[calculix-ccx-test] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.11'

Wolfgang Fütterer debian at wlf-online.de
Tue Aug 9 08:16:25 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

wlfuetter-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository calculix-ccx-test.

commit 7e1216eb84bc4d04419c4be88d910ee254de4ffe
Merge: e3e60d0 9e99365
Author: Wolfgang Fütterer <debian at wlf-online.de>
Date:   Mon Aug 8 15:20:29 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.11'
    Upstream version 2.11
    # gpg: Unterschrift vom Mo 08 Aug 2016 15:19:55 CEST
    # gpg:                mittels RSA-Schlüssel 0x45E927009D74ED7C
    # gpg: Korrekte Unterschrift von "Wolfgang Fuetterer <debian at wlf-online.de>"
    # gpg: WARNUNG: Dieser Schlüssel trägt keine vertrauenswürdige Signatur!
    # gpg:          Es gibt keinen Hinweis, daß die Signatur wirklich dem vorgeblichen Besitzer gehört.
    # Haupt-Fingerabdruck  = 2F9A 9F9F 92E8 7025 3ACA  3562 82D6 53A2 DF30 32A6
    # Unter-Fingerabdruck  = F042 353C 6B86 A1D6 F6CE  BF2C 45E9 2700 9D74 ED7C

 ccx_2.10/test/beamcom.dat.ref                      |  144 -
 ccx_2.10/test/beammix.dat.ref                      |   70 -
 ccx_2.10/test/beamnldype.dat.ref                   | 1564 -----
 ccx_2.10/test/beamtor.dat.ref                      |   65 -
 ccx_2.10/test/branchjoint1.dat.ref                 |   34 -
 ccx_2.10/test/branchjoint3.dat.ref                 |   34 -
 ccx_2.10/test/branchjoint4.dat.ref                 |   34 -
 ccx_2.10/test/damper1.dat.ref                      |  849 ---
 ccx_2.10/test/gaspipe-fanno10.dat.ref              |   52 -
 ccx_2.10/test/gaspipe8-cfd-pressure.dat.ref        |   44 -
 ccx_2.10/test/gaspipe9.dat.ref                     |   48 -
 ccx_2.10/test/moehring.dat.ref                     |   28 -
 ccx_2.10/test/pendel.dat.ref                       | 6510 -------------------
 ccx_2.10/test/pendel.frd.ref                       | 3038 ---------
 ccx_2.10/test/restrictor-oil.dat.ref               |   52 -
 ccx_2.10/test/restrictor.dat.ref                   |   52 -
 ccx_2.10/test/rot3.dat.ref                         |   16 -
 ccx_2.10/test/section.frd.ref                      |  197 -
 ccx_2.10/test/swing.dat.ref                        |  597 --
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtel2.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtel2.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtel29.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtel29.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtel9.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtel9.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtelc.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtelc.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtelcas.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtelcas.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achteld.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achteld.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtelg.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtelg.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtelp.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/achtelp.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/acou1.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/acou1.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/acou2.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/acou2.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/acou3.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/acou3.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/acou4.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/acou4.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/aircolumn.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/aircolumn.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/anipla.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/anipla.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/aniso.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/aniso.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery1.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery1.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery2.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery2.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery3.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery3.frd.ref        |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery3.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery4.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery4.frd.ref        |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery4.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery5.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery5.frd.ref        |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/artery5.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/ax6.dat.ref            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/ax6.inp                |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/ax6ht.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/ax6ht.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/axial.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/axial.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/axiplane.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/axiplane.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/axrad.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/axrad.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/axrad2.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/axrad2.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/b31.dat.ref            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/b31.frd.ref            |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/b31.inp                |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/ball.dat.ref           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/ball.inp               |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam10p.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam10p.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam20p.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam20p.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam20t.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam20t.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam8b.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam8b.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam8f.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam8f.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam8p.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam8p.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam8t.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beam8t.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamabq.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamabq.inp            |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamb.inp              |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/beamcom.dat.ref                      |  144 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamcom.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamcontact.dat.ref    |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamcontact.frd.ref    |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamcontact.inp        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamcr.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamcr.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamcr2.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamcr2.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamd.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamd.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamd2.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamd2.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdelay.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdelay.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy1.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy1.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy10.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy10.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy11.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy11.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy12.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy12.inp           |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy13.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy14.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy14.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy15.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy15.inp           |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy16.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy17.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy17.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy18.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy18.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy19.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy19.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy2.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy2.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy3.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy3.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy4.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy4.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy5.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy5.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy6.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy6.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy7.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy7.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy8.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy8.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy9.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdy9.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdynamic.dat.ref    |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamdynamic.inp        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamf.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamf.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamf2.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamf2.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamfsh1.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamfsh1.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamft.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamft.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhf.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhf.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtbf.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtbf.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtbo.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtbo.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtcr.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtcr.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtcr2.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtcr2.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtfc.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtfc.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtfc2.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamhtfc2.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamidset.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamidset.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamimpdy1.dat.ref     |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamimpdy1.inp         |    0
