August 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Aug 1 08:57:23 UTC 2011
Ending: Wed Aug 31 20:36:54 UTC 2011
Messages: 446
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging branch, master, updated. debian/3.13.2-1-11-g0b90137
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging branch, master, updated. debian/3.13.2-1-11-g0b90137
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging branch, master, updated. debian/3.13.2-1-11-g0b90137
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging branch, master, updated. debian/3.13.2-1-11-g0b90137
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging branch, pristine-tar, updated. 17c537f52753ccafe821275af9a26f6a92b99847
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging annotated tag, upstream/3.13.2, updated. upstream/3.13.2
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging annotated tag, debian/3.13.3-1, created. debian/3.13.3-1
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging annotated tag, upstream/3.13.3, created. upstream/3.13.3
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl branch, master, updated. debian/1.11.2-1-5-g9986abc
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl annotated tag, debian/1.11.2-2, created. debian/1.11.2-2
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] tango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-8-2-g6196644
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] tango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-8-2-g6196644
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] tango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-8-3-ge2aa650
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] tango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-8-5-gc0cfb5f
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] tango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-8-5-gc0cfb5f
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] tango annotated tag, debian/7.2.6+dfsg-9, created. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-9
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists branch, master, updated. debian/2.0.11-1-12-ga687c0c
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists branch, master, updated. debian/2.0.11-1-12-ga687c0c
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists branch, master, updated. debian/2.0.11-1-12-ga687c0c
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists branch, master, updated. debian/2.0.11-1-12-ga687c0c
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] tango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-9-3-ged6b7d4
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] tango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-9-3-ged6b7d4
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] tango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-9-3-ged6b7d4
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] dataset manipulation GUI generator branch, master, updated. debian/1.3.2-2-4-gcc47337
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] dataset manipulation GUI generator branch, master, updated. debian/1.3.2-2-4-gcc47337
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] efficient 2D data-plotting library branch, master, updated. debian/2.1.4-1-4-g1fe115c
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] efficient 2D data-plotting library branch, master, updated. debian/2.1.4-1-4-g1fe115c
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] Packaging for pytango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.0-2-3-g3044ab4
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] framework for TANGO control system client applications branch, master, updated. upstream/2.1.1-21-g913e9b1
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] Packaging for ViTables branch, master, updated. debian/2.1-1-2-g2978439
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] tango branch, master, updated. debian/7.2.6+dfsg-9-4-g787c00e
Picca Frédéric-Emma?==?UTF-8?Q?nuel
- [SCM] Test git-repository for paraview tag, debian/3.10.1-1, created. upstream/3.10.1-42-g78f13d5
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Gmsh packaging. Gmsh is an automatic 3D finite element mesh generator. branch, scripts, created. 7f3a643e8c7db9a97aa0a33a242160478d058684
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Gmsh packaging. Gmsh is an automatic 3D finite element mesh generator. branch, master, updated. upstream/2.5.1_beta1_svn9559_dfsg-47-g479f7d7
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Gmsh packaging. Gmsh is an automatic 3D finite element mesh generator. branch, master, updated. upstream/2.5.1_beta1_svn9559_dfsg-47-g479f7d7
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Gmsh packaging. Gmsh is an automatic 3D finite element mesh generator. branch, pristine-tar, updated. 65c772142e5cec81cf7a953e651cbc0be9f9a3fb
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Gmsh packaging. Gmsh is an automatic 3D finite element mesh generator. annotated tag, upstream/2.5.1_beta1_svn9724_dfsg, created. upstream/2.5.1_beta1_svn9724_dfsg
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Test git-repository for paraview branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-43-g27f6ded
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-49-gb8b5e8b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-49-gb8b5e8b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-49-gb8b5e8b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-49-gb8b5e8b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-49-gb8b5e8b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-49-gb8b5e8b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-50-gdaa3296
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging tag, debian/3.10.1-2, created. upstream/3.10.1-50-gdaa3296
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. branch, master, updated. upstream/3.0.1-30-g152e5a0
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. branch, pristine-tar, updated. 1d17fb7c0c8f02b6307c3588023fea7f7def2636
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. annotated tag, upstream/3.0.2, created. upstream/3.0.2
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. branch, master, updated. upstream/3.0.2-30-g66717e6
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. branch, master, updated. upstream/3.0.2-32-g11dc9f1
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. branch, master, updated. upstream/3.0.2-32-g11dc9f1
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-51-ge5cb2e3
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-53-g2293398
