August 2016 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Aug 1 03:19:04 UTC 2016
Ending: Wed Aug 31 17:58:28 UTC 2016
Messages: 2318
- [tachyon] branch master updated (e700f5c -> f8e77d6)
Jerome Benoit
- [tachyon] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0.99~b6+dsx-5: refreshment
Jerome Benoit
- [tachyon] annotated tag debian/0.99_b6+dsx-5 created (now 82bf363)
Jerome Benoit
- [caffe] branch master updated (4056dc3 -> b6d9db4)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/07: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0~rc3+20160715-g42cd785
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.0_rc3+20160715-g42cd785'
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 03/07: dch: import upstream snapshot
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 04/07: control: suggest openblas/atlas for caffe-cpu
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 05/07: man: update manpages
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 06/07: rules: no -pedantic
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 07/07: patches: drop cherry-picked patches for lmdb size issue
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] branch master updated (b6d9db4 -> 1b74b13)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/03: patch: remove fix-spelling-error, merged by upstream
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 02/03: patch: refresh cmake-fix-python-module-installdir
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 03/03: symbols: refresh
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] branch master updated (1b74b13 -> 222918b)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/01: dch: release to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] branch master updated (222918b -> 0d58b32)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/01: rules: override dh_fixperms
Zhou Mo
- [kido] branch master updated (fc2779b -> 444c036)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/04: Include description of each package in long description
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 02/04: Use secure protocol for Vcs-Git
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 03/04: Fix path for
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 04/04: Patch code to respect cflags
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sagemath] branch master updated (948e6f5 -> 9bd8f6e)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Remove comment about missing standard.lib from README.Debian.
Tobias Hansen
- [opencv] branch experimental/master updated (4117f7f -> 91960c3)
Gianfranco Costamagna
- [opencv] 01/01: Bring back many files, needed for reverse dependencies
Gianfranco Costamagna
- [eigen3] branch master updated (f97c224 -> 86a328c)
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/3.3_beta2'
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] 02/05: Refresh patches.
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] 03/05: Vectorize more small product expressions.
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] 04/05: Apply cme fix-dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] 05/05: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] branch pristine-tar updated (1c02050 -> 31f01b8)
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] 01/01: pristine-tar data for eigen3_3.3~beta2.orig.tar.bz2
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] annotated tag upstream/3.3_beta2 created (now bd2c8f3)
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] annotated tag debian/3.3_beta2-1 created (now f9ba646)
Anton Gladky
- [lrcalc] branch master updated (f346589 -> c3f4b1c)
Tobias Hansen
- [lrcalc] 01/03: Fix include syntax in headers.
Tobias Hansen
- [lrcalc] 02/03: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8.
Tobias Hansen
- [lrcalc] 03/03: Update Vcs-* fields.
Tobias Hansen
- [lrcalc] annotated tag debian/1.2-2 created (now 091fe2d)
Tobias Hansen
- [pysph] branch master updated (e5176aa -> 883c7d5)
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 01/03: Remove redundant sphinx.ext.mathjax. (Closes: #828917)
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 02/03: Minor fix in d/copyright.
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 03/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] annotated tag debian/0_20160514.git91867dc-4 created (now 9e1135e)
Anton Gladky
- [flint-arb] branch master updated (9eb8888 -> 985f4cb)
Tobias Hansen
- [flint-arb] 01/01: New patch flint_incldues.patch to fix flint includes.
Tobias Hansen
- [ignition-msgs] branch pristine-tar created (now 0c2a1e3)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-msgs] 01/01: pristine-tar data for ignition-msgs_0.4.0.orig.tar.bz2
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-transport] branch master updated (eae31d9 -> 8ab0fd8)
Anton Gladky
- [ignition-transport] 01/02: Join unreleased revisions in d/changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [ignition-transport] 02/02: Drop -dbg package.
Anton Gladky
- [flint-arb] branch master updated (985f4cb -> 7aec6ae)
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] 01/01: Push standards-version up
Julien Puydt
- [gnuplot] branch master updated (e06b554 -> fd04eb0)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] branch pristine-tar updated (f3d0810 -> 2d5764d)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] 01/04: Merge.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] 02/04: Refresh patches.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] 03/04: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] 04/04: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] 01/01: pristine-tar data for gnuplot_5.0.4+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] annotated tag debian/5.0.4+dfsg1-1 created (now e8846d3)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] annotated tag upstream/5.0.4+dfsg1 created (now 10f633a)
Anton Gladky
- [sagemath] branch master updated (9bd8f6e -> 6e1aa91)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Link with -lflint-arb instead of -larb.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (6e1aa91 -> 24c781e)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Remove 'patch lrcalc' from README.Debian (fixed in unstable).
Tobias Hansen
- [flint-arb] annotated tag debian/2.8.1-2 created (now 9f9f11e)
Tobias Hansen
- [blitz++] branch master created (now 043b159)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 01/31: Inject libbliltz; I know that git will be the future, but inject it anyway into svn because I promised to put libblitz under group maintenance soon. Try to move the repository once the git doc is ready.
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 02/31: Moved libblitz to packages
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 03/31: Vcs fields
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 04/31: Fix potential FTBFS issue on amd64 by applying patch that worked on archlinux
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 05/31: Bumped Standards-Version, clean up some things, fix oxygen install issue
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 06/31: machine readable copyright and upload to unstable
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 07/31: Debhelper 7
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 08/31: Current state of packaging which does NOT build, asking for help on mailing list ...
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 09/31: * debian/control: - Standards-Version: 3.9.1 (no changes needed) - Build-Depends: doxygen-latex instead of several tex related files Closes: #616201 - Build-Depends: autotools-dev * debian/rules: simplified by using short dh syntax Using autotools-dev should hopefully solve the "Outdated config.{sub, guess}" issue, hopefully Closes: #548928 * debian/source/format: 3.0 (quilt) * debian/libblitz-doc.lintian-overrides: Removed because not needed any more
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 10/31: * debian/control: - Standards-Version: 3.9.2 (no changes needed) - Build-Depends: texi2html - doc package Depends libjs-jquery which provides jquery.js * Debhelper 8 (control+compat) * debian/rules: - Fix sequence of dh arguments - Do not install unneeded *.la file Closes: #621305 - Remove copy of jquery.js which is provided by a link to the file provided in libjs-jquery:
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 11/31: * debian/control: - Standards-Version: 3.9.3 (no changes needed) - Fixed Vcs fields - Do not build-depend quilt (redundant with source 3.0 (quilt)) * debhelper 9 (control+compat) * debian/rules: - make sure only correct pkgconfig file will be installed Closes: #623786 - save all docs from upstream source before clean target removes them automatically to build twice in a row successfully
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 12/31: Build-Depends cfortran
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 13/31: Do not use brace expansion in debhelper install files
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 14/31: DEP5 issues
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 15/31: Fix install file and upload to unstable
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 16/31: update to 0.10
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 17/31: some cleanup
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 18/31: Add Christophe to uploaders to make this a team upload rather than NMU, add bug number to close
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 19/31: cme fix dpkg-control
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 20/31: Priority optional for all packages
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 21/31: Use autoreconf
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 22/31: Fix dir entry
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 23/31: Update changelog
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 24/31: debian/rules: removed some unneeded stuff, d/control: delete superseded package texi2html from Build-Depends
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 25/31: Some more polishing with the docs and upload to unstable
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 26/31: Commit changes since gcc-5 NMU
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 27/31: Merge branch 'upstream'
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] branch pristine-tar created (now f72cd0d)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 28/31: Merge tag 'upstream/0.10'
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 29/31: Imported Debian pre-patch 0.10+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 30/31: Merge tag 'upstream/0.10+ds'
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 31/31: Imported Debian patch 1:0.10+ds-1: refreshment + RC fix
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 01/02: pristine-tar data for blitz++_0.10.orig.tar.gz
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 02/02: pristine-tar data for blitz++_0.10+ds.orig.tar.xz
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.10-1 created (now 51235ac)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 01/18: Inject libbliltz; I know that git will be the future, but inject it anyway into svn because I promised to put libblitz under group maintenance soon. Try to move the repository once the git doc is ready.
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 02/18: Moved libblitz to packages
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 03/18: Vcs fields
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 04/18: Fix potential FTBFS issue on amd64 by applying patch that worked on archlinux
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 05/18: Bumped Standards-Version, clean up some things, fix oxygen install issue
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 06/18: machine readable copyright and upload to unstable
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 07/18: Debhelper 7
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 08/18: Current state of packaging which does NOT build, asking for help on mailing list ...
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 09/18: * debian/control: - Standards-Version: 3.9.1 (no changes needed) - Build-Depends: doxygen-latex instead of several tex related files Closes: #616201 - Build-Depends: autotools-dev * debian/rules: simplified by using short dh syntax Using autotools-dev should hopefully solve the "Outdated config.{sub, guess}" issue, hopefully Closes: #548928 * debian/source/format: 3.0 (quilt) * debian/libblitz-doc.lintian-overrides: Removed because not needed any more
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 10/18: * debian/control: - Standards-Version: 3.9.2 (no changes needed) - Build-Depends: texi2html - doc package Depends libjs-jquery which provides jquery.js * Debhelper 8 (control+compat) * debian/rules: - Fix sequence of dh arguments - Do not install unneeded *.la file Closes: #621305 - Remove copy of jquery.js which is provided by a link to the file provided in libjs-jquery:
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 11/18: * debian/control: - Standards-Version: 3.9.3 (no changes needed) - Fixed Vcs fields - Do not build-depend quilt (redundant with source 3.0 (quilt)) * debhelper 9 (control+compat) * debian/rules: - make sure only correct pkgconfig file will be installed Closes: #623786 - save all docs from upstream source before clean target removes them automatically to build twice in a row successfully
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 12/18: Build-Depends cfortran
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 13/18: Do not use brace expansion in debhelper install files
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 14/18: DEP5 issues
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 15/18: Fix install file and upload to unstable
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 16/18: update to 0.10
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 17/18: some cleanup
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 18/18: Add Christophe to uploaders to make this a team upload rather than NMU, add bug number to close
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.10-1 at 45215 created (now 695cd1b)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.10-2 created (now 6f9d47b)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 01/07: cme fix dpkg-control
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 02/07: Priority optional for all packages
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 03/07: Use autoreconf
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 04/07: Fix dir entry
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 05/07: Update changelog
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 06/07: debian/rules: removed some unneeded stuff, d/control: delete superseded package texi2html from Build-Depends
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 07/07: Some more polishing with the docs and upload to unstable
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.10-2 at 46923 created (now 7c43305)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.10-3.3 created (now 78ada5e)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.10-3.3 at 47119 created (now 2e768c9)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] 01/01: Commit changes since gcc-5 NMU
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-10 created (now e3e9db0)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-11 created (now 557a5ec)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-11 at 38165 created (now e0e537e)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-10 at 35852 created (now 9762bb5)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-13 created (now a4b7b7b)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-12 at 38383 created (now 36db81e)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-12 created (now aa61381)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/1_0.10+ds-1 created (now 43a3967)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-9 at 10674 created (now 463323d)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-13 at 45046 created (now 9b05bc4)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag debian/0.9-9 created (now 183e279)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag upstream/0.10 created (now 7a793ec)
Jerome Benoit
- [blitz++] annotated tag upstream/0.10+ds created (now 46c01eb)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] branch master updated (24c781e -> 4b25324)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Remove flint-arb workaround from README.Debian (fixed in unstable).
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (4b25324 -> 8316390)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add versioned dependencies for lrcalc and flint-arb.
Tobias Hansen
- [ucto] branch master updated (7eb2b7e -> ec64089)
Maarten van Gompel
- [ucto] 01/01: Updated watch file to point to tarball generated with 'make dist' rather than bare sources
Maarten van Gompel
- [libticcutils] branch master updated (7fe0bf3 -> 22293c9)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libticcutils] 01/01: updated debian/watch to 'make dist' tarball rather than bare sources
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] branch master updated (9ac1740 -> d560c95)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] 01/01: debian/watch: point to 'make dist' tarball rather than bare sources
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] branch master updated (7ee25d2 -> 2f6f241)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 01/01: debian/watch: pointing to make dist release instead of bare sources
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] branch master updated (2f6f241 -> acc241d)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 0.13.4
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.13.4'
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 03/03: updated dependency versions & no python needed anymore), updated copyright information
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] branch master updated (acc241d -> 7c26d16)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 01/02: added uctodata as dependency
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 02/02: removed traces of former python requirement
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] branch master updated (7c26d16 -> 7468d84)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 01/01: added dependency version requirements for timbl and mbt (packages not available yet)
Maarten van Gompel
- [rw] branch master updated (63891e5 -> 984a913)
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 01/04: Standards-version: up to 3.9.8
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 02/04: Use https in Vcs-* fields
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 03/04: Add hardening=+all to DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 04/04: Ship upstream's NEWS file as changelog
Julien Puydt
- [gnuplot] branch master updated (fd04eb0 -> dcb6a00)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] 01/02: Fix debhelper version dependency.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] annotated tag debian/5.0.4+dfsg1-2 created (now c0758bd)
Anton Gladky
- [imview] branch master updated (9060f05 -> 520b6fa)
Anton Gladky
- [imview] 01/03: Fix compilation with gcc-6. (Closes: #831075)
Anton Gladky
- [imview] 02/03: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [imview] 03/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [imview] annotated tag debian/1.1.9c-17 created (now df68bb4)
Anton Gladky
- [libitpp] branch master updated (aadf189 -> b396acd)
Kumar Appaiah
- [libitpp] 01/02: Fix package for reproducible builds
Kumar Appaiah
- [libitpp] 02/02: Standards version is now 3.9.8 (no changes)
Kumar Appaiah
- [r-cran-irdisplay] branch pristine-tar created (now 24136e9)
Gordon Ball
- [r-cran-irdisplay] branch master created (now fca5164)
Gordon Ball
- [r-cran-irdisplay] 01/01: Add debian/
Gordon Ball
- [r-cran-irdisplay] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-irdisplay_0.4.4.orig.tar.gz
Gordon Ball
- [r-cran-irdisplay] annotated tag upstream/0.4.4 created (now 291813b)
Gordon Ball
- [surf-alggeo] branch master updated (0afa17b -> 99e64f4)
Jerome Benoit
- [surf-alggeo] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 1.0.6+ds-3: RC 831173 fix + enhancement + refrement
Jerome Benoit
- [surf-alggeo] annotated tag debian/1.0.6+ds-3 created (now 1cd5b1b)
Jerome Benoit
- [arrayfire] branch debian/master updated (f36737b -> c4b46a4)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 01/05: d/rules: disable imageio testcase.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 02/05: Drop auto_clean override, use clean file instead.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 03/05: d/rules: use DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU instead of DEB_HOST_ARCH.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 04/05: d/rules: minor fixes: - Add missing export command to DH_VERBOSE. - Use documented formatting for dpkg-architecture queries. - Use cleaner layout for comments regarding dh_auto_test.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 05/05: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] annotated tag debian/3.3.2+dfsg1-2 created (now 82f38ee)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] branch debian/master updated (f6a69be -> 988adfe)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] 01/03: d/rules: disable long-double testing for powerpc and ppc64el.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] 02/03: d/rules: overall reformatting: - Add missing export command for DH_VERBOSE. - Re-order flags to follow debhelper signature. - Call dh_auto_build to build the documentation. - Clear unnecessary usage of --arch / --indep flags.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] 03/03: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] annotated tag debian/3.3.2_rc2-2 created (now 383bdce)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [kido] branch master updated (444c036 -> 123c87d)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/02: Export hardening linker options
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 02/02: Fix lintian warning in copyright
Jose Luis Rivero
- r47327 - in /packages/libblitz/trunk: README.status debian/
tille at
- r47328 - /packages/libblitz/tags/
tille at
- [slepc] branch experimental updated (7a47930 -> b8ef6b8)
Drew Parsons
- [slepc] 01/01: upload 3.7.2+dfsg1-1exp1 to experimental
Drew Parsons
- [slepc] tag experimental/3.7.2+dfsg1-1exp1 created (now b8ef6b8)
Drew Parsons
- [sagemath] branch master updated (8316390 -> 7f7fe7f)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/02: Add sys.path to Cython includes
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 02/02: Depend on cython 0.24.1.
