[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323

Bernhard R. Link brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:54:20 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit 6856068b89624d016fbcacc621fbe0aafc4803cd
Author: Yue Ren <ren at mathematik.uni-kl.de>
Date:   Mon Mar 12 14:41:21 2012 +0100

    chg: changed how cached data is handled in gfanlib because of Anders

diff --git a/callpolymake/polymake.cc b/callpolymake/polymake.cc
index 55a061b..b28c7ed 100755
--- a/callpolymake/polymake.cc
+++ b/callpolymake/polymake.cc
@@ -213,8 +213,10 @@ gfan::ZCone PmCone2ZCone (polymake::perl::Object* pc)
     polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> exraysrational = pc->give("RAYS");
     polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> linrational = pc->give("LINEALITY_SPACE");
-    gfan::ZMatrix zv, zw, zx, zy;
-    if (ineqrational.cols()!=0)
+    gfan::ZMatrix zv, zw, zx, zy, zz;
+    // the following branching statements are to cover cases in which polymake returns empty matrices
+    // by convention, gfanlib ignores empty matrices, hence zero matrices of right dimensions have to be supplied
+    if (ineqrational.cols()!=0) 
       polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> ineqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(ineqrational);
       zv = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&ineqinteger);
@@ -235,9 +237,6 @@ gfan::ZCone PmCone2ZCone (polymake::perl::Object* pc)
       zx = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
-    gfan::ZCone zc = gfan::ZCone(zv,zw,zx,3);
     if (linrational.cols()!=0)
       polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> lininteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(linrational);
@@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ gfan::ZCone PmCone2ZCone (polymake::perl::Object* pc)
       zy = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
-    zc.setGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace(zy);
+    gfan::ZCone zc = gfan::ZCone(zv,zw,zx,zy,zz,3);
     return zc;
@@ -267,10 +266,13 @@ gfan::ZCone PmPolytope2ZPolytope (polymake::perl::Object* pp)
     polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> ineqrational = pp->give("FACETS");
     polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> eqrational = pp->give("AFFINE_HULL");
     polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> vertrational = pp->give("VERTICES");
+    polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> linrational = pp->give("LINEALITY_SPACE");
-    gfan::ZMatrix zv, zw, zx;
-    if (ineqrational.cols()!=0)  // the following branching statements are to cover the cases
-    {                            // when polymake returns an empty matrix
+    gfan::ZMatrix zv, zw, zx, zy, zz;
+    // the following branching statements are to cover the cases when polymake returns empty matrices 
+    // by convention, gfanlib ignores empty matrices, hence zero matrices of right dimensions have to be supplied
+    if (ineqrational.cols()!=0)
+    {
       polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> ineqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(ineqrational);
       zv = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&ineqinteger);
@@ -292,8 +294,15 @@ gfan::ZCone PmPolytope2ZPolytope (polymake::perl::Object* pp)
       zx = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
+    if (linrational.cols()!=0)
+      {
+        polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> lininteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(linrational);
+        zy = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&lininteger);
+      }
+    else
+      zy = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
-    gfan::ZCone zp = gfan::ZCone(zv,zw,zx,3);
+    gfan::ZCone zp = gfan::ZCone(zv,zw,zx,zy,zz,3);  
     return zp;
   WerrorS("PmPolytope2ZPolytope: unexpected parameters");
@@ -1802,99 +1811,99 @@ BOOLEAN normalFan(leftv res, leftv args)
 //   return TRUE;
 // }
-BOOLEAN testingmatrices(leftv res, leftv args)
-  leftv u = args;
-  if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == coneID))
-    {
-      gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*) u->Data();
-      gfan::ZMatrix zm = zc->getInequalities();
-      polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> pm = GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&zm);
