[Debian-ppc64-devel] Re: How to start installation on an IBM power5

Sven Luther sven.luther@wanadoo.fr
Tue, 24 May 2005 08:24:33 +0200

On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 01:22:23PM +0200, David Gaya wrote:
> I'm putting all information, that I got from you, together in a new email.
> How to install Debian on an IBM power5 
> This is my experience trying to install Debian on an IBM iSeries using
> POWER5 processor, model 9406-520.
> This information should be valid for newest IBM pservers power5 based
> because all IBM power5 systems are nowadays using same hardware and
> same virtualization engine.
> I first booted Gentoo for ppc64.
> Gentoo has a boot CD for powerpc 64bits, it uses kernel 2.6.11. It is
> very handly
> to see if all your hardware is detected. And to be confident for the
> next steps. It even helps partitioning your disks and formating.
> IBM power5 systems, rather pSeries or iSeries, all require 2.6 kernels and they 
> must be compiled for 64 bits. No way, 32 bits kernel don't work.
> So don't waste any time trying any POWER4 stuff on IBM POWER5 systems.

I wouldn't bet on this. It is no good in the long run, but it may be possible
that pseries would boot with 32bit kernels. iSeries definitively don't.

> Is there any Debian ppc64 boot CD ?
> No there isn't yet. The best way you can boot is using network boot. 
> 	If you have an IBM iSeries and your Logical Partition is OS400 controlled.
> 	Then you have an alternate boot option, you can boot from the NWS description.
> 	In OS400 partition with the CHGNWSD command, specify 'IPL source' to '*SMTF' 
> 	and 'IPS stream file' to Cajus's boot file, for example '/home/linux.bin'
> 	Then power on Linux partition.
> Is debian-installer available for ppc64 ?
> Not officially, but Cajus Pollmeier has done a wonderful work. Please see 
> http://debian.gonicus.de/debian/dists/sarge/main/disks-powerpc/current/pseries/
> Thanks a lot Cajus.
> At this point kernel should boot and start debian-installer. I had to do two 
> additional steps, because hardware is not auto detected I had to first load
> network card ibmveth module manualy. Later, my scsi neither was
> detected so I had
> to go to a shell and 'modprobe ibmvscsic'. Then I resumed installation.
> I haven't finish yet, I have to work out booting from disk.


Sven Luther