[opengm] 349/386: Revert "Merge pull request #423 from opengm/learning-experimental"
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 31 08:38:31 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository opengm.
commit 00163b3dcd342686d57ce1a7f2b11b0b79adb9ae
Author: Sven Peter <sven.peter at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de>
Date: Wed Mar 30 10:57:36 2016 +0200
Revert "Merge pull request #423 from opengm/learning-experimental"
This reverts commit f8f448c0b5009882b6dbf8ab34df41711b72b0e9, reversing
changes made to e3408d084b219dce69a515117c3c1253e3cb5b7d.
.gitignore | 7 -
CMakeLists.txt | 16 +-
README.md | 4 +-
fubar/brown_horse.py | 127 ----
fubar/brown_horse2.py | 136 ----
fubar/brown_horse_sp.py | 206 ------
fubar/example1.py | 35 -
fubar/make_grid_potts_dset.py | 1 -
fubar/make_mc_dset.py | 19 -
fubar/max_likelihood_example.py | 40 --
fubar/noisy_squares_3_labels.py | 121 ----
fubar/pascal_voc/convertPascalVOC.py | 94 ---
fubar/pascal_voc/convertPascalVOCNew.py | 108 ---
fubar/pascal_voc/learnPascalVOC.py | 35 -
fubar/python_stuff.py | 102 ---
fubar/real_example.py | 96 ---
fubar/real_example_2.py | 150 -----
fubar/simple_sp.py | 165 -----
fubar/toy_dataset.py | 125 ----
fubar/whorse.py | 79 ---
.../opengm/datastructures/marray/marray_hdf5.hxx | 25 -
.../opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx | 11 +-
include/opengm/functions/l_potts.hxx | 202 ++++++
include/opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx | 254 -------
include/opengm/functions/learnable/lunary.hxx | 478 --------------
.../learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx | 264 --------
include/opengm/functions/potts.hxx | 4 +-
include/opengm/functions/readme.txt | 3 -
include/opengm/functions/unary_loss_function.hxx | 151 -----
include/opengm/functions/view_convert_function.hxx | 36 +-
include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx | 44 +-
.../graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_factor.hxx | 27 -
.../graphicalmodel_function_wrapper.hxx | 79 ---
include/opengm/graphicalmodel/parameters.hxx | 44 ++
include/opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx | 282 --------
include/opengm/inference/alphabetaswap.hxx | 33 +-
include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansion.hxx | 85 +--
include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansionfusion.hxx | 75 +--
include/opengm/inference/astar.hxx | 129 ++--
.../auxiliary/fusion_move/fusion_mover.hxx | 27 -
.../auxiliary/lp_solver/lp_solver_interface.hxx | 12 +-
include/opengm/inference/bruteforce.hxx | 21 +-
include/opengm/inference/combilp.hxx | 11 -
.../dualdecomposition/dualdecomposition_bundle.hxx | 28 -
.../dualdecomposition_subgradient.hxx | 37 +-
include/opengm/inference/dynamicprogramming.hxx | 20 -
include/opengm/inference/external/ad3.hxx | 23 -
include/opengm/inference/external/daoopt.hxx | 26 -
include/opengm/inference/external/fastPD.hxx | 16 -
include/opengm/inference/external/mrflib.hxx | 15 -
include/opengm/inference/external/qpbo.hxx | 35 +-
include/opengm/inference/external/trws.hxx | 38 +-
include/opengm/inference/fusion_based_inf.hxx | 23 +-
include/opengm/inference/graphcut.hxx | 29 +-
include/opengm/inference/greedygremlin.hxx | 19 +-
include/opengm/inference/hqpbo.hxx | 23 +-
include/opengm/inference/icm.hxx | 63 +-
include/opengm/inference/infandflip.hxx | 23 -
include/opengm/inference/inference.hxx | 9 -
include/opengm/inference/lazyflipper.hxx | 161 ++---
include/opengm/inference/loc.hxx | 29 -
include/opengm/inference/lp_inference_base.hxx | 1 +
include/opengm/inference/lpcplex.hxx | 99 +--
include/opengm/inference/lpcplex2.hxx | 10 -
include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi.hxx | 80 +--
include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi2.hxx | 10 -
include/opengm/inference/lsatr.hxx | 26 +-
.../inference/messagepassing/messagepassing.hxx | 30 -
.../inference/messagepassing/messagepassing_bp.hxx | 11 -
.../messagepassing/messagepassing_trbp.hxx | 9 -
include/opengm/inference/movemaker.hxx | 8 -
include/opengm/inference/mqpbo.hxx | 31 +-
include/opengm/inference/multicut.hxx | 39 +-
include/opengm/inference/partition-move.hxx | 15 +-
include/opengm/inference/qpbo.hxx | 17 +-
include/opengm/inference/reducedinference.hxx | 26 -
include/opengm/inference/sat.hxx | 18 +-
include/opengm/inference/self_fusion.hxx | 47 +-
include/opengm/learning/bundle-optimizer.hxx | 326 ---------
include/opengm/learning/dataset/dataset.hxx | 234 -------
include/opengm/learning/dataset/dataset_io.hxx | 134 ----
.../opengm/learning/dataset/editabledataset.hxx | 146 -----
include/opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx | 375 -----------
include/opengm/learning/gradient-accumulator.hxx | 175 -----
include/opengm/learning/gridsearch-learning.hxx | 126 ----
include/opengm/learning/loss/flexibleloss.hxx | 305 ---------
.../learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx | 152 -----
include/opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx | 81 ---
include/opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx | 73 ---
.../learning/maximum-likelihood-learning.hxx | 310 ---------
.../learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx | 238 -------
include/opengm/learning/rws.hxx | 286 --------
include/opengm/learning/solver/BundleCollector.h | 49 --
include/opengm/learning/solver/CplexBackend.h | 433 ------------
include/opengm/learning/solver/GurobiBackend.h | 439 -------------
include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearConstraint.h | 94 ---
include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearConstraints.h | 119 ----
include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearObjective.h | 24 -
.../opengm/learning/solver/LinearSolverBackend.h | 84 ---
.../opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticObjective.h | 181 -----
.../learning/solver/QuadraticSolverBackend.h | 28 -
.../learning/solver/QuadraticSolverFactory.h | 33 -
.../learning/solver/QuadraticSolverParameters.h | 15 -
include/opengm/learning/solver/Relation.h | 20 -
include/opengm/learning/solver/Sense.h | 20 -
include/opengm/learning/solver/Solution.h | 49 --
include/opengm/learning/solver/VariableType.h | 18 -
include/opengm/learning/struct-max-margin.hxx | 219 -------
include/opengm/learning/structured_perceptron.hxx | 208 ------
include/opengm/learning/subgradient_ssvm.hxx | 353 ----------
include/opengm/learning/weight_averaging.hxx | 68 --
include/opengm/python/numpyview.hxx | 22 +-
include/opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx | 73 +--
include/opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx | 83 +--
include/opengm/utilities/shape_accessor.hxx | 78 +--
src/examples/unsorted-examples/inference_types.cxx | 9 +-
.../commandline/double/opengm_min_sum.cxx | 9 +-
src/interfaces/python/opengm/CMakeLists.txt | 1 -
src/interfaces/python/opengm/__init__.py | 2 +-
.../opengm/_inference_interface_generator.py | 59 --
src/interfaces/python/opengm/functionhelper.py | 4 +-
.../python/opengm/inference/inf_def_visitor.hxx | 1 -
.../python/opengm/inference/pyFusionMoves.cxx | 4 +-
.../python/opengm/learning/CMakeLists.txt | 151 -----
src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/__init__.py | 726 ---------------------
src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/helper.hxx | 330 ----------
src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/learning.cxx | 91 ---
.../python/opengm/learning/pyDataset.cxx | 104 ---
.../python/opengm/learning/pyGridSearchLearner.cxx | 64 --
.../python/opengm/learning/pyLFunctionGen.cxx | 309 ---------
src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyLoss.cxx | 81 ---
.../opengm/learning/pyMaxLikelihoodLearner.cxx | 81 ---
src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyRws.cxx | 72 --
.../opengm/learning/pyStructMaxMarginLearner.cxx | 64 --
.../python/opengm/learning/pyStructPerceptron.cxx | 75 ---
.../python/opengm/learning/pySubgradientSSVM.cxx | 80 ---
.../python/opengm/learning/pyWeights.cxx | 46 --
.../python/opengm/opengmcore/__init__.py | 19 +-
.../python/opengm/opengmcore/function_injector.py | 11 +-
.../python/opengm/opengmcore/opengmcore.cpp | 64 +-
.../python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionGen.cxx | 57 --
.../python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionTypes.cxx | 241 +------
src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyGm.cxx | 25 +-
src/interfaces/python/test.py | 115 +---
src/tutorials/c++/basics/doMinSumInference.cxx | 2 +-
src/tutorials/c++/basics/doSumProdInference.cxx | 2 +-
src/unittest/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
src/unittest/inference/test_graphcut.cxx | 6 +-
src/unittest/inference/test_lazyflipper.cxx | 2 +-
src/unittest/inference/test_messagepassing.cxx | 20 +-
src/unittest/learning/CMakeLists.txt | 51 --
src/unittest/learning/test_dataset.cxx | 150 -----
src/unittest/learning/test_dataset_io.cxx | 101 ---
.../learning/test_generalized_hammingloss.cxx | 65 --
src/unittest/learning/test_gridsearch_learner.cxx | 90 ---
src/unittest/learning/test_learning.cxx | 233 -------
.../learning/test_maximum_likelihood_learner.cxx | 126 ----
src/unittest/learning/test_subgradient_ssvm.cxx | 238 -------
src/unittest/test_gm_learning_functions.cxx | 23 +-
src/unittest/test_learnable_functions.cxx | 79 ---
src/unittest/test_linear_constraint.cxx | 1 -
161 files changed, 703 insertions(+), 14115 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 29d22cb..44a7094 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,10 +7,3 @@
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 32bfce8..92e894c 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -95,10 +95,6 @@ OPTION(BUILD_MATLAB_WRAPPER "Build matlab wrapper" OFF)
###Grante needs C++11. Since we have not tested OpenGM under this standard yet, using Grante is realy experimental!!!
###OPTION(WITH_GRANTE "Include wrapper for grante" OFF)
- add_definitions(-DCI)
# Cplex
@@ -114,9 +110,6 @@ else()
# AD3
@@ -385,8 +378,6 @@ if(WITH_OPENMP)
message(STATUS "build without openMP -> multithreaded options disabled")
@@ -522,14 +513,9 @@ endif(WITH_BLOSSOM5)
-# thread libs
+# thread lib
- add_definitions(-DWITH_OPENMP)
# rt lib
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 13d187a..42b005c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
OpenGM 2
-[](https://travis-ci.org/opengm/opengm) (master)
-[](https://travis-ci.org/opengm/opengm) (learning-experimental)
diff --git a/fubar/brown_horse.py b/fubar/brown_horse.py
deleted file mode 100644
index da46a97..0000000
--- a/fubar/brown_horse.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import vigra
-from progressbar import *
-import glob
-import os
-from functools import partial
-from opengm.learning import secondOrderImageDataset, getPbar
-def posiFeatures(img):
- shape = img.shape[0:2]
- x = numpy.linspace(0, 1, shape[0])
- y = numpy.linspace(0, 1, shape[1])
- xv, yv = numpy.meshgrid(y, x)
- xv -=0.5
- yv -=0.5
- rad = numpy.sqrt(xv**2 + yv**2)[:,:,None]
- erad = numpy.exp(1.0 - rad)
- xva = (xv**2)[:,:,None]
- yva = (yv**2)[:,:,None]
- res = numpy.concatenate([erad, rad,xva,yva,xv[:,:,None],yv[:,:,None]],axis=2)
- assert res.shape[0:2] == img.shape[0:2]
- return res
-#i = numpy.ones([7, 5])
-#print posiFeatures(i).shape
-# where is the dataset stored
-dsetRoot = '/home/tbeier/datasets/weizmann_horse_db/'
-imgPath = dsetRoot + 'brown_horse/'
-gtBasePath = dsetRoot + 'figure_ground/'
-imgFiles = glob.glob(imgPath+'*.jpg')
-takeNth = 3
-imgs = []
-gts = []
-pbar = getPbar(len(imgFiles), 'Load Image')
-for i,path in enumerate(imgFiles):
- gtPath = gtBasePath + os.path.basename(path)
- rgbImg = vigra.impex.readImage(path)
- gtImg = vigra.impex.readImage(gtPath).astype('uint32')[::takeNth,::takeNth]
- gtImg[gtImg<125] = 0
- gtImg[gtImg>=125] = 1
- rgbImg = vigra.resize(rgbImg, [gtImg.shape[0],gtImg.shape[1]])
- imgs.append(rgbImg)
- gts.append(gtImg)
- pbar.update(i)
-def getSelf(img):
- return img
-def labHessianOfGaussian(img, sigma):
- l = vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(img)[:,:,0]
- l = vigra.taggedView(l,'xy')
- return vigra.filters.hessianOfGaussianEigenvalues(l, sigma)
-def labStructTensorEv(img, sigma):
- l = vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(img)[:,:,0]
- l = vigra.taggedView(l,'xy')
- return vigra.filters.structureTensorEigenvalues(l, sigma, 2*sigma)
-fUnary = [
- posiFeatures,
- getSelf,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2XYZ,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Luv,
- partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=1.0),
- partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=2.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
-fBinary = [
- posiFeatures,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2XYZ,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Luv,
- partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=1.0),
- partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=2.0),
- partial(labStructTensorEv, sigma=1.0),
- partial(labStructTensorEv, sigma=2.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
-dataset,test_set = secondOrderImageDataset(imgs=imgs, gts=gts, numberOfLabels=2,
- fUnary=fUnary, fBinary=fBinary,
- addConstFeature=False)
-learner = learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=0.05, C=100,
- learningMode='batch',maxIterations=1000)
-#learner = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 0.1, 0.001, 0)
- parameter=opengm.InfParam(maxSubgraphSize=3))
-# predict on test test
-for (rgbImg, gtImg, gm) in test_set :
- # infer for test image
- inf = opengm.inference.QpboExternal(gm)
- inf.infer()
- arg = inf.arg()
- arg = arg.reshape( numpy.squeeze(gtImg.shape))
- vigra.segShow(rgbImg, arg+2)
- vigra.show()
diff --git a/fubar/brown_horse2.py b/fubar/brown_horse2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 89f3ddb..0000000
--- a/fubar/brown_horse2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import vigra
-from progressbar import *
-import glob
-import os
-from functools import partial
-from opengm.learning import secondOrderImageDataset, getPbar
-def posiFeatures(img):
- shape = img.shape[0:2]
- x = numpy.linspace(0, 1, shape[0])
- y = numpy.linspace(0, 1, shape[1])
- xv, yv = numpy.meshgrid(y, x)
- xv -=0.5
- yv -=0.5
- rad = numpy.sqrt(xv**2 + yv**2)[:,:,None]
- erad = numpy.exp(1.0 - rad)
- xva = (xv**2)[:,:,None]
- yva = (yv**2)[:,:,None]
- res = numpy.concatenate([erad, rad,xva,yva,xv[:,:,None],yv[:,:,None]],axis=2)
- assert res.shape[0:2] == img.shape[0:2]
- return res
-#i = numpy.ones([7, 5])
-#print posiFeatures(i).shape
-# where is the dataset stored
-dsetRoot = '/home/tbeier/datasets/weizmann_horse_db/'
-imgPath = dsetRoot + 'brown_horse/'
-gtBasePath = dsetRoot + 'figure_ground/'
-imgFiles = glob.glob(imgPath+'*.jpg')
-takeNth = 2
-imgs = []
-gts = []
-pbar = getPbar(len(imgFiles), 'Load Image')
-for i,path in enumerate(imgFiles):
- gtPath = gtBasePath + os.path.basename(path)
- rgbImg = vigra.impex.readImage(path)
- gtImg = vigra.impex.readImage(gtPath).astype('uint32')[::takeNth,::takeNth]
- gtImg[gtImg<125] = 0
- gtImg[gtImg>=125] = 1
- cEdgeImg = vigra.analysis.regionImageToCrackEdgeImage(gtImg+1)
- cEdgeImg[cEdgeImg>0] = 1
- cEdgeImg = vigra.filters.discErosion(cEdgeImg.astype('uint8'),2)
- gtImg = cEdgeImg.astype(numpy.uint64)
- if i ==0:
- vigra.imshow(cEdgeImg)
- vigra.show()
- rgbImg = vigra.resize(rgbImg, [gtImg.shape[0],gtImg.shape[1]])
- imgs.append(rgbImg)
- gts.append(gtImg)
- pbar.update(i)
-def getSelf(img):
- return img
-def labHessianOfGaussian(img, sigma):
- l = vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(img)[:,:,0]
- l = vigra.taggedView(l,'xy')
- return vigra.filters.hessianOfGaussianEigenvalues(l, sigma)
-def labStructTensorEv(img, sigma):
- l = vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(img)[:,:,0]
- l = vigra.taggedView(l,'xy')
- return vigra.filters.structureTensorEigenvalues(l, sigma, 2*sigma)
-fUnary = [
- #posiFeatures,
- #getSelf,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2XYZ,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Luv,
- partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=1.0),
- partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=2.0),
- partial(labStructTensorEv, sigma=1.0),
- partial(labStructTensorEv, sigma=2.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
-fBinary = [
- #posiFeatures,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2XYZ,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Luv,
- partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=1.0),
- partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=2.0),
- partial(labStructTensorEv, sigma=1.0),
- partial(labStructTensorEv, sigma=2.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
-dataset,test_set = secondOrderImageDataset(imgs=imgs, gts=gts, numberOfLabels=2,
- fUnary=fUnary, fBinary=fBinary,
- addConstFeature=False)
-learner = learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=0.1, C=1000,
- learningMode='batch',maxIterations=1000)
-#learner = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 0.1, 0.001, 0)
- parameter=opengm.InfParam())
-# predict on test test
-for (rgbImg, gtImg, gm) in test_set :
- # infer for test image
- inf = opengm.inference.QpboExternal(gm)
- inf.infer()
- arg = inf.arg()
- arg = arg.reshape( numpy.squeeze(gtImg).shape)
- vigra.imshow(arg)
- #vigra.segShow(rgbImg, arg+2)
- vigra.show()
diff --git a/fubar/brown_horse_sp.py b/fubar/brown_horse_sp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d1579b..0000000
--- a/fubar/brown_horse_sp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import vigra
-from progressbar import *
-import glob
-import os
-from functools import partial
-from opengm.learning import secondOrderImageDataset, getPbar,superpixelDataset
-#i = numpy.ones([7, 5])
-#print posiFeatures(i).shape
-# where is the dataset stored
-dsetRoot = '/home/tbeier/datasets/weizmann_horse_db/'
-imgPath = dsetRoot + 'rgb/'
-gtBasePath = dsetRoot + 'figure_ground/'
-imgFiles = glob.glob(imgPath+'*.jpg')
-takeNth = 2
-imgs = []
-sps = []
-gts = []
-pbar = getPbar(len(imgFiles), 'Load Image')
-for i,path in enumerate(imgFiles):
- if i>20 :
- break
- gtPath = gtBasePath + os.path.basename(path)
- rgbImg = vigra.impex.readImage(path)
- gtImg = vigra.impex.readImage(gtPath).astype('uint32')[::takeNth,::takeNth]
- gtImg[gtImg<125] = 0
- gtImg[gtImg>=125] = 1
- rgbImg = vigra.resize(rgbImg, [gtImg.shape[0],gtImg.shape[1]])
- #vigra.imshow(gtImg.astype('float32'))
- #vigra.show()
- labImg = vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(rgbImg.astype('float32'))
- sp,nSeg = vigra.analysis.slicSuperpixels(labImg, intensityScaling=20.0, seedDistance=5)
- sp = vigra.analysis.labelImage(sp)-1
- #vigra.segShow(rgbImg, sp)
- #vigra.show()
- gg = vigra.graphs.gridGraph(rgbImg.shape[0:2])
- rag = vigra.graphs.regionAdjacencyGraph(gg,sp)
- gt,qtq = rag.projectBaseGraphGt(gtImg)
- #rag.show(rgbImg, gt)
- #vigra.show()
- imgs.append(rgbImg)
- gts.append(gt)
- sps.append(sp)
- pbar.update(i)
-def posiFeatures(img):
- shape = img.shape[0:2]
- x = numpy.linspace(0, 1, shape[0])
- y = numpy.linspace(0, 1, shape[1])
- xv, yv = numpy.meshgrid(y, x)
- xv -=0.5
- yv -=0.5
- rad = numpy.sqrt(xv**2 + yv**2)[:,:,None]
- erad = numpy.exp(1.0 - rad)
- xva = (xv**2)[:,:,None]
- yva = (yv**2)[:,:,None]
- res = numpy.concatenate([erad, rad,xva,yva,xv[:,:,None],yv[:,:,None]],axis=2)
- assert res.shape[0:2] == img.shape[0:2]
- return res
-def getSelf(img):
- f=img.copy()
- f-=f.min()
- f/=f.max()
- return f
-def labHessianOfGaussian(img, sigma):
- l = vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(img)[:,:,0]
- l = vigra.taggedView(l,'xy')
- f = vigra.filters.hessianOfGaussianEigenvalues(l, sigma)
- f-=f.min()
- f/=f.max()
- return f
-def labStructTensorEv(img, sigma):
- l = vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(img)[:,:,0]
- l = vigra.taggedView(l,'xy')
- f = vigra.filters.structureTensorEigenvalues(l, sigma, 2*sigma)
- f-=f.min()
- f/=f.max()
- return f
-def rgbHist(img):
- minVals=(0.0,0.0,0.0)
- maxVals=(255.0, 255.0, 255.0)
- img = vigra.taggedView(img,'xyc')
- hist = vigra.histogram.gaussianHistogram(img,minVals,maxVals,bins=30,sigma=3.0, sigmaBin=1.0)
- f = vigra.taggedView(hist,'xyc')
- f-=f.min()
- f/=f.max()
- return f
-def labHist(img):
- minVals=(0.0,-86.1814 ,-107.862)
- maxVals=(100.0, 98.2353, 94.48)
- imgl= vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(img)
- hist = vigra.histogram.gaussianHistogram(imgl,minVals,maxVals,bins=30,sigma=3.0, sigmaBin=1.0)
- f = vigra.taggedView(hist,'xyc')
- f-=f.min()
- f/=f.max()
- return f
-def gmag(img, sigma):
- f = vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude(img, sigma)
- f-=f.min()
- f/=f.max()
- return f
-fUnary = [
- posiFeatures,
- labHist,
- rgbHist,
- getSelf,
- #vigra.colors.transform_RGB2XYZ,
- #vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab,
- #vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Luv,
- #partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=1.0),
- #partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=2.0),
- #partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- #partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
-fBinary = [
- #posiFeatures,
- ##rgbHist,
- #partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=1.0),
- #partial(labHessianOfGaussian, sigma=2.0),
- #partial(labStructTensorEv, sigma=1.0),
- #partial(labStructTensorEv, sigma=2.0),
- partial(gmag, sigma=1.0),
- partial(gmag, sigma=2.0),
-dataset,test_set = superpixelDataset(imgs=imgs,sps=sps, gts=gts, numberOfLabels=2,
- fUnary=fUnary, fBinary=fBinary,
- addConstFeature=True)
-learner = learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=0.1, C=0.1,
- learningMode='batch',maxIterations=2000, averaging=-1)
-#learner = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 0.1, 0.001, 0)
- parameter=opengm.InfParam())
-w = dataset.getWeights()
-for wi in range(len(w)):
- print "wi ",w[wi]
-# predict on test test
-for (rgbImg, sp, gm) in test_set :
- # infer for test image
- inf = opengm.inference.QpboExternal(gm)
- inf.infer()
- arg = inf.arg()+1
- gg = vigra.graphs.gridGraph(rgbImg.shape[0:2])
- rag = vigra.graphs.regionAdjacencyGraph(gg,sp)
- seg = rag.projectLabelsToBaseGraph(arg.astype('uint32'))
- vigra.segShow(rgbImg, seg+2)
- vigra.show()
diff --git a/fubar/example1.py b/fubar/example1.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f5f845..0000000
--- a/fubar/example1.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import opengm
-import opengm.learning as learning
-from opengm import numpy
-# weight vector
-nWeights = 100
-weightVals = numpy.ones(nWeights)*0.5
-weights = opengm.learning.Weights(weightVals)
-dataset =learning.createDataset(loss='h')
-print "type of dataset", dataset
-# for grid search learner
-lowerBounds = numpy.zeros(nWeights)
-upperBounds = numpy.ones(nWeights)
-nTestPoints =numpy.ones(nWeights).astype('uint64')*10
-learner = learning.gridSearchLearner(dataset=dataset,lowerBounds=lowerBounds, upperBounds=upperBounds,nTestPoints=nTestPoints)
- parameter=opengm.InfParam(damping=0.5))
-# for struct max margin learner
-smm_learnerParam = learning.StructMaxMargin_Bundle_HammingLossParameter(1.0, 0.01, 0)
-smm_learner = learning.StructMaxMargin_Bundle_HammingLoss(dataset, smm_learnerParam)
-smm_learner2 = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 1.0, 0.001, 0)
-smm_learner2.learn(infCls=opengm.inference.BeliefPropagation, parameter=opengm.InfParam(damping=0.5))
diff --git a/fubar/make_grid_potts_dset.py b/fubar/make_grid_potts_dset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/fubar/make_grid_potts_dset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/fubar/make_mc_dset.py b/fubar/make_mc_dset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fc4cc8..0000000
--- a/fubar/make_mc_dset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import vigra
-from progressbar import *
-from functools import partial
-def make_mmwc_dataset(nSemanticClasses, modelSizes, edges, nodeFeatures, edgeFeatures, allowCutsWithin):
- assert len(modelSize)==len(edges)
- assert len(edges) == len(nodeFeatures)
- assert len(edges) == len(nodeFeatures)
- for modelSize,edge
diff --git a/fubar/max_likelihood_example.py b/fubar/max_likelihood_example.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 059cc4e..0000000
--- a/fubar/max_likelihood_example.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import opengm
-import opengm.learning as learning
-from opengm import numpy
-# create a simple model with exactly one variable with two labels
-numWeights = 4
-nLabels = 2
-nVars = 1
-# set weight ids and features for all labels
-weightIds = numpy.array([[0, 1], [2,3]])
-features = numpy.array( [[0.5, -0.25], [-0.5, -1.25]])
-# create dataset with 2 weights and get the 2 weights
-dataset = learning.createDataset(numWeights)
-weights = dataset.getWeights()
-# set up graphical model
-gm = opengm.gm(numpy.ones(nVars)*nLabels)
-fid = gm.addFunction(learning.lUnaryFunction(weights, 2, features, weightIds))
-gm.addFactor(fid, [0])
-# add graphical model to dataset with ground truth
-ground_truth = numpy.array([0]).astype(opengm.label_type)
-dataset.pushBackInstance(gm, ground_truth)
-# set up learner and run
-#learner = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 0.1, 0.001, 0)
-#learner = learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=1.0, C=100, learningMode='batch')
-#learner.learn(infCls=opengm.inference.TrwsExternal, parameter=opengm.InfParam())
-learner = learning.maxLikelihoodLearner(
- dataset,
- maximumNumberOfIterations =1500,gradientStepSize = 0.9,weightStoppingCriteria = 0.001,gradientStoppingCriteria = 0.00000000001,infoFlag = True,infoEveryStep = False,weightRegularizer = 1.0,
- beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations = 20,beliefPropagationConvergenceBound = 0.0000000000001,beliefPropagationDamping = 0.5,beliefPropagationTemperature = 1,beliefPropagationIsAcyclic=opengm.Tribool(True))
-for w in range(numWeights):
- print weights[w]
diff --git a/fubar/noisy_squares_3_labels.py b/fubar/noisy_squares_3_labels.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d9bf7a..0000000
--- a/fubar/noisy_squares_3_labels.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import vigra
-from progressbar import *
-import glob
-import os
-from functools import partial
-from opengm.learning import secondOrderImageDataset, getPbar
-nImages = 8
-shape = [15, 15]
-noise = 2.0
-imgs = []
-gts = []
-for i in range(nImages):
- gtImg = numpy.zeros(shape)
- gtImg[0:shape[0]/2,:] = 1
- gtImg[shape[0]/4: 3*shape[0]/4, shape[0]/4: 3*shape[0]/4] = 2
- ra = numpy.random.randint(180)
- #print ra
- gtImg = vigra.sampling.rotateImageDegree(gtImg.astype(numpy.float32),int(ra),splineOrder=0)
- if i<1 :
- vigra.imshow(gtImg)
- vigra.show()
- img = gtImg + numpy.random.random(shape)*float(noise)
- if i<1 :
- vigra.imshow(img)
- vigra.show()
- imgs.append(img.astype('float32'))
- gts.append(gtImg)
-def getSelf(img):
- return img
-def getSpecial(img, sigma):
- simg = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(img, sigma=sigma)
- img0 = simg**2
- img1 = (simg - 1.0)**2
- img2 = (simg - 2.0)**2
- img0=img0[:,:,None]
- img1=img1[:,:,None]
- img2=img2[:,:,None]
- return numpy.concatenate([img0,img1,img2],axis=2)
-fUnary = [
- partial(getSpecial, sigma=0.5),
- partial(getSpecial, sigma=1.0)
-fBinary = [
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=0.5),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.5),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=3.0),
-dataset,test_set = secondOrderImageDataset(imgs=imgs, gts=gts, numberOfLabels=3,
- fUnary=fUnary, fBinary=fBinary,
- addConstFeature=True)
-learningModi = ['normal','reducedinference','selfFusion','reducedinferenceSelfFusion']
-lm = 0
-infCls = opengm.inference.TrwsExternal
-param = opengm.InfParam()
-learner = learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=1.0, C=0.9, learningMode='batch',maxIterations=5, averaging=-1)
-learner = learning.rws(dataset, learningRate=1.0, C=1.0,maxIterations=5000, p=100, sigma=1.3)
-# predict on test test
-for (rgbImg, gtImg, gm) in test_set :
- # infer for test image
- inf = opengm.inference.TrwsExternal(gm)
- inf.infer()
- arg = inf.arg()
- arg = arg.reshape( numpy.squeeze(gtImg.shape))
- vigra.imshow(rgbImg)
- vigra.show()
- vigra.imshow(arg+2)
- vigra.show()
- break
diff --git a/fubar/pascal_voc/convertPascalVOC.py b/fubar/pascal_voc/convertPascalVOC.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ef3b9c4..0000000
--- a/fubar/pascal_voc/convertPascalVOC.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-import cPickle as pickle
-import numpy as np
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import h5py
-# download the Pascal VOC datasets from
-# http://www.ais.uni-bonn.de/deep_learning/downloads.html
-# converter from pystruct EdgeFeatureGraphCRF to opengm learnable
-fns = ['./data_train.pickle', './data_val.pickle']
-ds_suffixes = ['_train', '_val']
-num_samples = 5 # None for all
-out_dir = './'
-out_prefix = 'pascal_voc'
-num_labels = 21
-# get label weights from training set:
-# loss should be weighted inversely by the number of
-# occurrences of each class in the training set
-Y = pickle.load(open(fns[0], 'r'))['Y'][:num_samples]
-Y = np.hstack(Y)
-Y[Y==-1]=0 # FIXME: introduce a void label, so long: make the void label background
-label_weights = 1. / np.bincount(Y)
-label_weights[np.isinf(label_weights)] = 0
-label_weights *= 1. / np.sum(label_weights)
-for fn, ds_suffix in zip(fns, ds_suffixes):
- ds = pickle.load(open(fn, 'r'))
- # X is a list of instances of a dataset where (for EdgeFeatureGraphCRF)
- # each instance is a tuple of (unary_feats, edges, edge_feats)
- X = ds['X'][:num_samples]
- # the ground truth labels
- Y = ds['Y'][:num_samples]
- # superpixels (for reference)
- #superpixels_train = ds['superpixels'][:num_samples]
- # filenames (for reference)
- #fns_train = ds['file_names'][:num_samples]
- num_edge_feats = X[0][2].shape[1]
- num_unary_feats = num_labels * X[0][0].shape[1]
- num_weights = num_unary_feats + num_edge_feats
- # create and initialize weights
- print 'num_weights =', num_weights
- print 'num_instances =', len(X)
- ogm_ds = learning.createDataset(num_weights, numInstances=len(X), loss="generalized-hamming")
- weights = ogm_ds.getWeights()
- for idx, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(X, Y)):
- y[y==-1]=0 # FIXME: introduce a void label, so long: make the void label background
- unary_feats, edges, edge_feats = x
- num_vars = unary_feats.shape[0]
- states = np.ones(num_vars, dtype=opengm.index_type) * num_labels
- gm = opengm.graphicalModel(states, operator='adder')
- lossParam = learning.GeneralizedHammingLossParameter()
- lossParam.setLabelLossMultiplier(np.array(label_weights))
- # add unary factors
- weight_ids = np.arange(0, num_labels * unary_feats.shape[1]).reshape((num_labels, -1))
- for feat_idx, unary_feat in enumerate(unary_feats):
- # make that each label sees all features, but use their own weights
- unary_feat_array = np.repeat(unary_feat.reshape((-1,1)), num_labels, axis=1)
- f = learning.lUnaryFunction(weights, num_labels, unary_feat_array, weight_ids)
- var_idxs = np.array([feat_idx], dtype=np.uint64)
- fid = gm.addFunction(f)
- gm.addFactor(fid, var_idxs)
- #var_idxs = np.arange(0, num_vars, dtype=np.uint64)
- #gm.addFactors(fids, var_idxs)
- # add pairwise factors
- for edge, edge_feat in zip(edges, edge_feats):
- var_idxs = edge.astype(opengm.index_type)
- weight_ids = np.arange(num_unary_feats, num_unary_feats+num_edge_feats, dtype=opengm.index_type)
- f = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights, numberOfLabels=num_labels,
- weightIds=weight_ids, features=edge_feat)
- fid = gm.addFunction(f)
- gm.addFactor(fid, var_idxs)
- print idx, y.shape, lossParam
- ogm_ds.setInstanceWithLossParam(idx, gm, y.astype(dtype=opengm.label_type), lossParam)
- ogm_ds.save(out_dir, out_prefix + ds_suffix + '_')
diff --git a/fubar/pascal_voc/convertPascalVOCNew.py b/fubar/pascal_voc/convertPascalVOCNew.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b85b121..0000000
--- a/fubar/pascal_voc/convertPascalVOCNew.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-import cPickle as pickle
-import numpy as np
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import h5py
-# download the Pascal VOC datasets from
-# http://www.ais.uni-bonn.de/deep_learning/downloads.html
-# converter from pystruct EdgeFeatureGraphCRF to opengm learnable
-fns = ['./data_train.pickle', './data_val.pickle']
-ds_suffixes = ['_train']#, '_val']
-ogm_dss = [None, None]
-ww = [None, None]
-num_samples = None
-out_dir = './'
-out_prefix = 'pascal_voc'
-num_labels = 21
-# get label weights from training set:
-# loss should be weighted inversely by the number of
-# occurrences of each class in the training set
-Y = pickle.load(open(fns[0], 'r'))['Y'][:num_samples]
-Y = np.hstack(Y)
-Y[Y==-1]=0 # FIXME: introduce a void label, so long: make the void label background
-label_weights = 1. / np.bincount(Y)
-label_weights= np.ones(27,dtype=opengm.value_type)
-label_weights[np.isinf(label_weights)] = 0
-label_weights *= 1. / np.sum(label_weights)
-for ii, (fn, ds_suffix) in enumerate(zip(fns, ds_suffixes)):
- ds = pickle.load(open(fn, 'r'))
- # X is a list of instances of a dataset where (for EdgeFeatureGraphCRF)
- # each instance is a tuple of (unary_feats, edges, edge_feats)
- X = ds['X'][:num_samples]
- # the ground truth labels
- Y = ds['Y'][:num_samples]
- # superpixels (for reference)
- #superpixels_train = ds['superpixels'][:num_samples]
- # filenames (for reference)
- #fns_train = ds['file_names'][:num_samples]
- num_edge_feats = X[0][2].shape[1]
- num_unary_feats = num_labels * X[0][0].shape[1]
- num_weights = num_unary_feats + num_edge_feats
- # create and initialize weights
- print 'num_weights =', num_weights
- print 'num_instances =', len(X)
- ogm_dss[ii] = learning.createDataset(num_weights, numInstances=len(X))
- #ogm_ds = ogm_dss[ii]
- ww[ii] = ogm_dss[ii].getWeights()
- for idx, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(X, Y)):
- print idx
- y[y==-1]=0 # FIXME: introduce a void label, so long: make the void label background
- unary_feats, edges, edge_feats = x
- num_vars = unary_feats.shape[0]
- states = np.ones(num_vars, dtype=opengm.label_type) * num_labels
- gm = opengm.gm(states, operator='adder')
- lossParam = learning.LossParameter(lossType='hamming', labelMult=label_weights)
- lossParam.setLabelLossMultiplier(label_weights)
- # add unary factors
- weight_ids = np.arange(0, num_labels * unary_feats.shape[1]).reshape((num_labels, -1))
- # the features are different for each function instance
- # but a single feature vector is shared between all
- # labels for one particular instance.
- # The weights the same for all function instances
- # but each label has a particular set of weights
- lUnaries = learning.lUnaryFunctions(weights = ww[ii],numberOfLabels = num_labels,
- features=unary_feats,weightIds = weight_ids,
- featurePolicy= learning.FeaturePolicy.sharedBetweenLabels)
- gm.addFactors(gm.addFunctions(lUnaries), np.arange(num_vars))
- # add all pairwise factors at once
- weight_ids = np.arange(num_unary_feats, num_unary_feats+num_edge_feats)
- lp = learning.lPottsFunctions(weights=ww[ii], numberOfLabels=num_labels,
- features=edge_feats, weightIds=weight_ids)
- gm.addFactors(gm.addFunctions(lp), edges)
- # add the model to the dataset
- ogm_dss[ii].setInstanceWithLossParam(idx, gm, y.astype(dtype=opengm.label_type), lossParam)
- ogm_dss[ii].save(out_dir, out_prefix + ds_suffix + '_')
diff --git a/fubar/pascal_voc/learnPascalVOC.py b/fubar/pascal_voc/learnPascalVOC.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c6f0201..0000000
--- a/fubar/pascal_voc/learnPascalVOC.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import numpy as np
-out_dir = './'
-out_prefix = 'pascal_voc_train_'
-dataset = learning.createDataset(0, loss='gh')
-#dataset = learning.DatasetWithGeneralizedHammingLoss(0)
-dataset.load(out_dir, out_prefix)
-nWeights = dataset.getNumberOfWeights()
-print 'nWeights', nWeights
-print 'nModels', dataset.getNumberOfModels()
-# for grid search learner
-lowerBounds = np.ones(nWeights)*-1.0
-upperBounds = np.ones(nWeights)*1.0
-nTestPoints =np.ones(nWeights).astype('uint64')*3
-#learner = learning.gridSearchLearner(dataset=dataset,lowerBounds=lowerBounds, upperBounds=upperBounds,nTestPoints=nTestPoints)
-learner = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 1.0, 0.001, 0)
- parameter=opengm.InfParam())
-weights = dataset.getWeights()
-for w in range(nWeights):
- print weights[w]
-for i in range(dataset.getNumberOfModels()):
- print 'loss of', i, '=', dataset.getLoss(i,infCls=opengm.inference.Icm,parameter=opengm.InfParam())
-print 'total loss =', dataset.getLoss(i,infCls=opengm.inference.Icm,parameter=opengm.InfParam())
diff --git a/fubar/python_stuff.py b/fubar/python_stuff.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 852ea8a..0000000
--- a/fubar/python_stuff.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-import opengm
-import numpy
-from opengm import learning
-np = numpy
-numLabels = 3
-numVar = 6
-# add a unary function
-print opengm.learning.DatasetWithHammingLoss
-print opengm.learning.HammingLoss
-# make the gm
-space = numpy.ones(numVar)*numLabels
-gm = opengm.gm(space)
-weightVals = numpy.ones(100)*1.0
-weights = opengm.learning.Weights(weightVals)
-# add a unary function
-features = numpy.ones([numLabels, 2], dtype=opengm.value_type)
-weightIds = numpy.ones([numLabels, 2], dtype=opengm.index_type)
-# set up weight ids for each label
-weightIds[0,:] = [0, 1]
-weightIds[1,:] = [2, 3]
-weightIds[2,:] = [4, 5]
-print "add f"
-f = opengm.LUnaryFunction(weights=weights, numberOfLabels=numLabels,
- weightIds=weightIds, features=features)
-print "add factor"
-fid = gm.addFunction(f)
-gm.addFactor(fid, [0])
-print "features",features
-print "unary",np.array(gm[0])
-weights[4] = 0.5
-print "unary",np.array(gm[0])
-# add a unary function
-features = [
- numpy.array([1.0, 1.0], dtype=opengm.value_type),
- numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype=opengm.value_type),
- numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype=opengm.value_type)
-weightIds = [
- numpy.array([6, 7], dtype=opengm.index_type),
- numpy.array([8, 9, 10], dtype=opengm.index_type),
- numpy.array([11, 12, 13, 14], dtype=opengm.index_type)
-print "add f"
-f = opengm.LUnaryFunction(weights=weights, numberOfLabels=numLabels,
- weightIds=weightIds, features=features)
-print "add factor"
-fid = gm.addFunction(f)
-gm.addFactor(fid, [0])
-print "features",features
-print "unary",np.array(gm[1])
-print "unary",np.array(gm[1])
-# add a potts function
-features = numpy.array([1.0, 5.0]).astype(opengm.value_type)
-weightIds = numpy.array([6,7]).astype(opengm.index_type)
-f = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights, numberOfLabels=numLabels,
- weightIds=weightIds, features=features)
-# add factor
-fid = gm.addFunction(f)
-gm.addFactor(fid, [0,1])
diff --git a/fubar/real_example.py b/fubar/real_example.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f21fe37..0000000
--- a/fubar/real_example.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-import opengm
-import opengm.learning as learning
-from opengm import numpy
-import vigra
-nModels = 1
-nLables = 2
-shape = [6, 6]
-numVar = shape[0]*shape[1]
-nWeights = 4
-def makeGt(shape):
- gt=numpy.ones(shape,dtype='uint8')
- gt[0:shape[0]/2,:] = 0
- return gt
-uWeightIds = numpy.arange(4,dtype='uint64').reshape(2,2)
-print uWeightIds
-bWeightIds = numpy.array([4,5,6],dtype='uint64')
-dataset = learning.createDataset(numWeights=nWeights, loss='h')
-weights = dataset.getWeights()
-def makeFeatures(gt):
- random = numpy.random.rand(*gt.shape)-0.5
- randGt = random + gt
- feat = []
- for sigma in [1.0, 1.5]:
- feat.append(vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(randGt.astype('float32'),sigma) )
- featB = []
- for sigma in [1.0, 1.5]:
- featB.append(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude(randGt.astype('float32'),sigma) )
- a = numpy.rollaxis(numpy.array(feat), axis=0, start=3)
- b = numpy.rollaxis(numpy.array(featB), axis=0, start=3)
- return a,b
-for mi in range(nModels):
- gm = opengm.gm(numpy.ones(numVar)*nLables)
- gt = makeGt(shape)
- gtFlat = gt.reshape([-1])
- unaries,binaries = makeFeatures(gt)
- # print unaries, binaries
- for x in range(shape[0]):
- for y in range(shape[1]):
- uFeat = unaries[x,y,:].astype("float64")
- uFeat = numpy.repeat(uFeat[:,numpy.newaxis],2,axis=1).T
- uFeat[1,:]=1
- lu = opengm.LUnaryFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=nLables, features=uFeat, weightIds=uWeightIds)
- fid= gm.addFunction(lu)
- gm.addFactor(fid, y+x*shape[1])
- if False:
- for x in range(shape[0]):
- for y in range(shape[1]):
- if x+1 < shape[0]:
- bFeat = numpy.append(binaries[x,y,:], [1]).astype(opengm.value_type) + numpy.append(binaries[x+1,y,:], [1]).astype(opengm.value_type)
- pf = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=nLables, features=bFeat, weightIds=bWeightIds)
- fid= gm.addFunction(pf)
- gm.addFactor(fid, [y+x*shape[1], y+(x+1)*shape[1]])
- if y+1 < shape[1]:
- bFeat = numpy.append(binaries[x,y,:], [1]).astype(opengm.value_type) + numpy.append(binaries[x,y+1,:], [1]).astype(opengm.value_type)
- pf = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=nLables, features=bFeat, weightIds=bWeightIds)
- fid= gm.addFunction(pf)
- gm.addFactor(fid, [y+x*shape[1], y+1+x*shape[1]])
- dataset.pushBackInstance(gm,gtFlat.astype(opengm.label_type))
- backGt = dataset.getGT(0)
-# for grid search learner
-lowerBounds = numpy.ones(nWeights)*-1.0
-upperBounds = numpy.ones(nWeights)*1.0
-nTestPoints =numpy.ones(nWeights).astype('uint64')*10
-learner = learning.gridSearchLearner(dataset=dataset,lowerBounds=lowerBounds, upperBounds=upperBounds,nTestPoints=nTestPoints)
-#learner = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 1.0, 0.001, 0)
- parameter=opengm.InfParam())
-for w in range(nWeights):
- print weights[w]
diff --git a/fubar/real_example_2.py b/fubar/real_example_2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e14c607..0000000
--- a/fubar/real_example_2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-import opengm
-import opengm.learning as learning
-from opengm import numpy
-import vigra
-import pylab as plt
-import pylab
-#nModels = 20
-nModels = 2
-nLables = 2
-#shape = [50, 50]
-shape = [16, 16]
-numVar = shape[0]*shape[1]
-sSmooth = [1.0,1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
-sGrad = [1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0]
-nUWeights = len(sSmooth) + 1
-nBWeights = len(sGrad) + 1
-nWeights = nUWeights + nBWeights
-def makeGt(shape):
- gt=numpy.ones(shape,dtype='uint8')
- gt[0:shape[0]/2,:] = 0
- return gt
-weightVals = numpy.ones(nWeights)
-weights = opengm.learning.Weights(weightVals)
-uWeightIds = numpy.arange(nUWeights ,dtype='uint64')
-bWeightIds = numpy.arange(start=nUWeights,stop=nWeights,dtype='uint64')
-dataset = learning.createDataset(numWeights=nWeights)
-weights = dataset.getWeights()
-def makeFeatures(gt):
- random = (numpy.random.rand(*gt.shape)-0.5)*5.0
- randGt = random + gt
- # vigra.imshow(randGt)
- # plt.colorbar()
- # vigra.show()
- #f = pylab.figure()
- #for n, a in enumerate([gt, randGt]):
- # f.add_subplot(2, 1, n) # this line outputs images on top of each other
- # # f.add_subplot(1, 2, n) # this line outputs images side-by-side
- # pylab.imshow(a,cmap='gray')
- #pylab.title('Double image')
- #pylab.show()
- feat = []
- for sigma in sSmooth:
- feat.append(vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(randGt.astype('float32'),sigma) )
- #vigra.imshow(feat[-1])
- #plt.colorbar()
- #vigra.show()
- featB = []
- for sigma in sGrad:
- featB.append(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude(randGt.astype('float32'),sigma) )
- a=None
- b=None
- if len(feat)>0:
- a = numpy.rollaxis(numpy.array(feat), axis=0, start=3)
- if len(featB)>0:
- b = numpy.rollaxis(numpy.array(featB), axis=0, start=3)
- return a,b
-for mi in range(nModels):
- #print mi
- gm = opengm.gm(numpy.ones(numVar)*nLables)
- gt = makeGt(shape)
- gtFlat = gt.reshape([-1])
- unaries, binaries = makeFeatures(gt)
- # print unaries, binaries
- for x in range(shape[0]):
- for y in range(shape[1]):
- uFeat = numpy.append(unaries[x,y,:],[1])
- #print uFeat
- #print uWeightIds
- #print(unaries[x,y,:])
- #print(unaries.shape)
- #print(uFeat)
- #print(uFeat.shape)
- lu = learning.lUnaryFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=nLables,
- features=uFeat, weightIds=uWeightIds)
- fid = gm.addFunction(lu)
- facIndex = gm.addFactor(fid, y+x*shape[1])
- #facIndex = gm.addFactor(fid, x+y*shape[0])
- if True:
- for x in range(shape[0]):
- for y in range(shape[1]):
- if x+1 < shape[0]:
- bFeat = numpy.append(binaries[x,y,:], [1])+numpy.append(binaries[x+1,y,:], [1])
- pf = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=nLables, features=bFeat, weightIds=bWeightIds)
- fid= gm.addFunction(pf)
- gm.addFactor(fid, [y+x*shape[1], y+(x+1)*shape[1]])
- if y+1 < shape[1]:
- bFeat = numpy.append(binaries[x,y,:], [1]).astype(opengm.value_type) + numpy.append(binaries[x,y+1,:], [1]).astype(opengm.value_type)
- pf = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=nLables, features=bFeat, weightIds=bWeightIds)
- fid= gm.addFunction(pf)
- gm.addFactor(fid, [y+x*shape[1], y+1+x*shape[1]])
- dataset.pushBackInstance(gm,gtFlat.astype(opengm.label_type))
- backGt = dataset.getGT(0)
- #print "back",backGt
- #sys.exit()
-# for grid search learner
-lowerBounds = numpy.ones(nWeights)*-2.0
-upperBounds = numpy.ones(nWeights)*2.0
-nTestPoints =numpy.ones(nWeights).astype('uint64')*5
-#learner = learning.gridSearchLearner(dataset=dataset,lowerBounds=lowerBounds, upperBounds=upperBounds,nTestPoints=nTestPoints)
-#learner = learning.structPerceptron(dataset, decayExponent=-0.5, learningMode='batch')
-#learner = learning.structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, 0.1, 0.001, 0)
-#learner = learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=1.0, C=100, learningMode='batch')
-# parameter=opengm.InfParam())
-learner = learning.maxLikelihoodLearner(
- dataset,
- maximumNumberOfIterations =1000,gradientStepSize=0.9,weightStoppingCriteria=0.001,gradientStoppingCriteria=0.01,infoFlag=True,infoEveryStep=False,weightRegularizer=1.0,
- beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations=5,beliefPropagationConvergenceBound=0.0001,beliefPropagationDamping=0.5,beliefPropagationTemperature=0.3,beliefPropagationIsAcyclic=opengm.Tribool(False))
-for w in range(nWeights):
- print weights[w]
diff --git a/fubar/simple_sp.py b/fubar/simple_sp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d9c5ea..0000000
--- a/fubar/simple_sp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import vigra
-from progressbar import *
-import glob
-import os
-from functools import partial
-from opengm.learning import secondOrderImageDataset, getPbar,superpixelDataset
-nImages = 20
-shape = [100, 100]
-noise = 8
-imgs = []
-gts = []
-sps = []
-pbar = getPbar((nImages), 'Load Image')
-for i in range(nImages):
- gtImg = numpy.zeros(shape)
- gtImg[0:shape[0]/2,:] = 1
- gtImg[shape[0]/4: 3*shape[0]/4, shape[0]/4: 3*shape[0]/4] = 2
- ra = numpy.random.randint(180)
- #print ra
- gtImg = vigra.sampling.rotateImageDegree(gtImg.astype(numpy.float32),int(ra),splineOrder=0)
- if i<1 :
- vigra.imshow(gtImg)
- vigra.show()
- img = gtImg + numpy.random.random(shape)*float(noise)
- if i<1 :
- vigra.imshow(img)
- vigra.show()
- sp,nSeg = vigra.analysis.slicSuperpixels(gtImg, intensityScaling=0.2, seedDistance=5)
- sp = vigra.analysis.labelImage(sp)-1
- if i<1:
- vigra.segShow(img, sp+1,edgeColor=(1,0,0))
- vigra.show()
- gg = vigra.graphs.gridGraph(gtImg.shape[0:2])
- rag = vigra.graphs.regionAdjacencyGraph(gg,sp)
- gt,qtq = rag.projectBaseGraphGt(gtImg)
- #rag.show(img, gt)
- #vigra.show()
- imgs.append(img.astype('float32'))
- gts.append(gt)
- sps.append(sp)
- pbar.update(i)
-def getSelf(img):
- return img
-def labHessianOfGaussian(img, sigma):
- l = vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(img)[:,:,0]
- l = vigra.taggedView(l,'xy')
- return vigra.filters.hessianOfGaussianEigenvalues(l, sigma)
-def labStructTensorEv(img, sigma):
- l = vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab(img)[:,:,0]
- l = vigra.taggedView(l,'xy')
- return vigra.filters.structureTensorEigenvalues(l, sigma, 2*sigma)
-def getSelf(img):
- return img
-def getSpecial(img, sigma):
- simg = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(img, sigma=sigma)
- img0 = simg**2
- img1 = (simg - 1.0)**2
- img2 = (simg - 2.0)**2
- img0=img0[:,:,None]
- img1=img1[:,:,None]
- img2=img2[:,:,None]
- return numpy.concatenate([img0,img1,img2],axis=2)
-fUnary = [
- partial(getSpecial, sigma=0.5),
- partial(getSpecial, sigma=1.0)
-fBinary = [
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=0.5),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.5),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=3.0),
-dataset,test_set = superpixelDataset(imgs=imgs,sps=sps, gts=gts, numberOfLabels=3,
- fUnary=fUnary, fBinary=fBinary,
- addConstFeature=True)
-if True :
- dataset.save("simple_dataset", 'simple_')
-if True :
- dataset = learning.createDataset(0, numInstances=0)
- dataset.load("simple_dataset", 'simple_')
-if True:
- learner = learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=0.1, C=100,
- learningMode='batch',maxIterations=1000, averaging=-1)
- learner.learn(infCls=opengm.inference.TrwsExternal,
- parameter=opengm.InfParam())
- learner = learning.maxLikelihoodLearner(dataset, temp=0.0000001)
- learner.learn()
-# predict on test test
-for (rgbImg, sp, gm) in test_set :
- # infer for test image
- inf = opengm.inference.TrwsExternal(gm)
- inf.infer()
- arg = inf.arg()+1
- assert sp.min() == 0
- assert sp.max() == arg.shape[0] -1
- gg = vigra.graphs.gridGraph(rgbImg.shape[0:2])
- rag = vigra.graphs.regionAdjacencyGraph(gg,sp)
- seg = rag.projectLabelsToBaseGraph(arg.astype('uint32'))
- vigra.imshow(rgbImg)
- vigra.show()
- vigra.imshow(seg)
- vigra.show()
diff --git a/fubar/toy_dataset.py b/fubar/toy_dataset.py
deleted file mode 100644
index acd70e1..0000000
--- a/fubar/toy_dataset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import vigra
-from progressbar import *
-import glob
-import os
-from functools import partial
-from opengm.learning import secondOrderImageDataset, getPbar
-nImages = 8
-shape = [30, 30]
-noise = 2.0
-imgs = []
-gts = []
-for i in range(nImages):
- gtImg = numpy.zeros(shape)
- gtImg[0:shape[0]/2,:] = 1
- gtImg[shape[0]/4: 3*shape[0]/4, shape[0]/4: 3*shape[0]/4] = 2
- ra = numpy.random.randint(180)
- #print ra
- gtImg = vigra.sampling.rotateImageDegree(gtImg.astype(numpy.float32),int(ra),splineOrder=0)
- if i<2 :
- vigra.imshow(gtImg)
- vigra.show()
- img = gtImg + numpy.random.random(shape)*float(noise)
- if i<2 :
- vigra.imshow(img)
- vigra.show()
- imgs.append(img.astype('float32'))
- gts.append(gtImg)
-def getSelf(img):
- return img
-def getSpecial(img, sigma):
- simg = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(img, sigma=sigma)
- img0 = simg**2
- img1 = (simg - 1.0)**2
- img2 = (simg - 2.0)**2
- img0=img0[:,:,None]
- img1=img1[:,:,None]
- img2=img2[:,:,None]
- return numpy.concatenate([img0,img1,img2],axis=2)
-fUnary = [
- partial(getSpecial, sigma=0.5),
- partial(getSpecial, sigma=1.0)
-fBinary = [
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=0.5),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.5),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=3.0),
-dataset,test_set = secondOrderImageDataset(imgs=imgs, gts=gts, numberOfLabels=3,
- fUnary=fUnary, fBinary=fBinary,
- addConstFeature=True)
-learningModi = ['normal','reducedinference','selfFusion','reducedinferenceSelfFusion']
-lm = 0
-infCls = opengm.inference.TrwsExternal
-param = opengm.InfParam()
-if False:
- print "construct learner"
- learner = learning.maxLikelihoodLearner(dataset)
- print "start to learn"
- learner.learn()
- print "exit"
- learner = learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=0.5, C=100, learningMode='batch',maxIterations=500,averaging=-1,nConf=0)
- learner.learn(infCls=infCls,parameter=param,connectedComponents=True,infMode='n')
-# predict on test test
-for (rgbImg, gtImg, gm) in test_set :
- # infer for test image
- inf = opengm.inference.TrwsExternal(gm)
- inf.infer()
- arg = inf.arg()
- arg = arg.reshape( numpy.squeeze(gtImg.shape))
- vigra.imshow(rgbImg)
- vigra.show()
- vigra.imshow(arg+2)
- vigra.show()
diff --git a/fubar/whorse.py b/fubar/whorse.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a8f7851..0000000
--- a/fubar/whorse.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-import opengm
-from opengm import learning
-import vigra
-from progressbar import *
-from functools import partial
-from make_grid_potts_dset import secondOrderImageDataset
-# where is the dataset stored
-dsetRoot = '/home/tbeier/datasets/weizmann_horse_db/'
-imgPath = dsetRoot + 'rgb/'
-gtPath = dsetRoot + 'figure_ground/'
-# how many should be loaded
-# (all if None)
-loadN = 20
-takeNth = 3
-if loadN is None:
- loadN = 0
-imgs = []
-gt = []
-for i in range(1,loadN+1):
- hName = "horse%03d.jpg" % (i,)
- rgbImg = vigra.impex.readImage(imgPath+hName)
- gtImg = vigra.impex.readImage(gtPath+hName).astype('uint32')[::takeNth,::takeNth]
- gtImg[gtImg<125] = 0
- gtImg[gtImg>=125] = 1
- rgbImg = vigra.resize(rgbImg, [gtImg.shape[0],gtImg.shape[1]])
- imgs.append(rgbImg)
- gt.append(gtImg)
-fUnary = [
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Luv,
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
-fBinary = [
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Lab,
- vigra.colors.transform_RGB2Luv,
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=1.0),
- partial(vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude, sigma=2.0),
-dataset,test_set = secondOrderImageDataset(imgs=imgs, gts=gt, numberOfLabels=2,
- fUnary=fUnary, fBinary=fBinary,
- addConstFeature=False)
-learner = learning.subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningRate=0.1, C=100,
- learningMode='batch',maxIterations=10)
- parameter=opengm.InfParam())
-# predict on test test
-for (rgbImg, gtImg, gm) in test_set :
- # infer for test image
- inf = opengm.inference.QpboExternal(gm)
- inf.infer()
- arg = inf.arg()
- arg = arg.reshape( numpy.squeeze(gtImg.shape))
- vigra.segShow(rgbImg, arg+2)
- vigra.show()
diff --git a/include/opengm/datastructures/marray/marray_hdf5.hxx b/include/opengm/datastructures/marray/marray_hdf5.hxx
index 8e292f1..6db10fb 100644
--- a/include/opengm/datastructures/marray/marray_hdf5.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/datastructures/marray/marray_hdf5.hxx
@@ -74,8 +74,6 @@ template<class T>
void load(const hid_t&, const std::string&, Marray<T>&);
template<class T>
void loadShape(const hid_t&, const std::string&, Vector<T>&);
-template<class T>
- void loadVec(const hid_t&, const std::string&, std::vector<T>&);
template<class T, class BaseIterator, class ShapeIterator>
void loadHyperslab(const hid_t&, const std::string&,
BaseIterator, BaseIterator, ShapeIterator, Marray<T>&);
@@ -513,29 +511,6 @@ void loadShape(
-/// Load a vector of an HDF5 dataset.
