[r-cran-mcmcpack] 34/90: Imported Upstream version 1.0-1

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Dec 16 09:07:37 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-mcmcpack.

commit 622e43a0ad4b580d57241714048e9fe7d6c0ee78
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 16 08:07:13 2016 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 1.0-1
 DESCRIPTION               |  32 ++-
 HISTORY                   |   1 +
 NAMESPACE                 |   1 +
 R/MCMCdynamicIRT1d-b.R    | 417 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.R      | 415 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/Rehnquist.rda        | Bin 0 -> 1696 bytes
 man/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.Rd   | 252 ++++++++++++++++
 man/MCMCirtKd.Rd          |   2 +-
 man/Rehnquist.Rd          |  32 +++
 src/MCMCdynamicIRT1d-b.cc | 714 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.cc   | 699 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 11 files changed, 2549 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

index 7953237..4190fa1 100644
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
 Package: MCMCpack
-Version: 0.9-6
-Date: 2009-2-17
+Version: 1.0-1
+Date: 2009-6-29
 Title: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Package
-Author: Andrew D. Martin <admartin at wustl.edu>,
-  Kevin M. Quinn <kevin_quinn at harvard.edu>,
-  Jong Hee Park <jhp at uchicago.edu>
+Author: Andrew D. Martin <admartin at wustl.edu>, Kevin M. Quinn
+        <kevin_quinn at harvard.edu>, Jong Hee Park <jhp at uchicago.edu>
 Maintainer: Andrew D. Martin <admartin at wustl.edu>
 Depends: R (>= 2.8.0), coda (>= 0.11-3), MASS, stats
 Description: This package contains functions to perform Bayesian
-  inference using posterior simulation for a number of statistical
-  models. Most simulation is done in compiled C++ written in the Scythe 
-  Statistical Library Version 1.0.2. All models return coda mcmc objects
-  that can then be summarized using the coda package.  MCMCpack
-  also contains some useful utility functions, including some
-  additional density functions and pseudo-random number generators
-  for statistical distributions, a general purpose Metropolis
-  sampling algorithm, and tools for visualization.
-License: GPL version 2
+        inference using posterior simulation for a number of
+        statistical models. Most simulation is done in compiled C++
+        written in the Scythe Statistical Library Version 1.0.2. All
+        models return coda mcmc objects that can then be summarized
+        using the coda package.  MCMCpack also contains some useful
+        utility functions, including some additional density functions
+        and pseudo-random number generators for statistical
+        distributions, a general purpose Metropolis sampling algorithm,
+        and tools for visualization.
+License: GPL-2
 SystemRequirements: gcc (>= 4.0)
 URL: http://mcmcpack.wustl.edu
-Packaged: Tue Feb 17 10:39:42 2009; adm
+Packaged: 2009-06-30 09:23:24 UTC; adm
+Repository: CRAN
+Date/Publication: 2009-07-01 12:02:06
diff --git a/HISTORY b/HISTORY
index d88800d..94a4ebf 100644
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 0.9-6 to 1.0-1
    * added one-dimensional dynamic IRT model 
+   * added Rehnquist Court data to illustrate dynamic IRT model
 0.9-5 to 0.9-6
    * fixed bug in MCMCmetrop1R.R [thanks to many for spotting memory issue]
index 57c881e..eade73c 100644
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ export(
+       MCMCdynamicIRT1d,
diff --git a/R/MCMCdynamicIRT1d-b.R b/R/MCMCdynamicIRT1d-b.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78a25b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/MCMCdynamicIRT1d-b.R
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+## samples from the posterior distribution of a dynamic 1d IRT model
+## a la Martin and Quinn (2002)
+## This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL
+## PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991.  See the package LICENSE
+## file for more information.
+## Assumes a local level model for the evolution of theta
+##  y_{jkt}^* = -alpha_k + beta_k * theta_{jt} + epsilon_{jkt}
+##  theta_{jt} ~ N(theta_{j(t-1)}, tau^2)
+## Kevin Quinn
+## 1/28/2008
+## Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn
+## Copyright (C) 2007-present Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn,
+##    and Jong Hee Park
+## prior for alpha and beta that coincides with a uniform prior on the
+## cutpoints
+"MCMCdynamicIRT1d_b" <- function(datamatrix, item.time.map,
+                               theta.constraints=list(),
+                               burnin=1000, mcmc=20000, thin=1,
+                               verbose=0, seed=NA, theta.start=NA,
+                               alpha.start=NA, beta.start=NA,
+                               tau2.start=1,
+                               a0=0, A0=.1, b0=0, B0=.1,
+                               c0=-1, d0=-1, e0=0, E0=1,
+                               store.ability=TRUE,
+                               store.item=TRUE, ... 
+                               ){
+  datamatrix <- as.matrix(datamatrix)
+  nitems <- ncol(datamatrix)
+  nsubj  <- nrow(datamatrix)
+  ntime <- max(item.time.map)
+  ## checks
+  check.offset(list(...))
+  check.mcmc.parameters(burnin, mcmc, thin)
+  if (nitems != length(item.time.map)){
+    cat("Number of rows of datamatrix not equal to length of item.time.map\n")
+    stop("Please check data and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)    
+  }
+  if (min(item.time.map) != 1){
+    cat("Minimum value in item.time.map not equal to 1\n")
+    stop("Please check data and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)    
+  }
+  if(sum(datamatrix==1 | datamatrix==0 | is.na(datamatrix)) !=
+     (nitems * nsubj)) {
+    cat("Error: Data matrix contains elements other than 0, 1 or NA.\n")
+    stop("Please check data and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)
+  }  
+  if (A0 < 0){
+    cat("Error: A0 (prior precision for alpha) is less than 0).\n")
+    stop("Please respecify and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n")
+  }
+  if (B0 < 0){
+    cat("Error: B0 (prior precision for beta) is less than 0).\n")
+    stop("Please respecify and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n")
+  }
+  ## setup constraints on theta
+  if(length(theta.constraints) != 0) {
+    for (i in 1:length(theta.constraints)){
+      theta.constraints[[i]] <-
+        list(as.integer(1), theta.constraints[[i]][1])
+    }
+  }
+  holder <- build.factor.constraints(theta.constraints, t(datamatrix), nsubj, 1)
+  theta.eq.constraints <- holder[[1]]
+  theta.ineq.constraints <- holder[[2]]
+  ##subject.names <- holder[[3]]
+  ## names
+  item.names <- colnames(datamatrix)
+  if (is.null(item.names)){
+    item.names <- paste("item", 1:nitems, sep="")
+  }
+  ## starting values for theta error checking
+  theta.start <- factor.score.start.check(theta.start, datamatrix,
+                                          matrix(0,1,1), matrix(1,1,1),
+                                          theta.eq.constraints,
+                                          theta.ineq.constraints, 1)
+  ## starting values for (alpha, beta)
+  ab.starts <- matrix(NA, nitems, 2)
+  for (i in 1:nitems){
+    local.y <-  datamatrix[,i]
+    ##local.y[local.y==9] <- NA
+    if (length(na.omit(local.y)) <= 1){
+      ab.starts[i,] <- c(0, 10)
+    }
+    else if (var(na.omit(local.y))==0){
+      ab.starts[i,] <- c(0,10)
+    }
+    else {
+      ab.starts[i,] <- coef(suppressWarnings(glm(local.y~theta.start,
+                                                 family=binomial(probit),
+                                                 control=glm.control(
+                                                   maxit=8, epsilon=1e-3)
+                                                 )))
+    }
+  }
+  ab.starts[,1] <- -1 * ab.starts[,1] # make this into a difficulty param
+  ## starting values for alpha and beta error checking
+  if (is.na(alpha.start)) {
+    alpha.start <- ab.starts[,1]
+  }
+  else if(is.null(dim(alpha.start))) {
+    alpha.start <- alpha.start * matrix(1,nitems,1)  
+  }
+  else if((dim(alpha.start)[1] != nitems) || (dim(alpha.start)[2] != 1)) {
+    cat("Error: Starting value for alpha not conformable.\n")
+    stop("Please respecify and call MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)
+  }      
+  if (is.na(beta.start)) {
+    beta.start <- ab.starts[,2]
+  }
+  else if(is.null(dim(beta.start))) {
+    beta.start <- beta.start * matrix(1,nitems,1)  
+  }
+  else if((dim(beta.start)[1] != nitems) || (dim(beta.start)[2] != 1)) {
+    cat("Error: Starting value for beta not conformable.\n")
+    stop("Please respecify and call MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)
+  }    
+  ## generate time-specific theta information and create extended theta.start
+  subject.names <- NULL
+  theta.start.new <- NULL
+  ## theta.info has:
+  ## col1: subj ID, col2: #time periods, col3: offset (first term C indexing)
+  theta.info <- matrix(NA, nsubj, 3)
+  for (s in 1:nsubj){
+    namestub <- rownames(datamatrix)[s]
+    theta.info[s,1] <- s
+    count <- 0
+    holder <- NULL
+    for (i in 1:nitems){
