[opencv] branch master updated (31fcf32 -> 6d2c576)

Nobuhiro Iwamatsu iwamatsu at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Aug 20 12:27:14 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

iwamatsu pushed a change to branch master
in repository opencv.

      from  31fcf32   update changelog
      adds  45e0e5f   Pick centers in KMeans++ with a probability proportional to their distance^2, instead of simple distance, to previous centers
      adds  5aeeaa6   Apply to KMeansIndex KMeanspp the same modification as in HierarchicalClusteringIndex
      adds  fa749de   As some processed distances are already ^2, use template to select whether or not we have to ^2 in KMeanspp
      adds  0d19685   Move templates in dist.h in order to share them between KMeansIndex and HierarchicalClusteringIndex classes.
      adds  6a5a0fe   Merge pull request #2016 from pemmanuelviel:kmeansppSquareDist
      adds  eeed9ce   perf report: summary.py: added custom --regressions map
      adds  7ba4212   Merge pull request #2544 from alalek:perf_report_regressions
      adds  f27a886   Fix for issue #3645 (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3645). Implement missing features in CvCaptureCAM_VFW class.
      adds  cccdcac   Merge pull request #2640 from a-wi:2.4
      adds  4fb5680   Documentation - minor fix-ups
      adds  5042ab1   Merge pull request #2659 from adrians:docs_pull_1
      adds  897d0a9   Updated documentation: library names
      adds  f0d4ccc   Merge pull request #2696 from PhilLab:2.4
      adds  3d25d70   fix for compiling 2.4 opencv with xcode 5.1
      adds  59cf62a   Merge pull request #2636 from atrebbi:#3653
      adds  c1aee0c   Fixed bug in IPPMorphOp function when looping over elements of the morphology kernel.
      adds  b1a28a5   Merge pull request #2693 from mvukad:bugfix_ippmorphop
      adds  4c66614   fix cv::subtract function:
      adds  e2c7adc   Merge pull request #2703 from jet47:subtract-create-dst-mat
      adds  629461c   fix output matrix allocation in cv::subtract
      adds  7727503   finally fix cv::subtract
      adds  78f6600   Merge pull request #2712 from jet47:subtract-fix-3rd-attempt
      adds  99475e2   fixed wrong download link in tutorial
      adds  7c9caab   Merge pull request #2708 from StevenPuttemans:2.4
      adds  19a2495   fixed IPP related warnings
      adds  c74fed1   Merge pull request #2706 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_2.4_warnings
      adds  a9c7db7   add suggestion of feature 2619
      adds  5e47aa6   Merge pull request #2717 from StevenPuttemans:2.4
      adds  bb5a22c   highgui: fix segfault on CvCapture_GStreamer::retrieveFrame
      adds  ecfb1ab   Merge pull request #2721 from zarrabeitia:2.4
      adds  e8376c7   Fix non-Android cross compilation with OpenCVConfig.cmake
      adds  0967462   Merge pull request #2714 from asmorkalov:ocv_cmake_config
      adds  2b4241c   fixed bug 3484
      adds  f0547e5   Merge pull request #2727 from StevenPuttemans:bug_3484
      adds  dfdb093   Autotuned_index now prints all info into logger instead of couting it.
      adds  6c118eb   Changed ostringstream to ostream for new print_params and added the old version of print_params for backwards compatibility.
      adds  bc7b216   Merge pull request #2692 from 1Hyena:2.4
      adds  38db7a7   WinRT core compatibility fixes
      adds  ff2d76e   Merge pull request #2699 from GregoryMorse:patch-1
      adds  6c59e39   fix bug 3434
      adds  83e2731   Merge pull request #2728 from StevenPuttemans:bug_3434
      adds  b382984   fix bug 3252
      adds  c607dad   Merge pull request #2729 from StevenPuttemans:bug_3252
      adds  e96de88   bug 2740 added fix
      adds  2cf6cea   Merge pull request #2730 from StevenPuttemans:bug_2740
      adds  a0a8fb4   fixed bug 2626
      adds  4a24ecd   Merge pull request #2731 from StevenPuttemans:bug_2626
      adds  67b562d   fix OpenCVConfig.cmake template - missing parentheses
      adds  10f89b9   Merge pull request #2737 from jet47:fix-opencv-cmake-config
      adds  7e2f7f4   fix bug #3690
      adds  83b7fe1   Merge pull request #2748 from jet47:fix-bug-3690
      adds  7e56cfa   fixed a syntax error in cap_giganetix.cpp
      adds  75a1743   Merge pull request #2745 from yashdv:patch-3
      adds  1f72873   fix cv::gpu::resize function
      adds  55bff44   Merge pull request #2747 from jet47:gpu-resize-stream-fix
      adds  1d557e6   adding bugfix 3549
      adds  0ebde64   Merge pull request #2743 from StevenPuttemans:bugfix_3549
      adds  6a93b43   Fix svm intro tutorial
      adds  c9cb480   Merge pull request #2753 from shahurik:2.4
      adds  6ecd553   Added doc for LinearPolar Transform
      adds  62e0759   Merge pull request #2719 from yashdv:patch-1
      adds  006956c   Fixing as suggested in bug 2626, made naming same for both C, C++ and python API
      adds  06b335b   Merge pull request #2733 from StevenPuttemans:bug_2162
      adds  7fc764f   added documentation for findContours
      adds  f77aa45   Merge pull request #2735 from StevenPuttemans:bug_2000
      adds  ea03843   Added condition to 1st test in cv::GaussianBlur
      adds  eded87d   Merge pull request #2754 from thoinvil:patch-1
      adds  55a714c   fix cv::kmeans function
      adds  f165037   use more accurate reshape
      adds  7461856   add additional tests for different input cases
      adds  118b27f   Merge pull request #2744 from jet47:kmeans-fix
      adds  63e508a   doc: update/clarify behaviour of mask in floodFill
      adds  e30939f   Merge pull request #2738 from kevmitch:2.4
      adds  12207ac   fix coordinate problem with large images - bug 1523
      adds  44acfc3   Merge pull request #2739 from StevenPuttemans:bug_1523
      adds  5efd205   Bugfix #3668 in FilterEngine::apply(), use the ROI properly
      adds  e50ef2d   Bugfix #3668 removed the comment
      adds  988b108   Merge pull request #2701 from thoinvil:BugfixFilterEngineApplyROI
      adds  c9f51d5   modified BackgroundSubtractorMOG2::getBackgroundImage so that it can now work with gray-level images.
      adds  9eb0e7d   Merge branch '2.4' of git://github.com/Itseez/opencv into mog2_bgimg_gray
      adds  9902956   made a performance improvement. changed the way the mean value for each pixel is assigned in the output image.
      adds  0b4eb6a   Merge pull request #2509 from euphrat:mog2_bgimg_gray
      adds  bea46c9   Remove a useless loop that copies an array to itself
      adds  976da2f   Merge pull request #2768 from SpecLad:useless-loop
      adds  fea4396   Added more info on the data input variable of kmeans
      adds  09f9b35   Merge pull request #2742 from StevenPuttemans:feature_3176
      adds  7666005   run.py: added --android_env parameter
      adds  e6f6905   run.py: propagate OPENCV* env variables only with --android_propagate_opencv_env flag
      adds  aa170cf   Merge pull request #2793 from alalek:run_android_env
      adds  2bacd8b   2 fixed unassigned reshapes in em (#3674)
      adds  0ea572d   Merge pull request #2796 from berak:b_3674_24
      adds  7ea1bf3   Fixed several problems found by PVS-Studio.
      adds  9a5e9d3   Merge pull request #2771 from SpecLad:pvs-checks-opencv
      adds  7c44a07   fix typo in linux tutorial
      adds  64344f4   Merge pull request #2818 from StevenPuttemans:fix_linux_tutorial
      adds  f08d88f   fixed calculation method of "cv::TickMeter"
      adds  4ef3119   Merge pull request #2834 from atinfinity:pullreq/140606-TickMeter-2.4
      adds  36afd4e   added additionalInfo in faceRecognition
      adds  aa76ef9   fixes
      adds  d67c9aa   docs
      adds  a46f119   docs fixes
      adds  8d4a769   fixed binary compatibility
      adds  59c8edf   facerec2
      adds  02b32d8   moving FaceRecognizer2 from public header to .cpp
      adds  1f4ddbe   Merge pull request #2705 from KonstantinMatskevich:face_recognition_labels_info
      adds  ec99f96   Add the ensureSimpleDistance() method to ensure the user the returned distance is not ^2 (the default for L2 for instance)
      adds  3391caf   Merge pull request #2779 from pemmanuelviel:kmeansppSquareDist
      adds  9c7e0bf   Added fisheye camera model
      adds  35e1b32   Added test for jacobians
      adds  05ee15f   Added FisheyeTest
      adds  f0f741b   Added documentation
      adds  e6aa8ce   Corrected notes
      adds  c2341fd   Added stereoCalibrate for Fisheye camera model
      adds  50b2919   Added tests for stereoCalibrate
      adds  ef01044   Added documentation for Fisheye::stereoCalibrate
      adds  1f94b7d   minor
      adds  349ff63   Added sample of work of Fisheye::undistortImage and its description to documentation. Removed readPoints and readExtrinsic (useless)
      adds  e4a9c0f   Fixed review comments
      adds  c30fef1   Fixed build issues
      adds  651b13f   Refactored class Fisheye to namespace fisheye
      adds  0d2fab8   Changed documentation for namespace fisheye
      adds  3678020   Added license to source files
      adds  2b2ce3f   Merge pull request #2726 from Ilya-Krylov:2.4
      adds  4d0848b   fix -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning (initialize pointers to NULL)
      adds  c99ce0f   Merge pull request #2846 from alalek:2.4_fix_python_warnings
      adds  fc61097   export BOW to script wrappers
      adds  3500c94   add Bag of Words to python wrapper
      adds  75742fc   Merge pull request #2843 from berak:f_export_bow_24
      adds  b6e25a9   Fix typos
      adds  cb69a5c   Merge pull request #2868 from neo008:2.4
      adds  660d7cd   Updated findHomography docs branch 2.4
      adds  6a94862   Merge pull request #2870 from 23pointsNorth:patch-5
      adds  84bb77e   Fixed android and windows x64 build issues
      adds  fb8fa3f   Merge pull request #2889 from Ilya-Krylov:fisheye
      adds  98421e5   Fix for Bug#3757: All dimension values are 0 after release is called
      adds  b21b8ff   Merge pull request #2891 from nisargthakkar:dims_zero_on_release
      adds  05e0b3b   Fixing build error when using post-increment operator.
      adds  436342d   Merge pull request #2880 from GravityJack:SparseMatIterator-build-fix
      adds  511ed43   Disabled BORDER_CONSTANT for pyramid functions.
      adds  1138fbb   Merge pull request #2766 from akarsakov:pyr_border_constant
      adds  3a8af7d   fix python tests
      adds  5c8cd76   fix bug with invalid signature size (should not be less than signatureLength())
      adds  d826bcd   Merge pull request #2914 from alalek:fix2.4
      adds  95550c2   test.py: Check if camera_calibration.tar.gz file exists before downloading it, opencv bug #3782
      adds  f6cf680   Merge pull request #2917 from mmaraya:bug_3872
      adds  f45da98   Fix for VTK6.2 issue.
      adds  1b18ebf   Merge pull request #2905 from Jazmann:2.4
      adds  070be56   fixed warnings
      adds  43e4946   fix for fisheye
      adds  b1ac35e   ocl: fix mac and superres test
      adds  dcf96b2   Merge pull request #2922 from ilya-lavrenov:mac_fix
      adds  e85bacf   Avoid obtaining several identical dimensions between two LSH sub-vectors by choosing orthogonal sub-vectors.
      adds  8e93c19   Fix a heap issue with static on Windows
      adds  9cb4860   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2.4' into LshOrthogonalSubvectors
      adds  e63d7de   Allows to choose orthogonal sub-vectors for LSH without using a static table among LshTable instances
      adds  00367cf   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2.4' into LshOrthogonalSubvectors
      adds  2f8b573   Fix local variable shadowing
      adds  8539d42   Merge pull request #2071 from pemmanuelviel:LshOrthogonalSubvectors
      adds  ebb0255   Remove a couple of useless casts in core headers
      adds  133d861   Merge pull request #2915 from SpecLad:core-useless-casts
      adds  4b8fb6c   Fixed dst size
      adds  b068e63   Merge pull request #2930 from akarsakov:dft_dst_size_fix
      adds  7936faf   Fixes build failure on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Beta due to highgui/src/window_cocoa.mm (Bug #3737)
      adds  39127d9   Merge pull request #2908 from mmaraya:bug_3737
      adds  0c30b18   Bug #3611 Initializing static cv::Mat with cv::Mat::zeros causes segmentation fault fixed.
      adds  71d3654   Merge pull request #2558 from asmorkalov:ocv_matop_init_fix
      adds  7b160fa   added missing impl for multi-dim Mat::ones, Mat::zeros (issue #3756)
      adds  3d48994   Merge pull request #2883 from berak:b_3756_24
      adds  ecec53f   fixed docs
      adds  2df3abe   Merge pull request #2954 from ilya-lavrenov:doc_fix
      adds  fbac578   Fixes resizeWindow() on OS X (Bug #3200)
      adds  56683e6   Fixes build failure on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Beta due to highgui/src/window_cocoa.mm (Bug #3737)
      adds  5c85f81   Revert "Fixes build failure on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Beta due to highgui/src/window_cocoa.mm (Bug #3737)"
      adds  d262b04   Merge pull request #2903 from mmaraya:2.4
      adds  023102c   cap_libv4l.cpp depends on both libv4l 1 and 2, so search for both
      adds  d3c2b15   Merge pull request #2955 from SpecLad:find-libv4l2
      adds  60a5ada   Build fixes for CUDA 6.5
      adds  ccbc764   Merge pull request #2975 from asmorkalov:ocv_cuda_6.5_fix
      adds  1020a93   Bugfix #3705: params.setRecordingHint(true) breaks camera preview on Samsung Galaxy S2
      adds  d31a0ea   Merge pull request #2815 from Aletheios:Bugfix#3705
      adds  64d8cf1   improving face-rec sample: * CSV can contain dir-s and wildcards * save trained model
      adds  246a793   Merge pull request #2972 from apavlenko:24_face_rec_sample
      adds  b030d7e   Doc: fix definition of macro CV_MAKETYPE
      adds  544dd8b   Merge pull request #2971 from ruslo:docfix
      adds  cbb5fc0   bug fix 3696
      adds  b111fb9   Merge pull request #2957 from cambyse:2.4
      adds  03fe86f   added extra warning about the automatic parameter loading for traincascade application when the param.xml file already exists
      adds  51bd56f   Merge pull request #2959 from StevenPuttemans:add_notice_loaded_parameters
      adds  ca40d63   Switched insertion of connected components in filterSpecklesImpl
      adds  bcd6376   Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv into Itseez-2.4
      adds  8a3b937   Merge branch 'Itseez-2.4' into Feature_3692_2.4
      adds  8d58b23   Merge pull request #2780 from hbadino:Feature_3692_2.4
      adds  79878a5   Fixed bug in cv::detail::waveCorrect
      adds  faac7f1   Merge pull request #2967 from LeonidBeynenson:bugfix_wave_correction_wrong_result
      adds  13a0c14   Added publication reference
      adds  c9c0926   Merge pull request #2966 from PhilLab:patch-2
      adds  6e022dc   Update facedetect.cpp
      adds  cf37574   Merge pull request #2965 from soulslicer:patch-2
      adds  939c60b   fixed two models, adding xml identifier to correct position
      adds  6c5dc17   Merge pull request #2909 from StevenPuttemans:bugfix_profileface_model
      adds  d0c3c4c   Function for drawing arrows
      adds  0b4e043   Merge pull request #2970 from PhilLab:patch-3
      adds  ade46bd   Fixed typos in comments
      adds  d5489f3   Clarified DescriptorExtractor::compute
      adds  39020fc   Merge pull request #2898 from PhilLab:2.4
      adds  901d9b7   Revert changes by PR#2930 since it breaks logic of inverse mode.
      adds  06897db   Merge pull request #2980 from akarsakov:revert_dft_dst_fix
      adds  46775ad   bug fix 3381
      adds  5a5a487   bug fix 3381
      adds  e90c233   Merge pull request #2984 from cambyse:2.4
      adds  aafda43   Double precision for solvePnPRansac()
      adds  2c29ee9   Added cast and removed formatting error
      adds  52c05e7   Fixed C++11 compatibility warning
      adds  d7bbafd   Merge pull request #2948 from PhilLab:patch-1
      adds  4e168ff   fixing bug 3777
      adds  946c09f   Merge pull request #2985 from StevenPuttemans:fix_3777_redo
      adds  ad5c2de   Deb package build fix for CUDA 6.5 and newer.
      adds  daff2a0   More accurate deb package build fix for CUDA 6.5 and newer.
      adds  c2746b5   Merge pull request #3001 from asmorkalov:cuda_6.5_support
      adds  9c285da   Bugfix for bug #3767 Fixed a memory leak in cap_dshow.cpp in videoInput::setVideoSettingCamera(). The leak was caused by not releasing an IBaseFilter object created in a call to getDevice(). Tho object is now properly released.
      adds  38b3698   Merge pull request #2997 from mojoritty:bugfix_3767
      adds  11a09ef   Changes to support Intel AVX/AVX2 in cvResize().
      adds  c38023f   Modifications to support dynamic vector dispatch.
      adds  de37cfc   Enable Intel AVX/AVX2 compilation on Windows.
      adds  fc41e88   Merge pull request #2836 from s98felix:2.4
      adds  cd3aa01   Fix resource leak with iOS camera due to failure to remove AVCaptureSession input/outputs on stop (Bug #3389)
      adds  7cefaa4   Merge pull request #2816 from ehren:avcapturesession_leak
      adds  042892f   hopefully fixed Python tests
      adds  204651e   Merge pull request #3014 from vpisarev:fix_python_tests
      adds  cce2d99   Fixed bug which caused crash of GPU version of feature matcher in stitcher
      adds  8578f9c   Added a TODO comment about changes which should be done in GpuMatcher::match
      adds  e98c9a7   Merge pull request #2968 from LeonidBeynenson:bugfix_crash_gpu_feature_matcher_in_stitcher
      adds  6fb83f8   Android camera qcom HAL doesn't like it when no consumer usage bits are set. Set a usage bit for preview BufferQueue.
      adds  d8187f7   Merge branch 'fix_androidcamera_preview_usage_bits' into 2.4
      adds  7729485   Android native camera rebuilt after sources update.
      adds  9e83463   ocl: fix pyrUp perf test
      adds  bab826a   Merge pull request #3019 from alalek:ocl_fix_pyrUp_test
      adds  da9be82   fix cv::gpu::resize for INTER_LINEAR, now it produces the same result as CPU version
      adds  e7f348e   Merge pull request #3026 from jet47:fix-gpu-resize-linear
      adds  34103ef   fixing setting the locale back to what should be expected fix should be applyed for every window interface and generation
      adds  3334b14   Merge pull request #3046 from StevenPuttemans:fix_Qt_locale
      adds  efc1c39   Fixed self-assignment in cv::Ptr::operator =
      adds  a15db2d   Merge pull request #3058 from PhilLab:patch-2
      adds  0a53181   fix bug 3733 for imgproc/filter.cpp
      adds  a4c883c   Merge pull request #3076 from vpisarev:fix_small_filters
      adds  1a1cd9b   add NEON realization for StereoBM(findCorrespondence, prefilterXSobel)
      adds  6882970   Add CV_Assert (ndisp % 8 == 0) to NEON version
      adds  af2434c   Merge pull request #2827 from Alexander-Petrikov-ELVEES-NEOTEK:neon-stereobm
      adds  e11333d   GCC 4.8 warning array subscript is above array bounds fixed.
      adds  988555a   Merge pull request #3093 from asmorkalov:ocv_array_bound_fix
      adds  341c3d5   Fix reallocation of D buffer in gemm
      adds  7409f21   Merge pull request #3108 from LeszekSwirski:fix-gemm-buf-allocate-2.4
      adds  023a42b   Fixed getConversionInfo() for YUV2RGBA_* conversions
      adds  b08a6cc   Merge pull request #3118 from akarsakov:fix_cvtcolor_perf
      adds  d558260   fixing GT and GE comparison symbol
      adds  2ed2487   Merge pull request #3120 from StevenPuttemans:fix_bug3863
      adds  b027eac   Fixed range for 'v' channel for 8U images.
      adds  d68e62c   Merge pull request #3137 from akarsakov:fix_cvtcolor_luv_rgb
      adds  ebe36d6   fix CUDA cvtColor after corresponding change in CPU version
      adds  ad7a871   Merge pull request #3143 from jet47:cuda-cvt-color-fix
      adds  5dff283   increase epsilon for TVL1 sanity test
      adds  86e12b6   increase epsilon for ResizeSameAsHost test
      adds  599f5ef   use downscaled frames in FGDStatModel test
      adds  62f27b2   fix BGR->BGR5x5 color convertion
      adds  6eb26c1   Merge pull request #3109 from jet47:gpu-test-fixes
      adds  634ffed   Several fixes for lintian varnings
      adds  41040e5   Merge pull request #3147 from asmorkalov:ocv_deb_lintian_fixes
      adds  eaaa2d2   fix CUDA LUT implementation
      adds  1984aac   Merge pull request #3164 from jet47:fix-cuda-lut
      adds  fcc481e   Fixed crash in SSE implementation of FREAK descriptor when number of pairs is set to something other than 512.
      adds  fd7a2de   Merge pull request #3178 from jimcamel:freak_sse_bugfix
      adds  81aefed   Can create training set in PNG format
      adds  f81b310   Typo in string fixed
      adds  57cf3d1   Class naming update Documentation improvement Bug in output format for JPG set fixed
      adds  74d8527   Naming fixes and code beautification
      adds  d1229ef   No output image resize in case of PNG dataset
      adds  25d125f   Documentation update: createsamples usage
      adds  06a1c90   Include for cvSameImage corrected
      adds  18c0511   Warning on converting int to bool fixed
      adds  d773752   Merge pull request #3156 from sergregory:CreateSamplesMod
      adds  35768ed   Python tests added to -tests deb package.
      adds  9a15c7a   Merge pull request #3197 from asmorkalov:python_tests_package
      adds  e638b9e   support invokation of cv windows from parallel threads to an external qt application.
      adds  161f509   make sure children are included in the moveToThread
      adds  faed8f4   Merge pull request #3194 from stonier:2.4
      adds  fbbf4e3   fix for issue 3858 (remove unneeded #include's)
      adds  f4f7522   Merge pull request #3202 from parafin:bug_3858-2.4
      adds  b027a84   XIMEA cam support: use correct library for 64 bit Linux
      adds  0421da7   XIMEA cam support: allow on OS X too
      adds  cf15b9e   Merge pull request #3204 from parafin:ximea_unix-2.4
      adds  343f4b3   OpenCV version++.
      adds  281ce7a   Merge pull request #3221 from asmorkalov:ocv_2.4.10_version_inc
      adds  882426a   Stripped iCCP chunk from png files
      adds  80687c8   Merge pull request #3219 from mshabunin:png_iccp_strip_24
      adds  bac492f   Doc: Fixing indentation
      adds  48dc18e   Merge pull request #3228 from PhilLab:patch-4
      adds  1d2d579   bug fixed
      adds  533dd85   Merge pull request #3225 from jormansa:bug_#3631
      adds  8a1d392   Feature based stitching's wave correction bugfix.
      adds  c5de129   Merge pull request #3222 from dmitrygribanov:dg/2.4-stitching-wave-correction-bugfix
      adds  b9d5f3f   Add support for WinRT in the MF capture framework by removing the disallowed calls to enumerate devices and create a sample grabber sink and adding framework for the MediaCapture interface and a custom sink which interfaces with the sample grabber callback interface. The change requires discussion for making it completely functional as redundancy is required given that if the source is a video file, the old code pathways must be used. Otherwise all IMFMediaSession, I [...]
      adds  ccaedae   Merge pull request #2047 from GregoryMorse:patch-4
      adds  1b4e3ec   Changed cmake python library search startegy for crosscompiling
      adds  26fd37b   Merge pull request #3212 from mshabunin:python_cross_build_2.4
      adds  5874028   Add VS2013 support
      adds  a674846   Merge pull request #2711 from GregoryMorse:patch-5
      adds  5947519   Check sure that we're not already below required leaf false alarm rate before continuing to get negative samples.
      adds  0cf1de8   Merge pull request #3236 from vpisarev:fix_traincascade
      adds  084835e   Fixing a line where integer data was treated as floating point data.
      adds  772f620   Merge pull request #3235 from Atanahel:gbt_bugfix
      adds  aa9da6e   regression test for bug 3172
      adds  1675b23   fix for bug 3172
      adds  f60726b   Revert "fix for bug 3172"
      adds  d82b918   fix for bug 3172
      adds  bbe48ea   regression test for bug 3172
      adds  ed2cdb7   fix for bug 3172
      adds  8983385   Revert "fix for bug 3172"
      adds  bdb82d1   fix for bug 3172
      adds  3516e14   Merge branch 'bug_3172' of https://github.com/elmarb/opencv into bfmatcher_fix; use different fix for the problem, embedded right into the BFMatcher.
      adds  197b2e7   Merge pull request #3238 from vpisarev:bfmatcher_fix
      adds  150487f   Bugfix brute_force_match.cl (see http://code.opencv.org/issues/2837): wrong results for non-float descriptors in OpenCL BruteForceMatcher
      adds  b767613   Bugfix brute_force_match.cl (Bug #2837): wrong results for non-float descriptors in OpenCL BruteForceMatcher
      adds  f8c5128   Merge branch 'bugfix_brute_force_match_cl' of https://github.com/WilhelmHannemann/opencv into bugfix_brute_force_match_cl
      adds  4dda200   Merge pull request #3241 from WilhelmHannemann:bugfix_brute_force_match_cl
      adds  539f803   Fixed compilation errors under VS 2010 and Win 7
      adds  6c3cadb   Merge pull request #3240 from a-wi:MSMF_compilation_errors
      adds  d2ba09e   Fix linking error under Win 7 - do not import MinCore_Downlevel.lib if target is Win 7 or earlier.
      adds  37a1767   Merge pull request #3243 from a-wi:MSMF_linking_error
      adds  7c354c1   CMake configuration for MSMF capture
      adds  9c91d01   Merge pull request #3247 from a-wi:CMake_MSMF_configuration
      adds  03662c0   fix blobdetector
      adds  d4ec359   Fixing errors
      adds  df28bb5   Merge pull request #3190 from StevenPuttemans:fix_simpleblobdetector
      adds  934394c   ocl: Don't use 'inline' attribute on functions
      adds  19b3aab   Merge pull request #3244 from tstellarAMD:2.4-ocl-inline-fix-v2
      adds  a615102   Fixed MSMF video capture initialization
      adds  3603102   Fixed assertion warning in MSMF frame grabber
      adds  10bbcca   Merge pull request #3251 from a-wi:MSMF_camera_errors
      adds  32f6e1a   Fix for bug #3469 CV_XADD failing in clang+nvcc combination
      adds  562ff9d   Merge pull request #3255 from bhack:fix_cuda_macosx
      adds  90a1c6b   fixing some wrong CPP prefixes - still old interface
      adds  ad018da   Merge pull request #3262 from StevenPuttemans:fix_window_param
      adds  073a7ff   Fixed CMake issue with FFMPEG highgui configuration
      adds  93d1cea   Use FFMPEG capture only if HAVE_FFMPEG flag is defined.
      adds  467f5fc   Merge pull request #3261 from a-wi:CMake_FFMPEG_config
      adds  5bf1a4c   Fixed MSMF file capture error while opening the file containing unsupported video stream format
      adds  1920232   Merge pull request #3260 from a-wi:MSMF_file_error
      adds  e88a366   Fixed warning during cross compile for ARM
      adds  6a53cb9   Merge pull request #3266 from mshabunin:arm_warning
      adds  7f4eb4f   set ffmpeg mutex to NULL on destruction.
      adds  a160158   Merge pull request #3272 from mgeorg:reset_ffmpeg_mutex_2_4
      adds  1cc80f1   Added implicit dependency from python and python-py to debian packages.
      adds  45a1063   Merge pull request #3263 from asmorkalov:python_tests_package_lintian
      adds  1c3c94f   Exclude OpenCL tests from default test list for Android as they are experimental.
      adds  44da1f7   Merge pull request #3282 from asmorkalov:android_exclude_ocl
      adds  a0431ac   OpenCV Manager version++.
      adds  302d80d   Merge pull request #3287 from asmorkalov:android_manager_version_inc5
      adds  286c6b4   OpenCV Manager hardware detector workaround for not detected ARM SoC support.
      adds  774d6c1   Merge pull request #3285 from asmorkalov:android_servive_big.little_fix
      adds  1f4fe3b   GStreamer 1.0 backport from master branch.
      adds  8271c4e   Highgui_Video.prop_fps disabled as fails with FFmpeg in Ubuntu 14.04.
      adds  d54d580   Merge pull request #3275 from asmorkalov:ocv_gstreamer_backport
      adds  ca40a74   Turn off superres accuracy tests if video i/o is not supported.
      adds  aa6b5ac   Merge pull request #3291 from asmorkalov:android_superres_video_check
      adds  71c4e96   Test fisheye.rectify disabled for Tegra.
      adds  5bd1815   Merge pull request #3290 from asmorkalov:android_disable_fisheye.rectify_for_tegra
      adds  e3f1d72   Remove ATL dependency from MSMF capture code
      adds  533fde6   Merge pull request #3281 from a-wi:MSMF_remove_ATL_dependency
      adds  60fd5c2   fixing dependencies
      adds  7018f94   Merge pull request #3288 from StevenPuttemans:fix_ts_dependencies
      adds  5a77176   avoid pointer arithmetic on register memory in color conversion
      adds  d579d3e   increase epsilons for some tests, which functions use floating point arithm
      adds  a26e496   minor fix for StereoCSBP data cost compute kernel and test
      adds  67635c6   Version++.
      adds  2cc004b   Remove 3rdparty libraries
      adds  c178ea4   Remove modules/highgui/src/files_Qt/Milky/
      adds  f70f9f7   Remove modules/nonfree
      adds  9e43e73   Remove image files of lena
      adds  5a09112   Merge tag 'upstream/'
      adds  11c8106   doc/check_docs2.py warnings fixes
      adds  a77a2f3   Merge pull request #3297 from asmorkalov:ocv_docs_fix
      adds  afb164c   Don't allocate lots of memory when reading TIFFs with infinite rows per strip.
      adds  ed2fb77   Merge pull request #3319 from Trundle:tiff_infinite_rowsperstrip
      adds  29fb2b6   Fixed doc for Bug #3887
      adds  c24e6f7   Merge pull request #3316 from nisargthakkar:Bug3887
      adds  af72e6b   Fixes  #3910, flags in _prepareImgAndDrawKeypoints are now binary OR'ed instead of added.
      adds  8364ea3   Merge pull request #3311 from BarneyBear:2.4-drawMatches-flag-fix
      adds  474897f   Made some changes specefict to 4 channel images. Fixed step value for tptr
      adds  1e744bf   Merge pull request #3309 from nisargthakkar:Thickness1NoLineCV_AA
      adds  7e78b5d   Fixed selecting media type in DShow video capture.
      adds  4b1bb70   Fixed media type GUID for I420 format in DShow capture.
      adds  5c96021   Fixed getting CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC property value
      adds  d7ba03a   Merge pull request #3298 from a-wi:DShow_capture
      adds  fb2012d   TCP instead of UDP
      adds  ff8e324   Merge pull request #3307 from ilya-lavrenov:ffmpeg_rtsp
      adds  d83372a   Patch for NDK r10
      adds  77b5745   Merge pull request #3327 from JonasVautherin:patch_cmake_android_r10
      adds  2ad8c6d   Fixing bug in NAryMatIterator documentation(Bug #3787).
      adds  0d19652   Merge pull request #3300 from rohitrawat:bug_3787_docs_NAryMatIterator
      adds  5dde172   silence cmake 3.0+ warnings on LOCATION attribute
      adds  a5e89bf   Merge pull request #3329 from taka-no-me:patch-1
      adds  e9f7c4a   added Cyrillic;
      adds  de6edcc   fixing issue with "ёЁ";
      adds  5a797ae   fix issue with font;
      adds  b11b08b   Merge pull request #3265 from BKNio:putText_develop
      adds  ea50be0   core: fix x86 PIC code compilation
      adds  6b0cd39   Merge pull request #3331 from tSed:opencv-2.4.x/fix-x86-PIC-compilation
      adds  8f3b876   ocl: Change static variable order in cl_context.cpp to avoid crashes during destruction
      adds  32f978f   Merge pull request #3337 from tstellarAMD:2.4-ocl-context-cleanup-fix
      adds  81c0537   iOS: fix crash from overrelease in UIImageToMat
      adds  1ce31dc   Merge pull request #3340 from AdLantis:2.4
      adds  0f2b7fb   viz: fixed memory leak, issue 3961
      adds  40efd17   Merge pull request #3346 from Nerei:fixed_memory_leak_in_viz
      adds  f55c1cc   fix installation layout for debian packages:
      adds  263621a   Merge pull request #3341 from jet47:deb-package-lib-symlinks
      adds  63ac69c   Fix test name.
      adds  cfdcf9f   TIFF loader: Allocate large enough buffer when (bpp * ncn) > 8.
      adds  24580e3   TIFF loader: Pass buffer size to read functions.
      adds  7bff337   Merge pull request #3350 from Trundle:fix_some_tiff_crashes
      adds  07bd58a   turn on testing support in root binary directory
      adds  0c57dc2   rewrite add_test command for accuracy tests:
      adds  f44c29a   disable CTest target for opencv_test_viz:
      adds  edf54ac   add CTest targets for sanity tests
      adds  4f8a121   determine test category (Public vs Extra) based on module location
      adds  1692801   Merge pull request #3356 from jet47:ctest-support
      adds  e082706   avoid pointer arithmetic on register memory in color conversion
      adds  5c07e0b   increase epsilons for some tests, which functions use floating point arithm
      adds  84f33d0   minor fix for StereoCSBP data cost compute kernel and test
      adds  0c2ccd3   Merge pull request #3366 from jet47:fix-gpu-cuda-7.0
      adds  6bb6039   Fixes for QNX 6.6 Neitrino support.
      adds  0cf1705   Merge pull request #3363 from asmorkalov:qnx_support
      adds  ba7c92b   Fixed highgui drawing test
      adds  67e50b4   Merge pull request #3362 from mshabunin:fix-drawing-24
      adds  b5a6df4   fixed issue with malformed UTF-8 string;
      adds  d77088b   Merge pull request #3336 from BKNio:putText_develop2
      adds  9b55c09   Basic doxygen documentation support
      adds  529af7a   Merge pull request #3364 from mshabunin:doxygen-docs-24
      adds  8bf5893   fixing SVM negative value rounding
      adds  a28cde9   Merge pull request #3382 from StevenPuttemans:fix_3982
      adds  2e393ab   superres: Fix return value VideoFrameSource_GPU
      adds  23b28a6   Merge pull request #3376 from vriera:2.4
      adds  b59aaae   iOS framework build script changes
      adds  09fb751   Fixed iOS framework compilation warnings
      adds  0c3722b   iOS framework build script changes from master branch
      adds  b476bf2   Merge pull request #3294 from mshabunin:fix-ios-warnings-24
      adds  eceada5   cmake/OpenCVGenPkgconfig.cmake: rework opencv.pc generation
      adds  3da1144   Merge pull request #3305 from tSed:opencv-2.4.x/opencv.pc-generation-refactoring
      adds  7dce2d0   fixing cap_pvpapi interface and making sure both AVT Manta and Proscilla series are supported. Testing this with both cams for Windows and Linux exhaustively.
      adds  e05a0bc   Merge pull request #3322 from StevenPuttemans:fix_pvpapi_interface
      adds  13d67b6   Suppress a bogus -Warray-bounds in modules/superres/src/optical_flow.cpp
      adds  b80a3a9   Merge pull request #3401 from SpecLad:optflow-bogus-Warray-bounds
      adds  d8ca61b   attemp to fix dox warning
      adds  2d86731   Merge pull request #3417 from ilya-lavrenov:dox_warn
      adds  ec335b7   ocl: Fix crash during destruction of gauss_w_lut object in hog.cpp
      adds  d2f19a3   Merge pull request #3418 from tstellarAMD:2.4-hog-crash-fix
      adds  7d8e5f6   Fix uninitialized memory reads and memory leaks in StereoGC
      adds  773e621   Merge pull request #3414 from SpecLad:vg-stereogc
      adds  2b8229f   adding extra buffer parameter
      adds  92e08c9   Merge pull request #3412 from StevenPuttemans:ieee1934_camera_set_params
      adds  da6a38f   NCV.cu: include <algorithm>
      adds  eedde32   Merge pull request #3421 from SpecLad:ncv-algorithm
      adds  42b1bd5   ocl: Move static oclMat variables into FarnebackOpticalFlow class
      adds  9086d6a   Merge pull request #3427 from tstellarAMD:2.4-farneback-crash-fix
      adds  d9164bd   added extra BUFFERSIZE doc and getter
      adds  8ebd474   Merge pull request #3425 from StevenPuttemans:fix_firewire_buffersize
      adds  a3f0547   C++ sample code to detect facial features
      adds  047b1ca   Merge pull request #3419 from samyak-268:2.4
      adds  f151b1d   fix wrong property name and corresponding documentation
      adds  3dd1afe   Merge pull request #3433 from StevenPuttemans:fix_whitebalance_naming
      adds  7512b5f   Fix determining bounding box of the edge collection in FillEdgeCollection().
      adds  1b73530   Merge pull request #3447 from a-wi:Fill_ellipse_arc
      adds  eeb9972   get rid of cuda.h usage
      adds  c5b6c04   Merge pull request #3445 from jet47:get-rid-of-cuda-h
      adds  35f96d6   Fix tautologies in calibfilter.cpp which cause a build failure when using -Werror=address with clang-3.5
      adds  3481c1c   Merge pull request #3488 from jeremyhu:PR-4048
      adds  3212dd5   Python test: new options provide local test data paths
      adds  4f82b35   Merge pull request #3480 from mshabunin:python-test-24
      adds  63c49be   highgui: Support to change trackbar count in setTrackbarPos and replaced deprecated CreateToolbarEx in Windows.
      adds  4ef03cc   Merge pull request #3449 from Ashod:2.4_highgui_trackbar_improvements
      adds  ce81433   ability to enable OpenMP simultaneously with other parallel framework
      adds  241991c   Merge pull request #3498 from ilya-lavrenov:omp
      adds  ba612fc   update android.toolchain.cmake
      adds  183454a   Merge pull request #3522 from ilya-lavrenov:update_android_toolchain_cmake
      adds  db9a0cf   add extra to FeatureDetector docs
      adds  9071598   Merge pull request #3515 from StevenPuttemans:fix_FeatureDetector_docs
      adds  73d1ea9   fix bug 2432 for 2.4 branch
      adds  2425dac   Merge pull request #3500 from StevenPuttemans:fix_2432_2.4
      adds  91e2184   Some changes to make migration to 3.0 easier
      adds  03df783   Merge pull request #3514 from mshabunin:compat-24
      adds  ff7ea60   export thread control to generated wrappers
      adds  20d957d   Merge pull request #3511 from mattip:2.4
      adds  2bda7aa   minor fix to make "updateBackgroundModel=false" option meaningful.
      adds  cc024d3   Merge pull request #3484 from euphrat:gmg_update_fix
      adds  ec57a93   Fix#3714:Improve Display Image Tutorial
      adds  63bc4d4   Merge pull request #3471 from HelenWong:FixBug3714
      adds  16ce114   Fix memory leaks appearing when cvOpenFileStorage throws
      adds  08da247   cvOpenFileStorage: reduce the scope of xml_buf and make sure it's freed...
      adds  034ff3c   Merge pull request #3497 from SpecLad:fs-open-fail-leak
      adds  6cc5959   Fixed typos in latentSVM detector demo.
      adds  1ed2220   Merge pull request #3506 from doltac:typofix
      adds  d00f36e   fix tests for gpu::matchTemplate:
      adds  ba84eb5   Merge pull request #3545 from jet47:gpu-match-template-tests
      adds  1386489   Minor grammar improvements to documentation
      adds  b01cdf2   Merge pull request #3543 from MatMoore:2.4
      adds  c105b72   Assorted fixes:
      adds  7ec6d8a   Fix Android build with the most resent android.toolchain.cmake
      adds  a5969ae   Merge pull request #3534 from taka-no-me:build_fixes
      adds  c0a8d4e   Fix of HaarCascade GPU test for aarch64.
      adds  82bd82e   TBB updated to 4.3u2. Fix for aarch64 support.
      adds  0f263e1   Full AARCH64 support with NEON and new CUDA toolkit.
      adds  8acd4c3   More accurate fix for libtiff and aarch64.
      adds  ad71efb   Merge pull request #3562 from asmorkalov:ocv_aarch64
      adds  e23ba92   Fixed memory leak in ML module
      adds  4e9cb47   Merge pull request #3565 from mshabunin:ml-leak-24
      adds  c778011   More accurate AVX and AVX2 control.
      adds  36c1dce   Merge pull request #3578 from asmorkalov:ocv_avx
      adds  38bb0db   cmake: fix gstreamer check conditions
      adds  9cadc1e   Merge pull request #3310 from tSed:opencv-2.4/fix-gstreamer-detection
      adds  840088e   Get rid of cvconfig.h in Latent SVM samples. Use common OpenCV parallel framework instead of direct TBB calls.
      adds  e02418e   parallel_do replaced by parallel_for_ in gpu/multi.cpp sample to get rid of cvconfig.h
      adds  091c7a3   OpenGL interop sample reworked not ot use cvconfig.h
      adds  72063bf   parallel_do replaced with parallel_for_ in driver_gpu_multi sample.
      adds  c0d76ef   driver_api_stereo_multi sample reworked to use parallel_for_ instead of parallel_do
      adds  b0c5f49   Build fixes for GPU samples.
      adds  3425c90   GPU samples with NVIDIA specific API excluded from build if CUDA disabled.
      adds  187befd   Fixed installation of CMakeLists.txt and enabled GPU samples build in stand alone version.
      adds  6628714   Fixed -samples debian package dependencies.
      adds  396f7e1   Merge pull request #3604 from asmorkalov:ocv_samples_package
      adds  911be68   Prevent native c/c++/ocl/gpu CMakeLists.txt install if samples are turned off.
      adds  9fb0f5a   Merge pull request #3620 from asmorkalov:native_samples_install
      adds  72d90ba   In cvAddText, construct QString from "text" using fromUtf8.
      adds  28dd3aa   Merge pull request #3614 from cwreynolds:Unicode-fix-for-addText-2
      adds  0a5b200   Update link to information about Android platform.
      adds  f3439de   Merge pull request #3623 from Trundle:fix_android_link
      adds  9e9327e   Added OpenCV 3.0 compat header for TS module.
      adds  07c9a88   Merge pull request #3621 from asmorkalov:ts_master_comapat_header
      adds  12a3eb7   fix ocv_add_module CMake macro:
      adds  c29c52a   Merge pull request #3609 from jet47:fix-ocv_add_module-2.4
      adds  d277a1b   TIFF support hack for aarch64 reverted.
      adds  9a6a046   Merge pull request #3613 from asmorkalov:aarch64_tiff
      adds  7efc917   pulling most recent models
      adds  2ca39c9   Merge pull request #3468 from StevenPuttemans:fix_models
      adds  cf5a7b9   remove an unused #endif
      adds  2fabe56   Merge pull request #3631 from StevenPuttemans:fix_samples
      adds  5245c74   Do not blacklist GStreamer on Apple
      adds  3bfe4f7   Merge pull request #3641 from cbenhagen:patch-2
      adds  c481e06   Fixed getPolicy() method to make it thread-safe.
      adds  c1252a1   Merge pull request #3648 from SpecLad:get_policy-ts
      adds  042ff21   Fixing race condition by expanding resultsMutex lock section
      adds  7e10689   Merge pull request #3587 from vpradeep07:fix/pnpransac_race_cond
      adds  a86dc74   fixing tutorial errors
      adds  a7e9760   Merge pull request #3649 from StevenPuttemans:fix_tutorials
      adds  ddc1b96   Added Debian changelog installation step for Debian package generation.
      adds  8764b17   Merge pull request #3659 from asmorkalov:debian_changelog_stub
      adds  be6b847   Added dependency from numpy to debian package with python bindings.
      adds  602b034   Merge pull request #3658 from asmorkalov:numpy_dependency
      adds  9206ec3   opencv_testing.sh script installation is removed as run tests script does the same thing.
      adds  1f47c22   Merge pull request #3655 from asmorkalov:remove_opencv_testing_sh
      adds  cf85297   Fixed samples install permissions for Debian packaging.
      adds  06b97b7   Merge pull request #3660 from asmorkalov:samples_install_permissions
      adds  8548a84   fixing wrong model sizes
      adds  0ab4bbf   Merge pull request #3662 from StevenPuttemans:fix_models
      adds  7bb8c50   disable gpu::matchTemplate tests
      adds  5253265   Merge pull request #3671 from jet47:disable-gpu-match-template-tests
      adds  e6ac640   Debian package names replaced by lower case version to satisfy lintian.
      adds  8e1b1a8   Merge pull request #3672 from asmorkalov:debian_lower_case
      adds  a87ccb9   Added Debian changelog to -tests package.
      adds  50eb661   Merge pull request #3676 from asmorkalov:changelog_for_tests
      adds  2b303f3   colorize opencv_run_all_tests_unix.sh script output
      adds  98f9a01   Merge pull request #3674 from jet47:colorize-run-test-script-2.4
      adds  e938563   Modified resetCvImage() in cap_ximea.cpp, so that the IplImage* frame is also updated after the resolution has changed via set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, value)/set(CV_CAP_PROP_XI_DOWNSAMPLING, value)
      adds  cd1ca7b   Merge pull request #3667 from AfterEight:cap_ximea_setResolution_bugfix
      adds  94d14c6   fix opencv_run_all_tests_unix.sh script:
      adds  606a646   Merge pull request #3680 from jet47:fix-run-tests-script-2.4
      adds  682fdcf   make color output in run_test script optional
      adds  9a62173   Merge pull request #3689 from jet47:test-script-optional-color-2.4
      adds  0387f8a   Don't use ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} as an install destination
      adds  6c4b3c1   Merge pull request #3693 from SpecLad:no-absolute-destinations
      adds  3d46c1f   Don't install documentation if it isn't built
      adds  8714219   Merge pull request #3695 from SpecLad:fix-hdc-tautology
      adds  ff4c42d   Fix iOS warnings about implicit conversion precision by changing double literals to float ones
      adds  9e3a826   Merge pull request #3697 from tomi44g:2.4
      adds  77578d4   Fix a memory leak in CvCapture_FFMPEG::close
      adds  6a3a641   Merge pull request #3698 from SpecLad:avcodec-free-frame
      adds  ab40630   Use the CMake find_library command to find the FFmpeg libraries.
      adds  a1cc938   Correct the new find_library commands.
      adds  98a157f   Remove Apple-specific logic in finding the FFmpeg libraries.
      adds  8c68f1f   Fix indentation of 98a157f5.
      adds  c60fa84   Add back the version variables removed in ab40630f.
      adds  4fcfcfd   Merge pull request #3663 from eliteraspberries:ffmpeg-dylib
      adds  49fe496   Remove useless CPACK_*_COMPONENT_INSTALL variables
      adds  a649aea   Merge pull request #3699 from SpecLad:rm-component-install
      adds  b9a6edf   Fixing XIMEA parameters mapping (issue #4176)
      adds  4e8aac5   Merge pull request #3683 from SeninAndrew:2.4
      adds  d218f28   cap_msmf.hpp: fix a warning about nNull being unused
      adds  65e4df7   Merge pull request #3705 from SpecLad:unused-nNull
      adds  dc21a0a   Android: fix JavaCameraView implementation
      adds  99ae48f   Merge pull request #3707 from alalek:fix_android_camera
      adds  e8a7394   Install data and test data on Windows
      adds  d34a520   Merge pull request #3704 from SpecLad:win-install-data
      adds  c1e3ca1   Add a script to run all tests on Windows
      adds  f3210b5   Merge pull request #3723 from SpecLad:run-all-tests-windows
      adds  a1c5740   solvePnPRansac now accepts a seed and is deterministic
      adds  177478a   overload instead of default arg for ABI backwards compatibility. rng_seed is now 'int' to support python port
      adds  964d5a2   Whitespace fix
      adds  1292fdf   Now using default arg instead of overloads
      adds  49bc100   Removing rng_seed arg in order to maintain ABI compatibility. Hardcoding seed
      adds  4ce31c7   Merge remote-tracking branch 'itseez/2.4' into feature/deterministic_pnpransac
      adds  85fd599   Merge pull request #3588 from vpradeep07:feature/deterministic_pnpransac
      adds  352485f   Android 5 support and aarch64-related fixes for Android Manager.
      adds  3649a1a   Build fix for case without TegraDetector.
      adds  a46166d   Merge pull request #3710 from asmorkalov:aarc64_manager_android_5
      adds  96e5300   OpenCV and OpenCV Manager version++
      adds  c059f7d   Merge pull request #3726 from asmorkalov:ocv_version_inc4
      adds  2136c3f   add remarks for iOS tutorial
      adds  3df13ff   Merge pull request #3732 from StevenPuttemans:fix_4004_2.4
      adds  f5a14e5   fix message of preloaded parameters
      adds  0cbe2f2   Merge pull request #3708 from StevenPuttemans:fix_traincascade_load_message
      adds  9665e08   Implement CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR for older CMake
      adds  c2944db   Exclude >= 2.8.3 from reimplementation of CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR
      adds  dcc569e   Merge pull request #3721 from nitsch:fix-cmake-current-list-dir
      adds  0832b47   fixed cross-compilation for Android with CUDA
      adds  877058a   Merge pull request #3739 from ilya-lavrenov:2_4_cc
      adds  720fd14   add fit ellipse technique notice
      adds  baabd95   Merge pull request #3740 from StevenPuttemans:fix_3028_2.4
      adds  4f621de   fix bug 3714 2.4 branch
      adds  d56dd0e   Merge pull request #3727 from StevenPuttemans:fix_3714_2.4
      adds  b8c6023   Update the CPack variables to match the changes in asmorkalov/CMake#1
      adds  6d52ea8   Add component display names
      adds  cf54e3b   Mark the libs component required
      adds  1c6e9fd   Merge pull request #3735 from SpecLad:align-cpack-variables
      adds  30d4631   adding a universal OpenCV based annotation tool for cascade classifier training
      adds  2d2ecbf   Merge pull request #3653 from StevenPuttemans:add_annotationtool
      adds  e03136e   backport from master
      adds  96d7bcc   Merge pull request #3677 from ilya-lavrenov:cuda_backport
      adds  c147ab1   set epsilon for gpu OpticalFlowBM to 1e-6, since it uses floating point arithmetic
      adds  f73a97b   Merge pull request #3751 from jet47:gpu-bmoptflow-test-epsilon
      adds  387a0f2   fix annotation tool, add auto make of tool
      adds  2c9547e   Merge pull request #3747 from StevenPuttemans:fix_annotationtool_extras
      adds  f466569   Remove 3rdparty libraries
      adds  c37a06b   Remove modules/highgui/src/files_Qt/Milky
      adds  4932dc4   Remove modules/nonfree
      adds  0b6a84f   Remove image files of lena
      adds  637ef6a   Merge tag 'upstream/2.4.11+dfsg'
      adds  760c483   Update patches/build-static-libs
      adds  0295409   Update patches/fix_ftbfs_on_non_linux
      adds  7198eac   Remove patches/pkg-config
      adds  1eb4b28   update patches/change_type_from_int_to_Atomic_word
      adds  cd3a58e   Update patches/libav10.patch
      adds  21f49ff   Update patches/libav10.patch
      adds  88dfd61   Update for java
      adds  15b2864   Update to 2.4.11
      adds  0a91923   Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.6
      adds  fd9540e   Remove image files of Lena (Closes: #794856)
      adds  bdd1a77   Update patches/optimize_i586.patch
      adds  163cf50   Update date of changelog
      adds  d7f8546   Imported Upstream version 2.4.7+dfsg
      adds  f4a754c   Imported Upstream version 2.4.8+dfsg1
      adds  46a1233   Imported Upstream version 3.0.0+dfsg
      adds  065532a   Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.0+dfsg'
      adds  ac11598   Update to 3.0
      adds  6049406   Fix build on i386
      adds  427f1e1   Add patches/optimize_i586.patch
      adds  8e732f3   Update debian/changelog
      adds  18ab16d   Revert "some more fixes towards binary compatibility"
      adds  e7b8168   Revert "yet another portion of changes towards the binary compatibility"
      adds  075372a   Revert "fixed compilation error because of DetectionBasedTracker"
      adds  0442bca   Revert "partially recovered binary compatibility (ticket #2415)"
      adds  81f826d   Normalize line endings and whitespace
      adds  9337246   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  0e7ca71   Normalize whitespace in documentation and text files
      adds  5bc104c   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  73bbabf   Eliminate discrepancies between signatures in documentation and OpenCV headers
      adds  e8dd737   Merge pull request #59 from taka-no-me:doc/fix-signatures-master
      adds  cb66dd8   Normalize android/scripts/wincfg.cmd.tmpl
      adds  d9ffe5e   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  78dd189   added tests for cv::merge, cv::split, cv::phase
      adds  ef6a6cf   Merge pull request #69 from mdim/core_tests
      adds  5777598   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  1cb21d2   update FFMPEG wrapper binaries
      adds  8dbde32   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  91f47d2   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  275ab53   Added default Eigen search path to support Eigen that comes with PCL
      adds  d681717   warnings
      adds  f14a711   Merge pull request #85 from Nerei/master
      adds  6211f15   Merge 2.4.3-rc
      adds  26f9534   fixed string->string conversion
      adds  7725868   Merge pull request #87 from jet47:cmd-parser-fix
      adds  729d76a   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  0ad849d   Dual TV-L1 optical flow implementation
      adds  8db5b7d   fixed warnings under Windows
      adds  e55b2f7   Merge pull request #99 from jet47:tvl1-opt-flow
      adds  e0cfc0c   fixed bug with incorrect syntax in CommandLineParser
      adds  0f65dac   Merge pull request #104 from AoD314:master
      adds  468eefe   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  9f8ce90   fix to documentation regarding CV_CAP_OPENNI_* in high gui userguide fix comments to accurate match CV_CAP_OPENNI_* vs. wrong OPENNI_*
      adds  66b90d1   Merge pull request #81 from stephenfox/master
      adds  4d059e9   Merge release 2.4.3
      adds  beb377b   gpu implementation of Dual TV-L1 Optical Flow
      adds  bff818a   fixed static build of gpu module with ffmpeg:
      adds  29f89e8   moved block.hpp to include folder
      adds  810829f   speedup compilation of row_filter.cu and column_filter.cu
      adds  afff9cf   Optimized buffers reuse in gpu module:
      adds  95869a6   fix the compilation bug of main.cpp in perf test and accuracy test on ocl module. It caused by the incompatibility of command line parser class in core.hpp between master branch and 2.4 branch.
      adds  7ef378b   Android tutorial updated. HelloWorld sample ported on new framework.
      adds  6fb9597   Code review comments applied.
      adds  95b7f5c   Face Detection sample namespace replaced on org.opencv.facedetect for consistency with Google Play.
      adds  baef62b   Java test fix. Eclipse test execution fix.
      adds  e06c5b6   Code review comments applied.
      adds  9f5fcff   More common way of test case disabling implemented.
      adds  96e4eed   Logcat message for disabled test cases added.
      adds  dda2eb0   Libinfo build fix; Libinfo revision formating fix; HW dependent VersionCode for Manager implemented.
      adds  0938358   Merge pull requests #136, #142, #150, #152 from asmorkalov/new_framework_tutorial, asmorkalov/fd_package_fix, asmorkalov/java_test_fix and asmorkalov/engine_build_fix
      adds  0a4ed2b   Fix Windows build warnings
      adds  aba5bae   Merge pull request #147 from taka-no-me/win_warnings
      adds  9719ea9   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  108fd16   dummy soft cascade
      adds  9966d7f   add structures for cascade representation
      adds  cd301e5   minor in train application
      adds  fb113e5   scale pyramid calculations
      adds  7290d85   add ICF feature
      adds  fe2c38b   add method to fill soft cascade
      adds  a54d456   parse soft cascade from xml
      adds  f01c5d9   compute scales pyramid
      adds  b0b85f3   add test for soft cascade detect method
      adds  6958270   Integral images for ICF
      adds  c04725b   add apply cascade method
      adds  dc74ce2   OpenCV friendly xml format for soft cascade
      adds  6f53be4   shrinking before integral calculation
      adds  801368e   refactoring
      adds  8d90b97   add detectAt to soft cascade
      adds  ba27d89   add feature rescaling according to Dollal's paper FPDW
      adds  765dea9   fix bugs in the soft cascade detect method; add options for debug logging
      adds  efd2615   fix floating point bug
      adds  296aa88   fix hog channels
      adds  b608143   clean code
      adds  26af7d7   refactor logs
      adds  cc300a6   add perfomance test for CPU soft cascade
      adds  0ff8a46   remove pow calculations
      adds  9771c3c   remove Mat copying
      adds  2d2c46e   add const qualifier to detectMultiScale method
      adds  2914f24   improve cpu version of SoftCascade:  - remove division  - remove cvRound  - cache feature area
      adds  754fd73   improve pointer usage
      adds  8e092f8   add Detection struct to interface
      adds  5651743   remove debug imshow from code
      adds  3d41846   move frame processing into separate class
      adds  2d0fc80   use IntegralChannels class
      adds  7b6da39   rename Stage to Weak because there is no such term for Soft Cascades
      adds  40c0c60   remove unused struct
      adds  a22ee13   rename markDetection to addDetection
      adds  017d970   load SoftCascade from FileStorage
      adds  16dd09c   move scale related parameters to SoftCascade constructor
      adds  2e8ed77   get rid of hard-coded values
      adds  a84334c   brief soft cascade interface description
      adds  3cb9afb   test update because changed Sobel Normalization
      adds  ff8417d   remove input frame size constraints
      adds  4a1c4a9   soft cascade become Algorithm
      adds  65543c5   update test according to resize usage
      adds  6a3a723   refactor integral channels
      adds  157ab66   add ROI support
      adds  4207552   add object init
      adds  31a073c   documentation
      adds  5fb9f48   fix angle scaling
      adds  4656872   fixed typo
      adds  f1e3604   clean code
      adds  1022094   fix levels computing
      adds  f93cffa   fix compilation under win
      adds  e379771   git warning
      adds  8a3e897   min and max params become double
      adds  665bf43   fix warnings under win
      adds  bd9ca48   export to python/java
      adds  1edab12   fix for negative confidence
      adds  be40bd5   Merge remote-tracking branch 'cuda-geek/soft-cascade-cpu'
      adds  e3c93ad   Revert "Merge pull request #141 from jet47/gpu-pyrlk-fix" because this bug appears only in 2.4
      adds  0264642   Fixed arguments of the function calcOpticalFlowSF.
      adds  52a1362   Modified documentation for calcOpticalFlowSF.
      adds  2e2d927   Merge pull request #128 from LeonidBeynenson/fix_args_calcOpticalFlowSF
      adds  7f542e3   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  6ccd7ac   fix tests for arm
      adds  5c2d590   Merge pull #173 request from cuda-geek/fix-sc-arm
      adds  1712d09   Merge origin/master into cuda-dev
      adds  d65b3e0   fix warning in CUDA samples
      adds  dd9c534   GPU interface for soft cascade
      adds  267d140   soft cascade: gpu representation
      adds  2b7ce8b   precompute feature response for scaling factor
      adds  1ab7af6   GPU soft cascade: buffers preallocation
      adds  4aac144   integral channel storage are cached as a cascade's field
      adds  a3af5ed   CUDA callers
      adds  14a0dd8   fix typo in cascade loading
      adds  1a52a32   add performance test for GPU soft cascade
      adds  5d15e4e   CUDA kernels interface
      adds  0691dc5   fix compilation
      adds  1cf7a46   fix data paths in performance test
      adds  08b4e78   add shrinking kernel
      adds  1bf8599   add detections vector initialization in tests
      adds  ba50d19   first version of soft cascade on GPU
      adds  e606a0d   remove dead code
      adds  dca27b4   fix cast bug; add logging
      adds  4881205   refactor logs
      adds  1917366   empty cascade
      adds  4d9c7c1   preprocessing ~1.981 ms
      adds  b83d4ad   memory optimization
      adds  8108bd3   optimize memory usage
      adds  72b499d   add detection storing
      adds  c0359ed   fix test: enough size for detection matrix
      adds  0314e0e   add kind in detection representation
      adds  612a258   kepler specific version
      adds  b52fea7   update soft cascade interface:  - add class Detection in interface,  - split sync- and async- versions,  - add support for detecting at the specific scale.
      adds  7db1323   add test that stores detections on the specific scale
      adds  56c7ef0   integrate Kepler version
      adds  672cf1f   implement different behaviour for up- and down-scaling
      adds  64d6e6a   add getROISize
      adds  eb91593   add roi support
      adds  dd59537   Add performance test for  detection in ROI; refactor soft cascade performance tests
      adds  838842c   Add performance detection test in ROI; refactored soft cascade performance tests
      adds  fdef0ad   Corrects objects matrix in case of the absence of objects
      adds  30bce16   optimize roi loads
      adds  1b9bccb   move Level into shared memory
      adds  0424e2c   remove debug code
      adds  ef431f7   fix buggy threshold zeroing if feature has zero area
      adds  312a58f   fix performance test
      adds  fa62e2b   move preprocessing into separate function
      adds  916ba4c   refactor preprocessing
      adds  0898c3c   kernel policy
      adds  f196e9f   add factory method for Fields structure
      adds  2bcb8db   refactor performance tests
      adds  022a8b9   fix rounding bug in Level creation
      adds  ca81628   fix retrieval of detections count
      adds  fa55d51   add sanity check to performance tests for soft cascade
      adds  2bd35c4   add support for precomputed integrals
      adds  fba62c9   fix compilation problem after rebase
      adds  ac5cd48   add DeviceInfo parameter to the soft cascade tests
      adds  df392cc   use fast integral for soft cascade
      adds  9b251f8   remove Sobel normalization
      adds  27eb2e2   enable fast  integral for Kepler
      adds  e6eb1b9   fix negative confidence bug
      adds  40600fa   GPU version becomes algorithm
      adds  0cbf9eb   add support for CUDA streams
      adds  916967c   add comments to class declaration
      adds  d3ac282   GPU soft cascade documentation
      adds  580d817   refactor computing of scaling factor
      adds  aa92be3   GK107 Policy
      adds  08910e8   integrate pre-Kepler architectures
      adds  72e2b8b   remove size constraints of input frame
      adds  8acfbde   remove debug detect at scale method
      adds  a30bbda   remove hardcoded values
      adds  781c043   refactor: PrefixSum
      adds  ee4f003   fixed typo
      adds  c3e4a52   soft cascade sample
      adds  0865227   check if scaling values changed
      adds  a9f10e5   fixed compile without cuda
      adds  d2e88e1   nms: part 1
      adds  60c0e41   integrate NMS (Dollar's criteria)
      adds  bd3179b   fix CUDA support for streams for NMS; refactor tests
      adds  05cd88a   clean code; fix problems in documentation
      adds  209f164   Merge cuda-geek/soft-cascade-gpu into cuda-dev
      adds  554a7cb   add epsilon in sanity checks
      adds  22b0ea1   sort for Hough sanity checks
      adds  d47c112   fix abs_func and minimum/maximum functors
      adds  7a1874b   new reduce and reduceKeyVal implementation
      adds  05db02f   BruteForceMatcher
      adds  e299595   computeHypothesisScoresKernel
      adds  28716d7   Canny
      adds  7e57648   FGDStatModel
      adds  0ddd16c   calcHist & equalizeHist
      adds  0e339dd   hog
      adds  1b571bd   StereoConstantSpaceBP
      adds  1f1e24b   PyrLKOpticalFlow
      adds  7f97fb4   FastNonLocalMeans
      adds  19c87d1   ORB
      adds  fbf3de4   SURF
      adds  e8f9762   matrix reduction
      adds  e6b1ccd   removed old reduce implementation
      adds  76e8794   fixed warnings on old compute capabilities
      adds  572d2d6   warpScanInclusive
      adds  a71ef7d   convertTo
      adds  f00efcf   added optimized deviceSupports function
      adds  11c6eb6   element operations
      adds  63a022d   added explicit unroll to reduce implementation
      adds  f022b12   saturate_cast via asm cvt command
      adds  2eca75c   added common TransformFunctorTraits for element operations
      adds  d259170   Merge branch 'kepler-optimization' into cuda-dev
      adds  0b2c1dc   fixed build without CUDA
      adds  1d97a45   fixed compilation for GCC 4.6
      adds  d985861   remove unused std imports
      adds  2e0161c   create objects mat if empty
      adds  2eebd8d   fixed build under windows
      adds  08fbf66   refactored opengl functionality
      adds  05d842b   a bit more opengl refactoring:
      adds  06776b6   fixed warnings
      adds  7ab9c4c   fixed compilation on 1.1 CC
      adds  e311613   fixed warnings "double not supported"
      adds  aabc33c   temporarily disabled reduceKeyVal implementation for kepler
      adds  b689eca   fixed OpenGL tests
      adds  d94f08f   added more types support for gpu separable filters
      adds  0930ac4   removed type check in gpu::PyrLKOpticalFlow
      adds  e17710c   removed type check in gpu::FarnebackOpticalFlow
      adds  afa5809   added additional performance tests
      adds  a6dc6f7   gpu::calcOpticalFlowBM
      adds  aad7609   gpu::HoughLinesP
      adds  0d88047   updated nv perf test script (added opticalFlowBM and HoughLinesP)
      adds  c6263eb   fixed build with CUDA and witout OpenGL
      adds  4102aaa   fixed compilation of color.cu under windows x86
      adds  79c3a8e   fix build under win.
      adds  5fe9bb7   fixed build under linux with OpenGL
      adds  50946b5   minor device namespace refactor
      adds  70c409f   fixed building PDFs in master
      adds  61a40dd   Merge pull request #186 from vpisarev:doc_fixes_master
      adds  3923484   Refactored the PvAPI capture class to better facilitate dynamic property changes
      adds  50bebd6   Merge pull request #166 from  askforeric:pvapi_updates
      adds  e10ee89   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  476efd7   Drop unsupported yzx and mil camera backends
      adds  00fbf58   Revert incompletely applied patch from #2192
      adds  ae5649d   Drop unsupported imageio from grfmt
      adds  722dedb   Merge pull request #201 from taka-no-me:drop_unsupported_highgui
      adds  8ca86e2   Update modules/ml/doc/gradient_boosted_trees.rst
      adds  940cf97   Merge pull request #213 from qwaker00/patch-1
      adds  be80ad1   Native camera warper libraries build improved
      adds  49e038c   Merge pull request #203 from asmorkalov/android_cam_stub
      adds  67ce03d   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  a6c3ed5   Merge branch master into cuda-dev
      adds  746bc16   fixed gpu warpAffine and warpPerspective with NPP
      adds  87e0eee   fixed remap and warp gpu tests
      adds  ee291a1   add preprocessing only function
      adds  0e1005c   optimize hog bin computing
      adds  8ef19e7   hack luv
      adds  d23a4f5   add resize
      adds  c470e15   integrate speprocessing strategy
      adds  9785a8a   fix docs for SCascade
      adds  5ddf4e4   change expected values for soft cascade test according to changes in implementation
      adds  889674e   disabled video decoding under linux
      adds  da93a1d   fixed build for CARMA platform
      adds  8c057af   fixed windows build
      adds  caf91ac   new gpu::HoughLinesP implementation
      adds  da017fb   fast optical flow bm implementation
      adds  1a1f454   updated gpu houghlines sample
      adds  dd8e442   replaced DeviceInfo().supports with deviceSupports
      adds  bac94f8   fixed printCudaDeviceInfo for 3.5 CC (Patch #2641)
      adds  0973e86   fixed printShortCudaDeviceInfo for new CC
      adds  ab25fe9   call resetDevice if gpu test fails
      adds  41c9377   fixed warnings under windows
      adds  4ba33fa   Revert "call resetDevice if gpu test fails"
      adds  1a76242   added GPU_TEST_P macros
      adds  660d23a   added cv::gpu::resetDevice to RunPerfTestBody
      adds  11293d0   Revert "disabled video decoding under linux"
      adds  2f1ca1b   fixed build for CARMA:
      adds  4db68b5   fixed Sobel and Scharr tests
      adds  5225672   added edge-aware demosaicing and bayer to bgra conversion
      adds  3fa6306   fixed bayer2bgra in case when size.width <= 2
      adds  4116cbe   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into Demosaicing
      adds  ce5e9a7   fixed some warnings on Windows and added debug messages
      adds  b8b13cc   parallel version of Bayer2Gray
      adds  98031a4   removed const modificators
      adds  c09a325   fixed error connected with incorrect range
      adds  07744cc   removed imshow call
      adds  615e7b2   added SIMD optimization of Edge-Aware Demosaicing in case of CV_8U
      adds  eaeae4a   Merge pull request #184 from ilya-lavrenov:Demosaicing
      adds  88c71d1   add NMS according to Dollar's paper.
      adds  2d45af7   fix according to pull requests comments
      adds  464826c   Merge pull request #181 from cuda-geek:nms
      adds  f5cd20d   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  1284121   Set sanity threshold for TVL1 optical flow to 0.02
      adds  fe0b88d   Set sanity threshold for TVL1 optical flow to 0.5
      adds  53f1e73   fixed Video_calcOpticalFlowDual_TVL1 test (Bug #2597)
      adds  aabb40e   Merge pull request #217 from jet47:fix-tvl1-test
      adds  94c310f   added Ptr::operator==
      adds  d6add76   Merge pull request #228 from Nerei:master
      adds  18e77d6   Drop functions working with multibyte characters
      adds  2508d8e   Merge pull request #218 from taka-no-me:drop_utf16
      adds  680eeec   fixed samples compilation
      adds  d3354c5   Merge pull request #229 from Nerei:master
      adds  d1ca934   sse2 version of resize area fast for types CV_(8, 16)UC(1, 3, 4)
      adds  16f9b6f   reproducing C++ version of resize area fast
      adds  4ccb5a3   fixed bug with s1 calculating
      adds  6059a68   fixed bug with s1 calculating
      adds  aa0dafc   replaced _mm_packs_epi32 to _mm_packus_epi32
      adds  743dce6   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into SIMDFastAreaResize-2
      adds  c2f2e33   removed debug messages
      adds  d246b41   changed loop condition
      adds  a319bae   added #undef _mm_packus_epi32
      adds  3edf7c5   Merge pull request #220 from ilya-lavrenov:SIMDFastAreaResize
      adds  962884c   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  c513d4e   Increase max RMSE error for tvl1 optical flow test
      adds  62af76c   Merge pull request #249 from taka-no-me:tvl1_max_rmse
      adds  c02179a   Revert "_InputArray/_OutputArray destructors are temporary made non-virtual. Please, restore it after 2.4.3"
      adds  5138b7d   Merge branch 'master' into cuda-dev
      adds  3882bbb   improve carma build  - exclude system paths from library search paths  - remove hardcoded paths to compiler  - enable compiling with 3d-parties  - enable build as shared libraries
      adds  15e7712   Merge branch from CUDA team
      adds  2128bd2   fix warnings under win
      adds  13b6a3a   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  132b5d6   Merge release
      adds  956a029   added code, test and doc for five-point algorithm
      adds  3759476   Merge pull request #266 from prclibo:master
      adds  eb326cd   Fixed misspelled words.
      adds  cc21104   Merge pull request #273 from saskathex:master
      adds  be22891   added GPU_PERF_TESTP_P but haven't switched test to it (only perf4au app)
      adds  389ecbe   warnings, renamed Marina's GPU_PERF_TEST_P
      adds  b1aa7ae   fixed CC for CAMRA
      adds  45191dd   merge CUDA dev branch
      adds  bb07e27   decreased source size in NCV.VectorOperations test
      adds  e53d576   fix precompiled headers usage in gpu module
      adds  66d9864   Merge pull request #276 from cuda-geek:fix-precomps
      adds  1bc7681   fixed bug connected with SSE2 version of resize with AREA interpolation
      adds  47963f0   Merge pull request #277 from ilya-lavrenov:ResizeAreaFast
      adds  45b4f4f   connectedComponents: warning free version
      adds  4c0cb25   connectedComponents: peep-hole optimizations, mostly surrouding the fact that cv::Mat::at is expensive in a tight-loop -also added a "blobstats" version
      adds  8588039   connectedcomponents: use opencv integral types, add to docs, fix up things for a python export
      adds  d5aa679   adjust output type to return int32... it should at least be unsigned but this breaks python bindings; remove non-8bit input type support, not worth the binary size
      adds  00bdca7   A few changes to comply with upstream requirements for merge.
      adds  6a4d881   use vector instead of non-standard stack allocation.  also correct program argument borkage
      adds  e70b3ef   use a ltype parameter to determine result Label image type; export stats with differening types over different outputarrays
      adds  d094e4b   drop support for 8bit output for size cost relative to utility
      adds  63debf5   connectedcomponents test case
      adds  68e77ac   use opencv's integer type convension
      adds  ad0bfdf   disable windows build warning for connectedcomponents template argument comparisons
      adds  2a42960   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/nevion/opencv into cc
      adds  1eae455   fixed build warnings from VS; hopefully, fixes Android build too
      adds  5f86eb8   proper dimensions from cv::Size in output stats/centroid
      adds  e1b60aa   drop usage of macros... the type is already there!
      adds  3185708   probably fixed build problems on Android
      adds  4cb25e9   update documentation to latest connected components interface
      adds  b68df41   Merge pull request #135 from nevion:master
      adds  20c5a87   Weaken acceptance criteria in phase test
      adds  a99799c   Merge pull request #286 from taka-no-me:tweak_phase_test_threshold
      adds  a09b973   Smart operators for smart Ptr (feature #2637)
      adds  19229f2   Merge pull request #253 from Nerei:smart_operators_for_smart_ptr
      adds  084b1c7   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  9e35702   Update libjpeg to "Version 9  13-Jan-2013"
      adds  bb73332   Merge pull request #293 from taka-no-me:libjpeg9
      adds  6d738f6   Changed RANSAC Homography estimation for speed. Each minimal set is checked for consistency before actually fit a candidate homography.
      adds  28a7be6   Fixed compile warnings on CvHomographyEstimator
      adds  867ddeb   Merge pull request #289 from jmbuena:master
      adds  dc0788c   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  ad86b80   finished buildPointList
      adds  3a04cfe   added HoughCircles in ocl.hpp
      adds  0656f13   removed useless comments in buildPointList_gpu()
      adds  13c44dd   finished ocl::HoughCircles
      adds  e1c6564   fixed a typo in ocl.hpp
      adds  ecb6c20   Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/Itseez/opencv into ocl_hough
      adds  7820210   added unit test for HoughCircles
      adds  b1faa46   added performance test
      adds  8a1d6a1   added documentation for ocl::HoughCircles
      adds  2124de8   Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/Itseez/opencv into ocl_hough
      adds  0afa9ce   removed personal info from the license header
      adds  4f96529   modified performance test for ocl::HoughCircles
      adds  269ccaa   Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/Itseez/opencv into ocl_hough
      adds  06da75f   Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/Itseez/opencv into ocl_hough
      adds  f3f55b3   Merge pull request #267 from pclove1:ocl_hough
      adds  90ff4e6   Convert test image to losless format
      adds  d169f62   Merge pull request #307 from taka-no-me:lena.png
      adds  ae5661d   Fix random failures of Split and Merge tests
      adds  dda337b   Merge pull request #303 from taka-no-me:fix_split_merge_test
      adds  3e7965a   first debug integration of newly trained cascade
      adds  e09694b   integrated 128x256 scale
      adds  0c6c78d   integrate 128x256 scale; remove log
      adds  8fc4078   xml for soft cascade
      adds  f1b4b13   perf test
      adds  9efd668   a bit refactored soft cascade
      adds  913faf2   fix test for a new test data
      adds  f7921b5   fix soft scade xml
      adds  0a40bbd   add two types of feature boxes support:  - (left, top, width, height)  - (left, top, right, bottom)
      adds  f9649a0   fix typo
      adds  5343388   fix python wrapping
      adds  e15bdea   fix test for new cascade
      adds  a8a8423   Merge pull request #311 from cuda-geek:soft-cascade-refactoring-and-fixes
      adds  e3941d0   refactored approxpoly
      adds  457fa52   convex hull converted to C++; other 2 functions in convhull.cpp are yet to be finished.
      adds  c197a46   removed rarely used fixed_size parameter from AutoBuffer type, added optional AutoBuffer* but to cvarrToMat in order to speedup CvSeq->Mat conversion; finished conversion of convex hull and related functions to C++
      adds  c2241dc   converted fitline to C++, fixed Mat::checkVector().
      adds  dc4d039   converted few more comp. geometry functions to C++
      adds  efd0023   fixed warnings; restored fixed_size parameter in AutoBuffer
      adds  0487067   Merge pull request #317 from vpisarev:c2cpp_refactor_imgproc
      adds  f4e27bc   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  2e02654   Fix build of Java tests
      adds  d3aef0d   Fix OpenCL build warnings
      adds  9de36c5   Merge pull request #338 from taka-no-me:ocl_warnings_master
      adds  0734d9b   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  013e929   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  78a3381   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  7572b4d   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  57d3152   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  3645131   fixed cmd line parsing in the samples
      adds  6b4304e   Merge pull request #388 from ivan-korolev:fix_cmd_line_parsing_in_samples
      adds  8d9c9c2   integrate new cascade format to GPU soft cascade implementation
      adds  cb32940   fix tests
      adds  d874d93   Merge pull request #372 from cuda-geek:gpu-cascade-fixes
      adds  6107954   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  948365b   Add new app dedicated for training soft cascades.
      adds  86973f8   feature pool generation:     - use random from tr1 extension     - extend cv::Boost
      adds  554080d   add file globbing
      adds  4ca760d   debug output information.
      adds  a388884   Positives preprocessing
      adds  f6e3e3f   add negatives generation
      adds  a8c3431   set parameters
      adds  a2382ce   add ability to store/load training configuration
      adds  30b2a94   load from config xml and fix integral representation
      adds  883d691   fix feature computing
      adds  bfa26fd   refactoring
      adds  a89299a   store result to xml.
      adds  2e4b8d0   integrate pruning
      adds  6930461   commented debug out
      adds  c0f68ec   add xml serialization
      adds  c091092   fix typo
      adds  a8d0e04   amplement weidhting according to L. Bourdev and J. Brandt paper "Robust Object Detection Via Soft Cascade"
      adds  1f01052   fix inintial weighting
      adds  4356d34   write features to soft cascade xml
      adds  ef4b18f   script for scaling inria dataset for multiple-octaves training
      adds  23d0e36   fix floating point precision
      adds  2610a45   add file storage release
      adds  bda6f39   move rescaling script location
      adds  d4d47b1   restore backword compatibility
      adds  19236b6   remove dead code
      adds  a3600b9   created abstract FeaturePool class
      adds  a0e93d0   move image extraction logic from Octave to Dataset class
      adds  dd8de0c   move soft cascade octave to ml module
      adds  a0f2203   raplase error output on CV_Error
      adds  184ae44   refactoring
      adds  e7bab66   replace cv::Mat to Input/Output arrays
      adds  e47f58f   replace Mats to Input/OutputArrays for Octave's public interface
      adds  e35eebd   fix android build
      adds  dc12b44   suppress debug out for soft cascade Octave
      adds  e2de3b0   fix build inder mac
      adds  8672ae5   fix globbing under win
      adds  a28f5a8   move preprocessor to objdetect
      adds  c046235   fix warnings under win
      adds  e903ce1   fix wartings for 32bit build
      adds  92e50d9   caltech parsing script
      adds  3168717   implement positive sample extraction
      adds  16aacf1   use long seeds
      adds  56edff9   drop deth code
      adds  7a713a4   collect Caltech positives for 32x64 octave: - resized - cropped - flipped around the x axis
      adds  c073138   generalize extraction method for any scale
      adds  8d9875c   add script for negatives extraction
      adds  737f5ef   filter samples
      adds  b0905c6   minor
      adds  8cd509e   Caltech-style ROC testing script
      adds  ca08101   caltech ROC test: - parse idl - replase option parser with argument parser
      adds  acdf544   add improved softcascade detector
      adds  4622aea   ROC test: add overlap calculation according to Pascal criteria
      adds  18df46f   add plotting function (matplotlib required)
      adds  d1952f2   add cropping and aspect ratio normalization
      adds  4c4c878   add detection to ground truth matching according to Piotr Dollar paper
      adds  469eeea   add ROC estimation in the same way as Dallar's matlab toolbox does
      adds  11f3927   allow multiple detectors
      adds  990ca86   fix spelling
      adds  922de41   refactor python ROC script and add axis ticks
      adds  5f082b9   improve ROC test script: handle ignored
      adds  decb137   use long seeds only for 64 bit systems
      adds  e9232a4   add parameter to control range and extended range for annotations
      adds  faecb4f   ROC script refactoring
      adds  1fc7134   add legend for ROC plot
      adds  8cf30c7   parse Caltech annotations
      adds  28098b6   refactor python
      adds  1b43b0e   move soft cascade functionality into dedicated module
      adds  61441a1   rename SCascade -> SoftCascadeDetector
      adds  716a9cc   move training to softcascade module rename Octave -> SoftCascadeOctave
      adds  49ec664   add IntegralChannelComputer
      adds  f3227c3   merged ICFPreprocessor and Channels -> ChannelFeatureBuilder
      adds  4ba8b53   split public interface and realization for SoftCascadeOctave
      adds  7f80054   move miscellaneous python scripts to softcascade module
      adds  a01f596   update documentation for softcascade module
      adds  b4aa33b   move ICF -> ChannelFeature
      adds  0b039f3   refactor feature pool
      adds  fa15fcc   move feature pool to softcascade module
      adds  1613aa4   fix python bindings
      adds  d314c60   add documentation for new classes
      adds  14ac8a5   final refactoring and test for training
      adds  f7ac739   code review fixes
      adds  cc538dd   changes related with code review
      adds  f52ce65   Merge pull request #322 from cuda-geek:training
      adds  7c98735   add compute capability check
      adds  baf2b87   Update modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp
      adds  5a76786   Merge pull request #413 from berak:master
      adds  75191e8   Smartek Giganetix Cameras support (Patch #2192) integrated to master.
      adds  4d785ff   Merge pull request #409 from asmorkalov:giganetix_cams_patch_master
      adds  c527340   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  b44b920   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  956aa68   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  06f4a56   converted flood fill, getrectsubpix & cornersubpix to C++
      adds  59a5ba8   converted watershed + pyrmeanshiftfilter to C++
      adds  9124a76   converted moments function to C++
      adds  05ea571   almost finished distance transform conversion (discrete voronoi diagram mode is not ready yet)
      adds  7f8c925   finished distance transform; fixed warnings
      adds  944588e   converted houghlines to C++
      adds  16d825a   fixed compile warnings and opencv_perf_imgproc failures
      adds  8f33e80   fixed bug in the new version of cornerSubPix
      adds  bd063e4   fixed the remaining warning in houghlines
      adds  77d647b   2 more warnings on Windows fixed
      adds  78402bf   made several minor fixes as pointed out by Andrey
      adds  3c25ddd   restored 8u->32f cvGetQuadrangleSubPix() mode (need better test for it)
      adds  4cc3dfe   Merge pull request #482 from vpisarev:c2cpp_imgproc_part2
      adds  3f86fd8   update: detected rectangles may be partially outside the image
      adds  ec7a7c0   Merge pull request #493 from pppoe:master
      adds  262fc92   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  637397f   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  9498856   Fix documentation problems found by check_docs2 script
      adds  11bd936   Fix warnings from documentation build
      adds  0ccdc5b   Merge pull request #509 from taka-no-me:fix_docs_master
      adds  0b8a6da   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  dddd285   Merge branch 2.4
      adds  ef6c236   restore missed gpu functionality after merge #dddd285d
      adds  a66f7cb   allows building with -std=c++11 under G++
      adds  f783f34   Merge pull request #534 from emchristiansen:c++11
      adds  9e5698b   fix lying assertation and hard-coded shrinkage
      adds  37568b2   Merge pull request #545 from cuda-geek:fix_lying_assertation
      adds  7cab679   Added two kernels to existing SVM framework Histogram intersection kernel (accessible by using SVM::INTER in CV namespace as kernel_type) Exponetial chi2 kernel (accessible by using SVM::CHI2 in CV namespace as kernel_type)
      adds  ddb0afb   Changed line 1266 in svm.cpp to allow the new kernels to be used
      adds  5484a41   Corrected a mistake in CHI2 kernel in line 354 and line 362 svm.cpp Added new kernels to documentation
      adds  9f888fd   Merge pull request #490 from mschoeler:master
      adds  2a6fb28   Remove all using directives for STL namespace and members
      adds  d586f4a   Fix x64 build warnings
      adds  15e125c   Merge pull request #543 from taka-no-me:explicit_stl
      adds  351ecbb   Repair build
      adds  eca114a   Fix definition of the covariance matrix of derivatives.
      adds  242a6de   Merge pull request #566 from FabricioS:master
      adds  76d03fc   Added Thin Prism Distortion Model
      adds  d3d8a78   Thin prism distortion model added doc
      adds  8a2b50d   Fixed undistort.cpp
      adds  cb61e91   distCoeffs0 cols to 12
      adds  62655b0   Indentation ok
      adds  6bf7fd9   Indentation Ok
      adds  0448f24   Added constants to gen_java.py
      adds  7b79eaf   Merge pull request #511 from aritzlc:master
      adds  efad694   some improvements of existing sse3 optimization of bilateral filter in case of 8uc3. Now perf tests take 6120ms instead of previous 7250ms (1.18x speed-up)
      adds  3eed5d8   additional improvements for 32f
      adds  d620ef0   Merge pull request #577 from ilya-lavrenov:BilateralFilter
      adds  7927ebf   alpha channels support for 8-bit tiffs
      adds  9f80c6c   added test for 4 channel tiff
      adds  109e047   * img_test is now tested for channel numbers instead of img * fixed indentation to use spaces and trailing spaces
      adds  88e0127   API of TiffDecoder back to what it was - normalizeChannelsNumber moved to protected test code unified - channels number is tested for other formats as well
      adds  18a5b8d   fixed tab indent
      adds  68bb317   Merge pull request #462 from kobigurk:master
      adds  c7bbd1a   Update cmake/templates/OpenCVConfig.cmake.in
      adds  b9b4200   Merge pull request #580 from vrabaud:patch-1
      adds  f40725b   Add ECC algorithm
      adds  c6318ff   Merge pull request #567
      adds  11ba220   fixed iOS framework compile errors after recent changes
      adds  c5e979c   Merge pull request #581 from vpisarev:ios_fix
      adds  891d7da   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  1c3c11a   fix import in scale_caltech python script
      adds  12d23aa   refactor channel builder fix condition for sample index in assert
      adds  445f39a   fix uninitialized magnitude channel bug
      adds  1bf696f   fixes for soft cascade training app
      adds  d539dae   fix typo in integral buffer initialization
      adds  ac471fa   remove unused parameter from softcascade::Octave constructor
      adds  1c3cde1   Merge pull request #608 from cuda-geek:soft-cascade-hot-fixes
      adds  516a6cc   fix bug: depth of resulting tree is less then 2.
      adds  52a45ed   Merge pull request #606 from cuda-geek:fix-depth-less-2-bug-in-soft-cascade
      adds  9e12b7c   Merge release 2.4.4
      adds  facd580   Small changes to Python samples
      adds  7e9f1c3   Merge pull request #617 from moshekaplan:master
      adds  0532a52   Add "build\" into .gitignore
      adds  9935225   Add implementations for Mat::zeros() and Mat::ones()
      adds  11f8c74   Remove "build/" from .gitignore
      adds  c0ba0c9   Merge pull request #596 from ArtanisCV:master
      adds  52137ce   Allow encoding with libx264 via ffmpeg to work
      adds  c02f943   Add version checks to previous modifications to ffmpeg_cap_impl.hpp
      adds  fcde059   Merge pull request #618 from caotto:master
      adds  19f863e   add possibility to create CUDA powered modules with ocv_define_module macro
      adds  39ecd94   forbid recursive globbing for OpenCV modules sources
      adds  b9ab593   Merge pull request #607 from cuda-geek:auto-compile-cuda
      adds  b6efe30   new API for StereoMatchers
      adds  df89f30   removed preset parameter in createStereoBM, updated stereo_match sample
      adds  816adcf   Merge pull request #605 from vpisarev:c2cpp_calib3d_stereo
      adds  374e3a0   rewritten several functions from calib3d: findhomography, findfundamentalmat, findessentialmat, estimateaffine3d, computecorrespondepilines, convert points{to/from}homogeneous to C++.
