[SCM] an open source computer algebra system branch, cleanedupstream, updated. 6125e540ca6d66c307958938a9d53b245507c323
Bernhard R. Link
brlink at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:54:20 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the cleanedupstream branch:
commit 5bae4d3babcbba8223f0d32ffc1bc24cf4dce93c
Author: Yue Ren <ren at mathematik.uni-kl.de>
Date: Tue Mar 13 15:16:25 2012 +0100
new: split polymake.cc into conversion functions, wrappers and documentation
chg: new way to declare cones
diff --git a/callgfanlib/bbcone.cc b/callgfanlib/bbcone.cc
index 7d1a336..30ac9cc 100644
--- a/callgfanlib/bbcone.cc
+++ b/callgfanlib/bbcone.cc
@@ -659,6 +659,70 @@ BOOLEAN quickConeViaNormals(leftv res, leftv args)
return TRUE;
+BOOLEAN ZCone(leftv res, leftv args)
+ leftv u = args;
+ if ((u != NULL) && ((u->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD) || (u->Typ() == INT_CMD)))
+ {
+ leftv v = u->next;
+ if ((u != NULL) && ((v->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD) || (v->Typ() == INT_CMD)))
+ {
+ leftv w = v->next;
+ if ((u != NULL) && ((w->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD) || (w->Typ() == INT_CMD)))
+ {
+ leftv x = w->next;
+ if ((u != NULL) && ((x->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD) || (x->Typ() == INT_CMD)))
+ {
+ leftv y = x->next;
+ if ((u != NULL) && ((y->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD) || (y->Typ() == INT_CMD)))
+ {
+ leftv z = y->next;
+ if ((u != NULL) && (z->Typ() == INT_CMD))
+ {
+ gfan::ZMatrix gfineq, gfeq, gfexRays, gflinSpace, gfspan;
+ // if user has given int as input, an empty ZMatrix will be passed to gfan
+ // which will be ignored by the constructor
+ if (u->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)
+ {
+ intvec* ineq = (intvec*) u->Data();
+ gfineq = intmat2ZMatrix(ineq);
+ }
+ if (v->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)
+ {
+ intvec* eq = (intvec*) v->Data();
+ gfeq = intmat2ZMatrix(eq);
+ }
+ if (w->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)
+ {
+ intvec* exRays = (intvec*) w->Data();
+ gfexRays = intmat2ZMatrix(exRays);
+ }
+ if (x->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)
+ {
+ intvec* linSpace = (intvec*) x->Data();
+ gflinSpace = intmat2ZMatrix(linSpace);
+ }
+ if (y->Typ() == INTMAT_CMD)
+ {
+ intvec* span = (intvec*) y->Data();
+ gfspan = intmat2ZMatrix(span);
+ }
+ int flag = (int)(long) z->Data();
+ gfan::ZCone* zc = new gfan::ZCone(gfineq,gfeq,gfexRays,gflinSpace,gfspan,flag);
+ res->rtyp = coneID;
+ res->data = (char*) zc;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ WerrorS("ZCone: unexpected parameters");
+ return TRUE;
BOOLEAN getInequalities(leftv res, leftv args)
@@ -1345,6 +1409,7 @@ void bbcone_setup()
+ iiAddCproc("","ZCone",FALSE,ZCone);
// iiAddCproc("","takeUnion",FALSE,takeUnion);
diff --git a/callpolymake/Makefile b/callpolymake/Makefile
index 5af062d..9de94a5 100755
--- a/callpolymake/Makefile
+++ b/callpolymake/Makefile
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/include/polymake/ -lxml2
all: polymake
- g++ -o polymake.o -I. ${PM_INC} ${PM_CFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -I../ -c -g polymake.cc
- g++ -shared -o polymake.so ${PM_LDFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -g polymake.o ${PM_LIBS} -lgmpxx -lgmp
+ g++ -o polymake_conversion.o -I. ${PM_INC} ${PM_CFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -I../ -c -g polymake_conversion.cc
+ g++ -o polymake_wrapper.o -I. ${PM_INC} ${PM_CFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -I../ -c -g polymake_wrapper.cc
+ g++ -shared -o polymake.so ${PM_LDFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -g polymake_conversion.o polymake_wrapper.o ${PM_LIBS} -lgmpxx -lgmp
cp polymake.so ../Singular/polymake.so
diff --git a/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.cc b/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71f23c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+#include <polymake/Main.h>
+#include <polymake/Matrix.h>
+#include <polymake/Rational.h>
+#include <polymake/Integer.h>
+#include <polymake/polytope/lattice_tools.h>
+#include <polymake/perl/macros.h>
+#include <polymake/Set.h>
+#include <polymake/IncidenceMatrix.h>
+#include <gfanlib/gfanlib.h>
+#include <gfanlib/gfanlib_q.h>
+#include <gmpxx.h>
+#include <kernel/mod2.h>
