[lua-torch-torch7] 02/04: symbols: add symbols control file for libTH.so
Zhou Mo
cdluminate-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 11 12:47:31 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
cdluminate-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository lua-torch-torch7.
commit 1a435d66e4a5ecdc08271e7efe89d4e8bf9e5b81
Author: Zhou Mo <cdluminate at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Aug 11 12:41:48 2016 +0000
symbols: add symbols control file for libTH.so
debian/libtorch-th.symbols | 1985 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 1985 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/libtorch-th.symbols b/debian/libtorch-th.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace78d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libtorch-th.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,1985 @@
+libTH.so.0 libtorch-th #MINVER#
+ THAlloc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicAdd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicAddLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicCompareAndSwap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicCompareAndSwapLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicDecrementRef at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicGet at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicGetLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicIncrementRef at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicSet at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THAtomicSetLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteBlas_axpy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteBlas_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteBlas_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteBlas_gemm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteBlas_gemv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteBlas_ger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteBlas_scal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteBlas_swap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_elementSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_get at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_newWithAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_newWithData at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_newWithDataAndAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_newWithMapping at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_newWithSize1 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_newWithSize2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_newWithSize3 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_newWithSize4 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_rawCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteStorage_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_add at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_addbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_addcdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_addcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_addmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_addmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_addr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_baddbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_bernoulli at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_bernoulli_DoubleTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_bernoulli_FloatTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cadd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_catArray at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cfmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_clamp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cmax at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cmaxValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cmin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cminValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv2DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv2DRevgerm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv2Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv2Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv2Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv2Dmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv2Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv2Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv3DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv3Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv3Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv3Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv3Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv3Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_conv3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_convsize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cremainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cross at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_csub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cumprod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_cumsum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_desc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_diag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_div at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_eqTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_eqTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_eqValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_eqValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_equal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_eye at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_fmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_freeCopyTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_fullConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_fullConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_fullXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_fullXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_gather at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_geTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_geTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_geValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_geValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_geometric at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_get1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_get2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_get3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_get4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_getRNGState at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_gtTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_gtTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_gtValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_gtValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_indexAdd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_indexCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_indexFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_indexSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_isContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_isSameSizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_isSetTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_isSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_kthvalue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_leTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_leTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_leValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_leValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_logicalall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_logicalany at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_ltTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_ltTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_ltValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_ltValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_maskedCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_maskedFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_maskedSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_match at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_max at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_maxall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_median at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_min at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_minall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_mode at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_mul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_nDimension at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_nElement at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_narrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_neTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_neTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_neValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_neValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newClone at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newNarrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newSizeOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newStrideOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newTranspose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newUnfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithSize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithSize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithSize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithSize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_newWithTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_nonzero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_numel at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_ones at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_prod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_prodall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_random at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_randperm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_range at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_remainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_reshape at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_resize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_resize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_resize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_resize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_resize5d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_resizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_scatter at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_scatterFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_select at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_set1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_set2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_set3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_set4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_setRNGState at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_setStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_setStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_setStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_setStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_setStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_sign at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_sizeDesc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_sort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_squeeze1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_squeeze at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_storage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_storageOffset at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_stride at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_sub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_sum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_sumall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_topk at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_tpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_trace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_transpose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_tril at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_triu at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_unfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_validConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_validConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_validXCorr2DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_validXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_validXCorr3DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_validXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_zero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THByteTensor_zeros at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharBlas_axpy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharBlas_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharBlas_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharBlas_gemm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharBlas_gemv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharBlas_ger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharBlas_scal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharBlas_swap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_elementSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_get at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_newWithAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_newWithData at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_newWithDataAndAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_newWithMapping at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_newWithSize1 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_newWithSize2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_newWithSize3 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_newWithSize4 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_rawCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharStorage_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_add at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_addbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_addcdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_addcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_addmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_addmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_addr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_baddbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_bernoulli at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_bernoulli_DoubleTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_bernoulli_FloatTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cadd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_catArray at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cfmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_clamp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cmax at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cmaxValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cmin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cminValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv2DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv2DRevgerm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv2Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv2Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv2Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv2Dmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv2Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv2Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv3DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv3Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv3Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv3Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv3Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv3Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_conv3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_convsize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cremainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cross at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_csub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cumprod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_cumsum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_desc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_diag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_div at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_eqTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_eqTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_eqValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_eqValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_equal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_eye at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_fmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_freeCopyTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_fullConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_fullConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_fullXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_fullXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_gather at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_geTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_geTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_geValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_geValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_geometric at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_get1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_get2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_get3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_get4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_gtTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_gtTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_gtValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_gtValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_indexAdd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_indexCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_indexFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_indexSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_isContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_isSameSizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_isSetTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_isSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_kthvalue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_leTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_leTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_leValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_leValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_ltTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_ltTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_ltValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_ltValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_maskedCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_maskedFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_maskedSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_match at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_max at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_maxall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_median at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_min