} [src:sugar-presence-service-0.90] sugar-presence-service-0.90: deprecation of dh_pycentral, please use dh_python2
Marked as fixed in versions sugar-presence-service-0.90/0.90.2-1.
> fixed 619203 0.76.7
Bug #619203 {Done: intrigeri <intrigeri+debian at boum.org>} [python-software-properties] fresh up(down)stream is available -- 0.76.7
There is no source info for the package 'python-software-properties' at version '0.76.7' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '0.76.7'
Marked as fixed in versions 0.76.7.
> fixed 630986 1.8.7-1
Bug #630986 {Done: "Francesco P. Lovergine" <frankie at debian.org>} [libhdf5-openmpi-dev] libhdf5-openmpi-dev: Fortran module versions incompatible with the gfortran package (currently 4.6)
Marked as fixed in versions hdf5/1.8.7-1.
> fixed 633909 1.8.6-1
Bug #633909 {Done: "Francesco P. Lovergine" <frankie at debian.org>} [libhdf5-openmpi-dev] libhdf5-openmpi-dev: Removes libjpeg8-dev, libtiff4-dev, libvtk5-dev during installation
Marked as fixed in versions hdf5/1.8.6-1.
> notfound 636328 2009-13
Bug #636328 {Done: Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org>} [texlive-base] libpaper script ist non-functional and prints garbage
No longer marked as found in versions texlive-base/2009-13.
> notfixed 648697 tex-commmon/3.4
Bug #648697 {Done: Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <thep at debian.org>} [tex-common] thailatex: postinst called with unknown argument 'triggered'
The source tex-commmon and version 3.4 do not appear to match any binary packages
No longer marked as fixed in versions tex-commmon/3.4.
> fixed 648697 3.4
Bug #648697 {Done: Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <thep at debian.org>} [tex-common] thailatex: postinst called with unknown argument 'triggered'
Marked as fixed in versions tex-common/3.4.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
121313: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=121313
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636328: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=636328
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692416: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=692416
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696464: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=696464
699135: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=699135
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