      adds  d925879   reverted dangerous change in _InputArray::size()
      adds  8a6d2bb   several minor fixes proposed by Andrey
      adds  7fd1d75   some more minor fixes
      adds  0c61a88   reverting changes in Homography kernel function. For some reason GCC on Linux does not like it.
      adds  f303de1   mask.create() re-converted to new style
      adds  6569a58   Merge pull request #592 from vpisarev:c2cpp_calib3d_ptsetreg
      adds  2a06fd9   Fix build errors with c++11
      adds  9b8c871   Merge pull request #634 from taka-no-me:c++11-master
      adds  9b7dfd6   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  500b731   added WebP library
      adds  e7cb317   added cpu-features for WebP
      adds  fd44322   added CMakeLists.txt for build WebP
      adds  63d9ee9   This code is based on https://github.com/prasannatsm/opencv code. - added webp (lossy and lossless without alpha channel) - added tests
      adds  eb012a5   added tests for WebP
      adds  9680176   added docs
      adds  fb76095   Merge pull request #610 from AoD314:webp2
      adds  bd042d9   Fixed shebangs, added error checking
      adds  fb04f3a   Merge pull request #622 from moshekaplan:python2_cleanups
      adds  12fe6ff   add Mersenne Twister random number generator
      adds  009158e   Merge pull request #621 from cuda-geek:twister
      adds  a486aaf   add dlobbing under *nix
      adds  61094d3   add dlobbing for Windows
      adds  e4f55a7   Merge pull request #629 from cuda-geek:globbing
      adds  ecb2ebf   Move opengl iterop code to cv::ogl namespace
      adds  9f3ce0d   Reword and merge pull request #625 from jet47/gpu-fixes
      adds  cf66942   enable training test. refactor globbing
      adds  18aa5c9   use OpenCV's twister.
      adds  061dd7e   Merge pull request #643 from cuda-geek:refactor-softcascade-globbing
      adds  b4b63cd   add softcascade to people detector sample
      adds  7d0938d   Merge pull request #640 from cuda-geek:soft-cascade-sample
      adds  013fd9b   Make CV_XADD independent on STL and system headers
      adds  f622a2e   Merge pull request #641 from taka-no-me:stlfree_xadd
      adds  5569854   Avoid assert in lapac.cpp if findHomography fails in BestOf2NearestMatcher::match
      adds  7e50d3e   Fixed MSVC warnings
      adds  b076b69   Merge pull request #642 from taka-no-me:fix1
      adds  ad5cddc   Main module headers are moved 1 level up
      adds  a42a0f5   Added compatibility headers
      adds  d9cd753   Merge pull request #645 from taka-no-me:bump_headers
      adds  9b00c14   moved documentation for CUDA version of softcascade
      adds  5120322   move gpu version of soft cascade to dedicated module
      adds  6daf17f   remove softcascade host dependencies on gpu module
      adds  3c8e66d   softcascade: remove device dependency on gpu
      adds  83e7d3d   remove generic version of GPU channel computer.
      adds  6f11dc0   implement integral
      adds  a476664   fixed compilation with latest master changes
      adds  157a98e   refactored cuda error handling; remove optional dependancies in soft cascade training app
      adds  1eb34e0   Merge pull request #648 from cuda-geek:move-gpu-soft-cascade-to-softcascade-module
      adds  14d2711   Fix build of ffmpeg wrapper with some versions of avutil
      adds  ea79357   Merge pull request #647 from taka-no-me:fix_ffmpeg_wrapper
      adds  92ba74a   fix cuda
      adds  fe10c74   fixed compilation for vs2008
      adds  7772811   Merge pull request #659 from Nerei:master
      adds  221d610   calib3d model superscript should be subscript
      adds  d8755fd   Merge pull request #653 from jbohren-forks:master
      adds  a1c456b   Extract common base header for C and C++ APIs
      adds  e75df56   Unified handling of InputOutputArrays in Python wrapper generator
      adds  f510b49   Merge pull request #650 from taka-no-me:cvdef
      adds  ceadaed   	Added Affine3<T> class
      adds  f768d8c   Merge pull request #658 from Nerei:affine3_classes
      adds  0211843   merge Detection structure for CPU and GPU soft cascade detectors
      adds  318257f   refactor cpp files naming
      adds  43db0d5   fix win warnings
      adds  3f8d87d   Merge pull request #661 from cuda-geek:merge-cpu-gpu-detections
      adds  8b510ad   sse2 hog
      adds  0b0c9be   Merge pull request #636 from ilya-lavrenov:SSE2_HOG
      adds  f3ee55e   Fix for encoding errors when building Java source
      adds  1ad7af3   Merge pull request #654 from fish2000:patch-1
      adds  238ea7f   fix warnings under win.
      adds  6d6ef07   Merge pull request #666 from cuda-geek:warnings
      adds  7d0c600   improved test of webp
      adds  bb6a58a   Merge pull request #668 from AoD314:webp2
      adds  08e55b7   compilation for osx
      adds  87563c6   Merge pull request #670 from Nerei:osx_compilation
      adds  a7a0f92   Fixing segfault for near-zero-sized ellipses
      adds  219bdb9   Merge pull request #681 from jbohren-forks:fix-ellipse-segfault
      adds  2435e59   rewrite five-point coeff matrix.
      adds  2825620   updated doc
      adds  94b12ea   update five-point license
      adds  0990b42   Merge pull request #657 from prclibo:master
      adds  89356ff   Move non-CV functionality from core.hpp to separate utility.hpp header
      adds  2d764fe   Merge pull request #665 from taka-no-me:core_utility
      adds  4e1619d   repaired std::string handling
      adds  bbae054   Merge pull request #682 from vpisarev/python_str_fix
      adds  1ca8f33   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  14a0abb   refactored video module; use the new-style algorithms now
      adds  07e0f7b   refactored video module; use the new-style algorithms now
      adds  09127aa   fixed warnings; added read/write methods; fixed docs
      adds  d310cca   fixed documentation and warnings on Windows
      adds  40dd25d   restored CV_EXPORTS_W in the background subtraction classes
      adds  82d7292   Merge pull request #680 from vpisarev:c2cpp_video_take2
      adds  d32af86   Update CMakeLists.txt
      adds  ec15d6f   Merge pull request #690 from berak:master
      adds  5c1c13e   static assert
      adds  4096b54   use static assertation where suitable
      adds  a3994bc   Merge pull request #671 from cuda-geek/static_assert
      adds  14bb4cb   Add cv::String class
      adds  762aefd   Compile opencv_test_core with cv::String instead of std::string
      adds  2ad7b97   All modules (except ocl and gpu) compiles and pass tests
      adds  707d3e0   Python wrapper is adapted for cv::String
      adds  688d170   Java wrapper is adapted for cv::String
      adds  29cfeb7   Fix build of apps and samples
      adds  3088808   Fix build of various backends
      adds  29b544d   Use cv::String in Android camera wrapper
      adds  75513a4   Remove all include directives for <string>
      adds  be7bbe3   Drop cv:: prefix from cv::String used inside the cv namespace
      adds  33ef799   Update documentation
      adds  877dfae   Fix build of ocl module
      adds  bafd359   Merge pull request #695 from taka-no-me/cv_str
      adds  1e1645e   Mismatching new[] / delete
      adds  04eabf8   Merge pull request #699 from jacob-baines/patch-1
      adds  84f45e1   fixed build with CUDA after latest merge
      adds  dd9e786   fix build gpu tests after video module refactoring
      adds  8c41c61   Merge pull request #700 from cuda-geek/fix_build_with_cuda
      adds  4f3453d   bomb commit of gstreamer videocapture and videowriter
      adds  921675c   eliminated warnings
      adds  a3e31a6   Merge pull request #684 from vhdirk:gstreamer-1.x
      adds  866d676   Memory Leak Fix
      adds  98585a9   Merge pull request #703 from jacob-baines:patch-2
      adds  3d33856   Use C++ style includes when compiled as C++
      adds  78a843e   Move implementation of cv::String methods out of class definition
      adds  deb7f4d   Fix globbing failure when stat call fails
      adds  aaf69c4   Fix clang build for Android (CV_XADD)
      adds  69c9fe3   Merge pull request #702 from taka-no-me:refactor_core_headers
      adds  5fd58a0   Fix std::string to cv::String migration problems in gpumat.cpp
      adds  0e58853   Merge pull request #706 from taka-no-me:str_gpumat
      adds  6377922   Fix build with gstreamer 0.10.28
      adds  6e2708e   Merge pull request #708 from taka-no-me:gstreamer_10_28
      adds  2107ea9   More accurate implementation of cv::format
      adds  8eff34e   Merge pull request #709 from taka-no-me:cv_format
      adds  7661625   converter stereo correspondence algorithms to the new style
      adds  7b5923e   fixed docs and compile error on Linux
      adds  44157c4   fixed python test failures (modified stereo correspondence test to use cv2.* stuff), fixed docs
      adds  f8b61e4   fixed hopefully last warnings in the doc builder
      adds  322d781   avoid explicit std::string use
      adds  20534c9   Merge pull request #692 from vpisarev:refactor_calib3d_stereo
      adds  49f6dad   Move cv::KeyPoint and cv::DMatch to core
      adds  2edfae5   Move documentation for cv::KeyPoint and cv::DMatch to core
      adds  7ff68d5   Merge pull request #711 from taka-no-me:move_keypoint_dmatch
      adds  0d49de5   Update operations_on_arrays.rst
      adds  0bb785c   Merge pull request #717 from ryanobjc:patch-1
      adds  15f09f8   fixed gpu module compilation
      adds  76e748c   removed internal_header.hpp - it produces many warnings
      adds  2661c2e   fixed warnings
      adds  f4b98e9   Merge pull request #719 from jet47:gpu-fix-build
      adds  a423afd   Fix ant/Java detection in cmake scripts
      adds  3ceca9b   Merge pull request #694 from mistydemeo:fix_java_detection
      adds  f77a375   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  cc6bdfb   Remove inline sorting algorithms from core headers
      adds  855acc9   Add specialization for << operator for writing std::string to FileStorage
      adds  db45e04   Merge pull request #720 from taka-no-me:drop_sort
      adds  0d16a9b   In response to Bug #2927
      adds  77e51ff   contours with zero area rejected
      adds  de848a0   Merge pull request #722 from gpsinghsandhu:blob-detector-cpp
      adds  740941c   update libwebp up to 0.3.0
      adds  4cf5c35   Merge pull request #737 from AoD314:webp2
      adds  366f859   fixed compilation after CV_IMPLEMENT_QSORT_EX removing
      adds  422803e   Merge pull request #746 from jet47:fix-gpu-compilation
      adds  6bf49d4   Drop CvModule and cvSetMemoryManager
      adds  19f8f85   Move C structures wrappers from core.hpp to core_c.h
      adds  13b31b0   Move C++ basic structures to separate header and inverse dependency from C API
      adds  addf030   Move cv::Size_
      adds  62adc01   Move cv::Rect_
      adds  93d76ac   Move cv::RotatedRect
      adds  2249f19   Move cv::Range, cv::KeyPoint and cv::DMatch
      adds  6ceca90   Move most of the traits classes out of core.hpp
      adds  5e7ab8b   Move cv::Scalar_ to types.hpp
      adds  d2192c0   Move cv::Matx and cv::Vec to separate header
      adds  969a713   Implementation of cv::Matx and cv::Vec is almost moved to matx.hpp
      adds  6c071cb   Norms are moved out form operations.hpp
      adds  489bd59   Move implementation of C++ container classes to types.hpp
      adds  3d1d219   Move cv::fastMalloc, cv::fastFree and cv::Ptr out of core.hpp
      adds  fbd4358   Rename mat.hpp
      adds  135c0b6   Move cv::TermCriteria out of core.hpp
      adds  715fa33   Move cv::Mat out of core.hpp
      adds  2b1ef95   Completely separate C and C++ API of OpenCV core
      adds  71e4385   Fix MSVC build issues
      adds  c886afb   Finalize cv::Mat transition
      adds  4ab650d   Remove gcd function from core headers
      adds  6fea48c   Drop operator* from MatCommaInitializer
      adds  b28f594   Drop fast_abs
      adds  6053825   Fix stack corruption in cvConvexHull2 and heap corruption in OutputArray::create
      adds  3890a74   Drop outdated definitions from internal.hpp
      adds  e972d6b   Drop template Vector class
      adds  d62bc8c   Remove more old definitions from internal.hpp
      adds  5170620   Make core/internal.hpp a private header
      adds  7193a73   Move FileStorage to separate header
      adds  c979de1   Rewrite Mat formatting without std streams
      adds  940eedf   Finalize core headers reorganization
      adds  6ce050d   Update docs
      adds  d4bb421   Fix findEssentialMat function
      adds  78c70ab   Merge pull request #747 from taka-no-me:split_c_cpp
      adds  297e6d0   mark multiple return arguments for python bindings
      adds  bfac291   Merge pull request #757 from jackculpepper:master
      adds  6b71f56   minor typo in the research paper title
      adds  3785439   Merge pull request #763 from gpsinghsandhu:video-doc-minor-typo
      adds  67073da   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  3b0ce8e   Add HoughTransform examples python2
      adds  6ef43cd   Merge pull request #779 from sivapvarma:master
      adds  bf6c08a   fixed compilation with CUDA
      adds  058a9ab   Merge pull request #784 from jet47:fix-gpu-build
      adds  780a8cc   fix build without gpu module with cuda
      adds  7ac0d86   Merge pull request #786 from cuda-geek:fix-build-gpu-off-cuda-on
      adds  6062601   Make rescaling flexible and add median filtering
      adds  8d97d95   updated GPU version of TVL1
      adds  c89786b   fixed sanity test on Windows
      adds  54511b4   Merge pull request #724 from jet47:tvl1-updates
      adds  3107f79   Cast to unsigned inside CV_XADD to quiet nvcc
      adds  e810761   Merge pull request #787 from taka-no-me:quiet_nvcc
      adds  a57707b   moved device layer to core module
      adds  28b1e81   renamed device -> cuda
      adds  204a19b   moved common gpu utility functionality to gpu_private.hpp
      adds  193e857   removed cu_safe_call.h and cu_safe_call.cpp
      adds  1bb141c   fixed build
      adds  910ef57   renamed cuda namespace to cudev
      adds  6e28e67   removed static_check.hpp
      adds  d47e89d   fixed windows build
      adds  2bad639   fixed source_group
      adds  b50090f   restore cudaSafeCall
      adds  068fb03   fixed compilation warnings
      adds  a783f5c   removed blank lines at then end of file
      adds  2cd67cc   Merge pull request #761 from jet47:gpu-core-refactoring
      adds  77501f3   ocl: Add dft based convolve implementation.
      adds  3fea262   Fix some compilation errors and warnings.
      adds  143f8f6   Add some documentation on ocl::convolve
      adds  f03c752   Merge pull request #783 from pengx17:master_matchTemplate_dft
      adds  288a063   Make imgproc.hpp independent from C API
      adds  0738ea7   Make highgui.hpp independent from C API
      adds  69648f0   Make photo.hpp independent from C API
      adds  ae4e763   Make flann headers independent from OpenCV C API
      adds  befd696   Update documentation
      adds  dd74a85   Fix build errors
      adds  913e683   Merge pull request #785 from taka-no-me:split_c_cpp2
      adds  f50aabf   fixed bug #2938
      adds  36bf8af   Merge pull request #788 from jet47:fix-2938
      adds  ba1a1ae   fixed gpu module compilation
      adds  f4ae0cf   Merge pull request #790 from jet47:fix-gpu-build
      adds  b0e6606   Cleanup core module API
      adds  ad793ee   Update documentation
      adds  ebb1f12   Merge pull request #791 from taka-no-me:cleanup_core_api
      adds  c98c246   Move border type constants and Moments class to core module
      adds  4846dcd   Move borderInterpolate and copyMakeBorder documentation
      adds  e27f4da   Merge pull request #795 from taka-no-me:move_imgproc_utils_to_core
      adds  a2f4b30   Fix an incorrect type cast.
      adds  5a2c522   Merge pull request #798 from pengx17:master_ocl_mleak
      adds  22ca7e4   Change ocl::Canny test case category
      adds  6c2079b   Test code clean up.
      adds  242955c   Format ocl::Canny header
      adds  aec7a67   Fix a bug of ocl::Canny when src/dst using the same buffer.
      adds  7586145   Remove unused kernels.
      adds  4f328d8   Fix a potential bug of ocl::CannyBuf.
      adds  5eb551b   Remove my test codes.
      adds  c019d06   Merge pull request #805 from pengx17:master_canny_fix
      adds  199a35a   Move C API of opencv_video to separate file
      adds  e5a3372   Move C API of opencv_calib3d to separate file
      adds  5e048d1   Move C API of opencv_objdetect to separate file
      adds  bd59bc3   Remove ifdef __cplusplus from nonfree headers
      adds  4296b45   Add missed constants for reduce operation
      adds  8406312   Remove C API from OpenCL module
      adds  b0933dd   Merge pull request #803 from taka-no-me:split_c_cpp3
      adds  3b36433   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  3336192   Fix a compilation error when HAVE_CLAMDFFT is on.
      adds  a54a307   Merge pull request #810 from pengx17:master_fix_ocl_tmflag
      adds  2f781a5   Fix arithm's substract mismatch caused by incomplete merge
      adds  6168bf0   Merge pull request #813 from bitwangyaoyao:master_fix
      adds  40d0e0e   use host data when DEVICE_MEM_UHP is set (the risk of vary align size is owned by users)
      adds  f7641be   Merge pull request #812 from bitwangyaoyao:master_uhp
      adds  909d6fc   Move legacy part of opencv_contrib to separate header
      adds  b2ba8b9   Drop old python interface
      adds  f886651   Drop old python samples and tests
      adds  8b294c6   Remove documentation for old python wrapper
      adds  298ccf6   Turn pyopencv_to and pyopencv_from into templates
      adds  4223a59   Merge pull request #809 from taka-no-me:drop_python1
      adds  8f32902   Minimize usages of legacy C API inside the library
      adds  974f1f4   Merge pull request #824 from taka-no-me:reduce_c_api_deps
      adds  8fdab9f   Merge branch '2.4'
      adds  54e7c76   fixed compilation errors
      adds  ea280b2   Merge pull request #831 from jet47:fix-build
      adds  5ef3ef9   Clarified floodfill documentation
      adds  02131ff   Merge pull request #828 from tim36272:patch-1
      adds  1b00a3e   gpucodec module for video decoding/encoding
      adds  31c8b52   gpuarithm module for arithmetics operations on matrices
      adds  84de6ce   gpufilters module for image filtering
      adds  bc0e563   CV_GPU_TEST_MAIN macros
      adds  229ca09   gpunvidia module for NCV & NPP API
      adds  c240205   removed columnSum function (it is a duplicate for reduce)
      adds  ed006a0   added private header to gpunvidia module
      adds  e654714   replaced NCV_EXPORTS with CV_EXPORTS
      adds  ca474de   made objdetect dependecy for gpunvidia optional
      adds  d08ebfe   moved rectStdDev to gpuarithm
      adds  10ac854   moved copyMakeBorder to gpuarithm module
      adds  c56bdbc   moved integral to gpuarithm module
      adds  d569e72   moved mulSpectrums, dft and convolve to gpuarithm
      adds  e41aea0   gpuimgproc module for image processing
      adds  7544ddb   gpufeatures2d module 2d for feature detection and matching
      adds  fc1fa28   gpuvideo module for video processing
      adds  b08b9ab   gpucalib3d module for camera calibration and stereo correspondence
      adds  a6648b5   gpuobjdetect module for object detection
      adds  96ac27e   removed nv_perf_test (it is a duplicate for perf4au)
      adds  a981dc9   removed obsolete headers from gpu module
      adds  623c7da   removed obsolete source files from gpu module
      adds  77aafc2   removed unused includes
      adds  7e91e18   simplify CMakeLists.txt for gpu module
      adds  508fb6a   renamed gpunvidia -> gpulegacy
      adds  71eeaa7   gpuarithm module fixes
      adds  fc3730f   gpuwarping module for image warping
      adds  e72ba73   moved gpu nlm to photo module
      adds  cad9518   moved image labeling to gpu module
      adds  28b1caa   gpustereo module for stereo correspondence
      adds  eda124e   removed gpuobjdetect module
      adds  ac0f506   split gpuvideo onto gpuoptflow and gpubgsegm
      adds  d5ee931   fixed compilation issues
      adds  43d5e2d   removed gpu BORDER_* constants
      adds  b4f3d08   gpuarithm module fixes
      adds  c0b3424   gpuimgproc module fixes
      adds  f531dd8   gpubgsegm module fixes
      adds  3156e80   gpuoptflow module fixes
      adds  5d7bbdc   gpu module fixes
      adds  12f16b7   nonfree module fixes
      adds  f375c86   photo module fixes
      adds  033dd77   superres module fixes
      adds  fdeec68   stitching module fixes
      adds  13d087e   videostab module fixes
      adds  5ee9d31   fixed gpu tutorial
      adds  0ce1053   softcascade module fixes
      adds  6d735c1   removed const qualifier (it produces warnings)
      adds  3be997c   gpulegacy module fixes
      adds  787e56a   disabled gpucodec module on MacOS
      adds  564f609   fixed samples compilation
      adds  fba72cb   Merge pull request #836 from jet47:gpu-modules
      adds  416fb50   Revert "Merge pull request #836 from jet47:gpu-modules"
      adds  36745a8   Added #include <limits> to files that were missing it.
      adds  6e24fc3   Merge pull request #869 from bpmckinnon:master
      adds  d2116f3   Fixed typo
      adds  7f083a0   Merge pull request #867 from Pastafarianist:patch-2
      adds  b62d101   updated retina interface for cleaner use, following OpenCV standards
      adds  3b15eef   forgot method name update
      adds  7370469   activated parallelized gradient computation
      adds  a4bc167   Merge pull request #1 from albenoit/retina_devel_newinterface
      adds  0d3fb3c   introducing a tutorial for the retina model
      adds  6e63073   adding retina tutorial
      adds  90d10e6   updated tutorial, need spell check, validation, nicer images and a discussion on parameters
      adds  4c5bcd8   updated tutorial, rapid spell check, retina parameters discussion added
      adds  b5bd86b   added retina code tutorial
      adds  0266656   updated first image sample
      adds  4e58fd6   minor update
      adds  a0c9226   minor updates for doc redirections and tutorial images size
      adds  ea1a644   updated tutorial with new retina interface use
      adds  9e1ce1e   Merge pull request #2 from albenoit/retina_devel
      adds  16dea7b   updated comments and new retina interface use
      adds  9549949   minor chnges for conflict removal
      adds  72742f5   resolved conflicts, updated retina class interface and optimized a heavy retinacolor process
      adds  1976b3d   updated doc
      adds  b70b5a3   corrections required for portability. To be validated by buildbot
      adds  80e65e0   updated doc and interface code to solve compile warnings and errors
      adds  a659e28   minor error correction
      adds  25b482f   updated/corrected documentation
      adds  9c26387   updated sources to correct buildbot warnings
      adds  9adde75   updated doc+minor typo/buildbot reports correction
      adds  cf6e833   trying to solve valarray pointer access problem, enhancing documentation
      adds  f5d2d7b   enhancing documentation
      adds  b58d9f1   enhancing documentation
      adds  a5acc9e   nicer interface with the use of InputArray and OutptArray instated of (const Mat&)
      adds  f1e8f69   Merge pull request #861 from albenoit:master
      adds  bb4b410   Add ocl::PlatformName to ocl::Info.
      adds  861de8a   CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR should be CL_PLATFORM_NAME.
      adds  4b49b84   Merge pull request #848 from pengx17:master_ocl_platform_name
      adds  ca42a50   Changed visibility of the virtual functions in OnePassStabilizer and TwoPassStabilizer that are derived from StabilizerBase from private to protected to enable stabilizer implementations that are derived from OnePassStabilizer and TwoPassStabilier to properly overwrite these functions
      adds  103ee12   Merge pull request #845 from githubuser0xFFFF:master
      adds  28427ce   Fixed typo
      adds  8130d92   Merge pull request #841 from Pastafarianist:patch-1
      adds  caf449a   The deletion of "cv.py" file (Commit b2ba8b9) breaks "make install"
      adds  8855662   Merge pull request #840 from pablospe:master
      adds  b8ed00b   Compile OpenCV with GCC visibility set to hidden
      adds  6e44e0a   Merge pull request #881 from apavlenko:hidden_visibility
      adds  bfa0f02   Rewrite queryDeviceInfo interface. Previously the function may cause some unsafe issue. It is fixed now by introducing a template parameter.
      adds  e5ea018   Let surf.ocl use the new queryDeviceInfo interface.
      adds  14c50d2   Merge pull request #874 from pengx17:master_queryDeviceInfo_rewrite
      adds  b141762   added an example of using cv::VideoCapture to read image sequences like 000.pmg, 001.png ... 100.png etc.
      adds  eedb6fa   removed separate example for reading image sequences and modified starter_video.cpp to better explain the functionality of VideoCapture. I also added a bit more explanation in the documentation of the VideoCapture interface
      adds  47c8433   removed starter_image_sequence.cpp
      adds  3441b2d   starter_video.cpp changed CV WINDOW KEEPRATIO to just WINDOW KEEPTATIO to fix build error
      adds  69c626e   starter_video.cpp hid local functions
      adds  54afb85   Merge pull request #823 from pickle27:starter_image_sequence
      adds  49a4f27   removed VIBE implementation
      adds  416eaf2   Merge pull request #896 from jet47:removed-vibe-master
      adds  029fce1   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4'
      adds  b5c0136   Merge pull request #907 from SpecLad:master
      adds  0e8c2b0   Fix visibility of g_linked_ptr_mutex on Windows
      adds  7efb249   Merge pull request #887 from LeszekSwirski:fix-glinkedptrmutex
      adds  caa9ac4   fix installation of main module headers
      adds  61567ad   Merge pull request #797 from vhdirk:installheaders
      adds  5e0e1fa   Merge commit 'b51a1a7d' (PR #895 from 2.4)
      adds  4da0cdb   Merge pull request #914 from SpecLad:master
      adds  dad58d8   Fix a build error which manifests when building with CUDA < 5.
      adds  cfa985d   Merge pull request #917 from SpecLad:cuda-4-build
      adds  ee29b04   fix parenthesis
      adds  56121d0   Merge pull request #911 from jrdi:patch-1
      adds  5ac3b8d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  d81d3fc   Merge pull request #921 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  229ff63   update util.hpp to fix OpenCL import on case sensitive mac FS
      adds  a9c9210   update safe_call.hpp to fix OpenCL import on case sensitive mac FS
      adds  6e11904   Merge pull request #945 from malcolmreynolds:master
      adds  c7873dd   fixing broken Mat::dump() in Java
      adds  a760684   Merge pull request #950 from apavlenko:fix_java_mat_dump
      adds  41fc418   Updated documentation to new "COLOR_" format for color conversion enums.
      adds  0a42a3e   Merge pull request #956 from IanVS:COLOR_CODE
      adds  c2d3ce9   fix failing test small matrix becomes the same after shuffling
      adds  aa7f70c   Merge pull request #951 from apavlenko:fix_java_test_randshuffle
      adds  bae8566   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4'
      adds  10340fe   Merge pull request #949 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  960a0ea   merge openCLMallocPitch and openCLMallocPitchEx into one interface
      adds  9284c07   remove commented lines
      adds  a5ffa1d   Merge pull request #963 from bitwangyaoyao:master_oclMat
      adds  3eeaa91   Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #836 from jet47:gpu-modules""
      adds  9488ed4   fixed compiler warning
      adds  c929547   Merge pull request #900 from jet47:restore-gpu-modules
      adds  bf7c1c6   fixed NPP error constants usage
      adds  869a35f   fixed constructors for functional objects (added __host__ modifier)
      adds  14e4b3a   rewrite core/cuda/vec_math.hpp file
      adds  302250f   fixed BroxOpticalFlow regression test
      adds  4d9a1cf   fixed BoxFilter sanity test (different rounding results)
      adds  4559d46   fixed BroxOpticalFlow sanity test (increase epsilon value)
      adds  173442b   Merge pull request #964 from jet47:cuda-5.5-support
      adds  19794e6   Fix for spurious assert in cv::compareHist
      adds  e7995b4   Take account of multi-channel matrices when comparing histograms
      adds  1fe7ad8   Merge pull request #856 from ericgreveson:master
      adds  438649f   fixing Java wrapper for mixChannels 'dst' should be treated as an input arg (epilog not needed)
      adds  e16af9b   Merge pull request #958 from apavlenko:fix_java_mixchannels
      adds  2fae1d9   removed ogl::Texture2D support from InputArray
      adds  6c253a4   added CudaMem support to Input/Output arrays
      adds  4c9773d   renamed gpu headers (made it more consistent)
      adds  649737b   removed obsolete DevMem2D class
      adds  6994a02   added Stream support to ogl::Buffer
      adds  2153a14   moved inline implementation to separate file
      adds  db1178b   moved GpuMat implementation to separate file
      adds  69be49b   refactored GpuMat:
      adds  cc34a8a   new implementation for GpuMat::setTo (without constant memory)
      adds  a52af84   refactored CudaMem (now alloc type assign only in constructor)
      adds  76f4b02   refactored gpu::Stream (minor fixes)
      adds  2dab93c   refactored gpu info structures (TargetArchs and DeviceInfo)
      adds  f17b836   added Event class (wrapper for cudaEvent)
      adds  1db4afa   made createContinuous & ensureSizeIsEnough generic (OutputArray support)
      adds  0489489   used cudaMalloc for 1-row or 1-column matrix instead of cudaMallocPitch
      adds  439c357   renamed gpu_private.hpp to private.gpu.hpp
      adds  564fd21   fixed documentation build
      adds  4f0d72b   added missing <iostream> header
      adds  81c6b46   Merge pull request #974 from jet47:gpu-core-refactoring
      adds  3bfc697   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  7c4e371   Merge pull request #975 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  7542d66   Fix drawing documentation referring to C API macros
      adds  7a07f1a   Merge pull request #899 from LeszekSwirski:fix-drawingdoc
      adds  50e27ff   added initialization of Moments.nu** params in completeMomentState( Moments* moments )
      adds  610e29f   restored utility.hpp
      adds  765a2c6   Moments.nu** fields initialized in completeMomentState( Moments* moments )
      adds  1acbc7b   Merge pull request #966 from berak:master
      adds  4d510be   added compute function to Feature2D (dirty workaround for #2699)
      adds  6faf00b   Merge pull request #696 from znah:detect_method
      adds  7d70399   Add a new variant of detectMultiScale with output arguments 'objects' and 'numDetections'; factor most of detectMultiScale's code into 2 protected methods
      adds  83fa4d3   Merge pull request #976 from PeterMinin:num_detections
      adds  37b67fa   Fix compiler error due to missing pthread header (Issue #2953)
      adds  130794d   Merge pull request #990 from asmorkalov:pthread_build_fix
      adds  931ebab   Updated generator and parser to support Python 3.
      adds  fb9781b   Updated cv2.cpp to support Python 3 API. Added a header with defines to enable the module to compile with either python 2 or 3 without changes.
      adds  bce1b35   Updated cmake files to use print(). In these cases, just using print() is enough to ensure py2/3 compatibility.
      adds  bb20919   Updated usage of METH_X definitions for python 3. Python 3 requires METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, not just METH_KEYWORDS.
      adds  d998e38   Merge pull request #983 from HapeMask:python3-compatibility
      adds  6d66d11   gstreamer: cleaning up resources
      adds  30f7f97   allow for arbitraty number of sources and sinks
      adds  4bc4f4a   Merge pull request #1003 from vhdirk:gstreamerfixes
      adds  4ebbf69   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::add
      adds  5330faf   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::subtract
      adds  ffa25be   added arithm_op function to reduce code duplication
      adds  4595e3a   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::multiply
      adds  3ee12cb   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::divide
      adds  5ec8c51   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::absdiff
      adds  b866890   switched to Input/Output Array in abs, sqr, sqrt, exp, log, pow
      adds  04a1a6d   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::compare
      adds  d81f54d   switched to Input/Output Array in bitwise logical operations
      adds  f2aa6eb   switched to Input/Output Array in shift operations
      adds  ec70282   switched to Input/Output Array in min/max operations
      adds  44ec450   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::addWeighted
      adds  0a83817   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::threshold
      adds  58c4d0e   switched to Input/Output Array in cart<->polar operations
      adds  3d8ca01   switched to Input/Output Array in split/merge operations
      adds  0c50d08   switched to Input/Output Array in transpose/flip operations
      adds  539f367   refactored gpu::LUT function:
      adds  c52d569   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::copyMakeBorder
      adds  8fcef22   switched to Input/Output Array in reductions operations
      adds  948661d   switched to Input/Output Array in gpu::gemm
      adds  26a4be8   switched to Input/Output Array in Fourier operations
      adds  8461cb3   refactored gpu::convolve function:
      adds  a334100   updated documentation
      adds  2fc49ac   Merge pull request #978 from jet47:gpuarithm-refactoring
      adds  e9a74c1   refactored VideoWriter class (convert it to abstract interface)
      adds  7621170   refactored VideoReader (convert it to abstract interface)
      adds  71db862   Merge pull request #977 from jet47:gpucodec-refactoring
      adds  01e9733   fix for #3077 removing "-fvisibility=hidden" gcc option due to lack of `__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))` in jni_md.h/JNIEXPORT
      adds  84262ac   Merge pull request #1012 from apavlenko:fix_3077
      adds  50166d2   fixed compilation with CUDA 4.2
      adds  1332388   Merge pull request #1027 from jet47:fix-cuda-4.2-build
      adds  fcfcd4c   refactored box filter
      adds  1eedc6c   refactored Linear Filter
      adds  ee7eb1b   refactored Laplacian filter
      adds  12ae11e   refactored Separable Linear Filters
      adds  5720eaf   refactored Morphology Filters
      adds  4bb297a   refactored Image Rank Filters
      adds  4317cd1   refactored 1D Sum Filters
      adds  24108f8   updated documentation
      adds  f08d75a   removed obsolete API
      adds  84639e4   Merge pull request #1010 from jet47:gpufilters-refactoring
      adds  13cd0a0   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4'
      adds  b20c9ad   Merge pull request #1015 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  dd6d58f   refactored StereoBM
      adds  d0e8933   refactored StereoBeliefPropagation
      adds  be9bb8f   refactored StereoConstantSpaceBP
      adds  3a02e59   refactored DisparityBilateralFilter
      adds  a380c47   switched to Input/Output Array in  reprojectImageTo3D & drawColorDisp
      adds  4e29f0e   updated documentation
      adds  eff6dcc   Merge pull request #1014 from jet47:gpustereo-refactoring
      adds  4b98367   fix gpuarithm module compilation (Bug #3103)
      adds  1dccf57   Merge pull request #1024 from jet47:fix-gpuarithm-compilation
      adds  37f4e40   Added cv2.boxPoints() functionality to Python bindings (Feature #2023)
      adds  bcf9117   Added missing python functions in highgui documentation
      adds  a1ea1a7   boxpoints documentation
      adds  53afdb4   Merge pull request #1041 from abidrahmank:master
      adds  dbc9b4d   support elementwise division for Matx with "/" operator.
      adds  f15dc72   Removed misleading comment and added the divisibility test to ::run function.
      adds  c1f8d9e   Merge pull request #1011 from wecacuee:master
      adds  98bd401   fix gpu::DeviceInfo compilation under linux
      adds  4f19216   Merge pull request #1036 from jet47:fix-gpu-deviceinfo
      adds  f36f806   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  89086bd   Merge pull request #1046 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  3c32fc1   removed obsolete methods from gpu::Stream
      adds  70deda3   Merge pull request #1047 from jet47:gpustream-remove-obsolete
      adds  4692d4b   Fix bug: cv::String would break if assigned to itself.
      adds  0daf4b8   Fix bug: CommandLineParserParams's comparator would fail with equal arguments.
      adds  4d45b3e   Merge pull request #1089 from SpecLad:contract-violations
      adds  31d55af   CUDA Device Layer:
      adds  2f8be2a   Merge pull request #1083 from jet47:cuda-device-layer
      adds  4cf9990   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  de58039   Merge pull request #1081 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  c05bfe9   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  68a992b   Merge pull request #1096 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  b4d95b1   fixed warnings in gpu modules from VS 2012
      adds  decd0c7   Merge pull request #1082 from jet47:gpu-warnings-fix
      adds  2121130   Fixed VideoCapture::open() does not release previous capture sources (Bug #3150).
      adds  75b86c9   Merge pull request #1104 from nikman-ru:cap_reuse
      adds  d52ef2f   added stub library for cudev module
      adds  3b8a13a   Merge pull request #1101 from jet47:cudev-stub-lib
      adds  5d863f7   drawMatches python bindings
      adds  031c77f   SIFT+SURF PyDocs
      adds  2047838   feature2d drawing functions PyDocs
      adds  f91f369   PyDocs for FAST, ORB etc
      adds  1923d87   PyDocs for common interface of feature2d
      adds  616dbd5   Merge pull request #1107 from abidrahmank:master
      adds  8d0452e   added test to save image with webp with alpha channel
      adds  e4e0862   added support image with alpha channel
      adds  7d5185e   updated webp to version 0.3.1
      adds  1590a1a   Merge pull request #1068 from AoD314:webp2
      adds  2932bed   switched to Input/Output Array in gpuwarping functions
      adds  6d6ff26   refactored gpu::ImagePyramid (converted it to abstract interface)
      adds  0d9e3cf   updated documentation
      adds  52a9378   Merge pull request #979 from jet47:gpuwarping-refactoring
      adds  cdbbe0d   1. created module bioinspired. 2.transfered Retina module into the new module bioinspired. 3. added a fast tone mapping method to Retina interface and wrapped existing reinafilter dedicated method
      adds  7bff79b   updated demos and tutorial regarding the Retina class transfer to bioinspired module.
      adds  2c1fb5f   minor correction after buildbot warnings
      adds  c391590   last warnings solved
      adds  188f889   Merge branch 'master' of code.opencv.org:opencv
      adds  7fe78ef   retina included in namespace bioinspired + followed suggestions made by Vadim
      adds  12f65c6   updated doc wrt new bioinspired namespace convention
      adds  3443fd8   Merge pull request #984 from albenoit:master
      adds  1160b04   Fixed a build warning in softcascade.
      adds  6d1ec45   Merge pull request #1125 from SpecLad:softcascade-nowarn
      adds  5e39344   fixed test compilation for gpu::Stream
      adds  8f2047a   Merge pull request #1093 from jet47:fix-gpu-stream-test
      adds  924fc07   Changed / for Matx to Matx::div, for symmetry with Matx::mul.
      adds  4f68212   Merge pull request #1124 from SpecLad:matx-div
      adds  e04517a   moving version to 2.9.0, also adding NVidia copyright
      adds  73b5cc3   Merge pull request #1132 from apavlenko:master_ver_290
      adds  9eea983   switched to Input/Output Array in Color Processing
      adds  fc84765   switched to Input/Output Array in Histogram Processing
      adds  48fb8c4   refactored gpu::Canny (converted it into Algorithm)
      adds  1652540   refactored HoughLines (converted it into Algorithm)
      adds  4087a45   refactored HoughCircles (converted it into Algorithm)
      adds  ad4d6be   refactored gpu::GeneralizedHough
      adds  d7ff3ad   refactored cornerHarris and cornerMinEigenVal
      adds  70e6dc6   refactored GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector
      adds  1fcc807   switched to Input/Output Array in  Mean Shift
      adds  de56163   refactored gpu::matchTemplate (converted it into Algorithm)
      adds  62a5a70   switched to Input/Output Array in  bilateralFilter & blendLinear
      adds  9498f82   updated documentation
      adds  1d79e13   removed dependecy from gpuarithm
      adds  f614e35   split hough sources
      adds  5da7240   made dependecy from gpufilters optional
      adds  59edad5   removed obsolete API
      adds  39a2511   fixed compilation
      adds  4b234fa   Merge pull request #1042 from jet47:gpuimgproc-refactoring
      adds  9b5eca9   fixed a bug for the mask of recoverPose function
      adds  27a0ed0   removed tab in five-point.cpp
      adds  77f2d94   Merge pull request #1144 from prclibo:master
      adds  4716f63   fixed gpu performance tests:
      adds  0386488   Merge pull request #1095 from jet47:gpu-perf-tests
      adds  61e50e2   python docs for non-local means denoising
      adds  73b10bc   Merge pull request #1133 from abidrahmank:denoising_pydocs
      adds  afb08b3   removed obsolete API from gpuarithm module
      adds  cd103e4   Merge pull request #1032 from jet47:gpuarithm-remove-obsolete-api
      adds  feaa12a   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  bd4d24f   Merge pull request #1122 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  18f71fd   Warning fixes
      adds  aaf4757   Merge pull request #1155 from bitwangyaoyao:master_fix
      adds  84179b8   bgdsubtractorGMG docs
      adds  ef91d7e   Merge pull request #1153 from abidrahmank:bgdGMG_docs
      adds  3939d78   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  b2d359b   Merge pull request #1170 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  5350a2f   Added Line Segmen Detector.
      adds  e51e00a   Added LSD accuracy tests.
      adds  6bd5e12   Added a sample to show usage of the class.
      adds  3350533   Fixed ambiguouty error, signess compare.
      adds  22c8010   Added needed header, changed macro name.
      adds  d356012   Added define guard for ln10. Fixed some warnings.
      adds  694d9ff   LSD enum now anonymous.
      adds  965b375   Update on the class to reflect the review. Split the class into virtual and implementation. change of name to LineSegmentDetector, using Input/Output-Arrays, general clean ups.
      adds  cedd768   Fixed the M_PI to CV_PI
      adds  68e348f   Added private operator=.
      adds  6f3d6de   Test case to strict, as overlapping lines (based on random places) may occur.
      adds  6fa4834   Update on the class. Edited tests and samples.
      adds  982ccd7   Added the update on the sample.
      adds  26847f9   Fixed the sample.
      adds  ae93a3e   The accurate LineSegmentDetector object.
      adds  45f7c83   Merge pull request #1119 from 23pointsNorth:lsd
      adds  eb2720a   missing fclose when returning early
      adds  4e1e0c9   Merge pull request #1180 from nghiaho12:master
      adds  abe4219   Drop the legacy CMake options.
      adds  98d36a4   Merge pull request #1171 from SpecLad:drop-legacy-options
      adds  5abe3b5   Class-specific Extremal Region Filter algorithm as proposed in : Neumann L., Matas J.: Real-Time Scene Text Localization and Recognition, CVPR 2012.
      adds  1d8e80a   add opencv_ml headers to precomp
      adds  6adba09   fixed some warnings on build 4285
      adds  9fbff00   fixed compilation errors and warnings on builds 3298 and 4384
      adds  ca6b30a   using explicit keyword in the ERStat constructor for safe contruction
      adds  2087d46   using Rect for storing the bounding box instead of an integer array
      adds  43e7e6e   removed extra cv:: scope qualifiers for better readability
      adds  c4f88b0   removed some unnecessary ERStat members as they are easily computable from others
      adds  8afb7a4   Merge pull request #1159 from lluisgomez:scene_text_detection_NM
      adds  7dc147c   Changed cornerHarris description to say it finds corners, not edges
      adds  9e8dd28   Merge pull request #1200 from shervinemami:patch-1
      adds  25b9ac1   fixed Bug #3143 - flann 'not implemented' error
      adds  41d180f   Merge pull request #1198 from znah:py_flann_fix
      adds  1b10860   added add_definitions(-DCVAPI_EXPORTS) to cmakelists.txt
      adds  c5e569d   Merge pull request #1204 from berak:Bug_3170
      adds  3d3e9ab   Fix the problem of haar caused by merge
      adds  cd62f9f   Merge pull request #1164 from bitwangyaoyao:master_fixHaar
      adds  31de283   Replace "const InputArray" with "InputArray".
      adds  b31293c   Merge pull request #1194 from SpecLad:no-const-inputarray
      adds  47ce461   The initial commit for generic optimization
      adds  f2afe64   Starting implement simplex algorithm.
      adds  f41b8b9   Blank module and first draft of solver API.
      adds  b216c09   Created skeleton for simplex method.
      adds  ddc0010   The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
      adds  a4a5e98   Non-optimized simplex algorithm.
      adds  a956501   Cleaning the code of simplex method
      adds  ba537a9   Preparation for pull request
      adds  fe6a7e9   Fix qualifiers on aux functions for solveLP()
      adds  6c9ae11   Fixed the warnings
      adds  e9b432b   Fixing the warnings
      adds  6db2596   Convenience fixes
      adds  459c16c   Minor fixes
      adds  33e7640   Simplify printing procedures
      adds  c123974   Eliminated all the calls to std::find()
      adds  52b250f   Minor fixes
      adds  3013ad6   Minor fixes
      adds  9392314   Merge pull request #1108 from nailbiter:optimLP
      adds  60e2dbe   removed ffmpeg dependency from gpucodec module:
      adds  c4e1edb   Merge pull request #1195 from jet47:gpucodec-remove-ffmpeg-dep
      adds  03c4a62   expanded the CV_Assert in pyrdown_ to check for empty mats
      adds  a77456e   Merge pull request #1208 from berak:Bug_3094
      adds  f33fe94   Added the sample from patch #2288 : reading in sequence of images
      adds  4ed9b1c   Merge pull request #1166 from StevenPuttemans:patch_2288
      adds  88e6754   split mog sources
      adds  a2adab7   refactored MOG algorithm
      adds  b8f0d1a   refactored MOG2 algorithm
      adds  6977930   refactored GMG algorithm
      adds  62edeee   refactored FGD algorithm
      adds  af2a700   made module dependency optional
      adds  7737375   updated documentation
      adds  487ff4f   Merge pull request #1151 from jet47:gpubgsegm-refactoring
      adds  ebd413c   Solve the problem seen when using recent versions of CMake (such as 2.8.11): OpenCVConfig.cmake violates the policy CMP0004.
      adds  8a3aa1f   Merge pull request #1221 from philippefoubert:branch_cmake_cmp0004
      adds  37ea872   added handling of camera parameters estimation errors (#3122)
      adds  438a599   added 'cmath' include
      adds  cc85e86   fixed Windows build
      adds  027065a   removed trailing whitespaces causing warnings
      adds  406f342   updated docs
      adds  2a48f7c   fixed include for Windows
      adds  dcb049d   fixed docs
      adds  4c03afe   Merge pull request #1079 from AlexeySpizhevoy:master
      adds  dcaf923   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4'
      adds  2f780ed   Fix whitespace errors.
      adds  8bed7bb   Fixed documentation errors.
      adds  48a6edb   Fixed compilation errors.
      adds  ab4fe8d   Merge pull request #1230 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  e9b9a6f   Fix unsequenced assignment (Bug #3191).
      adds  04c86f2   Merge pull request #1228 from vkocheganov:bug_3191
      adds  1a42dd9   Added fixes mentioned in #3205 : changing uint to unsigned literals for compilation on Mingw 4.7.2
      adds  19d8f4f   Merge pull request #1247 from StevenPuttemans:bugfix_3205
      adds  a495bbb   Added a new file for recording minimal dependency versions.
      adds  a87756e   Bumped minimal CMake version to 2.8.7.
      adds  168e2a4   Removed CMake version checks that we don't need anymore.
      adds  656416d   Dropped OpenCVConfig.cmake - we don't use it anymore.
      adds  a23abef   Removed OpenCVFindPkgConfig.cmake, since it's bundled with CMake now.
      adds  3687430   Removed CMakeParseArguments.cmake, which we don't use.
      adds  e574078   Removed obsolete CMake workaround.
      adds  afc6f79   Inlined the getMD5 macro, which no longer saves us anything.
      adds  d8c6e89   Merge pull request #1238 from SpecLad:cmake-min-ver
      adds  6b5ac42   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  339dd98   Adjusted the camera calibration sample to master API.
      adds  129f315   bugfix for OpenCL detection with Intel OpenCL SDK 1.2 on linux (Bug #3140)
      adds  f4010ce   properly set OpenCL lib search path
      adds  9d283de   Merge pull request #1250 from denzp:opencl_detection_unix
      adds  77df8e5   Fixed CR line endings in non_linear_svms.rst.
      adds  9962462   Merge pull request #1260 from SpecLad:no-cr-master
      adds  c23eb17   added gridTransform/gridCopy overloads for GlobPtrSz
      adds  1c0d2b3   added globPtr for GpuMat
      adds  2311b0b   added cudev::GpuMat_<T> support to Input/Output arrays
      adds  6dfd8f1   rewrote matrix operations with cudev module
      adds  1835852   Merge pull request #1162 from jet47:cudev-integration
      adds  7b87d72   refactored generalized hough (both CPU and GPU):
      adds  7992402   Merge pull request #1149 from jet47:generalized-hough-refactoring
      adds  4ac2db2   Removed CV_EXPORTS from all template classes (that I could find).
      adds  8e245f8   Merge pull request #1186 from SpecLad:dont-export-templates
      adds  692d807   gabor filter docs Bug#1894
      adds  f36b994   ref in inpainting docs
      adds  297b67d   pydocs for cv2.findTransformECC
      adds  29ddbba   epilines pydocs
      adds  9628bb0   morphologyex docs bug#2169
      adds  fa1b96b   imshow docs improvement bug#2490
      adds  92d04d4   docs changes
      adds  1b93ecf   docs changes
      adds  d09c89c   Merge pull request #1265 from abidrahmank:misc_docs2
      adds  b595d73   defined uint for non-windows platforms too. replaced isnan for cvIsNaN.
      adds  ed29d91   adding std to cstdint typedef of uint32_t
      adds  556028e   Merge pull request #1253 from kamjagin:fixingCompilationOnOSX
      adds  2530b58   Merge branch 'master' into merge-2.4
      adds  2349f7e   Merge pull request #1257 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  2304a56   Fixed a -Wenum-compare warning in cudev.
      adds  473ca08   Merge pull request #1285 from SpecLad:enum-compare
      adds  9f33de7   added cvconfig.hpp header file to gpu tests
      adds  3fc1885   Merge pull request #1294 from jet47:gpu-tests-fix
      adds  7bda699   fixed gpu BGR <-> YUV color conversion
      adds  0b270e2   Merge pull request #1296 from jet47:gpu-cvtcolor-fix-master
      adds  f76dd99   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  aa96d8d   Fix the name of perf tests' precompiled header.
      adds  beada19   Merge pull request #1297 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  cd2b744   eliminate unnecessary double arithmetics in CUDA
      adds  a1b633e   Merge pull request #1298 from jet47:gpu-eliminate-doubles
      adds  0bc6092   Comparing rejected stage index with minimum required neighbors does not make sense
      adds  893e8b4   Merge pull request #942 from achalddave:patch-1
      adds  797beef   Updated zlib to 1.2.8.
      adds  6fed0e8   Cut down on the use of ZLIB_LIBRARY/ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR.
      adds  9c01a96   Set minimal zlib version to 1.2.3.
      adds  66aa325   Merge pull request #1328 from SpecLad:zlib-update
      adds  e45526b   Dropped the CMAKE_VERBOSE option.
      adds  5a32f0b   Merge pull request #1322 from SpecLad:terse
      adds  880306f   Don't search for Git ourselves - CMake can handle it now.
      adds  365def6   Merge pull request #1323 from SpecLad:find-git
      adds  926d687   using VideoCapture instead of CvCapture* in cascade tutorial
      adds  50288f1   rebased commits
      adds  580677f   Merge pull request #1304 from berak:doc_tut_cascade
      adds  1a81da0   Removed old Python detection cruft.
      adds  dbb684b   Bumped minimal Python version to 2.6.
      adds  67ae438   Refactored NumPy detection.
      adds  055a581   Moved Sphinx detection outside of the PYTHONINTERP_FOUND block.
      adds  f44ed7f   Merge pull request #1340 from SpecLad:python-updates
      adds  b7b5849   OCL: tests: repair/disable failed tests in ocl module
      adds  7685b98   OCL: tests: repair moments implementation in master branch, enable tests
      adds  0daac6f   Merge pull request #1327 from alalek:ocl_master_tests_fix
      adds  989be02   fixed cpp wrappers of ML tree-based models
      adds  45a0b39   Merge pull request #1339 from mdim:ml_cpp_wrappers_fix
      adds  c1dd38c   Fix GPU example build failed with cuda 5.5
      adds  723ba29   Update cmake files by using CUDA_CUDA_LIBRARIES
      adds  657699a   Merge pull request #1267 from clhsieh:gpu_example_build_failed_with_cuda5p5
      adds  d38fca2   Ignore Windows' Thumbs.db
      adds  d32b62a   Merge pull request #1341 from roynos:master
      adds  086db9d   Introduce CV_COMP_CHISQR_ALT, an alternative method to calculate ChiSquare Histogram comparison
      adds  1840fd5   Merge pull request #1248 from vkocheganov:chi_square_alt
      adds  affab4f   correct range computations, it is difficult to do the more efficient single pass 3N/2 implementations correctly in this particular setting without costing more than they save
      adds  10cb9a0   Merge pull request #1342 from nevion:master
      adds  4d06c4c   Merge commit '43aec5ad^' into merge-2.4
      adds  2c4bbb3   Merge commit '43aec5ad' into merge-2.4
      adds  9b92545   War on Whitespace, master edition: trailing spaces.
      adds  9ed475c   War on Whitespace, master edition: file endings.
      adds  dd25f41   War on Whitespace, master edition: tabs.
      adds  2d6f35d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  7afc267   Removed a duplicate line.
      adds  e59c74e   Merge pull request #1348 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  5e4ebf3   Fixed incomplete matrix initialization in HomographyRefineCallback.
      adds  11dcd4f   Merge pull request #1356 from SpecLad:homography-uninit
      adds  29eefe5   Add OpenCL accelerated implementation for Retina.
      adds  3cccded   Fix build error when WITH_OPENCL is disabled.
      adds  9b20b51   Fix build error on Mac
      adds  287c8a3   Let ocl::context only be initialized once in retina_ocl test.
      adds  9f0a88c   Remove trailing whitespace.
      adds  86f4cd2   Merge pull request #1309 from pengx17:master_retina_ocl
      adds  5af2cc6   AutoBuffer with initial zero size fixed.
      adds  fc37df0   Merge pull request #1366 from asmorkalov:ocv_autobuffer_fix
      adds  ff85575   Adding read/write functions to PCA class. Update PCA test.
      adds  79457f8   Merge pull request #1224 from mbarnach:pca_io
      adds  9218f49   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  18bb951   Nuked the rest of the precomp.cpp files.
      adds  0099198   Merge pull request #1389 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  14af369   Python bindings for KeyPoint methods
      adds  7fd8a19   warning corrections
      adds  0902f18   alignment of parameters as per speclad
      adds  fd3b232   Merge pull request #1373 from abidrahmank:pykeypoints
      adds  e45f92a   Fix a bug of ocl retina on NVIDIA platform.
      adds  ecc5181   Merge pull request #1399 from pengx17:master_retina_ocl_fix
      adds  461c98f   Replaced Ptr with my new implementation.
      adds  8200a95   Boring changes - core.
      adds  254d4ae   Boring changes - imgproc.
      adds  beeb932   Boring changes - highgui.
      adds  711fb6b   Boring changes - bioinspired.
      adds  bd70a03   Boring changes - calib3d.
      adds  1eacb48   Boring changes - features2d.
      adds  345bc63   Boring changes - ml.
      adds  de6a934   Boring changes - nonfree.
      adds  b12894d   Boring changes - objdetect.
      adds  32205d3   Boring changes - photo.
      adds  cce0f48   Boring changes - softcascade.
      adds  f21851f   Boring changes - stitching.
      adds  93f757f   Boring changes - superres.
      adds  808e0cf   Boring changes - video.
      adds  0dcb4f1   Boring changes - videostab.
      adds  57595a8   Boring changes - gpu.
      adds  f8f0685   Boring changes - gpuarithm.
      adds  2c03325   Boring changes - gpubgsegm.
      adds  a57f93e   Boring changes - gpucodec.
      adds  b165016   Boring changes - gpufilters.
      adds  a007c7b   Boring changes - gpuimgproc.
      adds  d6146e9   Boring changes - gpulegacy.
      adds  d33ff4b   Boring changes - gpustereo.
      adds  fc0e835   Boring changes - gpuwarping.
      adds  3bca57a   Boring changes - ocl.
      adds  34127ba   Boring changes - contrib.
      adds  eaa7fcc   Boring changes - legacy.
      adds  34af7ee   Boring changes - apps.
      adds  62353b7   Boring changes - samples.
      adds  2a2c21b   Replace an incorrect usage of Ptr with a simple vector.
      adds  2f942ef   Java: removed usages of Ptr<T>::addref().
      adds  dadee37   Adapt Python bindings to the new Ptr.
      adds  24dee16   Added to CV_INIT_ALGORITHM a Ptr creation function, for convenience.
      adds  3e189a2   Replaced calls to Ptr<T>::ptr to ::dynamicCast.
      adds  a50d75d   Made Filestorage able to not own its CvFileStorage instance.
      adds  a97ffe6   Rewrote the documentation for Ptr to fit the new implementation.
      adds  c7d2fdc   Fixed some dubious uses of tbb::task_scheduler_init.
      adds  86b8415   Added tests for Ptr.
      adds  bad9273   Merge pull request #1281 from SpecLad:the-smartest-pointer
      adds  af594c8   retina_ocl.hpp: switched BasicRetinaFilter's members around to fix a -Wreorder warning.
      adds  439e90f   retina_ocl.cpp: removed two unused arrays.
      adds  f88d8b9   Merge pull request #1405 from SpecLad:retina-ocl-warn
      adds  dba336c   fixed a bug in the non-max-suppression filter procedure
      adds  765921c   fixed a typo error in the default min_Probability param of CreateERFilterNM2
      adds  f4d0117   fixed a bug in the calculation of the number of inflexion points feature
      adds  15511bf   better classifiers performance by training them with a new dataset of "manually" selected regions
      adds  b9a5e91   better parameter settings for the ERFilter sample
      adds  04913f5   removed trailing whitespaces
      adds  1cc6502   removed unnecessary commented block
      adds  512111a   removed blank line at EOF
      adds  6ef1d45   fixed rebase conflicts
      adds  cd33ca0   changed default parameters in CreateERFiltersNM{1,2} functions. They are not needed now in the sample example.
      adds  74578f5   Merge pull request #1403 from lluisgomez:scene_text_detection_NM_fix
      adds  b7eff94   fixed compilation issues with new Ptr
      adds  a077163   restored original behaviour or release functions for (Buffer and Texture)
      adds  6ad72bf   removed detail:: prefix int video_reader
      adds  77a2529   Merge pull request #1408 from jet47:new-ptr-fixes
      adds  554e002   Prepare Downhill Simplex for pull request
      adds  b1f029c   Removed trailing spaces
      adds  b92c88d   Removed trailing spaces
      adds  f2fd0ad   Fixed .rst indentation
      adds  af74ec6   Minor fixes
      adds  d5aaab7   Merge pull request #1282 from nailbiter:optimDS
      adds  9d78b80   Update on LSD no to use any Mat* (IOArrays instead). Updated to new license.
      adds  24e9160   Added LineSegmentDetector documentation and an output image.
      adds  b5e1eb7   Removed IOArray constness.
      adds  25c0d59   Update on the compare lines method.
      adds  4ee5599   Merge pull request #1381 from 23pointsNorth:master
      adds  59dd5ae   Reenabled adding native app glue for Android samples.
      adds  3609bb4   Updated the native activity sample to master's API.
      adds  54c6830   Merge pull request #1422 from SpecLad:nat-act-upd
      adds  79d51c3   expose findEssentialMat, decomposeEssentialMat and recoverPose to Python
      adds  7238479   Merge pull request #1415 from znah:sfm_py
      adds  95c2e8b   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  242e425   Merge pull request #1427 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  a92721b   Fix retina ocl on NV. Previously we incorrectly assumed data was aligned in 16 bytes, which should be 32.
      adds  8767c47   Fix whitespaces.
      adds  acc2ca4   Merge pull request #1425 from pengx17:master_retina_ocl_fix
      adds  03926fa   Fixed finding Git when cross-compiling.
      adds  4fe8e37   Merge pull request #1436 from SpecLad:host-git
      adds  887825e   Added an additional version component - the development status.
      adds  cd8ff69   Added version status support into the build system.
      adds  473bfb0   Updated the build config files to deal with the version status.
      adds  b525c28   Updated the Java bindings and docs to support the version status.
      adds  d669559   Bumped version to 3.0.
      adds  4082a0c   Merge pull request #1442 from SpecLad:version-status
      adds  7fd7bbc   The prism distortion coefficients are added for the stereo calibration.
      adds  e3b92a9   Merge pull request #1441 from look4pritam:prism-stereo
      adds  ccc71ac   Primal-dual algorithm
      adds  11fa065   Minor fixes
      adds  1207cd1   Minor fixes
      adds  a29863e   Eliminate use of 32-bit floating pt type
      adds  0033d45   Merge pull request #1426 from nailbiter:optimPD
      adds  e8d3732   added computeNMChannels helper function to compute the diferent channels to be processed independently in the N&M algorithm.
      adds  ad94628   Using cv::magnitude instead of custom loop and Mat<float> instead of Mat<double> to compute gradient magnitude channel.
      adds  c511d5d   Merge pull request #1414 from lluisgomez:scene_text_detection_computeNMChannels
      adds  5b2d557   Added plantuml extension
      adds  160ab84   Merge pull request #1330 from lenlen:plantuml
      adds  84022b0   fix thin-prism coefficients at 0's in the stereo calibration function unless the flag CALIB_THIN_PRISM_MODEL is explicitly set
      adds  eff2178   Merge pull request #1445 from vpisarev:stereocalib_quick_fix
      adds  95d92c0   functions getDefaultClassifierNM1() and getDefaultClassifierNM2() allow to implicitly load the default classifiers when creating a ERFilter object
      adds  75fdfba   renamed getDefaultClassifierNM{1,2}() to loadClassifierNM{1,2}() and added "const std::string& filename" parameter (mandatory).
      adds  d25309f   first parameter of createERFilterNM1/createERFilterNM2 is now mandatory. changed the sample program to use the new prototypes
      adds  ad404ef   Merge pull request #1446 from lluisgomez:scene_text_detection_NM_fix2
      adds  a430abd   The thin prism distortion coefficient related small bug is fixed.
      adds  3fa3722   Merge pull request #1458 from look4pritam:my-branch
      adds  20f636f   fixed cudev compilation for old pre-Fermi archs
      adds  99a4325   Merge pull request #1465 from jet47:cudev-old-cc
      adds  411604f   Initial matlab commit
      adds  2e382c6   Added Matlab to the main build
      adds  ded45b4   Added basic ability to find Matlab installations. Added test cpp file under modules/matlab/test to test mex compiler within cmake
      adds  e8e537a   Added matlab generator stub
      adds  60d7acb   Added Windows functionality to FindMatlab. Untested
      adds  de93408   Better conformity to find_package requirements
      adds  ac74874   FindMatlab.cmake in cmake find_package format
      adds  5d1944b   Added jinja framework for templates and base templates for functions and docs
      adds  808f9db   Improved parse tree, now building within main opencv build system
      adds  8e9cdf8   Updated print formatting
      adds  c29a98e   Added README
      adds  09e2947   Added class templates
      adds  827b4f9   Stripped down jinja, added cmake support
      adds  66c40be   Template population now functional
      adds  eda3252   Improved tempalte formatting
      adds  30aa710   Removed some debug statements
      adds  28c9060   Stripped more unnecessary files out of jinja. Now down to 21 files at 352KB. Stripped files are in jinja-unused for the moment
      adds  2059972   Preparing to rebase
      adds  304fd03   Updated jinja version
      adds  fc16cfc   Improved template formatting
      adds  804d092   cmake now attempts to generate and compile a simple mex file at configure time and reports the working status of the generator and compiler, rather than just naively saying Matlab exists
      adds  4d135ac   Improved exception handling in function template
      adds  884f36b   Improved configure time tests. Added OpenCV specific exception handling
      adds  31415e3   Matlab binding generation now at build time
      adds  bbece09   Starting writing Matlab testing framework
      adds  0c726a3   Improved exception handling and unit tests
      adds  d9cea3b   Compiling matlab from sources now appears as a single target
      adds  1a15ed3   Started handling trivial case of return references. Removed most modules from build tree while testing (cmake/OpenCVModule)
      adds  f45bc35   input/output assignment in templates is working for non-trivial cases. Updated parse_tree to handle '/IO' and '/S' modifiers
      adds  0263727   Function templates now include the full skeleton, from input to output. Class templates need work
      adds  3b4814a   Started writing the Bridge interface. Mex wrappers now starting to compile for core
      adds  755ce9d   Matlab bindings now only building once rather than every call to make, via the use of some proxies. Matlab build currently only happens in one thread, so it can be pretty slow
      adds  24d5adf   Added commenting to modules/matlab/CMakeLists.txt
      adds  3b77fa5   Improved dependency checking
      adds  b0285d9   Improved file installation
      adds  c8fdb2c   Changed build locations so that the matlab module can be used in-place, without having to install
      adds  8cd48cf   Added README and proposal. Staging for first public commit
      adds  9b32c6e   Updated README
      adds  da63919   Improved error handling on entry to mex files
      adds  0b9ff11   Fixed bug where expected number of input variables was incorrect if any of the inputs were also outputs
      adds  e51bdbe   All OpenCV constants being exported into matlab class and C++ map templates
      adds  c572021   Commented enum maps
      adds  6b88a21   added handling of constants equaling constants. e.g. FMT_DEFAULT = FMT_MATLAB
      adds  136f205   added handling of constants equaling constants for C++ map
      adds  bb56ac4   Added delta builds of Matlab executables. Imgproc module now compiling
      adds  5bc55a0   Now building all functions (not classes) in core, imgproc, ml and highgui
      adds  245bc5d   maintenant compiling video et photo aussi
      adds  d6453cf   Now builds all functions except those dependent on Features2d. Improved build detection if cmake is rerun
      adds  ef6327b   Now building all OpenCV functions
      adds  fc519aa   Matlab constants now being parsed correctly. Over 700 constants correctly formatted :)
      adds  53c9c40   started MxArray wrapper around mxArray class
      adds  53a7fbf   Improved bridge. Fixed I/O problem in function template
      adds  538dbfe   Now compiling under much more strigent warnings, with Clang and optional C++11 support
      adds  6fd296c   More aggressive build warnings. The cmake configuration is quite fragile. Pay particular attention to quotes around variables
      adds  504558c   Better C++11 and C++98 support/interop. Started writing map interface. Some core functions actually run
      adds  baa946c   Split MxArray out of bridge into standalone file. Does not depend on bridge. Working to make it API complete with respect to mxArray, but with better calling syntax
      adds  d126263   implemented faster transpose with SEE auto vectorization
      adds  346f7d0   Fast deep-copy-transpose implemented which attempts to not thrash the cache. Good first step for now, but no transpose at all would be preferrable. Started I/O.
      adds  603d949   Improved string handling. Swapped transpose interface for slow but correct implementation. Will come back to optimized implementation later. imshow now works correctly
      adds  5a34b00   Added more test cases
      adds  9cc949e   Added more test cases
      adds  6549e5e   Added flaky support for finding Matlab on Windows machines
      adds  627b9df   removed experimental IO from build
      adds  58ca8ed   Improved finding Matlab on Windows machines. Needs testing on computers that have multiple version installed
      adds  5e50791   Generator and compiler now working on Windows. Moved matlab to correct VS solution folder
      adds  dfda79e   Added passthrough of CXX FLAGS to mex compiler
      adds  ecb5068   Added Windows-specific configuration lookup for linker paths
      adds  d00f4e2   Added Windows dll versioning and Debug library postfix checks. Dependent libraries now being found by linker :)
      adds  48aac74   removed pkg_resources (setuptools) dependency from jinja. Matlab module now has no python dependencies beyond the core python libs
      adds  b654413   Added mixed-precision check when attempting to link to an OpenCV version with different bitness. Bindings now compiling and linking on my Windows 7 VM with VS2012 and Matlab R2013a
      adds  8f92973   Started documentation skeleton
      adds  7ef3be3   By default, all function now export at least one return value back into the Matlab workspace, even if none are requested. This is in line with Matlab's calling convention, where functions called without an lvalue or a semicolon have their first output printed to the terminal
      adds  c5ffd1f   Updated main Matlab help string
      adds  faeb0aa   Now using python ArgumentParser to parse command line arguments in preparation for adding doc generation
      adds  3483bf1   Added auto-generated docs to all OpenCV functions
      adds  f705020   Linked online documentation now opens a browser window to the exact function reference using div tags
      adds  059d63c   Added diagnostic/build information function
      adds  fad7b35   Updated documentation formatting
      adds  3bf41c2   Formatted URLs in the documentation so that they are redirected to the system browser instead of the builtin Matlab browser
      adds  a659562   Changed command-line separator from module:file to module=file so that it works cross-platform
      adds  7aaefd4   Improved escaped character formatting in docs
      adds  6f811f5   Documentation spree no.1
      adds  115a147   Updated nest list in markdown
      adds  5ed9365   Updated nest list in markdown
      adds  542c88c   Updated nest list in markdown
      adds  a269e32   Updated nest list in markdown
      adds  7786ed7   Updated nest list in markdown
      adds  1e78a18   Updated nest list in markdown
      adds  e63369f   Updated nest list in markdown
      adds  bfa8838   Updated documentation
      adds  fb41d7b   Commenting spree no.2
      adds  ef2c1e1   Changed bad cast in MxArray
      adds  52dc51a   Added custom OpenCV mex compiler
      adds  78dc2c5   Upadated include tree to match the rest of opencv. Added install configuration for custom mex compiler
      adds  2ac31a8   Added tutorial for writing your own mex files
      adds  eb83a9e   Enabled syntax highlighting
      adds  b87197d   updated syntax highlighting
      adds  2a0e357   updated syntax highlighting
      adds  569e800   updated README.md formatting
      adds  57505b9   Added LICENSE preamble to include files
      adds  9726346   removed unused files from repo
      adds  d5abe79   untracked io for initial pull request
      adds  33c377b   complete rewrite of ArgumentParser
      adds  153549c   Added LICENSE and Americanizations
      adds  bc93eda   Removed all OpenCV-specific functionality from mxarray into bridge. mxarray is now standalone
      adds  8f62a52   Brought matlab module into cv namespace
      adds  a780c3a   Swapped out function assertions in favour of ArgumentParser
      adds  25ee1f9   Improved error messages for incorrect arguments
      adds  d16d637   Fixed handling of optional arguments under ArgumentParser. Fixed default constructor error in MxArray
      adds  a64c34c   Updated cv help to include reference to named arguments
      adds  1d25e5f   manually added optical flow header to build
      adds  cf078be   Merge branch 'matlab' into matlab_public
      adds  40227b7   Removed GSOC-specific proposal.pdf from root
      adds  31c95ff   Added new OpenCV definitions to bridge
      adds  c112c9a   Made binding compilation less verbose
      adds  f57145d   Fixed regular expression for finding Matlab in Windows PATH
      adds  7e5bbec   Removing trailing whitespace and expanded tabs
      adds  6964f6a   Removed unused Dynamic from matlab namespace - clashing with Eigen
      adds  74accbd   Added <algorithm> to mxarray.hpp, which seems to be needed explictly by some compilers
      adds  530ad44   Added fixes to CMakeLists.txt
      adds  232f11e   Updated OpenCVFindMatlab with changes suggested by SpecLad
      adds  224f44a   Made changes to OpenCVFindMatlab suggested by SpecLad
      adds  86b7e3d   Moved Jinja2 into 3rdparty. Now using latest stable version from pypi (2.7.1)
      adds  31c58d2   Streamlined mexext detection, with removal of trailing whitespace/newlines handled by execute_process
      adds  eb3a832   Added TODO for the future of Matlab version sorting
      adds  1dd017e   Fixed a memory leak in mxarray
      adds  d84ab09   Updated documentation
      adds  c550e45   Merge pull request #1384 from hbristow:matlab_public
      adds  81ac97c   fix for broken debug builds (MSVS2010/2012)
      adds  0ecd791   Merge pull request #1472 from alalek:master_fix_debug_builds_on_win
      adds  2837bfd   Added erGrouping function: Find groups of Extremal Regions that are organized as text blocks. Updated sample/cpp to use the complete text detection pipeline
      adds  1445a29   Merge pull request #1469 from lluisgomez:scene_text_detection_erGrouping
      adds  2eb5ca0   fixed malformed XML
      adds  c0c575d   Merge pull request #1481 from Human:master
      adds  e12496d   removed gpu name usage from ocl module
      adds  e895b74   renamed gpu namespace -> cuda
      adds  8282f6e   renamed gpu::cudev  namespace -> cuda::device
      adds  5a85f1b   renamed gpucodec namespace -> cudacodec
      adds  a630811   removed perf4au test
      adds  fef646d   removed mark_nvidia.py script
      adds  91dd44e   removed compatibility headers
      adds  cfe4a71   renamed gpu* source to cuda* in core module
      adds  dbeb3e2   renamed gpucodec -> cudacodec
      adds  6d216d7   renamed gpulegacy -> cudalegacy
      adds  dcd600c   renamed gpuarithm -> cudaarithm
      adds  d4901a9   renamed gpuwarping -> cudawarping
      adds  71d61e0   renamed gpustereo -> cudastereo
      adds  219b662   renamed gpufilters -> cudafilters
      adds  a0ae602   renamed gpuimgproc -> cudaimgproc
      adds  5660d6a   renamed gpuoptflow -> cudaoptflow
      adds  259ceb7   renamed gpufeatures2d -> cudafeatures2d
      adds  29386f1   renamed gpubgsegm -> cudabgsegm
      adds  ae94256   renmaed gpu module -> cuda
      adds  80b9fd8   removed gpu module from OPENCV2_BASE_MODULES
      adds  3c34b24   replaced gpu->cuda in files names
      adds  fd88654   replaced GPU -> CUDA
      adds  f936c12   fixed sanity test for cuda module
      adds  cbe4375   fixed docs
      adds  429bfad   removed precomp.cpp files
      adds  a410067   fix documentation
      adds  ba4bf04   fixed incorrect GPUs -> CUDAs replacement
      adds  12f50d7   fixed video_writer sample
      adds  1ad4592   Merge branch 'master' into gpu-cuda-rename
      adds  f46b7fc   fixed warnings in resize.cu
      adds  0c7663e   Merge branch 'master' into gpu-cuda-rename
      adds  1036ce8   Merge branch 'master' into gpu-cuda-rename
      adds  6bbac2a   Merge branch 'master' into gpu-cuda-rename
      adds  298a1d5   Merge pull request #1299 from jet47:gpu-cuda-rename
      adds  5556f05   added rst documentation for the Class-specific Extremal Regions for Scene Text Detection
      adds  5670e4f   fixed typos
      adds  b5f3709   Merge pull request #1484 from lluisgomez:scene_text_detection_documentation
      adds  4b19fda   Add brisk features to python demos
      adds  c8b9727   Merge pull request #1430 from nzjrs:add-brisk-to-demos
      adds  720241d   Make similar default typedefs for Point_, Size_ and Rect_
      adds  e1f55c3   Merge pull request #1496 from shawke:patch-1
      adds  0e7d4a5   First version of 'viz' module
      adds  e750579   fix linux compilation errors
      adds  ddcfab3   Merge pull request #1 from ozantonkal/viz
      adds  e10582c   Initial implementation of keyboard callback registration mechanism without boost
      adds  6603cc4   boost dependency has been removed
      adds  58025c5   Merge pull request #3 from ozantonkal/removing_boost_dependency
      adds  ace0933   fixed compilation (included ctime in precomp.hpp)
      adds  d11d07a   showPointCloud initial implementation together with test
      adds  59acccf   Merge pull request #4 from ozantonkal/implementing_addPointCloud
      adds  e58b0b3   removed cv keywords and redundant lines from showPointCloud
      adds  aecff52   CV_64FC3 support
      adds  01e99db   Merge pull request #5 from ozantonkal/implementing_addPointCloud
      adds  909c45f   little refactoring
      adds  0f5da42   misprint
      adds  c622ebf   implemented wasStopped flag
      adds  c4fe989   implementation of * operator for Affine3f and point3d, initial implementation of isNaN
      adds  abdc022   implemented copy_non_nans, isnan
      adds  da32ca4   Merge pull request #6 from ozantonkal/implementing_addPointCloud
      adds  1ae5918   refactoring of copy_non_nans
      adds  1b51ee3   refactored showPointCloud to for shorter code. Implemented NanFilter::copy<T>() function
      adds  0108632   mistype fix
      adds  46cf22c   showPointCloud with single color
      adds  0e90c0f   updated test for single color
      adds  f91b1a1   showPointCloud with single color without duplicating color
      adds  7cfa3cb   Merge pull request #9 from ozantonkal/implementing_addPointCloud
      adds  c65d888   little refactoring
      adds  909f905   --amend
      adds  b387581   initial refactoring
      adds  26a6823   showLine implementation
      adds  f94c241   showPlane implementation
      adds  93fe2f6   showPlane with color
      adds  55683e7   showCube implementation
      adds  98edabd   showCylinder implementation
      adds  fd6eeac   showCylinder and showCircle implementations
      adds  17bdc29   setShapePose and getShapePose implementations
      adds  c4a07b7   createSphere and showSphere implementations
      adds  4a19ff3   createArrow and showArrow implementation without label
      adds  1830059   removed redundant addShape methods
      adds  2229d91   Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/ozan/refactoring_shapeMethods' into viz
      adds  e0b7e63   getShapePose/setShapePose simplification little code beautification, formatting
      adds  54c7dfa   initial base widget implementation
      adds  c8d2b5f   fix vtkActor to vtkLODActor, initial implementation LineWidget, showWidget
      adds  daa2a20   remove redundant methods, implement assignment operator for widget
      adds  efa7f09   slight refactoring of widget system code
      adds  141cfd5   widget_accessor.hpp - minimize dependencies
      adds  158ed29   reference counting in widget
      adds  ba89a6a   line widget set/get line width
      adds  3d3e3fd   plane widget implementation
      adds  d80a965   sphere widget implementation
      adds  f97c3c8   circle widget and arrow widget implementation
      adds  f07486b   cylinder widget implementation
      adds  03cc439   cube widget implementation
      adds  ecdd851   coordinate system widget implementation, update pose fix
      adds  5bb95c4   remove widget implementation
      adds  4c3d1d5   remove ModelCoefficients, remove showShape methods from viz3d
      adds  7e2643a   removed shape files
      adds  45cdc41   Merge pull request #13 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
      adds  9d684a3   Fixed ref counting bug, minor formatting
      adds  030400d   circle widget thickness property
      adds  eafcdc0   plane widget size
      adds  c4f4727   showWidget takes Affine3f as argument
      adds  653eda4   text widget implementation
      adds  d394e23   cube widget wireframe
      adds  6e5ae98   initial cloud widget implementation, fix safedowncasts
      adds  e76023b   cloud normals widget implementation
      adds  658e4c5   set/get/updateWidgetPose implemented, cloudNormals with color
      adds  cc08149   remove redundant statements
      adds  b50d777   cloudwidget private implementation for duplicate code, add cv_assert(exists), fix bug point_step bug in CloudNormalsWidget
      adds  061c28c   Merge pull request #14 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
      adds  d324c03   initial redesigning widgets
      adds  195d60f   fix widget delete bug
      adds  318b1c0   implement assignment operator and copy constructor for all widgets existing
      adds  10d955f   widget2d setcolor implementation
      adds  200b254   rearrange widget constructors
      adds  509a93c   minor naming
      adds  e4c3416   experimental widget casting functionality
      adds  d3dee3a   explicit casting among widgets, removed implicit casting
      adds  71c76ae   PolyLine widget implementation
      adds  e185900   grid widget implementation
      adds  5813a3a   text3D widget implementation
      adds  eef8195   clean unnecessary methods, make text3d face camera
      adds  ea8d485   Merge pull request #15 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
      adds  c6a8bd6   fixed some warnings for windows minor buitification
      adds  ae2e3a1   viz license header template
      adds  6045ae8   reshape continuous clouds for better performance.
      adds  328f0e3   added makeTransformToGlobal() function
      adds  f480eca   removed Affine3f from coordinate frame constructor
      adds  3e41f06   removed q subfolder
      adds  83cb28f   temp_viz removed
      adds  512afe2   beatification of test_viz
      adds  d6e2b65   more refactoring
      adds  6ca1822   added comments with future work for VizImpl
      adds  757e61d   restored OpenCVModule.cmake
      adds  b066d19   mesh widget implementation
      adds  25f98bc   mesh widget casting
      adds  acd63c1   fix grid widget unused color
      adds  efbebe6   Merge branch 'implementing_widgets' of https://github.com/ozantonkal/opencv into implementing_widgets
      adds  2d36a8f   Merge pull request #16 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
      adds  4c228c0   fixed copilation
      adds  0e20473   minor mesh load fixes
      adds  dc348ff   removed Mesh::Ptr since mesh itself consists of shared points (cv::Mat)
      adds  1bfd7ad   arrow widget thickness parameter
      adds  4b85c84   fix rgb and bgr incompatibility
      adds  769eba7   cube wire_frame fix using vtkOutlineSource
      adds  40e47e6   Image widgets implementation, GridWidget: vtkExtractEdges instead of Wireframe
      adds  3260404   initial CameraPositionWidget implementation using eye, look_at, up_vector
      adds  9d3f3c6   camera position widget: constructor with no parameter, constructor with intrinsic matrix for visualizing frustum
      adds  2294eb8   fix aspect_ratio in camera position widget, add scale parameter (tentative implementation of scale)
      adds  0a3691d   CameraPositionWidget: constructor with Vec2f fov (tentative)
      adds  13a2516   avoid memory leak in mesh widget
      adds  f3b228c   initial implementation of trajectory widget
      adds  16c8c98   trajectory widget with frustums
      adds  5af739d   plane widget size fix
      adds  c0f44ca   shorten Trajectory widget implementation
      adds  540f9a6   remove unnecessary declaration
      adds  27f5cd2   overlay image widget constructor with Rect
      adds  d0bd344   image 3d widget use texture instead of imageactor for more flexibility (such as resizing)
      adds  f9938da   image 3d widget with position, normal, up_vector
      adds  4d70671   intial implementation of frustum + image (the color of the frustum is currently dependent on the first pixel of the image)
      adds  40b5075   add const keywords to gridwidget constructor
      adds  6e5a712   Gridwidget with plane coefficients
      adds  952029a   GridImpl structure to shorten grid widget implementation
      adds  769512d   move image copying structure to viz3d_impl: ConvertToVtkImage
      adds  aa2594c   fix aspect_ratio computation from fovs, add casting for camerapositionwidget, trajectorywidget
      adds  7d458e8   trajectory widget display options: display path, display frames, display both
      adds  64cdd82   trajectory widget constructor with field of view
      adds  ec756af   trajectorywidget display modes are combined with & instead of |
      adds  b661d72   CameraPositionWidget: a workaround for setting frustum color in the presence of an image
      adds  edfad34   trajectory with spheres and lines (based on the code snippet in gdocs)
      adds  3fe5984   cloud collection widget implementation
      adds  250dac5   fix: trajectory path is now relative to the global frame
      adds  42266b0   makeCameraPose implementation
      adds  b64e6cc   static function for appending clouds in cloud collection widget
      adds  f5816c8   fix setting color of 3D objects
      adds  f30f3b6   Merge pull request #17 from ozantonkal/implementing_widgets
      adds  69e66d7   fixed little bug in makeCameraPose
      adds  54774f6   updated license header
      adds  8fa6b6a   initial setViewerPose implementation
      adds  a76cc9e   initial camera implementation (camera2), fix bug (zeros method)
      adds  e4e9ed8   spheres trajectory widget implementation
      adds  4953786   remove boost include (caused by Kdevelop autocomplete)
      adds  f445f76   initial setCamera implementation
      adds  0bb89e7   fix field of view formula in camera class, implement get camera
      adds  439ba98   initial implementation of projection matrix, 3D to window coordinates, window coordinates to 3D ray (not yet tested)
      adds  f060eee   fix window_size setter, remove camera related old methods from viz3d
      adds  119d97f   remove old camera, rename new camera
      adds  f8ad3c0   fix field of view computation in setWindowSize
      adds  9c20e77   fix conversion functions to use appropriate vtk function
      adds  32985aa   fix camera constructor, add tentative KinectCamera method
      adds  731a931   field of views are in radians
      adds  5335489   viz getWindowSize, setWindowSize
      adds  422b967   fix computeProjectionMatrix in Camera class, also check if there is principal point defined
      adds  71dc5f8   simulate real cameras by working around vtkUserTransform to set projection matrix
      adds  bb05749   create camera from projection matrix (used for getCamera in viz)
      adds  4a1573d   principal point is always set even though the intrinsic parameters are not given (center of window), fixed computation mistakes in setWindowSize in camera class
      adds  b69a97b   access focal length and principal point in camera
      adds  52f141a   Merge pull request #18 from ozantonkal/implementing_camera
      adds  669abd5   initial shared pointer implementation for Viz3d, singleton VizAccessor, cv::viz::get function initial implementation
      adds  c37f091   remove redundant statement
      adds  6bc3936   cv::viz::get(window_name) implementation
      adds  d83be1d   fixes based on the feedback: window name prefix is automatically added when it is not there, singleton class returns reference instead of pointer, destructor is private, release function implemented
      adds  8b20ceb   Merge pull request #19 from ozantonkal/acess_by_name_infrastructure
      adds  35e7952   simplify modules/viz/CMakeLists.txt
      adds  e106dcc   remove include vtk headers from outside of precomp.hpp
      adds  0bbaf5d   removeAllWidgets implementation, removed other remove methods
      adds  b032b4d   move frompolyfile to widget class as static method, remove addpolygon and its alikes
      adds  cf36b8f   rendering properties in Widget and Viz3d
      adds  4f41635   implemented actor representation methods in viz3d
      adds  f6e1a09   implement window relevant methods in Viz3d
      adds  f98614e   remove cloudactormap, shapeactormap. only vtkProp is stored and view transformation can be obtained using GetUserMatrix of vtkProp3D
      adds  0891790   remove eigen dependency
      adds  ed0162a   remove reference counting in widgets
      adds  3038ffb   setDesiredUpdateRate implementation in Viz3d
      adds  9086cf5   remove unused includes and libraries from linking
      adds  3da7dd9   fix yellow and magenta color bgr codes
      adds  e4b13f2   update reader after setting file name
      adds  8007e07   load mesh function is finalized: color range is always 0-255 and RGB due to vtkPLYReader limitations
      adds  4b44305   reverted widget reference count in order to avoid memory leak
      adds  6c0c217   removed reference counter in widgets, fixed memory leak
      adds  69f135e   fix memory leak in viz3d
      adds  af8a918   fix minor bug, minor cleaning, cv_assert with messages
      adds  4aa61de   minor refactoring interactor_style
      adds  ffbb5e9   resetCamera, resetViewpoint in Viz3d
      adds  2705113   remove common.cpp, remove commented code in common.h
      adds  21be979   comments on widgets where constructors might be confusing
      adds  9d4fe69   remove setWindowName method to avoid complications
      adds  2822845   set get RenderingProperty id comes first
      adds  a5b7576   initial documentation
      adds  31501eb   replace tabs by spaces
      adds  b60894c   launching viz tutorial
      adds  f99e874   tutorial: creating_widgets code
      adds  5eed0d6   remove common.h include from widgets.hpp
      adds  07d55b0   Merge pull request #20 from ozantonkal/low_order_tasks
      adds  eed7bf6   compilation for windows
      adds  477ca06   compilation for macos
      adds  9a91a12   VIZ disabled by default, VTK search is performed iff BUILD_opencv_viz is enabled
      adds  fdbf20c   delete common.h, viz_types.hpp, rendering properties are public, setcolor in creating_widgets tutorial
      adds  94ca5d6   remove VIZ prefix from rendering properties, fix setRenderingProperties and getRenderingProperties methods
      adds  fcf437c   combine representation methods to one as setRepresentation
      adds  7116e22   some of the tutorials
      adds  5307339   tutorial code for makeTransformToGlobal, makeCameraPose, minor fixes in widget_pose tutorial
      adds  2969ec0   transformations tutorial rst
      adds  286f81f   fix crucial bug in get method, hide add and remove methods from user
      adds  2170559   text3dwidget offers now users to decide whether it should face the camera or not
      adds  3bdb55e   another constructor for CameraPositionWidget for displaying image by also using field of view instead of intrinsic matrix
      adds  c773061   updated documentation
      adds  26005a1   add license headers
      adds  56f9168   support VTK 6.0.0: cmakelist.txt might need to be refactored
      adds  9895093   check if vtk 5.10.0 exists, if not require 6.0.0
      adds  620d928   hide VizMap and VizPair from public interface
      adds  3f27ba5   re-render the scene after changing camera properties
      adds  f570b3e   cmake check if VTK version is lower than 5, and give fatal error if it is
      adds  c31fb8f   rename widgets from *Widgets to W*
      adds  3165b52   merge with Itseez/opencv
      adds  e3e5fd5   Merge remote-tracking branch 'itseezstream/master'
      adds  a117400   ignore viz tutorials when BUILD_opencv_viz is not set
      adds  223fb39   include viz tutorials in the main tutorials file. ignore viz samples
      adds  824c28a   Merge remote-tracking branch 'itseez/master'
      adds  8de46e1   removed trailing spaces
      adds  5780b41   delete duplicate bunny.ply, remove tabs and extra lines
      adds  c6ab8cb   Merge pull request #1471 from ozantonkal:master
      adds  e675684   fix bug #3277 (findCirclesGrid failures):
      adds  241aa6e   Merge pull request #1497 from jet47:fix-bug-3277
      adds  8e7eb79   fixed compile errors and warnings when building master branch with IPP enabled
      adds  0d49206   Merge pull request #1485 from vpisarev:ipp_fixes
      adds  e6b58c4   - Added the minEnclosingTriangle function declaration to the imgproc header - Added the source code for the function in the separate file min_enclosing_triangle.cpp
      adds  510ad8e   - Changed the type of the minEnclosingTriangle function parameters by using proxy classes InputArray/OutputArray instead of std::vector<T> - Adapted the source code to accommodate this change
      adds  4fce8e6   Changed the semantics of the minEnclosingTriangle function such that:
      adds  9902aff   Added some assert statements to constrain the type of the input and output parameters. Convert the input set of points to vector<Point2f> before passing it to the findMinimumAreaEnclosingTriangle function.