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-53-g2293398
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-54-gd17a24f
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-59-g0404379
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-59-g0404379
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-59-g0404379
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-59-g0404379
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-59-g0404379
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging tag, debian/3.10.1-3, created. upstream/3.10.1-59-g0404379
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. branch, master, updated. upstream/3.0.2-34-gfe75e39
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. branch, master, updated. upstream/3.0.2-34-gfe75e39
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. tag, debian/3.0.2-1, created. upstream/3.0.2-32-g11dc9f1
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Eigen3 packaging. tag, debian/3.0.2-2, created. upstream/3.0.2-34-gfe75e39
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-62-g8e6f9b6
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-62-g8e6f9b6
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Paraview packaging branch, master, updated. upstream/3.10.1-62-g8e6f9b6
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] glpk packaging branch, master, created. df75fcb8c31da34b5f54256e44eb473d9664b352
Falk Hueffner
- [SCM] glpk packaging annotated tag, 4.43-1, created. 4.43-1
Falk Hueffner
- [SCM] glpk packaging annotated tag, 4.43-1, created. 4.43-1
Falk Hueffner
- [SCM] conflict-driven nogood learning answer set solver branch, master, updated. 995a3b960cdf4ce66053a8f5201abd48fdb2177e
Thomas Krennwallner
- [SCM] conflict-driven nogood learning answer set solver tag, debian/2.0.3-1, created. 995a3b960cdf4ce66053a8f5201abd48fdb2177e
Thomas Krennwallner
- [SCM] conflict-driven nogood learning answer set solver branch, master, updated. 6c4e0c482c9a124c17988e832baa14be50dab73b
Thomas Krennwallner
- [SCM] conflict-driven nogood learning answer set solver tag, debian/2.0.3-2, created. 6c4e0c482c9a124c17988e832baa14be50dab73b
Thomas Krennwallner
- [SCM] qhull packaging files branch, master, created. b3025cf16e006bd39965565fe569ce9dcecbbd0d
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.11-1, created. 6a7a13ce27d4afa065f3b21e5f5fc2fd82b456d4
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-1, created. b469844715faec5a555fdb64138c01d1890e04a9
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-2, created. 3d91799a104570bfdfffb0c81a032a9eedea6184
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-3, created. 8e546cab0ee8b0bc992d772acb6b5cc31ed4a078
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-4, created. d7c620735756da355b41e44399d8318499e03497
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-5, created. f05ff3993ab90388fb2517696b1ce879a58ffb3a
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.16-1, created. 5c300e3e60875c52d74ec91f5170e8e2b7567d5c
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.20-1, created. 2d4bb7e29161ef83934d4d5a0fdcf483dd7eefb6
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.21-1, created. b122a1d01202c46d71ea9b08bf6490690138430d
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.21-2, created. 4d7a47c35c05b9ddebb33525f393f1c0f8dee9f5
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.22-1, created. 9be82faf6e841e434c9a9ed90ff59a512319e91a
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.23-1, created. 4bcf698dd5e5e1b29023c752ed53b54ddb905377
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.24-1, created. 76665c898241fc9c512ffc7d49b0a3c878009437
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.24-2, created. 39051c7ee9c8facb86cc1abefef0134227419be1
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.25-1, created. 4d0f0c900426b41077a5db1cfbd460b5e6595fef
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.27-1, created. 320d79eb2069b85147f3d10a7019cc59a0b89eec
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.27-2, created. f29d11accbc4d3dfcb691da90979d32573cbd60d
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.28-1, created. 6c238e946a1791fe86ce421ac050dd74a75d82d5
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.28-3, created. 16e3f4a94358d6072a52d84b9b6365c93f438dd4
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.29-1, created. eb952b1eb5ba70a468a7d4838417dec9b98fb291
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.29-2, created. 2a7c1d74e10aba53eacf2dce6a6f9dc76b664829
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.30-1, created. 7b9d42545410d46e6d62ff790038476b0161e64a
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.31-1, created. 487a7b74c7cbaeb0a34c56bb8f748e810f083685
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.32-1, created. dc1f0cdd8ae96023d4060a05e9787fc0a4a22745
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.33-1, created. f3ad8bf0ebfacad4ea7faf46bcd5f24e6b4d0e18
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.33-2, created. 36de0c0dff8bfab5256e04f715f4c8d4af9feb8e
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.34-1, created. ddcc25142ce9fd954716a75ffb512065e5994aea
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.34-2, created. e36ecc4bc24017df6d8b693a1c211c0407edd04e
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.35-1, created. 3ecd04141f1937cbcdf97429d19f00d9a5940101
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.36-1, created. 9bcbcb1060c2de13019ef8426b037fc3dee4e28a
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.36-2, created. cb897ca7347a845b5061579e6d8f2f1826c9a34f
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.37-1, created. 14db671018ee2b4059f0b77bd568ba6c184b48aa
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.37-2, created. 2fa7b61d4495ef6fd82c27dc8d2918fd4e19f1bc
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.38-1, created. adc0a2671e251cf292c21f2c86cc6fef72b1bfdd
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk Java packaging branch, master, created. 705993ff4043568a776638344c36a1d626656e86
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk Java packaging tag, 1.0.1-1, created. 705993ff4043568a776638344c36a1d626656e86
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk Java packaging tag, 1.0.1-1, created. 705993ff4043568a776638344c36a1d626656e86
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.11-1, created. 6a7a13ce27d4afa065f3b21e5f5fc2fd82b456d4
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-1, created. b469844715faec5a555fdb64138c01d1890e04a9
