[cdftools] 172/228: JMM +NF : add new function in cdfio to deal with attributes of time variable ( usefull for cdf2levitusgrid2d to come ...)
Alastair McKinstry
mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:45 UTC 2015
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commit e71c61bc07deea64337f883b832e22d2a558bdbf
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date: Wed Oct 31 16:11:16 2012 +0000
JMM +NF : add new function in cdfio to deal with attributes of time variable ( usefull for cdf2levitusgrid2d to come ...)
git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@620 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
cdfio.f90 | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/cdfio.f90 b/cdfio.f90
index 3fb05eb..269da2c 100644
--- a/cdfio.f90
+++ b/cdfio.f90
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
!! getspval : get spval of a given variable
!! getvar1d : read 1D variable (eg depth, time_counter) from a file
!! getvaratt : read variable attributes
+ !! gettimeatt : get time attributes
!! getvar : read the variable
!! getvare3 : read e3 type variable
!! getvarid : get the varid of a variable in a file
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
!! getvdim : get the number of dim of a variable
!! ncopen : open a netcdf file and return its ncid
!! putatt : write variable attribute
+ !! puttimeatt : write time variable attribute
!! putheadervar : write header variables such as nav_lon, nav_lat etc ... from a file taken
!! : as template
!! putvar0d : write a 0d variable (constant)
@@ -115,14 +117,15 @@
PUBLIC :: chkfile, chkvar
- PUBLIC :: copyatt, create, createvar, getvaratt, cvaratt
- PUBLIC :: putatt, putheadervar, putvar, putvar1d, putvar0d, atted
+ PUBLIC :: copyatt, create, createvar, getvaratt, cvaratt, gettimeatt
+ PUBLIC :: putatt, putheadervar, putvar, putvar1d, putvar0d, atted, puttimeatt
PUBLIC :: getatt, getdim, getvdim, getipk, getnvar, getvarname, getvarid, getspval
PUBLIC :: getvar, getvarxz, getvaryz, getvar1d, getvare3
PUBLIC :: gettimeseries
PUBLIC :: closeout, ncopen
!! CDFTOOLS_3.0 , MEOM 2011
!! $Id$
@@ -398,6 +401,72 @@ CONTAINS
END FUNCTION getvaratt
+ INTEGER(KIND=4) FUNCTION gettimeatt (cdfile, cdvartime, ctcalendar, cttitle, ctlong_name, ctaxis, ctunits, cttime_origin )
+ !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !! *** FUNCTION gettimeatt ***
+ !!
+ !! ** Purpose : Get specific attributes for time variable
+ !!
+ !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CHARACTER(LEN=256), INTENT(in) :: cdfile
+ CHARACTER(LEN=20), INTENT(in) :: cdvartime
+ CHARACTER(LEN=256), INTENT(out) :: ctcalendar, cttitle, ctlong_name, ctaxis, ctunits, cttime_origin
+ INTEGER(KIND=4) :: istatus
+ INTEGER(KIND=4) :: incid, ivarid
+ istatus = NF90_OPEN(cdfile, NF90_NOWRITE, incid)
+ istatus = NF90_INQ_VARID(incid, cdvartime, ivarid)
+ istatus = NF90_GET_ATT(incid, ivarid, 'calendar', ctcalendar )
+ istatus = NF90_GET_ATT(incid, ivarid, 'title', cttitle )
+ istatus = NF90_GET_ATT(incid, ivarid, 'long_name', ctlong_name )
+ istatus = NF90_GET_ATT(incid, ivarid, 'axis', ctaxis )
+ istatus = NF90_GET_ATT(incid, ivarid, 'units', ctunits )
+ istatus = NF90_GET_ATT(incid, ivarid, 'time_origin', cttime_origin )
+ gettimeatt = istatus
+ istatus = NF90_CLOSE(incid)
+ END FUNCTION gettimeatt
+ INTEGER(KIND=4) FUNCTION puttimeatt (kout, cdvartime, ctcalendar, cttitle, ctlong_name, ctaxis, ctunits, cttime_origin )
+ !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !! *** FUNCTION puttimeatt ***
+ !!
+ !! ** Purpose : Put specific attributes for time variable
+ !!
+ !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ INTEGER(KIND=4), INTENT(in) :: kout
+ CHARACTER(LEN=20), INTENT(in) :: cdvartime
+ CHARACTER(LEN=256), INTENT(out) :: ctcalendar, cttitle, ctlong_name, ctaxis, ctunits, cttime_origin
+ INTEGER(KIND=4) :: ivarid
+ puttimeatt=NF90_INQ_VARID(kout, cdvartime, ivarid)
+ IF (puttimeatt /= 0 ) THEN
+ PRINT *, NF90_STRERROR(puttimeatt) ; STOP 'puttimeatt var does not exist'
+ puttimeatt = NF90_REDEF(kout)
+ puttimeatt=NF90_PUT_ATT(kout,ivarid,'calendar',ctcalendar)
+ IF (puttimeatt /= 0 ) THEN ;PRINT *, NF90_STRERROR(puttimeatt) ; STOP 'puttimeatt calendar'; ENDIF
+ puttimeatt=NF90_PUT_ATT(kout,ivarid,'title',cttitle)
+ IF (puttimeatt /= 0 ) THEN ;PRINT *, NF90_STRERROR(puttimeatt) ; STOP 'puttimeatt title'; ENDIF
+ puttimeatt=NF90_PUT_ATT(kout,ivarid,'long_name',ctlong_name)
+ IF (puttimeatt /= 0 ) THEN ;PRINT *, NF90_STRERROR(puttimeatt) ; STOP 'puttimeatt long_name'; ENDIF
+ puttimeatt=NF90_PUT_ATT(kout,ivarid,'axis',ctaxis)
+ IF (puttimeatt /= 0 ) THEN ;PRINT *, NF90_STRERROR(puttimeatt) ; STOP 'puttimeatt axis'; ENDIF
+ puttimeatt=NF90_PUT_ATT(kout,ivarid,'units',ctunits)
+ IF (puttimeatt /= 0 ) THEN ;PRINT *, NF90_STRERROR(puttimeatt) ; STOP 'puttimeatt units'; ENDIF
+ puttimeatt=NF90_PUT_ATT(kout,ivarid,'time_origin',cttime_origin)
+ IF (puttimeatt /= 0 ) THEN ;PRINT *, NF90_STRERROR(puttimeatt) ; STOP 'puttimeatt time_origin'; ENDIF
+ puttimeatt=NF90_ENDDEF(kout)
+ END FUNCTION puttimeatt
INTEGER(KIND=4) FUNCTION cvaratt (cdfile, cdvar, cdunits, pmissing_value, cdlong_name, cdshort_name)
!! *** FUNCTION cvaratt ***
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