+      if (!is.na(datamatrix[s,i])){
+        holder <- c(holder, item.time.map[i])
+      }
+    }
+    minholder <- min(holder)
+    maxholder <- max(holder)    
+    theta.info[s,2] <- maxholder - minholder + 1
+    theta.info[s,3] <- minholder - 1
+    theta.start.new <- c(theta.start.new, rep(theta.start[s], theta.info[s,2]))
+    subject.names <- c(subject.names,
+                       paste(namestub, ".t", minholder:maxholder, sep=""))
+  }
+  nthetas <- length(subject.names)
+  theta.start <- theta.start.new
+  if (length(c0) < nsubj){
+    c0 <- array(c0, nsubj)
+  }
+  if (length(d0) < nsubj){
+    d0 <- array(d0, nsubj)
+  }
+  if (length(tau2.start) < nsubj){
+    tau2.start <- array(tau2.start, nsubj)
+  }
+  if (length(e0) < nsubj){
+    e0 <- array(e0, nsubj)
+  }
+  if (length(E0) < nsubj){
+    E0 <- array(E0, nsubj)
+  }
+  E0inv <- 1/E0
+  subject.names.short <- rownames(datamatrix)
+  ## convert datamatrix into a sparse format where the missing values are
+  ## not explicitly represented
+  ##
+  ## 1st column: subject index (C indexing)
+  ## 2nd column: item index (C indexing)
+  ## 3rd column: vote 
+  data.sparse.si <- NULL
+  for (i in 1:nsubj){
+    for (j in 1:nitems){
+      if (!is.na(datamatrix[i,j])){
+        data.sparse.si <- rbind(data.sparse.si, c(i-1, j-1, datamatrix[i,j]))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ## 1st column: item index (C indexing)
+  ## 2nd column: subject index (C indexing)
+  ## 3rd column: vote 
+##  data.sparse.is <- NULL
+##  for (i in 1:nitems){
+##    for (j in 1:nsubj){
+##      if (!is.na(datamatrix[j,i])){
+##        data.sparse.is <- rbind(data.sparse.is, c(i-1, j-1, datamatrix[j,i]))
+##      }
+##    }
+##  }
+  rm(datamatrix)
+  ## define storage matrix for posterior theta draws
+  thetadraws <- matrix(0, mcmc/thin, nthetas)
+  if (store.ability != TRUE){
+    thetadraws <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
+  }
+  alphadraws <- matrix(1, mcmc/thin, nitems)
+  betadraws  <- matrix(2, mcmc/thin, nitems)
+  if (store.item != TRUE){
+    alphadraws <- matrix(1, 1, 1)
+    betadraws  <- matrix(2, 1, 1)
+  }
+  tau2draws <- matrix(0, mcmc/thin, nsubj)
+  ## seeds
+  seeds <- form.seeds(seed) 
+  lecuyer <- seeds[[1]]
+  seed.array <- seeds[[2]]
+  lecuyer.stream <- seeds[[3]]
+ ## print(theta.eq.constraints)
+ ## print(theta.ineq.constraints)
+#  return(list(theta=theta.start, alpha=alpha.start, beta=beta.start))
+  ## call C++ code to draw sample
+  posterior <- .C("MCMCdynamicIRT1d_b",
+                  thetadata = as.double(thetadraws),
+                  thetarow = as.integer(nrow(thetadraws)),
+                  thetacol = as.integer(ncol(thetadraws)),
+                  alphadata = as.double(alphadraws),
+                  alpharow = as.integer(nrow(alphadraws)),
+                  alphacol = as.integer(ncol(alphadraws)),                  
+                  betadata = as.double(betadraws),
+                  betarow = as.integer(nrow(betadraws)),
+                  betacol = as.integer(ncol(betadraws)),
+                  tau2data = as.double(tau2draws),
+                  tau2row = as.integer(nrow(tau2draws)),
+                  tau2col = as.integer(ncol(tau2draws)),
+                  nsubj = as.integer(nsubj),
+                  nitems = as.integer(nitems),
+                  ntime = as.integer(ntime),
+                  Ydata = as.integer(data.sparse.si),
+                  Yrow = as.integer(nrow(data.sparse.si)),
+                  Ycol = as.integer(ncol(data.sparse.si)),
+                  IT = as.integer(item.time.map-1),
+                  ITlength = as.integer(length(item.time.map)),
+                  burnin = as.integer(burnin),
+                  mcmc = as.integer(mcmc),
+                  thin = as.integer(thin),
+                  lecuyer = as.integer(lecuyer),
+                  seedarray = as.integer(seed.array),
+                  lecuyerstream = as.integer(lecuyer.stream),
+                  verbose = as.integer(verbose),
+                  thetastartdata = as.double(theta.start),
+                  thetastartlength = as.integer(length(theta.start)),
+                  thetainfo = as.integer(theta.info),
+                  thetainforow = as.integer(nrow(theta.info)),
+                  thetainfocol = as.integer(ncol(theta.info)),
+                  astartdata = as.double(alpha.start),
+                  astartlength = as.integer(length(alpha.start)),
+                  bstartdata = as.double(beta.start),
+                  bstartlength = as.integer(length(beta.start)),
+                  tau2data = as.double(tau2.start),
+                  tau2length = as.integer(length(tau2.start)),
+                  c0data = as.double(c0),
+                  c0length = as.integer(length(c0)),
+                  d0data = as.double(d0),
+                  d0length = as.integer(length(d0)),
+                  a0data = as.double(a0),
+                  A0data = as.double(A0),
+                  b0data = as.double(b0),
+                  B0data = as.double(B0),
+                  e0data = as.double(e0),
+                  E0invdata = as.double(E0inv),
+                  thetaeqdata = as.double(theta.eq.constraints),
+                  thetaeqrow = as.integer(nrow(theta.eq.constraints)),
+                  thetaeqcol = as.integer(ncol(theta.eq.constraints)),
+                  thetaineqdata = as.double(theta.ineq.constraints),
+                  thetaineqrow = as.integer(nrow(theta.ineq.constraints)),
+                  thetaineqcol = as.integer(ncol(theta.ineq.constraints)),
+                  storei = as.integer(store.item),
+                  storea = as.integer(store.ability),
+                  PACKAGE="MCMCpack"
+                  )
+  tau2samp <- matrix(posterior$tau2data,
+                      posterior$tau2row,
+                      posterior$tau2col)
+  colnames(tau2samp) <- paste("tau2.", subject.names.short, sep="")
+  if (store.item & store.ability){
+    thetasamp <- matrix(posterior$thetadata,
+                        posterior$thetarow,
+                        posterior$thetacol) 
+    colnames(thetasamp) <- paste("theta.", subject.names, sep="")
+    alphasamp <- matrix(posterior$alphadata,
+                        posterior$alpharow,
+                        posterior$alphacol)
+    colnames(alphasamp) <- paste("alpha.", item.names, sep="")
+    betasamp <- matrix(posterior$betadata,
+                       posterior$betarow,
+                       posterior$betacol)
+    colnames(betasamp) <- paste("beta.", item.names, sep="")
+    outmat <- mcmc(cbind(thetasamp, alphasamp, betasamp, tau2samp),
+                   start=1, end=mcmc, thin=thin)
+  }
+  else if (store.item){
+    alphasamp <- matrix(posterior$alphadata,
+                        posterior$alpharow,
+                        posterior$alphacol)
+    colnames(alphasamp) <- paste("alpha.", item.names, sep="")
+    betasamp <- matrix(posterior$betadata,
+                       posterior$betarow,
+                       posterior$betacol)
+    colnames(betasamp) <- paste("beta.", item.names, sep="")
+    outmat <- mcmc(cbind(alphasamp, betasamp, tau2samp),
+                   start=1, end=mcmc, thin=thin)
+  }
+  else if (store.ability){
+    thetasamp <- matrix(posterior$thetadata,
+                        posterior$thetarow,
+                        posterior$thetacol) 
+    colnames(thetasamp) <- paste("theta.", subject.names, sep="")
+    outmat <- mcmc(cbind(thetasamp, tau2samp),
+                   start=1, end=mcmc, thin=thin)
+  }
+  else {
+    outmat <- mcmc(tau2samp,
+                   start=1, end=mcmc, thin=thin)
+  }
+  return(outmat)
diff --git a/R/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.R b/R/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..590aa48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.R
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+## samples from the posterior distribution of a dynamic 1d IRT model
+## a la Martin and Quinn (2002)
+## This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL
+## PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991.  See the package LICENSE
+## file for more information.
+## Assumes a local level model for the evolution of theta
+##  y_{jkt}^* = -alpha_k + beta_k * theta_{jt} + epsilon_{jkt}
+##  theta_{jt} ~ N(theta_{j(t-1)}, tau^2)
+## Kevin Quinn
+## 1/28/2008
+## Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn
+## Copyright (C) 2007-present Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn,
+##    and Jong Hee Park
+"MCMCdynamicIRT1d" <- function(datamatrix, item.time.map,
+                               theta.constraints=list(),
+                               burnin=1000, mcmc=20000, thin=1,
+                               verbose=0, seed=NA, theta.start=NA,
+                               alpha.start=NA, beta.start=NA,
+                               tau2.start=1,
+                               a0=0, A0=.1, b0=0, B0=.1,
+                               c0=-1, d0=-1, e0=0, E0=1,
+                               store.ability=TRUE,
+                               store.item=TRUE, ... 
+                               ){
+  datamatrix <- as.matrix(datamatrix)
+  nitems <- ncol(datamatrix)
+  nsubj  <- nrow(datamatrix)
+  ntime <- max(item.time.map)
+  ## checks
+  check.offset(list(...))