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-2, created. 3d91799a104570bfdfffb0c81a032a9eedea6184
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-3, created. 8e546cab0ee8b0bc992d772acb6b5cc31ed4a078
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-4, created. d7c620735756da355b41e44399d8318499e03497
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.15-5, created. f05ff3993ab90388fb2517696b1ce879a58ffb3a
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.16-1, created. 5c300e3e60875c52d74ec91f5170e8e2b7567d5c
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.20-1, created. 2d4bb7e29161ef83934d4d5a0fdcf483dd7eefb6
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.21-1, created. b122a1d01202c46d71ea9b08bf6490690138430d
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.21-2, created. 4d7a47c35c05b9ddebb33525f393f1c0f8dee9f5
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.22-1, created. 9be82faf6e841e434c9a9ed90ff59a512319e91a
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.23-1, created. 4bcf698dd5e5e1b29023c752ed53b54ddb905377
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.24-1, created. 76665c898241fc9c512ffc7d49b0a3c878009437
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.24-2, created. 39051c7ee9c8facb86cc1abefef0134227419be1
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.25-1, created. 4d0f0c900426b41077a5db1cfbd460b5e6595fef
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.27-1, created. 320d79eb2069b85147f3d10a7019cc59a0b89eec
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.27-2, created. f29d11accbc4d3dfcb691da90979d32573cbd60d
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.28-1, created. 6c238e946a1791fe86ce421ac050dd74a75d82d5
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.28-3, created. 16e3f4a94358d6072a52d84b9b6365c93f438dd4
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.29-1, created. eb952b1eb5ba70a468a7d4838417dec9b98fb291
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.29-2, created. 2a7c1d74e10aba53eacf2dce6a6f9dc76b664829
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.30-1, created. 7b9d42545410d46e6d62ff790038476b0161e64a
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.31-1, created. 487a7b74c7cbaeb0a34c56bb8f748e810f083685
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.32-1, created. dc1f0cdd8ae96023d4060a05e9787fc0a4a22745
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.33-1, created. f3ad8bf0ebfacad4ea7faf46bcd5f24e6b4d0e18
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.33-2, created. 36de0c0dff8bfab5256e04f715f4c8d4af9feb8e
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.34-1, created. ddcc25142ce9fd954716a75ffb512065e5994aea
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.34-2, created. e36ecc4bc24017df6d8b693a1c211c0407edd04e
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.35-1, created. 3ecd04141f1937cbcdf97429d19f00d9a5940101
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.36-1, created. 9bcbcb1060c2de13019ef8426b037fc3dee4e28a
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.36-2, created. cb897ca7347a845b5061579e6d8f2f1826c9a34f
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.37-1, created. 14db671018ee2b4059f0b77bd568ba6c184b48aa
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.37-2, created. 2fa7b61d4495ef6fd82c27dc8d2918fd4e19f1bc
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.38-1, created. adc0a2671e251cf292c21f2c86cc6fef72b1bfdd
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] xmds documentation packaging branch, master, created. a1e3ef850eab9f70e945ff142059ddf3715061c8
Rafael Laboissiere
- [SCM] A weather monitoring program branch, master, updated. upstream/0.5-13-gd4bd7fb
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] A weather monitoring program branch, master, updated. upstream/0.5-13-gd4bd7fb
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] TRMM Radar Software Library branch, master, updated. upstream/1.42-15-g9d4ee4b
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] qhull packaging files branch, master, updated. a357aa13775883243cd59aee645596bb39d40c68
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] qhull packaging files tag, 2009.1-2, created. a357aa13775883243cd59aee645596bb39d40c68
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] glpk packaging branch, master, updated. 65f38637c6861959d412a6b1483c27c8ba029e0c
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.45-1, created. 4.43-1-1-g65f3863
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] glpk Java packaging branch, master, updated. 1a55bfafc5f48fe9387fed3fc1145fd371c8c2c0
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] glpk Java packaging tag, 1.0.16-1, created. 1a55bfafc5f48fe9387fed3fc1145fd371c8c2c0
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] glpk Java packaging tag, 1.0.16-1, created. 1a55bfafc5f48fe9387fed3fc1145fd371c8c2c0
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] glpk packaging branch, master, created. 65f38637c6861959d412a6b1483c27c8ba029e0c
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] glpk packaging tag, 4.45-1, created. 4.43-1-1-g65f3863
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] xmds documentation packaging tag, svn.1884-3, created. b4eb51bb8656c508c8851d2fad1e2a434fa4adce
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] xmds documentation packaging branch, master, updated. b4eb51bb8656c508c8851d2fad1e2a434fa4adce
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] xmds documentation packaging branch, master, updated. 4c28c1bef390b58c60275bc7e90b6e9d7798f59e
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] xmds documentation packaging branch, master, updated. 2d006ff5997c9fe36edb654a777129bfbd7be0f7
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] A weather monitoring program branch, master, updated. upstream/0.5.1-17-gc3e187e
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library branch, master, created. f74484c520176feac765cecf42c467e6a0025ce2
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, debian/5.4.2-1, created. bdd039b21e34bf99003f9136838ec9f57964e608
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, debian/5.4.2-2, created. aaea29bd57c7edfa509b12e683d10c22f1a6be05
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, debian/5.4.2-3, created. ac5d2574335916a6086b4a7f72c6b810a4aabea9
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, debian/5.4.2-4, created. cd4d7835c22be9a0f3d04d1c19c6287d9d115e73
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, debian/5.4.2-4.1, created. f74484c520176feac765cecf42c467e6a0025ce2
