[mathicgb] 313/393: Removed Basis::parse in favor of MathicIO. Added support for negative modular coefficients.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:27 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.
commit bbb09cb9b7ed9e50758481a422bc15e80ccb8f11
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date: Tue May 7 01:12:09 2013 +0200
Removed Basis::parse in favor of MathicIO. Added support for negative modular coefficients.
Makefile.am | 11 +-
src/cli/GBAction.cpp | 16 +-
src/cli/SigGBAction.cpp | 17 +-
src/mathicgb/Basis.cpp | 35 +---
src/mathicgb/Basis.hpp | 9 -
src/mathicgb/MathicIO.cpp | 370 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/mathicgb/MathicIO.hpp | 367 +---------------------------------------
src/mathicgb/MonoProcessor.hpp | 55 +++---
src/mathicgb/Scanner.cpp | 12 +-
src/mathicgb/Scanner.hpp | 34 ++++
src/mathicgb/io-util.cpp | 13 +-
src/test/MathicIO.cpp | 31 +++-
src/test/Scanner.cpp | 16 ++
src/test/gb-test.cpp | 42 +++--
14 files changed, 546 insertions(+), 482 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index d913337..1375921 100755
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ libmathicgb_la_SOURCES = src/mathicgb/BjarkeGeobucket2.cpp \
src/mathicgb/PrimeField.hpp src/mathicgb/MonoMonoid.hpp \
src/mathicgb/MonoProcessor.hpp src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp \
src/mathicgb/Scanner.hpp src/mathicgb/Scanner.cpp \
- src/mathicgb/Unchar.hpp
+ src/mathicgb/Unchar.hpp src/mathicgb/MathicIO.hpp \
+ src/mathicgb/MathicIO.cpp
# The headers that libmathicgb installs.
@@ -88,11 +89,11 @@ bin_PROGRAMS = mgb
# set up the console program. Listing the headers in sources ensure that
# those files are included in distributions.
-mgb_SOURCES = src/cli/GBMain.cpp src/cli/CommonParams.hpp \
+mgb_SOURCES = src/cli/GBMain.cpp src/cli/CommonParams.hpp \
src/cli/CommonParams.cpp src/cli/GBAction.hpp src/cli/GBAction.cpp \
- src/cli/GBCommonParams.hpp src/cli/GBCommonParams.cpp \
- src/cli/MatrixAction.cpp src/cli/MatrixAction.hpp \
- src/cli/SigGBAction.hpp src/cli/SigGBAction.cpp \
+ src/cli/GBCommonParams.hpp src/cli/GBCommonParams.cpp \
+ src/cli/MatrixAction.cpp src/cli/MatrixAction.hpp \
+ src/cli/SigGBAction.hpp src/cli/SigGBAction.cpp \
src/cli/HelpAction.hpp src/cli/HelpAction.cpp
mgb_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libmathicgb.la $(DEPS_LIBS)
diff --git a/src/cli/GBAction.cpp b/src/cli/GBAction.cpp
index 85c3147..16b521b 100755
--- a/src/cli/GBAction.cpp
+++ b/src/cli/GBAction.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include "mathicgb/Basis.hpp"
#include "mathicgb/io-util.hpp"
#include "mathicgb/F4Reducer.hpp"
+#include "mathicgb/Scanner.hpp"
+#include "mathicgb/MathicIO.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
@@ -53,11 +55,11 @@ void GBAction::performAction() {
std::ifstream inputFile(inputBasisFile.c_str());
if (inputFile.fail())
mic::reportError("Could not read input file \"" + inputBasisFile + '\n');
- auto tuple = Basis::parse(inputFile);
- auto& basis = std::get<1>(tuple);
- std::unique_ptr<PolyRing const> ring(&(basis->ring()));
+ Scanner in(inputFile);
+ auto p = MathicIO().readRing(true, in);
+ auto& ring = *p.first;
+ auto basis = MathicIO().readBasis(ring, false, in);
// run algorithm
const auto reducerType = Reducer::reducerType(mGBParams.mReducer.value());
@@ -66,18 +68,18 @@ void GBAction::performAction() {
reducerType != Reducer::Reducer_F4_Old &&
reducerType != Reducer::Reducer_F4_New
) {
- reducer = Reducer::makeReducer(reducerType, *ring);
+ reducer = Reducer::makeReducer(reducerType, ring);
} else {
const auto type = reducerType == Reducer::Reducer_F4_Old ?
