[mathicgb] 314/393: Added support for setting a module monomial order to the library interface. This is not used for anything yet.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 3 15:59:27 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository mathicgb.
commit 10de2ba3515bd3e445310bc5b7ca5480969daece
Author: Bjarke Hammersholt Roune <bjarkehr.code at gmail.com>
Date: Thu May 9 12:57:19 2013 +0200
Added support for setting a module monomial order to the library interface. This is not used for anything yet.
src/mathicgb.cpp | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
src/mathicgb.h | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp | 2 +-
3 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mathicgb.cpp b/src/mathicgb.cpp
index c99e7fe..ee94f74 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb.cpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb.cpp
@@ -333,6 +333,9 @@ namespace mgb {
mGradings(varCount, 1),
+ mComponentBefore(ComponentAfterBaseOrder),
+ mComponentsAscending(true),
+ mSchreyering(true),
@@ -379,6 +382,9 @@ namespace mgb {
const VarIndex mVarCount;
BaseOrder mBaseOrder;
std::vector<Exponent> mGradings;
+ size_t mComponentBefore;
+ bool mComponentsAscending;
+ bool mSchreyering;
Reducer mReducer;
size_t mMaxSPairGroupSize;
size_t mMaxThreadCount;
@@ -470,6 +476,30 @@ namespace mgb {
return mPimpl->mCallbackData;
+ void GroebnerConfiguration::setComponentBefore(size_t value) {
+ mPimpl->mComponentBefore = value;
+ }
+ size_t GroebnerConfiguration::componentBefore() const {
+ return mPimpl->mComponentBefore;
+ }
+ void GroebnerConfiguration::setComponentsAscending(bool value) {
+ mPimpl->mComponentsAscending;
+ }
+ bool GroebnerConfiguration::componentsAscending() const {
+ return mPimpl->mComponentsAscending;
+ }
+ void GroebnerConfiguration::setSchreyering(bool value) {
+ mPimpl->mSchreyering = value;
+ }
+ bool GroebnerConfiguration::schreyering() const {
+ return mPimpl->mSchreyering;
+ }
void GroebnerConfiguration::setReducer(Reducer reducer) {
mPimpl->mReducer = reducer;
@@ -511,14 +541,19 @@ namespace mgb {
namespace mgb {
struct GroebnerInputIdealStream::Pimpl {
Pimpl(const GroebnerConfiguration& conf):
- // @todo: varCount should not be int. Fix PolyRing constructor,
- // then remove this static_cast.
- conf.modulus(),
- static_cast<int>(conf.varCount()),
- conf.monomialOrder().first ==
- GroebnerConfiguration::LexicographicBaseOrder,
- conf.monomialOrder().second
+ PolyRing::Field(conf.modulus()),
+ PolyRing::Monoid::Order(
+ conf.varCount(),
+ std::move(conf.monomialOrder().second),
+ conf.monomialOrder().first ==
+ GroebnerConfiguration::LexicographicBaseOrder ?
+ PolyRing::Monoid::Order::LexBaseOrder :
+ PolyRing::Monoid::Order::RevLexBaseOrder,
+ conf.componentBefore(),
+ conf.componentsAscending(),
+ conf.schreyering()
+ )
diff --git a/src/mathicgb.h b/src/mathicgb.h
index 22a356d..4091e90 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb.h
+++ b/src/mathicgb.h
@@ -87,14 +87,12 @@ namespace mgb { // Part of the public interface of MathicGB
/// tie.
/// You must ensure that the combination of grading and base order in fact
- /// defines a monomial order. For example, ungraded reverse lex does not
- /// define a monomial order so you must not ask for a Groebner basis with
+ /// defines a monomial order. For example, ungraded reverse lex is not
+ /// a monomial order, so you must not ask for a Groebner basis with
/// respect to that order.
/// Each row of the matrix adds overhead to the Groebner basis
- /// computation both in terms of time and space. Total degree grading,
- /// that is a grading where gradings contains exactly varCount()
- /// 1's, adds less overhead than other gradings.