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, patched/5.4.2-1, created. 4595a607e822f45959a35301f419d213b002905c
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, patched/5.4.2-2, created. 4595a607e822f45959a35301f419d213b002905c
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, patched/5.4.2-3, created. 95bd7049cc09f97f46a27ca57cb14f33ec0e50e5
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, patched/5.4.2-4, created. 31d167d487ec6b7388c5be5da1087aff891de526
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, patched/5.4.2-4.1, created. 23cad80176e18831385d37acd6b750dfcca3bd87
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library tag, upstream/5.4.2, created. 37737a512f1a4ccde415268a1076981fa35606c0
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library branch, master, created. bac15db8073856e14e20eaecdc5423eaf404cdc8
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library branch, master, updated. e41c78dc6ef2572ee21fc0a0ffb90bc2154ac16c
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library branch, master, updated. e41c78dc6ef2572ee21fc0a0ffb90bc2154ac16c
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library branch, master, updated. e41c78dc6ef2572ee21fc0a0ffb90bc2154ac16c
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library branch, master, updated. 717d85bc4732b100fb331c8159b75cee5bdfd0a2
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.6-1
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.6-1
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.6-1
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources annotated tag, debian/1.4.6-1, created. debian/1.4.6-1
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources tag, upstream/1.4.4, created. upstream/1.4.3-1-g46b88c3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources annotated tag, upstream/1.4.6, created. upstream/1.4.6
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] 2D CAD system annotated tag, debian/1.0.0-rc1+nolibs-4, created. debian/1.0.0-rc1+nolibs-4
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [SCM] TRMM Radar Software Library branch, master, updated. upstream/1.42-16-gb492c87
Andy Spencer
- [SCM] TRMM Radar Software Library branch, master, updated. upstream/1.42-17-gb63a580
Andy Spencer
- [SCM] A weather monitoring program branch, master, updated. upstream/0.5-14-g5190b13
Andy Spencer
- [SCM] A weather monitoring program branch, master, updated. upstream/0.5-17-gc11b4a1
Andy Spencer
- [SCM] A weather monitoring program branch, master, updated. upstream/0.5-17-gc11b4a1
Andy Spencer
- [SCM] A weather monitoring program annotated tag, upstream/0.5.1, created. upstream/0.5.1
Andy Spencer
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, master, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-37-g4677385
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, master, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-37-g4677385
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, master, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-37-g4677385
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, master, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-37-g4677385
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, master, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-37-g4677385
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, master, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-37-g4677385
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] cddlib: library for finding vertices of convex polytopes branch, master, created. 934f74195f72937a4949070e5374897887e00006
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] cddlib: library for finding vertices of convex polytopes branch, pristine-tar, created. da888b5fb55601dec9b124cd2116c50138f176d1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] cddlib: library for finding vertices of convex polytopes branch, upstream, created. ff29e9ac0150fb691beead7f2b832714d27d5e96
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] cddlib: library for finding vertices of convex polytopes annotated tag, debian/094b.dfsg-4.2, created. debian/094b.dfsg-4.2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] cddlib: library for finding vertices of convex polytopes annotated tag, upstream/094b.dfsg, created. upstream/094b.dfsg
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] flint: C library for number theory branch, master, created. b77dfa89e21620371294a1e446db60f57842f845
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] flint: C library for number theory branch, pristine-tar, created. 56e76da9413ec9170e2b5d38ace1b87ae0b7b40e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] flint: C library for number theory branch, upstream, created. e1eac5b573c832d3abf9af50da73f666dcb63a75
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] flint: C library for number theory annotated tag, debian/1.011-2, created. debian/1.011-2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] flint: C library for number theory annotated tag, upstream/1.011, created. upstream/1.011
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] fplll: library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices branch, master, created. 25447368ba4eff2c43856032eea0d5bb84043ea7
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] fplll: library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices branch, pristine-tar, created. 9496041373ff36065ca5c86d8936d590679177aa
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] fplll: library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices branch, upstream, created. ab5749c9b6b12a03c7079f71e62da30fdac71a37
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] fplll: library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices annotated tag, debian/2.1.6+20071129-2.1, created. debian/2.1.6+20071129-2.1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] fplll: library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices annotated tag, upstream/2.1.6+20071129, created. upstream/2.1.6+20071129
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] gfan: Program for computing with Groebner fans branch, master, created. a925eb41fde3437dd8bd38e6686838391c8ffb9c
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] gfan: Program for computing with Groebner fans branch, pristine-tar, created. 3fa08b2162088316cad0dbe039cb8546b9e3a2b1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] gfan: Program for computing with Groebner fans branch, upstream, created. 96d20d31360353e3f36b0af29809ae8e475172c7