Tobias Hansen
- [python-dtcwt] branch pristine-tar updated (525a40c -> 32d056c)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-dtcwt] 01/01: pristine-tar data for python-dtcwt_0.11.0.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [sagemath] branch master updated (7f7fe7f -> 0641ed5)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/04: quilt refresh[ment]
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 02/04: Bump d/compat from 8 to 9
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 03/04: Add Ximin and Jerome to Uploaders list
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 04/04: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8
Jerome Benoit
- [ignition-msgs] branch master updated (64cc69d -> 541460e)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-msgs] 01/05: Fix lintian format
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-msgs] 02/05: Fix short descriptions
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-msgs] 03/05: Use secure transmission method
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-msgs] 04/05: Added patch to respect CFLAGS
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-msgs] 05/05: Improve metadata on patch
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (123c87d -> ae426c8)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/02: Add overrides on Testsuite-Triggers
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 02/02: Metadata por patch
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sagemath] branch master updated (0641ed5 -> 16da5c0)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/03: Update dpkg-parsechangelog usage in d/rules
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 02/03: Set up dh parallel machinery
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 03/03: Introduce d/clean (and revisit d/rules accordingly)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] branch master updated (16da5c0 -> 60ac7d6)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/01: Revisit the arallel machinery in d/rules
Jerome Benoit
- [gnuplot] branch master updated (dcb6a00 -> 023de53)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] 01/02: Disable lua for mips* and powerpc to escape crashes.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot] annotated tag debian/5.0.4+dfsg1-3 created (now 9a5fd7e)
Anton Gladky
- [sagemath] branch master updated (60ac7d6 -> 214d84d)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/01: Build-Depends on gdb
Jerome Benoit
- [gnuplot] branch master updated (023de53 -> 8e24e44)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [gnuplot] 01/01: Make build reproducible.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [ignition-msgs] branch master updated (541460e -> c3d797e)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-msgs] 01/02: Improve long descriptions
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-msgs] 02/02: Added lintian override for testsuite-triggers
Jose Luis Rivero
- [3depict] branch master updated (c9a1686 -> 4974a7b)
D Haley
- [3depict] 01/07: * Import 0.0.19
D Haley
- [3depict] 02/07: * Update to upstream effd078610a7
D Haley
- [3depict] 03/07: *Update changelog
D Haley
- [3depict] 04/07: * Close bugs #807232, #831200
D Haley
- [3depict] 05/07: * Update standards for lintian
D Haley
- [3depict] 06/07: * Remove redundant debian/copyright paragraph (lintian)
D Haley
- [3depict] 07/07: * Add files not caught by git-import-orig (?)
D Haley
- [slepc] branch experimental updated (b8ef6b8 -> 428cb70)
Drew Parsons
- [slepc] 01/02: don't delete files which aren't there
Drew Parsons
- [slepc] 02/02: upload 3.7.2+dfsg1-1exp2 to experimental
Drew Parsons
- [slepc] tag experimental/3.7.2+dfsg1-1exp2 created (now 428cb70)
Drew Parsons
- [ignition-msgs] branch master updated (c3d797e -> 5a328d3)
Andreas Tille
- [ignition-msgs] 01/01: hardening=+bindnow solves an lintian issue
Andreas Tille
- [3depict] branch master updated (4974a7b -> 352ed97)
D Haley
- [3depict] 01/01: * Add pgk-config to requirements
D Haley
- [python-dtcwt] branch debian/master updated (09d4274 -> c5b3b3c)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-dtcwt] 01/04: Make build reproducible.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-dtcwt] 02/04: Simplify packaging testsuite using Test-Command.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-dtcwt] 03/04: cme fix dpkg-control: - Drop unnecessary versioned dependency on sphinx. - Bump standards version to 3.9.8, no changes required.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-dtcwt] 04/04: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-dtcwt] annotated tag debian/0.11.0-2 created (now 9f08703)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] branch debian/master updated (c4b46a4 -> 58768a8)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 01/04: d/rules: fix test exclusion regex.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 02/04: d/rules: drop usage of AF_INSTALL_INC_DIR flag.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 03/04: d/rules: use relative paths for AF_INSTALL* flags.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 04/04: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] annotated tag debian/3.3.2+dfsg1-3 created (now fc841d6)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (a4fe410 -> 808f666)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/02: Change hppa from MPICH to OpenMPI.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 02/02: Make sure architecture lists are sorted.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (808f666 -> 0e06a5c)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/01: changelog for 1.7
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] annotated tag debian/1.7 created (now 83eef0e)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (214d84d -> 855da58)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Fix parallel doctesting by appending -jX to MAKE.
Tobias Hansen
- [atlas] branch master updated (99c5fc8 -> 5a92211)
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 01/03: Improve shell syntax in preinst scripts.
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 02/03: d/rules: on Ubuntu s390x set ARCHS to z12.
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 03/03: d/rules: on ppc64el set ARCHES to POWER8.
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] annotated tag upstream/3.10.3 created (now b725d00)
Sébastien Villemot
- [ros-actionlib] branch unit_tests created (now a846a74)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] 01/01: Working on unit tests
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [primesieve] branch master updated (7b6c049 -> f485cac)
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 01/04: Imported Debian pre-patch 5.7.0+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/5.7.0'
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/5.7.0+ds'
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 04/04: Imported Debian patch 5.7.0+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] branch pristine-tar updated (bf20208 -> a5b4a60)
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 01/02: pristine-tar data for primesieve_5.7.0.orig.tar.gz
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 02/02: pristine-tar data for primesieve_5.7.0+ds.orig.tar.xz
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] annotated tag upstream/5.7.0+ds created (now d6f0b2e)
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] annotated tag upstream/5.7.0 created (now 8ae43db)
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] annotated tag debian/5.7.0+ds-1 created (now 6043d27)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] branch master updated (855da58 -> 8bd90b3)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/01: Depend on python-polybori
Jerome Benoit
- [librecad] branch master updated (c1454df -> 6a0250f)
Scott Sheridan Howard
- [librecad] 01/02: boost_gcc6_includes.patch, remove /usr/include if found by qmake (Closes: #831189)
Scott Sheridan Howard
- [librecad] 02/02: bump dsv
Scott Sheridan Howard
- [librecad] annotated tag debian/2.0.9-3 created (now 1e3eccd)
Scott Sheridan Howard
- [mbt] branch master updated (59f92d8 -> 4c31a81)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] 01/01: updated watch to point to make dist tarball rather than bare sources
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] branch master updated (4c31a81 -> 5fb5412)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] 01/05: premature version bump in changelog
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] 02/05: Imported Upstream version 3.2.16
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] 03/05: Merge tag 'upstream/3.2.16'
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] 04/05: * New upstream release, (missed: 3.2.13, 3.2.14 3.2.15) * debian/watch: updated to make dist tarball rather than * debian/control: updated ticcutils dependency version * debian/control: updated standards version * debian/copyright: updated dates, added CLST, Nijmegen
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] 05/05: debian/control: updated timbl dependency version and debian/control: added CLST/Nijmegen to descriptions
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] annotated tag upstream/3.2.16 created (now 729d30a)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] annotated tag upstream/0.13.4 created (now 03569ec)
Maarten van Gompel
- [ucto] annotated tag upstream/0.9.2 created (now f7c7f2a)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] annotated tag upstream/1.3.1 created (now dfbdbc5)
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] branch master updated (e33c208 -> 1bef74f)
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] 01/02: debian/watch: updated to point to github (make dist tarballs), debian/copyright: upstream source link + bumped dates, preparing for new upstream
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] 02/02: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] branch master updated (1bef74f -> 028776c)
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 1.11
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.11'
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] 03/03: new upstream (1.11), missed 1.9, 1.10 * debian/control: updated dependency versions * debian/control: updated standards version
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] annotated tag upstream/1.11 created (now b825480)
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] branch master updated (028776c -> 4a6c3ee)
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] 01/01: added myself as uploader
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (c25a821 -> f59d8b1)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 01/02: debian/watch: pointing to make dist tarball instead of bare sources * debian/watch: pointing to make dist tarball instead of bare sources * debian/control: added CLST/Nijmegen in description * debian/control: standards update * debian/control: dependency version update
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 02/02: dependency version update
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (f59d8b1 -> cfa5346)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 01/04: removed bogus entries in changelos + premature version bump
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 02/04: Imported Upstream version 0.11
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/0.11'
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 04/04: New upstream release (missed 0.10)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] annotated tag upstream/0.11 created (now 01d74ea)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (cfa5346 -> 66666b7)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 01/02: timestamp fix
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 02/02: today is still friday
Maarten van Gompel
- [ucto] branch master updated (ec64089 -> 66629cf)
Maarten van Gompel
- [ucto] 01/01: timestamp fix
Maarten van Gompel
- r47329 - in /packages/liborigin2/trunk/debian: changelog control liborigin2-1.install liborigin2-1v5.install patches/01_makefile.diff
gudjon-guest at
- [frog] branch master updated (7468d84 -> 3901662)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 01/03: Build should be reproducable now python dependency is gone (Closes: #828017)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 02/03: added dh-autoreconf
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 03/03: added dh-autoreconf
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] branch master updated (3901662 -> c4b368b)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 01/01: path fix
Maarten van Gompel
- [atlas] branch master updated (5a92211 -> 8f8088f)
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 01/02: Update archdef for ppc64el.
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 02/02: Update archdef for arm64.
Sébastien Villemot
- [frog] branch master updated (c4b368b -> 77f0764)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 01/01: typo
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] branch master updated (5fb5412 -> 3b39c22)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] 01/01: Close issue
Maarten van Gompel
- [ros-actionlib] branch master updated (ec70301 -> dd7e15b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] 01/01: Enable unit tests
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] branch unit_tests deleted (was a846a74)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [atlas] branch master updated (8f8088f -> 490c98f)
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 01/01: Update archdef for armhf.
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] branch master updated (490c98f -> 3347f28)
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 01/01: Update archdef for armhf.
Sébastien Villemot
- [flann] branch master updated (ef0ead4 -> 1f562e9)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] branch pristine-tar updated (be58d9d -> 3d55a99)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 01/08: Added Andreas Metzler changes from 1.8.4-4.2
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 02/08: Merge tag 'upstream/1.9.1'
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 03/08: Updated patches
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 04/08: Deleted unused patches
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 05/08: Rename package because SONAME bump
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 06/08: Added hardening=+bindnow to rules
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 07/08: Updated copyright
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 08/08: Updated changelog. New experimental version
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 01/01: pristine-tar data for flann_1.9.1.orig.tar.xz
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [mbt] branch master updated (3b39c22 -> 06483c5)
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] 01/01: give credit, cosmetics
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] branch master updated (06483c5 -> 5dcb7cd)
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] 01/01: debian/control: tighten build-depends libtimbl4-dev from >= 6.4.4 to >= 6.4.6, in order to get rid of DNBFS
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] branch master updated (5dcb7cd -> ec6e706)
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] 01/01: and even more strict build-depends
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] branch master updated (ec6e706 -> e02dfd1)
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] 01/01: remove obsolete libmbt0 stuff
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] annotated tag debian/3.2.16-1 created (now f8b8154)
Joost van Baal
- [timblserver] branch master updated (4a6c3ee -> 381362f)
Joost van Baal
- [timblserver] 01/01: record changes; cosmetics
Joost van Baal
- [timblserver] branch master updated (381362f -> 136592b)
Joost van Baal
- [timblserver] 01/01: * Acknowledge NMU 1.8-1-1; thanks Andreas Beckmann and Breno Leitao. * debian/control: use https in Vcs URLs.
Joost van Baal
- [timblserver] annotated tag debian/1.11-1 created (now 1ee715d)
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (66666b7 -> d565a22)
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] 01/01: remove superfluous entry
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (d565a22 -> 88158d7)
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] 01/01: debian/control: updated Vcs-fields to use https.
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] annotated tag debian/0.11-1 created (now 95c6286)
Joost van Baal
- [lua-torch-cwrap] branch master updated (a64f709 -> ec5ccc9)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-cwrap] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0~20160222-gdbd0a62-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-cwrap] annotated tag debian/0_20160222-gdbd0a62-1 created (now 319f6e0)
Zhou Mo
- [atlas] branch master updated (3347f28 -> 7f7c835)
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 01/03: Drop armhf-specific config flag, no longer needed.
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 02/03: Revert "d/rules: on Ubuntu s390x set ARCHS to z12."
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 03/03: Changelog entry for 3.10.3-1.
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] annotated tag debian/3.10.3-1 created (now fbed22c)
Sébastien Villemot
- [sagemath] branch master updated (8bd90b3 -> 50c7575)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Patch sage-env only in two patches instead of four.
Tobias Hansen
- [libgap-sage] branch master created (now 2925a5c)
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] branch pristine-tar created (now 5065d75)
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/4.8.3+ds'
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] 02/02: Imported (zeroth) Debian patch 4.8.3+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] 01/02: pristine-tar data for libgap_4.8.3.orig.tar.gz
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] 02/02: pristine-tar data for libgap-sage_4.8.3+ds.orig.tar.xz
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] annotated tag upstream/4.8.3 created (now 5844f97)
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] annotated tag upstream/4.8.3+ds created (now 698d42d)
Jerome Benoit
- [lua-torch-paths] branch master updated (d141a6b -> 5353080)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-paths] 01/01: control: remove dep "lua5.1|luajit" for -dev package.
Zhou Mo
- [qtiplot] branch master updated (790cff9 -> 7bbc2f8)
Anton Gladky
- [qtiplot] 01/03: Fix FTBFS with gcc-6. (Closes: #831069)
Anton Gladky
- [qtiplot] 02/03: Apply cme fix-dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [qtiplot] 03/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [qtiplot] annotated tag debian/ created (now 0a3c837)
Anton Gladky
- [sagemath] branch master updated (50c7575 -> 850f591)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/05: Build-Depends on libgap-sage
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 02/05: Provide libgap-sage check in d/pr/
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 03/05: Remove Build-Depends on gap-dev
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 04/05: Import Debian patches for libgap-sage support
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 05/05: Build-Depends on pkg-config
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] branch master updated (850f591 -> e1f9a56)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/01: Correct libgap-sage[-dev] dependancy
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] branch master updated (e1f9a56 -> 2679fb0)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/01: Hardden gap check in d/pr/
Jerome Benoit
- [ros-rviz] branch master updated (aedc4ff -> 9df712c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] 01/01: Update changelog
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [cmor] branch debian/master updated (80c210f -> 43ee286)
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 01/12: 2.9.1-5
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 02/12: Now recommend cmor-tables instead of cmip5-cmor-tables.