-/// \param groupHandle Handle of the parent HDF5 file or group.
-/// \param datasetName Name of the HDF5 dataset.
-/// \param out Shape.
-/// \sa load()
-template<class T>
-void loadVec(
- const hid_t& groupHandle,
- const std::string& datasetName,
- std::vector<T>& out
- marray::Marray<T> v;
- load( groupHandle,datasetName,v);
- out.resize(v.size());
- for(size_t j=0; j<v.size(); ++j) {
- out[j] = v(j);
- }
/// Load a hyperslab from an HDF5 dataset into an Marray.
/// \param groupHandle Handle of the parent HDF5 file or group.
diff --git a/include/opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx b/include/opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx
index 68882d5..41f4130 100644
--- a/include/opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#include "opengm/operations/adder.hxx"
#include "opengm/operations/integrator.hxx"
#include "opengm/operations/multiplier.hxx"
-#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx"
+#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/parameters.hxx"
#define OPENGM_FLOAT_TOL 0.000001
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ public:
bool isAbsoluteDifference() const;
bool isTruncatedAbsoluteDifference() const;
bool isLinearConstraint() const;
/// find minimum and maximum of the function in a single sweep
/// \return class holding the minimum and the maximum
@@ -128,16 +127,12 @@ public:
FunctionShapeIteratorType functionShapeBegin() const;
FunctionShapeIteratorType functionShapeEnd() const;
- size_t numberOfWeights()const{
+ size_t numberOfParameters()const{
return 0;
- INDEX weightIndex(const size_t weightNumber)const{
+ INDEX parameterIndex(const size_t paramNumber)const{
throw RuntimeError("Function base has no parameters,this needs to be implemented in any function type");
- void setWeights(const opengm::learning::Weights<VALUE>& /*weights*/) const {}
- template<class ITERATOR>
- VALUE weightGradient(size_t,ITERATOR) const {return 0;}
diff --git a/include/opengm/functions/l_potts.hxx b/include/opengm/functions/l_potts.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8694859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/opengm/functions/l_potts.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "opengm/opengm.hxx"
+#include "opengm/functions/function_registration.hxx"
+#include "opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx"
+namespace opengm {
+/// Potts function for two variables
+/// \ingroup functions
+template<class T, class I = size_t, class L = size_t>
+class LPottsFunction
+: public FunctionBase<LPottsFunction<T, I, L>, T, I, L>
+ typedef T ValueType;
+ typedef L LabelType;
+ typedef I IndexType;
+ LPottsFunction(
+ const LabelType,
+ const LabelType,
+ const Parameters<ValueType,IndexType> & parameters,
+ const IndexType valueNotEqual
+ );
+ LabelType shape(const size_t) const;
+ size_t size() const;
+ size_t dimension() const;
+ template<class ITERATOR> ValueType operator()(ITERATOR) const;
+ bool operator==(const LPottsFunction& ) const;
+ // specializations
+ bool isPotts() const;
+ bool isGeneralizedPotts() const;
+ ValueType min() const;
+ ValueType max() const;
+ ValueType sum() const;
+ ValueType product() const;
+ MinMaxFunctor<ValueType> minMax() const;
+ // parameters
+ size_t numberOfParameters()const{
+ return 1;
+ }
+ IndexType parameterIndex(const size_t paramNumber)const{
+ return piValueNotEqual_;
+ }
+ LabelType numberOfLabels1_;
+ LabelType numberOfLabels2_;
+ const Parameters<ValueType,IndexType> * params_;
+ IndexType piValueNotEqual_;
+friend class FunctionSerialization<LPottsFunction<T, I, L> > ;
+template<class T, class I, class L>
+struct FunctionRegistration<LPottsFunction<T, I, L> > {
+ enum ID {
+ Id = opengm::FUNCTION_TYPE_ID_OFFSET + 100 + 6
+ };
+template <class T, class I, class L>
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::LPottsFunction
+ const L numberOfLabels1,
+ const L numberOfLabels2,
+ const Parameters<ValueType,IndexType> & parameters,
+ const IndexType valueNotEqual
+: numberOfLabels1_(numberOfLabels1),
+ numberOfLabels2_(numberOfLabels2),
+ params_(¶meters),
+ piValueNotEqual_(valueNotEqual)
+template <class T, class I, class L>
+template <class ITERATOR>
+inline T
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::operator()
+ ITERATOR begin
+) const {
+ return (begin[0]==begin[1] ?
+ static_cast<ValueType>(0.0) : params_->getParameter(piValueNotEqual_) );
+template <class T, class I, class L>
+inline L
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::shape
+ const size_t i
+) const {
+ return (i==0 ? numberOfLabels1_ : numberOfLabels2_);
+template <class T, class I, class L>
+inline size_t
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::dimension() const {
+ return 2;
+template <class T, class I, class L>
+inline size_t
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::size() const {
+ return numberOfLabels1_*numberOfLabels2_;
+template<class T, class I, class L>
+inline bool
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::operator==
+ const LPottsFunction & fb
+ )const{
+ return numberOfLabels1_ == fb.numberOfLabels1_ &&
+ numberOfLabels2_ == fb.numberOfLabels2_ &&
+ piValueNotEqual_ == fb.piValueNotEqual_;
+template<class T, class I, class L>
+inline bool
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::isPotts() const
+ return true;
+template<class T, class I, class L>
+inline bool
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::isGeneralizedPotts() const
+ return true;
+template<class T, class I, class L>
+inline typename LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::ValueType
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::min() const
+ const T val = params_->getParameter(piValueNotEqual_);
+ return 0.0<val ? 0.0 :val;
+template<class T, class I, class L>
+inline typename LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::ValueType
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::max() const
+ const T val = params_->getParameter(piValueNotEqual_);
+ return 0.0>val ? 0.0 :val;
+template<class T, class I, class L>
+inline typename LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::ValueType
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::sum() const
+ const T val = params_->getParameter(piValueNotEqual_);
+ const LabelType minLabels = std::min(numberOfLabels1_, numberOfLabels2_);
+ return val * static_cast<T>(numberOfLabels1_ * numberOfLabels2_ - minLabels);
+template<class T, class I, class L>
+inline typename LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::ValueType
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::product() const
+ return static_cast<ValueType>(0);
+template<class T, class I, class L>
+inline MinMaxFunctor<typename LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::ValueType>
+LPottsFunction<T, I, L>::minMax() const
+ if(static_cast<ValueType>(0) < piValueNotEqual_) {
+ return MinMaxFunctor<T>(static_cast<ValueType>(0), params_[piValueNotEqual_]);
+ }
+ else {
+ return MinMaxFunctor<T>(params_[piValueNotEqual_], static_cast<ValueType>(0));
+ }
+} // namespace opengm
+#endif // #ifndef OPENGM_L_POTTS_FUNCTION_HXX
diff --git a/include/opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx b/include/opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index a9938c6..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "opengm/opengm.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/function_registration.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx"
-#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace functions {
-namespace learnable {
-/// Learnable feature function for two variables
-/// f(u,v) = (\sum_i w_i * feat_i) I(u!=v)
-/// - w = parameter vector
-/// - feat = feature vector
-/// derive from this class and implement the function
-/// paramaterGradient(i,x)= A(x)_{i,*}*feat
-/// \ingroup functions
-template<class T, class I = size_t, class L = size_t>
-class LPotts
- : public opengm::FunctionBase<opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L>, T, I, L>
- typedef T ValueType;
- typedef L LabelType;
- typedef I IndexType;
- LPotts();
- LPotts(const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights,
- const L numLabels,
- const std::vector<size_t>& weightIDs,
- const std::vector<T>& feat
- );
- LPotts(const L numLabels,
- const std::vector<size_t>& weightIDs,
- const std::vector<T>& feat
- );
- L shape(const size_t) const;
- size_t size() const;
- size_t dimension() const;
- template<class ITERATOR> T operator()(ITERATOR) const;
- // parameters
- void setWeights(const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights) const
- {weights_ = &weights;}
- size_t numberOfWeights()const
- {return weightIDs_.size();}
- I weightIndex(const size_t weightNumber) const
- {return weightIDs_[weightNumber];} //dummy
- template<class ITERATOR>
- T weightGradient(size_t,ITERATOR) const;
- bool isPotts() const {return true;}
- bool isGeneralizedPotts() const {return true;}
- mutable const opengm::learning::Weights<T> * weights_;
- L numLabels_;
- std::vector<size_t> weightIDs_;
- std::vector<T> feat_;
- friend class opengm::FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> >;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-LPotts<T, I, L>::LPotts
- const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights,
- const L numLabels,
- const std::vector<size_t>& weightIDs,
- const std::vector<T>& feat
- )
- : weights_(&weights), numLabels_(numLabels), weightIDs_(weightIDs),feat_(feat)
- OPENGM_ASSERT( weightIDs_.size()==feat_.size() );
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-LPotts<T, I, L>::LPotts
- const L numLabels,
- const std::vector<size_t>& weightIDs,
- const std::vector<T>& feat
- )
- : numLabels_(numLabels), weightIDs_(weightIDs),feat_(feat)
- OPENGM_ASSERT( weightIDs_.size()==feat_.size() );
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-LPotts<T, I, L>::LPotts
-( )
- : numLabels_(0), weightIDs_(std::vector<size_t>(0)), feat_(std::vector<T>(0))
- OPENGM_ASSERT( weightIDs_.size()==feat_.size() );
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-template <class ITERATOR>
-inline T
-LPotts<T, I, L>::weightGradient
- size_t weightNumber,
- ITERATOR begin
-) const {
- OPENGM_ASSERT(weightNumber< numberOfWeights());
- if( *(begin) != *(begin+1) )
- return (*this).feat_[weightNumber];
- return 0;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-template <class ITERATOR>
-inline T
-LPotts<T, I, L>::operator()
- ITERATOR begin
-) const {
- T val = 0;
- for(size_t i=0;i<numberOfWeights();++i){
- val += weights_->getWeight(weightIDs_[i]) * weightGradient(i,begin);
- }
- return val;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-inline L
-LPotts<T, I, L>::shape
- const size_t i
-) const {
- return numLabels_;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-LPotts<T, I, L>::dimension() const {
- return 2;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-LPotts<T, I, L>::size() const {
- return numLabels_*numLabels_;
-} // namespace learnable
-} // namespace functions
-/// FunctionSerialization
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-class FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> > {
- typedef typename opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L>::ValueType ValueType;
- static size_t indexSequenceSize(const opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L>&);
- static size_t valueSequenceSize(const opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L>&);
- static void serialize(const opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L>&, INDEX_OUTPUT_ITERATOR, VALUE_OUTPUT_ITERATOR);
- static void deserialize( INDEX_INPUT_ITERATOR, VALUE_INPUT_ITERATOR, opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L>&);
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-struct FunctionRegistration<opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> > {
- enum ID {
- Id = opengm::FUNCTION_TYPE_ID_OFFSET + 100 + 65
- };
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> >::indexSequenceSize
- const opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> & src
-) {
- return 2+src.weightIDs_.size();
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> >::valueSequenceSize
- const opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> & src
-) {
- return src.feat_.size();
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline void
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> >::serialize
- const opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> & src,
-) {
- *indexOutIterator = src.numLabels_;
- ++indexOutIterator;
- *indexOutIterator = src.feat_.size();
- ++indexOutIterator;
- for(size_t i=0; i<src.weightIDs_.size();++i){
- *indexOutIterator = src.weightIndex(i);
- ++indexOutIterator;
- }
- for(size_t i=0; i<src.feat_.size();++i){
- *valueOutIterator = src.feat_[i];
- ++valueOutIterator;
- }
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline void
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> >::deserialize
- opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T, I, L> & dst
-) {
- dst.numLabels_=*indexInIterator;
- ++ indexInIterator;
- const size_t numW=*indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- dst.feat_.resize(numW);
- dst.weightIDs_.resize(numW);
- for(size_t i=0; i<numW;++i){
- dst.feat_[i]=*valueInIterator;
- dst.weightIDs_[i]=*indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- ++valueInIterator;
- }
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/functions/learnable/lunary.hxx b/include/opengm/functions/learnable/lunary.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index cc1b930..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/functions/learnable/lunary.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "opengm/opengm.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/function_registration.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx"
-#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace functions {
-namespace learnable {
-template<class V, class I>
-struct FeaturesAndIndices{
- std::vector<V> features;
- std::vector<I> weightIds;
-template<class T, class I , class L>
-class LUnary
- : public opengm::FunctionBase<opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L>, T, I, L>
- typedef T ValueType;
- typedef T V;
- typedef L LabelType;
- typedef I IndexType;
- LUnary()
- :
- weights_(NULL),
- numberOfLabels_(0),
- offsets_(),
- weightIds_(),
- features_()
- {
- }
- LUnary(
- const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights,
- std::vector<FeaturesAndIndices<T, I> > featuresAndIndicesPerLabel
- );
- LUnary(
- const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights,
- const LabelType numberOfLabels,
- marray::Marray< size_t > weightIds,
- marray::Marray< ValueType> features,
- const bool makeFirstEntryConst
- );
- L shape(const size_t) const;
- size_t size() const;
- size_t dimension() const;
- template<class ITERATOR> T operator()(ITERATOR) const;
- // parameters
- void setWeights(const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights) const{
- weights_ = &weights;
- }
- size_t numberOfWeights()const{
- return weightIds_.size();
- }
- I weightIndex(const size_t weightNumber) const{
- return weightIds_[weightNumber];
- }
- template<class ITERATOR>
- T weightGradient(size_t,ITERATOR) const;
- size_t numWeightsForL(const LabelType l )const{
- return offsets_[0*numberOfLabels_ + l];
- }
- size_t weightIdOffset(const LabelType l )const{
- return offsets_[1*numberOfLabels_ + l];
- }
- size_t featureOffset(const LabelType l )const{
- return offsets_[2*numberOfLabels_ + l];
- }
- mutable const opengm::learning::Weights<T> * weights_;
- IndexType numberOfLabels_;
- std::vector<IndexType> offsets_;
- std::vector<size_t> weightIds_;
- std::vector<ValueType> features_;
- friend class opengm::FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> >;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-LUnary<T, I, L>::LUnary(
- const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights,
- const LabelType numberOfLabels,
- marray::Marray< size_t > weightIds,
- marray::Marray< ValueType> features,
- const bool makeFirstEntryConst
- const size_t pFeatDim = features.dimension();
- const size_t pWeightIdDim = weightIds.dimension();
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIds.dimension(), ==, 2 , "wrong dimension");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIds.shape(0)+int(makeFirstEntryConst), ==, numberOfLabels , "wrong shape");
- const size_t nWeights = weightIds.size();
- weightIds_.resize(nWeights);
- const size_t nFeat = features.size();
- features_.resize(nFeat);
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(features.dimension(), == , 1 , "feature dimension must be 1 ");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(features.shape(0), == , weightIds.shape(1) , "feature dimension must be 1");
- // copy features
- for(size_t fi=0; fi<nFeat; ++fi){
- features_[fi] = features(fi);
- }
- size_t nwForL = weightIds.shape(1);
- size_t wOffset = 0;
- if(makeFirstEntryConst){
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(numberOfLabels_-1, == , weightIds.shape(0),"internal error");
- offsets_[0*numberOfLabels_ + 0] = 0;
- offsets_[1*numberOfLabels_ + 0] = 0;
- offsets_[2*numberOfLabels_ + 0] = 0;
- for(LabelType l=1; l<numberOfLabels_; ++l){
- offsets_[0*numberOfLabels_ + l] = nwForL;
- offsets_[1*numberOfLabels_ + l] = wOffset;
- offsets_[2*numberOfLabels_ + l] = 0;
- // copy weight ids
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nwForL; ++wi){
- weightIds_[wOffset + wi] = weightIds(l-1,wi);
- }
- wOffset += nwForL;
- }
- }
- else{
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(numberOfLabels_, == , weightIds.shape(0),"internal error");
- for(LabelType l=0; l<numberOfLabels_; ++l){
- offsets_[0*numberOfLabels_ + l] = nwForL;
- offsets_[1*numberOfLabels_ + l] = wOffset;
- offsets_[2*numberOfLabels_ + l] = 0;
- // copy weight ids
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nwForL; ++wi){
- weightIds_[wOffset + wi] = weightIds(l,wi);
- }
- wOffset += nwForL;
- }
- }
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-LUnary<T, I, L>::LUnary
- const opengm::learning::Weights<T> & weights,
- std::vector<FeaturesAndIndices<V, I> > featuresAndIndicesPerLabel
- size_t fOffset = 0;
- size_t wOffset = 0;
- // fetch the offsets
- for(size_t l=0; l<featuresAndIndicesPerLabel.size(); ++l){
- const size_t nwForL = featuresAndIndicesPerLabel[l].weightIds.size();
- const size_t nfForL = featuresAndIndicesPerLabel[l].features.size();
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(nwForL, == , nfForL, "number of features and weighs"
- "must be the same for a given label within this overload of LUnary<T, I, L>::LUnary");
- offsets_[0*numberOfLabels_ + l] = nwForL;
- offsets_[1*numberOfLabels_ + l] = wOffset;
- offsets_[2*numberOfLabels_ + l] = fOffset;
- wOffset += nwForL;
- fOffset += nfForL;
- }
- weightIds_.resize(wOffset);
- features_.resize(fOffset);
- // write weightIDs and features
- for(size_t l=0; l<featuresAndIndicesPerLabel.size(); ++l){
- const size_t nwForL = numWeightsForL(l);
- for(size_t i=0; i<nwForL; ++i){
- weightIds_[featureOffset(l)+i] = featuresAndIndicesPerLabel[l].weightIds[i];
- features_[featureOffset(l)+i] = featuresAndIndicesPerLabel[l].features[i];
- }
- }
- // check that there are no duplicates
- RandomAccessSet<size_t> idSet;
- idSet.reserve(weightIds_.size());
- idSet.insert(weightIds_.begin(), weightIds_.end());
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(idSet.size(), == , weightIds_.size(), "weightIds has duplicates");
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-template <class ITERATOR>
-inline T
-LUnary<T, I, L>::weightGradient
- size_t weightNumber,
- ITERATOR begin
-) const {
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightNumber,<,numberOfWeights(),
- "weightNumber must be smaller than number of weights");
- const LabelType l(*begin);
- const size_t nwForL = numWeightsForL(l);
- if(nwForL>0){
- const size_t wiStart = weightIdOffset(l);
- const size_t wiEnd = weightIdOffset(l)+nwForL;
- if(weightNumber >= wiStart && weightNumber < wiEnd ){
- const size_t wii = weightNumber - wiStart;
- return features_[featureOffset(l) + wii];
- }
- }
- return static_cast<ValueType>(0);
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-template <class ITERATOR>
-inline T
-LUnary<T, I, L>::operator()
- ITERATOR begin
-) const {
- //std::cout<<"LUnary::operator()\n";
- //OPENGM_CHECK_OP( int(weights_==NULL),==,int(false),"foo");
- T val = 0;
- const LabelType l(*begin);
- const size_t nwForL = numWeightsForL(l);
- //std::cout<<"nw for l "<<nwForL<<"\n";
- //std::cout<<"wsize "<<weights_->size()<<"\n";
- for(size_t i=0; i<nwForL; ++i){
- //std::cout<<" i "<<i<<"\n";
- //OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIdOffset(l)+i,<,weightIds_.size(),"foo");
- //OPENGM_CHECK_OP(featureOffset(l)+i,<,features_.size(),"foo");
- const size_t wi = weightIds_[weightIdOffset(l)+i];
- //OPENGM_CHECK_OP(wi,<,weights_->size(),"foo");
- val += weights_->getWeight(wi) * features_[featureOffset(l)+i];
- }
- //d::cout<<"LUnary::return operator()\n";
- return val;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-inline L
-LUnary<T, I, L>::shape
- const size_t i
-) const {
- return numberOfLabels_;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-LUnary<T, I, L>::dimension() const {
- return 1;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-LUnary<T, I, L>::size() const {
- return numberOfLabels_;
-} // namespace learnable
-} // namespace functions
-/// FunctionSerialization
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-class FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> > {
- typedef typename opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L>::ValueType ValueType;
- static size_t indexSequenceSize(const opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L>&);
- static size_t valueSequenceSize(const opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L>&);
- static void serialize(const opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L>&, INDEX_OUTPUT_ITERATOR, VALUE_OUTPUT_ITERATOR);
- static void deserialize( INDEX_INPUT_ITERATOR, VALUE_INPUT_ITERATOR, opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L>&);
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-struct FunctionRegistration<opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> > {
- enum ID {
- Id = opengm::FUNCTION_TYPE_ID_OFFSET + 100 + 66
- };
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> >::indexSequenceSize
- const opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> & src
-) {
- size_t size = 0;
- size += 1; // numberOfLabels
- size += 1; // numberOfWeights
- size += 1; // numberOfFeatures
- size += 3*src.shape(0); // offsets serialization
- size += src.weightIds_.size(); // weight id serialization
- return size;
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> >::valueSequenceSize
- const opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> & src
-) {
- return src.features_.size(); // feature serialization
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline void
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> >::serialize
- const opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> & src,
-) {
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // number of labels
- *indexOutIterator = src.shape(0);
- ++indexOutIterator;
- // number of weights
- *indexOutIterator = src.weightIds_.size();
- ++indexOutIterator;
- // number of features
- *indexOutIterator = src.features_.size();
- ++indexOutIterator;
- // offset serialization
- for(size_t i=0; i<src.offsets_.size(); ++i){
- *indexOutIterator = src.offsets_[i];
- ++indexOutIterator;
- }
- // weight id serialization
- for(size_t i=0; i<src.weightIds_.size(); ++i){
- *indexOutIterator = src.weightIds_[i];
- ++indexOutIterator;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // feature serialization
- for(size_t i=0; i<src.features_.size(); ++i){
- *valueOutIterator = src.features_[i];
- ++valueOutIterator;
- }
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline void
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> >::deserialize
- opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary<T, I, L> & dst
-) {
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // number of labels
- dst.numberOfLabels_ = *indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- // resize offset accordingly
- dst.offsets_.resize(3 * dst.numberOfLabels_);
- // number of weights
- const size_t nW =*indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- // resize weightIds accordingly
- dst.weightIds_.resize(nW);
- // number of features
- const size_t nF = *indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- // resize weightIds accordingly
- dst.features_.resize(nF);
- // offset deserialization
- for(size_t i=0; i<dst.offsets_.size(); ++i){
- dst.offsets_[i] = *indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- }
- // weight id deserialization
- for(size_t i=0; i<dst.weightIds_.size(); ++i){
- dst.weightIds_[i] = *indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // feature deserialization
- for(size_t i=0; i<dst.features_.size(); ++i){
- dst.features_[i] = *valueInIterator;
- ++valueInIterator;
- }
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx b/include/opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 62314f4..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "opengm/opengm.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/function_registration.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx"
-#include "opengm/datastructures/marray/marray.hxx"
-#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace functions {
-namespace learnable {
-/// Learnable weighted sum of feature-functions
-/// f(x) = \sum_i w(i) * feat(i)(x)
-/// - w = parameter vector
-/// - feat = feature-function vector
-/// \ingroup functions
-template<class T, class I = size_t, class L = size_t>
-class LWeightedSumOfFunctions
- : public opengm::FunctionBase<opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>, T, I, L>
- typedef T ValueType;
- typedef L LabelType;
- typedef I IndexType;
- LWeightedSumOfFunctions();
- LWeightedSumOfFunctions(const std::vector<L>& shape,
- const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights,
- const std::vector<size_t>& weightIDs,
- const std::vector<marray::Marray<T> >& feat
- );
- L shape(const size_t) const;
- size_t size() const;
- size_t dimension() const;
- template<class ITERATOR> T operator()(ITERATOR) const;
- // parameters
- void setWeights(const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights) const
- {weights_ = &weights;}
- size_t numberOfWeights()const
- {return weightIDs_.size();}
- I weightIndex(const size_t weightNumber) const
- {return weightIDs_[weightNumber];} //dummy
- template<class ITERATOR>
- T weightGradient(size_t,ITERATOR) const;
- mutable const opengm::learning::Weights<T>* weights_;
- std::vector<L> shape_;
- std::vector<size_t> weightIDs_;
- std::vector<marray::Marray<T> > feat_;
- friend class opengm::FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> >;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>::LWeightedSumOfFunctions
- const std::vector<L>& shape,
- const opengm::learning::Weights<T>& weights,
- const std::vector<size_t>& weightIDs,
- const std::vector<marray::Marray<T> >& feat
- )
- : shape_(shape), weights_(&weights), weightIDs_(weightIDs),feat_(feat)
- OPENGM_ASSERT( weightIDs_.size() == feat_.size() );
- for(size_t i=0; i<weightIDs_.size(); ++i){
- OPENGM_ASSERT( size() == feat_[i].size() );
- for(size_t j=0; j<dimension(); ++j)
- OPENGM_ASSERT( shape_[j] == feat_[i].shape(j))
- }
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>::LWeightedSumOfFunctions()
- : shape_(std::vector<L>(0)), weightIDs_(std::vector<size_t>(0)), feat_(std::vector<marray::Marray<T> >(0))
- ;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-template <class ITERATOR>
-inline T
-LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>::weightGradient
- size_t weightNumber,
- ITERATOR begin
-) const {
- OPENGM_ASSERT(weightNumber< numberOfWeights());
- return feat_[weightNumber](begin);
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-template <class ITERATOR>
-inline T
-LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>::operator()
- ITERATOR begin
-) const {
- T val = 0;
- for(size_t i=0;i<numberOfWeights();++i){
- val += weights_->getWeight(weightIDs_[i]) * weightGradient(i,begin);
- }
- return val;
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-inline L
-LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>::shape
- const size_t i
-) const {
- return shape_[i];
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>::dimension() const {
- return shape_.size();
-template <class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>::size() const {
- size_t s = 1;
- for(size_t i=0; i<dimension(); ++i)
- s *=shape_[i];
- return s;
-} // namespace learnable
-} // namespace functions
-/// FunctionSerialization
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-class FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> > {
- typedef typename opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>::ValueType ValueType;
- static size_t indexSequenceSize(const opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>&);
- static size_t valueSequenceSize(const opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>&);
- static void serialize(const opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>&, INDEX_OUTPUT_ITERATOR, VALUE_OUTPUT_ITERATOR);
- static void deserialize( INDEX_INPUT_ITERATOR, VALUE_INPUT_ITERATOR, opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L>&);
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-struct FunctionRegistration<opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> > {
- enum ID {
- Id = opengm::FUNCTION_TYPE_ID_OFFSET + 100 + 67
- };
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> >::indexSequenceSize
- const opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> & src
-) {
- return 1+src.shape_.size()+1+src.weightIDs_.size();
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline size_t
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> >::valueSequenceSize
- const opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> & src
-) {
- return src.feat_.size()*src.size();
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline void
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> >::serialize
- const opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> & src,
-) {
- // save shape
- *indexOutIterator = src.shape_.size();
- ++indexOutIterator;
- for(size_t i=0; i<src.shape_.size();++i){
- *indexOutIterator = src.shape_[i];
- ++indexOutIterator;
- }
- //save parameter ids
- *indexOutIterator = src.weightIDs_.size();
- ++indexOutIterator;
- for(size_t i=0; i<src.weightIDs_.size();++i){
- *indexOutIterator = src.weightIDs_[i];
- ++indexOutIterator;
- }
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(src.weightIDs_.size(), ==, src.feat_.size());
- // save features
- for(size_t i=0; i<src.weightIDs_.size();++i){
- for(size_t j=0; j<src.feat_[i].size();++j){
- *valueOutIterator = src.feat_[i](j);
- ++valueOutIterator;
- }
- }
-template<class T, class I, class L>
-inline void
-FunctionSerialization<opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> >::deserialize
- opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<T, I, L> & dst
-) {
- //read shape
- size_t dim = *indexInIterator;
- size_t size = 1;
- ++indexInIterator;
- std::vector<L> shape(dim);
- for(size_t i=0; i<dim;++i){
- shape[i] = *indexInIterator;
- size *= *indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- }
- //read parameter ids
- size_t numW =*indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- std::vector<size_t> parameterIDs(numW);
- for(size_t i=0; i<numW;++i){
- parameterIDs[i] = *indexInIterator;
- ++indexInIterator;
- }
- //read features
- std::vector<marray::Marray<T> > feat(numW,marray::Marray<T>(shape.begin(),shape.end()));
- for(size_t i=0; i<numW;++i){
- for(size_t j=0; j<size;++j){
- feat[i](j)=*valueInIterator;
- ++valueInIterator;
- }
- }
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/functions/potts.hxx b/include/opengm/functions/potts.hxx
index cb061f9..092887f 100644
--- a/include/opengm/functions/potts.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/functions/potts.hxx
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public:
bool operator==(const PottsFunction& ) const;
ValueType valueEqual() const;
ValueType valueNotEqual() const;
- IndexType numberOfWeights() const;
+ IndexType numberOfParameters() const;
ValueType parameter(const size_t index) const;
ValueType& parameter(const size_t index);
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ PottsFunction<T, I, L>::operator==
template<class T, class I, class L>
inline typename PottsFunction<T, I, L>::IndexType
-PottsFunction<T, I, L>::numberOfWeights() const
+PottsFunction<T, I, L>::numberOfParameters() const
return 2;
diff --git a/include/opengm/functions/readme.txt b/include/opengm/functions/readme.txt
index 6d9b9f5..c538627 100644
--- a/include/opengm/functions/readme.txt
+++ b/include/opengm/functions/readme.txt
@@ -59,9 +59,6 @@ opengm::StaticSingleSideFunction 16009
opengm::DynamicSingleSideFunction 16010
opengm::PottsG 16011
-opengm::LPotts 16165
-opengm::LUnary 16166
-opengm::SumOfExperts 16167
4. Serialization and de-serialization
diff --git a/include/opengm/functions/unary_loss_function.hxx b/include/opengm/functions/unary_loss_function.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f5078..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/functions/unary_loss_function.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "opengm/functions/function_properties_base.hxx"
-namespace opengm {
-/// \endcond
-/// UnaryLossFunction convert semi-ring in a lazy fashion
-/// \ingroup functions
-template<class T,class I, class L>
-class UnaryLossFunction
-: public FunctionBase<UnaryLossFunction<T,I,L>, T,I,L>
- typedef T ValueType;
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef I IndexType;
- typedef L LabelType;
- enum LossType{
- HammingLoss = 0,
- LabelVectorConf = 1,
- LabelVectorGt = 2,
- LabelMatrix = 3,
- L1Loss = 4,
- L2Loss = 5
- };
- struct SharedMultiplers{
- marray::Marray<ValueType> labelMult_;
- };
- UnaryLossFunction(
- const LabelType numberOfLabels,
- const LabelType gtLabel,
- const LossType lossType,
- const ValueType multiplier,
- const SharedMultiplers & sharedMultiplers,
- const bool owner
- );
- template<class Iterator> ValueType operator()(Iterator begin) const;
- IndexType shape(const IndexType) const;
- IndexType dimension() const;
- IndexType size() const;
- LabelType numberOfLabels_;
- LabelType gtLabel_;
- LossType lossType_;
- ValueType multiplier_;
- const SharedMultiplers * sharedMultiplers_;
- bool owner_;
-template<class T,class I, class L>
- const LabelType numberOfLabels,
- const LabelType gtLabel,
- const LossType lossType,
- const ValueType multiplier,
- const SharedMultiplers & sharedMultiplers,
- const bool owner
-: numberOfLabels_(numberOfLabels),
- gtLabel_(gtLabel),
- lossType_(lossType),
- multiplier_(multiplier),
- sharedMultiplers_(&sharedMultiplers),
- owner_(owner)
-template<class T,class I, class L>
-template<class Iterator>
-inline typename UnaryLossFunction<T,I,L>::ValueType
- Iterator begin
-) const {
- const LabelType l = *begin;
- const ValueType isDifferent = (l != gtLabel_ ? 1.0 : 0.0);
- switch(lossType_){
- case HammingLoss:{
- return static_cast<ValueType>(-1.0) * multiplier_ * isDifferent;
- }
- case LabelVectorConf:{
- return multiplier_ * isDifferent * sharedMultiplers_->labelMult_(l);
- }
- case LabelVectorGt:{
- return multiplier_ * isDifferent * sharedMultiplers_->labelMult_(gtLabel_);
- }
- case LabelMatrix:{
- return multiplier_ * isDifferent * sharedMultiplers_->labelMult_(l, gtLabel_);
- }
- case L1Loss:{
- return multiplier_ * static_cast<ValueType>(std::abs(int(l)-int(gtLabel_)));
- }
- case L2Loss:{
- return multiplier_ * std::pow(int(l)-int(gtLabel_),2);
- }
- default :{
- throw RuntimeError("wrong loss type");
- }
- }
-template<class T,class I, class L>
-inline typename UnaryLossFunction<T,I,L>::IndexType
- const typename UnaryLossFunction<T,I,L>::IndexType index
-) const{
- return numberOfLabels_;
-template<class T,class I, class L>
-inline typename UnaryLossFunction<T,I,L>::IndexType
-UnaryLossFunction<T,I,L>::dimension() const {
- return 1;
-template<class T,class I, class L>
-inline typename UnaryLossFunction<T,I,L>::IndexType
-UnaryLossFunction<T,I,L>::size() const {
- return numberOfLabels_;
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/functions/view_convert_function.hxx b/include/opengm/functions/view_convert_function.hxx
index 1cfad00..26ced72 100644
--- a/include/opengm/functions/view_convert_function.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/functions/view_convert_function.hxx
@@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ namespace detail_convert_function {
template<class T>
static ProbabilityType convert(const T x)
{ return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(x); }
- template<class T>
- static ProbabilityType convert(const T x, const T invT)
- { return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(x); }
- };
+ };
template<class PROBABILITY>
struct ValueToProbability<Multiplier, Minimizer, PROBABILITY>
@@ -29,10 +26,7 @@ namespace detail_convert_function {
typedef PROBABILITY ProbabilityType;
template<class T>
static ProbabilityType convert(const T x)
- { return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(1) / static_cast<ProbabilityType>(x); } // is this correct ?!?
- template<class T>
- static ProbabilityType convert(const T x, const T invT)
- { return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(1) / static_cast<ProbabilityType>(x); } // is this correct ?!?
+ { return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(1) / static_cast<ProbabilityType>(x); }
template<class PROBABILITY>
@@ -42,9 +36,6 @@ namespace detail_convert_function {
template<class T>
static ProbabilityType convert(const T x)
{ return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(std::exp(x)); }
- template<class T>
- static ProbabilityType convert(const T x, const T invT)
- { return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(std::exp(invT * x)); }
template<class PROBABILITY>
@@ -53,10 +44,7 @@ namespace detail_convert_function {
typedef PROBABILITY ProbabilityType;
template<class T>
static ProbabilityType convert(const T x)
- { return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(std::exp(-x)); }
- template<class T>
- static ProbabilityType convert(const T x, const T invT)
- { return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(std::exp(-invT * x)); }
+ { return static_cast<ProbabilityType>(std::exp(-x)); }
/// \endcond
@@ -79,7 +67,6 @@ public:
ViewConvertFunction(const FactorType &);
- ViewConvertFunction(const FactorType &, const ValueType);
template<class Iterator> ValueType operator()(Iterator begin) const;
IndexType shape(const IndexType) const;
IndexType dimension() const;
@@ -87,13 +74,12 @@ public:
FactorType const* factor_;
- ValueType inverseTemperature_;
template<class GM,class ACC,class VALUE_TYPE>
- : factor_(NULL),inverseTemperature_(1)
+: factor_(NULL)
template<class GM,class ACC,class VALUE_TYPE>
@@ -102,17 +88,7 @@ ViewConvertFunction<GM,ACC,VALUE_TYPE>::ViewConvertFunction
const typename ViewConvertFunction<GM,ACC,VALUE_TYPE>::FactorType & factor
-: factor_(&factor),inverseTemperature_(1)
-template<class GM,class ACC,class VALUE_TYPE>
- const typename ViewConvertFunction<GM,ACC,VALUE_TYPE>::FactorType & factor,
- const VALUE_TYPE invT
-: factor_(&factor),inverseTemperature_(invT)
+: factor_(&factor)
template<class GM,class ACC,class VALUE_TYPE>
@@ -122,7 +98,7 @@ ViewConvertFunction<GM,ACC,VALUE_TYPE>::operator()
Iterator begin
) const {
- return detail_convert_function::ValueToProbability<OperatorType,ACC,ValueType>::convert(factor_->operator()(begin),inverseTemperature_);
+ return detail_convert_function::ValueToProbability<OperatorType,ACC,ValueType>::convert(factor_->operator()(begin));
template<class GM,class ACC,class VALUE_TYPE>
diff --git a/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx b/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx
index 5db8227..1273e75 100755
--- a/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx
@@ -93,12 +93,6 @@ public:
GraphicalModel(const SpaceType& ,const size_t reserveFactorsPerVariable=0);
GraphicalModel& operator=(const GraphicalModel&);
- template<class OTHER_TL>
- GraphicalModel& operator=(
- const GraphicalModel<T, OPERATOR, OTHER_TL, SPACE > & otherGM
- );
const SpaceType& space() const;
IndexType numberOfVariables() const;
IndexType numberOfVariables(const IndexType) const;
@@ -175,7 +169,7 @@ public:
template<size_t FUNCTION_INDEX>
const std::vector<typename meta::TypeAtTypeList<FunctionTypeList, FUNCTION_INDEX>::type>& functions() const;
template<size_t FUNCTION_INDEX>
@@ -797,42 +791,6 @@ GraphicalModel<T, OPERATOR, FUNCTION_TYPE_LIST, SPACE>::operator=
return *this;
-template<class T, class OPERATOR, class FUNCTION_TYPE_LIST, class SPACE>
-template<class OTHER_TL>
-GraphicalModel<T, OPERATOR, FUNCTION_TYPE_LIST, SPACE>::operator=
- const GraphicalModel<T, OPERATOR, OTHER_TL, SPACE>& gm
-) {
- typedef GraphicalModel<T, OPERATOR, OTHER_TL, SPACE> OtherGm;
- this->space_ = gm.space_;
- //this->functionDataField_=gm.functionDataField_;
- std::vector<int> srcFidToTarget(OtherGm::NrOfFunctionTypes,-1);
- detail_graphical_model::CopyFunctions<0, OtherGm::NrOfFunctionTypes >::op(gm, *this,srcFidToTarget);
- this->factors_.resize(gm.factors_.size());
- this->variableFactorAdjaceny_=gm.variableFactorAdjaceny_;
- this->factorsVis_ = gm.factorsVis_;
- this->order_ = gm.order_;
- for(size_t i = 0; i<this->factors_.size(); ++i) {
- factors_[i].gm_=this;
- factors_[i].functionIndex_=gm.factors_[i].functionIndex_;
- int newFidFunctionId = srcFidToTarget[gm.factors_[i].functionTypeId_];
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(newFidFunctionId,>,-1,"INTERNAL ERROR");
- factors_[i].functionTypeId_= newFidFunctionId;
- factors_[i].vis_=gm.factors_[i].vis_;
- factors_[i].vis_.assignPtr(this->factorsVis_);
- }
- return *this;
template<class T, class OPERATOR, class FUNCTION_TYPE_LIST, class SPACE>
template<size_t FUNCTION_INDEX>
diff --git a/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_factor.hxx b/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_factor.hxx
index b2fa38b..519cc15 100755
--- a/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_factor.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_factor.hxx
@@ -192,33 +192,6 @@ public:
ValueType min() const;
ValueType max() const;
IndexType dimension()const{return this->numberOfVariables();}
- template<class LABEL_ITER>
- struct GmToFactorLabelIter{
- typedef SubsetAccessor<VariablesIteratorType, LABEL_ITER> Accessor;
- typedef AccessorIterator<Accessor, true> Iter;
- };
- template<class LABEL_ITER>
- typename GmToFactorLabelIter<LABEL_ITER>::Iter
- gmToFactorLabelsBegin(LABEL_ITER gmLabelsBegin)const{
- typedef typename GmToFactorLabelIter<LABEL_ITER>::Accessor Accessor;
- Accessor accessor(variableIndicesBegin(),variableIndicesEnd(), gmLabelsBegin);
- return Iter(accessor, 0);
- }
- template<class LABEL_ITER>
- typename GmToFactorLabelIter<LABEL_ITER>::Iter
- gmToFactorLabelsEnd(LABEL_ITER gmLabelsBegin)const{
- typedef typename GmToFactorLabelIter<LABEL_ITER>::Accessor Accessor;
- typedef typename GmToFactorLabelIter<LABEL_ITER>::Iter Iter;
- Accessor accessor(variableIndicesBegin(),variableIndicesEnd(), gmLabelsBegin);
- return Iter(accessor, this->numberOfVariables());
- }
void testInvariant() const;
//std::vector<IndexType> & variableIndexSequence();
diff --git a/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_function_wrapper.hxx b/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_function_wrapper.hxx
index 2556808..63683cb 100755
--- a/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_function_wrapper.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_function_wrapper.hxx
@@ -39,85 +39,6 @@ template<class GRAPHICAL_MODEL> class Factor;
namespace detail_graphical_model {
- template<bool IN_LIST>
- struct MaybeCopyFunctionVector;
- template<>
- struct MaybeCopyFunctionVector<true>{
- template<class FVEC, class GM_T, class SRC_FID_TO_TARGET>
- void static op(
- const FVEC & functionsS,
- GM_T & gmT,
- SRC_FID_TO_TARGET & srcFidToTarget,
- size_t indexInSource
- ){
- typedef typename GM_T::FunctionTypeList TargetList;
- typedef opengm::meta::GetIndexInTypeList<TargetList,typename FVEC::value_type> IndexGetter;
- srcFidToTarget[indexInSource] = IndexGetter::value;
- gmT. template functions<IndexGetter::value>() = functionsS;
- }
- };
- template<>
- struct MaybeCopyFunctionVector<false>{
- template<class FVEC, class GM_T, class SRC_FID_TO_TARGET>
- void static op(
- const FVEC & functionsS,
- GM_T & gmT,
- SRC_FID_TO_TARGET & srcFidToTarget,
- size_t indexInSource
- ){
- srcFidToTarget[indexInSource] = -1;
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(functionsS.size(),==,0,"incompatible functions must have zero size");
- }
- };
- template<size_t I, size_t DX>
- struct CopyFunctions{
- template<class GM_S, class GM_T, class SRC_FID_TO_TARGET>
- void static op(
- const GM_S & gmS,
- GM_T & gmT,
- SRC_FID_TO_TARGET & srcFidToTarget
- ){
- //
- typedef typename GM_S::FunctionTypeList SourceList;
- typedef typename GM_T::FunctionTypeList TargetList;
- typedef typename opengm::meta::TypeAtTypeList<SourceList, I>::type FType;
- const std::vector<FType> & functions = gmS. template functions<I>();
- typedef MaybeCopyFunctionVector<opengm::meta::HasTypeInTypeList<TargetList, FType>::value > CopyFVec;
- CopyFVec::op(functions, gmT, srcFidToTarget, I);
- // next function type
- CopyFunctions<I+1, DX>::op(gmS,gmT,srcFidToTarget);
- }
- };
- template<size_t DX>
- struct CopyFunctions<DX,DX>{
- template<class GM_S, class GM_T, class SRC_FID_TO_TARGET>
- void static op(
- const GM_S & gmS,
- GM_T & gmT,
- SRC_FID_TO_TARGET & srcFidToTarget
- ){
- }
- };
template<size_t NUMBER_OF_FUNCTIONS> \
template<class GM> \
diff --git a/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/parameters.hxx b/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/parameters.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22d9aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/parameters.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+namespace opengm{
+ template<class T,class I>
+ class Parameters{
+ public:
+ typedef T ValueType;
+ typedef I IndexType;
+ Parameters(const IndexType numberOfParameters=0)
+ : params_(numberOfParameters){
+ }
+ ValueType getParameter(const size_t pi)const{
+ OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(pi,<,params_.size());
+ return params_[pi];
+ }
+ void setParameter(const size_t pi,const ValueType value){
+ OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(pi,<,params_.size());
+ params_[pi]=value;
+ }
+ ValueType operator[](const size_t pi)const{
+ return getParameter(pi);
+ }
+ size_t numberOfParameters()const{
+ return params_.size();
+ }
+ private:
+ std::vector<ValueType> params_;
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx b/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index ee3ed2a..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-#include <opengm/opengm.hxx>
-namespace opengm{
-namespace learning{
- /*
- template<class T>
- class Weights {
- public:
- typedef T ValueType;
- Weights(const size_t numberOfWeights=0)
- : weights_(numberOfWeights)
- {
- }
- ValueType getWeight(const size_t pi)const{
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(pi,<,weights_.size());
- return weights_[pi];
- }
- void setWeight(const size_t pi,const ValueType value){
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(pi,<,weights_.size());
- weights_[pi] = value;
- }
- const ValueType& operator[](const size_t pi)const{
- return weights_[pi];
- }
- ValueType& operator[](const size_t pi) {
- return weights_[pi];
- }
- size_t numberOfWeights()const{
- return weights_.size();
- }
- size_t size()const{
- return weights_.size();
- }
- private:
- std::vector<ValueType> weights_;
- };
- */
- template<class T>
- class Weights : public marray::Vector<T>
- {
- public:
- typedef T ValueType;
- Weights(const size_t numberOfWeights=0)
- : marray::Vector<T>(numberOfWeights)
- {
- }
- ValueType getWeight(const size_t pi)const{
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(pi,<,this->size());
- return (*this)[pi];
- }
- void setWeight(const size_t pi,const ValueType value){
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(pi,<,this->size());
- (*this)[pi] = value;
- }
- size_t numberOfWeights()const{
- return this->size();
- }
- private:
- //std::vector<ValueType> weights_;
- };
- template<class T>
- class WeightRegularizer{
- public:
- enum RegularizationType{
- NoRegularizer=-1,
- L1Regularizer=1,
- L2Regularizer=2
- };
- WeightRegularizer(const int regularizationNorm, const double lambda=1.0)
- : regularizationType_(),
- lambda_(lambda){
- if(regularizationNorm==-1){
- regularizationType_ = NoRegularizer;
- }
- else if(regularizationNorm==1){
- regularizationType_ = L1Regularizer;
- }
- else if(regularizationNorm==2){
- regularizationType_ = L2Regularizer;
- }
- else{
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("regularizationNorm must be -1 (NONE), 1 (L1) or 2 (L2)");
- }
- }
- WeightRegularizer(const RegularizationType regularizationType=L2Regularizer, const double lambda=1.0)
- : regularizationType_(regularizationType),
- lambda_(lambda){
- }
- double lambda()const{
- return lambda_;
- }
- RegularizationType regularizationType()const{
- return regularizationType_;
- }
- int regularizerNorm()const{
- return static_cast<int>(regularizationType_);
- }
- double evaluate(const Weights<T> & weights){
- if(regularizationType_== NoRegularizer){
- return 0.0;
- }
- else if(regularizationType_ == L1Regularizer){
- double val = 0.0;
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<weights.size(); ++wi){
- val += std::abs(weights[wi]);
- }
- return val*lambda_;
- }
- else { //if(regularizationType_ == L2Regularizer){
- double val = 0.0;
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<weights.size(); ++wi){
- val += std::pow(weights[wi], 2);
- }
- return val*lambda_;
- }
- }
- private:
- RegularizationType regularizationType_;
- double lambda_;
- };
- template<class T>
- class WeightConstraints{
- public:
- WeightConstraints(const size_t nWeights = 0)
- : wLowerBounds_(nWeights,-1.0*std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()),
- wUpperBounds_(nWeights, 1.0*std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()),
- cLowerBounds_(),
- cUpperBounds_(),
- cOffset_(0),
- cStart_(),
- cSize_(),
- cIndices_(),
- cCoeff_(){
- }
- template<class ITER_LB, class ITER_UB>
- WeightConstraints(ITER_LB lbBegin, ITER_LB lbEnd, ITER_UB ubBegin)
- : wLowerBounds_(lbBegin,lbEnd),
- wUpperBounds_(ubBegin, ubBegin + std::distance(lbBegin, lbEnd)),
- cLowerBounds_(),
- cUpperBounds_(),
- cOffset_(0),
- cStart_(),
- cSize_(),
- cIndices_(),
- cCoeff_()
- {
- }
- // query
- size_t numberOfConstraints()const{
- return cStart_.size();
- }
- T weightLowerBound(const size_t wi)const{
- return wLowerBounds_[wi];
- }
- T weightUpperBound(const size_t wi)const{
- return wUpperBounds_[wi];
- }
- const std::vector<T> & weightLowerBounds()const{
- return wLowerBounds_;
- }
- const std::vector<T> & weightUpperBounds()const{
- return wUpperBounds_;
- }
- size_t constraintSize(const size_t ci)const{
- return cSize_[ci];
- }
- T constraintLowerBound(const size_t ci)const{
- return cLowerBounds_[ci];
- }
- T constraintUpperBound(const size_t ci)const{
- return cUpperBounds_[ci];
- }
- const std::vector<size_t> & constraintSizes()const{
- return cLowerBounds_;
- }
- const std::vector<T> & constraintLowerBounds()const{
- return cLowerBounds_;
- }
- const std::vector<T> & constraintUpperBounds()const{
- return cUpperBounds_;
- }
- // modification
- template<class ITER_LB>
- void setLowerBounds(ITER_LB lbBegin, ITER_LB lbEnd){
- wLowerBounds_.assign(lbBegin, lbEnd);
- }
- template<class ITER_UB>
- void setUpperBounds(ITER_UB ubBegin, ITER_UB ubEnd){
- wUpperBounds_.assign(ubBegin, ubEnd);
- }
- template<class ITER_INDICES, class ITER_COEFF>
- void addConstraint(ITER_INDICES indicesBegin, ITER_INDICES indicesEnd, ITER_COEFF coeffBegin, const T lowerBound, const T upperBound){
- // length of this constraint
- const size_t cSize = std::distance(indicesBegin, indicesEnd);
- // store length of constraint
- cSize_.push_back(cSize);
- // store offset / index in 'cIndices_' and 'cCoeff_'
- cStart_.push_back(cOffset_);
- // increment the cOffset_ for the next constraint which
- // could be added by the user
- cOffset_ +=cSize;
- // copy indices and coefficients
- for( ;indicesBegin!=indicesEnd; ++indicesBegin,++coeffBegin){
- cIndices_.push_back(*indicesBegin);
- cCoeff_.push_back(*coeffBegin);
- }
- }
- private:
- // w upper-lower bound
- std::vector<T> wLowerBounds_;
- std::vector<T> wUpperBounds_;
- // constraints
- std::vector<T> cLowerBounds_;
- std::vector<T> cUpperBounds_;
- size_t cOffset_;
- std::vector<size_t> cStart_;
- std::vector<size_t> cSize_;
- std::vector<size_t> cIndices_;
- std::vector<T> cCoeff_;
- };
-} // namespace learning
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/alphabetaswap.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/alphabetaswap.hxx
index 9a21537..c32461b 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/alphabetaswap.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/alphabetaswap.hxx
@@ -22,33 +22,14 @@ public:
typedef opengm::visitors::EmptyVisitor<AlphaBetaSwap<GM,INF> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef opengm::visitors::TimingVisitor<AlphaBetaSwap<GM,INF> > TimingVisitorType;
+ struct Parameter {
+ Parameter() {
+ maxNumberOfIterations_ = 1000;
+ }
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<_GM>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef AlphaBetaSwap<_GM, RebindedInf> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGmAndAcc<_GM,_ACC>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef AlphaBetaSwap<_GM, RebindedInf> type;
- };
- struct Parameter {
- Parameter() {
- maxNumberOfIterations_ = 1000;
- }
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : parameter_(p.parameter_),
- maxNumberOfIterations_(maxNumberOfIterations_){
- }
- typename InferenceType::Parameter parameter_;
- size_t maxNumberOfIterations_;
- };
+ typename InferenceType::Parameter parameter_;
+ size_t maxNumberOfIterations_;
+ };
AlphaBetaSwap(const GraphicalModelType&, Parameter = Parameter());
std::string name() const;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansion.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansion.hxx
index d5b21e3..a1b9d04 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansion.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansion.hxx
@@ -22,62 +22,35 @@ public:
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<AlphaExpansion<GM,INF> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<AlphaExpansion<GM,INF> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<_GM>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef AlphaExpansion<_GM, RebindedInf> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGmAndAcc<_GM,_ACC>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef AlphaExpansion<_GM, RebindedInf> type;
- };
- struct Parameter {
- typedef typename InferenceType::Parameter InferenceParameter;
- Parameter
- (
- const size_t maxNumberOfSteps = 1000,
- const InferenceParameter& para = InferenceParameter()
- )
- : parameter_(para),
- maxNumberOfSteps_(maxNumberOfSteps),
- labelInitialType_(DEFAULT_LABEL),
- orderType_(DEFAULT_ORDER),
- randSeedOrder_(0),
- randSeedLabel_(0),
- labelOrder_(),
- label_()
- {}
- template<class P>
- Parameter
- (
- const P & p
- )
- : parameter_(p.parameter_),
- maxNumberOfSteps_(p.maxNumberOfSteps_),
- labelInitialType_(p.labelInitialType_),
- orderType_(p.orderType_),
- randSeedOrder_(p.randSeedOrder_),
- randSeedLabel_(p.randSeedLabel_),
- labelOrder_(p.labelOrder_),
- label_(p.labelOrder_)
- {}
- InferenceParameter parameter_;
- size_t maxNumberOfSteps_;
- LabelingIntitialType labelInitialType_;
- OrderType orderType_;
- unsigned int randSeedOrder_;
- unsigned int randSeedLabel_;
- std::vector<LabelType> labelOrder_;
- std::vector<LabelType> label_;
- };
+ struct Parameter {
+ typedef typename InferenceType::Parameter InferenceParameter;
+ Parameter
+ (
+ const size_t maxNumberOfSteps = 1000,
+ const InferenceParameter& para = InferenceParameter()
+ )
+ : parameter_(para),
+ maxNumberOfSteps_(maxNumberOfSteps),
+ labelInitialType_(DEFAULT_LABEL),
+ orderType_(DEFAULT_ORDER),
+ randSeedOrder_(0),
+ randSeedLabel_(0),
+ labelOrder_(),
+ label_()
+ {}
+ InferenceParameter parameter_;
+ size_t maxNumberOfSteps_;
+ LabelingIntitialType labelInitialType_;
+ OrderType orderType_;
+ unsigned int randSeedOrder_;
+ unsigned int randSeedLabel_;
+ std::vector<LabelType> labelOrder_;
+ std::vector<LabelType> label_;
+ };
AlphaExpansion(const GraphicalModelType&, Parameter para = Parameter());
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansionfusion.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansionfusion.hxx
index 9c26741..81f7e6a 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansionfusion.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/alphaexpansionfusion.hxx
@@ -27,57 +27,30 @@ public:
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<AlphaExpansionFusion<GM,ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<AlphaExpansionFusion<GM,ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef AlphaExpansionFusion<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef AlphaExpansionFusion<_GM, _ACC> type;
- };
- struct Parameter {
- enum LabelingIntitialType {DEFAULT_LABEL, RANDOM_LABEL,
- Parameter
- (
- const size_t maxNumberOfSteps = 1000
- )
- : maxNumberOfSteps_(maxNumberOfSteps),
- labelInitialType_(DEFAULT_LABEL),
- orderType_(DEFAULT_ORDER),
- randSeedOrder_(0),
- randSeedLabel_(0),
- labelOrder_(),
- label_()
- {}
- template<class P>
- Parameter
- (
- const P & p
- )
- : maxNumberOfSteps_(p.maxNumberOfSteps_),
- labelInitialType_(p.labelInitialType_),
- orderType_(p.orderType_),
- randSeedOrder_(p.randSeedOrder_),
- randSeedLabel_(p.randSeedLabel_),
- labelOrder_(p.labelOrder_),
- label_(p.labelOrder_)
- {}
- size_t maxNumberOfSteps_;
- LabelingIntitialType labelInitialType_;
- OrderType orderType_;
- unsigned int randSeedOrder_;
- unsigned int randSeedLabel_;
- std::vector<LabelType> labelOrder_;
- std::vector<LabelType> label_;
+ struct Parameter {
+ Parameter
+ (
+ const size_t maxNumberOfSteps = 1000
+ )
+ : maxNumberOfSteps_(maxNumberOfSteps),
+ labelInitialType_(DEFAULT_LABEL),
+ orderType_(DEFAULT_ORDER),
+ randSeedOrder_(0),
+ randSeedLabel_(0),
+ labelOrder_(),
+ label_()
+ {}
+ size_t maxNumberOfSteps_;
+ LabelingIntitialType labelInitialType_;
+ OrderType orderType_;
+ unsigned int randSeedOrder_;
+ unsigned int randSeedLabel_;
+ std::vector<LabelType> labelOrder_;
+ std::vector<LabelType> label_;
AlphaExpansionFusion(const GraphicalModelType&, Parameter para = Parameter());
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/astar.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/astar.hxx
index d98e00e..1084d1e 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/astar.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/astar.hxx
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ namespace opengm {
///graphical model type
typedef GM GraphicalModelType;
+ // -- obsolet -- typedef typename GraphicalModelType::template Rebind<true>::RebindType EditableGraphicalModelType;
///accumulation type
typedef ACC AccumulationType;
@@ -78,81 +79,59 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef opengm::visitors::TimingVisitor<AStar<GM, ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
typedef opengm::visitors::EmptyVisitor<AStar<GM, ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef AStar<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef AStar<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
- enum Heuristic{
- };
- struct Parameter {
- Parameter()
- {
- maxHeapSize_ = 3000000;
- numberOfOpt_ = 1;
- objectiveBound_ = AccumulationType::template neutral<ValueType>();
- heuristic_ = Parameter::DEFAULTHEURISTIC;
- };
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p )
- : maxHeapSize_(p.maxHeapSize_),
- numberOfOpt_(p.numberOfOpt_),
- objectiveBound_(p.objectiveBound_),
- nodeOrder_(p.nodeOrder_),
- treeFactorIds_(p.treeFactorIds_){
- }
- /// \brief add tree factor id
- /// \param id factor id
- void addTreeFactorId(size_t id)
- { treeFactorIds_.push_back(id); }
- static const size_t DEFAULTHEURISTIC = 0;
- static const size_t FASTHEURISTIC = 1;
- static const size_t STANDARDHEURISTIC = 2;
- /// maxHeapSize_ maximum size of the heap
- size_t maxHeapSize_;
- /// number od N-best solutions that should be found
- size_t numberOfOpt_;
- /// objective bound
- ValueType objectiveBound_;
- /// heuritstic
- ///
- size_t heuristic_;
- std::vector<IndexType> nodeOrder_;
- std::vector<size_t> treeFactorIds_;
- };
- AStar(const GM& gm, Parameter para = Parameter());
- virtual std::string name() const {return "AStar";}
- const GraphicalModelType& graphicalModel() const;
- virtual InferenceTermination infer();
- virtual void reset();
- template<class VisitorType> InferenceTermination infer(VisitorType& vistitor);
- ValueType bound()const {return belowBound_;}
- ValueType value()const;
- virtual InferenceTermination marginal(const size_t,IndependentFactorType& out)const {return UNKNOWN;}
- virtual InferenceTermination factorMarginal(const size_t, IndependentFactorType& out)const {return UNKNOWN;}
- virtual InferenceTermination arg(std::vector<LabelType>& v, const size_t = 1)const;
- virtual InferenceTermination args(std::vector< std::vector<LabelType> >& v)const;
+ enum Heuristic{
+ };
+ struct Parameter {
+ Parameter()
+ {
+ maxHeapSize_ = 3000000;
+ numberOfOpt_ = 1;
+ objectiveBound_ = AccumulationType::template neutral<ValueType>();
+ heuristic_ = Parameter::DEFAULTHEURISTIC;
+ };
+ /// constuctor
+ /// \brief add tree factor id
+ /// \param id factor id
+ void addTreeFactorId(size_t id)
+ { treeFactorIds_.push_back(id); }
+ static const size_t DEFAULTHEURISTIC = 0;
+ static const size_t FASTHEURISTIC = 1;
+ static const size_t STANDARDHEURISTIC = 2;
+ /// maxHeapSize_ maximum size of the heap
+ size_t maxHeapSize_;
+ /// number od N-best solutions that should be found
+ size_t numberOfOpt_;
+ /// objective bound
+ ValueType objectiveBound_;
+ /// heuritstic
+ ///
+ size_t heuristic_;
+ std::vector<IndexType> nodeOrder_;
+ std::vector<size_t> treeFactorIds_;
+ };
+ AStar(const GM& gm, Parameter para = Parameter());
+ virtual std::string name() const {return "AStar";}
+ const GraphicalModelType& graphicalModel() const;
+ virtual InferenceTermination infer();
+ virtual void reset();
+ template<class VisitorType> InferenceTermination infer(VisitorType& vistitor);
+ ValueType bound()const {return belowBound_;}
+ ValueType value()const;
+ virtual InferenceTermination marginal(const size_t,IndependentFactorType& out)const {return UNKNOWN;}
+ virtual InferenceTermination factorMarginal(const size_t, IndependentFactorType& out)const {return UNKNOWN;}
+ virtual InferenceTermination arg(std::vector<LabelType>& v, const size_t = 1)const;
+ virtual InferenceTermination args(std::vector< std::vector<LabelType> >& v)const;
const GM& gm_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/auxiliary/fusion_move/fusion_mover.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/auxiliary/fusion_move/fusion_mover.hxx
index 0d0f10d..ad46fd6 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/auxiliary/fusion_move/fusion_mover.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/auxiliary/fusion_move/fusion_mover.hxx
@@ -405,18 +405,6 @@ template<class GM, class ACC>
class HlFusionMover{
