[cdftools] 168/228: JMM : change in cdfmxl : add 4 manners for computing MLD, taking the reference at 10m instead of the surface. This addition is due to F. Hernandez Mercator in the frame of GSOP/GODAE Previous diags still exist, but _Fill_Value is changed to 32767 for Mercator compliance

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:44 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.

commit 1215e88fbb0f0c1182abaf8c0cb705fbbe63fba7
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Fri Sep 14 14:57:33 2012 +0000

    JMM : change in cdfmxl : add 4 manners for computing MLD, taking the reference at 10m instead of the surface. This
          addition is due to F. Hernandez Mercator in the frame of GSOP/GODAE
          Previous diags still exist, but _Fill_Value is changed to 32767 for Mercator compliance
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@616 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 cdfmxl.f90 | 190 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 160 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cdfmxl.f90 b/cdfmxl.f90
index 5c7707a..eae42e8 100644
--- a/cdfmxl.f90
+++ b/cdfmxl.f90
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ PROGRAM cdfmxl
   !! History : 2.1  : 10/2005  : J.M. Molines : Original code
   !!           3.0  : 01/2011  : J.M. Molines : Doctor norm + Lic.
+  !!           3.0  : 07/2012  : F. Hernandez: Optional S-FILE input
+  !!           3.0  : 07/2012  : F. Hernandez: Add new MLD computation for GSOP/GODAE
   USE cdfio
   USE eos
@@ -24,39 +26,59 @@ PROGRAM cdfmxl
+  INTEGER(KIND=4),PARAMETER                    :: pnvarout = 7   ! number of output variables 
   INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: ji, jj, jk, jt ! dummy loop index
   INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: ik1, ik2, ikt  ! k vertical index of mixed layers 
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(1)                :: nkref10        ! vertical index for 10m depth T layer  
   INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: narg, iargc    ! browse line
   INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: npiglo, npjglo ! domain size
   INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: npk, npt       ! domain size
   INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: ncout, ierr    ! ncid of output file, error status
   INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: mbathy         ! number of w levels in water <= npk
   INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmln1          ! last level where rho > rho + rho_c1
-  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmln2          ! last level where rho > rho + rho_c1
-  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmlnt          ! last level where rho > rho + rho_c1
-  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(3)                :: ipk, id_varout ! levels and varid's of output vars
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmln2          ! last level where rho > rho + rho_c2
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmln3          ! last level where rho > rho10 + rho_c2 
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmln4          ! last level where rho > rho10 + rho_c3 
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmlnt          ! last level where T - SST > temp_c
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmlnt2         ! last level where T-T10 > temp_c  
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nmlnt3         ! last level where T-T10 > temp_c2 
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(pnvarout)         :: ipk, id_varout ! levels and varid's of output vars
+  REAL(KIND=4)                                 :: rmisval=32767. ! Missing value of Mercator fields 
+  REAL(KIND=4)                                 :: rr1,rr2        ! Coef for T(z=10m) interp. 
   REAL(KIND=4)                                 :: rho_c1=0.01    ! 1rst density criterium
   REAL(KIND=4)                                 :: rho_c2=0.03    ! 2nd density criterium
+  REAL(KIND=4)                                 :: rho_c3=0.125   ! 3rd density criterium 
   REAL(KIND=4)                                 :: temp_c=-0.2    ! temperature criterium
+  REAL(KIND=4)                                 :: temp_c2=-0.5   ! 2nd temperature criterium 
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: rtem           ! temperature
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: rtem10         ! 10m depth temperature 
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: rsal           ! salinity
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: rsal10         ! 10m depth salinity 
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: rho            ! density
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: rho10          ! 10m depth density 