-      gfan::ZMatrix zn = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&pm);
-      res->rtyp = NONE;
-      res->data = NULL;
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
+// BOOLEAN testingmatrices(leftv res, leftv args)
+// {
+//   leftv u = args;
+//   if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == coneID))
+//     {
+//       gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*) u->Data();
+//       gfan::ZMatrix zm = zc->getInequalities();
+//       polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> pm = GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&zm);
+//       gfan::ZMatrix zn = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&pm);
+//       res->rtyp = NONE;
+//       res->data = NULL;
+//       return FALSE;
+//     }
+//   return TRUE;
+// }
-BOOLEAN testingcones(leftv res, leftv args)  // for testing purposes       
-{                                            // taking a cone from Singular,
-                                             // handing it over to polymake 
-                                             // and back                    
-  leftv u = args;
-  if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == coneID))
-    {
-      gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*) u->Data();
-      Print("converting gfan cone to polymake cone...\n");
-      polymake::perl::Object pc = ZCone2PmCone(zc);
-      Print("converting polymake cone to gfan cone...\n");
-      gfan::ZCone* zd = new gfan::ZCone(PmCone2ZCone(&pc));
-      // res->rtyp = coneID;
-      // res->data = (char *) zd;
-      res->rtyp = NONE;
-      res->data = NULL;
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
+// BOOLEAN testingcones(leftv res, leftv args)  // for testing purposes       
+// {                                            // taking a cone from Singular,
+//                                              // handing it over to polymake 
+//                                              // and back                    
+//   leftv u = args;
+//   if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == coneID))
+//     {
+//       gfan::ZCone* zc = (gfan::ZCone*) u->Data();
+//       Print("converting gfan cone to polymake cone...\n");
+//       polymake::perl::Object pc = ZCone2PmCone(zc);
+//       Print("converting polymake cone to gfan cone...\n");
+//       gfan::ZCone* zd = new gfan::ZCone(PmCone2ZCone(&pc));
+//       // res->rtyp = coneID;
+//       // res->data = (char *) zd;
+//       res->rtyp = NONE;
+//       res->data = NULL;
+//       return FALSE;
+//     }
+//   return TRUE;
+// }
-BOOLEAN testingpolytopes(leftv res, leftv args) // for testing purposes
-{                                                // taking a cone from Singular,
-                                                 // handing it over to polymake
-                                                 // and back
-  leftv u = args;
-  if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == polytopeID))
-  {
-    gfan::ZCone* zp = (gfan::ZCone*) u->Data();
-    polymake::perl::Object pp = ZPolytope2PmPolytope(zp);
-    gfan::ZCone* zq = new gfan::ZCone(PmPolytope2ZPolytope(&pp));
-    res->rtyp = polytopeID;
-    res->data = (char *) zq;
-    return FALSE;
-  }
-  return TRUE;
-BOOLEAN testingvisuals(leftv res, leftv args)   // for testing purposes
-{                                               // testing visualization of fans
-  try{                                          // exactly same as smalltest
-    // perl::Object p("Polytope<Rational>");
-    // p = CallPolymakeFunction("cube",3);
-    perl::Object p("PolyhedralFan");
-    Matrix<Integer> zm=(unit_matrix<Integer>(3));
-    p.take("INPUT_RAYS") << zm;
-    Set<int> s;
-    s = s+0;
-    s = s+1;
-    s = s+2;
-    Array<Set<int> > ar(1);
-    ar[0]=s;
-    p.take("INPUT_CONES") << ar;
-    VoidCallPolymakeFunction("jreality",p.CallPolymakeMethod("VISUAL")); 
-    res->rtyp = NONE;
-    res->data = NULL;
-    return FALSE;
-  } 
-  catch (const std::exception& ex) 
-  {
-    WerrorS("ERROR: "); WerrorS(ex.what()); WerrorS("\n"); 
-    return TRUE;
-  }
+// BOOLEAN testingpolytopes(leftv res, leftv args) // for testing purposes
+// {                                                // taking a cone from Singular,
+//                                                  // handing it over to polymake
+//                                                  // and back
+//   leftv u = args;