+#include <kernel/structs.h>
+#include <kernel/febase.h>
+#include <kernel/intvec.h>
+#include <callgfanlib/bbcone.h>
+#include <callgfanlib/bbfan.h>
+#include <callgfanlib/bbpolytope.h>
+#include <Singular/blackbox.h>
+#include <Singular/ipshell.h>
+#include <Singular/subexpr.h>
+#include <Singular/tok.h>
+/* Functions for converting Integers, Rationals and their Matrices
+ in between C++, gfan, polymake and singular */
+/* gfan -> polymake */
+polymake::Integer GfInteger2PmInteger (const gfan::Integer& gi)
+ mpz_t cache; mpz_init(cache);
+ gi.setGmp(cache);
+ polymake::Integer pi(cache);
+ return pi;
+polymake::Rational GfRational2PmRational (const gfan::Rational& gr)
+ mpq_t cache; mpq_init(cache);
+ gr.setGmp(cache);
+ polymake::Rational pr(cache);
+ return pr;
+polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer> Intvec2PmVectorInteger (const intvec* iv)
+ polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer> vi(iv->length());
+ for(int i=1; i<=iv->length(); i++)
+ {
+ vi[i-1]=(*iv)[i-1];
+ }
+ return vi;
+polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger (const gfan::ZMatrix* zm)
+ int rows=zm->getHeight();
+ int cols=zm->getWidth();
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> mi(rows,cols);
+ for(int r=1; r<=rows; r++)
+ for(int c=1; c<=cols; c++)
+ mi(r-1,c-1) = GfInteger2PmInteger((*zm)[r-1][c-1]);
+ return mi;
+polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> GfQMatrix2PmMatrixRational (const gfan::QMatrix* qm)
+ int rows=qm->getHeight();
+ int cols=qm->getWidth();
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> mr(rows,cols);
+ for(int r=1; r<=rows; r++)
+ for(int c=1; c<=cols; c++)
+ mr(r-1,c-1) = GfRational2PmRational((*qm)[r-1][c-1]);
+ return mr;
+/* gfan <- polymake */
+gfan::Integer PmInteger2GfInteger (const polymake::Integer& pi)
+ mpz_class cache(pi.get_rep());
+ gfan::Integer gi(cache.get_mpz_t());
+ return gi;
+gfan::Rational PmRational2GfRational (const polymake::Rational& pr)
+ mpq_class cache(pr.get_rep());
+ gfan::Rational gr(cache.get_mpq_t());
+ return gr;
+gfan::ZMatrix PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix (const polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer>* mi)
+ int rows=mi->rows();
+ int cols=mi->cols();
+ gfan::ZMatrix zm(rows,cols);
+ for(int r=1; r<=rows; r++)
+ for(int c=1; c<=cols; c++)
+ zm[r-1][c-1] = PmInteger2GfInteger((*mi)(r-1,c-1));
+ return zm;
+gfan::QMatrix PmMatrixRational2GfQMatrix (const polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational>* mr)
+ int rows=mr->rows();
+ int cols=mr->cols();
+ gfan::QMatrix qm(rows,cols);
+ for(int r=1; r<=rows; r++)
+ for(int c=1; c<=cols; c++)
+ qm[r-1][c-1] = PmRational2GfRational((*mr)(r-1,c-1));
+ return qm;
+/* polymake -> singular */
+int PmInteger2Int(const polymake::Integer& pi, bool &ok)
+ int i;
+ try
+ {
+ i = (int) pi;
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& ex)
+ {
+ WerrorS("ERROR: "); WerrorS(ex.what()); WerrorS("\n");
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ return i;
+intvec* PmVectorInteger2Intvec (const polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer>* vi, bool &ok)
+ intvec* iv = new intvec(vi->size());
+ for(int i=1; i<=vi->size(); i++)
+ {
+ (*iv)[i-1] = PmInteger2Int((*vi)[i-1],ok);
+ }
+ return iv;
+intvec* PmMatrixInteger2Intvec (polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer>* mi)
+ int rows = mi->rows();
+ int cols = mi->cols();
+ intvec* iv = new intvec(rows,cols,0);
+ const polymake::Integer* pi = concat_rows(*mi).begin();
+ for (int r = 1; r <= rows; r++)
+ for (int c = 1; c <= cols; c++)
+ IMATELEM(*iv,r,c) = *pi++;
+ return iv;
+intvec* PmIncidenceMatrix2Intvec (polymake::IncidenceMatrix<polymake::NonSymmetric>* icmat)
+ int rows = icmat->rows();
+ int cols = icmat->cols();
+ intvec* iv = new intvec(rows,cols,0);
+ for (int r = 1; r <= rows; r++)
+ for (int c = 1; c <= cols; c++)
+ IMATELEM(*iv,r,c) = (int) (*icmat).row(r).exists(c);
+ return iv;
+intvec* PmSetInteger2Intvec (polymake::Set<polymake::Integer>* si, bool &b)
+ polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer> vi(*si);
+ return PmVectorInteger2Intvec(&vi,b);
+/* polymake <- singular */
+polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> Intvec2PmMatrixInteger (const intvec* im)
+ int rows=im->rows();
+ int cols=im->cols();