F4Reducer::OldType : F4Reducer::NewType;
- auto f4Reducer = make_unique<F4Reducer>(*ring, type);
+ auto f4Reducer = make_unique<F4Reducer>(ring, type);
if (mMinMatrixToStore.value() > 0)
f4Reducer->writeMatricesTo(projectName, mMinMatrixToStore);
reducer = std::move(f4Reducer);
BuchbergerAlg alg(
- *basis,
+ basis,
diff --git a/src/cli/SigGBAction.cpp b/src/cli/SigGBAction.cpp
index ce83dbe..f1d95a2 100755
--- a/src/cli/SigGBAction.cpp
+++ b/src/cli/SigGBAction.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include "mathicgb/Basis.hpp"
#include "mathicgb/SignatureGB.hpp"
#include "mathicgb/io-util.hpp"
+#include "mathicgb/Scanner.hpp"
+#include "mathicgb/MathicIO.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
@@ -44,14 +46,19 @@ void SigGBAction::performAction() {
std::ifstream inputFile(inputBasisFile.c_str());
if (inputFile.fail())
mic::reportError("Could not read input file \"" + inputBasisFile + '\n');
- auto tuple = Basis::parse(inputFile);
- auto& basis = std::get<1>(tuple);
- std::unique_ptr<PolyRing const> ring(&(basis->ring()));
+ Scanner in(inputFile);
+ auto p = MathicIO().readRing(true, in);
+ auto& ring = *p.first;
+ auto& processor = p.second;
+ auto basis = MathicIO().readBasis(ring, false, in);
+ if (processor.schreyering())
+ processor.setSchreyerMultipliers(basis);
SignatureGB alg(
- std::move(*basis),
- std::move(*std::get<2>(tuple)),
+ std::move(basis),
+ std::move(processor),
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/Basis.cpp b/src/mathicgb/Basis.cpp
index 508e16a..c381f13 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/Basis.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/Basis.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "PolyRing.hpp"
#include "Poly.hpp"
#include "FreeModuleOrder.hpp"
+#include "MathicIO.hpp"
#include <ostream>
#include <istream>
#include <iostream>
@@ -37,40 +38,6 @@ void Basis::sort(FreeModuleOrder& order) {
std::sort(mGenerators.begin(), mGenerators.end(), cmp);
-auto Basis::parse(std::istream& in) -> Parsed
- auto r = PolyRing::read(in);
- auto ring = make_unique<PolyRing>(std::move(*r.first));
- delete r.first;
- auto basis = make_unique<Basis>(*ring);
- auto processor =
- make_unique<MonoProcessor<Monoid>>(ring->monoid(), r.second.first, false);
- size_t polyCount;
- in >> polyCount;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < polyCount; ++i) {
- auto poly = make_unique<Poly>(*ring);
- while (std::isspace(in.peek()))
- in.get();
- poly->parse(in);
- basis->insert(std::move(poly));
- }
- if (r.second.second) {
- Monoid::MonoVector schreyer(ring->monoid());
- for (size_t gen = 0; gen < basis->size(); ++gen)
- schreyer.push_back(basis->getPoly(gen)->getLeadMonomial());
- processor->setModuleAdjustments(std::move(schreyer));
- }
- return std::make_tuple(
- std::move(ring),
- std::move(basis),
- std::move(processor)
- );
void Basis::display(std::ostream& out, bool printComponent, bool componentIncreasingDesired) const
mRing.write(out, componentIncreasingDesired);
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/Basis.hpp b/src/mathicgb/Basis.hpp
index 9c1b6b9..c8981b3 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/Basis.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/Basis.hpp
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include "Poly.hpp"
#include "PolyRing.hpp"
-#include "MonoProcessor.hpp"
#include <tuple>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
@@ -21,14 +20,6 @@ public:
void insert(std::unique_ptr<Poly>&& p);
- /// reads ring, #gens, each generator in turn
- typedef std::tuple<
- std::unique_ptr<PolyRing>,
- std::unique_ptr<Basis>,
- std::unique_ptr<MonoProcessor<PolyRing::Monoid>>
- > Parsed;
- static Parsed parse(std::istream &i);
/// inverse operation to parse().
void display(std::ostream &o, bool print_comp, bool componentIncreasingDesired) const;
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/MathicIO.cpp b/src/mathicgb/MathicIO.cpp
index 76b8486..2f0dd0d 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/MathicIO.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/MathicIO.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,373 @@
#include "stdinc.h"
#include "MathicIO.hpp"
+auto MathicIO::readBaseField(Scanner& in) -> BaseField {
+ return BaseField(in.readInteger<RawCoefficient>());
+void MathicIO::writeBaseField(const BaseField& field, std::ostream& out) {
+ out << field.charac();
+auto MathicIO::readRing(
+ const bool withComponent,
+ Scanner& in
+) -> std::pair<std::unique_ptr<PolyRing>, Processor> {
+ auto baseField = readBaseField(in);
+ const auto varCount = in.readInteger<VarIndex>();
+ auto order = readOrder(varCount, withComponent, in);
+ const bool componentsAscendingDesired = order.componentsAscendingDesired();
+ const bool schreyering = order.schreyering();
+ auto ring = make_unique<PolyRing>
+ (std::move(baseField), Monoid(std::move(order)));
+ Processor processor(ring->monoid(), componentsAscendingDesired, schreyering);
+ return std::make_pair(std::move(ring), std::move(processor));
+void MathicIO::writeRing(
+ const PolyRing& ring,
+ const Processor& processor,
+ const bool withComponent,
+ std::ostream& out
+ writeBaseField(ring.field(), out);
+ out << ' ' << ring.varCount() << '\n';
+ auto&& order = ring.monoid().makeOrder(
+ processor.componentsAscendingDesired(),
+ processor.schreyering()
+ );
+ writeOrder(order, withComponent, out);
+auto MathicIO::readOrder(
+ const VarIndex varCount,
+ const bool withComponent,
+ Scanner& in
+) -> Order {
+ const bool schreyering = in.match("schreyer");
+ bool lexBaseOrder = !in.match("revlex") && in.match("lex");
+ const auto gradingCount = in.readInteger<VarIndex>();
+ bool componentsAscendingDesired = true;
+ auto componentCompareIndex = Order::ComponentAfterBaseOrder;
+ Gradings gradings(static_cast<size_t>(varCount) * gradingCount);
+ size_t index = 0;
+ for (VarIndex grading = 0; grading < gradingCount; ++grading) {
+ const bool com = in.match("component");
+ if (com || in.match("revcomponent")) {
+ if (!withComponent)
+ in.reportError("Cannot specify component comparison for non-modules.");
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(Monoid::HasComponent);
+ if (componentCompareIndex != Order::ComponentAfterBaseOrder)
+ in.reportError("Component comparison must be specified at most once.");
+ componentsAscendingDesired = com;
+ componentCompareIndex = grading;
+ index += varCount;
+ } else {
+ for (VarIndex i = 0; i < varCount; ++i, ++index)
+ gradings[index] = in.readInteger<Exponent>();
+ }
+ }
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(index == gradings.size());
+ const bool moreLex = in.match("_lex");
+ if (moreLex || in.match("_revlex")) {
+ lexBaseOrder = moreLex;
+ const bool moreCom = in.match("component");