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 03/12: Standards-Version: 3.9.7
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 04/12: Prep -7 for release
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 05/12: Standards-Version: 3.9.8
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 06/12: upstream release 2.9.2 from
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 07/12: 2.9.3 from github
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 08/12: Merge upstream/2.9.3
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 09/12: * New upstream release * Standards-Version: 3.9.8
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 10/12: refresh patches. makefile fix no longer needed
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 11/12: release 3.1
Alastair McKinstry
- [cmor] 12/12: Merge tag 'upstream/3.1' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [shark] branch master updated (184f480 -> 5edd209)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 01/06: silence tests on debian arm* mips* platforms
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 02/06: remove index check from findsmallestvector test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 03/06: silenced test for debian arm* mips*
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 04/06: attempt to solve problems mentioned in #63
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 05/06: applied CMA test fix of master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 06/06: oops
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] tag v3.1.1 created (now 5edd209)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [sagemath] branch master updated (2679fb0 -> eb14f4b)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/03: Update fflas-ffpack/givaro build-dep versions
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 02/03: Build the pruner in debian/pruner and add .gitignore rules
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 03/03: Add a "reset" convenience target
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (eb14f4b -> 715bf93)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add a "build-dep" convenience target
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (715bf93 -> 41cbbf4)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: It should be sufficient to rm ~/.sage/local only
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (41cbbf4 -> 4566da2)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: debian/rules: build-dep should fail correctly on e.g. permissions errors
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (4566da2 -> 6ae9a4b)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Fix reference to variable in Makefile
Ximin Luo
- [kido] branch master updated (ae426c8 -> e5aff48)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Extend the LGPL to all lcpsolver files
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sagemath] branch master updated (6ae9a4b -> 306fa00)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Use aptitude to resolve dependencies if it's available
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (306fa00 -> 2b2d6d9)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Update clean paths for pruner
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (2b2d6d9 -> 6f310b2)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: - fix debian/.gitignore
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (6f310b2 -> 3cee7b7)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: - fix debian/.gitignore
Ximin Luo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (43136f0 -> 897ccf5)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/01: rules: remove deb.test test
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (897ccf5 -> ce62e9b)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/04: control: add B-D liblapack-dev, require luajit > 2.1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 02/04: control: remove lua5.1|luajit deps from -dev package
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 03/04: Imported Upstream version 0~20160803-g17ff317
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 04/04: Merge tag 'upstream/0_20160803-g17ff317'
Zhou Mo
- [r-cran-statmod] branch master updated (9573489 -> 38454bc)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.25'
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 02/04: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, no changes needed.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] branch pristine-tar updated (fec6b50 -> 4416830)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 03/04: d/control: add missing ${misc:Depends}.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 04/04: Changelog entry for 1.4.25-1.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-statmod_1.4.25.orig.tar.gz
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] annotated tag debian/1.4.25-1 created (now 40cfa11)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] annotated tag upstream/1.4.25 created (now 08d46ba)
Sébastien Villemot
- [lua-torch-xlua] branch master updated (a183084 -> 23b70f2)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 01/02: control: change arch to all
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 02/02: control: longer description
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] branch master updated (23b70f2 -> b127d45)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 01/01: control: remove multi-arch
Zhou Mo
- [gazebo] branch master updated (4b1e552 -> 80f9a21)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] 01/01: Added support for KIDO physics engine
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sagemath] branch master updated (3cee7b7 -> 5a42649)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/01: Polish Debian patches for libgap-sage support
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] branch master updated (5a42649 -> a8a854a)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Fix libGAP patch
Ximin Luo
- [ignition-msgs] branch master updated (5a328d3 -> 934ebf4)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-msgs] 01/01: Added search.js to copyright file
Jose Luis Rivero
- [caffe] branch master updated (0d58b32 -> 8aaa5e9)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/04: patch: fix install path in cmake-fix-python-module-installdir
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 02/04: control: add git and libboost-dev to B-D
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 03/04: symbols: update
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 04/04: patch: add patch cmake-avoid-argument-missing
Zhou Mo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (a8a854a -> 20fef42)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/03: More robust/standard debian rules
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 02/03: Rename update-planarity.patch to match the other patches, even though it's not used
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 03/03: Add a local workaround to get the docbuild working
Ximin Luo
- [caffe] branch master updated (8aaa5e9 -> 1b79da4)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 1.0.0~rc3+20160715-g42cd785-1
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0_rc3+20160715-g42cd785 created (now 3057590)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] annotated tag debian/1.0.0_rc3+20160715-g42cd785-1 created (now 8c4a8ac)
Zhou Mo
- [sagemath] branch _experiment_no-opt created (now 8836467)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Filter out optimisation flags from fflas-ffpack
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch _experiment_no-opt updated (8836467 -> 8c18df8)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Filter out optimisation flags
Ximin Luo
- [yorick] branch master updated (52a173c -> a7179d6)
Thibaut Jean-Claude Paumard
- [yorick] 01/01: yorick (2.2.04+dfsg1-6) unstable; urgency=low
Thibaut Jean-Claude Paumard
- [calculix-ccx] branch master updated (df5e81a -> f4296c9)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/2.11'
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx] 02/06: Update patches to new upstream version
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx] 03/06: Update d/changelog
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx] 04/06: Fixed file path in d/copyright
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx] 05/06: Update standards version
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx] 06/06: Fixed Vcs-Git field
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx] branch pristine-tar updated (620a80a -> a23b605)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx] 01/01: pristine-tar data for calculix-ccx_2.11.orig.tar.bz2
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-test] branch master updated (e3e60d0 -> c67cffb)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-test] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.11'
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-test] 02/04: Update path to examples
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-test] 03/04: Update d/changelog
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-test] 04/04: Update standards version
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-test] branch pristine-tar updated (d706d44 -> 7763452)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-test] 01/01: pristine-tar data for calculix-ccx-test_2.11.orig.tar.bz2
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-doc] branch master updated (3dc2f67 -> b945ba7)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-doc] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.11'
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-doc] branch pristine-tar updated (135acbb -> 92ef3e1)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-doc] 02/04: Update path to files
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-doc] 03/04: Update standards version
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-doc] 04/04: Update d/changelog
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-ccx-doc] 01/01: pristine-tar data for calculix-ccx-doc_2.11.orig.tar.bz2
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [sagemath] branch master updated (20fef42 -> 5f19a1a)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Fix build-deps
Ximin Luo
- [libgap-sage] branch master updated (2925a5c -> b2d3237)
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] 01/01: Polished Imported Debian patch 4.8.3+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] branch master updated (b2d3237 -> a5b3e2d)
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] 01/01: Polished Imported Debian patch 4.8.3+ds-1: forgotten typo
Jerome Benoit
- [fflas-ffpack] branch master updated (a3aff83 -> 88c339f)
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 01/01: debian/rules: Disable processor extensions. May be present at build but not runtime (Closes: #833846).
Doug Torrance
- [calculix-cgx] branch master updated (2c562d7 -> 083fa07)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 01/11: Imported Upstream version 2.11+dfsg
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 02/11: Merge tag 'upstream/2.11+dfsg'
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 03/11: Update patches
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 04/11: Update files in debian
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 05/11: Update d/changelog
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 06/11: Fixed an issue compiling with gcc6 (Closes: #831136)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 07/11: Update d/copyright
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 08/11: Build package using old C++ standard (c++98)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 09/11: Update standards version
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 10/11: Update d/changelog
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 11/11: Merge branch 'master' of
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx-doc] branch master updated (616fda9 -> e790aa4)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx-doc] 01/04: Imported Upstream version 2.11
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx-doc] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.11'
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx-doc] 03/04: Update path
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx-doc] 04/04: Update d/changelog
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx-doc] branch pristine-tar updated (1785a87 -> e93a8b8)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx-doc] 01/01: pristine-tar data for calculix-cgx-doc_2.11.orig.tar.bz2
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] branch pristine-tar updated (b6630c7 -> 3196a6d)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 01/01: pristine-tar data for calculix-cgx_2.11+dfsg.orig.tar.bz2
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [sagemath] branch master updated (5f19a1a -> 208d503)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/06: Update sage to version 7.3.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 02/06: Start refreshing patches.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 03/06: Import new version of linbox 1.4 patch from Arch Linux.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 04/06: Refresh remaining patches.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 05/06: Import new version of ipython 5 patch from Arch Linux.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 06/06: Add future and backports_shutil_get_terminal_size to pruner (and python-future to build-deps).
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (208d503 -> 2c8e3d6)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Install sagenb_export and widgetsnbextension with --user.
Tobias Hansen
- [caffe] branch master updated (1b79da4 -> 1024c77)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/01: dch: fix typo, explain why git and libboost-dev are added
Zhou Mo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (2c8e3d6 -> 4b90e2a)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Use print() function in debian-singular.patch.
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] branch master updated (f6f5a3c -> fd404ed)
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 2.8-2771-gb70b447
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/2.8-2771-gb70b447'
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] 03/03: Update d/changelog.
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] branch pristine-tar updated (5bed51f -> e87a2a3)
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pari_2.8-2771-gb70b447.orig.tar.gz
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] annotated tag upstream/2.8-2771-gb70b447 created (now 73b9f89)
Tobias Hansen
- [caffe] branch master updated (1024c77 -> 9604156)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/01: patch: fix-more-float-comparison-precision-issue
Zhou Mo
- [lcalc] branch pari-2.8 updated (c6b9d55 -> 21bf665)
Tobias Hansen
- [lcalc] 01/01: New changelog entry for rebuild against pari 2.8-2771-gb70b447.
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] branch master updated (fd404ed -> 7acfc26)
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] 01/01: Prepare changelog for release.
Tobias Hansen
- [pari-sage] annotated tag debian/2.8-2771-gb70b447-1 created (now 95d7f88)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (4b90e2a -> f78df3c)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/02: Mark speaklater as unneeded in pruner.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 02/02: Update pari related dependencies.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (f78df3c -> cac6da0)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Update build-deps for renamed packages polybori -> brial.
Tobias Hansen
- [deal.ii] branch master updated (1bd2b41 -> baae82a)
Matthias Maier
- [deal.ii] 01/03: run wrap and sort
Matthias Maier
- [deal.ii] 02/03: Build depend on unversioned boost libraries
Matthias Maier
- [deal.ii] 03/03: Silence a two warnings for gcc-6
Matthias Maier
- [deal.ii] branch master updated (baae82a -> 74585e8)
Matthias Maier
- [deal.ii] 01/01: Update changelog and remove obsolete patch
Matthias Maier
- [deal.ii] branch master updated (74585e8 -> 934280c)
Matthias Maier
- [deal.ii] 01/01: Bump standards version to 3.9.8
Matthias Maier
- [getfem] branch master updated (938ce19 -> 3a6063f)
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 01/07: Fix FTBFS with gcc-6.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 02/07: Update d/copyright.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 03/07: Disable scilab.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 04/07: Imported Upstream version 5.0+dfsg1
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 05/07: Merge tag 'upstream/5.0+dfsg1'
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 06/07: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 07/07: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] branch pristine-tar updated (eb0fb17 -> 64fd4f7)
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 01/01: pristine-tar data for getfem++_5.0+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] annotated tag upstream/5.0+dfsg1 created (now 42bb666)
Anton Gladky
- [fflas-ffpack] tag debian/2.2.1-2 created (now 88c339f)
Doug Torrance
- [primesieve] branch master updated (f485cac -> e9ddfff)
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 5.7.0+ds-2
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] annotated tag debian/5.7.0+ds-2 created (now e3e2d8c)
Jerome Benoit
- [fflas-ffpack] branch master updated (88c339f -> 2b00f72)
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 2.2.2
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 02/02: Merge tag 'upstream/2.2.2'
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] annotated tag upstream/2.2.2 created (now d7b557b)
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] branch pristine-tar updated (5500c0f -> bd3f82f)
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 01/01: pristine-tar data for fflas-ffpack_2.2.2.orig.tar.gz
Doug Torrance
- [linbox] branch master updated (9163c00 -> 420433b)
Doug Torrance
- [linbox] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.4.2
Doug Torrance
- [linbox] 02/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.2'
Doug Torrance
- [linbox] branch pristine-tar updated (995e7a2 -> 9bbce8f)
Doug Torrance
- [linbox] 01/01: pristine-tar data for linbox_1.4.2.orig.tar.gz
Doug Torrance
- [linbox] annotated tag upstream/1.4.2 created (now 9660d89)
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] branch master updated (f9b0a81 -> 2c9c6d8)
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] 01/07: Imported Upstream version 4.0.2
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.2'
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] 03/07: debian/patches/gfqdom-for-macaulay2.patch: Remove patch; applied upstream.
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] 04/07: debian/patches/pkg-config-bad-directive.patch: Refresh patch for new upstream version.
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] 05/07: Rename libgivaro8 to libgivaro9 for SONAME version bump.
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] 06/07: debian/rules: Remove executable bit on example file. Fixes executable-not-elf-or-script Lintian warning.
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] 07/07: debian/changelog: Add entry for version 4.0.2-1.
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] branch pristine-tar updated (d5fcde5 -> 126f18c)
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] 01/01: pristine-tar data for givaro_4.0.2.orig.tar.gz
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] annotated tag upstream/4.0.2 created (now 314aa42)
Doug Torrance
- [mpich] branch master updated (dbf1d87 -> e5f1cc4)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpich] 01/04: Drop unneeded Build-Dependency on default-jdk.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpich] 02/04: Use HTTPS in Vcs-Git.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpich] 03/04: Make libmpich-dev depend on libcr-dev also on ppc64 and powerpcspe.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpich] 04/04: Update changelog
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpich] annotated tag debian/3.2-7 created (now 1193349)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [deal.ii] branch master updated (934280c -> f6fd116)
Graham Inggs
- [deal.ii] 01/01: Prepare for upload to unstable
Graham Inggs
- [vmtk] branch master updated (51a7ab7 -> da13961)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [vmtk] 01/01: Drop build-depends on openjpeg. Closes: #826828
Mattia Rizzolo
- [vmtk] annotated tag debian/1.3+dfsg-2 created (now 5a5b638)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [deal.ii] annotated tag debian/8.4.1-2 created (now 815f48f)
Graham Inggs
- [rw] branch master updated (984a913 -> 8d889dd)
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 01/02: Point to the new homepage
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 02/02: Prepare for upload
Julien Puydt
- [rw] annotated tag debian/0.7-2 created (now 1217d9a)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [rw] branch pristine-tar updated (7589bf3 -> 0688b47)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [rw] 01/01: pristine-tar data for rw_0.7.orig.tar.gz
Mattia Rizzolo
- [rw] annotated tag debian/0.7-2 deleted (was 1217d9a)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [rw] branch master updated (8d889dd -> e4b2201)
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 01/01: Bump copyright year
Julien Puydt
- [rw] annotated tag debian/0.7-2 created (now e792654)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [caffe-contrib] branch master updated (97dfd0a -> 1796c2a)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 1.0.0~rc3-2
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] branch pristine-tar updated (404461a -> 8836755)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] 01/01: pristine-tar data for caffe-contrib_1.0.0~rc3.orig.tar.gz
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] annotated tag debian/1.0.0_rc3-2 created (now 628c293)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0_rc3 created (now c3ef3fe)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] branch master updated (1796c2a -> c33309d)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0~rc3+20160715-g42cd785
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] 02/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.0_rc3+20160715-g42cd785'
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0_rc3+20160715-g42cd785 created (now 597c8ab)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] branch master updated (9604156 -> 2cde4e6)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/01: man: update manpage
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] branch master updated (2cde4e6 -> d08d71b)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/01: script/caffe: update bash completion script
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] branch master updated (c33309d -> 8e3b985)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] 01/02: dch: import upstream snapshot
Zhou Mo
- [caffe-contrib] 02/02: control: suggest openblas/atlas
Zhou Mo
- [apertium-kaz] branch master created (now b2b9a1e)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] branch upstream created (now 9092ce2)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] branch pristine-tar created (now 0e5d846)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.1.0~r61338
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.1.0~r61338-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-kaz_0.1.0~r61338.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] annotated tag upstream/0.1.0_r61338 created (now f11d327)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] branch master created (now f7aae96)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 01/12: Imported Upstream version 0.1.0~r57531
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 02/12: Imported Debian patch 0.1.0~r57531-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 03/12: HFST SONAME was bumped
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 04/12: Update Build-Depends
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 05/12: Imported Upstream version 0.1.0~r61338
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 06/12: Imported Debian patch 0.1.0~r61338-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 07/12: Wipe folder
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 08/12: Newer libhfst42
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 09/12: Better controls
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 10/12: Add patch to remove pkg-config libdir
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 11/12: Merge changelog, add an ITP
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] branch pristine-tar created (now 64d8b79)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] branch upstream created (now 317193c)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 12/12: libhfst-dev
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 01/02: pristine-tar data for apertium-kaz_0.1.0~r57531.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] 02/02: pristine-tar data for apertium-kaz_0.1.0~r61338.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] annotated tag upstream/0.1.0_r57531 created (now a910e38)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-kaz] annotated tag upstream/0.1.0_r61338 created (now 52a91bd)
Tino Didriksen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (cac6da0 -> 297a547)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/02: Fix octave path for Debian
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 02/02: Run submodule update in debian/rules reset
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (297a547 -> 9a57467)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add octave to build-depends, it's run by the tests
Ximin Luo
- [ros-rospkg] branch master updated (721a474 -> 9092157)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospkg] 01/01: Fix unit tests
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [esys-particle] branch pristine-tar updated (92ea6c5 -> bc92d19)
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] branch master updated (e372fa2 -> 10913b7)
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.3.4+dfsg1'
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 02/04: Refresh patches.
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 03/04: Fix FTBFS with gcc-6. (Closes: #811838)
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 04/04: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 01/01: pristine-tar data for esys-particle_2.3.4+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] annotated tag debian/2.3.4+dfsg1-1 created (now 050e75c)
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] annotated tag upstream/2.3.4+dfsg1 created (now 30a9833)
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] branch master updated (10913b7 -> db23dbe)
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 01/02: Esys-Particle relicensed under Apache-2.0
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] annotated tag debian/2.3.4+dfsg1-2 created (now 87f510e)
Anton Gladky
- [ros-std-msgs] branch master updated (df1a434 -> bddc276)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-std-msgs] 01/01: Move message definitions in ros-std-msgs package.
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [cdo] branch debian/master updated (708e86c -> c9ae2a5)
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 01/16: Enable CMOR support.
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 02/16: Bugfix for FTBFS with libc 2.23. Closes: #818826.
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 03/16: Workaround for hppa FTBFS (GCC ICE). Closes: #790393.
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 04/16: * New upstream release * Standards-Version: 3.9.8
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 05/16: - gotocc-fix.patch removed
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 06/16: Add include/cdTime to includes dirs
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 07/16: Prep for release
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 08/16: Disable experimental cmor support
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 09/16: Now use openjpeg2 not openjpeg
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 10/16: Remove obsolete dependencies on openjpeg and libpng. Closes: #826809
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 11/16: New upstream 1.7.2
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 12/16: Merge upstream 1.7.2
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 13/16: New upstream release 1.7.2;
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 14/16: refresh patches
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 15/16: Prep 1.7.2+dfsg.1-1 for release
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 16/16: Now cdo recommends: python*-cdo.