+  check.mcmc.parameters(burnin, mcmc, thin)
+  if (nitems != length(item.time.map)){
+    cat("Number of rows of datamatrix not equal to length of item.time.map\n")
+    stop("Please check data and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)    
+  }
+  if (min(item.time.map) != 1){
+    cat("Minimum value in item.time.map not equal to 1\n")
+    stop("Please check data and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)    
+  }
+  if(sum(datamatrix==1 | datamatrix==0 | is.na(datamatrix)) !=
+     (nitems * nsubj)) {
+    cat("Error: Data matrix contains elements other than 0, 1 or NA.\n")
+    stop("Please check data and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)
+  }  
+  if (A0 < 0){
+    cat("Error: A0 (prior precision for alpha) is less than 0).\n")
+    stop("Please respecify and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n")
+  }
+  if (B0 < 0){
+    cat("Error: B0 (prior precision for beta) is less than 0).\n")
+    stop("Please respecify and try MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n")
+  }
+  ## setup constraints on theta
+  if(length(theta.constraints) != 0) {
+    for (i in 1:length(theta.constraints)){
+      theta.constraints[[i]] <-
+        list(as.integer(1), theta.constraints[[i]][1])
+    }
+  }
+  holder <- build.factor.constraints(theta.constraints, t(datamatrix), nsubj, 1)
+  theta.eq.constraints <- holder[[1]]
+  theta.ineq.constraints <- holder[[2]]
+  ##subject.names <- holder[[3]]
+  ## names
+  item.names <- colnames(datamatrix)
+  if (is.null(item.names)){
+    item.names <- paste("item", 1:nitems, sep="")
+  }
+  ## starting values for theta error checking
+  theta.start <- factor.score.start.check(theta.start, datamatrix,
+                                          matrix(0,1,1), matrix(1,1,1),
+                                          theta.eq.constraints,
+                                          theta.ineq.constraints, 1)
+  ## starting values for (alpha, beta)
+  ab.starts <- matrix(NA, nitems, 2)
+  for (i in 1:nitems){
+    local.y <-  datamatrix[,i]
+    ##local.y[local.y==9] <- NA
+    if (length(na.omit(local.y)) <= 1){
+      ab.starts[i,] <- c(0, 10)
+    }
+    else if (var(na.omit(local.y))==0){
+      ab.starts[i,] <- c(0,10)
+    }
+    else {
+      ab.starts[i,] <- coef(suppressWarnings(glm(local.y~theta.start,
+                                                 family=binomial(probit),
+                                                 control=glm.control(
+                                                   maxit=8, epsilon=1e-3)
+                                                 )))
+    }
+  }
+  ab.starts[,1] <- -1 * ab.starts[,1] # make this into a difficulty param
+  ## starting values for alpha and beta error checking
+  if (is.na(alpha.start)) {
+    alpha.start <- ab.starts[,1]
+  }
+  else if(is.null(dim(alpha.start))) {
+    alpha.start <- alpha.start * matrix(1,nitems,1)  
+  }
+  else if((dim(alpha.start)[1] != nitems) || (dim(alpha.start)[2] != 1)) {
+    cat("Error: Starting value for alpha not conformable.\n")
+    stop("Please respecify and call MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)
+  }      
+  if (is.na(beta.start)) {
+    beta.start <- ab.starts[,2]
+  }
+  else if(is.null(dim(beta.start))) {
+    beta.start <- beta.start * matrix(1,nitems,1)  
+  }
+  else if((dim(beta.start)[1] != nitems) || (dim(beta.start)[2] != 1)) {
+    cat("Error: Starting value for beta not conformable.\n")
+    stop("Please respecify and call MCMCdynamicIRT1d() again.\n",
+         call.=FALSE)
+  }    
+  ## generate time-specific theta information and create extended theta.start
+  subject.names <- NULL
+  theta.start.new <- NULL
+  ## theta.info has:
+  ## col1: subj ID, col2: #time periods, col3: offset (first term C indexing)
+  theta.info <- matrix(NA, nsubj, 3)
+  for (s in 1:nsubj){
+    namestub <- rownames(datamatrix)[s]
+    theta.info[s,1] <- s
+    count <- 0
+    holder <- NULL
+    for (i in 1:nitems){
+      if (!is.na(datamatrix[s,i])){
+        holder <- c(holder, item.time.map[i])
+      }
+    }
+    minholder <- min(holder)
+    maxholder <- max(holder)    
+    theta.info[s,2] <- maxholder - minholder + 1
+    theta.info[s,3] <- minholder - 1
+    theta.start.new <- c(theta.start.new, rep(theta.start[s], theta.info[s,2]))
+    subject.names <- c(subject.names,
+                       paste(namestub, ".t", minholder:maxholder, sep=""))
+  }
+  nthetas <- length(subject.names)
+  theta.start <- theta.start.new
+  if (length(c0) < nsubj){
+    c0 <- array(c0, nsubj)
+  }
+  if (length(d0) < nsubj){
+    d0 <- array(d0, nsubj)
+  }
+  if (length(tau2.start) < nsubj){
+    tau2.start <- array(tau2.start, nsubj)
+  }
+  if (length(e0) < nsubj){
+    e0 <- array(e0, nsubj)
+  }
+  if (length(E0) < nsubj){
+    E0 <- array(E0, nsubj)
+  }
+  E0inv <- 1/E0
+  subject.names.short <- rownames(datamatrix)
+  ## convert datamatrix into a sparse format where the missing values are
+  ## not explicitly represented
+  ##
+  ## 1st column: subject index (C indexing)
+  ## 2nd column: item index (C indexing)
+  ## 3rd column: vote 
+  data.sparse.si <- NULL
+  for (i in 1:nsubj){
+    for (j in 1:nitems){
+      if (!is.na(datamatrix[i,j])){
+        data.sparse.si <- rbind(data.sparse.si, c(i-1, j-1, datamatrix[i,j]))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ## 1st column: item index (C indexing)
+  ## 2nd column: subject index (C indexing)
+  ## 3rd column: vote 
+##  data.sparse.is <- NULL
+##  for (i in 1:nitems){
+##    for (j in 1:nsubj){
+##      if (!is.na(datamatrix[j,i])){
+##        data.sparse.is <- rbind(data.sparse.is, c(i-1, j-1, datamatrix[j,i]))
+##      }
+##    }
+##  }
+  rm(datamatrix)
+  ## define storage matrix for posterior theta draws
+  thetadraws <- matrix(0, mcmc/thin, nthetas)
+  if (store.ability != TRUE){
+    thetadraws <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
+  }
+  alphadraws <- matrix(1, mcmc/thin, nitems)
+  betadraws  <- matrix(2, mcmc/thin, nitems)
+  if (store.item != TRUE){
+    alphadraws <- matrix(1, 1, 1)
+    betadraws  <- matrix(2, 1, 1)
+  }
+  tau2draws <- matrix(0, mcmc/thin, nsubj)
+  ## seeds
+  seeds <- form.seeds(seed) 
+  lecuyer <- seeds[[1]]
+  seed.array <- seeds[[2]]
+  lecuyer.stream <- seeds[[3]]
+ ## print(theta.eq.constraints)
+ ## print(theta.ineq.constraints)
+#  return(list(theta=theta.start, alpha=alpha.start, beta=beta.start))
+  ## call C++ code to draw sample
+  posterior <- .C("MCMCdynamicIRT1d",
+                  thetadata = as.double(thetadraws),
+                  thetarow = as.integer(nrow(thetadraws)),
+                  thetacol = as.integer(ncol(thetadraws)),
+                  alphadata = as.double(alphadraws),
+                  alpharow = as.integer(nrow(alphadraws)),
+                  alphacol = as.integer(ncol(alphadraws)),                  
+                  betadata = as.double(betadraws),
+                  betarow = as.integer(nrow(betadraws)),
+                  betacol = as.integer(ncol(betadraws)),
+                  tau2data = as.double(tau2draws),
+                  tau2row = as.integer(nrow(tau2draws)),
+                  tau2col = as.integer(ncol(tau2draws)),
+                  nsubj = as.integer(nsubj),
+                  nitems = as.integer(nitems),
+                  ntime = as.integer(ntime),
+                  Ydata = as.integer(data.sparse.si),
+                  Yrow = as.integer(nrow(data.sparse.si)),
+                  Ycol = as.integer(ncol(data.sparse.si)),
+                  IT = as.integer(item.time.map-1),
+                  ITlength = as.integer(length(item.time.map)),
+                  burnin = as.integer(burnin),
+                  mcmc = as.integer(mcmc),
+                  thin = as.integer(thin),
+                  lecuyer = as.integer(lecuyer),
+                  seedarray = as.integer(seed.array),
+                  lecuyerstream = as.integer(lecuyer.stream),
+                  verbose = as.integer(verbose),
+                  thetastartdata = as.double(theta.start),
+                  thetastartlength = as.integer(length(theta.start)),
+                  thetainfo = as.integer(theta.info),
+                  thetainforow = as.integer(nrow(theta.info)),
+                  thetainfocol = as.integer(ncol(theta.info)),
+                  astartdata = as.double(alpha.start),
+                  astartlength = as.integer(length(alpha.start)),
+                  bstartdata = as.double(beta.start),
+                  bstartlength = as.integer(length(beta.start)),
+                  tau2data = as.double(tau2.start),
+                  tau2length = as.integer(length(tau2.start)),
+                  c0data = as.double(c0),
+                  c0length = as.integer(length(c0)),
+                  d0data = as.double(d0),
+                  d0length = as.integer(length(d0)),
+                  a0data = as.double(a0),
+                  A0data = as.double(A0),
+                  b0data = as.double(b0),
+                  B0data = as.double(B0),
+                  e0data = as.double(e0),
+                  E0invdata = as.double(E0inv),
+                  thetaeqdata = as.double(theta.eq.constraints),
+                  thetaeqrow = as.integer(nrow(theta.eq.constraints)),
+                  thetaeqcol = as.integer(ncol(theta.eq.constraints)),
+                  thetaineqdata = as.double(theta.ineq.constraints),
+                  thetaineqrow = as.integer(nrow(theta.ineq.constraints)),
+                  thetaineqcol = as.integer(ncol(theta.ineq.constraints)),
+                  storei = as.integer(store.item),
+                  storea = as.integer(store.ability),
+                  PACKAGE="MCMCpack"
+                  )
+  tau2samp <- matrix(posterior$tau2data,
+                      posterior$tau2row,
+                      posterior$tau2col)
+  colnames(tau2samp) <- paste("tau2.", subject.names.short, sep="")
+  if (store.item & store.ability){
+    thetasamp <- matrix(posterior$thetadata,
+                        posterior$thetarow,
+                        posterior$thetacol) 
+    colnames(thetasamp) <- paste("theta.", subject.names, sep="")
+    alphasamp <- matrix(posterior$alphadata,
+                        posterior$alpharow,
+                        posterior$alphacol)
+    colnames(alphasamp) <- paste("alpha.", item.names, sep="")
+    betasamp <- matrix(posterior$betadata,
+                       posterior$betarow,
+                       posterior$betacol)
+    colnames(betasamp) <- paste("beta.", item.names, sep="")
+    outmat <- mcmc(cbind(thetasamp, alphasamp, betasamp, tau2samp),
+                   start=1, end=mcmc, thin=thin)
+  }
+  else if (store.item){
+    alphasamp <- matrix(posterior$alphadata,
+                        posterior$alpharow,
+                        posterior$alphacol)
+    colnames(alphasamp) <- paste("alpha.", item.names, sep="")
+    betasamp <- matrix(posterior$betadata,
+                       posterior$betarow,
+                       posterior$betacol)
+    colnames(betasamp) <- paste("beta.", item.names, sep="")
+    outmat <- mcmc(cbind(alphasamp, betasamp, tau2samp),
+                   start=1, end=mcmc, thin=thin)
+  }
+  else if (store.ability){
+    thetasamp <- matrix(posterior$thetadata,
+                        posterior$thetarow,
+                        posterior$thetacol) 
+    colnames(thetasamp) <- paste("theta.", subject.names, sep="")
+    outmat <- mcmc(cbind(thetasamp, tau2samp),
+                   start=1, end=mcmc, thin=thin)
+  }
+  else {
+    outmat <- mcmc(tau2samp,
+                   start=1, end=mcmc, thin=thin)
+  }
+  return(outmat)
diff --git a/data/Rehnquist.rda b/data/Rehnquist.rda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073d6c0
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/Rehnquist.rda differ
diff --git a/man/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.Rd b/man/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdda299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+\title{Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Dynamic One Dimensional Item Response Theory Model} 
+\description{ This function generates a sample from the posterior
+ distribution of a dynamic one dimensional item response theory (IRT)
+ model, with Normal random walk priors on the subject abilities (ideal
+ points), and multivariate Normal priors on the item parameters. The
+ user supplies data and priors, and a sample from the posterior
+ distribution is returned as an mcmc object, which can be subsequently
+ analyzed with functions provided in the coda package. }
+MCMCdynamicIRT1d(datamatrix, item.time.map, theta.constraints=list(), 
+	         burnin = 1000, mcmc = 20000, thin = 1, verbose = 0, 
+                 seed = NA, theta.start = NA, alpha.start = NA, 
+                 beta.start = NA, tau2.start = 1, a0 = 0, A0 = 0.1, 
+                 b0 = 0, B0 = 0.1, c0 = -1, d0 = -1, e0 = 0, 
+                 E0 = 1, store.ability = TRUE, 
+                 store.item = TRUE, ...)