      adds  0ed2f62   Optimised one assert statement in the min_enclosing_triangle.cpp file. Added the minEnclosingTriangle functionality to the existing minarea.cpp sample file.
      adds  8bada4c   Overloaded the minEnclosingTriangle function such that there is an alternative function with the same name which does not require the output parameter ``area''. Changed the sample source file minarea.cpp to use the overloaded version of the function. Updated some comments in the min_enclosing_triangle.cpp source file.
      adds  caaa9e0   - Wrote the documentation for the minEnclosingTriangle function (+1 extra picture depicting a sample output)
      adds  0117d77   Added the tests for the minEnclosingTriangle function in the existing test_convhull.cpp file.
      adds  7ac7686   Added the signature cvMinEnclosingTriangle (C version) to the imgproc_c.h header
      adds  130b4d8   Changed the return type of cvMinEnclosingTriangle to CVAPI(void). Added the implementation of the function to the min_enclosing_triangle.cpp source file.
      adds  b570a4a   Added the C interface function signature and the overloaded minEnclosingTriangle Python function to the documentation.
      adds  dc64dd7   Made the following changes after code inspection (min_enclosing_triangle.cpp): * Corrected minor typos in comments/function signatures * Added new details to copyright statement * Removed unreferenced macros * Removed the assert statement which was checking the type of the OutputArray triangle * When returning results using Mat::copyTo instead of Mat::convertTo * Changed C-style casts to static_casts * Added division by zero check to distanceFromPointToLine() functio [...]
      adds  737c5fe   Updated the return type of the cvMinEnclosingTriangle function in the documentation
      adds  73f476b   Added a namespace and prefixed global variables with "G_" in order to prevent variable shadowing problems.
      adds  21390d8   Removed non-ASCII characters from the comments
      adds  52cdae6   Removed the cvMinEnclosingTriangle function since the C API will be deprecated starting with OpenCV 3.0
      adds  e324446   Changed the signature of the minEnclosingTriangle function such that it returns the area automatically. Moreover, the overloaded function was no longer required so it was removed. Sample code, documentation and unit tests were updated correspondingly.
      adds  2bf36c3   Removed static variables which were not read-only and used more function parameters instead.
      adds  4b203f7   Merge pull request #1470 from IceRage:min_enclosing_triangle
      adds  047b568   erGrouping now uses a classifier for group validation instead of a set of heuristical ifos. Updated documentation and sample to use the new function API
      adds  4ce0a8a   Merge pull request #1520 from lluisgomez:scene_text_erGrouping_classifier
      adds  899781b   GSoC Python Tutorials GSoC Python Tutorials
      adds  f3f7f70   Merge pull request #1488 from abidrahmank:py_tutorials
      adds  14d2251   Redefine CPU_xx constants in cv::namespace
      adds  a4b3aa9   Merge pull request #1477 from nzjrs:python-gethardwaresupport
      adds  42faaa8   Fix mouse handling in python demos
      adds  ada858e   Merge pull request #1429 from nzjrs:fix-sketcher
      adds  81eb4bd   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4'
      adds  97fc1e1   Replace obsolete Gtk symbols
      adds  0d06b1d   Change true for TRUE
      adds  e0f5a2e   Merge pull request #1512 from Exocoder:pre-gtk3
      adds  449b4d8   Added the tutorial on background subtraction, in the video section
      adds  ea544f0   Added a small modifications in the code formatting of background subtraction tutorial
      adds  281250b   added a brief description for the learning rate parameter in the apply method
      adds  5f7163b   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv into add_bs_tutorial
      adds  582d555   trying to solve with space errors
      adds  a34f7b7   fixing other white spaces
      adds  f091046   fixing trailing whitespaces
      adds  20f932b   fixing trailing whitespaces
      adds  23f5eac   fixing trailing whitespaces
      adds  4ec5c04   Merge pull request #1315 from dbloisi:add_bs_tutorial
      adds  aeedc7a   Emergency fix: rename a conflicting label in the tutorials.
      adds  e2f00ce   New intersection function for rotated rectangles
      adds  a0576d7   Fixed ret
      adds  a40f217   changed from isnormal to isfinite, the prev ignored zero
      adds  cb16f73   Added C interface
      adds  3fcdbbe   Merge https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  27bcc0b   Merge https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  00f63fa   Finished test code, added image to the doc
      adds  61386e1   Merge https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  bc3dd24   Added test cpp
      adds  c0bbdde   Added test cpp
      adds  d01e95f   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/nghiaho12/opencv
      adds  18e7aa5   Update intersection.cpp
      adds  95ee02b   Added extra comment to test buildbot
      adds  723bc3c   Merge https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  79965c9   Replaced isfinite() with cvIsInf and cvIsNan
      adds  2c9c418   Merge https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  d194bb6   Merge https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  d36dbe6   Merge https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  cc15898   Merged with HEAD and removed C interface to rotatedRectangleIntersection
      adds  0e06465   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  8e8ff4d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  4171767   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  b4ffb08   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  e6a9c22   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  357e5d5   Removed trailing whitespaces
      adds  5921c77   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  c41a5b9   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  d7bf71c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  61f5176   Removed trailing whitespace
      adds  8717281   Merge pull request #1209 from nghiaho12:master
      adds  6133aee   Merge branch 'master' into merge-2.4
      adds  f0b050f   exposed LineSegemntDetector to python
      adds  0a8d62e   createLineSegmentDetectorPtr -> createLineSegmentDetector
      adds  20fe614   createLineSegmentDetectorPtr -> createLineSegmentDetector in tests and samples
      adds  851a8a1   fixed whitespace error
      adds  bc1f9d6   fixed description of createLineSegmentDetector
      adds  184ae87   Merge pull request #1526 from vpisarev:linedetector_python
      adds  7469c93   HDR formats support and HDR making. Code only.
      adds  96dfbf5   HDR formats support and HDR making. Code only.
      adds  84ea0c9   Tests and rgbe fix
      adds  122f85f   Tonemapping code
      adds  a5e1107   Fixes, missing files, tests
      adds  0aee5b6   Exposure fusion. Code, tests.
      adds  35133df   MTB alignment. Code, tests, application
      adds  091b48d   MTB alignment. Missing main file.
      adds  8ccca90   small changes added including for precomp
      adds  707048f   removed tonemap_algorithms due to wrapping problems
      adds  245dc99   added include precomp
      adds  a29ce40   minore changes in test on HDR fromat
      adds  ec668ce   Documentation
      adds  703cf8c   Calibration, various changes
      adds  35a39c1   minor changes
      adds  919f356   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/f-morozov/opencv
      adds  b87d2e9   cosmetic change
      adds  af2c907   Calibration, various changes
      adds  258b98d   Tonemap as Algorithm
      adds  4d2ea84   Tonemap as 3.0 algorithm
      adds  302bf23   All hdr functions as Algorithms
      adds  ed0828d   New HDR documentation
      adds  c51b50b   Algorithm names in code
      adds  17609b9   Mantiuk's tonemapping
      adds  6df203c   Fixes for Linux compilation, small changes
      adds  cb999a2   Mantiuk's tonemapping
      adds  4c0f7f9   Tonemapping documentation update
      adds  bef8d81   Minor fixes, new MergeDebevec
      adds  4a4c519   Documentation updates
      adds  c4fb0e9   few changes for compilation
      adds  3c21871   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/f-morozov/opencv
      adds  e914fc2   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/f-morozov/opencv
      adds  3725c1f   Documentation updates
      adds  19082e0   Documentation update
      adds  e2e604e   HDR writing bug fix
      adds  833f8d1   Robertson and tutorial
      adds  9f98730   HDR test changes
      adds  924f7ce   small changes for compilation
      adds  e354fa3   fixed test data in highgui test for HDR
      adds  359771f   small fixes in the tutorial
      adds  cf275ac   small changes in the tutorial
      adds  e15eabe   Ghostbusters
      adds  0f703b8   Calibrate Debevec changes
      adds  85eb52b   Debevec Calibrate
      adds  cb27740   Linux compilation
      adds  e33a4f7   Merge branch 'devel' of https://github.com/f-morozov/opencv into devel
      adds  f4792f8   Doc update
      adds  deeaddb   Doc update
      adds  c118f3c   Robertson update
      adds  a7bcf63   Robertson docs
      adds  76c6fa9   No EXR in tests
      adds  89508bf   NO exr now
      adds  b1af5cc   Remove ghost removal
      adds  90b6af1   Merge new changes
      adds  f99be6b   Mergin itseez
      adds  c9ace38   Docs updated, added InputArray, fixes for makePtr,...
      adds  1ac1b9a   Merge pull request #1474 from f-morozov:for_pr
      adds  f9ea377   Add compile option for enabling NEON
      adds  a71a891   Merge pull request #1451 from adrians:neon-pull2
      adds  ca0956a   this is rewrite of the github patch #674 by chouclee; the goal is to improve polyfit accuracy
      adds  4c7ecf2   Merge pull request #1529 from vpisarev:polyfit_accuracy_2
      adds  30d7e1c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into merge-2.4
      adds  60bcc52   Merge pull request #1541 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  78c4ffe   Revert "Fixed a bug in FLANN resulting in uninitialized accesses."
      adds  4c19e02   Cherry-picked mariusmuja/flann at b615f2694723fe402b8bbe50d77e622beff7f171.
      adds  58da54c   Cherry-picked mariusmuja/flann at 8c8b0e0cb879666797ab2ac51b9ee438bf84a183.
      adds  e389111   Merge pull request #1550 from SpecLad:flann-uninit-master
      adds  bcb6f03   Named FastFeatureDetector::Type to allow its use in makePtr.
      adds  447e03b   Merge pull request #1543 from SpecLad:name-enum
      adds  61c27ac   Shape module added
      adds  fe7bab4   Corrections for compiling issues in Win, And and Doc
      adds  ead9667   Remove ~ file
      adds  5a1e987   Corrected compilation errors Win
      adds  752d88f   Compile error fix for Win
      adds  aa73daf   2 Compile error fix for Win
      adds  1bf4298   Macro removal
      adds  4672a70   Replaced dynamic_cas with Ptr::dynamicCast<>, and & with &&
      adds  f6fc39c   Putting definitions of SCD and SCDMatcher separated from sc_dis.cpp file
      adds  cd84742   attempts to fix build errors on Android
      adds  c3748a5   fixed the trailing whitespaces
      adds  c810d03   some more attempts to fix compile bug on Android
      adds  a1e239d   Merge pull request #1527 from vpisarev:shape_module
      adds  169ebae   After commit c7bbd1a, 'include_directories()' is needed in the CMakeLists.txt (user side). This commit updates the documentation.
      adds  ac36ae0   Merge pull request #1553 from pablospe:doc_include_directories_cmake
      adds  f47afe5   Fixed VIZ compilation module (Bug 3297: code.opencv.org/issues/3297)
      adds  b03c19a   Merge pull request #1554 from pablospe:fix_viz_module_compilation
      adds  1817a07   Fixed a -Wnull-conversion Clang warning in cap_gstreamer.cpp.
      adds  f04cade   Merge pull request #1559 from SpecLad:Wnull-conversion
      adds  ccb48dd   Android NDK r9 support. x64 NDK support fix for MacOS X.
      adds  cca2e5d   Merge pull request #1536 from asmorkalov:android_ndk_r9_master
      adds  32630db   Adapt cap_openni.cpp to the new Ptr.
      adds  744f4b1   Merge pull request #1565 from SpecLad:cmake-new-ptr
      adds  fb73e7b   fixed pyrlk optical flow
      adds  72c35d3   fixed mog2
      adds  f91f866   Merge pull request #1568 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_pyrlk
      adds  c8a3a85   adds include to fix build
      adds  88b1847   add include limits, for compilers that dont add it implicitly
      adds  34f6b17   Merge pull request #1 from ImAlsoGreg/master
      adds  920e15b   Merge pull request #1572 from emchristiansen:includeLimits
      adds  8c82dec   added plain branch to HoughCircle perf test
      adds  b08233a   Merge pull request #1569 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_hough_circles
      adds  35d9ce0   fixed warnings
      adds  685eceb   Merge pull request #1567 from ilya-lavrenov:warn_fix
      adds  f07769e   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  076eeff   ocl: fix CL_RUNTIME_EXPORT for master branch
      adds  dfb698d   Merge pull request #1581 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  cc7a13e   Named GraphCutSeamFinderBase to allow its usage in makePtr.
      adds  3d4ec7a   Merge pull request #1583 from SpecLad:name-enum-2
      adds  d37d46d   Fix a typo in kernel size
      adds  a239797   Merge pull request #1611 from che-burashco:master
      adds  cb445d6   Refactor vectorized arithmetical operations
      adds  3561bc1   rename vBinOp64f to vBinOp64, minor fixups
      adds  3f8db9d   Merge pull request #1450 from adrians:neon-pull3
      adds  e845184   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  4c10211   Merge pull request #1631 from alalek:merge-2.4
      adds  f4fb7fe   fixed compilation error "ambiguous symbol" on CUDA 5.0:
      adds  f25b77f   Merge pull request #1534 from jet47:fix-cuda-5.0-build
      adds  776c0cb   switched to new device layer in gpucodec module
      adds  e290436   Merge pull request #1492 from jet47:gpucodec-cudev
      adds  32d578f   fixed gridTransform overloads problems
      adds  9c5da2e   used new device layer for cv::gpu::add
      adds  156f86e   used new device layer for cv::gpu::subtract
      adds  e7dba69   used new device layer for cv::gpu::multiply
      adds  574ff47   used new device layer for cv::gpu::divide
      adds  7628e57   used new device layer for cv::gpu::absdiff
      adds  766d950   used new device layer in math per element operations
      adds  43e8111   fixed assertion
      adds  ef9917e   used new device layer for cv::gpu::compare
      adds  fdfffa5   fixed warnings
      adds  b11ccca   switched to new device layer in bitwize operations
      adds  c7a3a7d   switched to new device layer in min/max
      adds  e83be00   used new device layer for cv::gpu::addWeighted
      adds  5522f43   used new device layer for cv::gpu::threshold
      adds  7c8c836   switched to new device layer in polar <-> cart
      adds  3ab7f4b   removed arithm_func_traits.hpp
      adds  6dbb32a   switched to new device layer in split/merge
      adds  7b3bbce   used new device layer for cv::gpu::transpose
      adds  3f62e78   used new device layer for cv::gpu::copyMakeBorder
      adds  e820c5c   used new device layer for cv::gpu::mulSpectrums
      adds  9fe92e2   renamed grid/glob_reduce.hpp -> grid/reduce.hpp
      adds  b705e0d   used new device layer for cv::gpu::sum
      adds  045a856   used new device layer for cv::gpu::minMax
      adds  bbd519b   fixed warnings
      adds  3fb9c52   cast to reference
      adds  e1aa2fd   added gridMinMaxLoc function
      adds  020624c   used new device layer for cv::gpu::minMaxLoc
      adds  31a7814   used new device layer for cv::gpu::countNonZero
      adds  1ef211b   used new device layer for cv::gpu::reduce
      adds  eb44996   removed unroll_detail.hpp
      adds  224f18b   bitwise operation optimization
      adds  7839dbd   used new device layer for cv::gpu::integral
      adds  06f0794   removed dependecy from cudalegacy
      adds  23cc31e   used new device layer for cv::cuda::LUT
      adds  8ed47c0   used new device layer for cv::cuda::norm
      adds  2123365   Merge pull request #1540 from jet47:gpuarithm-cudev
      adds  e5188c7   added GpuMat::Allocator interface
      adds  988ab79   added BufferAllocator
      adds  5ea8085   added BufferPool class
      adds  3b412b5   moved BufferPool management functions to public
      adds  342e007   now Allocator accepts GpuMat* instead of 3 pointers
      adds  29f37fc   Merge pull request #1575 from jet47:gpu-buffer-pool
      adds  8c121d3   Small OpenCV-CUDA bugs are fixed.
      adds  1e556e0   Merge pull request #1661 from look4pritam:my-branch
      adds  52a904e   Fixed MSVC 2013 build errors and workaround for an internal compiler crash.
      adds  bec35ee   Avoid duplicated variable declarations.
      adds  c33ca77   Undo changing whitespace.
      adds  77023e2   Added comment to features2d_init.cpp explaining the reason for the extra parameters.
      adds  27b0292   Added patch file for fixing VS2013 in 3rd party lib OpenEXR
      adds  80e667b   Minimized the number of arguments required to workaround the MSVC2013 compiler bug.
      adds  6640846   Merge pull request #1653 from jlblancoc:master
      adds  49c6533   Move the minimal CUDA version into the minimal version list.
      adds  e384a7b   Merge pull request #1665 from SpecLad:cuda-min-ver
      adds  4036f6a   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  779acfa   Suppressed -Wundef in bioinspired, because of OpenCL headers.
      adds  66beb44   Applied a change from 555c505b to 3rdparty/tbb/CMakeLists.txt.
      adds  eb86d37   Removed some dubious FFmpeg hack that no longer works.
      adds  3f3ae33   Decoupled test_ffmpeg.cpp from ffmpeg_codecs.hpp.
      adds  424a7b0   Changed MPEG-2 resolution in the FFmpeg test.
      adds  dfe07df   Added stupid hacks to make the video tests pass with FFmpeg 2.0.2.
      adds  7e1ded0   Merge pull request #1664 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  6e4fb8f   Replace $(Configuration) with $<CONFIGURATION>
      adds  31f0ab6   Merge pull request #1681 from LeszekSwirski:fix-ninjabuild
      adds  278fb61   the first draft of transparent API and new UMat class.
      adds  d8c8339   the first draft of transparent API and new UMat class. more files
      adds  d3076c5   hopefully, fixed compile errors on Win & Linux; fixed getMatVector() so core & imgproc tests now pass; fixed doc builder errors
      adds  de521fc   fixed some more compile bugs (including Python bindings)
      adds  5a34272   fixed build on Windows
      adds  303df78   removed refcount field from Mat; that helped to find and eliminate some memory leaks. perf tests should probably pass now
      adds  a9065b7   trying to fix failures in tests
      adds  e14171f   fixed crash in Python bindings
      adds  b1aa4a4   yet another attempt to fix test failures
      adds  caa33b2   added first very simple test for UMat<=>Mat conversion
      adds  5920bd4   fixed whitespace errors
      adds  ace0d4b   hopefully, the last test failures are fixed now
      adds  6416c33   fixed some bugs in OpenCL branch of UMat implementation; maybe now the tests will finally pass?! (please ;( )
      adds  485d36d   changed InputArray's enumeration constant for UMat, since it may potentially conflict with existing OpenCL module. refactored Kernel's setArg API (now UMat is passed to a kernel as a structure, as Alexander A suggested). removed Kernel's cleanup callback from the external API; now each kernel keeps track of used matrices and they are dereferenced after it's complete.
      adds  616db74   Merge pull request #1663 from vpisarev:ocl_experiments3
      adds  78be4f6   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  7508758   Merge pull request #1704 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  b50185e   Fix a bug in the er tree clean-up process (see discussion in https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/1520). It's not necessary to walk the er tree in order to clean up the memory since it's possible to cleanup the regions in the stack just by iterating over the er_stack vector instead of walking the tree structure. This turns out to be safer because the tree structure of those regions may have been modified previously in er_save function.
      adds  3342920   Merge pull request #1629 from lluisgomez:er_tree_clean_bug_fix
      adds  eb1333d   Initial commit for Conjugate Gradient method
      adds  581d454   Refined interface for Conjugate Gradient
      adds  891bcd8   Finish implementing the Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient
      adds  3ac3ba0   Minor fixes
      adds  0324932   Added the copyright statements
      adds  f68b73f   Merge pull request #1521 from nailbiter:optimCG
      adds  5134173   Add cv::logPolar, cv::linearPolar, and a python example
      adds  03bbee3   Merge pull request #1486 from nzjrs:cv2-logpolar
      adds  9c83f6c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  8f5eaca   Remove the explicit setting of CMP0017, partially undoing #1720.
      adds  65389e4   Revert commit 994e07db0 (PR #1715), because it's irrelevant for master.
      adds  8b19df3   Merge pull request #1748 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  e9b54ab   fixed cv::resize (area fast mode) - it writes outside of array boundary in SSE2 version
      adds  b5777ef   Merge pull request #1716 from ilya-lavrenov:resize_area_sse2_fix
      adds  8bba305   small correction in Py tutorials
      adds  254aece   Merge pull request #1753 from abidrahmank:py_tutorials
      adds  8adebcb   Add ocl retina sample.
      adds  7a2a810   Update retina_ocl.cpp
      adds  c970d4b   Merge pull request #1742 from pengx17:master_ocl_retina_sample
      adds  8aafd56   Support PyString_AsString() in Python 3 < 3.3
      adds  469d7ee   Merge pull request #1767 from prattmic:python3_asstring
      adds  4f1aed9   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  bfa40e1   Removed another usage of __func__, following #1763.
      adds  ccbd7f8   Added a citation which used to be in the gpu module in 2.4.
      adds  f461930   Merge pull request #1781 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  73f1940   Add missing limits include
      adds  a8e1d1f   Merge pull request #1791 from prattmic:limit
      adds  154d119   do not use include_directories when calling find_package(OpenCV) This is something that should be left to the user, that's the whole point of OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS.
      adds  bb0d88c   Merge pull request #1801 from vrabaud:master
      adds  4c9a6bd   Update widget_pose.rst
      adds  b8c46f4   Merge pull request #1804 from alekcac:youtube_link_fix
      adds  d275e29   compilation & warnings
      adds  0dad070   Fixed compilation errors: removed using namespace from hpp file. This led to pulling cv::ACCESS_MASK to global namespace where conflict with the same name in 'windows.h'
      adds  dfef42f   Fixed Viz compilation: removed CV_EXPORTS from cv::viz::Color. The macro forced instantiation of all Matx<double, 4, 1> constructors and triggered StaticAssert there.
      adds  5c62480   fixed warnings
      adds  d8600d3   fixed all Viz warnings moved some headers to precomp.hpp
      adds  e154bce   fixed compilation for vs2008
      adds  efcc341   added viz tutorial 3 test
      adds  9e3a297   Viz code beautification
      adds  bb4bf7a   Merge pull request #1811 from Nerei:fixed_some_build_errors
      adds  7f93571   In OpenCVConfig.cmake.in, lowercased the commands in the example.
      adds  ef27ac3   In the example in OpenCVConfig.cmake.in, explicitly add the include paths.
      adds  63b3db5   Merge pull request #1830 from SpecLad:config-includes
      adds  615d6c2   Switched OpenCV to a 3-component version number.
      adds  95006af   Merge pull request #1816 from SpecLad:no-more-epoch
      adds  aacf188   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  3703c70   Merge pull request #1828 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  d914f20   updated patch to bring in the first functions with "transparent API"
      adds  8762ee3   removed unnecessary opencl kernels
      adds  e2bbe75   fixed few compile errors and doc build errors
      adds  2410023   fixed some more compile errors
      adds  8c44995   another attempt to fix compile errors
      adds  d0b3c7a   added some diagnostic into Tonemap test
      adds  677c7f2   fixed failure in Tonemap test
      adds  ae8b2cb   fixed bug with cl_long size on Win32 (thanks to Aaron Kunze)
      adds  8d1a8df   Merge pull request #1824 from vpisarev:ocl_experiments5
      adds  65b7e20   fixed kernel compilation
      adds  9bf2516   Merge pull request #1841 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_kernel_compilation
      adds  650f92f   eliminated warning C4267
      adds  ca8c129   Merge pull request #1848 from ilya-lavrenov:warn
      adds  561a7f5   fixed kernel compilation in imgproc module
      adds  c33cb94   Merge pull request #1847 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_imgproc_fix
      adds  8834d5e   changed eps in Retina_OCL test
      adds  c1f59c4   Merge pull request #1852 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_retina
      adds  1af95ea   fixed error in setting kernel arguments
      adds  b82c55d   Merge pull request #1861 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_args_fix
      adds  881e837   ocl/core: added prototype for tests
      adds  b157cc1   Merge pull request #1857 from alalek:ocl_ta_tests_infra
      adds  fd4a7e7   ocl: disable tests
      adds  3ab4730   Merge pull request #1862 from alalek:ocl_disable_tests
      adds  c8abb61   recursive mutex for linux
      adds  52e810e   Merge pull request #1850 from ilya-lavrenov:pthread_mutex
      adds  10639d6   mouse_and_match.py missing import cv2
      adds  684ff70   Merge pull request #1864 from berak:mouse_and_match
      adds  fc49d33   Gave cv::String appropriate += operators.
      adds  dd81785   Replaced most of the instances of "s = s +" with "s +=".
      adds  05e22ee   Merge pull request #1859 from SpecLad:string-plus-equals
      adds  4cfbee7   Simplified the Windows implementation of CV_XADD.
      adds  e20f701   Merge pull request #1835 from SpecLad:windows-xadd
      adds  e4793e3   Update system.cpp
      adds  e7339ac   Merge pull request #1818 from GregoryMorse:patch-2
      adds  88b2fe9   correct upper bound for maximum number of labels for 8-way connectivity
      adds  aaf97c4   Merge pull request #1863 from nevion:master
      adds  1458557   bugfix in deallocate
      adds  736097a   Merge pull request #1868 from KonstantinMatskevich:umat_bugfix
      adds  9d23a0c   fixed ocl_arithm_op; fix for 3-channel images is needed
      adds  96a228f   Merge pull request #1866 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_fix2
      adds  16a3067   cp test_colot.cpp to imgproc ocl tests
      adds  90d62ca   fixed cv::cvtColor
      adds  28242f0   Merge pull request #1869 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_cvtColor_master
      adds  6679aed   fixed ocl::resize (INTER_LINEAR) and added an accuracy test
      adds  41ae5d5   Merge pull request #1867 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_resize_master
      adds  9c2272d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  920fd48   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into merge-2.4
      adds  2fed668   Fixed build errors.
      adds  9ca8096   Merge pull request #1874 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  506c196   YCrCb -> RGB[A]
      adds  65ee06e   RGB[A] <-> XYZ
      adds  ab9b883   RGB[A] <-> XYZ
      adds  af367c4   RGB[A] <-> BGR[A]
      adds  81b9c9c   RGB[A] -> RGB5x5
      adds  8a23646   RGB[A] <- RGB5x5
      adds  727a5e6   BGR5x5 <-> Gray
      adds  0b900b5   RGB[A] <-> HSV
      adds  f771a0b   RGB[A] <-> HLS
      adds  d2e1318   RGBA <-> mRGBA
      adds  41d046a   restored ocl_cvtcolor.cl
      adds  d83094b   Merge pull request #1880 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_cvtColor
      adds  09795e3   added cv::resize INTER_AREA to T-API
      adds  daefe69   Merge pull request #1878 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_resize_area_master
      adds  4eba74e   added cv::LUT to T-API
      adds  b27d7d2   Merge pull request #1886 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_lut
      adds  c056e7f   Correction to be able to compile using the directive PRINT_KERNEL_RUN_TIME
      adds  ec6f2e1   Using cv::String instead of std::string.
      adds  aed69cc   Merge pull request #1882 from philippefoubert:branch_ocl_instrumentation
      adds  6da5d21   fixed many bugs related to Mat::getUMat(), asynchronous kernel execution etc. Also, played a bit with ocl::cvtColor vs cv::cvtColor performance
      adds  d7f4a22   fixed several compile errors/warnings; reacted on the PR comments
      adds  f263fe1   trying to guess and fix strange failure in core test
      adds  9be727b   another attempt to fix Core_UMat.getUMat test
      adds  82b852c   yet another attempt to make Core_UMat.getUMat test work
      adds  7626a8e   try to eliminate failure in opencv_imgproc_test
      adds  5fea17f   still trying to fix failure in opencv_test_imgproc
      adds  161c3b7   hopefully, now opencv_test_imgproc should pass
      adds  cd97d78   dummy commit to rerun pre-commit tests
      adds  0a624ee   Merge pull request #1901 from vpisarev:ocl_svm3
      adds  206b56e   ts: catch & append general exceptions into log
      adds  6e9a770   Merge pull request #1890 from alalek:ts_fix_seh_exceptions_handling
      adds  efe564e   Ensure compilation to Javascript with Emscripten
      adds  17f53bc   Merge pull request #1904 from severin-lemaignan:emscripten
      adds  cb4267c   ts/perf: int -> enum WarmUpType
      adds  d2b46d4   Merge pull request #1910 from alalek:ts_perf_warmuptype
      adds  c1cfb4d   core: added cv::error with CV_NORETURN attr
      adds  35ea600   Merge pull request #1891 from alalek:cv_error_noreturn
      adds  14dccdf   T-API cv::log, cv::exp, cv::magnitude, cv::phase
      adds  eaf620d   small fix
      adds  90c2306   Merge pull request #1912 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_tapi_math
      adds  997ec60   added OCL-TAPI arithm tests
      adds  3e586f4   added cv::pow to T-API
      adds  6ab2977   added setIdentity to T-API
      adds  435028c   added cv::transpose to T-API
      adds  ba850f0   added cv::cartToPolar to T-API
      adds  a180ceb   added cv::polarToCart to T-API
      adds  e17107e   added cv::compare to T-API
      adds  fed7e61   added cv::repeat to T-API (fix for copyTo -> UMat is needed)
      adds  28575c1   added cv::countNonZero to T-API
      adds  b8edc2c   added cv::sum to T-API
      adds  88bceb5   added cv::meanStdDev to T-API
      adds  49e729f   ability to use cv::PSNR with transparent cv::norm
      adds  4947490   refactoring
      adds  001aa70   Merge pull request #1902 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_arithm
      adds  55af785   added cv::warpPerspective to T-API
      adds  dcce9d7   added cv::warpAffine to T-API
      adds  803672f   added cv::remap to T-API
      adds  e585f14   Merge pull request #1903 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_warp
      adds  fe01bc2   perf: test-based metrics collection strategy
      adds  7d91504   core/ocl: added perf test infra + "Add" perf test
      adds  f9190cc   Merge pull request #1909 from alalek:ocl_tapi_perf
      adds  d58cd98   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  0736ede   Merge pull request #1914 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  5b5f587   added tests to imgproc
      adds  474fc88   added cv::copyMakeBorder to T-API
      adds  e2b99a3   added cv::threshold to T-API
      adds  458ac25   Merge pull request #1908 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_imgproc
      adds  95db69f   added new files
      adds  88aa4a9   decolor module updated
      adds  a1b3ba0   add color_boost + doc
      adds  0802c06   seamless cloning added
      adds  5b0ee9e   decolor module updated
      adds  e170115   new interface added. decolor and cloning module added.
      adds  1ed0e44   added keyboard control
      adds  ae9b400   edge preserve filters added and windows warning removed
      adds  56ab1c1   new filters added and all the 3 modules updated
      adds  50c1942   cloning demo added
      adds  7ab4358   remove cloning_example.cpp
      adds  f8b00e5   renamed
      adds  01e1ccf   cloning_demo error removed
      adds  75b7655   errors in samples/cpp removed
      adds  05c7c93   cloning_gui.cpp updated
      adds  f85a615   whitespaces removed and other minor changes to fix build error
      adds  3b23956   Changed STL in contrast_preserve file
      adds  6c7272b   Update to remove Android error
      adds  94eab9b   Revert Back
      adds  daa9694   Changes done in decolorization module
      adds  35d9ca6   Changes done in cloning module
      adds  2f65a0d   Changes done in npr module
      adds  33e6c07   Removed build errors and removed test images
      adds  573e818   New changes done and removed opencv_extra folder
      adds  944f7ba   After-merge corrections
      adds  c48ad88   Errors resolved
      adds  778edff   Added comment in demo file
      adds  bee4dff   Merge pull request #1447 from Siddharthk:master
      adds  ff87385   refactored CascadeClassifier to hide implementation details (take 2)
      adds  fe11ca8   trying to eliminate compile problems
      adds  828b0b1   another attempt to fix compile errors
      adds  b16f0a2   Merge pull request #1925 from vpisarev:ocl_facedetect2
      adds  3eaa8f1   added cv::intergal to T-API
      adds  f0049fa   Merge pull request #1937 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_integral
      adds  926cab2   fixed warnings
      adds  f36858b   Merge pull request #1942 from ilya-lavrenov:warn_fix
      adds  b930028   Added cv::flip using Transparent API
      adds  f5a01f1   Fixed test for ocl_flip
      adds  a0c296f   Merge pull request #1936 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_flip
      adds  8a48802   Enable GStreamer 1.x support by default.
      adds  d368bf5   Merge pull request #1941 from vhdirk:gst1x_default
      adds  73aa43d   fixed warnings
      adds  041ad1f   Merge pull request #1944 from ilya-lavrenov:minor_commits
      adds  b6c33bf   added cv::norm to T-API
      adds  0dfa188   Merge pull request #1948 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_norm
      adds  735f704   Add on optional parameter to the matx invert function to know if this operation is successfull without having to analyse the matrix (it may fail in case of bad preconditioning or inappropriate decomposition method)
      adds  22ad487   Comment correction
      adds  8db53c1   Merge pull request #1883 from philippefoubert:branch_matx_inv
      adds  b560cc3   removed Ptr typedef from Viz3d. It is deprecated since Viz3d itseez is a shared pointer
      adds  0895616   switched from unnecessarily 'dobule' to 'float' in some places (commonly for widget scale)
      adds  177f7eb   fixed warning
      adds  a9c7aa9   removed CV_EXPORTS from cv::Afiine
      adds  9f1f5ae   compilation
      adds  ace71ce   Added Affine3<T>::rvec()
      adds  d970d58   added Viz::tutorial2 test
      adds  b88fdc7   VizAccessor is now private and renamed to VizStorage
      adds  fb62a66   removed unused code
      adds  a6ab9be   removed VizAccessor from docs
      adds  3830a0b   fixed bug with deletion from std::map
      adds  0e88733   updating Viz cmake (switched to WITH_VTK option)
      adds  546c084   fixed shadow error and added ocv_disable_module
      adds  a54ef70   minor insignificant corrections
      adds  f9ca6cf   fixed ocv_module_disable()
      adds  f62ffa2   compilation
      adds  4c66b87   fixed -Wshadow and other warnings, added rvec test
      adds  24465bb   Merge pull request #1855 from Nerei:master
      adds  0eb2be7   cmake: allow source_group to preserve file-system tree (for MSVS)
      adds  f3ba1a3   Merge pull request #1930 from alalek:cmake_msvs_subfolders
      adds  cd3f7fb   added cv::merge to T-API
      adds  c16c9a2   added cv::split to T-API
      adds  9d87f9c   Merge pull request #1956 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_split_merge
      adds  93c6fe6   added cv::bilateralFilter to T-API
      adds  5c72c74   Merge pull request #1960 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_bilateral
      adds  464a010   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  90c28d2   Merge pull request #1961 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  c9e6ed7   added cv::blendLinear
      adds  d802b4d   Merge pull request #1967 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_blendLinear
      adds  bdbd3eb   ocl: process termination hung workaround
      adds  b5cdc03   Merge pull request #1972 from alalek:ocl_queue_cleanup_hung
      adds  29ba773   Add ocl version of filter2D to the module img_proc
      adds  179a43e   Fix build errors on Linux system
      adds  8d8f566   Fix build errors on Linux system
      adds  e7227d3   Fix problems with border extrapolation in kernel. Add Isolated/Nonisolated borders.
      adds  f76bf8b   Fix error in test
      adds  129b715   Merge pull request #1958 from vbystricky:ocl_filter2D
      adds  1015c5c   fixed facedetect sample
      adds  9b29b12   Merge pull request #1973 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_haar_sample
      adds  8fa8b36   added cv::Laplacian, cv::Sobel, cv::Scharr, cv::GaussianBlur to T-API
      adds  eeb16a5   Merge pull request #1971 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_laplacian
      adds  5566d31   more strict checks outside ROI
      adds  f3e2bfe   Merge pull request #1970 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_checks
      adds  b20714a   fixed kernel compilation of cv::min, cv::max for CV_64F
      adds  ac1c6da   Merge pull request #1978 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_min_max
      adds  381d785   core/ocl: move opencl dynamic runtime from ocl module
      adds  5ecf759   core/ocl: update dynamic runtime
      adds  9f388a2   core/ocl: autogenerated files for dynamic runtime
      adds  d0114b2   core/ocl: replace dynamic runtime
      adds  91fc0c3   bioinspired: fix ocl test, skip them if OpenCL is not available
      adds  3bbf51f   ocl: disabled test for Split (there are problems with OutputArray and getMatRef)
      adds  b0a9220   Merge pull request #1889 from alalek:ocl_core_dynamic_runtime
      adds  5bc9f15   OCL: included sqrt matrix operation.
      adds  5299b13   Merge pull request #1979 from pentschev:ocl_arithm_sqrt_master
      adds  41bec1b   OCL: including FAST feature detector.
      adds  b43d6b6   Merge pull request #1954 from pentschev:ocl_features2d_fast_master
      adds  e30875b   fixed UMat sync problems
      adds  8e15a6f   Merge pull request #1983 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_umat
      adds  1d6715e   added cv::sqrt to T-API (using built-in sqrt OpenCL function)
      adds  c9ed05c   Merge pull request #1981 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_sqrt
      adds  5c0dabf   added cv::equalizeHist to T-API
      adds  172a5d4   Merge pull request #1974 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_equalizehist
      adds  558c4a2   implemented UMat::convertTo
      adds  11071dd   Merge pull request #1988 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_umat_convertTo
      adds  e4b41d3   Fixed descripotorsCount to descriptorsCount See feature 2862
      adds  0cf7607   Merge pull request #1993 from StevenPuttemans:feature_2862
      adds  9d8d70d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  f2befa0   Fixed build for the TLS-related stuff.
      adds  52a785e   Merge pull request #1996 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  6f3163f   DescriptorExtractor: added defaultNorm() to return default norm type.
      adds  e49b8de   Merge pull request #1881 from pentschev:defaultNorm_master
      adds  968a898   Add ocl version of boxFilter to the module img_proc
      adds  af6134b   Fix issue in boxFilter with destination depth not equal to source depth.
      adds  3013b46   Add check for depths of destination and source image. Fix warning C4127.
      adds  591b1a7   Another fix for disable "conditional expression is constant"
      adds  44126e3   Change while(true) to for(;;) for fix compiler warning.
      adds  268d814   Fix problems with border extrapolation in kernel. Add Isolated/Nonisolated borders.
      adds  6d77cbe   Merge pull request #1934 from vbystricky:ocl_boxFilter
      adds  2f34bb9   added cv::gemm to T-API
      adds  d3fa2bf   Merge pull request #1998 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_gemm
      adds  b2d8b49   Added ocl_medianFilter using Transparent API
      adds  8fe4e98   Fixed trailing whitespace
      adds  125d671   Fixed medianFilter
      adds  d9d4678   Fixed condition for channels
      adds  6a0fb2c   Merge pull request #1992 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_medianFilter
      adds  904dac7   minMaxLoc
      adds  5cf4166   some fixes
      adds  586a5cb   Merge pull request #1969 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_tapi_minmaxloc
      adds  cc69d46   cmake: detect Direct 3D 11
      adds  11b9d5b   core: added DirectX interop implementation (OpenCL) with samples
      adds  bd91b39   Merge pull request #1917 from alalek:ocl_d3d
      adds  ac030c1   fixed UMat::copyTo(UMat)
      adds  388d0ef   Merge pull request #2004 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_umat_copyto
      adds  9cb31e8   umat: fix memory leaks
      adds  59cab94   Merge pull request #1997 from alalek:tapi_fix_memleaks
      adds  96f8ff2   adding LICENSE file and a sample of its reference in ocl.hpp
      adds  2431c72   Merge pull request #2000 from apavlenko:license_copyright
      adds  c8cbfe5   added cv::dft T-API test
      adds  dde1d6b   Merge pull request #2018 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_dft
      adds  b3af0e3   added cv::repeat to T-API
      adds  cdffa05   Merge pull request #2019 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_repeat
      adds  fdf1996   added old=>new cascade conversion function
      adds  302a5ad   converted Haar cascades to the new format; now they are handled with C++ code.
      adds  d8513d6   continue adding OpenCL optimization to cascade classifier
      adds  9d3e7e0   almost finished opencl-ization of cascade classifier
      adds  ef509ac   trying to debug the new cascade
      adds  02fb3f0   it finally works!!!
      adds  b7553d4   some attempts to tune the performance
      adds  ec3f22c   renamed OpenCL kernel filename; made some final changes
      adds  a1784b7   converted old haar cascades to the new format; added the conversion function; added OpenCL optimization into CascadeClassfier; optimized the data structures and CPU code for the stump case.
      adds  f41f633   fixed various warnings from the “doc” and other builders
      adds  242a3d1   2 more fixes to calm down the doc builder
      adds  b4bd5ba   Merge pull request #2021 from vpisarev:ocl_facedetect7
      adds  68d8f64   Update system.cpp
      adds  b0ec7da   Merge pull request #1950 from GregoryMorse:patch-2
      adds  ac230cd   Added ocl::pyrDown to T-API
      adds  febe528   Added ocl::pyrUp to T-API
      adds  1478219   Merge pull request #1995 from akarsakov:ocl_pyramids
      adds  c33a7cd   added cv::mulSpectrums to T-API
      adds  a49211a   Merge pull request #2032 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_mulSpectrums
      adds  9c22d48   imgproc: IPP compilation fix and minor cleanup
      adds  b29835a   Merge pull request #2030 from LeszekSwirski:fix-imgproc-ipp
      adds  6083efc   refactored cv::CamShift and cv::meanShift
      adds  06e981f   Merge pull request #2035 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_CamShift
      adds  febb200   fixed cv::multuply, cv::divide
      adds  6a2fb8e   Merge pull request #2041 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_mul_div
      adds  e3d2391   added cv::normalize to T-API; implemented missed UMat::copyTo with mask
      adds  0966e5f   Merge pull request #2033 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_normalize
      adds  3c4b24d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  faddd5b   Merge pull request #2045 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  1540910   started adding OpenCL acceleration of LBP-based object detectors
      adds  d084d19   added OpenCL optimization for LBP-based face detector
      adds  8998186   removed extra whitespaces and hopefully fixed the test failures
      adds  bc73029   workaround for some strange bug on old Mac.
      adds  9ec4c20   Merge pull request #2042 from vpisarev:ocl_facedetect8
      adds  a70467d   removed unnecessary assert
      adds  512ddcc   Merge pull request #2043 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_hack
      adds  9d04a7a   bugfix in equalizeHist
      adds  1aaeea9   Merge pull request #2053 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_bugfix_eqhist
      adds  d7c2234   added perf tests for T-API core functions
      adds  6e8386f   Merge pull request #1984 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf
      adds  4c23059   added cv::inRange to T-API
      adds  65b020f   Merge pull request #2046 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_inrange
      adds  e49065b   core/ocl: temporary move device selection from ocl module
      adds  217b228   fixes
      adds  c8a52da   Merge pull request #2054 from alalek:ocl_tapi_dev_selection
      adds  f55c85f   morphology
      adds  7a186c7   some fixes
      adds  52df2b3   not synchronous kernel's run
      adds  ca9810e   hope last fix
      adds  a981295   Merge pull request #2028 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_tapi_morphology
      adds  fc1f9ab   removed unnecessary data copying
      adds  5b3520f   fixed warning [ -Wreorder ]
      adds  fd6a744   Merge pull request #2066 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_ocl
      adds  d64bea0   ported cv::calcBackProject to T-API
      adds  b23edc3   added cv::calcBackProject for 2-dimensional histograms
      adds  4644a86   Merge pull request #2065 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_calcBackProject
      adds  2eab07f   disabled cv::dft opencl impl for CPU devices
      adds  01cd957   Merge pull request #2076 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_dft
      adds  6035925   experimental moments implementation (does not work yet)
      adds  83f749a   moments work now and work more or less fast
      adds  a760c45   tuned the speed for OpenCL-based moments (still slower than the single-thread SSE2 CPU code :( )
      adds  e97dd57   hopefully fixed test failures and complains from the doc builder
      adds  48c7378   improved performance of moments (on 720p or larger images)
      adds  5c25d82   Merge pull request #2063 from vpisarev:ocl_moments
      adds  07c5e33   OCL: included ORB featured detector/descriptor extractor.
      adds  80816f6   Merge pull request #2034 from pentschev:ocl_features2d_orb_master
      adds  f221f57   this commit prevents segfaults in case of opencl disabled
      adds  2d2312d   Merge pull request #2077 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_context
      adds  35dc26e   Add ocl implementation of the sepFilter2D into img_proc module.
      adds  9e05d18   Fix compilation warnings
      adds  b719ed7   Change sprintf to cv::format, and EXPECT_MAT_NEAR to OCL_EXPECT_MATS_NEAR
      adds  26d53c7   Change threshold from 2.0 to 1.0 in the test
      adds  0913dd7   Merge pull request #2055 from vbystricky:ocl_sepFilter2D
      adds  a7d2830   added cv::mixChannels to T-API
      adds  52b8bb6   fixed getUMatIndex
      adds  73c96cb   some fixes of cv::mixChannels
      adds  dbaf125   Merge pull request #2075 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_mixchannels
      adds  31e6251   added new perf tests to core
      adds  bb7e963   disabled cv::split perf test
      adds  4a6c2ce   Merge pull request #2081 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf
      adds  63e4af8   added the first T-API example - CamShift tracking
      adds  c4c913f   converted CPU-based example to T-API (Mat 2 UMat, etc)
      adds  6d4c800   Merge pull request #2089 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_examples
      adds  9e13e3a   [emscripten] Do not link to system libraries
      adds  5f9c117   Merge pull request #2085 from severin-lemaignan:emscripten
      adds  abcf8d9   implemented OpenCL version of cv::convertScaleAbs
      adds  6b64257   added OpenCL version of cv::scaleAdd
      adds  3e1bec5   added OpenCL version of cv::patchNaNs
      adds  8151571   Merge pull request #2091 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_convertScaleAbs
      adds  a70a8e8   CLAHE
      adds  55634c1   fix
      adds  8a456c5   Merge pull request #2073 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_tapi_clahe
      adds  8c58943   Merge commit 'f22d9a23' into merge-2.4 (-s ours)
      adds  9b7e77c   Merge commit '83cdd43a' into merge-2.4
      adds  2de4ad0   Merge commit 'edce617a5' into merge-2.4 (-s ours)
      adds  0e552ea   Merge commit '1acc1085d' into merge-2.4
      adds  ce7a2f7   Merge commit '24be7b26c' into merge-2.4 (-s ours)
      adds  39fb8e0   Merge commit 'b94963d38' into merge-2.4
      adds  2cdbf6c   Merge commit '8fe79738c' into merge-2.4
      adds  09e154d   Merge commit '60906d917' into merge-2.4
      adds  d611509   Merge commit '709e8e8e0' into merge-2.4
      adds  9dfb963   Merge commit '4b885e206' into merge-2.4
      adds  7f795e9   Merge commit 'ee36717d' into merge-2.4
      adds  82e2e6d   Merge commit '719149877e' into merge-2.4 (-s ours)
      adds  1312eca   Merge commit '0566ab4d3d' into merge-2.4
      adds  e33759b   Merge commit '46be47cb4b8' into merge-2.4 (-s ours)
      adds  cdc10de   Merge commit '05b9c991dd' into merge-2.4
      adds  967703c   Merge pull request #2093 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  a2e683d   fixed umat access
      adds  2d5723c   Merge pull request #2095 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_mixchannels_fix
      adds  3f07655   Fix for bug #3469 CV_XADD failing in clang+nvcc combination
      adds  cd576c7   Merge pull request #2096 from kamjagin:master
      adds  262f70f   cv::format declaration in default headers
      adds  1c3bfae   Merge pull request #1957 from Nerei:format_declaration_by_default
      adds  c2dd7fd   compilation for windows
      adds  4e35ebb   Merge pull request #2102 from Nerei:compilatin_for_windows
      adds  0c49360   fixed typo
      adds  ea3dd9d   Merge pull request #2103 from ilya-lavrenov:typo
      adds  0119e85   fixed cv::mixChannels OpenCL version
      adds  6d84671   Merge pull request #2116 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_mixchannels_fix
      adds  984c4d2   Set the version status to "-tp", for "technical preview".
      adds  cab67cd   Merge tag '3.0-ocl-tech-preview' (-s ours)
      adds  b24f7ee   Fix compiler error with Android NDK r8e
      adds  b45bb60   Merge pull request #2126 from yinghau76:master
      adds  ef61964   Update py_face_detection.rst
      adds  dfeba1e   Merge pull request #2119 from d-schmidt:patch-1
      adds  9899cf7   fixed cv::mixChannels perf test
      adds  560cfa5   Merge pull request #2129 from ilya-lavrenov:mix_fix
      adds  70a0327   core/ocl: cleanup unused files
      adds  a75cfe1   Merge pull request #2128 from alalek:ocl_cleanup_runtime
      adds  3a4d408   fixed overflow for cv::norm NORM_L2
      adds  6ee0b6e   added mask support to cv::norm, cv::meanStdDev
      adds  dd30215   fixed case with zero mask
      adds  5a99004   Merge pull request #2105 from ilya-lavrenov:norm
      adds  118709f   added OpenCL accelerated warpers
      adds  8f9ccc0   replaced Mat by Input/Output arrays
      adds  7852b2f   updated docs according to the last changes
      adds  d64f05c   Merge pull request #2112 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_stitching
      adds  f7b0940   core/ocl: runtime, remove unused declarations
      adds  6071671   Merge pull request #2135 from alalek:ocl_runtime_cleanup_2
      adds  1592234   added mask support to cv::norm, cv::meanStdDev
      adds  a01e81c   added some performance tests
      adds  2e5e278   added cv::PSNR performance test
      adds  da27902   added NORM_L2SQR type to cv::norm
      adds  af9cd79   Merge pull request #2121 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf
      adds  e90d0b6   changed code in python tutorial, these functions don’t return image
      adds  85c713b   Merge pull request #2138 from alekcac:python_tutorial_fix
      adds  9e3673e   Don't use PYTHON_VERSION_STRING when searching for Python libraries
      adds  c3bfe3f   Merge pull request #2136 from SpecLad:python-ver
      adds  09bff78   deleted extra arg in case of power=0.5
      adds  fdb1019   Merge pull request #2147 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_sqrt
      adds  7ed692b   fixed cv::cvtColor
      adds  a164381   Merge pull request #2150 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_cvtcolor
      adds  2c0e24e   adding Haar & LBP cascades perf test using UMat, removing old incomplete test
      adds  520a692   switching to `CL_PERF_TEST_P`, adding `safeFinish()` to flush CL queue
      adds  9b7b360   fixing compilation if `WITH_OPENCL=OFF`
      adds  c7d90c8   adding old cascade
      adds  b0af6a2   Merge pull request #2127 from apavlenko:perf_cascades
      adds  ab18c2d   changed testdata path for calib3d
      adds  b83eff7   replaced sprintf with cv::format
      adds  ddfd185   Merge pull request #2151 from KonstantinMatskevich:testdata_path_calib3d
      adds  63c61b4   Revert "replaced sprintf with cv::format"
      adds  6fbaff6   added perf tests for T-API warp operations
      adds  4bd4c8d   added perf tests for cv::blendLinear
      adds  e76d515   added perf test for cv::cvtColor, pyr operations
      adds  04ae46e   added perf tests to some imgproc functions
      adds  f61597d   added perf tests for filters
      adds  5a2a0b3   added perf tests for cv::dilate
      adds  5e7fd8b   added perf tests for cv::morphologyEx
      adds  6fb878a   added perf tests for cv::medianBlur
      adds  a7a7b80   added perf test for cv::Moments
      adds  8702fce   fixed cv::integral perf test
      adds  30b5234   added perf test for cv::sqrBoxFilter
      adds  82d3efc   added perf test for cv::Canny
      adds  07e08f7   Merge pull request #2141 from ilya-lavrenov:perf_warp
      adds  93a8186   ported cv::Canny to T-API
      adds  664c9b1   Merge pull request #2152 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_canny
      adds  9dc0bfc   Small fix for extracting mouse coordinates on Windows, in a way that will always work with multiple monitors. This is the way recommended by Microsoft.
      adds  fecd5c9   Added support for mouse-wheel events on Windows. To be used in the mouse callback like this:     if (CV_EVENT_MOUSEWHEEL == CV_GET_MOUSEWHEEL_EVENT(event))     {        int delta= CV_GET_WHEEL_DELTA(event);        // use delta...     }
      adds  e45cf21   [HighGUI] Updated mouse wheel delta to reside within the 'flags' variable. Updated C++ API.
      adds  2433356   Small fixes: typo, spacing and using ::ScreenToClient() instead of ::GetWindowRect()
      adds  8802d62   Updated docs.
      adds  46f06d8   Update docs.
      adds  8fd0fd5   Doc fix.
      adds  659c534   Merge pull request #2122 from adishavit:feature-HandleMouseWheel
      adds  fee2ed3   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  092f916   Revert 4f9c081
      adds  79fcc06   Merge pull request #2146 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  711f07a   Use __vector instead of vector as suggests Eigen
      adds  e965f3d   Merge pull request #2157 from k0da:master
      adds  0fc4ac4   warnings and compilation with installed Windows 8.1 SDK
      adds  4e20e06   warnings
      adds  f60f8a7   Merge pull request #2172 from Nerei:compilation_and_warnings
      adds  5ea3ecd   horisontal mwhell support
      adds  d47f325   Merge pull request #2174 from Nerei:yet_another_fix_for_pr2172
      adds  e9805e4   Fixed an overly-narrow assertion in cv::norm.
      adds  0de799b   Removed some duplicate assertions.
      adds  8386ce2   Merge pull request #2160 from SpecLad:norm-assert
      adds  37789f0   deleted excess semicolons, commas
      adds  087371c   Merge pull request #2164 from ilya-lavrenov:excess_commas_semicolons_v2
      adds  5af2e6f   removed useless CRC calculation
      adds  69ba0c5   Merge pull request #2165 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_upload
      adds  e45fd93   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  9dc93ce   Merge pull request #2176 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  2cbfb04   viz: rich set of named colors
      adds  15fd3fa   support gray color clouds
      adds  2d63f60   minor changes, opencv cross-branch code
      adds  44c1d4d   allow fast switch between actors (except mesh, cloud, cloud collection)
      adds  f6e9b81   reduced exported interface names (to make IntelliSense hints less littered)
      adds  c7ff138   minor
      adds  54fa69c   renamed Spheres Trajectory, minor changes in Trajectory
      adds  31d42ce   refactored Trajectory: split into Trajectory and TrajectoryFrustums)
      adds  4979f44   minor
      adds  e048df5   for shapes switched vtkDataSetMapper to more efficient vtkPolyDataMapper
      adds  e990d5b   reading/writing trajectories
      adds  abc9465   kinect camera CAD parameters
      adds  45aeecb   renaming
      adds  cad2f98   removed vizActor (since unnecessarily in new design concept with simplified widgets)
      adds  2705068   refactored Keyboard and Mouse Events
      adds  159de9c   fixed potential crash
      adds  7dbf6bc   rewrote cloud widget in vtk filters style
      adds  80ab6e8   refactoring
      adds  84d6fe3   reading/writing clouds functionality
      adds  b2cd526   removed extra code
      adds  b131faa   export scene to vrml and obj formats
      adds  bf30c33   getting data from opencv_extra
      adds  7e952e2   removed incorrect and unnecessarily methods from Affine3f
      adds  1c4cfd8   normals support for CloudMatSource
      adds  c1b41ca   added vtkCloudMatSink, reworked cloud IO functions, added normals support
      adds  e7791e1   colors minor
      adds  f610c29   more tests
      adds  1615527   switched source to InputArrays
      adds  b1c0bf1   Affine::rotate(rvec) method
      adds  186853a   mass switch from Affine3f to Affine3d
      adds  cb58061   getViewerPose implementation simplified (and error seems to be fixed)
      adds  70a81db   fixed bugs in cloud collection and added test
      adds  baee8c3   refactored Mesh, added tests, added failing "twice spin()" test
      adds  3e07149   added Affine3 ctor from array
      adds  a76a34d   added Affine3: 3x4 input Mat support
      adds  b7cb3fe   switched more to doubles
      adds  cd57c4e   refactored CloudNormals and added test for it
      adds  7b28f73   traits for Affine3
      adds  e26b7e1   ported some trajectories functionality to InputArray style
      adds  b100299   code beatification
      adds  4064440   refactored polyline
      adds  d264465   more refactoring
      adds  56819ea   switched completer API to doubles, updated docs
      adds  e94ee94   refactored WCoordinateSystem widget
      adds  771d950   polyline now uses scalars for color data (for reuse by other widgets)
      adds  a855613   refactored simple trajectory to use TensorGlyph
      adds  45879fb   more refactoring
      adds  42dc902   refactored camera position - simplified frustum creation
      adds  4833976   refactored frustum trajectory to use glyphs
      adds  38c9fa4   more refactoring
      adds  a3b1f29   refactored spheres trajectory
      adds  0d702b8   updated code to use mapper->SetInput instead of SetInputConnection. All widgets except plane, images ans texts
      adds  64566e6   minor
      adds  25b417e   added test for trajectories and fixed bug with float type
      adds  e478d6b   renamed cv::viz::get() to getWindowByName()
      adds  d591bd8   fixed crash in enabling shading for polydata widgets
      adds  8309d19   renamed Mesh3d -> Mesh
      adds  462d516   added test for camera positions, slightly refactored the widgets
      adds  f37c317   created tests for images, created vtk/vtkImageMatSource, and switched all images to that class
      adds  e3ff28d   refactored WImage3D
      adds  f930f2f   simplification of cloud collection
      adds  a23f144   minor
      adds  e21f2a8   factored camera postions with image
      adds  cad9a78   optimized Mat to vtkImageData conversion
      adds  d90a068   fixed bug with setImage
      adds  1449823   implemented showImage
      adds  dac27c9   refactored arrow
      adds  c0cc551   refactored circle
      adds  08f5031   updated cylinder and cube
      adds  bb891f0   added cone implementation
      adds  53b8218   addeed test for text 2d/3d
      adds  658f4a7   refactoed plane
      adds  e2ef558   refactored WGrid
      adds  d7c3028   set background texture method
      adds  b0ca93b   by default enabled tests vtk
      adds  3086095   improved background gradient
      adds  74206e0   added painted cloud widget
      adds  625c35a   added support of texture for mesh
      adds  e472d45   updated mesh reading (texture support)
      adds  8d327fa   updated for compatibility with VTK6.0
      adds  ffad7b6   added test for textured mesh
      adds  57d5ad5   minor iteractor refactoring
      adds  1628102   resolved problem with multiple spin()/spinOnce()
      adds  d7ca0bb   merged background color with background gradient methods, updated tests to show description of scene
      adds  7410593   fixed warnigns and compiler errors for Ubuntu
      adds  0d12fb0   implemented workaround of a problem with x-server for ubuntu
      adds  8f15a8a   disabled Ubuntu workaround code for Windows
      adds  d29c3d2   fixed documentation warnings
      adds  4e18007   fixed white spaces
      adds  4cc8f70   closing window
      adds  ac035b9   review comments
      adds  9710b25   Merge pull request #2173 from Nerei:viz
      adds  5d18cf9   added cv::[extract|insert]Channel to T-API
      adds  a509819   Merge pull request #2163 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_channels
      adds  6b8bee6   fixed kernel compilation warnings
      adds  801d2d0   Merge pull request #2167 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_kern_warn
      adds  e9e9e00   replaced sprintf with cv::format
      adds  494f7e3   Merge pull request #2158 from KonstantinMatskevich:testdata_path_calib3d
      adds  ac2e613   skip OCL tests if OpenCL isn't available
      adds  9eca3ec   Merge pull request #2177 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_superres
      adds  43c9818   Adding class for BOW image matcher (Feature #3005). Same prototype as BOWImgDescriptorExtractor, but do only the matching. If the feature is accepted, the BOWImgDescriptorExtractor and BOWImgDescriptorMatcher should probably refactor with inheritance. Add a class to compute the keypoints, descriptors and matching from an image should be added to.
      adds  4649852   Update PR after mdim review.
      adds  6752562   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into bow_desc
      adds  0c4da12   Remove duplicate functions.
      adds  bf84d47   Fix useless space...
      adds  9dc713e   Fix name of parameter to have proper documentation.
      adds  e8b86c8   Fix name of one parameter to fit the documentation.
      adds  c90fe65   Fix compilation issue related to previous commit.
      adds  4f74e25   Fix the documentation names.
      adds  99c8b8c   Fix parameter name to fit documentation.
      adds  b413bcb   Fix shadow parameter.
      adds  fb9c59d   Fix default argument.
      adds  4fbd2ef   Merge pull request #1290 from mbarnach:bow_desc
      adds  7f3273c   Adding an export for HOGDetector compatibility. An SVM train with HOG could export a single vector for HOGDetector.
      adds  4fbd570   Fix warning on precision lost due to double to float conversion.
      adds  2fe340b   adding sample to train HOG and compare it with default people detector.
      adds  0934344   Update sample and code with external computation of HOG detector.
      adds  a4ceb7b   Fix compilation issues.
      adds  e195575   Fix some warning. Adding missing credit for a function.
      adds  63c23cc   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into svm_hog
      adds  e015691   Fix warnings as errors.
      adds  089b8e2   Suppress a space!
      adds  c8afe7e   Merge pull request #1320 from mbarnach:svm_hog
      adds  52ed6d0   ported cv::goodFeaturesToTrack to T-API
      adds  5abfd40   added perf test for cv::goodFeaturesToTrack
      adds  bfa382c   fixed copying UMat -> std::vector
      adds  99942e8   Merge pull request #2166 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_gftt
      adds  5d20605   moved bioinspired to opencv_contrib
      adds  303c37a   removed TOC
      adds  1400f53   Merge pull request #2184 from ilya-lavrenov:bioinspired2contrib
      adds  63a5e39   added cv::reduce to T-API
      adds  ae4be41   added perf tests for cv::reduce
      adds  5d818c0   Merge pull request #2156 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_reduce
      adds  3db3397   added perf tests for stitching warpers
      adds  665d9cb   Merge pull request #2168 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf_stitching
      adds  e5130cf   enabled tests
      adds  3177a68   ported corners to T-API
      adds  069bb9a   Merge pull request #2185 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_corners
      adds  a502ffb   Updated required CMake version in docs to match reality.
      adds  ee33100   Merge pull request #2161 from SpecLad:doc-req
      adds  3b0fa68   Move OpticalFlowFarneback from ocl module to video module
      adds  3762036   Fix compiler warnings. Add additional test case for UseInitFlow
      adds  fc8b385   Return false if ocl version not properly worked
      adds  f1541b5   Add perfomance test
      adds  c1172b8   Change epsilon value to 0.01
      adds  e0c6377   Change the sanity checking type to ERROR_RELATIVE
      adds  9aa4410   Merge pull request #2134 from vbystricky:ocl_calcOpticalFlowFarneback
      adds  d2ffd8e   implemented OpenCL version of cv::preCornerDetect
      adds  7ce6c28   Merge pull request #2186 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_precornerdetect
      adds  059e6e4   fixed cv::sepFilter2D
      adds  ba77719   Merge pull request #2189 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_sepFilter2D_fix
      adds  214e9d4   Add performance tests for elementwise multiplication
      adds  34b0579   Fix source code indents
      adds  699eda4   Remove three sneaky tabs
      adds  d8e5f16   Rewrite definition/declaration of variables to be more compact
      adds  ee88cc2   Merge pull request #2110 from hmax:master
      adds  f90e41d   dumpinfo
      adds  ae827a6   fixes
      adds  c7a6537   add brackets
      adds  b0caa58   Merge pull request #2190 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_dumpinfo
      adds  ca5689e   BFMatcher
      adds  3b7683e   fixed docs
      adds  2f8c29a   removed unnecessary functions and variables
      adds  133f91f   added perf test
      adds  5424c55   Merge pull request #2142 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_tapi_bfmatcher
      adds  450ea31   samples
      adds  07778e1   fixes
      adds  22c804d   Merge pull request #2182 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_tapi_samples
      adds  86636dc   Added ocl_matchTemplate( without dft)
      adds  ba5d480   Fixed warnings
      adds  9de70c9   Fixed trailing whitespace
      adds  da4d33e   Fixed test_match_template
      adds  47b572f   fixed
      adds  4da1ba5   fixed
      adds  7e2bdb5   fixed
      adds  2c0765b   fixed trailing whitespace
      adds  b4652e2   Added perf test for ocl_matchTemplate
      adds  8c5e19c   fixed pref test
      adds  7bd8f92   fixed
      adds  4d86804   Fixed merge conflicts
      adds  07a88d4   fixed
      adds  ac3f06b   Merge pull request #2149 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_matchTemplate
      adds  cc514ac   added new macros useful for tracking whether OpenCL impl run or not
      adds  7f785e0   refactored core using new macro
      adds  3f61007   Merge pull request #2191 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_macro
      adds  7184925   fix
      adds  1db8aa8   Merge pull request #2204 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_stitch_perf_fix
      adds  c57e427   Move OpticalFlowPyrLK from ocl module to video module
      adds  4152135   Fix error with some opencl functions on the build WITH_OPENCL=OFF
      adds  33fc46c   Validate parameters for using OpenCL version, before upload UMat
      adds  3ba6636   Fix builds errors
      adds  ece635b   Fix builds errors
      adds  3a798a2   Add perfomance test
      adds  e96ba81   Grow up epsilon for sanity checks
      adds  a7e5a48   Change method of setting arguments to kernel to safe one
      adds  094bc92   Fix build error
      adds  27fb7e1   Change type of result vector of ocl version from row to column
      adds  bb09d44   Unused code removed
      adds  a64d3c1   Merge pull request #2155 from vbystricky:ocl_calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
      adds  69d034e   Naive impl. Slower than CPU
      adds  545f026   Optimized version. Faster than CPU
      adds  74dfa66   added tests
      adds  6e47153   added documentation
      adds  9b0a9f2   moved documentation of BriefDescriptorExtractor to correct place
      adds  a032d94   Fixed doc
      adds  928924d   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv into brief_cl
      adds  e17da9a   merge with upstream
      adds  06fb073   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv into brief_cl
      adds  67e2d7e   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv into brief_cl
      adds  d270c9e   Type conversions to fix warnings
      adds  06acf70   Merge pull request #2027 from AD-530:brief_cl
      adds  c8f2050   warn fix
      adds  4dd805b   Merge pull request #2206 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_warn_fix
      adds  fa54923   added STD_VECTOR_UMAT support to _OutputArray::create
      adds  2dd294c   fixed cv::split; enabled test
      adds  f767077   fixed condition
      adds  ce48b6a   Merge pull request #2203 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_umat_vectors
      adds  1ff9a8e   core/ocl: added warning about incompatible configuration
      adds  d9b2445   Merge pull request #2208 from alalek:ocl_dynload_warn
      adds  321782b   added macro with ability of returning values
      adds  78c2b3c   refactored imgproc
      adds  6deda99   Merge pull request #2207 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_macro
      adds  bbc35d6   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  84c2974   Merge pull request #2211 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  48a084c   OpenCL version of cv::buildPyramid
      adds  fff5a6c   Merge pull request #2213 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_buildPyramid
      adds  3985980   Added returnDFVal parameter to parallel CvSVM::predict function
      adds  9b9eadc   Merge pull request #2214 from cosminBoaca:add_returnDFVal_parallel_predict
      adds  6a51175   Fixed build for samples/cpp/train_HOG.cpp.
      adds  afa62c4   Merge pull request #2212 from SpecLad:hog-sample-const-mat
      adds  384a286   added cv::calcHist to T-API (only for CV_8UC1 with 256 bins)
      adds  faa6074   added performance test
      adds  231bc17   added conditional compilation
      adds  66cc440   Merge pull request #2226 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_calcHist
      adds  7c96d98   implemented OpenCL version of cv::accumulate****
      adds  0d19cbc   added performance test
      adds  77bbd65   Merge pull request #2220 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_accumulate
      adds  b7f2b67   Fixed Bug #3514 Incorrect Chi-Square distance used in LBPH FaceRecognizer
      adds  1f3206a   Merge pull request #2237 from ivylee:lbph_chi_square_alt
      adds  97092e3   Added result_probabilities parameter to CvNormalBayesClassifier::predict method. Issue #3401
      adds  e6f86ea   Merge branch 'add_prob_result_bayes_classifier', remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into add_prob_result_bayes_classifier
      adds  2cd22a3   Fixed broken alignment
      adds  b90f82e   Merge branch 'add_prob_result_bayes_classifier', remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into add_prob_result_bayes_classifier
      adds  8782eb8   Fixed alignment
      adds  f756171   Fixed alignment
      adds  9041c31   Merge pull request #2223 from cosminBoaca:add_prob_result_bayes_classifier
      adds  9300af9   imgproc/intersection: fix loop index
      adds  e8d66f5   Merge pull request #2246 from alalek:intersection_loop_bug
      adds  d15bf62   redundant clFinish in upload since clEnqueueWriteBuffer above is already blocked
      adds  b104b04   Merge pull request #2245 from ilya-lavrenov:redundant_sync
      adds  50cf152   cached commonly used device properties
      adds  0b57d37   Merge pull request #2244 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_device_cache
      adds  68f5dd4   simplified cv::boxFilter OpenCL impl
      adds  82bab2b   Merge pull request #2236 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_boxfilter
      adds  0f16893   OCL module 2 trash
      adds  09b55a7   Merge pull request #2243 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl2trash
      adds  6fa41c5   some experiments
      adds  6d64907   async
      adds  1862dbc   fixed fp problem
      adds  372cdac   moved kernelToStr to ocl.hpp
      adds  1ab1594   workaround
      adds  2c35438   Merge pull request #2228 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_experiments
      adds  c01e8e9   removed ABF
      adds  b0befeb   Merge pull request #2232 from ilya-lavrenov:ABF_drop
      adds  e559256   added cv::GFTTDetector
      adds  9968197   doc fix
      adds  5894f82   Merge pull request #2202 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_GFTTDetector
      adds  1391ca1   Added ocl_Mog2
      adds  0edd0aa   fixed
      adds  17c6b4d   fixed warnings
      adds  96b6f33   fixed
      adds  69630ee   fixed test
      adds  6925dbd   Merge pull request #2216 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_MOG2
      adds  5474935   fixes for defects from code coverity
      adds  f91f559   fix memory management problem
      adds  6fa49f6   fix unintialized fields
      adds  25d2ab8   Merge pull request #2218 from alalek:fix_defects_code_coverity
      adds  41bc580   optimized createHanningWindow
      adds  c909a21   Merge pull request #2219 from ilya-lavrenov:createHanningWindow
      adds  0ebb3ab   optimized createHanningWindow
      adds  983799d   Merge pull request #2219 from ilya-lavrenov:createHanningWindow
      adds  86353eb   fix for PR 2196
      adds  75dde49   Merge pull request #2230 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_openc_on-off_game
      adds  ec3eb14   unused function in case of unavailable OpenGL
      adds  c967069   Merge pull request #2254 from ilya-lavrenov:opengl
      adds  a6104bd   fixed unused function in case of unavailable CUDA
      adds  82330a5   Merge pull request #2253 from ilya-lavrenov:cuda
      adds  66b2acc   removed ocl from allmodules list
      adds  f8dd996   one more ocl deletion
      adds  206df7f   Merge pull request #2255 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_doc
      adds  02692f9   fix MACRO
      adds  e844c08   some fixes and improvements in cv::matchTemplate
      adds  cb1e4b2   Merge pull request #2256 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_matchTempl
      adds  31b7cdc   implemented OpenCL version of cv::updateMotionHistory
      adds  a2fcacc   Merge pull request #2258 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_video
      adds  19f799b   fix2 for OpenCL on/off
      adds  13875b5   Merge pull request #2257 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_opencl_game2
      adds  6ad4823   ported superres to T-API
      adds  0fef7f8   Merge pull request #2217 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_superres
      adds  2bbda9d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  652a0bd   Merge pull request #2262 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  d444af5   updated decomposeEssentialMat doc
      adds  d155639   grammar fix
      adds  7cfb7bc   Merge pull request #2120 from prclibo:master
      adds  2bb3de5   core/utility.hpp missing in flann/timer.h
      adds  b5d8f4d   Merge pull request #2031 from berak:b_flann_timer_30
      adds  9a1e461   fix for PR 2166
      adds  109e71e   Merge pull request #2263 from ilya-lavrenov:include_fix
      adds  91ca834   bug fix for issue 3470
      adds  b3a48e1   Merge pull request #2264 from alalek:bug_fix_3470
      adds  aa23a84   test for failure
      adds  cc47edb   more strict checks and reseting state
      adds  ffeb223   test for failure
      adds  810dc26   Merge pull request #2196 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_bugcautching
      adds  0ea4543   Added optional constraints to non-probablistic hough lines functions
      adds  b074c67   Add static cast to hough lines
      adds  aaa9be7   Merge remote-tracking branch 'original/master' into constrained-hough-lines
      adds  9dede73   Merge pull request #2153 from scottbreyfogle:constrained-hough-lines
      adds  30593ee   3rd attempt to prepare patch with improved OpenCL kernels of CascadeClassifier.
      adds  de4b1c6   hopefully fixed compile warnings and the doc builder warnings
      adds  92c8b94   Merge pull request #2265 from vpisarev:ocl_facedetect_amd3
      adds  85d519b   fixed
      adds  5968b88   Merge pull request #2275 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_matchTemplate
      adds  98b72ff   optimized cv::pow for integer power
      adds  49db511   Merge pull request #2268 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_pow
      adds  da5b316   minor ocl.cpp refactoring
      adds  bd6620f   Merge pull request #2252 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_ref
      adds  9a62df1   HOG
      adds  3ea32b8   perf test
      adds  5c38519   some changes
      adds  3495c59   fixes
      adds  22146e4   Merge pull request #2234 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_tapi_hog
      adds  4856353   core/ocl: OpenCLBufferPool
      adds  42ac312   Merge pull request #2192 from alalek:buffer_pool
      adds  83a2b56   fix memory leak for Mat::getUMat() operation
      adds  b7ffed7   Merge pull request #2279 from alalek:fix_memory_leak_getumat
      adds  d957e8e   attempt to fix pure virtual call in Mat::deallocate
      adds  564f5fc   Merge pull request #2280 from ilya-lavrenov:attempt_pvc
      adds  c7fe162   renamed **2 -> **
      adds  2e8579f   cleaned up super_resolution sample from old OCL
      adds  055f41c   Merge pull request #2250 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_renaming
      adds  8d5e952   very preliminary port of SURF to T-API (compiles but certainly does not work)
      adds  c18d1ee   SURF kind of works (let's see if the tests pass)
      adds  38f5c71   undone change in ocl.hpp (explicit Image2D constructor)
      adds  092d058   fixed warnings from OCL and DOC builders
      adds  3e0c72a   fixed warnings/errors from GCC
      adds  e6f3c9b   Merge pull request #2281 from vpisarev:ocl_surf
      adds  84fa60a   update test for cascade
      adds  02bf498   Merge pull request #2284 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_test_cascade
      adds  9f8de69   Set status to -tp2.
      adds  9493a4e   Merge tag '3.0-ocl-tp2' (-s ours)
      adds  c5c3fd4   modify signature of stereoCalibrate for consistency
      adds  6ae16eb   update doc accordingly
      adds  721d014   Merge pull request #2002 from abak:stereo_calibrate
      adds  c684da3   drawing
      adds  f443342   features2d
      adds  b0f617b   fixes
      adds  a0ccb46   fixed docs
      adds  eb4c2cd   removed CV_IN/OUT
      adds  1aa83d3   fixed docs2
      adds  bdfa9fa   fixes2
      adds  b6675ee   Merge pull request #2278 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_toinputarray
      adds  0a870fa   added guard against linking qt5 and VTK together
      adds  1f5007f   modified viz module header layout for 2.4 compatibility
      adds  7daf26d   Merge pull request #2269 from Nerei:qt5_vtk_guards
      adds  563dc5a   implemented umat expressions
      adds  e190d3f   added perf test
      adds  9ff5a24   Merge pull request #2289 from ilya-lavrenov:umat_expr
      adds  af0040e   condition for Mat step
      adds  710d51b   Merge pull request #2287 from ilya-lavrenov:mat_step
      adds  412468e   added cv::sqrBoxFilter to T-API
      adds  4b31b9c   Merge pull request #2251 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_sqrboxfilter
      adds  38f46eb   fixing issues from coverity scan 1167937, 1167938, 1167939, 1127248 (http://scan.coverity.com/projects/169?tab=Overview)
      adds  8b16b8b   Merge pull request #2296 from apavlenko:fix_coverity_scan
      adds  e371901   ocl: workaround for failures with misaligned host buffers
      adds  ce992c8   ocl: update gftt
      adds  86b6c48   Merge pull request #2295 from alalek:opencl_align_rw_buffers
      adds  72aabb8   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  7a35f45   Merge pull request #2310 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  67a2c4e   Re-phrased some odd wording.
      adds  dad536f   Merge pull request #1851 from dneelyep:patch-1
      adds  47a4144   fixed spelling and removed return images
      adds  1cef6f9   Merge pull request #2313 from m3d:patch-1
      adds  f7041ba   grabcut.py sample: Allow drawing rect from bottom/right
      adds  511e79a   Merge pull request #2311 from SvenWe:master
      adds  2806679   Updated DisplayImage.cpp program to compile
      adds  fa38ea6   Merge pull request #2317 from blueskymonster:master
      adds  3959329   proper initialization for ccimpl in bool CascadeClassifier::read(const FileNode
      adds  863e9c6   Merge pull request #2322 from berak:b_cc_read
      adds  a18bc96   fixed bug reported by Irina K. Also tried to fix LBP detector regression in quality (probably it did not help but still ...)
      adds  9158705   tab => spaces
      adds  0ee5c34   Merge pull request #2324 from vpisarev:fix_facedetect
      adds  bbefc10   removed return images and fixed cv2 names
      adds  d9a322f   undo changes of cv2.cv.* functions/constants
      adds  935e36b   Merge pull request #2319 from m3d:patch-1
      adds  a0bfdb9   fixed examples for opencv 2.4.8
      adds  3170414   fixed whitespace
      adds  2d33063   removed whitespace at end of line 96
      adds  7acd28f   added imgpoints back
      adds  f297ec5   Merge pull request #2304 from mattvenn:master
      adds  3d3b310   Fix the bug 3440.
      adds  6b00c4e   Use CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR meta-variable to get the library output directory of the opencv_matlab.
      adds  3def777   Merge pull request #2062 from cook:bug3440
      adds  a0a3b8b   Some tests for UMat
      adds  5f76072   update
      adds  d68c688   Merge pull request #1735 from KonstantinMatskevich:umat_tests
      adds  4f2cdc9   added performance tests for NLMeans
      adds  534bec3   Merge pull request #2315 from ilya-lavrenov:nlmeans_perf
      adds  f7620dc   added 3-channel support to arithmetic operations
      adds  290fbc0   3-channel support in OpenCL kernels for setTo, resize, warpAffine and warpPerspective
      adds  630bdbf   fixed OpenCL kernel flag in resize (thanks to Ilya L)
      adds  0fc248f   Merge pull request #2326 from vpisarev:ocl_ch3
      adds  88f993d   Deleted an assignment to a variable that doesn't exist.
      adds  3542da7   Merge pull request #2336 from SpecLad:useOclChanged
      adds  1a89a03   Fixed CV_ASSERT condition in the code for bag of words
      adds  f252687   Merge pull request #2351 from yashdv:BOW_assert_error
      adds  01b624e   -j8 in linux_installation tutorial
      adds  947fb74   Merge pull request #2330 from rohitgirdhar:linux_tutorial_make_j8
      adds  a4b5641   bugfix: blobdetector was putting incorrect diameter value in keypoints
      adds  cfcf07a   Merge pull request #2328 from rohitgirdhar:bugfix_blobdetector_kpt_radius
      adds  f3f8b84   Fix a typo error
      adds  8829e9f   Fix a typo error
      adds  a0bb74a   Merge pull request #2337 from pmoulon:master
      adds  f85aa92   fix dev by 0 in KL-Divergence
      adds  a6d64e2   Merge pull request #2354 from gleb-sternharz:Branch_2.4.8
      adds  8150c1b   added [s|l]rgb <-> lab conversion
      adds  c8e22c0   extended performance test
      adds  01b225a   Merge pull request #2340 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_lab
      adds  95e38e4   core/umat: usage flags (with proposals from PR #2195)
      adds  aeeb9f9   Merge pull request #2334 from alalek:umat_usage_flags_2
      adds  7629bb7   extended performance tests to test 3 channels
      adds  47d9b93   Merge pull request #2345 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_3cn_perf
      adds  4f36bc2   cleaned-up UMat tests
      adds  7ce2c35   restored lost in PR #1735 umat tests
      adds  9b627a5   disabled 'reshape', 'copyTo' test
      adds  9885a67   Merge pull request #2346 from ilya-lavrenov:umat_tests_cleanup
      adds  029ffb7   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  bcf4307   Merge pull request #2356 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  afd99c9   fix bug #3544:
      adds  139a262   Merge pull request #2367 from jet47:fix-3544
      adds  72e4f72   Update hough_circles.cpp
      adds  10465c5   Update hough_circles.cpp
      adds  640a45d   Update precomp.hpp
      adds  9211d1a   Update hough_circles.cpp
      adds  768da4d   Update hough_circles.cpp
      adds  2409812   Merge pull request #2347 from Chechli:master
      adds  f74ef64   changed the signature of add method according to the base class
      adds  6ad7b64   some more changes
      adds  ff9a081   Merge pull request #2352 from ilya-lavrenov:flann
      adds  915fb63   core/ocl: change error processing for missed function
      adds  b3cfe6b   Merge pull request #2341 from alalek:ocl_fix_error_processing
      adds  f60913d   small changes in hough circles tutorial
      adds  edbff68   Merge pull request #2355 from alekcac:hough_circles_fix
      adds  203a9ac   Add support to bool type
      adds  70d462b   Simplify the code
      adds  44ecb72   Change again.
      adds  3782c32   Merge pull request #2098 from pxli168:patch-1
      adds  390fa14   Update py_image_display.rst
      adds  44cc51d   Update py_image_display.rst
      adds  0d199b4   Update py_image_display.rst
      adds  cfc4621   Merge pull request #2291 from xgvargas:extra-note-for-waitKey
      adds  3cf5c0b   Added get and set for extra PVAPI property: CV_CAP_PROP_FRAMESTARTTRIGGERMODE
      adds  25870fa   Added PVAPI enums to highgui.hpp Added "PVAPI_" prefix to FrameStartTriggerMode definition
      adds  75b80e5   Added missing comma in enum.
      adds  ccbceb5   Merge pull request #2144 from nickdademo:pvapi_framestarttriggermode
      adds  79eba54   some fixes in perf tests
      adds  61976b8   Merge pull request #2325 from alalek:perf_fix
      adds  fa05994   Fixed compilation error due to missing std::.
      adds  ad66233   Merge pull request #2376 from GrinIara:master
      adds  804b70b   ported 2.4 perf tests for matchTemplate
      adds  f04a158   Merge pull request #2383 from ilya-lavrenov:perf_match_template
      adds  bf4f15f   TAPI: fix OpenCL warpers and test
      adds  ddd3c06   TAPI: fix perf test for warpers
      adds  b96923d   Merge pull request #2377 from alalek:tapi_warpers_perf_test
      adds  7e4dea9   Fixed typo with indexes in getGradient(x/y) functions.
      adds  9c5bd85   Merge pull request #2375 from akarsakov:fix_getGradient
      adds  11926da   eliminate crash in ipp-accelerated norm and mean functions (thanks to Matt Curfman and Aaron Kunze for the patch)
      adds  51dafc7   fixed hint type declaration
      adds  0a90d6d   Merge pull request #2266 from vpisarev:ipp_norm_fix
      adds  0406898   int2 -> ulong; to work properly with 3 channels
      adds  0f43345   Merge pull request #2394 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_memop_fix
      adds  6d83048   Fixed incorrect calculation of element size in OCL.(Mul/Div).Mat_Scalar_Scale.
      adds  52a339c   Merge pull request #2401 from akarsakov:fix_elem_size
      adds  9b3c76a   TAPI: coverity bug fix
      adds  3845b96   Merge pull request #2388 from alalek:coverity_bug_fix
      adds  16bfdbd   dump AMD Blas/Fft
      adds  73dfc4c   Merge pull request #2402 from ilya-lavrenov:amd_libs
      adds  31fb7c4   Fixed Bug #3568: Build fails with WITH_OPENGL=ON
      adds  3693fac   Merge pull request #2412 from arunjvs:master
      adds  613a173   rotRect using points
      adds  a879e1f   fixed warnings
      adds  b939b4a   removed inline, changed interface
      adds  ea7b1bb   added test, doc
      adds  347a3dc   added randomized test
      adds  fd4461d   addressed issues
      adds  c9a4a82   Merge pull request #2358 from rohitgirdhar:rotatedRect
      adds  4843250   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  6931299   Merge pull request #2399 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  32eb38e   fixed defects from coverity.com
      adds  ce0557e   fixed defects from Xcode
      adds  bd5d840   Merge pull request #2393 from ilya-lavrenov:coverity
      adds  a3aced2   fixed difference between SSE2 and C branches of StereoBM; they should now produce absolutely the same results
      adds  57b6850   Merge pull request #2415 from vpisarev:fix_stereobm_sse
      adds  b9d68ef   core/ocl: OpenCL build log improvements
      adds  3758068   Merge pull request #2427 from alalek:ocl_build_log
      adds  db85c35   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  7ecbf45   Merge pull request #2435 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  e013d31   Added IPP function for resize()
      adds  cd68cd4   Fixed
      adds  7b552c0   fixed
      adds  48e7bc6   fixed
      adds  45cc8a5   fixed
      adds  68edda3   fixed
      adds  0692a67   Merge pull request #2381 from ElenaGvozdeva:ipp_resize
      adds  540a60f   Replaced calls to cout from photo module, by CV_Assert
      adds  7a68e3d   CV_Assert for photo module corrected
      adds  5527f28   Merge pull request #2409 from juanmanpr:master
      adds  fe38aab   core tapi optimization
      adds  c00f0fa   Merge pull request #2408 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_core_opt
      adds  0ef1612   improved cv::matchTemplate OpenCL part
      adds  653b99c   new scheme of sqrSum
      adds  c9d8025   Merge pull request #2391 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_match_template
      adds  be5b5a0   fixed cv::dft
      adds  0a3aca2   Merge pull request #2436 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_dft_fix
      adds  a80ebfe   Master Version: Added NEON Optimizations for LK Optical Flow.
      adds  42f9ee3   Merge pull request #2440 from codyrigney92:Master_LKOptFlow_NEON
      adds  d9c5fbc   disable SURF
      adds  f21a948   Merge pull request #2452 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_disable_surf
      adds  f404315   test for clEnqueueReadBufferRect
      adds  2f0fe5b   Merge pull request #2450 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_test
      adds  68957b2   added some new performance tests
      adds  d1d451c   Merge pull request #2431 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf
      adds  dc76e6b   added new dtypes to cv::Sobel
      adds  8f34928   Merge pull request #2453 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_sobel
      adds  1291bd1   ported fast calculation of covar data
      adds  4a7289b   improved cv::preCornerDetect
      adds  3cb49ea   Merge pull request #2451 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_fast_covar_data
      adds  86a3ed4   improved performance of GFTT
      adds  451be9e   Merge pull request #2444 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_gftt
      adds  c1dad21   Added Device:: isAMD,isIntel,isNvidia methods.