Alastair McKinstry
- [lua-torch-paths] branch master updated (5353080 -> 3c14c47)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-paths] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0~20160203-g68d579a-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-paths] annotated tag debian/0_20160203-g68d579a-1 created (now 43c3d65)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (ce62e9b -> bb0a22c)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/02: dch: bump version, change release to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 02/02: control: add Vcs-* fields
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] annotated tag upstream/0_20160803-g17ff317 created (now debf29f)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (bb0a22c -> 7f3677b)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/02: patch: luaT-cmake-add-version merged by upstream
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 02/02: patch: TH-cmake-add-version forwarded
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (7f3677b -> 64644c7)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/02: patch: fix typo
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 02/02: patch: refresh fix-spelling-error
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (64644c7 -> 8594f25)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/01: patch: fix-spelling-error forwarded
Zhou Mo
- [polybori] branch master updated (92e56fd -> ac7c394)
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 01/01: Build-depend on libpng-dev.
Tobias Hansen
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (8594f25 -> df2b6b5)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/04: watch: remove
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 02/04: symbols: add symbols control file for
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 03/04: symbols: add symbols control file for
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 04/04: symbols: remove debian revision from symbols control file
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch pristine-tar updated (d35b9dc -> 8699b24)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-torch7_0~20160803-g17ff317.orig.tar.gz
Zhou Mo
- [polybori] branch master updated (ac7c394 -> eb100cf)
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 01/01: Create transitional dummy package python-polybori.
Tobias Hansen
- [dolfin] branch master updated (2f9b1c3 -> 961588b)
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] 01/04: enable build against PETSc/SLEPc 3.6 or 3.7
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] 02/04: Include support for petsc4py and slepc4py
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] 03/04: Update debian/watch (uscan)
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] 04/04: fix petsc4py dependencies
Drew Parsons
- [python-escript] branch debian updated (96dc875 -> cd41cea)
Anton Gladky
- [python-escript] 01/01: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [python-escript] annotated tag debian/ created (now 6826c69)
Anton Gladky
- [python-escript] annotated tag debian/ created (now d58f6fc)
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] branch master updated (7d67e96 -> 7ebf27d)
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 01/06: d/copyright.
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 02/06: Merge branch 'upstream'
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 03/06: Update/refresh patches.
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 04/06: Enable MPI on arm* and mips*. (Closes: #824541)
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 05/06: Replace OMPI_MCA_orte_rsh_agent by OMPI_MCA_plm_rsh_agent. Thanks Graham.
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 06/06: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] branch pristine-tar updated (fe95a04 -> 2397c28)
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 01/01: pristine-tar data for gmsh_2.13.1+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] annotated tag debian/2.13.1+dfsg1-1 created (now 92256a4)
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] annotated tag upstream/2.13.1+dfsg1 created (now a594617)
Anton Gladky
- [ros-rviz] branch master updated (9df712c -> 0a2e18f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] 01/03: Update control file to fix lintian warnings
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] 02/03: Update lintian overrides
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] 03/03: Update changelog for 1.12.1+dfsg-1 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] annotated tag debian/1.12.1+dfsg-1 created (now e91ad84)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-angles] branch master updated (753d88f -> 8441066)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-angles] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-bond-core] branch master updated (245a06e -> ff7bfce)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-bond-core] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] branch master updated (19b6036 -> ae795ea)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin-pkg] branch master updated (a8b1119 -> 549004e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin-pkg] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-class-loader] branch master updated (1c9d7a0 -> 1b94ba6)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-class-loader] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-cmake-modules] branch master updated (27a05c1 -> dcf8f95)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-cmake-modules] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] branch master updated (944343b -> 1c05b5e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-control-msgs] branch master updated (d07524f -> bf3c5bf)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-control-msgs] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-control-toolbox] branch master updated (f1b8568 -> c44b9dc)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-control-toolbox] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-diagnostics] branch master updated (6035fca -> 7457906)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-diagnostics] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-driver-common] branch master updated (23af1ab -> a749508)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-driver-common] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-eigen-stl-containers] branch master updated (73c89e0 -> c344930)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-eigen-stl-containers] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-filters] branch master updated (8752f8c -> 6876740)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-filters] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gazebo-ros-pkgs] branch master updated (0e5def1 -> 0f53394)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gazebo-ros-pkgs] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gencpp] branch master updated (13cf289 -> 43ea12e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gencpp] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genlisp] branch master updated (c090c97 -> 6460c77)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genlisp] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] branch master updated (6674071 -> b82164f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] branch master updated (c2659a8 -> 411cfc4)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometric-shapes] branch master updated (367421e -> fa95918)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometric-shapes] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] branch master updated (1b8985f -> a00a663)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] branch master updated (c005fd3 -> 3fdc8db)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-transport-plugins] branch master updated (abebac6 -> b508219)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-transport-plugins] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-interactive-markers] branch master updated (8838528 -> b02c630)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-interactive-markers] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-laser-geometry] branch master updated (1a98fb4 -> 73c78bc)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-laser-geometry] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-message-generation] branch master updated (0db4c69 -> 4fd5cff)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-message-generation] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-message-runtime] branch master updated (5826460 -> ebb0f4f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-message-runtime] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] branch master updated (fb7c0ce -> b54f519)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] branch master updated (65abe15 -> 2fdad14)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] branch master updated (f21216a -> b553729)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-conversions] branch master updated (b5b87df -> 68fc281)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-conversions] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-msgs] branch master updated (1553eb1 -> 59244e4)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-msgs] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pluginlib] branch master updated (6f78610 -> 3be19fa)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pluginlib] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-random-numbers] branch master updated (012b80b -> 3cb03f6)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-random-numbers] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-realtime-tools] branch master updated (8188f47 -> 064c4e5)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-realtime-tools] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-resource-retriever] branch master updated (9aa33c7 -> a9606fb)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-resource-retriever] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] branch master updated (7820c2a -> dfc05fc)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] branch master updated (1d57b26 -> aaa4d94)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (38eca0c -> 0731be6)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/01: Update URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] branch master updated (bef5cd4 -> 862c965)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] 01/01: Update URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosconsole-bridge] branch master updated (1998409 -> 6ae4c0e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosconsole-bridge] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roscpp-core] branch master updated (cca13c1 -> ad15cfc)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roscpp-core] 01/01: Update URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdep] branch master updated (e5cb177 -> 131ec5b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdep] 01/01: Update URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] branch master updated (4a8bbce -> 1975a4c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] 01/01: Update URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosinstall] branch master updated (c591234 -> fd3c9db)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosinstall] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosinstall-generator] branch master updated (ac7960c -> 4e7e348)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosinstall-generator] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roslint] branch master updated (1bd0d57 -> 61a5ee2)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roslint] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roslisp] branch master updated (2cf3934 -> 8553b53)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roslisp] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospack] branch master updated (105c36e -> b304115)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospack] 01/01: Update URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospkg] branch master updated (9092157 -> 7f16c03)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospkg] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-std-msgs] branch master updated (bddc276 -> 55b3678)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-std-msgs] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vcstools] branch master updated (3a4ce6b -> f7dbf2e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vcstools] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-wstool] branch master updated (c294981 -> 1059a25)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-wstool] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-xacro] branch master updated (7eca277 -> 6257cb1)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-xacro] 01/01: Update Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [dolfin] tag debian/2016.1.0-2 created (now 1a61bfb)
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] 01/01: upload 2016.1.0-2 to unstable
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] branch master updated (961588b -> 1a61bfb)
Drew Parsons
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (df2b6b5 -> c436e60)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] annotated tag debian/0_20160803-g17ff317-1 created (now ecc755e)
Zhou Mo
- [arrayfire] branch debian/master updated (58768a8 -> 883a264)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 01/04: Build with compute library from Boost 1.61.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 02/04: d/rules: disable build of examples.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 03/04: d/rules: remove superfluous nocheck guards.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 04/04: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] annotated tag debian/3.3.2+dfsg1-4 created (now 4ecaf7f)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [lua-torch-sys] branch master updated (0c11a6e -> cf303ed)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sys] 01/03: d/source: remove unused local-options
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sys] 02/03: dch: change release to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sys] 03/03: lintian: override lintian I: no symbols control file
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-trepl] branch master updated (e0dad1b -> 367e242)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-trepl] 01/03: control: update package description
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-trepl] 02/03: lintian: override lintian I: no symbols control file
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-trepl] 03/03: dch: change release to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] branch master created (now a3aaeda)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0~20160713-g8353f5a
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] branch pristine-tar created (now ea70eeb)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-sundown_0~20160713-g8353f5a.orig.tar.gz
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] branch master updated (a3aaeda -> 01fa0dc)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] 01/01: initialize packaging
Zhou Mo
- [sumo] branch master updated (a52c792 -> e2c7d46)
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] 01/04: Merge.
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] 02/04: Refresh patches.
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] 03/04: Apply cme fix dpkg-copytight.
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] 04/04: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] branch pristine-tar updated (f3ea16d -> 4325919)
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] 01/01: pristine-tar data for sumo_0.27.1+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] annotated tag upstream/0.27.1+dfsg1 created (now 8a63ccf)
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] annotated tag debian/0.26.0+dfsg1-1_bpo8+1 created (now 172347e)
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] annotated tag debian/0.27.1+dfsg1-1 created (now 98409d4)
Anton Gladky
- [ros-actionlib] branch master updated (dd7e15b -> 0edb824)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] 01/02: Fix Vcs URLs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] 02/02: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-angles] branch master updated (8441066 -> 0611d7d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-angles] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-bloom] branch master updated (c2b34fc -> 0f0d4d1)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-bloom] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-bond-core] branch master updated (ff7bfce -> 8dde16e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-bond-core] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] branch master updated (ae795ea -> c0c0326)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] branch master updated (c0c0326 -> d9e6a7a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] 01/01: Revert accidentally line
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin-pkg] branch master updated (549004e -> 0ddf002)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin-pkg] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-class-loader] branch master updated (1b94ba6 -> 207442f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-class-loader] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-cmake-modules] branch master updated (dcf8f95 -> ac05628)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-cmake-modules] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] branch master updated (1c05b5e -> 133e350)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-control-msgs] branch master updated (bf3c5bf -> c47870d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-control-msgs] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-control-toolbox] branch master updated (c44b9dc -> 16538df)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-control-toolbox] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-diagnostics] branch master updated (7457906 -> a3c5cfc)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-diagnostics] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-driver-common] branch master updated (a749508 -> 147346b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-driver-common] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-eigen-stl-containers] branch master updated (c344930 -> f53b2b4)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-eigen-stl-containers] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-filters] branch master updated (6876740 -> 8034585)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-filters] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gencpp] branch master updated (43ea12e -> 71fd22b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gencpp] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genlisp] branch master updated (6460c77 -> 96b3bbe)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genlisp] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] branch master updated (b82164f -> bb74fc9)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] branch master updated (411cfc4 -> ae2a92b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometric-shapes] branch master updated (fa95918 -> 5694037)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometric-shapes] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] branch master updated (a00a663 -> ab7ca93)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] branch master updated (3fdc8db -> a2c8a82)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] branch master updated (99e59da -> 0d4e195)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-transport-plugins] branch master updated (b508219 -> b667301)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-transport-plugins] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-interactive-markers] branch master updated (b02c630 -> b0beae2)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-interactive-markers] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-laser-geometry] branch master updated (73c78bc -> e08a663)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-laser-geometry] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-message-generation] branch master updated (4fd5cff -> 178f093)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-message-generation] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-message-runtime] branch master updated (ebb0f4f -> c9337f2)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-message-runtime] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] branch master updated (b54f519 -> 7dec4c3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] branch master updated (2fdad14 -> 1157544)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] branch master updated (b553729 -> d56d11e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-conversions] branch master updated (68fc281 -> 79c7110)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-conversions] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-msgs] branch master updated (59244e4 -> 4a127e9)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-msgs] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pluginlib] branch master updated (3be19fa -> b10d9db)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pluginlib] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-python-qt-binding] branch master updated (4d4f5db -> 55df16d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-python-qt-binding] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-random-numbers] branch master updated (3cb03f6 -> 3bd0b6d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-random-numbers] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-realtime-tools] branch master updated (064c4e5 -> 3c0e08f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-realtime-tools] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-resource-retriever] branch master updated (a9606fb -> 7e7c71a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-resource-retriever] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] branch master updated (26a48ef -> a975036)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] branch master updated (dfc05fc -> 78d469c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] branch master updated (aaa4d94 -> 1409357)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (0731be6 -> ce194db)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] branch master updated (862c965 -> b1cfc9d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosconsole-bridge] branch master updated (6ae4c0e -> 6d2a97c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosconsole-bridge] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-control] branch master updated (f5ef94b -> e8aa13d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-control] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roscpp-core] branch master updated (ad15cfc -> d3c98bc)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roscpp-core] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdep] branch master updated (131ec5b -> 809cc13)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdep] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] branch master updated (1975a4c -> aeb7603)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosinstall] branch master updated (fd3c9db -> 93f2da3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosinstall] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosinstall-generator] branch master updated (4e7e348 -> 5d62985)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosinstall-generator] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roslint] branch master updated (61a5ee2 -> 10c509d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roslint] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roslisp] branch master updated (8553b53 -> 0d57801)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-roslisp] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospack] branch master updated (b304115 -> d2254f9)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospack] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospkg] branch master updated (7f16c03 -> c9d530e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospkg] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] branch master updated (0a2e18f -> a962829)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-std-msgs] branch master updated (55b3678 -> db536c3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-std-msgs] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vcstool] branch master updated (71b34fb -> 7fb321f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vcstool] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vcstools] branch master updated (f7dbf2e -> a675477)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vcstools] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] branch master updated (e1301e2 -> 8d08f16)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-wstool] branch master updated (1059a25 -> 3b17475)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-wstool] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-xacro] branch master updated (6257cb1 -> 337fd9d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-xacro] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] branch master updated (a74f075 -> 70ff02b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gazebo-ros-pkgs] branch master updated (0f53394 -> 02df217)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gazebo-ros-pkgs] 01/01: Update my email address
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [lua-torch-nn] branch master updated (66a7cf0 -> 35ae076)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 0~20160812-g461701f+dfsg
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/0_20160812-g461701f+dfsg'
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 03/05: dch: import new upstream snapshot
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 04/05: d: remove unused local-options
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 05/05: patch: THNN-cmake-add-soversion forwarded
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] branch master updated (35ae076 -> b794fcd)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 01/01: symbols: add symbols control file libtorch-thnn.symbols
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] branch master updated (b794fcd -> 7b32530)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 01/01: symbols: remove debian revision for lintian
Zhou Mo
- [fplll] branch master updated (5256c21 -> ac4241b)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 01/02: Bump standards-version up
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 02/02: Use https in Vcs-* fields
Julien Puydt
- [flann] annotated tag upstream/1.9.1 created (now da41a22)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] annotated tag upstream/1.8.5 created (now 7f45302)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] tag debian/1.8.4-4.1 created (now 96ba416)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] annotated tag upstream/1.8.4 created (now 9cfff27)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [sagemath] branch master updated (9a57467 -> b22550c)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Depend on pexpect >= 4.1.