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef HlFusionMover<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef HlFusionMover<_GM, _ACC> type;
- };
typedef GM GraphicalModelType;
typedef ACC AccumulationType;
@@ -467,21 +455,6 @@ public:
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- :
- fusionSolver_(p.fusionSolver_),
- maxSubgraphSize_(p.maxSubgraphSize_),
- reducedInf_(p.reducedInf_),
- connectedComponents_(p.connectedComponents_),
- tentacles_(p.tentacles_),
- fusionTimeLimit_(p.fusionTimeLimit_)
- {
- }
FusionSolver fusionSolver_;
size_t maxSubgraphSize_;
bool reducedInf_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/auxiliary/lp_solver/lp_solver_interface.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/auxiliary/lp_solver/lp_solver_interface.hxx
index 45e4e90..e27b290 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/auxiliary/lp_solver/lp_solver_interface.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/auxiliary/lp_solver/lp_solver_interface.hxx
@@ -631,14 +631,10 @@ namespace opengm {
: numberOfThreads_(LPDef::default_numberOfThreads_),
- verbose_(LPDef::default_verbose_),
- cutUp_(LPDef::default_cutUp_),
- epOpt_(LPDef::default_epOpt_),
- epMrk_(LPDef::default_epMrk_),
- epRHS_(LPDef::default_epRHS_),
- epInt_(LPDef::default_epInt_),
- epAGap_(LPDef::default_epAGap_),
- epGap_(LPDef::default_epGap_),
+ verbose_(LPDef::default_verbose_), cutUp_(LPDef::default_cutUp_),
+ epOpt_(LPDef::default_epOpt_), epMrk_(LPDef::default_epMrk_),
+ epRHS_(LPDef::default_epRHS_), epInt_(LPDef::default_epInt_),
+ epAGap_(LPDef::default_epAGap_), epGap_(LPDef::default_epGap_),
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/bruteforce.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/bruteforce.hxx
index 2548293..1189486 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/bruteforce.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/bruteforce.hxx
@@ -23,26 +23,7 @@ public:
typedef visitors::VerboseVisitor<Bruteforce<GM,ACC> > VerboseVisitorType;
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<Bruteforce<GM,ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<Bruteforce<GM,ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef Bruteforce<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef Bruteforce<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
- struct Parameter {
- Parameter(){
- }
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p){
- }
- };
+ class Parameter {};
Bruteforce(const GraphicalModelType&);
Bruteforce(const GraphicalModelType&, const Parameter&);
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/combilp.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/combilp.hxx
index 639dbe9..632628d 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/combilp.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/combilp.hxx
@@ -413,17 +413,6 @@ namespace opengm{
typedef ACC AccumulationType;
typedef GM GraphicalModelType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef CombiLP<_GM, ACC, LPSOLVER> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef CombiLP<_GM, _ACC, LPSOLVER> type;
- };
typedef visitors::VerboseVisitor<CombiLP<GM, ACC, LPSOLVER> > VerboseVisitorType;
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<CombiLP<GM, ACC, LPSOLVER> > EmptyVisitorType;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/dualdecomposition/dualdecomposition_bundle.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/dualdecomposition/dualdecomposition_bundle.hxx
index 64a7dad..1bee922 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/dualdecomposition/dualdecomposition_bundle.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/dualdecomposition/dualdecomposition_bundle.hxx
@@ -49,20 +49,6 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef typename DDBaseType::SubVariableType SubVariableType;
typedef typename DDBaseType::SubVariableListType SubVariableListType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<_GM>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef DualDecompositionSubGradient<_GM, RebindedInf, DUALBLOCK> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<_GM,_ACC>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef DualDecompositionSubGradient<_GM, RebindedInf, DUALBLOCK> type;
- };
class Parameter : public DualDecompositionBaseParameter{
/// The relative accuracy which have to be garantee to stop with an approximative solution (set 0 for optimality)
@@ -93,20 +79,6 @@ namespace opengm {
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- :
- minimalRelAccuracy_(p.minimalRelAccuracy_),
- subPara_(subPara_),
- relativeDualBoundPrecision_(p.relativeDualBoundPrecision_),
- maxBundlesize_(p.maxBundlesize_),
- activeBoundFixing_(p.activeBoundFixing_),
- minDualWeight_(p.minDualWeight_),
- maxDualWeight_(p.maxDualWeight_),
- noBundle_(p.noBundle_),
- useHeuristicStepsize_(p.useHeuristicStepsize_){
- }
using DualDecompositionBase<GmType, DualBlockType >::gm_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/dualdecomposition/dualdecomposition_subgradient.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/dualdecomposition/dualdecomposition_subgradient.hxx
index ae3247d..2bee7c0 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/dualdecomposition/dualdecomposition_subgradient.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/dualdecomposition/dualdecomposition_subgradient.hxx
@@ -43,35 +43,14 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef typename DDBaseType::SubVariableType SubVariableType;
typedef typename DDBaseType::SubVariableListType SubVariableListType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<_GM>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef DualDecompositionSubGradient<_GM, RebindedInf, DUALBLOCK> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<_GM,_ACC>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef DualDecompositionSubGradient<_GM, RebindedInf, DUALBLOCK> type;
- };
- class Parameter : public DualDecompositionBaseParameter{
- public:
- /// Parameter for Subproblems
- typename InfType::Parameter subPara_;
- bool useAdaptiveStepsize_;
- bool useProjectedAdaptiveStepsize_;
- Parameter() : useAdaptiveStepsize_(false), useProjectedAdaptiveStepsize_(false){};
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : subPara_(p.subPara_),
- useAdaptiveStepsize_(p.useAdaptiveStepsize_),
- useProjectedAdaptiveStepsize_(p.useProjectedAdaptiveStepsize_){
- }
- };
+ class Parameter : public DualDecompositionBaseParameter{
+ public:
+ /// Parameter for Subproblems
+ typename InfType::Parameter subPara_;
+ bool useAdaptiveStepsize_;
+ bool useProjectedAdaptiveStepsize_;
+ Parameter() : useAdaptiveStepsize_(false), useProjectedAdaptiveStepsize_(false){};
+ };
using DualDecompositionBase<GmType, DualBlockType >::gm_;
using DualDecompositionBase<GmType, DualBlockType >::subGm_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/dynamicprogramming.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/dynamicprogramming.hxx
index 436c36e..ec402cb 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/dynamicprogramming.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/dynamicprogramming.hxx
@@ -24,27 +24,7 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef visitors::VerboseVisitor<DynamicProgramming<GM, ACC> > VerboseVisitorType;
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<DynamicProgramming<GM, ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<DynamicProgramming<GM, ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef DynamicProgramming<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef DynamicProgramming<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
struct Parameter {
- Parameter(){
- }
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P &p)
- : roots_(p.roots_){
- }
std::vector<IndexType> roots_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/external/ad3.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/external/ad3.hxx
index 8ccaaba..42c9d2d 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/external/ad3.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/external/ad3.hxx
@@ -30,16 +30,6 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<AD3Inf<GM,ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<AD3Inf<GM,ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef AD3Inf<_GM,ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef AD3Inf<_GM,_ACC> type;
- };
enum SolverType{
@@ -64,19 +54,6 @@ namespace opengm {
- template<class P>
- Parameter(
- const P & p
- ) :
- solverType_(p.solverType_),
- eta_(p.eta_),
- adaptEta_(p.adaptEta_),
- steps_(p.steps_),
- residualThreshold_(p.residualThreshold_),
- verbosity_(p.verbosity_)
- {
- }
SolverType solverType_;
double eta_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/external/daoopt.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/external/daoopt.hxx
index 9d584df..477553c 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/external/daoopt.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/external/daoopt.hxx
@@ -51,17 +51,6 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<DAOOPT<GM> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<DAOOPT<GM> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef DAOOPT<_GM,ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef DAOOPT<_GM,_ACC> type;
- };
///Parameter inherits from daoopt ProgramOptions
struct Parameter : public daoopt::ProgramOptions {
/// \brief Constructor
@@ -79,21 +68,6 @@ namespace opengm {
sampleRepeat = 1;
aobbLookahead = 5;
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p) : daoopt::ProgramOptions() {
- // set default options, this is not done for all parameters by daoopt
- subprobOrder = p.subprobOrder;
- ibound = p.ibound;
- cbound = p.cbound;
- cbound_worker = p.cbound_worker;
- rotateLimit = p.rotateLimit;
- order_iterations = p.order_iterations;
- order_timelimit = p.order_timelimit;
- threads = p.threads;
- sampleDepth = p.sampleDepth;
- sampleRepeat = p.sampleRepeat;
- aobbLookahead = p.aobbLookahead;
- }
// construction
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/external/fastPD.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/external/fastPD.hxx
index f200f30..0c8abe2 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/external/fastPD.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/external/fastPD.hxx
@@ -35,16 +35,6 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<FastPD<GM> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<FastPD<GM> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef FastPD<_GM,ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef FastPD<_GM,_ACC> type;
- };
struct Parameter {
/// \brief Constructor
@@ -52,12 +42,6 @@ namespace opengm {
/// number of iterations
size_t numberOfIterations_;
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : numberOfIterations_(p.numberOfIterations_){
- }
// construction
FastPD(const GraphicalModelType& gm, const Parameter& para = Parameter());
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/external/mrflib.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/external/mrflib.hxx
index 911e985..99e2055 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/external/mrflib.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/external/mrflib.hxx
@@ -43,17 +43,6 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<MRFLIB<GM> > TimingVisitorType;
typedef size_t VariableIndex;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef MRFLIB<_GM> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef MRFLIB<_GM> type;
- };
struct Parameter {
/// possible optimization algorithms for MRFLIB
@@ -71,10 +60,6 @@ namespace opengm {
Parameter(const InferenceType inferenceType = ICM, const EnergyType energyType = VIEW, const size_t numberOfIterations = 1000)
: inferenceType_(inferenceType), energyType_(energyType), numberOfIterations_(numberOfIterations), trwsTolerance_(0.0) {
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : inferenceType_(p.inferenceType_), energyType_(p.energyType_), numberOfIterations_(p.numberOfIterations_), trwsTolerance_(p.trwsTolerance_) {
- }
// construction
MRFLIB(const GraphicalModelType& gm, const Parameter& para = Parameter());
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/external/qpbo.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/external/qpbo.hxx
index ff69937..ea0b732 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/external/qpbo.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/external/qpbo.hxx
@@ -35,20 +35,8 @@ namespace opengm {
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef QPBO<_GM> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef QPBO<_GM> type;
- };
- ///Parameter for opengm::external::QPBO
- struct Parameter {
+ ///Parameter for opengm::external::QPBO
+ struct Parameter {
/// using probeing technique
bool useProbeing_;
/// forcing strong persistency
@@ -59,23 +47,12 @@ namespace opengm {
std::vector<size_t> label_;
/// \brief constructor
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- :
- strongPersistency_(p.strongPersistency_),
- useImproveing_ (p.useImproveing_),
- useProbeing_ (p.useProbeing_)
- {
- }
Parameter() {
- strongPersistency_ = true;
- useImproveing_ = false;
- useProbeing_ = false;
+ strongPersistency_ = true;
+ useImproveing_ = false;
+ useProbeing_ = false;
- };
+ };
// construction
QPBO(const GraphicalModelType& gm, const Parameter para = Parameter());
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/external/trws.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/external/trws.hxx
index 3be5757..69ce500 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/external/trws.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/external/trws.hxx
@@ -45,22 +45,10 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<TRWS<GM> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<TRWS<GM> > TimingVisitorType;
typedef size_t VariableIndex;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef TRWS<_GM> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef TRWS<_GM> type;
- };
struct Parameter {
/// possible energy types for TRWS
- enum EnergyType {VIEW=0, TABLES=1, TL1=2, TL2=3/*, WEIGHTEDTABLE*/};
+ enum EnergyType {VIEW, TABLES, TL1, TL2/*, WEIGHTEDTABLE*/};
/// number of iterations
size_t numberOfIterations_;
/// random starting message
@@ -78,30 +66,6 @@ namespace opengm {
/// Calculate MinMarginals
bool calculateMinMarginals_;
/// \brief Constructor
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : numberOfIterations_(p.numberOfIterations_),
- useRandomStart_(p.useRandomStart_),
- useZeroStart_(p.useZeroStart_),
- doBPS_(p.doBPS_),
- energyType_(),
- tolerance_(p.tolerance_),
- minDualChange_(p.minDualChange_)
- {
- if(p.energyType_==0){
- energyType_ =VIEW;
- }
- else if(p.energyType_==1){
- energyType_ =TABLES;
- }
- else if(p.energyType_==2){
- energyType_ =TL1;
- }
- else if(p.energyType_==3){
- energyType_ =TL2;
- }
- };
Parameter() {
numberOfIterations_ = 1000;
useRandomStart_ = false;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/fusion_based_inf.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/fusion_based_inf.hxx
index 3ef0c3a..d4f2a1c 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/fusion_based_inf.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/fusion_based_inf.hxx
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ namespace proposal_gen{
template<class GM, class ACC>
class UpDownGen
@@ -945,17 +947,6 @@ public:
typedef typename ProposalGen::Parameter ProposalParameter;
typedef typename FusionMoverType::Parameter FusionParameter;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef typename PROPOSAL_GEN:: template RebindGm<_GM>::type _P;
- typedef FusionBasedInf<_GM, _P> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef typename PROPOSAL_GEN:: template RebindGmAndAcc<_GM, _ACC>::type _P;
- typedef FusionBasedInf<_GM, _P> type;
- };
class Parameter
@@ -974,16 +965,6 @@ public:
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : proposalParam_(p.proposalParam_),
- fusionParam_(p.fusionParam_),
- numIt_(p.numIt_),
- numStopIt_(p.numStopIt_){
- }
ProposalParameter proposalParam_;
FusionParameter fusionParam_;
size_t numIt_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/graphcut.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/graphcut.hxx
index 314babd..1a65656 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/graphcut.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/graphcut.hxx
@@ -17,17 +17,6 @@ namespace opengm {
template<class GM, class ACC, class MINSTCUT>
class GraphCut : public Inference<GM, ACC> {
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef GraphCut<_GM, ACC, MINSTCUT> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef GraphCut<_GM, _ACC, MINSTCUT> type;
- };
typedef ACC AccumulationType;
typedef GM GraphicalModelType;
@@ -35,18 +24,12 @@ public:
typedef visitors::VerboseVisitor<GraphCut<GM, ACC, MINSTCUT> > VerboseVisitorType;
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<GraphCut<GM, ACC, MINSTCUT> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<GraphCut<GM, ACC, MINSTCUT> > TimingVisitorType;
- struct Parameter {
- Parameter(const ValueType scale = 1)
- : scale_(scale) {
- }
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : scale_(p.scale_){
- }
- ValueType scale_;
- };
+ struct Parameter {
+ Parameter(const ValueType scale = 1)
+ : scale_(scale)
+ {}
+ ValueType scale_;
+ };
GraphCut(const GraphicalModelType&, const Parameter& = Parameter(), ValueType = static_cast<ValueType>(0.0));
GraphCut(size_t numVar, std::vector<size_t> numFacDim, const Parameter& = Parameter(), ValueType = static_cast<ValueType>(0.0));
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/greedygremlin.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/greedygremlin.hxx
index a282bcd..ae679b3 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/greedygremlin.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/greedygremlin.hxx
@@ -44,25 +44,8 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<GreedyGremlin<GM, ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<GreedyGremlin<GM, ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef GreedyGremlin<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef GreedyGremlin<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
struct Parameter {
- Parameter(){
- }
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p){
- }
GreedyGremlin(const GM& gm, Parameter para = Parameter());
virtual std::string name() const {return "GreedyGremlin";}
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/hqpbo.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/hqpbo.hxx
index b67fc80..0b41d57 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/hqpbo.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/hqpbo.hxx
@@ -29,28 +29,7 @@ public:
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<HQPBO<GM,ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<HQPBO<GM,ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef HQPBO<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef HQPBO<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
- struct Parameter {
- Parameter(){
- }
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p){
- }
- };
+ struct Parameter {};
HQPBO(const GraphicalModelType&, Parameter = Parameter());
std::string name() const;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/icm.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/icm.hxx
index 7b70ac9..136e466 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/icm.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/icm.hxx
@@ -36,44 +36,33 @@ public:
typedef opengm::visitors::EmptyVisitor<ICM<GM,ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef opengm::visitors::TimingVisitor<ICM<GM,ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef ICM<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
+ class Parameter {
+ public:
+ Parameter(
+ const std::vector<LabelType>& startPoint
+ )
+ : moveType_(SINGLE_VARIABLE),
+ startPoint_(startPoint)
+ {}
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef ICM<_GM, _ACC> type;
- };
- class Parameter {
- public:
- Parameter(const std::vector<LabelType>& startPoint)
- : moveType_(SINGLE_VARIABLE),
- startPoint_(startPoint)
- {}
- Parameter(MoveType moveType, const std::vector<LabelType>& startPoint)
- : moveType_(moveType),
- startPoint_(startPoint)
- {}
- Parameter(MoveType moveType = SINGLE_VARIABLE)
- : moveType_(moveType),
- startPoint_()
- {}
- template<class OP>
- Parameter(const OP & otherParameter)
- {
- moveType_ = otherParameter.moveType_== 0? SINGLE_VARIABLE : FACTOR;
- startPoint_(otherParameter.startPoint_);
- }
- MoveType moveType_;
- std::vector<LabelType> startPoint_;
- };
+ Parameter(
+ MoveType moveType,
+ const std::vector<LabelType>& startPoint
+ )
+ : moveType_(moveType),
+ startPoint_(startPoint)
+ {}
+ Parameter(
+ MoveType moveType = SINGLE_VARIABLE
+ )
+ : moveType_(moveType),
+ startPoint_()
+ {}
+ MoveType moveType_;
+ std::vector<LabelType> startPoint_;
+ };
ICM(const GraphicalModelType&);
ICM(const GraphicalModelType&, const Parameter&);
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/infandflip.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/infandflip.hxx
index 09820c6..dede301 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/infandflip.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/infandflip.hxx
@@ -33,22 +33,6 @@ public:
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<InfAndFlip<GM, ACC, INF> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<InfAndFlip<GM, ACC, INF> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef typename INF::template RebindGm<_GM>::type _I;
- typedef InfAndFlip<_GM, ACC, _I> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef typename INF::template RebindGmAndAcc<_GM,_ACC>::type _I;
- typedef InfAndFlip<_GM, _ACC, _I> type;
- };
struct Parameter
Parameter(const size_t maxSubgraphSize=2)
@@ -57,13 +41,6 @@ public:
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- :
- maxSubgraphSize_(p.maxSubgraphSize_),
- subPara_(p.subPara_),
- warmStartableInf_(p.warmStartableInf_){
- }
size_t maxSubgraphSize_;
typename INF::Parameter subPara_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/inference.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/inference.hxx
index 2f52edc..46a774e 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/inference.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/inference.hxx
@@ -29,15 +29,6 @@ enum InferenceTermination {
-template<class INF>
-inline void infer(const typename INF::GraphicalModelType & gm, const typename INF::Parameter & param, std::vector<typename INF::LabelType> & conf){
- INF inf(gm, param);
- inf.infer();
- inf.arg(conf);
/// Inference algorithm interface
template <class GM, class ACC>
class Inference
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/lazyflipper.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/lazyflipper.hxx
index 53689ab..c7929f6 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/lazyflipper.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/lazyflipper.hxx
@@ -117,18 +117,6 @@ private:
template<class GM, class ACC = Minimizer>
class LazyFlipper : public Inference<GM, ACC> {
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef LazyFlipper<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef LazyFlipper<_GM, _ACC> type;
- };
typedef ACC AccumulationType;
typedef GM GraphicalModelType;
@@ -157,29 +145,20 @@ public:
const size_t maxSubgraphSize = 2,
const Tribool inferMultilabel = Tribool::Maybe
- : maxSubgraphSize_(maxSubgraphSize),
+ : maxSubgraphSize_(maxSubgraphSize),
- template<class P>
- Parameter(
- const P & p
- )
- : maxSubgraphSize_(p.maxSubgraphSize_),
- startingPoint_(p.startingPoint_),
- inferMultilabel_(p.inferMultilabel_)
- {}
size_t maxSubgraphSize_;
std::vector<LabelType> startingPoint_;
Tribool inferMultilabel_;
- //LazyFlipper(const GraphicalModelType&, const size_t = 2, const Tribool useMultilabelInference = Tribool::Maybe);
- LazyFlipper(const GraphicalModelType& gm, Parameter param = Parameter());
- //template<class StateIterator>
- //LazyFlipper(const GraphicalModelType&, const size_t, StateIterator, const Tribool useMultilabelInference = Tribool::Maybe);
+ LazyFlipper(const GraphicalModelType&, const size_t = 2, const Tribool useMultilabelInference = Tribool::Maybe);
+ LazyFlipper(const GraphicalModelType& gm, typename LazyFlipper::Parameter param);
+ template<class StateIterator>
+ LazyFlipper(const GraphicalModelType&, const size_t, StateIterator, const Tribool useMultilabelInference = Tribool::Maybe);
std::string name() const;
const GraphicalModelType& graphicalModel() const;
const size_t maxSubgraphSize() const;
@@ -606,37 +585,37 @@ Forest<T>::setLevelOrderSuccessor(
// implementation of LazyFlipper
-//template<class GM, class ACC>
-//LazyFlipper<GM, ACC>::LazyFlipper(
-// const GraphicalModelType& gm,
-// const size_t maxSubgraphSize,
-// const Tribool useMultilabelInference
-//: gm_(gm),
-// variableAdjacency_(Adjacency(gm.numberOfVariables())),
-// movemaker_(Movemaker<GM>(gm)),
-// subgraphForest_(SubgraphForest()),
-// maxSubgraphSize_(maxSubgraphSize),
-// useMultilabelInference_(useMultilabelInference)
-// if(gm_.numberOfVariables() == 0) {
-// throw RuntimeError("The graphical model has no variables.");
-// }
-// setMaxSubgraphSize(maxSubgraphSize);
-// // initialize activation_
-// activation_[0].append(gm_.numberOfVariables());
-// activation_[1].append(gm_.numberOfVariables());
-// // initialize variableAdjacency_
-// for(size_t j=0; j<gm_.numberOfFactors(); ++j) {
-// const FactorType& factor = gm_[j];
-// for(size_t m=0; m<factor.numberOfVariables(); ++m) {
-// for(size_t n=m+1; n<factor.numberOfVariables(); ++n) {
-// variableAdjacency_.connect(factor.variableIndex(m), factor.variableIndex(n));
-// }
-// }
-// }
+template<class GM, class ACC>
+LazyFlipper<GM, ACC>::LazyFlipper(
+ const GraphicalModelType& gm,
+ const size_t maxSubgraphSize,
+ const Tribool useMultilabelInference
+: gm_(gm),
+ variableAdjacency_(Adjacency(gm.numberOfVariables())),
+ movemaker_(Movemaker<GM>(gm)),
+ subgraphForest_(SubgraphForest()),
+ maxSubgraphSize_(maxSubgraphSize),
+ useMultilabelInference_(useMultilabelInference)
+ if(gm_.numberOfVariables() == 0) {
+ throw RuntimeError("The graphical model has no variables.");
+ }
+ setMaxSubgraphSize(maxSubgraphSize);
+ // initialize activation_
+ activation_[0].append(gm_.numberOfVariables());
+ activation_[1].append(gm_.numberOfVariables());
+ // initialize variableAdjacency_
+ for(size_t j=0; j<gm_.numberOfFactors(); ++j) {
+ const FactorType& factor = gm_[j];
+ for(size_t m=0; m<factor.numberOfVariables(); ++m) {
+ for(size_t n=m+1; n<factor.numberOfVariables(); ++n) {
+ variableAdjacency_.connect(factor.variableIndex(m), factor.variableIndex(n));
+ }
+ }
+ }
template<class GM, class ACC>
@@ -677,40 +656,40 @@ inline void
LazyFlipper<GM, ACC>::reset()
-///// \todo next version: get rid of redundancy with other constructor
-//template<class GM, class ACC>
-//template<class StateIterator>
-//LazyFlipper<GM, ACC>::LazyFlipper(
-// const GraphicalModelType& gm,
-// const size_t maxSubgraphSize,
-// StateIterator it,
-// const Tribool useMultilabelInference
-//: gm_(gm),
-// variableAdjacency_(Adjacency(gm_.numberOfVariables())),
-// movemaker_(Movemaker<GM>(gm, it)),
-// subgraphForest_(SubgraphForest()),
-// maxSubgraphSize_(2),
-// useMultilabelInference_(useMultilabelInference)
-// if(gm_.numberOfVariables() == 0) {
-// throw RuntimeError("The graphical model has no variables.");
-// }
-// setMaxSubgraphSize(maxSubgraphSize);
-// // initialize activation_
-// activation_[0].append(gm_.numberOfVariables());
-// activation_[1].append(gm_.numberOfVariables());
-// // initialize variableAdjacency_
-// for(size_t j=0; j<gm_.numberOfFactors(); ++j) {
-// const FactorType& factor = gm_[j];
-// for(size_t m=0; m<factor.numberOfVariables(); ++m) {
-// for(size_t n=m+1; n<factor.numberOfVariables(); ++n) {
-// variableAdjacency_.connect(factor.variableIndex(m), factor.variableIndex(n));
-// }
-// }
-// }
+/// \todo next version: get rid of redundancy with other constructor
+template<class GM, class ACC>
+template<class StateIterator>
+LazyFlipper<GM, ACC>::LazyFlipper(
+ const GraphicalModelType& gm,
+ const size_t maxSubgraphSize,
+ StateIterator it,
+ const Tribool useMultilabelInference
+: gm_(gm),
+ variableAdjacency_(Adjacency(gm_.numberOfVariables())),
+ movemaker_(Movemaker<GM>(gm, it)),
+ subgraphForest_(SubgraphForest()),
+ maxSubgraphSize_(2),
+ useMultilabelInference_(useMultilabelInference)
+ if(gm_.numberOfVariables() == 0) {
+ throw RuntimeError("The graphical model has no variables.");
+ }
+ setMaxSubgraphSize(maxSubgraphSize);
+ // initialize activation_
+ activation_[0].append(gm_.numberOfVariables());
+ activation_[1].append(gm_.numberOfVariables());
+ // initialize variableAdjacency_
+ for(size_t j=0; j<gm_.numberOfFactors(); ++j) {
+ const FactorType& factor = gm_[j];
+ for(size_t m=0; m<factor.numberOfVariables(); ++m) {
+ for(size_t n=m+1; n<factor.numberOfVariables(); ++n) {
+ variableAdjacency_.connect(factor.variableIndex(m), factor.variableIndex(n));
+ }
+ }
+ }
template<class GM, class ACC>
inline void
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/loc.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/loc.hxx
index 9ecea8d..aa7c821 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/loc.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/loc.hxx
@@ -81,16 +81,6 @@ public:
typedef opengm::LPCplex<SubGmType,AccumulationType> LpCplexSubInf;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef LOC<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef LOC<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
class Parameter {
@@ -125,25 +115,6 @@ public:
- template<class P>
- Parameter
- (
- const P & p
- )
- : solver_(p.solver_),
- phi_(p.phi_),
- maxBlockRadius_(p.maxBlockRadius_),
- maxTreeRadius_(p.maxTreeRadius_),
- pFastHeuristic_(p.pFastHeuristic_),
- maxIterations_(p.maxIterations_),
- stopAfterNBadIterations_(p.stopAfterNBadIterations_),
- maxBlockSize_(p.maxBlockSize_),
- treeRuns_(p.treeRuns_)
- {
- }
// subsolver used for submodel ("ad3" or "astar" so far)
std::string solver_;
/// phi of the truncated geometric distribution is used to select a certain subgraph radius with a certain probability
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/lp_inference_base.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/lp_inference_base.hxx
index cf47706..36fc750 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/lp_inference_base.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/lp_inference_base.hxx
@@ -1842,6 +1842,7 @@ inline LPInferenceBase<LP_INFERENCE_TYPE>::LPInferenceBase(const GraphicalModelT
if(!opengm::meta::Compare<OperatorType, opengm::Adder>::value) {
throw RuntimeError("This implementation does only supports Min-Sum-Semiring and Max-Sum-Semiring.");
// sort factors
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/lpcplex.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/lpcplex.hxx
index 6508354..28fafcf 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/lpcplex.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/lpcplex.hxx
@@ -45,16 +45,6 @@ public:
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<LPCplex<GM,ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<LPCplex<GM,ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef LPCplex<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef LPCplex<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
@@ -62,9 +52,9 @@ public:
class Parameter {
- bool integerConstraint_; // ILP=true, 1order-LP=false
- int numberOfThreads_; // number of threads (0=autosect)
- bool verbose_; // switch on/off verbode mode
+ bool integerConstraint_; // ILP=true, 1order-LP=false
+ int numberOfThreads_; // number of threads (0=autosect)
+ bool verbose_; // switch on/off verbode mode
double cutUp_; // upper cutoff
double epOpt_; // Optimality tolerance
double epMrk_; // Markowitz tolerance
@@ -75,62 +65,25 @@ public:
double workMem_; // maximal ammount of memory in MB used for workspace
double treeMemoryLimit_; // maximal ammount of memory in MB used for treee
double timeLimit_; // maximal time in seconds the solver has
- int probeingLevel_;
+ int probeingLevel_;
//int coverCutLevel_;
//int disjunctiverCutLevel_;
//int cliqueCutLevel_;
//int MIRCutLevel_;
- LP_SOLVER rootAlg_;
- LP_SOLVER nodeAlg_;
- LP_PRESOLVE presolve_;
+ LP_SOLVER rootAlg_;
+ LP_SOLVER nodeAlg_;
+ LP_PRESOLVE presolve_;
MIP_EMPHASIS mipEmphasis_;
- MIP_CUT cutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to cuts for the problem and how aggressively (will be overruled by specific ones).
- MIP_CUT cliqueCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate clique cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT coverCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate cover cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT gubCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate generalized upper bound (GUB) cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT mirCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not mixed integer rounding (MIR) cuts should be generated for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT iboundCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate implied bound cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT flowcoverCutLevel_; //Determines whether or not to generate flow cover cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT flowpathCutLevel_; //Determines whether or not to generate flow path cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT disjunctCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate disjunctive cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT gomoryCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate gomory fractional cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- template<class P>
- Parameter(
- const P & p
- ):
- integerConstraint_(p.integerConstraint_),
- numberOfThreads_(p.numberOfThreads_),
- verbose_(p.verbose_),
- cutUp_(p.cutUp_),
- epOpt_(p.epOpt_),
- epMrk_(p.epMrk_),
- epRHS_(p.epRHS_),
- epInt_(p.epInt_),
- epAGap_(p.epAGap_),
- epGap_(p.epGap_),
- workMem_(p.workMem_),
- treeMemoryLimit_(p.treeMemoryLimit_),
- timeLimit_(p.timeLimit_),
- probeingLevel_(p.probeingLevel_),
- rootAlg_(p.rootAlg_),
- nodeAlg_(p.nodeAlg_),
- presolve_(p.presolve_),
- mipEmphasis_(p.mipEmphasis_),
- cutLevel_(p.cutLevel_),
- cliqueCutLevel_(p.cliqueCutLevel_),
- coverCutLevel_(p.coverCutLevel_),
- gubCutLevel_(p.gubCutLevel_),
- mirCutLevel_(p.mirCutLevel_),
- iboundCutLevel_(p.iboundCutLevel_),
- flowcoverCutLevel_(p.flowcoverCutLevel_),
- flowpathCutLevel_(p.flowpathCutLevel_),
- disjunctCutLevel_(p.disjunctCutLevel_),
- gomoryCutLevel_(p.gomoryCutLevel_)
- {
- }
+ MIP_CUT cutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to cuts for the problem and how aggressively (will be overruled by specific ones).
+ MIP_CUT cliqueCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate clique cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT coverCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate cover cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT gubCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate generalized upper bound (GUB) cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT mirCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not mixed integer rounding (MIR) cuts should be generated for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT iboundCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate implied bound cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT flowcoverCutLevel_; //Determines whether or not to generate flow cover cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT flowpathCutLevel_; //Determines whether or not to generate flow path cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT disjunctCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate disjunctive cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT gomoryCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate gomory fractional cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
/// constructor
/// \param cutUp upper cutoff - assume that: min_x f(x) <= cutUp
@@ -165,9 +118,6 @@ public:
numberOfThreads_ = numberOfThreads;
integerConstraint_ = false;
LPDef lpdef;
@@ -485,7 +435,7 @@ LPCplex<GM, ACC>::infer
switch(parameter_.mipEmphasis_) {
cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPEmphasis, 0);
@@ -506,11 +456,11 @@ LPCplex<GM, ACC>::infer
// verbose options
if(parameter_.verbose_ == false) {
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPDisplay, 0);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::BarDisplay, 0);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::SimDisplay, 0);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::NetDisplay, 0);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::SiftDisplay, 0);
+ cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPDisplay, 0);
+ cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::BarDisplay, 0);
+ cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::SimDisplay, 0);
+ cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::NetDisplay, 0);
+ cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::SiftDisplay, 0);
// tolarance settings
@@ -558,13 +508,12 @@ LPCplex<GM, ACC>::infer
//cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIRCuts, parameter_.MIRCutLevel_);
// solve problem
if(!cplex_.solve()) {
std::cout << "failed to optimize. " <<cplex_.getStatus() << std::endl;
inferenceStarted_ = 0;
return UNKNOWN;
- cplex_.getValues(sol_, x_);
+ cplex_.getValues(sol_, x_);
catch(IloCplex::Exception e) {
std::cout << "caught CPLEX exception: " << e << std::endl;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/lpcplex2.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/lpcplex2.hxx
index b2a5d20..8769055 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/lpcplex2.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/lpcplex2.hxx
@@ -25,16 +25,6 @@ public:
// public member functions
virtual std::string name() const;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef LPCplex2<_GM, ACC_TYPE> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef LPCplex2<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
template<class GM_TYPE, class ACC_TYPE>
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi.hxx
index 8160aac..1eab43f 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi.hxx
@@ -46,21 +46,11 @@ public:
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor< LPGurobi<GM, ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef LPGurobi<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef LPGurobi<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
class Parameter {
- bool integerConstraint_; // ILP=true, 1order-LP=false
- int numberOfThreads_; // number of threads (0=autosect)
- bool verbose_; // switch on/off verbode mode
+ bool integerConstraint_; // ILP=true, 1order-LP=false
+ int numberOfThreads_; // number of threads (0=autosect)
+ bool verbose_; // switch on/off verbode mode
double cutUp_; // upper cutoff
double epOpt_; // Optimality tolerance
double epMrk_; // Markowitz tolerance
@@ -71,62 +61,26 @@ public:
double workMem_; // maximal ammount of memory in MB used for workspace
double treeMemoryLimit_; // maximal ammount of memory in MB used for treee
double timeLimit_; // maximal time in seconds the solver has
- int probeingLevel_;
+ int probeingLevel_;
//int coverCutLevel_;
//int disjunctiverCutLevel_;
//int cliqueCutLevel_;
//int MIRCutLevel_;
//int presolveLevel_;
- LP_SOLVER rootAlg_;
- LP_SOLVER nodeAlg_;
+ LP_SOLVER rootAlg_;
+ LP_SOLVER nodeAlg_;
- LP_PRESOLVE presolve_;
- MIP_CUT cutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to cuts for the problem and how aggressively (will be overruled by specific ones).
- MIP_CUT cliqueCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate clique cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT coverCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate cover cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT gubCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate generalized upper bound (GUB) cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT mirCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not mixed integer rounding (MIR) cuts should be generated for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT iboundCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate implied bound cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT flowcoverCutLevel_; //Determines whether or not to generate flow cover cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT flowpathCutLevel_; //Determines whether or not to generate flow path cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT disjunctCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate disjunctive cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- MIP_CUT gomoryCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate gomory fractional cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p )
- :
- integerConstraint_(p.integerConstraint_),
- numberOfThreads_(p.numberOfThreads_),
- verbose_(p.verbose_),
- cutUp_(p.cutUp_),
- epOpt_(p.epOpt_),
- epMrk_(p.epMrk_),
- epRHS_(p.epRHS_),
- epInt_(p.epInt_),
- epAGap_(p.epAGap_),
- epGap_(p.epGap_),
- workMem_(p.workMem_),
- treeMemoryLimit_(p.treeMemoryLimit_),
- timeLimit_(p.timeLimit_),
- probeingLevel_(p.probeingLevel_),
- rootAlg_(p.rootAlg_),
- nodeAlg_(p.nodeAlg_),
- mipFocus_(p.mipFocus_),
- presolve_(p.presolve_),
- cutLevel_(p.cutLevel_),
- cliqueCutLevel_(p.cliqueCutLevel_),
- coverCutLevel_(p.coverCutLevel_),
- gubCutLevel_(p.gubCutLevel_),
- mirCutLevel_(p.mirCutLevel_),
- iboundCutLevel_(p.iboundCutLevel_),
- flowcoverCutLevel_(p.flowcoverCutLevel_),
- flowpathCutLevel_(p.flowpathCutLevel_),
- disjunctCutLevel_(p.disjunctCutLevel_),
- gomoryCutLevel_(p.gomoryCutLevel_)
- {
- }
+ LP_PRESOLVE presolve_;
+ MIP_CUT cutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to cuts for the problem and how aggressively (will be overruled by specific ones).
+ MIP_CUT cliqueCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate clique cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT coverCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate cover cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT gubCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate generalized upper bound (GUB) cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT mirCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not mixed integer rounding (MIR) cuts should be generated for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT iboundCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate implied bound cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT flowcoverCutLevel_; //Determines whether or not to generate flow cover cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT flowpathCutLevel_; //Determines whether or not to generate flow path cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT disjunctCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate disjunctive cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
+ MIP_CUT gomoryCutLevel_; // Determines whether or not to generate gomory fractional cuts for the problem and how aggressively.
/// constructor
/// \param cutUp upper cutoff - assume that: min_x f(x) <= cutUp
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi2.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi2.hxx
index 192b038..a9c1a9c 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi2.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/lpgurobi2.hxx
@@ -25,16 +25,6 @@ public:
// public member functions
virtual std::string name() const;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef LPGurobi2<_GM, ACC_TYPE> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef LPGurobi2<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
template<class GM_TYPE, class ACC_TYPE>
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/lsatr.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/lsatr.hxx
index 2772356..1ddfa42 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/lsatr.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/lsatr.hxx
@@ -97,19 +97,7 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef opengm::visitors::VerboseVisitor<LSA_TR<GM,ACC> > VerboseVisitorType;
typedef opengm::visitors::EmptyVisitor<LSA_TR<GM,ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef opengm::visitors::TimingVisitor<LSA_TR<GM,ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef LSA_TR<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef LSA_TR<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
class Parameter {
@@ -130,18 +118,6 @@ namespace opengm {
reductionRatio_ = 0.25; // used to decide whether to increase or decrease lambda using the multiplier
distance_ = EUCLIDEAN;
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : randSeed_(p.randSeed_),
- maxLambda_(p.maxLambda_),
- initialLambda_(p.initialLambda_),
- precisionLambda_(p.precisionLambda_),
- lambdaMultiplier_(p.lambdaMultiplier_),
- reductionRatio_(p.reductionRatio_),
- distance_(p.distance_){
- }
LSA_TR(const GraphicalModelType&);
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing.hxx
index 56a854b..d54c332 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing.hxx
@@ -64,21 +64,6 @@ public:
/// Visitor
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<MessagePassing<GM, ACC, UPDATE_RULES, DIST> > EmptyVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef typename UPDATE_RULES:: template RebindGm<_GM>::type UR;
- typedef MessagePassing<_GM, ACC, UR, DIST> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef typename UPDATE_RULES:: template RebindGmAndAcc<_GM,_ACC>::type UR;
- typedef MessagePassing<_GM, _ACC, UR, DIST> type;
- };
struct Parameter {
typedef typename UPDATE_RULES::SpecialParameterType SpecialParameterType;
@@ -97,21 +82,6 @@ public:
- template<class P>
- Parameter
- (
- const P & p
- )
- : maximumNumberOfSteps_(p.maximumNumberOfSteps_),
- bound_(p.bound_),
- damping_(p.damping_),
- inferSequential_(p.inferSequential_),
- useNormalization_(p.useNormalization_),
- specialParameter_(p.specialParameter_),
- isAcyclic_(p.isAcyclic_)
- {}
size_t maximumNumberOfSteps_;
ValueType bound_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing_bp.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing_bp.hxx
index c76d74f..4146588 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing_bp.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing_bp.hxx
@@ -87,17 +87,6 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef VariableHullBP<GM, BufferType, OperatorType, ACC> VariableHullType;
typedef meta::EmptyType SpecialParameterType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<_GM, ACC, BUFFER> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<_GM, _ACC, BUFFER> type;
- };
template<class MP_PARAM>
static void initializeSpecialParameter(const GM& gm, MP_PARAM& mpParameter)
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing_trbp.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing_trbp.hxx
index 9d16fbb..92b8de7 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing_trbp.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing_trbp.hxx
@@ -82,15 +82,6 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef FactorHullTRBP<GM, BUFFER, OperatorType, ACC> FactorHullType;
typedef VariableHullTRBP<GM, BUFFER, OperatorType, ACC> VariableHullType;
typedef std::vector<ValueType> SpecialParameterType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef TrbpUpdateRules<_GM, ACC, BUFFER> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef TrbpUpdateRules<_GM, _ACC, BUFFER> type;
- };
template<class MP_PARAM>
static void initializeSpecialParameter(const GM& gm,MP_PARAM& mpParameter) {
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/movemaker.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/movemaker.hxx
index 468115c..caf3478 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/movemaker.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/movemaker.hxx
@@ -32,14 +32,6 @@ public:
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType, OperatorType, FunctionTypeList, SubGmSpace> SubGmType;
/// \endcond
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef Movemaker<_GM> type;
- };
Movemaker(const GraphicalModelType&);
template<class StateIterator>
Movemaker(const GraphicalModelType&, StateIterator);
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/mqpbo.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/mqpbo.hxx
index 44ee5e0..c1fd399 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/mqpbo.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/mqpbo.hxx
@@ -46,36 +46,11 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<MQPBO<GM, ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
typedef ValueType GraphValueType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef MQPBO<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef MQPBO<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
enum PermutationType {NONE, RANDOM, MINMARG};
class Parameter{
Parameter(): useKovtunsMethod_(true), probing_(false), strongPersistency_(false), rounds_(0), permutationType_(NONE) {};
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : label_(p.label_),
- useKovtunsMethod_(p.useKovtunsMethod_),
- probing_(p.probing_),
- strongPersistency_(p.strongPersistency_),
- rounds_(p.rounds_),
- permutationType_(p.permutationType_){
- }
std::vector<LabelType> label_;
bool useKovtunsMethod_;
const bool probing_; //do not use this!
@@ -189,12 +164,12 @@ namespace opengm {
- //std::cout << "Large" <<std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Large" <<std::endl;
qpbo_ = new kolmogorov::qpbo::QPBO<GraphValueType > (numNodes_, numEdges_); // max number of nodes & edges
- //std::cout << "Small" <<std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Small" <<std::endl;
qpbo_ = new kolmogorov::qpbo::QPBO<GraphValueType > (gm_.numberOfVariables(), numSOF); // max number of nodes & edges
@@ -845,7 +820,7 @@ namespace opengm {
- //std::cout << "Use Kovtuns method for potts"<<std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Use Kovtuns method for potts"<<std::endl;
for(LabelType l=0; l<maxNumberOfLabels; ++l) {
double xoptimality = optimality();
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/multicut.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/multicut.hxx
index 196e15c..7933d17 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/multicut.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/multicut.hxx
@@ -84,15 +84,7 @@ public:
typedef visitors::VerboseVisitor<Multicut<GM,ACC> > VerboseVisitorType;
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<Multicut<GM,ACC> > EmptyVisitorType;
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<Multicut<GM,ACC> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef Multicut<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef Multicut<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
typedef boost::unordered_map<IndexType, LPIndexType> EdgeMapType;
@@ -128,7 +120,6 @@ public:
bool useBufferedStates_;
bool initializeWith3Cycles_;
/// \param numThreads number of threads that should be used (default = 0 [automatic])
/// \param cutUp value which the optima at least has (helps to cut search-tree)
@@ -136,18 +127,9 @@ public:
int numThreads=0,
double cutUp=1.0e+75
- : numThreads_(numThreads),
- verbose_(false),
- verboseCPLEX_(false),
- cutUp_(cutUp),
- timeOut_(36000000),
- maximalNumberOfConstraintsPerRound_(1000000),
- edgeRoundingValue_(0.00000001),
- MWCRounding_(NEAREST),
- reductionMode_(3),
- useOldPriorityQueue_(false),
- useChordalSearch_(false),
- useBufferedStates_(false),
+ : numThreads_(numThreads), verbose_(false),verboseCPLEX_(false), cutUp_(cutUp),
+ timeOut_(36000000), maximalNumberOfConstraintsPerRound_(1000000),
+ edgeRoundingValue_(0.00000001),MWCRounding_(NEAREST), reductionMode_(3),useOldPriorityQueue_(false), useChordalSearch_(false), useBufferedStates_(false),
@@ -156,17 +138,10 @@ public:
const OTHER_PARAM & p
- : numThreads_(p.numThreads_),
- verbose_(p.verbose_),
- verboseCPLEX_(p.verboseCPLEX_),
- cutUp_(p.cutUp_),
- timeOut_(p.timeOut_),
- maximalNumberOfConstraintsPerRound_(p.maximalNumberOfConstraintsPerRound_),
- edgeRoundingValue_(p.edgeRoundingValue_),
- MWCRounding_(p.MWCRounding_),
- reductionMode_(p.reductionMode_),
- useOldPriorityQueue_(p.useOldPriorityQueue_),
- useChordalSearch_(p.useChordalSearch_),
+ : numThreads_(p.numThreads_), verbose_(p.verbose_),verboseCPLEX_(p.verboseCPLEX_), cutUp_(p.cutUp_),
+ timeOut_(p.timeOut_), maximalNumberOfConstraintsPerRound_(p.maximalNumberOfConstraintsPerRound_),
+ edgeRoundingValue_(p.edgeRoundingValue_),MWCRounding_(p.MWCRounding_), reductionMode_(p.reductionMode_),
+ useOldPriorityQueue_(p.useOldPriorityQueue_), useChordalSearch_(p.useChordalSearch_),
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/partition-move.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/partition-move.hxx
index b508356..0dc49a7 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/partition-move.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/partition-move.hxx
@@ -53,23 +53,10 @@ public:
typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<IndexType, LPIndexType> EdgeMapType;
typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_set<IndexType> VariableSetType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef PartitionMove<_GM, ACC> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef PartitionMove<_GM, _ACC > type;
- };
struct Parameter{
Parameter ( ) {};
- template<class P>
- Parameter (const P & p) {};
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/qpbo.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/qpbo.hxx
index b31571c..b24d2bf 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/qpbo.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/qpbo.hxx
@@ -26,22 +26,7 @@ public:
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<QPBO<GM,MIN_ST_CUT> > TimingVisitorType;
typedef visitors::EmptyVisitor<QPBO<GM,MIN_ST_CUT> > EmptyVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef QPBO<_GM, MIN_ST_CUT> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef QPBO<_GM ,MIN_ST_CUT> type;
- };
- struct Parameter{
- Parameter ( ) {};
- template<class P>
- Parameter (const P & p) {};
- };
+ struct Parameter {};
QPBO(const GraphicalModelType&, Parameter = Parameter());
std::string name() const;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/reducedinference.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/reducedinference.hxx
index 4ed215b..16baad6 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/reducedinference.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/reducedinference.hxx
@@ -84,21 +84,6 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef visitors::TimingVisitor<ReducedInference<GM, ACC, INF> > TimingVisitorType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef typename ReducedInferenceHelper<_GM>::InfGmType RebindedInfGmType;
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<RebindedInfGmType>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef ReducedInference<_GM, ACC, RebindedInf> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef typename ReducedInferenceHelper<_GM>::InfGmType RebindedInfGmType;
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGmAndAcc<RebindedInfGmType,_ACC>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef ReducedInference<_GM,_ACC, RebindedInf> type;
- };
class Parameter
@@ -106,17 +91,6 @@ namespace opengm {
bool Persistency_;
bool Tentacle_;
bool ConnectedComponents_;
- template<class P>
- Parameter(const P & p)
- : subParameter_(p.subParameter_),
- Persistency_(p.Persistency_),
- Tentacle_(p.Tentacle_),
- ConnectedComponents_(p.ConnectedComponents_)
- {
- }
const bool Persistency=false,
const bool Tentacle=false,
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/sat.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/sat.hxx
index 8515aaa..2fdbfc4 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/sat.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/sat.hxx
@@ -27,23 +27,7 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef GM GraphicalModelType;
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef SAT<_GM> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef SAT<_GM> type;
- };
- struct Parameter{
- Parameter ( ) {};
- template<class P>
- Parameter (const P & p) {};
- };
+ struct Parameter {};
SAT(const GraphicalModelType&, const Parameter& = Parameter());
std::string name() const;
diff --git a/include/opengm/inference/self_fusion.hxx b/include/opengm/inference/self_fusion.hxx
index e2f282d..7f260a3 100644
--- a/include/opengm/inference/self_fusion.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/inference/self_fusion.hxx
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ struct FusionVisitor{
- bound_(bound),
+ bound_(bound),
@@ -280,22 +280,9 @@ public:
typedef INFERENCE ToFuseInferenceType;
enum FusionSolver{
- QpboFusion=0,
- CplexFusion=1,
- LazyFlipperFusion=2
- };
- template<class _GM>
- struct RebindGm{
- typedef typename INFERENCE:: template RebindGm<_GM>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef SelfFusion<RebindedInf> type;
- };
- template<class _GM,class _ACC>
- struct RebindGmAndAcc{
- typedef typename INFERENCE:: template RebindGmAndAcc<_GM, _ACC>::type RebindedInf;
- typedef SelfFusion<RebindedInf> type;
+ QpboFusion,
+ CplexFusion,
+ LazyFlipperFusion
@@ -324,32 +311,6 @@ public:
- template<class P>
- Parameter(
- const P & p
- )
- : fuseNth_(p.fuseNth_),
- fusionSolver_(),
- infParam_(p.infParam_),
- maxSubgraphSize_(p.maxSubgraphSize_),
- reducedInf_(p.reducedInf_),
- connectedComponents_(p.connectedComponents_),
- tentacles_(p.tentacles_),
- fusionTimeLimit_(p.fusionTimeLimit_),
- numStopIt_(p.numStopIt_)
- {
- if(p.fusionSolver_ == 0){
- fusionSolver_ = QpboFusion;
- }
- else if(p.fusionSolver_ == 1){
- fusionSolver_ = CplexFusion;
- }
- else if(p.fusionSolver_ == 2){
- fusionSolver_ = LazyFlipperFusion;
- }
- }
UInt64Type fuseNth_;
FusionSolver fusionSolver_;
typename INFERENCE::Parameter infParam_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/bundle-optimizer.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/bundle-optimizer.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e04dd48..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/bundle-optimizer.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "solver/BundleCollector.h"
-#include "solver/QuadraticSolverFactory.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-//template <typename T>
-//std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Weights<T>& w) {
-// out << "[";
-// for (int i = 0; i < w.numberOfWeights(); i++) {
-// if (i > 0)
-// out << ", ";
-// out << w[i];
-// }
-// out << "]";
-enum OptimizerResult {
- // the minimal optimization gap was reached
- ReachedMinGap,
- // the requested number of steps was exceeded
- ReachedSteps,
- // something went wrong
- Error
-template <typename ValueType>
-class BundleOptimizer {
- enum EpsStrategy {
- /**
- * Compute the eps from the gap estimate between the lower bound and the
- * target objective. The gap estimate will only be correct for oracle
- * calls that perform exact inference.
- */
- EpsFromGap,
- /**
- * Compute the eps from the change of the minimum of the lower bound.
- * This version does also work for approximate (but deterministic)
- * inference methods.
- */
- EpsFromChange
- };
- struct Parameter {
- Parameter() :
- lambda(1.0),
- min_eps(1e-5),
- steps(0),
- epsStrategy(EpsFromChange) {}
- // regularizer weight
- double lambda;
- // the maximal number of steps to perform, 0 = no limit
- unsigned int steps;
- // bundle method stops if eps is smaller than this value
- ValueType min_eps;
- // how to compute the eps for the stopping criterion
- EpsStrategy epsStrategy;
- bool verbose_;
- };
- BundleOptimizer(const Parameter& parameter = Parameter());
- ~BundleOptimizer();
- /**
- * Start the bundle method optimization on the given oracle. The oracle has
- * to model:
- *
- * Weights current;
- * Weights gradient;
- * double value;
- *
- * valueAndGradient = oracle(current, value, gradient);
- *
- * and should return the value and gradient of the objective function
- * (passed by reference) at point 'current'.
- */
- template <typename Oracle, typename Weights>
- OptimizerResult optimize(Oracle& oracle, Weights& w);
- template <typename Weights>
- void setupQp(const Weights& w);
- template <typename ModelWeights>
- void findMinLowerBound(ModelWeights& w, ValueType& value);
- template <typename ModelWeights>
- ValueType dot(const ModelWeights& a, const ModelWeights& b);
- Parameter _parameter;
- solver::BundleCollector _bundleCollector;
- solver::QuadraticSolverBackend* _solver;
-template <typename T>
-BundleOptimizer<T>::BundleOptimizer(const Parameter& parameter) :
- _parameter(parameter),
- _solver(0) {}
-template <typename T>
-BundleOptimizer<T>::~BundleOptimizer() {
- if (_solver)
- delete _solver;
-template <typename T>
-template <typename Oracle, typename Weights>
-BundleOptimizer<T>::optimize(Oracle& oracle, Weights& w) {
- setupQp(w);
- /*
- 1. w_0 = 0, t = 0
- 2. t++
- 3. compute a_t = ∂L(w_t-1)/∂w
- 4. compute b_t = L(w_t-1) - <w_t-1,a_t>
- 5. ℒ_t(w) = max_i <w,a_i> + b_i
- 6. w_t = argmin λ½|w|² + ℒ_t(w)
- 7. ε_t = min_i [ λ½|w_i|² + L(w_i) ] - [ λ½|w_t|² + ℒ_t(w_t) ]
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- smallest L(w) ever seen current min of lower bound
- 8. if ε_t > ε, goto 2
- 9. return w_t
- */
- T minValue = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
- T lastMinLower = -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
- unsigned int t = 0;
- while (true) {
- t++;
- if(_parameter.verbose_)
- std::cout << std::endl << "----------------- iteration " << t << std::endl;
- Weights w_tm1 = w;
- if(_parameter.verbose_){
- std::cout << "w: ";
- for(size_t i=0; i<w_tm1.size(); ++i)
- std::cout << w_tm1[i] << " ";
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- // value of L at current w
- T L_w_tm1 = 0.0;
- // gradient of L at current w
- Weights a_t(w.numberOfWeights());
- // get current value and gradient
- oracle(w_tm1, L_w_tm1, a_t);
- if(_parameter.verbose_){
- std::cout << " L(w) is: " << L_w_tm1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "∂L(w)/∂: (";
- for(size_t i=0; i<a_t.size(); ++i)
- std::cout << a_t[i] << " ";
- std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
- }
- // update smallest observed value of regularized L
- minValue = std::min(minValue, L_w_tm1 + _parameter.lambda*0.5*dot(w_tm1, w_tm1));
- if(_parameter.verbose_)
- std::cout << " min_i L(w_i) + ½λ|w_i|² is: " << minValue << std::endl;
- // compute hyperplane offset
- T b_t = L_w_tm1 - dot(w_tm1, a_t);
- if(_parameter.verbose_){
- std::cout << "adding hyperplane: ( ";
- for(size_t i=0; i<a_t.size(); ++i)
- std::cout << a_t[i] << " ";
- std::cout << ")*w + " << b_t << std::endl;
- }
- // update lower bound
- _bundleCollector.addHyperplane(a_t, b_t);
- // minimal value of lower bound
- T minLower;
- // update w and get minimal value
- findMinLowerBound(w, minLower);
- // norm of w
- double norm = 0.0;
- for(size_t i=0; i<w.size(); ++i)
- norm += w[i]*w[i];
- norm = std::sqrt(norm);
- if(_parameter.verbose_){
- std::cout << " min_w ℒ(w) + ½λ|w|² is: " << minLower << std::endl;
- std::cout << " w* of ℒ(w) + ½λ|w|² is: (";
- for(size_t i=0; i<w.size(); ++i)
- std::cout << w[i] << " ";
- std::cout << ") normalized: (";
- for(size_t i=0; i<w.size(); ++i)
- std::cout << w[i]/norm << " ";
- std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
- }
- // compute gap
- T eps_t;
- if (_parameter.epsStrategy == EpsFromGap)
- eps_t = minValue - minLower;
- else
- eps_t = minLower - lastMinLower;
- lastMinLower = minLower;
- if(_parameter.verbose_)
- std::cout << " ε is: " << eps_t << std::endl;
- // converged?