      adds  8660588   Pass vendor macro to opencl kernel
      adds  182d74d   Merge pull request #2441 from akarsakov:ocl_platform_vendor
      adds  050cca0   improved performance of cv::flip (flip cols)
      adds  5dbe73f   Merge pull request #2438 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_flip
      adds  4376de7   fixed morphology operations
      adds  2879ff2   Merge pull request #2437 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_morph
      adds  ff8b8ef   Remove implementation of CvCapture interface for Intel PerC camera. Add IVideoCapture interface and implementation of this one for Intel PerC camera
      adds  f9e942f   Change text of license and copyright
      adds  d4a1df8   Change text of copyright
      adds  193e97a   Move declaration of IVideoCapture class into precomp.hpp, make some methods of IVideoCapture pure virtual
      adds  70e22b6   Merge pull request #2397 from vbystricky:intelperc
      adds  208831e   optimized cv::calcHist
      adds  fd0ab8e   Merge pull request #2461 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_calc_hist
      adds  0e2cc5e   fix bitwise ops and mask support
      adds  90c5dde   Merge pull request #2455 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_fix
      adds  e7475bf   TAPI: remap 3-channel
      adds  5261fbe   Merge pull request #2387 from alalek:ocl_remap_3cn
      adds  10f2a03   Optical flow dualt tvl1 ocl-based implementation and tests
      adds  e75a257   changed epsilon for test passing
      adds  ba5ebaa   changed file name to case-sensitve to support linux
      adds  5c86746   changed localsize to NULL (reviewers comment)
      adds  66ed6a8   macro for normal return from thriveless kernel.set
      adds  eb2e8a1   changed kernel.set to support unsuccssful set
      adds  702a2a6   Merge pull request #2373 from mlyashko:optflow_dualtvl1
      adds  95a5545   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  290b934   Merge pull request #2465 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  786e3b9   Moved x = 0 into the parenthesis
      adds  4f58964   remove a whitepace
      adds  bbe8654   cleanup
      adds  fd8f2c8   Merge pull request #2463 from ziyangli:master
      adds  5252aa8   added data type check for back projection fix
      adds  553673e   Merge pull request #2468 from mlyashko:back_proj_fix
      adds  e16d89e   some refactoring
      adds  d27068f   some more refactoring
      adds  891dbea   implemented OpenCL version of cv::fastNlMeansDenoising
      adds  9db28f3   more fixes
      adds  38cbe98   small fixes
      adds  72c327f   hope it finally works
      adds  7faf1f6   some improvements
      adds  634e8d3   fixed for 2 channels
      adds  8bf616e   added color image support via L*a*b*
      adds  c7857e8   small fixes
      adds  9b31e6c   changes according to reviewer's suggestions
      adds  6b6cfa8   Merge pull request #2382 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_nlmeans
      adds  2755ae5   experiments
      adds  f138b61   cv::compare
      adds  0764a23   Merge pull request #2459 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_experiments
      adds  89b7c0d   3 channel support to cv::transpose
      adds  a6c40ab   Merge pull request #2466 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_transpose_3cn
      adds  dca401d   ocl: pyrUp/pyrDown 3-channel
      adds  4233539   Merge pull request #2469 from alalek:ocl_pyrUp_pyrDown_3channels
      adds  9932cf4   3-channel reduction operations
      adds  c5bf1c1   Merge pull request #2470 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_reduction
      adds  48196ad   ocl: cleanup workarounds
      adds  0ce8f1d   Merge pull request #2477 from alalek:ocl_cleanup_workarounds
      adds  8910508   Fixed getPolicy() method to make it thread-safe.
      adds  4a4151e   Merge pull request #2474 from akarsakov:fix_getpolicy
      adds  8e1918e   added OpenCL-accelerated(?) FAST; for now the tests fail :(
      adds  06c138b   make the correctness test pass
      adds  efdfca7   do not use the large "score" buffer; now without non-max suppression OpenCL FAST is pretty efficient
      adds  3e854fa   finished OpenCL port of ORB
      adds  42e604a   fixed bug in FAST
      adds  4fafab3   fixed extra whitespace
      adds  6b434be   Merge pull request #2480 from vpisarev:ocl_orb
      adds  6be7869   fix for unsupported doubles
      adds  c72a0a1   Merge pull request #2482 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_fix
      adds  6f12f1b   added 3 vs 4 channels performance tests
      adds  bcb938e   Merge pull request #2483 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_3_vs_4
      adds  4698d62   Removed workaround for Intel platform.
      adds  dd6cf15   Merge pull request #2481 from akarsakov:fix_hog_intel
      adds  e460822   ocl: copyMakeBorder 3-channel
      adds  2a1d5c6   Merge pull request #2428 from alalek:ocl_copyMakeBorder_3channels
      adds  755ca4b   ocl: compare with scalar
      adds  9cafd50   ocl: fixes
      adds  7ce2ca2   ocl: workaround for Pow accuracy test failure
      adds  af062b7   ocl: compare: remove useless perf tests
      adds  dc28451   Merge pull request #2479 from alalek:ocl_compare_scalar
      adds  40a740f   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  ae2b0b0   Merge pull request #2486 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  b5f717b   stereoBM
      adds  bfc843a   added optimization
      adds  0904f10   optimizations
      adds  799d7e7   bad experiment =(
      adds  a5d989f   new attempt
      adds  ddc2351   new approach
      adds  18a59b4   fixes
      adds  91e4334   temp
      adds  af1084e   speedUp
      adds  1a43ed9   finalizing
      adds  6e44f05   Merge pull request #2464 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_stereobm_experiment
      adds  90920c2   Update cap_msmf.cpp
      adds  b70332d   Merge pull request #1986 from GregoryMorse:patch-3
      adds  6fe71bd   added 4 channels support to fnlm
      adds  a2dec6c   Merge pull request #2493 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_fnlm
      adds  eebf92b   fix for incorrect opencl device selection
      adds  f9f730c   update error message
      adds  87ae0f9   Merge pull request #2492 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_fix_wrongdevice
      adds  b73490f   eliminated restriction src[i].channels() == 1 in cv::merge
      adds  eb8b4c5   fixed bug in cv::ocl::predictOptimalVectorWidth
      adds  2299e2e   Merge pull request #2494 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_merge
      adds  d1cfcfc   added 3-channels support to morphology operations
      adds  bdfd29a   Merge pull request #2496 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_imgproc
      adds  b7198cc   dropping legacy modes testing
      adds  4e851f5   Merge pull request #2507 from apavlenko:haar_perf_test_cleanup
      adds  b9cdde6   edited sample code for mean/cam sihft and fixed an error
      adds  722c0fe   Merge pull request #2414 from yashdv:meanshift_tutorial_error
      adds  8f6ebc2   fixed rotated rectangle (center instead of corner)
      adds  3572ee2   Merge pull request #2396 from m3d:patch-1
      adds  30a8308   Enabled Intel-specific optimizations for HOG detector.
      adds  b14c314   Fixed incorrect thread synchronizations
      adds  d18ebfa   Merge pull request #2500 from akarsakov:hog_intel_fix
      adds  8d97d0d   added 3-channels support to cv::flip
      adds  04884eb   added 3-channels support to cv::setIdentity
      adds  7193762   Merge pull request #2495 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_flip
      adds  d060d30   enabling OCL LBP branch for all devices
      adds  ef9669b   Merge pull request #2506 from apavlenko:lbp_ocl_use_any_device
      adds  0bd4fd3   Workaround for Intel platform: replace min() with ternary operator
      adds  8ac93f9   Merge pull request #2508 from akarsakov:fix_erode_intel
      adds  6890aa0   Fix problems on Intel HD graphics
      adds  f368b27   Merge pull request #2489 from vbystricky:iocl_pyrlk
      adds  80a40ae   changed epsilon for test pass on Win32
      adds  157f35e   Merge pull request #2503 from mlyashko:optflow_dualtvl1
      adds  82e6edf   optimized sep filter
      adds  b449b0b   simplified cv::sepFilter2D OpenCL part
      adds  291458a   generalized OpenCL version of cv::sepFilter2D; removed some restrictions and added 3-channels support
      adds  63d8a61   enabled 3-channels support for cv::createSuperResolution_BTVL1
      adds  2875ce6   added 3-channels support to optimized version
      adds  d8c0182   Merge pull request #2491 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_sep_filter
      adds  a3668f1   changing default perf strategy from BASIC (old) to SIMPLE (new, faster)
      adds  623b1db   Merge pull request #2515 from apavlenko:perf_default_strategy
      adds  79fc3a6   added gpu type selection in OPENCV_OPENCL_DEVICE parser
      adds  c2355d3   case-insensitivity
      adds  9c57453   Merge pull request #2512 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_gpu_type_parser
      adds  6ba60a1   added 3-channels support to cv::Canny
      adds  ba2eee9   Merge pull request #2522 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_canny
      adds  061a254   eliminated restriction delta == 0 from cv::sepFilter2D
      adds  9e1124d   Merge pull request #2525 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_sep
      adds  cc05493   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  85cf2d9   Merge pull request #2524 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  67926fa   ocl morphology fix
      adds  c6199fc   Merge pull request #2526 from KonstantinMatskevich:ocl_morph_fix
      adds  aa36898   added epsilon value to weights in the MergeMertens in order to avoid zero weights for pixels from uniformly filled areas of image
      adds  89dd828   added test for correct handling of uniforma areas in the MergeMertens
      adds  da7a605   Merge pull request #2123 from white-pony:vkysenko/fix-mertens
      adds  8f5fd44   added 3 channels support to cv::bilateralFilter
      adds  e19c42d   added 3-channels support to cv::boxFilter, cv::blur, cv::sqrBoxFilter
      adds  a51ab99   added 3-channels support to cv::filter2D, cv::Laplacian
      adds  b6833fd   added 3-channels support to cv::medianBlur
      adds  e2c6ab0   refactored filter2D; eliminated restrictions sdepth == ddepth, delta == 0
      adds  d63a8ba   Merge pull request #2523 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_filters
      adds  b211e1d   added jpeg progressive support.
      adds  d67b450   Merge pull request #2378 from ngryman:progressive_jpeg
      adds  f1c8b4b   FEATURES2D: add DenseFeatureDetector Python wrapper
      adds  491b84d   Merge pull request #2478 from clemenscorny:master
      adds  f38fe76   added perf test for CalcBackProj
      adds  953aafb   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv into back_proj_fix
      adds  70fdfa0   changed type of sanity check
      adds  6c12f20   Merge pull request #2528 from mlyashko:back_proj_fix
      adds  f7d6d3c   improved cv::filter2D
      adds  a2f8a93   Merge pull request #2529 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_filter2D
      adds  6bd7a44   UMat map-unmap synchronization test
      adds  04c857a   Merge pull request #2505 from alalek:umat_unmap_synchronization_test
      adds  569e134   UMat: issue in OpenCLAllocator::unmap()
      adds  3488fdc   disable failed tests
      adds  6f5800e   Merge pull request #2286 from alalek:umat_unmap_issue
      adds  8c39b4e   Fixed stereoBM for Intel CPU.
      adds  4ceaf44   Fixed incorrect calculation of best_disp
      adds  e34a7ca   Merge pull request #2535 from akarsakov:stereobm_fix
      adds  9f1b20a   Grammar
      adds  c764e0f   Added link to main GitHub repo
      adds  5005f5e   Fixed type gPython -> Python
      adds  0c1ab50   Merge pull request #2533 from kenaniah:master
      adds  da34f1d   added jpeg with optimized coding support.
      adds  0b4534d   Merge pull request #2379 from ngryman:optimize_jpeg
      adds  2f45942   converted necessary files for python3 compatibility using 2to3
      adds  7cad2c6   fixed relative imports in Jinja for python3
      adds  483061e   explicit string encoding when writing to file in python3
      adds  72d5609   Merged upstream master
      adds  068b1bc   More generic todict
      adds  6f190bb   Generalized todict implementation
      adds  fc696a9   Improved standalone importing behaviour and creation of nested directories
      adds  61c22d5   removed experimental slots
      adds  e055b68   Merge pull request #2403 from hbristow:issue-3451
      adds  b96762a   Fix for bug #3599: cv::FileStorage does not work for std::vector of user-defined struct.
      adds  a43ef9a   WriteStructContext treats state of fs
      adds  0a5d6e1   Added test code for I/O of user-defined types.
      adds  1ab8060   corrected some style errors found by review.
      adds  d6b54ff   Merge pull request #2476 from minkless:3.0-bugfix-core-filestorage
      adds  b47bec2   performance tests for ORB
      adds  c53398a   performance tests for FAST
      adds  6c2d770   Merge pull request #2487 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf_orb
      adds  e1efed1   added support of ksize >= 5 to cv::Laplacian
      adds  d170fae   Merge pull request #2549 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_laplacian
      adds  322b15a   compare with scalar (cn > 1)
      adds  aa3c4ae   Merge pull request #2552 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_compare
      adds  31f864a   integer cv::resize (INTER_LINEAR && CV_8UC(cn))
      adds  6ef94b5   Merge pull request #2536 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_resize_linear
      adds  f77c68e   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  c165f07   Merge pull request #2550 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  2cd51c0   fixed condition in cv::FNLM
      adds  2aab7b2   Merge pull request #2557 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_fnlm_fix
      adds  bdc91c6   Fixed problem with compilation without HAVE_OPENCL
      adds  48df67a   Fixed trailing whitespace
      adds  9a3895d   Merge pull request #2556 from DeanF:master
      adds  271f60b   fixing OCL run condition (build program failure for comparison 64F Mat with Scalar)
      adds  5a3200d   Merge pull request #2567 from apavlenko:fix_compare_scalar
      adds  2cf3a6e   Fixed error in case corners not found
      adds  d1710a8   Merge pull request #2562 from akarsakov:gftt_fix
      adds  4b71921   both tests by picture and rand mat
      adds  4c5de04   bug fix
      adds  5acd178   copyright fix
      adds  def4f5e   Merge pull request #2499 from mlyashko:back_proj_fix1
      adds  bfc546d   enable IPP ICV support
      adds  c2f8595   Merge pull request #2563 from alalek:ipp_builds
      adds  01a66a2   Prepare codes for ippicv library
      adds  58de8bc   Change deprecated functions to valid
      adds  3b03044   Fix warning
      adds  06434be   Change deprecated function ippicviMulC_32f_C1IR to ippicviMulC_32f_C1R. Check results of ipp function, if error was return run opencv branch of code
      adds  07e84c6   Remove unused code
      adds  b3db990   Remove unused code
      adds  c65e5a1   Fix error BGRA2RGBA color convertion by ipp. Uncomment ipp color converstion, which pass tests
      adds  aece433   Check ippStsNoErr as result of ipp function instead >=0
      adds  a6b5348   Change sanity check for perfomance test of bilateral filter
      adds  9b6feee    Change sanity check for perfomance test of dft
      adds  ee2df64   Canny uncommented, prefix of ipp function changed. Ipp version of Canny called only for images with one channels
      adds  c29583e   Change Canny input image description, we can use multichannel image now
      adds  9d138b2   Enable ipp MeanStdDev calculation for 32F_C1 images. Decrease accuracy sanity check of the perfomance test
      adds  ad23ef2   Remove unused #include "ippverdion.h"
      adds  c321330   Comment ipp version of CV_BGR2GRAY color convertion, by problems in BRIEF accuracy test and Path_Idx_Cn_NPoints_WSize perfomance test
      adds  a9a0ea3   Fix error not initialized IppStatus before ipp functions call
      adds  ec6f977   Uncomment ippicviNorm_Inf_16s_C3R, ippicviNorm_Inf_16s_C4R functions
      adds  188c506   Uncomment ippiNormDiff_Inf_16s_C3R, ippiNormDiff_Inf_16s_C4R
      adds  eb8c531   Add preprocessor check for IPP version greater 8.1 on some code
      adds  1b3651d   Undo changes ipp to ippicv prefix of function names
      adds  824ed8a   Fix errors
      adds  4512d06   Fix const src matrix in IPPresizeInvoker
      adds  be29d62   Check 8.1 ipp version for morphology functions, which not exists in versions before this.
      adds  06acb8b   Check 8.1 ipp version for gaussian functions, which not exists in versions before this.
      adds  23e1b50   Check 8.1 ipp version for color convertion functions, which not exists in versions before this.
      adds  566f783   Fix errors
      adds  67484e0   Fix function names (log, exp)
      adds  38913bf   Change all 'ippStsNoErr=='  to '0<=', and all 'ippStsNoErr!=' to '0>'
      adds  dbdc476   Check results of ipp function
      adds  e8f79d6   Fix rebase errors
      adds  268c0ca   Fix problems in CMakeLists.txt
      adds  f690440   Merge pull request #2568 from vbystricky:ippicv
      adds  4f2b126   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  6f055d7   Merge pull request #2580 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  fa2d79a   Added IPP Async converters, doc and sample
      adds  037ac27   Added SharedMatrix
      adds  f9c5289   fixed
      adds  9ec823d   Merge pull request #2538 from ElenaGvozdeva:ipp_async_convert
      adds  2d54581   Fix ifdef for IPP version greater 8.1
      adds  7badc85   Fix for pullrequest comment
      adds  f23134c   Add IPP_VERSION_X100 define
      adds  9828cd6   Remove defined(HAVE_IPP)
      adds  a6ef45a   Merge pull request #2582 from vbystricky:ipp_fix
      adds  65d64af   ocl_calcOpticalFlowPyrLK optimizations
      adds  4ca695c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/master' into pullreq/140319-PyrLKOpticalFlow
      adds  616ec74   fix previous merge error
      adds  ac92d4c   Merge pull request #2566 from krodyush:pullreq/140319-PyrLKOpticalFlow
      adds  aa5326c   cv::norm -> cvtest::norm in tests
      adds  5600bc5   Merge pull request #2585 from ilya-lavrenov:norm
      adds  4a63b3d   cv2cvtest part2
      adds  96484e1   Merge pull request #2592 from ilya-lavrenov:tests
      adds  f1b38c4   cv::warpPerspective and cv::warpAffine
      adds  46cb4e0   cv::transpose
      adds  5ddff23   cv::polarToCart
      adds  2c0c887   cv::accumulateWeighted
      adds  c224cfa   cv::accumulateSquare && cv::acumulateProduct
      adds  49d1691   cv::sqrt
      adds  bf860db   cv::pow
      adds  ed1ca00   cv::magnitude
      adds  c6f208e   cv::medianBlur
      adds  f2a35d6   cv::boxFilter
      adds  77723db   cv::flip
      adds  b56b9c4   cv::updateMotionHistory
      adds  b72b256   cv::pow (added ippiSqr_32f_C1R for power=2)
      adds  a624ec1   cv::Mat::convertTo
      adds  fd3a6f0   cv::blur
      adds  c735594   cv::scaleAdd
      adds  444ab0e   fixed (IppiSize&)sz
      adds  e013f04   Merge pull request #2583 from ilya-lavrenov:ippicv
      adds  e090aa0   disabled some IPP funcs
      adds  e6d6a3a   Merge pull request #2586 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_disable
      adds  35494f8   Added ippiThreshold to cv::threshold
      adds  e9bc737   Merge pull request #2584 from akarsakov:ipp_threshold
      adds  629ddf0   Resolves bug #3450 (Improperly cleaning up resources in DllMain)
      adds  ced81b9   Merge pull request #2594 from arkunze:pullreq/140319-dll-shutdown-fix-b
      adds  bcd7151   added UMat::setTo accuracy test
      adds  cd02a70   Merge pull request #2596 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_setto
      adds  1461ab4   ipp: added support for updated ICV package
      adds  0d477ff   ipp: some functions are not available in the ICV package
      adds  ab691a4   ipp: some functions are not available in the ICV package #2
      adds  7b366df   Merge pull request #2589 from alalek:icv_update
      adds  1b339eb   fixed slow down in getRectSubPix (original patch by Markus JR Mueller); removed some unused variables and functions
      adds  b5755b1   Merge pull request #2588 from vpisarev:fix_samples_n_unused
      adds  112d63a   Add a new method for initializing KMeans centers that leads to better clusters and thus better retrieval when final centers have to be existing keypoints instead of clusters barycenters.
      adds  a0bf7f8   Merge pull request #2067 from pemmanuelviel:groupWiseCenterChooser
      adds  67cf0da   Do not build apple objective-c codes if using gcc
      adds  604a64b   Merge pull request #2390 from nicolasmartin3d:master_bug3546
      adds  2cc11e2   Updating STAR detector and FREAK descriptor to work with large and/or 16-bit images
      adds  73b0827   Don't automatically convert to grayscale (keep previous behavior.)
      adds  1c15776   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  75ed2f5   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  f417c79   Merge pull request #1932 from seth-planet:master
      adds  03773cb   remove ippasync samples from build without IPP-A
      adds  b56dce3   Merge pull request #2604 from alalek:binary_package_fix
      adds  b2379b5   cv::countNonZero
      adds  7ae547a   Merge pull request #2597 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_countnonzero
      adds  8899ec1   Add IPP version of Moments calculattion of image
      adds  d9013a8   Fix IPP version ifdef
      adds  b6d58d1   Fix ipp ifdef
      adds  f7f4593   Merge pull request #2581 from vbystricky:ipp_moments
      adds  42d45e0   Added  ippiSqrDistanceNorm and ippiCrossCorrNorm to cv::matchTemplate
      adds  6119ae0   fixed
      adds  43c29a6   fixed
      adds  6bfbcf0   Merge pull request #2587 from ElenaGvozdeva:ipp_matchTemplate
      adds  bea2515   Optimizations for OpenCL color conversion.
      adds  785acc1   Fixes global size issue, adds #pragma unroll to loops
      adds  fd90efc   Merge pull request #2593 from arkunze:pullreq/140319-color
      adds  18ef25e   cv::calcHist
      adds  b970ec7   parallel version
      adds  f104d5b   Merge pull request #2600 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_calc_hist
      adds  19d4707   added macro for denoting region for suppression of "Wdeprecated-declarations"
      adds  5522c14   Merge pull request #2607 from ilya-lavrenov:warn_sup
      adds  ad7f231   cv::Laplacian
      adds  884b706   fixed warning
      adds  f4c5679   Merge pull request #2614 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_laplacian
      adds  2a051a1   cvtColor
      adds  5ff59af   Merge pull request #2610 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_cvtcolor
      adds  3a1a3da   fix tests
      adds  8176e89   Merge pull request #2609 from alalek:tests_fixes
      adds  799d2da   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  534f962   Merge pull request #2616 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  57992e0   replace IPatchLocal[][] into *IPatchLocal to fix compilation error on some devices.
      adds  9cdd15e   Merge pull request #2615 from krodyush:pullreq/140319-PyrLKOpticalFlow-fix
      adds  047d285   ICV: added package downloader
      adds  4eede18   Merge pull request #2606 from alalek:icv_downloader
      adds  1dba47b   Update crop_face.py
      adds  92db678   Merge pull request #2578 from akrynski:patch-1
      adds  d17142b   Prototype OCL version of gaussian blur with integer arithmetic
      adds  10a5222   Added integer arithmetic to sepFilter2D
      adds  a3825ac   Small refactoring
      adds  fc10ffe   Enabled integer arithmetic for row_filter_C1_D0
      adds  c747426   Enabled integer arithmetic for filterSepSinglePass
      adds  a66db67   Attempt to improve performance
      adds  20aaa8f   Merge pull request #2560 from akarsakov:gaussianblur_integer
      adds  14b1e8c   New KNN code -should compile now
      adds  d950adc   function code
      adds  be7eb72   some fixes
      adds  75534a4   Python typdef fixed. Reverted the example to MOG2. Not time to make the command line switch for now.
      adds  7942494   Merge pull request #2233 from palindromoroz:BGSubtract_KNN_new_code
      adds  8b6c5ad   TAPI: added perf test for stitching
      adds  1d9808e   TAPI: stitching, replaced Mat->UMat/_Array
      adds  89e3e44   features2d: workaround for 'utrainDescCollection' issue (PR #2142)
      adds  c1ea6f3   TAPI: stitching: improve warpers
      adds  2737e3c   TAPI: stitching: workaround for problem getUMat() call
      adds  7a5c1ba   TAPI: stitching: optimize exposure
      adds  c4a31a1   TAPI: stitching: optimize compare operation
      adds  a7f69a3   stitching: use BORDER_CONSTANT in warp
      adds  c22d92c   stitching: extend logging
      adds  0673846   TAPI: stiching: add custom OpenCL kernels for MultiBandBlender
      adds  e6cc1be   stitching: allow to use dynamic DescriptorMatcher
      adds  026b13b   TAPI: stitching: blender: fix OpenCL path & adjust test condition
      adds  588658d   tapi: stitching: fix documentation
      adds  3578f0a   ocl: workaround for synchronization issue in ::map()
      adds  9251787   removing `SuppressWarning` and `CV_OPENCL_RUN`
      adds  dab8e92   Merge pull request #2565 from apavlenko:tapi_stitching
      adds  3553e93   fixed
      adds  a26bed1   Merge pull request #2617 from ElenaGvozdeva:ipp_matchTemplate
      adds  ebbac3c   Optimizes OpenCL resize and optical flow to use image extension.
      adds  80ef1f6   Merge pull request #2621 from arkunze:pullreq/140319-resize-b
      adds  3bb6db5   ICV: mark missed functions
      adds  e11d998   Merge pull request #2623 from alalek:icv_fix_color
      adds  9e10c09   remove unused variable in LineSegmentDetectorImpl::compareSegments()
      adds  dba0f9f   remove unused variable in erGrouping()
      adds  3e5a69d   remove unused variables in OCL_PERF_TEST_P()
      adds  da58425   Merge pull request #2629 from maksqwe:unused_fix
      adds  f3c56f8   first attemp
      adds  2cd7a91   verbose errors
      adds  ce09411   added status check
      adds  6f9ca3d   fixed some errors
      adds  87eb1b8   fixes in imgproc
      adds  05a47d9   cmd option
      adds  cb8743f   Merge pull request #2628 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_error_handling
      adds  aa57674   cv::reduce (min/max to single column)
      adds  9a10944   cv::reduce sum/avg
      adds  39b852f   Merge pull request #2625 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_reduce
      adds  d5513f5   cv::sort
      adds  26e8c62   cv:;sortIdx
      adds  1f6b719   added ippisFlip to cv::sort
      adds  82c67ab   Merge pull request #2622 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_sort
      adds  b59c517   Optimizations to OpenCL bilateral filter.
      adds  ede6d44   Optimizations to OpenCL bilateral filter.
      adds  e032b5f   Resolving conflicts after rebasing from public
      adds  06df383   Indent fixes
      adds  d2b4ee1   More intendation fixes
      adds  36d33dd   Review comments
      adds  c2f540d   White space fixes
      adds  7c3d5b0   Merge pull request #2612 from grkutty:pullreq/140319-bilateral-b
      adds  0265247   Added ippiDistanceTransform for cv::distanceTransform, maskSize=3,5
      adds  b4830d8   added ippiTrueDistanceTransform_8u32f_C1R
      adds  3d7872b   fixed
      adds  6823b36   Merge pull request #2624 from ElenaGvozdeva:ipp_DistanceTransform
      adds  42079b8   Fix error in call of ippResize
      adds  34afc72   Merge pull request #2642 from vbystricky:ipp_resize
      adds  bb12293   Convert opencv border type to ipp border. Check supported border before call ipp function
      adds  6b98648   Merge pull request #2643 from vbystricky:ipp_GaussianBorder
      adds  4db1203   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  4211d8f   Merge pull request #2641 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  f5c7293   Fix call of ippiConvert.
      adds  9cdb330   Change test conditions
      adds  caf3ed2   Merge pull request #2645 from vbystricky:ipp_Convert
      adds  baa6ab1   Change Scharr filter to new ipp functions
      adds  160c964   Fix error
      adds  79384be   Fix warning
      adds  32394df   Add constant border fix call ipp function
      adds  d17f40d   Fix error in code
      adds  6507624   Add setIppErrorStatus()
      adds  d97f7da   Fix setIppErrorStatus placement
      adds  f521267   Disable scharr in icv only configuration
      adds  d9ef5bb   Fix compile warnings
      adds  580559e   Merge pull request #2618 from vbystricky:ipp_Scharr
      adds  f218dff   Added ippiPyrDown_Gauss5x5 to cv::pyrDown
      adds  8230f1f   Added ippiPyrUp_Gauss5x5 to cv::pyrUp
      adds  ef2f599   Added perf test for cv::buildPyramid
      adds  793e980   Added IPP Pyramid API functions to cv::buildPyramid
      adds  a7d12aa   Added epsilon for tests with float data type
      adds  6202f54   Fixed sanity check for integer type
      adds  4f4a952   Added setIppErrorStatus
      adds  cd01d70   Merge pull request #2627 from akarsakov:ipp_pyramids
      adds  640c966   fix for IPP ICV
      adds  e42057c   Merge pull request #2648 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_dist
      adds  5c0a487   changes eps
      adds  c231928   Merge pull request #2649 from ilya-lavrenov:gabor_eps
      adds  e68a55c   Fix error in ipp function call
      adds  dfe6ade   Fix error in arguments of ipp function
      adds  ba0ab8e   Merge pull request #2647 from vbystricky:ipp_norm
      adds  46e4034   cv::remap
      adds  9badfa1   Merge pull request #2646 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_remap
      adds  3e173b7   cv::Laplacian
      adds  d453a59   cv::min/cv::max CV_64F
      adds  8da0e2b   cv::accumulate
      adds  5ca3d85   cv::transpose inplace
      adds  8d24a83   cv::flip inplace
      adds  f7ec4a5   Mat::copyTo with mask
      adds  3bd8211   Mat::copyTo
      adds  0b678c2   Mat::setTo(Scalar::all(0))
      adds  8603c58   Mat::setTo(with mask)
      adds  04abffe   cv::cornerHarris
      adds  76c415f   cv::filterSpeckles
      adds  9cc80a6   fixed warnings
      adds  fe644ed   cv::multiply
      adds  51e2a8e   fixes
      adds  d931618   Merge pull request #2620 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_integration
      adds  92f855f   Added checking destination size for pyrUp, pyrDown.
      adds  8114e07   Merge pull request #2655 from akarsakov:ipp_fix_pyramid
      adds  493679d   cv::minMaxIdx for cn > 1
      adds  dcc4d36   Merge pull request #2651 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_minmaxidx_3cn
      adds  82a198a   Fix epsilon calculation for sanity check in x32 build
      adds  6b2c621   Merge pull request #2662 from vbystricky:ipp_MatchTempl
      adds  46e8d9d   cv::copyMakeBorder
      adds  32b25de   Merge pull request #2656 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_copymakeborder
      adds  a13e6ab   Fix problem with sanity check of transform ecc with ipp resize
      adds  86ec0fc   Merge pull request #2668 from vbystricky:perf_TransformECC
      adds  47d903d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  c6e91e4   Merge pull request #2675 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  b046210   Changed epsilon for hog test, because hog detector is sensible to resize accuracy.
      adds  5d50917   Merge pull request #2674 from akarsakov:ocl_hog_fix_epsilon
      adds  2d71c09   IPP: CV::dft
      adds  10d1b3a   Added parallel version for DFT_ROWS
      adds  0e5b067   Merge pull request #2654 from ElenaGvozdeva:ipp_DFT
      adds  7ee1d5f   ipp: added LUT optimization
      adds  6499355   Merge pull request #2653 from alalek:ipp_lut
      adds  59876cf   fixed compilation
      adds  06746ba   Merge pull request #2677 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_compilation
      adds  232c37e   Added ippiComputeThreshold_Otsu to cv::threshold
      adds  7bd9b2a   Added setIppErrorStatus()
      adds  0f22df2   Merge pull request #2667 from akarsakov:ipp_otsu
      adds  043b917   IPP: cv::dft fixed
      adds  dacf63a   Merge pull request #2682 from ElenaGvozdeva:ippiDFT
      adds  01123aa   Changed integer operations to float for Intel devices
      adds  347d5b9   Merge pull request #2635 from akarsakov:gaussian_float_intel
      adds  c910373   Disable ipp integral in IPPICV version
      adds  d9d9de7   Merge pull request #2686 from vbystricky:ippicv_integral
      adds  4ebe760   Disabled IPP resize for CV_8U
      adds  a537818   Merge pull request #2688 from akarsakov:ipp_disable_resize_8u
      adds  26c8b3a   Added suuport for finding Intel TBB for Visual Studio 2013
      adds  8721069   Merge pull request #2678 from intbots:master
      adds  aa3c36f   Update cap_msmf.cpp
      adds  787815f   Merge pull request #2619 from GregoryMorse:patch-3
      adds  2d47dd7   Matlab bindings: added missing compound type declarations from photo module
      adds  fa075c5   Matlab bindings: fixed the functional template to perform an explicit cast to the type of an input option that is expected. This avoids issues with ternary operator not having the same type in rvalue and lvalue, such as in the case below:
      adds  c35fd55   Matlab bindings: CMakeLists.txt: use "${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}" as MEX_LIB_DIR only when compiling with MSVC, otherwise, use only "${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}"
      adds  e9be486   Merge pull request #2694 from rokm:matlab
      adds  1f8b41f   Optimizes filter2D for Intel GPUs
      adds  03b1d13   Merge pull request #2660 from arkunze:pullreq/140423-filter2D
      adds  c80faff   added cn>1 support to cv::norm (NORM_INF)
      adds  01f31dc   Merge pull request #2687 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_norm_inf_234cn
      adds  6880dbf   IPP: cv::dct
      adds  16629bf   Added parallel version for DCT_ROWS
      adds  507ea95   fixed
      adds  12279e2   fixed
      adds  0e1bf58   Merge pull request #2634 from ElenaGvozdeva:ippiDCT
      adds  55bbca2   added more types to cv::GaussianBlur
      adds  1ad69ab   changes sigma in perf tests
      adds  d54aa30   Merge pull request #2676 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_gaussianblur
      adds  751264f   Added ippiHoughLine_Region to cv::HoughLines
      adds  f3d1001   Changed tests for support intersection between expected and actual lists of lines.
      adds  1909978   Added ippiHoughProbLine to cv::HoughLinesP
      adds  dc91be8   Disabled ippiHoughLine_Region for cv::HoughLines
      adds  f6a8ac2   Changed check condition in tests in case ipp disabled.
      adds  9e47672   Merge pull request #2658 from akarsakov:ipp_hough
      adds  e362c3f   fixed
      adds  849228a   Merge pull request #2684 from ElenaGvozdeva:ippiDFT
      adds  d9556a9   Added ippiMinEigenVal_ to cv::cornerMinEigenVal
      adds  7369cfd   Added perf test for cornerMinEigenVal
      adds  53bc937   Added suppressing deprecation for ippiMulC_32f_C1IR
      adds  10cb660   Fixed condition
      adds  5580d08   Added setIppErrorStatus()
      adds  eda084e   Used AutoBuffer instead ippsMalloc
      adds  9c78026   Merge pull request #2605 from akarsakov:ipp_min_eigen_val
      adds  5658ba0   icv: update package
      adds  b62e59a   icv: enable functions
      adds  e8d3ebe   fix IPPDerivSobel condition
      adds  71f871f   replaced sanity check condition for stitching perf test
      adds  07d5f56   Merge pull request #2679 from alalek:ippicv_update
      adds  abf9051   cv::fitler2D
      adds  72e095b   Merge pull request #2665 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_filter2d
      adds  4ffeb01   Update solvepnp.cpp
      adds  eb240cc   Merge pull request #2697 from PhilLab:master
      adds  3ccaa52   added OpenCL RGB <-> Luv conversions
      adds  a82dd8c   Merge pull request #2700 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_cvtColor
      adds  11b01cd   added ipp threshold inplace
      adds  eba1be7   Merge pull request #2710 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_threshold
      adds  4e7f62f   Fixed ipp check for cornerMinEigenVal
      adds  7ac5c36   Merge pull request #2715 from akarsakov:fix_corner_min_eigen
      adds  e2558e5   increased eps to pass tests
      adds  e1b5a54   Merge pull request #2722 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_luv_eps
      adds  313a0ad   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  ea5b411   Merge pull request #2725 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  120b3a1   Work on python wrapped generation automation:  - all parsed headers are included into "cv2.cpp" with "pyopencv_generated_include.h"  - types starting with "Ptr_" converted to "Ptr<...>" form (avoids many typedefs in "cv2.cpp")
      adds  dd67ea0   find -> rindex
      adds  ed5d71b   Merge pull request #2724 from znah:python_autowrap
      adds  d16e0b3   disabled IPP functions that slower than OpenCV
      adds  46d672d   Merge pull request #2663 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_slow
      adds  f64dfeb   fix for cv::norm (norm_inf)
      adds  f13e05c   Merge pull request #2740 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_norm_fix
      adds  f1e44fa   fix bug #3678 (cuda::integral failures)
      adds  cafcfc4   Merge pull request #2749 from jet47:fix-bug-3678
      adds  ce0b808   IPP: fixed ipp_matchTemplate
      adds  ada2879   Merge pull request #2756 from ElenaGvozdeva:ippi_matchTemplate
      adds  2756ae2   exposed OpenCL-control functions to python
      adds  a52979c   exposed TVL1 optical flow to python
      adds  f0b0d4e   Merge pull request #2685 from znah:ocl_control_py
      adds  b1443bc   WinRT core compatibility fixes
      adds  cba5235   Merge pull request #2698 from GregoryMorse:patch-2
      adds  6f798b1   icv: android x86 build
      adds  9eac451   Merge pull request #2741 from alalek:icv_android
      adds  9a371de   Switched insertion of connected components in filterSpecklesImpl
      adds  165789b   Merge pull request #2764 from hbadino:Feature_3692
      adds  00e3c24   Create haarcascade_russian_plate_number.xml
      adds  f01bd6f   Merge pull request #2752 from jet47:pr-2746
      adds  cbf3c1f   remove unused macros
      adds  934cb6c   Merge pull request #2680 from adrians:remove_cv_err
      adds  7a59435   KAZE and AKAZE integration initial commit
      adds  703e012   Prepare KAZE and AKAZE sources for integration
      adds  137ff7e   Added KAZE and AKAZE wrappers
      adds  17f3051   Added unit-tests for KAZE and AKAZE features
      adds  5848e75   Clean-up from unused utils.h/utils/cpp
      adds  d27ed85   Replace config with AKAZEConfig.h
      adds  6d500cc   Merge KAZE and AKAZE features with most recent version
      adds  36db970   Added missing operator()
      adds  33b9e4b   Added missing operator()
      adds  3e24822   Bugfix: clear input vector of key points for detection stage
      adds  86888bd   Replace swap with clear (more efficient)
      adds  d8c9bb7   Fix return value of descriptorType()
      adds  d37220e   Clean-up of the iostream manipulator in AKAZEConfig.
      adds  503bd38   Enable multithreaded extraction of features using cv::parallel_for_
      adds  eada0f4   Fix shadowed i variable warning
      adds  ba5bec1   Fix mutable compilation error
      adds  0e24354   Fix shadowed variable warnings
      adds  f3f0e06   Fix parenthesis in assert statements
      adds  3cfc22a   Fix initialisation order of parallel loop classes for AKAZE descriptor extraction
      adds  61f79c2   Fix line ending at EOF
      adds  f97e38d   Fix casting from/to int/float that caused lot of compiler warnings.
      adds  3c59618   Added copyright headers for KAZE and AKAZE wrappers
      adds  f9422f6   Fix Fix casting from/to int/float that caused lot of compiler warnings.
      adds  f9d3c49   Bugfix: wrong variable name
      adds  2162aab   Remove AKAZEFeatures desctructor
      adds  cc0a94c   Fix "conditional expression constant" warning
      adds  599bcfb   Fix size_t to int conversion
      adds  5662294   Rename KAZE to KAZEFeatures to fix MSVS x64 compiler error (Duplicate file name confused it)
      adds  a941d25   Fix size_t to int conversion
      adds  0e3bbd7   Fix "conditional expression constant" warning
      adds  c68cbfc   Fix size_t to int conversion
      adds  c1bf453   Wrapped nldiffusion functions with details::kaze or details::amaze namespace to avoid collision of function names
      adds  a134e06   Fix wrong checking of returned descriptor type
      adds  2daa14e   Clean-up from dead code.
      adds  4509fe5   Clean-up of getters/setters that are not needed by OpenCV
      adds  ab1ef08   Rename file config.h to KAZEConfig.h
      adds  3e51da3   Removed Feature_Suppression_Distance function that is not used anywhere.
      adds  30f7362   Replace runtime checks with assertions
      adds  2df7242   Prepare to merge KAZE and AKAZE nldiffusion_functions source files (work in progress).
      adds  9fc90f4   Merged nldiffusion functions into one module with removal of duplicate functions
      adds  e7e0020   Enabled parallel processing of the nld_step_scalar function
      adds  220de14   Clean-up from the dead code
      adds  1a5fcd7   Refactor of KAZE and AKAZE: 1) Clean-up from the unused code 2) Remove of SURF extraction method 3) Enabled threading for KAZE extraction 4) Exposed new properties for runtime configuration
      adds  b42c268   Temporary remove of CV_WRAP
      adds  c4e4946   Initial commit of the KAZE & AKAZE docs
      adds  3a8e15f   Fix documentation warnings
      adds  616c348   Fix documentation warnings
      adds  a068ccb   Fix "Title underline too short" warning
      adds  029a8c4   Remove GSURF descriptor from KAZE algorithm
      adds  03db61b   FixFix documentation warnings
      adds  87972d0   Fix "WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line"
      adds  12e1d7f   Fix "WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line"
      adds  8bd1efa   Merge pull request #2673 from BloodAxe:kaze
      adds  e182241   Removed emptiness check from cv::hconcat and cv::vconcat. Sometimes you want to concatenate with an empty matrix.
      adds  c20cab9   Added test for concatenation with empty matrices.
      adds  2421ac3   Added test for concatenation with empty matrices.
      adds  22d3faa   Corrected expected result of matrix concatenation.
      adds  4bf1df7   Suppress warning in constructor.
      adds  c6113c6   Merge pull request #2630 from isarandi:concat_corr
      adds  3d7a457   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  0ec5498   Merge pull request #2767 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  1e46a99   added performance test for cv::norm with NORM_RELATIVE
      adds  7032a5a   Merge pull request #2763 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf_norm_relative
      adds  0e1b376   added performance test for cv::meanStdDev with mask
      adds  cf5dd88   Merge pull request #2776 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_meanstddev
      adds  1e5694e   heuristic for Intel
      adds  d940093   Merge pull request #2723 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_intel_vector_width
      adds  eb1dd19   fixed conditions
      adds  694d772   Merge pull request #2762 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_sort
      adds  fa1ed55   Fixed cv::pyrUp performance test
      adds  7249622   Merge pull request #2772 from akarsakov:ocl_pyramids
      adds  1f638a3   icv: enable functions
      adds  c43e328   Merge pull request #2713 from alalek:icv_enable_fns
      adds  35eb972   fix compilation on MSVS 2010
      adds  df9aa88   icv: fix OpenCV Windows package
      adds  ab2749d   Merge pull request #2709 from alalek:icv_update_binary_pack
      adds  0a2d22b   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  68165b1   Merge pull request #2792 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  0f7fbe4   icv: enable public IPPICV packages
      adds  52ba761   icv: fix test eps on Mac for failed perf test
      adds  c9db91a   Merge pull request #2788 from alalek:icv_public
      adds  40eea30   OCL: matchTemplate: changed perf test
      adds  5a268dd   Merge pull request #2797 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_MT
      adds  c19b6ed   Fixed pyopencv_to w/FLANN IndexParams in python3.
      adds  f57f392   Merge pull request #2782 from HapeMask:py3_flann
      adds  73bfcf8   Added Haar cascade for russian cars licence plate detection, 16 stages cascade, pretty fast.
      adds  a8608bd   Merge pull request #2777 from alexstadnik:master
      adds  31291ce   Issue #2540 : Python bindings for various "detectMultiScale()"
      adds  67e9708   Merge pull request #2773 from abidrahmank:pycascade
      adds  d156f5a   added missed tests for cv::norm, cv::normalize
      adds  316e6a8   Merge pull request #2804 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf
      adds  f0e3940   perftest for floodfill
      adds  d210132   Merge pull request #2638 from mlyashko:floodfill_perftest
      adds  153ac43   opencl opticaflow fix that enables buffer2image extension
      adds  2e2ca58   fix according review
      adds  6126788   Merge pull request #2800 from krodyush:pullreq/140516-opticalflow-imgext-fix
      adds  776728e   KAZE: disable tests (too many crashes)
      adds  d4a1936   Merge pull request #2807 from alalek:disable_tests_KAZE
      adds  c83455d   optimized cv::repeat
      adds  17d6083   Merge pull request #2787 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_repeat
      adds  80470f9   added performance test
      adds  89e4118   Merge pull request #2809 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_copy_perf
      adds  33173d9   optimized cv::meanStdDev
      adds  78badcd   Merge pull request #2781 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_meanstddev
      adds  033aebe   A more efficient workaround for erode
      adds  abe3765   Merge pull request #2811 from arkunze:pullreq/140516-erode
      adds  4612b4b   Added clamp() for THRESH_TRUNC mode
      adds  8ecb8c6   Optimized memory access by using stride pattern
      adds  a049c16   Merge pull request #2751 from akarsakov:ocl_thresh_opt
      adds  169351b   Optimize openCL version of reduce function
      adds  04433b2   Change buffer cols count from 64 to 32
      adds  63584bf   fix code in the kernel
      adds  b4498d1   Fix some errors
      adds  fc2f797   Merge pull request #2778 from vbystricky:oclopt_reduce
      adds  33087f9   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  c836613   Merge pull request #2819 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  f344088   optimized stitching warpers
      adds  7238597   Merge pull request #2761 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_warpers
      adds  c7dc884   T-API: optimized ocl_flip
      adds  437927b   optimized index access
      adds  5e8a3cd   Merge pull request #2757 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_flip
      adds  67bb1c6   optimized UMat::setTo
      adds  93af92c   Merge pull request #2795 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_setto
      adds  5ee398b   multiple rows per work-item
      adds  15738bf   multiple rows in KF kernel
      adds  bd5e4c6   other kernels now use row scheme
      adds  ec3c68c   fix
      adds  50fa809   fixed cv::mixChannels
      adds  607cd37   Merge pull request #2750 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_convertto
      adds  81d6842   These changes introduce Gtk3 support into the highgui module.
      adds  c1cd70e   Disable OpenGL when Gtk3 is selected
      adds  d4df373   Code cleanup
      adds  5368f12   Rework gtk3 window resize and draw cleanup
      adds  69dc840   mprove Gtk2/3 options in cmake
      adds  46ba9d3   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  41b8ab0   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  572e4f5   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  3cd5073   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  3498432   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  befdef9   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Rebase to lates upstream
      adds  1638341   Use GTK_VERSION_MAJOR to switch between  GTK+ version two and three specific code. As a result of this, HAVE_GTK3 no longer needs to be exposed.
      adds  f318b5b   Improve GTK+ library selection logic.
      adds  a28ad40   Fix bug in GTK+3 logic introduced by previous merge
      adds  65f6342   Change quotes around GTK headers for angle brackets
      adds  c0dbc08   Correct error with GTK3 not found selection
      adds  cb4fffc   Fix logic error in OpenCVFindLibsGUI.cmake
      adds  265148b   Correction to enable compilation on platform with only GTK2 libs
      adds  fd5e180   Rebase branch gtk3
      adds  7f67140   Use GTK_VERSION_MAJOR to switch between  GTK+ version two and three specific code. As a result of this, HAVE_GTK3 no longer needs to be exposed.
      adds  7daec9e   Improve GTK+ library selection logic.
      adds  d60be58   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into gtk3
      adds  838bb4b   Fix bug in GTK+3 logic introduced by previous merge
      adds  8592022   Change quotes around GTK headers for angle brackets
      adds  2f9dad5   Correct error with GTK3 not found selection
      adds  47d4f8c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into gtk3
      adds  8fd11f4   Fix logic error in OpenCVFindLibsGUI.cmake
      adds  512cb4f   Correction to enable compilation on platform with only GTK2 libs
      adds  bd12d64   Merge branch 'gtk3' of https://github.com/Exocoder/opencv into gtk3 resyncing gtk3 with remote.
      adds  f0887a9   On branch gtk3 Changes to be committed: 	modified:   CMakeLists.txt Corrected merge error from last resync
      adds  85edb9e   Merge pull request #1552 from Exocoder:gtk3
      adds  108527c   added missed INTER_CUBIC
      adds  a49ea6d   Merge pull request #2826 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf_warp
      adds  26b73a7   merged 2 kernels
      adds  ee8adc1   Merge pull request #2821 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_reduce
      adds  ab1a37d   Bug fixes for filter2D and associated tests.
      adds  ab9dff1   Merge pull request #2812 from arkunze:pullreq/140520-filter2D
      adds  ab428c9   optimized cv::copyMakeBorder
      adds  c2ca059   Merge pull request #2798 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_copymakeborder
      adds  7f818e9   optimized UMat::copyTo with mask
      adds  6d3413b   Merge pull request #2810 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_copytomask
      adds  405f12f   optimized cv::flip (CV_8UC1)
      adds  47f1026   Merge pull request #2820 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_flip
      adds  4a37ac3   Added new Intel-optimized 3x3 and 5x5 kernels to medianFilter.cl file and corresponding code to host in smooth.cpp
      adds  df9c75b   Moved new kernels under conditional compilation to disable their build for 3-channel images; added condition to use new kernels only for images that are big enough
      adds  6888377   Adding explicit variable conversion in ocl_medianFilter() to suppress build errors on Linux & Mac
      adds  e224e72   Added condition to use optimized kernels for images of size that multiple of 4 only
      adds  a422594   Merge pull request #2794 from mletavin:pullreq/140516-median
      adds  17956a5   optimized cv::normalize in case of mask
      adds  3f485d5   Merge pull request #2808 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_normalize_mask
      adds  7804d57   optimized index calculation
      adds  002a79b   optimized cv::countNonZero
      adds  579499d   optimized cv::sum (CV_8UC1)
      adds  c52a77b   optimized cv::UMat::dot
      adds  f30301d   Merge pull request #2801 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_reduction
      adds  47b092e   Optimize OpenCL LUT function
      adds  7272711   Use 4 pixels for one unit. Some ocl code refactoring
      adds  6667cea   Optimize OpenCL LUT function
      adds  a8bfab3   Optimize OpenCL LUT function
      adds  48d82fd   Fix some errors
      adds  cfabf32   Fix some errors
      adds  8a5f278   Fix kernel by comments
      adds  0c0ebca   Read 4 pixel for aligned data with 1 channel
      adds  5d924b7   If lut table has one channel and src aligned to 4, work with src as with one channel matrix
      adds  ea417ac   Merge pull request #2755 from vbystricky:oclopt_LUT
      adds  5022a0f   Added new border types for pyrDown
      adds  e430ab1   Merge pull request #2785 from akarsakov:ocl_pyrDown_borders
      adds  15b6fd2   android: allow to build & run examples without Android OpenCV Manager
      adds  3a35ca5   Merge pull request #2831 from alalek:android_examples
      adds  518d0df   Add AKAZE support for the Java wrapper
      adds  150dd39   Merge pull request #2822 from timedia:akaze-java
      adds  62533d0   perspectiveTransform simplify assert() for better debuggin
      adds  ed1c56e   Merge pull request #2817 from bf:patch-1
      adds  ce1b6e2   Fixed inconsistency with flag names
      adds  278616b   Merge pull request #2813 from 23pointsNorth:patch-2
      adds  ff6f5d4   fixed warnings
      adds  8681b52   Merge pull request #2838 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_warnings
      adds  659d213   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  e0f40a7   Merge pull request #2841 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
      adds  556206d   fixed defects found by coverity scan
      adds  bf39f69   Merge pull request #2835 from ilya-lavrenov:defects
      adds  cf72d26   fixed possible runtime error
      adds  0b2cafb   bixed cv::boxFilter
      adds  071daa1   Merge pull request #2839 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_fix
      adds  9edd24f   changed power in cv::pow test to test actual kernel
      adds  96ce981   Merge pull request #2844 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf_pow
      adds  fd5a8b3   minmaxloc
      adds  1a7a262   optimized cv::norm with NORM_INF
      adds  2040995   optimized cv::norm with 2 args
      adds  5403bdd   optimized cv::norm with NORM_RELATIVE
      adds  7f2662b   fixes
      adds  634da9f   added norm_inf support to minmaxloc kernel
      adds  88ceee0   Merge pull request #2837 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_norm_relative
      adds  2cc4cf3   optimized cv::warpAffine
      adds  14671e0   Merge pull request #2823 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_warpaffine
      adds  055adc2   Update MatchTemplate_Demo.cpp
      adds  ad7440c   Merge pull request #2850 from Sekunde:master
      adds  91201b2   Update global_motion.cpp
      adds  052c851   Merge pull request #2845 from shaibagon:patch-1
      adds  b327312   Updated and added haarcascade_mcs*.xml files
      adds  afe6b66   Merge pull request #2828 from otsedom:updating_and_adding_haarcascades_mcs
      adds  3ab3367   Updating missed defines in documentation
      adds  41ceadf   Merge pull request #2799 from 23pointsNorth:patch-1
      adds  7f7064e   DownhillSolverImpl::innerDownhillSimplex something looks broken here: Mat_<double> coord_sum(1,ndim,0.0),buf(1,ndim,0.0),y(1,ndim,0.0); nfunk = 0; for(i=0;i<ndim+1;++i) { y(i) = f->calc(p[i]); } y has only ndim elements, while the loop goes over ndim+1
      adds  2c13431   Merge pull request #2784 from saree90:bugfix_Simplex
      adds  6598b97   Fixed MATLAB bridge
      adds  a0459c2   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  b365523   Changing #include to generic video.hpp
      adds  45f21e4   Merge pull request #2783 from daferna2:master
      adds  7ccbe10   fixed cv::warpPerspective
      adds  758a1eb   Merge pull request #2855 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_warpp_fix
      adds  d5244eb   invoking OCL before IPP
      adds  f269a89   Merge pull request #2865 from ilya-lavrenov:morph
      adds  feeb386   Added support for 3-channels
      adds  04628d7   Merge pull request #2849 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_matchTemplate_3cn
      adds  7391df3   fixed usage of reshape
      adds  1db9cc3   Merge pull request #2854 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_filter2d
      adds  504bc76   Remove pre_invalid parameter
      adds  6550c4f   Join kernel code for int and float destination types
      adds  9bf296e   Small refactoring
      adds  606df04   Fix pointer conversion
      adds  ce5bae1   Merge pull request #2871 from vbystricky:oclopt_integral
      adds  724f5e7   Don't build CUDA modules stubs by default (use `-DBUILD_CUDA_STUBS=ON` if need them)
      adds  65953fe   Merge pull request #2863 from apavlenko:disable_cuda_stubs_defaults
      adds  4c7ed03   COMP: Fix problem with narrowing in c++11
      adds  acebfcd   Merge pull request #2832 from BRAINSia:20140605_Upstream
      adds  c072c28   optimized cv::calcHist
      adds  eeaa4b3   eliminated convertTo
      adds  c9528b3   optimized histogram merging
      adds  33239fc   cv::equalizeHist
      adds  7688a18   Merge pull request #2840 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_calchist
      adds  03f665e   some optimizaions of cv::pow
      adds  07446ec   Merge pull request #2847 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_pow
      adds  c424d36   optimized cv::boxFilter
      adds  6e0d774   Merge pull request #2864 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_boxfilter
      adds  b32fbe7   Add peromance tests for OCL integral sum of square
      adds  6d6ad1b   Change threshold
      adds  eb54c83   Fix error
      adds  655465d   Increase epsilon for pass sanity check
      adds  01a98fa   Merge pull request #2878 from vbystricky:ocl_integral_sqsum_perf_test
      adds  4910242   Unroll pyrUp kernel
      adds  8e54845   Removed useless multiplication by 4
      adds  06fb5da   Removed storing of zeros in local memory
      adds  6952b90   Merge pull request #2790 from akarsakov:ocl_pyrUp_unroll
      adds  9391ccf   Move some variables into #ifdef
      adds  ea6da6e   Change uchar2 to short
      adds  4f1d06d   Merge pull request #2874 from vbystricky:ocl_LUTAMDfix
      adds  863784e   added extra condition
      adds  6d4c4dc   Merge pull request #2887 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_morph_fix
      adds  3ece65a   Updates python feature matching tutorial
      adds  b6769c9   Merge pull request #2892 from PhilLab:patch-1
      adds  a7036d9   changed support for 3-channels, changed CCOEFF
      adds  82da445   changed CCOEFF cn==1
      adds  13db948   added dft for CCORR
      adds  dcaa873   used vector data types for CCORR cn==1
      adds  c23da52   Fixed core for CCORR and SQDIFF. Used float instead of int for CV_8U. Fixed conditions for call dft.
      adds  ea1b14e   Merge pull request #2786 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_matchTemplate
      adds  44ffa42   replaced factors computation by precomputed values, added kernel for binary mode
      adds  ea22287   Merge pull request #2881 from mlyashko:moments_opt
      adds  3858f22   removed contrib, legacy and softcsscade modules; removed latentsvm and datamatrix detector from objdetect. removed haartraining and sft apps. some of the stuff will be moved to opencv_contrib module. in order to make this PR pass buildbot, please, comment off opencv_legacy, opencv_contrib and opencv_softcascade test runs.
      adds  07c0d50   put the detection-based tracker back (to objdetect module), so that the Android face detection sample builds fine. The patch by Konstantin Matskevich that adds C++11 threads support has been merged in too. Also, fixed compile error in the doc builder.
      adds  66f2e52   removed extra whitespaces
      adds  8f2aaff   fixed compile warnings on Windows
      adds  c4fdf71   fixed some more compile warnings on Windows
      adds  d4f938e   Merge pull request #2894 from vpisarev:cleanup_project_tree1
      adds  530fc99   Issue #3709 - PyBindings for LSD
      adds  b0a7078   Merge pull request #2824 from abidrahmank:pylsd
      adds  54292a8   Removed "CV_" prefix from constants in docs
      adds  e9bb750   Merge pull request #2858 from 23pointsNorth:patch-3
      adds  3ca7717   Fixed scanning bug identified in comments in pull request #1119. NFA calculations now generate better line segments.
      adds  e89e306   Merge pull request #2774 from 23pointsNorth:lsd-nfa-fix
      adds  59250e8   cv::findContours: Check if type of output data structure is right to store contours (vector<vector<Point>>).
      adds  1576e24   Merge pull request #2672 from a-wi:findContours
      adds  84257b5   Fix for (Bug #2789)
      adds  e13e3be   Merge branch 'master' into matlab_formatter
      adds  e8850bf   Merge pull request #2626 from KayKwon:matlab_formatter
      adds  b2c2aab   used built-in functions
      adds  f1e2438   used abs
      adds  316c044   used abs in reduction operations
      adds  0528d2e   added 32s to 32u conversion
      adds  2d81595   Merge pull request #2852 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_abs
      adds  007593c   cvtColor - optimized index calculations; usage of build-in functions
      adds  667a932   Merge pull request #2829 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_cvtcolor
      adds  e89cee3   optimized cv::inRange
      adds  b304868   Merge pull request #2886 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_inrange
      adds  ad9272e   reverted to original plain C++ code
      adds  a3592cd   added ocl_** function
      adds  16ab6ec   ported changes from PR #2867
      adds  36db85a   optimized some operations
      adds  1493160   Merge pull request #2899 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_ex
      adds  09bcc06   Change kernel for optimization. Remove restriction to align data
      adds  e0584bb   Merge pull request #2876 from vbystricky:oclopt_integralsum
      adds  93712e9   optimization of cv::warpAffine INTER_CUBIC
      adds  acbabed   Merge pull request #2869 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_warps
      adds  978f7eb   added perf test for transpose inplace
      adds  cbd0511   Merge pull request #2907 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf_transpose
      adds  9c8b9fc   cv::transpose
      adds  54e4ef6   optimized cv::transpose inplace
      adds  6bb8c46   Merge pull request #2906 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_transpose
      adds  a73809e   Fix GCC 4.9 compiler warning
      adds  47e345b   Change comment according to fix
      adds  fe4bdcd   Merge pull request #2895 from fradelg:master
      adds  972119b   sse2 optimization of cv::convertScaleAbs
      adds  15197eb   Merge pull request #2911 from ilya-lavrenov:sse2_convert_scale_abs
      adds  6f2fea7   added perftest for moments
      adds  d65abca   Merge pull request #2830 from mlyashko:moments
      adds  654bdde   SSE2 optimization of cv::preCornerDetect
      adds  d6233b1   Merge pull request #2913 from ilya-lavrenov:sse2_precornerdetect
      adds  157257b   ocl: don't use OpenCL CPU device in default setup
      adds  0e534b5   Merge pull request #2923 from alalek:ocl_default_device_ignore_cpu
      adds  e1e2435   Bugfix: Memory leak in deletion of er_stack nodes of ERFilter.
      adds  c3329ff   Merge pull request #2856 from sanchom:master
      adds  46e2216   fixed cv::warpPerspective
      adds  effff27   Merge pull request #2928 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_warp_fix
      adds  730ead4   Optimize OpenCL version of sepFilter2D
      adds  1a73aa1   Change local size
      adds  e6c305c   Merge pull request #2897 from vbystricky:oclopt_sepFilter2D
      adds  93f8581   fixed warnings
      adds  c5d3c08   ocl: add try-catch for OpenCL device getter
      adds  d183554   Merge pull request #2931 from alalek:mac_fix_master
      adds  2fe07ab   use vectors for devices of all vendors
      adds  964b260   Merge pull request #2932 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_other_vendors
      adds  90dce84   imgproc: fix compiler error for gcc 4.8
      adds  7d9f79b   Merge pull request #2944 from bkueng:fix_compiler_error
      adds  e04c39b   SSE2 optimization of cv::inRange
      adds  41dcd0a   Merge pull request #2941 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_inrange
      adds  e2b8697   SSE2 optimization of cv::patchNaNs
      adds  b2ab1b7   Merge pull request #2937 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_patch_nans
      adds  e5b63d4   sse2 optimization of inv_sqrt_64f
      adds  e1553d5   Merge pull request #2929 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_pow
      adds  3bd364f   fixing accum_dist and operator() mismatching for HellingerDistance and KL_Divergence
      adds  d05d235   Merge pull request #2669 from Adil-Ibragimov:flann_distance_fix
      adds  55d84cf   optimization of cv::minMaxLoc - used min/max
      adds  e79ceb4   Merge pull request #2936 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_minmaxloc_opt
      adds  e8f5c2f   OpenCL before IPP
      adds  0f1a0a9   Merge pull request #2951 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_ipp_filter2d
      adds  4286f60   Extract imgcodecs module from highgui
      adds  347eaa8   Merge pull request #2943 from vbystricky:highgui_imgcodecs
      adds  10c772f   minor optimization of cv::LUT
      adds  a0816c6   Merge pull request #2927 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_lut
      adds  c41a134   increased number of rows per work-item
      adds  87f4b47   optimized INTER_LINEAR mode
      adds  910d8f8   Merge pull request #2888 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_remap
      adds  6dd658a   optimized cv::setIdentity
      adds  cbf63b0   Merge pull request #2851 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_set_identity
      adds  690c932   Change groups count for Intel
      adds  0876ec7   Merge pull request #2935 from vbystricky:oclopt_meanStdDev
      adds  f2a2467   enabled BufferPool
      adds  df74a26   Merge pull request #2963 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_bufferpool
      adds  a3b9884   Change global buffer to local
      adds  e169083   Merge pull request #2918 from vbystricky:oclopt_reduce2
      adds  6dd3244   fix build
      adds  3490a5a   Merge pull request #2962 from alalek:fix_v4l_build
      adds  eeddda4   Optimization of cv::pyrDown for 8UC1.
      adds  d5c99a0   Use fma only for Intel devices
      adds  381986d   Merge pull request #2882 from akarsakov:ocl_pyrDown_opt
      adds  eb8366b   DShow camera as IVideoCapture object
      adds  7fe7fac   Remove unused variable
      adds  f773cd9   Merge pull request #2947 from vbystricky:capDShow
      adds  2e49ca4   Avoid unmap an umat(ocl) which hasn't been mapped at all.
      adds  b63a7e6   Merge pull request #2953 from gongzg:master
      adds  7674f3d   Added call to clone() to avoid unexpected change to external data. - Fix both stitching_detailed.cpp sample and cv::Stitcher.
      adds  b1793e2   Merge pull request #2939 from adishavit:sample-fix_stitching_pipeline
      adds  c5b4b99   Implemented Kullback-Leibler divergence
      adds  f8b23cf   Fixed test errors, added support for C data types.
      adds  0d49f97   Fixed truncation warning
      adds  7171431   Changed cv::log to std::log
      adds  4037034   Merge pull request #2765 from pradeep-pyro:kullback_leibler
      adds  d40cb39   SSE2 optimization of magnitude calculation
      adds  dbefbbc   Merge pull request #2910 from ilya-lavrenov:sse2_canny
      adds  d58f736   Split highgui module to videoio and highgui
      adds  ca30766   Refresh code. Fix merge conflict
      adds  8f84507   Merge pull request #2964 from vbystricky:highgui_split
      adds  8fdbdb1   SSE4.1 optimiation of cv::Moments CV_16U
      adds  17d69be   Merge pull request #2933 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_moments
      adds  e82241c   Function for drawing arrows
      adds  a7006ac   Merge pull request #2979 from PhilLab:patch-2
      adds  92ead5f   Fix cmake to build OpenCV framework on OSX
      adds  9a58b1a   Merge pull request #2925 from BloodAxe:osx-framework-script
      adds  cc703b0   Fix build errors with cap_v4l on Linux
      adds  315c80f   Merge pull request #2986 from vbystricky:videoio_fix
      adds  c949845   fixed perf test
      adds  9e3124a   Merge pull request #2960 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_perf_fix
      adds  fee3d69   corners
      adds  63a8cb5   Merge pull request #2961 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_corners
      adds  4fdd6de   Fixed ippiDFT call
      adds  58cf2a8   Merge pull request #2995 from ElenaGvozdeva:ipp_DFT
      adds  8b32235   Openni2 support
      adds  4dcd37f   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into Openni2Support
      adds  1242a66   Openni2 support
      adds  7bd7c85   Merge pull request #2919 from larshg:Openni2Support
      adds  fd51c13   Add depends from highgui to imgcodecs and videoio. And include header from imgcodecs and videoio to imgcodecs
      adds  da1ac35   Merge pull request #2990 from vbystricky:highgui_split2
      adds  e51c081   Added accuracy and performance tests for DFT all modes.
      adds  1f0ca00   Merge pull request #3000 from akarsakov:ocl_dft_new_tests
      adds  716218c   Optimize ocl version of warp_affine
      adds  603030b   Merge pull request #2993 from vbystricky:oclopt_warp_affine
      adds  a98ce86   Add NEON intrinsics to core/src/arithm.cpp
      adds  8e80f9b   Merge pull request #1292 from adrians:neon-pull
      adds  7a77cf5   added timelapse
      adds  ee90b88   Merge pull request #2720 from pglotov:master
      adds  16a82b1   Added an option to traincascade program to select the maximum number of threads to use during training
      adds  7da0e37   Merge pull request #2999 from jpuigcerver:traincascade_choose_threads
      adds  fe29af2   Fixed bug in reduce.cl
      adds  27d97aa   fixed
      adds  ef0f010   Merge pull request #3003 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_sum
      adds  fc8f0e3   adding support for 16-bit 4 channel tiffs
      adds  6cac76b   fixes tab indentation - replacing with 4 spaces
      adds  cb492cc   Merge pull request #3007 from kobigurk:master
      adds  d25770e   Fix Python 2 bindings for findContours
      adds  50a1def   Merge pull request #3006 from smvv:fix_findContours_for_python2
      adds  1d1bfd3   automatic search for headers for python wrapper generation
      adds  964657a   glob for python module dependences
      adds  42ecfc5   fixed parsing enums with tailing comma gen2.py reports headers it processes cmake file restructured
      adds  9ab3b89   pass header list to gen2.py by a text file (avoid command line length limit on windows)
      adds  a2ae1db   'adas' extra module doesn't produce .lib on windows (causes link error)
      adds  5f47f70   module blacklist
      adds  586ace1   double to float cast warning fix
      adds  1310dc4   Merge pull request #2994 from znah:py_hpp_glob
      adds  6882707   [HighGUI] On Windows: Support Ctrl+C to copy image to clipboard.
      adds  d44e3c3   Added documentation.
      adds  e25dca2   Fixed indentation.
      adds  b449bd5   Clarified code.
      adds  00263dd   Merge pull request #2179 from adishavit:feature-SupportClipboardCopyOnWindows
      adds  6a769c9   modified default stream initialization to allow concurrent calls modified cuda surf.cuda.cpp to allow concurrent call
      adds  d703842   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  551ab83   trailing whitespace
      adds  0c749fd   Merge pull request #2998 from ernest-galbrun:cuda_concurrency
      adds  5dd9263   Multi-radix with kernel generation
      adds  0318d27   Enabled precalculated wave
      adds  e5a3ab3   Added fftplan cache
      adds  ed07241   Completed all forward transforms.
      adds  6c8b6bd   Added packing to CCS format
      adds  b17bf03   Added DFT_SCALE for forward transforms
      adds  2b9e556   Added Elena's changes with implemented DFT_INVERSE C2C mode.
      adds  7791264   Added multi-block scheme
      adds  52f76a3   Added rest Elena's changes
      adds  1d2cf0e   Added nonzero_rows support
      adds  66ac462   Final refactoring, fixes
      adds  37d01e2   Added license header, using cv::Ptr, small fixes.
      adds  fecfaf4   Using std::map in PlanCache
      adds  962b519   Merge pull request #2996 from akarsakov:ocl_dft_new_concept
      adds  f8442da   Initialize all pointers of CvCapture_GStreamer correctly
      adds  facb2f9   Reset class members to NULL after gst_*_unref()
      adds  a587759   Merge pull request #2989 from smvv:gstreamer_capture_init
      adds  f42bb0b   disable OpenCL difference norms with mask, since some of the tests fail
      adds  97f6dd18  trying to make OpenCL builder green
      adds  1925fab   disabled some more stuff
      adds  af83884   disabled ocl_minmaxloc on 32-bit data completely
      adds  41df63a   Merge pull request #3010 from vpisarev:ocl_disable_some_norms2
      adds  ba70617   fix cudacodec module dependecies
      adds  e9bed17   Merge pull request #3008 from jet47:fix-cudacodec-dependecies
      adds  d249339   added macro guard to enable overriding ENABLE_LOG
      adds  2778024   Merge pull request #2987 from anishp:master
      adds  6e4562b   Fixed typo in OpenNI2 cmake file
      adds  b8bc996   Another typo in comment inside OpenNI2 cmake file
      adds  a1791c6   Merge pull request #3016 from fradelg:master
      adds  1ad9827   removed ERFilter (to be moved to opencv_contrib/modules/text) and lineMOD (to be moved to opencv_contrib/modules/rgbd)
      adds  2fd01dc   fixed doc builder warnings
      adds  4c8a9c5   Merge pull request #3012 from vpisarev:clean_objdetect
      adds  d1c7983   calibrateDebevec index fix (issue 3664)
      adds  cf2a307   Merge pull request #2991 from kovand11:calibrateDebevecFix
      adds  b717440   cudabgsegm module was not compiling.  Changing all references of opencv2/legacy.hpp to opencv2/cudalegacy.hpp seemed to work. I'm new at this so it would be good to have someone familiar with the build system confirm the change.
      adds  dce1824   Merge pull request #2940 from davembradley:master
      adds  bd144cf   upmerged pull req #2974 to master - added more jpeg options to imgcodecs
      adds  9d107fb   fixed test compilation
      adds  eaec132   #2992: update after review
      adds  a782ee9   Merge pull request #2992 from snikulov:upmerge_jpeg_tweak
      adds  7f82960   AKAZE fixes, tests and tutorial
      adds  2ab7fb6   Merge pull request #3017 from f-morozov:akaze
      adds  d848704   cuda::DisparityBilateralFilter no longer uses constant memory for parameters
      adds  1533d04   cdata_weight always positive; fewer multiplications.
      adds  e532bd5   Move shared interface to header file rather than repeating.
      adds  fe29ed4   Move shared interface to header file rather than repeating.
      adds  2982e77   Pass in images and scratch space so that multiple copies can run concurrently.
      adds  d8d946a   Constify cuda csbp
      adds  2832cfd   No longer use constant memory for image step.
      adds  0e2ea45   ndisp no longer constant
      adds  021b0cb   Pass max_disc_term as kernel parameter.
      adds  3ab117d   Change struct with single static function to function.
      adds  eed5cbc   More constant removal.
      adds  9bc71f4   Deconstify minimum disparity.
      adds  6d86d63   Last of csbp load_constants() gone.
      adds  b792419   Remove compute_disp()'s use of constant memory.
      adds  9b8002c   remove use of constant memory in calc_all_iterations/compute_message/message_per_pixel
      adds  1ff270e   init_message no longer uses constant memory.
      adds  5251608   remove constant memory from init_data_cost
      adds  85601e0   remove constant memory use in compute_data_cost
      adds  4644689   And remove final vestiges.
      adds  1a1097a   Merge pull request #2983 from wnoise:shrink-global-cuda-usage
      adds  5267ed4   1. disabled OpenCL acceleration for cv::multiply() (CV_32F), cv::divide (CV_32F), cv::convertScaleAbs (CV_32F) and cv::reduce (SUM, CV_32F), cv::reduce (MIN & MAX), cv::flip (3-channel case). 2. changed the number of test loops from 1 to 30 (except for cv::pow() test, which fails for yet unknown reason) 3. disabled IPP acceleration for 3-channel norms. 4. modified relativeNorm test function to handle very small values
      adds  ef8647f   put IPP ReduceSum_32f back
      adds  b0cd822   trying to make the tests pass
      adds  2f2a9ad   Merge pull request #3020 from vpisarev:ocl_disable_more_funcs
      adds  9db8592   fixed ocl_flip for cn==3
      adds  17a6b8c   Merge pull request #3021 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_flip
      adds  e49d148   Optimize ocl function pyrDown
      adds  f8aecb2   Merge pull request #3002 from vbystricky:oclopt_pyrdown
      adds  4dfb613   optimized Bayer=>RGB/RGBA/Gray conversion using Neon intrinsics. Fixed recently introduced build error in iOS framework.
      adds  4255746   fixed compile warnings and removed extra whitespaces
      adds  11e9e37   fixed compile warning with GCC
      adds  101769d   eliminated some unnecessary instructions
      adds  18de8de   Merge pull request #3009 from vpisarev:ios_experiments
      adds  11a0e3f   Fix error in OCL minmaxloc
      adds  b48e487   Enable ocl version of minmaxloc with mask
      adds  b3e31fb   Merge pull request #3023 from vbystricky:ocl_minMaxLoc
      adds  14631be   Updated Documentation
      adds  1a14d85   recursive filter output corrected
      adds  14d0b76   changed demo tutorial path
      adds  88d05a8   removed build error
      adds  0972a2d   Fixed mixed cloning bug
      adds  4cdc155   test
      adds  05164bf   Merge pull request #2608 from Siddharthk:master
      adds  7030a1f   fix cudabgsegm module compilation
      adds  345b69d   Merge pull request #3024 from jet47:fix-cudabgsegm-compilation
      adds  d3d0434   Removed opencv_legacy dependency from cudaoptflow
      adds  8def440   Removed cvCalcOpticalFlowBM from performance test
      adds  fd10557   Removed cvCalcOpticalFlowBM from cudaoptflow test
      adds  625fd61   Removed OpticalFlowBM test from cudaoptflow module
      adds  d01ca30   Merge pull request #3018 from fradelg:master
      adds  e6420bd   Added function decomposeHomographyMat. New files added are homography_decomp.cpp and test_homography_decomp.cpp. Modified files calib3d.hpp and camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst.
      adds  de55126   Fixed warnings and parameter name mismatches, added #include needed in some platforms.
      adds  3c5eb7d   updated documentation for decomposeHomography
      adds  3b608fa   added comment.
      adds  4fe0477   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HomographyDecomp
      adds  936536a   Merge pull request #2671 from syilma:HomographyDecomp
      adds  aad4104   Fix accurency test for OpenCL matrix operations
      adds  b33a093   Merge pull request #3029 from vbystricky:ocl_UMatOpAccurTestFix
      adds  184c591   Fix accurency test of OpenCL merge function.
      adds  11dd36f   Merge pull request #3028 from vbystricky:ocl_MergeAccurTestFix
      adds  878dec6   Optimize OpenCL version of morfology and box filters for small filter kernels
      adds  bd88940   Fix some problems
      adds  c595457   Merge pull request #3011 from vbystricky:oclopt_morthosmall
      adds  b724208   Fix Luv2RGB function
      adds  0f9b79e   Change min-max to clamp
      adds  d3cdfef   Merge pull request #3027 from vbystricky:cvtColorLuv2RGB
      adds  2026094   Increase epsilon for OpenCL version UMatDot and ReduceAvg accurency tests
      adds  add9ce4   Merge pull request #3030 from vbystricky:ocl_DotReduceAccurTestFix
      adds  cdb7b83   fix python module compilation with enabled CUDA support:
      adds  a3da3a0   fix test_opencv_imgproc compilation
      adds  dbedc63   Merge pull request #3034 from jet47:fix-compilation
      adds  ba3783d   initial commit; ml has been refactored; it compiles and the tests run well; some other modules, apps and samples do not compile; to be fixed
      adds  e368f17   fixed python bindings generation
      adds  223cdcd   fixed compilation of some samples; fixed ANN_MLP::predict
      adds  10b60f8   continuing refactoring ml samples; added "max vote" response to ANN_MLP. Probably, should make it in less hacky way
      adds  c20ff6c   made everything compile and even run somehow
      adds  c6593d0   updated docs
      adds  28ca6ac   fixed building html docs
      adds  2520e33   removed many extra whitespaces; fixed 1 warning
      adds  8e9d1d9   temporarily disabled java bindings for ml; hopefully fixed warnings etc.
      adds  9cb79b9   temporarily disabled java bindings for ml; hopefully fixed warnings etc.
      adds  eeb786f   fixed compile warnings from MSVC; fixed warnings in Python bindings; added some debugging code
      adds  79b593d   more fixes and more debugging code
      adds  98a1181   fixed the condition
      adds  24b01a8   continuing to debug boost and fix MSVC compile errors
      adds  222f8a3   hopefully fixed test failure on Linux
      adds  cb9b88e   fixed more compile warnings on Windows
      adds  432b7cb   Merge pull request #3032 from vpisarev:refactor_ml2
      adds  2d587ad   Prevent generating test case with mask filled 0 only
      adds  a58767e   Merge pull request #3036 from vbystricky:ocl_NormAccurTestFix
      adds  d9daa0c   ocl: added runtime flags for debugging
      adds  a05ce00   Merge pull request #2879 from alalek:ocl_runtime_flags
      adds  8c2c3b5   fixed ocl tests for BlendLinear, BoxFilter, Integral
      adds  f32b52e   fixed test for CvtColor RGB -> Luv
      adds  7999fbf   fixed ocl_integral
      adds  74d2a6e   Merge pull request #3035 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_test_fix
      adds  2637b18   Fix epsilon for OpenCL function ConverTo, for convertation from float to integer types
      adds  0654712   Merge pull request #3043 from vbystricky:ocl_ConvertToAccurTestFix
      adds  774d277   Fix error in OpenCl version of meanstddev for continues src and not continues mask
      adds  d2f1c00   Merge pull request #3045 from vbystricky:ocl_MeanStdDevFix
      adds  b2acd1f   Vectorize split & merge for NEON
      adds  d611684   Merge pull request #3041 from adrians:optimize_split
      adds  e7216a5   Used float instead of int for CV_8U in sumTemplate
      adds  dc3c691   new block size for dft
      adds  dbb5993   added dft for all platforms
      adds  90ac88c   use std::min,max
      adds  bab5700   Merge pull request #3013 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_matchTemplate
      adds  55188fe   world fix
      adds  fc0f254   make distrib with world (shared libs)
      adds  ca18370   Merge pull request #3039 from alalek:ocv_world
      adds  3fe4980   Double precision for solvePnPRansac()
      adds  0428ce4   Merge pull request #3037 from PhilLab:pnpPatch
      adds  f3aa4bd   fix misinterpretation of empty window name
      adds  44f24ef   Merge pull request #3054 from zillatrooper:master
      adds  cac1218   Build both Python 2 and Python 3 bindings
      adds  c9876c3   Merge branch 'master' into python2and3
      adds  218b12c   Merge branch 'master' into python2and3
      adds  976c727   Fix a few more PYTHON_NUMPY_INCLUDE_PATH
      adds  9d94115   Place Python library out in dedicated folder
      adds  d921cde   Add opencv_matlab to Python ignored modules
      adds  7d41ce2   Build Python 3 bindings in subdirectory
      adds  e9ccade   Support Python 2 and 3 in test script
      adds  3d0a270   Merge branch 'master' into python2and3
      adds  d30729a   Merge pull request #3047 from prattmic:python2and3
      adds  fec2123   Revert optimization for warpAffine INTER_NEAREST mode
      adds  eb9fdb0   Fixed rounding in remap INTER_LINEAR mode
      adds  2a0b39d   Fixed calculate_histogram kernel
      adds  44fbfb2   Fixed extrapolation in pyrDown
      adds  d0f789d   Merge pull request #3044 from akarsakov:fix_ocl_tests
      adds  03435c0   fix IOS framework
      adds  1da3f9d   Merge pull request #3062 from alalek:fix_ios_framework
      adds  6ad4521   Fixed typos
      adds  9510148   Merge pull request #3060 from akarsakov:ocl_dft_fix
      adds  c5ad6de   Fixed choice of kercn and rowsPerWI for non-Intel device.
      adds  88672f4   Merge pull request #3056 from akarsakov:ocl_setIdentity_fix
      adds  c9b5d8c   fixed tests for ocl_filter2d, ocl_matchTemplate, ocl_histogram.cpp
      adds  7dd7dd9   fixed nDiffs for CalcBackProject
      adds  b5f251c   fixed test ocl_MatchTemplate for sparse matrix
      adds  ce0297e   Merge pull request #3050 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_fixed_impg
      adds  00221e9   Fixed issue: Mat::copyTo(UMat) if device copy is obsolete. Added test.
      adds  74457cd   Merge pull request #3055 from akarsakov:copyto_UMat_fix
      adds  7cba3ac   small fix for GaussianBlur ocl test
      adds  62f9021   Merge pull request #3064 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_GaussianBlur
      adds  b3a54d5   fix binary package build
      adds  72cac5e   Merge pull request #3065 from alalek:fix_binary_package_build
      adds  98d5731   some formal changes (generally adding constness)
      adds  6b05ca5   fixing Mac build
      adds  8dab2ff   fixing error, wrong template method param.
      adds  99eed2d   Merge pull request #3057 from Adil-Ibragimov:adding-constness
      adds  fa292c3   Implimentation "cv::Mat::forEach"
      adds  09907ee   Merge pull request #2639 from kazuki-ma:cv_mat_foreach
      adds  e49536e   moved to the new opencv_contrib/face module
      adds  e2f24f4   added some basic functionality needed by the new face module (moved from the old "contrib")
      adds  92f326a   Merge pull request #3068 from vpisarev:added_face_module
      adds  05e7c29   fixed various warnings and obvious errors reported by clang compiler and the coverity tool.
      adds  4de4ff5   Merge pull request #3067 from vpisarev:minor_fixes2
      adds  61423a2   ARM NEON accelerated implementation of cv::addWeighted, cv::inRange and cv::compare functions. NOT verified on target platform, compilation passes with and without NEON.
      adds  9a23399   Fixed review comment from Vadim Pisarevsky
      adds  9ef373f   Merge pull request #3038 from yury-gorbachev:core_arithm_neon
      adds  b7899c3   small fix for ocl_resize
      adds  8368d54   Merge pull request #3061 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_resize
      adds  d0137b6   moved part of video to contrib/{outflow, bgsegm}; moved matlab to contrib
      adds  0f66e27   Merge pull request #3069 from vpisarev:refactor_video
      adds  0224a20   ECC patch by the author (G. Evangelidis); fixed some OCL Farneback optical flow test failures on Mac
      adds  6830570   modified farneback sample to use T-API
      adds  07744af   Merge pull request #3066 from vpisarev:minor_fixes
      adds  7849c35   Changed check condition in tests for warpAffine and warpPerspective
      adds  b7d1a70   Merge pull request #3063 from akarsakov:ocl_warps_check
      adds  2b94bcf   Added get and set for additional PVAPI properties: DecimationHorizontal, DecimationVertical, BinningX, BinningY
      adds  8202ab3   Merge pull request #3072 from nickdademo:pvapi_decimation_binning
      adds  b73b28a   fix for ocl_lut
      adds  7311523   Merge pull request #3074 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_lut
      adds  6b0e63b   Enabled IPPMorphReplicate in case BORDER_CONSTANT only for 3x3 kernels.
      adds  835b5e2   Disabled ippiConvert_32f16s_C1R since it breaks OCL accuracy tests of remap with test_loop_times=30.
      adds  498da24   Disabled some IPP calls of cvtColor since it breaks OCL accuracy tests with test_loop_times=30
      adds  8fd61c9   Merge pull request #3075 from akarsakov:ipp_imgproc_fix
      adds  a3bde36   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into merge-2.4
      adds  983e75e   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into merge-2.4
      adds  74e58dd   Disable the broken fisheye undistortImage test
      adds  4c54b28   Revert "Fix local variable shadowing"
      adds  0be18ac   Revert "Allows to choose orthogonal sub-vectors for LSH without using a static table among LshTable instances"
      adds  032c363   Revert "Fix a heap issue with static on Windows"
      adds  f908c2b   Revert "Avoid obtaining several identical dimensions between two LSH sub-vectors by choosing orthogonal sub-vectors."
      adds  c54b8f9   Merge remote-tracking branch 'master' into stitch-fix
      adds  6df1198   Merge pull request #3071 from mshabunin:stitch-fix
      adds  911e1bd   Allow full range IPv4 support, up to
      adds  f937f4d   Merge pull request #3077 from kenlck:master
      adds  dfe5fff   Restore OpenCL branch for minmaxLoc on float data
      adds  6fb282a   Remove mul24, for CV8UC3 3840x2160 it generates implementation specific result
      adds  da806cc   Merge pull request #3073 from vbystricky:ocl_fixMinMaxLoc
      adds  563200f   CPU (non-OpenCL) CLAHE now supports CV_16UC1.
      adds  5119564   Merge pull request #3033 from nathanjackson:clahe_datatypes
      adds  31df47b   moved nonfree and a part of features2d to opencv_contrib/xfeatures2d
      adds  27d2d3c   fixed doc builder complains and the test failures
      adds  fe7b48a   removed the stuff that's now in xfeatures2d; temporarily added dummy definition of SIFT to make doc builder pass (will remove it later)
      adds  d119afa   removed the stuff that's now in xfeatures2d; temporarily added dummy definition of SIFT to make doc builder pass (will remove it later)
      adds  bca4eb5   fixed more doc builder warnings
      adds  1629d50   removed some more trailing whitespaces
      adds  5505aa2   Merge pull request #3078 from vpisarev:refactor_features2d_take3
      adds  8124d10   fixed Erode and Dilate in case of kernel = Mat()
      adds  c97c0be   Merge pull request #3082 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_morphSmall
      adds  1c7ee88   fixed test for ocl PlaneWarperTest
      adds  28f3a44   Merge pull request #3080 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_stich
      adds  f3dfdfe   Fixed warning with "uninitialized local variable"
      adds  10b3d00   Increased epsilon for passing test with IPPICV
      adds  5898dca   Added ROUNDING_EPS for identical rounding after dividing on different platforms
      adds  b4d3b34   Disabled ippiFilterBoxBorder_* in case maskSize equal roiSize for any dimension
      adds  713ddb8   Set minimum matrix size for AmdBlas::gemm to 20 since it works incorrect for small sizes
      adds  01bd496   Merge pull request #3081 from akarsakov:small_fixes
      adds  3deea1c   Added check required local memory size for non-inplace transpose kernel
      adds  3cd7941   Merge pull request #3083 from akarsakov:ocl_transpose_check_locmem
      adds  91676de   Change decimation enum values so they can be used in resolution calculations. BUGFIX: Fixed bugged when setting PVAPI property CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT.
      adds  30111a7   Merge pull request #3085 from nickdademo:pvapi_fix_decimation_enum
      adds  d97f9fc   now the tests pass with loop_times==30
      adds  12c69ad   Merge pull request #3095 from vpisarev:restore_ocl_div_mul_and_repeat
      adds  dfd0b29   datastart must be non-const in CUDA.
      adds  71ff228   Merge pull request #3089 from Adil-Ibragimov:fix_cuda_constness
      adds  8a4a1bb   Several type of formal refactoring: 1. someMatrix.data -> someMatrix.prt() 2. someMatrix.data + someMatrix.step * lineIndex -> someMatrix.ptr( lineIndex ) 3. (SomeType*) someMatrix.data -> someMatrix.ptr<SomeType>() 4. someMatrix.data -> !someMatrix.empty() ( or !someMatrix.data -> someMatrix.empty() ) in logical expressions
      adds  9ac06a9   fix for gcc
      adds  5f590eb   Merge pull request #3094 from Adil-Ibragimov:minor_fixes_in_Mat-data
      adds  1454822   Adding support for GDAL raster images.