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> mi(rows,cols);
+ for(int r=0; r<rows; r++)
+ for(int c=0; c<cols; c++)
+ mi(r,c) = polymake::Integer(IMATELEM(*im, r+1, c+1));
+ return mi;
+/* Functions for converting cones and fans in between gfan and polymake,
+ Singular shares the same cones and fans with gfan */
+gfan::ZCone PmCone2ZCone (polymake::perl::Object* pc)
+ if (pc->isa("Cone"))
+ {
+ polymake::Integer ambientdim1 = pc->give("CONE_AMBIENT_DIM");
+ bool ok=true; int ambientdim2 = PmInteger2Int(ambientdim1, ok);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ WerrorS("PmCone2ZCone: overflow while converting polymake::Integer to int");
+ }
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> ineqrational = pc->give("FACETS");
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> eqrational = pc->give("LINEAR_SPAN");
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> exraysrational = pc->give("RAYS");
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> linrational = pc->give("LINEALITY_SPACE");
+ gfan::ZMatrix zv, zw, zx, zy, zz;
+ // the following branching statements are to cover cases in which polymake returns empty matrices
+ // by convention, gfanlib ignores empty matrices, hence zero matrices of right dimensions have to be supplied
+ if (ineqrational.cols()!=0)
+ {
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> ineqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(ineqrational);
+ zv = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&ineqinteger);
+ }
+ else
+ zv = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
+ if (eqrational.cols()!=0)
+ {
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> eqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(eqrational);
+ zw = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&eqinteger);
+ }
+ else
+ zw = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
+ if (exraysrational.cols()!=0)
+ {
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> exraysinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(exraysrational);
+ zx = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&exraysinteger);
+ }
+ else
+ zx = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
+ if (linrational.cols()!=0)
+ {
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> lininteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(linrational);
+ zy = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&lininteger);
+ }
+ else
+ zy = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
+ gfan::ZCone zc = gfan::ZCone(zv,zw,zx,zy,zz,3);
+ return zc;
+ }
+ WerrorS("PmCone2ZCone: unexpected parameters");
+gfan::ZCone PmPolytope2ZPolytope (polymake::perl::Object* pp)
+ if (pp->isa("Polytope<Rational>"))
+ {
+ polymake::Integer ambientdim1 = pp->give("CONE_AMBIENT_DIM");
+ bool ok=true; int ambientdim2 = PmInteger2Int(ambientdim1, ok);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ WerrorS("overflow while converting polymake::Integer to int");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> ineqrational = pp->give("FACETS");
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> eqrational = pp->give("AFFINE_HULL");
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> vertrational = pp->give("VERTICES");
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> linrational = pp->give("LINEALITY_SPACE");
+ gfan::ZMatrix zv, zw, zx, zy, zz;
+ // the following branching statements are to cover the cases when polymake returns empty matrices
+ // by convention, gfanlib ignores empty matrices, hence zero matrices of right dimensions have to be supplied
+ if (ineqrational.cols()!=0)
+ {
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> ineqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(ineqrational);
+ zv = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&ineqinteger);
+ }
+ else
+ zv = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
+ if (eqrational.cols()!=0)
+ {
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> eqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(eqrational);
+ zw = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&eqinteger);
+ }
+ else
+ zw = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
+ if (vertrational.cols()!=0)
+ {
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> vertinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(vertrational);
