[cmor] branch debian/master updated (80c210f -> 43ee286)

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 8 08:05:50 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a change to branch debian/master
in repository cmor.

      from  80c210f   Removing ppc64el workaround; apparently problem fixed. Closes: #768136.
      adds  13e8f3f   * Non-maintainer upload. * Require at least libnetcdf-dev for netcdf transition. * Move from experimental to unstable.
       new  184b109   Now recommend cmor-tables instead of cmip5-cmor-tables.
       new  54fbb67   Standards-Version: 3.9.7
       new  28ff4cf   Prep -7 for release
       new  66d69a6   Standards-Version: 3.9.8
       new  1864b6f   2.9.1-5
       new  21d4632   upstream release 2.9.2 from https://zenodo.org/record/12258
       new  9ccbe9a   2.9.3 from github
       new  d66eee7   Merge upstream/2.9.3
       new  1152082   * New upstream release * Standards-Version: 3.9.8
       new  b5536a2   refresh patches. makefile fix no longer needed
       new  83b74e0   release 3.1
       new  43ee286   Merge tag 'upstream/3.1' into debian/master

The 12 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                                         |     6 +-
 Doc/IPCC_output_requirements.htm                   |  3381 ----
 Doc/IPCC_output_requirements.pdf                   |   Bin 111256 -> 0 bytes
 Doc/cmor_users_guide.doc                           |   Bin 383488 -> 0 bytes
 Doc/cmor_users_guide.htm                           | 16650 -------------------
 Doc/cmor_users_guide.pdf                           |   Bin 576996 -> 0 bytes
 Doc/cmor_users_guide_files/filelist.xml            |     5 -
 Doc/cmor_users_guide_files/header.htm              |   122 -
 Doc/standard_output.html                           |  5561 -------
 Doc/standard_output.pdf                            |   Bin 107820 -> 0 bytes
 Doc/standard_output_updates.htm                    |   256 -
 INSTALL                                            |    33 +-
 LICENSE                                            |    66 +
 Lib/CV_experiments.json                            |  2224 +++
 Lib/__init__.py                                    |     5 +-
 Lib/check_CMOR_compliant.py                        |  1622 --
 Lib/convertCSVFile.py                              |    88 +
 Lib/pywrapper.py                                   |   143 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |    32 +-
 README.md                                          |    12 +
 RELEASE-NOTES                                      |     2 +
 Src/_cmormodule.c                                  |  1623 +-
 Src/cdTime/cdRegTrfm.c                             |    10 +
 Src/cdTime/cdTimeConv.c                            |     1 +
 Src/cdTime/reg_trfm.c                              |    42 +-
 Src/cmor.c                                         |  9430 ++++++-----
 Src/cmor_CV.c                                      |  1048 ++
 Src/cmor_axes.c                                    |  3995 +++--
 Src/cmor_cfortran_interface.c                      |  1228 +-
 Src/cmor_fortran_interface.f90                     |   973 +-
 Src/cmor_grids.c                                   |  1678 +-
 Src/cmor_md5.c                                     |     2 +-
 Src/cmor_tables.c                                  |  1189 +-
 Src/cmor_variables.c                               |  4905 ++++--
 Src/json-c/arraylist.c                             |   108 +
 Src/json-c/debug.c                                 |    83 +
 Src/json-c/json_c_version.c                        |    20 +
 Src/json-c/json_object.c                           |   994 ++
 Src/json-c/json_object_iterator.c                  |   168 +
 Src/json-c/json_tokener.c                          |   926 ++
 Src/json-c/json_util.c                             |   314 +
 Src/json-c/libjson.c                               |    26 +
 Src/json-c/linkhash.c                              |   670 +
 Src/json-c/printbuf.c                              |   193 +
 Src/json-c/random_seed.c                           |   238 +
 Test/CMIP6schema.py                                |    25 +
 Test/climatology_test_code.f90                     |    37 +-
 Test/cmor_speed_and_compression.json               |    61 +
 Test/cmor_speed_and_compression.py                 |    26 +-
 Test/cmor_speed_and_compression_01.py              |   123 +-
 Test/cmor_speed_and_compression_02.py              |     3 +
 ...sion_01.py => cmor_speed_and_compression_03.py} |    61 +-
 Test/ipcc_test_code.c                              |    61 +-
 Test/ipcc_test_code.f90                            |    53 +-
 Test/ipcc_test_code.json                           |    92 +
 Test/{ipcc_test_code.c => ipcc_test_code_json.c}   |     4 +-
 Test/jamie_hybrid_height.json                      |    62 +
 Test/jamie_hybrid_height.py                        |    17 +-
 Test/jamie_positive.json                           |    62 +
 Test/jamie_positive.py                             |    12 +-
 Test/karls.json                                    |    62 +
 Test/karls_test.f90                                |    58 +-
 Test/main_prog.f90                                 |    43 +-
 Test/mytest.f90                                    |    19 +-
 Test/mytest_3d_i_2.f90                             |    19 +-
 Test/mytest_3d_r.f90                               |    19 +-
 Test/mytest_3d_r_2.f90                             |    19 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_d_big_array_2.f90                   |    29 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_d_big_array_3.f90                   |    29 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_d_big_array_4.f90                   |    29 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_d_big_array_5.f90                   |    29 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_r.f90                               |    30 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_r_big_array.f90                     |    29 +-
 Test/omonxyztst.f90                                |    26 +-
 Test/python_test_table_A                           |  4399 +++--
 Test/rewrite_harvardf_data.f90                     |    16 +-
 Test/speed_test_table_A                            |  4133 +++--
 Test/test1.f90                                     |    46 +-
 Test/test1.json                                    |    62 +
 Test/test2.f90                                     |    44 +-
 Test/test2.json                                    |    62 +
 Test/test3.f90                                     |    64 +-
 Test/test4.f90                                     |    53 +-
 Test/test_3h.f90                                   |    44 +-
 Test/test_any_from_asc.f90                         |    30 +-
 Test/test_any_from_asc.json                        |    62 +
 Test/test_any_from_asc_d.f90                       |    27 +-
 Test/test_any_from_asc_d.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_any_from_asc_i.f90                       |    27 +-
 Test/test_checker_works.py                         |   132 +-
 Test/test_cmor_grid_alejandro.f90                  |     6 +-
 Test/test_compression.json                         |    62 +