      adds  561703c   Fixed the compiler warnings for the demo program.
      adds  67e23ed   Fixing double to uchar conversion warning.
      adds  3ed89a8   Merge with master and fix conflicts
      adds  a602185   Merge pull request #3097 from mshabunin:gdal-support
      adds  a37876a   fixed build of iOS framework another time; clang does not like the new NEON-optimized split/merge
      adds  5d8098a   avoid compiler warnings
      adds  6f86c9f   another mac-related fix, let's squeeze it in this PR too
      adds  5240a03   Merge pull request #3100 from vpisarev:disabled_neon_split_merge_on_ios
      adds  c3100ee   Fixed buffer initialization in reduce kernel. Enabled OCL version of reduce for SUM, MAX, MIN modes.
      adds  f7243be   Merge pull request #3090 from akarsakov:ocl_reduce_fix
      adds  0825120   move CUDA compilation step from ocv_glob_module_sources to ocv_add_library
      adds  f5d9359   use directory-based include_directories command if we build with CUDA
      adds  8392296   remove -fvisibility-inlines-hidden from CUDA compiler flags
      adds  9786e0a   fix cudabgsegm module compilation
      adds  cf4a536   Merge pull request #3098 from jet47:fix-cuda-compilation
      adds  75ede6e   Minimal image size is set to 5*5 for OCL path of fastNlMeansDenoising and fastNlMeansDenoisingColored since it breaks tests with test_loop_times=30 and in general doesn't make sense for computation on GPU.
      adds  0e46b4c   Merge pull request #3102 from akarsakov:ocl_denoising_fix
      adds  8760a34   Fixed incorrect pointer conversion for in-place threshold
      adds  ed8a7fa   Merge pull request #3101 from akarsakov:ipp_thresh_fix
      adds  2574637   removed optim module; moved its functionality to core and photo modules; moved drawing functions from core to imgproc. Removed FilterEngine etc. from public API
      adds  4530c7a   trying to fix builds
      adds  00b2124   fixing more compile problems with Java bindings etc
      adds  9a5aa4b   trying to solve compile problems; temporarily disabled some tests for just added optimization algo's
      adds  75487d4   fixed trailing whitespaces
      adds  95a4943   Merge pull request #3103 from vpisarev:core_imgproc_optim_rearrangements
      adds  1fe403f   Enable OpenCL version of norm and convertScaleAbs or 32F data
      adds  c5632d4   Change epsilon for NORM_INF_2args accuracy tests
      adds  aab6f6c   Set sync=true in ocl_minMaxIdx kernel call. For tests
      adds  942ff5b   Disable OpenCL version of minMaxIdx with mask on AMD devices
      adds  52ac61d   Merge pull request #3088 from vbystricky:ocl_enableNormEtc
      adds  fb9a143   Set status to alpha
      adds  2222393   Merge tag '3.0.0-alpha'
      adds  de80633   Fix reallocation of D buffer in gemm
      adds  dfbeadd   Merge pull request #3106 from LeszekSwirski:fix-gemm-buf-allocate
      adds  740c523   fix compile problems with contributed ximgproc/xphoto
      adds  90905fb   Merge pull request #3111 from vpisarev:make_ximgproc_compile
      adds  7f8e1f4   Python bindings tutorial
      adds  5febdae   Merge pull request #3114 from abidrahmank:PyBindTutorials
      adds  58b3bc2   #pragma warning4127 fixed for cvstd.inl.hpp
      adds  b81dcbd   #pragma warning4127 fixation modified
      adds  dbb0fcd   #pragma warning4127 fixation modified 2
      adds  dea40e5   Merge pull request #3086 from fpuja:pragma_warning4127_fixing
      adds  b70a391   fix VCS version
      adds  daaa5a1   removed duplicated Hershey fonts
      adds  e9729a9   multiple yet minor fixes to make most of the tests pass on Mac with Iris graphics
      adds  0ffc53b   Merge pull request #3107 from vpisarev:fixed_win_build
      adds  62470d8   added sample data file to test logistic regression program
      adds  8355293   added program to demonstrate use of logistic regression classifier
      adds  b9902f3   added reference to logistic regression document
      adds  3bf6c3c   added documentation for logistic regression classifier
      adds  3039ed7   added test for logistic regression
      adds  fcfeb24   added logistic regression prototype
      adds  6ae43a2   added logistic regression classifier
      adds  3a6466d   updated logistic regression sample program
      adds  7612e7a   fixed trailing white-space in sample program for logistic regression
      adds  6c74439   fixed trailing white-space in logistic regression class
      adds  b8ea21b   updated logistic regression sample program
      adds  0e13f33   rewrote the code to update API, removed inheritance from CvStatModel.
      adds  d5ad4f3   added updated logistic regression prototype with newer C++ API
      adds  64aaa6e   updated test for logistic regression after changes to LogisticRegression class
      adds  e4a90c1   updated documentation to reflect newer changes to LogisticRegression class
      adds  56d715b   fixed typedef for LogisticRegression. Updated LogisticRegression prototype with newer C++ API
      adds  78f3b0a   removed unnecessary semicolon in LogisticRegression class documentation
      adds  50031ff   removed trailing whitespaces from updated logistic regression definition
      adds  5bb43f6   removed trailing whitespaces from predict function
      adds  1652b2a   fixed trailing whitespaces in LogisticRegression code.
      adds  af88f0c   updated documentation to do reflect changes to logistic regression class
      adds  3cdd2b2   updated logistic regression program with new api example
      adds  3a6deb3   updated documentation to reflect new api changes for logistic regression
      adds  bf2ee3c   updated prototype for logistic regression classifier
      adds  95ea09c   updated prototype for logistic regression classifier
      adds  b3b4e83   updated logistic regression definition
      adds  a9df50e   updated test for logistic regression
      adds  8995921   fixed white space in logistic regression classifier
      adds  aa35835   fixed white space in logistic regression prototype
      adds  7c97dbc   fixed indentation in logistic regression documentation
      adds  e4ef0e0   fixed indentation in logistic regression documentation
      adds  3622de2   updated mini_batch_size description for LogisticRegressionParams in documentation
      adds  e7f14f3   fixed missing semicolon in logistic regression documentation
      adds  65eb52a   removed default value from LogisticRegression constructor function definition
      adds  21de04b   fixed default constructor for LogisticRegression class declaration
      adds  f20db35   fixed logistic regression documentation warnings
      adds  ae02ece   removed a couple of unnecessary comments in Logistic Regression training method
      adds  d20b2a5   removed extra comments in train method
      adds  a238362   fixed warnings in type conversions
      adds  71770eb   Fixed ML module build after merge
      adds  3e26086   Reworked ML logistic regression implementation, initial version
      adds  4667e18   Updated logistic regression example
      adds  108caae   Modified logistic regression module according to comments
      adds  bfacad1   Merge pull request #3119 from mshabunin:logistic-regression
      adds  fa818d0   Changed twiddle buffer creation to use OCL buffer pool (if possible)
      adds  70679b4   Merge pull request #3121 from akarsakov:ocl_dft_opt
      adds  cf1ae35   Fixed getConversionInfo() for YUV2RGBA_* conversions
      adds  24163eb   Merge pull request #3122 from akarsakov:cvtcolor_perf_test_fix
      adds  1b0f0d7   Intel Summer School 2014 Switch branch to master. New IPP func - ippiCopy Conv: YUV2GRAY_420
      adds  8658aef   Merge pull request #3104 from dkanafeev:new_ipp_func_master
      adds  886319c   AKAZE fixes and tracking tutorial
      adds  a223479   Merge pull request #3099 from f-morozov:akaze_tutorial
      adds  04b2d9a   Fix color table
      adds  57a1343   Merge pull request #3133 from bmagyar:patch-1
      adds  6eb1426   First version Ransac (DOESN'T COMPILE)
      adds  e0c4936   Input/Output Arrays (DOES NOT COMPILE)
      adds  dd52d1b   New Ransac implementation WORKING
      adds  747c6a2   solvepnpransac() interface changed
      adds  ac8cce3   solvepnpransac() confidence added
      adds  b74cfe8   nothing
      adds  e395e03   Real Time Pose tutorial
      adds  ce07024   Updated solvePnPRansac()
      adds  ba5a8ee   Solvepnpransac() returns boolean
      adds  89246e1   Update Ransac documentation
      adds  a5d40d7   Test Run OK
      adds  9abcd88   Upate test ransac
      adds  fb67ab1   Initial DLS add
      adds  42ab7fd   dls() no compiles
      adds  40f6d32   last update
      adds  b1b9a29   Extracting Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
      adds  730fe9e   Hessian+ cayley2rotbar
      adds  48c4a79   DLS full algorithm compiling
      adds  a3f065c   DLS working
      adds  a4e21c8   Update DLS test
      adds  5f54a22   Update documentation for DLS
      adds  5980613   Update
      adds  9cad1df   Update C headers for DLS
      adds  5f35bed   Delete Debug functions
      adds  0427b70   Filtering solutions with imaginary part
      adds  4ddc6a4   Update for DLS test
      adds  b6b0c2a   MACRO for EIGEN libraries
      adds  0ac8475   Update tutorial
      adds  7334e54   Code tutorial
      adds  74e52df   Code tutorial
      adds  64c164c   Code tutorial
      adds  550e372   Code tutorial
      adds  be4c1af   Code tutorial
      adds  3b24aa2   Code tutorial
      adds  924e062   Code tutorial
      adds  319dbd2   Code tutorial
      adds  2848f43   Code tutorial
      adds  6f5876f   Code tutorial
      adds  9d18f5c   Code tutorial
      adds  b33a2f2   Code tutorial
      adds  31bec45   Code tutorial
      adds  38c2cc8   Code tutorial
      adds  b58979d   Code tutorial
      adds  94968c8   Code tutorial
      adds  6ff58f0   Code tutorial
      adds  69f1ee8   Code tutorial
      adds  4a86900   Added help()
      adds  85ccac2   Added help()
      adds  9a25cb0   Update some text
      adds  08e8f9c   Added some definitions
      adds  56704b5   Update tutorial
      adds  3e2a57f   Update for non Eigen users
      adds  a3e74ec   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  dfa3ccd   Update for Boost libraries
      adds  1727e0a   Update for Boost libraries
      adds  16e750d   Update for Boost libraries
      adds  23785fa   Update for NON BOOST libraries
      adds  55819ae   Tutorial code restructure
      adds  e3afc32   Removed whitespace
      adds  4447dbe   Removed whitespace
      adds  2353436   Removed whitespace
      adds  0d2bc9b   Removed whitespaces
      adds  7b0be9c   Update code
      adds  4330109   Update tutorial
      adds  57d2cb8   	deleted:    src/CsvReader.cpp 	deleted:    src/CsvReader.h 	deleted:    src/CsvWriter.cpp 	deleted:    src/CsvWriter.h 	deleted:    src/Mesh.cpp 	deleted:    src/Mesh.h 	deleted:    src/Model.cpp 	deleted:    src/Model.h 	deleted:    src/ModelRegistration.cpp 	deleted:    src/ModelRegistration.h 	deleted:    src/PnPProblem.cpp 	deleted:    src/PnPProblem.h 	deleted:    src/RobustMatcher.cpp 	deleted:    src/RobustMatcher.h 	deleted:    src/Utils.cpp 	deleted:    src [...]
      adds  ddf5c86   Added code
      adds  e14f91d   Update headers
      adds  d2665b6   Fixed warnings
      adds  2881f2a   Fixed warnings
      adds  f1b6809   Updated Utils functions
      adds  381574b   Modified cmake
      adds  837f001   update cmake
      adds  3a2cf37   fixed conflicts
      adds  8c08258   moved headers
      adds  e5a91a8   Modification Ransac model points
      adds  c07cd00   Multi class tutorial compilation
      adds  8b732e0   updated ransanc model
      adds  7d8a16a   remove unused tutorials
      adds  f8c5ace   modified number test points
      adds  3f5d3b2   video opening path modified
      adds  8c4b8cc   fixed warnings
      adds  7ecad71   fixed warnings
      adds  d09b404   tutorial update
      adds  80b4f99   bug fixed
      adds  bc250c2   bug fixed
      adds  9547110   Update tutorial
      adds  591355d   remove whitespaces
      adds  67eb6dd   warning removed
      adds  e2edfec   fixed white space
      adds  3780de9   test for DLS
      adds  2d26f60   test dls
      adds  213241c   DLS test update
      adds  c7f6c0c   Fixed warnings + RANSAC confidence to double
      adds  d7f0b9d   DLS test
      adds  b7a19a9   Removed Timer
      adds  6c8b11a   DLS test
      adds  90b3086   RANSAC test confidence 0.99
      adds  afdb67b   SOLVEPNP_* flags
      adds  cc81b4a   SOLVEPNP_* flags whitespace
      adds  2666da8   DLS perf update
      adds  dccc10f   DLS perf
      adds  d1f4f6f   DLS performance modifications
      adds  de2861e   DLS performance modifications
      adds  1dec164   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  12f8d80   removed old code
      adds  4a214c0   removed old code
      adds  7da9800   removed old headers
      adds  301ed34   removed old headers
      adds  3c3d695   Perf test update
      adds  620387f   Update perf_pnp && ransac model points
      adds  a37640c   Update perf_pnp.cpp
      adds  211a8d3   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/edgarriba/opencv
      adds  7e2bb63   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv
      adds  6ea73a5   updated dls perf test
      adds  2653d74   updated sanity data
      adds  15704c3   cleaned dls code
      adds  deec233   cleaned dls code
      adds  b2cd954   Merge pull request #3042 from edgarriba:master
      adds  6a6f24b   adding new ali's feature
      adds  5101a7f   replaced tabs by spaces
      adds  c45e645   Merge branch 'master' into tvl1_ali
      adds  f2e09d0   changed default value for gamma (now 0 -> no use of gamma)
      adds  afb9b95   performance issue when gamma=0
      adds  b66a131   added cuda support for chambolle parameter
      adds  1ea1caf   added modification on cudaoptflow/include/opencv2/cudaoptflow.hpp
      adds  3e577b0   removed legacy from cmake dependency removed legacy tests in cudaoptflow
      adds  3270731   Merge branch 'master' into tvl1_ali
      adds  693c4e5   debug of cuda_tvl1 => pass tests succesfully
      adds  4bd55c6   added comments and reference for Chambolle paper
      adds  062e1cb   edited documentation to take into account changes in TVL1
      adds  eb6c598   changed nullptr to NULL to avoid c++11 (failed to build on linux) replaces tabs with spaces
      adds  ca6fb27   removed some tabs
      adds  5c8e679   still a couple tabs and trailing whitespaces...
      adds  3d8e05d   documentation formatting
      adds  62fed8b   retry after failure to load from the build bot
      adds  df8f1a4   removed legacy header
      adds  5623701   performance issue for cuda TVL1 when gamma = 0
      adds  917107e   removed bm legacy
      adds  ae26368   Merge branch 'master' into cuda_concurrency
      adds  7b8bb42   Merge branch 'cuda_concurrency' into tvl1_chambolle
      adds  6594d52   Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/master' into tvl1_chambolle
      adds  fae69df   Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/master' into tvl1_chambolle
      adds  6207d33   merged new master branch changed tests for tvl1 optflow correction of a bug preventing compilation with cuda (fmin changed to fminf)
      adds  2f077fc   fixed failing test in opencv_video
      adds  44e04da   Merge pull request #2942 from ernest-galbrun:tvl1_chambolle
      adds  e09adc4   Clarified parameter useExtrinsicGuess in solvePnP
      adds  5afaa6b   Merge pull request #3129 from PhilLab:patch-2
      adds  cb0ab87   Fix arithmetic exception when pass an empty mat with IPP option on.
      adds  de2a8d3   Merge pull request #3135 from thorikawa:fix-arithmetic-exception-with-ipp
      adds  f38ebba   Build fix for NVIDIA Tegra optimizations integration.
      adds  d47a298   Merge pull request #3128 from asmorkalov:android_tegra_optimizations_build_fix
      adds  9a7673f   dummy commit
      adds  552bda9   Merge pull request #3146 from alalek:extra_for_pr3042
      adds  0ae89fe   AKAZE optimizations
      adds  1efc3cf   Merge pull request #3124 from f-morozov:optim_pr
      adds  e85e83f   handling namespaces on parsing functions submodule method tables generation
      adds  5ad7f99   function namespaces partially work
      adds  4a519a2   nested classes support
      adds  6d1c02f   unified namespace population with 'init_submodule'
      adds  e74cddf   put consts into python submodules maintain set of visited namespaces in CppHeaderParser WARNING: REMOVED const name conversion (SomeConstName -> SOME_CONST_NAME), discussion needed
      adds  c22dcb0   fixing warnings
      adds  c4c731c   fixing warnings keep old const names for compatibility
      adds  40d0f85   removing modules from blacklist
      adds  74c77d8   base class name resolution fixed find_obj.py
      adds  2a9e252   fix namespace conflicts (like cv::inpaint and cv::xphoto::inpaint) whitespace fix
      adds  c23d6b6   blacklisted 'tracking' due to some linking problem
      adds  b56933d   Merge pull request #3131 from znah:python_namespaces
      adds  d7a8166   Implementing *= operator. Implementing * in terms of it.
      adds  d3d9b53   Implementing division operators.
      adds  8fc1848   Simplifying arithmetic and comparison operator implementation.
      adds  703921e   Reverting pass-by-value changes to arithmetic operators.
      adds  17e8d51   Fixing uninitialized temporary.
      adds  0eb1c7e   Merge pull request #3127 from GravityJack:size-math-ops
      adds  6ca893b   Adding feature 1544 and 1557  -cv::findHomography added a parameter for RANSAC iterations  -cv::findHomography added a parameter for RANSAC confidence
      adds  7b2a1d1   Doc changes for feature changes 1544 and 1557
      adds  887a950   Merge pull request #3116 from shubhra:master
      adds  a218bdb   fix cmake ocv_add_samples for opencv_contrib/modules/bioinspired If a sample containing subdirs, a Cmake error will be raised, since the original code can only install FILES.
      adds  decebee   Merge pull request #3140 from braindevices:master
      adds  3d222d3   Fixed range for 'v' channel for 8U images
      adds  f624f92   Merge pull request #3142 from akarsakov:fix_cvtcolor_luv_rgb_master
      adds  5302e56   fix for ocl_morphSmall
      adds  7ad6b47   fixed ocl_boxFilter
      adds  e7539bd   Merge pull request #3144 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_morphSmall
      adds  1118a7d   Update tocDefinitions.rst
      adds  4b84d5d   Merge pull request #3139 from bmagyar:patch-2
      adds  9b11365   ORB.cl : fixed redefinition of val
      adds  3b59a10   Merge pull request #3153 from PhilLab:patch-3
      adds  92826a0   ORB crashed with no keypoints present
      adds  2211cfe   Merge pull request #3151 from PhilLab:orbNoKeypoints
      adds  30742d2   CUDA optical flow stubs: missing parameter
      adds  5301fe7   Merge pull request #3154 from PhilLab:patch-4
      adds  e95c33d   PnP solver: fixed element-wise access
      adds  b1d01dc   Merge pull request #3157 from PhilLab:pnpFix
      adds  2f46cf5   changed base types for cv::memopTypeToStr
      adds  6d253a2   Merge pull request #2921 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_memop
      adds  e75cd74   Optimize OpenCL version of Laplacian filter for kernel size great than 3
      adds  9ee0789   Fix issues
      adds  89605fa   Merge pull request #3155 from vbystricky:ocloptLaplacian
      adds  a0e4600   VideoCapture did not detect an unopened camera
      adds  7189112   Merge pull request #3152 from PhilLab:VideoCaptureFix
      adds  564a8ed   adapted all nonfree header inclusion since it doesn't exist anymore as a module
      adds  b5d073a   Merge pull request #3149 from StevenPuttemans:fix_nonfree_includes
      adds  d06c738   Doc: update video processing tutorial code for OpenCV v2.4.9 and v3a
      adds  2811d40   Merge pull request #3158 from arielelkin:master
      adds  3ae9515   Added double support for OCL version of DFT
      adds  a89ff40   Refactoring of OCL_FftPlan class
      adds  4d9d7e6   Merge pull request #3160 from akarsakov:ocl_dft_double_support
      adds  6ed168d   New optimization for canny
      adds  d668159   Merge pull request #3117 from KruchDmitriy:canny_opt
      adds  a350b76   optimization of cv::accumulate**
      adds  2c6b7a5   improved cv::ocl::predictOptimalVectorWidth
      adds  7017b12   used new stratehy in cv::accumulate**
      adds  b332152   Merge pull request #2956 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_accumulate
      adds  9dc5c58   Update py_setup_in_windows.rst
      adds  83a0f0d   Merge pull request #3162 from alekcac:fix_in_py_tutor
      adds  46b6a09   changed perf test for ocl_gemm
      adds  21f1a0e   Merge pull request #3161 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_perf_gemm
      adds  d27e440   continue fixing nonfree elements fixed dependency of stitching module on xfeatures2d module as optional fixed the initModule_xfeatures2d function that was called in module stitching since it is in another namespace than the standard cv one.
      adds  6ccb7e1   Merge pull request #3163 from StevenPuttemans:fix_nonfree_items
      adds  71ec614   attempt to fix compilation of OpenCL cv::transpose for AMD
      adds  4c404cb   Merge pull request #3172 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_transpose_amd
      adds  57fec2f   OCL: enable clAmdFftGetVersion
      adds  d4e6812   Added check AmdFft version to be sure that AmdFft binaries are available
      adds  4d474d4   Merge pull request #3171 from akarsakov:amd_fft_fix
      adds  e310add   Fixing Matx ostream operator
      adds  43c2c11   Merge pull request #3177 from PhilLab:patch-3
      adds  040ff79   don't use IPP on ARM
      adds  6abce51   Merge pull request #3176 from ilya-lavrenov:ipp_arm
      adds  491bf41   Disabled native_sqrt for double, since it may be not implemented and gives compilation error.
      adds  1f85ffa   Merge pull request #3166 from akarsakov:ocl_native_sqrt
      adds  eb3cb77   Fixes for compiling with CUDA 6.5
      adds  3e574cd   Merge pull request #3173 from rokm:cuda-6.5
      adds  31ac73c   fix for cv::memopTypeToStr
      adds  3bafe64   Merge pull request #3170 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_fix
      adds  acc2efa   updated links to the official OpenCV youtube channel
      adds  6c3dd49   Merge pull request #3179 from alekcac:update_in_youtube_url
      adds  c1032b6   remove structured_edge_detection.hpp from blacklist don't discard pure virtual methods in hdr_parser.py (was broken anyway)
      adds  a125cd6   Merge pull request #3169 from znah:py_wrap
      adds  ec827be   Changed check to NORM_RELATIVE for OCL.Mat_Scalar_Scale tests
      adds  7dd666e   Merge pull request #3181 from akarsakov:ocl_mul_scale_test_fix
      adds  8908b22   samples: gpu: removed softcascade example
      adds  e0c8721   samples: gpu: removed inclusion of non-existent opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp header, re-introduced TickMeter class in a separate header
      adds  5131177   samples: gpu: performance: remove inclusion of opencv2/legacy.hpp header
      adds  f739990   samples: gpu: performance: removed FGDStatModel performance comparison test
      adds  653bca8   samples: gpu: super_resolution: disable simple optical flow
      adds  fbf28bc   samples: gpu: performance: fix include path for opencv_xfeatures2d
      adds  db391fd   samples: gpu: performance: BackgroundSubtractorMOG is now part of opencv_bgsegm module
      adds  d9db950   samples: gpu: performance: SURF is now part of opencv_xfeatures2d
      adds  0fd21ba   Merge pull request #3174 from rokm:samples-fix
      adds  5d3a128   NEON impl on cv::convertScaleAba CV_32f
      adds  0276cc9   Merge pull request #3184 from ilya-lavrenov:arm
      adds  f57a4bf   Disabled minMaxIdx for 32FC1 since it occasionally fails on AMD devices (e.g. A10-6800K)
      adds  97ab91d   Merge pull request #3187 from akarsakov:ocl_disabled_minmaxidx
      adds  9fe11db   disabled IPP acceleration for 3-channel norms and for CV_8S only for APPLE
      adds  64a53de   Merge pull request #3185 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_norm
      adds  214dab3   Fixed BORDER_REFLECT and BORDER_REFLECT_101 extrapolation for case x > 2*maxV
      adds  a48c1c8   Added workaround for Nvidia: take into account that 3-channel vector type takes 4*elem_size in local memory.
      adds  07d57db   Fixed calculation of l_stack_size
      adds  ffd1df0   Merge pull request #3186 from akarsakov:ocl_fixes
      adds  7d91b8e   Removed redundant clFinish() after clEnqueueUnmapMemObject()
      adds  26c284b   Merge pull request #3167 from akarsakov:ocl_rm_clFinish
      adds  5f9d5c4   adding fourcc to VideoWriter docs
      adds  618c75f   Merge pull request #3182 from berak:videowriter_docfix_30
      adds  c942c65   Remove mul24 since id can be larger 2^23
      adds  eac4042   Merge pull request #3195 from akarsakov:ocl_rm_mul24
      adds  fb0c0ea   Fixed bad non-ASCII character in how_to_scan_images.cpp which causes a compile error
      adds  0b53ca2   Merge pull request #3192 from jkua:master
      adds  a8db3df   typo: rect -> roi
      adds  f03b11d   Merge pull request #3199 from apavlenko:fix_docs_typo
      adds  cc7aa58   Fixing documentation links
      adds  2e950eb   Merge pull request #3196 from PhilLab:patch-4
      adds  2c2cdcf   Changed cmake python library search startegy for crosscompiling
      adds  71edf1b   Merge pull request #3189 from mshabunin:python_cross_build
      adds  43714b9   disabling java bindings for xfeatures2d module due to build errors
      adds  b3bae17   Fixed java tests build
      adds  93c03ef   Fixed android java test build
      adds  c42424f   Fixed android samples build
      adds  39874ef   Fixed some failing java tests
      adds  79f593a   Merge pull request #3198 from mshabunin:java_test_fix
      adds  88aea1d   Stripped iCCP chunk from png files
      adds  ad9f9e2   Merge pull request #3213 from mshabunin:png_iccp_strip
      adds  56091ba   changing many instances of the same grammar error in documentation
      adds  8fe18fe   Merge pull request #3207 from jamoque:more-better-fixes
      adds  74827c3   fix for issue 3858 (remove unneeded #include's)
      adds  87f0010   Merge pull request #3203 from parafin:bug_3858-3.0
      adds  4d45a2c   XIMEA cam support: use correct library for 64 bit Linux
      adds  ed402c5   XIMEA cam support: allow on OS X too
      adds  8d61ecb   Merge pull request #3205 from parafin:ximea_unix-3.0
      adds  ac206cc   Visual Studio tutorial: updated library names
      adds  46718ca   Merge pull request #3209 from PhilLab:patch-5
      adds  d3ad269   fixed support for parallelised imshows with qt via the gui receiver.
      adds  e810f30   Merge pull request #3206 from stonier:parallel_qt
      adds  62c704d   Updated PnP parameter documentation
      adds  e5ab0ac   Merge pull request #3201 from PhilLab:patch-3
      adds  aeda3d2   [samples/pyhton] fix common {LINE->CV}_AA
      adds  f8254a1   Merge pull request #3200 from pierriko:master
      adds  37b1a75   first version of moving KDTree from core to ml
      adds  9ddb23e   first implementation KNearest wrapper on KDTree
      adds  5f3ee65   removed kdtree declaration from interface
      adds  dfaf75f   moving algorithm type to param
      adds  a6b29be   minor change: moved algorithm type to the end of params
      adds  4057e27   Merge pull request #3126 from avdmitry:move_KDTree_to_ml
      adds  3334c06   initial commit
      adds  5d4bd70   slight changes, theme become more similar with current
      adds  e7af509   different enhancements
      adds  e7b3a73   fixed all known issues
      adds  ad00e0d   tt & header background colors changed
      adds  65744cd   Merge pull request #3175 from avdmitry:modern_doc_theme
      adds  ad20fea   small corrections to applyColorMap docs
      adds  c445ce6   Merge pull request #3218 from berak:docfix_colormap_30
      adds  b0bf847   Optimization OpenCL version of Filter2D
      adds  4689426   Merge pull request #3208 from vbystricky:oclopt_Filter2D
      adds  68fe45b   Doc: Fixing indentation
      adds  9bba244   Merge pull request #3227 from PhilLab:patch-3
      adds  81b9be1   Fix implicit narrowing error in initializer list
      adds  550bd24   Merge pull request #3226 from whoshuu:patch-1
      adds  ee0da48   Feature based stitching's wave correction bugfix.
      adds  d14d4bc   Merge pull request #3215 from dmitrygribanov:dg/stitching-wave-correction-bugfix
      adds  3ea8be7   Several fixes for GStreamer support in OpenCV
      adds  38887e6   Code review fixes.
      adds  4a0364d   Merge pull request #3220 from asmorkalov:ocv_gstreamer
      adds  9ac0b06   Fix typo in error for extrinsic parameters
      adds  5884e40   Merge pull request #3229 from the-glu:master
      adds  aa4a80d   the samples from the main repository should not depend on modules from opencv_contrib
      adds  60a1cc3   Merge pull request #3231 from vpisarev:reenable_cpp_samples
      adds  0319120   fix: ippiFilterMedianBorder sometimes crash when doing in-place filtering
      adds  3bc174f   Merge pull request #3230 from znah:ipp_median_fix
      adds  66ed9dd   Added Ptr<T> support to Java wrappers
      adds  458bde5   Merge pull request #3180 from mshabunin:java_ptr_support
      adds  f610c88   extended python interface for KalmanFilter
      adds  1162f0e   fixed whitespaces
      adds  dc49e11   removed setter methods, replaced by CV_PROP_RW macro
      adds  c555278   Use vload to read unaligned data instead of dereference operator.
      adds  470f427   Merge pull request #3232 from Chuanbo-Weng:master
      adds  98e7d4c   changed optimal vector width for Intel
      adds  06e55dd   Merge pull request #2893 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_vector_width_intel
      adds  b5a4159   Add support for WinRT in the MF capture framework by removing the disallowed calls to enumerate devices and create a sample grabber sink and adding framework for the MediaCapture interface and a custom sink which interfaces with the sample grabber callback interface. The change requires discussion for making it completely functional as redundancy is required given that if the source is a video file, the old code pathways must be used. Otherwise all IMFMediaSession, I [...]
      adds  1578dd1   Merge pull request #2702 from GregoryMorse:patch-3
      adds  aa6ba14   make sure ptr<> is called with proper parameter, otherwise the assertion fails
      adds  d1afa0e   Merge pull request #3234 from vpisarev:fixed_photo_test_failure
      adds  0c988f0   Merge github.com:Itseez/opencv
      adds  d1fba06   Merge pull request #3233 from niebles:master
      adds  cff5e3e   Changed java tests detection procedure
      adds  2992e3a   Fixed android test detection and some spaces in CMakeLists.txt
      adds  892999c   Merge pull request #3237 from mshabunin:java_test_detection
      adds  5e3e438   Fix xfeatures2d dependencies
      adds  4889201   Merge pull request #3239 from mshabunin:xfeatures2d_fix
      adds  27b933b   Neon optimization of cv::sum
      adds  1c0b946   Merge pull request #3248 from ilya-lavrenov:arm_sum
      adds  515be70   Neon optimization of cv::convertScaleAbs
      adds  281ce44   Merge pull request #3250 from ilya-lavrenov:neon_convert_scale_abs
      adds  fb9bbf9   Adding division operators to `Point_` class.
      adds  f32a6fb   Adding element-wise division operators to Point3_ class.
      adds  c8ede7c   Updating documentation to reflect division operations.
      adds  7752483   Merge pull request #3252 from GravityJack:point-division
      adds  a419b64   Fixed GStreamer encoding pipeline frame drop for most cases.
      adds  aa57634   Fixed compatibility with GStreamer 1.x.
      adds  0518455   More accurate selection of color space conversion element for GStreamer 1.x
      adds  ecbec72   Merge pull request #3253 from asmorkalov:ocv_gstreamer2
      adds  5d018c0   Neon optimization of cv::scaleAdd (CV_32F)
      adds  d7418fc   Merge pull request #3259 from ilya-lavrenov:neon_scale_add_f32
      adds  450734c   Correction of the integer data treated as floating point data bug, already corrected in the 2.4 branch.
      adds  541b627   Merge pull request #3257 from Atanahel:gbt_bugfix_master
      adds  6337fd0   Support of bioinspired contrib module wrapping
      adds  0d7b44d   Java wrappers now support nested namespaces and classes
      adds  1205941   Merge pull request #3249 from mshabunin:java_wrap
      adds  4b3f2c1   Neon optimization of Mat::convertTo
      adds  345b136   correct neon rounding
      adds  047abb0   Merge pull request #3258 from ilya-lavrenov:neon_convert
      adds  6ad3427   Fixed compilation errors under VS 2010 and Win 7
      adds  25cf516   Fix linking error under Win 7 - do not import MinCore_Downlevel.lib if target is Win 7 or earlier.
      adds  7c00b17   Fixed MSMF video capture initialization
      adds  8f334b4   Fixed assertion warning in MSMF frame grabber
      adds  b91bd67   Fixed MSMF file capture error while opening the file containing unsupported video stream format
      adds  302b138   CMake configuration for MSMF capture
      adds  01a883d   Merge pull request #3267 from a-wi:MSMF_capture_fixes_v3
      adds  8d95c91   set ffmpeg mutex to NULL on destruction.
      adds  f187fd9   Merge pull request #3271 from mgeorg:reset_ffmpeg_mutex
      adds  cc6e6aa   Fixed query of basic VideoCapture properties. Added tests for them.
      adds  1525105   Fixed compatibility with GStreamer 1.x
      adds  23456d6   Added test on CAP_PROP_FRAMECOUNT option for cv::VideoCapture
      adds  e6f653a   Merge pull request #3269 from asmorkalov:ocv_gstreamer3
      adds  655b22e   Fixed CMake issue with FFMPEG videoio configuration
      adds  34533dc   Use FFMPEG capture only if HAVE_FFMPEG flag is defined.
      adds  148e64d   Merge pull request #3277 from a-wi:CMake_FFMPEG_config_v3
      adds  4880dd0   Added performance test for OCL version of HoughLines and HoughLinesP
      adds  4d63362   Merge pull request #3278 from akarsakov:ocl_houghlines_perf_test
      adds  a758073   Optimize OpenCL version function BackgroundSubstractionMOG2
      adds  7e8846b   Merge pull request #3223 from vbystricky:oclopt_BgSubMOG2
      adds  5d0467e   Update CMakeLists.txt
      adds  d391a6d   Also test for target.
      adds  9d13c7b   Move cmake config files too on non-windows hosts.
      adds  b8457be   Merge pull request #3216 from xantares:patch-1
      adds  3a0b375   Remove ATL dependency from MSMF capture code.
      adds  478dd01   Merge pull request #3293 from a-wi:MSMF_remove_ATL_dependency_v3
      adds  c87af33   Documentation fix on py_tutorials
      adds  21a2768   Merge pull request #3304 from eltermann:master
      adds  8c08714   Remove two "set" kernel call
      adds  3695a31   Combined counter and corner buffers into one
      adds  14d5358   Merge pull request #3210 from akarsakov:ocl_gftt_opt
      adds  56fcc41   bugfix #3945 pass idx,idx1 by reference instead of static vars
      adds  ac730d9   Merge pull request #3312 from berak:b_3945_30
      adds  dfff9a8   Added OCL performance test for YUV2RGB_IYUV, YUV2GRAY_420, RGB2YUV_IYUV, YUV2RGB_YUY2, YUV2GRAY_YUY2 color conversion modes
      adds  4f48a05   Merge pull request #3317 from akarsakov:ocl_cvtcolor_perf_tests
      adds  1d28035   Add code for print errors of OpenCL kernels runing
      adds  f238c69   Merge pull request #3321 from vbystricky:oclShowRunErrors
      adds  75601cc   small change in description for Gemm
      adds  0c1b405   Merge pull request #3320 from ElenaGvozdeva:gemm_doc
      adds  7cb3f3d   change remaining c-api CV_ prefixes in constants
      adds  bc7ab6c   Merge pull request #3302 from berak:doc_fix_constants_30
      adds  92efe45   update gen_javadoc prints to python3 syntax fixed #3768
      adds  6fa6e3d   Merge pull request #3301 from MC-Escherichia:fix_gen_javadoc_py_prints
      adds  ee68354   Exposing the FAST detector threshold for ORB
      adds  9575a82   Merge pull request #3299 from felixendres:orb_keypoint_detector_threshold
      adds  4c08581   opencv_version
      adds  263fd81   Merge pull request #3245 from avdmitry:hello_opencv_sample
      adds  5c1f71d   Added make_point_list kernel
      adds  038bfb9   Added fill_accum kernel
      adds  f7aadd0   Added getLines, fill_accum_local kernels
      adds  6b6c7cc   Added accuracy tests with real and generated data
      adds  fee8f29   Refactoring, minor optimization
      adds  d59a6fa   Optimization for getLines
      adds  39b27a1   Refactoring and optimization
      adds  eaf5a16   Added HoughLinesP OCL implementation
      adds  66a8acf   Optimization for HoughLinesP
      adds  397870d   Merge pull request #3279 from akarsakov:ocl_houghlines
      adds  2411556   fix photo::cloning::IlluminationChange when IPP is used
      adds  037f27c   change masking to patchNaNs
      adds  ca5e73a   Merge pull request #3283 from abak:fix-cloning-illumination-change-noipp
      adds  a8169f0   Used checking norm of results for LPSolver accuracy tests
      adds  f6b1c2a   Merge pull request #3324 from akarsakov:fix_lpsolver_tests
      adds  00f16e9   neon
      adds  a391611   Merge pull request #3254 from ilya-lavrenov:neon_scale_add
      adds  de0b46a   Fixed selecting media type in DShow video capture.
      adds  efd237b   Fixed media type guid for I420 in DShow capture.
      adds  c54928e   Fixed getting CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC property value
      adds  ec93d10   Refactored code responsible for printing debug messages in DShow video capture module to reduce footprint in Release mode.
      adds  b4c3f46   Merge pull request #3325 from a-wi:Dshow_capture_v3
      adds  faf91a4   imrpoved output of warp test in case of failure
      adds  c37acef   Merge pull request #3328 from ilya-lavrenov:warp_tests
      adds  71f4894   Added UPNP flag
      adds  84475ef   UPNP code for N=1
      adds  a5b3a20   Add UPNP case + Modify model_points
      adds  7429454   Add UPNP acc_test and perf_test
      adds  ea893bf   Updating UPNP documentation
      adds  7520544   Return the estimated focal length
      adds  dc76ca5   Updating documentation
      adds  d6bf209   Updating for N=2
      adds  4d54f35   Updating documentation
      adds  72fb85f   Removing whitespaces
      adds  f328f9a   Removing whitespaces
      adds  862b675   Updating sanity check
      adds  71dd9a6   Updating sanity check
      adds  1709421   Updating sanity check
      adds  2494e02   Updating upnp sanity heck
      adds  f317d12   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  88aed15   Removing windows compilation crashes
      adds  022ec10   Removing windows compilation crashes
      adds  9698cc9   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/edgarriba/opencv
      adds  4071c4e   Updating to c++ interfaces
      adds  8b7c0a7   Merge pull request #3308 from edgarriba:master
      adds  797143d   extending stitching module for Java and Python bindings
      adds  1edefac   Merge pull request #3276 from asmorkalov:abidrk/pyStitching
      adds  d30ce2b   canny
      adds  12001a4   corners
      adds  c0b702a   cv::resize area 2x
      adds  4dd6148   cv::resize 16uc1
      adds  6377f5a   fixed warps accuracy tests
      adds  b4fc87c   cv::remap
      adds  09fbc78   cv::threshold
      adds  d090fcf   cv::moments (CV_8UC1)
      adds  857a2d5   cv::addWeighted
      adds  74e60e4   cv::compare
      adds  e46332a   cv::Mat::convertTo with scale and shift
      adds  34a571d   cv::Mat::dot
      adds  44ea50f   cv::countNonZero
      adds  f50f0ba   cv::norm
      adds  bbc161e   fix for cv::Mat::convertTo with scale
      adds  1c491c4   fix for cornerHarris
      adds  8e1ccfa   cv::boxFilter
      adds  81548a3   cv::medianBLur
      adds  a3e5611   cv::multiply
      adds  be3efdf   cv::sum refactoring
      adds  af6a64d   cv::accumulate functions
      adds  6f05a25   optimization of cv::CLAHE (~3x)
      adds  a54f6bb   cv::cvtColor
      adds  28ee84b   cv::cvtColor (BGR[A]2RGB[A])
      adds  b9f57bd   cv::cvtColor (RGB5x52RGB)
      adds  a84c4ac   cv::cvtColor (RGBRGB5x5)
      adds  f91e461   cv::cvtColor (RGB5x52Gray)
      adds  eb3046f   cv::cvtColor (Gray2RGB5x5)
      adds  8d367d4   cv::cvtColor (HSV2RGB CV_8U)
      adds  c173d9f   cv::cvtColor (RGB2HLS CV_8U)
      adds  71c3e67   cv::cvtColor (HLS2RGB CV_8U)
      adds  06461b4   cv::cvtColor (Lab2BGR CV_8U)
      adds  1c1c41d   cv::cvtColor (Luv2RGB CV_8U)
      adds  7166b7b   cv::cvtColor (RGB2Luv CV_8U)
      adds  48a9905   cv::pyrDown
      adds  00b8f0d   cv::pyrUp
      adds  183e378   cv::resize (INTER_LINEAR && INTER_CUBIC)
      adds  4babecf   fixes for cv::addWeighted and cv::Mat::dot
      adds  5f23d99   the rest modes of cv::Mat::convertTo
      adds  af04a85   fixes for cv::accumulate**
      adds  a798386   Merge pull request #3326 from ilya-lavrenov:neon_canny
      adds  3b250d6   this is trivial change; the main change is in opencv_extra - added regression data for perf tests
      adds  83ef276   Merge pull request #3330 from vpisarev:fix_upnp_perf
      adds  69c82b4   ability to compile for iOS with Neon
      adds  18ef0cf   Merge pull request #3335 from ilya-lavrenov:neon_ios
      adds  96cd0d8   Update tutorials.rst
      adds  968fe91   Merge pull request #3333 from micha137:patch-1
      adds  67b2380   Update table_of_content_introduction.rst
      adds  a10a727   Merge pull request #3334 from micha137:patch-2
      adds  ae81006   Applied proposed fix
      adds  b30ad42   Merge pull request #3270 from boaz001:patch-1
      adds  c54ef78   fixes
      adds  4525a5f   Merge pull request #3338 from ilya-lavrenov:ios_fixes
      adds  45958ea   Implementation detector and selector for IPP and OpenCL;
      adds  af1d29d   Merge pull request #3332 from lupustr3:pvlasov/implementation_detector
      adds  2e91502   yet another attempt to refactor features2d; the first commit, features2d does not even compile
      adds  09df1a2   OpenCV with the refactored features2d compiles! contrib is broken for now; the tests are not tried yet
      adds  06d4aa6   now all the samples and opencv_contrib compile!
      adds  162384a   fixed several test failures; currently 9 out of 73 tests fail
      adds  01d3848   all the tests now pass except for MSER
      adds  fa76c63   ok; all the tests now pass
      adds  9c9ecc2   fixed opencv_java build
      adds  d36b546   trying to fix strange compiler bug
      adds  1176d4e   fixed some more compile errors and test failures
      adds  54e6559   fixed error in OpenCL ORB
      adds  1796a26   yet another attempt to refactor features2d; the first commit, features2d does not even compile
      adds  5e667ee   OpenCV with the refactored features2d compiles! contrib is broken for now; the tests are not tried yet
      adds  d017faa   now all the samples and opencv_contrib compile!
      adds  97a5dd0   fixed several test failures; currently 9 out of 73 tests fail
      adds  c5261ea   all the tests now pass except for MSER
      adds  25a7d02   ok; all the tests now pass
      adds  61cddd8   fixed opencv_java build
      adds  48a860a   trying to fix strange compiler bug
      adds  c422bdc   fixed some more compile errors and test failures
      adds  c5292c2   fixed error in OpenCL ORB
      adds  f6f839e   trying to resolve the merge conflict
      adds  cc11a8d   Merge branch 'refactor_features2d_take4' of https://github.com/vpisarev/opencv into refactor_features2d_take4
      adds  1a809ca   fixed msvc compile warning
      adds  8d9e619   fixed opencv_world build
      adds  3f37e03   another fix in opencv_world
      adds  4038beb   fixed incorrect array access in solvepnp (which affected debug builds only)
      adds  22ff1e8   Merge pull request #3339 from vpisarev:refactor_features2d_take4
      adds  cb95d1d   viz: fixed memory leak
      adds  c45d264   Merge pull request #3347 from Nerei:memory_leak_in_viz_opencv30
      adds  11ebaf6   fix warning in template Scalar::mul gcc < 4.8
      adds  e4418e1   Merge pull request #3345 from D-Alex:master
      adds  d2b9dc5   quickly corrected the previous refactoring of features2d: moved from set(SOME_PROP, val) to setSomeProp(val)
      adds  b37a641   fixed bug in automatic SVM training
      adds  dcee883   fixed MSVC warnings and iOS framework compile error
      adds  55f4904   Merge pull request #3348 from vpisarev:refactor_algorithms2
      adds  f379bcc   Suppressed some iOS framework compilation warnings
      adds  630eddf   Extracted repeated cmake instruction block
      adds  420737e   Fixing iOS clang warnings, part 1
      adds  d3821e8   Forgotten punctuation
      adds  ef3d022   Fixing iOS clang warnings, part 2
      adds  571ebb2   Fixing iOS clang warnings, part 3
      adds  276bed3   final fix
      adds  926b64f   Merge pull request #3292 from mshabunin:fix-ios-warnings
      adds  dcbe797   Include strsafe.h to compile successfully under MinGW in Debug mode.
      adds  d767c9d   Merge pull request #3349 from a-wi:DShow_Strsafe_header_v3
      adds  c5a1650   Refactoring in gen_java.py script
      adds  4de9605   Merge pull request #3344 from mshabunin:java_automation
      adds  3787388   Optimize OpenCL version of BFMatcher
      adds  322593e   Merge pull request #3256 from vbystricky:oclopt_BFMatcher
      adds  070e5ec   Changed predictOptimalVectorWidth function, now it is possible to choose vector size.
      adds  54b59c3   Merge pull request #3355 from ElenaGvozdeva:predictOptimalVectorWidth
      adds  8dd213c   BackgroundSubtractorMOG2, learningRate=0 optimization
      adds  e40567e   Merge pull request #3352 from alucarded:BackgroundSubtractorMOG2_optimization
      adds  579a7ff   ocl: restore clFinish() in unmap() for AMD devices
      adds  63383ef   Merge pull request #3368 from alalek:amd_clfinish
      adds  21ad8e9   Optimize OpenCL version of StereoBM function Fix problems on NVidia devices.
      adds  caba92f   Merge pull request #3284 from vbystricky:oclopt_stereoBM
      adds  8ab6852   added performance validation check
      adds  1fbad26   Merge pull request #3342 from alalek:perf_stability_check
      adds  3a263c6   Added tests for Image2D
      adds  237cb93   Added extra checks to ocl::Image2D
      adds  1f08d8c   Merge pull request #3367 from akarsakov:ocl_image2d
      adds  8466911   Move _dst.create() to the begining of scaleAdd function
      adds  dee5659   Merge pull request #3369 from vbystricky:fix_scaleAdd
      adds  62d4393   Small optimization for buildMaps kernels in case rowsPerWI > 1
      adds  0aab779   Overload PlaneWarper::buildMaps method from base class
      adds  ebfaf4c   Added checking that z is non zero to buildWarpPlaneMaps kernel
      adds  30222c7   Merge pull request #3359 from akarsakov:ocl_buildMaps
      adds  7452eef   Correctly enable OpenCL mode in tapi's hog example.
      adds  2b52bb0   Update hog.cpp
      adds  fae2eb8   Merge pull request #3353 from Chuanbo-Weng:master
      adds  967a887   Don't process empty src image in GFTT
      adds  4a9cfbf   Merge pull request #3379 from akarsakov:gftt_empty_src
      adds  d78bc3c   naive implementation
      adds  2d89df1   use local memory
      adds  c5a2879   use vectors
      adds  65b8a1c   Some small fixes
      adds  d88fdd0   use LOCAL_SIZE+1
      adds  efebd83   Merge pull request #3159 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_gemm
      adds  a8aa638   Optimize OpenCL version of conversScaleAbs function
      adds  fd59551   Merge pull request #3354 from vbystricky:oclopt_convertScaleAbs
      adds  85b60ee   Added support for YUV2RGB[A]_NV21 and YUV2BGR[A]_NV21 conversion
      adds  1cc17a7   Added OCL code for YUV2BGR_YV12 and YUV2BGR_IYUV color conversions
      adds  8c91604   Added OCL code for YUV2GRAY_420 color conversion
      adds  c8707b8   Added OCL code for RGB[A]|BGR[A] -> YUV_[YV12|IYUV] color conversion
      adds  5aa9ac9   Added OCL code for YUV422 -> RGB[A]|BGR[A] color conversion
      adds  6036790   Used direct float calculations
      adds  1466621   Added loading 4 pixels in line instead of 2 to RGB[A] -> YUV(420) kernel
      adds  643c906   Added optimized loading to YUV2RGB_422 kernel
      adds  cae89a7   Merge pull request #3318 from akarsakov:ocl_cvtcolor
      adds  e85ae5f   Fixed imgcodecs tests
      adds  071e78d   Disabled videoio_video_prop_fps test
      adds  e19a12f   Merge pull request #3361 from mshabunin:fix-drawing
      adds  ba5f343   Basic doxygen documentation support
      adds  dce629d   Merge pull request #3343 from mshabunin:doxygen-docs
      adds  0a3aab2   improved cloning test
      adds  ed0eb13   improve decolor tests
      adds  63715a8   fix regressiont ests npr
      adds  2f046ae   fix grayscale loading
      adds  e8c2f2e   constness
      adds  1f6acc2   adds header guards + move impl to proper file
      adds  33c15d6   rename stuff, adds logging and replace shitty else if chain by switch
      adds  b3ddc2b   refactor array_product
      adds  89be83e   rename variables
      adds  d46c466   remove useless buffers
      adds  61fe623   backport bug fix
      adds  a361cc9   remove some more useless buffers and rename a bunch of variables
      adds  a14bfb3   remove logging
      adds  b04d069   replace double* by vector<double>
      adds  47b01be   replace 8 loops by 2
      adds  e46810e   this has been submitted to the daily wtf
      adds  ed9f6a3   simplify a line
      adds  89e7860   replace double by float
      adds  c690164   replace implementation of dst
      adds  53f4f06   remove debugging code
      adds  11d89ad   coding guidelines
      adds  0f0bda9   factor conditional save
      adds  c6ffa50   remove useless includes
      adds  1c75fa7   norm -> cvtest::norm
      adds  d2719ea   change numerical precision because of architecture discrepancy
      adds  980496b   remove useless include
      adds  5a16de2   .size().width -> cols
      adds  df312a4   at<> -> ptr<>
      adds  4a5ea85   another useless include
      adds  6bfea73   move calls to ptr<>
      adds  b450463   refactor poisson_solver
      adds  4194506   remove unnecessary buffer copies
      adds  cb76d00   precalculate indices
      adds  ee210af   white space
      adds  5c98209   whitespaces
      adds  53d11f4   whitespace
      adds  9972059   suppress warnings
      adds  82a5ff8   fix warnings in samples
      adds  5442de7   adjust numerical precision for windows build
      adds  d052d86   Merge pull request #3315 from abak:seamless-refactor
      adds  21227ba   Fixed calc_output_scale with NO_OUTPUT_SCALE flag set.
      adds  c4906c7   Merge pull request #3388 from bartaandras:master
      adds  c2cb3b5   support older gcc versions
      adds  72419c3   Merge pull request #3373 from berak:patch-2
      adds  85a814f   VResizeLinearVec_32s8u
      adds  46faf59   cv::warpAffine
      adds  7e6fb66   cv::pyrUp
      adds  fb97273   cv::phase; cv::cartToPolar
      adds  d5f006e   cv::magnitude; cv::corner**
      adds  ccdc712   cv::polarToCart
      adds  5ca25ab   cv::pow (integer power)
      adds  4ed696d   cv::compareHist (CV_COMP_INTERSECT)
      adds  1b01e1f   cv::resize (INTER_AREA CV_16S, CV_32F)
      adds  a4dd216   cv::resize (INTER_LANCZOS4)
      adds  15af3f7   fixes in VResizeLinearVec_32s8u
      adds  8d03831   fixes for cv::warpAffine
      adds  aa11e10   removed saturation from pyramids
      adds  1fe5441   cv::convertMaps
      adds  5efad37   Merge pull request #3384 from ilya-lavrenov:neon_new
      adds  957e5ef   Fix OpenCL version of HoughLinesP function
      adds  7de4e04   Merge pull request #3390 from vbystricky:fix_houghlines
      adds  9cd08c6   add V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24 convert code
      adds  91a8ea5   Merge pull request #3387 from YusukeSuzuki:cap_v4l_rgb24fix
      adds  539acaf   OpenCVConfig.cmake: Fix CMake CMP0012 warning
      adds  46ac004   Merge pull request #3377 from jlblancoc:master
      adds  1007c06   initial commit
      adds  ec03d6e   removed cpp/tutorial_code/images/
      adds  55c799a   fixed warnings in documents
      adds  7134865   fixed display_image tutorial sample
      adds  c91b0e7   Merge pull request #3217 from avdmitry:samples_cpp_data
      adds  e1bb844   Fix cudafeatures2d and cudastereo with new 3.0 APIs for ORB and StereoBM
      adds  914b78b   Updated ORB test with parameters
      adds  e181c76   Updated test_features2d.cpp with latest API change
      adds  da6898f   Merge pull request #3389 from blackibiza84:master
      adds  5b1fd73   Add Triangle thresholding algorithm
      adds  4046f03   Make Otsu and Triangle algorithms mutually exclusive
      adds  1d804bc   Merge pull request #3360 from mirab:threshold_triangle
      adds  4eb1612   ocl: change processing of OpenCL failures
      adds  cf0cc00   Merge pull request #3391 from alalek:ocl_failure_messages
      adds  83ccdab   Add test for calib3d function decomposeProjectionMatrix(...)
      adds  5044e0f   Merge pull request #3372 from pokeefe:add-test-for-projection-decomposition
      adds  462c3c2   Removed incorrect using of rootn() and powr() in ocl_pow
      adds  ff095bb   Merge pull request #3396 from akarsakov:ocl_pow_fix
      adds  5d21358   update IPPICV package
      adds  1c9f590   IPPICV: disable NormDiff_L1_16s_C1R for IPP/ICV 8.2/8.2.1
      adds  58e054a   IPPICV: disable boxFilter 16SC1/16UC1 (performance)
      adds  f50f249   Merge pull request #3138 from alalek:icv_update
      adds  7dd059c   fixed test for ocl WarpAffine
      adds  1abc269   Merge pull request #3397 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_WarpAffine_test
      adds  0692bf5   Fix HoughLines crashes (Bug #3959).
      adds  573be75   Merge pull request #3392 from wangyan42164:houghlines_bug_fix
      adds  f83a76c   add input paramter checking that verifies the existance of the input files to stero_match example
      adds  5de5f26   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  9e3a2cb   check input paramter by checking the image size
      adds  e4fa217   remove the unnecessary header file
      adds  fe4e191   Merge pull request #3357 from briansp2020:master
      adds  0ec0aeb   Minor optimization for ocl_canny
      adds  7c87001   Correctly unrolled some cycles
      adds  569a95e   Merge pull request #3394 from akarsakov:ocl_canny
      adds  7c8789d   fixed my_umat(roi).clone() test by disabling poorly aligned ROI's. Real fix of the problem will require a separate branch in UMat::copyTo().
      adds  9b13b07   Merge pull request #3400 from vpisarev:fixed_umat_test_crash
      adds  80a985c   fixed path to the checkerboard image
      adds  47838a4   Merge pull request #3402 from vpisarev:fixed_python_tests
      adds  d58cadc   moved cv::partition from private.hpp to operations.hpp, to expose the function to users
      adds  4f2aeef   Merge pull request #3403 from vpisarev:moved_partition
      adds  2981ee0   OpenNI2: prevent failure of setVideoMode() call with invalid parameters
      adds  2e05f1e   openni_capture sample: enable OpenNI2 if available
      adds  34f23b5   Merge pull request #3404 from alalek:openni2_patch
      adds  ed55d13   PnPRansacCallback::computeError: fix count in case of Nx3 matrices
      adds  60cacbf   solvePnPRansac: fix mask generation
      adds  a181835   Merge pull request #3405 from D-Alex:master
      adds  ae4cb57   Set status to beta
      adds  6550cb2   Merge tag '3.0.0-beta'
      adds  701d238   fixed doc
      adds  bea86de   Merge pull request #3408 from ilya-lavrenov:doc_fix
      adds  28103ad   Fix Cuda -Wl linker options
      adds  77be6d6   Merge pull request #3410 from mgharbi:master
      adds  184b6e3   Fix canny segment fault (Bug #3978)
      adds  23a81c0   Merge pull request #3407 from wangyan42164:canny_bug_fix
      adds  7127634   Mod: Open header files with `io.open` for Python 2/3 compatibility.
      adds  4763d80   Merge pull request #3406 from shiquanwang:Fix-bug-#4003_build-python-binding-under-python3
      adds  a8b4c99   Improve the performance of fast_nlmeans_denoising_opencl.
      adds  a16a11f   Merge pull request #3413 from wangyan42164:denoising_opencl_improvement
      adds  1189606   fix gpu performance sample compilation
      adds  d4db780   Merge pull request #3415 from jet47:fix-gpu-perf-sample
      adds  6aa7a86   Doxygen documentation for core module
      adds  4b97e8c   Merge pull request #3399 from mshabunin:doxygen-core
      adds  2894433   updated linux installation documentation
      adds  986878a   Merge pull request #3422 from avdmitry:install_doc_update
      adds  323c922   Use OPENNI2_INCLUDE64 environment variable. (Set on windows with install from http://structure.io/openni).
      adds  a9a45e1   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into daniel
      adds  d48e0a0   Merge pull request #3424 from dsjolie:daniel
      adds  799646e   Typos in CMake
      adds  3234860   Merge pull request #3431 from PhilLab:patch-3
      adds  1744098   silence cmake 3.0+ warnings on LOCATION attribute
      adds  f4ba8b1   Add cv::setWindowTitle to highgui
      adds  7ed5284   Merge pull request #3432 from taka-no-me:wintitle
      adds  b3a60b9   Documentation fix on py_tutorials/py_feature2d
      adds  b009e8d   Merge pull request #3411 from eltermann:master
      adds  8340e31   Fixed OS X compilation error in window_cocoa.mm
      adds  ba9bc2d   Merge pull request #3409 from fish2000:patch-1
      adds  aad98e5   Remove redundant -mfpu=neon flag.
      adds  15952d7   Merge pull request #3436 from oresths:compiler_option
      adds  a7757b0   Fix anchor for small symmetrical column filters.
      adds  73ba435   Merge pull request #3435 from oresths:filter_anchor_fix
      adds  6e70505   Optimize pyrUp_unrolled() by mad function.
      adds  50c9367   Merge pull request #3451 from wangyan42164:ocl_pyrup_unrolled
      adds  3fa0278   Make Ctrl+S open save dialog on Windows
      adds  88f67ce   Merge pull request #3466 from taka-no-me:ctrl_s_win
      adds  c52a3f7   Update py_colorspaces.rst
      adds  2dd438c   Merge pull request #3457 from burun:patch-1
      adds  b14f7c9   bug fix for a crash when input image is small
      adds  6b0952b   Merge pull request #3464 from asuwend1:master
      adds  123ca7e   Parallize building kmeans index in flann
      adds  180e54d   - Use cv::Mutex to safely update converged flag - Use cv::AutoBuffer rather than new allocation - Fix "assignment operator could not be generated" warning
      adds  553bb79   Fix "assignment operator could not be generated" warnings
      adds  7106d3e   Merge pull request #3458 from thorikawa:kmeans-index-parallel
      adds  44f629f   fix gpu sample performance test cpu part
      adds  2f4c11b   Merge pull request #3467 from Dikay900:fix_gpu_surf_perf_test_cpu_part
      adds  6d78cfc   Fix compilation when building without the Video I/O module.
      adds  d368a7c   Merge pull request #3446 from pokeefe:fix-compilation-without-videoio
      adds  555fdf8   Documenting imgproc module
      adds  02f4f2f   Merge pull request #3426 from mshabunin:doxygen-imgproc
      adds  4ff8a3a   Fix incorrect size computation
      adds  aadab03   Merge pull request #3452 from Dmitry-Me:fixIncorrectSizeComputation
      adds  303868b   Fixed variable name consistency
      adds  1f43999   Merge pull request #3428 from 23pointsNorth:patch-6
      adds  c669b7e   Simplify overengineered code
      adds  bf5ff7f   Merge pull request #3470 from Dmitry-Me:simplifyOverengineeredCode
      adds  41afe54   Fix determining bounding box of the edge collection in FillEdgeCollection().
      adds  726ed26   Merge pull request #3469 from a-wi:Fill_ellipse_arc_v3
      adds  8c919ed   samples: gpu: fix include of TickMeter
      adds  46858c4   Merge pull request #3463 from Dikay900:fix_sample_video_writer
      adds  dcae769   Doxygen documentation for: highgui, video, imgcodecs and videoio
      adds  c5a698f   Doxygen documentation: calib3d and features2d modules
      adds  8e9ea0e   Doxygen doucmentation: ml module
      adds  472c210   Doxygen documentation: flann, photo and stitching modules
      adds  ceb6e8b   Doxygen documentation: cuda
      adds  9d89f8d   Doxygen documentation: shape, superres, videostab
      adds  397bf7f   Doxygen documentation: viz
      adds  6dcafe0   Doxygen documentation: cuda submodules reorganized
      adds  f9a83c2   Doxygen documentation: mathbbm support
      adds  1523fdc   Doxygen documentation: more fixes and cleanups
      adds  03e213c   Doxygen documentation: BiB references and fixes
      adds  f61db41   Merge pull request #3453 from mshabunin:doxygen-others
      adds  e88bf2b   Updated Documentation (HoughCircles)
      adds  be5c910   Merge pull request #3443 from HelenWong:bug3363Fix
      adds  1c9f956   Remove unnecesary operations and calculations in loop body.
      adds  1252e87   Merge pull request #3482 from wangyan42164:ocl_brute_match_improve
      adds  2df606f   Use sincos instead of sin and cos.
      adds  893deb4   Merge pull request #3483 from wangyan42164:ocl_orb_improve
      adds  8437914   Python test: added options to provide local data path
      adds  bada364   Merge pull request #3481 from mshabunin:python-test
      adds  bcca34b   Fixed typo in description of Rect operations
      adds  ef53453   Merge pull request #3478 from akarsakov:rect_fix_typo
      adds  146d662   White space and spelling in meanshift tutorial
      adds  e0ab007   Merge pull request #3475 from fhsm:master
      adds  cb04965   Prevent division by zero
      adds  ef347f4   Merge pull request #3472 from Dmitry-Me:preventDivByZero
      adds  fac99de   It turns opengl gheck is not needed for win ctrl+s
      adds  05bc48e   Make Ctrl+S open save dialog on Gtk backend
      adds  0a4c616   Merge pull request #3487 from taka-no-me:ctrl_s_gtk
      adds  2d8c89c   Remove unnecessary kercn limitation of 4.
      adds  0f7721e   Merge pull request #3486 from Chuanbo-Weng:repeat-perf
      adds  f269828   Reduce variables scope, move declaration to first use point
      adds  10dc5a3   Merge pull request #3492 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariablesScope1
      adds  220f671   Doxygen tutorials: some fixes in RST-docs
      adds  8375182   Doxygen tutorials: basic structure
      adds  c553653   Doxygen tutorials: warnings cleared
      adds  36a04ef   Doxygen tutorials: cpp done
      adds  875f922   Doxygen tutorials: python basic
      adds  812ce48   Doxygen tutorials: python final edits
      adds  4ccbd44   User guide converted to doxygen
      adds  d3beb75   Doxygen tutorials: support contrib, some minor changes
      adds  6d282dd   Documentation: removed mention of Mat(IplImage*) constructor
      adds  ecfd056   Fixed whitespace warnings in new tutorials
      adds  2537858   Merge pull request #3479 from mshabunin:doxygen-tutorials
      adds  9582c33   Fix build for Android arm64-v8a
      adds  fed1b3f   Merge pull request #3495 from taka-no-me:fix_android_arm64
      adds  006384e   highgui: Support to change trackbar count in setTrackbarPos and replaced deprecated CreateToolbarEx in Windows.
      adds  d54b069   Merge pull request #3448 from Ashod:highgui_trackbar_improvements
      adds  a1e04c9   Add method in StatModel class, to load from String
      adds  270af2c   Changing tabs to spaces.
      adds  b3bba34   Re-editing Documentation
      adds  f54b80d   Re-edition of documentation
      adds  b35f5d1   Removed "FORMAT_XML" to generalize format
      adds  3c74c23   Merge pull request #3473 from TobyWanKenobi:master
      adds  c28fea3   Build separate world-like iOS framework for contrib
      adds  009aec5   Merge pull request #3491 from mshabunin:ios-extra-world
      adds  fd2d800   Remove unnecessary local variable "size".
      adds  79f7704   Merge pull request #3517 from wangyan42164:ocl_denoising_2
      adds  96adeb7   update android.toolchain.cmake
      adds  35d730b   Merge pull request #3528 from ilya-lavrenov:update_android_cmake
      adds  f87f0cc   fix obvious copy+paste typo in computeDistance()
      adds  199f1ae   Merge pull request #3519 from fvgoto:patch-1
      adds  efa84d8   Use preprocessor for constant values in OpenCL kernel instead of the parameter variable.
      adds  060d675   Merge pull request #3518 from wangyan42164:ocl_cascade_detect
      adds  0b429fe   Changed CV_DbgAssert to CV_Assert when setting video modes for OpenNI2. Otherwise, in release mode the default modes never get set
      adds  1ab5514   Merge pull request #3516 from ana-GT:openni2_defaultMode
      adds  bb873b1   add option to link to dynamic IPP libraries
      adds  5fea331   Merge pull request #3510 from boaz001:feature-4057
      adds  edb608d   fix documentation bug 2432
      adds  700a388   Merge pull request #3499 from StevenPuttemans:fix_2432
      adds  4d12beb   Added better OpenNI2 support to the Asus Xtion and Occipital Structure sensors which do not have image generators.
      adds  432546e   Merge pull request #3512 from vins31:OpenNi2_AsusXtion
      adds  c762da9   Fix SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s SSE code Specifically, in general antisymmetric case src[-1] (S0) should be subtracted from from src[1] (S2), and not the opposite.
      adds  7b20ce4   Merge pull request #3490 from oresths:symmcolumnsmall_fix
      adds  25f33a7   update cudev color conversions according to the latest changes in CPU code
      adds  ec33c4a   increase epsilons for tests due to different optimizations (IPP vs CUDA, float vs double)
      adds  a1df295   Merge pull request #3525 from jet47:fix-cudev-tests
      adds  48c9c24   disable -Wshadow warning for CUDA modules:
      adds  f12bd99   Merge pull request #3524 from jet47:fix-cuda-warnings
      adds  620a969   Allow BGR, RGB, or gray capture via libv4l
      adds  13c0412   For Java compatibility, avoiding explicit pseudonym in enum
      adds  c0005fd   Merge pull request #3520 from JoeHowse:master
      adds  c485aee   Included c-headers for better 2.4 compatibility
      adds  d9f159a   Merge pull request #3513 from mshabunin:compat-30
      adds  637b615   Tutorial: documenting OpenCV
      adds  06c2a70   Fixed some mistakes
      adds  95ec929   Merge pull request #3536 from mshabunin:doxygen-intro
      adds  b15cf35   remove opencv_testing.sh installation to /etc/profile.d/
      adds  fd6ef87   Merge pull request #3529 from jet47:fix-linux-install
      adds  864ec5e   IPPICV: don't use full paths in dependencies
      adds  8d4d36f   Merge pull request #3538 from alalek:icv_fix_package
      adds  0ba3b06   SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s [1, 2, 1] NEON speedup: 4.1 Auto-vect speedup: 2.25
      adds  cb48d77   SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s 1x3 general NEON speedup: 2.56x Auto-vect speedup: 1.26x
      adds  c0019a4   SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s 1x5 general NEON speedup: 3.86x Auto-vect speedup: 1.67x
      adds  969a218   SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s [-1, 0, 1] NEON speedup: 1.84x Auto-vect speedup: 1.2x
      adds  2e7b9a2   SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s 1x3 asymmetric NEON speedup: 1.95x Auto-vect speedup: 1.17x
      adds  1fb966d   SymmRowSmallVec_8u32s 1x5 asymm NEON speedup: 3.14x Auto-vect speedup: 1.6x
      adds  4f5916f   SymmColumnVec_32s8u NEON speedup: 1.96x Auto-vect speedup: 1x
      adds  80a0364   SymmColumnVec_32s8u asymm NEON speedup: 2.95x Auto-vect speedup: 1x
      adds  4f90637   SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s [1, 2, 1] NEON speedup: 2.66x Auto-vect speedup: 1x
      adds  61a7f48   SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s [1, -2, 1] NEON speedup: 2.75x Auto-vect speedup: 1.01x
      adds  33dfeb8   SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s [3, 10, 3] Scharr NEON speedup: 2.04x Auto-vect speedup: 1x
      adds  99e782e   SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s 3x1 NEON speedup: 1.75x Auto-vect speedup: 1x
      adds  4443d6b   SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s [-1, 0, 1] NEON speedup: 3.27x Auto-vect speedup: 1.01x
      adds  37e0184   SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s 3x1 asymm NEON speedup: 2.12x Auto-vect speedup: 1.01x
      adds  a2a1317   SymmColumnVec_32f16s NEON speedup: 8.64x Auto-vect speedup: 1x
      adds  ed0ce48   SymmColumnVec_32f16s asymm NEON speedup: 9.46x Auto-vect speedup: 1x
      adds  13c0855   SymmRowSmallVec_32f 1x5 NEON speedup: 2.36x Auto-vect speedup: 2.36x
      adds  9c6da03   SymmRowSmallVec_32f 1x5 asymm NEON speedup: 2.31x Auto-vect speedup: 2.26x
      adds  9811a73   Change gaussianBlur5x5 perf test epsilon Set it 1 instead of 0.001, as is already done in gaussianBlur3x3. That will allow integer destination matrices that are not exactly the same, but very close to the expected result, to pass the test.
      adds  fffe246   Change DescriptorExtractor_ORB regression test to compensate for neon ieee754 non-compliancy. Also changed the comparison between max valid and calculated distance to make the error message more accurate (in case curMaxDist == maxDist)
      adds  5d15676   Merge pull request #3532 from oresths:filter_neon
      adds  c4246bc   update FindCUDA CMake module to the latest version from upstream
      adds  e4d0652   [FindCUDA] improvements for cross-platform build
      adds  214f633   Merge pull request #3541 from jet47:find-cuda-update
      adds  b5ab82f   mark old CUDA device layer as deprecated and remove it from doxygen documentation
      adds  1d82aec   minor reorganization for CUDA doxygen groups:
      adds  cddee22   Merge pull request #3527 from jet47:cuda-deprivate-old-device-layer
      adds  7ed38b9   fix cuda::BufferPool deinitialization
      adds  05d4094   move StackAllocator to cpp file
      adds  68e08bb   fix null stream initialization for multi-gpu systems
      adds  1bdd86e   Merge pull request #3523 from jet47:fix-cuda-buffer-pool
      adds  9b8c3fd   rewrite cuda::cvtColor with new device layer and fix test failures
      adds  26afa49   fix cuda match template:
      adds  18d1be4   fix tests for match template
      adds  7c901e3   disable sanity test for GeneralizedHoughGuil
      adds  fe3f236   disable GeneralizedHoughGuil performance test
      adds  18025c2   Merge pull request #3546 from jet47:cuda-imgproc-fixes
      adds  128e509   Added enviroment search paths for OpenNI2 for linux and fixed specific warning
      adds  f858380   Merge pull request #3539 from mshabunin:openni-linux-paths
      adds  9210d8e   move allocMatFromBuf function to farneback.cpp:
      adds  5386268   rename CudaMem -> HostMem to better reflect its purpose
      adds  1be1a28   move CUDA core tests to core module
      adds  2f8e179   add more FeatureSet constants
      adds  f054d63   add cuda::HostMem::getAllocator method
      adds  8237418   add Allocator parameter to cudev::GpuMat_ contructors
      adds  b33f3bb   refactor CV_CUDA_TEST_MAIN, use CV_TEST_MAIN for it
      adds  e7e0da0   fix GpuMat::swap method:
      adds  f36546d   improve error reporting in _InputArray methods
      adds  0ff6725   Merge pull request #3531 from jet47:cuda-core-refactoring
      adds  b75b0c8   install test data on Windows platform too
      adds  9c2ef36   Merge pull request #3530 from jet47:win-install-testdata
      adds  854a722   Implement VideoCapture::get, CvCapture::getProperty, IVideoCapture::getProperty as constant methods.
      adds  61886a6   Merge pull request #3504 from a-wi:VideoCapture_get_const_v3
      adds  d71e001   fix crash when sample point out of image boundaries
      adds  27b224a   Merge pull request #3485 from mapycz:fix-calibrate-crash
      adds  f14b8b4   Update segmentation.cpp
      adds  5a43c7a   Update segmentation.cpp
      adds  61991a3   Merge pull request #3444 from Sync-my-L2P:patch-1
      adds  450ba8b   Frontal cat face detectors
      adds  a963ade   Removing whitespace to appease doc builder
      adds  b7a3204   const correctness in OpenNI and OpenNI2 getProperty
      adds  2d16026   more const correctness in OpenNI2 getProperty
      adds  2fd01ee   Merge pull request #3550 from JoeHowse:master
      adds  083d864   Fix error of compilation of cap_intelperc.cpp
      adds  9c872f5   Merge pull request #3567 from vbystricky:intelperc_fix
      adds  0428959   SSE2 conversio in remap
      adds  622cf56   Merge pull request #3560 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_remap
      adds  e3b32cc   modules/core: removed extra semi-colon from mat.inl.hpp and utility.hpp
      adds  2b30759   Merge pull request #3556 from rokm:semicolon-warnings
      adds  2d5e3b5   Fix cppcheck reports warnings: (performance) Possible inefficient checking for 'lmap' emptiness (warning) Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. Did you forget dereferencing it? (style) Array index '<xxx>' is used before limits check
      adds  ba8a971   Merge pull request #3551 from serval2412:master
      adds  02b2fde   SSE resize Lanczos
      adds  2bddbd2   Merge pull request #3558 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_resize
      adds  f57136f   SSE2 cv::Mat::dot
      adds  f792fdc   Merge pull request #3559 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_dot_s8
      adds  9436103   SSE2 optimization of cv::integral
      adds  c937e15   Merge pull request #3555 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_integral
      adds  d01bedb   Removed Sphinx documentation files
      adds  bebf6c4   Removed Sphinx generation commands from cmake scripts
      adds  ad6a80f   Moved tutorial table-of-contents files to corresponding root level
      adds  ec9a17e   Restored PlantUML support for doxygen
      adds  b4050c7   Updated sample files documentation inclusions
      adds  3ffae9f   Some documentation customization
      adds  11591b3   Added Qt help generation support
      adds  d04fc15   Replaced tabs with spaces in stylesheet
      adds  f8d0994   Added dummy build targets for compatibility
      adds  1c8493f   Merge pull request #3549 from mshabunin:sphinx-doc-remove
      adds  c48f30d   Move createsamples application from 2.4 version
      adds  33a6e5a   Merge pull request #3493 from vbystricky:createsamples
      adds  1af7d39   optimization of UMat::setTo
      adds  2f6db4d   Merge pull request #3547 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_setto
      adds  63fc313   samples: fix python contants
      adds  6cb9344   Merge pull request #3548 from alalek:fix_sample_python
      adds  fd1cae0   typo fix in instructions of fitline.py sample
      adds  e607a4e   Merge pull request #3579 from basheersubei:patch-1
      adds  379de57   Fix shadowed variable warning
      adds  2883342   Merge pull request #3580 from JoeHowse:master
      adds  75277bb   Remove unnecessary global/local dim for radius match.
      adds  9eba746   Merge pull request #3586 from wangyan42164:bfm
      adds  ecf359b   Support for multipage decoding in BaseImageDecoder and implemented in TiffDecoder.
      adds  61ca381   Added imreadmulti API to read multi-paged images into a vector of Mat.
      adds  4739648   Added imread and imreadmulti regression tests.
      adds  390f17d   Merge pull request #3575 from Ashod:multipage_imread
      adds  d004ee5   Support loading old models in ML module
      adds  38d37d2   Fixed uninitialized memory usage in ANN_MLP
      adds  bc23f29   Merge pull request #3537 from mshabunin:ml-old-xml
      adds  d8272b9   remove "-target-os-variant" NVCC option for CUDA 7.0
      adds  60cedd7   Merge pull request #3592 from jet47:cuda-7.0-android
      adds  220d937   removed buffered versions of histogram functions
      adds  f50a061   added stream parameter to all cudaimgproc routines
      adds  2ecca8f   Merge pull request #3566 from jet47:cuda-imgproc-refactoring
      adds  9699fde   Use hypot to do vector calculation.
      adds  f566f6b   Merge pull request #3535 from wangyan42164:use_hypot
      adds  7b0d1c9   Get rid of sysctl includes on Linux.
      adds  b2a5e66   Merge pull request #3593 from kilobyte:master
      adds  d5092a6   Add CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES property to cap_images.cpp
      adds  bcc9dac   Merge pull request #3602 from vbystricky:cap_images_frames_cnt
      adds  07ab0c1   Avoid compile unnecessary OpenCL kernel.
      adds  ce5e269   Merge pull request #3597 from wangyan42164:cascade_cl_opt
      adds  4762728   More sensible error messages
      adds  bd6ad79   Merge pull request #3595 from timsat:error_messages
      adds  a11c024   Fixed Bug similar to Bug#3757. UMat all dims zero after release.
      adds  1c9668b   Merge pull request #3584 from nisargthakkar:UMatDimsZeroAfterRelease
      adds  ac47c0c   fix to work with python 2.6
      adds  c58373d   Merge pull request #3574 from mikeizbicki:patch-1
      adds  00e7816   add auxiliary functions to work with Input/Output arrays:
      adds  3d0410c   remove reciprocal version of cuda::divide
      adds  7454189   use new getInputMat/getOutputMat/syncOutput methods in cudaarithm routines
      adds  a4e598f   use new BufferPool class for some cudaarithm routines
      adds  cd0e95d   refactor cudaarithm reductions:
      adds  b4e7ee4   fix compilation without CUDA
      adds  16b56e7   Merge pull request #3561 from jet47:cuda-arithm-refactoring
      adds  01717c8   Don't define destructors for COM-based interfaces.
      adds  61f1111   Merge pull request #3599 from a-wi:DShow_COM_interfaces_v3
      adds  f6b3bc0   addWeighted
      adds  60f2f78   SSE4.1 addWeighted fo 16u
      adds  713aa5c   Merge pull request #3557 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_add_weighted
      adds  fd60e98   fixes for latest changes in opencv3.0 api
      adds  df57d03   Merge pull request #3572 from berak:python_samples_30
      adds  1fa37fe   OpenCV for Tegra compilation fix for - Gaussian blur; - CascadeClassifier; - Blenders in stitching module; - Laplacial pyromids in stitching module.
      adds  54f52c3   Build fix for non-TEGRA case.
      adds  cc97c57   Accuracy fix for blenaders in stitching module.
      adds  b6023ea   Merge pull request #3594 from asmorkalov:opencv4tegra_support
      adds  6f91b7f   remove firstLevel=2 test case, because CPU implementation fails
      adds  14ef62e   refactor CUDA FAST feature detector algorithm:
      adds  9f77ffb   extend Feature2DAsync interface
      adds  554ddd2   fix compilation without CUDA
      adds  f960a57   refactor CUDA ORB feature detector/extractor algorithm:
      adds  764d55b   add extended documentation for Features2DAsync
      adds  8a178da   refactor CUDA BFMatcher algorithm:
      adds  5f1282a   fix documentation warnings
      adds  3a84444   Merge pull request #3596 from jet47:cuda-features2d-refactoring
      adds  f48befc   refactor CUDA part of photo module
      adds  14e15fb   fix documentation warnings
      adds  bcfcc77   Merge pull request #3605 from jet47:cuda-photo-refactoring
      adds  0376a86   fix CMake CMP0054 warning:
      adds  49f2bd6   Merge pull request #3608 from jet47:cmake-CMP0054-fix
      adds  c120001   fix -Wsign-compare warnings
      adds  fe2a7d2   Merge pull request #3606 from jet47:warnings-fix
      adds  10cc7c7   Fix typo
      adds  219d315   Merge pull request #3615 from jaybosamiya:grabcuttypo
      adds  997dded   add default file to load in case sample was run without command line arguments
      adds  225c3e7   Merge pull request #3582 from ptzafrir:fix_samples
      adds  1264be8   Check if _WIN32_IE is defined with proper value in window_w32.cpp
      adds  dc27a13   Merge pull request #3570 from a-wi:Win32_UI_commctrl_defs_v3
      adds  46ed461   Add template match with mask.
      adds  5cc4aa0   Merge pull request #3554 from wangyan42164:match_template_mask
      adds  34f0da6   Act on INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES
      adds  381917b   Merge pull request #3563 from cjmayo:pyexamples
      adds  4cc7b0a   move ImagePyramid to cudalegacy
      adds  ecee388   move buildWarp*Maps to stitching
      adds  1421e30   fix compilation without CUDA
      adds  a524a67   disable warnings caused by CUDA headers
      adds  17b1152   Merge pull request #3544 from jet47:cuda-warping-refactoring
      adds  68962ad   SSE mul
      adds  5e92a77   Merge pull request #3569 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_mul
      adds  5422cbc   make PlaneTracker class more thread-safe
      adds  ea38f7f   Merge pull request #3628 from cbenhagen:patch-2
      adds  3f8cefe   store user-provided data in PlaneTracker class
      adds  696a656   Merge pull request #3627 from cbenhagen:patch-1
      adds  5978ef1   Fix arm linux toolchain file
      adds  52d3afd   Merge pull request #3624 from jet47:fix-arm-linux-toolchain
      adds  9a1a9d9   Updating CMake to get GDAL working again on OS X.
      adds  91fbe00   Updated gdal tutorial to include comments.
      adds  9a0e038   Fixed compile warning from redefined macro.
      adds  f647054   Merge pull request #3616 from marvins:gdal-fixes
      adds  698c367   fix ocv_add_module CMake macro:
      adds  aacb9b7   Merge pull request #3610 from jet47:fix-ocv_add_module-3.0
      adds  f676bfb   fix GpuMat::setTo method in case if mask is empty:
      adds  e501c61   Merge pull request #3611 from jet47:fix-gpumat-setto
      adds  81f7863   NEON detection in runtime
      adds  21a9a17   Merge pull request #3568 from ilya-lavrenov:neon_runtime
      adds  efc7dba   Prevent linking failure, bug 4108
      adds  579ce93   Merge pull request #3598 from caraffi:bug4108_testCasesLinkError
      adds  f126f37   move CUDA object detection algorithms to separate module
      adds  0af7597   fix CUDA HOG for multi GPU systems:
      adds  8257dc3   refactor CUDA HOG algorithm:
      adds  734212a   refactor CUDA CascadeClassifier
      adds  dccdadc   fix documentation warnings
      adds  95ecdc3   Merge pull request #3600 from jet47:cuda-objdetect-module
      adds  dae188d   move obsolete algorithms from cudabgsegm to cudalegacy:
      adds  479cac2   Merge pull request #3626 from jet47:cuda-bgsegm-refactoring
      adds  f5b21e8   Avoid deadlock becasue some work item couldn't reach barrier in loop and unsynchronized.
      adds  b49fa7d   Merge pull request #3625 from wangyan42164:ocl_cascade_deadlock
      adds  052fe62   Corrected the WITH_GSTREAMER and WITH_GSTREAMER_0_10 semantic
      adds  adbe844   Merge pull request #3622 from nagua:fix_find_gstreamer
      adds  8d48632   avx2
      adds  a2a8ba1   compare
      adds  6ab928f   phase 64f
      adds  0a5c9cf   magnitude 64f
      adds  972ff1d   polarToCart
      adds  5578088   countNonZero
      adds  3a78a22   convertScaleAbs for s8, f64
      adds  b758dbd   convertTo AVX2
      adds  19e77e4   convertTo from 8u
      adds  116fb27   convertTo from 8s
      adds  8870ef4   convertTo from 16u, 16s, 32s, 32f
      adds  63fc6ef   convertTo from 64f
      adds  56f3c92   pyrUp and pyrDown
      adds  1ca35b7   resize are fast
      adds  bfb45b2   column sum 32s
      adds  5f21356   cvtColor rgb 2 YCrCb
      adds  edee922   cvtColor YCrCb 2 RGB
      adds  9cacd32   cvtColor BGR5x5 2 Gray
      adds  fe371bf   cvtColor Gray 2 BGR5x5
      adds  940f1e7   interliving / deinterliving
      adds  b99396a   cvtColor RGB 2 YCrCb
      adds  97fad1c   cvtColor RGB 2 YCrCb 32f
      adds  1c9e886   cvtColor YCrCb 2 RGB 32f
      adds  e177374   cvtColor RGB 2 gray 16s
      adds  93f8800   cvtColor RGB 2 XYZ f32
      adds  c4c86a8   cvtColor XYZ 2 RGB f32
      adds  51e7fb7   cvtColor HSV 2 RGB u8
      adds  51684c1   cvtColor RGB 2 HLS u8
      adds  05e2101   cvtColor HLS 2 RGB u8
      adds  584eed6   cvtColor Lab 2 RGB u8
      adds  e20613a   cvtColor RGB 2 Luv u8
      adds  a340ea8   cvtColor Luv 2 RGB u8
      adds  3a42666   sse_utils.hpp
      adds  bc394e7   detection of other CPU features
      adds  31827d8   fixed typo
      adds  fc08697   used popcnt
      adds  d87457a   split/merge
      adds  b2f851a   cornerMinEigenVal
      adds  612b8ce   fixed compilation issues
      adds  70933ea   convert from f64
      adds  25e99c4   avx2 in arithm
      adds  f2cd65c   fixes
      adds  7b060d9   cvtColor 4 cn
      adds  44d8963   divide
      adds  ef29b15   reciprocal
      adds  d92f67e   warpPerspective
      adds  0fd8f50   warpAffine INTER_NEAREST
      adds  3b23e57   convertMaps
      adds  1d3c860   SinCos_32f
      adds  6bce6ee   checks
      adds  33176db   compareHist
      adds  8c94568   cv::sum
      adds  e9a6c5d   sqsum
      adds  03fc3d1   Merge pull request #3591 from ilya-lavrenov:sse_avx
      adds  75c99d6   Fisheye calibration methods available now in python
      adds  bd4580a   Merge pull request #3589 from JBosch:master
      adds  1ad1b73   Fixed registration bug:  It was ALWAYS OFF - even after changing the property
      adds  cc1090c   Merge pull request #3521 from ana-GT:registration_openni2
      adds  1a15596   Fixed build warning in GDAL support module
      adds  036b13e   Fixed GDAL loader check
      adds  4949f70   Merge pull request #3633 from mshabunin:fix-gdal-warning
      adds  e97d18b   implement _OutputArray::assign() for _OutputArrays of type MATX
      adds  7a3ca99   fix _OutputArray::assign() for _OutputArrays of type MATX when data types differ
      adds  8722faa   fix whitespace
      adds  f93be25   Merge pull request #3629 from nstiurca:matx-fix
      adds  1ded2de   Let LineSegmentDetector output line segment coordinates in float precision, as supported by the LSD algorithm.
      adds  b5bd2fd   Improved documentation and method comment to clarify that LineSegmentDetector::detect method accepts both Vec4i and Vec4f as return vector.
