[cdftools] 169/228: AL : add cdfcmp and cdfchgrid + related modifications in Makefile

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:45 UTC 2015

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mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.

commit a036eaaed6fd7125238f2aeca16a8bb4961acbda
Author: lecointre <lecointre at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Tue Sep 18 15:05:40 2012 +0000

    AL : add cdfcmp and cdfchgrid + related modifications in Makefile
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@617 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 Makefile      |   8 ++-
 cdfchgrid.f90 | 213 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 cdfcmp.f90    | 138 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 358 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ec7a156..0cf8e25 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ EXEC = cdfmoy cdfmoyt cdfstd  cdfmoy_weighted cdfmoy_freq cdfvT \
        cdfcsp cdfcoloc cdfmltmask cdfstatcoord  cdfpolymask cdfsmooth cdfmkmask cdfdifmask\
        cdfkempemekeepe cdfbci cdfbti cdfnrjcomp cdfcofdis cdfsections cdfnorth_unfold cdfovide cdfmppini\
        cdfpsi_level cdfhdy cdfhdy3d cdffracinv  cdfmaskdmp cdfnan cdfscale cdfnamelist \
-       cdfisopsi cdf2matlab cdffixtime cdfgeostrophy
+       cdfisopsi cdf2matlab cdffixtime cdfgeostrophy cdfchgrid cdfcmp
 .PHONY: all help clean cleanexe install man installman
@@ -406,6 +406,12 @@ cdffixtime: cdfio.o  cdffixtime.f90
 cdfnamelist: modcdfnames.o  cdfnamelist.f90
 	$(F90)  cdfnamelist.f90  -o $(BINDIR)/cdfnamelist  modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS) $(FDATE_FLAG)
+cdfchgrid: cdfio.o cdfchgrid.f90
+	$(F90) cdfchgrid.f90  -o $(BINDIR)/cdfchgrid cdfio.o modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS)
+cdfcmp: cdfio.o cdfcmp.f90
+	$(F90) cdfcmp.f90  -o $(BINDIR)/cdfcmp cdfio.o modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS)
 # OLD bimg/dimg stuff: use by the trpsig monitoring....
 cdfsections: eos.o cdfsections.f90
 	$(F90) cdfsections.f90  -o $(BINDIR)/cdfsections eos.o modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS)
diff --git a/cdfchgrid.f90 b/cdfchgrid.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7851c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdfchgrid.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+PROGRAM cdfchgrid
+  !!======================================================================
+  !!                     ***  PROGRAM  cdfchgrid  ***
+  !!======================================================================
+  !!  ** Purpose : Transform an 1442x1021 ORCA025 grid variable into an 
+  !!               4322x3059 ORCA12 grid variable.
+  !!               No interpolation, only copying one grid cell into 9 grid cells.
+  !!
+  !!  ** Method  : Store the result on a 'cdfchgrid.nc' file similar to the input file
+  !!               (except x and y dimension)
+  !!
+  !!  ** Restriction  : Caution for mask coherence !
+  !!                    This tool is only adapted for drowned field
+  !!
+  !! History : 3.0 !  08/2012    A. Lecointre   : Original code with Full Doctor form + Lic.