Tobias Hansen
- r47330 - in /packages/qwtplot3d/trunk/debian: changelog libqwtplot3d-qt4-0v5.symbols libqwtplot3d-qt5-0.symbols
gudjon-guest at
- [sagemath] branch master updated (b22550c -> 176ceda)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add a comment explaining why we don't use `make ptestlong`
Ximin Luo
- [lua-torch-nn] branch master updated (7b32530 -> 5f3a462)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 01/04: patch: add patch fix-spelling-errors
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 02/04: install: fix -dev package installation, remove *.c files to install
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 03/04: control: change lua-torch-nn to arch:all
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 04/04: patch: fix-spelling-errors forwarded and merged by upstream
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] branch master updated (5f3a462 -> 3243603)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 01/02: contorl: fix debian E, change binary:Version to source:Version
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 02/02: control: really fix previous lintian E
Zhou Mo
- [flann] branch master updated (1f562e9 -> b05fe02)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 01/07: Updated copyright
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 02/07: Added BUILD tests
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 03/07: Update watch file to add dfsg suffix
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 04/07: Imported Upstream version 1.9.1+dfsg
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 05/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.9.1+dfsg'
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 06/07: Minor changes in copyright file
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] 07/07: Version 1.9.1+dfsg-1
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [flann] annotated tag upstream/1.9.1+dfsg created (now ae9017a)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [getfem] branch master updated (3a6063f -> 41f3d1d)
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 01/02: Disable some failing tests.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] annotated tag debian/5.0+dfsg1-1 created (now 86613e0)
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] annotated tag debian/5.0+dfsg1-2 created (now 964425e)
Anton Gladky
- [lua-torch-xlua] branch master updated (b127d45 -> ddf1e59)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 01/04: control: update description
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 02/04: d: remove unused local-options
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 03/04: dch: change release to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 04/04: control: update description
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] branch master created (now 5652716)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0~20160415-g34d7128
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] branch pristine-tar created (now ac260d9)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-graph_0~20160415-g34d7128.orig.tar.gz
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] annotated tag upstream/0_20160415-g34d7128 created (now d8ce404)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] branch master updated (5652716 -> dc31322)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] 01/01: initial packaging
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] branch master updated (dc31322 -> 1625c83)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] 01/01: clean: remove more junk
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] branch master created (now b6c716c)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0~20160808-g6c59c35
Zhou Mo
- [flann] branch master updated (b05fe02 -> 52cdc55)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [flann] 01/01: Update d/copyright file from COPYING
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [flann] tag debian/1.8.4-4.2 created (now 4a1cc67)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [flann] annotated tag debian/1.9.1+dfsg-1 created (now 946b58a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [lua-torch-optim] branch master updated (b6c716c -> 0ad917b)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] 01/01: initialize packaging
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] branch pristine-tar created (now 74d2a53)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-optim_0~20160808-g6c59c35.orig.tar.gz
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] annotated tag upstream/0_20160808-g6c59c35 created (now 612c156)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] branch master updated (0ad917b -> 94ff537)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] 01/01: control: add missing torch7 dependency
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] branch master updated (1625c83 -> 1fad083)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] 01/01: control: add missing dependency
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] branch master updated (94ff537 -> 08c3091)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] 01/01: docs: add
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] branch master updated (1fad083 -> 8f0e1ff)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] 01/01: docs: add
Zhou Mo
- [bcolz] branch pristine-tar created (now 4d1796d)
Daniel Stender
- [bcolz] branch master created (now 9c91f76)
Daniel Stender
- [bcolz] 01/02: Imported Debian patch 1.1.0-1
Daniel Stender
- [bcolz] 02/02: added deb/gbp.conf
Daniel Stender
- [bcolz] 01/01: pristine-tar data for bcolz_1.1.0.orig.tar.xz
Daniel Stender
- [lua-torch-nn] branch master updated (3243603 -> 76110c7)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0~20160812-g461701f+dfsg-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] annotated tag upstream/0_20160812-g461701f+dfsg created (now e0374d2)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] annotated tag upstream/0_20160604-gd23a8f5+dfsg created (now 1d4aa8c)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] annotated tag debian/0_20160812-g461701f+dfsg-1 created (now caf28c0)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] branch pristine-tar updated (15a78e1 -> cc2fd2b)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 01/02: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-nn_0~20160604-gd23a8f5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 02/02: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-nn_0~20160812-g461701f+dfsg.orig.tar.bz2
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sys] branch master updated (cf303ed -> db61f84)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sys] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0~20160415-g8d2b8fa-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sys] annotated tag debian/0_20160415-g8d2b8fa-1 created (now 6c76326)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] branch master updated (01fa0dc -> d3e393e)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] 01/01: d/*: update packaging
Zhou Mo
- [pcl] branch master updated (0cebca3 -> 406caa3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] branch pristine-tar updated (bdfe6fd -> 8170fa1)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.8.0'
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 02/03: Update copyright and watch file
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 03/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.8.0+dfsg'
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 01/02: pristine-tar data for pcl_1.8.0.orig.tar.gz
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 02/02: pristine-tar data for pcl_1.8.0+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] annotated tag upstream/1.8.0 created (now ec57a67)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] annotated tag upstream/1.8.0+dfsg created (now ce74ab9)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [minieigen] annotated tag debian/0.50.3+dfsg1-4 created (now 17a4fed)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [minieigen] branch master updated (a106058 -> f0cef93)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [minieigen] 01/01: debian/control: use HTTPS in Vcs-Git
Mattia Rizzolo
- [minieigen] branch master updated (f0cef93 -> a739c93)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [minieigen] 01/03: d/rules: tune gcc parameters some more to fix FTBFS in powerpc with gcc6
Mattia Rizzolo
- [minieigen] 02/03: add d/gbp.conf
Mattia Rizzolo
- [minieigen] 03/03: Bump Standards-Version, no changes needed.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [minieigen] branch master updated (a739c93 -> c625d30)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [minieigen] 01/01: changelog for 0.50.3+dfsg1-5
Mattia Rizzolo
- [minieigen] annotated tag debian/0.50.3+dfsg1-5 created (now 1bd4898)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (ef795b6 -> 052201a)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 02/02: Merged new version
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch pristine-tar updated (ba0e3ec -> d02076c)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: pristine-tar data for urdfdom_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz
Jose Luis Rivero
- [solvespace] branch master created (now 9ac1e9f)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] branch pristine-tar created (now d2b1ba3)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 01/03: Initial commit of debian-directory.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 02/03: Update d/changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 03/03: Use system packaged unifont.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 01/01: pristine-tar data for solvespace_2.1+repack1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] annotated tag upstream/2.1+repack1 created (now 63dda28)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] branch master updated (9ac1e9f -> 1448d20)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 01/01: Apply wrap-and-sort.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] branch master updated (1448d20 -> e74aa35)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 01/07: Merge tag 'upstream/2.1+repack2'
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] branch pristine-tar updated (d2b1ba3 -> 3847d1e)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 02/07: Add script to download and strip solvespace.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 03/07: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 04/07: Update d/copyright.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 05/07: Set debian-science as maintainer.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 06/07: Add manpage.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 07/07: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 01/01: pristine-tar data for solvespace_2.1+repack2.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] annotated tag upstream/2.1+repack2 created (now c383840)
Anton Gladky
- r47331 - in /packages/inventor/trunk/debian: changelog patches/inventor-gcc6.patch patches/series
smr at
- r47332 - in /packages/inventor/tags/2.1.5-10-19: ./ debian/changelog debian/patches/inventor-gcc6.patch debian/patches/series
smr at
- [mmdb] branch master updated (f304e39 -> ab67365)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] 01/08: Imported Upstream version 2.0.5
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] 02/08: Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.5'
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] 03/08: gbp dch
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] 04/08: updatte copyright
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] 05/08: install all files via rules
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] 06/08: migrate -dbg -> -dbgsym
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] 07/08: fix Vcs-x
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] 08/08: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] branch pristine-tar updated (1186f53 -> 052b796)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] 01/01: pristine-tar data for mmdb_2.0.5.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] annotated tag debian/2.0.5-1_exp1 created (now 4a4dd96)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [mmdb] annotated tag upstream/2.0.5 created (now d9c954d)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [solvespace] branch master updated (e74aa35 -> 0dcb248)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 01/01: Drop versioned dev-package.
Anton Gladky
- [libccp4] branch master updated (b339f87 -> 4f4d99d)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [libccp4] 01/04: Imported Upstream version 6.5.1
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [libccp4] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/6.5.1'
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [libccp4] 03/04: import 6.5.1 version
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [libccp4] 04/04: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [libccp4] branch pristine-tar updated (59eebdd -> 5244e6e)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [libccp4] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libccp4_6.5.1.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [libccp4] annotated tag upstream/6.5.1 created (now 77ab02e)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [libccp4] annotated tag debian/6.5.1-1_exp1 created (now e1cac4a)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [paraview] branch master updated (6030d62 -> 2b77cd26)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 5.1.2+dfsg1
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/5.1.2+dfsg1'
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 03/05: Refresh patches.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 04/05: Set VTK_RENDERING_BACKEND OpenGL.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 05/05: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] annotated tag upstream/5.1.2+dfsg1 created (now 4afaec0)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] annotated tag debian/5.1.2+dfsg1-1 created (now 5dbe63d)
Anton Gladky
- [pcl] branch master updated (406caa3 -> e21667f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 01/07: Exclude more unfree files
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.8.0+dfsg1'
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 03/07: Rebase patches
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 04/07: Add patch for removed non free code
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 05/07: Reworked debian/ files
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 06/07: Add patch for privacy-breach-logo
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 07/07: Update changelog for 1.8.0+dfsg1-1 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] branch pristine-tar updated (8170fa1 -> 82f9ad2)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pcl_1.8.0+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] annotated tag debian/1.8.0+dfsg1-1 created (now e2898af)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] annotated tag upstream/1.8.0+dfsg1 created (now 93775d2)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] branch master updated (e21667f -> 17be70f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 01/01: Remove superfluous libpcl1.8 package
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [libgap-sage] branch pristine-tar created (now c3c139e)
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] branch master created (now fb8f38b)
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] 01/01: Imported (zeroth) Debian patch 4.8.3+g69a66f0+dsx-1
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libgap-sage_4.8.3+g69a66f0+dsx.orig.tar.xz
Jerome Benoit
- [libgap-sage] annotated tag upstream/4.8.3+g69a66f0+dsx created (now 65c2d92)
Jerome Benoit
- [ros-common-msgs] branch master updated (133e350 -> 0e07d54)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-common-msgs] 01/01: Move message definitions in separate packages.
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [lmfit-py] branch master updated (03cdc10 -> ee3e747)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [lmfit-py] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 0.9.5+dfsg
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [lmfit-py] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.5+dfsg'
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [lmfit-py] 03/03: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [lmfit-py] branch pristine-tar updated (3d6048f -> fadec82)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [lmfit-py] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lmfit-py_0.9.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [lmfit-py] annotated tag debian/0.9.5+dfsg-1 created (now cf49dbd)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [lmfit-py] annotated tag upstream/0.9.5+dfsg created (now 79e948e)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [ros-geometry-experimental] branch master updated (a2c8a82 -> 07e0d9c)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 01/01: Move message definitions in a separate package
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [pyfai] branch master updated (3afaede -> 917df9e)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 01/06: fix FTBFS due to deprecated pngmath extension
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 02/06: depends on the right python3 fabio module version
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 03/06: update the Vcs-x and use https
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 04/06: new homepage
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 05/06: refresh the rules file
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 06/06: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] branch patch-queue/master created (now 9496657)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 01/04: remove useless logic in
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 02/04: skip test if no network
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 03/04: use the system mathjax
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 04/04: do not use deprecated sphinx pngmath extension
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] annotated tag debian/0.12.0+dfsg-2 created (now 0ebe837)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [solvespace] branch master updated (0dcb248 -> bd37429)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 01/01: Revert previous commit.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] annotated tag debian/2.1+repack2-1 created (now d150a61)
Anton Gladky
- [primesieve] branch master updated (e9ddfff -> d415e63)
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/5.7.1'
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/5.7.1+ds'
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 03/03: Debian patch 5.7.1+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] branch pristine-tar updated (a5b4a60 -> 62514c8)
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 01/02: pristine-tar data for primesieve_5.7.1.orig.tar.gz
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] 02/02: pristine-tar data for primesieve_5.7.1+ds.orig.tar.xz
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] annotated tag debian/5.7.1+ds-1 created (now 72ed145)
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] annotated tag upstream/5.7.1 created (now ef3930a)
Jerome Benoit
- [primesieve] annotated tag upstream/5.7.1+ds created (now bce0045)
Jerome Benoit
- [rw] branch master updated (e4b2201 -> 401b249)
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8'
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 02/05: Packaging 0.8
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 05/05: Add +ds to the version
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 03/05: Remove generated files from the upstream tarball
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 04/05: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8+ds'
Julien Puydt
- [rw] annotated tag upstream/0.8 created (now d0c9612)
Julien Puydt
- [rw] annotated tag upstream/0.8+ds created (now fa59b9f)
Julien Puydt
- [petsc] tag debian/3.7.3.dfsg1-2 created (now d1aa11b)
Drew Parsons
- [petsc] 01/01: upload 3.7.3.dfsg1-2 to unstable
Drew Parsons
- [petsc] branch master updated (c18f696 -> d1aa11b)
Drew Parsons
- [pyfai] branch master updated (917df9e -> 5934f4c)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 01/02: fix CI
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 02/02: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] annotated tag debian/0.12.0+dfsg-3 created (now 32d2dff)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [rw] branch pristine-tar updated (0688b47 -> 563403b)
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 01/01: pristine-tar data for rw_0.8+ds.orig.tar.gz
Julien Puydt
- [rw] annotated tag debian/0.8+ds-1 created (now d89fd8f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [rw] branch master updated (401b249 -> f217de3)
Julien Puydt
- [rw] 01/01: Wrap and sort a few things
Julien Puydt
- r47333 - in /packages/gmsh-tetgen/trunk/debian: changelog patches/fix_libdir.patch patches/med.patch patches/skip_license_file.patch rules
trophime-guest at
- [ros-navigation-msgs] branch master updated (1157544 -> 67dbf7c)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-navigation-msgs] 01/01: Move message definitions in separate packages
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- r47334 - in /packages/getdp/trunk/debian: changelog control patches/petsc.patch rules
trophime-guest at
- [ros-pcl-msgs] branch master updated (4a127e9 -> 3149e9a)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-pcl-msgs] 01/01: Move message definitions in a separate package
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [pcl] branch master updated (17be70f -> aa2fabe)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 01/01: Add patch for empty 2d lib
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (ce194db -> 0a38dfe)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/01: Move message definitions in separate packages
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] branch master updated (b1cfc9d -> fcf9d4d)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] 01/01: Move message definitions in separate packages
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-control-msgs] branch master updated (c47870d -> b932ebe)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-control-msgs] 01/01: Move message definitions in a separate package
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-metapackages] branch master updated (7dec4c3 -> 24c83c4)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-metapackages] 01/01: Add message packages to metapackages
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-metapackages] branch master updated (24c83c4 -> c93daee)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-metapackages] 01/01: Finish adding message package to metapackages and fix missing ', '
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [pyfai] branch master updated (5934f4c -> ad9a9f5)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 01/02: fix for real the CI tests
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 02/02: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] annotated tag debian/0.12.0+dfsg-4 created (now b3f343d)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [flann] branch master updated (52cdc55 -> 87b8f9a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [flann] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.9.1+dfsg-2
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [flann] annotated tag debian/1.9.1+dfsg-2 created (now a38d91c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [sagemath] branch master updated (176ceda -> 8e7d851)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add sagetex to Build-Depends + pruner support
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] branch master updated (8e7d851 -> 9a74a3e)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add m4 directory to pruner autoconf in d/rules
Jerome Benoit
- [givaro] tag debian/4.0.2-1 created (now 2c9c6d8)
Doug Torrance
- [petsc4py] branch master updated (7a6f38f -> 357ac01)
Drew Parsons
- [petsc4py] 01/01: upload 3.7.0-2 to unstable
Drew Parsons
- [petsc4py] tag debian/3.7.0-2 created (now 357ac01)
Drew Parsons
- [slepc] tag debian/3.7.2+dfsg1-2 created (now 29fbdf4)
Drew Parsons
- [slepc] 01/01: upload 3.7.2+dfsg1-2 to unstable
Drew Parsons
- [slepc] branch master updated (10b7bd2 -> 29fbdf4)
Drew Parsons
- [sagemath] branch master updated (9a74a3e -> edad9e9)
Jerome Benoit
- [sagemath] 01/01: Depend on python-nbconvert
Jerome Benoit
- [ros-std-msgs] branch master updated (db536c3 -> d723cae)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-std-msgs] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.5.10-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-std-msgs] annotated tag debian/0.5.10-3 created (now cabd63e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] branch master updated (0e07d54 -> 6ebe0a0)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.12.4-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] annotated tag debian/1.12.4-3 created (now 14723ea)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (0a38dfe -> 7c4efc6)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/02: Fix lintian warnings
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 02/02: Update changelog for 1.12.2-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] annotated tag debian/1.12.2-4 created (now 7188cfb)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] branch master updated (07e0d9c -> b22b946)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.5.13-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] annotated tag debian/0.5.13-3 created (now 6369eba)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-msgs] branch master updated (3149e9a -> 5ed44b8)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-msgs] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.2.0-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-msgs] annotated tag debian/0.2.0-4 created (now 338922b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] branch master updated (67dbf7c -> 2faed64)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] 01/02: Fix lintian warnings
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] 02/02: Update changelog for 1.13.0-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] annotated tag debian/1.13.0-3 created (now 4987f51)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] branch master updated (fcf9d4d -> aac607b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] 01/02: Fix lintian warnings
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] 02/02: Update changelog for 1.11.2-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] annotated tag debian/1.11.2-3 created (now b6e1074)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [opencv] branch master updated (31fcf32 -> 6d2c576)
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 01/11: Merge tag 'debian/3.0.0+dfsg-1_exp6'
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 02/11: Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/alioth/master'
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 03/11: Disable IPP
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 04/11: TEST: disable patches/
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 05/11: Add patches/disable_opengl_test_build
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 06/11: Add libjs-mathjax to Depends and debian/patches/mathjax
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 07/11: Update Standards-Version to 3.9.8
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 08/11: Remove *-dbg package from debian/control
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 09/11: Add patches/change_jquery.js_path and add libjs-jquery to Depends of opencv-doc
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 10/11: Update lintian-overrides files
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [opencv] 11/11: Remove unnecessary file
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
- [lua-torch-graph] branch master updated (8f0e1ff -> 22a115c)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0~20160415-g34d7128-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-graph] annotated tag debian/0_20160415-g34d7128-1 created (now 4099300)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] branch master updated (08c3091 -> 2bb8930)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0~20160808-g6c59c35-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-optim] annotated tag debian/0_20160808-g6c59c35-1 created (now 669573e)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] branch master updated (ddf1e59 -> 77bc01d)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] branch pristine-tar updated (c87498c -> 8ab7267)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 01/01: fix copyright issue, pointed out by ftpmaster
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-xlua_0~20160617-g0dd5f4c.orig.tar.gz
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] annotated tag upstream/0_20160617-g0dd5f4c created (now 269aded)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] branch master updated (d3e393e -> 364e6d9)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-sundown] 01/01: d/*: update copyright, lintian-overrides, and rules
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-dok] branch master created (now 8a42ca2)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-dok] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0~20160131-g1b36900
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nngraph] branch master created (now a0a1c26)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nngraph] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0~20160804-g40e4207
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nngraph] 02/02: initialize packaging
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nngraph] branch pristine-tar created (now 058bf5b)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nngraph] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-nngraph_0~20160804-g40e4207.orig.tar.gz
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-dok] branch pristine-tar created (now ac87c06)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-dok] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-dok_0~20160131-g1b36900.orig.tar.bz2
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-dok] branch master updated (8a42ca2 -> a960dfd)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-dok] 01/01: d/*: initialize packaging
Zhou Mo
- [shark] annotated tag upstream/3.1.1+ds1 created (now fed6863)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [atlas] branch master updated (7f7c835 -> 5e795c6)
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 01/02: d/rules: on Ubuntu s390x set ARCHS to z12.