      adds  9c81338   Merge pull request #3505 from karelknoest:lsd_subpixel
      adds  71c391c   remove unused memory transfer from TVL1 CUDA implementation
      adds  c4b2058   simplify TVL1 accuracy test to reduce run time
      adds  19c6bbe   move obsolete algorithms from cudaoptflow to cudalegacy
      adds  381216a   refactor cudaoptflow public API:
      adds  2dc3b0f   fix cudaoptflow tests build
      adds  03ae1e5   fix superres module compilation
      adds  62f8240   fix videostab module compilation
      adds  b3a743f   fix gpu samples compilation
      adds  63ff39f   remove obsolete gpu optical flow samples
      adds  7106170   remove unused function from pyrlk_optical_flow sample
      adds  3f1fb28   Merge pull request #3635 from jet47:cuda-optflow-refactoring
      adds  fa23a01   fix FindCUDA CMake module:
      adds  482feb7   FindCUDA fix : do not unset CACHE variables on first call
      adds  f1fb474   Merge pull request #3643 from jet47:find-cuda-fix
      adds  dcb0c68   fix for -m32
      adds  6e565ab   Merge pull request #3642 from ilya-lavrenov:linux_x86
      adds  d08589d   Fix for Visual Studio multiprocess builds for CMake versions > 2.8
      adds  5cbdce9   Merge pull request #3645 from SeninAndrew:mp-msvs-fix
      adds  8914fa5   Do not blacklist GStreamer on Apple
      adds  7d7d323   Merge pull request #3639 from cbenhagen:patch-1
      adds  b416e87   move labeling routines from cuda to cudalegacy
      adds  f1e1785   move vstab related CUDA routines to vstab module
      adds  ce0e595   move the rest cuda functions to cuda legacy
      adds  124ac15   remove cuda module
      adds  a069128   fix cudalegacy sanity test
      adds  2660eee   restore CUDA module introduction
      adds  6ebc954   fix videostab compilation without CUDA
      adds  c9e07bb   exclude compactPoints and calcWobbleSuppressionMaps from compilation
      adds  f3311f9   Merge pull request #3638 from jet47:remove-cuda-module
      adds  df697f6   Optimize runLBPClassifierStumpSimple by built-in mad24.
      adds  bdebf4c   Merge pull request #3637 from wangyan42164:LBP_mad24_opt
      adds  58ad952   UMat: added USAGE_ALLOCATE_SHARED_MEMORY
      adds  0a07d78   ocl: OpenCL SVM support
      adds  97aa8d3   Merge pull request #3603 from alalek:ocl_svm
      adds  f282fd0   ocl: print missing error message only if OPENCV_OPENCL_RUNTIME is used
      adds  bbf3607   Merge pull request #3652 from alalek:ocl_message
      adds  10639c9   Shape module tests refactored
      adds  cf0a29c   Fixed win64 compile warning
      adds  72194b2   Merge pull request #3651 from mshabunin:shape-test
      adds  53c9460   Reorganized ML module documentation
      adds  71a333d   Merge pull request #3644 from mshabunin:ml-docs
      adds  4ea2ece   Image Segmentation .cpp tutorial
      adds  e64fb44   Merge pull request #3632 from theodr:dist_transf_tutorial
      adds  9944f46   fixing wrong model sizes
      adds  94431c2   Merge pull request #3661 from StevenPuttemans:fix_models_2.4
      adds  0d72420   HAVE_TEGRA_OPTIMIZATION was fixed
      adds  4c52dfc   Merge pull request #3657 from BelBES:sb/tegra_optimization_fix
      adds  2054123   coreTlsData -> getCoreTlsData()
      adds  7854ef3   Merge pull request #3675 from alalek:fix_coreTlsData
      adds  c85197d   Fixed allocated vector size in ML ANN algorithm
      adds  3f86e7b   Merge pull request #3668 from mshabunin:fix-ann-memory-access
      adds  a932510   colorize opencv_run_all_tests_unix.sh script output
      adds  5524e8d   Merge pull request #3673 from jet47:colorize-run-test-script-3.0
      adds  f5987c2   Fix small error in traincascade application
      adds  bbec7f8   Merge pull request #3669 from vbystricky:fix_tr_cascade_boost
      adds  595ec6b   correct the size of buf which holds integral sum/sumsq
      adds  1e47c6c   Merge pull request #3612 from guoyejun:fix_face_detect
      adds  52535b3   Fix for assert in compute when subimage is used (see issue #4149)
      adds  6c8681a   Merge pull request #3656 from SeninAndrew:master
      adds  098389d   fix opencv_run_all_tests_unix.sh script:
      adds  05e404c   Merge pull request #3681 from jet47:fix-run-tests-script-3.0
      adds  6a3f330   make color output in run_test script optional
      adds  dd1878c   Merge pull request #3688 from jet47:test-script-optional-color-3.0
      adds  8c7b3b9   Fixing XIMEA parameters mapping (issue #4176)
      adds  f6b82d9   Merge pull request #3684 from SeninAndrew:master
      adds  ea48fcf   Fix possible null pointer dereference
      adds  5466e32   Merge pull request #3687 from Dmitry-Me:fixPossibleNullPtrDeref
      adds  a932d8a   use full qualified name for all internal namespaces to prevent ambiguous symbol errors
      adds  7164f22   Merge pull request #3701 from jet47:internal-namespace
      adds  c3f8fc4   Parameters should have been passed by reference
      adds  edab391   Merge pull request #3696 from Dmitry-Me:shouldPassByReference
      adds  79416cd   ocl: disable OpenCL by default for Android builds
      adds  23633c1   Merge pull request #3685 from alalek:ocl_android_default_off
      adds  a5a510d   Support for compound modules, support for contrib_world
      adds  d509ecd   Merge pull request #3666 from mshabunin:meta-module
      adds  be1728f   fixing tutorial errors master branch
      adds  fdf31ec   Merge pull request #3650 from StevenPuttemans:fix_tutorials_master
      adds  99aaf40   Remove unnecessary barrier in runHaarClassifier().
      adds  d1a1509   Merge pull request #3664 from wangyan42164:ocl_cascasde_barrier
      adds  b51805e   Update mser.cpp
      adds  4f8bf98   Merge pull request #3706 from exeltior:patch-1
      adds  553020c   Enabled STL usage within the library
      adds  c41db69   Fixed cmake issues
      adds  87f86b3   Merge pull request #3715 from mshabunin:enable-stl
      adds  2085251   Exclude object libraries from visual studio solution build
      adds  6b37186   Merge pull request #3716 from mshabunin:fix-vs-solution-build
      adds  1944443   iOS: fix crash from overrelease in UIImageToMat
      adds  1d356b6   Merge pull request #3714 from uqtimes:fixUIImageToMat
      adds  21ee113   fixig std::bad_alloc if points0 is empty checkVector(2) return -1, it causes the exception
      adds  b64e106   Merge pull request #3703 from BKNio:fixing_bad_alloc
      adds  e6876fe   Fixed doc error in optical flow
      adds  98a8045   Reduce variable scope
      adds  437ef99   Fixed doc error in optical flow
      adds  009ab70   Merge pull request #3711 from nisargthakkar:optical_flow_doc_fix
      adds  1036878   Reduce variable scope
      adds  6ff2f39   Merge pull request #3702 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope
      adds  4a1adab   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/theodr/opencv
      adds  453f384   adding documentation for the findnonzero() function
      adds  cfccdc9   documenting findnonzero() function
      adds  aec8fd3   Merge pull request #3719 from theodr:document_findnonzero_function
      adds  e57359a   Documentation: set max-width property for inserted images
      adds  0a1da44   Merge pull request #3718 from mshabunin:image-max-width
      adds  da383e6   Remove deprecated methods from cv::Algorithm
      adds  79e8f06   Updated ml module interfaces and documentation
      adds  7b270f4   Merge pull request #3679 from mshabunin:remove-algorithm-factory
      adds  5f7a994   fixed internal compiler error
      adds  08dd1e0   Merge pull request #3730 from ilya-lavrenov:fix_bug
      adds  7401b02   fix ellipse fitting notice
      adds  0248821   Merge pull request #3741 from StevenPuttemans:fix_3028_master
      adds  350dccf   fix error 3714
      adds  1fe1ebf   Merge pull request #3728 from StevenPuttemans:fix_3714_master
      adds  58b3869   fixed cross-compilation
      adds  1a795ac   Merge pull request #3738 from ilya-lavrenov:cc_master
      adds  2738939   add same functionality as 2.4
      adds  90fb43c   Merge pull request #3709 from StevenPuttemans:fix_traincascade_load_message_master
      adds  6902fa6   fix formula getGaussianKernel in docs
      adds  5dc5698   Merge pull request #3743 from StevenPuttemans:fix_3887_master
      adds  b8f65d0   Same as Bug #3309. Pushing to master
      adds  0016f6d   Merge pull request #3736 from nisargthakkar:Bug3634_master
      adds  53566f2   Reduce variable scope, fix indenting
      adds  b64b82a   Merge pull request #3734 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope2
      adds  ea54c01   add remarks for iOS tutorial
      adds  457758b   Merge pull request #3733 from StevenPuttemans:fix_4004_master
      adds  671b59a   fix windows build with CUDA
      adds  bdb088d   Merge pull request #3712 from jet47:fix-cuda-build-on-windows
      adds  191336d   Added biicode docs to introduction tutorials
      adds  f73c6e6   Merge pull request #3753 from biicode:biicode_docs
      adds  eb30799   Disable object libraries building for cmake 2.8.7 and earlier
      adds  7d4d286   Merge pull request #3752 from mshabunin:fix-legacy-cmake-issue
      adds  aea328e   fixing CUDA cascade classifiers function and needed models
      adds  7b0abf5   Merge pull request #3767 from StevenPuttemans:fix_GPU_cascadeclassifiers
      adds  f8484e3   add fucntion to control tegra optimizations in run-time
      adds  44e41ba   use new functions before all tegra:: calls
      adds  12180bd   add generic method to disable/enable all optimizations (IPP, OpenCL, Tegra)
      adds  57b8640   disable all optimizations for CUDA tests
      adds  d696fac   move cuda tests from core to cudaarithm
      adds  cda6fed   move tegra namespace out of cv to prevent conflicts
      adds  c10f185   rename setOptimizations -> setUseOptimizations
      adds  4800a34   do not dump OpenCL info if it is disabled
      adds  4254e35   merge new setUseOptimizations function with existed setUseOptimized
      adds  f3f2f8b   Merge pull request #3764 from jet47:runtime-disable-optimizations
      adds  98d7e52   Update OpenCVDetectCUDA.cmake
      adds  0a5df01   Merge pull request #3763 from laomaiweng:patch-1
      adds  b963d84   fixed bug #4215
      adds  845d3ed   Merge pull request #3757 from ilya-lavrenov:popcnp
      adds  c5a8019   aarch64 support
      adds  8e37a69   Merge pull request #3758 from ilya-lavrenov:aarch64
      adds  52effe9   Android: fix JavaCameraView implementation
      adds  de0997a   Merge pull request #3749 from alalek:fix_android_camera_master
      adds  2311504   Reduce variables scope
      adds  e43a14c   Merge pull request #3750 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope3
      adds  79bc85f   Introduction to PCA tutorial
      adds  e9d30a9   Merge pull request #3746 from theodr:pca_tutorial
      adds  370389c   add extra output argument to tutorial
      adds  e28a580   Merge pull request #3742 from StevenPuttemans:fix_4151
      adds  96c824f   Morphology Lines Extraction Tutorial
      adds  22ad72d   Merge pull request #3690 from theodr:moprh_lines_detection_tut
      adds  6447c7b   Merge pull request #1 from Itseez/master
      adds  a07d7a7   added support for uncompressed parameters to tiff image format as described here: expertland.net/question/b6o3n6p9a72341db823b48nl98m91dx8n1/detail.html
      adds  998a909   fixed whitespace issues
      adds  5850a9b   Merge pull request #3744 from es0m:remotes/upstream/2.4.10.x-prep
      adds  4571230   Modified java wrapping mechanism
      adds  37c74e3   Python support
      adds  aa506c6   Merge pull request #3759 from mshabunin:wrap-all
      adds  4e582b1   Reduce veriables scope, move declaration to first use
      adds  7c7a63b   Merge pull request #3772 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope4
      adds  1b7066f   Reduce variable scope, only compute values that are used later
      adds  f38339c   Merge pull request #3775 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope5
      adds  ffc453e   fixed [-Wsign-compare] warning
      adds  d3b74cd   Merge pull request #3773 from ilya-lavrenov:warning
      adds  cdd2344   Adding support for WinRT(WinPhone 8/8.1 and Win Store) via CMake 3.1
      adds  86ebf4a   Added build script to automate generating, building and installing OCV for WinRT, WindowsPhone 8, WindowsPhone 8.1. Added readme and .bat script wrapper. Added standalone script to build and install pre-generated projects.
      adds  5810845   Added and updated WinRT samples
      adds  59d6a28   Added WinRT Universal Apps samples
      adds  213a6bc   Adding Widows Phone 8 sample apps
      adds  22a30af   Fixing buildbot job:  - explicitly turning OCL off since WinRT does not support it  - fixing macro definitions in core/ocl.cpp
      adds  530c8dc   Fixing 'doc' buildbot job: removing trailing whitespaces and tab indents
      adds  ad1149f   Enabled property sheets for WinRT related samples
      adds  6820292   Merge pull request #3700 from MSOpenTech:winrt-cmake-contrib
      adds  0833352   add annotation tool master branch
      adds  62b8895   Merge pull request #3654 from StevenPuttemans:add_annotation_master
      adds  c4c3e4f   Remove unneeded indirections
      adds  dcff28b   Merge pull request #3717 from Dmitry-Me:removeUnneededIndirections
      adds  d84d3a5   Allow YUYV capture via libv4l
      adds  4701b22   Merge pull request #3607 from soyersoyer:yuyv_pixfmt
      adds  c83044d   fix houghlines.py sample and tutorial
      adds  c9ea878   Merge pull request #3722 from berak:py_houghlines_sample
      adds  c587bae   Uniform computation of variable size
      adds  4bb4964   Merge pull request #3779 from Dmitry-Me:uniformComputationOfVariableSize
      adds  f8c4547   Remove dangerous string manipulation, merge declaration with assignment
      adds  ebac739   Merge pull request #3781 from Dmitry-Me:dangerousStringManipulation
      adds  c7b2e48   Canny TBB Optimization
      adds  e4bc592   Merge pull request #3583 from oresths:tbb_canny
      adds  26eebb3   increased EPS for cvtColor for NVIDIA
      adds  0b99f6b   Merge pull request #3777 from ilya-lavrenov:nvidia_cvtcolor_eps
      adds  cf4c79e   disabled some kernels for Android && NVidia
      adds  f9b8ce1   Merge pull request #3784 from ilya-lavrenov:nvidia_android
      adds  d164d51   Fix potential null pointer dereference
      adds  aa113c5   Merge pull request #3787 from Dmitry-Me:fixNullPointerDereference2
      adds  b7f2a4d   fix features2d tutorials
      adds  2baf1a3   Merge pull request #3788 from berak:fix_features2d_tut
      adds  217f628   update cmakelists for annotation tool
      adds  4e87dea   Merge pull request #3790 from StevenPuttemans:fix_cmakelist_annotation_master
      adds  4f24dc0   Fix KNN background subtraction not honoring width step.
      adds  8c69266   Merge pull request #3786 from jviney:fix_background_subtractor_knn_width_step
      adds  1f53b65   Fix documentation in python binding tutorial
      adds  a65dbc5   Merge pull request #3793 from sanuj:master
      adds  2fb4178   Reduce variable scope
      adds  092f599   Merge pull request #3797 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope6
      adds  32d56c6   Fixed: wrong conversion of float-based Mat input inside the AKAZE.
      adds  fd7a76f   Merge pull request #3796 from enpe:master
      adds  20efcff   Added doxygen comments for sqrBoxFilter() method
      adds  361eb63   Merge pull request #3795 from samyak-268:sqr-filter-doc
      adds  7a52c3d   1) make sure Python 2.7 is detected on Ubuntu (including libs) when it's there. 2) disable IPP on 32-bit Linux when OpenCV is built as shared libs. Otherwise we get linker errors 3) disable IPP's minMaxIdx 32-bit floating-point flavor in a hope that it fixes some test failures
      adds  5d8a1bf   explained reason why IPP is disabled on 32-bit Linux. disable IPP's minMaxLoc_32f on 32-bit OSes only
      adds  4aa6d10   added Maksim's fix as well; they both handle correctly more cases than each of them individually
      adds  643bbb2   looks like Maksim was right; the new fix does not do the second attempt to detect python libs, it finds it correctly with the first attempt
      adds  64bd77c   Merge pull request #3794 from vpisarev:ubuntu_x86_fixes
      adds  f94b22f   grammar fix: then -> than
      adds  a9ce233   Merge pull request #3808 from guopei:patch-2
      adds  0e5c772   grammar fix: a -> the
      adds  192e630   Merge pull request #3807 from guopei:patch-1
      adds  ee55e45   - Fixed compile error that appeared with Clang 5.1 on Mac 10.8.5:
      adds  3682132   Merge pull request #3806 from enpe:master
      adds  135701f   Double used as boolean for no reason
      adds  3ee03a8   Merge pull request #3803 from Dmitry-Me:doubleUsedAsBoolean
      adds  451972f   Added ARM implementation in cvRound function
      adds  ee2d7a1   Fixed warnings for iOS
      adds  baf191f   Merge pull request #3771 from mshabunin:arm-round
      adds  49b38fe   Fixed compile error build with VisualStudio2013 on windows.
      adds  518fd59   fixed whitespace error
      adds  362c1a2   Merge pull request #3821 from i-ito:master-flann-lsh-addable-index
      adds  6b8ebf3   Fix memory leaks appearing when cvOpenFileStorage throws
      adds  6274e1f   cvOpenFileStorage: reduce the scope of xml_buf and make sure it's freed...
      adds  1858b5c   Don't install documentation if it isn't built
      adds  34ad2e0   Fix a memory leak in CvCapture_FFMPEG::close
      adds  1a3273a   Remove useless CPACK_*_COMPONENT_INSTALL variables
      adds  592122b   Install data on Windows
      adds  35760bb   Add a script to run all tests on Windows
      adds  87eb3f6   Update the CPack variables to match the changes in asmorkalov/CMake#1
      adds  8a732e3   Add component display names
      adds  c71e94f   Mark the libs component required
      adds  06703c9   Merge pull request #3817 from SpecLad:forward-ports
      adds  deb2cb7   Updates README for setup_script
      adds  052c010   Reformatted since this is not a markdown file
      adds  b194812   Fixed trailing whitespace.
      adds  79a77cb   Merge pull request #3819 from MSOpenTech:readme-24
      adds  a58bfbf   info on how to use the tool
      adds  74e88cc   Merge pull request #3801 from StevenPuttemans:add_parameter_info_annotation_master
      adds  50b99e5   fix compilation on MSVS2010
      adds  1890403   Merge pull request #3825 from alalek:fix_msvs2010_build
      adds  211a131   Fix Python3 binding's submodules
      adds  133bd56   Merge pull request #3769 from adamgreig:fix-py3-submodules
      adds  cef2cf2   fixing locale settings - making it universal
      adds  04f1696   Merge pull request #3780 from StevenPuttemans:fix_locale_master
      adds  b21b24f   Update train_HOG.cpp
      adds  930808c   Merge pull request #3820 from LorenaGdL:patch-1
      adds  8ed4bae   Reduce variable scope, make formatting consistent with surrounding code
      adds  a1f86d0   Merge pull request #3831 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope7
      adds  dcc2512   issue 3710
      adds  cdc9bc3   Revert "issue 3710" Trying to fix whitespace issue. This reverts commit dcc2512f581f56fb887ae955ebe828071dee7b92.
      adds  259a54a   Merge pull request #3830 from NaerChang:issue.3710
      adds  632afe6   Fixed mangled install layout on unix machines
      adds  f9b2444   Merge pull request #3826 from mshabunin:fix-install-paths
      adds  6f8b3fc   cvRound
      adds  c6e9280   Merge pull request #3816 from ilya-lavrenov:il/cvround
      adds  6cef4eb   Replacing license headers per PR-3700 feedback. Updates #26
      adds  79f5123   Changed encoding from ANSI to UTF8.
      adds  f80e753   Merge pull request #3827 from MSOpenTech:license-26
      adds  441cd22   Add documentation for solvePnP in calib3d
      adds  3c54c50   Merge pull request #3802 from sanuj:master
      adds  7e07220   made the solvepnp a bit more modest; test 5-point configuration instead of 4-point in some cases; reduce the noise in 4-point configurations in other cases
      adds  1760078   trying to make solvePnPSmallPoints pass
      adds  5c352c9   temporarily use EPNP in SolvePnP instead of UPNP or DLS algorithms, since the latter two are not quite stable
      adds  ca19ae8   in solvePnPRansac call the solvePnP in the end with all the inliers to get more precise estimate
      adds  8cf45ce   Merge pull request #3828 from vpisarev:fix_win32_perf_calib3d_solvepnp_failure
      adds  52a8d37   Fix potential null pointer dereference
      adds  b708969   Merge pull request #3832 from Dmitry-Me:fixNullPointerDereference3
      adds  3d2c0ed   Removed check on limits.  A common use of HoughLines would be to restrict theta to be between a small negative number and a small positive number, e.g. -pi/16 to pi/16.  This wasn't possible with the previous checks.
      adds  0f4d57d   Merge pull request #3833 from sgrayb:houghline_bugfix
      adds  9f1eb70    Changes to be committed:    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
      adds  5e3d986   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      adds  903f10c   Merge pull request #3804 from polarfuchs99:master
      adds  bf16f74   fixing universal location execution
      adds  e12a04a   Merge pull request #3811 from StevenPuttemans:fix_traincascade_getNegatives_master
      adds  9fbc92a   Added cmake option for abi descriptor generating (GENERATE_ABI_DESCRIPTOR)
      adds  e157d70   Merge pull request #3837 from mshabunin:abi-compliance
      adds  e0efda7   Fixed persistent.hpp documentation
      adds  e92645c   Merge pull request #3838 from PhilLab:patch-3
      adds  0854093   Implementation collector update;
      adds  9997e6d   Merge pull request #3823 from lupustr3:pvlasov/implementation_detector_update
      adds  d1a8171   Added WinRT concurrency support.
      adds  9683f93   Merge pull request #3840 from MSOpenTech:concurrency-contrib
      adds  ff48387   Fix bug of uninitialized matrix in findTransformECC
      adds  072a4b5   Merge pull request #3851 from ellbur:findTransformECC-initialize-bug
      adds  0c5faa6   Fix uninitialized members, fix log output typo
      adds  8616cd8   Merge pull request #3836 from Dmitry-Me:uninitializedMember
      adds  5ec908c   Added WinRT 8.1 Modern Desktop JavaScript sample
      adds  349e3b5   Fixed 'doc' builder warnings.
      adds  d2da7dc   Merge pull request #3841 from MSOpenTech:samples-contrib
      adds  7335a40   Replaced CV_PURE_PROPERTY macros with corresponding code
      adds  d5b954c   Moved property implementation macros to private header
      adds  5247eac   Add python and java support for ml module
      adds  5709ec8   Disabled missing python method for static ml function
      adds  9f08310   Disabled TrainData::getNormCatValues wrapping due to pointer in parameters
      adds  daa9951   Merge pull request #3846 from mshabunin:fix-headers
      adds  decbdd1   Fix compiler error on std::swap (CUDA7.0/clang/OSX)
      adds  7ab7322   Merge pull request #3848 from yxiong:fix-4125
      adds  b5529ae   ocl/bufferpool: fix cleanup
      adds  5a0c7a1   Merge pull request #3853 from alalek:ocl_fix_bufferpool_cleanup
      adds  796bf01   Do not compare extra modules in ABI check
      adds  e641880   Merge pull request #3862 from mshabunin:abi-contrib-disable
      adds  660a53e   Update lkdemo.cpp because of memory leak
      adds  f18eba4   Merge pull request #3867 from RafaRuiz:patch-1
      adds  17d36b7   Removing unused winrttest.cpp file
      adds  dec722b   Merge pull request #3864 from MSOpenTech:removed-unused-winrttest
      adds  c196df6   Do not link vfw32 library for WinRT
      adds  1745936   Merge pull request #3863 from MSOpenTech:fix_winrt_linker
      adds  433c3da   Optimize the performance of cascade OpenCL kernel.
      adds  72b3dcd   Merge pull request #3861 from wangyan42164:cascade_optimizing
      adds  02c3d8d   documentation for the hconcat and vconcat functions
      adds  54deb5e   Merge pull request #3860 from theodr:document_hconcat_vconcat
      adds  f815bba   Fix typo in types_c.h
      adds  70ff448   Merge pull request #3859 from NewProggie:fix-doc-typo
      adds  91bd7df   Fixing invalid opencv_test_ml calls
      adds  d7cb992   Merge pull request #3858 from MSOpenTech:fix-ml-test
      adds  ce167e2   Reduce variable scope
      adds  f7f10a7   Merge pull request #3854 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope8
      adds  80069f3   resolve crash of haarclassifier when using a tilted feature
      adds  fb8478e   add resetting the offset variable after setting a new image
      adds  3c51fdf   Merge pull request #3849 from Dikay900:fix_tilted_features_crash
      adds  d0ad599   update traincascade assigned memory buffers
      adds  7ea0239   Merge pull request #3835 from StevenPuttemans:upgrade_traincascade_memory_master
      adds  e178294   Refactoring in preparation for 16-bit implementation of fastNlMeansDenoising
      adds  8368fb9   Additional refactoring preparing for 16-bit implementation
      adds  49e9374   Added saturate_cast from int64 and uint64
      adds  42db9e7   Basic 16-bit implmentation of fastNlMeansDenoising. Table-based exponetiation leads to high memory footprint and loss of precision in 16-bit mode.
      adds  d588c71   Using WEIGHT_THRESHOLD to limit table size. Still problematic with 16-bit and big h-values.
      adds  584372b   Fixed bounds checking
      adds  c339720   Preparation for 16-bit colored denoising. Currently not working due to cvtColor not supportint 16-bit Lab conversion.
      adds  baf266c   Changed from sum of squared differences to sum of abs differences
      adds  e647b7c   Calculating almost_dist2weight at full size to avoid bounds checking
      adds  8e7aff4   Changed fastNlMeansDenoising and fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti back to sum of sq distances. Moved sq sum of abs distances to fastNlMeansDenoisingAbs and fastNlMeansDenoisingMultiAbs
      adds  0fdb95e   Refactoring and addition of CV_8UC3 to ocl_fastNlMeansDenoising
      adds  9f7cac8   Addtion of test cases for CV_8UC3
      adds  a9ff335   Added OpenCL support for FastNlMeansDenoisingAbs
      adds  3bde9e9   Added test cases
      adds  73663dc   Added support for 16-bit input
      adds  50bb14a   Avoiding unnecessary copy by creating borders in place after RGB -> RGBA conversion
      adds  87760d1   Cleanup and addition of 4-component support for ocl_fastNlMeansDenoising
      adds  ae08884   Added support for 4-component input for fastNlMeansDenoising[Multi][Abs]
      adds  ac6771f   Added test cases
      adds  d56d04e   Updated documentation
      adds  69eae13   Changed pointers from sample_t * to uchar *. Rescaling psz accordingly.
      adds  305cff3   Changed from IT to int for distance calculation
      adds  18be52c   Changed LUTs from IT to int
      adds  c41efe4   Refactoring in preparation for per-channel h-values
      adds  1e82a67   Additional refactoring
      adds  41ffcc2   Added support for h = 0.0
      adds  324fa26   Refactoring of OpenCL implementation
      adds  cc8d94c   Addition of per-channel h-values for fastNlMeansDenoising[Multi][Abs]
      adds  2116013   Addition of test cases
      adds  c444886   Changed parameters of fastNlMeansDenoising[Multi][Abs] from float * to std::vector<float>
      adds  a594a06   Cleanup
      adds  4b5753d   Corrected documentation
      adds  b471f9e   Fixed call to tegra::fastNlMeansDenoising
      adds  5a7118a   Merging in master
      adds  8aa0783   Changed parameter type of fastNlMeansDenoising[Multi][Abs] from std::vector<float> to const std::vector<float>&
      adds  812edb5   Fixed bug, maxDist() should reurn int, not double
      adds  82c5410   Fix warnings on Win x64
      adds  9fff789   Removed fastNlMeansDenoisingColored[Multi]Abs
      adds  5f8d688   Added parameter normType to fastNlMeansDenoising
      adds  70a64eb   Added test cases
      adds  01d3df0   Added normType parameter to fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti
      adds  5501cfd   Merge pull request #3814 from erikrk:denoising-16bit-master
      adds  8779d02   Added transition (from 2.4) guide
      adds  4d7d354   Added to TOC
      adds  fab51ac   Removed blank line at EOF
      adds  f6c561a   Merge pull request #3634 from mshabunin:transition-guide
      adds  b9b743b   Don't explicitly link Python on OS X
      adds  bd7c78f   Merge pull request #3866 from tdsmith:python-linkage
      adds  68e59d6   [RHO] Initial commit of RHO algorithm for rapid homography estimation.
      adds  38e3f2c   Merge https://github.com/Itseez/opencv into rho
      adds  51963f9   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into rho
      adds  bcc630a   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into rho
      adds  46631c4   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into rho
      adds  c175a86   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into rho
      adds  33a3fba   Work on LevMarq code.
      adds  7fca146   More LevMarq bugfixes.
      adds  4401095   Optimizations to Jacobian and error calculations.
      adds  f73b48b   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master' into rho
      adds  8a51826   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master' into rho
      adds  ff91af8   LevMarq made semi-functional.
      adds  02124f1   Further LevMarq improvements.
      adds  045f829   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master' into rho
      adds  8907e6f   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master' into rho
      adds  69b1464   Edited Doxygen documentation in the module calib3d.
      adds  ce0570b   Splitting vectorized code into separate branch.
      adds  2609e77   Silence spurious loss-of-data warnings from Windows.
      adds  b90800f   Corrected typo in comment.
      adds  87c2b81   Bug fixes in mask output.
      adds  6dbf13d   saveBestModel() is modified. accuracy test is passed.
      adds  adac8c0   Converted to C++ style, + bugfixes.
      adds  7e27339   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master' into rho
      adds  ccd33a7   Fixed build failures related to designSPRTTest().
      adds  ff2509a   Fixed printouts in testcase to blame the correct method for a failure.
      adds  6b04351   Merge branch 'accuracy' of https://github.com/obilaniu/opencv into accuracy
      adds  9a55506   Fix sacCalcJacobianErrors arguments.  (curr.inl replaced with best.inl) Fix the issue given NULL inlMask
      adds  42176f8   Fix sacCalcJacobianErrors arguments.  (curr.inl replaced with best.inl) Fix the issue given NULL inlMask
      adds  e226780   Fix sacCalcJacobianErrors arguments.  (curr.inl replaced with best.inl) Fix the issue given NULL inlMask
      adds  e5696bc   Whitespace change reverts to minimize delta w.r.t master.
      adds  5d79b10   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master' into rho
      adds  44f906e   Fix sacCalcJacobianErrors arguments.  (curr.inl replaced with best.inl) Fix the issue given NULL inlMask
      adds  5070f2a   Fix sacCalcJacobianErrors arguments.  (curr.inl replaced with best.inl) Fix the issue given NULL inlMask
      adds  86b6cab   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/obilaniu/opencv
      adds  f148f23   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  0ea009f   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  f454929   PRNG changes: xorshift128+ algorithm, and seeding API.
      adds  eb7a788   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  59d6279   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  43a4124   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  5748cea   Removed unnecessary precision in damped Cholesky decomposition.
      adds  094f143   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  ed2a237   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  b229d6b   Moved constants to cv:: namespace.
      adds  a2affe7   Deleted last remnants of restrict keyword.
      adds  0f6ea38   Added OPENCV_ prefix to #include guard.
      adds  e1abc41   Changed seeding in initialization.
      adds  16f36a5   Replaced division by reciprocal + multiply in a few places.
      adds  e7d5e57   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  bb01231   Substituted the NaN check with OpenCV's implementation.
      adds  f592321   Internal buffers converted to use OpenCV dynamic memory allocation.
      adds  408f933   External interface converted to use OpenCV Ptr<> smart pointer.
      adds  3a4d9a7   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  736b42b   Refactorings and renamings.
      adds  27fd810   Silenced build warnings on Windows.
      adds  52e67c1   Whitespace & Doc fixes on lower half of rho.cpp.
      adds  fcdbacd   Corrected initialization of smart pointer.
      adds  2113636   Made seed a constant.
      adds  d653491   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  9c432f4   Silence Windows warnings.
      adds  7e3cc44   More docs on variable accesses.
      adds  ac1099d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  6d27d48   Bugfix in n* optimization.
      adds  8a1d8c8   Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master'
      adds  0545aeb   Merge pull request #3670 from obilaniu:master
      adds  6318409   Reduce variable scope
      adds  97bdc92   Merge pull request #3870 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope9
      adds  82adf79   Fix python submodules inheritance detection
      adds  e94dfce   Add python test for inheritance structure generation
      adds  109b696   Merge pull request #3878 from mshabunin:fix-python
      adds  32da602   fix build (related to PR #3814)
      adds  eff302a   Merge pull request #3875 from alalek:fix_build
      adds  3465cef   disable cuda::OpticalFlowNeedleMap if configured without cudaimgproc disable cuda::FastOpticalFlowBM if configured without cudaarithm
      adds  b123870   Merge pull request #3868 from Dikay900:fix_cudalegacy_without_cudaimgproc
      adds  86c7d60   Fix a typo in template_matching.markdown
      adds  10e0540   Merge pull request #3871 from potpath:patch-1
      adds  b91313a   initialize the output flow in EMD (thanks to Daniel DeMenthon for the bug report)
      adds  1381564   Merge pull request #3880 from vpisarev:fix_emd
      adds  9b9ebe0   Ported from 2.4
      adds  2316851   OpenCV Manager: support 3.0.0 library
      adds  ee4bea7   Reverted unneeded change
      adds  dddba26   Changed Android Manager version to 3.0
      adds  77cbddf   Merge pull request #3847 from mshabunin:android-build
      adds  fab2a94   Fix build for VC10
      adds  56b0233   Commented unused constants in the RHO algorithm
      adds  d279f12   Merge pull request #3884 from mshabunin:fix-vc10-build
      adds  313e799   Add link to old documentation format
      adds  ff682a3   Merge pull request #3872 from mshabunin:add-rst-link
      adds  3df6b6f   added self-contained motion jpeg encoder (filename should end with .avi; fourcc should be "MJPG"
      adds  8d1232c   fixed warnings; transpose qtab to make it compatible with neon branch
      adds  602d2c3   added video writer quality, which user may change dynamically in the case of motion jpeg; enabled NEON intrinsics in the encoder
      adds  fa9c9e7   Merge pull request #3876 from vpisarev:mjpeg_codec
      adds  5e354fa   Allow PYTHON_LIBRARY and PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR to actually be overridden
      adds  4b0543c   Merge pull request #3883 from kmsquire:python_cmake_fix
      adds  d326c77   fix build (related to PR #3814)
      adds  13a9d4a   Merge pull request #3888 from alalek:fix_build
      adds  75a6554   Reduce variables scope
      adds  864b4e3   Merge pull request #3873 from Dmitry-Me:reduceVariableScope10
      adds  149c1c1   cap_libv4l.cpp depends on both libv4l 1 and 2, so search for both
      adds  80c79d4   Merge pull request #3891 from mshabunin:fix-v4l2-link
      adds  1f04f9d   Fixing help messages
      adds  ae090fe   Functionality for relocation of tests
      adds  6aaa6a5   Merge pull request #3887 from MSOpenTech:update_py_script
      adds  7c5084e     - update documentation     * correct the part about fixed aspect     * improve formatting     * add snippet markers to source     * replace inline code by @snippet   - do not run calibration twice when using a imageList   - make output consistent in itself (CamelCase vs no_camel_case) as well as with old camera calibrate sample   - respect write extrinsic/ points flags   - set the aspectRatio value when specified   - fix writing of calibration settings. also update [...]
      adds  5ab26e3   Merge pull request #3874 from paroj:calib_sample
      adds  6593422   Bugfix: #4030 SVM auto-training.
      adds  38ce0fe   Merge pull request #3897 from sanchom:bugfix_4030
      adds  2e86ced   Fix MinGW detection on x86
      adds  8f84a73   Fix MinGW architecture detection
      adds  3fff0e5   Fix MinGW detection on x86
      adds  66e653d   Remove local variables from CMAKE namespace
      adds  afd9de6   Fix static/shared lib detection
      adds  da0e2c5   Merge pull request #3889 from nitsch:fix-mingw-cmake
      adds  952f9db   initialize tiltedOffset variable at correct location do not use this variable if it is not an tilted feature
      adds  246b7ab   Merge pull request #3869 from Dikay900:remove_unused_variable
      adds  412a2aa   Added support for 'imgcodecs' module:  - Resolved GET_ENV and input type incompatibility  - Made libjpeg compile for WINRT. So does imgcodecs module.  - Updated .gitignore (log, tlog)
      adds  75850a1   Added sample imgcodecs logic to winrt sample app  - Made use imread() in OcvImageProcessing sample.  - Added test/sample logic to verify file creation via imgcodecs.
      adds  a035d39   Merge pull request #3892 from MSOpenTech:imgcodecs-contrib
      adds  1af4521   fix for issue 1915
      adds  559dfa2   Merge pull request #3813 from hahne:iss1915
      adds  7e35f76   allowing people to manually define how sharp a cascade classifier model should be trained
      adds  240b521   Merge pull request #3798 from StevenPuttemans:add_breakrule_cascade_accuracy
      adds  796c15d   fixing wrong equation in accuracy break rule
      adds  be9c6bd   Merge pull request #3901 from StevenPuttemans:add_breakrule_cascade_accuracy
      adds  ed9f933   fixing confusing variable naming in a sample code
      adds  085b4ca   Merge pull request #3902 from apavlenko:doc_fix_imwrite_master
      adds  03ea24f   Fix for decoding large Jp2 images on Windows.
      adds  6fd2fdc   Jasper unit-tests and removed a superfluous assertion.
      adds  54ab313   Simplified temp filename generation.
      adds  f75f2ff   Jpeg2k color to greyscale conversion on non-Windows is done post decoding because system libjasper segfaults when decoding color images as greyscale.
      adds  caa03f7   Merge pull request #3694 from Ashod:jp2
      adds  5d97dd0   Update android+AsyncServiceHelper.java
      adds  0df9dc8   Update android+AsyncServiceHelper.java
      adds  d2dc7f4   Update android+AsyncServiceHelper.java
      adds  08c84e0   Merge pull request #3729 from bitstars:AsyncServiceHelper.java-Android-5-hotfix
      adds  58f20a3   Ximea camera fix (see issue #4235)
      adds  ac22c52   Merge pull request #3903 from SeninAndrew:master
      adds  52c727f   Fix a segment fault issue in cascade classfier
      adds  bd2be9c   Merge pull request #3890 from greensea:patch-1
      adds  9cccd87   Silence cmake 3.0+ warnings about MACOSX_RPATH
      adds  44f112a   Merge pull request #3906 from yxiong:policy-0042
      adds  35b2139   Basic HAL module
      adds  edb4a7a   Merge pull request #3879 from mshabunin:add-hal
      adds  052593c   1. Input/OutputArray optimizations; 2. Algorithm::load/save added (moved from StatModel) 3. copyrights updated; added copyright/licensing info for ffmpeg 4. some warnings from Xcode 6.x are fixed
      adds  259e41d   reverted "typedef _InputArray InputArray", fixed warning from doxygen
      adds  5b3f89d   Merge pull request #3911 from vpisarev:core_tweaks
      adds  e7c02f3   Fixed world build with HAL
      adds  c436cac   Merge pull request #3913 from mshabunin:fix-world-build
      adds  979721c   Fix generating of android.mk
      adds  f803c2a   Generators: updated the library gathering loop
      adds  728bd0b   Merge pull request #3905 from mshabunin:fix-android-mk
      adds  2d8b4fe   Add #ifdef's such that python wrapper builds independent of other components
      adds  369a3d1   Merge pull request #3907 from yxiong:python-dependencies
      adds  97c7883   Fixed windows build and one warning
      adds  c094c58   Merge pull request #3916 from mshabunin:fix-winpack-test
      adds  740ae35   Initial commit of avi mjpeg decoder
      adds  b639353   Merge pull request #3912 from kalistratovag:mjpeg_dec
      adds  17bedd7   workaround for stange internal compiler error when cross-compiling with 4.6
      adds  81c5d58   Merge pull request #3928 from ilya-lavrenov:android_4.6
      adds  bb0631a   Add sample cmake project
      adds  b80142b   Fix an issue in cmake tutorial
      adds  46a6f70   Merge pull request #3934 from mshabunin:add-cpp-sample-project
      adds  2358c79   move 3265 to 3.0;
      adds  b4aa37a   Merge pull request #3933 from BKNio:putText_3_0
      adds  cb00c70   Fix cache error during SVM train
      adds  b27467d   Merge pull request #3931 from mshabunin:fix-svm-train
      adds  0fd1203   Fixed Doc Errors Bug#4282
      adds  d01ee09   Merge pull request #3945 from nisargthakkar:DocBugFix4282
      adds  316d76b   Rename OpenCV Engine to org.opencv.engine3 for release candidate
      adds  a362aca   Rename manager package to OpenCV3 Manager
      adds  faf84e7   Merge pull request #3937 from mshabunin:android-engine3
      adds  78eac67   clean up cvTriangulatePoints by using C++ primitives directly. - fixes the Calib3d_StereoCalibrate_C testcase. update comment regarding cv::SVD::MODIFY_A
      adds  99d0fcf   Merge pull request #3938 from paroj:triangulatecpp
      adds  2f95acf   completing and fixing gen_pattern.py
      adds  60a51b8   Merge pull request #3921 from sergarrido:master
      adds  a0bc0ab   Fix for Bug4243
      adds  00094a8   Fix for Bug4243. Made changes relating to non OpenCL devices
      adds  4c875dc   Merge pull request #3932 from nisargthakkar:Bug4243
      adds  723c317   changed create function in tutorial
      adds  737d866   Merge pull request #3930 from berak:python_docs_stereobm
      adds  4686b93   Fix typo in documentation. F = K^-T * E * K^-1
      adds  0f13208   Merge pull request #3929 from daeyun:findEssentialMat_doc
      adds  3b177ea   ENH: explicitly declared outputFilename to surpress error C2668
      adds  887fe93   Merge pull request #3926 from stoneyang:stone
      adds  3c797b0   findcontour_example check image empty
      adds  8e493ef   Merge pull request #3925 from ttagu99:findcontour_example2
      adds  cca78e0   Null Pointer check in vizimpl.cpp
      adds  dce0405   Merge pull request #3947 from tcavallari:patch-1
      adds  a2bba1b   HAL extensions: added initial version of universal intrinsics (C implementation and SSE2, NEON - TBD). added empty files where some functionality from core and imgproc will be moved to
      adds  ee11a2d   fully implemented SSE and NEON cases of intrin.hpp; extended the HAL with some basic math functions
      adds  c7121e8   fixed compile warnings
      adds  1fcc83b   fixed some more compile warnings
      adds  bfbf864   fixed some more compile warnings (2)
      adds  ce7590b   continuing fixing universal intrinsics
      adds  17675b4   trying to fix test failures
      adds  92f2ad0   trying to fix test failures (take 2)
      adds  ca9a288   extended universal intrinsics: added 64-bit integers, improved shift operators, renamed "pack" operations; changed semantics of extended integer multiplication, added v_dotprod. also, split intrinsics into separate files. C implementation is compiled only when none of SSE2 or NEON is available.
      adds  6916a14   fixed some newly introduced compile errors and warnings
      adds  fa41653   trying to avoid ABI checker failures
      adds  926754a   another attempt to resolve ABI checker complains
      adds  063e400   Merge pull request #3935 from vpisarev:extending_hal_part1
      adds  581923f   Merge pull request #1 from Itseez/master
      adds  4a65f3c   Squashed commit of the following:
      adds  e800800   Squashed commit of the following:
      adds  225da02   Fix bug in SVM::trainAuto
      adds  0c24ccf   Revert "Fix bug in SVM::trainAuto"
      adds  3646967   Fix bug in SVM::trainAuto
      adds  5c379aa   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Nuzhny007/opencv
      adds  e630375   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Nuzhny007/opencv
      adds  a69b435   Merge pull request #3909 from Nuzhny007:master
      adds  0b20ce6   Fixed markdown: **Note** -> @note
      adds  bac4999   Merge pull request #3948 from PhilLab:markdownPatch
      adds  103336c   Fix Bug #3989: correctly identify ellipse with its axes parallel to x-y axes during semi-major axis calculation
      adds  5a552b6   Regression test for Bug #3989: check fitEllipse with rotation angles of n*pi/2
      adds  37f77e7   Change condition on parallel ellipse case so can only calculate t if necessary
      adds  415a212   Merge pull request #3936 from dhood:fitEllipse-bug
      adds  b02fc03   fix python and numpy output formatters
      adds  7dd19f6   Merge pull request #3939 from paroj:fmtfix
      adds  0892533   mjpec_decoder initialize m_movi_start variable
      adds  d8f6267   Merge pull request #3951 from kalistratovag:mjpeg_dec_uninitialized
      adds  1ea41e7   fix gftt opencv kernel when using mask
      adds  882dc0a   Merge pull request #3950 from paroj:fix-gftt_ocl
      adds  2b2e3ee   make sure opencv builds fine with the recent versions of libav (e.g. from Ubuntu 14.10)
      adds  30912b4   fixed compile warnings; hopefully fixed test failures
      adds  dcf177e   Merge pull request #3952 from vpisarev:fix_libav_case
      adds  d825b7e   fixed mjpeg encoder so that libjpeg-based decoder does not complain on extra bytes in the end of stream
      adds  12a3156   Merge pull request #3955 from vpisarev:fixed_mjpeg_encoder
      adds  34bc3b8   Don't relax error level for particular fundamental matrix calculation methods
      adds  eee210f   Fix Bug #3441, #4072, #4173: 8-point fundamental matrix calculation error
      adds  1e90b2f   Merge pull request #3957 from dhood:fm-8pt-bug
      adds  f57063e   port of aarch64 cuda changes from 2.4
      adds  755527a   Merge pull request #3958 from ilya-lavrenov:cuda_aarch64
      adds  b057a62   Set status to rc
      adds  6a5f413   Merge tag '3.0.0-rc1'
      adds  9f7548a   update openni sample comments referring #81
      adds  614edaf   typo
      adds  b94c513   fixed error in hough lines tutorial (the point (9,4) is not on the lines, but the point (4,9) is)
      adds  d6c9562   Implement CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR for older CMake
      adds  8919c31   Merge pull request #3964 from Dikay900:master_diff_to_2_4
      adds  1138a38   Use explicit no-sse flags when SSE is off
      adds  20156d1   Adding 1 to moments to avoid tests fails
      adds  9efc57f   Increased perf_imgproc.moments max error
      adds  bcf02ae   Merge pull request #3678 from mshabunin:explicit-sse-disable
      adds  d2409d1   porting polylines with empty `vector<Point>` from 2.4 to master
      adds  ce7812f   Merge pull request #3962 from apavlenko:fix_polylines_empty
      adds  5ffb53f   Add example data types for calibrateCamera call
      adds  7245803   Merge pull request #3954 from martin-ueding:master
      adds  2c73e49   Not block PDB file in multithreaded build on Windows.
      adds  3b5530f   Fix a bad free space check in icvGrowSeq.
      adds  b4c7c01   In cvAddText, construct QString from "text" using fromUtf8.
      adds  e6f7e96   Fixing the bug #4244 that I just reported in code.opencv.org
      adds  b599774   Fix a bug that impede to set the trackbar pos using the Qt control panel
      adds  b99f7a2   Cast some image coordinates and sizes to double.
      adds  5455e38   cap_msmf.hpp: fix a warning about nNull being unused
      adds  655b28e   Use the CMake find_library command to find the FFmpeg libraries.
      adds  63dbeea   Fix iOS warnings about implicit conversion precision by changing double literals to float ones
      adds  e60dcc9   Merge pull request #3966 from Dikay900:master_diff_to_2_4_2
      adds  2200e0f   Fix typo
      adds  07e0765   Merge pull request #3967 from Belev:fix-typo
      adds  5e44aa3   Fixed a typo, "requited" -> "required"
      adds  e01b485   Merge pull request #3973 from xsorifc28:patch-1
      adds  dadf53f   Doxygen: replaced @includelineno by @include to enable copy-pasting
      adds  4bf6bd3   Merge pull request #3972 from PhilLab:docLineno
      adds  0baaf0a   fixing old variables in documentation and transfering to the new interface
      adds  1756590   Merge pull request #3985 from StevenPuttemans:fix_imread_parameters
      adds  c137ba5   Wrap ANN_MLP class into Python
      adds  7a3c0cb   Merge pull request #3991 from mshabunin:python-underscore
      adds  30a3ff0   fixed compile errors on OSX and other systems where ffmpeg is detected manually, not via pkg-config
      adds  a822681   fixed http://code.opencv.org/issues/4189
      adds  0746ec7   fixed http://code.opencv.org/issues/4278
      adds  d8f3603   fixed http://code.opencv.org/issues/3828, added test. thanks to berak for the patch
      adds  135fa85   added vector<bool> support (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3826)
      adds  7918267   fixed U non-orthogonality in SVD (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3801)
      adds  74e2b8c   fixed invalid output of cv::dft when using DFT_ROWS + DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3428)
      adds  9fbd1d6   refactored div & pow funcs; added tests for special cases in pow() function. fixed http://code.opencv.org/issues/3935 possibly fixed http://code.opencv.org/issues/3594
      adds  79ac0d0   added test checking http://code.opencv.org/issues/4050
      adds  96b5ec1   fixed bug with simplex initialization in Downhill solver (thanks to Toby Rule for the patch): http://code.opencv.org/issues/3990. re-enabled Downhill solver test, let's see how it goes
      adds  9c0b740   improved randShuffle as suggested by John Stark in http://code.opencv.org/issues/3730
      adds  a33d792   Fixed getContinuousSize() to handle huge matrices properly. This should solve http://code.opencv.org/issues/3232
      adds  01e351d   refactored downhill simplex implementation a bit; hopefully, fixed the bug with random failures in the tests
      adds  2ec92ba   added test for http://code.opencv.org/issues/1918
      adds  5a31f6b   ok, so probably the failure in downhill simplex has been finally solved
      adds  5b9182b   reenabled conjugate gradient solver test
      adds  63a63e3   extended MinProblemSolver::Function to 1) report the space dimensionality, 2) compute gradient if needed
      adds  931a519   fixed warning in mathfuncs
      adds  73f760f   some more compile warnings fixed
      adds  0ee8634   fixed random failures in Core_DFT.complex_output2 test (the case of input_mat.cols == 1)
      adds  d280205   fixed compile errors on ARM, as well as failures in OCL_Dft* regression tests
      adds  f49544f   Merge pull request #3987 from vpisarev:core_fixes_part_1
      adds  fb56d5c   Squash all BRISK commits into one.
      adds  26997f3   Fix BRISK detector&descriptor using proper AGAST.
      adds  dee3a4b   Add missing opencv_contrib PR #202 patch.
      adds  0ded298   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into brisk
      adds  0039690   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv into brisk
      adds  0ec5561   Adjust AGAST perftest to be at parity (better) with FAST ones.
      adds  e2f7430   Default AGAST threshold is 40 (as authors recomandation)
      adds  bbdf216   Leave AGAST at thresold=10, cosmetic for perf tests.
      adds  9b87c22   Fix bugs in non-max suppression routine.
      adds  f426778   Force buildbot rebuild.
      adds  8ba1ec2   Force buildbot to rebuild.
      adds  2c6114f   Force newer build over buildbot.
      adds  6b1d5e4   Merge branch 'brisk' of https://github.com/cbalint13/opencv into brisk
      adds  a31b293   Merge pull request #3919 from cbalint13:brisk
      adds  ae933db   Fixing the gdal include error that Macports seems to only mess up.
      adds  b8d40b4   Merge pull request #4002 from marvins:gdal-fix
      adds  ab40c2a   added the signedGradient varaible to the HOGDescriptor class. when true, use signed gradient for the angular histogram computation. default to false for backward compatibility.
      adds  939c1d2   Merge pull request #4000 from sdika:HOGSignedGradient
      adds  3fe69f4   small fixes for features2d tutorials
      adds  09c26d6   Merge pull request #3999 from berak:features2d_tutorial_fix
      adds  f052b0b   get code to compile on Ubuntu Saucy A define was forgotten for the codecs and there was a typo for another.
      adds  568303a   Merge pull request #3993 from vrabaud:master
      adds  7cd1986   Prevent the parent from drawing over OpenGL context.
      adds  d3ef3cf   Merge pull request #3996 from Ashod:opengl_context_clip
      adds  01c3d49   Fixed python crash when both cv2.imshow and gtk module are used
      adds  5de9d8e   Merge pull request #3994 from mshabunin:fix-gtk-crash
      adds  34dacde   fixing all RGB instances to BGR where needed
      adds  4af2eb2   Merge pull request #3974 from StevenPuttemans:fix_RGB_naming_master
      adds  1e00a93   Fix spelling
      adds  3f180b0   Merge pull request #4007 from martin-ueding:master
      adds  0f53526   Added VideoWriter and changed finalize to delete
      adds  4743184   Merge pull request #4006 from sgjava:opencv-steve
      adds  cab0ecd   Avoid clearing HaarEvaluator::tofs variable (introduced fb8478eb7b6c76f15c106c29a8843d8c3722bb62) in HaarEvaluator::setImage(...) since it won't be recomputed by HaarEvaluator::computeOptFeatures() for cases where the input image dimensions and requested search scales are the same as the previous.  If none of the above change then it should be correct, and if they do change it will be computed correctly inside HaarEvaluator::computeOptFeatures() (in commit 952f9dbe62 [...]
      adds  cc92cd0   Merge pull request #4017 from headupinclouds:master
      adds  c8cb03f   Replaced 'corrected' to 'distorted' in camera calibration tutorials
      adds  61293a0   Fixed RGB-to-HLS conversion formula in documentation
      adds  e22c09c   Documentation for CommandLineParser
      adds  a7160d9   Docs: fixed _dest type in cv::compare
      adds  3f91b0d   Fixed external link in python colorspace tutorial
      adds  6d1cbc6   Reorganized user guide
      adds  a87e1c2   Merge pull request #4012 from mshabunin:doc-fixes
      adds  fe0ce92   Changed delete() modifier to public from protected
      adds  8b3b2a5   Removed finalize() and added n_delete to release()
      adds  52fa55a   Merge pull request #4014 from sgjava:opencv-sgjava
      adds  d59a6b2   fixed http://code.opencv.org/issues/4276 - removed drawing thickness upper limit
      adds  25bcca2   fixed http://code.opencv.org/issues/4276 - set drawing thickness limit to 32767
      adds  c52092e   Merge pull request #3992 from nomarek:master
      adds  b957693   Fixed ANN_MLP dw initialization when moment is not 0
      adds  354ed5c   Merge pull request #4009 from mshabunin:fix-ann-moment
      adds  443b315   Fix win32 search for same bitness executable
      adds  a26ab3a   Merge pull request #3917 from yanlend:patch-1
      adds  441f93d   Unify iOS platform check
      adds  3109c77   Merge pull request #3983 from ruslo:unify.ios
      adds  40b765b   Add VS2015 compatibility to CMake scripts
      adds  35884a7   Merge pull request #3982 from patrikhuber:vs2015-support-master
      adds  f148eaa   Fix errors while compiling with c++11 flag
      adds  cc086b9   Merge pull request #3979 from ruslo:fix.cxx11
      adds  71002e0   some fixes from http://code.opencv.org/issues/3733
      adds  d3b0cb8   added test for http://code.opencv.org/issues/2736
      adds  2e7e754   added support for n-channel (n>4) images in warpAffine/warpPerspective/remap: http://code.opencv.org/issues/4190
      adds  feb5b6a   increased singularity epsilon in LU decomposition. This solved singular case from http://code.opencv.org/issues/3305. Added the respective test.
      adds  b37aaa8   significantly improved parallel non-local means by using granularity parameter in parallel_for_ loop. Because the algorithm deals with sliding sums, it's essential that each thread has enough work to do, otherwise the algorithm gets higher theoretical complexity and thus there is no speedup comparing to 1-thread code (at best).
      adds  05d8883   added test for http://code.opencv.org/issues/2957
      adds  ca90667   fixed compile warnings on Linux and Windows
      adds  ffabbfa   added test to prove that remap does not leak memory (http://code.opencv.org/issues/2502). disabled the test for now to save execution time.
      adds  3c7f7de   avoid possible problems with zero values in tone mapping algorithms (http://code.opencv.org/issues/4020)
      adds  3c769ed   added extra check in CalibrateDebevec to make sure the points are within the image: http://code.opencv.org/issues/4124
      adds  7dd67f4   use _mm_sad_epu8 instead of _mm_movemask_epi8 in countNonZero. Therefore, we do not need any popcount table and this solves http://code.opencv.org/issues/4333
      adds  66eb270   significantly reduced sparse matrix footprint: http://code.opencv.org/issues/2206, http://code.opencv.org/issues/2924
      adds  4a9b244   hopefully, fixed crash in sparse mat test
      adds  a85bb09   Merge pull request #4018 from vpisarev:imgproc_video_fixes
      adds  d40eefd   Moved old WinRT related wrappers from highgui to videoio fixing long broken logic.
      adds  d08cb6b   Added WinRT support for videoio.
      adds  55f78f8   Added configuration changes enabling videoio WinRT support.
      adds  3d20157   Added sample Windows Universal application (UAP) using videoio logic for video preview and processing.
      adds  eb41a57   Merge pull request #4005 from MSOpenTech:videoio-contrib
      adds  a94fdbe   Example about BLOB with a new image in data folder
      adds  05bc762   trailing whitespace
      adds  dfc508b   problem float constant and position of > in vector
      adds  780f4ae   try to implement remark included in message
      adds  31ef944   remove example_blob.bmp
      adds  78e89ba   Merge pull request #4001 from LaurentBerger:ExampleBLOB
      adds  6425ac3   Added color map similar to Matlab's new default color map 'parula'.
      adds  e0136e3   Merge pull request #4011 from cr333:parula
      adds  f39d351   Modified resetCvImage() in cap_ximea.cpp, so that the IplImage* frame is also updated after the resolution has changed via set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, value)/set(CV_CAP_PROP_XI_DOWNSAMPLING, value)
      adds  b73894b   bugfix_for_hog_detectMultiScale_with_weights
      adds  8b79147   Merge pull request #3971 from Dikay900:2_4_to_master_3
      adds  e22979f   fix #4343 : cv::cuda::findMinMaxLoc incorrect output for single row matrix
      adds  2fc9244   Merge pull request #4024 from jet47:cuda-minmaxloc-one-row-input
      adds  a524226   cleanup after last PR
      adds  3136010   Merge pull request #4023 from Dikay900:cleanup_cascadedetect
      adds  e936670   Install cvconfig.h file
      adds  298c98e   Merge pull request #4026 from mshabunin:install-cvconfig
      adds  d67d32a   Revert of "Merge pull request #4014 from sgjava:opencv-sgjava" (reverted from commit 52fa55a770cb07a6401aa6617b81f413d1165771)
      adds  ab8afc3   Revert of "Merge pull request #4006 from sgjava:opencv-steve" (reverted from commit 4743184078659d4bcf43c363efd2aa430e4786ff)
      adds  7061bf0   Merge pull request #4031 from apavlenko:revert_4014
      adds  5cb70d3   fixed vector out of range exception in nextImg
      adds  6ac4a4c   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/zenev/opencv
      adds  6b04c2b   Merge pull request #4027 from zenev:master
      adds  6d0407b   VideoCapture with digital camera and gPhoto2 library
      adds  021473e   Merge pull request #4040 from dobrypd:libgphoto2-connection
      adds  432cf11   added read/write functions for vector<DMatch> + the test (http://code.opencv.org/issues/4308)
      adds  fc06a23   added test for batch detection/descriptor extraction (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3943)
      adds  b5a7122   added test to do smoke testing of ORB, KAZE, AKAZE and BRISK on images of different size
      adds  fede94e   it's now true MSER algorithm that works well on binary images too
      adds  dab78c2   added reasonable test for MSER (including coverage for http://code.opencv.org/issues/4273, http://code.opencv.org/issues/1723 and http://code.opencv.org/issues/756); also, added some "in-progress" info to the Features2d_Feature2d.no_crash test.
      adds  4c67ae1   fixed failure in Features2d_MSER.cases
      adds  af47b65   another attempt to make the MSER test pass. removed possible randomization in parameters from run to run
      adds  ef8182e   Merge pull request #4025 from vpisarev:features2d_fixes
      adds  450a276   directx opencl interop samples (with copy from opencl image2d to buffer)
      adds  3cb4954   fixed new blank line at EOF
      adds  f019700   removed original samples and replace them with new ones. modified new samples (reduce code duplication, add cmd line params and short description)
      adds  af806bc   replaced macros with template func
      adds  892684e   add short description
      adds  c64a152   short description moved to the beginning of file
      adds  8e39225   Merge pull request #4016 from vladimir-dudnik:directx-opencl-sample
      adds  d2aaa70   removed HAL calls from public OpenCV headers; put IPP calls back to hall:sqrt() and such (but they are disabled for now)
      adds  f32f048   trying to eliminate warnings in Android build
      adds  526defa   Merge pull request #4048 from vpisarev:hal_fixes
      adds  4418ee6   Refactored internal helpers. Simplified structure. Updated comments. Updates #41
      adds  f5be8f6   Merge pull request #4047 from MSOpenTech:videoio-refactor-contrib
      adds  cbaf0ec   Fixed triangulation bug http://code.opencv.org/issues/4334.
      adds  a1a35ca   Merge pull request #4010 from cr333:triangulation_fix_master
      adds  acbc736   Bug #3611 Initializing static cv::Mat with cv::Mat::zeros causes segmentation fault fixed.
      adds  22c0238   Android camera qcom HAL doesn't like it when no consumer usage bits are set. Set a usage bit for preview BufferQueue.
      adds  6a50a51   Bugfix #3705: params.setRecordingHint(true) breaks camera preview on Samsung Galaxy S2
      adds  e9bc9c4   Fix resource leak with iOS camera due to failure to remove AVCaptureSession input/outputs on stop (Bug #3389)
      adds  25b4cfa   add NEON realization for StereoBM(findCorrespondence, prefilterXSobel)
      adds  7ca0557   typos in comments
      adds  607d3b5   Fixes resizeWindow() on OS X (Bug #3200)
      adds  55a5e6b   bug fix 3696
      adds  4f95e6c   Fixed bug in cv::detail::waveCorrect
      adds  9c8255f   Doc: fix definition of macro CV_MAKETYPE
      adds  bb989f2   Merge pull request #4050 from Dikay900:2_4_to_master
      adds  7e6947a   Bugfix for bug #3767 Fixed a memory leak in cap_dshow.cpp in videoInput::setVideoSettingCamera(). The leak was caused by not releasing an IBaseFilter object created in a call to getDevice(). Tho object is now properly released.
      adds  5141141   Deb package build fix for CUDA 6.5 and newer.
      adds  6e1a595   GCC 4.8 warning array subscript is above array bounds fixed.
      adds  cb55d60   fixing GT and GE comparison symbol
      adds  3c2e12a   bug fixed
      adds  a9ae0c8   Test fisheye.rectify disabled for Tegra.
      adds  a04a051   Turn off superres accuracy tests if video i/o is not supported.
      adds  8138e26   Fixes  #3910, flags in _prepareImgAndDrawKeypoints are now binary OR'ed instead of added.
      adds  c9481b0   Don't allocate lots of memory when reading TIFFs with infinite rows per strip.
      adds  efa2bae   TCP instead of UDP
      adds  653810e   fix installation layout for debian packages:
      adds  3ec0e09   TIFF loader: Allocate large enough buffer when (bpp * ncn) > 8.
      adds  786d62e   Merge pull request #4051 from Dikay900:2_4_to_master_2
      adds  13cd052   typo
      adds  02eb8e7   Merge pull request #4052 from ilya-lavrenov:typo
      adds  a41ac8f   added sample code for LATCH
      adds  f85eb23   sample for LATCH
      adds  6613519   added sample for LATCH
      adds  05a45ef   renamed LATCH
      adds  a4e5b09   fixed whitespace issue
      adds  60064b3   Merge pull request #4015 from GilLevi:AddingLATCH
      adds  44d1738   Transition guide: how to check library version
      adds  55d1f0b   Transition guide: removed one of the version check methods
      adds  2952c10   Merge pull request #4049 from mshabunin:transition-hint
      adds  3c85200   Avoid negative index for a local buffer in Canny.cl.
      adds  b1a8e4f   Merge pull request #4054 from gongzg:master
      adds  90a7858   reproduced test case from http://code.opencv.org/issues/4334
      adds  7fd5b3a   added another triangulation test case from http://code.opencv.org/issues/3461; fixed partial derivative on distortion coefficients, as http://code.opencv.org/issues/4101 suggests
      adds  2466ca0   removed cameraMatrix modification in the currently disabled uPnP algorithm for SolvePnP problem (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3985)
      adds  3bc5958   added tests for http://code.opencv.org/issues/4011 and http://code.opencv.org/issues/3057; fixed random subset generation in both methods to increase chance for a good subset
      adds  9d90b05   fixed bug http://code.opencv.org/issues/3882
      adds  a12ec66   fixed useExtrinsicGuess=true case with single-precision input (http://code.opencv.org/issues/2734)
      adds  85149f8   hack solvePoly to finds roots of polynoms with zero higher-order coefficients. The roots are populated in this case, which is not valid, strictly speaking, but good enough for function like correctMatches. This solves http://code.opencv.org/issues/4330
      adds  e944533   fixed compile warnings; reenabled solvePnPRansac.concurrency test
      adds  ca1d8c1   fixed another compile warning from MSVC
      adds  bb2e40b   for some reason Calib3d_Homography.fromImages on ARM gives much smaller number of inliers than on x86/x64. Need to investigate more carefully, but let's decrease the tolerance threshold for now
      adds  dc58799   Merge pull request #4053 from vpisarev:calib3d_fixes
      adds  671a630   cmake/OpenCVGenPkgconfig.cmake: rework opencv.pc generation
      adds  3863dc5   Updated pkg-config generation, added sample makefile
      adds  8fb3760   Merge pull request #4032 from mshabunin:fix-pkg-config
      adds  330b3e8   Fixed latch sample build without contrib
      adds  5ad4bed   Added cvconfig.h copy during the build
      adds  75558ae   Merge pull request #4058 from mshabunin:latch-sample
      adds  b0cbec9   port of MR #4061 to master
      adds  1df244b   Merge pull request #4062 from ilya-lavrenov:android_master
      adds  9aaa27d   Adding missing docs for VideoWriter::release
      adds  57c3e91   Merge pull request #4068 from PhilLab:patch-4
      adds  6c55e7c   Fixed doc typo
      adds  8bc21fc   Merge pull request #4067 from PhilLab:patch-3
      adds  0f7de40   Fixed the race condition between inc and dec on the l_counter.
      adds  85c08dd   Merge pull request #4065 from gongzg:master
      adds  ff6881e   Fix for a potential data race condition
      adds  993e0b0   Fix for a potential data race condition
      adds  7658c2e   Fix for a potential data race condition
      adds  565d3dd   Merge pull request #4055 from rajithr:patch-1
      adds  3408114   Added video face detection. Restructured code.
      adds  176dd96   Merge pull request #4073 from MSOpenTech:video-sample-face
      adds  bd2c2f3   fix isContourConvex
      adds  549ef8f   Merge pull request #4071 from sergarrido:fix_isContourConvex
      adds  aa932ea   Adding WinRT face tracking sample. Works with asset images. Created by @ericmitt.
      adds  58cf11b   Merge pull request #4069 from MSOpenTech:sample-face-contrib
      adds  e96b8ce   superres: Fix return value VideoFrameSource_GPU
      adds  6aedd4f   fixing SVM negative value rounding
      adds  8454a8f   adding extra buffer parameter
      adds  83723c1   added extra BUFFERSIZE doc and getter
      adds  e9c765e   C++ sample code to detect facial features
      adds  bb72206   ability to enable OpenMP simultaneously with other parallel framework
      adds  eb40dde   Fixing XIMEA parameters mapping (issue #4176)
      adds  f7ad192   Merge pull request #4063 from Dikay900:2_4_to_master
      adds  6006790   releasing native memory in Java converters
      adds  c1c03e1   releasing native memory of temp `Mat` objects in generated Java code
      adds  665a317   Merge pull request #4056 from apavlenko:java_memory_release
      adds  6b9e273   Essai examleBlob et MSER
      adds  171b58e   Example BLOB_MSER
      adds  3a53e72   example BLOB_MSER and fixed bug in blobdetector
      adds  9e97d7b   Etude de MSER
      adds  e7fcffe   Exxemple MSER et BLOB séparés
      adds  06b0fa6   BLOB_MSER avec opengl
      adds  68e9d19   An example how to use features2d for MSER. Data results are visualized in 3D using openglwith mouse or keyboard
      adds  7cf5de0   trailing whitespace and some bracket
      adds  187ab0c   include cvconfig.h to use constant HAVE_OPENGL
      adds  546f70a   some warnings and errors
      adds  268283f   suppress android and mac warnings
      adds  a6a0fc5   replace "cvconfig.h" it with "opencv2/cvconfig.h".
      adds  b116d6c   use ifndef HAVE_GTK
      adds  b204013   back to #include "opencv2/cvconfig.h"
      adds  5e095c8   Merge pull request #4022 from LaurentBerger:ExampleBLOB_MSER
      adds  a4a2659   fixed digits.py sample to work with opencv 3
      adds  47d8187   fixed outdated params setting
      adds  8b8fc9e   Merge pull request #4070 from techfort:fixpythonsample
      adds  481f786   added simple HAL test; added RHO homography test
      adds  5f8f56e   report an error when trying to load HOG cascade
      adds  036c438   make facedetect.py work when the nested cascade is not specified
      adds  5a94a95   improvements in Haar CascadeClassifier: 1) use CV_32S instead of CV_32F for the integral of squares (which is more accurate and more efficient); 2) skip the window if its contrast is too low
      adds  8c3c6b3   make sure the returned rectangles are inside the image (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3136)
      adds  882c032   clip the found objects in HOG as well (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3825); added test to check CascadeClassifier on small images (http://code.opencv.org/issues/3710)
      adds  b46719b   Merge pull request #4074 from vpisarev:objdetect_fixes
      adds  fd860d7   Adding backslash in macro-based paths
      adds  96c3f16   Merge pull request #4075 from MSOpenTech:backslash-upd
      adds  3e25c08   A sample program  : how to use ORB AKAZE BRISK descriptors for matching. see http://answers.opencv.org/question/61062/features2d-example/
      adds  b28056e   Trailing whitespace
      adds  341de5d   trailing whitespace
      adds  56856a1   Conversion size-t in int
      adds  9ddb8bd   Problem with  warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
      adds  09e9e8a   I have modified source file and add a chart to have distance between keypoint for decriptor function og matching algorithm My english is not good so you can change some words in my comment
      adds  0993093   Trailing white space first step
      adds  cfcef3e   File was not saved due to wrong file name. Add a comment about bug 4308
      adds  966d507   Try to include comment from @eduardo and @berak Akaze descriptor with DESCRIPTOR_KAZE_UPRIGHT added
      adds  f6f5b60   trailing whitespace
      adds  26d7da6   warning C4101: 'e' line 146
      adds  16e20e5   An another improvement?
      adds  24dea1c   Merge pull request #3984 from LaurentBerger:ExampleCppORB
      adds  8e82bed   updated cap_libv4l.cpp to support  CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES and CV_CAP_PROP_FPS
      adds  535dc1e   Merge pull request #3998 from msandler:master
      adds  1df0f1d   Precise default CUDA version for Tegra X1 chips.
      adds  b866e26   Merge pull request #4079 from Dikay900:2_4_to_master
      adds  bf5393a   parallel for on pthreads initial commit
      adds  41af58d   Merge pull request #4076 from kalistratovag:parallel_pthreads
      adds  86fb9f8   Modify findTransformECC to support a mask of pixels to consider
      adds  78e07d3   Merge pull request #3845 from ellbur:findTransformECC-mask
      adds  a4073ed   made improvements in ECC code (comments from https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/3845), as well as minor tweak in pthread's based parallel for.
      adds  a28c8d0   Merge pull request #4081 from vpisarev:30_small_fixes
      adds  f57fb23   Update cuda.markdown
      adds  850e3c1   Merge pull request #4082 from diogorolo:patch-1
      adds  737a1e2   http://code.opencv.org/issues/4359, for master
      adds  8ad6ba8   Merge pull request #4084 from berak:patch-2
      adds  1f3043f   videoio: VideoWriter H264/.mp4 support via ffmpeg/libav
      adds  fd1b30f   Merge pull request #4089 from alalek:video_mp4
      adds  caffbaa   Updated Manager for Android
      adds  7541c59   AndroidMgr: Reversed file existence checking
      adds  33ab9ea   AndroidMgr: fixed typos and package name
      adds  1d7d22e   AndroidMgr: fixed library version check
      adds  7ee79b7   AndroidMgr: fixed package build
      adds  39fdcf4   Merge pull request #4083 from mshabunin:java-engine
      adds  c12243c   Version for 3.0.0 release
      adds  424c2bd   Merge tag '3.0.0'
      adds  1f983ec   Fixed compilation of pthread-based parallel_for with gcc 4.4.3
      adds  a482dcc   fix support for pthreads parallel_for
      adds  e79c184   Merge pull request #4116 from alalek:fix-pthread-pf
      adds  5123c3e   Added ground-truth disparity map for 'aloe'
      adds  f846bb2   Merge pull request #4121 from sbokov:addingAloeGT
      adds  061131a   Update imgproc.hpp
      adds  dac715a   Update imgproc.hpp
      adds  caa0058   Update imgproc.hpp
      adds  0c67c6c   Merge pull request #4112 from sturkmen72:patch-1
      adds  def2256   cv::stereoRectify: fix segfault in case of empty distCoeffs
      adds  f824db4   Merge pull request #4119 from D-Alex:master
      adds  caaf60b   remove bindings generation for DetectionBasedTracker
      adds  a003d1d   Merge pull request #4109 from alalek:fix_build_dbt_bindings
      adds  3e2515d   Fix bug in distanceATS_L1_8u and typos.
      adds  01c3ed6   Merge pull request #4108 from Reen:patch-1
      adds  510dec4   Fixing resource leaks
      adds  12e6efc   Merge pull request #4123 from rajithr:patch-1
      adds  9394486   fix issue 3891
      adds  fd22546   Merge pull request #4122 from alalek:fix_issue_3891
      adds  6724a0b   Added dummy highgui WinRT implementation
      adds  0824ed5   Merge pull request #4090 from MSOpenTech:highgui_winrt
      adds  b7cfd5a   ocl: added errors processing in OpenCL code generator, resolve space issue
      adds  220bb14   Merge pull request #4114 from alalek:ocl_generator_error_processing
      adds  959d575   videoio: update ffmpeg backend
      adds  3f26667   videoio: fix some issues in ffmpeg error processing
      adds  d882797   Merge pull request #4100 from alalek:fix_ffmpeg
      adds  78ddc56   Python generator: moved base class handling to the generate step
      adds  66216ea   Merge pull request #4093 from mshabunin:python-bases
      adds  0d821f0   fix icvCloseCAM_V4L wrong order of code blocks
      adds  e055128   Merge pull request #4099 from sash-kan:fix.2822
      adds  d647261   Fixed alpha preservation when converting 4-channel Mat to UIImage
      adds  125782c   fixed copy-paste errors
      adds  bf84347   Merge pull request #4115 from themightyoarfish:MatToUIImage_transparency
      adds  8184e57   fix tests build (win,shared,world)
      adds  7bfd070   Merge pull request #4095 from alalek:hal_unresolved_symbols
      adds  f30bf39   Add OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS to INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES target property
      adds  80bd67c   Merge pull request #4125 from ruslo:interface.include.dirs
      adds  1ce0ef9   fix build without IPP (and empty 3rdparty)
      adds  2bc16e8   Merge pull request #4128 from alalek:fix_noipp_build
      adds  f11ed4b   fix "non target" warning for "world" build
      adds  11ca4e6   Merge pull request #4134 from alalek:fix_get_target_property
      adds  83b8820   Update samples/cpp/example_cmake: no need to use `include_directories`
      adds  b98a54f   Merge pull request #4133 from ruslo:interface.sample
      adds  a55a8c9   Enable NEON optimization for cvRound on newer devices
      adds  00fb8a3   Merge pull request #4103 from mtamburrano:master
      adds  f63dde2   Separate OpenCV.mk files for different ABIs
      adds  48cc53b   Updated android toolchain
      adds  c79ad45   Added interface libraries for android opencv_java
      adds  bfa77ff   Increase android samples versions
      adds  a816a4b   Updated android manager readme file
      adds  6ab9df5   Merge pull request #4132 from mshabunin:fix-java-package
      adds  217dd63   OpenCV-OpenCL interop (PR #4072):
      adds  59ed7d0   Merge pull request #4072 from vladimir-dudnik:opencl-opencv-interop
      adds  902e381   fix one dict parameter in ffmpeg implementation (introduced while porting)
      adds  73031f9   Merge pull request #4143 from Dikay900:ffmpeg_dict
      adds  83b2621   Android: renamed default library name for static and dynamic fallback load; fixed libz import for 64-bit platforms
      adds  a1cdbd4   Merge pull request #4140 from mshabunin:fix-java-package
      adds  032b632   fix MatAllocator creation/destruction issues
      adds  bd90425   Merge pull request #4136 from alalek:fix_matallocator_destruction
      adds  d64c8aa   Update mat.hpp
      adds  81e1c04   Merge pull request #4142 from sturkmen72:patch-2
      adds  26d9a7c   Trying to fix flann python wrapper issue
      adds  fef7509   NumpyAllocator: check reference count before actual release, revert flann changes
      adds  945aa06   Merge pull request #4111 from mshabunin:fix-flann-access
      adds  2f8ef61   move data/detect_blob.png in samples/data
      adds  7761331   Merge pull request #4146 from LaurentBerger:MvDetectBlobPNG
      adds  6eb8d0a   Fixed build with CUDA
      adds  b6e5e66   Merge pull request #4152 from mshabunin:fix-cuda-build
      adds  a5a2101   ipp_countNonZero build fix;
      adds  101607a   Imgproc_Hist_MinMaxVal.accuracy fix; Some code style corrections;
      adds  e576098   Warning fix;
      adds  e02195b   Accidentally removed tegra checks were returned;
      adds  56e637d   Merge pull request #4135 from lupustr3:ipp_code_refactoring
      adds  8439b59   Proper IPP alignment;
      adds  8298644   Merge pull request #4151 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp_alignment
      adds  a345d16   Changed to allow for ISO page size selection, checkerboard pattern now centres itself properly in middle of the page
      adds  0f59bbb   Fixed gen_pattern.py file permission back to 755
      adds  bc544e2   Merge pull request #4105 from jayceelock:master
      adds  0fcc5fa   Fix `cmake -E touch classes.jar' step
      adds  bb556b8   Merge pull request #4124 from ruslo:android.fix
      adds  7b784fa   Fixed transpose intrinsic prefix for NEON
      adds  eb4bd6b   Merge pull request #4156 from mshabunin:fix-neon-intrin
      adds  898b257   replacement for #4160
      adds  f56563d   merge to resolve conflict
      adds  fb4698e   Merge pull request #4161 from alalek:restore_data_file
      adds  face069   Added support for highgui module on WinRT 8.1+
      adds  ccdd112   Updated sample to showcase highgui WinRT usage
      adds  d0c43f1   Merge pull request #4155 from MSOpenTech:highgui_contrib
      adds  53fc544   implement singleton lazy initialization
      adds  50b453e   Merge pull request #4150 from alalek:opencv_org_issue_4428
      adds  851f20e   Fix processing of SunRaster images with negative maplength
      adds  e66a4a0   Fix processing of SunRaster images with negative maplength
      adds  8869150   Merge pull request #4153 from stefan-cornelius:master
      adds  790ef21   add unit test around Mat::push_back()
      adds  d5afd07   Merge pull request #4094 from kashefy:Mat_push_back_MatExpr_bug_4340
      adds  9f1c641   spatialGradient: Add test class and Sobel proxy method
      adds  11fb1f7   spatialGradient: Add asserts
      adds  770e742   spatialGradient: Add non-SSE version
      adds  88bc881   spatialGradient: Vectorise inner area
      adds  a2dbd2f   spatialGradient: Less vector loads
      adds  f9c4c96   spatialGradient: Reduce temporary vectors
      adds  b5c4355   spatialGradient: Add basic perf test
      adds  815cd89   spatialGradient: Remove unnecessary index calculation
      adds  e633c99   spatialGradient: Doc, fix dangling newline error
      adds  2ff614d   spatialGradient: Per row in outer loop
      adds  6803d1e   Support non continuous, BORDER_REPLICATE
      adds  7b01e32   spatialGradient: HAL-accelerated
      adds  f92e2ed   spatialGradient: Make nosse version faster
      adds  febd0f1   spatialGradient: Don't dynamically alloc C array, use vector
      adds  8a21726   spatialGradient: Remove an unnecessary branch in nosse code
      adds  62cad09   spatialGradient: Process 1 row at a time in SSE
      adds  f958f29   spatialGradient: Suppress uninitialised j warnings
      adds  db0cc56   spatialGradient: Re-introduce 2-rows at a time
      adds  15ea401   spatialGradient: Move vector decl into loop
      adds  658f96b   spatialGradient: L/R border handling outside. Kernelize.
      adds  cf0fdfa   spatialGradient: Change ordering of vector loads
      adds  5dddb47   spatialGradient: Remove pointers caching
      adds  ed38ca5   spatialGradient: Remove 4 loads in inner loop
      adds  90c398e   spatialGradient: Add CV_SSE2 check
      adds  20bf88b   spatialGradient: Make kern args const&
      adds  426b3f6   Merge pull request #4139 from swook:spatial_gradient
      adds  ff1687d   Fixing uninitialized memory access problem
      adds  0ed0f29   Merge pull request #4166 from sbokov:fixingStereoBMissue
      adds  6a6d58d   Adding test support for WINRT
      adds  80eec9d   Merge pull request #4064 from MSOpenTech:test-contrib
      adds  c613ee2   BUG: ndarray to Mat conversion with NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES set
      adds  e379ea6   Merge pull request #4117 from jaimefrio:relaxed_strides
      adds  65e0387   Implementing parallel mjpeg encoder. Fixed errors in parallel_for based on pthreads
      adds  c81b064   Merge pull request #4164 from kalistratovag:parallel_mjpeg
      adds  b29e473   fix plausability check, #issue 4429
      adds  172c00f   Merge pull request #4167 from berak:patch-2
      adds  ee68d26   ocl: update generator scripts
      adds  04b2edc   ocl: autogenerated files for cl_gl.h
      adds  3f68787   OpenGL OpenCL sample
      adds  8ed4560   fixed cleanup, fixed unused context
      adds  9dfa9a8   eliminated unused function __OpenCLinitializeGL(), simplified query device logic
      adds  f4cb8c0   Merge pull request #4127 from avershov:opengl-opencl-sample
      adds  3ebb5d0   export thread control to python aswell
      adds  ca692b9   Merge pull request #4168 from Dikay900:export_threadcontrol
      adds  c0d6196   ocl: fix unaligned memory access
      adds  8bede85   Merge pull request #4172 from alalek:ocl_minmaxloc_unaligned
      adds  30a5a9e   test vector processing
      adds  885114e   fix copyTo memory corruption, but the main problem is still here
      adds  40fcc9d   Merge pull request #4159 from alalek:vector_processing
      adds  e2fe0ca   Removing deadcode blocks, redudant variable & initializing all vars in constructor
      adds  9277728   Merge pull request #4173 from kalistratovag:mjpeg_encoder_coverity_warnings
      adds  24e2a00   copyTo: fix for big data (4Gb+)
      adds  743160b   Merge pull request #4158 from alalek:fix-bigdata-copyto
      adds  2ba0d31   Fix SVM::trainAuto (Bug #4464)
      adds  4997f5d   Merge pull request #4174 from yangj1e:fix_svm_trainauto
      adds  2f0de3a   add opencv_test_cudev to installation package
      adds  cd8143b   Merge pull request #4171 from jet47:install-cudev-test
      adds  ca8312b   remove legacy intermediate unused files
      adds  56ad207   update ffmpeg wrapper binaries
      adds  0b99f70   Merge pull request #4154 from alalek:ffmpeg_update_via_binary_repo
      adds  a6f46d7   issue 4457
      adds  0661739   workaround issue with MatExpr
      adds  ff90f27   Merge pull request #4169 from alalek:issue_4457
      adds  38723b0   simplified sample's interface (remove odd "no processing" branch, add print to screen for processing mode)
      adds  6116a2f   Merge pull request #4182 from vladimir-dudnik:update_dx_samples
      adds  ed57417   Fixed polarity of ImageRegistration mode in setDepthGeneratorProperty function of CvCapture_OpenNI2 class
      adds  f779266   Merge pull request #4186 from ultrafro:fix_setDepthGeneratorProperty_registration_flag_polarity
      adds  aa871ca   fix wrong usage of status(), remove useless message in videoio
      adds  4c1cbff   Merge pull request #4184 from alalek:fix_cmake_status
      adds  c8167c0   fix cyclic deps error (world,shared)
      adds  00b72df   Merge pull request #4147 from alalek:fix_world_cyclic_deps
      adds  beed99d   fixed conditional compilation of RGB2Gray<ushort> template specialization
      adds  ae71f0c   Merge pull request #4193 from jklontz:master
      adds  e0cea92   Fixing possible invalid memory access in validateDisparity
      adds  0726c4d   Merge pull request #4190 from sbokov:fixingStereoBMissue
      adds  7522527   Update window_w32.cpp
      adds  76296fb   Merge pull request #4206 from sturkmen72:patch-2
      adds  2b7637d   Fixed buffer overflow in string handling
      adds  dac071e   Merge pull request #4202 from PhilLab:patch-5
      adds  2c1650a   Optimize pyrlk.
      adds  b6d88f2   Merge pull request #4195 from wangyan42164:ocl_pyrlk
      adds  bbe75fe   calib3d: normalize Rodrigues vector in perf test
      adds  e26b941   Merge pull request #4207 from alalek:fix_calib3d_test
      adds  7b7d54d   new function imread_reduced()
      adds  a780530   Merge pull request #4201 from sturkmen72:new_function_imread_reduced
      adds  dee05f9   compute fps changed (now only interop counts). fixed d3d10 and d3d11 print info method (there were issues with texture mapping)
      adds  6c452ad   changed output from fps to time (in msec). Notes for dx10 and dx11: the first measure is wrong (zero), the followiing are correct; measured time includes output text to surface.
      adds  0382468   Merge pull request #4189 from vladimir-dudnik:update_dx_samples
      adds  b8f93e0   Fixed documentation bug for projectPoints: Distortion coefficients cannot actually be NULL
      adds  61c0ff0   Merge pull request #4197 from themightyoarfish:projectPointsDocBugfix
      adds  fcc842f   Fixed typo in doc for findEssentialMat
      adds  c976c11   Merge pull request #4181 from themightyoarfish:findEssMatDocTypoFix
      adds  89392b2   added convertToGLBuffer() & convertFromGLBuffer() functions; added OpenGL interop sample comment
      adds  c0ee03f   Merge pull request #4192 from avershov:opencl-opengl-buffer
      adds  41d8c4d   allow specifying apiPreference in VideoCapture when opening a file. Add a separate function instead of an overload not to change the ABI.
      adds  2909e07   deny any other interfaces if someone is specified as preference
      adds  b1842a4   use simplified API selection logic in cvCreateCameraCapture as well
      adds  c1c0f23   Merge pull request #4004 from paroj:camera-api
      adds  ef05318   fix opencl-opencv-interop.cpp issues reported by Dmitry Budnikov
      adds  c0b544a   Merge pull request #4209 from vladimir-dudnik:fix-opencl-opencv-interop-sample
      adds  ec0f901   Remove an unneeded semicolon.
      adds  f53d3de   Merge pull request #4215 from renatoGarcia:master
      adds  a00eb1e   Move coefficient (32.0f) to the end of every iteration.
      adds  9ad8489   Merge pull request #4217 from wangyan42164:ocl_pyrlk_mul
      adds  0688bb6   simplify 8point algorithm using Matx classes
      adds  6d3bc7c   Merge pull request #4183 from paroj:8point
      adds  14d7b38   Fixing GCC 4.9 warnings
      adds  46e457d   Fixed loop check
      adds  11c3fa5   Merge pull request #4222 from mshabunin:fix-android-warnings
      adds  2c26451   fix python cross-compilation
      adds  be70df1   Merge pull request #4196 from alalek:fix_python
      adds  aea4157   Adding new HAL-accelerated MODE_SGBM_3WAY
      adds  f40b580   Fixing StereoSGBM ROI
      adds  ecd3661   Merge pull request #4179 from sbokov:improvingStereoSGBM
      adds  d9148ea   Update ml.hpp
      adds  6b8e13d   Merge pull request #4232 from berak:patch-2
      adds  132416e   It is unnecessary to use fma() if no scaling.