 Test/test_compression.py                           |    20 +-
 Test/test_dimensionless.f90                        |    50 +-
 Test/test_doc.json                                 |    41 +
 Test/test_doc.py                                   |    31 +
 Test/test_fortran_example_00.f90                   |    50 +-
 Test/test_fortran_example_01.f90                   |    32 +-
 Test/test_grid.c                                   |    22 +-
 Test/test_grid.json                                |    62 +
 Test/test_lon_gt_360.json                          |    62 +
 Test/test_lon_gt_360.py                            |    19 +-
 Test/test_lon_thro_360.json                        |    62 +
 Test/test_lon_thro_360.py                          |    17 +-
 Test/test_lots_of_variables.c                      |    27 +-
 Test/test_lots_of_variables.f90                    |    31 +-
 Test/test_lots_of_variables.json                   |    60 +
 ...mie.py => test_non_monotonic_climo_bonds_ok.py} |    27 +-
 Test/test_python_1D_var.json                       |    62 +
 Test/test_python_1D_var.py                         |    26 +-
 Test/test_python_2Gb_file.json                     |    62 +
 Test/test_python_2Gb_file.py                       |     9 +-
 Test/test_python_2Gb_slice.json                    |    62 +
 Test/test_python_2Gb_slice.py                      |    16 +-
 Test/test_python_3hr.json                          |    62 +
 Test/test_python_3hr.py                            |    25 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_HISTORY.json             |    82 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_HISTORY.py               |   102 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridgr.json           |    92 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridgr.py             |    98 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridlabel.json        |    92 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridlabel.py          |    98 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridresolution.json   |    92 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridresolution.py     |    98 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridresolution2.json  |    92 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridresolution2.py    |    98 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitution.json      |   102 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitution.py        |    60 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitutionID.json    |   102 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitutionID.py      |    86 +
 ...est_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitutionIDNotSet.json |   102 +
 .../test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitutionIDNotSet.py |    85 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsource.json           |   100 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsource.py             |    62 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourceid.json         |   102 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourceid.py           |    85 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetype.json       |   102 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetype.py         |    85 +
 .../test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeCHEMAER.json |   102 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeCHEMAER.py  |    85 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeCHMAER.json |   102 +
 ...test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeRequired.json |    82 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeRequired.py |    98 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badvariant.json          |    92 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badvariant.py            |    98 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_externalvariables.json   |    91 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_externalvariables.py     |    73 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_furtherinfourl.json      |    82 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_furtherinfourl.py        |   101 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_fxtable.json             |    92 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_fxtable.py               |   114 +
 .../test_python_CMIP6_CV_longrealizationindex.json |    92 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_longrealizationindex.py  |   100 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_nomipera.json            |    98 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_nomipera.py              |    96 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingNoprefix.json    |    92 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingNoprefix.py      |    98 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingprefix.json      |    92 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingprefix.py        |    98 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_driving.json                |   103 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_driving.py                  |    15 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_experimentID.json           |    81 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_experimentID.py             |    15 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_no_driving.json             |    95 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_no_driving.py               |    15 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_wrong_activity.json         |   105 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_wrong_activity.py           |    14 +
 Test/test_python_YYYMMDDHH_exp_fmt.json            |    62 +
 Test/test_python_YYYMMDDHH_exp_fmt.py              |     6 +-
 Test/test_python_alastair_1.json                   |    62 +
 Test/test_python_alastair_1.py                     |    25 +-
 Test/test_python_appending.json                    |    62 +
 Test/test_python_appending.py                      |    19 +-
 Test/test_python_bounds_request.json               |    62 +
 Test/test_python_bounds_request.py                 |    14 +-
 Test/test_python_cfmip_site_axis_test.json         |    62 +
 Test/test_python_cfmip_site_axis_test.py           |    17 +-
 Test/test_python_direct_calls.json                 |    62 +
 Test/test_python_direct_calls.py                   |    24 +-
 Test/test_python_free_wrapping_issue.json          |    62 +
 Test/test_python_free_wrapping_issue.py            |   144 +
 Test/test_python_fx.py                             |    48 -
 Test/test_python_grid_and_ocn_sigma.json           |    62 +
 Test/test_python_grid_and_ocn_sigma.py             |    35 +-