+ zx = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&vertinteger);
+ }
+ else
+ zx = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
+ if (linrational.cols()!=0)
+ {
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> lininteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(linrational);
+ zy = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&lininteger);
+ }
+ else
+ zy = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
+ gfan::ZCone zp = gfan::ZCone(zv,zw,zx,zy,zz,3);
+ return zp;
+ }
+ WerrorS("PmPolytope2ZPolytope: unexpected parameters");
+gfan::ZFan PmFan2ZFan (polymake::perl::Object* pf)
+ if (pf->isa("PolyhedralFan"))
+ {
+ int d = (int) pf->give("FAN_AMBIENT_DIM");
+ gfan::ZFan zf = gfan::ZFan(d);
+ int n = pf->give("N_MAXIMAL_CONES");
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ polymake::perl::Object pmcone=pf->CallPolymakeMethod("cone",i);
+ gfan::ZCone zc=PmCone2ZCone(&pmcone);
+ zf.insert(zc);
+ }
+ return zf;
+ }
+ WerrorS("PmFan2ZFan: unexpected parameters");
+polymake::perl::Object ZCone2PmCone (gfan::ZCone* zc)
+ polymake::perl::Object gc("Cone<Rational>");
+ gfan::ZMatrix inequalities = zc->getInequalities();
+ gc.take("FACETS") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&inequalities);
+ gfan::ZMatrix equations = zc->getEquations();
+ gc.take("LINEAR_SPAN") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&equations);
+ if(zc->areExtremeRaysKnown())
+ {
+ gfan::ZMatrix extremeRays = zc->extremeRays();
+ gc.take("RAYS") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&extremeRays);
+ }
+ if(zc->areGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceKnown())
+ {
+ gfan::ZMatrix lineality = zc->generatorsOfLinealitySpace();
+ gc.take("LINEALITY_SPACE") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&lineality);
+ }
+ return gc;
+polymake::perl::Object ZPolytope2PmPolytope (gfan::ZCone* zc)
+ polymake::perl::Object pp("Polytope<Rational>");
+ gfan::ZMatrix inequalities = zc->getInequalities();
+ pp.take("FACETS") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&inequalities);
+ gfan::ZMatrix equations = zc->getEquations();
+ pp.take("LINEAR_SPAN") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&equations);
+ if(zc->areExtremeRaysKnown())
+ {
+ gfan::ZMatrix vertices = zc->extremeRays();
+ pp.take("VERTICES") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&vertices);
+ }
+ return pp;
+polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> raysOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
+ int d = zf->getAmbientDimension();
+ int n = zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(1,0,0);
+ gfan::ZMatrix zm(n,d);
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ gfan::ZCone zc = zf->getCone(1,i,0,0);
+ gfan::ZMatrix ray = zc.extremeRays();
+ for (int j=0; j<d; j++)
+ {
+ zm[i][j]=ray[0][j];
+ }
+ }
+ return GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&zm);
+int numberOfRaysOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
+ int n = zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(1,0,0);
+ return n;
+int numberOfMaximalConesOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
+ int d = zf->getAmbientDimension();
+ int n = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i<=n; i++)
+ {
+ int n = n + zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(i,0,1);
+ }
+ return n;
+polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int> > conesOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
+ int c = numberOfRaysOf(zf);
+ int r = numberOfMaximalConesOf(zf);
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> pm=raysOf(zf);
+ polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int> > L(r);
+ int d = 1; // runs through all dimensions
+ int ii = 0; // runs through all cones of a given dimension
+ for (int i=0; i<r; i++)
+ {
+ if (ii>zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(d,0,1)) // if all cones of a dimension are through,
+ {
+ d = d+1; // increase dimension
+ ii = 0; // set counter to 0
+ }
+ gfan::IntVector v = zf->getConeIndices(d,ii,0,1);
+ polymake::Set<int> s;
+ for (int j=0; j<v.size(); j++)
+ {
+ s = s+v[j];
+ }
+ L[i] = s;
+ ii = ii+1;
+ }
+ return L;
+polymake::perl::Object ZFan2PmFan (gfan::ZFan* zf)
+ polymake::perl::Object pf("PolyhedralFan");
+ polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> zm = raysOf(zf);