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] gfan: Program for computing with Groebner fans annotated tag, debian/0.3dfsg-1, created. debian/0.3dfsg-1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] gfan: Program for computing with Groebner fans annotated tag, upstream/0.3dfsg, created. upstream/0.3dfsg
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] lcalc: program for computing zeros and values of L-functions branch, master, created. 7611c32eaaa568261131cdac6647e66b4b268ead
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] lcalc: program for computing zeros and values of L-functions branch, pristine-tar, created. 9ac876ccf8555f6fcb058f63bbc7c8e993076164
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] lcalc: program for computing zeros and values of L-functions branch, upstream, created. 2e1c0cc0775a04e08c77d153c8463acab372e133
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] lcalc: program for computing zeros and values of L-functions annotated tag, debian/0.0.20080205-1, created. debian/0.0.20080205-1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] lcalc: program for computing zeros and values of L-functions annotated tag, upstream/0.0.20080205, created. upstream/0.0.20080205
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libm4ri: library of Method of the Four Russians Inversion branch, master, created. 408f34b7d9dfb438ed1fa6a2efbbb3c6e729abcd
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libm4ri: library of Method of the Four Russians Inversion branch, pristine-tar, created. cdaf3c83e8440726d137a70dc98972c8b97feb12
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libm4ri: library of Method of the Four Russians Inversion branch, upstream, created. dbf638b8f41113f78f67a762460ad4775ac4537d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libm4ri: library of Method of the Four Russians Inversion annotated tag, debian/0.0.20080521-2, created. debian/0.0.20080521-2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libm4ri: library of Method of the Four Russians Inversion annotated tag, upstream/0.0.20080521, created. upstream/0.0.20080521
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libzn-poly: library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x] branch, master, created. e5b3339cfab54df189df469eaf1e8d963cbd36e7
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libzn-poly: library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x] branch, pristine-tar, created. c3b26f58667f2027a60ebedb24957bdf299d991b
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libzn-poly: library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x] branch, upstream, created. 6b4db922583de25616c9a6871a60ecaf56b05aa4
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libzn-poly: library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x] annotated tag, debian/0.8-1.1, created. debian/0.8-1.1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] libzn-poly: library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x] annotated tag, upstream/0.8, created. upstream/0.8
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, master, created. 18877959bf4abfe189b20349e659ff86a8d65339
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, pristine-tar, created. 528aacc598e33cb43fa21a8d12dfba86980f40f5
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, upstream, created. 32dfdc45ffd6c17c30056a20b091e97cfc2d1c3f
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra annotated tag, debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1, created. debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra annotated tag, upstream/1.1.6_rc0, created. upstream/1.1.6_rc0
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] palp: Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes branch, master, created. 28b8c17c965ac4bc38f59635528919d6d8c3e085
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] palp: Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes branch, pristine-tar, created. 4f856ebb7b7d60938ac31909f064e2f61f1c31fa
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] palp: Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes branch, upstream, created. 35556939721bc9daa8e6a441bee8906cb7c4291e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] palp: Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes annotated tag, debian/1.1-1, created. debian/1.1-1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] palp: Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes annotated tag, upstream/1.1, created. upstream/1.1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] polybori: Polynomials over Boolean Rings branch, master, created. 0dc4dc89b3a4639fe47e6de821bff5f483fe1b9d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] polybori: Polynomials over Boolean Rings branch, pristine-tar, created. 1cb0cdbb3cd5518120cf114dabed0e94b7e94ad9
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] polybori: Polynomials over Boolean Rings branch, upstream, created. caa687eac31e95c93568a93c008794cda5bfa689
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] polybori: Polynomials over Boolean Rings annotated tag, debian/0.5_rc1-2.1, created. debian/0.5_rc1-2.1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] polybori: Polynomials over Boolean Rings annotated tag, upstream/0.5_rc1, created. upstream/0.5_rc1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] symmetrica: library for combinatorics branch, master, created. 84f99767a2d4fca3f6a01d1e4f0b776dd5348930
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] symmetrica: library for combinatorics branch, pristine-tar, created. 6521602721dbc45a4dbadc08995505d4fd099553
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] symmetrica: library for combinatorics branch, upstream, created. 9b12ac5dbaafb7ad0e3662eeffe252216e7332c7
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] symmetrica: library for combinatorics annotated tag, debian/2.0-1, created. debian/2.0-1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] symmetrica: library for combinatorics annotated tag, upstream/2.0, created. upstream/2.0
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] genus2reduction: Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves branch, master, created. e4bbd00753e4c4484a0e46f81eaebffc41ec4e9b
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] genus2reduction: Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves branch, pristine-tar, created. f853e8a32696188b26d98cae0747789eb7899d4c
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] genus2reduction: Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves branch, upstream, created. a28fe87a5da892076b40581e3455907b66055384