      adds  c94945f   Merge pull request #4210 from wangyan42164:ocl_umat_convert
      adds  6a6ccf6   v_extract universal intrinsic
      adds  47e7a7a   Merge pull request #4213 from mshabunin:hal-vextq
      adds  d4774ea   d3d11-nv12 interop
      adds  6bd01a9   finished with NV12 support for D3D11-interop. Now, if texture is in NV12 format then it will be converted to/from BGR UMat.
      adds  2b2bc83   Merge pull request #4238 from vladimir-dudnik:d3d11-nv12-interop
      adds  9dd41a8   Update how_to_scan_images.cpp
      adds  6922b94   Merge pull request #5093 from sturkmen72:patch-5
      adds  b2c5922   Merge pull request #1 from Itseez/master
      adds  1ef8cf5   Replacing SSE with v_extract
      adds  429d280   Merge pull request #5081 from sbokov:Adding_HAL_v_extract
      adds  fe0a17e   fix build with Win7 SDK
      adds  157c94c   Merge pull request #5097 from alalek:fix_build
      adds  c4c3f1b   fix digits.py to not ignore model parameters
      adds  e05b6bb   remove picloud from digits_adjust
      adds  02906bf   Merge pull request #5102 from nzjrs:fix-python-digits
      adds  2838ccc   Fixes compilation errors when BUILD_CUDA_STUBS is ON
      adds  383b7e9   Fixes namespace error on cudaoptflow
      adds  c10230f   Merge pull request #5087 from alexst07:cuda_contrib
      adds  ed7907e   add test for bug 4006: #4862
      adds  b36f565   fix OpenCV code (bug 4006: #4862)
      adds  cd5c706   ocl: add map tests
      adds  9bcccb0   fixes
      adds  4eef486   tapi: datarace fixup for cvtColor
      adds  1704aea   tapi: enable some disabled tests
      adds  3f65a86   Merge pull request #4233 from alalek:fix_4006
      adds  57bff43   fixed not initialized nv12_cpu_copy surface, remove odd code
      adds  0f8c46f   Merge pull request #5107 from vladimir-dudnik:d3d-interop-upd
      adds  b102bc6   fixed memory leaks
      adds  0a4830b   added command line processing
      adds  ea10290   change displaying of fps to time (ms)
      adds  5c4c8bc   update opencl-opengl interop sample (remove odd no processing branch)
      adds  da948c8   Merge pull request #5106 from vladimir-dudnik:opencl-opengl-upd
      adds  d83d2d4   viz: fix precompiled headers definitions
      adds  63bae5d   vtk: disable on cross-compilation
      adds  da0c159   Merge pull request #5118 from alalek:fix_viz_build
      adds  21467d8   tapi: add test from issue 4380 (#5010)
      adds  9ff69db   Merge pull request #5130 from alalek:issue_4380
      adds  56b2b45   A new constant in adaptivethreshold is created to calculate gaussianBlur with CV_32F. hence rouding error are avoided
      adds  ca01142   In adaptiveThreshold ADAPTIVE_THRES_GAUSSIAN_C gaussianBlur is computed using float number
      adds  12362f7   Test for adaptive thresh will give FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY for old implementation of adaptivethreshold
      adds  a64d096   remove test
      adds  4a2aad5   Merge pull request #4149 from LaurentBerger:ThreshGaussianFloat
      adds  e976c44   Prevent grabcut, houghcircles and houghlines python2 demos from running automatically while browsing demos in the demo list viewer
      adds  b76d351   Merge pull request #5128 from ageitgey:ag-prevent-demos-from-autorunning
      adds  bd4c685   Documentation: adding Google Custom search block to each header
      adds  573858f   Merge pull request #5117 from mshabunin:adding-google-search
      adds  0dab097   minor comment fix
      adds  53effc5   Merge pull request #5149 from Nerei:minor_comment_fix
      adds  c7f420b   applied changes proposed in 5122
      adds  11b3529   Merge pull request #5146 from avershov:fix-issue-5122
      adds  d0344cd   add checks for valid input data given to parameters make the software system dependent add LICENSE on top
      adds  9b2a7fe   Merge pull request #5125 from StevenPuttemans:fix_annotation_tool
      adds  67ca143   fix adaptiveThreshold mean
      adds  aed9f5d   Merge pull request #5132 from hewj03:master
      adds  8293ed7   add tests from issue 4468 (#5062)
      adds  3316e58   more test loops (and disable tests - tests pass but require a lot of time)
      adds  09b9b0f   Merge pull request #5135 from alalek:issue_4468
      adds  c119e04   fix opengl sample build on Linux (#5067)
      adds  cb324b4   Merge pull request #5168 from alalek:fix_5067
      adds  2a6d4b6   Camera and Camera2 preview is rendered via OpenGL textures and can be modified on CPU via C++ code. No OpenCL yet.
      adds  274aba1   adding OpenCL processing (Image2D-to-Image2D only, others will be added later)
      adds  0e4bb2b   adding OpenCV with TAPI (UMats)
      adds  c8f863d   minor fixes
      adds  0185cb2   excluding libOpenCL.so from the APK
      adds  9ab291e   adding displaying FPS
      adds  56bde91   adding mode switching via menu
      adds  d789c81   Merge pull request #4239 from apavlenko:android_ocl_sample2
      adds  29db3c2   Update README.md
      adds  e0b327a   Merge pull request #5140 from PhilLab:patch-3
      adds  ef16650   Android SDK build Initial
      adds  2255472   Fixed whitespace issue
      adds  6483919   Merge pull request #5170 from mshabunin:add-android-pack
      adds  d674965   Fixing typo in variable name.
      adds  11a829f   Merge pull request #5180 from boatx:bugfix/proper-conversion-of-numpy-array-to-mat
      adds  e1ad86c   android samples: update way to attach native part of OpenCV
      adds  03bab0f   tutorial-4-opencl: enable build with OpenCV
      adds  9e065bc   Merge pull request #5179 from alalek:update_android_samples
      adds  e8a1bc2   Suppress error message of execute_process
      adds  53a9298   Merge pull request #5167 from ruslo:suppress.vs.error
      adds  ef0d1c1   fixed download/upload for non contiguous umat
      adds  131d7c3   enabled test UMat copyTo. Now it will detect FAIL on Intel platform for ROI (issue with clEnqueueCopyBufferRect)
      adds  6bb8afd   fixed typo in OpenCLAllocator.upload method (wrong step used)
      adds  68f8d1c   Merge pull request #5164 from vladimir-dudnik:test-umat-copyTo-issue
      adds  fbcf5f0   cvCreateCameraCapture: fix using preffered interface
      adds  30e6725   Merge pull request #5192 from D-Alex:master
      adds  894c246   fix build error when both OpenNI and OpenNI2 are supported (issue 4918)
      adds  e866680   Merge pull request #5156 from brunomorishita:fix_build
      adds  079ceea   Added new functionalities to viz module
      adds  56cdd6f   Merge pull request #5116 from lenlen:viz_improvement
      adds  6128223   Added auto-generated root page for all contrib tutorials
      adds  0e4bd80   Merge pull request #5194 from mshabunin:add-contrib-tutorials-root
      adds  9e4c629   Fixed RGBE images header parsing (fixes #4885)
      adds  9b0f5e6   Merge pull request #5185 from mshabunin:fix-rgbe-header-parse
      adds  7da16d6   used proper method
      adds  8e5ce69   Merge pull request #5208 from ilya-lavrenov:cmd
      adds  58934f1   add condition to skip unmapping for internally allocated host memory. this should fix map_unmap_counting UMat test.
      adds  5ee00ec   Merge pull request #5176 from vladimir-dudnik:master
      adds  421e1b2   Fix for bug #5007: moved definition of Size_MatDepth_t and Size_MatDepth from ts_perf.hpp to perf_channels.cpp. This way they are closer to where they are needed and live in a different namespace (possibly the reason why the fix works).
      adds  365603e   Merge pull request #5212 from thebucc:master
      adds  6d68f72   bug fix fro the TickMeter class
      adds  9449af8   1e-3 -> 1e3
      adds  ca5e07d   Merge pull request #5199 from TheodoreT:tickmeter_update
      adds  b09f591   fix py_matcher tutorial
      adds  be89b05   Fix
      adds  76da19d   Merge pull request #5148 from StevenPuttemans:fix_4237
      adds  a33d98c   TLS memory leaks were fixed; TLS was redesigned in more straightforward way; OPENCV_ABI_COMPATIBILITY define was added;
      adds  887d8d0   Merge pull request #5177 from lupustr3:pvlasov/tls_fixes
      adds  cf4025c   fix documentation code formulas
      adds  4a067dc   Merge pull request #5154 from brunomorishita:patch-1
      adds  973abf0   cmake: Added missing extra modules warning
      adds  3afe883   Merge pull request #5195 from mshabunin:warn-missing-contrib
      adds  cda9ed4   fix some functions for valid processing of empty string content (cstr_==0, len_==0)
      adds  c1778f1   Merge pull request #5161 from alalek:fix_string
      adds  58e5aca   Android camera + OpenCL tutorial (for existing code at samples/android/tutorial-4-opencl)
      adds  1f7fc68   Merge pull request #5222 from apavlenko:android_ocl_tutorial
      adds  a8656ea   implemented core support & sample fixed whitespaces fixed issues fixed issue fixed module statement issues fixed access mode added initialization check fixed warning
      adds  44f8670   Merge pull request #5171 from avershov:opencl-vaapi-interop
      adds  b8956d0   tls: fix access to array (out of bounds)
      adds  680efe1   Merge pull request #5231 from alalek:fix_tls
      adds  0629add   Fix issue #5234 (UMat::convertTo when noScale)
      adds  b668d3f   Modification of the related tests in core/tests/ocl
      adds  6c42112   Merge pull request #5235 from philippefoubert:issue_5234
      adds  9d01818   Small update of Colormap documentation
      adds  c385ac5   Merge pull request #5238 from LorenaGdL:master
      adds  5a0af53   c++ move semantics for cv::Ptr<>
      adds  1afc9eb   c++ move semantics for cv::Mat
      adds  306aa0e   c++ move semantics for cv::Mat_
      adds  ac37b77   c++ move semantics for cv::UMat
      adds  e65de8d   fixes for MSVS compiler optimizer
      adds  ff8aa66   Merge pull request #5201 from alalek:move_semantics
      adds  85cc11e   Changed behaviour of Mat/UMat::reshape() to accept n-dim shapes
      adds  bd8bac2   Merge pull request #4212 from ludv1x:master
      adds  d8d78b4   Fix pdb file generation on Windows for CMake versions after 3.1.0.
      adds  784f77a   Merge pull request #5210 from a-stacey:cmake_3.1.0_pdb_support
      adds  dd8589c   change as suggested by original programmer and user of ecc software
      adds  622301c   Merge pull request #5142 from StevenPuttemans:fix_4230
      adds  2cb47b4   Update data.cpp
      adds  fe62243   Whitespace error
      adds  4cd78bc   Whitespace error
      adds  c545857   Indent fix
      adds  b6869df   Merge pull request #5127 from LorenaGdL:data.cpp-(ml-module)
      adds  2de3a24   fix CvVideoCamera defaultfps
      adds  e2b677d   Merge pull request #5109 from olumby:fix-cvvideocamera-defaultfps
      adds  88e6669   t-api: try to fix allocator fallback code paths
      adds  edcd2c0   Merge pull request #4176 from alalek:issue_4461
      adds  1b1246c   samples: fix OpenCL detection / build warning
      adds  ef1d4eb   Merge pull request #5241 from alalek:fix_sample_opencl
      adds  89889ae   changed hog to work with variable parameters and changed the hog sample to test it with more options
      adds  96fa0ef   Merge pull request #5115 from ManuelFreudenreich:hog_variable
      adds  f363670   Bug #3800 - Resize viewport when CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO was set (Qt)
      adds  587b0cc   Merge pull request #4200 from Astero92:#3800
      adds  4691d98   Adds support for property CV_CAP_PROP_FOCUS in functions cvSetCaptureProperty and cvGetCaptureProperty. In compliance with the Windows (DirectDraw) version autofocus is disabled when either of the abovementioned functions is called.
      adds  b33853c   Merge pull request #4199 from AVshokurov:master
      adds  bbff288   fix build with python3 only
      adds  0be2d41   Merge pull request #5249 from alalek:build_with_python3_only
      adds  84ecf4b   Disabling precompiled headers when ccache is detected
      adds  69db797   Fixed ccache detection condition
      adds  af9c558   Merge pull request #5246 from mshabunin:ccache-fix
      adds  f660461   documentation patch
      adds  bd43c62   Merge pull request #5232 from sturkmen72:patch-6
      adds  072b146   fixed the URL under Additional Resources
      adds  4b0f3bf   Merge pull request #5260 from vipul-sharma20:vipul-sharma20-docs
      adds  f6b7586   Revert merging of pull request #5176 from vladimir-dudnik:master (reverted from commit 5ee00ec5c6b21debd461808f584accbe7c42c869)
      adds  3656a1a   fixing 'map_unmap_counting'
      adds  4aefb9f   making the test deepper
      adds  b78eb49   removing a garbage comment
      adds  a78da45   Merge pull request #5242 from apavlenko:fix_releasing_temp_umat
      adds  7bb3fef   Add Android ARMEABI_V7A_HARD for Hardfp support
      adds  faa6684   Merge pull request #5098 from powderluv:master
      adds  7c16ad3   Update documentation in calib3d.hpp
      adds  84850ae   Merge pull request #5269 from eladj:patch-1
      adds  016011f   fixing start faulure on some devices; syncronization improvements
      adds  43b76e5   adding `NO_PROCESSING` (i.e. just preview) mode
      adds  8031742   unused imports clean-up
      adds  74fcefe   giving a chance for OpenCL 1.1 devices
      adds  c223c05   Merge pull request #5261 from apavlenko:android_ocl_sample_improvements
      adds  771af4f   Some changes to support mingw-w64
      adds  e009d79   fixup! Some changes to support mingw-w64
      adds  8c65f8a   fixup! Some changes to support mingw-w64
      adds  9c3f957   Merge pull request #5282 from mshabunin:mingw-51
      adds  602bd60   Update cloning_gui.cpp
      adds  abf30e4   Merge pull request #5303 from berak:patch-3
      adds  5618f4a   Fixed: Concurrency static scheduler release failed
      adds  894f922   Merge pull request #5316 from mshabunin:fix-contrib-tests
      adds  c63f443   Update drawing.cpp
      adds  666de1b   Merge pull request #5312 from sturkmen72:patch-2
      adds  dc26507   Update PnPProblem.cpp
      adds  8660d55   Merge pull request #5302 from berak:patch-2
      adds  a28a556   Fix variable names in python color spaces tutorial
      adds  79100ef   Merge pull request #5301 from vtsatskin:patch-1
      adds  d0e16b2   add support for fisheye camera model
      adds  6208ab4   Merge pull request #5304 from paroj:calib_feye
      adds  4e7bd86   TrainData doc update
      adds  32c3867   Merge pull request #5294 from LorenaGdL:master
      adds  8694ba0   update custom_ptr test
      adds  cdfdf29   Merge pull request #5292 from alalek:tapi_custom_ptr
      adds  4ecc023   UMat: add perf test for custom ptr
      adds  536634b   Merge pull request #5293 from alalek:tapi_custom_ptr_perf
      adds  e15dabf   documentation patch
      adds  0a6e93d   Merge pull request #5258 from sturkmen72:patch-6
      adds  b15a9d6   cmake: use copy_if_different
      adds  d2add41   Merge pull request #5321 from alalek:copy_if_different
      adds  10d8e95   Enabled pthreads backend for mingw
      adds  1862c5f   Merge pull request #5327 from mshabunin:mingw-fix
      adds  a11ff87   enable VideoWriter class for java fixing fourcc
      adds  31fbe8c   Merge pull request #5255 from berak:java_videowriter
      adds  cea2daf   man/unmap, preventing getMat/getUMat from temp object, fix thread-unsafe code in `UMat::getMat()`
      adds  ad70ab4   ocl: workaround for getUMat()
      adds  190d00e   Merge pull request #5317 from alalek:workaround
      adds  37d300f   Correction of minor typo.
      adds  5e2c578   Merge pull request #5339 from blebo:patch-1
      adds  274b361   proposed change by psyill
      adds  07a4f57   Merge pull request #5337 from Dikay900:tbb_cmake_visibility
      adds  cd13b30   Fix LineAA in case of 4 channel
      adds  21d06f5   Merge pull request #5333 from UnaNancyOwen:fix3_LineAA
      adds  68a0347   fallback path & sample timing implemented fixed trailing whitespaces renamed files *vaapi* to *va_intel* changed names vaapi* to va_intel*
      adds  949410b   separated UMat & Mat usage in interop/copy paths
      adds  5937e58   fixed argument in call to {Input|Output}Array.getMat()
      adds  e0b3751   added run iteration without timing to complete internal initializations
      adds  933ad0e   changed call to getDefault: false to true in fallback initialization
      adds  f533c05   sample changed to execute only one mode (interop on/off) per run
      adds  22bb5d1   implemented sample build in fallback mode without interop
      adds  9533982   Merge pull request #5272 from avershov:opencl-vaapi-fallback
      adds  e1be6d0   Refactor a section of icvRotatingCalipers to work around a GCC bug
      adds  a3b515c   flann: fix AutotunedIndex crashing if a KDTree index is selected
      adds  ec05082   NearestNeighborTest: use ts->get_rng() instead of (implicit) theRNG()
      adds  11981c3   fixed valgrind warning in polylines
      adds  0303e80   fixed memory leak in core ds tests
      adds  2a8ef1d   fixed memory leaks in cvtyuv tests
      adds  7eba905   fixed memory leaks in floodfill tests
      adds  5547398   fixed memory leaks in warpAffine tests
      adds  e390c8c   fixed typo
      adds  7e26cf5   typo
      adds  e7ac52d   fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value" warning
      adds  d81a0df   fixed memory leak caused by illegal memory access
      adds  f7d36bb   fixed memory leaks in modules/features2d/test/test_nearestneighbors.cpp
      adds  cf0f47f   fixed memory leak in descriptor regression tests
      adds  1d77d69   fixed memory leak in GBTrees
      adds  ee2008a   fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" in GBD
      adds  df21a24   initialize padding of CvString with zeros
      adds  3143f2f   fixed uninitialized memory writing/reading in flann
      adds  5eb67cc   fix for corrent modules dependencies
      adds  af0942c   Merge pull request #5335 from Dikay900:ports_to_master
      adds  f028233   simplify error conditions
      adds  1b2c11e   Merge pull request #5343 from paroj:boolean_algebra
      adds  1a18fa1   Correct a typo.
      adds  d2b10d8   Merge pull request #5355 from renatoGarcia:master
      adds  aa485cc   TLS keys leak fix;
      adds  0051208   Merge pull request #5349 from lupustr3:pvlasov/tls_update
      adds  08dd126   do not parse empty default values and improve error messages
      adds  96cc618   has() should only test for the presence of the argument
      adds  31da833   ts/ts_perf: fix wrong has() usage
      adds  05b1636   Merge pull request #5329 from paroj:cliparser
      adds  4094b2d   Use stream argument when launching bilateral filter kernel
      adds  4613d37   Merge pull request #5366 from taketwo:use-stream-in-bilateral-filter
      adds  f88e9a7   update ffmpeg support
      adds  108bb75   Merge pull request #5361 from alalek:update_ffmpeg_support
      adds  e903764   add link to contributing guidelines
      adds  ddf220e   Merge pull request #5358 from StevenPuttemans:contributing_guidelines_master
      adds  b57be28   Various Python samples updated for Python 2/3 compatibility.
      adds  a413423   Reverted _doc.py to Python 2-only version. Interim measure to prevent docs from failing during build, until all samples are updated with Python 2/3 compatibility.
      adds  4f2612f   Removed trailing whitespace from squares.py compatibility comment.
      adds  44ab680   Merge pull request #5341 from blebo:py3compat
      adds  fcf971b   Improved documentation for connectedComponentsWithStats.
      adds  01345fc   Merge pull request #5344 from psalvaggio:master
      adds  a275489   HAL universal intrinsics tests and documentation
      adds  603864d   Warning fix
      adds  706828a   Merge pull request #5324 from mshabunin:hal-tests
      adds  e0ef293   Update em.cpp
      adds  c9ccf3b   Merge pull request #5346 from art-programmer:art-programmer-patch-1
      adds  d3071db   add some CommandLineParser tests
      adds  a9b91bb   Merge pull request #5372 from alalek:cmd_tests
      adds  5de01fd   do not proceed with removing zero-length slice
      adds  7d245e0   Added more resize_area tests to ensure right rounding behavior for half and quarter downscaling
      adds  4a0152c   Resize area result verification moved to the separate function
      adds  344d9fd   Fixed minMaxLoc and test functions
      adds  2bc4486   Added test of minMaxLoc on filling with maximums of int
      adds  c0cc51c   Add ARM64 packaging support
      adds  0e5fec2   check that current directory has write access
      adds  ea35fee   save tests console output to separate log files
      adds  6282ff0   exclude dates from report names
      adds  55df326   PR #4003
      adds  c7bfdc2   Added explicit deb package dependency from libtbb-dev if TBB is enabled.
      adds  bd5a222   Debian packages header update to fix conflict with OpenCV from deb repo.
      adds  7749eb5   Add missing packages to the Debian conflict list
      adds  2eab5eb   Only conflict with packages corresponding to modules that are built
      adds  32a4ec1   changes to reflect 3.0 status
      adds  d945aff   Merge pull request #5371 from Dikay900:ports_to_master
      adds  33e6597   Fix for cmp16s condition during IPP compare type convert;
      adds  4bb4c92   Merge pull request #5376 from lupustr3:pvlasov/compare_16s_fix
      adds  2f7c926   remove usage of obsolete _dataAsRows flag
      adds  9f69751   Merge pull request #5320 from berak:lda_fix
      adds  be507b2   fix perf tests
      adds  21e38f2   Merge pull request #5383 from alalek:fix_tests
      adds  12f01b7   fix perf tests
      adds  d430e80   cmdparser: allow empty strings
      adds  dff9d22   Update window_w32.cpp
      adds  6f04385   Merge pull request #5379 from sturkmen72:patch-9
      adds  2ced3ba   CommandLineParser: throw on programmer error
      adds  a388806   enable additional CommandLineParser tests
      adds  e5ece03   Merge pull request #5382 from paroj:parserthrow
      adds  5feca50   changed device detection procedure, added resizing surface to bigger size removed unused context_id2; changed blur size 7x7 to 3x3; added short comments removed unnecessary call to convertFromVASurface() replaced dumpSurface() with writeImage() added infile cmdline parameter, input image loaded by imread()
      adds  acec998   Merge pull request #5363 from avershov:opencl-vaapi-detect
      adds  db78de9   findChessboardCorners causes crash due to out-of-bounds memory corruption.
      adds  9633e2c   Merge pull request #5396 from alalek:pr_5377_squashed
      adds  c1392f6   ml_svm_tutorials version note added
      adds  f034320   Change in links
      adds  7d7f5c1   Merge pull request #5295 from LorenaGdL:ml-svm_tutorials
      adds  769fe82   XML file path correction
      adds  09ba5a2   Merge pull request #5393 from enesates:patch-1
      adds  1dd7f54   CommandLineParser: add special <none> value to disallow empty strings
      adds  46ada38   fix wrong parsing of values containing '='
      adds  3a3f403   Merge pull request #5391 from paroj:parser_nonempty
      adds  fdbed4a   Speedup AGAST nonmax-suppression.
      adds  f4c9bc8   Merge pull request #5406 from cbalint13:master
      adds  2177c7c   Some IPP functions were encapsulated; Minor changes to IPP implementations;
      adds  ddf82d0   Merge pull request #5405 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp_functions_refactoring
      adds  14b006e   IPP_VERSION_X100 was changed to: IPP_VERSION_MAJOR * 100 + IPP_VERSION_MINOR*10 + IPP_VERSION_UPDATE to manage changes between updates more easily.
      adds  75c7917   IPP_VERSION_X100 was changed to: IPP_VERSION_MAJOR * 100 + IPP_VERSION_MINOR*10 + IPP_VERSION_UPDATE to manage changes between updates more easily.
      adds  9b6424e   Merge pull request #5415 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp_version_change
      adds  62854dc   Enables support of IPP 9.0.0;
      adds  34e4e66   Merge pull request #5419 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp9_integration
      adds  1bd1883   little fixes and correction of a conceptual error
      adds  c2caea4   Merge pull request #5409 from kauevestena:patch-1
      adds  750162a   move IPPICV binaries to GitHub opencv_3rdparty repository
      adds  c29b09d   Merge pull request #5408 from alalek:move_ippicv_binaries
      adds  7c226ed   adding new flags to imread to load image reduced
      adds  af5e631   Merge pull request #5402 from sturkmen72:patch-10
      adds  eb2e061   fix Android camera datarace (mCameraFrameReady)
      adds  d69b7c3   Merge pull request #5385 from alalek:fix_android_camera_datarace
      adds  e837d69   IPPInitSingelton was added to contain IPP related global variables; OPENCV_IPP env var now allows to select IPP architecture level for IPP9+; IPP initialization logic was unified across modules;
      adds  6a0d3b0   IPPInitSingelton initialization guards;
      adds  b37387e   Merge pull request #5425 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp_initialization_changes
      adds  1bf811c   fix cuda::normalize (dtype < 0) case
      adds  76afd9a   Merge pull request #5436 from jet47:fix-cuda-normalize
      adds  f52cac9   fix #5264
      adds  e2e25e9   Merge pull request #5399 from alalek:fix_5264
      adds  345cd12   do not leak GstMapInfo
      adds  59a41c1   Merge pull request #5453 from paroj:capgstleak
      adds  0584643   Typo in CameraBridgeViewBase.java
      adds  33f5ac5   Merge pull request #5429 from PhilLab:patch-6
      adds  50a0a16   fix ffmpeg frame creation (fix #5439)
      adds  7a4b2e1   Merge pull request #5441 from alalek:fix_ffmpeg_frame_creation
      adds  4760d32   ffmpeg: fix invalid NULL pointer access
      adds  6025738   Merge pull request #5454 from alalek:fix_ffmpeg_priv_data
      adds  f2decec   fix zero length std::string in putText()
      adds  559b538   Merge pull request #5458 from berak:fix_putText
      adds  dff7037   Adding fix for issue 5451 "putText fails with empty std::string"
      adds  706b8a6   Merge pull request #5459 from aman11dhanpat:master
      adds  fe00689   workaround for 32-bit OS on 64-bit x86 CPU
      adds  ea535ab   Merge pull request #5462 from alalek:fix_x86_detection
      adds  9da4fe4   videoio: fixed segmentation fault at frame size change
      adds  56e8827   Merge pull request #5456 from sergiud:ffmpeg-capture-varying-frame-size
      adds  514b202   highgui: CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE does not resize with GTK3
      adds  484c68c   Merge pull request #5460 from sergiud:highgui-autosize-gtk3
      adds  bbe0071   The latest version (5.1.1) of the gnu compiler returns just its major version ("5") when given the "-dumpversion" argument. Gnu compiler developers don't consider this to be an error. A workaround for this case has been made.
      adds  a8d0c18   Merge pull request #5468 from AVshokurov:master
      adds  8e088d3   draft implementation of alternative CameraBridge via GLES
      adds  15db824   refactored; added Camera2, notify callbacks, front/back maxCamera sizes; disable new stuff if target API < 21
      adds  a041105   refactoring Tutorial-4 using new OpenCV CameraGLSurfaceView
      adds  23fea91   minor fixes
      adds  24ca6aa   fix build with CMake now it builds by the command: `cmake.exe -Wno-dev -GNinja -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM="path\to\ninja\ninja.exe" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../opencv3/platforms/android/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a with NEON" -DANDROID_SDK_TARGET=21 -DANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=14 -DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH=ON -DBUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES=ON -DINSTALL_ANDROID_EXAMPLES=ON -DWITH_OPENCL=YES -DANDROID_OPENCL_SDK=path\to\OpenCL ../opencv`
      adds  441eeef   Merge pull request #5470 from apavlenko:android_camera_gl_view
      adds  913c266   adding missing images from python tutorials, like chessboard.png, simple.jpg, home.jpg, fly.png, ...
      adds  0f1fdd8   Merge pull request #5471 from StevenPuttemans:add_images_python_tutorials
      adds  13a0a37   fix randMVNormal in ML (#5469)
      adds  0d79118   Merge pull request #5486 from amroamroamro:fix_ml_randMVNormal
      adds  89eee6c   Fixes for IPP integration: dotProd_16s - disabled for IPP 9.0.0; filter2D - fixed kernel preparation; morphology - conditions fix and disabled FilterMin and FilterMax for IPP 9.0.0; GaussianBlur - disabled for CV_8UC1 due to buffer overflow; integral - disabled for IPP 9.0.0;
      adds  40b2dfa   Fix for filter2D and IPP < 900
      adds  466a98f   Merge pull request #5493 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp9_fixes
      adds  7e3d767   not only print file-not-found as a warning but also print the name of the problematic file and the uri used for the open attempt
      adds  0098c4b   fix VS2010 error with type mismatch due to volatile qualifier
      adds  c1545c6   Merge pull request #5502 from AlexanderStohr:file-handle-volatile-fix
      adds  411be4f   Fix for #5481, removing repeated/useless assignment in contours.cpp
      adds  d8c352d   Merge pull request #5504 from aman11dhanpat:master
      adds  066c775   Update window_QT.h
      adds  dcca0b4   Merge pull request #5509 from spmallick:master
      adds  d8e470f   CommandLineParser missing gpu option
      adds  885ce6b   Merge pull request #5507 from rodrigob:patch-1
      adds  dbcc55a   cleanup <build>/src|gen folders to remove stalled/unused Java files
      adds  a21be67   android: force OpenCV library target to "android-21"
      adds  ddd91bc   android: add targetSdkVersion="21"
      adds  37ce3b8   Merge pull request #5478 from alalek:fix_android_pack_build
      adds  b71a27b   Assert fix: allow one cluster as valid parameter
      adds  1648e92   Merge pull request #5431 from MiguelAlgaba:em_one_cluster
      adds  d5d16bb   Fix the issue in mouse click event
      adds  3119f0a   Merge pull request #5519 from hyunkim9123:camshift_py
      adds  781931a   update python features2d tutorials
      adds  a91dcb0   Merge pull request #5548 from berak:patch-2
      adds  b0209ad   Fix for #5495 : add setTrackbarMin
      adds  d5e314e   Fixing compilation errors in windows and mac
      adds  f820df2   Merge pull request #5543 from aman11dhanpat:master
      adds  f5b98be   Fix behavior of Matx 12 and 16 args constructors.
      adds  91e9e64   Merge pull request #5542 from renatoGarcia:matx_constructors
      adds  f260b13   Fix racy modification of ForThread::m_state during invocation of stop()
      adds  66f2000   Merge pull request #5532 from grundman:patch-2
      adds  51e687f   Update imgproc.hpp
      adds  b34f0d9   Merge pull request #5539 from sturkmen72:patch-14
      adds  21c0acf   Update imgcodecs.hpp
      adds  ff35726   Merge pull request #5432 from sturkmen72:patch-11
      adds  fd4761b   Update face detection samples
      adds  490b327   Merge pull request #5365 from sturkmen72:patch-2
      adds  0a708e4   adding extra explanation for mask parameter
      adds  4e7a143   Merge pull request #5499 from StevenPuttemans:fix_mask_notice_copyTo
      adds  d81d51d   assing labels to targets and sources
      adds  02c48ab   add CTest support to build tree
      adds  0315688   Merge pull request #5513 from jet47:ctest-extended-support
      adds  6e9d0d9   Visual Studio 2015 warning and test fixes
      adds  31e0d90   Enable temp objects destruction test for VS versions less than 2015
      adds  debe99f   Merge pull request #5531 from mshabunin:fix-vs2015
      adds  0ef7387   mush -> must
      adds  e9ec523   Merge pull request #5562 from rodrigob:patch-2
      adds  f7981a8   support setting focus and autofocus with V4L2
      adds  18034a5   allow icvGetPropertyCAM_V4L to return zero
      adds  c0fe522   allow changing FPS and Image Size using V4L2
      adds  5525cc4   implement CAP_PROP_MODE, CAP_PROP_FOURCC and CAP_PROP_FORMAT
      adds  588eba3   simplify autosetup_capture_mode_v4l2 by using a for loop
      adds  56dd7ed   remove additional V4L2 pixelformat defines
      adds  8074708   avoid needless copies during mjpeg decoding
      adds  838947b   replace custom yuyv_to_rgb24 implementation by cvtColor
      adds  09e6c82   Merge pull request #5474 from paroj:v4l2ctrls
      adds  54e7f08   add python sample to test/ showcase new cap_v4l2 features
      adds  5e62e71   fix wrong ifdef bracketing
      adds  eac5cab   cap_v4l: implement PROP_CONVERT_RGB
      adds  9a0beda   Merge pull request #5489 from paroj:v4l2noconvert
      adds  baa2148   Added CV_CAP_PROP_SAR properties to videoio module
      adds  e6615c5   Changed CV_FFMPEG_CAP_PROP_SAR_* values
      adds  8969731   Merge pull request #5553 from pletessier:aspect-ratio
      adds  cfd498a   fix compilation with qt
      adds  c3eb125   Merge pull request #5570 from paroj:qsliderfix
      adds  0a306f8   Camera orientation handling is added for jpeg files
      adds  8c2d712   Merge pull request #5538 from micalan:JpegExif
      adds  74fc9ac   initialize temp_train_samples in SVM::autoTrain
      adds  dfec996   Merge pull request #5370 from berak:fix_svm_autoTrain
      adds  90c74e3   ts: refactor run.py script
      adds  6e2a68f   Merge pull request #5384 from mshabunin:run-py-changes
      adds  47b2511   Update driver_api_stereo_multi.cpp
      adds  c963757   Merge pull request #5610 from n3011:patch-4
      adds  52b4fe6   Update cascadeclassifier_nvidia_api.cpp
      adds  92298c8   Merge pull request #5609 from n3011:patch-3
      adds  46be45b   Update driver_api_multi.cpp
      adds  d55e44f   Merge pull request #5608 from n3011:patch-2
      adds  f609ddb   Fix incorrect FPS value returned by cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)
      adds  920427a   Merge pull request #5600 from grundman:patch-3
      adds  cc903d0   Fix for #5590. OpenCL BilateralFilter implementation failes to build for some OCL drivers. Some OCL vendors treat implicit scalar-vector conversions for operators as errors when type conversion is required.
      adds  00f222a   Merge pull request #5598 from ajbernal:ocl_bilateral_bugfix
      adds  a8e550f   Fixed crash when reading b/w tif images (fixes #5579)
      adds  32b4417   Merge pull request #5595 from mshabunin:fix-bitonal-tif
      adds  1048b23   add Rect2d to python bindings
      adds  39346f3   Merge pull request #5592 from berak:python_rect2d
      adds  0f8a266   Make Mat assertion failures more helpful
      adds  46dd502   Merge pull request #5602 from ChrisKitching:clearerMatErrors
      adds  5ae3693   Condition update for 8u IPP in GaussianBlur. Bug was fixed in 9.0.1;
      adds  b2f6aed   Merge pull request #5587 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp_cond_update
      adds  e38b54a   fix cmake OpenBSD linker libs
      adds  7323823   Merge pull request #5582 from sizeofvoid:master
      adds  33f7777   Hit&Miss morphological operation
      adds  fb03330   Fixed CV_Assert
      adds  7cff60f   Changed src matrix complement computation
      adds  3c31d6a   Merge pull request #5515 from LorenaGdL:hitAndMiss
      adds  1e9bd59   load multi/hyperspectral images with using gdal
      adds  9ff14bc   add support for float32 and float 64
      adds  decdae5   set GA_Update flag in order remove ERROR 8: band 1: Attempt to write to read only dataset inGDALRasterBand::Fill()
      adds  a242556   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv into gdal_lan
      adds  f50858d   set GA_ReadOnly flag again since test error
      adds  a69fd60   Merge pull request #5512 from edgarriba:gdal_lan
      adds  64eb69c   Update multi.cpp
      adds  7ca9e49   Merge pull request #5607 from n3011:patch-1
      adds  ca599ee   python modification for Point3D
      adds  b5fd786   Merge pull request #5487 from Wangyida:python
      adds  587dca9   adding markers to OpenCV
      adds  67ef84d   Merge pull request #5386 from StevenPuttemans:add_markers
      adds  846e6f7   stereoRectifyUncalibrated: assertion of input points shape fixed
      adds  8512ca7   Merge pull request #5484 from PolarNick239:master
      adds  216baf5   Speedup of arcLength
      adds  7be3d3a   sqrtf to std::sqrt
      adds  aeb260a   Merge pull request #1 from Bovaz/Bovaz-patch-1
      adds  979f88f   Merge pull request #5518 from Bovaz:master
      adds  4d7f9e0   Fix for copy with mask 32s and 8u;
      adds  4514158   Merge pull request #5617 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp9_fixes
      adds  dd9da53   disable String(int) ctor
      adds  de49ed3   Merge pull request #5388 from alalek:disable_invalid_string_usage
      adds  a3fda24   Update OpenCVFindMatlab.cmake
      adds  b3ac274   Merge pull request #5455 from michaelveth:matlab_cmake_unix_fix
      adds  4194b7e   fixed bug on left mouse button click
      adds  7b02237   Merge pull request #5646 from brossetti:patch-1
      adds  1260060   check boundary in ExifReader
      adds  80df9dd   check for exifSize
      adds  9ab59fb   Merge pull request #5645 from jia-kai:master
      adds  47db20e   removing unexisting functionality in ML header
      adds  18f4e55   Merge pull request #5472 from StevenPuttemans:remove_unexisting_function
      adds  01c5a0e   Simplifies cross compilation with CUDA for ARM boards. CUDA arch is set for all ARM targets, --unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs is set when cross-compiling for ARM and FindCUDA.cmake was adjusted to find shared library stubs within the CUDA toolkit.
      adds  38909d7   Merge pull request #5597 from andy-held:cmakecudacross
      adds  7213e5f   ocl: correct disabling of OpenCL code
      adds  1a8d7f9   ocl: temporary restore OpenCL tls data (ocl.cpp without fix)
      adds  bf42b96   fix "unreachable code" warning
      adds  3942b1f   Merge pull request #5340 from alalek:ocl_off
      adds  3d1355e   Updated input / output array to support std::vector<cv::cuda::GpuMat>
      adds  1e1f20c   Improved consistency.
      adds  b4112a5   Merge pull request #5480 from dtmoodie:vecgpumat
      adds  e8bf441   New variant of iOS framework building, fixed some warnings for XCode 7.1.1 and cmake 3.3.2
      adds  8b554d3   Merge pull request #5654 from mshabunin:ios-framework
      adds  4d3915f   Fixed mjpeg frame size attribution
      adds  e35959f   Merge pull request #5671 from PhilLab:patch-7
      adds  9acf93b   IPP Sobel getBufferSize wrong func fix;
      adds  559e1f7   Merge pull request #5685 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp9_fixes
      adds  99a286e   Update imgcodecs.hpp
      adds  3cfd7fc   Merge pull request #5681 from sturkmen72:patch-3
      adds  c209f79   support for NORM_L2SQR in norm(Matx<..>)
      adds  047bda3   Merge pull request #5665 from paroj:matx_norm
      adds  d3b0bda   Update system.cpp
      adds  3cb76d5   Merge pull request #5663 from bertmsk:patch-1
      adds  933dfed   check offset in ExifReader::getString
      adds  51797d1   Merge pull request #5653 from jia-kai:fix-jpeg-exif
      adds  9787864   Fix run.py test detection issues for debug VS configurations
      adds  7df392b   run.py: issues with forced configuration fixed
      adds  c3cf1be   fixup! run.py: issues with forced configuration fixed
      adds  f019de6   Merge pull request #5666 from mshabunin:vs-run-py
      adds  3e96b72   squash
      adds  ddf293a   Merge pull request #5649 from hoangviet1985:solve_pow(x,3)=0_opencv300
      adds  3e0b1f2   Added example to the documentation for the NormTypes enum (L1, L2, INF)
      adds  626ccfe   Merge pull request #5525 from Milania1:doc_normTypes
      adds  3d2a24f   Added example to the documentation for the normalize() method
      adds  3ae2109   Merge pull request #5448 from Milania1:doc_normalize
      adds  b484f37   Fix build of Java-Sbt sample
      adds  319b6a4   Change SURF to ORB in Java-Sbt sample to remove dependency on external non-free modules
      adds  0d29774   Merge pull request #5298 from slothspot:master
      adds  9f82ac1   cudastereo: reprojectImageTo3D: enabled CV_32S and CV_32F disparity formats
      adds  bf5e930   cudastereo: drawColorDisp: enabled CV_32S and CV_32F disparity formats
      adds  980d84e   calib3d: improve documentation of reprojectImageTo3D
      adds  1c80412   cudastereo: updated documentation for reprojectImage3D and drawColorDisp
      adds  7452f9a   cudastereo: document lack of fractional bits in 16-bit signed format for StereoBeliefPropagation
      adds  04f70c9   Merge pull request #5449 from rokm:stereo-fixes
      adds  0baf0bd   AKAZE: check channels instead of type in detectAndCompute
      adds  bd53a30   Merge pull request #5658 from berak:akaze_fix
      adds  251610f   fix header problem(can't find cstdint) on OSX platform
      adds  9a66191   Merge pull request #5571 from jas0n1ee:master
      adds  691fb1f   XIMEA adapter update
      adds  352b121   Fixed whitespace issue
      adds  2998248   Removed whitespaces reported by buildbot.
      adds  2cebe5a   Fixed parameter enumrators list order to retain binary compatibility.
      adds  286055b   Removed trailing whitespace.
      adds  1eb9ef6   Fixed downsampling parameter enumerator backward compatibility.
      adds  d4d1d03   Merge pull request #5635 from mzajko:xi_update
      adds  e679d97   remove redundant code
      adds  313dc32   Merge pull request #5644 from hoangviet1985:splitError
      adds  7375383   Canny IPP Sobel getBufferSize wrong func fix;
      adds  c9cba64   Merge pull request #5698 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp9_fixes
      adds  b48b2d4   MSMF expects a bottom-up video frame, so the buffer pointer must point to the end of the data and the stride needs to be negative
      adds  76f54b5   Merge pull request #5661 from mbarann:fix_msmf_write_vertically_flipped_video
      adds  742fb55   use cpp functions in cvCalibrateCamera2 to make it more readable
      adds  9233472   use cpp functions in CvLevMarq::step for better readability
      adds  152874e   Merge pull request #5620 from paroj:calibratecpp
      adds  a80e0cf   Added tutorials for using thrust.
      adds  09d392f   Added thrust tutorial.
      adds  23fc593   Improved thrust interop tutorial.
      adds  00c2930   improved comments.
      adds  12dcb15   Missed one conversion of CV_TYPE to cv::DataType
      adds  ab84de9   More whitespace fixes.
      adds  7376c53   Fixed tabs in whitespace.
      adds  3efe131   Merge branch 'thrust_tutorial' of http://github.com/dtmoodie/opencv into thrust_tutorial
      adds  e418419   Looks like something automatically added tabs back in after I already fixed the white space. :/
      adds  01f40cf   Corrected the case where channel == -1
      adds  f332f98   Removed last trailing whitespace. Can't believe I missed it.
      adds  aa14b6d   Merge branch 'thrust_tutorial' of http://github.com/dtmoodie/opencv into thrust_tutorial
      adds  c4edd86   Merge pull request #5400 from dtmoodie:thrust_tutorial
      adds  bef009c   fixed #5005: stitching_detailed.cpp
      adds  7ddc2cc   Merge pull request #4110 from LaurentBerger:Bug4370
      adds  5c86831   Fix for #5710. OpenCL HOG Object detect assigns the wrong SIMD size.
      adds  e860ed7   Merge pull request #5714 from ajbernal:OCL_HOG_Fix
      adds  7392ce0   Added some documentation for MSER
      adds  8524d46   Merge pull request #5633 from mshabunin:doc-mser
      adds  81c746c   32bit BITFIELDS compresion codec support #5707 Fixed
      adds  a0f8645   Merge pull request #5708 from comdiv:#5707
      adds  2b27f7d   Fixed warnings for IPP9+ build;
      adds  38bbfe0   Merge pull request #5727 from lupustr3:pvlasov/ipp_warnings_fix
      adds  84f9578   ippicv: update 20151201 (9.0.1)
      adds  8d92112   Merge pull request #5725 from alalek:ippicv_update_20151201
      adds  a581ddd   remove support of Video4Linux1 API
      adds  93d6e80   v4l: Fixed memory leaks and inconsistent status return values
      adds  f508171   v4l: remove needless CvCaptureCAM_V4L_CPP wrapper
      adds  8527d89   replace rgb24_to_rgb24 by tested cvtColor
      adds  ad68b79   replace yuv420p_to_rgb24 by tested and conformant cvtColor
      adds  05f52b6   replace uyvy_to_rgb24 by tested and conformant cvtColor
      adds  955f489   make CV_CAP_PROP_FORMAT consider the current channel count
      adds  d5894ef   Merge pull request #5572 from paroj:nov4l1
      adds  5a72be0   Race condition bug-fix in hog.cu
      adds  e8742be   Merge pull request #5742 from GabrieleDalmazzone:GabrieleDalmazzone-patch-1
      adds  8026824   ts module: includes moved out from cvtest namespace
      adds  b5d6d70   Merge pull request #5741 from PolarNick239:master
      adds  1621043   Add documentation about detail of image type
      adds  be8ca7a   Merge pull request #5751 from mikanbako:fix-document
      adds  c68d15b   Fixed duplicate PATH in TBB_DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DIRS
      adds  4448cbf   Merge pull request #5747 from Sethur:patch-1
      adds  b4bcdd1   HAL: improvements
      adds  98f5fcd   HAL: fixed header path
      adds  5473dbe   Fixed some build issues
      adds  5c5d0e6   Fixed NEON compilation issue
      adds  0e5c710   Fix documentation warning
      adds  54c1637   Merge pull request #5743 from mshabunin:hal_extend
      adds  8562bb7   Update cascadeclassifier.cpp
      adds  6423b36   Merge pull request #5731 from teng88:patch-1
      adds  8418d56   Documentation patch for cv::mixChannels
      adds  d4245aa   Merge pull request #5704 from sturkmen72:patch-3
      adds  b96def8   squash
      adds  d19897b   Merge pull request #5651 from hoangviet1985:fix_solvePoly_3.0.0
      adds  2afb02f   fix BORDER_WRAP processing on Maxwell generation
      adds  2b26094   increase epsilons in some tests:
      adds  1bef1b8   disable sanity tests for AlphaComp and PyrLKOpticalFlowDense
      adds  7172c16   Merge pull request #5717 from jet47:cuda-maxwell-fixes
      adds  9abdf39   added test for goodFeaturesToTrack;
      adds  878ec08   Merge pull request #3540 from AlexanderUsentsov:good_feature
      adds  056a111   Fixed histogram substraction bug with NEON instructions (arguments in wrong order).
      adds  387935e   Merge pull request #5756 from mshabunin:smooth_neon_fix
      adds  5772cb5   Update imgwarp.cpp
      adds  2f0a598   Update imgwarp.cpp
      adds  f95203e   Merge pull request #5759 from grundman:patch-1
      adds  767bae4   Fix the unit of angle for AKaze/Kaze KeyPoints
      adds  c7cb028   use floats for the calculation
      adds  0c47151   use float for CV_PI
      adds  0ba66aa   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into angle_unit
      adds  ffe0631   Merge pull request #5735 from Astero92:angle_unit
      adds  d68c392   calculate innTilted only for Haar::ALL mode
      adds  8a36402   Update haarfeatures.cpp
      adds  efacf7b   Update haarfeatures.cpp
      adds  6c4232d   Merge pull request #5755 from teng88:patch-4
      adds  4f5d30a   fix GpuMat::setTo implementation
      adds  bed8cb4   Merge pull request #3768 from jet47:gpumat-set-to
      adds  21bbed7   fix gpu HOG implementation:
      adds  7458dfc   Merge pull request #3765 from jet47:gpu-hog-fix
      adds  2c0ef66   Add GPU models in seperate folder, only old models are supported and they were replaced to make the CPU interface work. This solves the undesired consequence of breaking the GPU interface.
      adds  e02d6e2   Merge pull request #3766 from StevenPuttemans:add_GPU_old_models
      adds  b7be494   Cast some image coordinates and sizes to double.
      adds  7d4cbbd   Cast a long integer to double explicitly.
      adds  0172bd6   Merge pull request #3756 from eliteraspberries:cast-double
      adds  8ae6402   Fix MinGW detection on x86
      adds  a5b293b   Fix setting of architecture for MinGW builds
      adds  b595812   Merge pull request #3745 from nitsch:fix-mingw-detection
      adds  42b1c64   Cast some matrix sizes to type int.
      adds  417f1e5   Merge pull request #3755 from eliteraspberries:mat-size-sign
      adds  35a89b1   Change some vector mask types to unsigned.
      adds  ac8045b   Merge pull request #3754 from eliteraspberries:unsigned-mask
      adds  1e95c96   fixing model size, typo in previous PR
      adds  9185b62   Merge pull request #3761 from StevenPuttemans:fix_smile_model
      adds  a7bf1d5    Changes to be committed:    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
      adds  e9b4813   Cat face detection cascades
      adds  2c57717   Merge pull request #3774 from JoeHowse:2.4
      adds  cdbb661   update cmakelists of annotation tool
      adds  29e7eb7   Merge pull request #3789 from StevenPuttemans:fix_cmakelist_annotation
      adds  3419c70   adding usage information
      adds  2594e5e   Merge pull request #3800 from StevenPuttemans:add_parameter_info_annotation
      adds  3a7ea37   extra camera specific information for IP settings
      adds  309eb3c   Merge pull request #3815 from StevenPuttemans:add_camera_IP_regulations
      adds  9f0cd9e   upgrade traincascade default memory
      adds  4ab525c   Merge pull request #3810 from StevenPuttemans:upgrade_traincascade_default_memory
      adds  339e6aa   fixed error in hough lines tutorial (the point (9,4) is not on the lines, but the point (4,9) is)
      adds  4a6b180   Merge pull request #3824 from Milania1:tutorial_hough_lines_fix
      adds  d14a1de   Fixing the bug #4244 that I just reported in code.opencv.org
      adds  69344f1   Merge pull request #3843 from piponazo:BugFix4244
      adds  756c1a2   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2.4' into 2.4
      adds  8755ffb   Fix a bad free space check in icvGrowSeq.
      adds  226b4e3   Merge pull request #3839 from hyperscience:fix-free-space-check-in-grow-seq
      adds  afdf319   Add -L for CUDA libs path to pkg-config
      adds  3853a18   Merge pull request #3792 from laomaiweng:cuda-pkg-config-Ldir
      adds  514b3b5   Documentation update after iOS warnings fix in contrib/retina header.
      adds  297e2b6   Merge pull request #3834 from asmorkalov:retina_docs_fix
      adds  7711cd2   Fix a bug that impede to set the trackbar pos using the Qt control panel
      adds  c9bb18b   Merge pull request #3850 from piponazo:2.4
      adds  d057828   Don't explicitly link Python on OS X
      adds  b01f067   Merge pull request #3865 from tdsmith:2.4-python-linkage
      adds  dde7c22   Fix MinGW architecture detection
      adds  13694c8   Fix MinGW detection on x86
      adds  d430664   Remove local variables from CMAKE namespace
      adds  5678ba1   Merge pull request #3805 from nitsch:fix-mingw-cmake-config
      adds  e5e6367   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2.4' into 2.4
      adds  a9d4e05    Changes to be committed:    (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
      adds  83d6d70   Merge pull request #3855 from polarfuchs99:2.4
      adds  ebd7d08   fix bug 4269
      adds  d948b2a   Merge pull request #3886 from beahacker:2.4
      adds  58c9135   Not block PDB file in multithreaded build on Windows.
      adds  100c2dd   Merge pull request #3852 from renko:multithread_cl_not_studio_generator
      adds  488babf   fixing undesired behaviour
      adds  ba0a8dc   Merge pull request #3783 from StevenPuttemans:fix_traincascade_getNegatives
      adds  122b9f8   Turn ocv_convert_to_lib_name into a function
      adds  e6619cf   Move the CUDA searching code in OpenCVConfig.cmake.in out of the foreach loop
      adds  6e121b2   Use imported targets for linking to CUDA
      adds  772fcf4   Merge pull request #3893 from SpecLad:cuda-imported-targets
      adds  c849492   fix tests for gpu HOG
      adds  f01b241   Merge pull request #3770 from jet47:gpu-hog-tests
      adds  e30139e   add the possibility to add traincascade accuracy
      adds  cc63452   Merge pull request #3899 from StevenPuttemans:add_breakrule_traincascade_2.4
      adds  eeae81e   fixing confusing variable naming in a sample code
      adds  f6de017   Merge pull request #3900 from apavlenko:doc_fix_imwrite
      adds  8c55d7b   Ximea camera fix (see issue #4235)
      adds  0e8bfff   Merge pull request #3904 from SeninAndrew:2.4
      adds  7274e2f   Fix a segment fault issue in cascade classfier
      adds  a153948   Merge pull request #3898 from greensea:2.4
      adds  27302c3   fix GPU WARP border mode in CUDA 7.0 and Maxwell architecture
      adds  f7792f0   Merge pull request #3908 from jet47:gpu-wrap-border-mode
      adds  4273534   typo
      adds  8c2bde2   Merge pull request #3923 from ilya-lavrenov:typo
      adds  81ebe28   fixed a bug in scanRows CUDA kernel (part of nppStIntegral)
      adds  17608f7   make NVIDIA tests verbose by default
      adds  d225168   fix BruteForceMatcher resource distribution
      adds  6a6619e   increase epsilons for some sanity tests
      adds  de8d872   Merge pull request #3924 from jet47:gpu-fixes
      adds  a855d23   completing and fixing gen_pattern.py for 2.4 branch
      adds  c879b1a   Merge pull request #3940 from sergarrido:fix-gen_pattern.py-2.4
      adds  02e29fc   suppress -Wclobbered warning
      adds  4840c4a   Merge pull request #3949 from ilya-lavrenov:clobbered_warning
      adds  ceec0eb   rmeoved unused functions
      adds  960dee8   Merge pull request #3953 from ilya-lavrenov:cuda_unused
      adds  847976d   fixed find cuda for aarch64
      adds  26e3bcb   Merge pull request #3956 from ilya-lavrenov:cuda_aarch64
      adds  f8c82fc   update openni sample comments referring #81
      adds  5c6c537   Fix typo in error for extrinsic parameters
      adds  ac3ec0d   squashed #823 removed separate example for reading image sequences and modified starter_video.cpp to better explain the functionality of VideoCapture. I also added a bit more explanation in the documentation of the VideoCapture interface
      adds  1bf4427   filename correction from #3217
      adds  c797746   use constant instead of value backported from #785
      adds  1e01441   Fixed typo
      adds  f0595b8   Update lkdemo.cpp because of memory leak
      adds  8b58b59   Fix typo
      adds  66fc612   Update MatchTemplate_Demo.cpp
      adds  a81374c   findcontour_example check image empty
      adds  82668e0   Silence cmake 3.0+ warnings about MACOSX_RPATH
      adds  41b9203   added support for uncompressed parameters to tiff image format as described here: expertland.net/question/b6o3n6p9a72341db823b48nl98m91dx8n1/detail.html
      adds  6decc25   squashed #3729
      adds  ebe9790   Merge pull request #3963 from Dikay900:2_4_diff_to_master
      adds  fd4df0f   Added suuport for finding Intel TBB for Visual Studio 2013
      adds  eaa9b78   ENH: explicitly declared outputFilename to surpress error C2668
      adds  a21fb63   store user-provided data in PlaneTracker class
      adds  7a5aa06   Act on INSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES
      adds  044de41   add input paramter checking that verifies the existance of the input files to stero_match example
      adds  d9b7b30   fix qt example on 2.4 with vs2010 and higher
      adds  aad95c7   Added call to clone() to avoid unexpected change to external data. - Fix both stitching_detailed.cpp sample and cv::Stitcher.
      adds  901d499   Fix a typo error
      adds  08848c5   Merge pull request #3965 from Dikay900:2_4_diff_to_master_2
      adds  89e3c50   fixed tests for aarch64
      adds  d705c65   Merge pull request #3960 from ilya-lavrenov:aarch64_test_fixes
      adds  9d2d173   increase epsilon for solvePnPRansac function
      adds  fb15bdf   fix racecheck warning in scanRows kernel
      adds  1325213   use border extrapolation for central pixel in pyrDown
      adds  b4c2891   disable Video_PyrLKOpticalFlowDense performance test
      adds  cbdddb4   disable several heavy performance tests
      adds  36af97d   Merge pull request #3959 from jet47:gpu-fixes
      adds  7ce1166   bugfix_for_hog_detectMultiScale_with_weights
      adds  da229cc   Merge pull request #3946 from zjulujia:bugfix_for_hog_detectMultiScale_with_weights
      adds  40b762b   adding test for `polylines()` call with empty Point-s vector and fix for crash in this case
      adds  5c12c92   Merge pull request #3961 from apavlenko:2.4_fix_polylines_empty
      adds  9e29762   Add example data types for calibrateCamera call
      adds  83eb1d3   Fix typo
      adds  90c3d7d   Merge pull request #3969 from Dikay900:master_to_2_4
      adds  63d6cc5   Added explicit deb package dependency from libtbb-dev if TBB is enabled.
      adds  9c02caf   Merge pull request #3989 from asmorkalov:as/tbb_dep
      adds  007a3ef   Remove insertIframe.js
      adds  0b2cfcf   Merge pull request #3976 from SpecLad:rm-insertIframe
      adds  d87c30d   Bug #4315 : fix CUDA bitwise operations with mask
      adds  bb44316   Merge pull request #3990 from jet47:cuda-bitwise-mask
      adds  2b1103c   Add support for VS2015
      adds  1aa03ce   Merge pull request #3981 from patrikhuber:vs2015-support
      adds  f4eebc4   Fixing all wrong uses of RGB channels instead of the OpenCV BGR standard
      adds  cc94b39   Merge pull request #3975 from StevenPuttemans:RGB_doc_fixing_2.4
      adds  cde697d   introduce BUILD_TINY_GPU_MODULE CMake option
      adds  00c36e8   reduce separable filter instantiates for tiny build
      adds  8e49ab1   reduce filter2d instantiates for tiny build
      adds  b7a9e67   reduce bilateral filter instantiates for tiny build
      adds  db25e44   reduce brute_force_matcher instantiates for tiny build
      adds  87d6553   reduce add_weighted instantiates for tiny build
      adds  9682d2a   reduce element_operations instantiates for tiny build
      adds  3004f5f   reduce stereobm instantiates for tiny build
      adds  e7b55f4   reduce warp instantiates for tiny build
      adds  612888c   reduce remap instantiates for tiny build
      adds  72685cf   reduce resize instantiates for tiny build
      adds  2e47a1a   reduce pyramids instantiates for tiny build
      adds  b44b1ab   reduce matrix_reductions instantiates for tiny build
      adds  6d7a61c   reduce copy_make_border instantiates for tiny build
      adds  ee31675   reduce color instantiates for tiny build
      adds  f939d80   fixed seg faults
      adds  ad3123a   turn on some instantiates that required for other primitives
      adds  dd93d48   turn on stereob instantiates that required for tests
      adds  f1bec94   fix accuracy tests in tiny mode
      adds  9d294cb   fix performance tests in tiny mode
      adds  f10537c   fix tests compilation issue on Windows
      adds  0410fe6   Merge pull request #3785 from jet47:tiny-gpu-module
      adds  cd42e38   FlannBasedMatcher(LshIndex) in the feature2d optimization for continuance additional train()
      adds  8efdfd9   Fix unused-parameter Warning
      adds  f7d52c7   Fix compile error on linux change cv::InputArray& to cv::InputArray
      adds  7d665a4   Fix warn conversion from 'size_t' to 'int'. add comment for doxygen
      adds  7c740b6   Test accuracy for Pull Request # 3829
      adds  56cae1b   Test accuracy for PR#3829.Fix Some Error, Modify SLA.
      adds  d1902a1   Test accuracy for PR#3829.Fix warning on gcc, comment out INIT_RANDOM_SEED for same result each ran.
      adds  65b0ecf   Test accuracy for PR#3829.Fix WOrder warning on gcc
      adds  b727635   Test accuracy for PR#3829
      adds  140051b   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4-flann-lsh-addable-index' into 2.4-flann-lsh-addable-index
      adds  b8c0085   instead of "using namespace cv" put all the tests into cv:: namespace.
      adds  b9792fd   Merge pull request #3829 from ippei-i:2.4-flann-lsh-addable-index
      adds  62bc647   use cv::theRNG() instead of ::rand() in gpu::solvePnPRansac
      adds  95eed59   use fixed seed for RNG in gpu SolvePnPRansac test
      adds  d58d277   do not loose logs from nvidia tests
      adds  9d148c7   Merge pull request #4033 from jet47:gpu-tests-fix
      adds  7f63776   Precise default CUDA version for Tegra X1 chips.
      adds  ede4943   Merge pull request #4030 from asmorkalov:as/accurate_cuda_arch_aarch64
      adds  11d1909   fixed warning
      adds  6212084   Merge pull request #4041 from ilya-lavrenov:warning_fix
      adds  3c6fe75   fix mutex for uclibc
      adds  acfbed8   Merge pull request #4037 from Lectem:patch-1
      adds  d89b622   fixed Android mk generation for arm64-v8a
      adds  08714c5   Merge pull request #4042 from ilya-lavrenov:android_mk
      adds  242e64c   Fixed triangulation bug http://code.opencv.org/issues/4334.
      adds  74bb0be   Merge pull request #4008 from cr333:triangulation_fix_2.4
      adds  083aced   fixed OS names
      adds  13cef0c   Merge pull request #4061 from ilya-lavrenov:android
      adds  5b00d9d   releasing native memory in Java converters
      adds  72ec9c1   releasing native memory of temp `Mat` objects in generated Java code
      adds  daa21a4   Merge pull request #4057 from apavlenko:24_java_memory_release
      adds  1f72815   Exporting videoFileString to outside world
      adds  b69ffe6   Fixed memory leak when recording video in iOS
      adds  9682430   Adding code to deal with audio output
      adds  a581487   Adding audio to opencv
      adds  53ff537   temporary fixes
      adds  58dd70e   Revert support for audio
      adds  70f8d80   Merge pull request #4003 from uwinsoftware:2.4
      adds  851ce27   http://code.opencv.org/issues/4359  2.4 branch
      adds  83ace8d   Merge pull request #4085 from berak:patch-3
      adds  9eaac61   correct covariation matrix formula in Harris corner detector
      adds  2e90048   Merge pull request #4088 from howtobeahacker:2.4
      adds  02f8b85   Add ARM64 packaging support
      adds  719099a   Merge pull request #4104 from SpecLad:arm64-packaging
      adds  799622a   make sure opencv builds fine with the recent versions of libav (e.g. from Ubuntu 14.10)
      adds  3d6413c   fixed compile warnings; hopefully fixed test failures
      adds  50842b9   get code to compile on Ubuntu Saucy A define was forgotten for the codecs and there was a typo for another.
      adds  b7c2a46   Merge pull request #4107 from SpecLad:libav-compat
      adds  0550b2c   check that current directory has write access
      adds  5d66b11   save tests console output to separate log files
      adds  21d8b58   exclude dates from report names
      adds  546e68d   Merge pull request #4034 from jet47:opencv_run_all_tests_unix
      adds  5cb0084   split CUDA Hough sources (cherry picked from commit d84738769422aad33038d90681c47486e47a0380)
      adds  e9638d0   disable CUDA generalized Hough Transform (cherry picked from commit 33d42b740c6fe938b63a0b25c9ad51741aba48c3)
      adds  d6ba52c   Initial Linux packages build rools for CPack. (cherry picked from commit 7821fe2bde331c6b1abd612315ca9fc59da58619)
      adds  33f423d   Improvements in package build. (cherry picked from commit 086792ec06ff78a45fdd5e1b2fa7f72fe3b7c9a2)
      adds  a348f3e   OpenCV version++
      adds  3ebdcaf   All installed files marked with component names for install customization. (cherry picked from commit b75cbfde45c00fc956f033d0af7fe6d63312fd33)
      adds  6cf7d6e   OpenCV C/C++/OCL/CUDA samples install path fixed. Install rools for tests added. (cherry picked from commit f332cba14b2a86017e1d2081130db110c2048c00)
      adds  00d555f   Code review notes fixed.
      adds  7fec87d   Multiple fixes for tests deb package build.
      adds  514b714   opencv_run_all_tests.sh script added to -tests package. (cherry picked from commit d45350a06a287a8ab8a812659d5afea898ffe95a)
      adds  48d9be7   Android toolchain file sync with original project.
      adds  ed10f50   Reports path fix for opencv_run_all_tests.sh.in script. (cherry picked from commit 3d261e8a010eda45908592d3b2caa76d939d342c)
      adds  32414af   disable performance test for gpu generalized hough(cherry picked from commit 063d8b421136b2ed0f537c663b89828f6a2b263c)
      adds  ca10e5e   Highgui test output fixes.
      adds  a7d0448   gpu test output files moved from cwd to temp folder(cherry picked from commit 49731ad5303a714302ff053aaeb32900845304bf)
      adds  c319625   disable some gpu tests if library was built without CUFFT(cherry picked from commit b4b929d27cc25822dd15b5b96b8d335c59d4408c)
      adds  43c75c6   disable NPP for GpuMat methods and for copyMakeBorder(cherry picked from commit 316d49fc0fb7a609ebb0a65efc207faea6b978a4)
      adds  397ac5e   disable gpu Canny and HoughCircles perf tests:
      adds  4f79b9d   disable gpu Subtract_Array test:
      adds  4425dac   disable gpu CvtColor.*2HSV tests:
      adds  c6b3148   OpenCV Manager version++.
      adds  215f78e   Merge branch 'android_manager_version_inc4' into
      adds  bc653ad   Absolute path to tests in opencv_run_app_tests.sh fixed. (cherry picked from commit 530702c5f2350c58f0e9078b5fde8185af6a3c77)
      adds  8ba84f4   Implicit testdata directory permissions setup added. (cherry picked from commit b86088b89c43ba1b7db2d8435f222489722e62c9)
      adds  48612d7   Revert "disable gpu Subtract_Array test:"
      adds  8bb26fa   Revert "disable gpu CvtColor.*2HSV tests:"
      adds  cc73c70   fix epsilons for several gpu tests (cherry picked from commit 3e4bb371c8a364315dec18df14674d9164b7523d)
      adds  79e4f7e   Revert "disable CUDA generalized Hough Transform"
      adds  dc2dbb4   Revert "disable gpu Canny and HoughCircles perf tests:"
      adds  5170f0b   fixed several bugs in CUDA Canny implementation:
      adds  5e00fc6   Fixed MinGW build by declaring the minimal required Windows version.
      adds  469aef2   fixed bug #3341 (cherry picked from commit 09d25e11c65fa20f9ddba1d25ee4f3344ba4e655)
      adds  7868733   fixing bug #3345 (cherry picked from commit b036fc756a65c8be5b9b0e4d77d94b6f8099fc20)
      adds  27a8bb4   fixing bug #3345. don't use BORDER_ISOLATED alone. it should be combined with some border type (cherry picked from commit 2272a5876972f74684c43f2069c3046bd2888d01)
      adds  5e986f3   fixed bug #3319 (cherry picked from commit 4f9c081dc313f8fdfee3f0a4572779ae13e27e40)
      adds  a65d7d4   Fix typo of SparseMat_<_Tp>::SparseMat_(const SparseMat& m)
      adds  345b3b0   Fix algorithm setter argument validation for uchar(cherry picked from commit e21c6e19db0183e40d12b6634aec2d1923496336)
      adds  7c13d32   Fixed a valgrind 'Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)' on cv::kmeans(...). The original code used points(sampleCount, 1, CV_32FC2), which confused generateCentersPP into thinking it is a 1 dimensional center, instead of 2. As a result it would set only the x variable and leave y unitialised. (cherry picked from commit 601b7d1dd3a3ec9e8af5df461d43632d98ed3a7a)
      adds  d01e352   Corrected package name in tutorial
      adds  cdea6b5   Fix: freeing previous elements has to be done before loading new parameters to avoid trying to delete unexisting objects if arrays size was modified (cherry picked from commit 3f458c6eb114bd46ce7f08b8ca471822ea16d26e)
      adds  6cb7a7b   Fixed bug #3489: The code assumed that two global variables would be constructed in a particular order, but global variable initialization order is compiler-dependent. (cherry picked from commit 6bf599b1bca8a58c7a656ddc169f7be0fc3094c6)
      adds  d5d88ef   fix GpuMat::copyTo method with mask:
      adds  b7c5083   removing duplicated legacy license, the actual instance is in 'opencv/LICENSE' (cherry picked from commit dca56841459dadfa01ac74eb1ac01cd7e05d8522)
      adds  2c7cf52   fixing bug #3345. use norm to make sure two matrices are the same. (cherry picked from commit eb9d7c4dd54eea87950d98b843b349db7a95c951)
      adds  5f88e2b   fix #3477:
      adds  f6367a2   eliminated possible memory leak (cherry picked from commit e7e63fac6c3eaa65a8eb0926c7c9557f0614ab03)
      adds  f15a167   turn on CUDA part of nonfree module on Android for non-dynamic build(cherry picked from commit d8f7377122a65512db2f443535a9d01ea336470c)
      adds  3e755b2   turn on CUDA part of stitching module on Android for non-dynamic build(cherry picked from commit a138e5a6a585e9dfc686d76b9769adeff02672b3)
      adds  1ab0263   update stitching sample (cherry picked from commit 214cbabc4073c17413c2982ce06266e777e73654)
      adds  daa7b9c   fix path to CUDA libraries (use targets/armv7-linux-androideabi/lib)(cherry picked from commit a098fb1803a6bd4d6ebe58c4a1dd0f2dfea464ab)
      adds  c10692d   save previous values of LOCAL_* variables and restore them at the end(cherry picked from commit 286fe261d07a7faf481ac907c6f09b3fece4aa64)
      adds  826fc00   Tests install path fix for Android SDK. (cherry picked from commit 0cd0e4749bd74c2050b3e3cf082ced6bdc489376)
      adds  51dff5b   project.properties file generation fixed for per-component installation. (cherry picked from commit 65b4d779597ffdfe909cb01f6163b1c404b040c2)
      adds  a49beb7   Multiple improvements in OpenCV examples build.
      adds  f9e9ae8   dynamicuda module disabled in OpenCv.mk for all arches except armeabi-v7a. (cherry picked from commit b10d4b05ed3eb9947bcb3dd183da69e44be5e30a)
      adds  f15b420   fix nonfree module compilation without CUDA(cherry picked from commit 3e1f74f2cafc5c38d0e64928149edb87d9b28d28)
      adds  9997aa8   decrease input size for several gpu tests to fix "timed out" error:
      adds  f1ef3a4   OpenCV version++.
      adds  116311b   opencv_run_all_tests.sh implemented for Android SDK. (cherry picked from commit d02c2911607b199e18988c29c3fb9df141555974)
      adds  f40ffe4   LICENSE and README files installation rules added. (cherry picked from commit e55f2b26028a5261806fb8e972b6165c40593357)
      adds  25159d8   Application pause/resume fix for Android sample NativeActivity. (cherry picked from commit 7da3e98dfd1539c027b26fd67f9225e93af8d144)
      adds  2da7eae   increase epsilon for AlphaComp sanity test for integer input(cherry picked from commit 9e69e2a07a9798d75a0949ab2b4ad063dd84e8f2)
      adds  aa82f92   temporary disable perf test for StereoBeliefPropagation(cherry picked from commit eb247d826f04673a23e4d050ee5cf0395bde82c2)
      adds  ea51396   Dead code removed as this cannot be null in Java. (cherry picked from commit dbe7634286d405161adb30677aa4d07cc17e0de2)
      adds  b4845d8   temporary disable performance test for alphaComp function(cherry picked from commit 1ce5165cb7ccabdd0280970e3f1b6bc180055a3d)
      adds  feb74b1   Build fixes for CUDA 6.5 (cherry picked from commit 60a5ada4541e777bd2ad3fe0322180706351e58b)
      adds  e650d87   Deb package build fix for CUDA 6.5 and newer.
      adds  b279097   More accurate deb package build fix for CUDA 6.5 and newer.
      adds  e7b82a8   Merge branch '2.4.8.x-prep' into 2.4
      adds  83a4ad5   Merge branch '2.4.9.x-prep' into 2.4
      adds  57ab0d4   Debian packages header update to fix conflict with OpenCV from deb repo.
      adds  707d10f   Merge pull request #4137 from asmorkalov:as/ros_conflict
      adds  2e86d46   CV_ChessboardDetectorTimingTest: don't ignore missing test data
      adds  4bf82e5   Merge pull request #4187 from SpecLad:chessboard-png
      adds  9e50cf5   Refactor a section of icvRotatingCalipers to work around a GCC bug
      adds  67158b1   Merge pull request #4191 from SpecLad:irc-workaround
      adds  c467d0d   Fixed minMaxLoc and test functions
      adds  07de67c   Added test of minMaxLoc on filling with maximums of int
      adds  869dda4   Merge pull request #4204 from gladilov-gleb:minMaxLocBugFix
      adds  72ddeea   FREAK: add missing field initialization
      adds  6b954cd   Merge pull request #4219 from SpecLad:freak-missing-init
      adds  42ba5c7   fix GCC 4.9 warnings
      adds  3ed54b9   Merge pull request #4220 from alalek:fix_gcc_warnings_2_4
      adds  0906744   fix python cross-compilation
      adds  9eda260   Merge pull request #4211 from alalek:fix_python_2_4
      adds  c2f59a0   flann: fix AutotunedIndex crashing if a KDTree index is selected
      adds  0263b49   Merge pull request #5090 from SpecLad:autotune-crash
      adds  945663b   increase epsilon for some GPU sanity tests
      adds  6f47c26   Merge pull request #5091 from jet47:gpu-sanity-epsilon
      adds  ac6ca66   Increase version to 2.4.12
      adds  9a3dcca   Increase Android Manager version
      adds  1f5fd86   Merge pull request #5092 from etalanin:update-branch-to-2-4-12
      adds  b7c9aaa   Added more resize_area tests to ensure right rounding behavior for half and quarter downscaling
      adds  a96a6bf   Resize area result verification moved to the separate function
      adds  80844fd   Merge pull request #5096 from terfendail:2.4
      adds  3cf2659   fix installation layout for debian packages:
      adds  23bf3e3   superres: Fix return value VideoFrameSource_GPU
      adds  1ccd64e   Fix uninitialized memory reads and memory leaks in StereoGC
      adds  b0b2fc9   get rid of cuda.h usage (cherry picked from commit eeb997261d1d22e8c69af777c86e21cce2d04f87)
      adds  bf2256f   cvOpenFileStorage: reduce the scope of xml_buf and make sure it's freed...
      adds  fcbefaf   fix tests for gpu::matchTemplate:
      adds  39ac84f   Fixing race condition by expanding resultsMutex lock section
      adds  9932bba   Added Debian changelog installation step for Debian package generation.
      adds  1b5835c   Added dependency from numpy to debian package with python bindings.
      adds  a09ad35   opencv_testing.sh script installation is removed as run tests script does the same thing.
      adds  b1cdb91   Fixed samples install permissions for Debian packaging.
      adds  ef347aa   disable gpu::matchTemplate tests (cherry picked from commit 7bb8c50080045dd350441e8ce744b1aa5f29cee8)
      adds  2ba7761   Debian package names replaced by lower case version to satisfy lintian.
      adds  05ddc16   Added Debian changelog to -tests package.
      adds  3f3ca85   Don't use ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} as an install destination
      adds  c259590   Fix a memory leak in CvCapture_FFMPEG::close
      adds  17ac18a   Remove useless CPACK_*_COMPONENT_INSTALL variables
      adds  5e06da3   Update the CPack variables to match the changes in asmorkalov/CMake#1
      adds  19298ae   Add component display names
      adds  bcd08b5   Mark the libs component required
      adds  95ea125   set epsilon for gpu OpticalFlowBM to 1e-6, since it uses floating point arithmetic (cherry picked from commit c147ab1e8574bf5adc6847a9700d9d6718dc8a2f)
      adds  b320138   fix GpuMat::setTo implementation
      adds  4539607   fix gpu HOG implementation:
      adds  bea98bd   Not block PDB file in multithreaded build on Windows.
      adds  6d0f8aa   fix tests for gpu HOG
      adds  d308ed3   fix GPU WARP border mode in CUDA 7.0 and Maxwell architecture (cherry picked from commit 27302c367cdd8636a0cd0dd290cc0fbfe0555f6b)
      adds  f08dd51   fixed a bug in scanRows CUDA kernel (part of nppStIntegral)
      adds  55339de   make NVIDIA tests verbose by default (cherry picked from commit 17608f7ade9f31f2363bcf1d15153b75868b8f15)
      adds  df55be3   fix BruteForceMatcher resource distribution
      adds  a984da9   increase epsilons for some sanity tests (cherry picked from commit 6a6619ec1eb20e1c78705167c76fad4f0f6b578a)
      adds  a752f25   increase epsilon for solvePnPRansac function
      adds  fe1bd0c   fix racecheck warning in scanRows kernel
      adds  7708e98   use border extrapolation for central pixel in pyrDown
      adds  4704a25   disable Video_PyrLKOpticalFlowDense performance test
      adds  4b14400   disable several heavy performance tests (cherry picked from commit cbdddb473c10429ce8511fddc8afce8cea0a171c)
      adds  17cc5e2   bugfix_for_hog_detectMultiScale_with_weights
      adds  2598392   Added explicit deb package dependency from libtbb-dev if TBB is enabled.
      adds  1d40946   Bug #4315 : fix CUDA bitwise operations with mask (cherry picked from commit d87c30dc8470e39048cc01f75f26eb7bd3d6ce9f)
      adds  e49e75d   OpenCV patch verison++.
      adds  36924d6   use cv::theRNG() instead of ::rand() in gpu::solvePnPRansac (cherry picked from commit 62bc647731cc41d216ad2d96e2572a416ccb6588)
      adds  62fc342   use fixed seed for RNG in gpu SolvePnPRansac test (cherry picked from commit 95eed59f2dcc0fc4a3b46892d60deb9e26d22872)
      adds  ae79fe1   do not loose logs from nvidia tests (cherry picked from commit d58d277707ac4750d0986c25de1ef6ca896254aa)
      adds  00d9f69   Version++.
      adds  5a53f41   Merge branch '2.4.10.x-prep' into 2.4
      adds  ba7bf1e   add checks on input parameters for valid path and folder opening a folder is system specific - made system specific code added license
      adds  e953906   Merge pull request #5124 from StevenPuttemans:fix_annotation_tool_2.4
      adds  447b8bf   Fixing possible corruption for big training data sizes
      adds  34aa4e4   Merge pull request #5151 from mshabunin:fix-training-data-corruption
      adds  8557659   fixed valgrind warning in polylines
      adds  8d264d9   Merge pull request #5193 from ilya-lavrenov:valgrind_error
      adds  7719da9   fixed memory leak in core ds tests
      adds  b2489d3   fixed memory leaks in cvtyuv tests
      adds  d1b882d   fixed memory leaks in floodfill tests
      adds  b70e27e   fixed memory leaks in warpAffine tests
      adds  47cee87   fixed uninitialized values warning in bad arg test class
      adds  370d1ff   fixed typo
      adds  793bdaa   typo
      adds  3172e6d   Merge pull request #5203 from ilya-lavrenov:valgrind_error
      adds  1245cd1   NearestNeighborTest: use ts->get_rng() instead of (implicit) theRNG()
      adds  a00b37d   Merge pull request #5094 from SpecLad:f2d-ts-rng
      adds  f100cdb   fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value" warning
      adds  fc0b997   Merge pull request #5223 from ilya-lavrenov:warpaffine_valgrind
      adds  4722b2d   fixed memory leak caused by illegal memory access
      adds  3b97549   Merge pull request #5226 from ilya-lavrenov:valgrind_memory_leak
      adds  5262371   install new headers like "opencv2/core.hpp"
      adds  b757359   fix documentation builder warnings
      adds  9734abd   Merge pull request #5114 from a-andre:missingHeader
      adds  1d92a73   Correct missing braces in operations_in_arrays.rst
      adds  98078c2   Merge pull request #1 from alankarkotwal/bugfix
      adds  702afcd   Merge pull request #5143 from alankarkotwal:2.4
      adds  bef2b27   Add missing packages to the Debian conflict list
      adds  4ab2771   Only conflict with packages corresponding to modules that are built
      adds  94cf543   Merge pull request #5250 from SpecLad:missing-conflicts
      adds  7ddc0bd   fix potential out-of-border access in gpu StereoBeliefPropagation
      adds  74f5eaf   Merge pull request #5262 from jet47:gpu-stereobp-fix
      adds  be499b4   fixed memory leaks in modules/features2d/test/test_nearestneighbors.cpp
      adds  dc441f5   fixed memory leak in descriptor regression tests
      adds  5b1967f   Merge pull request #5274 from ilya-lavrenov:features2d
      adds  d7bb102   fixed memory leak in ml module
      adds  a7a4a2a   Merge pull request #5280 from ilya-lavrenov:ml
      adds  dfb4909   fixed memory leak in ANN
      adds  43aae3f   Merge pull request #5283 from ilya-lavrenov:ml3
      adds  3a1bb93   release filestorage before exception
      adds  5603617   Merge pull request #5284 from ilya-lavrenov:ml4
      adds  1b8c258   fixed memory leak in GBTrees
      adds  ae0d428   Merge pull request #5281 from ilya-lavrenov:ml2
      adds  887736b   fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" in GBD
      adds  73a8e65   Merge pull request #5285 from ilya-lavrenov:ml5
      adds  32d7c19   fixed memory leak in flann index
      adds  a98ee0d   Merge pull request #5289 from ilya-lavrenov:flann
      adds  3934d61   fixed uninitialized memory writing/reading in flann
      adds  9d006f6   Merge pull request #5297 from ilya-lavrenov:flann
      adds  6a05939   fixed warnings in gpu module
      adds  76235cb   Merge pull request #5300 from ilya-lavrenov:cuda_warnings
      adds  7b1eb3a   initialize padding of CvString with zeros
      adds  6fefc53   Merge pull request #5299 from ilya-lavrenov:core_hog
      adds  036c3b4   do not proceed with removing zero-length slice
      adds  f3af90c   Merge pull request #5315 from elenash:core_remove_slice
      adds  9df5400   Update drawing.cpp
      adds  cba401f   Merge pull request #5313 from sturkmen72:patch-5
      adds  e2a9df4   fix for gpu::StereoBeliefPropogation:
      adds  f903192   revert previous change in gpu::StereoBeliefPropogation
      adds  3ef067c   add extra checks to data_step_down to prevent out-of-border access
      adds  b29cde5   Merge pull request #5325 from jet47:gpu-stereobp-fix
      adds  1c3d83d   fix for corrent modules dependencies
      adds  8b33c6f   Merge pull request #5290 from ilya-lavrenov:cmake_bug
      adds  b23e536   Fix LineAA in case of 4 channel
      adds  fb4b4cb   Merge pull request #5334 from UnaNancyOwen:fix2_LineAA
      adds  293ea03   test2.py: remove unused imports
      adds  56f17e4   test2.py: fail if a downloaded image can't be decoded
      adds  08ad3b5   test2.py: switch from urllib to urllib2
      adds  e1b0d34   Merge pull request #5360 from SpecLad:test2-fail-on-failed-download
      adds  bef1b53   add link to contributing guidelines
      adds  6f2fb38   Merge pull request #5359 from StevenPuttemans:contributing_guidelines_2.4
      adds  d38fee7   fix crash for large BW tif images
      adds  7825cbe   buffer_size should be in bytes, not bits
      adds  f838a83   Merge pull request #5357 from fxtentacle:ha-2.4.11
      adds  4a68cc1   re-submit
      adds  134a3f1   Merge pull request #5381 from robertxwu:Bugfix_for_issue_#_of_5145
      adds  dbd7912   repaired gstreamer camera capture:
      adds  c19ed39   repaired GStreamer 0.10 version
      adds  75fcedf   added some property setting and getting
      adds  60a689d   Merge pull request #5202 from ilya-lavrenov:gstreamer-v4l2
      adds  5df2713   XML file path correction
      adds  79ab656   Merge pull request #5395 from enesates:patch-2
      adds  69d84c8   Update how_to_scan_images.cpp
      adds  58a11ac   Merge pull request #5403 from sturkmen72:patch-9
      adds  cb1dc7c   Fixed wrong-name-for-changelog-of-native-package warning for deb packages.
      adds  59082c8   Merge pull request #5398 from asmorkalov:as/wrong-name-for-changelog-of-native-package
      adds  bb9bd31   fix zero length std::string in putText()
      adds  454e5e5   Merge pull request #5461 from berak:fix_putText_24
      adds  ec5244a   fixed memory leak in findHomography tests
      adds  297a92c   Merge pull request #5490 from ilya-lavrenov:mem-leak-calib3d
      adds  0d5b739   delete video readers
      adds  779dad1   Merge pull request #5491 from ilya-lavrenov:video-writers-delete
      adds  9d24b3c   Debian formatted copyright file added to all debian packages.
      adds  3558da9   Merge pull request #5494 from asmorkalov:as/deb_copyright
      adds  408107c   Added missing copyright headers.
      adds  8b23d1e   Merge pull request #5498 from asmorkalov:as/copyright_headers
      adds  d16fb30   install opencv2/highgui.hpp header
      adds  bd34f6d   Merge pull request #5505 from a-andre:highguiheader
      adds  55a9fdf   brining over fix in master (#4140) for libz import on 64-bit android
      adds  98c26d9   Merge pull request #5511 from paleozogt:android-64-bit
      adds  ff00220   Set of lintain warning fixes for -samples debian package.
      adds  bac1516   Merge pull request #5501 from asmorkalov:as/samples_lintian_fixes
      adds  bba8c0b   Made samples build independent from nonfree module.
      adds  341e7b3   Fixed samples build with nonfree.
      adds  bf41e79   Merge pull request #5514 from asmorkalov:as/nonfree-independent-samples
      adds  937a096   export simple libs from OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS (fix #5541)
      adds  938d42a   Merge pull request #5545 from alalek:fix_linker_libs
      adds  78a5666   Fix the issue in mouse click event
      adds  4dc2313   Merge pull request #5552 from hyunkim9123:camshift-2.4
      adds  8ed25ad   adding extra explanation for mask parameter
      adds  1cb0dfa   Merge pull request #5500 from StevenPuttemans:fix_mask_notice_copyTo_2.4
      adds  73240b7   Update camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst
      adds  497d92e   Merge pull request #5533 from sturkmen72:patch-12
      adds  e245aed   Debian packages with legacy C headers added to list of conflicts, relpaces, etc.
      adds  95d6002   Merge pull request #5568 from asmorkalov:as/legacy_c_deb_pack_dep
      adds  9d78a1e   allow to retrieve videocapture properties before first frame reading
      adds  05945bf   fixed case when grabbing failed
      adds  9e2395e   return false in grabFrame failed in open method
      adds  4552ca9   Merge pull request #5574 from ilya-lavrenov:image-sequence-videocapture
      adds  f49936a   Fixed cmake and build issues when using Visual Studio 2015
      adds  021ff0e   Merge pull request #5575 from mshabunin:fix-vs2015-2.4
      adds  1e869c5   ts: refactor run.py script
      adds  c21ed69   Merge pull request #5586 from mshabunin:run-py-changes-2.4
      adds  e539a96   Fix in fisheye calibrate function: #5389
      adds  33dc410   Merge pull request #5392 from elenash:fisheye_fix
      adds  28974e7   remove usage of obsolete _dataAsRows flag
      adds  1b6dd03   Merge pull request #5641 from alalek:backport_5320
      adds  68bcff2   fix solveCubic
      adds  57829d8   mac compile error
      adds  780b713   Merge pull request #5638 from hoangviet1985:fix_bug_5623
      adds  252feb4   Hit and Miss morphological op
      adds  82c1c68   Merge pull request #5622 from LorenaGdL:hitAndMiss2.4
      adds  fdf549b   fix bug #5599
      adds  0bc4437   fix bug #5599
      adds  40ce9f9   fix whitespace errors
      adds  e06c696   fix whitespace errors
      adds  03e7b71   fix whitespace errors
      adds  ed00652   update fixing bug #5599
      adds  b6e8a47   fix whitespace errors
      adds  537a978   update test_math.cpp
      adds  09b0193   even more correct
      adds  f461d0c   fix compile errors
      adds  cfd5caf   deal with type casting issues
      adds  c8bf176   casting warning
      adds  433bc81   std::cbrt could not be found
      adds  a153258   optimize code
      adds  e9b31a7   mac osx compile errors
      adds  a20a273   Merge remote-tracking branch 'Itseez/2.4' into fix_bug_5599
      adds  1e879e1   clean up
      adds  0f288d1   Merge pull request #5605 from hoangviet1985:fix_bug_5599
      adds  2799829   fix potential buffer overflow as in 3.0
      adds  fc1694c   Merge pull request #5655 from janstarzy:2.4-canny-fix
      adds  d5e6503   fix signed/unsigned comparison warning in core/test/test_math.cpp
      adds  1862d19   Merge pull request #5652 from jet47:core-test-math-warning-fix
      adds  ffb9e87   Restore ts/gpu_perf.hpp, trying to compile with VS 2015
      adds  01b5971   Merge pull request #5640 from mshabunin:restore-ts-gpu
      adds  eebd4ca   Fix compilation problems with XCode 7.1.1 and cmake 3.3.2
      adds  df55aae   Merge pull request #5674 from mshabunin:mac-fix-2.4
      adds  0050df8   GraphCut deprecated in 7.5 and removed in 8.0
      adds  6148c35   Merge pull request #5672 from ilya-lavrenov:npp-graphcut
      adds  8d3850a   add cv::gpu::StreamAccessor::wrapStream method
      adds  739d7ca   Merge pull request #5659 from jet47:cuda-wrap-stream-2.4
      adds  6441620   The right signs give the right results
      adds  5c0cdd4   Merge pull request #5650 from hoangviet1985:fix_bug_5623
      adds  969f0c4   added lintian overrides for debian packages
      adds  6e885e5   Merge pull request #5682 from ilya-lavrenov:lintian-overrides
      adds  406cfc4   adding markers to OpenCV for 2.4 branch
      adds  4200123   Merge pull request #5390 from StevenPuttemans:add_markers_2.4
      adds  130d4b1   added suppression for python-script-but-no-python-dep
      adds  4d59871   Merge pull request #5713 from ilya-lavrenov:lintian
      adds  53ed1a8   Build fix for QNX 6.6 neitrino.