+ pf.take("INPUT_RAYS") << zm;
+ polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int> > ar = conesOf(zf);
+ pf.take("INPUT_CONES") << ar;
+ return pf;
diff --git a/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.h b/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..499acc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/callpolymake/polymake_conversion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include <polymake/Main.h>
+#include <polymake/Matrix.h>
+#include <polymake/Rational.h>
+#include <polymake/Integer.h>
+#include <polymake/polytope/lattice_tools.h>
+#include <polymake/perl/macros.h>
+#include <polymake/Set.h>
+#include <polymake/IncidenceMatrix.h>
+#include <gfanlib/gfanlib.h>
+#include <gfanlib/gfanlib_q.h>
+#include <gmpxx.h>
+#include <kernel/mod2.h>
+#include <kernel/structs.h>
+#include <kernel/febase.h>
+#include <kernel/intvec.h>
+#include <callgfanlib/bbcone.h>
+#include <callgfanlib/bbfan.h>
+#include <callgfanlib/bbpolytope.h>
+#include <Singular/blackbox.h>
+#include <Singular/ipshell.h>
+#include <Singular/subexpr.h>
+#include <Singular/tok.h>
+/* Functions for converting Integers, Rationals and their Matrices
+ in between C++, gfan, polymake and singular */
+/* gfan -> polymake */
+polymake::Integer GfInteger2PmInteger (const gfan::Integer& gi);
+polymake::Rational GfRational2PmRational (const gfan::Rational& gr);
+polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer> Intvec2PmVectorInteger (const intvec* iv);
+polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger (const gfan::ZMatrix* zm);
+polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> GfQMatrix2PmMatrixRational (const gfan::QMatrix* qm);
+/* gfan <- polymake */
+gfan::Integer PmInteger2GfInteger (const polymake::Integer& pi);
+gfan::Rational PmRational2GfRational (const polymake::Rational& pr);
+gfan::ZMatrix PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix (const polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer>* mi);
+gfan::QMatrix PmMatrixRational2GfQMatrix (const polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational>* mr);
+/* polymake -> singular */
+int PmInteger2Int(const polymake::Integer& pi, bool &ok);
+intvec* PmVectorInteger2Intvec (const polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer>* vi, bool &ok);
+intvec* PmMatrixInteger2Intvec (polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer>* mi);
+intvec* PmIncidenceMatrix2Intvec (polymake::IncidenceMatrix<polymake::NonSymmetric>* icmat);
+intvec* PmSetInteger2Intvec (polymake::Set<polymake::Integer>* si, bool &b);
+/* polymake <- singular */
+polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> Intvec2PmMatrixInteger (const intvec* im);
+/* Functions for converting cones and fans in between gfan and polymake,
+ Singular shares the same cones and fans with gfan */
+gfan::ZCone PmCone2ZCone (polymake::perl::Object* pc);
+gfan::ZCone PmPolytope2ZPolytope (polymake::perl::Object* pp);
+gfan::ZFan PmFan2ZFan (polymake::perl::Object* pf);
+polymake::perl::Object ZCone2PmCone (gfan::ZCone* zc);
+polymake::perl::Object ZPolytope2PmPolytope (gfan::ZCone* zc);
+polymake::perl::Object ZFan2PmFan (gfan::ZFan* zf);
diff --git a/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.cc b/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d214dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.cc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+std::string isBounded_help="test";
diff --git a/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.h b/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..456a542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/callpolymake/polymake_documentation.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+extern std::string isBounded_help;
diff --git a/callpolymake/polymake.cc b/callpolymake/polymake_wrapper.cc
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 78%
rename from callpolymake/polymake.cc
rename to callpolymake/polymake_wrapper.cc
index b28c7ed..3fda6f8
--- a/callpolymake/polymake.cc
+++ b/callpolymake/polymake_wrapper.cc
@@ -30,443 +30,13 @@
#include <Singular/subexpr.h>
#include <Singular/tok.h>
+#include <polymake_conversion.h>
using namespace polymake;
polymake::Main* init_polymake=NULL;
-/* Functions for converting Integers, Rationals and their Matrices