Sébastien Villemot
- [atlas] 02/02: d/archdefs/s390x: add IBMz12 tarball
Sébastien Villemot
- [sagemath] branch master updated (edad9e9 -> 8feae1e)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add some test debugging tips
Ximin Luo
- [slepc4py] branch master updated (7c96d51 -> 0d36994)
Drew Parsons
- [slepc4py] 01/01: upload 3.7.0-2 to unstable
Drew Parsons
- [slepc4py] tag debian/3.7.0-2 created (now 0d36994)
Drew Parsons
- [sagemath] branch master updated (8feae1e -> 87bdf80)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Bump dependency on python-numpy
Ximin Luo
- [guiqwt] branch master updated (81c5ec7 -> 1759413)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [guiqwt] 01/04: reproducible
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [guiqwt] 02/04: refresh the rules file to build documentation only when requested
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [guiqwt] 03/04: fix the FTBFS with gcc-6
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [guiqwt] 04/04: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [guiqwt] annotated tag debian/3.0.2-2 created (now 2ba5f16)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- No subject
- [sagemath] branch master updated (87bdf80 -> 8d9cf78)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add another tip about running all tests with -i
Ximin Luo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (c436e60 -> 4ef882a)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/06: links: fix lua-torch-dok support
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 02/06: symbols: update symbols control file, diverge it for amd64 and i386
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 03/06: links: fix a small problem
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 04/06: rules: also run upstream unit tests
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 05/06: rules: donnot compress markdown documents
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 06/06: dch: release to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [suitesparse] branch master updated (4aa5767 -> c8afb2c)
Sébastien Villemot
- [suitesparse] 01/01: Remove Christophe Prud'homme from Uploaders (per MIA team request).
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] branch master updated (918c2af -> ea231c0)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.5+dfsg'
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] 02/02: Changelog entry for 0.5.5+dfsg-1.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] branch pristine-tar updated (1992ed6 -> c9de8a9)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-rsdmx_0.5.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] annotated tag debian/0.5.5+dfsg-1 created (now 140d188)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] annotated tag upstream/0.5.5+dfsg created (now 7f7c7c7)
Sébastien Villemot
- r47335 - in /packages/arpack/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- [spyder] branch experimental updated (2fa0ab5 -> 598f469)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 01/10: configure gbp for an experimental build
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 02/10: Imported Upstream version 3.0.0~b2+dfsg1
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 03/10: Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.0_b2+dfsg1' into experimental
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 04/10: use pypi redirector
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 05/10: updated Files-Excluded
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 06/10: Imported Upstream version 3.0.0~b4+dfsg1
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 07/10: Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.0_b4+dfsg1' into experimental
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 08/10: update the Vcs-X fileds
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 09/10: refresh rules
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 10/10: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] annotated tag debian/3.0.0_b4+dfsg1-1_exp1 created (now 5760f13)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] annotated tag upstream/3.0.0_b4+dfsg1 created (now a4efed6)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] annotated tag upstream/2.3.9+dfsg1 created (now 15c7733)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] annotated tag upstream/3.0.0_b2+dfsg1 created (now a2df69d)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 2.3.9+dfsg1
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] branch master updated (a0dc3e7 -> 0535ff7)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/2.3.9+dfsg1'
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 02/02: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] branch pristine-tar updated (01b65a5 -> 4649359)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 01/03: pristine-tar data for spyder_3.0.0~b2+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 02/03: pristine-tar data for spyder_2.3.9+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 03/03: pristine-tar data for spyder_3.0.0~b4+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [gmsh] branch master updated (7ebf27d -> c49de80)
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 01/04: Merge.
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 02/04: Refresh patches.
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 03/04: Remove Christophe`s name from uploaders. (Closes: #835004)
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 04/04: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] branch pristine-tar updated (2397c28 -> e32b0a2)
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] 01/01: pristine-tar data for gmsh_2.13.2+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] annotated tag debian/2.13.2+dfsg1-1 created (now 1cfe39d)
Anton Gladky
- [gmsh] annotated tag upstream/2.13.2+dfsg1 created (now c2ca248)
Anton Gladky
- [gazebo] branch master updated (80f9a21 -> 62b07a6)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [gazebo] 01/01: Add libcurl-dev as an alternative to simplify apts resolution
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] branch master updated (a975036 -> ef1ab55)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] 01/01: Fix URL
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] branch master updated (70ff02b -> 65d30a0)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] 01/02: Add recommends because catkin needs it
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] 02/02: Update changelog for 1.5.44-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] annotated tag debian/1.5.44-3 created (now de2a1fe)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (7c4efc6 -> ac4392e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/02: Make ros-topic-tools-srvs arch all
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 02/02: Update changelog for 1.12.2-5 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] tag debian/1.12.2-5 created (now ac4392e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] branch master updated (c93daee -> 7a85fbd)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] 01/03: Add ros-std-srvs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] 02/03: Rename ros-topic-tools-msgs -> ros-topic-tools-srvs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] 03/03: Update changelog for 1.6 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] tag debian/1.6 created (now 7a85fbd)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] branch master updated (aa2fabe -> a60e248)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.8.0+dfsg1-2 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] annotated tag debian/1.8.0+dfsg1-2 created (now f6d2666)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] branch master updated (a60e248 -> 60610a7)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [pcl] 01/01: Add note about BinNMUs
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [r-cran-sem] branch master updated (9c1fc8f -> eee4ac6)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] 01/01: Initial upload to Debian (Closes: #835083)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-semplot] branch master updated (074ea0a -> be0e32a)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-semplot] 01/01: Initial upload to Debian (Closes: #835082)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] branch master updated (eee4ac6 -> 6b70e0e)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] 01/01: prepare for upload
Joost van Baal
- [urdfdom] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0 created (now 6d30ecd)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (052201a -> ba956e6)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/04: Update control file
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 02/04: Update package name
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 03/04: Removed patch merged upstream
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 04/04: Update changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (ba956e6 -> c9691c9)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: Do not need to include share/ for cmake and pkgconfig finders anymore
Jose Luis Rivero
- [getdp] branch master updated (67d1746 -> 7847bdc)
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] 01/08: Update d/watch.
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] 02/08: Refresh patch.
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] 03/08: Update d/copyright.
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] 04/08: Update d/rules.
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] 05/08: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] 06/08: Add myself to uploaders.
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] 07/08: Merge tag 'upstream/2.9.2+dfsg1'
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] branch pristine-tar updated (1b9803e -> 628e435)
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] 08/08: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] 01/01: pristine-tar data for getdp_2.9.2+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] annotated tag upstream/2.9.2+dfsg1 created (now cc72a59)
Anton Gladky
- [getdp] annotated tag debian/2.9.2+dfsg1-1 created (now 41c4e23)
Anton Gladky
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (c9691c9 -> d15e786)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: Rename install files
Jose Luis Rivero
- [nauty] branch master updated (efbbe10 -> f9c4760)
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/2.6r7'
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/2.6r7+ds'
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] branch pristine-tar updated (eeb0d4a -> 4e7e707)
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] 03/03: Imported Debian patch 2.6r7+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] 01/02: pristine-tar data for nauty_2.6r7.orig.tar.gz
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] 02/02: pristine-tar data for nauty_2.6r7+ds.orig.tar.xz
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] annotated tag upstream/2.6r7+ds created (now 816d018)
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] annotated tag upstream/2.6r7 created (now 697c27c)
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] annotated tag debian/2.6r7+ds-1 created (now 6353bb6)
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] branch feature/shlib deleted (was 938aacf)
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] branch test-master deleted (was 650cbe8)
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] branch test-upstream deleted (was 4205232)
Jerome Benoit
- [nauty] branch build deleted (was 295795e)
Jerome Benoit
- [fplll] branch master updated (ac4241b -> 78efa04)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 01/08: Follow upstream homepage change
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 02/08: Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.0'
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 03/08: Package new 5.0.0 upstream and reworked d/copyright
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 04/08: Enable all hardening flags
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 05/08: Added a patch for typos
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 06/08: Added a patch to fix the pkgconfig file
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 07/08: Fix doc-base
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 08/08: Added a manpage for latsieve
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] branch pristine-tar updated (8b3ce96 -> 7e29aec)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 01/01: pristine-tar data for fplll_5.0.0.orig.tar.gz
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] annotated tag upstream/5.0.0 created (now a434ee5)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] branch master updated (78efa04 -> bf8ca11)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 01/01: Prepare for upload
Julien Puydt
- [getfem] branch master updated (41f3d1d -> d165939)
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 01/04: Update d/watch.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 02/04: Refresh patches.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/5.1+dfsg1'
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 04/04: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] branch pristine-tar updated (64fd4f7 -> cdac274)
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 01/01: pristine-tar data for getfem++_5.1+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] annotated tag debian/5.1+dfsg1-1 created (now 9648fb5)
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] annotated tag upstream/5.1+dfsg1 created (now 2d7f553)
Anton Gladky
- [ros-robot-model] branch master updated (ef1ab55 -> d685c26)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] 01/01: Fix compilation with liburdfdom-headers-dev
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [lib3ds] branch master updated (dd91b49 -> 640a2f0)
Anton Gladky
- [lib3ds] 01/04: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [lib3ds] 02/04: Do not install obselete config-file.
Anton Gladky
- [lib3ds] 03/04: Fix manpage errors.
Anton Gladky
- [lib3ds] 04/04: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [lib3ds] annotated tag debian/1.3.0-9 created (now 51acaad)
Anton Gladky
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (d15e786 -> 53c1b72)
Anton Gladky
- [urdfdom] 01/02: Drop dbg-package.
Anton Gladky
- [urdfdom] 02/02: Do not override binary strip.
Anton Gladky
- [sagemath] branch master updated (8d9cf78 -> 0f097a3)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Fix python-numpy version
Ximin Luo
- [spyder] branch experimental updated (598f469 -> 72b4b2f)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 01/03: add missing dependencies
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.0_b5+dfsg1' into experimental
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 03/03: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] branch pristine-tar updated (4649359 -> 373fb32)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] 01/01: pristine-tar data for spyder_3.0.0~b5+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] annotated tag debian/3.0.0_b5+dfsg1-1_exp1 created (now 961aa8a)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [spyder] annotated tag upstream/3.0.0_b5+dfsg1 created (now 4d9167d)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [fplll] branch master updated (bf8ca11 -> d2b5624)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 01/01: Mark as UNRELEASED again: upstream missed the soname bump and it's breaking its rdeps
Julien Puydt
- [hdf-compass] annotated tag debian/0.6.0-1 created (now 0dfb233)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] branch debian/master updated (beb9132 -> ff1fe0a)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 01/07: Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.1+ds1' into debian/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 02/07: Bump standards version to 3.9.8, no changes required.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] branch pristine-tar updated (3fc8bc4 -> cda2200)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 03/07: Cherry-pick patch series fixing FTBFS on Stretch.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 04/07: Cherry-pick patch series fixing FTBFS of the testsuite.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 05/07: Remove test target override, no longer necessary.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 06/07: Drop debug package in favor of autogenerated dbgsym.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 07/07: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 01/01: pristine-tar data for shark_3.1.1+ds1.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [r-cran-mi] branch master created (now 7415a2d)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] branch pristine-tar created (now 153cab7)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 1.0-1
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-mi_1.0.orig.tar.gz
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] annotated tag debian/1.0-1 created (now dbf9b9b)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] annotated tag upstream/1.0 created (now 2c38d72)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] branch master updated (7415a2d -> b939fc3)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] 01/01: * First upload to Debian archive. Closes: #835303
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] branch master updated (6b70e0e -> 8e6fe8a)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] 01/01: debian/control: add missing depends ${shlibs:Depends}
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-qgraph] branch master updated (fa84f51 -> 83f770a)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-qgraph] 01/01: 1 out of 10 missing build deps is almost there...
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] branch master updated (8e6fe8a -> ab9b3b5)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] 01/02: ready for upload
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] 02/02: debian/control: update standards from 3.9.6 to 3.9.8 (no changes needed)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] branch master updated (b939fc3 -> a0f14f5)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] 01/02: debian/control: add missing build-depends r-cran-arm.
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] 02/02: ready for upload
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] annotated tag debian/3.1.7-2 created (now cf2e80e)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] branch master updated (a0f14f5 -> b851c56)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] 01/02: debian/control: update standards from 3.9.6 to 3.9.8, no changes needed.
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] 02/02: oops...; new tag + release
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] annotated tag debian/1.0-2 created (now 259ccba)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] annotated tag debian/1.0-3 created (now c0f7355)
Joost van Baal
- [lua-torch-xlua] branch master updated (77bc01d -> aaafd5e)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0~20160617-g0dd5f4c-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-xlua] annotated tag debian/0_20160617-g0dd5f4c-1 created (now ce77429)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (4ef882a -> 0d9b552)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0~20160803-g17ff317-2
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] annotated tag debian/0_20160803-g17ff317-2 created (now a4f09c6)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (0d9b552 -> 95f9d50)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/02: patch: add fix-32bit-system-abs-failure
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 02/02: dch: release -3 to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [r-cran-formatr] tag debian/1.2.1-2 created (now ba193fb)
Joost van Baal
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (95f9d50 -> 0dff46b)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/01: rules: avoid the .pc surprise
Zhou Mo
- [deal.ii] branch master updated (f6fd116 -> 7e89fea)
Graham Inggs
- [deal.ii] 01/02: Limit parallel builds to 2 processes
Graham Inggs
- [deal.ii] 02/02: Cherry-pick part of upstream fix for a build failure with new PETSc
Graham Inggs
- [shark] branch debian/master updated (ff1fe0a -> a461b6b)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 01/01: Add patch fixing HDF5 detection with CMake 3.6.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [yade] branch master updated (89d99aa -> 845cc42)
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 01/03: Add python-pyqt5.qtwebkit to dependencies.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 02/03: Fix crash during testing.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 03/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] annotated tag debian/2016.06a-4 created (now c8ef2f3)
Anton Gladky
- [calculix-ccx] annotated tag debian/2.11-1 created (now ede5e72)
Anton Gladky
- [calculix-ccx-doc] annotated tag debian/2.11-1 created (now 788eea0)
Anton Gladky
- [calculix-ccx-test] annotated tag debian/2.11-1 created (now 2c7be28)
Anton Gladky
- [slepc] branch master updated (29fbdf4 -> 4a8ed80)
Drew Parsons
- [slepc] 01/01: update Uploaders list
Drew Parsons
- [superlu] branch master updated (e35f0c3 -> ae55f22)
Drew Parsons
- [superlu] 01/01: Update the Uploaders list
Drew Parsons
- [shark] annotated tag debian/3.1.1+ds1-1 created (now 556b898)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] branch debian/sid deleted (was f9e5876)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [dolfin] branch master updated (1a61bfb -> 13f7b8a)
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] 01/01: update Uploaders list
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] branch master updated (13f7b8a -> 29fcbcd)
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] 01/01: grammar correction
Drew Parsons
- [lua-torch-trepl] branch master updated (367e242 -> 3ca200c)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-trepl] 01/05: control: add lua-penlight as B-D
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-trepl] 02/05: control: set torch-trepl arch to all
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-trepl] 03/05: man: update manpage th.1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-trepl] 04/05: d/*: update wrapper script th
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-trepl] 05/05: dch: release to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-image] branch master created (now bafd9ba)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-image] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0~20160730-g797fcb1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-image] branch pristine-tar created (now 917a10c)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-image] 01/01: pristine-tar data for lua-torch-image_0~20160730-g797fcb1.orig.tar.gz
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-image] annotated tag upstream/0_20160730-g797fcb1 created (now 8ab6b06)
Zhou Mo
- [getfem] branch master updated (d165939 -> 1dfe7d0)
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 01/02: Disable failing test.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] annotated tag debian/5.1+dfsg1-2 created (now 1b4c126)
Anton Gladky
- [kido] branch master updated (e5aff48 -> d0d2ee8)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/02: Patch to remove msse2 compiler flag
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 02/02: Update to 0.1.0+dfsg-2
Jose Luis Rivero
- [3depict] branch master updated (352ed97 -> 947fcbe)
Anton Gladky
- [3depict] 01/01: Join d/changelog entries.