+ if (moreCom || in.match("revcomponent")) {
+ if (!withComponent)
+ in.reportError("Cannot specify component comparison for non-modules.");
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(Monoid::HasComponent);
+ componentsAscendingDesired = moreCom;
+ }
+ }
+ Order order(
+ varCount,
+ std::move(gradings),
+ lexBaseOrder ? Order::LexBaseOrder : Order::RevLexBaseOrder,
+ componentCompareIndex,
+ componentsAscendingDesired,
+ schreyering
+ );
+ return std::move(order);
+void MathicIO::writeOrder(
+ const Order& order,
+ const bool withComponent,
+ std::ostream& out
+) {
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(Monoid::HasComponent || !withComponent);
+ const auto baseOrder =
+ order.baseOrder() == Order::LexBaseOrder ? "lex" : "revlex";
+ const auto componentOrder =
+ order.componentsAscendingDesired() ? "component" : "revcomponent";
+ if (order.schreyering())
+ out << "schreyer ";
+ out << baseOrder << ' ' << order.gradingCount() << '\n';
+ for (VarIndex grading = 0; grading < order.gradingCount(); ++grading) {
+ if (withComponent && grading == order.componentGradingIndex())
+ out << ' ' << componentOrder;
+ else {
+ for (VarIndex var = 0; var < order.varCount(); ++var) {
+ const auto index = var + grading * order.varCount();
+ out << ' ' << unchar(order.gradings()[index]);
+ }
+ }
+ out << '\n';
+ }
+ if (
+ withComponent &&
+ !order.componentsAscendingDesired() &&
+ order.componentGradingIndex() == Order::ComponentAfterBaseOrder
+ ) {
+ out << " _" << baseOrder << "\n " << componentOrder << '\n';
+ }
+Basis MathicIO::readBasis(
+ const PolyRing& ring,
+ const bool readComponent,
+ Scanner& in
+) {
+ const auto polyCount = in.readInteger<size_t>();
+ Basis basis(ring);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < polyCount; ++i) {
+ auto p = make_unique<Poly>(readPoly(ring, readComponent, in));
+ p->sortTermsDescending();
+ basis.insert(std::move(p));
+ }
+ return std::move(basis);
+void MathicIO::writeBasis(
+ const Basis& basis,
+ const bool writeComponent,
+ std::ostream& out
+) {
+ out << basis.size() << '\n';
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < basis.size(); ++i) {
+ out << ' ';
+ writePoly(*basis.getPoly(i), writeComponent, out);
+ out << '\n';
+ }
+Poly MathicIO::readPoly(
+ const PolyRing& ring,
+ const bool readComponent,
+ Scanner& in
+) {
+ Poly p(ring);
+ // also skips whitespace
+ if (in.match('0') || in.match("+0") || in.match("-0"))
+ return std::move(p);
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(!in.peekWhite());
+ auto mono = ring.monoid().alloc();
+ auto coef = ring.field().zero();
+ do {
+ if (!p.isZero() && !in.peekSign())
+ in.expect('+', '-');
+ readTerm(ring, readComponent, coef, mono, in);
+ p.appendTerm(coef.value(), mono);
+ } while (!in.peekWhite() && !in.matchEOF());
+ return std::move(p);
+void MathicIO::writePoly(
+ const Poly& poly,
+ const bool writeComponent,
+ std::ostream& out
+) {
+ if (poly.isZero()) {
+ out << '0';
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto end = poly.end();
+ for (auto it = poly.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
+ if (it != poly.begin())
+ out << '+';
+ writeTerm(
+ poly.ring(),
+ writeComponent,
+ poly.ring().field().toElement(it.getCoefficient()),
+ it.getMonomial(),
+ out
+ );
+ }
+void MathicIO::readTerm(
+ const PolyRing& ring,
+ const bool readComponent,
+ Coefficient& coef,
+ MonoRef mono,
+ Scanner& in
+) {
+ // ** Read coefficient, if any.
+ const auto& field = ring.field();
+ const auto& monoid = ring.monoid();
+ const bool negate = !in.match('+') && in.match('-');
+ if (in.peekDigit()) {
+ coef = in.readModular(field, negate);
+ if (!in.peekAlpha()) {
+ // Identify a number c on its own as the monomial 1 times c.
+ monoid.setIdentity(mono);
+ if (readComponent)
+ this->readComponent(monoid, mono, in);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (negate)
+ coef = field.minusOne();
+ else
+ coef = field.one();
+ readMonomial(monoid, readComponent, mono, in);
+void MathicIO::writeTerm(
+ const PolyRing& ring,
+ const bool writeComponent,
+ const Coefficient coef,
+ ConstMonoRef mono,
+ std::ostream& out
+) {
+ if (!ring.field().isOne(coef)) {
+ out << unchar(coef.value());
+ if (ring.monoid().isIdentity(mono)) {
+ if (writeComponent)
+ this->writeComponent(ring.monoid(), mono, out);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ writeMonomial(ring.monoid(), writeComponent, mono, out);
+void MathicIO::readMonomial(
+ const Monoid& monoid,
+ const bool readComponent,
+ MonoRef mono,
+ Scanner& in
+) {
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(!readComponent || Monoid::HasComponent);
+ monoid.setIdentity(mono);
+ if (in.peek() == '1') {
+ const auto e = in.readInteger<Exponent>();
+ if (e != 1) {
+ std::ostringstream err;
+ err << "Expected monomial, but got " << e << " (did you mean 1?).";
+ in.reportError(err.str());
+ }
+ } else {
+ bool sawSome = false;
+ while (true) {
+ const auto letterCount = 'z' - 'a' + 1;
+ const auto letter = in.peek();
+ VarIndex var;
+ if ('a' <= letter && letter <= 'z')
+ var = letter - 'a';
+ else if ('A' <= letter && letter <= 'Z')
+ var = (letter - 'A') + letterCount;
+ else if (sawSome)
+ break;
+ else {
+ std::ostringstream err;
+ err << "Expected letter while reading monomial, but got '"
+ << static_cast<char>(letter) << "'.";
+ in.reportError(err.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ in.get(); // skip past letter
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(var < 2 * letterCount);
+ if (var >= monoid.varCount()) {
+ std::ostringstream err;
+ err << "Saw the variable " << static_cast<char>(letter)
+ << ", but the monoid only has "
+ << monoid.varCount() << " variables.";
+ in.reportError(err.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (monoid.exponent(mono, var) > static_cast<Exponent>(0)) {
+ std::ostringstream err;
+ err << "Variable " << static_cast<char>(letter) <<
+ " must not be written twice in one monomial.";
+ in.reportError(err.str());
+ }
+ if (in.peekDigit())
+ monoid.setExponent(var, in.readInteger<Exponent>(), mono);
+ else
+ monoid.setExponent(var, static_cast<Exponent>(1), mono);
+ sawSome = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (readComponent)
+ this->readComponent(monoid, mono, in);
+void MathicIO::readComponent(
+ const Monoid& monoid,
+ MonoRef mono,
+ Scanner& in
+) {
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(Monoid::HasComponent);
+ in.expect('<');
+ monoid.setComponent(in.readInteger<Exponent>(), mono);
+ in.expect('>');
+void MathicIO::writeComponent(
+ const Monoid& monoid,
+ ConstMonoRef mono,
+ std::ostream& out
+) {
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(Monoid::HasComponent);
+ out << '<' << unchar(monoid.component(mono)) << '>';
+/// Print a monomial with no coefficient.