+ /// computation both in terms of time and space.
/// The default grading is (1, ..., 1)-graded reverse lex.
void setMonomialOrder(
@@ -103,6 +101,72 @@ namespace mgb { // Part of the public interface of MathicGB
std::pair<BaseOrder, std::vector<Exponent>> monomialOrder() const;
+ static const size_t ComponentAfterBaseOrder = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
+ /// Sets the module monomial order. This order extends the
+ /// monomial order in the sense that a<b <=> aM<bM for a,b
+ /// monomials and M a module monomial. So if you want to change
+ /// the matrix of the comparison, change the monomial order instead.
+ ///
+ /// componentBefore specifies at what point to compare the
+ /// components of two module monomials. If componentBefore == 0
+ /// then the component is considered before anything else. Let R
+ /// be the number of rows in the grading matrix. If
+ /// componentBefore < R, then the component is considered before the
+ /// grading with index componentBefore and after the grading with index
+ /// componentBefore - 1. If componentBefore == R, then the
+ /// component is considered after all gradings and before the base
+ /// order. If componentBefore == ComponentAfterBaseOrder, then the
+ /// component is considered after everything else.
+ ///
+ /// If componentBefore > R and componentBefore !=
+ /// ComponentAfterBaseOrder, then that is an invalid value and you
+ /// will experience undefined behavior. This is only checked at a
+ /// later stage, so there is no problem in setting a value that
+ /// was invalid at the time but that becomes valid later, either
+ /// because you reset it to something valid or because you change the
+ /// matrix.
+ ///
+ /// Setting this value to anything other than
+ /// ComponentAfterBaseOrder incurs overhead similar to adding a
+ /// row to the comparison matrix.
+ ///
+ /// The default value is ComponentAfterBaseOrder.
+ void setComponentBefore(size_t value);
+ VarIndex componentBefore() const;
+ /// This setting modifies the module monomial order.
+ /// If componentsAscending is true then a comparison of components
+ /// is done such that a module monomial with greater component is
+ /// considered greater once we get the point where components are
+ /// compared. So when not using the Schreyer setting, the impact is:
+ ///
+ /// true value: e_0 < e_1 < ... < e_n
+ /// false value: e_n < ... < e_1 < e_0.
+ ///
+ /// The default value is true. Either setting is implemented with a
+ /// pre-processing step, so there is little-to-no overhead for it.
+ void setComponentsAscending(bool value);
+ bool componentsAscending() const;
+ /// This setting modifies the module monomial order.
+ /// We are Schreyering if we are using an ordering <' that is
+ /// derived from the usual module mononial order < in the
+ /// following way. Let c_i be the leading monomial of the input
+ /// basis element with index i. Then
+ ///
+ /// ae_i <' be_i if and only if ac_ie_i < bc_je_j.
+ ///
+ /// The default value is true. Either setting is implemented with a
+ /// pre-processing step, so there is little-to-no overhead.
+ ///
+ /// A possible future extension would be to allow setting the c_i
+ /// to be something other than leading monomials. This would be useful
+ /// for the higher levels in computation of resolutions. This
+ /// functionality is not currently available.
+ void setSchreyering(bool value);
+ bool schreyering() const;
enum Reducer {
DefaultReducer = 0, /// Let the library decide for itself.
ClassicReducer = 1, /// The classic polynomial division algorithm.
diff --git a/src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp b/src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp
index e6770ba..a85bdb0 100755
--- a/src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp
+++ b/src/mathicgb/MonoOrder.hpp
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public:
/// must be strictly less than all other monomials.
/// For module monomials, the component is considered too. When the
- /// component is considered depens on componentBefore. If
+ /// component is considered depends on componentBefore. If
/// componentBefore == 0 then the component is considered before
/// anything else. If componentBefore < gradingCount(), then the
/// component is considered before the grading with index
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