Anton Gladky
- [3depict] annotated tag debian/0.0.19-1 created (now e3de9a5)
Anton Gladky
- [fplll] branch master updated (d2b5624 -> 0774d03)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.1'
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 02/03: Packaging 5.0.1
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 03/03: Prepare for upload
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] branch pristine-tar updated (7e29aec -> 61f428e)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 01/01: pristine-tar data for fplll_5.0.1.orig.tar.gz
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] annotated tag upstream/5.0.1 created (now 3c6c4fe)
Julien Puydt
- [deal.ii] branch master updated (7e89fea -> a1d1d85)
Graham Inggs
- [deal.ii] 01/01: Prepare for upload to unstable
Graham Inggs
- [deal.ii] annotated tag debian/8.4.1-3 created (now 386a408)
Graham Inggs
- [fplll] tag debian/5.0.1-1 created (now 0774d03)
Julien Puydt
- [kido] branch master updated (d0d2ee8 -> e2ea23e)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Fix patch
Jose Luis Rivero
- [admesh] branch master updated (0f6e55b -> 3e26830)
Anton Gladky
- [admesh] 01/03: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [admesh] 02/03: Drop -dbg-package.
Anton Gladky
- [admesh] 03/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [admesh] annotated tag debian/0.98.2-3 created (now 1e4a304)
Anton Gladky
- [alglib] branch master updated (6858120 -> 237cd4f)
Anton Gladky
- [alglib] 01/03: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [alglib] 02/03: Drop -dbg-package.
Anton Gladky
- [alglib] 03/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [alglib] annotated tag debian/3.10.0-2 created (now dc8f47d)
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] branch master updated (86a328c -> 221266e)
Anton Gladky
- [eigen3] 01/01: Fix grammar error. (Closes: #813233)
Anton Gladky
- [arpack++] branch master updated (cc886d2 -> d66dcc1)
Anton Gladky
- [arpack++] 01/03: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [arpack++] 02/03: Remove Christophe from uploaders list. (Closes: #835015)
Anton Gladky
- [arpack++] 03/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [pyfai] branch master updated (ad9a9f5 -> 8036ce8)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 01/01: remove python-fftw dependency
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] annotated tag debian/0.12.0+dfsg-5 created (now 3d6af0f)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] annotated tag debian/4.0.1+dfsg-1 created (now 8cd4ce9)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 01/06: fix the files-Excluded for 4.0.1
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 02/06: New upstream version 4.0.1+dfsg
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] annotated tag upstream/4.0.1+dfsg created (now 93a8dc9)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 03/06: Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.1+dfsg'
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 04/06: cme fix dpkg
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 05/06: refresh rules
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 06/06: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] branch master updated (f811bcb -> 06945e4)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] branch pristine-tar updated (6987a5e -> 49155ad)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 01/01: pristine-tar data for taurus_4.0.1+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] branch master updated (8036ce8 -> a069f00)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] 01/01: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pyfai] annotated tag debian/0.12.0+dfsg-5 created (now 580b669)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [lua-torch-image] branch master updated (bafd9ba -> 819eed2)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-image] 01/01: Initialize packaging
Zhou Mo
- [petsc] branch master updated (d1aa11b -> e5459b1)
Drew Parsons
- [petsc] 01/01: Reinstate build on kfreebsd i.e. Architecture: any
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] branch master updated (29fcbcd -> 525511c)
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] 01/01: enable parallel build
Drew Parsons
- [ros-navigation-msgs] branch master updated (2faed64 -> ca2fa2a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] 01/02: Update build dependencies
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] 02/02: Update changelog for 1.13.0-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-navigation-msgs] annotated tag debian/1.13.0-4 created (now a6f3bf2)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] branch master updated (6ebe0a0 -> aa29035)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 01/02: Add missing build dependency
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 02/02: Update changelog for 1.12.4-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] annotated tag debian/1.12.4-4 created (now f225e6e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] branch master updated (b22b946 -> 7b4e7cf)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 01/02: Fix build dependencies
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 02/02: Update changelog for 0.5.13-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] annotated tag debian/0.5.13-4 created (now 5f447bf)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [givaro] branch master updated (2c9c6d8 -> 6d53907)
Doug Torrance
- [givaro] 01/01: Append -ffp-contract=off to CXXFLAGS to fix FTBFS on mips64el and s390x.
Doug Torrance
- [ros-catkin] annotated tag debian/0.7.1-3 created (now 95dd4db)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] 01/02: Add patch to fix reproducible builds
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] 02/02: Update changelog for 0.7.1-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] branch master updated (d9e6a7a -> 0cfb71f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [gazebo] branch master updated (62b07a6 -> 1849d1a)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] 01/02: Include patch to fix tinyxml constant removal
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] 02/02: Update to -3 revision
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (e2ea23e -> bebc2f7)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/02: Use std::shared instead of boost::shared
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 02/02: Update changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (bebc2f7 -> 413b54f)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Fix changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (413b54f -> be18ee3)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Fix tinyxml new constant
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (be18ee3 -> aed31ce)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Update changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [apertium-ita] branch master created (now b6df340)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-ita] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.9.0~r72553
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-ita] branch pristine-tar created (now 6e6c1d5)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-ita] branch upstream created (now 023382c)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-ita] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.9.0~r72553-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-ita] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-ita_0.9.0~r72553.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-ita] annotated tag upstream/0.9.0_r72553 created (now 59c9fd8)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd] branch master created (now ccdae50)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.9.0~r72552
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd] branch upstream created (now 123d183)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd] branch pristine-tar created (now 15f0759)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.9.0~r72552-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-srd_0.9.0~r72552.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd] annotated tag upstream/0.9.0_r72552 created (now b386ba5)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd-ita] branch master created (now 6a13ee6)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd-ita] branch upstream created (now 49062ce)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd-ita] branch pristine-tar created (now 92765f8)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd-ita] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.9.0~r72554
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd-ita] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.9.0~r72554-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd-ita] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-srd-ita_0.9.0~r72554.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-srd-ita] annotated tag upstream/0.9.0_r72554 created (now 36e4bd7)
Tino Didriksen
- [r-cran-mi] branch master updated (b851c56 -> 9466b40)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mi] 01/01: debian/copyright: completed; thanks Thorsten Alteholz
Joost van Baal
- [ros-pcl-msgs] branch master updated (5ed44b8 -> 9c914db)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-pcl-msgs] 01/01: Add missing build dependency
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [r-cran-mi] annotated tag debian/1.0-4 created (now f40e2dd)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] branch master updated (ab9b3b5 -> 6644f7c)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] 01/01: debian/copyright: completed, thanks Thorsten Alteholz
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-sem] annotated tag debian/3.1.7-3 created (now 21a70ac)
Joost van Baal
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] branch master updated (aac607b -> 23ef069)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] 01/01: Add missing build dependency
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-control-msgs] branch master updated (b932ebe -> c566972)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-control-msgs] 01/01: Add missing build dependencies
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-actionlib] branch master updated (0edb824 -> 2b62f8a)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-actionlib] 01/01: Add missing build dependencies
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-pcl-msgs] branch master updated (9c914db -> a83ea70)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-msgs] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.2.0-5 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pcl-msgs] annotated tag debian/0.2.0-5 created (now e86bf11)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] branch master updated (23ef069 -> adb680a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.2-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm-msgs] annotated tag debian/1.11.2-4 created (now fbdb0e3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [givaro] tag debian/4.0.2-2 created (now 6d53907)
Doug Torrance
- [emos] tag debian/2%4.4.1-5 created (now 7fcec76)
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] tag upstream/4.4.3 created (now 0ad0003)
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 01/01: Remove unnecessary libpng, openjpeg dependencies. Closes: #82611
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] branch debian/master updated (ccdf050 -> ddcba0f)
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 01/06: Merge upstream 4.4.2
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 02/06: Set cmake dependency versioned
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 03/06: Update patches
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 04/06: * debian/rules: Use dpkg-architecture go get list of little-endian archs on which we don't run tests, instead of hard-coded list. * Avoid chrpath -d on non-ELF binaries
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 05/06: Upstream release 4.4.3
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 06/06: Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.3' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [ompl] branch master updated (9ba4dd5 -> c8db4cc)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 01/07: Added flann patches
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 02/07: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8 (no changes)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 03/07: Added pkg-config as build dependency
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 04/07: Flann patches added to series
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 05/07: Added DEB_CXXFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND to rules to compile with gcc-6. Thanks Adrian Bunk (Closes: #831074)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 06/07: Added hardening=+bindnow to DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 07/07: Updated changelog. Final version
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] tag debian/1.1.0+ds1-2 created (now c8db4cc)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [freefoam] branch master updated (c95645b -> 6c49874)
Anton Gladky
- [freefoam] 01/06: Fix compilation due to flex version. (Closes: #831247)
Anton Gladky
- [freefoam] 02/06: Remove Gerber from the uploader list.
Anton Gladky
- [freefoam] 03/06: Apply cme fix dpkg-control.
Anton Gladky
- [freefoam] 04/06: Apply cme fix dpkg-copyright.
Anton Gladky
- [freefoam] 05/06: Ignore quilt dir
Anton Gladky
- [freefoam] 06/06: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [freefoam] annotated tag debian/0.1.0+dfsg+1-4 created (now d531f0a)
Anton Gladky
- [ros-geometry] branch master updated (ab7ca93 -> 5722e2b)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-geometry] 01/01: Add missing build dependencies
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-bond-core] branch master updated (8dde16e -> 40e0390)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-bond-core] 01/01: Add missing build dependencies
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-image-common] branch master updated (0d4e195 -> 1c1eee5)
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-image-common] 01/01: Add missing build dependencies
Daniele E. Domenichelli
- [ros-geometry] branch master updated (5722e2b -> dfa815c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.8-2 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] annotated tag debian/1.11.8-2 created (now 116a894)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-bond-core] annotated tag debian/1.7.17-3 created (now 93ed9dd)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-bond-core] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.7.17-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-bond-core] branch master updated (40e0390 -> d871879)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] branch master updated (1c1eee5 -> f064730)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.10-6 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] annotated tag debian/1.11.10-6 created (now 38adb92)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] annotated tag debian/1.11.6-3 created (now bbc082a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.6-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] branch master updated (2b62f8a -> 1645201)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] branch master updated (d685c26 -> 939fbf2)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.12.3-2 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] annotated tag debian/1.12.3-2 created (now 8d1f225)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] annotated tag debian/1.11.11+ds-4 created (now 7dcf8e3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 01/03: Revert "Merge tag 'upstream/1.12.0+ds'"
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 02/03: Fix build dependencies
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 03/03: Update changelog for 1.11.11+ds-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] branch master updated (8d08f16 -> 1e86b70)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [kido] branch master updated (aed31ce -> b806b31)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Add a patch to fix link of unitests
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sdformat] branch master updated (18041b3 -> b3cfbe3)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sdformat] 01/01: Add patch to replace boost pointers by std
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (b806b31 -> 8ac8a0f)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Update changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sdformat] branch master updated (b3cfbe3 -> b77c74d)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sdformat] 01/01: Include boost header in patch
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-transport] branch master updated (8ab0fd8 -> af8931f)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-transport] 01/01: Fix compilation for protobuf3
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-transport] branch master updated (af8931f -> 5ccd8f1)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-transport] 01/01: Close bug
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sdformat] branch master updated (b77c74d -> 23f0dc0)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [sdformat] 01/01: Update changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [fflas-ffpack] branch master updated (2b00f72 -> 280eb83)
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 01/07: debian/control: Bump maximum version of libgivaro-dev in Build-Depends to 4.0.3.
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 02/07: debian/patches/pkg-config-bad-directive.patch: Refresh for new version.
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 03/07: Add pkg-config to Build-Depends.
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 04/07: debian/rules: Replace --disable-{avx, sse} options to dh_auto_configure with --disable-simd.
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 05/07: debian/patches/skip-test-ftrsm.patch: New patch; skips failing test.
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 06/07: debian/docs: Rename README to
Doug Torrance
- [fflas-ffpack] 07/07: debian/changelog: Add entry for version 2.2.2-1.
Doug Torrance
- [yade] branch jessie-backports updated (3cc2b90 -> 777438f)
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 01/04: Merge.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 02/04: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 03/04: Fix dependencies.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 04/04: Switch off QT5-mode explicitly.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] annotated tag debian/2016.06a-4_bpo8+1 created (now ed80b9c)
Anton Gladky
- [fflas-ffpack] branch master updated (280eb83 -> 9db26f6)
Andreas Tille
- [fflas-ffpack] 01/01: Upload to unstable
Andreas Tille
- [fflas-ffpack] tag debian/2.2.2-1 created (now 9db26f6)
Andreas Tille
- [opengm] branch debian/master updated (3231030 -> 4e9c1d9)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 01/386: prototype for learnable functions with features
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 02/386: bugfixes and empty test for learnable functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 03/386: replaced content with TODO list
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 04/386: add test and learnable potts function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 05/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 06/386: add I/O for LPotts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 07/386: add LPotts IO-test and do bugfixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 08/386: add directory structure for learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 09/386: typos
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 10/386: add interface for learnable functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 11/386: start hammingloss
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 12/386: prototypical implementation for loss and learning, befor adding unittests some interfaces need to be specified
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 13/386: todos
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 14/386: add dumydataset - untested
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 15/386: syntax checking and bugfixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 16/386: added test-learning, added scaffolds for bundle-optimizer and struct-max-margin, fixed compile errors in hammingloss and testdataset
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 17/386: checkin of linear and quadratic solver and Gurobi backend for learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 18/386: bundle-optimizer: added setup of QP
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 19/386: add typedef and make it larger
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 20/386: add missing return value
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 21/386: now this solver do grid search learning (todo: rename file)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 22/386: add couts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 23/386: write test for grid search learning(todo: rename this file)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 24/386: formating
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 25/386: renaming
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 26/386: Fix gurobi library dependency include for tests
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 27/386: comments
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 28/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 29/386: add second test-dataset (with 3 parameters) and add it to greidsearch test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 30/386: change noise in datasets
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 31/386: save and load datasets for learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 32/386: add missing file for dataset-io
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 33/386: added Oracle stub to opengm/learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 34/386: Rename opengm::Parameters (aka ModelParameters) for learning to opengm::learning::Weights, and graphicalmodel/parameters.hxx to graphicalmodel/weights.hxx
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 35/386: Fix header include guard for weights
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 36/386: fixed operator[] for opengm::Weights
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 37/386: finished bundle method implementation
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 38/386: added *.swp to .gitignore
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 39/386: renamed opengm::{Paramters -> Weights} in bundle method
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 40/386: learnable functions in python seems to work
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 41/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 42/386: learnable functions in python seems to work
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 43/386: start refactoring dataset
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 44/386: fix learnablefunction renaming, method was called "paramaterGradient"...