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] genus2reduction: Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves annotated tag, debian/0.3-2, created. debian/0.3-2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] genus2reduction: Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves annotated tag, upstream/0.3, created. upstream/0.3
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, created. b7977692b2eebe605fdf37ff19d23503a5f8145c
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, pristine-tar, created. 3697241b2da37a80580214abdadacf153df53136
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, upstream, created. 7d71e3a42cc5ae1fecd29082599df8cd46444932
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations annotated tag, debian/3.2.13-1.1, created. debian/3.2.13-1.1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations annotated tag, upstream/3.2.13, created. upstream/3.2.13
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] iml: Integer Matrix Library branch, master, created. 4b284e41e04dfdff734f5bac9c8fc9244214f8e9
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] iml: Integer Matrix Library branch, pristine-tar, created. b95199377c0f8bf4e6055bf2ed24fa72817d98bc
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] iml: Integer Matrix Library branch, upstream, created. ac6d50feae4f71e4e48a801a2d27d54d40c6cd02
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] iml: Integer Matrix Library annotated tag, debian/1.0.3-4.2, created. debian/1.0.3-4.2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] iml: Integer Matrix Library annotated tag, upstream/1.0.3, created. upstream/1.0.3
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-16-gf326f0e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, pristine-tar, updated. 2bc3e49b53791f6b4ad619d8bcd48223c6870113
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, upstream, updated. upstream/3.2.13-1-gbd5f523
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations annotated tag, upstream/3.4.2, created. upstream/3.4.2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-17-ge263226
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1-8-g9d2c312
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1-8-g9d2c312
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1-8-g9d2c312
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1-8-g9d2c312
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1-8-g9d2c312
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1-8-g9d2c312
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1-8-g9d2c312
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.6_rc0-4.1-8-g9d2c312
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, pristine-tar, updated. 7d2cd145229142cde5c746d1493145ea47f50f24
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra branch, upstream, updated. upstream/1.1.6_rc0-1-g5806ed0
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] linbox: library for exact linear algebra annotated tag, upstream/1.2.0, created. upstream/1.2.0
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library branch, master, updated. 5c6aeeace057ff189b34f69c0826b5d631549dce
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Debian packaging for libntl - Number Theory Library branch, master, updated. a6f4fc2d616b2ffb2a8f780abc8458989001d8ed
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences tag, debian/20061220+dfsg3-2, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-37-g4677385
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, master, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-38-gab75a9f
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] givaro: library for arithmetic and algebraic computations branch, master, updated. debian/3.2.13-1.1-18-g28d0d1f
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] wxMaxima packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.8.7-2-11-g28174d5
Frank S. Thomas
- [SCM] wxMaxima packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.8.7-2-11-g28174d5
Frank S. Thomas
- [SCM] wxMaxima packaging branch, pristine-tar, updated. 6c665d318a60b21a9ae40120782a8a858c81d94b
Frank S. Thomas
- [SCM] wxMaxima packaging annotated tag, debian/11.04.0-1, created. debian/11.04.0-1
Frank S. Thomas
- [SCM] wxMaxima packaging annotated tag, debian/11.08.0-1, created. debian/11.08.0-1
Frank S. Thomas
- [SCM] wxMaxima packaging annotated tag, upstream/11.04.0, created. upstream/11.04.0
Frank S. Thomas
- [SCM] wxMaxima packaging annotated tag, upstream/11.08.0, created. upstream/11.08.0
Frank S. Thomas
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.1.1-1-30-g727603b
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging annotated tag, debian/1.1.2-1, created. debian/1.1.2-1
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging annotated tag, debian/1.1.2-2, created. debian/1.1.2-2
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging annotated tag, debian/1.1.2-3, created. debian/1.1.2-3
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging tag, debian/1.1.2-4, created. debian/1.1.2-3-3-g53c1331
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging annotated tag, debian/1.1.2-5, created. debian/1.1.2-5
Michael Wild
- [SCM] ViennaCL packaging annotated tag, debian/1.1.2-6, created. debian/1.1.2-6
Michael Wild
- r38684 - in /packages/bibus/trunk/debian: changelog control
beathovn-guest at
- r43793 - /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/control
iwamatsu at
- r43810 - /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/changelog
iwamatsu at
- r43811 - in /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/patches: 0006-typos-in-license.patch series
iwamatsu at
- r43812 - in /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/patches: 0001-fix_3rdparty_build.patch series
iwamatsu at
- r43813 - /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/patches/0005-build-static-libs.patch
iwamatsu at
- r43814 - /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/patches/0007-typos-in-strings-docs.patch
iwamatsu at
- r43815 - /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/patches/0011_optimize_i486.patch
iwamatsu at
- r43816 - in /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/patches: 0012_cvcap_ffmpeg_fix_compile_against_libav0.7.patch series
iwamatsu at
- r43821 - in /packages/opencv/trunk/debian: libcv3.2.lintian-overrides libcvaux2.3.lintian-overrides libhighgui2.3.lintian-overrides libopencv-core-dev.lintian-overrides
iwamatsu at
- r43822 - in /packages/opencv/trunk/debian: libopencv-core-dev.install opencv-doc.install