+void MathicIO::writeMonomial(
+ const Monoid& monoid,
+ const bool writeComponent,
+ ConstMonoRef mono,
+ std::ostream& out
+) {
+ const auto letterCount = 'z' - 'a' + 1;
+ bool printedSome = false;
+ for (VarIndex var = 0; var < monoid.varCount(); ++var) {
+ if (monoid.exponent(mono, var) == 0)
+ continue;
+ char letter;
+ if (var < letterCount)
+ letter = 'a' + static_cast<char>(var);
+ else if (var < 2 * letterCount)
+ letter = 'A' + (static_cast<char>(var) - letterCount);
+ else {
+ mathic::reportError("Too few letters in alphabet to print variable.");
+ return;
+ }
+ printedSome = true;
+ out << letter;
+ if (monoid.exponent(mono, var) != 1)
+ out << unchar(monoid.exponent(mono, var));
+ }
+ if (!printedSome)
+ out << '1';
+ if (writeComponent)
+ this->writeComponent(monoid, mono, out);
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/MathicIO.hpp b/src/mathicgb/MathicIO.hpp
index 43dae37..6352ec3 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/MathicIO.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/MathicIO.hpp
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public:
BaseField readBaseField(Scanner& in);
void writeBaseField(const BaseField& field, std::ostream& out);
- std::pair<PolyRing, Processor> readRing(
+ std::pair<std::unique_ptr<PolyRing>, Processor> readRing(
const bool withComponent,
Scanner& in
@@ -138,369 +138,4 @@ public:
-auto MathicIO::readBaseField(Scanner& in) -> BaseField {
- return BaseField(in.readInteger<RawCoefficient>());
-void MathicIO::writeBaseField(const BaseField& field, std::ostream& out) {
- out << field.charac();
-auto MathicIO::readRing(
- const bool withComponent,
- Scanner& in
-) -> std::pair<PolyRing, Processor> {
- auto baseField = readBaseField(in);
- const auto varCount = in.readInteger<VarIndex>();
- auto order = readOrder(varCount, withComponent, in);
- const bool componentsAscendingDesired = order.componentsAscendingDesired();
- const bool schreyering = order.schreyering();
- PolyRing ring(std::move(baseField), Monoid(std::move(order)));
- Processor processor(ring.monoid(), componentsAscendingDesired, schreyering);
- return std::make_pair(std::move(ring), std::move(processor));
-void MathicIO::writeRing(
- const PolyRing& ring,
- const Processor& processor,
- const bool withComponent,
- std::ostream& out
- writeBaseField(ring.field(), out);
- out << ' ' << ring.varCount() << '\n';
- auto&& order = ring.monoid().makeOrder(
- processor.componentsAscendingDesired(),
- processor.schreyering()
- );
- writeOrder(order, withComponent, out);
-auto MathicIO::readOrder(
- const VarIndex varCount,
- const bool withComponent,
- Scanner& in
-) -> Order {
- const bool schreyering = in.match("schreyer");
- bool lexBaseOrder = !in.match("revlex") && in.match("lex");
- const auto gradingCount = in.readInteger<VarIndex>();
- bool componentsAscendingDesired = true;
- auto componentCompareIndex = Order::ComponentAfterBaseOrder;
- Gradings gradings(static_cast<size_t>(varCount) * gradingCount);
- size_t index = 0;
- for (VarIndex grading = 0; grading < gradingCount; ++grading) {
- const bool com = withComponent && in.match("component");
- if (withComponent && (com || in.match("revcomponent"))) {
- if (!Monoid::HasComponent)
- in.reportError("Cannot specify component comparison for non-modules.");
- if (componentCompareIndex != Order::ComponentAfterBaseOrder)
- in.reportError("Component comparison must be specified at most once.");
- componentsAscendingDesired = com;
- componentCompareIndex = grading;
- index += varCount;
- } else {
- for (VarIndex i = 0; i < varCount; ++i, ++index)
- gradings[index] = in.readInteger<Exponent>();
- }
- }
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(index == gradings.size());
- const bool moreLex = in.match("_lex");
- if (moreLex || in.match("_revlex")) {
- lexBaseOrder = moreLex;
- const bool moreCom = withComponent && in.match("component");
- if (withComponent && (moreCom || in.match("revcomponent")))
- componentsAscendingDesired = moreCom;
- }
- Order order(
- varCount,
- std::move(gradings),
- lexBaseOrder ? Order::LexBaseOrder : Order::RevLexBaseOrder,
- componentCompareIndex,
- componentsAscendingDesired,
- schreyering
- );
- return std::move(order);
-void MathicIO::writeOrder(
- const Order& order,
- const bool withComponent,
- std::ostream& out
-) {
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(Monoid::HasComponent || !withComponent);
- const auto baseOrder =
- order.baseOrder() == Order::LexBaseOrder ? "lex" : "revlex";
- const auto componentOrder =
- order.componentsAscendingDesired() ? "component" : "revcomponent";
- if (order.schreyering())
- out << "schreyer ";
- out << baseOrder << ' ' << order.gradingCount() << '\n';
- for (VarIndex grading = 0; grading < order.gradingCount(); ++grading) {
- if (withComponent && grading == order.componentGradingIndex())
- out << ' ' << componentOrder;
- else {
- for (VarIndex var = 0; var < order.varCount(); ++var) {
- const auto index = var + grading * order.varCount();
- out << ' ' << unchar(order.gradings()[index]);
- }
- }
- out << '\n';
- }
- if (
- withComponent &&
- !order.componentsAscendingDesired() &&