- in between C++, gfan, polymake and singular */
-/* gfan -> polymake */
-polymake::Integer GfInteger2PmInteger (const gfan::Integer& gi)
- mpz_t cache; mpz_init(cache);
- gi.setGmp(cache);
- polymake::Integer pi(cache);
- return pi;
-polymake::Rational GfRational2PmRational (const gfan::Rational& gr)
- mpq_t cache; mpq_init(cache);
- gr.setGmp(cache);
- polymake::Rational pr(cache);
- return pr;
-polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer> Intvec2PmVectorInteger (const intvec* iv)
- polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer> vi(iv->length());
- for(int i=1; i<=iv->length(); i++)
- {
- vi[i-1]=(*iv)[i-1];
- }
- return vi;
-polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger (const gfan::ZMatrix* zm)
- int rows=zm->getHeight();
- int cols=zm->getWidth();
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> mi(rows,cols);
- for(int r=1; r<=rows; r++)
- for(int c=1; c<=cols; c++)
- mi(r-1,c-1) = GfInteger2PmInteger((*zm)[r-1][c-1]);
- return mi;
-polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> GfQMatrix2PmMatrixRational (const gfan::QMatrix* qm)
- int rows=qm->getHeight();
- int cols=qm->getWidth();
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> mr(rows,cols);
- for(int r=1; r<=rows; r++)
- for(int c=1; c<=cols; c++)
- mr(r-1,c-1) = GfRational2PmRational((*qm)[r-1][c-1]);
- return mr;
-/* gfan <- polymake */
-gfan::Integer PmInteger2GfInteger (const polymake::Integer& pi)
- mpz_class cache(pi.get_rep());
- gfan::Integer gi(cache.get_mpz_t());
- return gi;
-gfan::Rational PmRational2GfRational (const polymake::Rational& pr)
- mpq_class cache(pr.get_rep());
- gfan::Rational gr(cache.get_mpq_t());
- return gr;
-gfan::ZMatrix PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix (const polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer>* mi)
- int rows=mi->rows();
- int cols=mi->cols();
- gfan::ZMatrix zm(rows,cols);
- for(int r=1; r<=rows; r++)
- for(int c=1; c<=cols; c++)
- zm[r-1][c-1] = PmInteger2GfInteger((*mi)(r-1,c-1));
- return zm;
-gfan::QMatrix PmMatrixRational2GfQMatrix (const polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational>* mr)
- int rows=mr->rows();
- int cols=mr->cols();
- gfan::QMatrix qm(rows,cols);
- for(int r=1; r<=rows; r++)
- for(int c=1; c<=cols; c++)
- qm[r-1][c-1] = PmRational2GfRational((*mr)(r-1,c-1));
- return qm;
-/* polymake -> singular */
-int PmInteger2Int(const polymake::Integer& pi, bool &ok)
- int i;
- try
- {
- i = (int) pi;
- }
- catch (const std::exception& ex)
- {
- WerrorS("ERROR: "); WerrorS(ex.what()); WerrorS("\n");
- ok = false;
- }
- return i;
-intvec* PmVectorInteger2Intvec (const polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer>* vi, bool &ok)
- intvec* iv = new intvec(vi->size());
- for(int i=1; i<=vi->size(); i++)
- {
- (*iv)[i-1] = PmInteger2Int((*vi)[i-1],ok);
- }
- return iv;
-intvec* PmMatrixInteger2Intvec (polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer>* mi)
- int rows = mi->rows();
- int cols = mi->cols();
- intvec* iv = new intvec(rows,cols,0);
- const polymake::Integer* pi = concat_rows(*mi).begin();
- for (int r = 1; r <= rows; r++)
- for (int c = 1; c <= cols; c++)
- IMATELEM(*iv,r,c) = *pi++;
- return iv;
-/* polymake <- singular */
-polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> Intvec2PmMatrixInteger (const intvec* im)
- int rows=im->rows();
- int cols=im->cols();
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> mi(rows,cols);
- for(int r=0; r<rows; r++)
- for(int c=0; c<cols; c++)
- mi(r,c) = polymake::Integer(IMATELEM(*im, r+1, c+1));
- return mi;
-intvec* PmIncidenceMatrix2Intvec (polymake::IncidenceMatrix<NonSymmetric>* icmat)
- int rows = icmat->rows();
- int cols = icmat->cols();
- intvec* iv = new intvec(rows,cols,0);
- for (int r = 1; r <= rows; r++)
- for (int c = 1; c <= cols; c++)
- IMATELEM(*iv,r,c) = (int) (*icmat).row(r).exists(c);
- return iv;
-intvec* PmSetInteger2Intvec (polymake::Set<polymake::Integer>* si, bool &b)
- polymake::Vector<polymake::Integer> vi(*si);
- return PmVectorInteger2Intvec(&vi,b);
-/* Functions for converting cones and fans in between gfan and polymake,
- Singular shares the same cones and fans with gfan */
-gfan::ZCone PmCone2ZCone (polymake::perl::Object* pc)
- if (pc->isa("Cone"))
- {
- polymake::Integer ambientdim1 = pc->give("CONE_AMBIENT_DIM");