      adds  681df84   Merge pull request #5720 from asmorkalov:as/cuda_qnx
      adds  d86d8ed   Merge 2.4 into master
      adds  9c0a552   Merge pull request #5757 from alalek:merge-2.4
      adds  39854ce   cuda::StreamAccessor::wrapStream and cuda::EventAccessor::wrapEvent
      adds  0de6165   Merge pull request #5660 from jet47:cuda-wrap-stream-3.0
      adds  421c922   Add HDR tutorial to the python tutorials
      adds  eaa573f   fixed whitespace
      adds  a87ae59   fixed whitespace
      adds  5d5cf32   Merge pull request #5758 from eladj:py_tutorial_hdr
      adds  cc5a1d6   added comments and test perl examples for agast tree version
      adds  ae66ce9   Add treelookups for nonintel
      adds  a6bbe06   Merge branch 'opencv_agast_tree' of https://github.com/askourik/opencv into opencv_agast_tree
      adds  4cf7ddf   Added new function definition in AGAST module header for tree-optimized version
      adds  b3e8c65   removed code duplication for non-intel platforms
      adds  fedf064   removing code duplicates and replace unsigned long by uint32_t
      adds  9d624f8   Merge pull request #5670 from askourik:opencv_agast_tree
      adds  78376c0   pthreads: remove usage of non-POSIX PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER* defines
      adds  a15707b   Merge pull request #5765 from alalek:pthread_mutex_init
      adds  14c0bfc   kmeans and one-dimensional vectors
      adds  d6f8a75   Merge pull request #5230 from PhilLab:patch-4
      adds  1ab7acf   Update CMakeLists.txt
      adds  bcf78da   Update CMakeLists.txt
      adds  6dd5e77   Merge pull request #5773 from GregoryMorse:master
      adds  b81598b   try to fix : enclosing circle always larger than 1.0
      adds  a69eeb6   change the algorithm of minimum enclosing circle with EMO Welzl's method
      adds  e0b7389   remove compile warnings in shapedescr.cpp
      adds  9d8118d   build failed, trailing whitespace.
      adds  893fa4c   build failed, trailing whitespace.
      adds  02bb287   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fix#5745' into fix#5745
      adds  35d4f99   Merge pull request #5748 from songyuncen:fix#5745
      adds  2e9ef3f   Changed parameter order of cv::stereoRectify in documentation, so it matches the code.
      adds  919fc44   Merge pull request #5770 from emiswelt:master
      adds  0087c57   Fix KAZE/AKAZE descriptors to use angle instead radians.
      adds  05531cd   Merge pull request #5768 from cbalint13:kaze_akaze
      adds  fc641e2   Coverity: uninitialized values in ExifEntry_t structure
      adds  715887f   Coverity: fixed some negative argument issues
      adds  f814218   Coverity: uninitialized fields in Stitcher
      adds  a921761   Coverity: memory leak in OpenEXR reader
      adds  a9607c8   Coverity: fixed uninitialized fields in test_goodfeaturetotrack
      adds  4a29477   Coverity: fixed uninitialized field in ExifReader
      adds  832a038   Valgrind: do not use uninitialized data in optflow
      adds  2cda78f   Valgrind: fixed uninitialized image usage in descriptors regression tests
      adds  8e67f0b   Merge pull request #5774 from mshabunin:coverity_fixes
      adds  81e814d   clean up fisheye calibration code
      adds  cefa1dc   switch mask type from vector<int> to vector<uchar>
      adds  5d6292f   Merge pull request #5675 from paroj:fisheyecalib
      adds  16fcd78   add sampson distance error measure
      adds  3c8bd19   Merge pull request #5309 from paroj:sampsonDist
      adds  46ec9c3   Gstreamer 1.0 on windows.
      adds  5aa4b74   Merge pull request #5723 from dtmoodie:win_gst
      adds  af62624   Add cameraMatrix parameter to findEssentialMat and recoverPose
      adds  6ead999   Merge pull request #4086 from IgnasD:cameraMat_five-point
      adds  7b0b12d   appropriate logic behind last accepted stage when rejectingLevels is true
      adds  a0f6cd8   Merge pull request #5362 from Dikay900:cascade_reject_stage
      adds  f0434d6   fixed the type inconsistent with document.
      adds  bfe5ed2   Merge pull request #5657 from tianzhi0549:fixed-the-type-inconsistent-with-document
      adds  b26580c   checkRange fixes
      adds  bb4b4ac   Merge pull request #5776 from alalek:checkRange_fixes
      adds  4f373a4   Clarified default allocator interface.
      adds  7676047   Cherry pick failed to grab interface changes.
      adds  237f33d   nullptr -> NULL
      adds  d2e1699   Merge pull request #5767 from dtmoodie:cpu_mat_memory_allocator
      adds  d8e3971   Fixed variable importance in rtrees
      adds  fda1727   applying patch by rxtsolar: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/5422 for the master branch (even though it's actually not that important here)
      adds  544990e   couple of small fixes in rtrees variable importance calculation
      adds  0d706f6   Return uncompressed support vectors for getSupportVectors on linear SVM (Bug #4096)
      adds  7a7b0bc   fixed the upper boundary when calling checkRange (thanks to alalek)
      adds  286ba8c   Merge pull request #5783 from vpisarev:ml_fixes
      adds  9d89c36   update SOLVEPNP documentation
      adds  22b64e2   CvLevMarq: remove fixed rows instead of setting them to zero
      adds  4c251bd   CvLevMarq: add solve method to interface
      adds  b5ddaae   calib3d: add CALIB_USE_LU to use LU decomposition in solver
      adds  21b415f   Merge pull request #5691 from paroj:levmarqLU
      adds  9c6ff4d   - LogisticRegressionImpl::predict() was changed to return the predicted value and to only write to the OutputArray results if specified (no longer segfaults). - Refactored batch and mini_batch training to use a common gradient computation function (removed duplicate code). - Altered the cost computation so that NAN is not computed unnecessarily. - Greatly simplified (and sped up) the code that appends a column of 1s to the data. - Minor code cleanup.
      adds  dc1b01e   - LogisticRegressionImpl::predict() was changed to return the predicted value and to only write to the OutputArray results if specified (no longer segfaults). - Refactored batch and mini_batch training to use a common gradient computation function (removed duplicate code). - Altered the cost computation so that NAN is not computed unnecessarily. - Greatly simplified (and sped up) the code that appends a column of 1s to the data. - Minor code cleanup.
      adds  db78fcd   Removed unused variables.
      adds  d367e15   Added cast to float to remove warning
      adds  5a91898   Merge branch 'lr_predict' of https://github.com/afriesen/opencv into lr_predict
      adds  e0395a7   Merge pull request #5616 from afriesen:lr_predict
      adds  0831bd3   libpng: update 1.6.19 - November 12, 2015
      adds  dbc0aa6   libpng: re-apply patch
      adds  c2a86a6   NEON flags fix
      adds  c22673e   Merge pull request #5782 from alalek:update_libpng
      adds  205775e   calibrateCamera: only allocate and compute rvecs, tvecs when needed
      adds  60c06e5   calibrateCamera: do not require rvec and tvec to be vector<Mat>
      adds  5cdf0e3   Merge pull request #5351 from paroj:calibout
      adds  4ed2d63   Python samples adapted for Python3 compatibility
      adds  4c1c0b1   Merge pull request #5790 from bastelflp:py3compatibility
      adds  5c15461   UMat access flags (fixes #5095)
      adds  fd0773e   Merge pull request #5795 from alalek:fix_5095
      adds  e37a58d   include "cvconfig.h"
      adds  5d34612   workaround: cvconfig.h doesn't work with hal at this moment
      adds  e4fea5a   Merge pull request #5793 from alalek:precomp_add_cvconfig
      adds  f0c1488   fixes #5018: fix framework links in opencv.pc (MacOS)
      adds  5ac1d83   Merge pull request #5797 from alalek:fix_5018
      adds  ba71cac   fixed digits.py sample
      adds  d366cb9   Merge pull request #5798 from vpisarev:fixed_digits_py
      adds  0db10a3   fixes #5019: python and java bindings become CMake modules (loadable plugins)
      adds  aee03cd   Merge pull request #5796 from alalek:fix_5019
      adds  6882c10   Extension of the camera distortion model for tilted image sensors (Scheimpflug condition) including test
      adds  c5d4eca   Merge pull request #5588 from T-Dunker:ScheimpflugModel
      adds  d1ac75c   corrected cv::merge documentation
      adds  34129d8   Merge pull request #5806 from IshankGulati:cv-merge-documentation
      adds  1305962   fixes #5066: laplacian: "y" may contain negative values
      adds  f93a4df   Merge pull request #5799 from alalek:fix_5066
      adds  08b3058   Do not modify input parameter in MergeDebevec
      adds  1e443a6   Merge pull request #5800 from taketwo:fix-merge-debevec
      adds  5053aee   cmake: DOWNLOAD_EXTERNAL_TEST_DATA option
      adds  8f732f2   fix samples deps
      adds  fe2f5c1   distrib: remove useless static files from shared distribution package
      adds  1836d41   warning fix (MSVS2015)
      adds  7afce8e   world build: fix modules instantiation order
      adds  a153871   disable ts module if it is not used: BUILD_TESTS=OFF and BUILD_PERF_TESTS=OFF
      adds  2bfad68   pkg-config: remove $<LINK_ONLY:...> expressions
      adds  574280c   Merge pull request #5784 from alalek:distrib_fix
      adds  31d0dcf   fixup
      adds  0d9938d   Merge pull request #5809 from alalek:fixup
      adds  8f60740   fix build warning (unreachable code) and exit error codes
      adds  74cb74d   Merge pull request #5813 from alalek:fix_warning
      adds  1434f55   camera view was enabled to visible when the app launched
      adds  5502f0b   surfaceview import
      adds  3b87e3f   Merge pull request #5812 from qubick:master
      adds  d19189e   Fixed the formula to compute the well-exposedness weight map.
      adds  dbfd6a3   Set the default value of exposure_weight in createMergeMertens to 1.0
      adds  76e4b0a   Reverts "Set the default value of exposure_weight in createMergeMertens to 1.0" because it breaks source code compatibility and tests This reverts commit dbfd6a3dde93a36f90756a8b4a64f37f34869edf.
      adds  3bbd22c   Merge pull request #5808 from cedrou:hdr.mergemertens.fixalgo
      adds  5576c08   fix #5780 : `cv::cuda::createContinuous`effectively ignores its `cols` argument
      adds  b2bb7d0   Merge pull request #5781 from jet47:fix-cuda-createContinuous
      adds  5ebc7f0   Simple Moments class for Java
      adds  3c6aa65   Merge pull request #5811 from mshabunin:fix-java-moments
      adds  0862e8e   fix build
      adds  1f6893e   Merge pull request #5827 from alalek:winrt_build_fixup
      adds  491a3fd   android samples: force setVisibility (see #5812)
      adds  ddd1a81   Merge pull request #5818 from alalek:android_set_visible
      adds  6f2632c   ocl: fix buffer pool small allocations issue (fixes #5815)
      adds  437fbe2   Merge pull request #5817 from alalek:fix_ocl_buffer_pool
      adds  932043f   Properly check for version in find_package
      adds  5021350   Merge pull request #5829 from mshabunin:fix-version-check
      adds  84f37d3   HAL moved back to core
      adds  d214770   HAL samples: renamed and added readme
      adds  c04d62d   HAL samples readme file updated
      adds  9aeb8c8   Merge pull request #5810 from mshabunin:hal_interface
      adds  297808e   Feature #3957
      adds  03e7433   Merge pull request #5828 from mshabunin:CommandLineArgs
      adds  af5bec7   merge Win10/VS2015 changes
      adds  d02627e   Merge pull request #5825 from GregoryMorse:master
      adds  006d5ac   Adapted for py2/py3 compatibility
      adds  14c5ef8   Added .gitignore for tmp files created by examples
      adds  b6ce4a5   added docstring to python files
      adds  32737df   Print found calibration data
      adds  0c5d9e1   Removed outdated tutorial link
      adds  2ecb489   Merge pull request #5802 from bastelflp:py3samples_docstr
      adds  a1173df   Added switch to CMakeLists.txt in order to enable/disable Matlab.
      adds  4474845   Simplified status update.
      adds  ec0e43a   Merge pull request #5801 from enpe:matlab-switch
      adds  be23846   update osx and ios build_framework.py
      adds  97dc5be   Merge pull request #5821 from alalek:build_framework
      adds  323e24e   change links from samples/python2 to samples/python
      adds  a8e2922   rename samples/{python2 -> python}
      adds  34957bc   Merge pull request #5832 from alalek:python_samples
      adds  d34297b   fix include path for windows package
      adds  4fa91e4   Merge pull request #5834 from alalek:fix_winpack_include_path
      adds  613b289   python: add launch script for winpack python demo
      adds  3ee90a1   ffmpeg: install both 32/64-bit versions (required for java/python 32/64-bit bindings)
      adds  b4432c4   Merge pull request #5835 from alalek:fix_winpack
      adds  94e4498   Version for 3.1.0 release
      adds  2f4b334   fix MSVS2010 builds
      adds  4e669f5   fix android pack
      adds  8d1f5b5   Version++ for android
      adds  92387b1   Fix java version++
      adds  339bb2b   Remove lena images
      adds  611700e   Remove modules/highgui/src/files_Qt/Milky/
      adds  24edc26   Remove 3rdparty directory
      adds  030e456   Merge branch '3.1.0+dfsg'
      adds  22af51c   Update to 3.1.0
      adds  b3b6a2e   Revert old packages
      adds  dcc203d   Change 3.0 to 3.1
      adds  833a7fa   Change 3.0 to 3.1
      adds  ecf280a   Disable test
      adds  b0a3339   Fix missing install of opencv2/core.hpp
      adds  fc24f2c   Revert intall files of opencv-doc
      adds  a61d31a   Remove libopencv-hal-dev
      adds  dbf8e25   Fix install library of Java
      adds  290d0e2   Not install *pch_dephelp.a
      adds  41de9f9   Update debian/rules
      adds  caf1375   Add (rebased) patch from unstable
      adds  d19c841   Update VCS fields, from mapreri
      adds  6e00433   Disable OPENGL in Ubuntu/armhf (from mapreri)
      adds  2b643bd   Fix typo in README.Debian (from mapreri)
      adds  aed0fa0   Remove unused lintian overrides (from mapreri)
      adds  fd22786   Rebase patch (commented out), with updates from the unstable upload
      adds  ec54ad5   Don't build with jasper. Closes: #818207 This causes libopencv-highgui to lose symbols, so we need to rename the package and do a transition. (from mapreri)
      adds  bbd7589   Upload to experimental
      adds  e10fb62   Revert "Don't build with jasper. Closes: #818207"
      adds  f5ab1fc   Remove jasper, break the ABI
      adds  1bb2c2a   Update changelog
      adds  89df9e8   Fix jasper removal and i686 build
      adds  2ac205c   Fix i386 build
      adds  dbe5ac4   Upload to experimental again
      adds  255d2c2   Fix libvtk6.3 runtime dependency
      adds  4a06a64   Fix missing install of opencv2/core.hpp
      adds  756c791   Cherry-pick fix for installation of core.hpp
       new  42f1967   Merge tag 'debian/3.0.0+dfsg-1_exp6'
       new  076e777   Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/alioth/master'
       new  48eb49e   Disable IPP
       new  fac7325   TEST: disable patches/
       new  364151e   Add patches/disable_opengl_test_build
       new  67ce68c   Add libjs-mathjax to Depends and debian/patches/mathjax
       new  903091b   Update Standards-Version to 3.9.8
       new  55a7197   Remove *-dbg package from debian/control
       new  8851d41   Add patches/change_jquery.js_path and add libjs-jquery to Depends of opencv-doc
       new  2136464   Update lintian-overrides files
       new  6d2c576   Remove unnecessary file

The 11 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .gitattributes                                     |     84 +
 .gitignore                                         |     25 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |    534 +-
 CONTRIBUTING.md                                    |      3 +
 LICENSE                                            |      8 +
 README.md                                          |      6 +-
 apps/CMakeLists.txt                                |      4 +-
 apps/annotation/CMakeLists.txt                     |     37 +
 apps/annotation/opencv_annotation.cpp              |    287 +
 apps/createsamples/CMakeLists.txt                  |     39 +
 apps/createsamples/createsamples.cpp               |    245 +
 apps/createsamples/utility.cpp                     |   1681 +
 apps/createsamples/utility.hpp                     |    124 +
 apps/haartraining/CMakeLists.txt                   |     89 -
 apps/haartraining/_cvcommon.h                      |    102 -
 apps/haartraining/_cvhaartraining.h                |    414 -
 apps/haartraining/createsamples.cpp                |    245 -
 apps/haartraining/cvboost.cpp                      |   3785 -
 apps/haartraining/cvclassifier.h                   |    727 -
 apps/haartraining/cvcommon.cpp                     |    130 -
 apps/haartraining/cvhaarclassifier.cpp             |    835 -
 apps/haartraining/cvhaartraining.cpp               |   3060 -
 apps/haartraining/cvhaartraining.h                 |    192 -
 apps/haartraining/cvsamples.cpp                    |    953 -
 apps/haartraining/haartraining.cpp                 |    284 -
 apps/haartraining/performance.cpp                  |    378 -
 apps/traincascade/CMakeLists.txt                   |     25 +-
 apps/traincascade/HOGfeatures.cpp                  |     20 +-
 apps/traincascade/boost.cpp                        |    146 +-
 apps/traincascade/boost.h                          |      2 +-
 apps/traincascade/cascadeclassifier.cpp            |     72 +-
 apps/traincascade/cascadeclassifier.h              |      9 +-
 apps/traincascade/features.cpp                     |      7 +-
 apps/traincascade/haarfeatures.cpp                 |     13 +-
 apps/traincascade/imagestorage.cpp                 |     23 +-
 apps/traincascade/imagestorage.h                   |      3 -
 apps/traincascade/lbpfeatures.cpp                  |      4 +-
 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp                       |   2068 +
 apps/traincascade/old_ml_boost.cpp                 |   2162 +
 apps/traincascade/old_ml_data.cpp                  |    792 +
 apps/traincascade/old_ml_inner_functions.cpp       |   1879 +
 apps/traincascade/old_ml_precomp.hpp               |    376 +
 apps/traincascade/old_ml_tree.cpp                  |   4151 +
 apps/traincascade/traincascade.cpp                 |     31 +-
 apps/traincascade/traincascade_features.h          |      3 -
 cmake/CMakeParseArguments.cmake                    |    138 -
 cmake/FindCUDA.cmake                               |    402 +-
 cmake/FindCUDA/make2cmake.cmake                    |      5 +-
 cmake/FindCUDA/parse_cubin.cmake                   |     15 +-
 cmake/FindCUDA/run_nvcc.cmake                      |      6 +-
 cmake/FindGstreamerWindows.cmake                   |    139 +
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 .../cudaarithm/perf/perf_element_operations.cpp    |   1497 +
 modules/cudaarithm/perf/perf_main.cpp              |     47 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/src/core.cpp                    |    135 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/bitwise_scalar.cu      |    171 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/cmp_scalar.cu          |    225 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/div_mat.cu             |    242 +
 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/div_scalar.cu          |    260 +
 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/integral.cu            |    107 +
 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/lut.cu                 |    210 +
 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/math.cu                |    356 +
 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/minmax.cu              |    189 +
 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/minmax_mat.cu          |    243 +
 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/minmaxloc.cu           |    159 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/mul_spectrums.cu       |    170 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/normalize.cu           |    294 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/sub_scalar.cu          |    203 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/src/reductions.cpp              |    218 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_buffer_pool.cpp       |    119 +
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 .../cudaarithm/test/test_element_operations.cpp    |   2795 +
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 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_main.cpp              |     45 +
 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_opengl.cpp            |    456 +
 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_precomp.hpp           |     65 +
 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_reductions.cpp        |   1122 +
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 modules/cudabgsegm/perf/perf_precomp.hpp           |     66 +
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 modules/cudabgsegm/src/cuda/mog2.cu                |    439 +
 modules/cudabgsegm/src/mog.cpp                     |    209 +
 modules/cudabgsegm/src/mog2.cpp                    |    253 +
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 modules/cudabgsegm/test/test_precomp.hpp           |     65 +
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 modules/cudacodec/perf/perf_precomp.hpp            |     64 +
 modules/cudacodec/perf/perf_video.cpp              |    162 +
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 modules/cudacodec/src/cuda/rgb_to_yv12.cu          |    167 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/cuvid_video_source.cpp       |    114 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/cuvid_video_source.hpp       |     87 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/ffmpeg_video_source.cpp      |    139 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/ffmpeg_video_source.hpp      |     71 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/frame_queue.cpp              |    118 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/frame_queue.hpp              |     98 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/precomp.hpp                  |     81 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/thread.cpp                   |    170 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/thread.hpp                   |     70 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/video_decoder.cpp            |    116 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/video_decoder.hpp            |    112 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/video_parser.cpp             |    162 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/video_parser.hpp             |     95 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/video_reader.cpp             |    223 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/video_source.cpp             |    121 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/video_source.hpp             |     99 +
 modules/cudacodec/src/video_writer.cpp             |    916 +
 modules/cudacodec/test/test_main.cpp               |     45 +
 modules/cudacodec/test/test_precomp.hpp            |     62 +
 modules/cudacodec/test/test_video.cpp              |    125 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/CMakeLists.txt              |      9 +
 .../include/opencv2/cudafeatures2d.hpp             |    489 +
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 modules/cudafeatures2d/perf/perf_main.cpp          |     47 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/perf/perf_precomp.hpp       |     64 +
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 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/cuda/bf_knnmatch.cu     |   1255 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/cuda/bf_match.cu        |    774 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/cuda/bf_radius_match.cu |    463 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/cuda/fast.cu            |    385 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/cuda/orb.cu             |    424 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/fast.cpp                |    208 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/feature2d_async.cpp     |     85 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/orb.cpp                 |    868 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/src/precomp.hpp             |     57 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/test/test_features2d.cpp    |    711 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/test/test_main.cpp          |     45 +
 modules/cudafeatures2d/test/test_precomp.hpp       |     62 +
 modules/cudafilters/CMakeLists.txt                 |      9 +
 .../cudafilters/include/opencv2/cudafilters.hpp    |    319 +
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 modules/cudafilters/perf/perf_main.cpp             |     47 +
 modules/cudafilters/perf/perf_precomp.hpp          |     64 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.16sc1.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.16sc3.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.16sc4.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.16uc1.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.16uc3.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.16uc4.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.32fc1.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.32fc3.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.32fc4.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.32sc1.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.32sc3.cu    |     52 +
 .../cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.32sc4.cu    |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.8uc1.cu |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.8uc3.cu |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.8uc4.cu |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/column_filter.hpp     |    372 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/filter2d.cu           |    151 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.16sc1.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.16sc3.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.16sc4.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.16uc1.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.16uc3.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.16uc4.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.32fc1.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.32fc3.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.32fc4.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.32sc1.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.32sc3.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.32sc4.cu   |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.8uc1.cu    |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.8uc3.cu    |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.8uc4.cu    |     52 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/cuda/row_filter.hpp        |    371 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/filtering.cpp              |    998 +
 modules/cudafilters/src/precomp.hpp                |     54 +
 modules/cudafilters/test/test_filters.cpp          |    650 +
 modules/cudafilters/test/test_main.cpp             |     45 +
 modules/cudafilters/test/test_precomp.hpp          |     62 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/CMakeLists.txt                 |      9 +
 .../cudaimgproc/include/opencv2/cudaimgproc.hpp    |    728 +
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 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_blend.cpp            |     86 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_canny.cpp            |     88 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_color.cpp            |    253 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_corners.cpp          |    135 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_gftt.cpp             |     86 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_histogram.cpp        |    217 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_hough.cpp            |    348 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_main.cpp             |     47 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_match_template.cpp   |    135 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_mean_shift.cpp       |    152 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_precomp.hpp          |     64 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/bilateral_filter.cpp       |     99 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/blend.cpp                  |    109 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/canny.cpp                  |    236 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/color.cpp                  |   2332 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/corners.cpp                |    189 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/bilateral_filter.cu   |    199 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/blend.cu              |    121 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/build_point_list.cu   |    138 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/canny.cu              |    514 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/clahe.cu              |    186 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/color.cu              |    297 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/corners.cu            |    280 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/debayer.cu            |    544 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/generalized_hough.cu  |    824 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/gftt.cu               |    143 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/hist.cu               |    233 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/hough_circles.cu      |    260 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/hough_lines.cu        |    212 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/hough_segments.cu     |    249 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/match_template.cu     |    916 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cuda/mean_shift.cu         |    182 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/cvt_color_internal.h       |    275 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/generalized_hough.cpp      |    907 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/gftt.cpp                   |    218 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/histogram.cpp              |    572 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/hough_circles.cpp          |    317 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/hough_lines.cpp            |    211 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/hough_segments.cpp         |    186 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/match_template.cpp         |    644 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/mean_shift.cpp             |    128 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/mssegmentation.cpp         |    394 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/src/precomp.hpp                |     65 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_bilateral_filter.cpp |     97 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_blend.cpp            |    124 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_canny.cpp            |    101 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp            |   2511 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_corners.cpp          |    149 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_gftt.cpp             |    131 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_histogram.cpp        |    215 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_hough.cpp            |    259 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_main.cpp             |     45 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_match_template.cpp   |    339 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_mean_shift.cpp       |    174 +
 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_precomp.hpp          |     62 +
 modules/cudalegacy/CMakeLists.txt                  |     10 +
 modules/cudalegacy/include/opencv2/cudalegacy.hpp  |    290 +
 .../cudalegacy/include/opencv2/cudalegacy/NCV.hpp  |   1032 +
 .../opencv2/cudalegacy/NCVBroxOpticalFlow.hpp      |    110 +
 .../opencv2/cudalegacy/NCVHaarObjectDetection.hpp  |    463 +
 .../include/opencv2/cudalegacy/NCVPyramid.hpp      |    113 +
 .../include/opencv2/cudalegacy/NPP_staging.hpp     |    906 +
 .../include/opencv2/cudalegacy/private.hpp         |     96 +
 modules/cudalegacy/perf/perf_bgsegm.cpp            |    249 +
 modules/cudalegacy/perf/perf_calib3d.cpp           |    141 +
 modules/cudalegacy/perf/perf_labeling.cpp          |    195 +
 modules/cudalegacy/perf/perf_main.cpp              |     47 +
 modules/cudalegacy/perf/perf_precomp.hpp           |     66 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/NCV.cpp                     |    888 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/bm.cpp                      |    204 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/bm_fast.cpp                 |     90 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/calib3d.cpp                 |    292 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/NCV.cu                 |    180 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/NCVAlg.hpp             |    155 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/NCVBroxOpticalFlow.cu  |   1164 +
 .../src/cuda}/NCVColorConversion.hpp               |      0
 .../cudalegacy/src/cuda/NCVHaarObjectDetection.cu  |   2542 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/NCVPixelOperations.hpp |    351 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/NCVPyramid.cu          |    621 +
 .../src/cuda}/NCVRuntimeTemplates.hpp              |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/NPP_staging.cu         |   2616 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/bm.cu                  |    169 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/bm_fast.cu             |    295 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/calib3d.cu             |    193 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/ccomponetns.cu         |    534 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/fgd.cu                 |    801 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/fgd.hpp                |    189 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/gmg.cu                 |    258 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/cuda/needle_map.cu          |    220 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/fgd.cpp                     |    729 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/gmg.cpp                     |    277 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/graphcuts.cpp               |    282 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/image_pyramid.cpp           |    147 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/interpolate_frames.cpp      |    113 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/needle_map.cpp              |    100 +
 modules/cudalegacy/src/precomp.hpp                 |     78 +
 modules/cudalegacy/test/NCVAutoTestLister.hpp      |    166 +
 modules/cudalegacy/test/NCVTest.hpp                |    247 +
 modules/cudalegacy/test/NCVTestSourceProvider.hpp  |    193 +
 modules/cudalegacy/test/TestCompact.cpp            |    159 +
 .../test/nvidia => cudalegacy/test}/TestCompact.h  |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/TestDrawRects.cpp          |    194 +
 .../nvidia => cudalegacy/test}/TestDrawRects.h     |      0
 .../cudalegacy/test/TestHaarCascadeApplication.cpp |    335 +
 .../test}/TestHaarCascadeApplication.h             |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/TestHaarCascadeLoader.cpp  |    153 +
 .../test}/TestHaarCascadeLoader.h                  |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/TestHypothesesFilter.cpp   |    206 +
 .../test}/TestHypothesesFilter.h                   |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/TestHypothesesGrow.cpp     |    164 +
 .../test}/TestHypothesesGrow.h                     |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/TestIntegralImage.cpp      |    215 +
 .../nvidia => cudalegacy/test}/TestIntegralImage.h |      0
 .../cudalegacy/test/TestIntegralImageSquared.cpp   |    148 +
 .../test}/TestIntegralImageSquared.h               |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/TestRectStdDev.cpp         |    209 +
 .../nvidia => cudalegacy/test}/TestRectStdDev.h    |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/TestResize.cpp             |    190 +
 .../test/nvidia => cudalegacy/test}/TestResize.h   |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/TestTranspose.cpp          |    177 +
 .../nvidia => cudalegacy/test}/TestTranspose.h     |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/main_nvidia.cpp            |    459 +
 .../{gpu => cudalegacy}/test/main_test_nvidia.h    |      0
 modules/cudalegacy/test/test_calib3d.cpp           |    192 +
 modules/cudalegacy/test/test_labeling.cpp          |    197 +
 modules/cudalegacy/test/test_main.cpp              |    130 +
 modules/cudalegacy/test/test_nvidia.cpp            |    151 +
 modules/cudalegacy/test/test_precomp.hpp           |     99 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/CMakeLists.txt               |      9 +
 .../include/opencv2/cudaobjdetect.hpp              |    288 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/perf/perf_main.cpp           |     47 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/perf/perf_objdetect.cpp      |    173 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/perf/perf_precomp.hpp        |     64 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/src/cascadeclassifier.cpp    |    861 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/src/cuda/hog.cu              |    869 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/src/cuda/lbp.cu              |    303 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/src/cuda/lbp.hpp             |    112 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/src/hog.cpp                  |   1718 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/src/precomp.hpp              |     62 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/test/test_main.cpp           |     45 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/test/test_objdetect.cpp      |    561 +
 modules/cudaobjdetect/test/test_precomp.hpp        |     64 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/CMakeLists.txt                 |      9 +
 .../cudaoptflow/include/opencv2/cudaoptflow.hpp    |    349 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/perf/perf_main.cpp             |     47 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/perf/perf_optflow.cpp          |    321 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/perf/perf_precomp.hpp          |     65 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/src/brox.cpp                   |    194 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/src/cuda/farneback.cu          |    656 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/src/cuda/pyrlk.cu              |    560 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/src/cuda/tvl1flow.cu           |    372 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/src/farneback.cpp              |    469 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/src/precomp.hpp                |     62 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/src/pyrlk.cpp                  |    350 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/src/tvl1flow.cpp               |    385 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/test/test_main.cpp             |     45 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/test/test_optflow.cpp          |    388 +
 modules/cudaoptflow/test/test_precomp.hpp          |     65 +
 modules/cudastereo/CMakeLists.txt                  |      9 +
 modules/cudastereo/include/opencv2/cudastereo.hpp  |    333 +
 modules/cudastereo/perf/perf_main.cpp              |     47 +
 modules/cudastereo/perf/perf_precomp.hpp           |     64 +
 modules/cudastereo/perf/perf_stereo.cpp            |    253 +
 .../src/cuda/disparity_bilateral_filter.cu         |    205 +
 .../src/cuda/disparity_bilateral_filter.hpp        |      8 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/cuda/stereobm.cu            |    540 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/cuda/stereobp.cu            |    538 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/cuda/stereocsbp.cu          |    814 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/cuda/stereocsbp.hpp         |     29 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/cuda/util.cu                |    290 +
 .../cudastereo/src/disparity_bilateral_filter.cpp  |    197 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/precomp.hpp                 |     53 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/stereobm.cpp                |    185 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/stereobp.cpp                |    380 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/stereocsbp.cpp              |    357 +
 modules/cudastereo/src/util.cpp                    |    125 +
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 .../include/opencv2/cudev/grid/detail/pyr_up.hpp   |    172 +
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 .../common_interfaces_of_descriptor_matchers.rst   |    307 -
 .../doc/common_interfaces_of_feature_detectors.rst |    558 -
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 .../doc/feature_detection_and_description.rst      |    196 -
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 .../include/opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp      |   1573 +-
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 .../misc/java/src/cpp/features2d_converters.hpp    |     22 +
 .../misc/java/src/cpp/features2d_manual.hpp        |    434 +
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 .../java/test/BruteForceDescriptorMatcherTest.java |    295 +
 .../BruteForceHammingDescriptorMatcherTest.java    |    263 +
 .../BruteForceHammingLUTDescriptorMatcherTest.java |    258 +
 .../test/BruteForceL1DescriptorMatcherTest.java    |    269 +
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 .../java/test/SURFDescriptorExtractorTest.java     |    118 +
 .../misc/java/test/SURFFeatureDetectorTest.java    |    167 +
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 modules/features2d/src/kaze/fed.h                  |     25 +
 .../features2d/src/kaze/nldiffusion_functions.cpp  |    521 +
 .../features2d/src/kaze/nldiffusion_functions.h    |     47 +
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 modules/features2d/src/orb.cpp                     |    930 +-
 modules/features2d/src/precomp.hpp                 |     11 +-
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 .../test/ocl/test_brute_force_matcher.cpp          |    213 +
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 .../test/test_descriptors_regression.cpp           |    180 +-
 .../features2d/test/test_detectors_regression.cpp  |     35 +-
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 .../features2d/test/test_matchers_algorithmic.cpp  |     17 +-
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 modules/features2d/test/test_precomp.hpp           |     10 +-
 .../test/test_rotation_and_scale_invariance.cpp    |     77 +-
 modules/flann/CMakeLists.txt                       |      2 +-
 modules/flann/doc/flann.rst                        |      9 -
 modules/flann/doc/flann_clustering.rst             |     20 -
 ...nn_fast_approximate_nearest_neighbor_search.rst |    213 -
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 modules/flann/include/opencv2/flann/any.h          |     49 +-
 .../flann/include/opencv2/flann/autotuned_index.h  |     13 +-
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 .../flann/include/opencv2/flann/dynamic_bitset.h   |     22 +-
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 modules/flann/test/test_precomp.hpp                |      5 +-
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 .../gpu/doc/feature_detection_and_description.rst  |    539 -
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 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.1.cu            |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.10.cu           |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.11.cu           |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.12.cu           |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.13.cu           |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.14.cu           |     52 -
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 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.4.cu            |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.5.cu            |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.6.cu            |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.7.cu            |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.8.cu            |     52 -
 modules/gpu/src/cuda/column_filter.9.cu            |     52 -
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 modules/gpu/src/nvidia/NCVHaarObjectDetection.cu   |   2338 -
 modules/gpu/src/nvidia/NCVHaarObjectDetection.hpp  |    462 -
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 modules/gpu/src/nvidia/core/NCVAlg.hpp             |    155 -
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 modules/gpu/src/nvidia/core/NCVPyramid.cu          |    606 -
 modules/gpu/src/nvidia/core/NCVPyramid.hpp         |     99 -
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 modules/gpu/src/precomp.hpp                        |    148 -
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 modules/gpu/src/video_writer.cpp                   |    999 -
 modules/gpu/src/warp.cpp                           |    454 -
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 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/NCVAutoTestLister.hpp      |    172 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/NCVTest.hpp                |    246 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/NCVTestSourceProvider.hpp  |    193 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/TestCompact.cpp            |    164 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/TestDrawRects.cpp          |    199 -
 .../gpu/test/nvidia/TestHaarCascadeApplication.cpp |    347 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/TestHaarCascadeLoader.cpp  |    158 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/TestHypothesesFilter.cpp   |    211 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/TestHypothesesGrow.cpp     |    169 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/TestIntegralImage.cpp      |    220 -
 .../gpu/test/nvidia/TestIntegralImageSquared.cpp   |    152 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/TestRectStdDev.cpp         |    215 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/TestResize.cpp             |    196 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/TestTranspose.cpp          |    183 -
 modules/gpu/test/nvidia/main_nvidia.cpp            |    484 -
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 .../doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.rst   |    557 -
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 .../highgui/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp    |    215 +-
 .../highgui/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h    |    434 +-
 .../include/opencv2/highgui/highgui_winrt.hpp      |     48 +
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 .../include/opencv2/stitching/detail/warpers.hpp   |    214 +-
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 .../include/opencv2/stitching/stitcher.hpp         |    174 -
 .../include/opencv2/stitching/warpers.hpp          |     47 +-
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 .../video => video/misc/java/test}/VideoTest.java  |      0
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 .../video/perf/opencl/perf_optflow_farneback.cpp   |    114 +
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 .../engine/jni/BinderComponent/HardwareDetector.h  |     41 -
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 .../service/engine/jni/NativeClient/ClientMain.cpp |     42 -
 .../jni/NativeService/CommonPackageManager.cpp     |    238 -
 .../jni/NativeService/CommonPackageManager.h       |     33 -
 .../jni/NativeService/NativePackageManager.cpp     |     19 -
 .../jni/NativeService/NativePackageManager.h       |     16 -
 .../engine/jni/NativeService/PackageInfo.cpp       |    530 -
 .../service/engine/jni/NativeService/PackageInfo.h |     55 -
 .../engine/jni/NativeService/ServiceMain.cpp       |     32 -
 .../engine/jni/Tests/HardwareDetectionTest.cpp     |    177 -
 .../service/engine/jni/Tests/OpenCVEngineTest.cpp  |    329 -
 .../service/engine/jni/Tests/PackageInfoTest.cpp   |    261 -
 .../engine/jni/Tests/PackageManagerStub.cpp        |     18 -
 .../service/engine/jni/Tests/PackageManagerStub.h  |     17 -
 .../engine/jni/Tests/PackageManagmentTest.cpp      |    155 -
 .../android/service/engine/jni/Tests/TestMain.cpp  |      7 -
 .../android/service/engine/jni/Tests/Tests.mk      |     47 -
 .../service/engine/jni/Tests/gtest/gtest-all.cpp   |   9118 -
 .../android/service/engine/jni/Tests/gtest/gtest.h |  19537 --
 .../service/engine/jni/include/EngineCommon.h      |     22 -
 .../service/engine/jni/include/IOpenCVEngine.h     |     32 -
 .../service/engine/jni/include/IPackageManager.h   |     17 -
 .../engine/jni/include/OpenCVEngineHelper.h        |      0
 .../service/engine/res/layout-small/info.xml       |     61 -
 .../service/engine/res/layout-small/main.xml       |    123 -
 .../android/service/engine/res/layout/info.xml     |     61 -
 .../android/service/engine/res/layout/main.xml     |    126 +-
 .../android/service/engine/res/values/strings.xml  |      5 +-
 .../src/org/opencv/engine/BinderConnector.java     |     46 -
 .../src/org/opencv/engine/HardwareDetector.java    |    149 +-
 .../src/org/opencv/engine/MarketConnector.java     |    117 +-
 .../src/org/opencv/engine/OpenCVEngineService.java |    173 +-
 .../src/org/opencv/engine/OpenCVLibraryInfo.java   |     40 -
 .../org/opencv/engine/manager/ManagerActivity.java |    506 +-
 .../opencv/engine/manager/PackageListAdapter.java  |     36 -
 platforms/android/service/engine_test/.classpath   |     10 -
 platforms/android/service/engine_test/.project     |     34 -
 .../service/engine_test/AndroidManifest.xml        |     20 -
 platforms/android/service/engine_test/build.xml    |     92 -
 .../android/service/engine_test/project.properties |     14 -
 .../engine_test/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png  |    Bin 4147 -> 0 bytes
 .../engine_test/res/drawable-ldpi/ic_launcher.png  |    Bin 1723 -> 0 bytes
 .../engine_test/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png  |    Bin 2574 -> 0 bytes
 .../service/engine_test/res/layout/main.xml        |     12 -
 .../service/engine_test/res/values/strings.xml     |      7 -
 .../opencv/engine/test/EngineInterfaceTest.java    |     65 -
 platforms/android/service/push_native.py           |     27 -
 platforms/android/service/readme.txt               |     36 +-
 platforms/android/service/test_native.py           |     36 -
 platforms/ios/Info.plist.in                        |      4 +-
 platforms/ios/build_framework.py                   |    261 +-
 platforms/ios/cmake/Modules/Platform/iOS.cmake     |      5 +-
 platforms/linux/arm-gnueabi.toolchain.cmake        |      5 +-
 platforms/osx/Info.plist.in                        |     18 +
 platforms/osx/build_framework.py                   |     45 +
 platforms/scripts/cmake_winrt.cmd                  |     18 +-
 platforms/scripts/valgrind.supp                    |      6 +
 platforms/winrt/build_all.bat                      |     86 +
 platforms/winrt/readme.txt                         |    159 +
 platforms/winrt/setup_winrt.bat                    |      2 +
 platforms/winrt/setup_winrt.ps1                    |    383 +
 samples/CMakeLists.txt                             |     28 +-
 samples/MacOSX/FaceTracker/FaceTracker-Info.plist  |     20 -
 samples/MacOSX/FaceTracker/FaceTracker.cpp         |     86 -
 .../FaceTracker.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj          |    262 -
 samples/MacOSX/FaceTracker/README.txt              |     35 -
 samples/android/15-puzzle/AndroidManifest.xml      |      7 +-
 .../opencv/samples/puzzle15/Puzzle15Activity.java  |     11 +-
 .../opencv/samples/puzzle15/Puzzle15Processor.java |      9 +-
 samples/android/CMakeLists.txt                     |     11 +-
 .../android/camera-calibration/AndroidManifest.xml |      6 +-
 .../CameraCalibrationActivity.java                 |      8 +-
 .../cameracalibration/CameraCalibrator.java        |      5 +-
 .../cameracalibration/OnCameraFrameRender.java     |      6 +-
 .../color-blob-detection/AndroidManifest.xml       |      4 +-
 .../ColorBlobDetectionActivity.java                |     10 +-
 samples/android/face-detection/AndroidManifest.xml |      4 +-
 samples/android/face-detection/jni/Android.mk      |     10 +-
 .../jni/DetectionBasedTracker_jni.cpp              |    106 +-
 .../org/opencv/samples/facedetect/FdActivity.java  |     12 +-
 samples/android/hello-android/cmake_android.cmd    |     18 +-
 samples/android/hello-android/main.cpp             |     10 +-
 samples/android/hello-android/run.cmd              |     98 +-
 .../image-manipulations/AndroidManifest.xml        |      4 +-
 .../ImageManipulationsActivity.java                |     17 +-
 samples/android/native-activity/.classpath         |      8 -
 samples/android/native-activity/.cproject          |     61 -
 samples/android/native-activity/.project           |    101 -
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs           |      4 -
 .../android/native-activity/AndroidManifest.xml    |     36 -
 samples/android/native-activity/CMakeLists.txt     |     12 -
 samples/android/native-activity/jni/Android.mk     |     14 -
 samples/android/native-activity/jni/Application.mk |      4 -
 samples/android/native-activity/jni/native.cpp     |    232 -
 .../android/native-activity/res/drawable/icon.png  |    Bin 1997 -> 0 bytes
 .../android/native-activity/res/values/strings.xml |      4 -
 .../samples/NativeActivity/CvNativeActivity.java   |     44 -
 .../tutorial-1-camerapreview/AndroidManifest.xml   |      4 +-
 .../res/layout/tutorial1_surface_view.xml          |      8 -
 .../samples/tutorial1/Tutorial1Activity.java       |     47 +-
 .../tutorial-2-mixedprocessing/AndroidManifest.xml |      4 +-
 .../tutorial-2-mixedprocessing/jni/Android.mk      |     10 +-
 .../tutorial-2-mixedprocessing/jni/jni_part.cpp    |      4 +-
 .../samples/tutorial2/Tutorial2Activity.java       |      9 +-
 .../tutorial-3-cameracontrol/AndroidManifest.xml   |      4 +-
 .../samples/tutorial3/Tutorial3Activity.java       |      8 +-
 samples/android/tutorial-4-cuda/.classpath         |      8 -
 samples/android/tutorial-4-cuda/.cproject          |     76 -
 samples/android/tutorial-4-cuda/.project           |    101 -
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs           |      4 -
 .../android/tutorial-4-cuda/AndroidManifest.xml    |     38 -
 samples/android/tutorial-4-cuda/CMakeLists.txt     |     17 -
 samples/android/tutorial-4-cuda/jni/Android.mk     |     15 -
 samples/android/tutorial-4-cuda/jni/Application.mk |      4 -
 samples/android/tutorial-4-cuda/jni/jni_part.cpp   |     35 -
 .../android/tutorial-4-cuda/res/drawable/icon.png  |    Bin 1997 -> 0 bytes
 .../res/layout/tutorial4_surface_view.xml          |     11 -
 .../android/tutorial-4-cuda/res/values/strings.xml |      4 -
 .../samples/tutorial4/Tutorial4Activity.java       |    191 -
 samples/android/tutorial-4-opencl/.classpath       |      9 +
 samples/android/tutorial-4-opencl/.cproject        |     61 +
 samples/android/tutorial-4-opencl/.project         |     49 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs           |      0
 .../android/tutorial-4-opencl/AndroidManifest.xml  |     32 +
 samples/android/tutorial-4-opencl/CMakeLists.txt   |     27 +
 samples/android/tutorial-4-opencl/jni/Android.mk   |     27 +
 .../android/tutorial-4-opencl/jni/Application.mk   |      4 +
 .../android/tutorial-4-opencl/jni/CLprocessor.cpp  |    283 +
 samples/android/tutorial-4-opencl/jni/common.hpp   |     19 +
 samples/android/tutorial-4-opencl/jni/jni.c        |     20 +
 samples/android/tutorial-4-opencl/lint.xml         |      3 +
 .../tutorial-4-opencl}/res/drawable/icon.png       |    Bin
 .../tutorial-4-opencl/res/layout/activity.xml      |     26 +
 .../android/tutorial-4-opencl/res/menu/menu.xml    |      9 +
 .../tutorial-4-opencl/res/values/strings.xml       |      6 +
 .../opencv/samples/tutorial4/MyGLSurfaceView.java  |    112 +
 .../org/opencv/samples/tutorial4/NativePart.java   |     18 +
 .../samples/tutorial4/Tutorial4Activity.java       |    102 +
 samples/c/CMakeLists.txt                           |     59 -
 samples/c/JCB.png                                  |    Bin 372 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/adaptiveskindetector.cpp                 |    415 -
 samples/c/agaricus-lepiota.data                    |   8124 -
 samples/c/airplane.jpg                             |    Bin 85238 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/baboon200.jpg                            |    Bin 21952 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/baboon200_rotated.jpg                    |    Bin 11226 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/bgfg_codebook.cpp                        |    240 -
 samples/c/blobtrack_sample.cpp                     |    755 -
 samples/c/build_all.sh                             |     16 -
 samples/c/calonder_params.xml                      |     10 -
 samples/c/cat.jpg                                  |    Bin 65555 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/cat.xml                                  |    Bin 210308 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/contours.c                               |    167 -
 samples/c/convert_cascade.c                        |     50 -
 samples/c/cvsample.dsp                             |     92 -
 samples/c/cvsample.vs2005.vcproj                   |    413 -
 samples/c/delaunay.c                               |    242 -
 samples/c/example_cmake/CMakeLists.txt             |     15 -
 samples/c/example_cmake/README.txt                 |     27 -
 samples/c/example_cmake/minarea.c                  |    116 -
 samples/c/facedetect.cmd                           |      2 -
 samples/c/facedetect.cpp                           |    278 -
 samples/c/fback_c.c                                |     75 -
 samples/c/find_obj.cpp                             |    322 -
 samples/c/find_obj_calonder.cpp                    |    166 -
 samples/c/find_obj_ferns.cpp                       |    155 -
 samples/c/latentsvmdetect.cpp                      |    105 -
 samples/c/lena.jpg                                 |    Bin 91814 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/morphology.c                             |    130 -
 samples/c/motempl.c                                |    203 -
 samples/c/mser_sample.cpp                          |     86 -
 samples/c/mushroom.cpp                             |    322 -
 samples/c/one_way_sample.cpp                       |    118 -
 samples/c/one_way_train_0000.jpg                   |    Bin 28611 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/one_way_train_0001.jpg                   |    Bin 29553 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/one_way_train_images.txt                 |      2 -
 samples/c/polar_transforms.c                       |     87 -
 samples/c/puzzle.png                               |    Bin 646219 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/pyramid_segmentation.c                   |     99 -
 samples/c/scene_l.bmp                              |    Bin 111670 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/scene_r.bmp                              |    Bin 111670 -> 0 bytes
 samples/c/smiledetect.cpp                          |    247 -
 samples/c/tree_engine.cpp                          |    138 -
 samples/c/waveform.data                            |   5000 -
 samples/cpp/3calibration.cpp                       |    119 +-
 samples/cpp/CMakeLists.txt                         |     48 +-
 .../cpp/OpenEXRimages_HDR_Retina_toneMapping.cpp   |    276 -
 .../OpenEXRimages_HDR_Retina_toneMapping_video.cpp |    363 -
 samples/cpp/Qt_sample/CMakeLists.txt               |     12 -
 samples/cpp/Qt_sample/cube4.avi                    |    Bin 1825984 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/Qt_sample/qt_opengl.cpp                |    268 -
 samples/cpp/autofocus.cpp                          |    436 +
 samples/cpp/baboon.jpg                             |    Bin 179920 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/bagofwords_classification.cpp          |   2625 -
 samples/cpp/bgfg_gmg.cpp                           |     81 -
 samples/cpp/bgfg_segm.cpp                          |     42 +-
 samples/cpp/brief_match_test.cpp                   |    130 -
 samples/cpp/build3dmodel.cpp                       |    687 -
 samples/cpp/calibration.cpp                        |    227 +-
 samples/cpp/calibration_artificial.cpp             |    334 -
 samples/cpp/camshiftdemo.cpp                       |     52 +-
 samples/cpp/chamfer.cpp                            |     74 -
 samples/cpp/cloning_demo.cpp                       |    247 +
 samples/cpp/cloning_gui.cpp                        |    547 +
 samples/cpp/connected_components.cpp               |     50 +-
 samples/cpp/contours2.cpp                          |     11 +-
 samples/cpp/convexhull.cpp                         |     14 +-
 samples/cpp/cout_mat.cpp                           |     26 +-
 samples/cpp/create_mask.cpp                        |    159 +
 samples/cpp/dbt_face_detection.cpp                 |    105 +
 samples/cpp/delaunay2.cpp                          |     25 +-
 samples/cpp/demhist.cpp                            |     21 +-
 samples/cpp/descriptor_extractor_matcher.cpp       |    304 -
 samples/cpp/detect_blob.cpp                        |    199 +
 samples/cpp/detect_mser.cpp                        |    542 +
 samples/cpp/detection_based_tracker_sample.cpp     |    170 -
 samples/cpp/detector_descriptor_evaluation.cpp     |    980 -
 .../cpp/detector_descriptor_matcher_evaluation.cpp |    345 -
 samples/cpp/dft.cpp                                |     24 +-
 samples/cpp/distrans.cpp                           |     61 +-
 samples/cpp/drawing.cpp                            |     16 +-
 samples/cpp/edge.cpp                               |     19 +-
 samples/cpp/em.cpp                                 |     48 +-
 samples/cpp/example_cmake/CMakeLists.txt           |     30 +
 samples/cpp/example_cmake/Makefile                 |     12 +
 samples/cpp/example_cmake/example.cpp              |     50 +
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0000.jpeg     |    Bin 30139 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0001.jpeg     |    Bin 32412 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0002.jpeg     |    Bin 39202 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0003.jpeg     |    Bin 31817 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0004.jpeg     |    Bin 29448 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0005.jpeg     |    Bin 30569 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0006.jpeg     |    Bin 34486 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0007.jpeg     |    Bin 36663 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0008.jpeg     |    Bin 32048 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/stlucia_test_small0009.jpeg     |    Bin 30311 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/fabmap/train_data_small.yml            |   9197 -
 samples/cpp/fabmap/vocab_small.yml                 |  11632 -
 samples/cpp/fabmap_sample.cpp                      |    214 -
 samples/cpp/facedetect.cpp                         |    244 +
 samples/cpp/facerec_at_t.txt                       |    400 -
 samples/cpp/facerec_demo.cpp                       |    162 -
 samples/cpp/facial_features.cpp                    |    211 +
 samples/cpp/fback.cpp                              |     17 +-
 samples/cpp/fern_params.xml                        |     10 -
 samples/cpp/ffilldemo.cpp                          |     23 +-
 samples/cpp/filestorage.cpp                        |     17 +-
 samples/cpp/fitellipse.cpp                         |     37 +-
 samples/cpp/freak_demo.cpp                         |    128 -
 samples/cpp/fruits.jpg                             |    Bin 82429 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/gencolors.cpp                          |     36 -
 samples/cpp/generic_descriptor_match.cpp           |     93 -
 samples/cpp/grabcut.cpp                            |     36 +-
 samples/cpp/houghcircles.cpp                       |     26 +-
 samples/cpp/houghlines.cpp                         |     22 +-
 samples/cpp/hybridtrackingsample.cpp               |    182 -
 samples/cpp/image.cpp                              |     41 +-
 samples/cpp/image_alignment.cpp                    |    397 +
 samples/cpp/image_sequence.cpp                     |     12 +-
 samples/cpp/imagelist_creator.cpp                  |     13 +-
 samples/cpp/inpaint.cpp                            |     21 +-
 samples/cpp/intelperc_capture.cpp                  |    187 +-
 samples/cpp/kalman.cpp                             |     18 +-
 samples/cpp/kmeans.cpp                             |     13 +-
 samples/cpp/laplace.cpp                            |     51 +-
 samples/cpp/latentsvm_multidetect.cpp              |    173 -
 samples/cpp/lena.jpg                               |    Bin 91814 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/letter_recog.cpp                       |    882 +-
 samples/cpp/linemod.cpp                            |    703 -
 samples/cpp/lkdemo.cpp                             |     29 +-
 samples/cpp/logistic_regression.cpp                |    182 +
 samples/cpp/logo.png                               |    Bin 939 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/logo_in_clutter.png                    |    Bin 95962 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/logpolar_bsm.cpp                       |     82 -
 samples/cpp/lsd_lines.cpp                          |     53 +
 samples/cpp/mask_tmpl.cpp                          |     81 +
 samples/cpp/matcher_simple.cpp                     |     58 -
 samples/cpp/matching_to_many_images.cpp            |    262 -
 samples/cpp/matching_to_many_images/query.png      |    Bin 121403 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/matching_to_many_images/train/1.png    |    Bin 118730 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/matching_to_many_images/train/2.png    |    Bin 114372 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/matching_to_many_images/train/3.png    |    Bin 120917 -> 0 bytes
 .../matching_to_many_images/train/trainImages.txt  |      3 -
 samples/cpp/matchmethod_orb_akaze_brisk.cpp        |    183 +
 samples/cpp/meanshift_segmentation.cpp             |     77 -
 samples/cpp/memorial.exr                           |    Bin 1275047 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/minarea.cpp                            |     38 +-
 samples/cpp/morphology2.cpp                        |     23 +-
 samples/cpp/npr_demo.cpp                           |    103 +
 samples/cpp/opencv_version.cpp                     |     18 +-
 samples/cpp/openni_capture.cpp                     |    170 +-
 samples/cpp/pca.cpp                                |     27 +-
 samples/cpp/peopledetect.cpp                       |    111 -
 samples/cpp/phase_corr.cpp                         |      7 +-
 samples/cpp/points_classifier.cpp                  |    585 +-
 samples/cpp/polar_transforms.cpp                   |     94 +
 samples/cpp/retinaDemo.cpp                         |    156 -
 samples/cpp/rgbdodometry.cpp                       |    178 -
 samples/cpp/rgbdodometry/depth_00000.png           |    Bin 104673 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/rgbdodometry/depth_00002.png           |    Bin 101864 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/rgbdodometry/image_00000.png           |    Bin 466110 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/rgbdodometry/image_00002.png           |    Bin 443258 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/segment_objects.cpp                    |     29 +-
 samples/cpp/select3dobj.cpp                        |    171 +-
 samples/cpp/shape_example.cpp                      |    120 +
 samples/cpp/simpleflow_demo.cpp                    |    219 -
 samples/cpp/smiledetect.cpp                        |    213 +
 samples/cpp/squares.cpp                            |      9 +-
 samples/cpp/starter_imagelist.cpp                  |     30 +-
 samples/cpp/starter_video.cpp                      |     78 +-
 samples/cpp/stereo_calib.cpp                       |     96 +-
 samples/cpp/stereo_calib.xml                       |     32 -
 samples/cpp/stereo_match.cpp                       |    274 +-
 samples/cpp/stitching.cpp                          |      5 +-
 samples/cpp/stitching_detailed.cpp                 |    240 +-
 samples/cpp/stuff.jpg                              |    Bin 29365 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/train_HOG.cpp                          |    445 +
 samples/cpp/tree_engine.cpp                        |    116 +
 samples/cpp/tsukuba_l.png                          |    Bin 85192 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/tsukuba_r.png                          |    Bin 85104 -> 0 bytes
 .../tutorial_code/HighGUI/AddingImagesTrackbar.cpp |      9 +-
 .../HighGUI/BasicLinearTransformsTrackbar.cpp      |      1 +
 .../tutorial_code/HighGUI/GDAL_IO/gdal-image.cpp   |    242 +
 .../video-input-psnr-ssim.cpp                      |     21 +-
 .../HighGUI/video-write/video-write.cpp            |     14 +-
 .../Histograms_Matching/EqualizeHist_Demo.cpp      |      3 +-
 .../Histograms_Matching/MatchTemplate_Demo.cpp     |      5 +-
 .../Histograms_Matching/calcBackProject_Demo1.cpp  |      1 +
 .../Histograms_Matching/calcBackProject_Demo2.cpp  |      3 +-
 .../Histograms_Matching/calcHist_Demo.cpp          |      3 +-
 .../Histograms_Matching/compareHist_Demo.cpp       |      1 +
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/AddingImages.cpp |      9 +-
 .../ImgProc/BasicLinearTransforms.cpp              |      1 +
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Morphology_1.cpp |      3 +-
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Morphology_2.cpp |      3 +-
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Morphology_3.cpp |    127 +
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Pyramids.cpp     |      5 +-
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing.cpp    |      3 +-
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold.cpp    |      1 +
 .../tutorial_code/ImgTrans/CannyDetector_Demo.cpp  |      3 +-
 .../ImgTrans/Geometric_Transforms_Demo.cpp         |      1 +
 .../tutorial_code/ImgTrans/HoughCircle_Demo.cpp    |      6 +-
 .../cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/HoughLines_Demo.cpp |      9 +-
 .../cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/Laplace_Demo.cpp    |      3 +-
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/Remap_Demo.cpp  |      3 +-
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/Sobel_Demo.cpp  |      3 +-
 .../tutorial_code/ImgTrans/copyMakeBorder_demo.cpp |      3 +-
 .../cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/filter2D_demo.cpp   |      3 +-
 .../tutorial_code/ImgTrans/imageSegmentation.cpp   |    168 +
 .../ShapeDescriptors/findContours_demo.cpp         |     12 +-
 .../ShapeDescriptors/generalContours_demo1.cpp     |      3 +-
 .../ShapeDescriptors/generalContours_demo2.cpp     |      3 +-
 .../tutorial_code/ShapeDescriptors/hull_demo.cpp   |      3 +-
 .../ShapeDescriptors/moments_demo.cpp              |      3 +-
 .../TrackingMotion/cornerDetector_Demo.cpp         |      1 +
 .../TrackingMotion/cornerHarris_Demo.cpp           |      1 +
 .../TrackingMotion/cornerSubPix_Demo.cpp           |      3 +-
 .../TrackingMotion/goodFeaturesToTrack_Demo.cpp    |      1 +
 .../camera_calibration/camera_calibration.cpp      |    357 +-
 .../calib3d/camera_calibration/in_VID5.xml         |      4 +-
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/CMakeLists.txt       |     19 +
 .../calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/Data/box.mp4 |    Bin 0 -> 1901774 bytes
 .../calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/Data/box.ply |     31 +
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/Data/cookies_ORB.yml |  31793 +++
 .../Data/resized_IMG_3875.JPG                      |    Bin 0 -> 104766 bytes
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/src/CsvReader.cpp    |     79 +
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/src/CsvReader.h      |     40 +
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/src/CsvWriter.cpp    |     48 +
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/src/CsvWriter.h      |     25 +
 .../calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Mesh.cpp |     82 +
 .../calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Mesh.h   |     86 +
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/src/Model.cpp        |     73 +
 .../calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Model.h  |     54 +
 .../src/ModelRegistration.cpp                      |     35 +
 .../src/ModelRegistration.h                        |     43 +
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/src/PnPProblem.cpp   |    319 +
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/src/PnPProblem.h     |     58 +
 .../src/RobustMatcher.cpp                          |    152 +
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/src/RobustMatcher.h  |     81 +
 .../real_time_pose_estimation/src/Utils.cpp        |    292 +
 .../calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Utils.h  |     69 +
 .../src/main_detection.cpp                         |    471 +
 .../src/main_registration.cpp                      |    268 +
 .../tutorial_code/calib3d/stereoBM/SBM_Sample.cpp  |     13 +-
 .../cpp/tutorial_code/contrib/retina_tutorial.cpp  |    146 -
 .../cpp/tutorial_code/core/Matrix/Drawing_1.cpp    |      5 +-
 .../cpp/tutorial_code/core/Matrix/Drawing_2.cpp    |      5 +-
 .../discrete_fourier_transform.cpp                 |      9 +-
 .../core/file_input_output/file_input_output.cpp   |      2 +-
 .../core/how_to_scan_images/how_to_scan_images.cpp |     32 +-
 .../interoperability_with_OpenCV_1.cpp             |     32 +-
 .../core/ippasync/ippasync_sample.cpp              |    168 +
 .../mat_mask_operations/mat_mask_operations.cpp    |     16 +-
 .../mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp              |     48 +-
 .../cpp/tutorial_code/features2D/AKAZE_match.cpp   |     79 +
 .../features2D/AKAZE_tracking/planar_tracking.cpp  |    184 +
 .../features2D/AKAZE_tracking/stats.h              |     34 +
 .../features2D/AKAZE_tracking/utils.h              |     59 +
 .../tutorial_code/features2D/SURF_FlannMatcher.cpp |    100 -
 .../tutorial_code/features2D/SURF_Homography.cpp   |    124 -
 .../tutorial_code/features2D/SURF_descriptor.cpp   |     72 -
 .../cpp/tutorial_code/features2D/SURF_detector.cpp |     62 -
 .../gpu-basics-similarity.cpp                      |    251 +-
 .../gpu/gpu-thrust-interop/CMakeLists.txt          |     10 +
 .../gpu/gpu-thrust-interop/Thrust_interop.hpp      |     74 +
 .../tutorial_code/gpu/gpu-thrust-interop/main.cu   |    110 +
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/Megamind.png      |    Bin 236023 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/Megamind_alt.png  |    Bin 289248 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/baboon.jpg        |    Bin 179920 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/cat.jpg           |    Bin 65555 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/hand_sample1.jpg  |    Bin 53566 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/hand_sample2.jpg  |    Bin 16443 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/hand_sample3.jpg  |    Bin 11072 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/lena.png          |    Bin 473831 -> 0 bytes
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/images/yellowball.jpg    |    Bin 30791 -> 0 bytes
 .../introduction/display_image/display_image.cpp   |     38 +-
 .../introduction_windows_vs.cpp                    |      7 +-
 .../ml/introduction_to_pca/introduction_to_pca.cpp |    146 +
 .../ml/introduction_to_svm/introduction_to_svm.cpp |     62 +-
 .../ml/non_linear_svms/non_linear_svms.cpp         |     49 +-
 .../objectDetection/objectDetection.cpp            |    112 +-
 .../objectDetection/objectDetection2.cpp           |    112 +-
 .../tutorial_code/photo/decolorization/decolor.cpp |     40 +
 .../photo/hdr_imaging/hdr_imaging.cpp              |     54 +
 .../non_photorealistic_rendering/npr_demo.cpp      |     96 +
 .../photo/seamless_cloning/cloning_demo.cpp        |    246 +
 .../photo/seamless_cloning/cloning_gui.cpp         |    545 +
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/video/bg_sub.cpp         |    181 +
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/viz/creating_widgets.cpp |      2 +-
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/viz/launching_viz.cpp    |      4 +-
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/viz/transformations.cpp  |      2 +-
 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/viz/widget_pose.cpp      |      4 +-
 .../cpp/tutorial_code/xfeatures2D/LATCH_match.cpp  |    107 +
 samples/cpp/tvl1_optical_flow.cpp                  |     33 +-
 samples/cpp/video_dmtx.cpp                         |    101 -
 samples/cpp/video_homography.cpp                   |    233 -
 samples/cpp/videostab.cpp                          |    665 +-
 samples/cpp/watershed.cpp                          |     24 +-
 samples/{gpu => data}/768x576.avi                  |    Bin
 samples/data/H1to3p.xml                            |     11 +
 .../tutorial_code/images => data}/HappyFish.jpg    |    Bin
 .../tutorial_code/images => data}/LinuxLogo.jpg    |    Bin
 .../tutorial_code/images => data}/WindowsLogo.jpg  |    Bin
 samples/{python2 => }/data/aero1.jpg               |    Bin
 samples/{python2 => }/data/aero3.jpg               |    Bin
 samples/data/aloeGT.png                            |    Bin 0 -> 98827 bytes
 samples/{gpu => data}/aloeL.jpg                    |    Bin
 samples/{gpu => data}/aloeR.jpg                    |    Bin
 samples/{c => data}/baboon.jpg                     |    Bin
 samples/{gpu => data}/basketball1.png              |    Bin
 samples/{gpu => data}/basketball2.png              |    Bin
 samples/data/blox.jpg                              |    Bin 0 -> 7705 bytes
 samples/{cpp => data}/board.jpg                    |    Bin
 samples/{c => data}/box.png                        |    Bin
 samples/{c => data}/box_in_scene.png               |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/building.jpg                 |    Bin
 samples/data/butterfly.jpg                         |    Bin 0 -> 44746 bytes
 samples/data/cards.png                             |    Bin 0 -> 77914 bytes
 samples/data/chessboard.png                        |    Bin 0 -> 62550 bytes
 .../tutorial_code/images => data}/chicky_512.png   |    Bin
 samples/data/data01.xml                            |     58 +
 samples/data/detect_blob.png                       |    Bin 0 -> 34115 bytes
 samples/{python2 => }/data/digits.png              |    Bin
 samples/{c => data}/fruits.jpg                     |    Bin
 samples/data/graf1.png                             |    Bin 0 -> 951440 bytes
 samples/data/graf3.png                             |    Bin 0 -> 976092 bytes
 samples/data/home.jpg                              |    Bin 0 -> 32197 bytes
 .../tutorial_code/images => data}/imageTextN.png   |    Bin
 .../tutorial_code/images => data}/imageTextR.png   |    Bin
 samples/{c => data}/intrinsics.yml                 |      0
 samples/data/left.jpg                              |    Bin 0 -> 24056 bytes
 samples/{cpp => data}/left01.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left02.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left03.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left04.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left05.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left06.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left07.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left08.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left09.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left11.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left12.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left13.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/left14.jpg                   |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/letter-recognition.data      |      0
 samples/{python2 => }/data/licenseplate_motion.jpg |    Bin
 samples/data/mask.png                              |    Bin 0 -> 3943 bytes
 samples/data/messi5.jpg                            |    Bin 0 -> 72937 bytes
 samples/data/notes.png                             |    Bin 0 -> 14650 bytes
 .../tutorial_code/images => data}/opencv-logo.png  |    Bin
 samples/data/pca_test1.jpg                         |    Bin 0 -> 33227 bytes
 samples/{cpp => data}/pic1.png                     |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/pic2.png                     |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/pic3.png                     |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/pic4.png                     |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/pic5.png                     |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/pic6.png                     |    Bin
 samples/data/right.jpg                             |    Bin 0 -> 23826 bytes
 samples/{cpp => data}/right01.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right02.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right03.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right04.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right05.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right06.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right07.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right08.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right09.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right11.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right12.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right13.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/right14.jpg                  |    Bin
 samples/{gpu => data}/rubberwhale1.png             |    Bin
 samples/{gpu => data}/rubberwhale2.png             |    Bin
 samples/data/shape_sample/1.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 705 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/10.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 1024 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/11.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 722 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/12.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 437 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/13.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 443 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/14.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 1820 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/15.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 803 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/16.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 830 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/17.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 3100 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/18.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 3283 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/19.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 1560 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/2.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 813 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/20.png                   |    Bin 0 -> 1571 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/3.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 2301 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/4.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 2431 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/5.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 852 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/6.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 969 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/7.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 874 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/8.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 851 bytes
 samples/data/shape_sample/9.png                    |    Bin 0 -> 1204 bytes
 samples/{python2 => }/data/starry_night.jpg        |    Bin
 samples/data/stereo_calib.xml                      |     31 +
 samples/{c => data}/stuff.jpg                      |    Bin
 samples/{cpp => data}/templ.png                    |    Bin
 samples/{python2 => }/data/text_defocus.jpg        |    Bin
 samples/{python2 => }/data/text_motion.jpg         |    Bin
 samples/data/tmpl.png                              |    Bin 0 -> 5911 bytes
 samples/{c => data}/tree.avi                       |    Bin
 samples/directx/CMakeLists.txt                     |     45 +
 samples/directx/d3d10_interop.cpp                  |    303 +
 samples/directx/d3d11_interop.cpp                  |    491 +
 samples/directx/d3d9_interop.cpp                   |    317 +
 samples/directx/d3d9ex_interop.cpp                 |    318 +
 samples/directx/d3dsample.hpp                      |    225 +
 samples/directx/winapp.hpp                         |    132 +
 samples/gpu/CMakeLists.txt                         |     47 +-
 samples/gpu/alpha_comp.cpp                         |      6 +-
 samples/gpu/bgfg_segm.cpp                          |     86 +-
 samples/gpu/brox_optical_flow.cpp                  |    269 -
 samples/gpu/cascadeclassifier.cpp                  |    115 +-
 samples/gpu/cascadeclassifier_nvidia_api.cpp       |     34 +-
 samples/gpu/driver_api_multi.cpp                   |     31 +-
 samples/gpu/driver_api_stereo_multi.cpp            |     40 +-
 samples/gpu/farneback_optical_flow.cpp             |     50 +-
 samples/gpu/generalized_hough.cpp                  |    191 +-
 samples/gpu/hog.cpp                                |    176 +-
 samples/gpu/houghlines.cpp                         |     30 +-
 samples/gpu/morphology.cpp                         |    223 +-
 samples/gpu/multi.cpp                              |     32 +-
 samples/gpu/opengl.cpp                             |     29 +-
 samples/gpu/optical_flow.cpp                       |     89 +-
 samples/gpu/opticalflow_nvidia_api.cpp             |     11 +-
 samples/gpu/performance/CMakeLists.txt             |     24 +-
 samples/gpu/performance/performance.cpp            |     30 +-
 samples/gpu/performance/performance.h              |     13 +-
 samples/gpu/performance/tests.cpp                  |    783 +-
 samples/gpu/pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp                 |    114 +-
 samples/gpu/road.png                               |    Bin 691285 -> 0 bytes
 samples/gpu/stereo_match.cpp                       |    118 +-
 samples/gpu/stereo_multi.cpp                       |    106 +-
 samples/gpu/super_resolution.cpp                   |    189 +-
 samples/gpu/surf_keypoint_matcher.cpp              |     28 +-
 samples/gpu/tick_meter.hpp                         |     48 +
 samples/gpu/tsucuba_left.png                       |    Bin 174536 -> 0 bytes
 samples/gpu/tsucuba_right.png                      |    Bin 174348 -> 0 bytes
 samples/gpu/video_reader.cpp                       |     37 +-
 samples/gpu/video_writer.cpp                       |     43 +-
 samples/hal/README.md                              |     34 +
 samples/hal/c_hal/CMakeLists.txt                   |     11 +
 samples/hal/c_hal/impl.c                           |    371 +
 samples/hal/c_hal/impl.h                           |    245 +
 samples/hal/slow_hal/CMakeLists.txt                |     11 +
 samples/hal/slow_hal/impl.cpp                      |     33 +
 samples/hal/slow_hal/impl.hpp                      |     20 +
 .../simple-sample/resources/images/lena.png        |    Bin 620636 -> 0 bytes
 .../simple-sample/src/simple_sample/core.clj       |      6 +-
 samples/java/opencv_version.java                   |     23 +
 samples/java/sbt/project/plugins.sbt               |      2 +-
 samples/java/sbt/src/main/java/DetectFaceDemo.java |      9 +-
 .../scala/ScalaCorrespondenceMatchingDemo.scala    |     16 +-
 .../sbt/src/main/scala/ScalaDetectFaceDemo.scala   |      9 +-
 samples/ocl/CMakeLists.txt                         |     59 -
 samples/ocl/adaptive_bilateral_filter.cpp          |     64 -
 samples/ocl/bgfg_segm.cpp                          |    125 -
 samples/ocl/clahe.cpp                              |    111 -
 samples/ocl/facedetect.cpp                         |    384 -
 samples/ocl/hog.cpp                                |    447 -
 samples/ocl/pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp                 |    264 -
 samples/ocl/squares.cpp                            |    340 -
 samples/ocl/stereo_match.cpp                       |    382 -
 samples/ocl/surf_matcher.cpp                       |    328 -
 samples/ocl/tvl1_optical_flow.cpp                  |    237 -
 samples/opencl/CMakeLists.txt                      |     72 +
 samples/opencl/opencl-opencv-interop.cpp           |   1013 +
 samples/opengl/CMakeLists.txt                      |     55 +
 samples/opengl/opengl_interop.cpp                  |    550 +
 samples/opengl/winapp.hpp                          |    270 +
 samples/python/.gitignore                          |     10 +
 samples/python/CMakeLists.txt                      |      6 +
 samples/python/_coverage.py                        |     29 +
 samples/python/_doc.py                             |     27 +
 samples/python/_run_winpack_demo_python27.cmd      |     47 +
 samples/python/asift.py                            |    163 +
 samples/python/browse.py                           |     65 +
 samples/python/calibrate.py                        |    112 +
 samples/python/camera.py                           |     15 -
 samples/python/camshift.py                         |    212 +-
 samples/python/chessboard.py                       |     34 -
 samples/python/coherence.py                        |     85 +
 samples/python/color_histogram.py                  |     62 +
 samples/python/common.py                           |    236 +
 samples/python/contours.py                         |    202 +-
 samples/python/convexhull.py                       |     65 -
 samples/python/cv20squares.py                      |    169 -
 samples/python/cvutils.py                          |     20 -
 samples/python/deconvolution.py                    |    130 +
 samples/python/delaunay.py                         |    139 -
 samples/python/demhist.py                          |     80 -
 samples/python/demo.py                             |    175 +
 samples/python/dft.py                              |    159 +-
 samples/python/digits.py                           |    186 +
 samples/python/digits_adjust.py                    |    139 +
 samples/python/digits_video.py                     |     97 +
 samples/python/distrans.py                         |    143 +-
 samples/python/dmtx.py                             |    184 -
 samples/python/drawing.py                          |    162 -
 samples/python/edge.py                             |     93 +-
 samples/python/facedetect.py                       |    170 +-
 samples/python/fback.py                            |     56 -
 samples/python/feature_homography.py               |     97 +
 samples/python/ffilldemo.py                        |    160 -
 samples/python/find_obj.py                         |    190 +
 samples/python/fitellipse.py                       |    104 -
 samples/python/fitline.py                          |     98 +
 samples/python/floodfill.py                        |     80 +
 samples/python/gabor_threads.py                    |     76 +
 samples/python/gaussian_mix.py                     |     69 +
 samples/python/grabcut.py                          |    179 +
 samples/python/hist.py                             |    119 +
 samples/python/houghcircles.py                     |     39 +
 samples/python/houghlines.py                       |    104 +-
 samples/python/inpaint.py                          |    101 +-
 samples/python/kalman.py                           |     96 +-
 samples/python/kmeans.py                           |     82 +-
 samples/python/laplace.py                          |     45 -
 samples/python/lappyr.py                           |     74 +
 samples/python/letter_recog.py                     |    185 +
 samples/python/lk_homography.py                    |    119 +
 samples/python/lk_track.py                         |    104 +
 samples/python/lkdemo.py                           |    192 -
 samples/python/logpolar.py                         |     62 +-
 samples/python/minarea.py                          |     62 -
 samples/python/minidemo.py                         |     13 -
 samples/python/morphology.py                       |    144 +-
 samples/python/mosse.py                            |    198 +
 samples/python/motempl.py                          |    110 -
 samples/python/mouse_and_match.py                  |     83 +
 samples/python/mser.py                             |     42 +
 samples/python/numpy_array.py                      |     66 -
 samples/python/numpy_warhol.py                     |     48 -
 samples/python/opencv_version.py                   |     33 +
 samples/python/opt_flow.py                         |     97 +
 samples/python/peopledetect.py                     |    117 +-
 samples/python/plane_ar.py                         |    110 +
 samples/python/plane_tracker.py                    |    188 +
 samples/python/pyramid_segmentation.py             |     41 -
 samples/python/squares.py                          |    186 +-
 samples/python/stereo_match.py                     |     78 +
 samples/python/texture_flow.py                     |     47 +
 samples/python/turing.py                           |     74 +
 samples/python/video.py                            |    202 +
 samples/python/video_threaded.py                   |     89 +
 samples/python/video_v4l2.py                       |     67 +
 samples/python/watershed.py                        |    193 +-
 samples/python2/_coverage.py                       |     31 -
 samples/python2/_doc.py                            |     16 -
 samples/python2/asift.py                           |    144 -
 samples/python2/browse.py                          |     50 -
 samples/python2/calibrate.py                       |     59 -
 samples/python2/camshift.py                        |    119 -
 samples/python2/coherence.py                       |     75 -
 samples/python2/color_histogram.py                 |     50 -
 samples/python2/common.py                          |    217 -
 samples/python2/contours.py                        |     62 -
 samples/python2/deconvolution.py                   |    119 -
 samples/python2/demo.py                            |    157 -
 samples/python2/dft.py                             |    100 -
 samples/python2/digits.py                          |    177 -
 samples/python2/digits_adjust.py                   |    164 -
 samples/python2/digits_video.py                    |     86 -
 samples/python2/distrans.py                        |     63 -
 samples/python2/edge.py                            |     45 -
 samples/python2/facedetect.py                      |     61 -
 samples/python2/facerec_demo.py                    |    166 -
 samples/python2/feature_homography.py              |     90 -
 samples/python2/find_obj.py                        |    167 -
 samples/python2/fitline.py                         |     82 -
 samples/python2/floodfill.py                       |     71 -
 samples/python2/gabor_threads.py                   |     67 -
 samples/python2/gaussian_mix.py                    |     59 -
 samples/python2/grabcut.py                         |    174 -
 samples/python2/hist.py                            |    111 -
 samples/python2/inpaint.py                         |     44 -
 samples/python2/kmeans.py                          |     46 -
 samples/python2/lappyr.py                          |     64 -
 samples/python2/letter_recog.py                    |    182 -
 samples/python2/lk_homography.py                   |    114 -
 samples/python2/lk_track.py                        |     99 -
 samples/python2/morphology.py                      |     72 -
 samples/python2/mosse.py                           |    188 -
 samples/python2/motempl.py                         |     83 -
 samples/python2/mouse_and_match.py                 |     74 -
 samples/python2/mser.py                            |     40 -
 samples/python2/opt_flow.py                        |     85 -
 samples/python2/peopledetect.py                    |     58 -
 samples/python2/plane_ar.py                        |    105 -
 samples/python2/plane_tracker.py                   |    173 -
 samples/python2/squares.py                         |     48 -
 samples/python2/stereo_match.py                    |     76 -
 samples/python2/texture_flow.py                    |     38 -
 samples/python2/turing.py                          |     67 -
 samples/python2/video.py                           |    194 -
 samples/python2/video_dmtx.py                      |     70 -
 samples/python2/video_threaded.py                  |     85 -
 samples/python2/watershed.py                       |     79 -
 samples/tapi/CMakeLists.txt                        |     52 +
 samples/tapi/bgfg_segm.cpp                         |    123 +
 samples/tapi/camshift.cpp                          |    227 +
 samples/tapi/clahe.cpp                             |    109 +
 samples/tapi/hog.cpp                               |    367 +
 samples/tapi/pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp                |    232 +
 samples/tapi/squares.cpp                           |    205 +
 samples/tapi/tvl1_optical_flow.cpp                 |    233 +
 samples/tapi/ufacedetect.cpp                       |    257 +
 samples/va_intel/CMakeLists.txt                    |     38 +
 samples/va_intel/display.cpp.inc                   |    239 +
 samples/va_intel/va_intel_interop.cpp              |    279 +
 samples/winrt/.gitignore                           |     87 +
 samples/winrt/FaceDetection/FaceDetection.sln      |     40 +
 samples/winrt/FaceDetection/FaceDetection/App.xaml |      7 +
 .../winrt/FaceDetection/FaceDetection/App.xaml.cpp |    125 +
 .../winrt/FaceDetection/FaceDetection/App.xaml.h   |     27 +
 .../FaceDetection/Assets/Logo.scale-100.png        |    Bin 0 -> 801 bytes
 .../FaceDetection/Assets/SmallLogo.scale-100.png   |    Bin 0 -> 329 bytes
 .../Assets/SplashScreen.scale-100.png              |    Bin 0 -> 2146 bytes
 .../FaceDetection/Assets/StoreLogo.scale-100.png   |    Bin 0 -> 429 bytes
 .../FaceDetection/FaceDetection/Assets/group1.jpg  |    Bin 0 -> 46348 bytes
 .../FaceDetection/FaceDetection/Assets/group2.jpg  |    Bin 0 -> 187445 bytes
 .../FaceDetection/FaceDetection/Assets/group3.jpg  |    Bin 0 -> 92973 bytes
 .../Assets/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml         |  24350 +++
 .../FaceDetection/FaceDetection.vcxproj            |    199 +
 .../FaceDetection/FaceDetection.vcxproj.filters    |     69 +
 .../FaceDetection/FaceDetection_TemporaryKey.pfx   |    Bin 0 -> 2456 bytes
 .../FaceDetection/FaceDetection/MainPage.xaml      |     34 +
 .../FaceDetection/FaceDetection/MainPage.xaml.cpp  |     81 +
 .../FaceDetection/FaceDetection/MainPage.xaml.h    |     32 +
 .../FaceDetection/Package.appxmanifest             |     41 +
 .../winrt/FaceDetection/FaceDetection/opencv.props |     54 +
 samples/winrt/FaceDetection/FaceDetection/pch.cpp  |      6 +
 samples/winrt/FaceDetection/FaceDetection/pch.h    |     11 +
 samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaCapture.sln  |    106 +-
 .../winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaCapture.vcxproj  |    510 +-
 .../MediaCapture.vcxproj.filters                   |     56 +
 .../MediaCapture_TemporaryKey.pfx                  |    Bin 0 -> 2704 bytes
 .../OcvTransform/OcvImageManipulations.idl         |      1 +
 .../MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.cpp  |     30 +-
 .../OcvTransform/OcvTransform.vcxproj              |    646 +-
 .../MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/opencv.props      |     31 +
 .../winrt/ImageManipulations/Package.appxmanifest  |     24 +-
 .../assets}/StoreLogo.png                          |    Bin
 .../assets/windows-sdk.scale-100.png}              |    Bin
 samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/opencv.props      |     31 +
 .../winrt/JavaScript/MediaCaptureJavaScript.jsproj |    115 +
 .../winrt/JavaScript/MediaCaptureJavaScript.sln    |     84 +
 .../MediaCaptureJavaScript_TemporaryKey.pfx        |    Bin 0 -> 2512 bytes
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/css/default.css           |      6 +
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/default.html              |     31 +
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/html/AdvancedCapture.html |     40 +
 .../images/logo.scale-100.png}                     |    Bin
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/images/microsoft-sdk.png  |    Bin 0 -> 3405 bytes
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/images/smallTile-sdk.png  |    Bin 0 -> 1248 bytes
 .../images/smalllogo.scale-100.png}                |    Bin
 .../assets => JavaScript/images}/splash-sdk.png    |    Bin
 .../JavaScript/images/splashscreen.scale-100.png   |    Bin 0 -> 2146 bytes
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/images/squareTile-sdk.png |    Bin 0 -> 2482 bytes
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/images/storeLogo-sdk.png  |    Bin 0 -> 1550 bytes
 .../JavaScript/images/storelogo.scale-100.png      |    Bin 0 -> 429 bytes
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/images/tile-sdk.png       |    Bin 0 -> 2665 bytes
 .../images/windows-sdk.png}                        |    Bin
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/js/AdvancedCapture.js     |    161 +
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/js/default.js             |     74 +
 samples/winrt/JavaScript/package.appxmanifest      |     35 +
 .../winrt/JavaScript/sample-utils/sample-utils.css |    213 +
 .../winrt/JavaScript/sample-utils/sample-utils.js  |    204 +
 .../JavaScript/sample-utils/scenario-select.html   |     15 +
 .../OcvImageProcessing/OcvImageProcessing.sln      |     78 +-
 .../OcvImageProcessing/Assets/Lena.png             |    Bin 494405 -> 0 bytes
 .../OcvImageProcessing/MainPage.xaml.cpp           |     90 +-
 .../OcvImageProcessing/MainPage.xaml.h             |      5 +
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 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OcvRotatingCube/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp/Direct3DInterop.h
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OcvRotatingCube/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp/DirectXHelper.h
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OcvRotatingCube/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp.vcxproj
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OcvRotatingCube/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp/SimplePixelShader.hlsl
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OcvRotatingCube/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp/SimpleVertexShader.hlsl
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OcvRotatingCube/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp/opencv.props
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OcvRotatingCube/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp/pch.cpp
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OcvRotatingCube/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1/PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp/pch.h
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVComponent/OpenCVComponent.cpp
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVComponent/OpenCVComponent.h
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVComponent/OpenCVComponent.vcxproj
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVComponent/OpenCVComponent.vcxproj.filters
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVComponent/opencv.props
 copy samples/{winrt/OcvImageProcessing/OcvImageProcessing => wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVComponent}/pch.cpp (100%)
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVComponent/pch.h
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml.sln
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/App.xaml
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/App.xaml.cs
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Assets/AlignmentGrid.png
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Assets/ApplicationIcon.png
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Assets/Tiles/FlipCycleTileLarge.png
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Assets/Tiles/FlipCycleTileMedium.png
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Assets/Tiles/FlipCycleTileSmall.png
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Assets/Tiles/IconicTileMediumLarge.png
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Assets/Tiles/IconicTileSmall.png
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/LocalizedStrings.cs
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/MainPage.xaml
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/MainPage.xaml.cs
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml.csproj
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Properties/AppManifest.xml
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Properties/WMAppManifest.xml
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Resources/AppResources.Designer.cs
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/OpenCVXaml/OpenCVXaml/Resources/AppResources.resx
 create mode 100644 samples/wp8/readme.txt

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/opencv.git

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