+  \item{datamatrix}{The matrix of data.  Must be 0, 1, or missing values.  
+     The rows of \code{datamatrix} correspond to subjects and the
+     columns correspond to items.}
+  \item{item.time.map}{A vector that relates each item to a time period. 
+        Each element of \code{item.time.map} gives the time period of the 
+        corresponding column of \code{datamatrix}. It is assumed that the 
+        minimum value of \code{item.time.map} is 1.}
+  \item{theta.constraints}{ A list specifying possible simple equality
+    or inequality constraints on the ability parameters. A typical
+    entry in the list has one of three forms: \code{varname=c} which
+    will constrain the ability parameter for the subject named
+    \code{varname} to be equal to c, \code{varname="+"} which will
+    constrain the ability parameter for the subject named \code{varname}
+    to be positive, and  \code{varname="-"} which will constrain the
+    ability parameter for the subject named \code{varname} to be
+    negative. If x is a matrix without row names defaults names of
+    ``V1",``V2", ... , etc will be used. See Rivers (2003) for a
+    thorough discussion of identification of IRT models. }
+  \item{burnin}{ The number of burn-in iterations for the sampler. }
+  \item{mcmc}{The number of Gibbs iterations for the sampler. }
+  \item{thin}{The thinning interval used in the simulation.  The number of
+    Gibbs iterations must be divisible by this value. }
+  \item{verbose}{ A switch which determines whether or not the progress of
+      the sampler is printed to the screen.   If \code{verbose} is greater
+      than 0 then every \code{verbose}th iteration will be printed to the
+      screen. }
+  \item{seed}{ The seed for the random number generator.  If NA, the Mersenne
+    Twister generator is used with default seed 12345; if an integer is 
+    passed it is used to seed the Mersenne twister.  The user can also
+    pass a list of length two to use the L'Ecuyer random number generator,
+    which is suitable for parallel computation.  The first element of the
+    list is the L'Ecuyer seed, which is a vector of length six or NA (if NA 
+    a default seed of \code{rep(12345,6)} is used).  The second element of 
+    list is a positive substream number. See the MCMCpack 
+    specification for more details. }
+  \item{theta.start}{ The starting values for the subject
+    abilities (ideal points). This can either be a scalar or a
+    column vector with dimension equal to the number of voters.  
+    If this takes a scalar value, then that value will serve as
+    the starting value for all of the thetas.  The default value
+    of NA will choose the starting values based on an
+    eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition of the aggreement score matrix
+    formed from the \code{datamatrix}. }
+  \item{alpha.start}{ The starting values for the
+    \eqn{\alpha}{alpha} difficulty parameters. This can either be
+    a scalar or a column vector with dimension equal to the
+    number of items.   If this takes a scalar value, then that
+    value will serve as the starting value for all of the alphas.
+     The default value of NA will set the starting values based on
+     a series of probit regressions that condition on the starting
+     values of theta. }
+  \item{beta.start}{ The starting values for the
+    \eqn{\beta}{beta} discrimination parameters. This can either
+    be a scalar or a column vector with dimension equal to the
+    number of items.   If this takes a scalar value, then that
+    value will serve as the starting value for all of the betas. 
+    The default value of NA will set the starting values based on a
+    series of probit regressions that condition on the starting values
+    of theta. }
+  \item{tau2.start}{ The starting values for the evolution variances
+  (the variance of the random walk increments for the ability
+  parameters / ideal points. Order corresponds to the rows of
+  \code{datamatrix}.}
+  \item{a0}{ A vector containing the prior mean of each of the
+  difficulty parameters \eqn{\alpha}{alpha}. Should have as many
+  elements as items / roll calls. Order corresponds to the columns of
+  \code{datamatrix}. If a scalar is passed it is assumed that all
+  elements of \code{a0} are equal to the scalar. }
+  \item{A0}{ A vector containing the prior precision (inverse
+  variance) of each of the difficulty parameters \eqn{\alpha}{alpha}.
+  Should have as many elements as items / roll calls. Order
+  corresponds to the columns of \code{datamatrix}. If a scalar is
+  passed it is assumed that all elements of \code{A0} are equal to the
+  scalar. }
+  \item{b0}{ A vector containing the prior mean of each of the
+  discrimination parameters \eqn{\beta}{beta}. Should have as many
+  elements as items / roll calls. Order corresponds to the columns of
+  \code{datamatrix}. If a scalar is passed it is assumed that all
+  elements of \code{b0} are equal to the scalar.  }
+  \item{B0}{ A vector containing the prior precision (inverse
+  variance) of each of the discrimination parameters
+  \eqn{\beta}{beta}. Should have as many elements as items / roll
+  calls. Order corresponds to the columns of \code{datamatrix}. If a
+  scalar is passed it is assumed that all elements of \code{B0} are
+  equal to the scalar. }
+  \item{c0}{\eqn{c_{0/2}}{c0/2} is the shape parameter for the inverse
+    Gamma prior on \eqn{\tau^2}{tau^2} (the variance of the random
+    walk increments). The amount of information in the inverse Gamma
+    prior is something like that from \eqn{c_0}{c0}
+    pseudo-observations. \code{c0} can be either a vector with an
+    element for each subject or a scalar. If \code{c0}
+    is negative then \eqn{\tau^2}{tau^2} is not estimated-- the values
+    in \code{tau2.start} are used throughout the sampling.}
+  \item{d0}{ \eqn{d_{0/2}}{d0/2} is the scale parameter for the inverse
+    Gamma prior on \eqn{\tau^2}{tau^2} (the variance of the random
+    walk increments). In constructing the inverse Gamma prior,
+    \eqn{d_0}{d0} acts like the sum of squared errors from the
+    \eqn{c_0}{c0} pseudo-observations. \code{d0} can be either a
+    vector with an element for each subject or a scalar. If \code{d0}
+    is negative then \eqn{\tau^2}{tau^2} is not estimated-- the values
+    in \code{tau2.start} are used throughout the sampling. }
+  \item{e0}{ A vector containing the prior mean of the initial ability
+  parameter / ideal point for each subject. Should have as many
+  elements as subjects. Order corresponds to the rows of \code{datamatrix}. If a
+  scalar is passed it is assumed that all elements of \code{e0} are
+  equal to the scalar.}
+  \item{E0}{ A vector containing the prior variance of the initial
+  ability parameter / ideal point for each subject. Should have as
+  many elements as subjects. Order corresponds to the rows of
+  \code{datamatrix}. If a scalar is passed it is assumed that all
+  elements of \code{E0} are equal to the scalar.}
+  \item{store.ability}{ A switch that determines whether or not to
+    store the ability parameters for posterior analysis. 
+    \emph{NOTE}: In situations with many individuals storing the ability
+      parameters takes an enormous amount of memory, so
+      \code{store.ability} should only be \code{TRUE} if the chain is thinned
+      heavily, or for applications with a small number of individuals.
+    By default, the item parameters are stored. }
+  \item{store.item}{A switch that determines whether or not to
+    store the item parameters for posterior analysis. 
+    \emph{NOTE}: In situations with many items storing the item
+      parameters takes an enormous amount of memory, so
+      \code{store.item} should only be \code{FALSE} if the chain is thinned
+      heavily, or for applications with a small number of items.
+    By default, the item parameters are not stored.}
+  \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed  }
+    \code{MCMCdynamicIRT1d} simulates from the posterior distribution using
+   the algorithm of Martin and Quinn (2002). The simulation proper is done in
+  compiled C++ code to maximize efficiency.  Please consult the
+  coda documentation for a comprehensive list of functions that
+  can be used to analyze the posterior sample.
+  The model takes the following form. We assume that each subject has
+  an subject ability (ideal point) denoted
+  \eqn{\theta_{j,t}}{theta_jt} (where \eqn{j}{j} indexes subjects and
+  \eqn{t}{t} indexes time periods) and that each item has a difficulty
+  parameter \eqn{\alpha_i}{alpha_i} and discrimination parameter
+  \eqn{\beta_i}{beta_i}. The observed choice by subject \eqn{j}{j} on
+  item \eqn{i}{i} is the observed data matrix which is \eqn{(I \times
+  J)}{(I * J)}. We assume that the choice is dictated by an unobserved
+  utility: \deqn{z_{i,j,t} = -\alpha_i + \beta_i \theta_{j,t} +
+  \varepsilon_{i,j,t}}{z_ijt = -alpha_i + beta_i*theta_jt + epsilon_ijt}
+  Where the disturbances are assumed to be distributed standard Normal. The
+  parameters of interest are the subject abilities (ideal points) and
+  the item parameters.
+  We assume the following priors.  For the subject abilities (ideal points):
+  \deqn{\theta_{j,t} \sim \mathcal{N}(\theta_{j,t-1}, \tau^2_j)}{theta_jt ~ N(theta_j(t-1), tau^2)} with \deqn{\theta_{j,0} \sim \mathcal{N}(e0, E0)}{theta_j0 ~ N(e0, E0).}   
+  The evolution variance has the following prior: \deqn{\tau^2_j \sim \mathcal{IG}(c0/2, d0/2)}{tau^2_j ~ IG(c0/2, d0/2).} 
+  For the item parameters in the standard model, the prior is:
+  \deqn{\alpha_i \sim \mathcal{N}(a0, A0^{-1})}{alpha_i ~ N(a0, A0^{-1})} and
+  \deqn{\beta_i \sim \mathcal{N}(b0, B0^{-1})}{beta_i ~ N(b0, B0^{-1}).}
+  The model is identified by the proper priors on the item parameters
+  and constraints placed on the ability parameters.
+  As is the case with all measurement models, make sure that you have plenty
+  of free memory, especially when storing the item parameters.  
+\value{ An mcmc object that contains the posterior sample. This object
+can be summarized by functions provided by the coda package. }
+\references{ Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn. 2002. "Dynamic Ideal
+Point Estimation via Markov Chain Monte Carlo for the U.S. Supreme
+Court, 1953-1999." \emph{Political Analysis.} 10: 134-153.}
+\author{Kevin M. Quinn }
+\code{\link[MCMCpack]{MCMCirt1d}} }
+  \dontrun{
+	data(Rehnquist)
+	## assign starting values
+	theta.start <- rep(0, 9)
+	theta.start[2] <- -3 ## Stevens
+	theta.start[7] <- 2  ## Thomas
+	out <- MCMCdynamicIRT1d(t(Rehnquist[,1:9]),
+	                        item.time.map=Rehnquist$time,
+	                        theta.start=theta.start,
+	                        mcmc=50000, burnin=20000, thin=5,
+	                        verbose=500, tau2.start=rep(0.1, 9),
+	                        e0=0, E0=1,
+	                        a0=0, A0=1,
+	                        b0=0, B0=1, c0=-1, d0=-1,
+	                        store.item=FALSE, 
+	                        theta.constraints=list(Stevens="-", Thomas="+"))
+	summary(out)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ models }
diff --git a/man/MCMCirtKd.Rd b/man/MCMCirtKd.Rd
index 2325fce..149e388 100644
--- a/man/MCMCirtKd.Rd
+++ b/man/MCMCirtKd.Rd
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ MCMCirtKd(datamatrix, dimensions, item.constraints=list(),
   for each item parameter.