- if (eps_t <= _parameter.min_eps)
- break;
- }
- return ReachedMinGap;
-template <typename T>
-template <typename Weights>
-BundleOptimizer<T>::setupQp(const Weights& w) {
- /*
- w* = argmin λ½|w|² + ξ, s.t. <w,a_i> + b_i ≤ ξ ∀i
- */
- if (!_solver)
- _solver = solver::QuadraticSolverFactory::Create();
- _solver->initialize(w.numberOfWeights() + 1, solver::Continuous);
- // one variable for each component of w and for ξ
- solver::QuadraticObjective obj(w.numberOfWeights() + 1);
- // regularizer
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < w.numberOfWeights(); i++)
- obj.setQuadraticCoefficient(i, i, 0.5*_parameter.lambda);
- // ξ
- obj.setCoefficient(w.numberOfWeights(), 1.0);
- // we minimize
- obj.setSense(solver::Minimize);
- // we are done with the objective -- this does not change anymore
- _solver->setObjective(obj);
-template <typename T>
-template <typename ModelWeights>
-BundleOptimizer<T>::findMinLowerBound(ModelWeights& w, T& value) {
- _solver->setConstraints(_bundleCollector.getConstraints());
- solver::Solution x;
- std::string msg;
- bool optimal = _solver->solve(x, value, msg);
- if (!optimal) {
- std::cerr
- << "[BundleOptimizer] QP could not be solved to optimality: "
- << msg << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < w.numberOfWeights(); i++)
- w[i] = x[i];
-template <typename T>
-template <typename ModelWeights>
-BundleOptimizer<T>::dot(const ModelWeights& a, const ModelWeights& b) {
- OPENGM_ASSERT(a.numberOfWeights() == b.numberOfWeights());
- T d = 0.0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < a.numberOfWeights(); i++)
- d += a[i]*b[i];
- return d;
-} // learning
-} // opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/dataset/dataset.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/dataset/dataset.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e315100..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/dataset/dataset.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "../../graphicalmodel/weights.hxx"
-#include "../../functions/unary_loss_function.hxx"
-#include "../loss/noloss.hxx"
-namespace opengm {
- namespace datasets{
- template<class GM>
- struct DefaultLossGm{
- // make the graphical model with loss
- typedef typename GM::SpaceType SpaceType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef typename GM::OperatorType OperatorType;
- typedef typename GM::FunctionTypeList OrgFunctionTypeList;
- // extend the typelist
- typedef typename opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<
- opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>,
- opengm::UnaryLossFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>
- >::type LossOnlyFunctionTypeList;
- typedef typename opengm::meta::MergeTypeListsNoDuplicates<
- OrgFunctionTypeList,LossOnlyFunctionTypeList
- >::type CombinedList;
- // loss graphical model type
- typedef GraphicalModel<ValueType, OperatorType, CombinedList, SpaceType> type;
- };
- template<class GM, class LOSS=opengm::learning::NoLoss, class LOSS_GM = DefaultLossGm<GM> >
- class Dataset{
- public:
- typedef GM GMType;
- // generate the gm with loss here atm (THIS IS WRONG)
- typedef typename opengm::meta::EvalIf<
- opengm::meta::Compare<LOSS_GM, DefaultLossGm<GM> >::value,
- DefaultLossGm<GM>,
- meta::Self<LOSS_GM>
- >::type GMWITHLOSS;
- //typedef GM GMWITHLOSS;
- typedef LOSS LossType;
- typedef typename LOSS::Parameter LossParameterType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> Weights;
- typedef opengm::learning::WeightConstraints<ValueType> WeightConstraintsType;
- bool lockModel(const size_t i) { ++count_[i]; }
- bool unlockModel(const size_t i) { OPENGM_ASSERT(count_[i]>0); --count_[i]; }
- const GM& getModel(const size_t i) const { return gms_[i]; }
- const GMWITHLOSS& getModelWithLoss(const size_t i)const { return gmsWithLoss_[i]; }
- const LossParameterType& getLossParameters(const size_t i)const { return lossParams_[i]; }
- const std::vector<LabelType>& getGT(const size_t i) const { return gts_[i]; }
- Weights& getWeights() { return weights_; }
- size_t getNumberOfWeights() const { return weights_.numberOfWeights(); }
- size_t getNumberOfModels() const { return gms_.size(); }
- template<class INF>
- ValueType getTotalLoss(const typename INF::Parameter& para) const;
- template<class INF>
- ValueType getTotalLossParallel(const typename INF::Parameter& para) const;
- template<class INF>
- ValueType getLoss(const typename INF::Parameter& para, const size_t i) const;
- ValueType getLoss(std::vector<LabelType> conf , const size_t i) const;
- Dataset(size_t numInstances);
- Dataset(const Weights & weights = Weights(),const WeightConstraintsType & weightConstraints = WeightConstraintsType(),size_t numInstances=0);
- //void loadAll(std::string path,std::string prefix);
- friend class DatasetSerialization;
- // friend void loadAll<Dataset<GM,LOSS> > (const std::string datasetpath, const std::string prefix, Dataset<GM,LOSS>& ds);
- //~Dataset(){
- // std::cout<<"KILL DATASET\n";
- //}
- protected:
- std::vector<size_t> count_;
- std::vector<bool> isCached_;
- std::vector<GM> gms_;
- std::vector<GMWITHLOSS> gmsWithLoss_;
- std::vector<LossParameterType> lossParams_;
- std::vector<std::vector<LabelType> > gts_;
- Weights weights_;
- WeightConstraintsType weightConstraints_;
- void buildModelWithLoss(size_t i);
- };
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::Dataset(size_t numInstances)
- : count_(std::vector<size_t>(numInstances)),
- isCached_(std::vector<bool>(numInstances)),
- gms_(std::vector<GM>(numInstances)),
- gmsWithLoss_(std::vector<GMWITHLOSS>(numInstances)),
- lossParams_(std::vector<LossParameterType>(numInstances)),
- gts_(std::vector<std::vector<LabelType> >(numInstances)),
- weights_(0),
- weightConstraints_()
- {
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::Dataset(
- const Weights & weights,
- const WeightConstraintsType & weightConstraints,
- size_t numInstances
- ): count_(std::vector<size_t>(numInstances)),
- isCached_(std::vector<bool>(numInstances)),
- gms_(std::vector<GM>(numInstances)),
- gmsWithLoss_(std::vector<GMWITHLOSS>(numInstances)),
- lossParams_(std::vector<LossParameterType>(numInstances)),
- gts_(std::vector<std::vector<LabelType> >(numInstances)),
- weights_(weights),
- weightConstraints_(weightConstraints)
- {
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- template<class INF>
- typename GM::ValueType Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::getTotalLoss(const typename INF::Parameter& para) const {
- ValueType sum=0;
- for(size_t i=0; i<this->getNumberOfModels(); ++i) {
- sum += this->getLoss<INF>(para, i);
- }
- return sum;
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- template<class INF>
- typename GM::ValueType Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::getTotalLossParallel(const typename INF::Parameter& para) const {
- double totalLoss = 0;
- #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:totalLoss)
- for(size_t i=0; i<this->getNumberOfModels(); ++i) {
- totalLoss = totalLoss + this->getLoss<INF>(para, i);
- }
- return totalLoss;
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- template<class INF>
- typename GM::ValueType Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::getLoss(const typename INF::Parameter& para, const size_t i) const {
- LOSS lossFunction(lossParams_[i]);
- const GM& gm = this->getModel(i);
- const std::vector<typename INF::LabelType>& gt = this->getGT(i);
- std::vector<typename INF::LabelType> conf;
- INF inf(gm,para);
- inf.infer();
- inf.arg(conf);
- return lossFunction.loss(gm, conf.begin(), conf.end(), gt.begin(), gt.end());
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- typename GM::ValueType Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::getLoss(std::vector<typename GM::LabelType> conf, const size_t i) const {
- LOSS lossFunction(lossParams_[i]);
- const GM& gm = this->getModel(i);
- const std::vector<LabelType>& gt = this->getGT(i);
- return lossFunction.loss(gm, conf.begin(), conf.end(), gt.begin(), gt.end());
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- void Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::buildModelWithLoss(size_t i){
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(i, <, lossParams_.size());
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(i, <, gmsWithLoss_.size());
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(i, <, gms_.size());
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(i, <, gts_.size());
- //std::cout<<"copy gm\n";
- gmsWithLoss_[i] = gms_[i];
- //std::cout<<"copy done\n";
- LOSS loss(lossParams_[i]);
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(gts_[i].size(),==, gmsWithLoss_[i].numberOfVariables(),"");
- loss.addLoss(gmsWithLoss_[i], gts_[i].begin());
- }
- // template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- // void Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::loadAll(std::string datasetpath,std::string prefix){
- // //Load Header
- // std::stringstream hss;
- // hss << datasetpath << "/"<<prefix<<"info.h5";
- // hid_t file = marray::hdf5::openFile(hss.str());
- // std::vector<size_t> temp(1);
- // marray::hdf5::loadVec(file, "numberOfWeights", temp);
- // size_t numWeights = temp[0];
- // marray::hdf5::loadVec(file, "numberOfModels", temp);
- // size_t numModel = temp[0];
- // marray::hdf5::closeFile(file);
- // gms_.resize(numModel);
- // gmsWithLoss_.resize(numModel);
- // gt_.resize(numModel);
- // weights_ = Weights(numWeights);
- // //Load Models and ground truth
- // for(size_t m=0; m<numModel; ++m){
- // std::stringstream ss;
- // ss << datasetpath <<"/"<<prefix<<"gm_" << m <<".h5";
- // hid_t file = marray::hdf5::openFile(ss.str());
- // marray::hdf5::loadVec(file, "gt", gt_[m]);
- // marray::hdf5::closeFile(file);
- // opengm::hdf5::load(gms_[m],ss.str(),"gm");
- // buildModelWithLoss(m);
- // }
- // };
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/dataset/dataset_io.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/dataset/dataset_io.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e526c09..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/dataset/dataset_io.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_hdf5.hxx>
-#include <opengm/opengm.hxx>
-#include "opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx"
-#include "opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx"
-#include "opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx"
-//#include <H5Cpp.h>
-namespace opengm{
- namespace datasets{
- template <class W>
- struct WeightSetter {
- public:
- WeightSetter(W& w) : weights_(w) {}
- template<class F>
- void operator()(F& f) const { f.setWeights(weights_); }
- private:
- W& weights_;
- };
- class DatasetSerialization{
- public:
- template<class DATASET>
- static void save(const DATASET& dataset, const std::string datasetpath, const std::string prefix="");
- template<class DATASET>
- static void loadAll(const std::string datasetpath, const std::string prefix, DATASET& dataset);
- };
- template<class DATASET>
- void DatasetSerialization::save(const DATASET& dataset, const std::string datasetpath, const std::string prefix) {
- typedef typename DATASET::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename DATASET::LossParameterType LossParameterType;
- typedef typename GMType::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef typename GMType::ValueType ValueType;
- std::vector<size_t> numWeights(1,dataset.getNumberOfWeights());
- std::vector<size_t> numModels(1,dataset.getNumberOfModels());
- std::stringstream hss;
- hss << datasetpath << "/"<<prefix<<"info.h5";
- hid_t file = marray::hdf5::createFile(hss.str(), marray::hdf5::DEFAULT_HDF5_VERSION);
- marray::hdf5::save(file,"numberOfWeights",numWeights);
- marray::hdf5::save(file,"numberOfModels",numModels);
- marray::hdf5::closeFile(file);
- for(size_t m=0; m<dataset.getNumberOfModels(); ++m){
- const GMType& gm = dataset.getModel(m);
- const std::vector<LabelType>& gt = dataset.getGT(m);
- const LossParameterType& lossParam = dataset.getLossParameters(m);
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << datasetpath <<"/"<<prefix<<"gm_" << m <<".h5";
- opengm::hdf5::save(gm, ss.str(), "gm");
- hid_t file = marray::hdf5::openFile(ss.str(), marray::hdf5::READ_WRITE);
- //marray::Vector<LabelType> mgt(gt.size());
- //std::copy(gt.begin(), gt.end(), mgt.begin());
- marray::hdf5::save(file,"gt",gt);
- hid_t lossGrp = marray::hdf5::createGroup(file,"loss");
- lossParam.save(lossGrp);
- marray::hdf5::closeGroup(lossGrp);
- marray::hdf5::closeFile(file);
- }
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- void DatasetSerialization::loadAll(const std::string datasetpath, const std::string prefix, DATASET& dataset) {
- typedef typename DATASET::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename GMType::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef typename GMType::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename DATASET::LossParameterType LossParameterType;
- //Load Header
- std::stringstream hss;
- hss << datasetpath << "/"<<prefix<<"info.h5";
- hid_t file = marray::hdf5::openFile(hss.str());
- std::vector<size_t> temp(1);
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(file, "numberOfWeights", temp);
- size_t numWeights = temp[0];
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(file, "numberOfModels", temp);
- size_t numModel = temp[0];
- marray::hdf5::closeFile(file);
- dataset.gms_.resize(numModel);
- dataset.gmsWithLoss_.resize(numModel);
- dataset.gts_.resize(numModel);
- dataset.lossParams_.resize(numModel);
- dataset.count_.resize(numModel);
- dataset.isCached_.resize(numModel);
- dataset.weights_ = opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType>(numWeights);
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(dataset.lossParams_.size(), ==, numModel);
- WeightSetter<opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> > wSetter(dataset.weights_);
- //Load Models and ground truth
- for(size_t m=0; m<numModel; ++m){
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << datasetpath <<"/"<<prefix<<"gm_" << m <<".h5";
- hid_t file = marray::hdf5::openFile(ss.str());
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(file, "gt", dataset.gts_[m]);
- opengm::hdf5::load(dataset.gms_[m],ss.str(),"gm");
- for(size_t fi = 0; fi < dataset.gms_[m].numberOfFactors(); ++fi) {
- dataset.gms_[m][fi].callFunctor(wSetter);
- }
- LossParameterType lossParam;
- hid_t lossGrp = marray::hdf5::openGroup(file, "loss");
- lossParam.load(lossGrp);
- std::vector<std::size_t> lossId;
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(lossGrp, "lossId", lossId);
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(lossId.size(), ==, 1, "");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(lossParam.getLossId(), ==, lossId[0],"the dataset needs to be initialized with the same loss type as saved");
- dataset.lossParams_[m] = lossParam;
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(dataset.gts_[m].size(), == ,dataset.gms_[m].numberOfVariables(), "");
- marray::hdf5::closeFile(file);
- dataset.buildModelWithLoss(m);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/dataset/editabledataset.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/dataset/editabledataset.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c940b9..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/dataset/editabledataset.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/dataset.hxx>
-#include "../../graphicalmodel/weights.hxx"
-#include "../loss/noloss.hxx"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace datasets{
- // template< typename Weights >
- // struct LinkWeights{
- // Weights& w_;
- // LinkWeights(const Weights& w):w_(w){}
- // template<class FUNCTION>
- // void operator()(const FUNCTION & function)
- // {
- // function.setWeights(w_);
- // }
- // };
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM = DefaultLossGm<GM> >
- class EditableDataset : public Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>{
- public:
- typedef GM GMType;
- typedef typename Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::GMWITHLOSS GMWITHLOSS;
- typedef LOSS LossType;
- typedef typename LOSS::Parameter LossParameterType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> Weights;
- typedef opengm::learning::WeightConstraints<ValueType> WeightConstraintsType;
- typedef std::vector<LabelType> GTVector;
- EditableDataset(size_t numInstances) : Dataset<GM, LOSS,LOSS_GM>(numInstances) {}
- EditableDataset(std::vector<GM>& gms, std::vector<GTVector >& gts, std::vector<LossParameterType>& lossParams);
- EditableDataset(const Weights & weights = Weights(),const WeightConstraintsType & weightConstraints = WeightConstraintsType(),size_t numInstances=0)
- : Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>(weights, weightConstraints, numInstances){
- }
- void setInstance(const size_t i, const GM& gm, const GTVector& gt, const LossParameterType& p=LossParameterType());
- void setGT(const size_t i, const GTVector& gt);
- void pushBackInstance(const GM& gm, const GTVector& gt, const LossParameterType& p=LossParameterType());
- void setWeights(Weights& w);
- void setWeightConstraints(const WeightConstraintsType & weightConstraints);
- };
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- EditableDataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::EditableDataset(
- std::vector<GM>& gms,
- std::vector<GTVector >& gts,
- std::vector<LossParameterType>& lossParams
- )
- : Dataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>(gms.size())
- {
- for(size_t i=0; i<gms.size(); ++i){
- setInstance(i, gms[i], gts[i], lossParams[i]);
- this->buildModelWithLoss(i);
- }
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- void EditableDataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::setInstance(
- const size_t i,
- const GM& gm,
- const GTVector& gt,
- const LossParameterType& p
- ) {
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(i, <, this->gms_.size(),"");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(i, <, this->gts_.size(),"");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(i, <, this->lossParams_.size(),"");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(i, <, this->gmsWithLoss_.size(),"");
- this->gms_[i] = gm;
- this->gts_[i] = gt;
- this->lossParams_[i] = p;
- //std::cout<<"build model with loss\n";
- this->buildModelWithLoss(i);
- //std::cout<<"build model with loss DONE\n";
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- inline void EditableDataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::setGT(
- const size_t i,
- const GTVector& gt
- ) {
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(i, <, this->gts_.size(),"");
- this->gts_[i] = gt;
- this->buildModelWithLoss(i);
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- void EditableDataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::pushBackInstance(
- const GM& gm,
- const GTVector& gt,
- const LossParameterType& p
- ) {
- this->gms_.push_back(gm);
- this->gts_.push_back(gt);
- this->lossParams_.push_back(p);
- this->gmsWithLoss_.resize(this->gts_.size());
- this->isCached_.resize(this->gts_.size());
- this->count_.resize(this->gts_.size());
- this->buildModelWithLoss(this->gts_.size()-1);
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(this->gms_.size(), ==, this->gts_.size(),"");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(this->gms_.size(), ==, this->lossParams_.size(),"");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(this->gms_.size(), ==, this->gmsWithLoss_.size(),"");
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- inline void EditableDataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::setWeights(
- Weights& w
- ) {
- this->weights_ = w;
- }
- template<class GM, class LOSS, class LOSS_GM>
- inline void EditableDataset<GM, LOSS, LOSS_GM>::setWeightConstraints(
- const WeightConstraintsType & weightConstraints
- ){
- this->weightConstraints_ = weightConstraints;
- }
-} // namespace datasets
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e2f1e85..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/dataset.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/editabledataset.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx>
-namespace opengm {
- namespace datasets{
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- class TestDataset0 : public Dataset<GM,LOSS,GM>{
- public:
- typedef GM GMType;
- typedef GM GMWITHLOSS;
- typedef LOSS LossType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> Weights;
- TestDataset0(size_t numModels=5);
- };
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- class TestDataset1 : public Dataset<GM,LOSS,GM>{
- public:
- typedef GM GMType;
- typedef GM GMWITHLOSS;
- typedef LOSS LossType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> Weights;
- TestDataset1(size_t numModels=5);
- };
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- class TestDataset2 : public Dataset<GM,LOSS,GM>{
- public:
- typedef GM GMType;
- typedef GM GMWITHLOSS;
- typedef LOSS LossType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> Weights;
- TestDataset2(size_t numModels=4);
- };
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- class TestDatasetSimple : public Dataset<GM,LOSS,GM>{
- public:
- typedef GM GMType;
- typedef GM GMWITHLOSS;
- typedef LOSS LossType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> Weights;
- TestDatasetSimple(size_t numModels=1);
- };
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- class EditableTestDataset : public EditableDataset<GM,LOSS,GM>{
- public:
- typedef GM GMType;
- typedef GM GMWITHLOSS;
- typedef LOSS LossType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> Weights;
- EditableTestDataset(size_t numModels=5);
- };
-//** IMPL TestDataset 0
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- TestDataset0<GM,LOSS>::TestDataset0(size_t numModels)
- {
- this->lossParams_.resize(numModels);
- this->isCached_.resize(numModels);
- this->count_.resize(numModels,0);
- this->weights_ = Weights(1);
- LabelType numberOfLabels = 2;
- this->gts_.resize(numModels,std::vector<LabelType>(64,0));
- for(size_t m=0;m<numModels;++m){
- for(size_t i=16; i<48; ++i){
- this->gts_[m][i] = 1;
- }
- }
- this->gms_.resize(numModels);
- this->gmsWithLoss_.resize(numModels);
- for(size_t m=0; m<numModels; ++m){
- std::srand(m);
- for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++)
- this->gms_[m].addVariable(2);
- for(size_t y = 0; y < 64; ++y){
- // function
- const size_t shape[] = {numberOfLabels};
- ExplicitFunction<ValueType> f(shape, shape + 1);
- ValueType val = (double)(this->gts_[m][y]) + (double)(std::rand()) / (double) (RAND_MAX) * 1.5 - 0.75 ;
- f(0) = std::fabs(val-0);
- f(1) = std::fabs(val-1);
- typename GM::FunctionIdentifier fid = this->gms_[m].addFunction(f);
- // factor
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y};
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 1);
- }
- opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> f(this->weights_,2,std::vector<size_t>(1,0),std::vector<ValueType>(1,1));
- typename GM::FunctionIdentifier fid = this->gms_[m].addFunction(f);
- for(size_t y = 0; y < 64; ++y){
- if(y + 1 < 64) { // (x, y) -- (x, y + 1)
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y, y+1};
- //sort(variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- }
- }
- this->buildModelWithLoss(m);
- }
- };
-//** IMPL TestDataset 1
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- TestDataset1<GM,LOSS>::TestDataset1(size_t numModels)
- {
- this->lossParams_.resize(numModels);
- this->isCached_.resize(numModels);
- this->count_.resize(numModels,0);
- this->weights_ = Weights(1);
- LabelType numberOfLabels = 2;
- this->gts_.resize(numModels,std::vector<LabelType>(64*64,0));
- for(size_t m=0;m<numModels;++m){
- for(size_t i=32*64; i<64*64; ++i){
- this->gts_[m][i] = 1;
- }
- }
- this->gms_.resize(numModels);
- this->gmsWithLoss_.resize(numModels);
- for(size_t m=0; m<numModels; ++m){
- std::srand(m);
- for (int j = 0; j < 64*64; j++)
- this->gms_[m].addVariable(2);
- for(size_t y = 0; y < 64; ++y){
- for(size_t x = 0; x < 64; ++x) {
- // function
- const size_t shape[] = {numberOfLabels};
- ExplicitFunction<ValueType> f(shape, shape + 1);
- ValueType val = (double)(this->gts_[m][y*64+x]) + (double)(std::rand()) / (double) (RAND_MAX) * 1.5 - 0.75 ;
- f(0) = std::fabs(val-0);
- f(1) = std::fabs(val-1);
- typename GM::FunctionIdentifier fid = this->gms_[m].addFunction(f);
- // factor
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y*64+x};
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 1);
- }
- }
- opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> f(this->weights_,2,std::vector<size_t>(1,0),std::vector<ValueType>(1,1));
- typename GM::FunctionIdentifier fid = this->gms_[m].addFunction(f);
- for(size_t y = 0; y < 64; ++y){
- for(size_t x = 0; x < 64; ++x) {
- if(x + 1 < 64) { // (x, y) -- (x + 1, y)
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y*64+x, y*64+x+1};
- //sort(variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- }
- if(y + 1 < 64) { // (x, y) -- (x, y + 1)
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y*64+x, (y+1)*64+x};
- //sort(variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- }
- }
- }
- this->buildModelWithLoss(m);
- }
- };
-//** IMPL TestDataset 2
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- TestDataset2<GM,LOSS>::TestDataset2(size_t numModels)
- {
- this->lossParams_.resize(numModels);
- this->isCached_.resize(numModels);
- this->count_.resize(numModels,0);
- this->weights_ = Weights(3);
- LabelType numberOfLabels = 2;
- this->gts_.resize(numModels,std::vector<size_t>(64*64,0));
- for(size_t m=0;m<numModels;++m){
- for(size_t i=32*64; i<64*64; ++i){
- this->gts_[m][i] = 1;
- }
- }
- this->gms_.resize(numModels);
- this->gmsWithLoss_.resize(numModels);
- for(size_t m=0; m<numModels; ++m){
- std::srand(m);
- for (int j = 0; j < 64*64; j++)
- this->gms_[m].addVariable(2);
- for(size_t y = 0; y < 64; ++y){
- for(size_t x = 0; x < 64; ++x) {
- // function
- const size_t numExperts = 2;
- const std::vector<size_t> shape(1,numberOfLabels);
- std::vector<marray::Marray<ValueType> > feat(numExperts,marray::Marray<ValueType>(shape.begin(), shape.end()));
- ValueType val0 = (double)(this->gts_[m][y*64+x]) + (double)(std::rand()) / (double) (RAND_MAX) * 1.0 - 0.5 ;
- feat[0](0) = std::fabs(val0-0);
- feat[0](1) = std::fabs(val0-1);
- ValueType val1 = (double)(this->gts_[m][y*64+x]) + (double)(std::rand()) / (double) (RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0 ;
- feat[1](0) = std::fabs(val1-0);
- feat[1](1) = std::fabs(val1-1);
- std::vector<size_t> wID(2);
- wID[0]=1; wID[1]=2;
- opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> f(shape,this->weights_, wID, feat);
- typename GM::FunctionIdentifier fid = this->gms_[m].addFunction(f);
- // factor
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y*64+x};
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 1);
- }
- }
- opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> f(this->weights_,2,std::vector<size_t>(1,0),std::vector<ValueType>(1,1));
- typename GM::FunctionIdentifier fid = this->gms_[m].addFunction(f);
- for(size_t y = 0; y < 64; ++y){
- for(size_t x = 0; x < 64; ++x) {
- if(x + 1 < 64) { // (x, y) -- (x + 1, y)
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y*64+x, y*64+x+1};
- //sort(variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- }
- if(y + 1 < 64) { // (x, y) -- (x, y + 1)
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y*64+x, (y+1)*64+x};
- //sort(variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- }
- }
- }
- this->buildModelWithLoss(m);
- }
- };
-//** Embarrassingly simple dataset
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- TestDatasetSimple<GM,LOSS>::TestDatasetSimple(size_t numModels)
- {
- this->lossParams_.resize(numModels);
- this->isCached_.resize(numModels);
- this->count_.resize(numModels,0);
- this->weights_ = Weights(2);
- LabelType numberOfLabels = 2;
- this->gts_.resize(numModels,std::vector<size_t>(1,0));
- for(size_t m=0; m<numModels; ++m){
- this->gts_[m][0] = 0;
- }
- this->gms_.resize(numModels);
- this->gmsWithLoss_.resize(numModels);
- for(size_t m=0; m<numModels; ++m){
- std::srand(m);
- this->gms_[m].addVariable(2);
- // function
- const size_t numExperts = 2;
- const std::vector<size_t> shape(1,numberOfLabels);
- std::vector<marray::Marray<ValueType> > feat(numExperts,marray::Marray<ValueType>(shape.begin(), shape.end()));
- ValueType val0 = 0.5;
- feat[0](0) = val0;
- feat[0](1) = val0-1;
- ValueType val1 = -0.25;
- feat[1](0) = val1;
- feat[1](1) = val1-1;
- std::vector<size_t> wID(2);
- wID[0]=0; wID[1]=1;
- opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> f(shape,this->weights_, wID, feat);
- typename GM::FunctionIdentifier fid = this->gms_[m].addFunction(f);
- // factor
- size_t variableIndices[] = {0};
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 1);
- this->buildModelWithLoss(m);
- }
- };
-//** IMPL TestDataset 2 (editable)
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- EditableTestDataset<GM,LOSS>::EditableTestDataset(size_t numModels)
- {
- this->lossParams_.resize(numModels);
- this->count_.resize(numModels,0);
- this->weights_ = Weights(3);
- LabelType numberOfLabels = 2;
- this->gts_.resize(numModels,std::vector<size_t>(64*64,0));
- for(size_t m=0;m<numModels;++m){
- for(size_t i=32*64; i<64*64; ++i){
- this->gts_[m][i] = 1;
- }
- }
- this->gms_.resize(numModels);
- this->gmsWithLoss_.resize(numModels);
- for(size_t m=0; m<numModels; ++m){
- std::srand(m);
- for (int j = 0; j < 64*64; j++)
- this->gms_[m].addVariable(2);
- for(size_t y = 0; y < 64; ++y){
- for(size_t x = 0; x < 64; ++x) {
- // function
- const size_t numExperts = 2;
- const std::vector<size_t> shape(1,numberOfLabels);
- std::vector<marray::Marray<ValueType> > feat(numExperts,marray::Marray<ValueType>(shape.begin(), shape.end()));
- ValueType val0 = (double)(this->gts_[m][y*64+x]) + (double)(std::rand()) / (double) (RAND_MAX) * 1.0 - 0.5 ;
- feat[0](0) = std::fabs(val0-0);
- feat[0](1) = std::fabs(val0-1);
- ValueType val1 = (double)(this->gts_[m][y*64+x]) + (double)(std::rand()) / (double) (RAND_MAX) * 2.0 - 1.0 ;
- feat[1](0) = std::fabs(val1-0);
- feat[1](1) = std::fabs(val1-1);
- std::vector<size_t> wID(2);
- wID[0]=1; wID[1]=2;
- opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> f(shape,this->weights_, wID, feat);
- typename GM::FunctionIdentifier fid = this->gms_[m].addFunction(f);
- // factor
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y*64+x};
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 1);
- }
- }
- opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> f(this->weights_,2,std::vector<size_t>(1,0),std::vector<ValueType>(1,1));
- typename GM::FunctionIdentifier fid = this->gms_[m].addFunction(f);
- for(size_t y = 0; y < 64; ++y){
- for(size_t x = 0; x < 64; ++x) {
- if(x + 1 < 64) { // (x, y) -- (x + 1, y)
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y*64+x, y*64+x+1};
- //sort(variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- }
- if(y + 1 < 64) { // (x, y) -- (x, y + 1)
- size_t variableIndices[] = {y*64+x, (y+1)*64+x};
- //sort(variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- this->gms_[m].addFactor(fid, variableIndices, variableIndices + 2);
- }
- }
- }
- this->buildModelWithLoss(m);
- }
- };
- }
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/gradient-accumulator.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/gradient-accumulator.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 88e920a..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/gradient-accumulator.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
- * Model function visitor to accumulate the gradient for each model weight,
- * given a configuration.
- */
-template <typename ModelWeights, typename ConfigurationType>
-class GradientAccumulator {
- typedef typename ConfigurationType::const_iterator ConfIter;
- /**
- * How to accumulate the gradient on the provided ModelWeights.
- */
- enum Mode {
- Add,
- Subtract
- };
- /**
- * @param gradient
- * ModelWeights reference to store the gradients. Gradient
- * values will only be added (or subtracted, if mode ==
- * Subtract), so you have to make sure gradient is properly
- * initialized to zero.
- *
- * @param configuration
- * Configuration of the variables in the model, to evaluate the
- * gradient for.
- *
- * @param mode
- * Add or Subtract the weight gradients from gradient.
- */
- GradientAccumulator(ModelWeights& gradient, const ConfigurationType& configuration, Mode mode = Add) :
- _gradient(gradient),
- _configuration(configuration),
- _mode(mode) {}
- template <typename Iterator, typename FunctionType>
- void operator()(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const FunctionType& function) {
- typedef opengm::SubsetAccessor<Iterator, ConfIter> Accessor;
- typedef opengm::AccessorIterator<Accessor, true> Iter;
- const Accessor accessor(begin, end, _configuration.begin());
- for (int i = 0; i < function.numberOfWeights(); i++) {
- int index = function.weightIndex(i);
- double g = function.weightGradient(i, Iter(accessor, 0));
- if (_mode == Add)
- _gradient[index] += g;
- else
- _gradient[index] -= g;
- }
- }
- ModelWeights& _gradient;
- const ConfigurationType& _configuration;
- Mode _mode;
-template<class GM, class LABEL_ITER>
-struct FeatureAccumulator{
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- FeatureAccumulator(const size_t nW, bool add = true)
- : accWeights_(nW),
- gtLabel_(),
- mapLabel_(),
- add_(add),
- weight_(1.0)
- {
- for(size_t i=0; i<accWeights_.size(); ++i){
- accWeights_[i] = 0.0;
- }
- }
- void setLabels(const LABEL_ITER gtLabel, const LABEL_ITER mapLabel){
- gtLabel_ = gtLabel;
- mapLabel_ = mapLabel;
- }
- void resetWeights(){
- for(size_t i=0; i<accWeights_.size(); ++i){
- accWeights_[i] = 0.0;
- }
- }
- const Weights<double> & getWeights(const size_t wi)const{
- accWeights_;
- }
- double getWeight(const size_t wi)const{
- return accWeights_[wi];
- }
- template<class Iter, class F>
- void operator()(Iter begin, Iter end, const F & f){
- typedef opengm::SubsetAccessor<Iter, LABEL_ITER> Accessor;
- typedef opengm::AccessorIterator<Accessor, true> AccessorIter;
- // get the number of weights_
- const size_t nWeights = f.numberOfWeights();
- if(nWeights>0){
- // loop over all weights
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWeights; ++wi){
- // accumulate features for both labeling
- const size_t gwi = f.weightIndex(wi);
- const Accessor accessorGt(begin, end, gtLabel_);
- const Accessor accessorMap(begin, end, mapLabel_);
- if(add_){
- // for gt label
- accWeights_[gwi] += weight_*f.weightGradient(wi, AccessorIter(accessorGt, 0));
- // for test label
- accWeights_[gwi] -= weight_*f.weightGradient(wi, AccessorIter(accessorMap, 0));
- }
- else{
- // for gt label
- accWeights_[gwi] -= weight_*f.weightGradient(wi, AccessorIter(accessorGt, 0));
- // for test label
- accWeights_[gwi] += weight_*f.weightGradient(wi, AccessorIter(accessorMap, 0));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void accumulateFromOther(const FeatureAccumulator & otherAcc){
- for(size_t i=0; i<accWeights_.size(); ++i){
- accWeights_[i] += otherAcc.accWeights_[i];
- }
- }
- void accumulateModelFeatures(
- const GM & gm,
- const LABEL_ITER & gtLabel,
- const LABEL_ITER & mapLabel,
- const double weight = 1.0
- ){
- gtLabel_ = gtLabel;
- mapLabel_ = mapLabel;
- weight_ = weight;
- // iterate over all factors
- // and accumulate features
- for(size_t fi=0; fi<gm.numberOfFactors(); ++fi){
- gm[fi].callViFunctor(*this);
- }
- }
- opengm::learning::Weights<double> accWeights_;
- LABEL_ITER gtLabel_;
- LABEL_ITER mapLabel_;
- bool add_;
- double weight_;
-}} // namespace opengm::learning
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/gridsearch-learning.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/gridsearch-learning.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 750c844..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/gridsearch-learning.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-namespace opengm {
- namespace learning {
- template<class DATASET>
- class GridSearchLearner
- {
- public:
- typedef DATASET DatasetType;
- typedef typename DATASET::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename DATASET::LossType LossType;
- typedef typename GMType::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GMType::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GMType::LabelType LabelType;
- class Parameter{
- public:
- std::vector<double> parameterUpperbound_;
- std::vector<double> parameterLowerbound_;
- std::vector<size_t> testingPoints_;
- Parameter(){;}
- };
- GridSearchLearner(DATASET&, const Parameter& );
- template<class INF>
- void learn(const typename INF::Parameter& para);
- //template<class INF, class VISITOR>
- //void learn(typename INF::Parameter para, VITITOR vis);
- const opengm::learning::Weights<double>& getWeights(){return weights_;}
- Parameter& getLerningParameters(){return para_;}
- private:
- DATASET& dataset_;
- opengm::learning::Weights<double> weights_;
- Parameter para_;
- };
- template<class DATASET>
- GridSearchLearner<DATASET>::GridSearchLearner(DATASET& ds, const Parameter& p )
- : dataset_(ds), para_(p)
- {
- weights_ = opengm::learning::Weights<double>(ds.getNumberOfWeights());
- if(para_.parameterUpperbound_.size() != ds.getNumberOfWeights())
- para_.parameterUpperbound_.resize(ds.getNumberOfWeights(),10.0);
- if(para_.parameterLowerbound_.size() != ds.getNumberOfWeights())
- para_.parameterLowerbound_.resize(ds.getNumberOfWeights(),0.0);
- if(para_.testingPoints_.size() != ds.getNumberOfWeights())
- para_.testingPoints_.resize(ds.getNumberOfWeights(),10);
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- template<class INF>
- void GridSearchLearner<DATASET>::learn(const typename INF::Parameter& para){
- // generate model Parameters
- opengm::learning::Weights<double> modelPara( dataset_.getNumberOfWeights() );
- opengm::learning::Weights<double> bestModelPara( dataset_.getNumberOfWeights() );
- double bestLoss = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- std::vector<size_t> itC(dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(),0);
- bool search=true;
- while(search){
- // Get Parameter
- for(size_t p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- modelPara.setWeight(p, para_.parameterLowerbound_[p] + double(itC[p])/double(para_.testingPoints_[p]-1)*(para_.parameterUpperbound_[p]-para_.parameterLowerbound_[p]) );
- }
- // Evaluate Loss
- opengm::learning::Weights<double>& mp = dataset_.getWeights();
- mp = modelPara;
- const double loss = dataset_. template getTotalLoss<INF>(para);
- // **************
- if(loss<bestLoss){
- // *call visitor*
- for(size_t p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- std::cout << modelPara[p] <<" ";
- }
- std::cout << " ==> ";
- std::cout << loss << std::endl;
- bestLoss=loss;
- bestModelPara=modelPara;
- if(loss<=0.000000001){
- search = false;
- }
- }
- //Increment Parameter
- for(size_t p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- if(itC[p]<para_.testingPoints_[p]-1){
- ++itC[p];
- break;
- }
- else{
- itC[p]=0;
- if (p==dataset_.getNumberOfWeights()-1)
- search = false;
- }
- }
- }
- std::cout << "Best"<<std::endl;
- for(size_t p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- std::cout << bestModelPara[p] <<" ";
- }
- std::cout << " ==> ";
- std::cout << bestLoss << std::endl;
- weights_ = bestModelPara;
- // save best weights in dataset
- for(size_t p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- dataset_.getWeights().setWeight(p, weights_[p]);
- }
- };
- }
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/loss/flexibleloss.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/loss/flexibleloss.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index bad9466..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/loss/flexibleloss.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx"
-#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_hdf5.hxx"
-#include "hdf5.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
- * The generalized Hamming Loss incurs a penalty of nodeLossMultiplier[n] * labelLossMultiplier[l]
- * for node n taking label l, only if l is the same label as in the ground truth this amounts to zero.
- * One can imagine the overall cost matrix as outer product nodeLossMultiplier * labelLossMultiplier,
- * with zeros where the node label equals the ground truth.
- **/
-class FlexibleLoss{
- class Parameter{
- public:
- enum LossType{
- Hamming = 0 ,
- L1 = 1,
- L2 = 2,
- Partition = 3,
- ConfMat = 4
- };
- Parameter(){
- lossType_ = Hamming;
- }
- bool operator==(const FlexibleLoss & other) const{
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("do not call me");
- }
- bool operator<(const FlexibleLoss & other) const{
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("do not call me");
- }
- bool operator>(const FlexibleLoss & other) const{
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("do not call me");
- }
- double getNodeLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const;
- double getLabelLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const;
- double getFactorLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const;
- double getLabelConfMatMultiplier(const size_t l, const size_t lgt)const;
- /**
- * serializes the parameter object to the given hdf5 group handle;
- * the group must contain a dataset "lossType" containing the
- * loss type as a string
- **/
- void save(hid_t& groupHandle) const;
- void load(const hid_t& groupHandle);
- static std::size_t getLossId() { return lossId_; }
- LossType lossType_;
- std::vector<double> nodeLossMultiplier_;
- std::vector<double> labelLossMultiplier_;
- std::vector<double> factorMultipier_;
- marray::Marray<double> confMat_;
- private:
- static const std::size_t lossId_ = 16006;
- };
- FlexibleLoss(const Parameter& param = Parameter()) : param_(param){}
- template<class GM, class IT1, class IT2>
- double loss(const GM & gm, IT1 labelBegin, IT1 labelEnd, IT2 GTBegin,IT2 GTEnd) const;
- template<class GM, class IT>
- void addLoss(GM& gm, IT GTBegin) const;
- Parameter param_;
-inline double FlexibleLoss::Parameter::getNodeLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const {
- if(i >= this->nodeLossMultiplier_.size()) {
- return 1.;
- }
- return this->nodeLossMultiplier_[i];
-inline double FlexibleLoss::Parameter::getFactorLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const {
- if(i >= this->factorMultipier_.size()) {
- return 1.;
- }
- return this->factorMultipier_[i];
-inline double FlexibleLoss::Parameter::getLabelLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const {
- if(i >= this->labelLossMultiplier_.size()) {
- return 1.;
- }
- return this->labelLossMultiplier_[i];
-inline double FlexibleLoss::Parameter::getLabelConfMatMultiplier(const size_t l, const size_t lgt)const{
- if(l<confMat_.shape(0) && lgt<confMat_.shape(1)){
- return confMat_(l, lgt);
- }
- return 1.0;
-inline void FlexibleLoss::Parameter::save(hid_t& groupHandle) const {
- std::vector<std::size_t> name;
- name.push_back(this->getLossId());
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"lossId",name);
- std::vector<size_t> lossType(1, size_t(lossType_));
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"lossType",lossType);
- if (this->factorMultipier_.size() > 0) {
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"factorLossMultiplier",this->factorMultipier_);
- }
- if (this->nodeLossMultiplier_.size() > 0) {
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"nodeLossMultiplier",this->nodeLossMultiplier_);
- }
- if (this->labelLossMultiplier_.size() > 0) {
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"labelLossMultiplier",this->labelLossMultiplier_);
- }
-inline void FlexibleLoss::Parameter::load(const hid_t& groupHandle) {
- std::cout<<"load loss type \n";
- std::vector<size_t> lossType;
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(groupHandle, "lossType", lossType);
- if(lossType[0] == size_t(Hamming)){
- lossType_ = Hamming;
- }
- else if(lossType[0] == size_t(L1)){
- lossType_ = L1;
- }
- else if(lossType[0] == size_t(L1)){
- lossType_ = L1;
- }
- else if(lossType[0] == size_t(L2)){
- lossType_ = L2;
- }
- else if(lossType[0] == size_t(Partition)){
- lossType_ = Partition;
- }
- else if(lossType[0] == size_t(ConfMat)){
- lossType_ = ConfMat;
- }
- if (H5Lexists(groupHandle, "nodeLossMultiplier", H5P_DEFAULT)) {
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(groupHandle, "nodeLossMultiplier", this->nodeLossMultiplier_);
- }
- else {
- //std::cout << "nodeLossMultiplier of FlexibleLoss not found, setting default values" << std::endl;
- }
- //std::cout<<"load factorLossMultiplier \n";
- if (H5Lexists(groupHandle, "factorLossMultiplier", H5P_DEFAULT) ) {
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(groupHandle, "factorLossMultiplier", this->factorMultipier_);
- }
- else {
- //std::cout << "factorLossMultiplier of FlexibleLoss not found, setting default values" << std::endl;
- }
- //std::cout<<"load labelLossMultiplier \n";
- if (H5Lexists(groupHandle, "labelLossMultiplier", H5P_DEFAULT) ) {
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(groupHandle, "labelLossMultiplier", this->labelLossMultiplier_);
- }
- else {
- //std::cout << "labelLossMultiplier of FlexibleLoss not found, setting default values" << std::endl;
- }
-template<class GM, class IT1, class IT2>
-double FlexibleLoss::loss(const GM & gm, IT1 labelBegin, const IT1 labelEnd, IT2 GTBegin, const IT2 GTEnd) const
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- double loss = 0.0;
- size_t nodeIndex = 0;
- if(param_.lossType_ == Parameter::Hamming){
- for(; labelBegin!= labelEnd; ++labelBegin, ++GTBegin, ++nodeIndex){
- if(*labelBegin != *GTBegin){
- loss += param_.getNodeLossMultiplier(nodeIndex) * param_.getLabelLossMultiplier(*labelBegin);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(param_.lossType_ == Parameter::L1 || param_.lossType_ == Parameter::L2){
- const size_t norm = param_.lossType_ == Parameter::L1 ? 1 : 2;
- for(; labelBegin!= labelEnd; ++labelBegin, ++GTBegin, ++nodeIndex){
- if(*labelBegin != *GTBegin){
- loss += param_.getNodeLossMultiplier(nodeIndex) * std::pow(std::abs(*GTBegin - *labelBegin), norm);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(param_.lossType_ == Parameter::ConfMat){
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("ConfMat Loss is not yet implemented");
- }
- else if(param_.lossType_ == Parameter::Partition){
- const size_t nFac = gm.numberOfFactors();
- for(size_t fi=0; fi<nFac; ++fi){
- const size_t nVar = gm[fi].numberOfVariables();
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(nVar,==,2,"Partition / Multicut Loss is only allowed if the graphical model has only"
- " second order factors (this might be changed in the future");
- const IndexType vis[2] = { gm[fi].variableIndex(0), gm[fi].variableIndex(1)};
- const LabelType nl[2] = { gm.numberOfLabels(vis[0]), gm.numberOfLabels(vis[1])};
- const double facVal = param_.getFactorLossMultiplier(fi);
- // in the gt they are in the same cluster
- if( (GTBegin[vis[0]] == GTBegin[vis[1]]) !=
- (labelBegin[vis[0]] == labelBegin[vis[1]]) ){
- loss +=facVal;
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("INTERNAL ERROR: unknown Loss Type");
- }
- return loss;
-template<class GM, class IT>
-void FlexibleLoss::addLoss(GM& gm, IT gt) const
- typedef typename GM::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef typename GM::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType, IndexType, LabelType> ExplicitFunction;
- typedef opengm::PottsFunction<ValueType, IndexType, LabelType> Potts;
- if(param_.lossType_ == Parameter::Hamming){
- for(IndexType i=0; i<gm.numberOfVariables(); ++i){
- LabelType numL = gm.numberOfLabels(i);
- ExplicitFunction f(&numL, &numL+1, 0);
- for(LabelType l = 0; l < numL; ++l){
- f(l) = - param_.getNodeLossMultiplier(i) * param_.getLabelLossMultiplier(l);
- }
- f(*gt) = 0;
- ++gt;
- gm.addFactor(gm.addFunction(f), &i, &i+1);
- }
- }
- else if(param_.lossType_ == Parameter::L1 || param_.lossType_ == Parameter::L2){
- const size_t norm = param_.lossType_ == Parameter::L1 ? 1 : 2;
- for(IndexType i=0; i<gm.numberOfVariables(); ++i){
- LabelType numL = gm.numberOfLabels(i);
- ExplicitFunction f(&numL, &numL+1, 0);
- const LabelType gtL = *gt;
- for(LabelType l = 0; l < numL; ++l){
- f(l) = - param_.getNodeLossMultiplier(i) * std::pow(std::abs(gtL - l), norm);
- }
- f(*gt) = 0;
- ++gt;
- gm.addFactor(gm.addFunction(f), &i, &i+1);
- }
- }
- else if(param_.lossType_ == Parameter::ConfMat){
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("ConfMat Loss is not yet implemented");
- }
- else if(param_.lossType_ == Parameter::Partition){
- const size_t nFactorsInit = gm.numberOfFactors();
- for(size_t fi=0; fi<nFactorsInit; ++fi){
- const size_t nVar = gm[fi].numberOfVariables();
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(nVar,==,2,"Partition / Multicut Loss is only allowed if the graphical model has only"
- " second order factors (this might be changed in the future");
- const IndexType vis[2] = { gm[fi].variableIndex(0), gm[fi].variableIndex(1)};
- const LabelType nl[2] = { gm.numberOfLabels(vis[0]), gm.numberOfLabels(vis[1])};
- const double facVal = param_.getFactorLossMultiplier(fi);
- // in the gt they are in the same cluster
- if(gt[vis[0]] == gt[vis[1]]){
- Potts pf(nl[0],nl[1], 0.0, -1.0*facVal);
- gm.addFactor(gm.addFunction(pf), vis,vis+2);
- }
- // in the gt they are in different clusters
- else{
- Potts pf(nl[0],nl[1], -1.0*facVal, 0.0);
- gm.addFactor(gm.addFunction(pf), vis,vis+2);
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("INTERNAL ERROR: unknown Loss Type");
- }
-} // namespace learning
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e19d945..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx"
-#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_hdf5.hxx"
-#include "hdf5.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
- * The generalized Hamming Loss incurs a penalty of nodeLossMultiplier[n] * labelLossMultiplier[l]
- * for node n taking label l, only if l is the same label as in the ground truth this amounts to zero.
- * One can imagine the overall cost matrix as outer product nodeLossMultiplier * labelLossMultiplier,
- * with zeros where the node label equals the ground truth.