at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_minall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_mode at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_mul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_nDimension at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_nElement at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_narrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_neTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_neTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_neValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_neValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newClone at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newNarrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newSizeOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newStrideOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newTranspose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newUnfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithSize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithSize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithSize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithSize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_newWithTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_nonzero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_numel at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_ones at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_prod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_prodall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_random at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_randperm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_range at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_remainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_reshape at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_resize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_resize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_resize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_resize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_resize5d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_resizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_scatter at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_scatterFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_select at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_set1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_set2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_set3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_set4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_setStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_setStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_setStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_setStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_setStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_sign at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_sizeDesc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_sort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_squeeze1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_squeeze at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_storage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_storageOffset at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_stride at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_sub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_sum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_sumall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_topk at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_tpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_trace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_transpose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_tril at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_triu at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_unfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_validConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_validConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_validXCorr2DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_validXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_validXCorr3DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_validXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_zero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THCharTensor_zeros at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDefaultAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDiskFile_bigEndianEncoding at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDiskFile_isBigEndianCPU at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDiskFile_isLittleEndianCPU at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDiskFile_littleEndianEncoding at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDiskFile_longSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDiskFile_name at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDiskFile_nativeEndianEncoding at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDiskFile_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDiskFile_noBuffer at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleBlas_axpy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleBlas_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleBlas_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleBlas_gemm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleBlas_gemv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleBlas_ger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleBlas_scal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleBlas_swap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_geev at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_gels at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_geqrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_gesv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_gesvd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_getrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_getri at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_orgqr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_ormqr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_potrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_potri at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_potrs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_pstrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_syev at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleLapack_trtrs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_elementSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_get at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_newWithAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_newWithData at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_newWithDataAndAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_newWithMapping at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_newWithSize1 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_newWithSize2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_newWithSize3 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_newWithSize4 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_rawCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleStorage_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_abs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_acos at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_add at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_addbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_addcdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_addcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_addmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_addmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_addr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_asin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_atan2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_atan at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_baddbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_bernoulli at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_bernoulli_DoubleTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_bernoulli_FloatTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cadd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_catArray at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cauchy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_ceil at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cfmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cinv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_clamp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_clearUpLoTriangle at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cmax at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cmaxValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cmin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cminValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv2DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv2DRevgerm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv2Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv2Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv2Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv2Dmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv2Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv2Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv3DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv3Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv3Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv3Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv3Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv3Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_conv3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_convsize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_copyUpLoTriangle at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cos at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cosh at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cremainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cross at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_csub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cumprod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_cumsum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_desc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_diag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_dist at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_div at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_eqTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_eqTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_eqValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_eqValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_equal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_exp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_exponential at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_eye at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_floor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_fmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_frac at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_freeCopyTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_fullConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_fullConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_fullXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_fullXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_gather at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_geTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_geTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_geValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_geValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_geev at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_gels at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_geometric at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_geqrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_gesv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_gesvd2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_gesvd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_get1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_get2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_get3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_get4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_getri at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_gtTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_gtTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_gtValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_gtValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_histc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_indexAdd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_indexCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_indexFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_indexSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_isContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_isSameSizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_isSetTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_isSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_kthvalue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_leTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_leTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_leValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_leValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_lerp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_linspace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_log1p at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_log at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_logNormal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_logspace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_ltTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_ltTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_ltValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_ltValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_maskedCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_maskedFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_maskedSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_match at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_max at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_maxall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_mean at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_meanall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_median at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_min at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_minall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_mode at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_mul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_multinomial at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_nDimension at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_nElement at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_narrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_neTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_neTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_neValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_neValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_neg at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newClone at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newNarrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newSizeOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newStrideOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newTranspose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newUnfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithSize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithSize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithSize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithSize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_newWithTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_nonzero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_norm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_normal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_normall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_numel at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_ones at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_orgqr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_ormqr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_potrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_potri at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_potrs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_pow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_prod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_prodall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_pstrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_qr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_rand at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_randn at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_random at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_randperm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_range at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_remainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_renorm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_reshape at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_resize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_resize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_resize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_resize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_resize5d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_resizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_round at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_rsqrt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_scatter at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_scatterFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_select at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_set1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_set2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_set3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_set4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_setStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_setStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_setStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_setStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_setStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sigmoid at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sign at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sinh at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sizeDesc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sqrt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_squeeze1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_squeeze at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_std at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_stdall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_storage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_storageOffset at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_stride at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_sumall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_syev at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_tan at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_tanh at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_topk