 .../test/beamimpdy1nodirect.dat.ref                |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamimpdy1nodirect.inp |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamimpdy2.dat.ref     |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamimpdy2.inp         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamlin.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamlin.inp            |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/beammix.dat.ref                      |   70 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beammix.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beammr.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beammr.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beammrco.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beammrco.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beammrlin.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beammrlin.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnh.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnh.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnld.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnld.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnldy.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnldy.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnldye.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnldye.inp          |    0
 .../test/beamnldynodirect.dat.ref                  |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnldynodirect.inp   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnldyp.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnldyp.inp          |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/beamnldype.dat.ref                   | 1564 +++++
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnldype.inp         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnlmpc.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnlmpc.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnlp.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnlp.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnlptp.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnlptp.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnlt.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnlt.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnoan.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamnoan.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamog.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamog.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp.frd.ref          |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp1rotate.dat.ref   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp1rotate.frd.ref   |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp1rotate.inp       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp2rotate.dat.ref   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp2rotate.frd.ref   |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp2rotate.inp       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp2stage.dat.ref    |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamp2stage.inp        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampd.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampd.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampdepmpc.dat.ref    |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampdepmpc.inp        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampfix.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampfix.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampic.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampic.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampik.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampik.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampis.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampis.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampiso.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampiso.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampiso2.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampiso2.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampisof.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampisof.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampkin.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampkin.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampl.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampl.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamplane.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamplane.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampo1.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampo1.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampo2.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampo2.inp            |    0
 .../test/beamprb.dat.ref                           |    0
 .../beamp.frd.ref => ccx_2.11/test/beamprb.frd.ref |  488 +-
 .../test/beamp.inp => ccx_2.11/test/beamprb.inp    |    9 +-
 ccx_2.11/test/beampsensfreq.dat.ref                |   55 +
 ccx_2.11/test/beampsensfreq.frd.ref                | 2061 ++++++
 .../beamp.inp => ccx_2.11/test/beampsensfreq.inp   |   55 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampset.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampset.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampt.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beampt.inp             |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/beamt4.inp             |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/c3d6.inp               |    0
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 .../test/changesolidsection.frd.ref                |    8 +-
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/channel7.inp           |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/contact5lin.inp        |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/contact7.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/contact7.inp           |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/contact9.dat.ref       |   96 +-
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/contdamp1.inp          |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/contdamp2.inp          |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/cou2d_h.inp            |    0
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 .../couette1.inp => ccx_2.11/test/couette1per.inp  |  227 +-
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/couette2.inp           |    0
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 ccx_2.11/test/couettecyl4comp.inp                  |  227 +
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 .../test/couettecylcomp.dat.ref                    |    0
 .../test/couettecylcomp.inp                        |   33 +-
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/cubef2f2.frd.ref       |    8 +-
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/cubef2f3.frd.ref       |    8 +-
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 ccx_2.11/test/damper1.dat.ref                      |  849 +++
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dashpot1.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dashpot1.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dashpot2.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dashpot2.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dashpot3.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dashpot3.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dashpot5.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dashpot5.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/datcheck.pl            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/disk2.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/disk2.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dist.dat.ref           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dist.inp               |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/distcoup.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/distcoup.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dloadlinI.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dloadlinI.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dloadlinIf.dat.ref     |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/dloadlinIf.inp         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/edgeload.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/edgeload.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/equrem1.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/equrem1.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/equrem2.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/equrem2.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/equrem3.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/equrem3.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/frdcheck.pl            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/fricloop.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/fricloop.frd.ref       |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/fricloop.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/friction1.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/friction1.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/friction2.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/friction2.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/fullseg.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/fullseg.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/furnace.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/furnace.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gap.dat.ref            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gap.inp                |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gap2.dat.ref           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gap2.frd.ref           |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gap2.inp               |    0