- order.componentGradingIndex() == Order::ComponentAfterBaseOrder
- ) {
- out << " _" << baseOrder << "\n " << componentOrder << '\n';
- }
-Basis MathicIO::readBasis(
- const PolyRing& ring,
- const bool readComponent,
- Scanner& in
-) {
- const auto polyCount = in.readInteger<size_t>();
- Basis basis(ring);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < polyCount; ++i) {
- auto p = make_unique<Poly>(readPoly(ring, readComponent, in));
- p->sortTermsDescending();
- basis.insert(std::move(p));
- }
- return std::move(basis);
-void MathicIO::writeBasis(
- const Basis& basis,
- const bool writeComponent,
- std::ostream& out
-) {
- out << basis.size() << '\n';
- for (size_t i = 0; i < basis.size(); ++i) {
- out << ' ';
- writePoly(*basis.getPoly(i), writeComponent, out);
- out << '\n';
- }
-Poly MathicIO::readPoly(
- const PolyRing& ring,
- const bool readComponent,
- Scanner& in
-) {
- Poly p(ring);
- // also skips whitespace
- if (in.match('0') || in.match("+0") || in.match("-0"))
- return std::move(p);
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(!in.peekWhite());
- auto mono = ring.monoid().alloc();
- auto coef = ring.field().zero();
- do {
- if (!p.isZero())
- in.expect('+');
- readTerm(ring, readComponent, coef, mono, in);
- p.appendTerm(coef.value(), mono);
- } while (!in.peekWhite() && !in.matchEOF());
- return std::move(p);
-void MathicIO::writePoly(
- const Poly& poly,
- const bool writeComponent,
- std::ostream& out
-) {
- if (poly.isZero()) {
- out << '0';
- return;
- }
- const auto end = poly.end();
- for (auto it = poly.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
- if (it != poly.begin())
- out << '+';
- writeTerm(
- poly.ring(),
- writeComponent,
- poly.ring().field().toElement(it.getCoefficient()),
- it.getMonomial(),
- out
- );
- }
-void MathicIO::readTerm(
- const PolyRing& ring,
- const bool readComponent,
- Coefficient& coef,
- MonoRef mono,
- Scanner& in
-) {
- // ** Read coefficient, if any.
- const auto& field = ring.field();
- const auto& monoid = ring.monoid();
- const bool negate = !in.match('+') && in.match('-');
- if (in.peekDigit()) {
- coef = field.toElement(in.readInteger<RawCoefficient>(negate));
- if (!in.peekAlpha()) {
- // Identify a number c on its own as the monomial 1 times c.
- monoid.setIdentity(mono);
- if (readComponent)
- this->readComponent(monoid, mono, in);
- return;
- }
- } else if (negate)
- coef = field.minusOne();
- else
- coef = field.one();
- readMonomial(monoid, readComponent, mono, in);
-void MathicIO::writeTerm(
- const PolyRing& ring,
- const bool writeComponent,
- const Coefficient coef,
- ConstMonoRef mono,
- std::ostream& out
-) {
- if (!ring.field().isOne(coef)) {
- out << unchar(coef.value());
- if (ring.monoid().isIdentity(mono)) {
- if (writeComponent)
- this->writeComponent(ring.monoid(), mono, out);
- return;
- }
- }
- writeMonomial(ring.monoid(), writeComponent, mono, out);
-void MathicIO::readMonomial(
- const Monoid& monoid,
- const bool readComponent,
- MonoRef mono,
- Scanner& in
-) {
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(!readComponent || Monoid::HasComponent);
- monoid.setIdentity(mono);
- if (in.peek() == '1') {
- const auto e = in.readInteger<Exponent>();
- if (e != 1) {
- std::ostringstream err;
- err << "Expected monomial, but got " << e << " (did you mean 1?).";
- in.reportError(err.str());
- }
- } else {
- bool sawSome = false;
- while (true) {
- const auto letterCount = 'z' - 'a' + 1;
- const auto letter = in.peek();
- VarIndex var;
- if ('a' <= letter && letter <= 'z')
- var = letter - 'a';
- else if ('A' <= letter && letter <= 'Z')
- var = (letter - 'A') + letterCount;
- else if (sawSome)
- break;
- else {
- std::ostringstream err;
- err << "Expected letter while reading monomial, but got '"
- << static_cast<char>(letter) << "'.";
- in.reportError(err.str());
- return;
- }
- in.get(); // skip past letter
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(var < 2 * letterCount);
- if (var >= monoid.varCount()) {
- std::ostringstream err;
- err << "Saw the variable " << static_cast<char>(letter)
- << ", but the monoid only has "
- << monoid.varCount() << " variables.";
- in.reportError(err.str());
- return;
- }
- if (monoid.exponent(mono, var) > static_cast<Exponent>(0)) {
- std::ostringstream err;
- err << "Variable " << static_cast<char>(letter) <<
- " must not be written twice in one monomial.";
- in.reportError(err.str());
- }
- if (in.peekDigit())
- monoid.setExponent(var, in.readInteger<Exponent>(), mono);
- else
- monoid.setExponent(var, static_cast<Exponent>(1), mono);
- sawSome = true;
- }
- }
- if (readComponent)
- this->readComponent(monoid, mono, in);
-void MathicIO::readComponent(
- const Monoid& monoid,
- MonoRef mono,
- Scanner& in
-) {
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(Monoid::HasComponent);
- in.expect('<');
- monoid.setComponent(in.readInteger<Exponent>(), mono);
- in.expect('>');
-void MathicIO::writeComponent(
- const Monoid& monoid,
- ConstMonoRef mono,
- std::ostream& out
-) {
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(Monoid::HasComponent);
- out << '<' << unchar(monoid.component(mono)) << '>';
-/// Print a monomial with no coefficient.