- **/
-class GeneralizedHammingLoss{
- class Parameter{
- public:
- double getNodeLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const;
- double getLabelLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const;
- bool operator==(const GeneralizedHammingLoss & other) const{
- return nodeLossMultiplier_ == labelLossMultiplier_;
- }
- bool operator<(const GeneralizedHammingLoss & other) const{
- return nodeLossMultiplier_ < labelLossMultiplier_;
- }
- bool operator>(const GeneralizedHammingLoss & other) const{
- return nodeLossMultiplier_ > labelLossMultiplier_;
- }
- /**
- * serializes the parameter object to the given hdf5 group handle;
- * the group must contain a dataset "lossType" containing the
- * loss type as a string
- **/
- void save(hid_t& groupHandle) const;
- void load(const hid_t& groupHandle);
- static std::size_t getLossId() { return lossId_; }
- std::vector<double> nodeLossMultiplier_;
- std::vector<double> labelLossMultiplier_;
- private:
- static const std::size_t lossId_ = 16001;
- };
- GeneralizedHammingLoss(const Parameter& param = Parameter()) : param_(param){}
- template<class GM, class IT1, class IT2>
- double loss(const GM & gm, IT1 labelBegin, IT1 labelEnd, IT2 GTBegin,IT2 GTEnd) const;
- template<class GM, class IT>
- void addLoss(GM& gm, IT GTBegin) const;
- Parameter param_;
-inline double GeneralizedHammingLoss::Parameter::getNodeLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const {
- if(i >= this->nodeLossMultiplier_.size()) {
- return 1.;
- }
- return this->nodeLossMultiplier_[i];
-inline double GeneralizedHammingLoss::Parameter::getLabelLossMultiplier(const size_t i) const {
- if(i >= this->labelLossMultiplier_.size()) {
- return 1.;
- }
- return this->labelLossMultiplier_[i];
-inline void GeneralizedHammingLoss::Parameter::save(hid_t& groupHandle) const {
- std::vector<std::size_t> name;
- name.push_back(this->getLossId());
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"lossId",name);
- if (this->nodeLossMultiplier_.size() > 0) {
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"nodeLossMultiplier",this->nodeLossMultiplier_);
- }
- if (this->labelLossMultiplier_.size() > 0) {
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"labelLossMultiplier",this->labelLossMultiplier_);
- }
-inline void GeneralizedHammingLoss::Parameter::load(const hid_t& groupHandle) {
- if (H5Dopen(groupHandle, "nodeLossMultiplier", H5P_DEFAULT) >= 0) {
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(groupHandle, "nodeLossMultiplier", this->nodeLossMultiplier_);
- } else {
- std::cout << "nodeLossMultiplier of GeneralizedHammingLoss not found, setting default values" << std::endl;
- }
- if (H5Dopen(groupHandle, "labelLossMultiplier", H5P_DEFAULT) >= 0) {
- marray::hdf5::loadVec(groupHandle, "labelLossMultiplier", this->labelLossMultiplier_);
- } else {
- std::cout << "labelLossMultiplier of GeneralizedHammingLoss not found, setting default values" << std::endl;
- }
-template<class GM, class IT1, class IT2>
-double GeneralizedHammingLoss::loss(const GM & gm, IT1 labelBegin, const IT1 labelEnd, IT2 GTBegin, const IT2 GTEnd) const
- double loss = 0.0;
- size_t nodeIndex = 0;
- for(; labelBegin!= labelEnd; ++labelBegin, ++GTBegin, ++nodeIndex){
- if(*labelBegin != *GTBegin){
- loss += param_.getNodeLossMultiplier(nodeIndex) * param_.getLabelLossMultiplier(*labelBegin);
- }
- }
- return loss;
-template<class GM, class IT>
-void GeneralizedHammingLoss::addLoss(GM& gm, IT gt) const
- //std::cout<<"start to add loss\n";
- for(typename GM::IndexType i=0; i<gm.numberOfVariables(); ++i){
- //std::cout<<" vi"<<i<<"\n";
- typename GM::LabelType numL = gm.numberOfLabels(i);
- //std::cout<<" vi numL"<<numL<<"\n";
- opengm::ExplicitFunction<typename GM::ValueType,typename GM::IndexType, typename GM::LabelType> f(&numL, &numL+1, 0);
- //std::cout<<" apply multiplier\n";
- for(typename GM::LabelType l = 0; l < numL; ++l){
- f(l) = - param_.getNodeLossMultiplier(i) * param_.getLabelLossMultiplier(l);
- }
- f(*gt) = 0;
- //std::cout<<" increment\n";
- ++gt;
- //std::cout<<" add\n";
- gm.addFactor(gm.addFunction(f), &i, &i+1);
- //std::cout<<" next\n";
- }
- //std::cout<<"end add loss\n";
-} // namespace learning
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 47e272e..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx"
-#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_hdf5.hxx"
-namespace opengm {
- namespace learning {
- class HammingLoss{
- public:
- class Parameter{
- public:
- bool operator==(const HammingLoss & other) const{
- return true;
- }
- bool operator<(const HammingLoss & other) const{
- return false;
- }
- bool operator>(const HammingLoss & other) const{
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * serializes the parameter object to the given hdf5 group handle;
- * the group must contain a dataset "lossType" containing the
- * loss type as a string
- **/
- void save(hid_t& groupHandle) const;
- inline void load(const hid_t& ) {}
- static std::size_t getLossId() { return lossId_; }
- private:
- static const std::size_t lossId_ = 16000;
- };
- public:
- HammingLoss(const Parameter& param = Parameter()) : param_(param){}
- template<class GM, class IT1, class IT2>
- double loss(const GM & gm, IT1 labelBegin, IT1 labelEnd, IT2 GTBegin,IT2 GTEnd) const;
- template<class GM, class IT>
- void addLoss(GM& gm, IT GTBegin) const;
- private:
- Parameter param_;
- };
- inline void HammingLoss::Parameter::save(hid_t &groupHandle) const {
- std::vector<std::size_t> name;
- name.push_back(this->getLossId());
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"lossId",name);
- }
- template<class GM, class IT1, class IT2>
- double HammingLoss::loss(const GM & gm, IT1 labelBegin, const IT1 labelEnd, IT2 GTBegin, const IT2 GTEnd) const
- {
- double loss = 0.0;
- for(; labelBegin!= labelEnd; ++labelBegin, ++GTBegin){
- if(*labelBegin != *GTBegin){
- loss += 1.0;
- }
- }
- return loss;
- }
- template<class GM, class IT>
- void HammingLoss::addLoss(GM& gm, IT gt) const
- {
- for(typename GM::IndexType i=0; i<gm.numberOfVariables(); ++i){
- typename GM::LabelType numL = gm.numberOfLabels(i);
- opengm::ExplicitFunction<typename GM::ValueType,typename GM::IndexType, typename GM::LabelType> f(&numL, &numL+1,-1);
- f(*gt) = 0;
- ++gt;
- gm.addFactor(gm.addFunction(f), &i, &(i)+1);
- }
- }
- }
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e207433..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx"
-#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_hdf5.hxx"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
- class NoLoss{
- public:
- class Parameter{
- public:
- bool operator==(const NoLoss & other) const{
- return true;
- }
- bool operator<(const NoLoss & other) const{
- return false;
- }
- bool operator>(const NoLoss & other) const{
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * serializes the parameter object to the given hdf5 group handle;
- * the group must contain a dataset "lossType" containing the
- * loss type as a string
- **/
- void save(hid_t& groupHandle) const;
- inline void load(const hid_t& ) {}
- static std::size_t getLossId() { return lossId_; }
- private:
- static const std::size_t lossId_ = 0;
- };
- public:
- NoLoss(const Parameter& param = Parameter())
- : param_(param){
- }
- template<class GM, class IT1, class IT2>
- double loss(const GM & gm, IT1 labelBegin, IT1 labelEnd, IT2 GTBegin,IT2 GTEnd) const;
- template<class GM, class IT>
- void addLoss(GM& gm, IT GTBegin) const;
- private:
- Parameter param_;
- };
- inline void NoLoss::Parameter::save(hid_t& groupHandle) const {
- std::vector<std::size_t> name;
- name.push_back(this->getLossId());
- marray::hdf5::save(groupHandle,"lossId",name);
- }
- template<class GM, class IT1, class IT2>
- double NoLoss::loss(const GM & gm, IT1 labelBegin, const IT1 labelEnd, IT2 GTBegin, const IT2 GTEnd) const
- {
- double loss = 0.0;
- return loss;
- }
- template<class GM, class IT>
- void NoLoss::addLoss(GM& gm, IT gt) const
- {
- }
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/maximum-likelihood-learning.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/maximum-likelihood-learning.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bac158..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/maximum-likelihood-learning.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/view_convert_function.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/inference/icm.hxx>
-//typedef double ValueType;
-//typedef size_t IndexType;
-//typedef size_t LabelType;
-//typedef opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<
-// opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>,
-// opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>,
-// opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>
-//>::type FunctionListType;
-//typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<
-// ValueType,opengm::Adder,
-// FunctionListType,
-// opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType>
-//> GM;
-//typedef opengm::ICM<GM,opengm::Minimizer> INF;
-//typedef opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> WeightType;
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-template<class IT>
-class WeightGradientFunctor{
- WeightGradientFunctor(size_t weightIndex, IT labelVectorBegin) //std::vector<size_t>::iterator labelVectorBegin)
- : weightIndex_(weightIndex),
- labelVectorBegin_(labelVectorBegin){
- }
- template<class F>
- void operator()(const F & function ){
- size_t index=-1;
- for(size_t i=0; i<function.numberOfWeights();++i)
- if(function.weightIndex(i)==weightIndex_)
- index=i;
- if(index!=-1)
- result_ = function.weightGradient(index, labelVectorBegin_);
- else
- result_ = 0;
- }
- size_t weightIndex_;
- IT labelVectorBegin_;
- double result_;
-template<class DATASET>
-class MaximumLikelihoodLearner
- typedef DATASET DatasetType;
- typedef typename DATASET::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename GMType::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GMType::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GMType::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef typename GMType::FactorType FactorType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> WeightType;
- typedef typename opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> FunctionType;
- typedef typename opengm::ViewConvertFunction<GMType,Minimizer,ValueType> ViewFunctionType;
- typedef typename GMType::FunctionIdentifier FunctionIdentifierType;
- typedef typename opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<FunctionType,ViewFunctionType>::type FunctionListType;
- typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType,opengm::Multiplier, FunctionListType, opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType> > GmBpType;
- typedef BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GmBpType, opengm::Integrator> UpdateRules;
- typedef MessagePassing<GmBpType, opengm::Integrator, UpdateRules, opengm::MaxDistance> BeliefPropagation;
- class Parameter{
- public:
- size_t maxNumSteps_;
- Parameter() :
- maxNumSteps_(100)
- {;}
- };
- MaximumLikelihoodLearner(DATASET&, const Parameter & w= Parameter() );
- // template<class INF>
- void learn();//const typename INF::Parameter&);
- const opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType>& getModelWeights(){return modelWeights_;}
- Parameter& getLerningWeights(){return param_;}
- DATASET& dataset_;
- opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> modelWeights_;
- Parameter param_;
-template<class DATASET>
-MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DATASET>::MaximumLikelihoodLearner(DATASET& ds, const Parameter& w)
- : dataset_(ds), param_(w)
- modelWeights_ = opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType>(ds.getNumberOfWeights());
-template<class DATASET>
-//template<class INF>
-void MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DATASET>::learn(){//const typename INF::Parameter &infParam){
- opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> modelWeight( dataset_.getNumberOfWeights() );
- opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> bestModelWeight( dataset_.getNumberOfWeights() );
- //double bestLoss = 100000000.0;
- std::vector<ValueType> point(dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(),0);
- std::vector<ValueType> gradient(dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(),0);
- std::vector<ValueType> Delta(dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(),0);
- for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p)
- point[p] = ValueType((0));
- typename DATASET::LossType lossFunction;
- bool search=true;
- int count=0;
- std::vector< std::vector<ValueType> > w( dataset_.getNumberOfModels(), std::vector<ValueType> ( dataset_.getModel(0).numberOfVariables()) );
- /***********************************************************************************************************/
- // construct Ground Truth dependent weights
- /***********************************************************************************************************/
- for(IndexType m=0; m<dataset_.getNumberOfModels(); ++m){ // for each model
- const GMType &model = dataset_.getModel(m);
- const std::vector<LabelType>& gt = dataset_.getGT(m);
- for(IndexType v=0; v<model.numberOfVariables();++v)
- w[m][v]=(ValueType)gt[v];
- }
- ValueType eta = 0.1;
- ValueType delta = 0.25; // 0 <= delta <= 0.5
- ValueType D_a = 1.0; // distance treshold
- ValueType optFun, bestOptFun=0.0;
- while(search){
- ++count;
- //if (count % 1000 == 0)
- std::cout << "---count--->" << count << " ";
- // Get Weights
- for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- modelWeight.setWeight(p, point[p]);
- }
- // /***********************************************************************************************************/
- // // calculate current loss - not needed
- // /***********************************************************************************************************/
- // opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType>& mp = dataset_.getWeights();
- // mp = modelWeight;
- // std::vector< std::vector<typename INF::LabelType> > confs( dataset_.getNumberOfModels() );
- // double loss = 0;
- // for(size_t m=0; m<dataset_.getNumberOfModels(); ++m){
- // INF inf( dataset_.getModel(m),infParam);
- // inf.infer();
- // inf.arg(confs[m]);
- // const std::vector<typename INF::LabelType>& gt = dataset_.getGT(m);
- // loss += lossFunction.loss(dataset_.getModel(m), confs[m].begin(), confs[m].end(), gt.begin(), gt.end());
- // }
- // std::cout << " eta = " << eta << " weights ";//<< std::endl;
- // for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- // std::cout << modelWeight[p] << " " ;
- // }
- // optFun=0.0;
- /***********************************************************************************************************/
- // Loopy Belief Propagation setup
- /***********************************************************************************************************/
- const IndexType maxNumberOfIterations = 40;
- const double convergenceBound = 1e-7;
- const double damping = 0.5;
- typename BeliefPropagation::Parameter weight(maxNumberOfIterations, convergenceBound, damping);
- std::vector< std::vector<ValueType> > b ( dataset_.getNumberOfModels(), std::vector<ValueType> ( dataset_.getModel(0).numberOfFactors()) );
- for(IndexType m=0; m<dataset_.getNumberOfModels(); ++m){
- //****************************************
- // Build dummy model
- //***************************************
- GmBpType bpModel(dataset_.getModel(m).space());
- for(IndexType f = 0; f<dataset_.getModel(m).numberOfFactors();++f){
- const typename GMType::FactorType& factor=dataset_.getModel(m)[f];
- typedef typename opengm::ViewConvertFunction<GMType,Minimizer,ValueType> ViewFunctionType;
- typedef typename GMType::FunctionIdentifier FunctionIdentifierType;
- FunctionIdentifierType fid = bpModel.addFunction(ViewFunctionType(factor));
- bpModel.addFactor(fid, factor.variableIndicesBegin(), factor.variableIndicesEnd());
- }
- /***********************************************************************************************************/
- // run: Loopy Belief Propagation
- /***********************************************************************************************************/
- BeliefPropagation bp(bpModel, weight);
- const std::vector<LabelType>& gt = dataset_.getGT(m);
- bp.infer();
- typename GMType::IndependentFactorType marg;
- for(IndexType f = 0; f<dataset_.getModel(m).numberOfFactors();++f){
- bp.factorMarginal(f, marg);
- std::vector<IndexType> indexVector( marg.variableIndicesBegin(), marg.variableIndicesEnd() );
- std::vector<LabelType> labelVector( marg.numberOfVariables());
- for(IndexType v=0; v<marg.numberOfVariables();++v)
- labelVector[v] = gt[indexVector[v]];
- b[m][f] = marg(labelVector.begin());
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************************************************************/
- // Calculate Gradient
- /***********************************************************************************************************/
- std::vector<ValueType> sum(dataset_.getNumberOfWeights());
- for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights();++p){
- std::vector< std::vector<ValueType> >
- piW(dataset_.getNumberOfModels(),
- std::vector<ValueType> ( dataset_.getModel(0).numberOfFactors()));
- for(IndexType m=0; m<dataset_.getNumberOfModels(); ++m){
- const GMType &model = dataset_.getModel(m);
- const std::vector<LabelType>& gt = dataset_.getGT(m);
- ValueType f_p;
- for(IndexType f=0; f<dataset_.getModel(m).numberOfFactors();++f){
- const FactorType &factor = dataset_.getModel(m)[f];
- std::vector<IndexType> indexVector( factor.variableIndicesBegin(), factor.variableIndicesEnd() );
- std::vector<LabelType> labelVector( factor.numberOfVariables());
- piW[m][f]=1.0;
- for(IndexType v=0; v<factor.numberOfVariables();++v){
- labelVector[v] = gt[indexVector[v]];
- piW[m][f] *=w[m][indexVector[v]];
- }
- WeightGradientFunctor<typename std::vector<LabelType>::iterator> weightGradientFunctor(p, labelVector.begin());
- factor.callFunctor(weightGradientFunctor);
- f_p =weightGradientFunctor.result_;
- // gradient
- // ( marginals - ground_truth ) * factor_gradient_p
- sum[p] += (b[m][f] - piW[m][f]) * f_p;
- // likelihood function
- // marginals - ground_truth * factor
- optFun += b[m][f] - piW[m][f] * factor(labelVector.begin());
- }
- }
- }
- //std::cout << " loss = " << loss << " optFun = " << optFun << " optFunTmp = " << optFunTmp << std::endl;
- //std::cout << " loss = " << loss << " optFun = " << optFun << std::endl;
- std::cout << " optFun = " << optFun << std::endl;
- if(optFun>=bestOptFun){
- bestOptFun=optFun;
- bestModelWeight=modelWeight;
- bestOptFun=optFun;
- //bestLoss=loss;
- }
- if (count>=param_.maxNumSteps_){
- search = false;
- }else{
- // Calculate the next point
- ValueType norm2=0.0;
- for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- gradient[p] = sum[p];
- norm2 += gradient[p]*gradient[p];
- }
- norm2 = std::sqrt(norm2);
- for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- gradient[p] /= norm2;
- std::cout << " gradient [" << p << "] = " << gradient[p] << std::endl;
- point[p] += eta * gradient[p];
- }
- eta *= (ValueType)count/(count+1);
- }
- } // end while search
- std::cout <<std::endl<< "Best weights: ";
- for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- std::cout << bestModelWeight[p] <<" ";
- }
- std::cout << " ==> ";
- //std::cout << " loss = " << bestLoss << " bestOptFun = " << bestOptFun << " gradient [" << 0 << "] = " << gradient[0] << std::endl;
- std::cout << " bestOptFun = " << bestOptFun << " gradient [" << 0 << "] = " << gradient[0] << std::endl;
- modelWeights_ = bestModelWeight;
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index d8c54b2..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/view_convert_function.hxx>
-#include <iomanip>
-namespace opengm {
- namespace learning {
- template<class DATASET>
- class MaximumLikelihoodLearner
- {
- public:
- typedef DATASET DatasetType;
- typedef typename DATASET::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename GMType::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GMType::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GMType::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef typename GMType::FactorType FactorType;
- typedef Weights<ValueType> WeightType;
- class Parameter{
- public:
- size_t maximumNumberOfIterations_;
- double gradientStepSize_;
- double weightStoppingCriteria_;
- double gradientStoppingCriteria_;
- bool infoFlag_;
- bool infoEveryStep_;
- double weightRegularizer_;
- size_t beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations_;
- double beliefPropagationConvergenceBound_;
- double beliefPropagationDamping_;
- double beliefPropagationTemperature_;
- opengm::Tribool beliefPropagationIsAcyclic_;
- Parameter():
- maximumNumberOfIterations_(100),
- gradientStepSize_(0.1),
- weightStoppingCriteria_(0.0000000000000001),
- gradientStoppingCriteria_(0.0000000000000001),
- infoFlag_(true),
- infoEveryStep_(false),
- weightRegularizer_(1.0),
- beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations_(40),
- beliefPropagationConvergenceBound_(0.0000001),
- beliefPropagationDamping_(0.5),
- beliefPropagationTemperature_(0.3),
- beliefPropagationIsAcyclic_(opengm::Tribool::Maybe)
- {;}
- };
- class WeightGradientFunctor{
- public:
- WeightGradientFunctor(DatasetType& ds) : dataset_(ds) { gradient_.resize(ds.getNumberOfWeights(),0.0);}
- void setModel(size_t m) { modelID_ = m; }
- void setMarg(typename GMType::IndependentFactorType* marg){marg_= marg;}
- double getGradient(size_t i) {return gradient_[i];}
- template<class F>
- void operator()(const F & function ){
- std::vector<LabelType> labelVector(marg_->numberOfVariables());
- for(size_t i=0; i<marg_->numberOfVariables(); ++i)
- labelVector[i] = dataset_.getGT(modelID_)[marg_->variableIndex(i)];
- for(size_t i=0; i<function.numberOfWeights();++i){
- size_t wID = function.weightIndex(i);
- gradient_[wID] -= function.weightGradient(i, labelVector.begin());
- }
- opengm::ShapeWalker<typename F::FunctionShapeIteratorType> shapeWalker(function.functionShapeBegin(), function.dimension());
- for(size_t i=0;i<function.size();++i, ++shapeWalker) {
- for(size_t i=0; i<function.numberOfWeights();++i){
- size_t wID = function.weightIndex(i);
- gradient_[wID] += (*marg_)(shapeWalker.coordinateTuple().begin()) * function.weightGradient(i, shapeWalker.coordinateTuple().begin() );
- }
- }
- }
- private:
- DatasetType& dataset_;
- size_t modelID_;
- std::vector<double> gradient_;
- typename GMType::IndependentFactorType* marg_;
- };
- MaximumLikelihoodLearner(DATASET&, const Parameter&);
- void learn();
- const opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType>& getModelWeights(){return weights_;}
- WeightType& getLerningWeights(){return weights_;}
- private:
- DATASET& dataset_;
- WeightType weights_;
- Parameter param_;
- };
- template<class DATASET>
- MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DATASET>::MaximumLikelihoodLearner(DATASET& ds, const Parameter& param )
- : dataset_(ds), param_(param)
- {
- weights_ = opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType>(ds.getNumberOfWeights());
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- void MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DATASET>::learn(){
- typedef typename opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> FunctionType;
- typedef typename opengm::ViewConvertFunction<GMType,Minimizer,ValueType> ViewFunctionType;
- typedef typename GMType::FunctionIdentifier FunctionIdentifierType;
- typedef typename opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<FunctionType,ViewFunctionType>::type FunctionListType;
- typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType,opengm::Multiplier, FunctionListType, opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType> > GmBpType;
- typedef BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GmBpType, opengm::Integrator> UpdateRules;
- typedef MessagePassing<GmBpType, opengm::Integrator, UpdateRules, opengm::MaxDistance> BeliefPropagation;
- bool search = true;
- double invTemperature = 1.0/param_.beliefPropagationTemperature_;
- if(param_.infoFlag_){
- std::cout << "INFO: Maximum Likelihood Learner: Maximum Number Of Iterations "<< param_.maximumNumberOfIterations_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Maximum Likelihood Learner: Gradient Step Size "<< param_.gradientStepSize_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Maximum Likelihood Learner: Gradient Stopping Criteria "<<param_. gradientStoppingCriteria_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Maximum Likelihood Learner: Weight Stopping Criteria "<< param_.weightStoppingCriteria_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Maximum Likelihood Learner: Info Flag "<< param_.infoFlag_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Maximum Likelihood Learner: Info Every Step "<< param_.infoEveryStep_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Maximum Likelihood Learner: Strength of regularizer for the Weight "<< param_.weightRegularizer_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Belief Propagation: Maximum Number Of Belief Propagation Iterations "<< param_.beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Belief Propagation: Convergence Bound "<< param_.beliefPropagationConvergenceBound_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Belief Propagation: Damping "<< param_.beliefPropagationDamping_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Belief Propagation: Temperature "<< param_.beliefPropagationTemperature_ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "INFO: Belief Propagation: Acyclic Model "<< param_.beliefPropagationIsAcyclic_ << std::endl;
- }
- typename UpdateRules::SpecialParameterType specialParameter;//=UpdateRules::SpecialParameterType();
- typename BeliefPropagation::Parameter infParam(
- param_.beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations_,
- param_.beliefPropagationConvergenceBound_,
- param_.beliefPropagationDamping_,
- specialParameter,
- param_.beliefPropagationIsAcyclic_
- );
- size_t iterationCount = 0;
- while(search){
- if(iterationCount>=param_.maximumNumberOfIterations_) break;
- ++iterationCount;
- if(param_.infoFlag_)
- std::cout << "\r Progress : " << iterationCount << "/"<<param_.maximumNumberOfIterations_ <<" iteration 0/"<< dataset_.getNumberOfModels() << " models ";
- typename GMType::IndependentFactorType marg;
- WeightGradientFunctor wgf(dataset_);
- for(IndexType m=0; m<dataset_.getNumberOfModels(); ++m){
- if(param_.infoFlag_)
- std::cout << "\r Progress : " << iterationCount << "/"<<param_.maximumNumberOfIterations_ << " iteration "<<m<<"/"<< dataset_.getNumberOfModels()<<" models ";
- dataset_.lockModel(m);
- wgf.setModel(m);
- //*********************************
- //** Build dummy model and infer
- //*********************************
- GmBpType bpModel(dataset_.getModel(m).space());
- for(IndexType f = 0; f<dataset_.getModel(m).numberOfFactors();++f){
- const typename GMType::FactorType& factor=dataset_.getModel(m)[f];
- typedef typename opengm::ViewConvertFunction<GMType,Minimizer,ValueType> ViewFunctionType;
- typedef typename GMType::FunctionIdentifier FunctionIdentifierType;
- FunctionIdentifierType fid = bpModel.addFunction(ViewFunctionType(factor,invTemperature));
- bpModel.addFactor(fid, factor.variableIndicesBegin(), factor.variableIndicesEnd());
- }
- BeliefPropagation bp(bpModel, infParam);
- bp.infer();
- for(IndexType f=0; f<dataset_.getModel(m).numberOfFactors();++f){
- bp.factorMarginal(f, marg);
- wgf.setMarg(&marg);
- dataset_.getModel(m)[f].callFunctor(wgf);
- }
- dataset_.unlockModel(m);
- }
- //*****************************
- //** Gradient Step
- //************************
- double gradientNorm = 0;
- for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- gradientNorm += (wgf.getGradient(p)-2*param_.weightRegularizer_*weights_.getWeight(p)) * (wgf.getGradient(p)-2*param_.weightRegularizer_*weights_.getWeight(p));
- }
- gradientNorm = std::sqrt(gradientNorm);
- if(gradientNorm < param_.gradientStoppingCriteria_)
- search = false;
- if(param_.infoFlag_ and param_.infoEveryStep_)
- std::cout << "\r" << std::flush << " Iteration " << iterationCount <<" Gradient = ( ";
- double normGradientDelta = 0;
- for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
- if(param_.infoFlag_ and param_.infoEveryStep_)
- std::cout << std::left << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(10) << (wgf.getGradient(p)-2*param_.weightRegularizer_*weights_.getWeight(p))/gradientNorm << " ";
- double gradientDelta;
- gradientDelta=param_.gradientStepSize_/iterationCount * (wgf.getGradient(p)-2*param_.weightRegularizer_*weights_.getWeight(p))/gradientNorm;
- normGradientDelta +=gradientDelta*gradientDelta;
- dataset_.getWeights().setWeight(p, weights_.getWeight(p) + gradientDelta);
- weights_.setWeight(p, weights_.getWeight(p) + gradientDelta);
- }
- normGradientDelta=std::sqrt(normGradientDelta);
- if( normGradientDelta < param_.weightStoppingCriteria_)
- search = false;
- if(param_.infoFlag_ and param_.infoEveryStep_){
- std::cout << ") ";
- std::cout << " Weight = ( ";
- for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p)
- std::cout << std::left << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(10) << weights_.getWeight(p) << " ";
- std::cout << ") "<< "GradientNorm " << std::left << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(10) << gradientNorm << " GradientDeltaNorm "<< std::setw(10) << normGradientDelta << " " << std::endl;
- }
- else if (param_.infoFlag_)
- std::cout << "GradientNorm " << std::left << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(10) << gradientNorm << " GradientDeltaNorm "<< std::setw(10) << normGradientDelta << " " << std::flush;
- }
- std::cout << "\r " << std::flush;
- std::cout << "\r Stoped after "<< iterationCount << "/" << param_.maximumNumberOfIterations_<< " iterations. " <<std::endl;
- }
- }
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/rws.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/rws.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c7cd0..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/rws.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <vector>
-#include <opengm/inference/inference.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx>
-#include <opengm/utilities/random.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/gradient-accumulator.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/weight_averaging.hxx>
-#include <omp.h>
-#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
-#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp>
-#include <boost/random/normal_distribution.hpp>
-#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
-#include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
-namespace opengm {
- namespace learning {
- template<class T>
- double gen_normal_3(T &generator)
- {
- return generator();
- }
- // Version that fills a vector
- template<class T>
- void gen_normal_3(T &generator,
- std::vector<double> &res)
- {
- for(size_t i=0; i<res.size(); ++i)
- res[i]=generator();
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- class Rws
- {
- public:
- typedef DATASET DatasetType;
- typedef typename DATASET::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename DATASET::LossType LossType;
- typedef typename GMType::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GMType::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GMType::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<double> WeightsType;
- typedef typename std::vector<LabelType>::const_iterator LabelIterator;
- typedef FeatureAccumulator<GMType, LabelIterator> FeatureAcc;
- typedef std::vector<LabelType> ConfType;
- typedef boost::circular_buffer<ConfType> ConfBuffer;
- typedef std::vector<ConfBuffer> ConfBufferVec;
- class Parameter{
- public:
- Parameter(){
- eps_ = 0.00001;
- maxIterations_ = 10000;
- stopLoss_ = 0.0;
- learningRate_ = 1.0;
- C_ = 1.0;
- averaging_ = -1;
- p_ = 10;
- sigma_ = 1.0;
- }
- double eps_;
- size_t maxIterations_;
- double stopLoss_;
- double learningRate_;
- double C_;
- int averaging_;
- size_t p_;
- double sigma_;
- };
- Rws(DATASET&, const Parameter& );
- template<class INF>
- void learn(const typename INF::Parameter& para);
- //template<class INF, class VISITOR>
- //void learn(typename INF::Parameter para, VITITOR vis);
- const opengm::learning::Weights<double>& getWeights(){return weights_;}
- Parameter& getLerningParameters(){return para_;}
- double getLoss(const GMType & gm ,const GMWITHLOSS & gmWithLoss, std::vector<LabelType> & labels){
- double loss = 0 ;
- std::vector<LabelType> subConf(20,0);
- for(size_t fi=gm.numberOfFactors(); fi<gmWithLoss.numberOfFactors(); ++fi){
- for(size_t v=0; v<gmWithLoss[fi].numberOfVariables(); ++v){
- subConf[v] = labels[ gmWithLoss[fi].variableIndex(v)];
- }
- loss += gmWithLoss[fi](subConf.begin());
- }
- return loss;
- }
- private:
- double updateWeights();
- DATASET& dataset_;
- WeightsType weights_;
- Parameter para_;
- size_t iteration_;
- FeatureAcc featureAcc_;
- WeightRegularizer<ValueType> wReg_;
- WeightAveraging<double> weightAveraging_;
- };
- template<class DATASET>
- Rws<DATASET>::Rws(DATASET& ds, const Parameter& p )
- : dataset_(ds),
- para_(p),
- iteration_(0),
- featureAcc_(ds.getNumberOfWeights()),
- wReg_(2, 1.0/p.C_),
- weightAveraging_(ds.getWeights(),p.averaging_)
- {
- featureAcc_.resetWeights();
- weights_ = opengm::learning::Weights<double>(ds.getNumberOfWeights());
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- template<class INF>
- void Rws<DATASET>::learn(const typename INF::Parameter& para){
- const size_t nModels = dataset_.getNumberOfModels();
- const size_t nWegihts = dataset_.getNumberOfWeights();
- //for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- // dataset_.getWeights().setWeight(wi, 0.0);
- //}
- RandomUniform<size_t> randModel(0, nModels);
- boost::math::normal_distribution<ValueType> nDist(0.0, para_.sigma_);
- std::vector< std::vector<ValueType> > noiseVecs(para_.p_, std::vector<ValueType>(nWegihts));
- std::vector<ValueType> lossVec(para_.p_);
- std::vector<ValueType> gradient(nWegihts);
- boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937, boost::normal_distribution<> >
- generator(boost::mt19937(time(0)),boost::normal_distribution<>(0.0, para_.sigma_));
- std::cout<<"online mode "<<nWegihts<<"\n";
- std::cout <<"start loss"<< std::setw(6) << std::setfill(' ') << iteration_ << ':'
- << std::setw(8) << dataset_. template getTotalLossParallel<INF>(para) <<" \n\n\n\n";
- for(iteration_=0 ; iteration_<para_.maxIterations_; ++iteration_){
- // get random model
- const size_t gmi = randModel();
- // save the current weights
- WeightsType currentWeights = dataset_.getWeights();
- featureAcc_.resetWeights();
- // lock the model
- dataset_.lockModel(gmi);
- for(size_t p=0; p<para_.p_; ++p){
- // fill noise
- gen_normal_3(generator, noiseVecs[p]);
- // add noise to the weights
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- const ValueType cw = currentWeights[wi];
- const ValueType nw = cw + noiseVecs[p][wi];
- dataset_.getWeights().setWeight(wi, nw);
- }
- const GMType & gm = dataset_.getModel(gmi);
- // do inference
- std::vector<LabelType> arg;
- opengm::infer<INF>(gm, para, arg);
- lossVec[p] = dataset_.getLoss(arg, gmi);
- //featureAcc_.accumulateModelFeatures(gm, dataset_.getGT(gmi).begin(), arg.begin());
- // update weights
- //const double wChange =updateWeights();
- }
- //for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- // gradient[wi] = featureAcc_.getWeight(wi);
- //}
- std::fill(gradient.begin(), gradient.end(),0.0);
- for(size_t p=0; p<para_.p_; ++p){
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- gradient[wi] += (1.0/para_.p_)*(noiseVecs[p][wi])*lossVec[p];
- }
- }
- const ValueType actualLearningRate = para_.learningRate_/(1.0 + iteration_);
- //const ValueType actualLearningRate = para_.learningRate_;///(1.0 + iteration_);
- // do update
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- const ValueType oldWeight = currentWeights[wi];
- const ValueType newWeights = (oldWeight - actualLearningRate*gradient[wi])*para_.C_;
- //std::cout<<"wi "<<newWeights<<"\n";
- dataset_.getWeights().setWeight(wi, newWeights);
- }
- std::cout<<"\n";
- dataset_.unlockModel(gmi);
- if(iteration_%10==0){
- //if(iteration_%nModels*2 == 0 ){
- std::cout << '\n'
- << std::setw(6) << std::setfill(' ') << iteration_ << ':'
- << std::setw(8) << dataset_. template getTotalLossParallel<INF>(para) <<" "<< std::flush;
- }
- }
- weights_ = dataset_.getWeights();
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- double Rws<DATASET>::updateWeights(){
- const size_t nWegihts = dataset_.getNumberOfWeights();
- WeightsType p(nWegihts);
- WeightsType newWeights(nWegihts);
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- p[wi] = dataset_.getWeights().getWeight(wi);
- p[wi] += para_.C_ * featureAcc_.getWeight(wi);
- }
- double wChange = 0.0;
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- const double wOld = dataset_.getWeights().getWeight(wi);
- const double wNew = wOld - (para_.learningRate_/double(iteration_+1))*p[wi];
- newWeights[wi] = wNew;
- }
- weightAveraging_(newWeights);
- weights_ = dataset_.getWeights();
- return wChange;
- }
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/BundleCollector.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/BundleCollector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a9bf12c..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/BundleCollector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#include "LinearConstraints.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-class BundleCollector {
- template <typename ModelWeights>
- void addHyperplane(const ModelWeights& a, double b);
- const LinearConstraints& getConstraints() const { return _constraints; }
- LinearConstraints _constraints;
-template <typename ModelWeights>
-BundleCollector::addHyperplane(const ModelWeights& a, double b) {
- /*
- <w,a> + b ≤ ξ
- <=>
- <w,a> - ξ ≤ -b
- */
- unsigned int dims = a.numberOfWeights();
- LinearConstraint constraint;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dims; i++)
- constraint.setCoefficient(i, a[i]);
- constraint.setCoefficient(dims, -1.0);
- constraint.setRelation(LessEqual);
- constraint.setValue(-b);
- _constraints.add(constraint);
-}}} // namespace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/CplexBackend.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/CplexBackend.h
deleted file mode 100644
index feda3f4..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/CplexBackend.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef WITH_CPLEX
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <ilcplex/ilocplex.h>
-#include "LinearConstraints.h"
-#include "QuadraticObjective.h"
-#include "QuadraticSolverBackend.h"
-#include "Sense.h"
-#include "Solution.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
- * Cplex interface to solve the following (integer) quadratic program:
- *
- * min <a,x> + xQx
- * s.t. Ax == b
- * Cx <= d
- * optionally: x_i \in {0,1} for all i
- *
- * Where (A,b) describes all linear equality constraints, (C,d) all linear
- * inequality constraints and x is the solution vector. a is a real-valued
- * vector denoting the coefficients of the objective and Q a PSD matrix giving
- * the quadratic coefficients of the objective.
- */
-class CplexBackend : public QuadraticSolverBackend {
- struct Parameter {
- Parameter() :
- mipGap(0.0001),
- mipFocus(0),
- numThreads(0),
- verbose(false) {}
- // The Gurobi relative optimality gap.
- double mipGap;
- // The Gurobi MIP focus: 0 = balanced, 1 = feasible solutions, 2 =
- // optimal solution, 3 = bound.
- unsigned int mipFocus;
- // The number of threads to be used by Gurobi. The default (0) uses all
- // available CPUs.
- unsigned int numThreads;
- // Show the gurobi output.
- bool verbose;
- };
- CplexBackend(const Parameter& parameter = Parameter());
- virtual ~CplexBackend();
- ///////////////////////////////////
- // solver backend implementation //
- ///////////////////////////////////
- void initialize(
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType variableType);
- void initialize(
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType defaultVariableType,
- const std::map<unsigned int, VariableType>& specialVariableTypes);
- void setObjective(const LinearObjective& objective);
- void setObjective(const QuadraticObjective& objective);
- void setConstraints(const LinearConstraints& constraints);
- void addConstraint(const LinearConstraint& constraint);
- bool solve(Solution& solution, double& value, std::string& message);
- //////////////
- // internal //
- //////////////
- // set the optimality gap
- void setMIPGap(double gap);
- // set the mpi focus
- void setMIPFocus(unsigned int focus);
- // set the number of threads to use
- void setNumThreads(unsigned int numThreads);
- // create a CPLEX constraint from a linear constraint
- IloRange createConstraint(const LinearConstraint &constraint);
- /**
- * Enable solver output.
- */
- void setVerbose(bool verbose);
- // size of a and x
- unsigned int _numVariables;
- // rows in A
- unsigned int _numEqConstraints;
- // rows in C
- unsigned int _numIneqConstraints;
- Parameter _parameter;
- // the verbosity of the output
- int _verbosity;
- // a value by which to scale the objective
- double _scale;
- // Objective, constraints and cplex environment:
- IloEnv env_;
- IloModel model_;
- IloNumVarArray x_;
- IloRangeArray c_;
- IloObjective obj_;
- IloNumArray sol_;
- IloCplex cplex_;
- double constValue_;
- typedef std::vector<IloExtractable> ConstraintVector;
- ConstraintVector _constraints;
-inline CplexBackend::CplexBackend(const Parameter& parameter) :
- _parameter(parameter),
- model_(env_),
- x_(env_),
- c_(env_),
- obj_(env_),
- sol_(env_)
- std::cout << "constructing cplex solver" << std::endl;
-inline CplexBackend::~CplexBackend() {
- std::cout << "destructing cplex solver..." << std::endl;
-inline void
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType variableType) {
- initialize(numVariables, variableType, std::map<unsigned int, VariableType>());
-inline void
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType defaultVariableType,
- const std::map<unsigned int, VariableType>& specialVariableTypes) {
- _numVariables = numVariables;
- // delete previous variables
- x_.clear();
- // add new variables to the model
- if (defaultVariableType == Binary) {
- std::cout << "creating " << _numVariables << " binary variables" << std::endl;
- x_.add(IloNumVarArray(env_, _numVariables, 0, 1, ILOBOOL));
- } else if (defaultVariableType == Continuous) {
- std::cout << "creating " << _numVariables << " continuous variables" << std::endl;
- x_.add(IloNumVarArray(env_, _numVariables, -IloInfinity, IloInfinity));
- } else if (defaultVariableType == Integer) {
- x_.add(IloNumVarArray(env_, _numVariables, -IloInfinity, IloInfinity, ILOINT));
- }
- // TODO: port me!
-// // handle special variable types
-// typedef std::map<unsigned int, VariableType>::const_iterator VarTypeIt;
-// for (VarTypeIt i = specialVariableTypes.begin(); i != specialVariableTypes.end(); i++) {
-// unsigned int v = i->first;
-// VariableType type = i->second;
-// char t = (type == Binary ? 'B' : (type == Integer ? 'I' : 'C'));
-// _variables[v].set(GRB_CharAttr_VType, t);
-// }
- std::cout << "creating " << _numVariables << " ceofficients" << std::endl;
-inline void
-CplexBackend::setObjective(const LinearObjective& objective) {
- setObjective((QuadraticObjective)objective);
-inline void
-CplexBackend::setObjective(const QuadraticObjective& objective) {
- try {
- // set sense of objective
- if (objective.getSense() == Minimize)
- obj_ = IloMinimize(env_);
- else
- obj_ = IloMaximize(env_);
- // set the constant value of the objective
- obj_.setConstant(objective.getConstant());
- std::cout << "setting linear coefficients" << std::endl;
- for(size_t i = 0; i < _numVariables; i++)
- {
- obj_.setLinearCoef(x_[i], objective.getCoefficients()[i]);
- }
- // set the quadratic coefficients for all pairs of variables
- std::cout << "setting quadratic coefficients" << std::endl;
- typedef std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, double>::const_iterator QuadCoefIt;
- for (QuadCoefIt i = objective.getQuadraticCoefficients().begin(); i != objective.getQuadraticCoefficients().end(); i++) {
- const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& variables = i->first;
- float value = i->second;
- if (value != 0)
- obj_.setQuadCoef(x_[variables.first], x_[variables.second], value);
- }
- model_.add(obj_);
- } catch (IloCplex::Exception e) {
- std::cerr << "CPLEX error: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
- }
-inline void
-CplexBackend::setConstraints(const LinearConstraints& constraints) {
- // remove previous constraints
- for (ConstraintVector::iterator constraint = _constraints.begin(); constraint != _constraints.end(); constraint++)
- model_.remove(*constraint);
- _constraints.clear();
- // allocate memory for new constraints
- _constraints.reserve(constraints.size());
- try {
- std::cout << "setting " << constraints.size() << " constraints" << std::endl;
- IloExtractableArray cplex_constraints(env_);
- for (LinearConstraints::const_iterator constraint = constraints.begin(); constraint != constraints.end(); constraint++) {
- IloRange linearConstraint = createConstraint(*constraint);
- _constraints.push_back(linearConstraint);
- cplex_constraints.add(linearConstraint);
- }
- // add all constraints as batch to the model
- model_.add(cplex_constraints);
- } catch (IloCplex::Exception e) {
- std::cerr << "error: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
- }
-inline void
-CplexBackend::addConstraint(const LinearConstraint& constraint) {
- try {
- std::cout << "adding a constraint" << std::endl;
- // add to the model
- _constraints.push_back(model_.add(createConstraint(constraint)));
- } catch (IloCplex::Exception e) {
- std::cerr << "error: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
- }
-inline IloRange
-CplexBackend::createConstraint(const LinearConstraint& constraint) {
- // create the lhs expression
- IloExpr linearExpr(env_);
- // set the coefficients
- typedef std::map<unsigned int, double>::const_iterator CoefIt;
- for (CoefIt pair = constraint.getCoefficients().begin(); pair != constraint.getCoefficients().end(); pair++)
- {
- linearExpr.setLinearCoef(x_[pair->first], pair->second);
- }
- switch(constraint.getRelation())
- {
- case LessEqual:
- return IloRange(env_, linearExpr, constraint.getValue());
- break;
- case GreaterEqual:
- return IloRange(env_, constraint.getValue(), linearExpr);
- break;
- }
-inline bool
-CplexBackend::solve(Solution& x, double& value, std::string& msg) {
- try {
- cplex_ = IloCplex(model_);
- setVerbose(_parameter.verbose);
- setMIPGap(_parameter.mipGap);
- if (_parameter.mipFocus <= 3)
- setMIPFocus(_parameter.mipFocus);
- else
- std::cerr << "Invalid value for MIP focus!" << std::endl;
- setNumThreads(_parameter.numThreads);
- if(!cplex_.solve()) {
- std::cout << "failed to optimize. " << cplex_.getStatus() << std::endl;
- msg = "Optimal solution *NOT* found";
- return false;
- }
- else
- if(_parameter.verbose == true)
- msg = "Optimal solution found";
- // extract solution
- cplex_.getValues(sol_, x_);
- x.resize(_numVariables);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numVariables; i++)
- x[i] = sol_[i];
- // get current value of the objective
- value = cplex_.getObjValue();
- x.setValue(value);
- } catch (IloCplex::Exception& e) {
- std::cerr << "error: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
- msg = e.getMessage();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-inline void
-CplexBackend::setMIPGap(double gap) {
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::EpGap, gap);
-inline void
-CplexBackend::setMIPFocus(unsigned int focus) {
- /*
- * GUROBI and CPLEX have the same meaning for the values of the MIPFocus and MIPEmphasis parameter:
- *
- * GUROBI docs:
- * If you are more interested in finding feasible solutions quickly, you can select MIPFocus=1.
- * If you believe the solver is having no trouble finding good quality solutions,
- * and wish to focus more attention on proving optimality, select MIPFocus=2.
- * If the best objective bound is moving very slowly (or not at all), you may want to try MIPFocus=3
- * to focus on the bound.
- *
- * CPLEX params:
- * switch(focus) {
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPEmphasis, 0);
- break;
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPEmphasis, 1);
- break;
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPEmphasis, 2);
- break;
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPEmphasis, 3);
- break;
- }
- */
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPEmphasis, focus);
-inline void
-CplexBackend::setNumThreads(unsigned int numThreads) {
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::Threads, numThreads);
-inline void
-CplexBackend::setVerbose(bool verbose) {
- // setup GRB environment
- if (verbose)
- {
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPDisplay, 1);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::SimDisplay, 1);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::SiftDisplay, 1);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::BarDisplay, 1);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::NetDisplay, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::MIPDisplay, 0);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::SimDisplay, 0);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::SiftDisplay, 0);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::BarDisplay, 0);
- cplex_.setParam(IloCplex::NetDisplay, 0);
- }
-}}} // namespace opengm::learning::solver
-#endif // WITH_CPLEX
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/GurobiBackend.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/GurobiBackend.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2638063..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/GurobiBackend.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <gurobi_c++.h>
-#include "LinearConstraints.h"
-#include "QuadraticObjective.h"
-#include "QuadraticSolverBackend.h"
-#include "Sense.h"
-#include "Solution.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
- * Gurobi interface to solve the following (integer) quadratic program:
- *
- * min <a,x> + xQx
- * s.t. Ax == b
- * Cx <= d
- * optionally: x_i \in {0,1} for all i
- *
- * Where (A,b) describes all linear equality constraints, (C,d) all linear
- * inequality constraints and x is the solution vector. a is a real-valued
- * vector denoting the coefficients of the objective and Q a PSD matrix giving
- * the quadratic coefficients of the objective.
- */
-class GurobiBackend : public QuadraticSolverBackend {
- struct Parameter {
- Parameter() :
- mipGap(0.0001),
- mipFocus(0),
- numThreads(0),
- verbose(false) {}
- // The Gurobi relative optimality gap.
- double mipGap;
- // The Gurobi MIP focus: 0 = balanced, 1 = feasible solutions, 2 =
- // optimal solution, 3 = bound.
- unsigned int mipFocus;
- // The number of threads to be used by Gurobi. The default (0) uses all
- // available CPUs.
- unsigned int numThreads;
- // Show the gurobi output.
- bool verbose;
- };
- GurobiBackend(const Parameter& parameter = Parameter());
- virtual ~GurobiBackend();
- ///////////////////////////////////
- // solver backend implementation //
- ///////////////////////////////////
- void initialize(
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType variableType);
- void initialize(
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType defaultVariableType,
- const std::map<unsigned int, VariableType>& specialVariableTypes);
- void setObjective(const LinearObjective& objective);
- void setObjective(const QuadraticObjective& objective);
- void setConstraints(const LinearConstraints& constraints);
- void addConstraint(const LinearConstraint& constraint);
- bool solve(Solution& solution, double& value, std::string& message);
- //////////////
- // internal //
- //////////////
- // dump the current problem to a file
- void dumpProblem(std::string filename);
- // set the optimality gap
- void setMIPGap(double gap);
- // set the mpi focus
- void setMIPFocus(unsigned int focus);
- // set the number of threads to use
- void setNumThreads(unsigned int numThreads);
- // create a gurobi constraint from a linear constraint
- GRBConstr createConstraint(const LinearConstraint &constraint);
- /**
- * Enable solver output.
- */
- void setVerbose(bool verbose);
- // size of a and x
- unsigned int _numVariables;
- // rows in A
- unsigned int _numEqConstraints;
- // rows in C
- unsigned int _numIneqConstraints;
- Parameter _parameter;
- // the GRB environment
- GRBEnv _env;
- // the (binary) variables x
- GRBVar* _variables;
- // the objective
- GRBQuadExpr _objective;
- std::vector<GRBConstr> _constraints;
- // the GRB model containing the objective and constraints
- GRBModel _model;
- // the verbosity of the output
- int _verbosity;
- // a value by which to scale the objective
- double _scale;
-inline GurobiBackend::GurobiBackend(const Parameter& parameter) :
- _parameter(parameter),
- _variables(0),
- _model(_env) {
-inline GurobiBackend::~GurobiBackend() {
- std::cout << "destructing gurobi solver..." << std::endl;
- if (_variables)
- delete[] _variables;
-inline void
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType variableType) {
- initialize(numVariables, variableType, std::map<unsigned int, VariableType>());
-inline void
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType defaultVariableType,
- const std::map<unsigned int, VariableType>& specialVariableTypes) {
- if (_parameter.verbose)
- setVerbose(true);
- else
- setVerbose(false);
- setMIPGap(_parameter.mipGap);
- if (_parameter.mipFocus <= 3)
- setMIPFocus(_parameter.mipFocus);
- else
- std::cerr << "Invalid value for MPI focus!" << std::endl;
- setNumThreads(_parameter.numThreads);
- _numVariables = numVariables;
- // delete previous variables
- if (_variables)
- delete[] _variables;
- // add new variables to the model
- if (defaultVariableType == Binary) {
- std::cout << "creating " << _numVariables << " binary variables" << std::endl;
- _variables = _model.addVars(_numVariables, GRB_BINARY);
- _model.update();
- } else if (defaultVariableType == Continuous) {
- std::cout << "creating " << _numVariables << " continuous variables" << std::endl;
- _variables = _model.addVars(_numVariables, GRB_CONTINUOUS);
- _model.update();
- // remove default lower bound on variables
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numVariables; i++)
- _variables[i].set(GRB_DoubleAttr_LB, -GRB_INFINITY);
- } else if (defaultVariableType == Integer) {
- std::cout << "creating " << _numVariables << " integer variables" << std::endl;
- _variables = _model.addVars(_numVariables, GRB_INTEGER);
- _model.update();
- // remove default lower bound on variables
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numVariables; i++)
- _variables[i].set(GRB_DoubleAttr_LB, -GRB_INFINITY);
- }
- // handle special variable types
- typedef std::map<unsigned int, VariableType>::const_iterator VarTypeIt;
- for (VarTypeIt i = specialVariableTypes.begin(); i != specialVariableTypes.end(); i++) {
- unsigned int v = i->first;
- VariableType type = i->second;
- char t = (type == Binary ? 'B' : (type == Integer ? 'I' : 'C'));
- _variables[v].set(GRB_CharAttr_VType, t);
- }
- std::cout << "creating " << _numVariables << " ceofficients" << std::endl;
-inline void
-GurobiBackend::setObjective(const LinearObjective& objective) {
- setObjective((QuadraticObjective)objective);
-inline void
-GurobiBackend::setObjective(const QuadraticObjective& objective) {
- try {
- // set sense of objective
- if (objective.getSense() == Minimize)
- _model.set(GRB_IntAttr_ModelSense, 1);
- else
- _model.set(GRB_IntAttr_ModelSense, -1);
- // set the constant value of the objective
- _objective = objective.getConstant();
- std::cout << "setting linear coefficients" << std::endl;
- _objective.addTerms(&objective.getCoefficients()[0], _variables, _numVariables);
- // set the quadratic coefficients for all pairs of variables
- std::cout << "setting quadratic coefficients" << std::endl;
- typedef std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, double>::const_iterator QuadCoefIt;
- for (QuadCoefIt i = objective.getQuadraticCoefficients().begin(); i != objective.getQuadraticCoefficients().end(); i++) {
- const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& variables = i->first;
- float value = i->second;
- if (value != 0)
- _objective += _variables[variables.first]*_variables[variables.second]*value;
- }
- _model.setObjective(_objective);
- _model.update();
- } catch (GRBException e) {
- std::cerr << "error: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
- }
-inline void
-GurobiBackend::setConstraints(const LinearConstraints& constraints) {
- // remove previous constraints
- for (std::vector<GRBConstr>::iterator constraint = _constraints.begin(); constraint != _constraints.end(); constraint++)
- _model.remove(*constraint);
- _constraints.clear();
- _model.update();
- // allocate memory for new constraints
- _constraints.reserve(constraints.size());
- try {
- std::cout << "setting " << constraints.size() << " constraints" << std::endl;
- for (LinearConstraints::const_iterator constraint = constraints.begin(); constraint != constraints.end(); constraint++) {
- _constraints.push_back(createConstraint(*constraint));
- }
- _model.update();
- } catch (GRBException e) {
- std::cerr << "error: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
- }
-inline void
-GurobiBackend::addConstraint(const LinearConstraint& constraint) {
- try {
- std::cout << "adding a constraint" << std::endl;
- _constraints.push_back(createConstraint(constraint));
- _model.update();
- } catch (GRBException e) {
- std::cerr << "error: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
- }
-inline GRBConstr
-GurobiBackend::createConstraint(const LinearConstraint& constraint)
- // create the lhs expression
- GRBLinExpr lhsExpr;
- // set the coefficients
- typedef std::map<unsigned int, double>::const_iterator CoefIt;
- for (CoefIt pair = constraint.getCoefficients().begin(); pair != constraint.getCoefficients().end(); pair++)
- lhsExpr += pair->second * _variables[pair->first];
- // construct constraint
- return _model.addConstr(
- lhsExpr,
- (constraint.getRelation() == LessEqual ? GRB_LESS_EQUAL :
- (constraint.getRelation() == GreaterEqual ? GRB_GREATER_EQUAL :
- constraint.getValue());
-inline bool
-GurobiBackend::solve(Solution& x, double& value, std::string& msg) {
- try {
- _model.optimize();
- int status = _model.get(GRB_IntAttr_Status);
- if (status != GRB_OPTIMAL) {
- msg = "Optimal solution *NOT* found";
- return false;
- } else
- msg = "Optimal solution found";
- // extract solution
- x.resize(_numVariables);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numVariables; i++)
- x[i] = _variables[i].get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X);
- // get current value of the objective
- value = _model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_ObjVal);
- x.setValue(value);
- } catch (GRBException e) {
- std::cerr << "error: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
- msg = e.getMessage();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-inline void
-GurobiBackend::setMIPGap(double gap) {
- _model.getEnv().set(GRB_DoubleParam_MIPGap, gap);
-inline void
-GurobiBackend::setMIPFocus(unsigned int focus) {
- _model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_MIPFocus, focus);
-inline void
-GurobiBackend::setNumThreads(unsigned int numThreads) {
- _model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_Threads, numThreads);
-inline void
-GurobiBackend::setVerbose(bool verbose) {
- // setup GRB environment
- if (verbose)
- _model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_OutputFlag, 1);
- else
- _model.getEnv().set(GRB_IntParam_OutputFlag, 0);
-inline void
-GurobiBackend::dumpProblem(std::string filename) {
- try {
- _model.write(filename);
- } catch (GRBException e) {
- std::cerr << "error: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
- }
-}}} // namespace opengm::learning::solver
-#endif // WITH_GUROBI
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearConstraint.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearConstraint.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bec224c..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearConstraint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#include <map>
-#include "Relation.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
- * A sparse linear constraint.
- */
-class LinearConstraint {
- LinearConstraint();
- void setCoefficient(unsigned int varNum, double coef);
- void setRelation(Relation relation);
- void setValue(double value);
- const std::map<unsigned int, double>& getCoefficients() const;
- const Relation& getRelation() const;
- double getValue() const;
- std::map<unsigned int, double> _coefs;
- Relation _relation;
- double _value;
-LinearConstraint::LinearConstraint() :
- _relation(LessEqual) {}
-inline void
-LinearConstraint::setCoefficient(unsigned int varNum, double coef) {
- if (coef == 0) {
- std::map<unsigned int, double>::iterator i = _coefs.find(varNum);
- if (i != _coefs.end())
- _coefs.erase(_coefs.find(varNum));
- } else {
- _coefs[varNum] = coef;
- }
-inline void
-LinearConstraint::setRelation(Relation relation) {
- _relation = relation;
-inline void
-LinearConstraint::setValue(double value) {
- _value = value;
-inline const std::map<unsigned int, double>&
-LinearConstraint::getCoefficients() const {
- return _coefs;
-inline const Relation&
-LinearConstraint::getRelation() const {
- return _relation;
-inline double
-LinearConstraint::getValue() const {
- return _value;
-}}} // namspace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearConstraints.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearConstraints.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef2d4f3..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearConstraints.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#include "LinearConstraint.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-class LinearConstraints {
- typedef std::vector<LinearConstraint> linear_constraints_type;
- typedef linear_constraints_type::iterator iterator;
- typedef linear_constraints_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
- /**
- * Create a new set of linear constraints and allocate enough memory to hold
- * 'size' linear constraints. More or less constraints can be added, but
- * memory might be wasted (if more allocated then necessary) or unnecessary
- * reallocations might occur (if more added than allocated).
- *
- * @param size The number of linear constraints to reserve memory for.
- */
- LinearConstraints(size_t size = 0);
- /**
- * Remove all constraints from this set of linear constraints.
- */
- void clear() { _linearConstraints.clear(); }
- /**
- * Add a linear constraint.
- *
- * @param linearConstraint The linear constraint to add.
- */
- void add(const LinearConstraint& linearConstraint);
- /**
- * Add a set of linear constraints.
- *
- * @param linearConstraints The set of linear constraints to add.
- */
- void addAll(const LinearConstraints& linearConstraints);
- /**
- * @return The number of linear constraints in this set.
- */
- unsigned int size() const { return _linearConstraints.size(); }
- const const_iterator begin() const { return _linearConstraints.begin(); }
- iterator begin() { return _linearConstraints.begin(); }
- const const_iterator end() const { return _linearConstraints.end(); }
- iterator end() { return _linearConstraints.end(); }
- const LinearConstraint& operator[](size_t i) const { return _linearConstraints[i]; }
- LinearConstraint& operator[](size_t i) { return _linearConstraints[i]; }
- /**
- * Get a list of indices of linear constraints that use the given variables.
- */
- std::vector<unsigned int> getConstraints(const std::vector<unsigned int>& variableIds);
- linear_constraints_type _linearConstraints;
-LinearConstraints::LinearConstraints(size_t size) {
- _linearConstraints.resize(size);
-inline void
-LinearConstraints::add(const LinearConstraint& linearConstraint) {
- _linearConstraints.push_back(linearConstraint);
-inline void
-LinearConstraints::addAll(const LinearConstraints& linearConstraints) {
- _linearConstraints.insert(_linearConstraints.end(), linearConstraints.begin(), linearConstraints.end());
-inline std::vector<unsigned int>
-LinearConstraints::getConstraints(const std::vector<unsigned int>& variableIds) {
- std::vector<unsigned int> indices;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
- LinearConstraint& constraint = _linearConstraints[i];
- for (std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator v = variableIds.begin(); v != variableIds.end(); v++) {
- if (constraint.getCoefficients().count(*v) != 0) {
- indices.push_back(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return indices;
-}}} // namespace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearObjective.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearObjective.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a8f1b9e..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearObjective.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#include "QuadraticObjective.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-class LinearObjective : public QuadraticObjective {
- LinearObjective(unsigned int size = 0) : QuadraticObjective(size) {}
- using QuadraticObjective::setQuadraticCoefficient;
-}}} // namspace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearSolverBackend.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearSolverBackend.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba5b2c..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/LinearSolverBackend.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#include "LinearObjective.h"
-#include "LinearConstraints.h"
-#include "Solution.h"
-#include "VariableType.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-class LinearSolverBackend {
- virtual ~LinearSolverBackend() {};
- /**
- * Initialise the linear solver for the given type of variables.
- *
- * @param numVariables The number of variables in the problem.
- * @param variableType The type of the variables (Continuous, Integer,
- * Binary).
- */
- virtual void initialize(
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType variableType) = 0;
- /**
- * Initialise the linear solver for the given type of variables.
- *
- * @param numVariables
- * The number of variables in the problem.
- *
- * @param defaultVariableType
- * The default type of the variables (Continuous, Integer,
- * Binary).
- *
- * @param specialVariableTypes
- * A map of variable numbers to variable types to override the
- * default.
- */
- virtual void initialize(
- unsigned int numVariables,
- VariableType defaultVariableType,
- const std::map<unsigned int, VariableType>& specialVariableTypes) = 0;
- /**
- * Set the objective.
- *
- * @param objective A linear objective.
- */
- virtual void setObjective(const LinearObjective& objective) = 0;
- /**
- * Set the linear (in)equality constraints.
- *
- * @param constraints A set of linear constraints.
- */
- virtual void setConstraints(const LinearConstraints& constraints) = 0;
- /**
- * Add a single linear constraint.
- *
- * @param constraint The constraint to add.
- */
- virtual void addConstraint(const LinearConstraint& constraint) = 0;
- /**
- * Solve the problem.
- *
- * @param solution A solution object to write the solution to.
- * @param value The optimal value of the objective.
- * @param message A status message from the solver.
- * @return true, if the optimal value was found.
- */
- virtual bool solve(Solution& solution, double& value, std::string& message) = 0;
-}}} // namespace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticObjective.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticObjective.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f0ffcc7..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticObjective.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-#include <map>
-#include "Sense.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-class QuadraticObjective {
- /**
- * Create a new quadratic objective for 'size' varibales.
- *
- * @param size The number of coefficients in the objective.
- */
- QuadraticObjective(unsigned int size = 0);
- /**
- * Set the constant value of the expression.
- *
- * @param constant The value of the constant part of the objective.
- */
- void setConstant(double constant);
- /**
- * @return The value of the constant part of the objective.
- */
- double getConstant() const;
- /**
- * Add a coefficient.
- *
- * @param varNum The number of the variable to add the coefficient for.
- * @param coef The value of the coefficient.
- */
- void setCoefficient(unsigned int varNum, double coef);
- /**
- * Get the linear coefficients of this objective as a map of variable
- * numbers to coefficient values.
- *
- * @return A map from variable numbers to coefficient values.
- */
- const std::vector<double>& getCoefficients() const;
- /**
- * Add a quadratic coefficient. Use this to fill the Q matrix in the
- * objective <a,x> + xQx.
- *
- * @param varNum1 The row of Q.
- * @param varNum2 The columnt of Q.
- * @param coef The value of the coefficient.
- */
- void setQuadraticCoefficient(unsigned int varNum1, unsigned int varNum2, double coef);
- /**
- * Get the quadratic coefficients of this objective as a map of pairs of variable
- * numbers to coefficient values.
- *
- * @return A map from pairs of variable numbers to coefficient values.
- */
- const std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, double>& getQuadraticCoefficients() const;
- /**
- * Set the sense of the objective.
- *
- * @param sense Minimize or Maximize.
- */
- void setSense(Sense sense);
- /**
- * Get the sense of this objective.
- *
- * @return Minimize or Maximize.
- */
- Sense getSense() const;
- /**
- * Resize the objective. New coefficients will be set to zero.
- *
- * @param The new size of the objective.
- */
- void resize(unsigned int size);
- /**
- * Get the number of variables in this objective.
- *
- * @return The number of variables in this objective.
- */
- unsigned int size() const { return _coefs.size(); }
- Sense _sense;
- double _constant;
- // linear coefficients are assumed to be dense, therefore we use a vector
- std::vector<double> _coefs;
- std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, double> _quadraticCoefs;
-QuadraticObjective::QuadraticObjective(unsigned int size) :
- _sense(Minimize),
- _constant(0) {
- resize(size);
-inline void
-QuadraticObjective::setConstant(double constant) {
- _constant = constant;
-inline double
-QuadraticObjective::getConstant() const {
- return _constant;
-inline void
-QuadraticObjective::setCoefficient(unsigned int varNum, double coef) {
- _coefs[varNum] = coef;
-inline const std::vector<double>&
-QuadraticObjective::getCoefficients() const {
- return _coefs;
-inline void
-QuadraticObjective::setQuadraticCoefficient(unsigned int varNum1, unsigned int varNum2, double coef) {
- if (coef == 0) {
- _quadraticCoefs.erase(_quadraticCoefs.find(std::make_pair(varNum1, varNum2)));
- } else {
- _quadraticCoefs[std::make_pair(varNum1, varNum2)] = coef;
- }
-inline const std::map<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, double>&
-QuadraticObjective::getQuadraticCoefficients() const {
- return _quadraticCoefs;
-inline void
-QuadraticObjective::setSense(Sense sense) {
- _sense = sense;
-inline Sense
-QuadraticObjective::getSense() const {
- return _sense;
-inline void
-QuadraticObjective::resize(unsigned int size) {
- _coefs.resize(size, 0.0);
-}}} // namespace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticSolverBackend.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticSolverBackend.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cc3a160..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticSolverBackend.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#include "QuadraticObjective.h"
-#include "LinearSolverBackend.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-class QuadraticSolverBackend : public LinearSolverBackend {
- virtual ~QuadraticSolverBackend() {};
- /**
- * Set the objective.
- *
- * @param objective A quadratic objective.
- */
- virtual void setObjective(const QuadraticObjective& objective) = 0;
-}}} // namspace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticSolverFactory.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticSolverFactory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e986630..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticSolverFactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "GurobiBackend.h"
-#elif defined(WITH_CPLEX)
-#include "CplexBackend.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-class QuadraticSolverFactory {
- static QuadraticSolverBackend* Create() {
- return new GurobiBackend();
-#elif defined(WITH_CPLEX)
- return new CplexBackend();
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("No quadratic solver available.");
- }
-}}} // namespace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticSolverParameters.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticSolverParameters.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 42486e8..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/QuadraticSolverParameters.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#include "LinearSolverParameters.h"
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-class QuadraticSolverParameters : public LinearSolverParameters {};
-}}} // namspace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/Relation.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/Relation.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7364591..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/Relation.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-/** Used to indicate the relation of a linear constraint.
- */
-enum Relation {
- LessEqual,
- Equal,
- GreaterEqual
-}}} // namspace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/Sense.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/Sense.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f50c3a..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/Sense.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef SENSE_H__
-#define SENSE_H__
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-/** Used to indicate whether an objective is supposed to be minimized or
- * maximized.
- */
-enum Sense {
- Minimize,
- Maximize
-}}} // namspace opengm::learning::solver
-#endif // SENSE_H__
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/Solution.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/Solution.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8016bda..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/Solution.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-class Solution {
- Solution(unsigned int size = 0);
- void resize(unsigned int size);
- unsigned int size() const { return _solution.size(); }
- const double& operator[](unsigned int i) const { return _solution[i]; }
- double& operator[](unsigned int i) { return _solution[i]; }
- std::vector<double>& getVector() { return _solution; }
- void setValue(double value) { _value = value; }
- double getValue() { return _value; }
- std::vector<double> _solution;
- double _value;
-inline Solution::Solution(unsigned int size) {
- resize(size);
-inline void
-Solution::resize(unsigned int size) {
- _solution.resize(size);
-}}} // namspace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/solver/VariableType.h b/include/opengm/learning/solver/VariableType.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d107a41..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/solver/VariableType.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-namespace solver {
-enum VariableType {
- Continuous,
- Integer,
- Binary
-}}} // namspace opengm::learning::solver
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/struct-max-margin.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/struct-max-margin.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8af78ed..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/struct-max-margin.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "bundle-optimizer.hxx"
-#include "gradient-accumulator.hxx"
-#include <omp.h>
-namespace opengm {
-namespace learning {
-template <
- typename DS,
- typename O = BundleOptimizer<typename DS::ValueType> >
-class StructMaxMargin {
- typedef DS DatasetType;
- typedef O OptimizerType;
- typedef typename DatasetType::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename DatasetType::GMWITHLOSS GMWITHLOSS;
- typedef typename DatasetType::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename DatasetType::Weights Weights;
- struct Parameter {
- typedef typename OptimizerType::Parameter OptimizerParameter;
- OptimizerParameter optimizerParameter_;
- };
- StructMaxMargin(DatasetType& dataset, const Parameter& parameter = Parameter()) :
- _dataset(dataset),
- _parameter(parameter),
- _optimizer(parameter.optimizerParameter_)
- {}
- Parameter& parameter() { return _parameter; }
- template <typename InferenceType>
- void learn(const typename InferenceType::Parameter& parameter);
- const Weights& getWeights() { return _weights; }
- template <typename InferenceType>
- class Oracle {
- public:
- Oracle(DatasetType& dataset, const typename InferenceType::Parameter& infParam) :
- _dataset(dataset),
- _infParam(infParam)
- {}
- /**
- * Evaluate the loss-augmented energy value of the dataset and its
- * gradient at w.
