[opengm] 242/386: some learning python tests

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 31 08:37:58 UTC 2016

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ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository opengm.

commit e9e02098758f42a3e2c7ee6d5cba46ada2d39cee
Author: Carsten Haubold <carstenhaubold at googlemail.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 15 11:29:36 2015 +0100

    some learning python tests
 fubar/real_example_2.py                            |   6 +-
 .../python/opengm/learning/pyWeights.cxx           |   1 +
 src/interfaces/python/test.py                      | 115 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fubar/real_example_2.py b/fubar/real_example_2.py
index 1acdfe4..59adeaa 100644
--- a/fubar/real_example_2.py
+++ b/fubar/real_example_2.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ uWeightIds = numpy.arange(nUWeights ,dtype='uint64')
 bWeightIds = numpy.arange(start=nUWeights,stop=nWeights,dtype='uint64')
-dataset = learning.createDataset(numWeights=nWeights, loss='h')
+dataset = learning.createDataset(numWeights=nWeights)
 weights = dataset.getWeights()
 def makeFeatures(gt):
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ upperBounds = numpy.ones(nWeights)*2.0
 nTestPoints  =numpy.ones(nWeights).astype('uint64')*5
 # learner = learning.gridSearchLearner(dataset=dataset,lowerBounds=lowerBounds, upperBounds=upperBounds,nTestPoints=nTestPoints)
-#learner = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 0.1, 0.001, 0)
+learner = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 0.1, 0.001, 0)
 #learner = learning.maxLikelihoodLearner(dataset)
 #learner =  learning.structPerceptron(dataset, decayExponent=-0.5, learningMode='batch')
-learner =  learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=1.0, C=100, learningMode='workingSets')
+# learner =  learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=1.0, C=100, learningMode='batch')
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyWeights.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyWeights.cxx
index 513a3e4..10afc6e 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyWeights.cxx
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyWeights.cxx
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ namespace opengm{
             .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyWeightsConstructor<V> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
             .def("__getitem__", &Weights::getWeight)
             .def("__setitem__", &Weights::setWeight)
+            .def("__len__", &Weights::numberOfWeights)
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/test.py b/src/interfaces/python/test.py
index b0db546..47542c7 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/test.py
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/test.py
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import opengm
 import os
 import sys
 import random
+import opengm.learning
 class TestAllExampes:
     def test_run(self):
         for r, d, f in os.walk("examples"):
@@ -1047,6 +1049,7 @@ class Test_Inference():
+    """
     def test_lpcplex(self):
         if opengm.configuration.withCplex:
             solverClass = opengm.inference.LpCplex
@@ -1057,7 +1060,7 @@ class Test_Inference():
                                gms=[self.gridGm, self.chainGm, self.gridGm3,
-    """
     def test_lpcplex2(self):
         if False and opengm.configuration.withCplex:
             solverClass = opengm.inference.LpCplex2
@@ -1176,6 +1179,116 @@ class Test_Inference():
+class Test_Learning:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__nWeights = 12
+        self.__shape = [10,10]
+    # utility functions
+    def __makeGt(self, shape):
+        gt=numpy.ones(shape,dtype='uint8')
+        gt[0:shape[0]/2,:] = 0
+        return gt
+    def __create_dataset(self, functionType, numModels=1):
+        numWeights = 4
+        dataset = opengm.learning.createDataset(numWeights=numWeights)
+        weights = dataset.getWeights()
+        gt = self.__makeGt(self.__shape)
+        numVars = self.__shape[0] * self.__shape[1]
+        numLabels = 2
+        uWeightIds = numpy.array([[0, 1]], dtype='uint64')
+        bWeightIds = numpy.array([2, 3], dtype='uint64')
+        for m in range(numModels):
+            gm = opengm.gm(numpy.ones(numVars) * numLabels)
+            # create noisy data
+            random  = (numpy.random.rand(*gt.shape)-0.5)*0.3
+            noisyGt = random + gt
+            # add unarias
+            for x in range(self.__shape[0]):
+                for y in range(self.__shape[1]):
+                    # use noised GT input, and a constant feature
+                    uFeat = numpy.array([[noisyGt[x,y], 1]], dtype='float64')
+                    lu = opengm.learning.lUnaryFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=numLabels, 
+                                                 features=uFeat, weightIds=uWeightIds)
+                    fid = gm.addFunction(lu)
+                    facIndex = gm.addFactor(fid, y+x*self.__shape[1])
+            # add pairwise
+            for x in range(self.__shape[0]):
+                for y in range(self.__shape[1]):
+                    if x+1 < self.__shape[0]:
+                        gradientMag = (noisyGt[x+1,y] - noisyGt[x,y])**2
+                        bFeat = numpy.array([gradientMag, 1], dtype='float64')
+                        pf = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=numLabels, features=bFeat, weightIds=bWeightIds)
+                        fid= gm.addFunction(pf)
+                        gm.addFactor(fid, [y+x*self.__shape[1], y+(x+1)*self.__shape[1]])
+                    if y+1 < self.__shape[1]:
+                        gradientMag = (noisyGt[x,y+1] - noisyGt[x,y])**2
+                        bFeat = numpy.array([gradientMag, 1], dtype='float64')
+                        pf = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=numLabels, features=bFeat, weightIds=bWeightIds)
+                        fid= gm.addFunction(pf)
+                        gm.addFactor(fid, [y+x*self.__shape[1], (y+1)+x*self.__shape[1]])
+            # store GM and its GT
+            dataset.pushBackInstance(gm, gt.reshape([-1]).astype(opengm.label_type))
+        return dataset
+    def __create_weights(self, numWeights):
+        weightVals = numpy.ones(numWeights)
+        weights = opengm.learning.Weights(weightVals)
+        return weights
+    # def __create_loss(self):
+    def __generic_learner_test(self, learner):
+        if opengm.configuration.withTrws:
+            learner.learn(infCls=opengm.inference.TrwsExternal, parameter=opengm.InfParam())
+        elif opengm.configuration.withCplex:
+            learner.learn(infCls=opengm.inference.LpCplex, parameter=opengm.InfParam())
+        else:
+            learner.learn(infCls=opengm.inference.Icm, parameter=opengm.InfParam())
+    # tests
+    def test_weights(self):
+        weights = self.__create_weights(self.__nWeights)
+        assert(len(weights) == self.__nWeights)
+        value = 15
+        weights[3] = value
+        assert(weights[3] == value)
+    def test_dataset(self):
+        ds = self.__create_dataset('potts', 1)
+        assert(ds.getNumberOfWeights() == 4)
+        assert(ds.getNumberOfModels() == 1)
+    def test_dataset_serialization(self):
+        import tempfile
+        import shutil
+        ds = self.__create_dataset(self.__nWeights)
+        # TODO: create temp directory
+        temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        prefix = 'test'
+        ds.save(temp_path, prefix)
+        loaded_ds = opengm.learning.DatasetWithFlexibleLoss(0)
+        loaded_ds.load(temp_path, prefix)
+        shutil.rmtree(temp_path)
+        assert(ds.getNumberOfWeights() == loaded_ds.getNumberOfWeights())
+        assert(ds.getNumberOfModels() == loaded_ds.getNumberOfModels())
+        assert(ds.getModel(0).numberOfVariables == loaded_ds.getModel(0).numberOfVariables)
+        assert(ds.getModel(0).numberOfFactors == loaded_ds.getModel(0).numberOfFactors)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     t = Test_Inference()

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