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: rho_surf       ! surface density
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: tem_surf       ! surface temperature
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: tmask_surf     ! surface tmask
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: tmask_10       ! 10m-depth tmask 
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: tmask          ! level tmask
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: hmlp1          ! mxl depth based on density criterium 1
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: hmlp2          ! mxl depth based on density criterium 2
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: hmlp3          ! mxl depth based on density criterium 2 and 10m
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: hmlp4          ! mxl depth based on density criterium 3 and 10m
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: hmlt           ! mxl depth based on temperature criterium
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: hmlt2          ! mxl depth based on temperature criterium and 10m
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: hmlt3          ! mxl depth based on temperature criterium 2 and 10m
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),      ALLOCATABLE :: gdepw          ! depth of w levels
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),      ALLOCATABLE :: gdept          ! depth of T levels 
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),      ALLOCATABLE :: tim            ! time counter
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(1)                   :: rdep           ! dummy depth for output
   CHARACTER(LEN=256)                           :: cf_tfil        ! input T file
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                           :: cf_sfil        ! input S file (F.Hernandez)
   CHARACTER(LEN=256)                           :: cf_out='mxl.nc'! output file name
-  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(3)                 :: stypvar        ! structure for attributes
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(pnvarout)          :: stypvar        ! structure for attributes 
   LOGICAL                                      :: lexist         ! flag for existence of bathy_level file
@@ -64,18 +86,25 @@ PROGRAM cdfmxl
   narg = iargc()
   IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN
-     PRINT *,' usage : cdfmxl T-file'
+     PRINT *,' usage : cdfmxl T-file [S-file]'
      PRINT *,'      '
      PRINT *,'     PURPOSE :'
-     PRINT *,'       Compute 3 estimates of the mixed layer depth from temperature'
+     PRINT *,'       Compute 7 estimates of the mixed layer depth from temperature'
      PRINT *,'       and salinity given in the input file, based on 3 different criteria:'
-     PRINT *,'        1- Density criterium (0.01 kg/m3 difference between surface and MLD)' 
-     PRINT *,'        2- Density criterium (0.03 kg/m3 difference between surface and MLD)' 
-     PRINT *,'        3- Temperature criterium (0.2 C absolute difference between surface '
-     PRINT *,'           and MLD)' 
+     PRINT *,'       1- Density criterium (0.01 kg/m3 difference between surface and MLD)' 
+     PRINT *,'       2- Density criterium (0.03 kg/m3 difference between surface and MLD)' 
+     PRINT *,'       3- Temperature criterium (0.2 C absolute difference between surface '
+     PRINT *,'          and MLD)'
+     PRINT *,'       4- Temperature criterium (0.2 C absolute difference between T at 10m '
+     PRINT *,'          and MLD)'
+     PRINT *,'       5- Temperature criterium (0.5 C absolute difference between T at 10m '
+     PRINT *,'          and MLD)'
+     PRINT *,'       6- Density criterium (0.03 kg/m3 difference between rho at 10m and MLD) '
+     PRINT *,'       7- Density criterium (0.125 kg/m3 difference between rho at 10m and MLD) '
      PRINT *,'      '
      PRINT *,'     ARGUMENTS :'
-     PRINT *,'       T-file : input netcd file (gridT)' 
+     PRINT *,'       T-file   : input netcdf file (gridT)' 
+     PRINT *,'       [S-file] : input netcdf file (gridS) Optional if vosaline not in T-file' 
      PRINT *,'      '
      PRINT *,'     REQUIRED FILES :'
      PRINT *,'        ',TRIM(cn_fzgr)
@@ -83,15 +112,25 @@ PROGRAM cdfmxl
      PRINT *,'      '
      PRINT *,'     OUTPUT : '
      PRINT *,'       netcdf file : ', TRIM(cf_out) 
-     PRINT *,'         variables : somxl010 = mld on density criterium 0.01'
-     PRINT *,'                     somxl030 = mld on density criterium 0.03'
-     PRINT *,'                     mld on temperature criterium -0.2'
+     PRINT *,'         variables : somxl010    = mld on density criterium 0.01 ref. surf.'
+     PRINT *,'                     somxl030    = mld on density criterium 0.03 ref. surf.'
+     PRINT *,'                     somxlt02    = mld on temperature criterium -0.2 ref. surf.'