iwamatsu at
- r43823 - /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/opencv-doc.install
iwamatsu at
- r43824 - in /packages/opencv/trunk/debian: libcv2.3.lintian-overrides libcv3.2.lintian-overrides
iwamatsu at
- r43825 - /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/control
iwamatsu at
- r43826 - in /packages/opencv/trunk/debian: changelog rules
iwamatsu at
- r43830 - in /packages/opencv/trunk/debian/patches: 0012_cvcap_ffmpeg_fix_compile_against_libav0.7.patch series
iwamatsu at
- r43831 - in /packages/opencv/tags/2.3.1-0exp1: ./ debian/patches/0012_cvcap_ffmpeg_fix_compile_against_libav0.7.patch debian/patches/series
iwamatsu at
- r38685 - /packages/fenics/ufc/trunk/debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38686 - in /packages/fenics/ufc/tags/2.0.2-1: ./ debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38687 - /packages/fenics/ufl/trunk/debian/control
johannr-guest at
- r38688 - /packages/fenics/ufl/trunk/debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38689 - in /packages/fenics/ufl/tags/1.0-beta2-1: ./ debian/changelog debian/control
johannr-guest at
- r38690 - /packages/fenics/fiat/trunk/debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38691 - in /packages/fenics/fiat/tags/1.0-beta-1: ./ debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38692 - /packages/fenics/instant/trunk/debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38693 - in /packages/fenics/instant/tags/1.0-beta-1: ./ debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38694 - /packages/fenics/ffc/trunk/debian/patches/
johannr-guest at
- r38695 - /packages/fenics/ffc/trunk/debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38696 - /packages/fenics/ffc/tags/1.0-beta-1/
johannr-guest at
- r38697 - /packages/fenics/viper/trunk/debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38698 - in /packages/fenics/viper/tags/1.0-beta-1: ./ debian/changelog
johannr-guest at
- r38699 - in /packages/fenics/dolfin/trunk/debian: changelog control
johannr-guest at
- r38700 - in /packages/fenics/dolfin/trunk/debian: changelog patches/pytrilinos.patch patches/series
johannr-guest at
- r38701 - in /packages/fenics/dolfin/trunk/debian: changelog control libdolfin0-dev.install libdolfin0.install libdolfin1.0-dev.install libdolfin1.0.install
johannr-guest at
- r38702 - in /packages/fenics/dolfin/trunk/debian: changelog control
johannr-guest at
- r38703 - in /packages/fenics/fenics/trunk/debian: changelog control
johannr-guest at
- r38704 - in /packages/fenics/dolfin/trunk/debian: changelog control
johannr-guest at
- r43817 - in /packages/fenics/fenics/trunk/debian: changelog fenics.lintian-overrides source.lintian-overrides
johannr-guest at
- r43818 - in /packages/fenics/fenics/tags/1:1.0-beta-1: ./ debian/changelog debian/fenics.lintian-overrides debian/source.lintian-overrides
johannr-guest at
- r43819 - /packages/fenics/dolfin/tags/1.0-beta-1/
johannr-guest at
- r43820 - in /packages/fenics/dolfin/trunk/debian: changelog dolfin-dev.lintian-overrides
johannr-guest at
- r38705 - /packages/flann/trunk/debian/control
malat-guest at
- r43794 - in /packages/flann/trunk/debian: changelog patches/adddoctoall.patch patches/remove_tests.patch rules
malat-guest at
- r43795 - /packages/flann/trunk/debian/control
malat-guest at
- r43796 - /packages/flann/trunk/debian/rules
malat-guest at
- r43797 - /packages/flann/trunk/debian/libflann1.install
malat-guest at
- r43798 - /packages/flann/trunk/debian/control
malat-guest at
- r43799 - /packages/flann/trunk/debian/rules
malat-guest at
- r43800 - in /packages/pcl: ./ trunk/ trunk/debian/ trunk/debian/patches/ trunk/debian/source/
malat-guest at
- r43801 - in /packages/flann/trunk/debian: control docs libflann1.install
malat-guest at
- r43802 - in /packages/pcl/trunk/debian: docs rules
malat-guest at
- r43804 - in /packages/pcl/trunk/debian: libpcl1-dev.dirs libpcl1-dev.install libpcl1.1.install
malat-guest at
- r43806 - /packages/pcl/trunk/debian/control
malat-guest at
- r43807 - in /packages/pcl/trunk/debian: control rules
malat-guest at
- r43808 - in /packages/pcl/trunk/debian: watch
malat-guest at
- r43809 - /packages/pcl/trunk/debian/rules
malat-guest at
- r43827 - in /packages/flann/trunk/debian: changelog control
malat-guest at
- r43828 - /packages/pcl/trunk/debian/control
malat-guest at
- r43837 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog rules
smr at
- r43838 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog rules
smr at
- r43839 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog orig-source.patch patches/s390x.patch patches/series rules
smr at
- r43840 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog patches/series patches/upstream-dcpi1_bdiv_q.patch
smr at
- r43841 - /packages/gmp/trunk/debian/rules
smr at
- r43842 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog control rules
smr at
- r43843 - in /packages/gmp/tags/2:5.0.2+dfsg-1: ./ debian/changelog debian/control debian/rules
smr at
- r43844 - in /packages/ipe/trunk/debian: changelog control rules
smr at
- r43845 - /packages/ipe/trunk/debian/rules
smr at
- r43846 - in /packages/ipe/tags/7.1.0-1: ./ debian/changelog debian/control debian/ipe.links debian/libipe7.0.13.install debian/rules
smr at
- r38647 - in /packages/code-saturne/code-saturne/trunk/debian: changelog control docs rules
sylvestre at
- r38648 - in /packages/code-saturne/code-saturne/trunk/debian: changelog control rules
sylvestre at
- r38649 - in /packages/libmesh/trunk/debian: ./ patches/
sylvestre at
- r38650 - in /packages/libmesh/tags/0.6.4.dfsg-1: ./ patches/
sylvestre at
- r38651 - in /packages/freefem: ./ branches/ branches/upstream/ branches/upstream/3.5.8/ branches/upstream/3.5.8/admin/ branches/upstream/3.5.8/doc/ branches/upstream/3.5.8/examples/ branches/upstream/3.5.8/freefem-api/ branches/upstream/3.5.8/freefem/ branches/upstream/3.5.8/freefem/fem/ branches/upstream/current/ branches/upstream/current/admin/ branches/upstream/current/doc/ branches/upstream/current/examples/ branches/upstream/current/freefem-api/ branches/upstream/current/freefem/ branches/upstream/current/freefem/fem/ tags/ tags/3.5.8-1/ tags/3.5.8-1/admin/ tags/3.5.8-1/debian/ tags/3.5.8-1/doc/ tags/3.5.8-1/examples/ tags/3.5.8-1/freefem-api/ tags/3.5.8-1/freefem/ tags/3.5.8-1/freefem/fem/ tags/3.5.8-2/ tags/3.5.8-2/admin/ tags/3.5.8-2/debian/ tags/3.5.8-2/doc/ tags/3.5.8-2/examples/ tags/3.5.8-2/freefem-api/ tags/3.5.8-2/freefem/ tags/3.5.8-2/freefem/fem/ tags/3.5.8-3/ tags/3.5.8-3/admin/ tags/3.5.8-3/debian/ tags/3.5.8-3/doc/ tags/3.5.8-3/examples/ tags/3.5.8-3/freefem-api/ tags/3.5.8-3/freefem/ tags/3.5.8-3/freefem/fem/ trunk/ trunk/admin/ trunk/debian/ trunk/doc/ trunk/examples/ trunk/freefem-api/ trunk/freefem/ trunk/freefem/.deps/ trunk/freefem/fem/ trunk/freefem/fem/.deps/
