[cdftools] 173/228: JMM+NF : incorporate NF shapiro module into modutils.f90 in preparation to cdf2levitusgrid2d.f90 (next to come !)

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:45 UTC 2015

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commit 65035b9ac3e37c0882d48b0fa73f7159774a8a7e
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Wed Oct 31 18:24:41 2012 +0000

    JMM+NF : incorporate NF shapiro module into modutils.f90 in preparation to cdf2levitusgrid2d.f90 (next to come !)
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@621 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 modutils.f90 | 153 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 152 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/modutils.f90 b/modutils.f90
index 6482e31..b6a0ff1 100644
--- a/modutils.f90
+++ b/modutils.f90
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@ MODULE modutils
   !! Hold functions and subroutine dedicated to common utility task
   !! History : 3.0  : 04/2011  : J.M. Molines : Original code
+  !!                : 10/2012  : N. Ferry, E. Durand, F. Hernandez : add shapiro
   !!   routines      : description
   !!   SetGlobalAtt  : Set Global Attribute to the command line
+  !!   SetFilename   : Build standard name from confname
+  !!   shapiro_fill_smooth : shapiro smoother or filler
   !! CDFTOOLS_3.0 , MEOM 2011
@@ -22,6 +25,7 @@ MODULE modutils
   PUBLIC SetGlobalAtt
   PUBLIC SetFileName
+  PUBLIC shapiro_fill_smooth
   SUBROUTINE SetGlobalAtt(cdglobal, cd_append)
@@ -80,11 +84,158 @@ CONTAINS
     IF ( chkfile(SetFileName ) ) THEN ! look for another name
        WRITE(SetFileName,'(a,"_",a,"_grid_",a,".nc")') TRIM(cdconf), TRIM(cdtag), TRIM(cdgrid)
        IF ( chkfile( SetFileName)  ) THEN
-           PRINT *,' ERROR : missing grid',TRIM(cdgrid),'or even grid_',TRIM(cdgrid),' file '
+          PRINT *,' ERROR : missing grid',TRIM(cdgrid),'or even grid_',TRIM(cdgrid),' file '
+  SUBROUTINE shapiro_fill_smooth ( psig, kpi, kpj, kpass, cdfs, pbad, klmasktrue, psigf )
+    !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !!                  ***  ROUTINE shapiro_fill_smooth  ***
+    !!
+    !! ** Purpose : Shapiro smoother or filler
+    !!
+    !! ** Method  : Shapiro algorithm 
+    !!           psig    : variable to be filtered 2D
+    !!           kpi,kpj : dimension of psig
+    !!           kpass   : number of passes of the filter
+    !!           cdfs    : 'smooth' or 'fill' according to choice
+    !!           pbad    : psig Fill_Value
+    !!           klmasktrue : mask flag for continent.
+    !!                If land extrapolation is desired, set klmasktrue=1 everywhere
+    !!
+    !!           psigf   : filtered/filled variable (output)
+    !!
+    !!  code history:
+    !!      original  : 05-11 (N. Ferry)
+    !!      additions : 05-12 (E. Durand)
+    !!      correction: 07-12 (F. Hernandez)
+    !!      cdftools norm : 11-12 (J.M. Molines)
+    !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    INTEGER(KIND=4),                     INTENT(in ) :: kpi, kpj, kpass
+    INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(kpi,kpj), INTENT(in ) :: klmasktrue
+    REAL(KIND=4),                        INTENT(in ) :: pbad
+    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(kpi,kpj),    INTENT(in ) :: psig
+    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(kpi,kpj),    INTENT(out) :: psigf
+    CHARACTER(LEN=6),                    INTENT(in ) :: cdfs
+    INTEGER(KIND=4)                               :: ji, jj, jp    ! dummy loop index
+    INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(0:kpi+1,kpj)       :: ilmask_e     ! extra i-point for E-W periodicity
+    INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(0:kpi+1,kpj)       :: ilmask0_e    ! extra i-point for E-W periodicity
+    INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(0:kpi+1,kpj)       :: ilmasktrue_e ! extra i-point for E-W periodicity
+    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(0:kpi+1,kpj)          :: zsigf_e      ! extra i-point for E-W periodicity
+    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(0:kpi+1,kpj)          :: zsig_e       ! extra i-point for E-W periodicity