- bool ok=true; int ambientdim2 = PmInteger2Int(ambientdim1, ok);
- if (!ok)
- {
- WerrorS("PmCone2ZCone: overflow while converting polymake::Integer to int");
- }
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> ineqrational = pc->give("FACETS");
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> eqrational = pc->give("LINEAR_SPAN");
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> exraysrational = pc->give("RAYS");
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> linrational = pc->give("LINEALITY_SPACE");
- gfan::ZMatrix zv, zw, zx, zy, zz;
- // the following branching statements are to cover cases in which polymake returns empty matrices
- // by convention, gfanlib ignores empty matrices, hence zero matrices of right dimensions have to be supplied
- if (ineqrational.cols()!=0)
- {
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> ineqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(ineqrational);
- zv = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&ineqinteger);
- }
- else
- zv = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
- if (eqrational.cols()!=0)
- {
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> eqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(eqrational);
- zw = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&eqinteger);
- }
- else
- zw = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
- if (exraysrational.cols()!=0)
- {
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> exraysinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(exraysrational);
- zx = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&exraysinteger);
- }
- else
- zx = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
- if (linrational.cols()!=0)
- {
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> lininteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(linrational);
- zy = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&lininteger);
- }
- else
- zy = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
- gfan::ZCone zc = gfan::ZCone(zv,zw,zx,zy,zz,3);
- return zc;
- }
- WerrorS("PmCone2ZCone: unexpected parameters");
-gfan::ZCone PmPolytope2ZPolytope (polymake::perl::Object* pp)
- if (pp->isa("Polytope<Rational>"))
- {
- polymake::Integer ambientdim1 = pp->give("CONE_AMBIENT_DIM");
- bool ok=true; int ambientdim2 = PmInteger2Int(ambientdim1, ok);
- if (!ok)
- {
- WerrorS("overflow while converting polymake::Integer to int");
- return TRUE;
- }
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> ineqrational = pp->give("FACETS");
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> eqrational = pp->give("AFFINE_HULL");
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> vertrational = pp->give("VERTICES");
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> linrational = pp->give("LINEALITY_SPACE");
- gfan::ZMatrix zv, zw, zx, zy, zz;
- // the following branching statements are to cover the cases when polymake returns empty matrices
- // by convention, gfanlib ignores empty matrices, hence zero matrices of right dimensions have to be supplied
- if (ineqrational.cols()!=0)
- {
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> ineqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(ineqrational);
- zv = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&ineqinteger);
- }
- else
- zv = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
- if (eqrational.cols()!=0)
- {
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> eqinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(eqrational);
- zw = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&eqinteger);
- }
- else
- zw = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
- if (vertrational.cols()!=0)
- {
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> vertinteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(vertrational);
- zx = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&vertinteger);
- }
- else
- zx = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
- if (linrational.cols()!=0)
- {
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> lininteger = polymake::polytope::multiply_by_common_denominator(linrational);
- zy = PmMatrixInteger2GfZMatrix(&lininteger);
- }
- else
- zy = gfan::ZMatrix(0, ambientdim2);
- gfan::ZCone zp = gfan::ZCone(zv,zw,zx,zy,zz,3);
- return zp;
- }
- WerrorS("PmPolytope2ZPolytope: unexpected parameters");