sylvestre at
- r38652 - in /packages/freefem/trunk: ./ admin/ debian/ doc/ examples/ freefem-api/ freefem/
sylvestre at
- r38653 - in /packages/freefem/trunk/debian: changelog control copyright libfreefem-dev.install patches/ patches/gcc_header.diff rules source/ source/format
sylvestre at
- r38654 - in /packages/freefem/trunk: config.h config.log config.status configure freefem.doxygen freefem.spec
sylvestre at
- r38655 - in /packages/libmesh/trunk/debian: ./ changelog control copyright patches/netcdf_support.patch patches/ripout_old_gnuc.patch patches/scotchmetis_support.patch patches/series patches/source.dfsg.patch rules
sylvestre at
- r38656 - in /packages/openmx: ./ tags/ trunk/ trunk/debian/ trunk/debian/patches/
sylvestre at
- r38657 - in /packages/arpack++: ./ tags/ tags/2.3-1/ tags/2.3-1/debian/ trunk/ trunk/debian/
sylvestre at
- r38658 - in /packages/arpack++/trunk/debian: ./ changelog control libarpack++2-dev.install libarpack++2c2a.postinst.debhelper libarpack++2c2a.postrm.debhelper patches/ patches/arlsmat.diff rules source/ source/format
sylvestre at
- r38659 - in /packages/arpack++/trunk/debian: changelog control patches/series rules
sylvestre at
- r38660 - in /packages/minpack: ./ trunk/ trunk/debian/
sylvestre at
- r38661 - in /packages/openmx/trunk/debian: ./ changelog control docs patches/makefile.patch rules
sylvestre at
- r38662 - in /packages/openmx/tags/3.5-1: ./ patches/ patches/makefile.patch
sylvestre at
- r38663 - in /packages/openmx/trunk/debian/source: ./ format
sylvestre at
- r38664 - in /packages/openblas/trunk/debian: changelog rules
sylvestre at
- r38665 - in /packages/qrupdate: ./ trunk/ trunk/debian/
sylvestre at
- r38666 - in /packages/qrupdate/trunk/debian: ./ changelog control libqrupdate1.symbols source/ source/format
sylvestre at
- r38667 - in /packages/lapack/trunk/debian: changelog patches/fixMan.diff patches/series patches/squeleton.diff
sylvestre at
- r38668 - in /packages/blas/trunk: cblas/ debian/ debian/blas.patch debian/changelog debian/control
sylvestre at
- r38669 - in /packages/getfem++/trunk/debian: changelog control libgetfem++-dev.install rules
sylvestre at
- r38670 - in /packages/getfem++/tags: 4.1.1-2/ 4.1.1-2/changelog 4.1.1-3/ 4.1.1-3/changelog 4.1.1-3/control 4.1.1-3/libgetfem++-dev.install 4.1.1-3/rules
sylvestre at
- r38671 - in /packages/getfem++/trunk/debian: changelog rules
sylvestre at
- r38672 - in /packages/getfem++/tags/4.1.1-4: ./ changelog control libgetfem++-dev.install rules
sylvestre at
- r38673 - in /packages/libmesh/trunk/debian: patches/wrong_path_doc.patch source/ source/format
sylvestre at
- r38674 - in /packages/sundials/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38675 - in /packages/xmds: ./ branches/ branches/svn-snapshot/ branches/svn-snapshot/debian/ tags/ tags/1.5.3-2/ tags/1.5.3-2/debian/ tags/1.5.3-2/debian/patches/ tags/1.5.3-3/ tags/1.5.3-3/debian/ tags/1.5.3-3/debian/patches/ tags/1.5.3-4/ tags/1.5.3-4/debian/ tags/1.5.3-4/debian/patches/ tags/1.5.3-5/ tags/1.5.3-5/debian/ tags/1.5.3-5/debian/patches/ tags/1.5.3-6/ tags/1.5.3-6/debian/ tags/1.5.3-6/debian/patches/ tags/1.5.3-7/ tags/1.5.3-7/debian/ tags/1.5.3-7/debian/patches/ tags/1.5.3-8/ tags/1.5.3-8/debian/ tags/1.5.3-8/debian/patches/ tags/1.5.3-9/ tags/1.5.3-9/debian/ tags/1.5.3-9/debian/patches/ tags/1.6-1/ tags/1.6-1/debian/ tags/1.6-1/debian/patches/ tags/1.6-2/ tags/1.6-2/debian/ tags/1.6-2/debian/patches/ tags/1.6.1-1/ tags/1.6.1-1/debian/ tags/1.6.1-1/debian/patches/ tags/1.6.2-1/ tags/1.6.2-1/debian/ tags/1.6.2-1/debian/patches/ tags/1.6.3-1/ tags/1.6.3-1/debian/ tags/1.6.3-1/debian/patches/ tags/1.6.3-2/ tags/1.6.3-2/debian/ tags/1.6.3-2/debian/patches/ tags/1.6.3-3/ tags/1.6.3-3/debian/ tags/1.6.3-3/debian/patches/ tags/1.6.3~svn.1569-1/ tags/1.6.3~svn.1569-1/debian/ tags/1.6.4-1/ tags/1.6.4-1/debian/ tags/1.6.4-1/debian/patches/ tags/1.6.5-1/ tags/1.6.5-1/debian/ tags/1.6.5-2/ tags/1.6.5-2/patches/ tags/1.6.6-1/ tags/1.6.6-2/ tags/1.6.6-3/ tags/1.6.6-3/debian/ trunk/ trunk/debian/ trunk/debian/patches/
sylvestre at
- r38676 - in /packages/xmds/trunk/debian: changelog control rules
sylvestre at
- r38677 - in /packages/blas/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38678 - /packages/blas/trunk/debian/rules
sylvestre at
- r38679 - in /packages/blas/trunk/debian: changelog rules
sylvestre at
- r38680 - in /packages/libmesh/trunk/debian: changelog control rules
sylvestre at
- r38681 - in /packages/libmesh/tags/0.7.1-2: ./ changelog control rules
sylvestre at
- r38682 - in /packages/libmatio/trunk/debian: changelog control libmatio-dev.install
sylvestre at
- r38683 - in /packages/libmatio/tags/1.3.4-3: ./ changelog control libmatio-dev.install
sylvestre at
- r38706 - /packages/fenics/dolfin/trunk/debian/changelog
sylvestre at
- r43803 - in /packages/flann/trunk/debian: changelog control watch
sylvestre at
- r43805 - /packages/flann/trunk/debian/control
sylvestre at
- r43829 - in /packages/jhdf/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- r43832 - in /packages/parmetis: ./ branches/ branches/upstream/ branches/upstream/3.1/ branches/upstream/3.1/Graphs/ branches/upstream/3.1/METISLib/ branches/upstream/3.1/Manual/ branches/upstream/3.1/ParMETISLib/ branches/upstream/3.1/Programs/ branches/upstream/current/ branches/upstream/current/Graphs/ branches/upstream/current/METISLib/ branches/upstream/current/Manual/ branches/upstream/current/ParMETISLib/ branches/upstream/current/Programs/ tags/ tags/3.1-4/ tags/3.1-4/Graphs/ tags/3.1-4/METISLib/ tags/3.1-4/Manual/ tags/3.1-4/ParMETISLib/ tags/3.1-4/Programs/ tags/3.1-4/debian/ tags/3.1-5/ tags/3.1-5/Graphs/ tags/3.1-5/METISLib/ tags/3.1-5/Manual/ tags/3.1-5/ParMETISLib/ tags/3.1-5/Programs/ tags/3.1-5/debian/ tags/3.1-6/ tags/3.1-6/Graphs/ tags/3.1-6/METISLib/ tags/3.1-6/Manual/ tags/3.1-6/ParMETISLib/ tags/3.1-6/Programs/ tags/3.1-6/debian/ tags/3.1.1-2/ tags/3.1.1-3/ trunk/ trunk/debian/
sylvestre at
- r43833 - in /packages/parmetis/trunk/debian: changelog rules source/ source/format
sylvestre at
- r43834 - in /packages/parmetis/trunk: ./ Graphs/ METISLib/ Manual/ ParMETISLib/ Programs/
sylvestre at
- r43835 - in /packages/parmetis/trunk: METISLib/Makefile ParMETISLib/Makefile
sylvestre at
- r43836 - /packages/parmetis/trunk/Programs/Makefile
sylvestre at
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 20:36:54 UTC 2011
Archived on: Wed Aug 31 20:36:57 UTC 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).