- */
- void operator()(const Weights& w, double& value, Weights& gradient) {
- typedef std::vector<typename InferenceType::LabelType> ConfigurationType;
- // initialize gradient and value with zero
- for (int i = 0; i < gradient.numberOfWeights(); i++)
- gradient[i] = 0;
- value = 0;
- // For each model E(y,w), we have to compute the value and
- // gradient of
- //
- // max_y E(y',w) - E(y,w) + Δ(y',y) (1)
- // =
- // max_y L(y,w)
- //
- // where y' is the best-effort solution (also known as
- // groundtruth) and w are the current weights. The loss
- // augmented model given by the dataset is
- //
- // F(y,w) = E(y,w) - Δ(y',y).
- //
- // Let c = E(y',w) be the constant contribution of the
- // best-effort solution. (1) is equal to
- //
- // -min_y -c + F(y,w).
- //
- // The gradient of the maximand in (1) at y* is
- //
- // ∂L(y,w)/∂w = ∂E(y',w)/∂w -
- // ∂E(y,w)/∂w
- //
- // = Σ_θ ∂θ(y'_θ,w)/∂w -
- // Σ_θ ∂θ(y_θ,w)/∂w,
- //
- // which is a positive gradient contribution for the
- // best-effort, and a negative contribution for the maximizer
- // y*.
- // set the weights w in E(x,y) and F(x,y)
- _dataset.getWeights() = w;
- //if(_infParam.verbose_ )
- // std::cout << std::endl << " MODEL : ";
- #ifdef WITH_OPENMP
- omp_lock_t modelLock;
- omp_init_lock(&modelLock);
- #pragma omp parallel for
- #endif
- for (int i = 0; i < _dataset.getNumberOfModels(); i++) {
- // if(_infParam.verbose_ )
- // std::cout << i;
- // lock the model
- #ifdef WITH_OPENMP
- omp_set_lock(&modelLock);
- _dataset.lockModel(i);
- omp_unset_lock(&modelLock);
- #else
- _dataset.lockModel(i);
- #endif
- // get E(x,y) and F(x,y)
- const GMType & gm = _dataset.getModel(i);
- const GMWITHLOSS & gml = _dataset.getModelWithLoss(i);
- // get the best-effort solution y'
- const ConfigurationType& bestEffort = _dataset.getGT(i);
- // compute constant c for current w
- ValueType c = gm.evaluate(bestEffort);
- // find the minimizer y* of F(y,w)
- ConfigurationType mostViolated;
- InferenceType inference(gml, _infParam);
- inference.infer();
- inference.arg(mostViolated);
- // the optimal value of (1) is now c - F(y*,w)
- #pragma omp atomic
- value += c - gml.evaluate(mostViolated);
- // the gradients are
- typedef GradientAccumulator<Weights, ConfigurationType> GA;
- GA gaBestEffort(gradient, bestEffort, GA::Add);
- GA gaMostViolated(gradient, mostViolated, GA::Subtract);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < gm.numberOfFactors(); j++) {
- gm[j].callViFunctor(gaBestEffort);
- gm[j].callViFunctor(gaMostViolated);
- }
- // unlock the model
- #ifdef WITH_OPENMP
- omp_set_lock(&modelLock);
- _dataset.unlockModel(i);
- omp_unset_lock(&modelLock);
- #else
- _dataset.unlockModel(i);
- #endif
- } // end for model
- }
- const typename InferenceType::Parameter& getInfParam(){
- return _infParam;
- }
- private:
- DatasetType& _dataset;
- const typename InferenceType::Parameter& _infParam;
- };
- DatasetType& _dataset;
- Parameter _parameter;
- OptimizerType _optimizer;
- Weights _weights;
-template <typename DS, typename O>
-template <typename InferenceType>
-StructMaxMargin<DS, O>::learn(const typename InferenceType::Parameter& infParams) {
- typedef typename InferenceType:: template RebindGm<GMWITHLOSS>::type InfType;
- typedef typename InfType::Parameter InfTypeParam;
- InfTypeParam infTypeParam(infParams);
- Oracle<InfType> oracle(_dataset, infTypeParam);
- _weights = _dataset.getWeights();
- // minimize structured loss
- OptimizerResult result = _optimizer.optimize(oracle, _weights);
- if (result == Error)
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("optimizer did not succeed");
- if (result == ReachedMinGap)
- std::cout << "optimization converged to requested precision" << std::endl;
- if (result == ReachedSteps)
- std::cout << "optimization stopped after " << parameter().optimizerParameter_.steps << " iterations" << std::endl;
-} // namespace learning
-} // namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/structured_perceptron.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/structured_perceptron.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index f66cd07..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/structured_perceptron.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-#include <opengm/inference/inference.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx>
-#include <opengm/utilities/random.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/gradient-accumulator.hxx>
-namespace opengm {
- namespace learning {
- template<class DATASET>
- class StructuredPerceptron
- {
- public:
- typedef DATASET DatasetType;
- typedef typename DATASET::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename DATASET::LossType LossType;
- typedef typename GMType::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GMType::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GMType::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef typename std::vector<LabelType>::const_iterator LabelIterator;
- typedef FeatureAccumulator<GMType, LabelIterator> FeatureAcc;
- class Parameter{
- public:
- enum LearningMode{
- Online = 0,
- Batch = 2
- };
- Parameter(){
- eps_ = 0.00001;
- maxIterations_ = 10000;
- stopLoss_ = 0.0;
- decayExponent_ = 0.0;
- decayT0_ = 0.0;
- learningMode_ = Online;
- }
- double eps_;
- size_t maxIterations_;
- double stopLoss_;
- double decayExponent_;
- double decayT0_;
- LearningMode learningMode_;
- };
- StructuredPerceptron(DATASET&, const Parameter& );
- template<class INF>
- void learn(const typename INF::Parameter& para);
- //template<class INF, class VISITOR>
- //void learn(typename INF::Parameter para, VITITOR vis);
- const opengm::learning::Weights<double>& getWeights(){return weights_;}
- Parameter& getLerningParameters(){return para_;}
- double getLearningRate( )const{
- if(para_.decayExponent_<=0.000000001 && para_.decayExponent_>=-0.000000001 ){
- return 1.0;
- }
- else{
- return std::pow(para_.decayT0_ + static_cast<double>(iteration_+1),para_.decayExponent_);
- }
- }
- private:
- double updateWeights();
- DATASET& dataset_;
- opengm::learning::Weights<double> weights_;
- Parameter para_;
- size_t iteration_;
- FeatureAcc featureAcc_;
- };
- template<class DATASET>
- StructuredPerceptron<DATASET>::StructuredPerceptron(DATASET& ds, const Parameter& p )
- : dataset_(ds), para_(p),iteration_(0),featureAcc_(ds.getNumberOfWeights(),false)
- {
- featureAcc_.resetWeights();
- weights_ = opengm::learning::Weights<double>(ds.getNumberOfWeights());
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- template<class INF>
- void StructuredPerceptron<DATASET>::learn(const typename INF::Parameter& para){
- const size_t nModels = dataset_.getNumberOfModels();
- const size_t nWegihts = dataset_.getNumberOfWeights();
- if(para_.learningMode_ == Parameter::Online){
- RandomUniform<size_t> randModel(0, nModels);
- std::cout<<"online mode\n";
- for(iteration_=0 ; iteration_<para_.maxIterations_; ++iteration_){
- if(iteration_%nModels==0){
- std::cout<<"loss :"<<dataset_. template getTotalLoss<INF>(para)<<"\n";
- }
- // get random model
- const size_t gmi = randModel();
- // lock the model
- dataset_.lockModel(gmi);
- const GMType & gm = dataset_.getModel(gmi);
- // do inference
- std::vector<LabelType> arg;
- opengm::infer<INF>(gm, para, arg);
- featureAcc_.resetWeights();
- featureAcc_.accumulateModelFeatures(gm, dataset_.getGT(gmi).begin(), arg.begin());
- dataset_.unlockModel(gmi);
- // update weights
- const double wChange =updateWeights();
- }
- }
- else if(para_.learningMode_ == Parameter::Batch){
- std::cout<<"batch mode\n";
- for(iteration_=0 ; iteration_<para_.maxIterations_; ++iteration_){
- // this
- if(iteration_%1==0){
- std::cout<<"loss :"<<dataset_. template getTotalLoss<INF>(para)<<"\n";
- }
- // reset the weights
- featureAcc_.resetWeights();
- //#pragma omp parallel for
- for(size_t gmi=0; gmi<nModels; ++gmi)
- {
- // lock the model
- //omp_set_lock(&modelLockUnlock);
- dataset_.lockModel(gmi);
- //omp_unset_lock(&modelLockUnlock);
- const GMType & gm = dataset_.getModel(gmi);
- //run inference
- std::vector<LabelType> arg;
- opengm::infer<INF>(gm, para, arg);
- //
- FeatureAcc featureAcc(nWegihts,false);
- featureAcc.accumulateModelFeatures(gm, dataset_.getGT(gmi).begin(), arg.begin());
- featureAcc_.accumulateFromOther(featureAcc);
- dataset_.unlockModel(gmi);
- }
- // update the weights
- const double wChange =updateWeights();
- }
- }
- weights_ = dataset_.getWeights();
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- double StructuredPerceptron<DATASET>::updateWeights(){
- double wChange = 0.0;
- const size_t nWegihts = dataset_.getNumberOfWeights();
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- const double wOld = dataset_.getWeights().getWeight(wi);
- const double wNew = wOld + getLearningRate()*featureAcc_.getWeight(wi);
- wChange += std::pow(wOld-wNew,2);
- dataset_.getWeights().setWeight(wi, wNew);
- }
- weights_ = dataset_.getWeights();
- return wChange;
- }
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/subgradient_ssvm.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/subgradient_ssvm.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 67514f9..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/subgradient_ssvm.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <vector>
-#include <opengm/inference/inference.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx>
-#include <opengm/utilities/random.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/gradient-accumulator.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/weight_averaging.hxx>
-#include <omp.h>
-#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
-namespace opengm {
- namespace learning {
- template<class DATASET>
- class SubgradientSSVM
- {
- public:
- typedef DATASET DatasetType;
- typedef typename DATASET::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename DATASET::LossType LossType;
- typedef typename GMType::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GMType::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GMType::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<double> WeightsType;
- typedef typename std::vector<LabelType>::const_iterator LabelIterator;
- typedef FeatureAccumulator<GMType, LabelIterator> FeatureAcc;
- typedef std::vector<LabelType> ConfType;
- typedef boost::circular_buffer<ConfType> ConfBuffer;
- typedef std::vector<ConfBuffer> ConfBufferVec;
- class Parameter{
- public:
- enum LearningMode{
- Online = 0,
- Batch = 1
- };
- Parameter(){
- eps_ = 0.00001;
- maxIterations_ = 10000;
- stopLoss_ = 0.0;
- learningRate_ = 1.0;
- C_ = 1.0;
- learningMode_ = Batch;
- averaging_ = -1;
- nConf_ = 0;
- }
- double eps_;
- size_t maxIterations_;
- double stopLoss_;
- double learningRate_;
- double C_;
- LearningMode learningMode_;
- int averaging_;
- int nConf_;
- };
- SubgradientSSVM(DATASET&, const Parameter& );
- template<class INF>
- void learn(const typename INF::Parameter& para);
- //template<class INF, class VISITOR>
- //void learn(typename INF::Parameter para, VITITOR vis);
- const opengm::learning::Weights<double>& getWeights(){return weights_;}
- Parameter& getLerningParameters(){return para_;}
- double getLearningRate( )const{
- if(para_.decayExponent_<=0.000000001 && para_.decayExponent_>=-0.000000001 ){
- return 1.0;
- }
- else{
- return std::pow(para_.decayT0_ + static_cast<double>(iteration_),para_.decayExponent_);
- }
- }
- double getLoss(const GMType & gm ,const GMWITHLOSS & gmWithLoss, std::vector<LabelType> & labels){
- double loss = 0 ;
- std::vector<LabelType> subConf(20,0);
- for(size_t fi=gm.numberOfFactors(); fi<gmWithLoss.numberOfFactors(); ++fi){
- for(size_t v=0; v<gmWithLoss[fi].numberOfVariables(); ++v){
- subConf[v] = labels[ gmWithLoss[fi].variableIndex(v)];
- }
- loss += gmWithLoss[fi](subConf.begin());
- }
- return loss;
- }
- private:
- double updateWeights();
- DATASET& dataset_;
- WeightsType weights_;
- Parameter para_;
- size_t iteration_;
- FeatureAcc featureAcc_;
- WeightRegularizer<ValueType> wReg_;
- WeightAveraging<double> weightAveraging_;
- };
- template<class DATASET>
- SubgradientSSVM<DATASET>::SubgradientSSVM(DATASET& ds, const Parameter& p )
- : dataset_(ds),
- para_(p),
- iteration_(0),
- featureAcc_(ds.getNumberOfWeights()),
- wReg_(2, 1.0/p.C_),
- weightAveraging_(ds.getWeights(),p.averaging_)
- {
- featureAcc_.resetWeights();
- weights_ = opengm::learning::Weights<double>(ds.getNumberOfWeights());
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- template<class INF>
- void SubgradientSSVM<DATASET>::learn(const typename INF::Parameter& para){
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<GMWITHLOSS>::type InfLossGm;
- typedef typename InfLossGm::Parameter InfLossGmParam;
- InfLossGmParam infLossGmParam(para);
- const size_t nModels = dataset_.getNumberOfModels();
- const size_t nWegihts = dataset_.getNumberOfWeights();
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- dataset_.getWeights().setWeight(wi, 0.0);
- }
- std::cout<<"PARAM nConf_"<<para_.nConf_<<"\n";
- const bool useWorkingSets = para_.nConf_>0;
- ConfBufferVec buffer(useWorkingSets? nModels : 0, ConfBuffer(para_.nConf_));
- std::vector<bool> isViolated(para_.nConf_);
- if(para_.learningMode_ == Parameter::Online){
- RandomUniform<size_t> randModel(0, nModels);
- //std::cout<<"online mode\n";
- for(iteration_=0 ; iteration_<para_.maxIterations_; ++iteration_){
- // get random model
- const size_t gmi = randModel();
- // lock the model
- dataset_.lockModel(gmi);
- const GMWITHLOSS & gmWithLoss = dataset_.getModelWithLoss(gmi);
- // do inference
- std::vector<LabelType> arg;
- opengm::infer<InfLossGm>(gmWithLoss, infLossGmParam, arg);
- featureAcc_.resetWeights();
- featureAcc_.accumulateModelFeatures(dataset_.getModel(gmi), dataset_.getGT(gmi).begin(), arg.begin());
- dataset_.unlockModel(gmi);
- // update weights
- const double wChange =updateWeights();
- if(iteration_%nModels*2 == 0 ){
- std::cout << '\r'
- << std::setw(6) << std::setfill(' ') << iteration_ << ':'
- << std::setw(8) << dataset_. template getTotalLossParallel<INF>(para) <<" "<< std::flush;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(para_.learningMode_ == Parameter::Batch){
- //std::cout<<"batch mode\n";
- for(iteration_=0 ; iteration_<para_.maxIterations_; ++iteration_){
- // this
- // reset the weights
- featureAcc_.resetWeights();
- double totalLoss = 0;
- #ifdef WITH_OPENMP
- omp_lock_t modelLockUnlock;
- omp_init_lock(&modelLockUnlock);
- omp_lock_t featureAccLock;
- omp_init_lock(&featureAccLock);
- #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:totalLoss)
- #endif
- for(size_t gmi=0; gmi<nModels; ++gmi){
- // lock the model
- #ifdef WITH_OPENMP
- omp_set_lock(&modelLockUnlock);
- dataset_.lockModel(gmi);
- omp_unset_lock(&modelLockUnlock);
- #else
- dataset_.lockModel(gmi);
- #endif
- const GMWITHLOSS & gmWithLoss = dataset_.getModelWithLoss(gmi);
- const GMType & gm = dataset_.getModel(gmi);
- //run inference
- std::vector<LabelType> arg;
- opengm::infer<InfLossGm>(gmWithLoss, infLossGmParam, arg);
- totalLoss = totalLoss + getLoss(gm, gmWithLoss, arg);
- if(useWorkingSets){
- // append current solution
- buffer[gmi].push_back(arg);
- size_t vCount=0;
- // check which violates
- for(size_t cc=0; cc<buffer[gmi].size(); ++cc){
- const double mLoss = dataset_.getLoss(buffer[gmi][cc], gmi);
- const double argVal = gm.evaluate(buffer[gmi][cc]);
- const double gtVal = gm.evaluate(dataset_.getGT(gmi));
- const double ll = (argVal - mLoss) - gtVal;
- //std::cout<<" argVal "<<argVal<<" gtVal "<<gtVal<<" mLoss "<<mLoss<<" VV "<<ll<<"\n";
- if(ll<0){
- isViolated[cc] = true;
- ++vCount;
- }
- }
- FeatureAcc featureAcc(nWegihts);
- for(size_t cc=0; cc<buffer[gmi].size(); ++cc){
- if(isViolated[cc]){
- featureAcc.accumulateModelFeatures(gm, dataset_.getGT(gmi).begin(), buffer[gmi][cc].begin(),1.0/double(vCount));
- }
- }
- #ifdef WITH_OPENMP
- omp_set_lock(&featureAccLock);
- featureAcc_.accumulateFromOther(featureAcc);
- omp_unset_lock(&featureAccLock);
- #else
- featureAcc_.accumulateFromOther(featureAcc);
- #endif
- }
- else{
- FeatureAcc featureAcc(nWegihts);
- featureAcc.accumulateModelFeatures(gm, dataset_.getGT(gmi).begin(), arg.begin());
- #ifdef WITH_OPENMP
- omp_set_lock(&featureAccLock);
- featureAcc_.accumulateFromOther(featureAcc);
- omp_unset_lock(&featureAccLock);
- #else
- featureAcc_.accumulateFromOther(featureAcc);
- #endif
- }
- // acc features
- //omp_set_lock(&featureAccLock);
- //featureAcc_.accumulateFromOther(featureAcc);
- //omp_unset_lock(&featureAccLock);
- // unlock the model
- #ifdef WITH_OPENMP
- omp_set_lock(&modelLockUnlock);
- dataset_.unlockModel(gmi);
- omp_unset_lock(&modelLockUnlock);
- #else
- dataset_.unlockModel(gmi);
- #endif
- }
- //const double wRegVal = wReg_(dataset_.getWeights());
- //const double tObj = std::abs(totalLoss) + wRegVal;
- if(iteration_%1==0){
- std::cout << '\r'
- << std::setw(6) << std::setfill(' ') << iteration_ << ':'
- << std::setw(8) << -1.0*totalLoss <<" "<< std::flush;
- }
- // update the weights
- const double wChange =updateWeights();
- }
- }
- weights_ = dataset_.getWeights();
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- double SubgradientSSVM<DATASET>::updateWeights(){
- const size_t nWegihts = dataset_.getNumberOfWeights();
- WeightsType p(nWegihts);
- WeightsType newWeights(nWegihts);
- if(para_.learningMode_ == Parameter::Batch){
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- p[wi] = dataset_.getWeights().getWeight(wi);
- p[wi] += para_.C_ * featureAcc_.getWeight(wi)/double(dataset_.getNumberOfModels());
- }
- }
- else{
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- p[wi] = dataset_.getWeights().getWeight(wi);
- p[wi] += para_.C_ * featureAcc_.getWeight(wi);
- }
- }
- double wChange = 0.0;
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<nWegihts; ++wi){
- const double wOld = dataset_.getWeights().getWeight(wi);
- const double wNew = wOld - (para_.learningRate_/double(iteration_+1))*p[wi];
- newWeights[wi] = wNew;
- }
- weightAveraging_(newWeights);
- weights_ = dataset_.getWeights();
- return wChange;
- }
diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/weight_averaging.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/weight_averaging.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 815ab4b..0000000
--- a/include/opengm/learning/weight_averaging.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-namespace opengm{
-namespace learning{
- template<class T>
- class WeightAveraging{
- public:
- WeightAveraging(Weights<T> & weights, int order=2)
- : weights_(&weights),
- order_(order),
- iteration_(1){
- }
- WeightAveraging()
- : weights_(NULL),
- order_(2),
- iteration_(1){
- }
- void setWeights(Weights<T> & weights){
- weights_ = &weights;
- }
- template<class U>
- void operator()(const Weights<U> & weights){
- const T t = static_cast<T>(iteration_);
- if(order_ == -1){
- *weights_ = weights;
- }
- else if(order_ == 0){
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("running average is not yet implemented");
- }
- else if(order_==1){
- const T rho = 2.0 / (t + 2.0);
- for(size_t i=0; i<weights_->size(); ++i){
- (*weights_)[i] = (*weights_)[i]*(1.0 - rho) + weights[i]*rho;
- }
- }
- else if(order_ == 2){
- const T rho = 6.0 * (t+1.0) / ( (t+2.0)*(2.0*t + 3.0) );
- for(size_t i=0; i<weights_->size(); ++i){
- (*weights_)[i] = (*weights_)[i]*(1.0 - rho) + weights[i]*rho;
- }
- }
- else{
- throw opengm::RuntimeError("order must be -1,0,1 or 2");
- }
- ++iteration_;
- }
- const Weights<T> & weights()const{
- return weights_;
- }
- private:
- Weights<T> * weights_;
- int order_;
- size_t iteration_;
- };
-} // end namespace opengm
-} // end namespace opengm
diff --git a/include/opengm/python/numpyview.hxx b/include/opengm/python/numpyview.hxx
index 1be7c44..bf0eb21 100644
--- a/include/opengm/python/numpyview.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/python/numpyview.hxx
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ public:
typedef typename marray::View< V ,false >::const_iterator ConstIteratorType;
typedef size_t const * ShapeIteratorType;
- NumpyView():allocFromCpp_(false){
+ NumpyView( ):allocFromCpp_(false){
NumpyView( boost::python::object obj):allocFromCpp_(false){
boost::python::numeric::array array = boost::python::extract<boost::python::numeric::array > (obj);
@@ -175,25 +174,6 @@ public:
return view_.end();
- marray::View< V, false > getSliceView(size_t dimension, size_t sliceIndex) {
- // create base coordinate
- std::vector<size_t> baseIterator(view_.dimension(), 0);
- baseIterator[dimension] = sliceIndex;
- // create expected shape
- std::vector<size_t> shapeIterator(view_.shapeBegin(), view_.shapeEnd());
- shapeIterator[dimension] = 1;
- // return sub view of slice with reduced dimensions
- marray::View< V, false > new_view = view_.view(baseIterator.begin(), shapeIterator.begin());
- new_view.squeeze();
- return new_view;
- }
- marray::View< V ,false > view()const{
- return view_;
- }
//boost::python::object arrayObject()const{
// return arrayObj_;
diff --git a/include/opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx b/include/opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx
index e579e6d..dc7588c 100644
--- a/include/opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx
@@ -18,19 +18,11 @@
#include "opengm/functions/truncated_squared_difference.hxx"
#include "opengm/functions/sparsemarray.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/learnable/lunary.hxx"
#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
#include <opengm/python/pythonfunction.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/editabledataset.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/flexibleloss.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
@@ -53,34 +45,31 @@ namespace python{
typedef opengm::ExplicitFunction<V ,I,I> type;
- template<class V,class I>
- struct FTLGen{
- typedef V ValueType;
- typedef I IndexType;
- typedef I LabelType;
- typedef opengm::ExplicitFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyExplicitFunction;
- typedef opengm::PottsFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsFunction;
- typedef opengm::PottsNFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsNFunction;
- typedef opengm::PottsGFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsGFunction;
- typedef opengm::TruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction;
- typedef opengm::TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction;
- typedef opengm::SparseFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySparseFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyLPottsFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyLUnaryFunction;
- typedef typename opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<
- PyExplicitFunction,
- PyPottsFunction,
- PyPottsNFunction,
- PyPottsGFunction,
- PyTruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction,
- PyTruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction,
- PySparseFunction,
- PyLPottsFunction,
- PyLUnaryFunction
- >::type type;
+ template<class V,class I>
+ struct FTLGen{
+ typedef V ValueType;
+ typedef I IndexType;
+ typedef I LabelType;
+ typedef opengm::ExplicitFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyExplicitFunction;
+ typedef opengm::PottsFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsFunction;
+ typedef opengm::PottsNFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsNFunction;
+ typedef opengm::PottsGFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsGFunction;
+ typedef opengm::TruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction;
+ typedef opengm::TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction;
+ typedef opengm::SparseFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySparseFunction;
+ typedef PythonFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPythonFunction;
+ typedef typename opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<
+ PyExplicitFunction,
+ PyPottsFunction,
+ PyPottsNFunction,
+ PyPottsGFunction,
+ PyTruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction,
+ PyTruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction,
+ PySparseFunction,
+ PyPythonFunction
+ >::type type;
@@ -90,8 +79,6 @@ namespace python{
typedef GmIndexType GmLabelType;
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<GmValueType> PyWeights;
// different function types
typedef opengm::ExplicitFunction <GmValueType,GmIndexType,GmLabelType> GmExplicitFunction;
@@ -103,9 +90,8 @@ namespace python{
typedef opengm::SquaredDifferenceFunction <GmValueType,GmIndexType,GmLabelType> GmSquaredDifferenceFunction;
typedef opengm::TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction <GmValueType,GmIndexType,GmLabelType> GmTruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction;
typedef opengm::SparseFunction <GmValueType,GmIndexType,GmLabelType> GmSparseFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts <GmValueType,GmIndexType,GmLabelType> PyLPottsFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary <GmValueType,GmIndexType,GmLabelType> PyLUnaryFunction;
+ typedef opengm::python::PythonFunction <GmValueType,GmIndexType,GmLabelType> GmPythonFunction;
typedef std::vector<GmIndexType> IndexVectorType;
typedef std::vector<IndexVectorType> IndexVectorVectorType;
@@ -116,11 +102,6 @@ namespace python{
>::type GmAdder;
- typedef opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GmAdder, opengm::learning::HammingLoss > GmAdderHammingLossDataset;
- typedef opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GmAdder, opengm::learning::GeneralizedHammingLoss > GmAdderGeneralizedHammingLossDataset;
- typedef opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GmAdder, opengm::learning::FlexibleLoss > GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset;
typedef GmAdder::FactorType FactorGmAdder;
typedef FactorGmAdder GmAdderFactor;
diff --git a/include/opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx b/include/opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx
index 7ba8d19..af8b56a 100644
--- a/include/opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx
@@ -662,16 +662,7 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef HasTypeInTypeList< TTAIL,TypeToFind> type;
- /// metaprogramming has type in typelist metafunction
- template<class THEAD,class TTAIL>
- struct HasTypeInTypeList<meta::TypeList<THEAD,TTAIL>,THEAD > : meta::TrueCase{
- };
- /// metaprogramming has type in typelist metafunction
- template<class TypeToFindx>
- struct HasTypeInTypeList<meta::ListEnd,TypeToFindx> : meta::FalseCase{
- };
/// metaprogramming find type with a certain size in typelist metafunction
template<class TL,class TSL,size_t SIZE,class NOT_FOUND>
struct FindSizedType;
@@ -708,70 +699,14 @@ namespace opengm {
typedef OTHER_TL type;
- template<class TL, class RES_TL>
- struct RemoveDuplicates;
- // entry poit
- template<class TL>
- struct RemoveDuplicates<TL, meta::ListEnd>{
- // get the first type from tl
- typedef typename TL::HeadType FirstEntry;
- // rest of type list
- typedef typename TL::TailType RestOfList;
- typedef typename RemoveDuplicates<
- RestOfList,
- meta::TypeList<FirstEntry, meta::ListEnd>
- >::type type;
- };
- template<class RES_TL>
- struct RemoveDuplicates<meta::ListEnd, RES_TL>{
- typedef RES_TL type;
- };
- template<class TL, class RES_TL>
- struct RemoveDuplicates{
- // get the first type from tl
- typedef typename TL::HeadType FirstEntry;
- // rest of type list
- typedef typename TL::TailType RestOfList;
- typedef typename meta::EvalIf<
- meta::HasTypeInTypeList<RES_TL, FirstEntry>::value,
- meta::Self<RES_TL>,
- meta::BackInsert<RES_TL, FirstEntry>
- >::type ResultTypeList;
- typedef typename RemoveDuplicates<
- RestOfList,
- ResultTypeList
- >::type type;
- };
- template<class TL,class OTHER_TL>
- struct MergeTypeListsNoDuplicates{
- typedef typename MergeTypeLists<TL, OTHER_TL>::type WithDuplicates;
- typedef typename RemoveDuplicates<WithDuplicates, ListEnd>::type type;
- };
+ /// metaprogramming has type in typelist metafunction
+ template<class THEAD,class TTAIL>
+ struct HasTypeInTypeList<meta::TypeList<THEAD,TTAIL>,THEAD > : meta::TrueCase{
+ };
+ /// metaprogramming has type in typelist metafunction
+ template<class TypeToFindx>
+ struct HasTypeInTypeList<meta::ListEnd,TypeToFindx> : meta::FalseCase{
+ };
/// metaprogramming inserts a type in typelist or move to end metafunction
/// back inserts a type in a typelist. If the type has been in the typelist
diff --git a/include/opengm/utilities/shape_accessor.hxx b/include/opengm/utilities/shape_accessor.hxx
index 6d9b45e..5541832 100644
--- a/include/opengm/utilities/shape_accessor.hxx
+++ b/include/opengm/utilities/shape_accessor.hxx
@@ -61,88 +61,12 @@ namespace opengm {
const value_type operator[](const size_t j) const
{ return factor_->numberOfLabels(j); }
bool operator==(const FactorShapeAccessor<FACTOR> & other) const
- { return factor_ == other.factor_; }
+ { return factor_ == other.factor_; }
factor_pointer factor_;
- template<class SUBSET_ITERATOR, class GM_LABEL_ITER>
- class SubsetAccessor {
- public:
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<GM_LABEL_ITER>::value_type value_type;
- typedef const value_type reference;
- typedef const value_type* pointer;
- SubsetAccessor()
- : sBegin_(),
- sEnd_(),
- gmLabelIter_()
- {}
- : sBegin_(sBegin),
- sEnd_(sEnd),
- gmLabelIter_(iter)
- {}
- size_t size() const
- { return std::distance(sBegin_, sEnd_); }
- reference operator[](const size_t j)
- { return gmLabelIter_[sBegin_[j]]; }
- const value_type operator[](const size_t j) const
- { return gmLabelIter_[sBegin_[j]]; }
- bool operator==(const SubsetAccessor & other) const
- {
- return sBegin_ == other.sBegin_ &&
- sEnd_ == other.sEnd_ &&
- gmLabelIter_==other.gmLabelIter_;
- }
- private:
- GM_LABEL_ITER gmLabelIter_;
- };
- template<class FACTOR, class GM_LABEL_ITER>
- class GmLabelFactorLabelAccessor {
- public:
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<GM_LABEL_ITER>::value_type value_type;
- typedef const value_type reference;
- typedef const value_type* pointer;
- typedef const FACTOR& factor_reference;
- typedef const FACTOR* factor_pointer;
- GmLabelFactorLabelAccessor()
- : factor_(NULL),
- gmLabelIter_()
- {}
- GmLabelFactorLabelAccessor(factor_reference f , GM_LABEL_ITER iter)
- : factor_(&f),
- gmLabelIter_(iter)
- {}
- size_t size() const
- { return factor_ == 0 ? 0 : factor_->numberOfVariables(); }
- reference operator[](const size_t j)
- { return gmLabelIter_[factor_->variableIndex(j)]; }
- const value_type operator[](const size_t j) const
- { return gmLabelIter_[factor_->variableIndex(j)]; }
- bool operator==(const FactorShapeAccessor<FACTOR> & other) const
- { return factor_ == other.factor_ && gmLabelIter_==other.gmLabelIter_;
- }
- private:
- factor_pointer factor_;
- GM_LABEL_ITER gmLabelIter_;
- };
template<class FACTOR>
class FactorVariablesAccessor {
diff --git a/src/examples/unsorted-examples/inference_types.cxx b/src/examples/unsorted-examples/inference_types.cxx
index dcc4b98..3ae18e5 100644
--- a/src/examples/unsorted-examples/inference_types.cxx
+++ b/src/examples/unsorted-examples/inference_types.cxx
@@ -34,20 +34,19 @@ int main() {
// ....
// assume starting point is filled with labels
OptimizerMinimizerParameterType minimizerParameter(
- OptimizerMinimizerType::SINGLE_VARIABLE // flip a single variable (FACTOR for flip all var. a factor depends on)
+ OptimizerMinimizerType::SINGLE_VARIABLE, // flip a single variable (FACTOR for flip all var. a factor depends on)
+ startingPoint
// without starting point
OptimizerMaximizerParameterType maximizerParameter(
- OptimizerMaximizerType::FACTOR // flip a single variable (FACTOR for flip all var. a factor depends on)
+ OptimizerMaximizerType::FACTOR, // flip a single variable (FACTOR for flip all var. a factor depends on)
+ startingPoint
// construct optimizers ( minimizer and maximizer )
OptimizerMinimizerType optimizerMinimizer(gm,minimizerParameter);
OptimizerMaximizerType optimizerMaximizer(gm,maximizerParameter);
- optimizerMinimizer.setStartingPoint(startingPoint.begin());
- optimizerMaximizer.setStartingPoint(startingPoint.begin());
// optimize the models ( minimizer and maximize )
diff --git a/src/interfaces/commandline/double/opengm_min_sum.cxx b/src/interfaces/commandline/double/opengm_min_sum.cxx
index 40f47a4..832e601 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/commandline/double/opengm_min_sum.cxx
+++ b/src/interfaces/commandline/double/opengm_min_sum.cxx
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
#include "../../common/caller/trws_caller.hxx"
+#if (defined(WITH_MAXFLOW) )
+#include "../../common/caller/lsatr_caller.hxx"
#if (defined(WITH_MAXFLOW) || defined(WITH_BOOST))
#include "../../common/caller/graphcut_caller.hxx"
#include "../../common/caller/alphaexpansion_caller.hxx"
@@ -42,10 +47,6 @@
#include "../../common/caller/qpbo_caller.hxx"
-#if (defined(WITH_MAXFLOW) )
-#include "../../common/caller/lsatr_caller.hxx"
#ifdef WITH_QPBO
#include "../../common/caller/mqpbo_caller.hxx"
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/CMakeLists.txt b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/CMakeLists.txt
index 4511e23..4c18034 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ include_directories(
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/__init__.py b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/__init__.py
index a479397..8258c93 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/__init__.py
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/__init__.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from _inference_interface_generator import _inject_interface , InferenceBase
import inference
import hdf5
import benchmark
-from _to_native_converter import to_native_boost_python_enum_converter
# initialize solver/ inference dictionaries
(inference.adder.minimizer.solver.__dict__ , 'adder', 'minimizer' ),
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/_inference_interface_generator.py b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/_inference_interface_generator.py
index 15aa072..887d26a 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/_inference_interface_generator.py
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/_inference_interface_generator.py
@@ -211,60 +211,6 @@ def classGenerator(
self.inference = self._selectedInfClass(self.gm, self.parameter)
- @classmethod
- def get_cpp_parameter(cls, operator, accumulator, parameter):
- _meta_parameter = parameter
- # get hyper parameter (as minStCut for graphcut, or the subsolver for
- # dualdec.)
- hyperParamKeywords = inferenceClasses.hyperParameterKeywords
- numHyperParams = len(hyperParamKeywords)
- userHyperParams = [None]*numHyperParams
- collectedHyperParameters = 0
- # get the users hyper parameter ( if given)
- if(_meta_parameter is not None):
- for hpIndex, hyperParamKeyword in enumerate(hyperParamKeywords):
- if hyperParamKeyword in _meta_parameter.kwargs:
- userHyperParams[hpIndex] = _meta_parameter.kwargs.pop(
- hyperParamKeyword)
- collectedHyperParameters += 1
- # check if ZERO or ALL hyperParamerts have been collected
- if collectedHyperParameters != 0 and collectedHyperParameters != numHyperParams:
- raise RuntimeError("All or none hyper-parameter must be given")
- # check if the WHOLE tuple of hyperParameters is allowed
- if collectedHyperParameters != 0:
- if tuple(str(x) for x in userHyperParams) not in inferenceClasses.implDict:
- raise RuntimeError("%s is not an allowed hyperParameter\nAllowed hyperParameters are %s" % (
- repr(userHyperParams), repr(inferenceClasses.implDict.keys())))
- else:
- userHyperParams = defaultHyperParams
- #try:
- # get the selected inference class and the parameter
- if(numHyperParams == 0):
- _selectedInfClass, _selectedInfParamClass = inferenceClasses.implDict[
- "__NONE__"][(operator, accumulator)]
- else:
- hp = tuple(str(x) for x in userHyperParams)
- _selectedInfClass, _selectedInfParamClass = inferenceClasses.implDict[
- hp][(operator, accumulator)]
- #except:
- # dictStr=str(inferenceClasses.implDict)
- # raise RuntimeError("given seminring (operator = %s ,accumulator = %s) is not implemented for this solver\n %s" % \
- # (operator, accumulator,dictStr))
- if _meta_parameter is None:
- cppParam = self._selectedInfClass._parameter()
- cppParam.set()
- else:
- cppParam = to_native_class_converter(
- givenValue=_meta_parameter, nativeClass=_selectedInfParamClass)
- assert cppParam is not None
- return cppParam
def verboseVisitor(self, printNth=1, multiline=True):
""" factory function to get a verboseVisitor:
@@ -626,11 +572,6 @@ def classGenerator(
infClass = type(classname, (InferenceBase,), memberDict)
infClass.__init__ = inference_init
- infClass.get_cpp_parameter = get_cpp_parameter
# print to string!!!
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/functionhelper.py b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/functionhelper.py
index c8833e8..cf424cb 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/functionhelper.py
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/functionhelper.py
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ from opengmcore._opengmcore import (SparseFunction,
PottsFunction, PottsNFunction,
- PottsGFunction ,
+ PottsGFunction , PythonFunction,
PottsFunctionVector, PottsNFunctionVector,
- PottsGFunctionVector ,
+ PottsGFunctionVector , PythonFunctionVector,
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/inference/inf_def_visitor.hxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/inference/inf_def_visitor.hxx
index 87cb5e0..dd2b051 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/inference/inf_def_visitor.hxx
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/inference/inf_def_visitor.hxx
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ public:
template <class classT>
void visit(classT& c) const{
std::string className = std::string("_")+algName_;
for(size_t hp=0;hp<infSetup_.hyperParameters.size();++hp){
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/inference/pyFusionMoves.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/inference/pyFusionMoves.cxx
index b8ec9c1..e7debfe 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/inference/pyFusionMoves.cxx
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/inference/pyFusionMoves.cxx
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ private:
else if(fusionSolver==std::string("lf2")){
- return fusionMover_. template fuse<LazyFlipperSubInf> (typename LazyFlipperSubInf::Parameter(size_t(2)),true);
+ return fusionMover_. template fuse<LazyFlipperSubInf> (typename LazyFlipperSubInf::Parameter(2),true);
else if(fusionSolver==std::string("lf3")){
- return fusionMover_. template fuse<LazyFlipperSubInf> (typename LazyFlipperSubInf::Parameter(size_t(3)),true);
+ return fusionMover_. template fuse<LazyFlipperSubInf> (typename LazyFlipperSubInf::Parameter(3),true);
throw opengm::RuntimeError("unknown fusion solver");
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/CMakeLists.txt b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a594ea4..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# Include Directories
- ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}
-# Add opengmcore library
- learning.cxx
- pyLFunctionGen.cxx
- pyWeights.cxx
- pyDataset.cxx
- pyLoss.cxx
- pyGridSearchLearner.cxx
- #pyMaxLikelihoodLearner.cxx
- pyStructMaxMarginLearner.cxx
- pySubgradientSSVM.cxx
- pyStructPerceptron.cxx
- pyRws.cxx
- )
- add_library(_learning MODULE ${PY_OPENGM_CORE_SOURCES})
- add_library(_learning SHARED ${PY_OPENGM_CORE_SOURCES})
-# Link libraries
- SET_PROPERTY(TARGET _learning APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS " -undefined dynamic_lookup")
- find_library(RT rt)
- target_link_libraries(_learning ${Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARIES} rt)
- target_link_libraries(_learning ${Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARIES})
-set_target_properties(_learning PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
-target_link_libraries(_learning ${HDF5_CORE_LIBRARY} ${HDF5_LIBRARIES} )
- target_link_libraries(_learning ${LIBDAI_LIBRARY})
- target_link_libraries(_learning ${GMPXX_LIBRARY})
- target_link_libraries(_learning ${GMP_LIBRARY})
- target_link_libraries(_learning external-library-qpbo-shared)
- target_link_libraries(_learning external-library-maxflow-shared)
- target_link_libraries(_learning external-library-maxflow-ibfs-shared)
- target_link_libraries(_learning external-library-trws-shared)
- target_link_libraries(_learning external-library-fastpd-shared)
- target_link_libraries(_learning external-library-ad3-shared )
- #target_link_libraries(_learning ${CONICBUNDLE_LIBRARY})
- target_link_libraries(_learning external-library-mrf-shared)
- if(WIN32)
- target_link_libraries(_learning wsock32.lib ${CPLEX_ILOCPLEX_LIBRARY} ${CPLEX_LIBRARY} ${CPLEX_CONCERT_LIBRARY})
- else()
- endif()
- target_link_libraries(_learning ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}
- )
-# Copy from src to build
- message(STATUS "same src and build dir.")
- message(STATUS "copy python-learning files from src to build" )
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/__init__.py b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f1e80d2..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
-from _learning import *
-from _learning import _lunarySharedFeatFunctionsGen,_lpottsFunctionsGen
-import numpy
-import struct
-from opengm import index_type,value_type, label_type, graphicalModel,gridVis
-from opengm import configuration as opengmConfig, LUnaryFunction
-from opengm import to_native_boost_python_enum_converter
-from opengm import Tribool
-#from progressbar import *
-from functools import partial
-def _extendedGetLoss(self, model_idx, infCls, parameter = None):
- if parameter is None:
- import opengm
- parameter = opengm.InfParam()
- cppParam = infCls.get_cpp_parameter(operator='adder',accumulator='minimizer',parameter=parameter)
- return self._getLoss(cppParam, model_idx)
-def _extendedGetTotalLoss(self, infCls, parameter = None):
- if parameter is None:
- import opengm
- parameter = opengm.InfParam()
- cppParam = infCls.get_cpp_parameter(operator='adder',accumulator='minimizer',parameter=parameter)
- return self._getTotalLoss(cppParam)
-DatasetWithFlexibleLoss.lossType = 'flexible'
-class LossParameter(FlexibleLossParameter):
- def __init__(self, lossType, labelMult=None, nodeMult=None, factorMult=None):
- super(LossParameter, self).__init__()
- self.lossType = to_native_boost_python_enum_converter(lossType,self.lossType.__class__)
- if labelMult is not None:
- assert self.lossType == LossType.hamming
- self.setLabelLossMultiplier(labelMult)
- if nodeMult is not None:
- assert self.lossType != LossType.partition
- self.setNodeLossMultiplier(nodeMult)
- if factorMult is not None:
- assert self.lossType == LossType.partition
- self.setFactorLossMultiplier(factorMult)
-def extend_learn():
- def learner_learn_normal(self, infCls, parameter = None):
- if parameter is None:
- import opengm
- parameter = opengm.InfParam()
- cppParam = infCls.get_cpp_parameter(operator='adder',accumulator='minimizer',parameter=parameter)
- try:
- self._learn(cppParam)
- except Exception, e:
- #print "an error ",e,"\n\n"
- if (str(e).find("did not match C++ signature")):
- raise RuntimeError("infCls : '%s' is not (yet) exported from c++ to python for learning"%str(infCls))
- def learner_learn_reduced_inf(self, infCls, parameter = None, persistency=True, tentacles=False, connectedComponents=False):
- if parameter is None:
- import opengm
- parameter = opengm.InfParam()
- cppParam = infCls.get_cpp_parameter(operator='adder',accumulator='minimizer',parameter=parameter)
- try:
- self._learnReducedInf(cppParam, bool(persistency), bool(tentacles),bool(connectedComponents))
- except Exception, e:
- #print "an error ",e,"\n\n"
- if (str(e).find("did not match C++ signature")):
- raise RuntimeError("infCls : '%s' is not (yet) exported from c++ to python for learning with reduced inference"%str(infCls))
- def learner_learn_reduced_inf_self_fusion(self, infCls, parameter = None, persistency=True, tentacles=False, connectedComponents=False):
- if parameter is None:
- import opengm
- parameter = opengm.InfParam()
- cppParam = infCls.get_cpp_parameter(operator='adder',accumulator='minimizer',parameter=parameter)
- try:
- self._learnReducedInf(cppParam, bool(persistency), bool(tentacles),bool(connectedComponents))
- except Exception, e:
- #print "an error ",e,"\n\n"
- if (str(e).find("did not match C++ signature")):
- raise RuntimeError("infCls : '%s' is not (yet) exported from c++ to python for learning with reduced inference"%str(infCls))
- def learner_learn_self_fusion(self, infCls, parameter = None, fuseNth=1, fusionSolver="qpbo",maxSubgraphSize=2,
- redInf=True, connectedComponents=False, fusionTimeLimit=100.9, numStopIt=10):
- if parameter is None:
- import opengm
- parameter = opengm.InfParam()
- cppParam = infCls.get_cpp_parameter(operator='adder',accumulator='minimizer',parameter=parameter)
- try:
- self._learnSelfFusion(cppParam, int(fuseNth),str(fusionSolver),int(maxSubgraphSize),bool(redInf),
- bool(connectedComponents),float(fusionTimeLimit),int(numStopIt))
- except Exception, e:
- #print "an error ",e,"\n\n"
- if (str(e).find("did not match C++ signature")):
- raise RuntimeError("infCls : '%s' is not (yet) exported from c++ to python for learning with self fusion inference"%str(infCls))
- def learner_learn(self, infCls, parameter=None, infMode='normal',**kwargs):
- assert infMode in ['normal','n','selfFusion','sf','reducedInference','ri','reducedInferenceSelfFusion','risf']
- if infMode in ['normal','n']:
- self.learnNormal(infCls=infCls, parameter=parameter)
- elif infMode in ['selfFusion','sf']:
- self.learnSelfFusion(infCls=infCls, parameter=parameter,**kwargs)
- elif infMode in ['reducedInference','ri']:
- self.learnReducedInf(infCls=infCls, parameter=parameter,**kwargs)
- elif infMode in ['reducedInferenceSelfFusion','risf']:
- self.learnReducedInfSelfFusion(infCls=infCls, parameter=parameter,**kwargs)
- # all learner classes
- learnerClss = [GridSearch_FlexibleLoss, StructPerceptron_FlexibleLoss,
- SubgradientSSVM_FlexibleLoss, Rws_FlexibleLoss]
- if opengmConfig.withCplex or opengmConfig.withGurobi :
- learnerClss.append(StructMaxMargin_Bundle_FlexibleLoss)
- for learnerCls in learnerClss:
- learnerCls.learn = learner_learn
- learnerCls.learnNormal = learner_learn_normal
- learnerCls.learnReducedInf = learner_learn_reduced_inf
- learnerCls.learnSelfFusion = learner_learn_self_fusion
- learnerCls.learnReducedInfSelfFusion = learner_learn_reduced_inf_self_fusion
-del extend_learn
-DatasetWithFlexibleLoss.getLoss = _extendedGetLoss
-DatasetWithFlexibleLoss.getTotalLoss = _extendedGetTotalLoss
-def createDataset(numWeights, numInstances=0):
- w = Weights(numWeights)
- # if loss not in ['hamming','h','gh','generalized-hamming']:
- # raise RuntimeError("loss must be 'hamming' /'h' or 'generalized-hamming'/'gh' ")
- # if loss in ['hamming','h']:
- # dataset = DatasetWithHammingLoss(int(numInstances))
- # elif loss in ['generalized-hamming','gh']:
- # dataset = DatasetWithGeneralizedHammingLoss(int(numInstances))
- # else:
- # raise RuntimeError("loss must be 'hamming' /'h' or 'generalized-hamming'/'gh' ")
- dataset = DatasetWithFlexibleLoss(numInstances)
- dataset.setWeights(w)
- weights = dataset.getWeights()
- for wi in range(numWeights):
- weights[wi] = 0.0
- return dataset
-def gridSearchLearner(dataset, lowerBounds, upperBounds, nTestPoints):
- assert dataset.__class__.lossType == 'flexible'
- learnerCls = GridSearch_FlexibleLoss
- learnerParamCls = GridSearch_FlexibleLossParameter
- nr = numpy.require
- sizeT_type = 'uint64'
- if struct.calcsize("P") * 8 == 32:
- sizeT_type = 'uint32'
- param = learnerParamCls(nr(lowerBounds,dtype='float64'), nr(upperBounds,dtype='float64'),
- nr(nTestPoints,dtype=sizeT_type))
- learner = learnerCls(dataset, param)
- return learner
-def structPerceptron(dataset, learningMode='online',eps=1e-5, maxIterations=10000, stopLoss=0.0, decayExponent=0.0, decayT0=0.0):
- assert dataset.__class__.lossType == 'flexible'
- learnerCls = StructPerceptron_FlexibleLoss
- learnerParamCls = StructPerceptron_FlexibleLossParameter
- learningModeEnum = StructPerceptron_FlexibleLossParameter_LearningMode
- lm = None
- if learningMode not in ['online','batch']:
- raise RuntimeError("wrong learning mode, must be 'online' or 'batch' ")
- if learningMode == 'online':
- lm = learningModeEnum.online
- if learningMode == 'batch':
- lm = learningModeEnum.batch
- param = learnerParamCls()
- param.eps = float(eps)
- param.maxIterations = int(maxIterations)
- param.stopLoss = float(stopLoss)
- param.decayExponent = float(decayExponent)
- param.decayT0 = float(decayT0)
- param.learningMode = lm
- learner = learnerCls(dataset, param)
- return learner
-def rws(dataset,eps=1e-5, maxIterations=10000, stopLoss=0.0, learningRate=1.0, C=100.0, sigma=1.0, p=10):
- assert dataset.__class__.lossType == 'flexible'
- learnerCls = Rws_FlexibleLoss
- learnerParamCls = Rws_FlexibleLossParameter
- param = learnerParamCls()
- param.eps = float(eps)
- param.maxIterations = int(maxIterations)
- param.stopLoss = float(stopLoss)
- param.learningRate = float(learningRate)
- param.C = float(C)
- param.p = int(p)
- param.sigma = float(sigma)
- learner = learnerCls(dataset, param)
- return learner
-def subgradientSSVM(dataset, learningMode='batch',eps=1e-5, maxIterations=10000, stopLoss=0.0, learningRate=1.0, C=100.0, averaging=-1, nConf=0):
- assert dataset.__class__.lossType == 'flexible'
- learnerCls = SubgradientSSVM_FlexibleLoss
- learnerParamCls = SubgradientSSVM_FlexibleLossParameter
- learningModeEnum = SubgradientSSVM_FlexibleLossParameter_LearningMode
- lm = None
- if learningMode not in ['online','batch']:
- raise RuntimeError("wrong learning mode, must be 'online' or 'batch' ")
- if learningMode == 'online':
- lm = learningModeEnum.online
- if learningMode == 'batch':
- lm = learningModeEnum.batch
- param = learnerParamCls()
- param.eps = float(eps)
- param.maxIterations = int(maxIterations)
- param.stopLoss = float(stopLoss)
- param.learningRate = float(learningRate)
- param.C = float(C)
- param.learningMode = lm
- param.averaging = int(averaging)
- param.nConf = int(nConf)
- learner = learnerCls(dataset, param)
- return learner
-def structMaxMarginLearner(dataset, regularizerWeight=1.0, minEps=1e-5, nSteps=0, epsStrategy='change', optimizer='bundle'):
- if opengmConfig.withCplex or opengmConfig.withGurobi :
- if optimizer != 'bundle':
- raise RuntimeError("Optimizer type must be 'bundle' for now!")
