[Debian-ppc64-devel] Re: How to start installation on an IBM power5

Roberto Suarez Soto robe@allenta.com
Wed, 25 May 2005 12:06:09 +0200

On May/25, David Gaya wrote:

> > boot: Linux
> > Please wait, loading kernel...
> >    Elf32 kernel loaded...
> Why is it booting an Elf32 ?
> Shouldn't it be Elf64 ?

	Yes, it should, but that's the image that I downloaded from Cajus'
mirror. Maybe the kernel-image-2.6.8 package that is there is compiled for
ppc32, instead of ppc64?

	BTW, what are the differences between Cajus' mirror and the one for
debian-ppc64? :-?

	Roberto Suarez Soto				Allenta Consulting
	robe@allenta.com				   www.allenta.com