-void MathicIO::writeMonomial(
- const Monoid& monoid,
- const bool writeComponent,
- ConstMonoRef mono,
- std::ostream& out
-) {
- const auto letterCount = 'z' - 'a' + 1;
- bool printedSome = false;
- for (VarIndex var = 0; var < monoid.varCount(); ++var) {
- if (monoid.exponent(mono, var) == 0)
- continue;
- char letter;
- if (var < letterCount)
- letter = 'a' + static_cast<char>(var);
- else if (var < 2 * letterCount)
- letter = 'A' + (static_cast<char>(var) - letterCount);
- else {
- mathic::reportError("Too few letters in alphabet to print variable.");
- return;
- }
- printedSome = true;
- out << letter;
- if (monoid.exponent(mono, var) != 1)
- out << unchar(monoid.exponent(mono, var));
- }
- if (!printedSome)
- out << '1';
- if (writeComponent)
- this->writeComponent(monoid, mono, out);
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/MonoProcessor.hpp b/src/mathicgb/MonoProcessor.hpp
index 7f7c84e..854d8c2 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/MonoProcessor.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/MonoProcessor.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+#include "Basis.hpp"
/// Does pre- and post-processing of monomials to implement monomial
/// orders not directly supported by the monoid. This is so far only
/// relevant for module monomials.
@@ -28,19 +30,29 @@ public:
- mModuleAdjustmentsMemory(monoid)
+ mSchreyerMultipliersMemory(monoid)
- void setModuleAdjustments(MonoVector&& moduleAdjustments) {
+ void setSchreyering(bool value) {mSchreyering = true;}
+ bool schreyering() const {return mSchreyering;}
+ void setSchreyerMultipliers(const Basis& basis) {
+ MonoVector schreyer(monoid());
+ for (size_t gen = 0; gen < basis.size(); ++gen)
+ schreyer.push_back(basis.getPoly(gen)->getLeadMonomial());
+ setSchreyerMultipliers(std::move(schreyer));
+ }
+ void setSchreyerMultipliers(MonoVector&& moduleAdjustments) {
MATHICGB_ASSERT(moduleAdjustments.monoid() == monoid());
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(mModuleAdjustmentsMemory.empty() ||
- mModuleAdjustmentsMemory.size() == componentCount());
- mModuleAdjustmentsMemory = std::move(moduleAdjustments);
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(mSchreyerMultipliersMemory.empty() ||
+ mSchreyerMultipliersMemory.size() == componentCount());
+ mSchreyerMultipliersMemory = std::move(moduleAdjustments);
- mModuleAdjustments.clear();
+ mSchreyerMultipliers.clear();
for (
- auto it = mModuleAdjustmentsMemory.begin();
- it != mModuleAdjustmentsMemory.end();
+ auto it = mSchreyerMultipliersMemory.begin();
+ it != mSchreyerMultipliersMemory.end();
) {
// in the absence of a separate monoid for (non-module) monomials,
@@ -49,13 +61,13 @@ public:
// todo: there should be a better way of indexing into a
// MonoVector.
- mModuleAdjustments.emplace_back((*it).ptr());
+ mSchreyerMultipliers.emplace_back((*it).ptr());
void preprocess(MonoRef mono) const {
- if (hasModuleAdjustments())
+ if (hasSchreyerMultipliers())
monoid().multiplyInPlace(moduleAdjustment(mono), mono);
if (needToReverseComponents())
@@ -64,14 +76,14 @@ public:
void postprocess(MonoRef mono) const {
if (needToReverseComponents())
- if (hasModuleAdjustments()) {
+ if (hasSchreyerMultipliers()) {
MATHICGB_ASSERT(monoid().divides(moduleAdjustment(mono), mono));
monoid().divideInPlace(moduleAdjustment(mono), mono);
bool processingNeeded() const {
- return needToReverseComponents() || hasModuleAdjustments();
+ return needToReverseComponents() || hasSchreyerMultipliers();
bool needToReverseComponents() const {
@@ -84,16 +96,13 @@ public:
bool componentsAscendingDesired() const {return mComponentsAscendingDesired;}
- bool hasModuleAdjustments() const {
- return !mModuleAdjustments.empty();
+ bool hasSchreyerMultipliers() const {
+ return !mSchreyerMultipliers.empty();
- void setSchreyering(bool value) {mSchreyering = true;}
- bool schreyering() const {return mSchreyering;}
void setComponentCount(VarIndex count) {mComponentCount = count;}
VarIndex componentCount() const {return mComponentCount;}
- const Monoid& monoid() const {return mModuleAdjustmentsMemory.monoid();}
+ const Monoid& monoid() const {return mSchreyerMultipliersMemory.monoid();}
void operator==(const MonoProcessor&) const; // not available
@@ -105,18 +114,18 @@ private:
ConstMonoRef moduleAdjustment(ConstMonoRef mono) const {
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(hasModuleAdjustments());
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(hasSchreyerMultipliers());
const auto component = monoid().component(mono);
MATHICGB_ASSERT(component < componentCount());
- MATHICGB_ASSERT(mModuleAdjustments.size() == componentCount());
- return *mModuleAdjustments[component];
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(mSchreyerMultipliers.size() == componentCount());
+ return *mSchreyerMultipliers[component];
bool mComponentsAscendingDesired;
VarIndex mComponentCount;
bool mSchreyering;
- MonoVector mModuleAdjustmentsMemory;
- std::vector<ConstMonoPtr> mModuleAdjustments;
+ MonoVector mSchreyerMultipliersMemory;
+ std::vector<ConstMonoPtr> mSchreyerMultipliers;
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/Scanner.cpp b/src/mathicgb/Scanner.cpp
index caab861..cc67dff 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/Scanner.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/Scanner.cpp