-gfan::ZFan PmFan2ZFan (polymake::perl::Object* pf)
- if (pf->isa("PolyhedralFan"))
- {
- int d = (int) pf->give("FAN_AMBIENT_DIM");
- gfan::ZFan zf = gfan::ZFan(d);
- int n = pf->give("N_MAXIMAL_CONES");
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
- {
- polymake::perl::Object pmcone=pf->CallPolymakeMethod("cone",i);
- gfan::ZCone zc=PmCone2ZCone(&pmcone);
- zf.insert(zc);
- }
- return zf;
- }
- WerrorS("PmFan2ZFan: unexpected parameters");
-polymake::perl::Object ZCone2PmCone (gfan::ZCone* zc)
- polymake::perl::Object gc("Cone<Rational>");
- gfan::ZMatrix inequalities = zc->getInequalities();
- gc.take("FACETS") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&inequalities);
- gfan::ZMatrix equations = zc->getEquations();
- gc.take("LINEAR_SPAN") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&equations);
- if(zc->areExtremeRaysKnown())
- {
- gfan::ZMatrix extremeRays = zc->extremeRays();
- gc.take("RAYS") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&extremeRays);
- }
- if(zc->areGeneratorsOfLinealitySpaceKnown())
- {
- gfan::ZMatrix lineality = zc->generatorsOfLinealitySpace();
- gc.take("LINEALITY_SPACE") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&lineality);
- }
- return gc;
-polymake::perl::Object ZPolytope2PmPolytope (gfan::ZCone* zc)
- polymake::perl::Object pp("Polytope<Rational>");
- gfan::ZMatrix inequalities = zc->getInequalities();
- pp.take("FACETS") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&inequalities);
- gfan::ZMatrix equations = zc->getEquations();
- pp.take("LINEAR_SPAN") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&equations);
- if(zc->areExtremeRaysKnown())
- {
- gfan::ZMatrix vertices = zc->extremeRays();
- pp.take("VERTICES") << GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&vertices);
- }
- return pp;
-polymake::perl::Object oldZPolytope2PmPolytope (gfan::ZCone* zc)
- gfan::ZMatrix zm = zc->extremeRays();
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> pm = GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&zm);
- polymake::perl::Object pp("Polytope<Rational>");
- pp.take("VERTICES") << pm;
- return pp;
-polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> raysOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
- int d = zf->getAmbientDimension();
- int n = zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(1,0,0);
- gfan::ZMatrix zm(n,d);
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
- {
- gfan::ZCone zc = zf->getCone(1,i,0,0);
- gfan::ZMatrix ray = zc.extremeRays();
- for (int j=0; j<d; j++)
- {
- zm[i][j]=ray[0][j];
- }
- }
- return GfZMatrix2PmMatrixInteger(&zm);
-int numberOfRaysOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
- int n = zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(1,0,0);
- return n;
-int numberOfMaximalConesOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
- int d = zf->getAmbientDimension();
- int n = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<=n; i++)
- {
- int n = n + zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(i,0,1);
- }
- return n;
-polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int> > conesOf(gfan::ZFan* zf)
- int c = numberOfRaysOf(zf);
- int r = numberOfMaximalConesOf(zf);
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> pm=raysOf(zf);
- polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int> > L(r);
- int d = 1; // runs through all dimensions
- int ii = 0; // runs through all cones of a given dimension
- for (int i=0; i<r; i++)
- {
- if (ii>zf->numberOfConesOfDimension(d,0,1)) // if all cones of a dimension are through,
- {
- d = d+1; // increase dimension
- ii = 0; // set counter to 0
- }
- gfan::IntVector v = zf->getConeIndices(d,ii,0,1);
- polymake::Set<int> s;
- for (int j=0; j<v.size(); j++)
- {
- s = s+v[j];
- }
- L[i] = s;
- ii = ii+1;
- }
- return L;
-polymake::perl::Object ZFan2PmFan (gfan::ZFan* zf)
- polymake::perl::Object pf("PolyhedralFan");
- polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer> zm = raysOf(zf);
- pf.take("INPUT_RAYS") << zm;
- polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int> > ar = conesOf(zf);
- pf.take("INPUT_CONES") << ar;
- return pf;
static BOOLEAN bbpolytope_Op2(int op, leftv res, leftv i1, leftv i2)
gfan::ZCone* zp = (gfan::ZCone*) i1->Data();
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