+//   if ((u != NULL) && (u->Typ() == polytopeID))
+//   {
+//     gfan::ZCone* zp = (gfan::ZCone*) u->Data();
+//     polymake::perl::Object pp = ZPolytope2PmPolytope(zp);
+//     gfan::ZCone* zq = new gfan::ZCone(PmPolytope2ZPolytope(&pp));
+//     res->rtyp = polytopeID;
+//     res->data = (char *) zq;
+//     return FALSE;
+//   }
+//   return TRUE;
+// }   
+// BOOLEAN testingvisuals(leftv res, leftv args)   // for testing purposes
+// {                                               // testing visualization of fans
+//   try{                                          // exactly same as smalltest
+//     // perl::Object p("Polytope<Rational>");
+//     // p = CallPolymakeFunction("cube",3);
+//     perl::Object p("PolyhedralFan");
+//     Matrix<Integer> zm=(unit_matrix<Integer>(3));
+//     p.take("INPUT_RAYS") << zm;
+//     Set<int> s;
+//     s = s+0;
+//     s = s+1;
+//     s = s+2;
+//     Array<Set<int> > ar(1);
+//     ar[0]=s;
+//     p.take("INPUT_CONES") << ar;
+//     VoidCallPolymakeFunction("jreality",p.CallPolymakeMethod("VISUAL")); 
+//     res->rtyp = NONE;
+//     res->data = NULL;
+//     return FALSE;
+//   } 
+//   catch (const std::exception& ex) 
+//   {
+//     WerrorS("ERROR: "); WerrorS(ex.what()); WerrorS("\n"); 
+//     return TRUE;
+//   }
+// }
-BOOLEAN testingstrings(leftv res, leftv args)
-  leftv u = args;
-  gfan::ZFan* zf = (gfan::ZFan*) u->Data();
-  std::string zs = zf->toString();
-  std::istringstream s(zs);
-  gfan::ZFan* zg = new gfan::ZFan(s);
-  res->rtyp = fanID;
-  res->data = (char*) zg;
-  return FALSE;
+// BOOLEAN testingstrings(leftv res, leftv args)
+// {
+//   leftv u = args;
+//   gfan::ZFan* zf = (gfan::ZFan*) u->Data();
+//   std::string zs = zf->toString();
+//   std::istringstream s(zs);
+//   gfan::ZFan* zg = new gfan::ZFan(s);
+//   res->rtyp = fanID;
+//   res->data = (char*) zg;
+//   return FALSE;
+// }
 // BOOLEAN callpolymakefunction(leftv res, leftv args)
@@ -2040,12 +2049,12 @@ extern "C" int mod_init(void* polymakesingular)
   // iiAddCproc("","testingtypes",FALSE,testingtypes);
   // iiAddCproc("","testingintvec",FALSE,testingintvec);
-  iiAddCproc("","testingcones",FALSE,testingcones);
-  iiAddCproc("","testingpolytopes",FALSE,testingpolytopes);
+  // iiAddCproc("","testingcones",FALSE,testingcones);
+  // iiAddCproc("","testingpolytopes",FALSE,testingpolytopes);
   // iiAddCproc("","testingfans",FALSE,testingfans);
-  iiAddCproc("","testingvisuals",FALSE,testingvisuals);
-  iiAddCproc("","testingstrings",FALSE,testingstrings);
-  iiAddCproc("","testingmatrices",FALSE,testingmatrices);
+  // iiAddCproc("","testingvisuals",FALSE,testingvisuals);
+  // iiAddCproc("","testingstrings",FALSE,testingstrings);
+  // iiAddCproc("","testingmatrices",FALSE,testingmatrices);
   blackbox* b=getBlackboxStuff(polytopeID);
diff --git a/gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.cpp b/gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.cpp
index 4b36902..cf195e4 100644
--- a/gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.cpp
+++ b/gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.cpp
@@ -737,9 +737,8 @@ ZCone::ZCone(int ambientDimension):
-  haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached(false),
-  hasQuotientLatticeBasisBeenCached(false),
+  haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached(false),
@@ -752,9 +751,8 @@ ZCone::ZCone(ZMatrix const &inequalities_, ZMatrix const &equations_, int preass
-  haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached(false),
-  hasQuotientLatticeBasisBeenCached(false),
+  haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached(false),
@@ -763,20 +761,27 @@ ZCone::ZCone(ZMatrix const &inequalities_, ZMatrix const &equations_, int preass
-ZCone::ZCone(ZMatrix const &inequalities_, ZMatrix const &equations_, ZMatrix const &cachedExtremeRays_, int preassumptions_):
+ZCone::ZCone(ZMatrix const &inequalities_, ZMatrix const &equations_, ZMatrix const &cachedExtremeRays_, ZMatrix const &cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace_, ZMatrix const &cachedGeneratorsOfSpan_, int preassumptions_):
+  cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace(cachedExtremeRays_),
+  cachedGeneratorsOfSpan(cachedGeneratorsOfSpan_),
-  haveExtremeRaysBeenCached(true),
-  haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached(false),
+  haveExtremeRaysBeenCached(false),
-  hasQuotientLatticeBasisBeenCached(false),