at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_tpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_trace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_transpose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_tril at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_triu at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_trtrs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_trunc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_unfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_uniform at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_validConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_validConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_validXCorr2DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_validXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_validXCorr3DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_validXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_var at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_varall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_zero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THDoubleTensor_zeros at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THExpMinusApprox at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_ascii at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_autoSpacing at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_binary at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_clearError at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_close at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_hasError at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_isAutoSpacing at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_isBinary at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_isOpened at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_isQuiet at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_isReadable at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_isWritable at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_noAutoSpacing at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_pedantic at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_position at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_quiet at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readByteRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readByteScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readCharRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readCharScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readDoubleRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readDoubleScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readFloatRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readFloatScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readIntRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readIntScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readLongRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readLongScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readShortRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readShortScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_readStringRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_seek at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_seekEnd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_synchronize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeByteRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeByteScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeCharRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeCharScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeDoubleRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeDoubleScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeFloatRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeFloatScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeIntRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeIntScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeLongRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeLongScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeShortRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeShortScalar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFile_writeStringRaw at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatBlas_axpy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatBlas_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatBlas_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatBlas_gemm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatBlas_gemv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatBlas_ger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatBlas_scal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatBlas_swap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_geev at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_gels at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_geqrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_gesv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_gesvd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_getrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_getri at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_orgqr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_ormqr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_potrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_potri at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_potrs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_pstrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_syev at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatLapack_trtrs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_elementSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_get at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_newWithAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_newWithData at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_newWithDataAndAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_newWithMapping at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_newWithSize1 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_newWithSize2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_newWithSize3 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_newWithSize4 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_rawCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatStorage_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_abs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_acos at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_add at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_addbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_addcdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_addcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_addmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_addmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_addr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_asin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_atan2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_atan at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_baddbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_bernoulli at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_bernoulli_DoubleTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_bernoulli_FloatTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cadd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_catArray at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cauchy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_ceil at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cfmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cinv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_clamp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_clearUpLoTriangle at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cmax at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cmaxValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cmin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cminValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv2DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv2DRevgerm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv2Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv2Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv2Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv2Dmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv2Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv2Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv3DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv3Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv3Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv3Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv3Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv3Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_conv3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_convsize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_copyUpLoTriangle at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cos at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cosh at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cremainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cross at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_csub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cumprod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_cumsum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_desc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_diag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_dist at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_div at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_eqTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_eqTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_eqValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_eqValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_equal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_exp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_exponential at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_eye at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_floor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_fmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_frac at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_freeCopyTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_fullConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_fullConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_fullXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_fullXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_gather at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_geTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_geTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_geValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_geValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_geev at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_gels at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_geometric at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_geqrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_gesv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_gesvd2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_gesvd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_get1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_get2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_get3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_get4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_getri at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_gtTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_gtTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_gtValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_gtValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_histc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_indexAdd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_indexCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_indexFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_indexSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_isContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_isSameSizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_isSetTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_isSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_kthvalue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_leTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_leTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_leValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_leValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_lerp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_linspace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_log1p at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_log at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_logNormal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_logspace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_ltTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_ltTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_ltValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_ltValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_maskedCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_maskedFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_maskedSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_match at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_max at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_maxall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_mean at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_meanall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_median at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_min at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_minall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_mode at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_mul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_multinomial at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_nDimension at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_nElement at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_narrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_neTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_neTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_neValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_neValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_neg at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newClone at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newNarrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newSizeOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newStrideOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newTranspose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newUnfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithSize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithSize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithSize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithSize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_newWithTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_nonzero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_norm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_normal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_normall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_numel at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_ones at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_orgqr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_ormqr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_potrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_potri at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_potrs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_pow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_prod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_prodall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_pstrf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_qr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_rand at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_randn at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_random at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_randperm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_range at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_remainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_renorm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_reshape at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_resize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_resize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_resize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_resize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_resize5d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_resizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_round at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_rsqrt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_scatter at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_scatterFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_select at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_set1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_set2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_set3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_set4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_setStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_setStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_setStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_setStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_setStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sigmoid at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sign at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sinh at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sizeDesc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sqrt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_squeeze1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_squeeze at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_std at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_stdall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_storage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_storageOffset at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_stride at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_sumall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_syev at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_tan at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_tanh at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_topk at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_tpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_trace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_transpose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_tril at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_triu at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_trtrs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_trunc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_unfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_uniform at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_validConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_validConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_validXCorr2DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_validXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_validXCorr3DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_validXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_var