 Test/test_python_index_coord.py                    |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie.json                        |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie.py                          |    11 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_10.json                     |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_10.py                       |    14 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_11.json                     |    63 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_11.py                       |    19 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_12.json                     |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_12.py                       |    14 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_2.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_2.py                        |    10 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_3.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_3.py                        |    10 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_4.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_4.py                        |     9 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_6.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_6.py                        |    19 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_7.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_7.py                        |    21 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_8.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_8.py                        |    15 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_9.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_9.py                        |    18 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_site_surface.json           |    62 +
 Test/test_python_jamie_site_surface.py             |    13 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_1.json                      |    65 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_1.py                        |    21 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_10.json                     |    62 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_10.py                       |    41 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_11.json                     |    62 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_11.py                       |    31 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_12.json                     |    62 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_12.py                       |    25 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_2.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_2.py                        |    16 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_3.json                      |    51 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_3.py                        |    45 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_4.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_4.py                        |    38 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_5.json                      |    31 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_5.py                        |    21 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_6.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_6.py                        |    24 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_7.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_7.py                        |    24 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_8.json                      |    62 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_8.py                        |    29 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_9.py                        |     4 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_tim2_clim_02.json           |    62 +
 Test/test_python_joerg_tim2_clim_02.py             |    14 +-
 Test/test_python_max_variables.json                |    62 +
 Test/test_python_max_variables.py                  |    23 +-
 Test/test_python_max_variables_2.py                |    22 +-
 Test/test_python_memory_check.json                 |    62 +
 Test/test_python_memory_check.py                   |     8 +-
 Test/test_python_new_tables.json                   |    62 +
 Test/test_python_new_tables.py                     |    19 +-
 Test/test_python_obs4MIPs.json                     |    30 +
 ...YYMMDDHH_exp_fmt.py => test_python_obs4MIPs.py} |    29 +-
 Test/test_python_open_close_cmor_multiple.json     |    62 +
 Test/test_python_open_close_cmor_multiple.py       |    14 +-
 Test/test_python_region.json                       |    62 +
 Test/test_python_region.py                         |     7 +-
 Test/test_python_reverted_lats.json                |    62 +
 Test/test_python_reverted_lats.py                  |     4 +-
 .../test_python_singleton_anywhere_in_table_def.py |     6 +-
 Test/test_python_singleton_string.py               |    27 +-
 Test/test_python_user_interface_00.json            |    62 +
 Test/test_python_user_interface_00.py              |    29 +-
 Test/test_python_user_interface_01.json            |    62 +
 Test/test_python_user_interface_01.py              |    27 +-
 Test/test_python_user_interface_03.json            |    62 +
 Test/test_python_user_interface_03.py              |    38 +-
 Test/test_region.f90                               |    32 +-
 Test/test_shrt_exp_nm_set_att_initi.f90            |    30 +-
 Test/test_sigma.f90                                |    51 +-
 Test/test_singleton.f90                            |    55 +-
 .../{test_region.f90 => test_singleton_5D_tas.f90} |   226 +-
 Test/test_site_ts.json                             |    62 +
 Test/test_site_ts.py                               |    15 +-
 Test/test_sophie.f90                               |    46 +-
 Test/test_station_data.f90                         |    40 +-
 TestTables/CMIP6_3hr.json                          |  2522 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_6hrLev.json                       |  2278 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlev.json                      |  2273 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlevpt.json                    |  2273 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_Amon.json                         |  3417 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_AmonAdj.json                      |  2205 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_Amon_json_hfls                    |  7423 +++++++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_CCMI1_hourly.json                 |  2380 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_CCMI1_monthly.json                |  2341 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_CORDEX_day.json                   |  2154 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_CV.json                           |  2393 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_LImon.json                        |  2800 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_Lmon.json                         |  3140 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_Oclim.json                        |  2715 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_Oday.json                         |  2154 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_Ofx.json                          |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_Omon.json                         |  5979 +++++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_Oyr.json                          |  4007 +++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_SIday.json                        |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_SImon.json                        |  3633 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_aerannual.json                    |  2273 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_aerdaily.json                     |  2454 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_aerfixed.json                     |  2182 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_aerhourly.json                    |  2216 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_aermonthly.json                   |  4766 ++++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_aero.json                         |  3536 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_badOmon.json                      |  5825 +++++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr.json                        |  2375 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfDay.json                        |  2873 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfMon.json                        |  3808 +++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfOff.json                        |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfSites.json                      |  3273 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfsites.json                      |  3487 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_configure.json                    |     5 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_day.json                          |  2851 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_em.json                           |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_em1hr.json                        |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_em1hrclimmon.json                 |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_em3hr.json                        |  2171 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_em3hrpt.json                      |  2171 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_emDay.json                        |  4058 +++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_emDayZ.json                       |  2222 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_emDaypt.json                      |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_emFx.json                         |  2256 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_emMon.json                        |  7917 +++++++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_emMonZ.json                       |  2256 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_emMonclim.json                    |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_emMonpt.json                      |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_emSubhr.json                      |  2358 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_emYr.json                         |  2947 ++++
 TestTables/CMIP6_excerpts.json                     |   295 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_expt_list_042716-1.csv            |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_fx.json                           |  2352 +++
 TestTables/CMIP6_grids.json                        |   156 +
 build.sh                                           |    85 +
 compile_line.txt.in                                |     3 +-
 configure                                          |    52 +-
 configure.ac                                       |    22 +-
 data/tas_ccsr-95a.xml                              |   168 +
 debian/changelog                                   |    29 +
 debian/control                                     |     4 +-
 debian/patches/fix-makefile.patch                  |    15 -
 debian/patches/series                              |     2 -
 debian/patches/silence-warning.patch               |    17 -
 include/cdTime/cdunifpp/cdunifpp.h                 |     2 +-
 include/cdTime/cfortran.h                          |   234 +-
 include/cmor.h                                     |   648 +-
 include/cmor_func_def.h                            |   395 +-
 include/{cmor_locale.h.in => cmor_locale.h}        |     2 +-
 include/cmor_md5.h                                 |    39 +-
 include/cmor_users_functions.mod                   |   Bin 0 -> 20233 bytes
 include/json-c/arraylist.h                         |    61 +
 include/json-c/bits.h                              |    35 +
 include/json-c/config.h                            |   175 +
 include/json-c/debug.h                             |    71 +
 include/json-c/json.h                              |    33 +
 include/json-c/json_c_version.h                    |    22 +
 include/json-c/json_config.h                       |     4 +
 include/json-c/json_inttypes.h                     |    19 +
 include/json-c/json_object.h                       |   698 +
 include/json-c/json_object_iterator.h              |   239 +
 include/json-c/json_object_private.h               |    55 +
 include/json-c/json_tokener.h                      |   208 +
 include/json-c/json_util.h                         |    51 +
 include/json-c/linkhash.h                          |   342 +
 include/json-c/math_compat.h                       |    31 +
 include/json-c/printbuf.h                          |    77 +
 include/json-c/random_seed.h                       |    25 +
 setup.py.in                                        |    11 +-
 355 files changed, 168045 insertions(+), 45110 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Doc/IPCC_output_requirements.htm
 delete mode 100644 Doc/IPCC_output_requirements.pdf
 delete mode 100644 Doc/cmor_users_guide.doc
 delete mode 100644 Doc/cmor_users_guide.htm
 delete mode 100644 Doc/cmor_users_guide.pdf
 delete mode 100644 Doc/cmor_users_guide_files/filelist.xml
 delete mode 100644 Doc/cmor_users_guide_files/header.htm
 delete mode 100644 Doc/standard_output.html
 delete mode 100644 Doc/standard_output.pdf
 delete mode 100644 Doc/standard_output_updates.htm
 create mode 100644 LICENSE
 create mode 100644 Lib/CV_experiments.json
 delete mode 100644 Lib/check_CMOR_compliant.py
 create mode 100644 Lib/convertCSVFile.py
 create mode 100644 README.md
 create mode 100644 Src/cmor_CV.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/arraylist.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/debug.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/json_c_version.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/json_object.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/json_object_iterator.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/json_tokener.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/json_util.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/libjson.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/linkhash.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/printbuf.c
 create mode 100644 Src/json-c/random_seed.c
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cmor.git

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