+  haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached(false),
+    if (cachedExtremeRays_.getWidth()!=0)
+      haveExtremeRaysBeenCached=true;
+    if (cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace_.getWidth()!=0)
+      haveGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceBeenCached=true;
+    if (cachedGeneratorsOfSpan_.getWidth()!=0)
+      haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached=true;
@@ -858,6 +863,8 @@ int ZCone::dimension()const
 int ZCone::dimensionOfLinealitySpace()const
+  if(haveGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceBeenCached)
+    return cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace.getHeight();
   ZMatrix temp=inequalities;
   ZCone temp2(ZMatrix(0,n),temp);
@@ -1190,34 +1197,6 @@ void ZCone::setLinearForms(ZMatrix const &linearForms_)
-void ZCone::setExtremeRays(ZMatrix const &extremeRays_)
-  cachedExtremeRays=extremeRays_;
-  haveExtremeRaysBeenCached=true;
-void ZCone::setGeneratorsOfSpan(ZMatrix const &generatorsOfSpan_)
-  cachedGeneratorsOfSpan=generatorsOfSpan_;
-  haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached=true;
-void ZCone::setGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace(ZMatrix const &generatorsOfLinealitySpace_)
-  cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace=generatorsOfLinealitySpace_;
-  haveGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceBeenCached=true;
-void ZCone::setQuotientLatticeBasis(ZMatrix const &quotientLatticeBasis_)
-  cachedQuotientLatticeBasis=quotientLatticeBasis_;
-  hasQuotientLatticeBasisBeenCached=true;
 ZMatrix ZCone::quotientLatticeBasis()const
 //  assert(isInStateMinimum(1));// Implied equations must have been computed in order to know the span of the cone
@@ -1373,16 +1352,26 @@ ZMatrix ZCone::getEquations()const
 ZMatrix ZCone::generatorsOfSpan()const
+  if(haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached)
+      return cachedGeneratorsOfSpan;
   QMatrix l=ZToQMatrix(equations);
-  return QToZMatrixPrimitive(l.reduceAndComputeKernel());
+  cachedGeneratorsOfSpan=QToZMatrixPrimitive(l.reduceAndComputeKernel());
+  haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached=true;
+  return cachedGeneratorsOfSpan;
 ZMatrix ZCone::generatorsOfLinealitySpace()const
+  if(haveGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceBeenCached)
+    return cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace;
   QMatrix l=ZToQMatrix(combineOnTop(inequalities,equations));
-  return QToZMatrixPrimitive(l.reduceAndComputeKernel());
+  cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace=QToZMatrixPrimitive(l.reduceAndComputeKernel());
+  haveGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceBeenCached=true;
+  return cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace;
diff --git a/gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.h b/gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.h
index eeca97c..386ceb4 100644
--- a/gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.h
+++ b/gfanlib/gfanlib_zcone.h
@@ -107,13 +107,6 @@ class ZCone
   mutable bool haveExtremeRaysBeenCached;
-  mutable ZMatrix cachedGeneratorsOfSpan;
- * If this true it means that cachedGeneratorsOfSpan contains 
- * the generators of the span as found by generatorsOfSpan().
- */
-  mutable bool haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached;
   mutable ZMatrix cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace;
  * If true it means that cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace contains 
@@ -121,12 +114,12 @@ class ZCone
   mutable bool haveGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceBeenCached;
-  mutable ZMatrix cachedQuotientLatticeBasis;
+  mutable ZMatrix cachedGeneratorsOfSpan;
- * If true it means that cachedQuotientLatticeBasis contains 
- * the basis of the quotient lattice as found by quotientLatticeBasis().
+ * If this true it means that cachedGeneratorsOfSpan contains 
+ * the generators of the span as found by generatorsOfSpan().
-  mutable bool hasQuotientLatticeBasisBeenCached;
+  mutable bool haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached;
   void ensureStateAsMinimum(int s)const;
@@ -140,9 +133,10 @@ public:
      ZCone(ZMatrix const &inequalities_, ZMatrix const &equations_, int preassumptions_=PCP_none);
-    * Same as above except that cachedExtremeRays may be set. Those are always believed to be right!