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!   routines      : description
+  !!   chgrid        : Convert 1442x1021 ORCA025 2D var into 4322x3059 ORCA12 var
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  USE cdfio
+  USE modcdfnames
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !! CDFTOOLS_3.0 , MEOM 2011
+  !! $Id: cdfchgrid.f90 XXX YYYY-MM-DD MM:MM:SSZ molines $
+  !! Copyright (c) 2010, J.-M. Molines
+  !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (Licence/CDFTOOLSCeCILL.txt)
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: jk, jt                 ! dummy loop index
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: jvar,jjvar             ! dummy loop index
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: ierr                   ! working integer
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: narg, iargc, ijarg     ! argument on line
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: npiglo, npjglo         ! size of the input domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), PARAMETER                    :: npigloout=4322, npjgloout=3059 ! size of the output domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: npk, npt               ! size of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: nvars                  ! number of variables in the input file
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: ncout                  ! ncid of output ncdf file
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(1)                 :: ipk                    ! output variable : number of levels
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(1)                 :: id_varout              ! ncdf varid's
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),     ALLOCATABLE :: v2d                    ! array to read a layer of data 
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),     ALLOCATABLE :: u2d                    ! array onto ORCA12-grid
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: tim                    ! time counter of the file
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),       ALLOCATABLE :: dep                    ! depth of the file
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                            :: cf_out='cdfchgrid.nc'  ! output file name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                            :: cf_in                  ! input file name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                            :: cv_in                  ! variable name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                            :: cldum                  ! working string
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                            :: cv_dep                 ! true name of dep dimension
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: cv_names               ! array of var name
+  TYPE (variable), DIMENSION(:),    ALLOCATABLE :: stypvar                ! structure for variable attribute
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  CALL ReadCdfNames()
+  narg = iargc()
+  IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' usage : cdfchgrid -f IN-file -var IN-var'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     PURPOSE :'
+     PRINT *,'       Convert ORCA025-grid variable into ORCA12-grid variable'
+     PRINT *,'       No interpolation, only copying one grid cell into nine grid cells'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     RESTRICTION :'
+     PRINT *,'       Caution for mask coherence !'
+     PRINT *,'       This tool is only adapted for drowned field'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     ARGUMENTS :'
+     PRINT *,'       -f IN-var : input ORCA025-grid file'
+     PRINT *,'       -var IN-var : input ORCA025-grid variable to be converted'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     REQUIRED FILES :'
+     PRINT *,'       none '
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     OUTPUT : '
+     PRINT *,'       netcdf file : ', TRIM(cf_out)
+     PRINT *,'         variable : same name as in input file'
+     STOP
+  !!
+  ijarg = 1
+  ! Read command line
+  DO  WHILE (ijarg <=  narg)
+     CALL getarg(ijarg,cldum) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+     SELECT CASE ( cldum )
+     CASE ( '-f' )
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cf_in) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+     CASE ( '-var' )
+        CALL getarg(ijarg,cv_in) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+        PRINT *, TRIM(cldum),' : unknown option '
+        STOP
+  IF ( chkfile(cf_in) ) STOP  ! missing files
+  ! get domain dimension from input file
+  npiglo = getdim (cf_in, cn_x)
+  npjglo = getdim (cf_in, cn_y)
+  npk    = getdim (cf_in, cn_z, cdtrue=cv_dep, kstatus=ierr)  ! defautl cn_z is depth
+  npt    = getdim (cf_in, cn_t)
+  IF ( npk == 0 )  npk = 1  ! assume a 2D variable
+  IF ( npt == 0 )  npt = 1  ! assume a 1 time frame file
+  PRINT *, 'npiglo = ', npiglo
+  PRINT *, 'npjglo = ', npjglo
+  PRINT *, 'npk    = ', npk
+  PRINT *, 'npt    = ', npt
+  ALLOCATE ( v2d(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( u2d(npigloout,npjgloout) )
+  ALLOCATE ( tim(npt) )
+  ALLOCATE ( dep(npk) )
+  ! look for the number of variables in the input file
+  nvars = getnvar(cf_in)
+  ALLOCATE (cv_names(nvars) ,stypvar(nvars))
+  cv_names(:)=getvarname(cf_in,nvars,stypvar)
+  ! find the number of variable we are interested in
+  jvar=0
+  DO  WHILE (jvar <=  nvars)
+     jvar=jvar+1
+     IF ( cv_names(jvar) == cv_in ) jjvar=jvar
+  ipk(1)=npk
+  ncout = create      (cf_out,   cf_in  , npigloout, npjgloout, npk         )
+  ierr  = createvar   (ncout   , stypvar(jjvar), 1 , ipk  , id_varout )
+  ! get time and write time and get deptht and write deptht
+  tim=getvar1d(cf_in,cn_t,npt) ; ierr=putvar1d(ncout,tim,npt,'T')
+  dep=getvar1d(cf_in,cv_dep,npk) ; ierr=putvar1d(ncout,dep,npk,'D')
+  PRINT *,' Working with ', TRIM(cv_in), npk