@@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ static const size_t BufferSize =
-void reportSyntaxError(std::string s) {
- mathic::reportError(s);
+void reportSyntaxError(std::string s, uint64 lineNumber) {
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << "Syntax error on line " << lineNumber << ": " << s;
+ mathic::reportError(out.str());
void Scanner::reportError(std::string msg) const {
- reportSyntaxError(msg);
+ reportSyntaxError(msg, lineCount());
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ bool Scanner::match(const char* const str) {
const auto size = std::strlen(str);
- if (!ensureBuffer(size - 1))
+ if (!ensureBuffer(size))
return false;
if (size == 0)
return true;
@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ void Scanner::reportErrorUnexpectedToken(
if (got != "")
errorMsg << ", but got " << got;
errorMsg << '.';
- reportSyntaxError(errorMsg.str());
+ reportError(errorMsg.str());
bool Scanner::readBuffer(size_t minRead) {
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/Scanner.hpp b/src/mathicgb/Scanner.hpp
index e3e7c05..fdbdc0f 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/Scanner.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/Scanner.hpp
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
+#include "PrimeField.hpp"
#include "Unchar.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
+#include <type_traits>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <istream>
@@ -87,6 +89,12 @@ public:
template<class T>
T readInteger(bool negate = false);
+ template<class T>
+ typename PrimeField<T>::Element readModular(
+ const PrimeField<T>& field,
+ const bool negate = false
+ );
/// Reads a T if it is there. Does not recognize + or - as the start
/// of an integer.
template<class T>
@@ -105,6 +113,10 @@ public:
/// whitespace. Whitespace is defined by std::isspace().
bool peekWhite() {return isspace(peek());}
+ /// Returns true if the next character is + or -. Does not skip
+ /// whitespace.
+ bool peekSign() {return peek() == '+' || peek() == '-';}
/// Returns the number of newlines seen plus one. Does not skip
/// whitespace.
uint64 lineCount() const {return mLineCount;}
@@ -185,6 +197,8 @@ inline void Scanner::ignore(size_t count) {
template<class T>
T Scanner::readInteger(const bool negate) {
static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, "");
@@ -228,6 +242,26 @@ T Scanner::readInteger(const bool negate) {
template<class T>
+typename PrimeField<T>::Element Scanner::readModular(
+ const PrimeField<T>& field,
+ const bool negate
+) {
+ static_assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, "");
+ // Otherwise we need to consider that the most negative value's
+ // negative cannot be represented as a positive number when reading.
+ static_assert(!std::is_signed<T>::value, "");
+ eatWhite();
+ const bool minus = !match('+') && match('-');
+ const bool positive = minus == negate;
+ if (!peekDigit())
+ reportErrorUnexpectedToken("an integer", "");
+ const auto e = field.toElement(readInteger<T>(false));
+ return positive ? e : field.negative(e);
+template<class T>
bool Scanner::matchReadIntegerNoSign(T& t, bool negate) {
if (peekDigit()) {
t = readInteger<T>(negate);
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/io-util.cpp b/src/mathicgb/io-util.cpp
index c1d5dfc..cc33a51 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/io-util.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/io-util.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include "Poly.hpp"
#include "MTArray.hpp"
#include "io-util.hpp"
+#include "Scanner.hpp"
+#include "MathicIO.hpp"
#include "PolyHeap.hpp"
#include "PolyGeoBucket.hpp"
@@ -35,12 +37,11 @@ std::string toString(const Poly *g)
std::unique_ptr<Basis> basisParseFromString(std::string str)
- // todo: fix the leak
- std::istringstream in(str);
- auto t = Basis::parse(in);
- std::get<0>(t).release();
- std::get<2>(t).release();
- return std::move(std::get<1>(t));
+ std::istringstream inStream(str);
+ Scanner in(inStream);
+ auto p = MathicIO().readRing(true, in);
+ auto& ring = *p.first.release(); // todo: fix leak
+ return make_unique<Basis>(MathicIO().readBasis(ring, false, in));
std::unique_ptr<PolyRing> ringFromString(std::string ringinfo)
diff --git a/src/test/MathicIO.cpp b/src/test/MathicIO.cpp
index ca82054..f3663fa 100755
--- a/src/test/MathicIO.cpp
+++ b/src/test/MathicIO.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,22 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+TEST(MathicIO, Combined) {
+ const char* const str =
+ "32003 6\n"
+ "1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n"
+ "_revlex revcomponent\n"
+ "3\n"
+ " -bc+ad\n"
+ " -b2+af\n"
+ " -bc2+a2e\n";
+ std::istringstream inStream(str);
+ Scanner in(inStream);
+ auto p = MathicIO().readRing(true, in);
+ auto& ring = *p.first;
+ auto basis = MathicIO().readBasis(ring, false, in);
TEST(MathicIO, ReadWriteRing) {
typedef PolyRing::Monoid Monoid;
typedef Monoid::VarIndex VarIndex;
@@ -23,13 +39,14 @@ TEST(MathicIO, ReadWriteRing) {
if (str == 0)
Scanner in(str);
- auto p = MathicIO().readRing(withComponent, in);
- auto& monoid = p.first.monoid();
- ASSERT_EQ(charac, p.first.field().charac());
+ const auto p = MathicIO().readRing(withComponent, in);
+ const auto& monoid = p.first->monoid();
+ const auto& field = p.first->field();
+ ASSERT_EQ(charac, field.charac());
ASSERT_EQ(varCount, monoid.varCount());