   The model is identified by the constraints on the item parameters
-  (see Jackman 2001).  The user cannot place constraints on the subect
+  (see Jackman 2001).  The user cannot place constraints on the subject
   abilities.  This identification scheme differs from that in
   \code{MCMCirt1d}, which uses constraints on
   the subject abilities to identify the model.
diff --git a/man/Rehnquist.Rd b/man/Rehnquist.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d147dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Rehnquist.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  U.S. Supreme Court Vote Matrix, Rehnquist Court (1994-2004)
+  This dataframe contains a matrix of votes cast by U.S. Supreme
+  Court justices by all cases in the 1994-2004 terms.
+  The dataframe has contains data for justices Rehnquist, Stevens,
+  O'Connor, Scalia, Kennedy, Souter, Thomas, Ginsburg, and Breyer
+  for the 1994-2004 terms of the U.S. Supreme Court.  The dataframe
+  also contains the term of the case, and a time variable that counts
+  from term 1 to 11.  The votes are coded liberal (1)
+  and conservative (0) using the protocol of Spaeth (2003). 
+  The unit of analysis
+  is the case citation (ANALU=0).  We are concerned with formally
+  decided cases issued with written opinions, after full oral
+  argument and cases decided by an equally divided vote
+  (DECTYPE=1,5,6,7).
+  Harold J. Spaeth. 2005. \emph{Original United States Supreme Court Database: 
+    1953-2004 Terms.} \url{http://www.as.uky.edu/polisci/ulmerproject/sctdata.htm}.
diff --git a/src/MCMCdynamicIRT1d-b.cc b/src/MCMCdynamicIRT1d-b.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48422e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MCMCdynamicIRT1d-b.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
+// MCMCdynamicIRT1d.cc is C++ code to estimate a dynamic 1d IRT model
+// Kevin Quinn
+// 1/29/2008
+// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn
+// Copyright (C) 2007-present Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn,
+//    and Jong Hee Park
+#include "MCMCrng.h"
+#include "MCMCfcds.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "distributions.h"
+#include "stat.h"
+#include "la.h"
+#include "ide.h"
+#include "smath.h"
+#include "rng.h"
+#include "mersenne.h"
+#include "lecuyer.h"
+#include <R.h>           // needed to use Rprintf()
+#include <R_ext/Utils.h> // needed to allow user interrupts
+using namespace std;
+using namespace scythe;
+// used to access 1d arrays holding R matrices like a 2d array 
+// MCMCdynamicIRT1d implementation
+template <typename RNGTYPE>
+void MCMCdynamicIRT1d_b_impl(rng<RNGTYPE>& stream, 
+			   double* thetadraws, const int* nrowthetadraws,
+			   const int* ncolthetadraws,
+			   double* alphadraws, const int* nrowalphadraws,
+			   const int* ncolalphadraws,
+			   double* betadraws, const int* nrowbetadraws,
+			   const int* ncolbetadraws,
+			   double* tau2draws, const int* nrowtau2draws,
+			   const int* ncoltau2draws,
+			   const int* nsubj, const int* nitems,
+			   const int* ntime,
+			   const int* Ydata, const int* nrowYdata, 
+			   const int* ncolYdata,
+			   const int* ITdata, const int* lengthITdata,
+			   const int* burnin, const int* mcmc, const int* thin,
+			   const int* verbose, 
+			   const double* thetadata, 
+			   const int* lengththeta, 
+			   const int* thetainfodata,
+			   const int* nrowthetainfo,
+			   const int* ncolthetainfo,
+			   double* alphadata,
+			   const int* lengthalpha,
+			   double* betadata,
+			   const int* lengthbeta,
+			   double* tau2data,
+			   const int* lengthtau2,
+			   const double* c0,
+			   const int* lengthc0,
+			   const double* d0,
+			   const int* lengthd0,
+			   const double* a0,
+			   const double* A0,
+			   const double* b0,
+			   const double* B0,
+			   const double* e0, 
+			   const double* E0inv,
+			   const double* thetaeqdata,
+			   const int* nrowthetaeq,
+			   const int* ncolthetaeq,
+			   const double* thetaineqdata,
+			   const int* nrowthetaineq,
+			   const int* ncolthetaineq,
+			   const int* storeitem,
+			   const int* storeability){
+  const int tot_iter = *burnin + *mcmc;
+  const int nsamp = *mcmc / *thin;
+  //sparse matrix of latent outcome variables
+  double Z[*nsubj][*nitems]; 
+  for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+    for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+      Z[s][i] = -999;
+    }
+  }
+  for (int j=0; j<*nrowYdata; ++j){
+    const int s = Ydata[M(j, 0, *nrowYdata)]; // subject id
+    const int i = Ydata[M(j, 1, *nrowYdata)]; // item id
+    const int y = Ydata[M(j, 2, *nrowYdata)]; // y value
+    Z[s][i] = 0.0;
+  }
+  // stuff to make working with theta easy
+  // theta[s][t] gives the tth theta for subject s
+  // the actual time period corresponding to theta[s][t] is theta_offset[s]+t
+  vector< vector<double> > theta;
+  vector<int> theta_offset;
+  int count = 0;
+  for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+    vector<double> holder;
+    int ntime_s = thetainfodata[M(s, 1, *nrowthetainfo)];
+    theta_offset.push_back(thetainfodata[M(s, 2, *nrowthetainfo)]);
+    for (int t=0; t<ntime_s; ++t){
+      holder.push_back(thetadata[count]);
+      ++count;
+    }
+    theta.push_back(holder);
+  }
+  // define constants used in the sampling
+  const double A0a0 = *A0 * *a0;
+  const double B0b0 = *B0 * *b0;
+  // set up mappings
+  //
+  // IS gives the mapping from items to subjects
+  // IS[i] provides a vector of integers corresponding to the subjects
+  //    who voted on item i. 
+  // IS[i][s] gets the subject index of the sth subject to vote on item i
+  vector< vector<int> > IS;
+  for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+    vector<int> subjholder;
+    for (int j=0; j<*nrowYdata; ++j){
+      if (Ydata[M(j,1,*nrowYdata)] == i){
+	subjholder.push_back(Ydata[M(j,0,*nrowYdata)]);
+      }
+    }
+    sort(subjholder.begin(), subjholder.end());
+    IS.push_back(subjholder);
+  }
+  // SI gives the mapping from subjects to items
+  // SI[s] provides a vector of integers corresponding to the items
+  //    voted on by subject s. 
+  // SI[s][i] gets the item index of the ith item voted on by subject s
+  vector< vector<int> > SI;
+  for (int i=0; i<*nsubj; ++i){
+    vector<int> itemholder;
+    for (int j=0; j<*nrowYdata; ++j){
+      if (Ydata[M(j,0,*nrowYdata)] == i){
+	itemholder.push_back(Ydata[M(j,1,*nrowYdata)]);
+      }
+    }
+    sort(itemholder.begin(), itemholder.end());
+    SI.push_back(itemholder);
+  }
+  // TI gives the mapping from times to items
+  // TI[t] provides a vector of integers corresponding to the items
+  //    voted on in time period t. 
+  // TI[t][i] gets the item index of the ith item voted on in time period t
+  vector< vector<int> > TI;
+  for (int t=0; t<*ntime; ++t){
+    vector<int> itemholder;
+    for (int i=0; i<*lengthITdata; ++i){
+      if (ITdata[i] == t){
+	itemholder.push_back(i);
+      }
+    }
+    sort(itemholder.begin(), itemholder.end());
+    TI.push_back(itemholder);
+  }
+  // IT gives the mapping from items to times and is just fancy
+  // way of holding the stuff in *ITdata
+  vector<int> IT;
+  for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+    IT.push_back(ITdata[i]);
+  }
+  // ST gives the mapping from subjects to times
+  // ST[s] provides a vector of integers corresponding to the times
+  //    in which items were voted on by subject s. 