- assert dataset.__class__.lossType == 'flexible'
- learnerCls = StructMaxMargin_Bundle_FlexibleLoss
- learnerParamCls = StructMaxMargin_Bundle_FlexibleLossParameter
- epsFromGap = False
- if epsStrategy == 'gap':
- epsFromGap = True
- elif epsStrategy == 'change':
- epsFromGap = False
- param = learnerParamCls(regularizerWeight, minEps, nSteps, epsFromGap)
- learner = learnerCls(dataset, param)
- return learner
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("this learner needs withCplex or withGurobi")
-def maxLikelihoodLearner(
- dataset,
- maximumNumberOfIterations = 100,
- gradientStepSize = 0.1,
- weightStoppingCriteria = 0.00000001,
- gradientStoppingCriteria = 0.00000000001,
- infoFlag = True,
- infoEveryStep = False,
- weightRegularizer = 1.0,
- beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations = 40,
- beliefPropagationConvergenceBound = 0.0001,
- beliefPropagationDamping = 0.5,
- beliefPropagationReg = 1.0,
- beliefPropagationTemperature = 1.0,
- beliefPropagationIsAcyclic = Tribool(0)
- learnerCls = MaxLikelihood_FlexibleLoss
- learnerParamCls = MaxLikelihood_FlexibleLossParameter
- param = learnerParamCls(
- maximumNumberOfIterations,
- gradientStepSize,
- weightStoppingCriteria,
- gradientStoppingCriteria,
- infoFlag,
- infoEveryStep,
- weightRegularizer,
- beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations,
- beliefPropagationConvergenceBound,
- beliefPropagationDamping,
- beliefPropagationTemperature,
- beliefPropagationIsAcyclic
- )
- #param.maxIterations = int(maxIterations)
- #param.reg = float(reg)
- #param.temperature = float(temp)
- learner = learnerCls(dataset, param)
- return learner
-def lUnaryFunction(weights, numberOfLabels, features, weightIds):
- assert numberOfLabels >= 2
- features = numpy.require(features, dtype=value_type)
- weightIds = numpy.require(weightIds, dtype=index_type)
- assert features.ndim == weightIds.ndim
- if features.ndim == 1 or weightIds.ndim == 1:
- assert numberOfLabels == 2
- assert features.shape[0] == weightIds.shape[0]
- features = features.reshape(1,-1)
- weightIds = weightIds.reshape(1,-1)
- assert features.shape[0] in [numberOfLabels, numberOfLabels-1]
- assert weightIds.shape[0] in [numberOfLabels, numberOfLabels-1]
- assert features.shape[1] == weightIds.shape[1]
- return LUnaryFunction(weights=weights, numberOfLabels=int(numberOfLabels),
- features=features, weightIds=weightIds)
-class FeaturePolicy(object):
- sharedBetweenLabels = 0
-def lUnaryFunctions(weights,numberOfLabels, features, weightIds,
- featurePolicy = FeaturePolicy.sharedBetweenLabels,
- **kwargs):
- if (featurePolicy == FeaturePolicy.sharedBetweenLabels ):
- makeFirstEntryConst = kwargs.get('makeFirstEntryConst',False)
- addConstFeature = kwargs.get('addConstFeature',False)
- ff = numpy.require(features, dtype=value_type)
- wid = numpy.require(weightIds, dtype=index_type)
- assert features.ndim == 2
- assert weightIds.ndim == 2
- res = _lunarySharedFeatFunctionsGen(
- weights = weights,
- numFunctions = int(ff.shape[0]),
- numLabels = int(numberOfLabels),
- features = ff,
- weightIds = wid,
- makeFirstEntryConst = bool(makeFirstEntryConst),
- addConstFeature = bool(addConstFeature)
- )
- res.__dict__['_features_'] =features
- res.__dict__['_ff_'] = ff
- res.__dict__['_weights_'] = weights
- return res
- else :
- raise RuntimeError("noy yet implemented")
-def lPottsFunctions(weights, numberOfLabels, features, weightIds,
- addConstFeature = False):
- # check that features has the correct shape
- if features.ndim != 2:
- raise RuntimeError("feature must be two-dimensional")
- # check that weights has the correct shape
- if weightIds.ndim != 1:
- raise RuntimeError("weightIds must be one-dimensional")
- if weightIds.shape[0] != features.shape[1] + int(addConstFeature) :
- raise RuntimeError("weightIds.shape[0] must be equal to features.shape[1]")
- # do the c++ call here
- # which generates a function generator
- ff = numpy.require(features, dtype=value_type)
- wid = numpy.require(weightIds, dtype=index_type)
- res = _lpottsFunctionsGen(
- weights=weights,
- numFunctions=long(features.shape[0]),
- numLabels=long(numberOfLabels),
- features=ff,
- weightIds=wid,
- addConstFeature=bool(addConstFeature)
- )
- res.__dict__['_features_'] = wid
- res.__dict__['_weights_'] = ff
- return res
-# def getPbar(size, name):
-# widgets = ['%s: '%name, Percentage(), ' ', Bar(marker='0',left='[',right=']'),
-# ' ', ETA(), ' ', FileTransferSpeed()] #see docs for other options
-# pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=size)
-# return pbar
-def secondOrderImageDataset(imgs, gts, numberOfLabels, fUnary, fBinary, addConstFeature, trainFraction=0.75):
- #try:
- # import vigra
- # from progressbar import *
- #except:
- # pass
- # train test
- nImg = len(imgs)
- nTrain = int(float(nImg)*trainFraction+0.5)
- nTest = (nImg-nTrain)
- def getFeat(fComp, im):
- res = []
- for f in fComp:
- r = f(im)
- if r.ndim == 2:
- r = r[:,:, None]
- res.append(r)
- return res
- # compute features for a single image
- tImg = imgs[0]
- unaryFeat = getFeat(fUnary, tImg)
- unaryFeat = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.concatenate(unaryFeat,axis=2).view(numpy.ndarray))
- nUnaryFeat = unaryFeat.shape[-1] + int(addConstFeature)
- nUnaryFeat *= numberOfLabels - int(numberOfLabels==2)
- if len(fBinary)>0:
- binaryFeat = getFeat(fBinary, tImg)
- binaryFeat = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.concatenate(binaryFeat,axis=2).view(numpy.ndarray))
- nBinaryFeat = binaryFeat.shape[-1] + int(addConstFeature)
- nWeights = nUnaryFeat + nBinaryFeat
- else:
- nBinaryFeat = 0
- print "------------------------------------------------"
- print "nTrain",nTrain,"nTest",nTest
- print "nWeights",nWeights,"(",nUnaryFeat,nBinaryFeat,")"
- print "------------------------------------------------"
- train_set = []
- tentative_test_set = []
- for i,(img,gt) in enumerate(zip(imgs,gts)):
- if(i<nTrain):
- train_set.append((img,gt))
- else:
- tentative_test_set.append((img,gt))
- dataset = createDataset(numWeights=nWeights)
- weights = dataset.getWeights()
- uWeightIds = numpy.arange(nUnaryFeat ,dtype='uint64')
- if numberOfLabels != 2:
- uWeightIds = uWeightIds.reshape([numberOfLabels,-1])
- else:
- uWeightIds = uWeightIds.reshape([1,-1])
- bWeightIds = numpy.arange(start=nUnaryFeat,stop=nWeights,dtype='uint64')
- def makeModel(img,gt):
- shape = gt.shape[0:2]
- numVar = shape[0] * shape[1]
- # make model
- gm = graphicalModel(numpy.ones(numVar)*numberOfLabels)
- # compute features
- unaryFeat = getFeat(fUnary, img)
- unaryFeat = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.concatenate(unaryFeat,axis=2).view(numpy.ndarray))
- unaryFeat = unaryFeat.reshape([numVar,-1])
- # add unaries
- lUnaries = lUnaryFunctions(weights =weights,numberOfLabels = numberOfLabels,
- features=unaryFeat, weightIds = uWeightIds,
- featurePolicy= FeaturePolicy.sharedBetweenLabels,
- makeFirstEntryConst=numberOfLabels==2, addConstFeature=addConstFeature)
- fids = gm.addFunctions(lUnaries)
- gm.addFactors(fids, numpy.arange(numVar))
- if len(fBinary)>0:
- binaryFeat = getFeat(fBinary, img)
- binaryFeat = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.concatenate(binaryFeat,axis=2).view(numpy.ndarray))
- binaryFeat = binaryFeat.reshape([numVar,-1])
- # add second order
- vis2Order=gridVis(shape[0:2],True)
- fU = binaryFeat[vis2Order[:,0],:]
- fV = binaryFeat[vis2Order[:,1],:]
- fB = (fU + fV / 2.0)
- lp = lPottsFunctions(weights=weights, numberOfLabels=numberOfLabels,
- features=fB, weightIds=bWeightIds,
- addConstFeature=addConstFeature)
- gm.addFactors(gm.addFunctions(lp), vis2Order)
- return gm
- # make training models
- # pbar = getPbar(nTrain,"Training Models")
- # pbar.start()
- for i,(img,gt) in enumerate(train_set):
- gm = makeModel(img, gt)
- dataset.pushBackInstance(gm,gt.reshape(-1).astype(label_type))
- # pbar.update(i)
- # pbar.finish()
- # make test models
- test_set = []
- # pbar = getPbar(nTest,"Test Models")
- # pbar.start()
- for i,(img,gt) in enumerate(tentative_test_set):
- gm = makeModel(img, gt)
- test_set.append((img, gt, gm))
- # pbar.update(i)
- # pbar.finish()
- return dataset, test_set
-def superpixelDataset(imgs,sps, gts, numberOfLabels, fUnary, fBinary, addConstFeature, trainFraction=0.75):
- try:
- import vigra
- except:
- raise ImportError("cannot import vigra which is needed for superpixelDataset")
- # train test
- nImg = len(imgs)
- nTrain = int(float(nImg)*trainFraction+0.5)
- nTest = (nImg-nTrain)
- def getFeat(fComp, im, topoShape=False):
- res = []
- if(topoShape):
- shape = im.shape[0:2]
- tshape = [2*s-1 for s in shape]
- iiimg = vigra.sampling.resize(im, tshape)
- else:
- iiimg = im
- for f in fComp:
- r = f(iiimg)
- if r.ndim == 2:
- r = r[:,:, None]
- res.append(r)
- return res
- # compute features for a single image
- tImg = imgs[0]
- unaryFeat = getFeat(fUnary, tImg)
- unaryFeat = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.concatenate(unaryFeat,axis=2).view(numpy.ndarray))
- nUnaryFeat = unaryFeat.shape[-1] + int(addConstFeature)
- nUnaryFeat *= numberOfLabels - int(numberOfLabels==2)
- if len(fBinary)>0:
- binaryFeat = getFeat(fBinary, tImg)
- binaryFeat = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.concatenate(binaryFeat,axis=2).view(numpy.ndarray))
- nBinaryFeat = binaryFeat.shape[-1] + int(addConstFeature)
- else:
- nBinaryFeat =0
- nWeights = nUnaryFeat + nBinaryFeat
- print "------------------------------------------------"
- print "nTrain",nTrain,"nTest",nTest
- print "nWeights",nWeights,"(",nUnaryFeat,nBinaryFeat,")"
- print "------------------------------------------------"
- train_set = []
- tentative_test_set = []
- for i,(img,sp,gt) in enumerate(zip(imgs,sps,gts)):
- if(i<nTrain):
- train_set.append((img,sp,gt))
- else:
- tentative_test_set.append((img,sp,gt))
- dataset = createDataset(numWeights=nWeights)
- weights = dataset.getWeights()
- uWeightIds = numpy.arange(nUnaryFeat ,dtype='uint64')
- if numberOfLabels != 2:
- uWeightIds = uWeightIds.reshape([numberOfLabels,-1])
- else:
- uWeightIds = uWeightIds.reshape([1,-1])
- if len(fBinary)>0:
- bWeightIds = numpy.arange(start=nUnaryFeat,stop=nWeights,dtype='uint64')
- def makeModel(img,sp,gt):
- assert sp.min() == 0
- shape = img.shape[0:2]
- gg = vigra.graphs.gridGraph(shape)
- rag = vigra.graphs.regionAdjacencyGraph(gg,sp)
- numVar = rag.nodeNum
- assert rag.nodeNum == rag.maxNodeId +1
- # make model
- gm = graphicalModel(numpy.ones(numVar)*numberOfLabels)
- assert gm.numberOfVariables == rag.nodeNum
- assert gm.numberOfVariables == rag.maxNodeId +1
- # compute features
- unaryFeat = getFeat(fUnary, img)
- unaryFeat = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.concatenate(unaryFeat,axis=2).view(numpy.ndarray)).astype('float32')
- unaryFeat = vigra.taggedView(unaryFeat,'xyc')
- accList = []
- #for c in range(unaryFeat.shape[-1]):
- # cUnaryFeat = unaryFeat[:,:,c]
- # cAccFeat = rag.accumulateNodeFeatures(cUnaryFeat)[:,None]
- # accList.append(cAccFeat)
- #accUnaryFeat = numpy.concatenate(accList,axis=1)
- accUnaryFeat = rag.accumulateNodeFeatures(unaryFeat)#[:,None]
- #print accUnaryFeat.shape
- #accUnaryFeat = rag.accumulateNodeFeatures(unaryFeat[:,:,:])
- #accUnaryFeat = vigra.taggedView(accUnaryFeat,'nc')
- #accUnaryFeat = accUnaryFeat[1:accUnaryFeat.shape[0],:]
- #binaryFeat = binaryFeat.reshape([numVar,-1])
- # add unaries
- lUnaries = lUnaryFunctions(weights =weights,numberOfLabels = numberOfLabels,
- features=accUnaryFeat, weightIds = uWeightIds,
- featurePolicy= FeaturePolicy.sharedBetweenLabels,
- makeFirstEntryConst=numberOfLabels==2, addConstFeature=addConstFeature)
- fids = gm.addFunctions(lUnaries)
- gm.addFactors(fids, numpy.arange(numVar))
- if len(fBinary)>0:
- binaryFeat = getFeat(fBinary, img, topoShape=False)
- binaryFeat = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.concatenate(binaryFeat,axis=2).view(numpy.ndarray)).astype('float32')
- edgeFeat = vigra.graphs.edgeFeaturesFromImage(gg, binaryFeat)
- accBinaryFeat = rag.accumulateEdgeFeatures(edgeFeat)
- uvIds = numpy.sort(rag.uvIds(), axis=1)
- assert uvIds.min()==0
- assert uvIds.max()==gm.numberOfVariables-1
- lp = lPottsFunctions(weights=weights, numberOfLabels=numberOfLabels,
- features=accBinaryFeat, weightIds=bWeightIds,
- addConstFeature=addConstFeature)
- fids = gm.addFunctions(lp)
- gm.addFactors(fids, uvIds)
- return gm
- # make training models
- # pbar = getPbar(nTrain,"Training Models")
- # pbar.start()
- for i,(img,sp,gt) in enumerate(train_set):
- gm = makeModel(img,sp, gt)
- dataset.pushBackInstance(gm,gt.astype(label_type))
- pbar.update(i)
- pbar.finish()
- # make test models
- test_set = []
- # pbar = getPbar(nTest,"Test Models")
- # pbar.start()
- for i,(img,sp,gt) in enumerate(tentative_test_set):
- gm = makeModel(img,sp, gt)
- test_set.append((img, sp, gm))
- # pbar.update(i)
- # pbar.finish()
- return dataset, test_set
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/helper.hxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/helper.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e95034a..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/helper.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef HELPER_HXX
-#define HELPER_HXX
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/icm.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/lazyflipper.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/self_fusion.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/gridsearch-learning.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing.hxx>
-#ifdef WITH_CPLEX
-#include <opengm/inference/lpcplex.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/multicut.hxx>
-#ifdef WITH_QPBO
-#include <opengm/inference/external/qpbo.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/reducedinference.hxx>
-#ifdef WITH_TRWS
-#include <opengm/inference/external/trws.hxx>
-namespace opengm{
-template<class LEARNER>
-class LearnerInferenceSuite: public boost::python::def_visitor<LearnerInferenceSuite<LEARNER> >{
- friend class boost::python::def_visitor_access;
- LearnerInferenceSuite(){
- }
- template<class INF>
- static void pyLearn_Inf(LEARNER & learner, const typename INF::Parameter & param)
- {
- learner. template learn<INF>(param);
- }
- #ifdef WITH_QPBO
- template<class INF>
- static void pyLearn_ReducedInf(
- LEARNER & learner,
- const typename INF::Parameter & param,
- const bool persistency,
- const bool tentacles,
- const bool connectedComponents
- )
- {
- typedef typename INF::GraphicalModelType GmType;
- typedef typename opengm::ReducedInferenceHelper<GmType>::InfGmType RedInfGm;
- // rebind the inference to the RedInfGm
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<RedInfGm>::type RedInfRebindInf;
- typedef typename RedInfRebindInf::Parameter RedInfRebindInfParam;
- typedef opengm::ReducedInference<GmType, opengm::Minimizer, RedInfRebindInf> RedInf;
- typedef typename RedInf::Parameter RedInfParam;
- RedInfRebindInfParam redInfRebindInfParam(param);
- RedInfParam redInfPara;
- redInfPara.subParameter_ = redInfRebindInfParam;
- redInfPara.Persistency_ = persistency;
- redInfPara.Tentacle_ = tentacles;
- redInfPara.ConnectedComponents_ = connectedComponents;
- learner. template learn<RedInf>(redInfPara);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef WITH_QPBO
- template<class INF>
- static void pyLearn_ReducedInfSelfFusion(
- LEARNER & learner,
- const typename INF::Parameter & param,
- const bool persistency,
- const bool tentacles,
- const bool connectedComponents
- )
- {
- typedef typename INF::GraphicalModelType GmType;
- typedef typename opengm::ReducedInferenceHelper<GmType>::InfGmType RedInfGm;
- // rebind the inference to the RedInfGm
- typedef typename INF:: template RebindGm<RedInfGm>::type RedInfRebindInf;
- typedef typename RedInfRebindInf::Parameter RedInfRebindInfParam;
- typedef opengm::ReducedInference<GmType, opengm::Minimizer, RedInfRebindInf> RedInf;
- typedef typename RedInf::Parameter RedInfParam;
- RedInfRebindInfParam redInfRebindInfParam(param);
- RedInfParam redInfPara;
- redInfPara.subParameter_ = redInfRebindInfParam;
- redInfPara.Persistency_ = persistency;
- redInfPara.Tentacle_ = tentacles;
- redInfPara.ConnectedComponents_ = connectedComponents;
- typedef opengm::SelfFusion<RedInf> SelfFusionInf;
- typedef typename SelfFusionInf::Parameter SelfFusionInfParam;
- SelfFusionInfParam sfParam;
- sfParam.infParam_ = redInfPara;
- sfParam.fuseNth_ = 10;
- sfParam.maxSubgraphSize_ = 2;
- sfParam.reducedInf_ = true;
- sfParam.tentacles_ = false;
- sfParam.connectedComponents_ = true;
- sfParam.fusionTimeLimit_ = 100.0;
- sfParam.numStopIt_ = 10.0;
- sfParam.fusionSolver_ = SelfFusionInf::QpboFusion;
- learner. template learn<SelfFusionInf>(sfParam);
- }
- #endif
- template<class INF>
- static void pyLearn_SelfFusion(
- LEARNER & learner,
- const typename INF::Parameter & param,
- const size_t fuseNth,
- const std::string & fusionSolver,
- const UInt64Type maxSubgraphSize,
- const bool reducedInf,
- const bool connectedComponents,
- const double fusionTimeLimit,
- const size_t numStopIt
- )
- {
- typedef typename INF::GraphicalModelType GmType;
- typedef opengm::SelfFusion<INF> SelfFusionInf;
- typedef typename SelfFusionInf::Parameter SelfFusionInfParam;
- SelfFusionInfParam sfParam;
- if(fusionSolver ==std::string("qpbo")){
- sfParam.fusionSolver_ = SelfFusionInf::QpboFusion;
- }
- else if(fusionSolver ==std::string("cplex")){
- sfParam.fusionSolver_ = SelfFusionInf::CplexFusion;
- }
- else if(fusionSolver ==std::string("lf")){
- sfParam.fusionSolver_ = SelfFusionInf::LazyFlipperFusion;
- }
- sfParam.infParam_ = param;
- sfParam.fuseNth_ = fuseNth;
- sfParam.maxSubgraphSize_ = maxSubgraphSize;
- sfParam.reducedInf_ = reducedInf;
- sfParam.tentacles_ = false;
- sfParam.connectedComponents_ = connectedComponents;
- sfParam.fusionTimeLimit_ = fusionTimeLimit;
- sfParam.numStopIt_ = numStopIt;
- learner. template learn<SelfFusionInf>(sfParam);
- }
- template <class classT>
- void visit(classT& c) const{
- typedef typename LEARNER::GMType GMType;
- typedef typename LEARNER::Parameter PyLearnerParam;
- typedef typename LEARNER::DatasetType DatasetType;
- typedef opengm::Minimizer ACC;
- typedef opengm::ICM<GMType, ACC> IcmInf;
- typedef opengm::LazyFlipper<GMType, ACC> LazyFlipperInf;
- typedef opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GMType, ACC> UpdateRulesType;
- typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GMType, ACC, UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BpInf;
- #ifdef WITH_CPLEX
- typedef opengm::LPCplex<GMType, ACC> Cplex;
- typedef opengm::Multicut<GMType, ACC> Multicut;
- #endif
- #ifdef WITH_QPBO
- typedef opengm::external::QPBO<GMType> QpboExternal;
- #endif
- #ifdef WITH_TRWS
- typedef opengm::external::TRWS<GMType> TrwsExternal;
- #endif
- c
- //.def("_learn",&pyLearn_Inf<IcmInf>)
- //.def("_learn",&pyLearn_Inf<LazyFlipperInf>)
- //.def("_learn",&pyLearn_Inf<BpInf>)
- #ifdef WITH_CPLEX
- //.def("_learn",&pyLearn_Inf<Cplex>)
- .def("_learn",&pyLearn_Inf<Multicut>)
- #endif
- #ifdef WITH_QPBO
- .def("_learn",&pyLearn_Inf<QpboExternal>)
- #endif
- #ifdef WITH_TRWS
- .def("_learn",&pyLearn_Inf<TrwsExternal>)
- #endif
- #if 0
- #ifdef WITH_QPBO
- .def("_learnReducedInf",&pyLearn_ReducedInf<LazyFlipperInf>)
- #ifdef WITH_TRWS
- .def("_learnReducedInf",&pyLearn_ReducedInf<TrwsExternal>)
- #endif
- #ifdef WITH_CPLEX
- .def("_learnReducedInf",&pyLearn_ReducedInf<Cplex>)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef WITH_TRWS
- .def("_learnSelfFusion",&pyLearn_SelfFusion<TrwsExternal>)
- #endif
- #if defined(WITH_TRWS) && defined(WITH_QPBO)
- .def("_learnReducedInfSelfFusion",&pyLearn_ReducedInfSelfFusion<TrwsExternal>)
- #endif
- #endif
- ;
- }
-template<class DS>
-class DatasetInferenceSuite: public boost::python::def_visitor<DatasetInferenceSuite<DS> >{
- friend class boost::python::def_visitor_access;
- DatasetInferenceSuite(){
- }
- template<class INF>
- static typename DS::ValueType pyGetLossWithInf(DS & ds, const typename INF::Parameter & param, const size_t i)
- {
- return ds. template getLoss<INF>(param, i);
- }
- template<class INF>
- static typename DS::ValueType pyGetTotalLossWithInf(DS & ds, const typename INF::Parameter & param)
- {
- return ds. template getTotalLoss<INF>(param);
- }
- template <class classT>
- void visit(classT& c) const{
- typedef typename DS::GMType GMType;
- typedef opengm::Minimizer ACC;
- typedef opengm::ICM<GMType, ACC> IcmInf;
- typedef opengm::LazyFlipper<GMType, ACC> LazyFlipperInf;
- typedef opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GMType, ACC> UpdateRulesType;
- typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GMType, ACC, UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BpInf;
-#ifdef WITH_CPLEX
- typedef opengm::LPCplex<GMType, ACC> Cplex;
- typedef opengm::Multicut<GMType, ACC> Multicut;
-#ifdef WITH_QPBO
- typedef opengm::external::QPBO<GMType> QpboExternal;
-#ifdef WITH_TRWS
- typedef opengm::external::TRWS<GMType> TrwsExternal;
- c
- .def("_getLoss",&pyGetLossWithInf<IcmInf>)
- .def("_getTotalLoss",&pyGetTotalLossWithInf<IcmInf>)
- .def("_getLoss",&pyGetLossWithInf<LazyFlipperInf>)
- .def("_getTotalLoss",&pyGetTotalLossWithInf<LazyFlipperInf>)
- .def("_getLoss",&pyGetLossWithInf<BpInf>)
- .def("_getTotalLoss",&pyGetTotalLossWithInf<BpInf>)
-#ifdef WITH_CPLEX
- .def("_getLoss",&pyGetLossWithInf<Cplex>)
- .def("_getTotalLoss",&pyGetTotalLossWithInf<Cplex>)
- .def("_getLoss",&pyGetLossWithInf<Multicut>)
- .def("_getTotalLoss",&pyGetTotalLossWithInf<Multicut>)
-#ifdef WITH_QPBO
- .def("_getLoss",&pyGetLossWithInf<QpboExternal>)
- .def("_getTotalLoss",&pyGetTotalLossWithInf<QpboExternal>)
-#ifdef WITH_TRWS
- .def("_getLoss",&pyGetLossWithInf<TrwsExternal>)
- .def("_getTotalLoss",&pyGetTotalLossWithInf<TrwsExternal>)
- ;
- }
-} // namespace opengm
-#endif // HELPER_HXX
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/learning.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/learning.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 195b2ac..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/learning.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/pythonfunction.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/flexibleloss.hxx>
-#if defined(WITH_CPLEX) || defined(WITH_GUROBI)
-#include <opengm/learning/bundle-optimizer.hxx>
-namespace bp = boost::python;
-namespace op = opengm::python;
-namespace ol = opengm::learning;
-namespace opengm{
- void export_weights();
- void export_weight_constraints();
- template<class GM, class LOSS>
- void export_dataset(const std::string& className);
- template<class GM>
- void export_loss();
- template<class DATASET>
- void export_grid_search_learner(const std::string & clsName);
- template<class DATASET, class OPTIMIZER>
- void export_struct_max_margin_bundle_learner(const std::string & clsName);
- //template<class DATASET>
- //void export_max_likelihood_learner(const std::string & clsName);
- template<class DATASET>
- void export_struct_perceptron_learner(const std::string & clsName);
- template<class DATASET>
- void export_subgradient_ssvm_learner(const std::string & clsName);
- template<class DATASET>
- void export_rws_learner(const std::string & clsName);
- template<class GM_ADDER,class GM_MULT>
- void export_lfunction_generator();
- Py_Initialize();
- PyEval_InitThreads();
- bp::numeric::array::set_module_and_type("numpy", "ndarray");
- bp::docstring_options doc_options(true,true,false);
- opengm::export_weights();
- opengm::export_weight_constraints();
- // function exporter
- opengm::export_lfunction_generator<op::GmAdder,op::GmMultiplier>();
- // export loss
- opengm::export_loss<op::GmAdder>();
- // templated datasets
- opengm::export_dataset<op::GmAdder, ol::FlexibleLoss >("DatasetWithFlexibleLoss");
- opengm::export_grid_search_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset>("GridSearch_FlexibleLoss");
- opengm::export_struct_perceptron_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset>("StructPerceptron_FlexibleLoss");
- opengm::export_subgradient_ssvm_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset>("SubgradientSSVM_FlexibleLoss");
- //opengm::export_max_likelihood_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset>("MaxLikelihood_FlexibleLoss");
- opengm::export_rws_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset>("Rws_FlexibleLoss");
- #if defined(WITH_CPLEX) || defined(WITH_GUROBI)
- opengm::export_struct_max_margin_bundle_learner< op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset, ol::BundleOptimizer<op::GmValueType> >("StructMaxMargin_Bundle_FlexibleLoss");
- #endif
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyDataset.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyDataset.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d8068a..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyDataset.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/editabledataset.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/dataset_io.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#define DefaultErrorFn DefaultErrorFn_TrwsExternal_DS
-#include "helper.hxx"
-using namespace boost::python;
-namespace opengm{
-template<class GM, class LOSS>
-void pySetInstanceWithLossParam(opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GM, LOSS>& ds,
- const size_t i,
- const GM& gm,
- const opengm::python::NumpyView<typename GM::LabelType,1> gt,
- const typename LOSS::Parameter & param) {
- std::vector<typename GM::LabelType> gt_vector(gt.begin(), gt.end());
- ds.setInstance(i, gm, gt_vector, param);
-template<class GM, class LOSS>
-void pySetInstance(opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GM, LOSS>& ds,
- const size_t i,
- const GM& gm,
- const opengm::python::NumpyView<typename GM::LabelType,1>& gt
- ) {
- pySetInstanceWithLossParam(ds, i, gm, gt, typename LOSS::Parameter());
-template<class GM, class LOSS>
-void pyPushBackInstanceWithLossParam(opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GM,LOSS>& ds,
- const GM& gm,
- const opengm::python::NumpyView<typename GM::LabelType,1>& gt,
- const typename LOSS::Parameter & param) {
- std::vector<typename GM::LabelType> gt_vector(gt.begin(), gt.end());
- ds.pushBackInstance(gm, gt_vector, param);
-template<class GM, class LOSS>
-void pyPushBackInstance(opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GM,LOSS>& ds,
- const GM& gm,
- const opengm::python::NumpyView<typename GM::LabelType,1>& gt
- ) {
- pyPushBackInstanceWithLossParam(ds, gm, gt, typename LOSS::Parameter());
-template<class GM, class LOSS>
-void pySaveDataset(opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GM,LOSS >& ds,
- const std::string datasetpath,
- const std::string prefix) {
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::save(ds, datasetpath, prefix);
-template<class GM, class LOSS>
-void pyLoadDataset(opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GM,LOSS >& ds,
- const std::string datasetpath,
- const std::string prefix) {
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::loadAll(datasetpath, prefix, ds);
-template<class GM, class LOSS>
-void export_dataset(const std::string& className){
- typedef opengm::datasets::EditableDataset<GM,LOSS > PyDataset;
- class_<PyDataset > (className.c_str(),init<size_t>())
- .def("lockModel", &PyDataset::lockModel)
- .def("unlockModel", &PyDataset::unlockModel)
- .def("getModel", &PyDataset::getModel, return_internal_reference<>())
- .def("getModelWithLoss", &PyDataset::getModelWithLoss, return_internal_reference<>())
- .def("getGT", &PyDataset::getGT, return_internal_reference<>())
- .def("getWeights", &PyDataset::getWeights, return_internal_reference<>())
- .def("getNumberOfWeights", &PyDataset::getNumberOfWeights)
- .def("getNumberOfModels", &PyDataset::getNumberOfModels)
- .def("setInstance", &pySetInstance<GM,LOSS>)
- .def("setInstanceWithLossParam", &pySetInstanceWithLossParam<GM,LOSS>)
- .def("setInstance", &pySetInstanceWithLossParam<GM,LOSS>)
- .def("pushBackInstance", &pyPushBackInstance<GM,LOSS>)
- .def("pushBackInstanceWithLossParam", &pyPushBackInstanceWithLossParam<GM,LOSS>)
- .def("pushBackInstance", &pyPushBackInstanceWithLossParam<GM,LOSS>)
- .def("setWeights", &PyDataset::setWeights)
- .def("save", &pySaveDataset<GM, LOSS>)
- .def("load", &pyLoadDataset<GM, LOSS>)
- .def(DatasetInferenceSuite<PyDataset>())
- ;
-//template void export_dataset<opengm::python::GmAdder, opengm::learning::HammingLoss> (const std::string& className);
-//template void export_dataset<opengm::python::GmAdder, opengm::learning::NoLoss> (const std::string& className);
-template void export_dataset<opengm::python::GmAdder, opengm::learning::FlexibleLoss> (const std::string& className);
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyGridSearchLearner.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyGridSearchLearner.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 412117c..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyGridSearchLearner.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#define DefaultErrorFn DefaultErrorFn_TrwsExternalB
-#include "helper.hxx"
-namespace bp = boost::python;
-namespace op = opengm::python;
-namespace ol = opengm::learning;
-namespace opengm{
- template<class PARAM>
- PARAM * pyGridSearchParamConstructor(
- op::NumpyView<double> lowerBound,
- op::NumpyView<double> upperBound,
- op::NumpyView<size_t> nTestPoints
- ){
- PARAM * p = new PARAM();
- p->parameterUpperbound_.assign(lowerBound.begin(), lowerBound.end());
- p->parameterLowerbound_.assign(upperBound.begin(), upperBound.end());
- p->testingPoints_.assign(nTestPoints.begin(), nTestPoints.end());
- return p;
- }
- template<class L >
- L * pyGridSearchConstructor(
- typename L::DatasetType & dataset,
- const typename L::Parameter & param
- ){
- L * l = new L(dataset, param);
- return l;
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- void export_grid_search_learner(const std::string & clsName){
- typedef learning::GridSearchLearner<DATASET> PyLearner;
- typedef typename PyLearner::Parameter PyLearnerParam;
- const std::string paramClsName = clsName + std::string("Parameter");
- bp::class_<PyLearnerParam>(paramClsName.c_str(), bp::init<>())
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyGridSearchParamConstructor<PyLearnerParam> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- ;
- bp::class_<PyLearner>( clsName.c_str(), bp::no_init )
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyGridSearchConstructor<PyLearner> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- .def(LearnerInferenceSuite<PyLearner>())
- ;
- }
- template void
- export_grid_search_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
- //template void
- //export_grid_search_learner<op::GmAdderGeneralizedHammingLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyLFunctionGen.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyLFunctionGen.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e8bb186..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyLFunctionGen.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#include "opengm/graphicalmodel/weights.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/learnable/lunary.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx"
-#include "../opengmcore/functionGenBase.hxx"
-namespace bp = boost::python;
-namespace op = opengm::python;
-namespace ol = opengm::learning;
-namespace ofl = opengm::functions::learnable;
-namespace opengm{
- template<class GM_ADDER,class GM_MULT>
- class LPottsFunctionGen :
- public FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>
- {
- public:
- typedef typename GM_ADDER::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM_ADDER::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM_ADDER::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef ol::Weights<ValueType> WeightType;
- typedef ofl::LPotts<ValueType, IndexType, LabelType> FType;
- LPottsFunctionGen(
- WeightType & weights,
- const size_t numFunctions,
- const size_t numLabels,
- op::NumpyView<ValueType, 2> features,
- op::NumpyView<IndexType, 1> weightIds,
- const bool addConstFeature
- ):
- FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>(),
- weights_(weights),
- numFunctions_(numFunctions),
- numLabels_(numLabels),
- features_(features.view()),
- weightIds_(weightIds.begin(), weightIds.end()),
- addConstFeature_(addConstFeature)
- {
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(features.shape(0), == , numFunctions, "wrong shape");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(features.shape(1)+int(addConstFeature), == , weightIds.shape(0), "wrong shape");
- }
- template<class GM>
- std::vector< typename GM::FunctionIdentifier > * addFunctionsGeneric(GM & gm)const{
- typedef typename GM::FunctionIdentifier Fid;
- typedef std::vector<Fid> FidVector;
- FidVector * fidVector = new FidVector(numFunctions_);
- const size_t nFeat =features_.shape(1);
- std::vector<ValueType> fFeat(nFeat+int(addConstFeature_));
- for(size_t i=0;i<numFunctions_;++i){
- for(size_t f=0; f<nFeat; ++f){
- fFeat[f] = features_(i,f);
- }
- if(addConstFeature_){
- fFeat[nFeat] = 1.0;
- }
- const FType f(weights_, numLabels_, weightIds_, fFeat);
- (*fidVector)[i] = gm.addFunction(f);
- }
- return fidVector;
- }
- virtual std::vector< typename GM_ADDER::FunctionIdentifier > * addFunctions(GM_ADDER & gm)const{
- return this-> template addFunctionsGeneric<GM_ADDER>(gm);
- }
- virtual std::vector< typename GM_MULT::FunctionIdentifier > * addFunctions(GM_MULT & gm)const{
- throw RuntimeError("Wrong Operator for Learning");
- return NULL;
- }
- private:
- WeightType & weights_;
- size_t numFunctions_;
- size_t numLabels_;
- marray::Marray<ValueType> features_;
- std::vector<size_t> weightIds_;
- bool addConstFeature_;
- };
- template<class GM_ADDER,class GM_MULT>
- class LUnarySharedFeatFunctionGen :
- public FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>
- {
- public:
- typedef typename GM_ADDER::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename GM_ADDER::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename GM_ADDER::LabelType LabelType;
- typedef ol::Weights<ValueType> WeightType;
- typedef ofl::LUnary<ValueType, IndexType, LabelType> FType;
- LUnarySharedFeatFunctionGen(
- WeightType & weights,
- const size_t numFunctions,
- const size_t numLabels,
- op::NumpyView<ValueType, 2> & features,
- op::NumpyView<IndexType, 2> & weightIds,
- const bool makeFirstEntryConst,
- const bool addConstFeature
- ):
- FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>(),
- weights_(weights),
- numFunctions_(numFunctions),
- numLabels_(numLabels),
- features_(features.view()),
- //weightIds_(weightIds),
- makeFirstEntryConst_(makeFirstEntryConst),
- addConstFeature_(addConstFeature)
- {
- //std::cout<<"constructor\n";
- //std::cout<<" features (1000,1)"<<features(1000,1)<<"\n";
- //std::cout<<" features_(1000,1)"<<features_(1000,1)<<"\n";
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(features.shape(0), == , numFunctions, "wrong shape");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIds.shape(1), == , features.shape(1) + int(addConstFeature), "wrong shape");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIds.shape(0)+int(makeFirstEntryConst), == ,numLabels, "wrong shape");
- const size_t nFeat =features_.shape(1);
- const size_t nWPerL = nFeat+int(addConstFeature_);
- const size_t wShape[2] = {numLabels_- int(makeFirstEntryConst_) ,nWPerL};
- wIds_ = marray::Marray<size_t>(wShape, wShape+2);
- //std::cout<<"assignment\n";
- //std::cout<<"passed wi shape "<<weightIds.shape(0)<<" "<<weightIds.shape(1)<<" given "<<wShape[0]<<" "<<wShape[1]<<"\n";
- //std::cout<<"wIds_ shape "<<wIds_.shape(0)<<" "<<wIds_.shape(1)<<"\n";
- for(size_t ll=0; ll<wShape[0]; ++ll){
- for(size_t wi=0; wi<wShape[1]; ++wi){
- //std::cout<<"ll "<<ll<<" wi "<<wi<<"\n";
- size_t passed = weightIds(ll,wi);
- //std::cout<<"passed "<<passed<<"\n";
- wIds_(ll,wi) = passed;
- }
- }
- //std::cout<<"constructor done\n";
- }
- template<class GM>
- std::vector< typename GM::FunctionIdentifier > * addFunctionsGeneric(GM & gm)const{
- //std::cout<<"&** features_(1000,1)"<<features_(1000,1)<<"\n";
- typedef typename GM::FunctionIdentifier Fid;
- typedef std::vector<Fid> FidVector;
- FidVector * fidVector = new FidVector(numFunctions_);
- const size_t nFeat =features_.shape(1);
- const size_t nWPerL = nFeat+int(addConstFeature_);
- marray::Marray<ValueType> fFeat(&nWPerL,&nWPerL+1);
- // copy the weights once!
- const size_t wShape[2] = {numLabels_- int(makeFirstEntryConst_) ,nWPerL};
- marray::Marray<size_t> _weightIds(wShape, wShape+2);
- //for(size_t ll=0; ll<wShape[0]; ++ll)
- //for(size_t wi=0; wi<wShape[1]; ++wi){
- // _weightIds(ll,wi) = weightIds_(ll,wi);
- //}
- for(size_t i=0;i<numFunctions_;++i){
- // copy the features for that instance
- for(size_t f=0; f<nFeat; ++f){
- //std::cout<<"added feat:"<<features_(i,f)<<"\n";
- fFeat(f) = features_(i,f);
- }
- if(addConstFeature_){
- fFeat(nFeat) = 1.0;
- }
- FType f(weights_, numLabels_, wIds_, fFeat, makeFirstEntryConst_);
- //std::cout<<"INTERNAL TEST\n";
- //for(size_t l=0;l<numLabels_; ++l){
- // std::cout<<"l "<<l<<" f(l) = "<<f(&l)<<"\n";
- //}
- (*fidVector)[i] = gm.addFunction(f);
- }
- return fidVector;
- }
- virtual std::vector< typename GM_ADDER::FunctionIdentifier > * addFunctions(GM_ADDER & gm)const{
- return this-> template addFunctionsGeneric<GM_ADDER>(gm);
- }
- virtual std::vector< typename GM_MULT::FunctionIdentifier > * addFunctions(GM_MULT & gm)const{
- throw RuntimeError("Wrong Operator for Learning");
- return NULL;
- }
- private:
- WeightType & weights_;
- size_t numFunctions_;
- size_t numLabels_;
- marray::Marray<ValueType> features_;
- //op::NumpyView<ValueType, 2> features_;
- op::NumpyView<IndexType, 2> weightIds_;
- bool makeFirstEntryConst_;
- bool addConstFeature_;
- marray::Marray<size_t> wIds_;
- };
- template<class GM_ADDER,class GM_MULT>
- FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT> * lunarySharedFeatFunctionGen(
- ol::Weights<typename GM_ADDER::ValueType> & weights,
- const size_t numFunctions,
- const size_t numLabels,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<typename GM_ADDER::ValueType,2> features,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<typename GM_ADDER::IndexType,2> weightIds,
- const bool makeFirstEntryConst,
- const bool addConstFeature
- ){
- FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT> * ptr =
- new LUnarySharedFeatFunctionGen<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>(weights,numFunctions,numLabels,
- features,weightIds,makeFirstEntryConst,
- addConstFeature);
- return ptr;
- }
- template<class GM_ADDER,class GM_MULT>
- FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT> * lpottsFunctionGen(
- ol::Weights<typename GM_ADDER::ValueType> & weights,
- const size_t numFunctions,
- const size_t numLabels,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<typename GM_ADDER::ValueType,2> features,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<typename GM_ADDER::IndexType,1> weightIds,
- const bool addConstFeature
- ){
- FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT> * ptr =
- new LPottsFunctionGen<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>(weights,numFunctions,numLabels,features,weightIds, addConstFeature);
- return ptr;
- }
- template<class GM_ADDER,class GM_MULT>
- void export_lfunction_generator(){
- typedef LPottsFunctionGen<GM_ADDER, GM_MULT> FGen;
- bp::def("_lpottsFunctionsGen",&lpottsFunctionGen<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>,
- bp::return_value_policy<bp::manage_new_object>(),
- (
- bp::arg("weights"),
- bp::arg("numFunctions"),
- bp::arg("numLabels"),
- bp::arg("features"),
- bp::arg("weightIds"),
- bp::arg("addConstFeature")
- )
- );
- bp::def("_lunarySharedFeatFunctionsGen",&lunarySharedFeatFunctionGen<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>,
- bp::with_custodian_and_ward_postcall<0, 4, bp::return_value_policy<bp::manage_new_object> >(),
- (
- bp::arg("weights"),
- bp::arg("numFunctions"),
- bp::arg("numLabels"),
- bp::arg("features"),
- bp::arg("weightIds"),
- bp::arg("makeFirstEntryConst"),
- bp::arg("addConstFeature")
- )
- );
- }
-template void opengm::export_lfunction_generator<op::GmAdder,op::GmMultiplier>();
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyLoss.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyLoss.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 951559e..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyLoss.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <stddef.h>
-//#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/flexibleloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-using namespace boost::python;
-namespace opengm{
-void pySetNodeLossMultiplier(opengm::learning::FlexibleLoss::Parameter& p,
- const opengm::python::NumpyView<double,1>& m)
- p.nodeLossMultiplier_ = std::vector<double>(m.begin(), m.end());
-void pySetLabelLossMultiplier(opengm::learning::FlexibleLoss::Parameter& p,
- const opengm::python::NumpyView<double,1>& m)
- p.labelLossMultiplier_ = std::vector<double>(m.begin(), m.end());
-void pySetFactorLossMultiplier(opengm::learning::FlexibleLoss::Parameter& p,
- const opengm::python::NumpyView<double,1>& m)
- p.labelLossMultiplier_ = std::vector<double>(m.begin(), m.end());
-template <class GM>
-void export_loss(){
- typedef typename std::vector<typename GM::LabelType>::const_iterator Literator;
- typedef typename std::vector<typename GM::LabelType>::const_iterator Niterator;
- typedef opengm::learning::HammingLoss PyHammingLoss;
- typedef opengm::learning::FlexibleLoss PyFlexibleLoss;
- typedef opengm::learning::GeneralizedHammingLoss PyGeneralizedHammingLoss;
- typedef opengm::learning::NoLoss PyNoLoss;
- class_<PyFlexibleLoss >("FlexibleLoss")
- //.def("loss", &PyHammingLoss::loss<const GM &, Literator,Literator>)
- //.def("addLoss", &PyHammingLoss::addLoss<GM, Literator>)
- ;
- // learner param enum
- enum_<PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter::LossType>("LossType")
- .value("hamming", PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter::Hamming)
- .value("l1", PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter::L1)
- .value("l2", PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter::L2)
- .value("partition", PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter::Partition)
- .value("ConfMat", PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter::ConfMat)
- ;
- class_<PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter>("FlexibleLossParameter")
- .def_readwrite("lossType", &PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter::lossType_)
- .def("setNodeLossMultiplier", &pySetNodeLossMultiplier)
- .def("setLabelLossMultiplier", &pySetLabelLossMultiplier)
- .def("setFactorLossMultiplier", &pySetFactorLossMultiplier)
- ;
- class_<std::vector< PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter > >("FlexibleLossParameterVector")
- .def(vector_indexing_suite<std::vector< PyFlexibleLoss::Parameter> >())
- ;
-template void export_loss<opengm::python::GmAdder>();
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyMaxLikelihoodLearner.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyMaxLikelihoodLearner.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 82fc5d0..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyMaxLikelihoodLearner.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#if defined(WITH_CPLEX) || defined(WITH_GUROBI)
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/icm.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx>
-#define DefaultErrorFn DefaultErrorFn_TrwsExternal_ML
-#include "helper.hxx"
-namespace bp = boost::python;
-namespace op = opengm::python;
-namespace ol = opengm::learning;
-namespace opengm{
- template<class PARAM>
- PARAM * pyMaxLikelihoodParamConstructor(
- size_t maximumNumberOfIterations=100,
- double gradientStepSize=0.1,
- double weightStoppingCriteria=0.00000001,
- double gradientStoppingCriteria=0.00000001,
- bool infoFlag=true,
- bool infoEveryStep=false,
- double weightRegularizer = 1.0,
- size_t beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations = 20,
- double beliefPropagationConvergenceBound = 0.0001,
- double beliefPropagationDamping = 0.5,
- double beliefPropagationTemperature = 0.3,
- opengm::Tribool beliefPropagationIsAcyclic=opengm::Tribool(opengm::Tribool::Maybe)
- ){
- PARAM * p = new PARAM();
- p->maximumNumberOfIterations_ = maximumNumberOfIterations;
- p->gradientStepSize_ = gradientStepSize;
- p->weightStoppingCriteria_ = weightStoppingCriteria;
- p->gradientStoppingCriteria_ = gradientStoppingCriteria;
- p->infoFlag_ = infoFlag;
- p->infoEveryStep_ = infoEveryStep;
- p->weightRegularizer_ = weightRegularizer;
- p->beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations_ = beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations;
- p->beliefPropagationConvergenceBound_ = beliefPropagationConvergenceBound;
- p->beliefPropagationDamping_ = beliefPropagationDamping;
- p->beliefPropagationTemperature_ = beliefPropagationTemperature;
- p->beliefPropagationIsAcyclic_ = beliefPropagationIsAcyclic;
- return p;
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- void export_max_likelihood_learner(const std::string & clsName){
- typedef learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DATASET> PyLearner;
- typedef typename PyLearner::Parameter PyLearnerParam;
- typedef typename PyLearner::DatasetType DatasetType;
- const std::string paramClsName = clsName + std::string("Parameter");
- bp::class_<PyLearnerParam>(paramClsName.c_str(), bp::init<>())
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyMaxLikelihoodParamConstructor<PyLearnerParam> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- //.def_readwrite("maxIterations", &PyLearnerParam::maximumNumberOfIterations_)
- ;
- boost::python::class_<PyLearner>( clsName.c_str(), boost::python::init<DatasetType &, const PyLearnerParam &>() )
- .def("learn",&PyLearner::learn)
- ;
- }
- //template void
- //export_max_likelihood_learner<op::GmAdderHammingLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
- template void
- export_max_likelihood_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyRws.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyRws.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 43bdaf9..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyRws.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/rws.hxx>
-#define DefaultErrorFn DefaultErrorFn_TrwsExternalRws
-#include "helper.hxx"
-namespace bp = boost::python;
-namespace op = opengm::python;
-namespace ol = opengm::learning;
-namespace opengm{
- template<class PARAM>
- PARAM * pyRwsParamConstructor(
- ){
- PARAM * p = new PARAM();
- return p;
- }
- template<class L >
- L * pyRwsConstructor(
- typename L::DatasetType & dataset,
- const typename L::Parameter & param
- ){
- L * l = new L(dataset, param);
- return l;
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- void export_rws_learner(const std::string & clsName){
- typedef learning::Rws<DATASET> PyLearner;
- typedef typename PyLearner::Parameter PyLearnerParam;
- const std::string paramClsName = clsName + std::string("Parameter");
- // learner param
- bp::class_<PyLearnerParam>(paramClsName.c_str(), bp::init<>())
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyRwsParamConstructor<PyLearnerParam> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- .def_readwrite("eps", &PyLearnerParam::eps_)
- .def_readwrite("maxIterations", &PyLearnerParam::maxIterations_)
- .def_readwrite("stopLoss", &PyLearnerParam::stopLoss_)
- .def_readwrite("learningRate", &PyLearnerParam::learningRate_)
- .def_readwrite("C", &PyLearnerParam::C_)
- .def_readwrite("p", &PyLearnerParam::p_)
- .def_readwrite("sigma", &PyLearnerParam::sigma_)
- ;
- // learner
- bp::class_<PyLearner>( clsName.c_str(), bp::no_init )
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyRwsConstructor<PyLearner> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- .def(LearnerInferenceSuite<PyLearner>())
- ;
- }
- // template void
- // export_subgradient_ssvm_learner<op::GmAdderHammingLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
- // template void
- // export_subgradient_ssvm_learner<op::GmAdderGeneralizedHammingLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
- template void
- export_rws_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyStructMaxMarginLearner.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyStructMaxMarginLearner.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e8d5ba7..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyStructMaxMarginLearner.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#if defined(WITH_CPLEX) || defined(WITH_GUROBI)
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/icm.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/struct-max-margin.hxx>
-#define DefaultErrorFn DefaultErrorFn_TrwsExternal_SMM
-#include "helper.hxx"
-namespace bp = boost::python;
-namespace op = opengm::python;
-namespace ol = opengm::learning;
-namespace opengm{
- template<class PARAM>
- PARAM * pyStructMaxMarginBundleParamConstructor(
- double regularizerWeight,
- op::GmValueType minEps,
- unsigned int steps,
- bool eps_from_gap = true
- ){
- PARAM * p = new PARAM();
- p->optimizerParameter_.lambda = regularizerWeight;
- p->optimizerParameter_.min_eps = minEps;
- p->optimizerParameter_.steps = steps;
- if(eps_from_gap)
- p->optimizerParameter_.epsStrategy = ol::BundleOptimizer<op::GmValueType>::EpsFromGap;
- else
- p->optimizerParameter_.epsStrategy = ol::BundleOptimizer<op::GmValueType>::EpsFromChange;
- return p;
- }
- template<class DATASET, class OPTIMIZER>
- void export_struct_max_margin_bundle_learner(const std::string & clsName){
- typedef learning::StructMaxMargin<DATASET, OPTIMIZER> PyLearner;
- typedef typename PyLearner::Parameter PyLearnerParam;
- typedef typename PyLearner::DatasetType DatasetType;
- const std::string paramClsName = clsName + std::string("Parameter");
- bp::class_<PyLearnerParam>(paramClsName.c_str(), bp::init<>())
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyStructMaxMarginBundleParamConstructor<PyLearnerParam> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- ;
- boost::python::class_<PyLearner>( clsName.c_str(), boost::python::init<DatasetType &, const PyLearnerParam &>() )
- .def(LearnerInferenceSuite<PyLearner>())
- ;
- }
- template void
- export_struct_max_margin_bundle_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset, ol::BundleOptimizer<op::GmValueType> > (const std::string& className);
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyStructPerceptron.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyStructPerceptron.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e3633e..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyStructPerceptron.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/structured_perceptron.hxx>
-#define DefaultErrorFn DefaultErrorFn_TrwsExternalSPerceptron
-#include "helper.hxx"
-namespace bp = boost::python;
-namespace op = opengm::python;
-namespace ol = opengm::learning;
-namespace opengm{
- template<class PARAM>
- PARAM * pyStructuredPerceptronParamConstructor(
- ){
- PARAM * p = new PARAM();
- return p;
- }
- template<class L >
- L * pyStructuredPerceptronConstructor(
- typename L::DatasetType & dataset,
- const typename L::Parameter & param
- ){
- L * l = new L(dataset, param);
- return l;
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- void export_struct_perceptron_learner(const std::string & clsName){
- typedef learning::StructuredPerceptron<DATASET> PyLearner;
- typedef typename PyLearner::Parameter PyLearnerParam;
- const std::string paramClsName = clsName + std::string("Parameter");
- const std::string paramEnumLearningModeName = clsName + std::string("Parameter_LearningMode");
- // learner param enum
- bp::enum_<typename PyLearnerParam::LearningMode>(paramEnumLearningModeName.c_str())
- .value("online", PyLearnerParam::Online)
- .value("batch", PyLearnerParam::Batch)
- ;
- // learner param
- bp::class_<PyLearnerParam>(paramClsName.c_str(), bp::init<>())
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyStructuredPerceptronParamConstructor<PyLearnerParam> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- .def_readwrite("eps", &PyLearnerParam::eps_)
- .def_readwrite("maxIterations", &PyLearnerParam::maxIterations_)
- .def_readwrite("stopLoss", &PyLearnerParam::stopLoss_)
- .def_readwrite("decayExponent", &PyLearnerParam::decayExponent_)
- .def_readwrite("decayT0", &PyLearnerParam::decayT0_)
- .def_readwrite("learningMode", &PyLearnerParam::learningMode_)
- ;
- // learner
- bp::class_<PyLearner>( clsName.c_str(), bp::no_init )
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyStructuredPerceptronConstructor<PyLearner> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- .def(LearnerInferenceSuite<PyLearner>())
- ;
- }
- template void
- export_struct_perceptron_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
- // template void
- // export_struct_perceptron_learner<op::GmAdderGeneralizedHammingLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pySubgradientSSVM.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pySubgradientSSVM.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 00d5a26..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pySubgradientSSVM.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/subgradient_ssvm.hxx>
-#define DefaultErrorFn DefaultErrorFn_TrwsExternalSubgradientSSVM
-#include "helper.hxx"
-namespace bp = boost::python;
-namespace op = opengm::python;
-namespace ol = opengm::learning;
-namespace opengm{
- template<class PARAM>
- PARAM * pyStructuredPerceptronParamConstructor(
- ){
- PARAM * p = new PARAM();
- return p;
- }
- template<class L >
- L * pyStructuredPerceptronConstructor(
- typename L::DatasetType & dataset,
- const typename L::Parameter & param
- ){
- L * l = new L(dataset, param);
- return l;
- }
- template<class DATASET>
- void export_subgradient_ssvm_learner(const std::string & clsName){
- typedef learning::SubgradientSSVM<DATASET> PyLearner;
- typedef typename PyLearner::Parameter PyLearnerParam;
- const std::string paramClsName = clsName + std::string("Parameter");
- const std::string paramEnumLearningModeName = clsName + std::string("Parameter_LearningMode");
- // learner param enum
- bp::enum_<typename PyLearnerParam::LearningMode>(paramEnumLearningModeName.c_str())
- .value("online", PyLearnerParam::Online)
- .value("batch", PyLearnerParam::Batch)
- ;
- // learner param
- bp::class_<PyLearnerParam>(paramClsName.c_str(), bp::init<>())
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyStructuredPerceptronParamConstructor<PyLearnerParam> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- .def_readwrite("eps", &PyLearnerParam::eps_)
- .def_readwrite("maxIterations", &PyLearnerParam::maxIterations_)
- .def_readwrite("stopLoss", &PyLearnerParam::stopLoss_)
- .def_readwrite("learningRate", &PyLearnerParam::learningRate_)
- .def_readwrite("C", &PyLearnerParam::C_)
- .def_readwrite("learningMode", &PyLearnerParam::learningMode_)
- .def_readwrite("averaging", &PyLearnerParam::averaging_)
- .def_readwrite("nConf", &PyLearnerParam::nConf_)
- ;
- // learner
- bp::class_<PyLearner>( clsName.c_str(), bp::no_init )
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyStructuredPerceptronConstructor<PyLearner> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- .def(LearnerInferenceSuite<PyLearner>())
- ;
- }
- // template void
- // export_subgradient_ssvm_learner<op::GmAdderHammingLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
- // template void
- // export_subgradient_ssvm_learner<op::GmAdderGeneralizedHammingLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
- template void
- export_subgradient_ssvm_learner<op::GmAdderFlexibleLossDataset> (const std::string& className);
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyWeights.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyWeights.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 10afc6e..0000000
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/learning/pyWeights.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/python.hpp>
-#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
-#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
-#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
-namespace opengm{
- template<class V>
- learning::Weights<V> * pyWeightsConstructor(
- python::NumpyView<V, 1> values
- ){
- learning::Weights<V> * f = new learning::Weights<V> (values.shape(0));
- for(size_t i=0; i<values.shape(0); ++i){
- f->setWeight(i, values(i));
- }
- return f;
- }
- void export_weights(){
- typedef python::GmValueType V;
- typedef learning::Weights<V> Weights;
- boost::python::class_<Weights>("Weights",boost::python::init<const size_t >())
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyWeightsConstructor<V> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- .def("__getitem__", &Weights::getWeight)
- .def("__setitem__", &Weights::setWeight)
- .def("__len__", &Weights::numberOfWeights)
- ;
- }
- void export_weight_constraints(){
- typedef python::GmValueType V;
- typedef learning::WeightConstraints<V> Weights;
- boost::python::class_<Weights>("WeightConstraints",boost::python::init<const size_t >())
- //.def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyWeightsConstructor<V> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- //.def("__getitem__", &Weights::getWeight)
- //.def("__setitem__", &Weights::setWeight)
- ;
- }
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/__init__.py b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/__init__.py
index 15f6ad7..ab17277 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/__init__.py
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from _opengmcore import *
-from _opengmcore import _gridVis2d
from factorSubset import FactorSubset
from gm_injector import _extend_gm_classes
from factor_injector import _extend_factor_classes
@@ -194,15 +193,14 @@ class Multiplier:
def neutral(self):
return float(1.0)
-def gridVis(shape, numpyOrder=True):
- assert len(shape) == 2
- nFac = (shape[0]-1)*shape[1] + (shape[1]-1)*shape[0]
- out = numpy.ones([nFac,2], dtype=index_type)
- _gridVis2d(shape[0],shape[1],numpyOrder, out)
- return out
+def modelViewFunction(factor):
+ class _ModelViewFunction:
+ def __init__(self,factor):
+ self.factor=factor
+ def __call__(self,labeling):
+ return self.factor[labeling]
+ return PythonFunction( _ModelViewFunction(factor) ,factor.shape.__tuple__())
#Model generators
def grid2d2Order(unaries,regularizer,order='numpy',operator='adder'):
@@ -353,6 +351,7 @@ _TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction = TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction
_PottsFunction = PottsFunction
_PottsNFunction = PottsNFunction
_PottsGFunction = PottsGFunction
+_PythonFunction = PythonFunction
_FactorSubset = FactorSubset
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/function_injector.py b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/function_injector.py
index f31c565..bf0f832 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/function_injector.py
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/function_injector.py
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
from _opengmcore import ExplicitFunction,SparseFunction, \
TruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction, \
TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction,PottsFunction,PottsNFunction, \
- PottsGFunction,\
+ PottsGFunction,PythonFunction,\
ExplicitFunctionVector,SparseFunctionVector, \
TruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunctionVector, \
TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunctionVector,PottsFunctionVector,PottsNFunctionVector, \
- PottsGFunctionVector
+ PottsGFunctionVector,PythonFunctionVector
import numpy
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ def _extend_function_vector_classes():
function_vector_classes=[ ExplicitFunctionVector,SparseFunctionVector,
- PottsNFunctionVector,PottsGFunctionVector
- ]
+ PottsNFunctionVector,PottsGFunctionVector,
+ PythonFunctionVector ]
for function_vector in function_vector_classes:
class InjectorGenericFunctionVector(object):
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ def _extend_function_type_classes():
- PottsNFunction,PottsGFunction]
+ PottsNFunction,PottsGFunction,
+ PythonFunction]
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/opengmcore.cpp b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/opengmcore.cpp
index dee2b1e..c63aae1 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/opengmcore.cpp
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/opengmcore.cpp
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
#include <opengm/utilities/tribool.hxx>
#include <opengm/inference/inference.hxx>
#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
@@ -278,37 +276,6 @@ GM * pyPottsModel3d(
-void gridVis2d(
- const size_t dx,
- const size_t dy,
- const bool numpyOrder,
- opengm::python::NumpyView< opengm::python::GmIndexType, 2> visarray
- size_t shape[2]={dx,dy};
- CoordToVi toVi(shape,shape+2,numpyOrder);
- size_t c=0;
- for(size_t x=0; x<dx;++x)
- for(size_t y=0; y<dy;++y){
- if(x+1<dx){
- visarray(c,0) = toVi(x,y);
- visarray(c,1) = toVi(x+1,y);
- ++c;
- }
- if(y+1<dy){
- visarray(c,0) = toVi(x,y);
- visarray(c,1) = toVi(x,y+1);
- ++c;
- }
- }
void makeMaskedState(
opengm::python::NumpyView< opengm::UInt32Type, 3> mask,
opengm::python::NumpyView< opengm::UInt64Type, 1> arg,
@@ -568,34 +535,6 @@ void dequePushBack(
-template<class V>
-opengm::learning::Weights<V> * pyWeightsConstructor(
- opengm::python::NumpyView<V, 1> values
- opengm::learning::Weights<V> * f = new opengm::learning::Weights<V> (values.shape(0));
- for(size_t i=0; i<values.shape(0); ++i){
- f->setWeight(i, values(i));
- }
- return f;
-template<class V>
-void pyExportWeights(const std::string & clsName){
- typedef opengm::learning::Weights<V> Weights;
- boost::python::class_<Weights>(clsName.c_str(),boost::python::init<const size_t >())
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyWeightsConstructor<V> ,boost::python::default_call_policies()))
- .def("__getitem__", &Weights::getWeight)
- .def("__setitem__", &Weights::setWeight)
- ;
@@ -713,7 +652,7 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE_INIT(_opengmcore) {
- boost::python::def("_gridVis2d",&gridVis2d);
@@ -742,6 +681,7 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE_INIT(_opengmcore) {
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionGen.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionGen.cxx
index 2d138f6..c9f9d3a 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionGen.cxx
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionGen.cxx
@@ -117,63 +117,6 @@ private:
-template<class GM_ADDER,class GM_MULT,class FUNCTION_TYPE>
-class LPottsFunctionGen :
-public FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>
- typedef FUNCTION_TYPE FunctionType;
- typedef typename FUNCTION_TYPE::ValueType ValueType;
- typedef typename FUNCTION_TYPE::IndexType IndexType;
- typedef typename FUNCTION_TYPE::LabelType LabelType;
- LPottsFunctionGen(
- size_t numberOfLabels,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<LabelType,2> numLabels1Array,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<LabelType,1> numLabels2Array,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<ValueType,1> valEqualArray,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<ValueType,1> valNotEqualArray
- ):FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT>(),
- numLabels1Array_(numLabels1Array),
- numLabels2Array_(numLabels2Array),
- valEqualArray_(valEqualArray),
- valNotEqualArray_(valNotEqualArray)
- {
- numFunctions_=std::max(
- std::max(numLabels1Array_.shape(0),numLabels2Array_.shape(0)) ,
- std::max(valEqualArray_.shape(0),valNotEqualArray_.shape(0))
- );
- }
- template<class GM>
- std::vector< typename GM::FunctionIdentifier > * addFunctionsGeneric(GM & gm)const{
- std::vector< typename GM::FunctionIdentifier > * fidVector = new std::vector< typename GM::FunctionIdentifier > (numFunctions_);
- for(size_t i=0;i<numFunctions_;++i){
- const LabelType numL1=i<numLabels1Array_.size() ? numLabels1Array_(i) : numLabels1Array_(numLabels1Array_.size()-1);
- const LabelType numL2=i<numLabels2Array_.size() ? numLabels2Array_(i) : numLabels2Array_(numLabels2Array_.size()-1);
- const ValueType veq=i<valEqualArray_.size() ? valEqualArray_(i) : valEqualArray_(valEqualArray_.size()-1);
- const ValueType vneq=i<valNotEqualArray_.size() ? valNotEqualArray_(i) : valNotEqualArray_(valNotEqualArray_.size()-1);
- (*fidVector)[i]=gm.addFunction(FunctionType(numL1,numL2,veq,vneq));
- }
- return fidVector;
- }
- virtual std::vector< typename GM_ADDER::FunctionIdentifier > * addFunctions(GM_ADDER & gm)const{
- return this-> template addFunctionsGeneric<GM_ADDER>(gm);
- }
- virtual std::vector< typename GM_MULT::FunctionIdentifier > * addFunctions(GM_MULT & gm)const{
- return this-> template addFunctionsGeneric<GM_MULT>(gm);
- }
- opengm::python::NumpyView<LabelType,1> numLabels1Array_;
- opengm::python::NumpyView<LabelType,1> numLabels2Array_;
- opengm::python::NumpyView<ValueType,1> valEqualArray_;
- opengm::python::NumpyView<ValueType,1> valNotEqualArray_;
- size_t numFunctions_;
template<class GM_ADDER,class GM_MULT,class FUNCTION>
inline FunctionGeneratorBase<GM_ADDER,GM_MULT> * pottsFunctionGen(
opengm::python::NumpyView<typename GM_ADDER::LabelType,1> numLabels1Array,
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionTypes.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionTypes.cxx
index f5a343a..6571b3d 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionTypes.cxx
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyFunctionTypes.cxx
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
#include <map>
#include "nifty_iterator.hxx"
-#include "opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx"
-#include "opengm/python/converter.hxx"