+  DO jt = 1, npt
+     DO jk = 1, npk
+        v2d(:,:) = getvar(cf_in, cv_in,  jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+        PRINT *,'level ',jk, 'time ',jt
+        CALL chgrid(v2d,u2d,'025to12')
+        ierr = putvar ( ncout , id_varout(1), REAL(u2d), jk, npigloout, npjgloout, ktime=jt)
+     ENDDO
+  ierr    = closeout(ncout)
+  SUBROUTINE chgrid (invar,outvar,cc)
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(npiglo,npjglo), INTENT(in)        :: invar
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(npigloout,npjgloout), INTENT(out) :: outvar
+  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in)                              :: cc
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                                           :: iin,jin,iout,jout ! dummy loop index
+  CASE ('025to12')
+     DO iin = 2, 1441
+        iout=3*iin-4
+        jin=1   ! Fill only NORTH and EAST and WEST
+        jout=3*jin-2
+        outvar(iout  ,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout  ,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout-1,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout+1,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout+1,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout-1,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+        DO jin = 2, 1020 ! Fill all: NORTH and SOUTH and EAST and WEST
+           jout=3*jin-2
+           outvar(iout  ,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+           outvar(iout+1,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+           outvar(iout-1,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+           outvar(iout  ,jout-1) = invar(iin,jin)
+           outvar(iout  ,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+           outvar(iout+1,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+           outvar(iout+1,jout-1) = invar(iin,jin)
+           outvar(iout-1,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+           outvar(iout-1,jout-1) = invar(iin,jin)
+        ENDDO
+     ENDDO
+     iin=1442
+     iout=3*iin-4
+     jin=1 ! Fill only NORTH and WEST
+     jout=3*jin-2
+     outvar(iout  ,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+     outvar(iout  ,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+     outvar(iout-1,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+     outvar(iout-1,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+     DO jin = 2, 1020 ! Fill only NORTH and SOUTH and WEST
+        jout=3*jin-2
+        outvar(iout  ,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout  ,jout-1) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout  ,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout-1,jout  ) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout-1,jout-1) = invar(iin,jin)
+        outvar(iout-1,jout+1) = invar(iin,jin)
+     ENDDO
+  CASE ('05to025')
+    ! to do ...
+  CASE ('05to12')
+    ! to do ...
+     PRINT *, TRIM(cc),'  is not recognized !'
+     PRINT *, 'No conversion will be performed'
+END PROGRAM cdfchgrid
diff --git a/cdfcmp.f90 b/cdfcmp.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05d7d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdfcmp.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+PROGRAM cdfcmp
+  !!======================================================================
+  !!                     ***  PROGRAM  cdfcmp  ***
+  !!======================================================================
+  !!  ** Purpose : Find the differences between one same variable in two different files
+  !!               Indicate where are located these differences
+  !!               Indicate the relative difference
+  !!
+  !!  ** Method  : Compare var1 and var2
+  !!               If it differs, print in standard output where are located diff
+  !!               Spatial sub-area restriction can be defined
+  !!
+  !! History : 3.0 !  08/2012    A. Lecointre   : Original code + Full Doctor form + Lic.
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  USE cdfio
+  USE modcdfnames
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !! CDFTOOLS_3.0 , MEOM 2011
+  !! $Id: cdfcmp.f90 XXX YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSZ molines $
+  !! Copyright (c) 2010, J.-M. Molines
+  !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (Licence/CDFTOOLSCeCILL.txt)
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: jk,jj,ji, jvar, jjvar ! dummy loop index
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: ierr                  ! working integer
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: narg, iargc, ijarg    ! argument on line 
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: npiglo, npjglo        ! size fo the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: iimin=1, iimax=0      ! i-limit of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: ijmin=1, ijmax=0      ! j-limit of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: ikmin=1, ikmax=0      ! k-limit of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: nvars                 ! Number of variables in a file
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),    ALLOCATABLE :: ipk                   ! arrays of var id's
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),     ALLOCATABLE :: var1, var2            ! variables to compare
+  REAL(KIND=4)                                  :: dvar                  ! relative difference
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                            :: cf1_in,cf2_in         ! input file name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                            :: cv_in                 ! variable name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                            :: cldum                 ! working string
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: cv_names              ! array of var name
+  TYPE (variable), DIMENSION(:),    ALLOCATABLE :: stypvar               ! Type variable is defined in cdfio.