+  // ST[s][t] gets the time index of the tth time period served by subject s
+  /*
+  vector <vector <int> > ST;
+  for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+    vector <int> timeholder;
+    for (int iind=0; iind<SI[s].size(); ++iind){
+      const int i = SI[s][iind];
+      const int t = IT[i];
+      if (timeholder.empty()){
+	timeholder.push_back(t);
+      }
+      vector<int>::iterator myiter;
+      myiter = find(timeholder.begin(), timeholder.end(), t);
+      if (myiter == timeholder.end()){ // t not currently in timeholder
+	timeholder.push_back(t);
+      }      
+    }
+    sort(timeholder.begin(), timeholder.end());
+    ST.push_back(timeholder);
+  }
+  */
+  // STI gives the list of item indices of items voted on by by subject s
+  // in the tth time period served by s
+  vector< vector < vector <int> > > STI;
+  for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+    vector < vector <int> > timeitemholder;
+    for (int tt=0; tt<theta[s].size(); ++tt){
+      const int t = tt + theta_offset[s];
+      vector <int> itemholder;
+      for (int ii=0; ii<TI[t].size(); ++ii){
+	const int i = TI[t][ii];
+	if (Z[s][i] != -999){
+	  itemholder.push_back(i);
+	}
+      }
+      timeitemholder.push_back(itemholder);
+    }
+    STI.push_back(timeitemholder);
+  }
+  // MCMC iterations start here
+  int sampcount = 0;
+  for (int iter=0; iter < tot_iter; ++iter){
+    // sample latent Z
+    for (int j=0; j<*nrowYdata; ++j){
+      const int s = Ydata[M(j, 0, *nrowYdata)]; // subject id
+      const int i = Ydata[M(j, 1, *nrowYdata)]; // item id
+      const int y = Ydata[M(j, 2, *nrowYdata)]; // y value
+      const int t = IT[i];                      // time period
+      const double mu = -alphadata[i] + 
+	betadata[i] * theta[s][t-theta_offset[s]];
+      if (y == 1.0){
+	Z[s][i] = stream.rtbnorm_combo(mu, 1.0, 0);
+      }
+      if (y == 0.0){
+	Z[s][i] = stream.rtanorm_combo(mu, 1.0, 0);	
+      }
+    }
+    // sample item parameters (alpha, beta)
+    for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+      const int nsubj_i = IS[i].size();
+      double sumthetasq = 0.0;
+      double sumtheta = 0.0;
+      double sumz = 0.0;
+      double sumthetaz = 0.0;
+      const int t = IT[i]; 
+      for (int ss=0; ss<nsubj_i; ++ss){
+	const int s = IS[i][ss];
+	const double theta_st = theta[s][t - theta_offset[s]];
+	sumthetasq += std::pow(theta_st, 2.0);
+	sumtheta += -1*theta_st;
+	sumz += -1*Z[s][i];
+	sumthetaz += Z[s][i] * theta_st;
+      } // end ss loop
+      const double sumthetaallsq = std::pow(sumtheta, 2.0);
+      const double invdet = 1.0 / ((nsubj_i + *A0) * 
+				   (sumthetasq + *B0) - 
+				   sumthetaallsq);
+      const double v11star = invdet * (sumthetasq + *B0);
+      const double v12star = invdet * (-1.0 * sumtheta);
+      const double v22star = invdet * (nsubj_i + *B0);
+      const double s1star = std::sqrt(v11star);
+      const double s2star = std::sqrt(v22star);
+      const double rho = v12star / (s1star * s2star);
+      const double holder1 = sumz + A0a0;
+      const double holder2 = sumthetaz + B0b0;
+      const double m1star = v11star * holder1 + v12star * holder2;
+      const double m2star = v12star * holder1 + v22star * holder2;
+      // (alpha[i], beta[i]) ~ 
+      //     N((m1star, m2star), c(v11star, v12star, v22star) )
+      alphadata[i] = 1000;
+      betadata[i] = 100;
+      while (std::fabs(alphadata[i]) > 4 || 
+	     std::fabs(betadata[i]) > 2 || 
+	     std::fabs(alphadata[i] / betadata[i]) > 2){
+	alphadata[i] = stream.rnorm(m1star, s1star);
+	if (iter < 20 ){
+	  alphadata[i] = 0.2*((m1star > 0) - (m1star < 0));
+	}
+	const double cond_mean = m2star - m1star * (v12star / v11star) + 
+	  alphadata[i] * (v12star / v11star);
+	const double cond_sd = std::sqrt(v22star * ( 1 - std::pow(rho, 2.0)));
+	betadata[i] = stream.rnorm(cond_mean, cond_sd);
+	if (iter < 20 ){
+	  betadata[i] = 1.0*((cond_mean > 0) - (cond_mean < 0));
+	}
+      }      
+    } // end i loop
+    // sample subject parameters (theta, tau2)
+    for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+      const int ntime_s = theta[s].size();
+      if (thetaeqdata[s] != -999){
+	for (int t=0; t<ntime_s; ++t){
+	  theta[s][t] = thetaeqdata[s];
+	}
+      }
+      else{
+	// time period 0
+	vector<double> beta_s0;
+	beta_s0.reserve(STI[s][0].size());
+	vector<double> zalpha_s0;
+	zalpha_s0.reserve(STI[s][0].size());
+	for (int ii=0; ii<STI[s][0].size(); ++ii){
+	  const int i = STI[s][0][ii];
+	  beta_s0.push_back(betadata[i]);
+	  zalpha_s0.push_back(Z[s][i] + alphadata[i]);
+	}
+	vector<double> a;
+	a.reserve(ntime_s);
+	a.push_back(e0[s]);
+	vector<double> R;
+	R.reserve(ntime_s);
+	R.push_back(E0inv[s] + tau2data[s]);
+	vector <double> f_0 = beta_s0;
+	for (int i=0; i<f_0.size(); ++i){
+	  f_0[i] = f_0[i] * a[0];
+	}
+	Matrix <> Q_0(beta_s0.size(), beta_s0.size());
+	for (int i=0; i<beta_s0.size(); ++i){
+	  for (int j=i; j<beta_s0.size(); ++j){
+	    if (i!=j){
+	      Q_0(i,j) = Q_0(j,i) = beta_s0[i] * beta_s0[j] * R[0];
+	    }
+	    else{
+	      Q_0(i,j) = beta_s0[i] * beta_s0[j] * R[0] + 1.0;
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	vector <double> e_0 = zalpha_s0;
+	for (int i=0; i<e_0.size(); ++i){
+	  e_0[i] = e_0[i] - f_0[i];
+	}
+	const Matrix <> Q_0_inv = invpd(Q_0);
+	vector <double> A_0;
+	A_0.reserve(beta_s0.size());
+	for (int i=0; i<beta_s0.size(); ++i){
+	  double sumholder = 0.0;
+	  for (int j=0; j<beta_s0.size(); ++j){
+	    sumholder += beta_s0[j] * Q_0_inv(j,i);
+	  }
+	  A_0.push_back(sumholder * R[0]);
+	}
+	vector<double> m;
+	m.reserve(ntime_s);
+	double mhold = a[0];
+	for (int i=0; i<A_0.size(); ++i){
+	  mhold += A_0[i] * e_0[i];
+	}
+	m.push_back(mhold);
+	vector<double> C;
+	C.reserve(ntime_s);
+	double Chold = 0.0;
+	for (int i=0; i<A_0.size(); ++i){
+	  double hold2 = 0.0;
+	  for (int j=0; j<A_0.size(); ++j){
+	    //cout << "i = " << i << "   j = " << j << endl;
+	    hold2 += Q_0(i,j) * A_0[j];
+	  }
+	  Chold += hold2 * A_0[i];
+	}
+	C.push_back(R[0] - Chold); 
+	// time periods 1 to T
+	for (int tt=1; tt<ntime_s; ++tt){
+	  if (STI[s][tt].size() == 0){
+	    a.push_back(m[tt-1]);
+	    R.push_back(C[tt-1] + tau2data[s]);
+	    m.push_back(a[tt]);
+	    C.push_back(R[tt]);
+	  }
+	  else{
+	    vector<double> beta_s;
+	    beta_s.reserve(STI[s][tt].size());
+	    vector<double> zalpha_s;
+	    zalpha_s.reserve(STI[s][tt].size());
+	    for (int ii=0; ii<STI[s][tt].size(); ++ii){
+	      const int i = STI[s][tt][ii];
+	      beta_s.push_back(betadata[i]);
+	      zalpha_s.push_back(Z[s][i] + alphadata[i]);
+	    }
+	    // a
+	    a.push_back(m[tt-1]);
+	    // R
+	    R.push_back(C[tt-1] + tau2data[s]);
+	    vector <double> f = beta_s;
+	    for (int i=0; i<f.size(); ++i){
+	      f[i] = f[i] * a[tt];
+	    }
+	    Matrix <> Q(beta_s.size(), beta_s.size());
+	    for (int i=0; i<beta_s.size(); ++i){
+	      for (int j=i; j<beta_s.size(); ++j){
+		if (i!=j){
+		  Q(i,j) = Q(j,i) = beta_s[i] * beta_s[j] * R[tt];
+		}
+		else{
+		  Q(i,j) = beta_s[i] * beta_s[j] * R[tt] + 1.0;
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    vector <double> e = zalpha_s;
+	    for (int i=0; i<e.size(); ++i){
+	      e[i] = e[i] - f[i];
+	    }
+	    const Matrix <> Q_inv = invpd(Q);
+	    vector <double> A;
+	    A.reserve(beta_s.size());
+	    for (int i=0; i<beta_s.size(); ++i){
+	      double sumholder = 0.0;
+	      for (int j=0; j<beta_s.size(); ++j){
+		sumholder += beta_s[j] * Q_inv(j,i);
+	      }
+	      A.push_back(sumholder * R[tt]);
+	    }
+	    mhold = a[tt];
+	    for (int i=0; i<A.size(); ++i){
+	      mhold += A[i] * e[i];
+	    }
+	    m.push_back(mhold);
+	    Chold = 0.0;
+	    for (int i=0; i<A.size(); ++i){
+	      double hold2 = 0.0;
+	      for (int j=0; j<A.size(); ++j){
+		hold2 += Q(i,j) * A[j];
+	      }
+	      Chold += hold2 * A[i];
+	    }
+	    C.push_back(R[tt] - Chold); 
+	  }
+	} // end tt loop
+	if (thetaineqdata[s] == 0){
+	theta[s][ntime_s-1] = stream.rnorm(m[ntime_s-1], 
+					   std::sqrt(C[ntime_s-1]));
+	}
+	else if (thetaineqdata[s] > 0){
+	  theta[s][ntime_s-1] = stream.rtbnorm_combo(m[ntime_s-1], 
+						     C[ntime_s-1], 0.0);
+	}
+	else{
+	  theta[s][ntime_s-1] = stream.rtanorm_combo(m[ntime_s-1], 
+						     C[ntime_s-1], 0.0);
+	}
+	for (int tt=(ntime_s-2); tt>=0; --tt){
+	  const double B = C[tt] * (1.0 / R[tt+1]);
+	  const double h = m[tt] + B * (theta[s][tt+1] - a[tt+1]);
+	  const double H = C[tt] - B * R[tt+1] * B;
+	  if (thetaineqdata[s] == 0){
+	    theta[s][tt] = stream.rnorm(h, std::sqrt(H));
+	  }
+	  else if (thetaineqdata[s] > 0){
+	    theta[s][tt] = stream.rtbnorm_combo(h, H, 0.0);
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    theta[s][tt] = stream.rtanorm_combo(h, H, 0.0);
+	  }
+	} // end backwards tt loop
+      } // end theteqdataa[s] == -999 
+      // sample smoothing parameters (tau2)
+      if (c0[s] > 0 && d0[s] > 0){		
+	double SSE = 0.0;
+	for (int t=1; t<ntime_s; ++t){
+	  SSE += std::pow((theta[s][t] - theta[s][t-1]), 2.0);
+	} 
+	const double param1 = (c0[s] + ntime_s - 1) * 0.5;
+	const double param2 = (d0[s] + SSE) * 0.5;
+	tau2data[s] = stream.rigamma(param1, param2);
+      }
+    } // end s loop (end of theta tau2 loop)
+    // store draws
+    if (iter >= *burnin && (iter % *thin == 0)) {
+      if (*storeability == 1){
+	int internalcount = 0;
+	for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+	  for (int t=0; t<theta[s].size(); ++t){
+	    thetadraws[M(sampcount, internalcount, *nrowthetadraws)] = 
+	      theta[s][t];
+	    ++internalcount;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      if (*storeitem == 1){
+	for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+	  alphadraws[M(sampcount, i, *nrowalphadraws)] = alphadata[i];
+	  betadraws[M(sampcount, i, *nrowbetadraws)] = betadata[i];
+	}
+      }
+      for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+	tau2draws[M(sampcount, s, *nrowtau2draws)] = tau2data[s];
+      }
+      ++sampcount;
+    }
+    // print output to stdout
+    // print output to stdout
+    if(*verbose > 0 && iter % *verbose == 0){
+      Rprintf("\n\nMCMCdynamicIRT1d iteration %i of %i \n", (iter+1), tot_iter);
+      /*