+     PRINT *,'                     somxlt02z10 = mld on temperature criterium -0.2 ref. 10m'
+     PRINT *,'                     somxlt05z10 = mld on temperature criterium -0.5 ref. 10m'
+     PRINT *,'                     somxl030z10 = mld on density criterium 0.03 ref. 10m'
+     PRINT *,'                     somxl125z10 = mld on density criterium 0.125 ref. 10m'
   CALL getarg (1, cf_tfil)
+  cf_sfil = cf_tfil  ! default case
-  IF ( chkfile(cf_tfil) .OR. chkfile(cn_fzgr) ) STOP ! missing file
+  ! If second argument file --> for salinity 
+  IF ( narg == 2 ) THEN
+     CALL getarg (2, cf_sfil)
+  IF ( chkfile(cf_tfil) .OR. chkfile(cn_fzgr) .OR. chkfile(cf_sfil)  ) STOP ! missing file
   ! read dimensions 
   npiglo = getdim (cf_tfil,cn_x)
@@ -105,16 +144,28 @@ PROGRAM cdfmxl
   stypvar(1)%cname          = 'somxl010'
   stypvar(2)%cname          = 'somxl030'
   stypvar(3)%cname          = 'somxlt02'
+  stypvar(4)%cname          = 'somxlt02z10' 
+  stypvar(5)%cname          = 'somxlt05z10'
+  stypvar(6)%cname          = 'somxl030z10'
+  stypvar(7)%cname          = 'somxl125z10'
   stypvar%cunits            = 'm'
-  stypvar%rmissing_value    = 0.
+  stypvar%rmissing_value    = rmisval  ! to be compliant with Mercator standards
   stypvar%valid_min         = 0.
   stypvar%valid_max         = 7000.
   stypvar(1)%clong_name     = 'Mixed_Layer_Depth_on_0.01_rho_crit'
   stypvar(2)%clong_name     = 'Mixed_Layer_Depth_on_0.03_rho_crit'
   stypvar(3)%clong_name     = 'Mixed_Layer_Depth_on_-0.2_temp_crit'
+  stypvar(4)%clong_name     = 'Mixed_Layer_Depth_on_-0.2_temp_crit ref. 10m'
+  stypvar(5)%clong_name     = 'Mixed_Layer_Depth_on_-0.5_temp_crit ref. 10m'
+  stypvar(6)%clong_name     = 'Mixed_Layer_Depth_on_0.03_rho_crit ref. 10m'
+  stypvar(7)%clong_name     = 'Mixed_Layer_Depth_on_0.125_rho_crit ref. 10m'
   stypvar(1)%cshort_name    = 'somxl010'
   stypvar(2)%cshort_name    = 'somxl030'
   stypvar(3)%cshort_name    = 'somxlt02'
+  stypvar(4)%cshort_name    = 'ILD02z10'
+  stypvar(5)%cshort_name    = 'ILD05z10'
+  stypvar(6)%cshort_name    = 'MLD030z10'
+  stypvar(7)%cshort_name    = 'MLD125z10'
   stypvar%conline_operation = 'N/A'
   stypvar%caxis             = 'TYX'
@@ -123,13 +174,22 @@ PROGRAM cdfmxl
   PRINT *, 'npk    = ', npk
   PRINT *, 'npt    = ', npt
-  ALLOCATE (rtem(npiglo,npjglo), rsal(npiglo,npjglo), rho(npiglo,npjglo)    )
+  ALLOCATE (rtem  (npiglo,npjglo), rsal  (npiglo,npjglo), rho  (npiglo,npjglo)    )
+  ALLOCATE (rtem10(npiglo,npjglo), rsal10(npiglo,npjglo), rho10(npiglo,npjglo)    )
+  ALLOCATE (hmlp1(npiglo,npjglo), hmlp2(npiglo,npjglo), hmlt(npiglo,npjglo)       )
+  ALLOCATE (hmlp3(npiglo,npjglo), hmlp4(npiglo,npjglo)                            ) 
+  ALLOCATE (hmlt2(npiglo,npjglo), hmlt3(npiglo,npjglo)                            )
+  ALLOCATE (nmln1 (npiglo,npjglo), nmln2 (npiglo,npjglo), nmlnt(npiglo,npjglo)    )
+  ALLOCATE (nmln3 (npiglo,npjglo), nmln4 (npiglo,npjglo)                          )
+  ALLOCATE (nmlnt2(npiglo,npjglo), nmlnt3(npiglo,npjglo)                          )  
+  ALLOCATE (tmask(npiglo,npjglo), tmask_surf(npiglo,npjglo), tmask_10(npiglo,npjglo))
   ALLOCATE (rho_surf(npiglo,npjglo), tem_surf(npiglo,npjglo)                )
-  ALLOCATE (tmask(npiglo,npjglo), tmask_surf(npiglo,npjglo)                 )
-  ALLOCATE (hmlp1(npiglo,npjglo), hmlp2(npiglo,npjglo), hmlt(npiglo,npjglo) )
   ALLOCATE (mbathy(npiglo,npjglo)                                           )
-  ALLOCATE (nmln1(npiglo,npjglo), nmln2(npiglo,npjglo), nmlnt(npiglo,npjglo))