-#include "opengm/python/numpyview.hxx"
-#include "opengm/python/pythonfunction.hxx"
+#include <opengm/python/opengmpython.hxx>
+#include <opengm/python/converter.hxx>
+#include <opengm/python/numpyview.hxx>
+#include <opengm/python/pythonfunction.hxx>
#include "copyhelper.hxx"
@@ -26,9 +26,7 @@
#include "opengm/functions/truncated_squared_difference.hxx"
#include "opengm/functions/sparsemarray.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/learnable/lunary.hxx"
-#include "opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx"
using namespace boost::python;
@@ -171,146 +169,6 @@ namespace pyfunction{
return f;
- template<class FUNCTION>
- FUNCTION * lPottsConstructor(
- opengm::python::PyWeights & pyWeights,
- const opengm::python::GmLabelType numberOfLabels,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<opengm::python::GmIndexType,1> weightIds,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<opengm::python::GmValueType,1> features
- ){
- std::vector<size_t> weightIdVec(weightIds.begin(), weightIds.end());
- std::vector<opengm::python::GmValueType> featureVec(features.begin(), features.end());
- f = new FUNCTION(pyWeights, numberOfLabels, weightIdVec, featureVec);
- return f;
- }
- template<class FUNCTION>
- FUNCTION * lUnaryConstructor(
- opengm::python::PyWeights & pyWeights,
- const opengm::python::GmLabelType numberOfLabels,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<opengm::python::GmIndexType,2> weightIds,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<opengm::python::GmValueType,2> features
- ){
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::FeaturesAndIndices<
- opengm::python::GmValueType,
- opengm::python::GmIndexType
- > FI;
- typedef std::vector<FI> FI_VEC;
- size_t fPerL = weightIds.shape(1);
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIds.shape(0), <=, numberOfLabels, "wrong shapes");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIds.shape(0), >=, numberOfLabels-1, "wrong shapes");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIds.shape(0), ==, features.shape(0),"wrong shapes");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIds.shape(1), ==, features.shape(1),"wrong shapes");
- FI_VEC fiVec(numberOfLabels);
- const size_t weightShape0 = weightIds.shape(0);
- for(size_t l=0; l<weightShape0; ++l){
- fiVec[l].weightIds.resize(fPerL);
- fiVec[l].features.resize(fPerL);
- for(size_t i=0; i<fPerL; ++i){
- fiVec[l].weightIds[i] = weightIds(l, i);
- fiVec[l].features[i] = features(l, i);
- }
- }
- //std::cout<<"done on python side\n";
- f = new FUNCTION(pyWeights, fiVec);
- return f;
- }
- template<class FUNCTION>
- FUNCTION * lUnaryConstructorList(
- opengm::python::PyWeights & pyWeights,
- const opengm::python::GmLabelType numberOfLabels,
- boost::python::list weightIds,
- boost::python::list features
- ){
- typedef opengm::python::NumpyView<opengm::python::GmIndexType,1> IndexArray;
- typedef opengm::python::NumpyView<opengm::python::GmValueType,1> ValueArray;
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(boost::python::len(weightIds), == ,numberOfLabels ,"length of weightIds must be numberOfLabels");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(boost::python::len(weightIds), == ,boost::python::len(features) ,"weightIds must be as long as features");
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::FeaturesAndIndices<
- opengm::python::GmValueType,
- opengm::python::GmIndexType
- > FI;
- typedef std::vector<FI> FI_VEC;
- FI_VEC fiVec(numberOfLabels);
- for(size_t l=0; l<numberOfLabels; ++l){
- std::cout<<"extr. l "<<l<<"\n";
- boost::python::extract<boost::python::numeric::array> eW(weightIds[l]);
- boost::python::extract<boost::python::numeric::array> eF(features[l]);
- IndexArray wId = eW();
- ValueArray fs = eF();
- std::cout<<"done\n";
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(wId.shape(0), ==, fs.shape(0),
- "for one label the number of features and the number of weights must be the same");
- const size_t fPerL = wId.shape(0);
- fiVec[l].weightIds.resize(fPerL);
- fiVec[l].features.resize(fPerL);
- for(size_t i=0; i<fPerL; ++i){
- fiVec[l].weightIds[i] = wId(i);
- fiVec[l].features[i] = fs(i);
- }
- }
- f = new FUNCTION(pyWeights, fiVec);
- return f;
- }
- template<class FUNCTION>
- FUNCTION * weightedSumOfFunctionsConstructor(
- boost::python::object pyShape,
- opengm::python::PyWeights& pyWeights,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<opengm::python::GmIndexType,1> weightIds,
- opengm::python::NumpyView<opengm::python::GmValueType,3> features
- ){
- stl_input_iterator<int> begin(pyShape), end;
- std::vector<opengm::python::GmLabelType> shape(begin, end);
- std::vector<size_t> weightIdVec(weightIds.begin(), weightIds.end());
- std::vector<marray::Marray<opengm::python::GmValueType> > featureVec;
- for(size_t i = 0; i < features.shape(0); i++)
- {
- featureVec.push_back(marray::Marray<opengm::python::GmValueType>(features.getSliceView(0, i)));
- }
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(weightIdVec.size(), ==, featureVec.size(),"wrong shapes");
- if(weightIdVec.size() > 0)
- {
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(shape[0], ==, featureVec[0].shape(0),"wrong feature array shapes");
- OPENGM_CHECK_OP(shape[1], ==, featureVec[0].shape(1),"wrong feature array shapes");
- }
- f = new FUNCTION(shape, pyWeights, weightIdVec, featureVec);
- return f;
- }
@@ -467,19 +325,17 @@ void export_functiontypes(){
typedef IndexType LabelType;
// different function types
- typedef opengm::ExplicitFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyExplicitFunction;
- typedef opengm::PottsFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsFunction;
- typedef opengm::PottsNFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsNFunction;
- typedef opengm::PottsGFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsGFunction;
- typedef opengm::AbsoluteDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyAbsoluteDifferenceFunction;
- typedef opengm::TruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction;
- typedef opengm::SquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySquaredDifferenceFunction;
- typedef opengm::TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction;
- typedef opengm::SparseFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySparseFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyLPottsFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyLUnaryFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyLSumOfWeightedFunction;
+ typedef opengm::ExplicitFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyExplicitFunction;
+ typedef opengm::PottsFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsFunction;
+ typedef opengm::PottsNFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsNFunction;
+ typedef opengm::PottsGFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPottsGFunction;
+ typedef opengm::AbsoluteDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyAbsoluteDifferenceFunction;
+ typedef opengm::TruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedAbsoluteDifferenceFunction;
+ typedef opengm::SquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySquaredDifferenceFunction;
+ typedef opengm::TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction;
+ typedef opengm::SparseFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySparseFunction;
+ typedef opengm::python::PythonFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPythonFunction;
// vector exporters
@@ -503,6 +359,7 @@ void export_functiontypes(){
+ export_function_type_vector<PyPythonFunction>("PythonFunctionVector");
typedef typename PySparseFunction::ContainerType PySparseFunctionMapType;
//export std::map for sparsefunction
@@ -725,55 +582,23 @@ void export_functiontypes(){
+ FUNCTION_TYPE_EXPORTER_HELPER(PyPythonFunction, "PythonFunction")
+ .def(init<boost::python::object,boost::python::object,const bool>(
+ (arg("function"),arg("shape"),arg("ensureGilState")=true),
+ "Examples: ::\n\n"
+ " >>> import opengm\n"
+ " >>> import numpy\n"
+ " >>> def labelSumFunction(labels):\n"
+ " ... s=0\n"
+ " ... for l in labels:\n"
+ " ... s+=l\n"
+ " ... return s\n"
+ " >>> f=opengm.PythonFunction(function=labelSumFunction,shape=[2,2])\n"
+ "\n\n"
+ )
+ )
+ ;
- FUNCTION_TYPE_EXPORTER_HELPER(PyLPottsFunction,"LPottsFunction")
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyfunction::lPottsConstructor<PyLPottsFunction> ,default_call_policies(),
- (
- boost::python::arg("weights"),
- boost::python::arg("numberOfLabels"),
- boost::python::arg("weightIds"),
- boost::python::arg("features")
- )
- ),
- "todo"
- );
- FUNCTION_TYPE_EXPORTER_HELPER(PyLUnaryFunction,"LUnaryFunction")
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyfunction::lUnaryConstructor<PyLUnaryFunction> ,default_call_policies(),
- (
- boost::python::arg("weights"),
- boost::python::arg("numberOfLabels"),
- boost::python::arg("weightIds"),
- boost::python::arg("features")
- )
- ),
- "todo"
- )
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyfunction::lUnaryConstructorList<PyLUnaryFunction> ,default_call_policies(),
- (
- boost::python::arg("weights"),
- boost::python::arg("numberOfLabels"),
- boost::python::arg("weightIds"),
- boost::python::arg("features")
- )
- ),
- "todo"
- )
- ;
- FUNCTION_TYPE_EXPORTER_HELPER(PyLSumOfWeightedFunction,"SumOfExpertsFunction")
- .def("__init__", make_constructor(&pyfunction::weightedSumOfFunctionsConstructor<PyLSumOfWeightedFunction> ,default_call_policies(),
- (
- boost::python::arg("shape"),
- boost::python::arg("weight"),
- boost::python::arg("weightIds"),
- boost::python::arg("features")
- )
- ),
- "todo"
- )
- ;
template void export_functiontypes<opengm::python::GmValueType,opengm::python::GmIndexType>();
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyGm.cxx b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyGm.cxx
index 1b2c6cf..0fe3cc9 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyGm.cxx
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/opengm/opengmcore/pyGm.cxx
@@ -682,8 +682,7 @@ namespace pygm {
typedef opengm::SquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySquaredDifferenceFunction;
typedef opengm::TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction;
typedef opengm::SparseFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySparseFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyLPottsFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyLUnaryFunction;
+ typedef opengm::python::PythonFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPythonFunction;
return gm. template reserveFunctions<PyExplicitFunction>(size);
@@ -706,11 +705,8 @@ namespace pygm {
else if(fname==std::string("sparse")){
return gm. template reserveFunctions<PySparseFunction>(size);
- else if(fname==std::string("lpotts")){
- return gm. template reserveFunctions<PyLPottsFunction>(size);
- }
- else if(fname==std::string("lunary")){
- return gm. template reserveFunctions<PyLUnaryFunction>(size);
+ else if(fname==std::string("python")){
+ return gm. template reserveFunctions<PyPythonFunction>(size);
throw opengm::RuntimeError(fname + std::string(" is an unknown function type name"));
@@ -1461,8 +1457,9 @@ void export_gm() {
typedef opengm::SquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySquaredDifferenceFunction;
typedef opengm::TruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyTruncatedSquaredDifferenceFunction;
typedef opengm::SparseFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PySparseFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyLPottsFunction;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LUnary <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyLUnaryFunction;
+ typedef opengm::python::PythonFunction <ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> PyPythonFunction;
typedef typename PyGm::FunctionIdentifier PyFid;
typedef typename PyGm::FactorType PyFactor;
@@ -1840,9 +1837,10 @@ void export_gm() {
+ .def("_addFunctions_vector",&pygm::addFunctionsGenericVectorPy<PyGm,PyPythonFunction>,return_value_policy<manage_new_object>(),args("functions"),"todo")
- .def("_addFunction",&pygm::addFunctionGenericPy<PyGm,PyLUnaryFunction>,args("function"))
- .def("_addFunction",&pygm::addFunctionGenericPy<PyGm,PyLPottsFunction>,args("function"))
+ .def("_addFunction",&pygm::addFunctionGenericPy<PyGm,PyPottsFunction>,args("function"))
@@ -1851,9 +1849,10 @@ void export_gm() {
- .def("_addFunction", &pygm::addFunctionNpPy<PyGm>,args("function"))
+ .def("_addFunction",&pygm::addFunctionGenericPy<PyGm,PyPythonFunction>,args("function"))
+ .def("_addFunction", &pygm::addFunctionNpPy<PyGm>,args("function"))
.def("_addFactor", &pygm::addFactor_Any<PyGm,int>, (arg("fid"),arg("variableIndices"),arg("finalize")))
- .def("_addFactor", &pygm::addFactor_Numpy<PyGm>, (arg("fid"),arg("variableIndices"),arg("finalize")))
+ .def("_addFactor", &pygm::addFactor_Numpy<PyGm>, (arg("fid"),arg("variableIndices"),arg("finalize")))
.def("_addFactor", &pygm::addFactor_Vector<PyGm>, (arg("fid"),arg("variableIndices"),arg("finalize")))
.def("_addUnaryFactors_vector_numpy", &pygm::addUnaryFactors_Vector_Numpy<PyGm>, (arg("fid"),arg("variableIndices"),arg("finalize")))
.def("_addFactors_vector_numpy", &pygm::addFactors_Vector_Numpy<PyGm>, (arg("fid"),arg("variableIndices"),arg("finalize")))
diff --git a/src/interfaces/python/test.py b/src/interfaces/python/test.py
index 47542c7..b0db546 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/python/test.py
+++ b/src/interfaces/python/test.py
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ import opengm
import os
import sys
import random
-import opengm.learning
class TestAllExampes:
def test_run(self):
for r, d, f in os.walk("examples"):
@@ -1049,7 +1047,6 @@ class Test_Inference():
- """
def test_lpcplex(self):
if opengm.configuration.withCplex:
solverClass = opengm.inference.LpCplex
@@ -1060,7 +1057,7 @@ class Test_Inference():
gms=[self.gridGm, self.chainGm, self.gridGm3,
+ """
def test_lpcplex2(self):
if False and opengm.configuration.withCplex:
solverClass = opengm.inference.LpCplex2
@@ -1179,116 +1176,6 @@ class Test_Inference():
-class Test_Learning:
- def __init__(self):
- self.__nWeights = 12
- self.__shape = [10,10]
- # utility functions
- def __makeGt(self, shape):
- gt=numpy.ones(shape,dtype='uint8')
- gt[0:shape[0]/2,:] = 0
- return gt
- def __create_dataset(self, functionType, numModels=1):
- numWeights = 4
- dataset = opengm.learning.createDataset(numWeights=numWeights)
- weights = dataset.getWeights()
- gt = self.__makeGt(self.__shape)
- numVars = self.__shape[0] * self.__shape[1]
- numLabels = 2
- uWeightIds = numpy.array([[0, 1]], dtype='uint64')
- bWeightIds = numpy.array([2, 3], dtype='uint64')
- for m in range(numModels):
- gm = opengm.gm(numpy.ones(numVars) * numLabels)
- # create noisy data
- random = (numpy.random.rand(*gt.shape)-0.5)*0.3
- noisyGt = random + gt
- # add unarias
- for x in range(self.__shape[0]):
- for y in range(self.__shape[1]):
- # use noised GT input, and a constant feature
- uFeat = numpy.array([[noisyGt[x,y], 1]], dtype='float64')
- lu = opengm.learning.lUnaryFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=numLabels,
- features=uFeat, weightIds=uWeightIds)
- fid = gm.addFunction(lu)
- facIndex = gm.addFactor(fid, y+x*self.__shape[1])
- # add pairwise
- for x in range(self.__shape[0]):
- for y in range(self.__shape[1]):
- if x+1 < self.__shape[0]:
- gradientMag = (noisyGt[x+1,y] - noisyGt[x,y])**2
- bFeat = numpy.array([gradientMag, 1], dtype='float64')
- pf = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=numLabels, features=bFeat, weightIds=bWeightIds)
- fid= gm.addFunction(pf)
- gm.addFactor(fid, [y+x*self.__shape[1], y+(x+1)*self.__shape[1]])
- if y+1 < self.__shape[1]:
- gradientMag = (noisyGt[x,y+1] - noisyGt[x,y])**2
- bFeat = numpy.array([gradientMag, 1], dtype='float64')
- pf = opengm.LPottsFunction(weights=weights,numberOfLabels=numLabels, features=bFeat, weightIds=bWeightIds)
- fid= gm.addFunction(pf)
- gm.addFactor(fid, [y+x*self.__shape[1], (y+1)+x*self.__shape[1]])
- # store GM and its GT
- dataset.pushBackInstance(gm, gt.reshape([-1]).astype(opengm.label_type))
- return dataset
- def __create_weights(self, numWeights):
- weightVals = numpy.ones(numWeights)
- weights = opengm.learning.Weights(weightVals)
- return weights
- # def __create_loss(self):
- def __generic_learner_test(self, learner):
- if opengm.configuration.withTrws:
- learner.learn(infCls=opengm.inference.TrwsExternal, parameter=opengm.InfParam())
- elif opengm.configuration.withCplex:
- learner.learn(infCls=opengm.inference.LpCplex, parameter=opengm.InfParam())
- else:
- learner.learn(infCls=opengm.inference.Icm, parameter=opengm.InfParam())
- # tests
- def test_weights(self):
- weights = self.__create_weights(self.__nWeights)
- assert(len(weights) == self.__nWeights)
- value = 15
- weights[3] = value
- assert(weights[3] == value)
- def test_dataset(self):
- ds = self.__create_dataset('potts', 1)
- assert(ds.getNumberOfWeights() == 4)
- assert(ds.getNumberOfModels() == 1)
- def test_dataset_serialization(self):
- import tempfile
- import shutil
- ds = self.__create_dataset(self.__nWeights)
- # TODO: create temp directory
- temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- prefix = 'test'
- ds.save(temp_path, prefix)
- loaded_ds = opengm.learning.DatasetWithFlexibleLoss(0)
- loaded_ds.load(temp_path, prefix)
- shutil.rmtree(temp_path)
- assert(ds.getNumberOfWeights() == loaded_ds.getNumberOfWeights())
- assert(ds.getNumberOfModels() == loaded_ds.getNumberOfModels())
- assert(ds.getModel(0).numberOfVariables == loaded_ds.getModel(0).numberOfVariables)
- assert(ds.getModel(0).numberOfFactors == loaded_ds.getModel(0).numberOfFactors)
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = Test_Inference()
diff --git a/src/tutorials/c++/basics/doMinSumInference.cxx b/src/tutorials/c++/basics/doMinSumInference.cxx
index 1aa00a0..bc8a11e 100644
--- a/src/tutorials/c++/basics/doMinSumInference.cxx
+++ b/src/tutorials/c++/basics/doMinSumInference.cxx
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Infer with TRWSI
std::cout << "Start TRWSi inference ... " <<std::endl;
typedef opengm::TRWSi<Model,opengm::Minimizer> TRWSi;
- TRWSi::Parameter para(size_t(100));
+ TRWSi::Parameter para(100);
TRWSi trws(gm,para);
diff --git a/src/tutorials/c++/basics/doSumProdInference.cxx b/src/tutorials/c++/basics/doSumProdInference.cxx
index e4a792b..2cad7da 100644
--- a/src/tutorials/c++/basics/doSumProdInference.cxx
+++ b/src/tutorials/c++/basics/doSumProdInference.cxx
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ void inferBP(const Model& gm, bool normalization = true){
typedef opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<Model, opengm::Integrator> UpdateRules;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<Model, opengm::Integrator, UpdateRules, opengm::MaxDistance> LBP;
- LBP::Parameter parameter(size_t(100)); //maximal number of iterations=0
+ LBP::Parameter parameter(100); //maximal number of iterations=0
parameter.useNormalization_ = normalization;
LBP lbp(gm, parameter);
diff --git a/src/unittest/CMakeLists.txt b/src/unittest/CMakeLists.txt
index bbf3411..8110b7a 100644
--- a/src/unittest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/unittest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,10 +29,7 @@ if(BUILD_TESTING)
add_test(test-fast-sequence ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-fast-sequence)
add_executable(test-functions test_functions.cxx ${headers})
- add_test(test-functions ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-functions)
- add_executable(test-learnable-functions test_learnable_functions.cxx ${headers})
- add_test(test-learnable-functions ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-learnable-functions)
+ add_test(test-functions ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-functions)
add_executable(test-factor test_factor.cxx ${headers})
add_test(test-factor ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-factor)
@@ -122,5 +119,4 @@ if(BUILD_TESTING)
add_test(test-canonicalview ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-canonicalview)
- add_subdirectory(learning)
diff --git a/src/unittest/inference/test_graphcut.cxx b/src/unittest/inference/test_graphcut.cxx
index 2b680e6..55a62e0 100644
--- a/src/unittest/inference/test_graphcut.cxx
+++ b/src/unittest/inference/test_graphcut.cxx
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::external::MinSTCutIBFS<int, int> MinStCutType;
typedef opengm::GraphCut<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Minimizer, MinStCutType> MinGraphCut;
- MinGraphCut::Parameter para(10000.0f);
+ MinGraphCut::Parameter para(10000);
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::MinSTCutBoost<size_t, long, opengm::PUSH_RELABEL> MinStCutType;
typedef opengm::GraphCut<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Minimizer, MinStCutType> MinGraphCut;
- MinGraphCut::Parameter para(1000000.f);
+ MinGraphCut::Parameter para(1000000);
std::cout << " * Test Min-Sum with BOOST-Edmonds-Karp" << std::endl;
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::external::MinSTCutIBFS<int, int> MinStCutType;
typedef opengm::GraphCut<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Maximizer, MinStCutType> MaxGraphCut;
- MaxGraphCut::Parameter para(10000.0f);
+ MaxGraphCut::Parameter para(10000);
diff --git a/src/unittest/inference/test_lazyflipper.cxx b/src/unittest/inference/test_lazyflipper.cxx
index cee5372..6645c40 100644
--- a/src/unittest/inference/test_lazyflipper.cxx
+++ b/src/unittest/inference/test_lazyflipper.cxx
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void additionalTest() {
- LazyFlipper::Parameter parameter(size_t(6));
+ LazyFlipper::Parameter parameter(6);
LazyFlipper lazyFlipper(model, parameter);
diff --git a/src/unittest/inference/test_messagepassing.cxx b/src/unittest/inference/test_messagepassing.cxx
index 9bed1b0..a065942 100644
--- a/src/unittest/inference/test_messagepassing.cxx
+++ b/src/unittest/inference/test_messagepassing.cxx
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double, opengm::Adder> GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Minimizer> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Minimizer,UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(10));
+ BP::Parameter para(10);
std::cout << " ... parallel ... ";
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double, opengm::Adder> GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Minimizer> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Minimizer,UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(100));
+ BP::Parameter para(100);
para.isAcyclic_ = false;
std::cout << " OK!"<<std::endl;
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double,opengm::Adder> GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Maximizer> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Maximizer,UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(10));
+ BP::Parameter para(10);
std::cout << " OK!"<<std::endl;
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double,opengm::Multiplier > GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Maximizer> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Maximizer,UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(10));
+ BP::Parameter para(10);
std::cout << " OK!"<<std::endl;
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double,opengm::Adder > GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::TrbpUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Minimizer> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Minimizer,UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(100));
+ BP::Parameter para(10);
std::cout << " ... parallel ... ";
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double,opengm::Adder> GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::TrbpUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Maximizer> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Maximizer, UpdateRulesType,opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(10));
+ BP::Parameter para(10);
std::cout << " OK!"<<std::endl;
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double,opengm::Multiplier > GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::TrbpUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Maximizer> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Maximizer, UpdateRulesType,opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(10));
+ BP::Parameter para(10);
std::cout << " OK!"<<std::endl;
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double,opengm::Multiplier > GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::TrbpUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Maximizer> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Maximizer, UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(10));
+ BP::Parameter para(10);
std::cout << " OK!"<<std::endl;
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double,opengm::Adder > GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::TrbpUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Integrator> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Integrator,UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(10));
+ BP::Parameter para(10);
std::cout << " OK!"<<std::endl;
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ int main() {
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<double,opengm::Multiplier > GraphicalModelType;
typedef opengm::TrbpUpdateRules<GraphicalModelType,opengm::Integrator> UpdateRulesType;
typedef opengm::MessagePassing<GraphicalModelType, opengm::Integrator,UpdateRulesType, opengm::MaxDistance> BP;
- BP::Parameter para(size_t(10));
+ BP::Parameter para(10);
std::cout << " OK!"<<std::endl;
diff --git a/src/unittest/learning/CMakeLists.txt b/src/unittest/learning/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c46812..0000000
--- a/src/unittest/learning/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- add_executable(test-gridsearch-learner test_gridsearch_learner.cxx ${headers})
- add_test(test-gridsearch-learner ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-gridsearch-learner)
- add_executable(test-maximum-likelihood-learner test_maximum_likelihood_learner.cxx ${headers})
- add_test(test-maximum-likelihood-learner ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-maximum-likelihood-learner)
- if(WITH_HDF5)
- add_executable(test-dataset-io test_dataset_io.cxx ${headers})
- target_link_libraries(test-dataset-io ${HDF5_LIBRARIES})
- add_test(test-dataset-io ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-dataset-io)
- add_executable(test-dataset test_dataset.cxx ${headers})
- target_link_libraries(test-dataset ${HDF5_LIBRARIES})
- add_test(test-dataset ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-dataset)
- endif()
- ADD_EXECUTABLE(test-learning test_learning.cxx ${headers})
- target_link_libraries(test-learning ${GUROBI_CXX_LIBRARY} ${GUROBI_LIBRARY})
- target_link_libraries(test-learning external-library-trws)
- add_test(test-learning ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-learning)
- else()
- ADD_EXECUTABLE(test-learning test_learning.cxx ${headers})
- target_link_libraries(test-learning ${CPLEX_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
- target_link_libraries(test-learning external-library-trws)
- add_test(test-learning ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-learning)
- endif()
- endif()
- endif()
- ADD_EXECUTABLE(test-subgradient-ssvm test_subgradient_ssvm.cxx ${headers})
- endif()
- target_link_libraries(test-subgradient-ssvm ${CPLEX_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
- add_test(test-subgradient-ssvm ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-subgradient-ssvm)
- endif()
- add_executable(test-generalized-hammingloss test_generalized_hammingloss.cxx ${headers})
- add_test(test-generalized-hammingloss ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-generalized-hammingloss)
diff --git a/src/unittest/learning/test_dataset.cxx b/src/unittest/learning/test_dataset.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index b84e2ec..0000000
--- a/src/unittest/learning/test_dataset.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx>
-#include <opengm/unittests/test.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/adder.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/minimizer.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/icm.hxx>
-#include <opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset2.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/dataset_io.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/dataset.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-typedef double ValueType;
-typedef size_t IndexType;
-typedef size_t LabelType;
-typedef opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> >::type FunctionListType;
-typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType,opengm::Adder, FunctionListType, opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType> > GM;
-//typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset<GM> DS1;
-//typedef opengm::datasets::Dataset<GM> DS;
-typedef opengm::learning::HammingLoss LOSS;
-//typedef opengm::learning::NoLoss LOSS;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset1<GM,LOSS> DS0;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset1<GM,LOSS> DS1;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset2<GM,LOSS> DS2;
-typedef opengm::datasets::Dataset<GM,LOSS> DS;
-template<class DatasetType>
-struct DatasetTest {
- DatasetType& dataset_;
- DatasetTest(DatasetType& data): dataset_(data) {}
- void testInitialization() {
- std::cout << "Initialize Model:" << std::endl;
- // create a new dataset
- DatasetType dataset;
- }
- void callModelFunctions(){
- std::cout << "calling Model functions:" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\tlocking all available Models" << std::endl;
- for(int i; i<dataset_.getNumberOfModels();i++)
- {
- dataset_.lockModel(i);
- dataset_.unlockModel(i);
- }
- std::cout << "\tgetModel with and without loss" << std::endl;
- for(int i; i<dataset_.getNumberOfModels();i++)
- {
- OPENGM_TEST(dataset_.getModel(i).numberOfVariables() == dataset_.getModelWithLoss(i).numberOfVariables());
- OPENGM_TEST(dataset_.getModel(i).numberOfFactors() <= dataset_.getModelWithLoss(i).numberOfFactors());
- }
- std::cout << "\tgetGT" << std::endl;
- for(int i; i<dataset_.getNumberOfModels();i++)
- {
- std::cout << dataset_.getGT(i).size() << std::endl;
- }
- }
- void getInfo(){
- std::cout << "Info of data size:" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\tnumberOfWeights\t" << dataset_.getNumberOfWeights() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\tnumberOfModels\t" << dataset_.getNumberOfModels() << std::endl;
- opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> weights = dataset_.getWeights();
- std::cout << "Beginning of weight vector: ";
- for(int i; i<std::min(dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(),size_t(10));i++)
- {
- std::cout << dataset_.getWeights()[i] << " ";
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- void run() {
- this->testInitialization();
- this->getInfo();
- this->callModelFunctions();
- }
-int main() {
- std::cout << " Includes are fine :-) " << std::endl;
- {
- // initialize your data here
- // eventually you need to load it from file
- DS data;
- std::cout << "Start test DS" <<std::endl;
- //run tests on dataset
- DatasetTest<DS >t(data);
- t.run();
- }
- {
- // initialize your data here
- // eventually you need to load it from file
- DS0 data;
- std::cout << "Start test DS0" <<std::endl;
- //run tests on dataset
- DatasetTest<DS0 >t(data);
- t.run();
- }
- {
- // initialize your data here
- // eventually you need to load it from file
- DS1 data;
- std::cout << "Start test DS1" <<std::endl;
- //run tests on dataset
- DatasetTest<DS1 >t(data);
- t.run();
- }
- {
- // initialize your data here
- // eventually you need to load it from file
- DS2 data;
- std::cout << "Start test DS2" <<std::endl;
- //run tests on dataset
- DatasetTest<DS2 >t(data);
- t.run();
- }
diff --git a/src/unittest/learning/test_dataset_io.cxx b/src/unittest/learning/test_dataset_io.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 65d98d4..0000000
--- a/src/unittest/learning/test_dataset_io.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx>
-#include <opengm/unittests/test.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/adder.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/minimizer.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/icm.hxx>
-#include <opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset2.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/dataset_io.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/dataset.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/noloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx>
-typedef double ValueType;
-typedef size_t IndexType;
-typedef size_t LabelType;
-typedef opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> >::type FunctionListType;
-typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType,opengm::Adder, FunctionListType, opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType> > GM;
-typedef opengm::learning::NoLoss LOSS1;
-typedef opengm::learning::HammingLoss LOSS2;
-typedef opengm::learning::GeneralizedHammingLoss LOSS3;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset1<GM,LOSS1> DS11;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset2<GM,LOSS1> DS21;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset1<GM,LOSS2> DS12;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset2<GM,LOSS2> DS22;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset1<GM,LOSS3> DS13;
-typedef opengm::datasets::Dataset<GM,LOSS1> DS1;
-typedef opengm::datasets::Dataset<GM,LOSS2> DS2;
-typedef opengm::datasets::Dataset<GM,LOSS3> DS3;
-int main() {
- std::cout << " Includes are fine :-) " << std::endl;
- {
- DS11 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::save(dataset,"./","dataset11_");
- std::cout <<"done!" <<std::endl;
- }
- {
- DS12 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::save(dataset,"./","dataset12_");
- std::cout <<"done!" <<std::endl;
- }
- {
- DS21 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::save(dataset,"./","dataset21_");
- std::cout <<"done!" <<std::endl;
- }
- {
- DS22 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::save(dataset,"./","dataset22_");
- std::cout <<"done!" <<std::endl;
- }
- {
- DS13 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::save(dataset,"./","dataset13_");
- std::cout <<"done!" <<std::endl;
- }
- #ifndef CI
- {
- DS1 ds;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::loadAll("./","dataset11_",ds);
- }
- {
- DS1 ds;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::loadAll("./","dataset21_",ds);
- }
- {
- DS2 ds;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::loadAll("./","dataset12_",ds);
- }
- {
- DS2 ds;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::loadAll("./","dataset22_",ds);
- }
- {
- DS3 ds;
- opengm::datasets::DatasetSerialization::loadAll("./","dataset13_",ds);
- }
- #endif
- std::cout << "test successful." << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/unittest/learning/test_generalized_hammingloss.cxx b/src/unittest/learning/test_generalized_hammingloss.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 743a4e3..0000000
--- a/src/unittest/learning/test_generalized_hammingloss.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/generalized-hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel_factor.hxx>
-typedef double ValueType;
-typedef size_t IndexType;
-typedef size_t LabelType;
-typedef opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> >::type FunctionListType;
-typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType,opengm::Adder, FunctionListType, opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType> > GM;
-int main() {
- opengm::learning::GeneralizedHammingLoss::Parameter param;
- param.labelLossMultiplier_.push_back(2.0);
- param.labelLossMultiplier_.push_back(1.0);
- param.labelLossMultiplier_.push_back(0.5);
- param.nodeLossMultiplier_.push_back(5.0);
- param.nodeLossMultiplier_.push_back(6.0);
- param.nodeLossMultiplier_.push_back(7.0);
- param.nodeLossMultiplier_.push_back(8.0);
- // create loss
- opengm::learning::GeneralizedHammingLoss loss(param);
- // evaluate for a test point
- std::vector<size_t> labels;
- labels.push_back(0);
- labels.push_back(1);
- labels.push_back(2);
- labels.push_back(2);
- std::vector<size_t> ground_truth;
- ground_truth.push_back(1);
- ground_truth.push_back(1);
- ground_truth.push_back(1);
- ground_truth.push_back(1);
- // add loss to a model and evaluate for a given labeling
- GM gm;
- size_t numberOfLabels = 3;
- gm.addVariable(numberOfLabels);
- gm.addVariable(numberOfLabels);
- gm.addVariable(numberOfLabels);
- gm.addVariable(numberOfLabels);
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(loss.loss(gm, labels.begin(), labels.end(), ground_truth.begin(), ground_truth.end()), ==, 17.5);
- // add a unary to node 2 (if indexed from 1)
- opengm::ExplicitFunction<GM::ValueType,GM::IndexType,GM::LabelType> f(&numberOfLabels, &(numberOfLabels)+1, 2.0);
- size_t variableIndex = 1;
- gm.addFactor(gm.addFunction(f), &variableIndex, &variableIndex+1);
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(gm.evaluate(labels.begin()), ==, 2.0);
- // loss augmented model:
- loss.addLoss(gm, ground_truth.begin());
- OPENGM_ASSERT_OP(gm.evaluate(labels.begin()), ==, -15.5);
diff --git a/src/unittest/learning/test_gridsearch_learner.cxx b/src/unittest/learning/test_gridsearch_learner.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3684cc2..0000000
--- a/src/unittest/learning/test_gridsearch_learner.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx>
-#include <opengm/unittests/test.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/adder.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/minimizer.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/icm.hxx>
-#include <opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/gridsearch-learning.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset2.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx>
-typedef double ValueType;
-typedef size_t IndexType;
-typedef size_t LabelType;
-typedef opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> >::type FunctionListType;
-typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType,opengm::Adder, FunctionListType, opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType> > GM;
-//typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset<GM> DS;
-//typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset2<GM> DS2;
-typedef opengm::learning::HammingLoss LOSS;
-typedef opengm::ICM<GM,opengm::Minimizer> INF;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset1<GM,LOSS> DS1;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset2<GM,LOSS> DS2;
-int main() {
- std::cout << " Includes are fine :-) " << std::endl;
- /*
- {
- DS dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::GridSearchLearner<DS,LOSS>::Parameter para;
- para.parameterUpperbound_.resize(1,1);
- para.parameterLowerbound_.resize(1,0);
- para.testingPoints_.resize(1,10);
- opengm::learning::GridSearchLearner<DS,LOSS> learner(dataset,para);
- INF::Parameter infPara;
- learner.learn<INF>(infPara);
- }
- */
- {
- DS1 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::GridSearchLearner<DS1>::Parameter para;
- para.parameterUpperbound_.resize(1,1);
- para.parameterLowerbound_.resize(1,0);
- para.testingPoints_.resize(1,10);
- opengm::learning::GridSearchLearner<DS1> learner(dataset,para);
- INF::Parameter infPara;
- learner.learn<INF>(infPara);
- }
- {
- DS2 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::GridSearchLearner<DS2>::Parameter para;
- para.parameterUpperbound_.resize(3,1);
- para.parameterLowerbound_.resize(3,0);
- para.testingPoints_.resize(3,5);
- opengm::learning::GridSearchLearner<DS2> learner(dataset,para);
- INF::Parameter infPara;
- learner.learn<INF>(infPara);
- }
diff --git a/src/unittest/learning/test_learning.cxx b/src/unittest/learning/test_learning.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 289dfdc..0000000
--- a/src/unittest/learning/test_learning.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx>
-#include <opengm/unittests/test.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/adder.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/minimizer.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/external/trws.hxx>
-#include <opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/lpgurobi.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/lpcplex.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/struct-max-margin.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset2.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/editabledataset.hxx>
-typedef double ValueType;
-typedef size_t IndexType;
-typedef size_t LabelType;
-typedef opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> >::type FunctionListType;
-typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType,opengm::Adder, FunctionListType, opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType> > GM;
-typedef opengm::learning::HammingLoss LOSS;
-typedef opengm::LPGurobi<GM,opengm::Minimizer> INF;
-typedef opengm::LPCplex<GM,opengm::Minimizer> INF;
-typedef opengm::datasets::EditableTestDataset<GM,LOSS> EDS;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset1<GM,LOSS> DS1;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset2<GM,LOSS> DS2;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDatasetSimple<GM,LOSS> DSS;
-int main() {
- std::cout << " Includes are fine :-) " << std::endl;
- {
- DSS dataset(5);
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<DSS>::Parameter para;
- opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<DSS> learner(dataset,para);
- INF::Parameter infPara;
- infPara.integerConstraint_ = true;
- learner.learn<INF>(infPara);
- const DSS::Weights& weights = learner.getWeights();
- std::cout <<"Weights: ";
- for (size_t i=0; i<weights.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- std::cout << weights[i] <<" ";
- std::cout <<std::endl;
- }
- {
- DS1 dataset(4);
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<DS1>::Parameter para;
- opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<DS1> learner(dataset,para);
- INF::Parameter infPara;
- infPara.integerConstraint_ = true;
- learner.learn<INF>(infPara);
- const DS1::Weights& weights = learner.getWeights();
- std::cout <<"Weights: ";
- for (size_t i=0; i<weights.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- std::cout << weights[i] <<" ";
- std::cout <<std::endl;
- }
- {
- DS2 dataset(4);
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<DS2>::Parameter para;
- para.optimizerParameter_.lambda = 1000.0;
- opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<DS2> learner(dataset,para);
- INF::Parameter infPara;
- infPara.integerConstraint_ = true;
- learner.learn<INF>(infPara);
- const DS2::Weights& weights = learner.getWeights();
- std::cout <<"Weights: ";
- for (size_t i=0; i<weights.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- std::cout << weights[i] <<" ";
- std::cout <<std::endl;
- }
-/* Does this make sence?!?
- {
- // create editable dataset
- EDS learningdataset;
- INF::Parameter infPara;
- infPara.integerConstraint_ = true;
- std::vector< std::vector< LabelType > >GTSolutionVector;
- std::cout << "inference with fixed, arbitrary weights to generate solution" << std::endl;
- EDS::Weights learningWeightVector = learningdataset.getWeights();
- EDS::Weights randomWeights(learningdataset.getNumberOfWeights());
- // opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<EDS>::Parameter para0;
- // para0.optimizerParameter_.lambda = 1;
- // opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<EDS> learner0(learningdataset,para0);
- // // // learn
- // learner0.learn<INF>(infPara);
- // std::srand(std::time(0));
- for (int i = 0; i < learningWeightVector.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- {
- randomWeights[i] = 1.0;
- std::cout << randomWeights[i] << " ---> " << learningWeightVector[i] << std::endl;
- learningWeightVector.setWeight(i, randomWeights[i]);//double(std::rand()) / RAND_MAX * 100);
- }
- for (size_t modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < learningdataset.getNumberOfModels(); modelIndex++)
- {
- std::cout << "starting inference on GM " << modelIndex << std::endl;
- // INF inference(learningdataset.getModel(modelIndex), infPara);
- // inference.infer();
- // std::vector< LabelType > sol1;
- // OPENGM_TEST(inference.arg(sol1) == opengm::NORMAL);
- INF solver(learningdataset.getModel(modelIndex),infPara);
- solver.infer();
- std::vector< LabelType > sol1;
- OPENGM_TEST(solver.arg(sol1) == opengm::NORMAL);
- std::cout << "add solution "<< modelIndex <<" to new dataset" << std::endl;
- learningdataset.setGT(modelIndex,sol1);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < sol1.size(); j++)
- {
- std::cout << sol1[j];
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- GTSolutionVector.push_back(sol1);
- }
- std::cout << "learn weights (without regularization)" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "weight vector size " << learningdataset.getNumberOfWeights() << std::endl;
- // Parameter
- opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<EDS>::Parameter para;
- para.optimizerParameter_.lambda = 0.000000001;
- opengm::learning::StructMaxMargin<EDS> learner(learningdataset,para);
- // learn
- learner.learn<INF>(infPara);
- // get the result
- const EDS::Weights &learnedParameters = learner.getWeights();
- std::cout << learnedParameters.numberOfWeights() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "set learnedParameters as new Weights: ";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < learnedParameters.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- {
- std::cout << learnedParameters[i] << " ";
- learningWeightVector.setWeight(i, learnedParameters[i]);
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "new weights: ";
- for (int i = 0; i < learningWeightVector.numberOfWeights(); i++)
- {
- std::cout << learningWeightVector[i] << ", ";
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "inference with new weights" << std::endl;
- for (size_t modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < learningdataset.getNumberOfModels(); modelIndex++)
- {
- std::cout << "starting inference on GM " << modelIndex << " with learned weights" << std::endl;
- INF solver(learningdataset.getModel(modelIndex),infPara);
- solver.infer();
- std::vector< LabelType > sol2;
- OPENGM_TEST(solver.arg(sol2) == opengm::NORMAL);
- //for (size_t j = 0; j < sol2.size(); j++)
- //{
- //std::cout << "sol2["<<j<<"]:" << sol2[j] << " GTSolutionVector["<<modelIndex<<"]["<<j<<"]:" << GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j] << std::endl;
- // //!may not be true! OPENGM_TEST(sol2[j] == GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j]);
- //}
- OPENGM_TEST( learningdataset.getModel(modelIndex).evaluate(sol2) == learningdataset.getModel(modelIndex).evaluate(GTSolutionVector[modelIndex]) );
- // for (size_t j = 0; j < sol2.size(); j++)
- // {
- // std::cout << sol2[j];
- // // OPENGM_TEST(sol2[j] == GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j]);
- // }
- // std::cout << std::endl<< std::endl;
- // for (size_t j = 0; j < sol2.size(); j++)
- // {
- // std::cout << GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j];
- // // OPENGM_TEST(sol2[j] == GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j]);
- // }
- std::cout << "all " << sol2.size() << " solutions are correct" << std::endl;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/unittest/learning/test_maximum_likelihood_learner.cxx b/src/unittest/learning/test_maximum_likelihood_learner.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index ff976a4..0000000
--- a/src/unittest/learning/test_maximum_likelihood_learner.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx>
-#include <opengm/unittests/test.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/adder.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/minimizer.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/icm.hxx>
-#include <opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/maximum-likelihood-learning.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx>
-typedef double ValueType;
-typedef size_t IndexType;
-typedef size_t LabelType;
-typedef opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<
- opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>,
- opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>,
- opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>
->::type FunctionListType;
-typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<
- ValueType,opengm::Adder,
- FunctionListType,
- opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType>
-> GM;
-typedef opengm::learning::HammingLoss LOSS;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset0<GM,LOSS> DS0;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset1<GM,LOSS> DS1;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset2<GM,LOSS> DS2;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDatasetSimple<GM,LOSS> DSSimple;
-typedef opengm::ICM<GM,opengm::Minimizer> INF;
-typedef typename opengm::BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GM, opengm::Integrator> UpdateRules;
-typedef typename opengm::MessagePassing<GM, opengm::Integrator, UpdateRules, opengm::MaxDistance> BeliefPropagation;
-int main() {
- std::cout << " Includes are fine :-) " << std::endl;
- /*
- {
- DS0 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DS0,LOSS>::Weight weight;
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DS0,LOSS> learner(dataset,weight);
- INF::Parameter infWeight;
- learner.learn<INF>(infWeight);
- }
- {
- DS1 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DS1>::Parameter parameter;
- parameter.maximumNumberOfIterations_ = 15;
- parameter.gradientStepSize_ = 0.1;
- parameter.weightStoppingCriteria_ = 0.001;
- parameter.gradientStoppingCriteria_ = 0.00000000001;
- parameter.infoFlag_ = true;
- parameter.infoEveryStep_ = true;
- parameter.weightRegularizer_ = 1.0;
- parameter.beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations_ = 5;
- parameter.beliefPropagationConvergenceBound_ = 0.0001;
- parameter.beliefPropagationDamping_ = 0.5;
- parameter.beliefPropagationTemperature_ = 0.3;
- parameter.beliefPropagationIsAcyclic_ = opengm::Tribool(opengm::Tribool::Maybe);
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DS1> learner(dataset,parameter);
- learner.learn();
- }
- {
- DS2 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DS2>::Parameter parameter;
- parameter.maximumNumberOfIterations_ = 15;
- parameter.gradientStepSize_ = 0.1;
- parameter.weightStoppingCriteria_ = 0.001;
- parameter.gradientStoppingCriteria_ = 0.00000000001;
- parameter.infoFlag_ = true;
- parameter.infoEveryStep_ = true;
- parameter.weightRegularizer_ = 1.0;
- parameter.beliefPropagationMaximumNumberOfIterations_ = 5;
- parameter.beliefPropagationConvergenceBound_ = 0.0001;
- parameter.beliefPropagationDamping_ = 0.5;
- parameter.beliefPropagationTemperature_ = 0.3;
- parameter.beliefPropagationIsAcyclic_ = opengm::Tribool(opengm::Tribool::Maybe);
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DS2> learner(dataset,parameter);
- learner.learn();
- }
- {
- DS2 dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DS2,LOSS>::Weight weight;
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DS2,LOSS> learner(dataset,weight);
- INF::Parameter infWeight;
- learner.learn<INF>(infWeight);
- }
- {
- DSSimple dataset;
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DSSimple,LOSS>::Weight weight;
- opengm::learning::MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DSSimple,LOSS> learner(dataset,weight);
- INF::Parameter infWeight;
- learner.learn<INF>(infWeight);
- }
diff --git a/src/unittest/learning/test_subgradient_ssvm.cxx b/src/unittest/learning/test_subgradient_ssvm.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index fd009a0..0000000
--- a/src/unittest/learning/test_subgradient_ssvm.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include <opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx>
-#include <opengm/unittests/test.hxx>
-#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/adder.hxx>
-#include <opengm/operations/minimizer.hxx>
-#include <opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/lpcplex.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/multicut.hxx>
-#include <opengm/inference/external/trws.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lweightedsum_of_functions.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/subgradient_ssvm.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/loss/hammingloss.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset.hxx>
-//#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdataset2.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/testdatasets.hxx>
-#include <opengm/learning/dataset/editabledataset.hxx>
-typedef double ValueType;
-typedef size_t IndexType;
-typedef size_t LabelType;
-typedef opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>, opengm::functions::learnable::LWeightedSumOfFunctions<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> >::type FunctionListType;
-typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType,opengm::Adder, FunctionListType, opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType> > GM;
-typedef opengm::learning::HammingLoss LOSS;
-typedef opengm::Multicut<GM,opengm::Minimizer> Multicut;
-typedef opengm::LPCplex<GM,opengm::Minimizer> INFCPLEX;
-typedef opengm::external::TRWS<GM> INFTRWS;
-typedef opengm::datasets::EditableTestDataset<GM,LOSS> EDS;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset1<GM,LOSS> DS1;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDataset2<GM,LOSS> DS2;
-typedef opengm::datasets::TestDatasetSimple<GM,LOSS> DSS;
-int main() {
- {
- DSS dataset(5);
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<DSS>::Parameter para;
- para.maxIterations_ = 50;
- para.C_ = 100.0;
- para.learningRate_ = 0.1;
- opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<DSS> learner(dataset,para);
- INFCPLEX::Parameter infPara;
- infPara.integerConstraint_ = true;
- learner.learn<INFCPLEX>(infPara);
- const DSS::Weights& weights = learner.getWeights();
- std::cout <<"Weights: ";
- for (size_t i=0; i<weights.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- std::cout << weights[i] <<" ";
- std::cout <<std::endl;
- }
- {
- DS1 dataset(4);
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<DS1>::Parameter para;
- para.maxIterations_ = 10;
- para.C_ = 10.0;
- para.learningRate_ = 0.01;
- opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<DS1> learner(dataset,para);
- INFTRWS::Parameter infPara;
- //infPara.integerConstraint_ = true;
- learner.learn<INFTRWS>(infPara);
- const DS1::Weights& weights = learner.getWeights();
- std::cout <<"Weights: ";
- for (size_t i=0; i<weights.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- std::cout << weights[i] <<" ";
- std::cout <<std::endl;
- }
- {
- DS2 dataset(4);
- std::cout << "Dataset includes " << dataset.getNumberOfModels() << " instances and has " << dataset.getNumberOfWeights() << " parameters."<<std::endl;
- opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<DS2>::Parameter para;
- para.maxIterations_ = 10;
- para.C_ = 10.0;
- para.learningRate_ = 0.01;
- opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<DS2> learner(dataset,para);
- INFTRWS::Parameter infPara;
- //infPara.integerConstraint_ = true;
- learner.learn<INFTRWS>(infPara);
- const DS2::Weights& weights = learner.getWeights();
- std::cout <<"Weights: ";
- for (size_t i=0; i<weights.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- std::cout << weights[i] <<" ";
- std::cout <<std::endl;
- }
-/* ?!?!?
- {
- // create editable dataset
- EDS learningdataset;
- INFTRWS::Parameter infPara;
- std::vector< std::vector< LabelType > >GTSolutionVector;
- std::cout << "inference with fixed, arbitrary weights to generate solution" << std::endl;
- EDS::Weights learningWeightVector = learningdataset.getWeights();
- EDS::Weights randomWeights(learningdataset.getNumberOfWeights());
- // opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<EDS>::Parameter para0;
- // para0.optimizerParameter_.lambda = 1;
- // opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<EDS> learner0(learningdataset,para0);
- // // // learn
- // learner0.learn<INFTRWS>(infPara);
- // std::srand(std::time(0));
- for (int i = 0; i < learningWeightVector.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- {
- randomWeights[i] = 1.0;
- std::cout << randomWeights[i] << " ---> " << learningWeightVector[i] << std::endl;
- learningWeightVector.setWeight(i, randomWeights[i]);//double(std::rand()) / RAND_MAX * 100);
- }
- for (size_t modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < learningdataset.getNumberOfModels(); modelIndex++)
- {
- std::cout << "starting inference on GM " << modelIndex << std::endl;
- // INFTRWS inference(learningdataset.getModel(modelIndex), infPara);
- // inference.infer();
- // std::vector< LabelType > sol1;
- // OPENGM_TEST(inference.arg(sol1) == opengm::NORMAL);
- INFTRWS solver(learningdataset.getModel(modelIndex),infPara);
- solver.infer();
- std::vector< LabelType > sol1;
- OPENGM_TEST(solver.arg(sol1) == opengm::NORMAL);
- std::cout << "add solution "<< modelIndex <<" to new dataset" << std::endl;
- learningdataset.setGT(modelIndex,sol1);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < sol1.size(); j++)
- {
- std::cout << sol1[j];
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- GTSolutionVector.push_back(sol1);
- }
- std::cout << "learn weights (without regularization)" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "weight vector size " << learningdataset.getNumberOfWeights() << std::endl;
- // Parameter
- opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<EDS>::Parameter para;
- para.maxIterations_ = 500;
- para.C_ = 10000.0;
- para.learningRate_ = 0.1;
- opengm::learning::SubgradientSSVM<EDS> learner(learningdataset,para);
- // learn
- learner.learn<INFTRWS>(infPara);
- // get the result
- const EDS::Weights &learnedParameters = learner.getWeights();
- std::cout << learnedParameters.numberOfWeights() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "set learnedParameters as new Weights: ";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < learnedParameters.numberOfWeights(); ++i)
- {
- std::cout << learnedParameters[i] << " ";
- learningWeightVector.setWeight(i, learnedParameters[i]);
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "new weights: ";
- for (int i = 0; i < learningWeightVector.numberOfWeights(); i++)
- {
- std::cout << learningWeightVector[i] << ", ";
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "inference with new weights" << std::endl;
- for (size_t modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < learningdataset.getNumberOfModels(); modelIndex++)
- {
- std::cout << "starting inference on GM " << modelIndex << " with learned weights" << std::endl;
- INFTRWS solver(learningdataset.getModel(modelIndex),infPara);
- solver.infer();
- std::vector< LabelType > sol2;
- OPENGM_TEST(solver.arg(sol2) == opengm::NORMAL);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < sol2.size(); j++)
- {
- std::cout << "sol2["<<j<<"]:" << sol2[j] << " GTSolutionVector["<<modelIndex<<"]["<<j<<"]:" << GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j] << std::endl;
- OPENGM_TEST(sol2[j] == GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j]);
- }
- // for (size_t j = 0; j < sol2.size(); j++)
- // {
- // std::cout << sol2[j];
- // // OPENGM_TEST(sol2[j] == GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j]);
- // }
- // std::cout << std::endl<< std::endl;
- // for (size_t j = 0; j < sol2.size(); j++)
- // {
- // std::cout << GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j];
- // // OPENGM_TEST(sol2[j] == GTSolutionVector[modelIndex][j]);
- // }
- std::cout << "all " << sol2.size() << " solutions are correct" << std::endl;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/unittest/test_gm_learning_functions.cxx b/src/unittest/test_gm_learning_functions.cxx
index b797175..4c99ca6 100644
--- a/src/unittest/test_gm_learning_functions.cxx
+++ b/src/unittest/test_gm_learning_functions.cxx
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include <opengm/functions/explicit_function.hxx>
+#include <opengm/functions/l_potts.hxx>
#include <opengm/functions/potts.hxx>
#include <opengm/functions/pottsn.hxx>
#include <opengm/unittests/test.hxx>
@@ -8,7 +9,7 @@
#include <opengm/operations/multiplier.hxx>
#include <opengm/inference/bruteforce.hxx>
#include <opengm/utilities/metaprogramming.hxx>
-#include <opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx>
struct TestFunctor{
@@ -40,8 +41,8 @@ struct GraphicalModelTest {
ValueType, //value type (should be float double or long double)
opengm::Multiplier, //operator (something like Adder or Multiplier)
typename opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<
- opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,I,L>,
- opengm::PottsNFunction<ValueType,I,L>
+ opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,I,L>,
+ opengm::PottsNFunction<ValueType,I,L>
>::type, //implicit function functor
opengm::DiscreteSpace<I, L>
> GraphicalModelType;
@@ -54,14 +55,14 @@ struct GraphicalModelTest {
typedef typename opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator
- opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T,I,L>
+ opengm::LPottsFunction<T,I,L>
>::type FunctionTypeList;
typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<T, opengm::Minimizer, FunctionTypeList, opengm::DiscreteSpace<I, L> > GmType;
typedef typename GmType::FunctionIdentifier Fid;
typedef opengm::ExplicitFunction<T,I,L> EF;
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<T,I,L> LPF;
+ typedef opengm::LPottsFunction<T,I,L> LPF;
// graphical model
@@ -69,12 +70,10 @@ struct GraphicalModelTest {
GmType gmA(opengm::DiscreteSpace<I, L > (nos, nos + 3));
// parameter
- const size_t numweights = 1;
- opengm::learning::Weights<T> weights(numweights);
- weights.setWeight(0,5.0);
- std::vector<size_t> weightIds(1, 0);
- std::vector<T> features(1, 1.0);
- LPF lPotts(weights,2,weightIds, features);
+ const size_t numparam = 1;
+ opengm::Parameters<T,I> param(numparam);
+ param.setParameter(0,5.0);
+ LPF lPotts(2,2,param,0);
I labels00[2]={0,0};
@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ struct GraphicalModelTest {
- weights.setWeight(0,3.0);
+ param.setParameter(0,3.0);
diff --git a/src/unittest/test_learnable_functions.cxx b/src/unittest/test_learnable_functions.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 012f752..0000000
--- a/src/unittest/test_learnable_functions.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include "opengm/functions/learnable/lpotts.hxx"
-#include <opengm/unittests/test.hxx>
-template<class T>
-struct LearnableFunctionsTest {
- typedef size_t LabelType;
- typedef size_t IndexType;
- typedef T ValueType;
- void testLPotts(){
- std::cout << " * LearnablePotts ..." << std::endl;
- std::cout << " - test basics ..." <<std::flush;
- // parameter
- const size_t numparam = 1;
- opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType> param(numparam);
- param.setWeight(0,5.0);
- LabelType numL = 3;
- std::vector<size_t> pIds(1,0);
- std::vector<ValueType> feat(1,1);
- // function
- opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> f(param,numL,pIds,feat);
- LabelType l[] ={0,0};
- for(l[0]=0;l[0]<numL;++l[0]){
- for(l[1]=0;l[1]<numL;++l[1]){
- if(l[0]==l[1]){
- }else{
- OPENGM_TEST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE(f(l),5.0, 0.0001);
- }
- }
- }
- std::cout << " OK" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " - test serializations ..." <<std::flush;
- {
- typedef opengm::functions::learnable::LPotts<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType> FUNCTION;
- const size_t sizeIndices=opengm::FunctionSerialization<FUNCTION>::indexSequenceSize(f);
- const size_t sizeValues=opengm::FunctionSerialization<FUNCTION>::valueSequenceSize(f);
- std::vector<long long unsigned> indices(sizeIndices);
- std::vector<T> values(sizeValues);
- opengm::FunctionSerialization<FUNCTION>::serialize(f,indices.begin(),values.begin());
- opengm::FunctionSerialization<FUNCTION>::deserialize(indices.begin(),values.begin(),f2);
- f2.setWeights(param);
- OPENGM_TEST(f.dimension()==f2.dimension());
- OPENGM_TEST(f.size() == f2.size());
- std::vector<size_t> shape(f.dimension());
- for(size_t i=0;i<f.dimension();++i) {
- shape[i]=f.shape(i);
- OPENGM_TEST(f.shape(i)==f2.shape(i));
- }
- opengm::ShapeWalker<std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator > walker(shape.begin(),f.dimension());
- for(size_t i=0;i<f.size();++i) {
- OPENGM_TEST(walker.coordinateTuple().size()==f.dimension());
- OPENGM_TEST(f(walker.coordinateTuple().begin())==f2(walker.coordinateTuple().begin()) );
- ++walker;
- }
- }
- std::cout << " OK" << std::endl;
- }
-int main() {
- std::cout << "Learnable Functions test... " << std::endl;
- {
- LearnableFunctionsTest<double>t;
- t.testLPotts();
- }
- std::cout << "done.." << std::endl;
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/unittest/test_linear_constraint.cxx b/src/unittest/test_linear_constraint.cxx
index 7521458..aa7a09f 100644
--- a/src/unittest/test_linear_constraint.cxx
+++ b/src/unittest/test_linear_constraint.cxx
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv){
std::cout << "done..." << std::endl;
return 0;
template<class VALUE_TYPE, class INDEX_TYPE, class LABEL_TYPE>
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