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[1].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[1][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[7].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[7][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[5].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[5][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[8].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[8][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[2].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[2][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[4].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[4][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[0].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[0][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[3].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[3][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[6].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[6][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      Rprintf("\n\n");
+      Rprintf("alpha[0] = %f \n", alphadata[0]);
+      Rprintf("beta[0] = %f \n", betadata[0]);
+      Rprintf("alpha[0]/beta[0] = %f \n", alphadata[0]/betadata[0]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[1] = %f \n", tau2data[1]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[7] = %f \n", tau2data[7]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[5] = %f \n", tau2data[5]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[8] = %f \n", tau2data[8]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[2] = %f \n", tau2data[2]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[4] = %f \n", tau2data[4]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[0] = %f \n", tau2data[0]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[3] = %f \n", tau2data[3]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[6] = %f \n", tau2data[6]);
+      Rprintf("\n\n");	
+      */
+    }
+    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); // allow user interrupts 
+  } // end iter loop
+} // end  MCMCdynamicIRT1d_impl function
+extern "C" {
+  void MCMCdynamicIRT1d_b(double* thetadraws, const int* nrowthetadraws,
+			const int* ncolthetadraws,
+			double* alphadraws, const int* nrowalphadraws,
+			const int* ncolalphadraws,
+			double* betadraws, const int* nrowbetadraws,
+			const int* ncolbetadraws,
+			double* tau2draws, const int* nrowtau2draws,
+			const int* ncoltau2draws,
+			const int* nsubj, const int* nitems,
+			const int* ntime,
+ 			const int* Ydata, const int* nrowYdata, 
+			const int* ncolYdata,
+			const int* ITdata, const int* lengthITdata,
+			const int* burnin, const int* mcmc, const int* thin,
+			const int* uselecuyer, const int* seedarray,
+			const int* lecuyerstream,
+			const int* verbose, 
+			const double* thetastartdata, 
+			const int* lengththetastart, 
+			const int* thetainfodata,
+			const int* nrowthetainfo,
+			const int* ncolthetainfo,
+			double* alphastartdata,
+			const int* lengthalphastart,
+			double* betastartdata,
+			const int* lengthbetastart,
+			double* tau2startdata,
+			const int* lengthtau2start,
+			const double* c0,
+			const int* lengthc0,
+			const double* d0,
+			const int* lengthd0,
+			const double* a0,
+			 double* A0,
+			const double* b0,
+			 double* B0,
+			const double* e0,
+			const double* E0inv,
+			const double* thetaeqdata,
+			const int* nrowthetaeq,
+			const int* ncolthetaeq,
+			const double* thetaineqdata,
+			const int* nrowthetaineq,
+			const int* ncolthetaineq,
+			const int* storeitem,
+			const int* storeability
+			){
+    *A0 = 0.0;
+    *B0 = 0.0;
+    MCMCPACK_PASSRNG2MODEL(MCMCdynamicIRT1d_b_impl, thetadraws, nrowthetadraws,
+			   ncolthetadraws, alphadraws, nrowalphadraws,
+			   ncolalphadraws, betadraws, nrowbetadraws,
+			   ncolbetadraws, tau2draws, nrowtau2draws,
+			   ncoltau2draws, nsubj, nitems, ntime,
+			   Ydata, nrowYdata, ncolYdata,
+			   ITdata,  lengthITdata, burnin,  mcmc, thin,
+			   verbose, thetastartdata, lengththetastart, 
+			   thetainfodata, nrowthetainfo, ncolthetainfo,
+			   alphastartdata, lengthalphastart, betastartdata,
+			   lengthbetastart, tau2startdata, lengthtau2start,
+			   c0, lengthc0, d0, lengthd0,
+			   a0, A0, b0, B0, e0, E0inv, 
+			   thetaeqdata, nrowthetaeq,
+			   ncolthetaeq, thetaineqdata, nrowthetaineq,
+			   ncolthetaineq, storeitem, storeability );
+  } // end MCMCdynamicIRT1d
+} // end extern "C"
diff --git a/src/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.cc b/src/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8768205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MCMCdynamicIRT1d.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+// MCMCdynamicIRT1d.cc is C++ code to estimate a dynamic 1d IRT model
+// Kevin Quinn
+// 1/29/2008
+// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn
+// Copyright (C) 2007-present Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn,
+//    and Jong Hee Park
+#include "MCMCrng.h"
+#include "MCMCfcds.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "distributions.h"
+#include "stat.h"
+#include "la.h"
+#include "ide.h"
+#include "smath.h"
+#include "rng.h"
+#include "mersenne.h"
+#include "lecuyer.h"
+#include <R.h>           // needed to use Rprintf()
+#include <R_ext/Utils.h> // needed to allow user interrupts
+using namespace std;
+using namespace scythe;
+// used to access 1d arrays holding R matrices like a 2d array 
+// MCMCdynamicIRT1d implementation
+template <typename RNGTYPE>
+void MCMCdynamicIRT1d_impl(rng<RNGTYPE>& stream, 
+			   double* thetadraws, const int* nrowthetadraws,
+			   const int* ncolthetadraws,
+			   double* alphadraws, const int* nrowalphadraws,
+			   const int* ncolalphadraws,
+			   double* betadraws, const int* nrowbetadraws,
+			   const int* ncolbetadraws,
+			   double* tau2draws, const int* nrowtau2draws,
+			   const int* ncoltau2draws,
+			   const int* nsubj, const int* nitems,
+			   const int* ntime,
+			   const int* Ydata, const int* nrowYdata, 
+			   const int* ncolYdata,
+			   const int* ITdata, const int* lengthITdata,
+			   const int* burnin, const int* mcmc, const int* thin,
+			   const int* verbose, 
+			   const double* thetadata, 
+			   const int* lengththeta, 
+			   const int* thetainfodata,
+			   const int* nrowthetainfo,
+			   const int* ncolthetainfo,
+			   double* alphadata,
+			   const int* lengthalpha,
+			   double* betadata,
+			   const int* lengthbeta,
+			   double* tau2data,
+			   const int* lengthtau2,
+			   const double* c0,
+			   const int* lengthc0,
+			   const double* d0,
+			   const int* lengthd0,
+			   const double* a0,
+			   const double* A0,
+			   const double* b0,
+			   const double* B0,
+			   const double* e0, 
+			   const double* E0inv,
+			   const double* thetaeqdata,
+			   const int* nrowthetaeq,
+			   const int* ncolthetaeq,
+			   const double* thetaineqdata,
+			   const int* nrowthetaineq,
+			   const int* ncolthetaineq,
+			   const int* storeitem,
+			   const int* storeability){
+  const int tot_iter = *burnin + *mcmc;
+  const int nsamp = *mcmc / *thin;
+  //sparse matrix of latent outcome variables
+  double Z[*nsubj][*nitems]; 
+  for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+    for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+      Z[s][i] = -999;
+    }
+  }
+  for (int j=0; j<*nrowYdata; ++j){
+    const int s = Ydata[M(j, 0, *nrowYdata)]; // subject id
+    const int i = Ydata[M(j, 1, *nrowYdata)]; // item id
+    const int y = Ydata[M(j, 2, *nrowYdata)]; // y value
+    Z[s][i] = 0.0;
+  }
+  // stuff to make working with theta easy
+  // theta[s][t] gives the tth theta for subject s
+  // the actual time period corresponding to theta[s][t] is theta_offset[s]+t
+  vector< vector<double> > theta;
+  vector<int> theta_offset;
+  int count = 0;
+  for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+    vector<double> holder;
+    int ntime_s = thetainfodata[M(s, 1, *nrowthetainfo)];
+    theta_offset.push_back(thetainfodata[M(s, 2, *nrowthetainfo)]);
+    for (int t=0; t<ntime_s; ++t){
+      holder.push_back(thetadata[count]);
+      ++count;
+    }
+    theta.push_back(holder);
+  }
+  // define constants used in the sampling
+  const double A0a0 = *A0 * *a0;
+  const double B0b0 = *B0 * *b0;
+  // set up mappings
+  //
+  // IS gives the mapping from items to subjects
+  // IS[i] provides a vector of integers corresponding to the subjects
+  //    who voted on item i. 
+  // IS[i][s] gets the subject index of the sth subject to vote on item i
+  vector< vector<int> > IS;
+  for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+    vector<int> subjholder;
+    for (int j=0; j<*nrowYdata; ++j){
+      if (Ydata[M(j,1,*nrowYdata)] == i){
+	subjholder.push_back(Ydata[M(j,0,*nrowYdata)]);
+      }
+    }
+    sort(subjholder.begin(), subjholder.end());
+    IS.push_back(subjholder);
+  }
+  // SI gives the mapping from subjects to items
+  // SI[s] provides a vector of integers corresponding to the items
+  //    voted on by subject s. 
+  // SI[s][i] gets the item index of the ith item voted on by subject s
+  vector< vector<int> > SI;
+  for (int i=0; i<*nsubj; ++i){
+    vector<int> itemholder;
+    for (int j=0; j<*nrowYdata; ++j){
+      if (Ydata[M(j,0,*nrowYdata)] == i){
+	itemholder.push_back(Ydata[M(j,1,*nrowYdata)]);
+      }
+    }
+    sort(itemholder.begin(), itemholder.end());
+    SI.push_back(itemholder);
+  }
+  // TI gives the mapping from times to items
+  // TI[t] provides a vector of integers corresponding to the items
+  //    voted on in time period t. 
+  // TI[t][i] gets the item index of the ith item voted on in time period t
+  vector< vector<int> > TI;
+  for (int t=0; t<*ntime; ++t){
+    vector<int> itemholder;
+    for (int i=0; i<*lengthITdata; ++i){
+      if (ITdata[i] == t){
+	itemholder.push_back(i);
+      }
+    }
+    sort(itemholder.begin(), itemholder.end());
+    TI.push_back(itemholder);
+  }
+  // IT gives the mapping from items to times and is just fancy
+  // way of holding the stuff in *ITdata
+  vector<int> IT;
+  for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+    IT.push_back(ITdata[i]);
+  }
+  // ST gives the mapping from subjects to times
+  // ST[s] provides a vector of integers corresponding to the times
+  //    in which items were voted on by subject s. 