-  ALLOCATE (gdepw(0:npk), tim(npt)                                            )
+  ALLOCATE (gdepw(0:npk), gdept(npk), tim(npt)                              )
   ! read mbathy and gdepw use real rtem(:,:) as template (getvar is used for real only)
   IF ( chkfile( cn_fbathylev)  ) THEN
@@ -140,41 +200,82 @@ PROGRAM cdfmxl
   mbathy(:,:)  = rtem(:,:)
-  gdepw(0)     = 99999. ! dummy value, always masked
+  gdepw(0)     = 99999. ! dummy value, always masked -but eventually accessed on land-
   gdepw(1:npk) = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_gdepw, npk)
+  gdept(:)     = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_gdept, npk)
+  ! find the T-reference level for 10m (F.Hernandez)
+  nkref10 = MINLOC(gdept,gdept>=10.) - 1 ;  IF ( nkref10(1) < 1 ) nkref10(1)=1
+  ! coef for linear interpolation of T at 10m between nkref10 and nkref10+1
+  rr1 = (10. - gdept(nkref10(1)+1) ) / (gdept(nkref10(1))-gdept(nkref10(1)+1))
+  rr2 = (gdept(nkref10(1)) - 10.   ) / (gdept(nkref10(1))-gdept(nkref10(1)+1))
+  ! find W levels for later computation
+  nkref10 = MINLOC(gdepw(1:npk),gdepw(1:npk)>=10)-1 ;  IF ( nkref10(1) < 1 ) nkref10(1)=1
   ncout = create      (cf_out, cf_tfil, npiglo, npjglo, 1           )
-  ierr  = createvar   (ncout,  stypvar, 3,      ipk,    id_varout   )
+  ierr  = createvar   (ncout,  stypvar, pnvarout,      ipk,    id_varout   )
   ierr  = putheadervar(ncout,  cf_tfil, npiglo, npjglo, 1, pdep=rdep)
   tim  = getvar1d(cf_tfil, cn_vtimec, npt     )
   ierr = putvar1d(ncout,   tim,       npt, 'T')
   DO jt=1,npt
-     ! read surface T and S and deduce land-mask from salinity
-     rtem( :,:) = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_votemper, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
-     rsal (:,:) = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_vosaline, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+     ! read T/S levels around 10m and interpolate 
+     rtem  (:,:) = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_votemper, nkref10(1),   npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+     rtem10(:,:) = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_votemper, nkref10(1)+1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+     WHERE ( rtem == rmisval ) rtem10 = rmisval
+     WHERE ( .NOT. (rtem10 == rmisval) ) rtem10 = rtem*rr1 + rtem10*rr2
+     rsal  (:,:) = getvar(cf_sfil, cn_vosaline, nkref10(1),   npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+     rsal10(:,:) = getvar(cf_sfil, cn_vosaline, nkref10(1)+1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+     WHERE ( rsal == rmisval ) rsal10 = rmisval
+     WHERE ( .NOT. (rsal10 == rmisval) ) rsal10 = rsal*rr1 + rsal10*rr2
+     ! read surface T/S
+     rtem(:,:) = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_votemper, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+     rsal(:,:) = getvar(cf_sfil, cn_vosaline, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+     ! .. and deduce land-mask from salinity 
+     ! ... modified to take into account fill_value = 32767 F.Hernandez 
      IF (jt == 1 ) THEN
-        tmask(:,:) = 1.;  WHERE ( rsal == 0. ) tmask = 0.
+        ! For surface criteria
+        tmask(:,:) = 1.
+        WHERE ( rsal == 0. .OR. rsal == rmisval .OR. rtem == rmisval ) tmask = 0.
         tmask_surf(:,:) = tmask(:,:)
+        ! For 10m depth criteria (F. Hernandez)
+        tmask(:,:) = 1.
+        WHERE ( rsal10 == 0. .OR. rsal10 == rmisval .OR. rtem10 == rmisval) tmask = 0.