at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_varall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_zero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFloatTensor_zeros at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THFree at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THGenerator_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THGenerator_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THGenerator_isValid at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THGenerator_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THHeapUpdate at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntBlas_axpy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntBlas_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntBlas_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntBlas_gemm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntBlas_gemv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntBlas_ger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntBlas_scal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntBlas_swap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_elementSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_get at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_newWithAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_newWithData at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_newWithDataAndAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_newWithMapping at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_newWithSize1 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_newWithSize2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_newWithSize3 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_newWithSize4 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_rawCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntStorage_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_abs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_add at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_addbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_addcdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_addcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_addmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_addmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_addr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_baddbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_bernoulli at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_bernoulli_DoubleTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_bernoulli_FloatTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cadd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_catArray at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cfmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_clamp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cmax at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cmaxValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cmin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cminValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv2DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv2DRevgerm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv2Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv2Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv2Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv2Dmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv2Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv2Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv3DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv3Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv3Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv3Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv3Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv3Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_conv3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_convsize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cremainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cross at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_csub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cumprod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_cumsum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_desc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_diag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_div at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_eqTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_eqTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_eqValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_eqValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_equal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_eye at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_fmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_freeCopyTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_fullConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_fullConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_fullXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_fullXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_gather at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_geTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_geTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_geValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_geValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_geometric at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_get1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_get2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_get3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_get4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_gtTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_gtTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_gtValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_gtValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_indexAdd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_indexCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_indexFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_indexSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_isContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_isSameSizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_isSetTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_isSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_kthvalue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_leTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_leTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_leValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_leValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_ltTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_ltTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_ltValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_ltValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_maskedCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_maskedFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_maskedSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_match at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_max at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_maxall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_median at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_min at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_minall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_mode at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_mul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_nDimension at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_nElement at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_narrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_neTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_neTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_neValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_neValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newClone at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newNarrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newSizeOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newStrideOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newTranspose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newUnfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithSize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithSize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithSize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithSize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_newWithTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_nonzero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_numel at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_ones at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_prod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_prodall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_random at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_randperm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_range at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_remainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_reshape at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_resize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_resize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_resize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_resize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_resize5d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_resizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_scatter at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_scatterFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_select at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_set1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_set2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_set3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_set4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_setStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_setStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_setStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_setStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_setStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_sign at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_sizeDesc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_sort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_squeeze1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_squeeze at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_storage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_storageOffset at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_stride at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_sub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_sum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_sumall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_topk at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_tpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_trace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_transpose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_tril at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_triu at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_unfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_validConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_validConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_validXCorr2DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_validXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_validXCorr3DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_validXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_zero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THIntTensor_zeros at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLog1p at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLog2Pi at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLogAdd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLogOne at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLogSub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLogZero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongBlas_axpy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongBlas_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongBlas_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongBlas_gemm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongBlas_gemv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongBlas_ger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongBlas_scal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongBlas_swap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_elementSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_get at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_newWithAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_newWithData at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_newWithDataAndAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_newWithMapping at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_newWithSize1 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_newWithSize2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_newWithSize3 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_newWithSize4 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_rawCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongStorage_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_abs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_add at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_addbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_addcdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_addcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_addmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_addmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_addr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_baddbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_bernoulli at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_bernoulli_DoubleTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_bernoulli_FloatTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cadd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_catArray at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cfmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_clamp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cmax at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cmaxValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cmin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cminValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv2DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv2DRevgerm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv2Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv2Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv2Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv2Dmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv2Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv2Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv3DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv3Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv3Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv3Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv3Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv3Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_conv3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_convsize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cremainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cross at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_csub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cumprod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_cumsum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_desc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_diag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_div at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_eqTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_eqTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_eqValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_eqValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_equal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_eye at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_fmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_freeCopyTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_fullConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_fullConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_fullXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_fullXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_gather at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_geTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_geTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_geValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_geValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_geometric at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_get1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_get2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_get3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_get4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_gtTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_gtTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_gtValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_gtValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_indexAdd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_indexCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_indexFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_indexSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_isContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_isSameSizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_isSetTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_isSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_kthvalue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_leTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_leTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_leValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_leValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_ltTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_ltTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_ltValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_ltValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_maskedCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_maskedFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_maskedSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_match at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_max at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_maxall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_median at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_min at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_minall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_mode at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_mul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_nDimension at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_nElement at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_narrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_neTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_neTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_neValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_neValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newClone