 .../test/gaspipe-cfd-pressure.dat.ref              |    0
 .../test/gaspipe-cfd-pressure.inp                  |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/gaspipe-fanno10.dat.ref              |   52 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspipe-fanno10.inp    |    0
 .../test/gaspipe-fanno8-oil.dat.ref                |   32 +-
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspipe-fanno9.inp     |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspipe1-oil.dat.ref   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspipe1-oil.inp       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspipe10.dat.ref      |   22 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspipe10.inp          |    0
 .../test/gaspipe8-cfd-massflow.dat.ref             |   16 +-
 .../test/gaspipe8-cfd-massflow.inp                 |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/gaspipe8-cfd-pressure.dat.ref        |   44 +
 .../test/gaspipe8-cfd-pressure.inp                 |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspipe8-oil.dat.ref   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspipe8-oil.inp       |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/gaspipe9.dat.ref                     |   48 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspipe9.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspres.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/gaspres.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/hueeber1.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/hueeber1.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/hueeber2.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/hueeber2.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/hueeber3.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/hueeber3.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/hueeber4.dat.ref       |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/hueeber4.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/induction.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/induction.frd.ref      |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/induction.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/induction2.dat.ref     |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/induction2.frd.ref     |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/induction2.inp         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/inistrain.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/inistrain.inp          |    0
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 .../test/labyrinthstepped.dat.ref                  |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/labyrinthstepped.inp   |    4 +-
 .../test/labyrinthstraight.dat.ref                 |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/labyrinthstraight.inp  |    4 +-
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/leifer1.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/leifer2.dat.ref        |    0
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 ccx_2.11/test/primaryair.inp                       |   84 +
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/scheibe2f2f.frd.ref    |    8 +-
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/scheibe2n2f.inp        |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/segment2.inp           |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/segmenttet.inp         |    0
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/segststate.inp         |    0
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 ccx_2.11/test/sens_orien1.frd.ref                  |   92 +
 ccx_2.11/test/sens_orien1.inp                      |   60 +
 .../test/sensitivity_I.dat.ref                     |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/sensitivity_I.frd.ref                |   50 +
 ccx_2.11/test/sensitivity_I.inp                    |   54 +
 .../test/sensitivity_V.dat.ref                     |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/sensitivity_V.frd.ref                |   40 +
 ccx_2.11/test/sensitivity_V.inp                    |   48 +
 .../test/sensitivity_VI.dat.ref                    |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/sensitivity_VI.frd.ref               |   68 +
 ccx_2.11/test/sensitivity_VI.inp                   |   53 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shell1.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shell1.frd.ref         |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shell1.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shell1lin.dat.ref      |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shell1lin.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shell2.dat.ref         |   42 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shell2.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shell3.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shell3.frd.ref         |    8 +-
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 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shellbeam.dat.ref      |    6 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shellbeam.inp          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shellf.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shellf.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shellf2.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shellf2.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shellnor.dat.ref       |   20 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/shellnor.inp           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/simplebeam.dat.ref     |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/simplebeam.frd.ref     |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/simplebeam.inp         |    0
 .../test/simplebeampipe1.dat.ref                   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/simplebeampipe1.inp    |    0
 .../test/simplebeampipe2.dat.ref                   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/simplebeampipe2.inp    |    0
 .../test/simplebeampipe3.dat.ref                   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/simplebeampipe3.inp    |    0
 .../test/simplebeampipe4.dat.ref                   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/simplebeampipe4.inp    |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/solidshell1.dat.ref    |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/solidshell1.inp        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/solidshell2.dat.ref    |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/solidshell2.inp        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring1.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring1.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring2.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring2.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring3.dat.ref        |   16 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring3.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring4.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring4.inp            |    1 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring5.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/spring5.inp            |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/square.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/square.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/submodelbeamp.dat.ref  |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/submodelbeamp.inp      |    0
 .../test/submodeltwobeam.dat.ref                   |    0
 .../test/submodeltwobeam.frd.ref                   |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/submodeltwobeam.inp    |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/substructure.dat.ref   |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/substructure.inp       |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/swing.dat.ref                        |  597 ++
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/swing.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/thermomech.dat.ref     |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/thermomech.frd.ref     |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/thermomech.inp         |    1 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/thermomech2.dat.ref    |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/thermomech2.inp        |    1 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/thread.dat.ref         |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/thread.inp             |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/truss.dat.ref          |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/truss.frd.ref          |    8 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/truss.inp              |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/twobeam.frd            |    0
 ccx_2.11/test/uprofile.dat.ref                     |   61 +
 ccx_2.11/test/uprofile.frd.ref                     | 1224 ++++
 ccx_2.11/test/uprofile.inp                         |   54 +
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/vortex1.dat.ref        |   24 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/vortex1.inp            |    2 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/vortex2.dat.ref        |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/vortex2.inp            |    2 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/vortex3.dat.ref        |   12 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/vortex3.inp            |    4 +-
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/wire.dat.ref           |    0
 {ccx_2.10 => ccx_2.11}/test/wire.inp               |    0
 785 files changed, 20868 insertions(+), 14966 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/calculix-ccx-test.git

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