ASSERT_EQ(gradingCount, monoid.gradingCount());
std::ostringstream out;
- MathicIO().writeRing(p.first, p.second, withComponent, out);
+ MathicIO().writeRing(*p.first, p.second, withComponent, out);
ASSERT_EQ(outStr, out.str());
@@ -216,6 +233,7 @@ TEST(MathicIO, ReadWriteTerm) {
check("1", 0, false, 1);
+ check("-1", "100", false, f.minusOne().value());
check("+1", "1", false, 1);
check("2", 0, false, 2);
check("+102", "1", false, 1);
@@ -224,6 +242,7 @@ TEST(MathicIO, ReadWriteTerm) {
check("+1<2>", "1<2>", true, 1);
check("2<3>", 0, true, 2);
check("+3<4>", "3<4>", true, 3);
+ check("-3<4>", "98<4>", true, f.negative(f.toElement(3)).value());
check("+1a<0>", "a<0>", true, 1);
check("+2b", "2b", false, 2);
@@ -287,8 +306,8 @@ TEST(MathicIO, ReadWriteOrder) {
check("lex 1 revcomponent", "lex 1\n revcomponent\n", 5, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- "schreyer lex 1 1 _lex revcomponent",
- "schreyer lex 1\n 1\n _lex\n revcomponent\n",
+ "schreyer lex 1 1 _revlex revcomponent",
+ "schreyer revlex 1\n 1\n _revlex\n revcomponent\n",
1, 1, 1, 0, 1
diff --git a/src/test/Scanner.cpp b/src/test/Scanner.cpp
index bca051f..d1dcf98 100755
--- a/src/test/Scanner.cpp
+++ b/src/test/Scanner.cpp
@@ -74,6 +74,22 @@ TEST(Scanner, MatchString) {
+TEST(Scanner, readModular) {
+ PrimeField<unsigned char> f(11);
+ std::stringstream s("0 1 1 +0 -0 +1 -1 15 255 -255");
+ Scanner in(s);
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.zero(), in.readModular(f));
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.one(), in.readModular(f));
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.minusOne(), in.readModular(f, true));
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.zero(), in.readModular(f));
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.zero(), in.readModular(f));
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.one(), in.readModular(f));
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.minusOne(), in.readModular(f));
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.toElement(4), in.readModular(f));
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.toElement(2), in.readModular(f));
+ ASSERT_EQ(f.toElement(9), in.readModular(f));
TEST(Scanner, readInteger) {
std::stringstream s("0 1 +0 -0 +1 -1 127 -128 128");
Scanner in(s);
diff --git a/src/test/gb-test.cpp b/src/test/gb-test.cpp
index 1a5c3a8..8384432 100755
--- a/src/test/gb-test.cpp
+++ b/src/test/gb-test.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#include "mathicgb/SignatureGB.hpp"
#include "mathicgb/BuchbergerAlg.hpp"
#include "mathicgb/mtbb.hpp"
+#include "mathicgb/MathicIO.hpp"
+#include "mathicgb/Scanner.hpp"
#include "test/ideals.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
@@ -287,21 +289,29 @@ spairQueue reducerType divLookup monTable buchberger postponeKoszul useBaseDivis
Reducer::ReducerType red = Reducer::ReducerType(reducerType);
MATHICGB_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(red) == reducerType);
+ std::istringstream inStream(idealStr);
- std::istringstream in(idealStr);
- auto tuple = Basis::parse(in);
- auto& I = std::get<1>(tuple);
+ Scanner in(inStream);
+ auto p = MathicIO().readRing(true, in);
+ auto& ring = *p.first;
+ auto& processor = p.second;
+ auto basis = MathicIO().readBasis(ring, false, in);
+ if (processor.schreyering())
+ processor.setSchreyerMultipliers(basis);
- (Reducer::makeReducerNullOnUnknown(red, I->ring()).get() != 0);
+ MATHICGB_ASSERT(Reducer::makeReducerNullOnUnknown(red, ring).get() != 0);
mgb::tbb::task_scheduler_init scheduler(threadCount);
if (buchberger) {
const auto reducer = Reducer::makeReducer
- (Reducer::reducerType(reducerType), I->ring());
- BuchbergerAlg alg
- (*I, *reducer,
- divLookup, preferSparseReducers, spairQueue);
+ (Reducer::reducerType(reducerType), ring);
+ BuchbergerAlg alg(
+ std::move(basis),
+ *reducer,
+ divLookup,
+ preferSparseReducers,
+ spairQueue
+ );
@@ -312,9 +322,9 @@ spairQueue reducerType divLookup monTable buchberger postponeKoszul useBaseDivis
<< reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
<< monTable << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' ' << useBaseDivisors;
} else {
- SignatureGB basis(
- std::move(*I),
- std::move(*std::get<2>(tuple)),
+ SignatureGB alg(
+ std::move(basis),
+ std::move(processor),
@@ -324,16 +334,16 @@ spairQueue reducerType divLookup monTable buchberger postponeKoszul useBaseDivis
- basis.computeGrobnerBasis();
- EXPECT_EQ(sigBasisStr, toString(basis.getGB(), 1))
+ alg.computeGrobnerBasis();
+ EXPECT_EQ(sigBasisStr, toString(alg.getGB(), 1))
<< reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
<< monTable << ' ' << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' '
<< useBaseDivisors;
- EXPECT_EQ(syzygiesStr, toString(basis.getSyzTable()))
+ EXPECT_EQ(syzygiesStr, toString(alg.getSyzTable()))
<< reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
<< monTable << ' ' << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' '
<< useBaseDivisors;
- EXPECT_EQ(nonSingularReductions, basis.getSigReductionCount() - basis.getSingularReductionCount())
+ EXPECT_EQ(nonSingularReductions, alg.getSigReductionCount() - alg.getSingularReductionCount())
<< reducerType << ' ' << divLookup << ' '
<< monTable << ' ' << ' ' << postponeKoszul << ' '
<< useBaseDivisors;
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