at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newNarrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newSizeOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newStrideOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newTranspose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newUnfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithSize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithSize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithSize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithSize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_newWithTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_nonzero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_numel at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_ones at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_prod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_prodall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_random at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_randperm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_range at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_remainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_reshape at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_resize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_resize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_resize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_resize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_resize5d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_resizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_scatter at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_scatterFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_select at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_set1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_set2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_set3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_set4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_setStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_setStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_setStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_setStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_setStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_sign at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_sizeDesc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_sort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_squeeze1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_squeeze at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_storage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_storageOffset at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_stride at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_sub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_sum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_sumall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_topk at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_tpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_trace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_transpose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_tril at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_triu at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_unfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_validConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_validConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_validXCorr2DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_validXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_validXCorr3DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_validXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_zero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THLongTensor_zeros at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THMapAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THMapAllocatorContext_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THMapAllocatorContext_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THMapAllocatorContext_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THMemoryFile_longSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THMemoryFile_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THMemoryFile_newWithStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THMemoryFile_storage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THPipeFile_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_bernoulli at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_cauchy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_exponential at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_geometric at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_initialSeed at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_logNormal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_manualSeed at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_nextState at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_normal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_random at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_seed at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRandom_uniform at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THRealloc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THSetArgErrorHandler at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THSetErrorHandler at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THSetGCHandler at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortBlas_axpy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortBlas_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortBlas_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortBlas_gemm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortBlas_gemv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortBlas_ger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortBlas_scal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortBlas_swap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_elementSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_get at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_newWithAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_newWithData at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_newWithDataAndAllocator at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_newWithMapping at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_newWithSize1 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_newWithSize2 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_newWithSize3 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_newWithSize4 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_rawCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortStorage_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_add at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_addbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_addcdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_addcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_addmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_addmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_addr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_baddbmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_bernoulli at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_bernoulli_DoubleTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_bernoulli_FloatTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cadd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_catArray at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cdiv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cfmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_clamp at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_clearFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cmax at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cmaxValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cmin at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cminValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv2DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv2DRevgerm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv2Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv2Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv2Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv2Dmm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv2Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv2Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv3DRevger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv3Dcmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv3Dger at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv3Dmap at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv3Dmul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv3Dmv at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_conv3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_convsize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_copy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_copyByte at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_copyChar at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_copyDouble at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_copyFloat at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_copyInt at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_copyLong at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_copyShort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cremainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cross at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_csub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cumprod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_cumsum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_data at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_desc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_diag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_div at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_dot at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_eqTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_eqTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_eqValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_eqValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_equal at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_eye at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_fill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_fmod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_free at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_freeCopyTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_fullConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_fullConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_fullXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_fullXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_gather at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_geTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_geTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_geValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_geValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_geometric at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_get1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_get2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_get3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_get4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_gtTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_gtTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_gtValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_gtValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_indexAdd at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_indexCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_indexFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_indexSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_isContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_isSameSizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_isSetTo at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_isSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_kthvalue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_leTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_leTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_leValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_leValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_ltTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_ltTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_ltValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_ltValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_maskedCopy at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_maskedFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_maskedSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_match at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_max at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_maxall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_median at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_min at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_minall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_mode at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_mul at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_nDimension at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_nElement at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_narrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_neTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_neTensorT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_neValue at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_neValueT at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_new at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newClone at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newContiguous at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newNarrow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newSelect at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newSizeOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newStrideOf at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newTranspose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newUnfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithSize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithSize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithSize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithSize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithSize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_newWithTensor at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_nonzero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_numel at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_ones at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_prod at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_prodall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_random at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_randperm at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_range at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_remainder at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_reshape at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_resize1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_resize2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_resize3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_resize4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_resize5d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_resize at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_resizeAs at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_retain at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_scatter at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_scatterFill at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_select at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_set1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_set2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_set3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_set4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_set at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_setFlag at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_setStorage1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_setStorage2d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_setStorage3d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_setStorage4d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_setStorage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_sign at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_size at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_sizeDesc at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_sort at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_squeeze1d at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_squeeze at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_storage at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_storageOffset at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_stride at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_sub at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_sum at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_sumall at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_topk at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_tpow at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_trace at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_transpose at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_tril at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_triu at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_unfold at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_validConv2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_validConv3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_validXCorr2DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_validXCorr2Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_validXCorr3DRevptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_validXCorr3Dptr at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_zero at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ THShortTensor_zeros at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ _THArgCheck at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ _THAssertionFailed at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ _THError at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5 at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_16x16_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_1_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_1_sse at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_2_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_2_sse at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_32x32_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_4_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_4_sse at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_5_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_64x64_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_6_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_6_sse at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_7_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_8_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_8_sse at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_8x8_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_avx at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
+ convolve_5x5_sse at Base 0~20160803-g17ff317-1
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/lua-torch-torch7.git
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