+    * Same as above except that additional data may be set. Those are always believed to be right!
+    * No checks for validality will be done!
-     ZCone(ZMatrix const &inequalities_, ZMatrix const &equations_, ZMatrix const &cachedExtremeRays_, int preassumptions_=PCP_none);
+     ZCone(ZMatrix const &inequalities_, ZMatrix const &equations_, ZMatrix const &cachedExtremeRays_, ZMatrix const &cachedGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace_, ZMatrix const &cachedGeneratorsOfSpan_, int preassumptions_=PCP_none);
       * Get the multiplicity of the cone.
@@ -159,7 +153,6 @@ public:
       * Store a matrix of linear forms in the cone object.
      void setLinearForms(ZMatrix const &linearForms_);
       * Get the inequalities in the description of the cone.
@@ -185,21 +178,11 @@ public:
      bool areImpliedEquationsKnown()const{return (state>=1)||(preassumptions&PCP_impliedEquationsKnown);}
-      * The following functions return true iff the respective data is cashed.
+      * The following functions return true iff the respective data is cached.
      bool areExtremeRaysKnown()const{return haveExtremeRaysBeenCached;}
      bool areGeneratorsOfSpanKnown()const{return haveGeneratorsOfSpanBeenCached;}
      bool areGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceKnown()const{return haveGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceBeenCached;}
-     bool isQuotientLatticeBasisKnown()const{return hasQuotientLatticeBasisBeenCached;}
-     /**
-      * The following functions set the respective data to be the given input.
-      * The input will always assumed to be correct, there are no checks.
-      * Should it not be correct, future calculations relying on it might break.
-      */ 
-     void setExtremeRays(ZMatrix const &extremeRays_);
-     void setGeneratorsOfSpan(ZMatrix const &generatorsOfSpan_);
-     void setGeneratorsOfLinealitySpace(ZMatrix const &generatorsOfLinealitySpace_);
-     void setQuotientLatticeBasis(ZMatrix const &quotientLatticeBasis_);
       * Takes the cone to a canonical form. After taking cones to canonical form, two cones are the same
       * if and only if their matrices of equations and inequalities are the same.
@@ -226,7 +209,7 @@ public:
      void findImpliedEquations();
-      * Constructor for polyhedral cone with no inequalities or equations. Tthat is, the full space of some dimension.
+      * Constructor for polyhedral cone with no inequalities or equations. That is, the full space of some dimension.
      ZCone(int ambientDimension=0);
@@ -234,15 +217,15 @@ public:
       * Computes are relative interior point of the cone.
      ZVector getRelativeInteriorPoint()const;
-  /**
-     Assuming that this cone C is in state at least 3 (why not 2?), this routine returns a relative interior point v(C) of C with the following properties:
-     1) v is a function, that is v(C) is found deterministically
-     2) for any angle preserving, lattice preserving and lineality space preserving transformation T of R^n we have that v(T(C))=T(v(C)). This makes it easy to check if two cones in the same fan are equal up to symmetry. Here preserving the lineality space L just means T(L)=L.
-  */
+     /**
+        Assuming that this cone C is in state at least 3 (why not 2?), this routine returns a relative interior point v(C) of C with the following properties:
+        1) v is a function, that is v(C) is found deterministically
+        2) for any angle preserving, lattice preserving and lineality space preserving transformation T of R^n we have that v(T(C))=T(v(C)). This makes it easy to check if two cones in the same fan are equal up to symmetry. Here preserving the lineality space L just means T(L)=L.
+     */
      ZVector getUniquePoint()const;
-  /**
-   * Takes a list of possible extreme rays and add up those actually contained in the cone.
-   */
+     /**
+      * Takes a list of possible extreme rays and add up those actually contained in the cone.
+      */
      ZVector getUniquePointFromExtremeRays(ZMatrix const &extremeRays)const;
       * Returns the dimension of the ambient space.
@@ -316,7 +299,7 @@ public:
       * Returns true iff the PolyhedralCone contains v in its relative interior. False otherwise. The cone must be in state at least 1.
      bool containsRelatively(ZVector const &v)const;
-     /*
+     /**
       * Returns true iff the cone is simplicial. That is, iff the dimension of the cone equals the number of facets.
      bool isSimplicial()const;

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