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  CALL ReadCdfNames()
+  narg = iargc()
+  IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' usage : cmp_var -f1 IN-file1 -f2 IN-file2 -var IN-var ...'
+     PRINT *,'     ... [-lev kmin kmax ] [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax] ...'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     PURPOSE :'
+     PRINT *,'        Find where IN-var is different between IN-file1 and IN-file2 '
+     PRINT *,'        Options allow to restrict the finding to a sub area in space'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     ARGUMENTS :'
+     PRINT *,'       -f1 IN-file1 : input file1'
+     PRINT *,'       -f2 IN-file2 : input file2'
+     PRINT *,'       -var IN-var  : input variable'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     OPTIONS :'
+     PRINT *,'       [-lev kmin kmax ] : restrict to level between kmin and kmax. '
+     PRINT *,'       [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax] : restrict to sub area specified'
+     PRINT *,'                                     by the given limits. '
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     REQUIRED FILES :'
+     PRINT *,'       none '
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     OUTPUT : '
+     PRINT *,'       output is done on standard output.'
+     STOP
+  !!
+  ijarg  = 1
+  ! Read command line
+  DO  WHILE (ijarg <=  narg)
+     CALL getarg(ijarg,cldum) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+     SELECT CASE ( cldum )
+     CASE ( '-f1' )
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cf1_in) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+     CASE ( '-f2' )
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cf2_in) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+     CASE ( '-var' )
+        CALL getarg(ijarg,cv_in) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+     CASE ( '-lev'  )
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cldum) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1 ; READ(cldum,*) ikmin
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cldum) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1 ; READ(cldum,*) ikmax
+     CASE ( '-zoom' )
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cldum) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1 ; READ(cldum,*) iimin
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cldum) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1 ; READ(cldum,*) iimax
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cldum) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1 ; READ(cldum,*) ijmin
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cldum) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1 ; READ(cldum,*) ijmax
+        PRINT *, TRIM(cldum),' : unknown option '
+        STOP
+  IF ( chkfile(cf1_in) .OR. chkfile(cf2_in) ) STOP ! missing file
+  IF ( chkvar(cf1_in, cv_in) .OR. chkvar(cf2_in, cv_in) ) STOP  ! missing var
+  npiglo = getdim (cf1_in, cn_x)
+  npjglo = getdim (cf1_in, cn_y)
+  IF ( iimax == 0 ) iimax = npiglo
+  IF ( ijmax == 0 ) ijmax = npjglo
+  ! get the number of vertical levels of cv_in variable
+  nvars = getnvar(cf1_in)
+  ALLOCATE (ipk(nvars),cv_names(nvars),stypvar(nvars))
+  cv_names(:)=getvarname(cf1_in,nvars,stypvar)
+  ipk(:) = getipk (cf1_in,nvars)
+  DO jvar=1,nvars
+     IF ( cv_names(jvar) == cv_in ) jjvar=jvar
+  IF ( ikmax == 0 ) ikmax = ipk(jjvar)
+  ! Allocate memory.
+  ALLOCATE(var1(npiglo, npjglo))
+  ALLOCATE(var2(npiglo, npjglo))
+  PRINT *,' Working with ', TRIM(cv_in),' defined on ', ipk(jjvar),' level(s)'
+  DO jk = ikmin, ikmax
+     PRINT *,'# -------------------------------------------'
+     PRINT '(A19,I3)','# Checking level: ',jk
+     PRINT *,'# i     j    k      var1      var2  %reldiff'
+     var1(:,:)=9999.0
+     var2(:,:)=9999.0
+     var1(:,:) = getvar(cf1_in, cv_in,  jk, npiglo, npjglo)
+     var2(:,:) = getvar(cf2_in, cv_in,  jk, npiglo, npjglo)
+     DO jj=ijmin, ijmax
+        DO ji=iimin, iimax
+           IF ( var1(ji,jj) /= var2(ji,jj) ) THEN
+              dvar = 100.0*(var1(ji,jj)-var2(ji,jj))/var1(ji,jj)
+              PRINT '(I4,2X,I4,2X,I3,2X,F8.3,2X,F8.3,2X,F8.3)',ji,jj,jk,var1(ji,jj),var2(ji,jj),dvar
+           ENDIF
+        ENDDO
+     ENDDO

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cdftools.git

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