+    REAL(KIND=4)                                  :: znum, zden, zsum
+    !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! ... Initialization : 
+    zsig_e      (1:kpi,:) = psig      (:,:)
+    ilmasktrue_e(1:kpi,:) = klmasktrue(:,:)
+    !  E-W periodic
+    zsig_e      (0,:)     = zsig_e      (kpi,:)      
+    ilmasktrue_e(0,:)     = ilmasktrue_e(kpi,:)      
+    zsig_e      (kpi+1,:) = zsig_e      (1,:)      
+    ilmasktrue_e(kpi+1,:) = ilmasktrue_e(1,:)      
+    ! check cdfs compliance
+    IF ( cdfs(1:4)  .NE. 'fill' .AND. cdfs(1:6) .NE. 'smooth' ) THEN
+       PRINT*, 'cdfs = ',cdfs ,' <> fill or smooth'
+       STOP
+    ENDIF
+    !
+    ! ... Shapiro filter : 
+    !
+    DO jp = 1, kpass          ! number of passes for the filter
+       !
+       ! in both cases 'smooth' and ' fill' we check points w/o values
+       ilmask_e(:,:) = 0 ; ilmask0_e(:,:) = 0
+       WHERE ( zsig_e(:,:) /= pbad )
+          !   set ilmask_e = 1 when field is already filled
+          ilmask_e (:,:) = 1 
+          ilmask0_e(:,:) = 1 
+       ENDWHERE
+       ! case 'fill'
+       IF ( cdfs(1:4) == 'fill' ) THEN
+          ilmask0_e(:,:) = 0
+          DO ji=1,kpi
+             DO jj=2,kpj-1
+                zsum = ilmask_e(ji+1,jj) + ilmask_e(ji-1,jj) + ilmask_e(ji,jj+1) + ilmask_e(ji,jj-1)
+                ! set ilmask0_e = 1 if it is possible to do a 4-point interpolation (N-S-E-W)
+                ! not on  land
+                IF ( ( zsum                >= 1 ) .AND. &
+                     ( ilmask_e    (ji,jj) == 0 ) .AND. &
+                     ( ilmasktrue_e(ji,jj) == 1 ) )  THEN
+                          ilmask0_e(ji,jj) = 1
+                ENDIF
+             ENDDO
+             ! for the northernmost line
+             zsum = ilmask_e(ji+1,kpj) + ilmask_e(ji-1,kpj) + ilmask_e(ji,kpj-1)
+             IF ( ( zsum                 >= 1 ) .AND. &
+                  ( ilmask_e    (ji,kpj) == 0 ) .AND. &
+                  ( ilmasktrue_e(ji,kpj) == 1 ) )  THEN 
+                       ilmask0_e(ji,kpj) = 1
+             ENDIF
+          ENDDO
+       ENDIF
+       !
+       ! loop on data points for both cases
+       DO ji = 1, kpi
+          DO jj = 2, kpj-1
+             IF ( ilmask0_e(ji,jj) == 1. )  THEN
+                znum =  zsig_e(ji-1,jj  )*ilmask_e(ji-1,jj  ) &
+                      + zsig_e(ji+1,jj  )*ilmask_e(ji+1,jj  ) &
+                      + zsig_e(ji  ,jj-1)*ilmask_e(ji  ,jj-1) &
+                      + zsig_e(ji  ,jj+1)*ilmask_e(ji  ,jj+1)  
+                zden =  ilmask_e(ji-1,jj  ) &
+                      + ilmask_e(ji+1,jj  ) &
+                      + ilmask_e(ji  ,jj-1) &
+                      + ilmask_e(ji  ,jj+1) 
+                zsigf_e(ji,jj) = znum/zden
+             ELSE
+                zsigf_e(ji,jj) = zsig_e(ji,jj)
+             ENDIF
+          ENDDO
+          ! for the northernmost line, we do not take kpj+1 into account
+          IF ( ilmask0_e(ji,kpj) == 1. )  THEN
+             znum =  zsig_e(ji-1,kpj  )*ilmask_e(ji-1,kpj  ) &
+                   + zsig_e(ji+1,kpj  )*ilmask_e(ji+1,kpj  ) &
+                   + zsig_e(ji  ,kpj-1)*ilmask_e(ji  ,kpj-1) 
+             zden =  ilmask_e(ji-1,kpj  ) &
+                   + ilmask_e(ji+1,kpj  ) &
+                   + ilmask_e(ji  ,kpj-1) 
+             zsigf_e(ji,kpj) = znum/zden
+          ELSE
+             zsigf_e(ji,kpj) = zsig_e(ji,kpj)
+          ENDIF
+       ENDDO
+       !
+       !    fill or smooth ?
+       !
+       IF ( cdfs(1:6) == 'smooth' ) THEN
+          WHERE ( ilmasktrue_e(:,:) == 1 )
+             zsig_e(:,:) = zsigf_e(:,:)
+          END WHERE
+       ENDIF
+       !
+       IF ( cdfs(1:4) == 'fill' ) THEN
+          WHERE ( ilmask0_e(:,:) == 1 )
+             zsig_e(:,:) = zsigf_e(:,:)
+          END WHERE
+       ENDIF
+       ! Boundary condition  : E-W  (simplifie)
+       zsig_e(0,:) = zsig_e(kpi,:)
+       zsig_e(kpi+1,:) = zsig_e(1,:)
+       !
+    ENDDO                     ! jp
+    psigf(:,:) = zsig_e(1:kpi,:)
+  END SUBROUTINE shapiro_fill_smooth
 END MODULE modutils

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