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 45/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 46/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 47/386: setting initial values from numpy array works
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 48/386: now models with loss are created too
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 49/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 50/386: add: unit test for dataset structure
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 51/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 52/386: finished implementation (not testing) of StructMaxMargin
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 53/386: Add generalized hamming loss with small test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 54/386: add: test for max margin learning that reproduces
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 55/386: make it compileable
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 56/386: fix bug in deserialization of lpotts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 57/386: comment out test that does not stop
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 58/386: start refactoring datasets
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 59/386: change to new testmodels
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 60/386: reduce default testset size
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 61/386: change sign of loss in lossargumented model
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 62/386: adopt test to change in addloss
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 63/386: move test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 64/386: modify cmakefiles after move
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 65/386: add missing resize
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 66/386: added lunary to python
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 67/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 68/386: bugfix datasets
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 69/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 70/386: fixed gradient computation in struct-max-margin, re-enabled test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 71/386: use trws in test-learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 72/386: embarrassing bug fix in bundle method
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 73/386: Merge remote-tracking branch 'opengm/master'
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 74/386: Add cplex backend for quadratic solver. Compile learning test if cplex or gurobi is available.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 75/386: rename argument, add missing include
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 76/386: rename gt to gts and add another dataset constructor
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 77/386: add editable dataset and its python wrappers
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 78/386: fix CMameFile for test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 79/386: add new acyclic testdataset
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 80/386: new learning module
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 81/386: Merge commit '4c4667669a21f362e693c66fd2bfe38a7f303771'
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 82/386: Introducing loss parameters
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 83/386: Fix call operator of sum of experts which did not use the mapping of local to global weight indices yet.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 84/386: introduce default LossParameter
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 85/386: Remove unnecessary write to labelOffset_ in LUnary constructor
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 86/386: make arguments of pushBackInstance in EditableDataset const
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 87/386: remove unnecessary include
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 88/386: bring dataset IO to python and link against HDF5
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 89/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 90/386: mychanges
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 91/386: merged
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 92/386: added const to param ref in grid search learner
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 93/386: inital version of grid search learner in python
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 94/386: bugfix: iterator was not dereferenced in sum_of_experts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 95/386: bugfix: gradient-accumulator needs to pass local configuration to function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 96/386: added embarrassingly simple dataset
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 97/386: updated test_learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 98/386: fixed testdatasets
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 99/386: removed debug code from gradient-accumulator
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 100/386: fixed test_gridsearch_learner
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 101/386: fixed: resize count_ and isCached_ vector for EditableDataset
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 102/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 103/386: re-enabled all testdatasets in test_learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 104/386: BAZINGA bitches, its working
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 105/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 106/386: added py helper function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 107/386: Make sumOfExperts available from Python
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 108/386: improved python learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 109/386: improved python learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 110/386: bugfix
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 111/386: update cmakelists
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 112/386: add output
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 113/386: Remove Loss from StructMaxMargin template parameters. Update parameter object, and actually pass it to the optimizer. Use infParameter in Oracle. Use Gurobi OR Cplex as INF in test.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 114/386: fudwefrew
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 115/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 116/386: python
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 117/386: bring StructMaxMargin learner to python. needed inlining of all bundle optimizer methods.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 118/386: python loss param object
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 119/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 120/386: i am so lazy, i do not write proper commit messages
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 121/386: changing id of sum_of_experts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 122/386: adding more safeguards
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 123/386: use #ifdef instead of #if in test_learning.cxx
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 124/386: Add visitor that defines the learn methods for each Learner and all Inference methods.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 125/386: bugfix: GradientAccumulator is not supposed to initialize gradient with zero
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 126/386: add: new test to test_learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 127/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 128/386: fix: added lossParams_ to editabletestdataset constructor
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 129/386: use multiple models in test_learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 130/386: struct-max-margin: set data-weights only once for all models
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 131/386: bla
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 132/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 133/386: Update real world example, add Cplex to available inference methods for solvers.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 134/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 135/386: sumOfExperts serialization still to be debugged
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 136/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 137/386: added loss serialization; test-dataset-io still fails for sum of experts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 138/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 139/386: sumOfBi...Experts serialization fixed
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 140/386: improved lunary to remove number of parameters
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 141/386: improved lunary
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 142/386: changed loss interface
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 143/386: removed wrapped functions which will not work anyway...
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 144/386: breaks all tests. Revert "removed wrapped functions which will not work anyway..."
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 145/386: breaks all tests. Revert "changed loss interface"
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 146/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 147/386: remove obsolete test datasets
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 148/386: remove obsolete learnable functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 149/386: renamed sum_of_experts to lsum_of_experts for consistency
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 150/386: Link opengm python learning module against CPLEX and/or Gurobi
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 151/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 152/386: fix: change SumOfExperts to LSumOfExperts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 153/386: removed unused header
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 154/386: Fix tests after learnablefunction.hxx and l_potts.hxx were removed (but probably still present in installation destination of some developers)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 155/386: changed loss interface (+2 squashed commits) [051a8d8] Adjust test to calling the loss() function with a graphical model. [1c06923] removed wrapped functions which will not work anyway... [2f05d63] changed loss interface
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 156/386: lunary
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 157/386: lunary
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 158/386: fubar
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 159/386: Update dataset constructor on python side to set up the weights vector as well
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 160/386: Store best weight vector in dataset when done.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 161/386: new example
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 162/386: added debug output to bundle-optimizer
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 163/386: make weights_ mutable to be able to deserialize with function functor
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 164/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 165/386: added EpsStrategy parameter to bundle method
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 166/386: more learners can be used
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 167/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 168/386: mychanges
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 169/386: Adapt python wrapper to changes in struct max margin learner
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 170/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 171/386: colon missing
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 172/386: maximum likelihood files
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 173/386: New version for review
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 174/386: With likelihood function.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] branch debian/master updated (a461b6b -> ca53eb5)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 175/386: Change in eta.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 176/386: Latest test.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.2+ds1' into debian/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 177/386: No boundaries on the parameter, start at origin.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 02/06: Update patch queue.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 178/386: changes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 03/06: Exclude test cases labeled as slow from running.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 179/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 04/06: Silence svnversion noise during build.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 180/386: Update structure of maxLikelihood. Export to python, run from real example 2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 05/06: Minor enhancements to rules file.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 181/386: Embarassingly simple example: one-variable model, with max likelihood learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 06/06: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 182/386: renamed file: pyMaxLikelihoodLearner.cxx
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 183/386: implemented getLoss for dataset and almost brought it to python, still to be fixed: pyDataset
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 184/386: python scripts to convert the pystruct pascal VOC dataset to openGM format and learn
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] branch pristine-tar updated (cda2200 -> 0c660e7)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 185/386: fix ifdef
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 186/386: fixed python wrapping, with @Steffen-Wolf
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 187/386: fixed loss return
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 188/386: fixed bug in gridesearchlearning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 189/386: batch function gen for lpotts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 01/01: pristine-tar data for shark_3.1.2+ds1.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 190/386: batch function gen for lpotts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 191/386: batch function gen for lpotts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 192/386: -impmeneted batch adding of python learnable functions, NICE AS FUCK! - removed pure 'python-function' from typelist - improved const correctness
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 193/386: started to add rebing to all inference methods
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 194/386: fixed class vs struct bug
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 195/386: implemnted rebind for for almost all inference methods
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 196/386: implemented structured perceptron
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 197/386: loss graphical model type can now be specified in the dataset but has a meaningfull default templatization
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 198/386: better struct. perceptron
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 199/386: better struct. perceptron
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 200/386: implemented subgradient ssvm
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 201/386: fixed bugs...
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 202/386: new dataset, way
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 203/386: fixed minor bugs in examples
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 204/386: fixed minor bugs in examples
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 205/386: fixed stupid bugs
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 206/386: fixed stupid bugs
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 207/386: new stuff
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 208/386: fixed major bug in editabledataset.hxx
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 209/386: fixed bug i introduced
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 210/386: my local changes:
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 211/386: merged
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 212/386: added new dataset to python
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 213/386: minor stuff
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 214/386: first bugfixes for maxlikelihoodlearning - need more
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 215/386: remove code from mll
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 216/386: added missing file
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 217/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 218/386: refactor WeightGradientFunctor
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 219/386: bazinga
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 220/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 221/386: bazinga
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 222/386: added isPotts overload to potts function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 223/386: minor changes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 224/386: reimplement mll
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 225/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 226/386: change to reimplemeted mll - test-learning and test-subgradient-ssvm fails
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 227/386: bazinga
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 228/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 229/386: implemented py wrapper for maxlh-learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 230/386: fubar
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 231/386: added weight constraints and weight regularizer to dataset
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 232/386: Only build SelfFusion if QPBO is enabled
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 233/386: Find package OpenMP and build the subgradient ssvm test with those flags set
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 234/386: update mll
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 235/386: comment unet test out - jan/Thorsten plz check this
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 236/386: superpixel dataset creator
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 237/386: minor improvements
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 238/386: Allow to build SubrgradientSSVM without OpenMP, and link the learning python module against openmp
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 239/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 240/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 241/386: add temperature to mll
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 242/386: some learning python tests
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 243/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 244/386: WeightGradientFunctor global weight indexing (error) changed to local weight indexing. Gradient parameters and Belief Propagation parameters added to interface. Info printouts added to include file.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 245/386: Merge branch 'master' of into maximum_likelihood
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 246/386: reduce test to shorter time
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 247/386: add second dataset to mll test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 248/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 249/386: temp. disabled learn method from ml-learning in python binding
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 250/386: temp. disabled learn method from ml-learning in python binding
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 251/386: temp. disabled learn method from ml-learning in python binding
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 252/386: removed weight regularzier from ds (stupid idead of me to put it there)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 253/386: Belief Propagation parameters added to learner.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 254/386: Merge branch 'master' of into maximum_likelihood
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 255/386: made pyMh-learn build again
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 256/386: Typo in cmakelist
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 257/386: some minor fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 258/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 259/386: fixed h5 bugs
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 260/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 261/386: All parameters added. C++ and Python tests added.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 262/386: isActive added to the belief propagation parameters (trivial test is fubar/
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 263/386: minor changes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 264/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 265/386: fix parameter rebind
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 266/386: add Multicut
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 267/386: learning changes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 268/386: seems to be working
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 269/386: add learning code (experimental)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 270/386: fix ambiguities in names
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 271/386: Update lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 272/386: RebindGm added to LPCplex2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 273/386: Add RebindGM to LPCplex2 so that it can be used for structured learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 274/386: Fix an #elif statement to find the cplex backend for the struct-max-margin solver
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 275/386: Merge pull request #374 from chaubold/fix-lpcplex2-rebindgm
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 276/386: Merge pull request #375 from chaubold/fix-solver-check-SSVM
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 277/386: Add LpGurobi2::RebindGm to allow learning with Gurobi solver
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 278/386: Merge pull request #376 from chaubold/fix-lpgurobi-rebindgm
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 279/386: Use IndexType instead of UInt16 in LearnableUnary, to allow large numbers of features
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 280/386: Merge pull request #378 from chaubold/fix-lunary-uint16
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 281/386: lweighted sum of functions calls operator() on Marray with proper indices for dimension =2 (and 1)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 282/386: corrects indexing call from a learnable function.weightGradient to a multidimensional marray (*begin ---> begin) (this was working correctly only for 1-dim marrays)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 283/386: add model print out in struct-max-margin iteration
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 284/386: lweightedsum_of_functions OPENGM_ASSERT corrected
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 285/386: adding normalized weights print output (only for check of convergence - not to be used in calculation)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 286/386: paralellization added to struct-max-margin (triggered by WITH_OPENMP)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 287/386: removed redundant print info
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 288/386: Update
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 289/386: Update
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 290/386: Update
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 291/386: Update
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 292/386: Merge branch 'learning-experimental' of into structured_learning_2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 293/386: Merge pull request #399 from ilastikdev/structured_learning_2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 294/386: minor fix
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 295/386: verbose=false implemented in more detail
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 296/386: Merge branch 'learning-experimental' of into structured_learning_2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 297/386: Merge pull request #400 from ilastikdev/structured_learning_2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 298/386: removed deprecated function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 299/386: most certainly fixed bugs
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 300/386: max. lh learning test less time consuming
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 301/386: outsmarting travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 302/386: outsmarting travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 303/386: update struct. perceptron
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 304/386: update struct. perceptron
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 305/386: update struct. perceptron
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 306/386: fixed that shit
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 307/386: fixed that shit
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 308/386: fixed that shit
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 309/386: defined CI to detect travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 310/386: give travis another shot
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 311/386: Merge pull request #9 from opengm/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 312/386: udpated readme
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 313/386: changed travis script
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 314/386: updated travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 315/386: updated travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 316/386: Merge pull request #104 from opengm/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 317/386: fix problems with VS 2010
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 318/386: Intersection Based and 3-cycles
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 319/386: Merge pull request #419 from consti123/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 320/386: Merge branch 'master' of into structured_learning_2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 321/386: commented out code removed
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 322/386: Merge pull request #422 from ilastikdev/structured_learning_2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 323/386: Merge pull request #423 from opengm/learning-experimental
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 324/386: hotfix
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 325/386: Also install header files with extension .h -- needed for structured learning solvers
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 326/386: Merge pull request #425 from chaubold/fix-header-patterns-when-installing
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 327/386: Merge pull request #10 from opengm/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 328/386: removed learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 329/386: removed lfunctions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 330/386: removed py learning
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 331/386: removed learning wip
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 332/386: Merge pull request #413 from DerThorsten/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 333/386: fixed fusion for cc
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 334/386: Merge pull request #426 from DerThorsten/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 335/386: fixed include guards and WITH_*** problems for intersection based
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 336/386: Merge pull request #427 from DerThorsten/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 337/386: fixing travis wip
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 338/386: fixing travis wip
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 339/386: Merge pull request #428 from DerThorsten/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 340/386: trying hdf5 serial version
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 341/386: Merge pull request #429 from DerThorsten/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 342/386: added different boost sources in travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 343/386: Merge pull request #430 from DerThorsten/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 344/386: chaged find hdf5 script
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 345/386: Merge pull request #431 from DerThorsten/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 346/386: Tentative fix for a memory leak in fast_sequence.hxx.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 347/386: Disable a check in the test that results in an out-of-bounds access.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 348/386: undo dirty pull request revert hack Revert "removed learning wip" This reverts commit 148769919324737ed258eb24db07904a9337e119.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 349/386: Revert "Merge pull request #423 from opengm/learning-experimental"
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 350/386: huthut
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 351/386: Revert "huthut"
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 352/386: Merge pull request #442 from svenpeter42/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 353/386: disable mem-logging by default, because it might not work on all systems
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 354/386: Merge pull request #438 from bluescarni/partitions_test_fix
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 355/386: add libhdf5 to travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 356/386: Merge branch 'master' of
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 357/386: add libhdf5-serial-dev to travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 358/386: add hdf5 for osx to travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 359/386: add hdf5 for osx to travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 360/386: add hdf5 for osx to travis (next try)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 361/386: fix wrong namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 362/386: Merge pull request #105 from opengm/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 363/386: Merge pull request #450 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 364/386: disable python on osx for travis
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 365/386: Merge pull request #436 from bluescarni/memory_leak_fix
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 366/386: Update
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 367/386: Merge pull request #106 from opengm/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 368/386: merge changes on inference methods from learning branch
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 369/386: merge changes on inference methods from learning branch
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 370/386: some python fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 371/386: Merge pull request #467 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 372/386: Added logsumexp op for log semiring (to work in log space for sum product alg)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 373/386: Python bindings for log semiring
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 374/386: merge changes for functions and graphical model from the learning branch
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 375/386: merge changes for functions and graphical model from the learning branch
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 376/386: Merge pull request #470 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 377/386: merging changes from learning-branch into master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 378/386: Merge pull request #471 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 379/386: Merge pull request #469 from yunesj/log_semiring
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 380/386: Merge tag 'v2.3.6+20160814' into debian/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 381/386: Update patch queue.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 382/386: Bump standards version to 3.9.8, no changes required.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 383/386: Drop build of examples.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 384/386: Skip usage of RPATH with CMake.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 385/386: Assorted enhancements to rules file:
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 386/386: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] branch master updated (f0c167b -> d73e5a7)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] annotated tag debian/3.1.2+ds1-1 created (now 39ff307)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] annotated tag upstream/3.1.2+ds1 created (now aaf911e)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [getfem] branch master updated (1dfe7d0 -> 892be9f)
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 01/02: Disable failing test.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [getfem] annotated tag debian/5.1+dfsg1-3 created (now 53d237f)
Anton Gladky
- [kido] branch master updated (8ac8a0f -> 867494d)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Update patches information
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] branch master updated (1849d1a -> d033bbf)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] 01/01: Fix the double declaration of Status
Jose Luis Rivero
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 17:58:28 UTC 2016
Archived on: Wed Aug 31 17:58:38 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).