+        tmask_10(:,:) = tmask(:,:)
      ! compute rho_surf
-     rho_surf(:,:) = sigma0 (rtem, rsal, npiglo, npjglo )* tmask(:,:)
+     rho_surf(:,:) = sigma0 (rtem, rsal, npiglo, npjglo )* tmask_surf(:,:)
      tem_surf(:,:) = rtem(:,:)
+     ! compute rho at 10m-depth
+     rho10(:,:) = sigma0 (rtem10, rsal10, npiglo, npjglo )* tmask_10(:,:)
      ! Initialization to the number of w ocean point mbathy
      nmln1(:,:) = mbathy(:,:)
      nmln2(:,:) = mbathy(:,:)
+     nmln3(:,:) = mbathy(:,:)  
+     nmln4(:,:) = mbathy(:,:)  
      nmlnt(:,:) = mbathy(:,:)
+     nmlnt2(:,:) = mbathy(:,:) 
+     nmlnt3(:,:) = mbathy(:,:) 
      ! compute mixed layer depth
      ! Last w-level at which rhop>=rho surf+rho_c (starting from jpk-1)
      ! (rhop defined at t-point, thus jk-1 for w-level just above)
      DO jk = npk-1, 2, -1
         rtem (:,:) = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_votemper, jk ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
-        rsal (:,:) = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_vosaline, jk ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
-        tmask(:,:) = 1.  ; WHERE ( rsal == 0. ) tmask = 0.
+        rsal (:,:) = getvar(cf_sfil, cn_vosaline, jk ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+        tmask(:,:) = 1. ! take into account missing values 32767 
+        WHERE ( rsal == 0. .OR. rsal >= rmisval .OR. rtem == rmisval ) tmask = 0.
         rho  (:,:) = sigma0 (rtem, rsal, npiglo, npjglo )* tmask(:,:)
         DO jj = 1, npjglo
@@ -184,6 +285,19 @@ PROGRAM cdfmxl
               IF( ABS(rtem(ji,jj) - tem_surf(ji,jj)) > ABS( temp_c)  )   nmlnt(ji,jj) = jk
            END DO
         END DO
+        ! Compute with the 10m depth reference: stop if level < nkref10+1 (F.Hernandez)
+        IF ( jk > nkref10(1) ) THEN
+           DO jj = 1, npjglo
+              DO ji = 1, npiglo
+                 IF( rho(ji,jj)  > rho10(ji,jj) + rho_c2 )   nmln3(ji,jj) = jk
+                 IF( rho(ji,jj)  > rho10(ji,jj) + rho_c3 )   nmln4(ji,jj) = jk
+                 IF( ABS(rtem(ji,jj) - rtem10(ji,jj)) > ABS( temp_c)  )   nmlnt2(ji,jj) = jk
+                 IF( ABS(rtem(ji,jj) - rtem10(ji,jj)) > ABS( temp_c2)  )   nmlnt3(ji,jj) = jk
+              END DO
+           END DO
+        ENDIF
      END DO
      ! Mixed layer depth
@@ -192,13 +306,29 @@ PROGRAM cdfmxl
            ik1 = nmln1(ji,jj) ; ik2 = nmln2(ji,jj) ; ikt = nmlnt(ji,jj)
            hmlp1 (ji,jj) = gdepw(ik1) * tmask_surf(ji,jj)
            hmlp2 (ji,jj) = gdepw(ik2) * tmask_surf(ji,jj)
+           hmlp3 (ji,jj) = gdepw(nmln3(ji,jj)) * tmask_10(ji,jj)  
+           hmlp4 (ji,jj) = gdepw(nmln4(ji,jj)) * tmask_10(ji,jj)            
            hmlt (ji,jj)  = gdepw(ikt) * tmask_surf(ji,jj)
+           hmlt2 (ji,jj) = gdepw(nmlnt2(ji,jj)) * tmask_10(ji,jj) 
+           hmlt3 (ji,jj) = gdepw(nmlnt3(ji,jj)) * tmask_10(ji,jj) 
         END DO
      END DO
+     ! Correct for missing values = 32767 
+     WHERE ( tmask_surf == 0. )
+        hmlp1 = rmisval ; hmlp2 = rmisval ; hmlt = rmisval
+     WHERE ( tmask_10 == 0. )
+        hmlp3 = rmisval ; hmlp4 = rmisval ; hmlt2 = rmisval ; hmlt3 = rmisval
      ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(1), hmlp1, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
      ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(2), hmlp2, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
      ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(3), hmlt , 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(4), hmlt2, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt) 
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(5), hmlt3, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt) 
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(6), hmlp3, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt) 
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(7), hmlp4, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt) 
   END DO ! time loop

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