+  // ST[s][t] gets the time index of the tth time period served by subject s
+  /*
+  vector <vector <int> > ST;
+  for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+    vector <int> timeholder;
+    for (int iind=0; iind<SI[s].size(); ++iind){
+      const int i = SI[s][iind];
+      const int t = IT[i];
+      if (timeholder.empty()){
+	timeholder.push_back(t);
+      }
+      vector<int>::iterator myiter;
+      myiter = find(timeholder.begin(), timeholder.end(), t);
+      if (myiter == timeholder.end()){ // t not currently in timeholder
+	timeholder.push_back(t);
+      }      
+    }
+    sort(timeholder.begin(), timeholder.end());
+    ST.push_back(timeholder);
+  }
+  */
+  // STI gives the list of item indices of items voted on by by subject s
+  // in the tth time period served by s
+  vector< vector < vector <int> > > STI;
+  for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+    vector < vector <int> > timeitemholder;
+    for (int tt=0; tt<theta[s].size(); ++tt){
+      const int t = tt + theta_offset[s];
+      vector <int> itemholder;
+      for (int ii=0; ii<TI[t].size(); ++ii){
+	const int i = TI[t][ii];
+	if (Z[s][i] != -999){
+	  itemholder.push_back(i);
+	}
+      }
+      timeitemholder.push_back(itemholder);
+    }
+    STI.push_back(timeitemholder);
+  }
+  // MCMC iterations start here
+  int sampcount = 0;
+  for (int iter=0; iter < tot_iter; ++iter){
+    // sample latent Z
+    for (int j=0; j<*nrowYdata; ++j){
+      const int s = Ydata[M(j, 0, *nrowYdata)]; // subject id
+      const int i = Ydata[M(j, 1, *nrowYdata)]; // item id
+      const int y = Ydata[M(j, 2, *nrowYdata)]; // y value
+      const int t = IT[i];                      // time period
+      const double mu = -alphadata[i] + 
+	betadata[i] * theta[s][t-theta_offset[s]];
+      if (y == 1.0){
+	Z[s][i] = stream.rtbnorm_combo(mu, 1.0, 0);
+      }
+      if (y == 0.0){
+	Z[s][i] = stream.rtanorm_combo(mu, 1.0, 0);	
+      }
+    }
+    // sample item parameters (alpha, beta)
+    for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+      const int nsubj_i = IS[i].size();
+      double sumthetasq = 0.0;
+      double sumtheta = 0.0;
+      double sumz = 0.0;
+      double sumthetaz = 0.0;
+      const int t = IT[i]; 
+      for (int ss=0; ss<nsubj_i; ++ss){
+	const int s = IS[i][ss];
+	const double theta_st = theta[s][t - theta_offset[s]];
+	sumthetasq += std::pow(theta_st, 2.0);
+	sumtheta += -1*theta_st;
+	sumz += -1*Z[s][i];
+	sumthetaz += Z[s][i] * theta_st;
+      } // end ss loop
+      const double sumthetaallsq = std::pow(sumtheta, 2.0);
+      const double invdet = 1.0 / ((nsubj_i + *A0) * 
+				   (sumthetasq + *B0) - 
+				   sumthetaallsq);
+      const double v11star = invdet * (sumthetasq + *B0);
+      const double v12star = invdet * (-1.0 * sumtheta);
+      const double v22star = invdet * (nsubj_i + *B0);
+      const double s1star = std::sqrt(v11star);
+      const double s2star = std::sqrt(v22star);
+      const double rho = v12star / (s1star * s2star);
+      const double holder1 = sumz + A0a0;
+      const double holder2 = sumthetaz + B0b0;
+      const double m1star = v11star * holder1 + v12star * holder2;
+      const double m2star = v12star * holder1 + v22star * holder2;
+      // (alpha[i], beta[i]) ~ 
+      //     N((m1star, m2star), c(v11star, v12star, v22star) )
+      alphadata[i] = stream.rnorm(m1star, s1star);
+      const double cond_mean = m2star - m1star * (v12star / v11star) + 
+	alphadata[i] * (v12star / v11star);
+      const double cond_sd = std::sqrt(v22star * ( 1 - std::pow(rho, 2.0)));
+      betadata[i] = stream.rnorm(cond_mean, cond_sd);      
+    } // end i loop
+    // sample subject parameters (theta, tau2)
+    for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+      const int ntime_s = theta[s].size();
+      if (thetaeqdata[s] != -999){
+	for (int t=0; t<ntime_s; ++t){
+	  theta[s][t] = thetaeqdata[s];
+	}
+      }
+      else{
+	// time period 0
+	vector<double> beta_s0;
+	beta_s0.reserve(STI[s][0].size());
+	vector<double> zalpha_s0;
+	zalpha_s0.reserve(STI[s][0].size());
+	for (int ii=0; ii<STI[s][0].size(); ++ii){
+	  const int i = STI[s][0][ii];
+	  beta_s0.push_back(betadata[i]);
+	  zalpha_s0.push_back(Z[s][i] + alphadata[i]);
+	}
+	vector<double> a;
+	a.reserve(ntime_s);
+	a.push_back(e0[s]);
+	vector<double> R;
+	R.reserve(ntime_s);
+	R.push_back(E0inv[s] + tau2data[s]);
+	vector <double> f_0 = beta_s0;
+	for (int i=0; i<f_0.size(); ++i){
+	  f_0[i] = f_0[i] * a[0];
+	}
+	Matrix <> Q_0(beta_s0.size(), beta_s0.size());
+	for (int i=0; i<beta_s0.size(); ++i){
+	  for (int j=i; j<beta_s0.size(); ++j){
+	    if (i!=j){
+	      Q_0(i,j) = Q_0(j,i) = beta_s0[i] * beta_s0[j] * R[0];
+	    }
+	    else{
+	      Q_0(i,j) = beta_s0[i] * beta_s0[j] * R[0] + 1.0;
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	vector <double> e_0 = zalpha_s0;
+	for (int i=0; i<e_0.size(); ++i){
+	  e_0[i] = e_0[i] - f_0[i];
+	}
+	const Matrix <> Q_0_inv = invpd(Q_0);
+	vector <double> A_0;
+	A_0.reserve(beta_s0.size());
+	for (int i=0; i<beta_s0.size(); ++i){
+	  double sumholder = 0.0;
+	  for (int j=0; j<beta_s0.size(); ++j){
+	    sumholder += beta_s0[j] * Q_0_inv(j,i);
+	  }
+	  A_0.push_back(sumholder * R[0]);
+	}
+	vector<double> m;
+	m.reserve(ntime_s);
+	double mhold = a[0];
+	for (int i=0; i<A_0.size(); ++i){
+	  mhold += A_0[i] * e_0[i];
+	}
+	m.push_back(mhold);
+	vector<double> C;
+	C.reserve(ntime_s);
+	double Chold = 0.0;
+	for (int i=0; i<A_0.size(); ++i){
+	  double hold2 = 0.0;
+	  for (int j=0; j<A_0.size(); ++j){
+	    //cout << "i = " << i << "   j = " << j << endl;
+	    hold2 += Q_0(i,j) * A_0[j];
+	  }
+	  Chold += hold2 * A_0[i];
+	}
+	C.push_back(R[0] - Chold); 
+	// time periods 1 to T
+	for (int tt=1; tt<ntime_s; ++tt){
+	  if (STI[s][tt].size() == 0){
+	    a.push_back(m[tt-1]);
+	    R.push_back(C[tt-1] + tau2data[s]);
+	    m.push_back(a[tt]);
+	    C.push_back(R[tt]);
+	  }
+	  else{
+	    vector<double> beta_s;
+	    beta_s.reserve(STI[s][tt].size());
+	    vector<double> zalpha_s;
+	    zalpha_s.reserve(STI[s][tt].size());
+	    for (int ii=0; ii<STI[s][tt].size(); ++ii){
+	      const int i = STI[s][tt][ii];
+	      beta_s.push_back(betadata[i]);
+	      zalpha_s.push_back(Z[s][i] + alphadata[i]);
+	    }
+	    // a
+	    a.push_back(m[tt-1]);
+	    // R
+	    R.push_back(C[tt-1] + tau2data[s]);
+	    vector <double> f = beta_s;
+	    for (int i=0; i<f.size(); ++i){
+	      f[i] = f[i] * a[tt];
+	    }
+	    Matrix <> Q(beta_s.size(), beta_s.size());
+	    for (int i=0; i<beta_s.size(); ++i){
+	      for (int j=i; j<beta_s.size(); ++j){
+		if (i!=j){
+		  Q(i,j) = Q(j,i) = beta_s[i] * beta_s[j] * R[tt];
+		}
+		else{
+		  Q(i,j) = beta_s[i] * beta_s[j] * R[tt] + 1.0;
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    vector <double> e = zalpha_s;
+	    for (int i=0; i<e.size(); ++i){
+	      e[i] = e[i] - f[i];
+	    }
+	    const Matrix <> Q_inv = invpd(Q);
+	    vector <double> A;
+	    A.reserve(beta_s.size());
+	    for (int i=0; i<beta_s.size(); ++i){
+	      double sumholder = 0.0;
+	      for (int j=0; j<beta_s.size(); ++j){
+		sumholder += beta_s[j] * Q_inv(j,i);
+	      }
+	      A.push_back(sumholder * R[tt]);
+	    }
+	    mhold = a[tt];
+	    for (int i=0; i<A.size(); ++i){
+	      mhold += A[i] * e[i];
+	    }
+	    m.push_back(mhold);
+	    Chold = 0.0;
+	    for (int i=0; i<A.size(); ++i){
+	      double hold2 = 0.0;
+	      for (int j=0; j<A.size(); ++j){
+		hold2 += Q(i,j) * A[j];
+	      }
+	      Chold += hold2 * A[i];
+	    }
+	    C.push_back(R[tt] - Chold); 
+	  }
+	} // end tt loop
+	if (thetaineqdata[s] == 0){
+	theta[s][ntime_s-1] = stream.rnorm(m[ntime_s-1], 
+					   std::sqrt(C[ntime_s-1]));
+	}
+	else if (thetaineqdata[s] > 0){
+	  theta[s][ntime_s-1] = stream.rtbnorm_combo(m[ntime_s-1], 
+						     C[ntime_s-1], 0.0);
+	}
+	else{
+	  theta[s][ntime_s-1] = stream.rtanorm_combo(m[ntime_s-1], 
+						     C[ntime_s-1], 0.0);
+	}
+	for (int tt=(ntime_s-2); tt>=0; --tt){
+	  const double B = C[tt] * (1.0 / R[tt+1]);
+	  const double h = m[tt] + B * (theta[s][tt+1] - a[tt+1]);
+	  const double H = C[tt] - B * R[tt+1] * B;
+	  if (thetaineqdata[s] == 0){
+	    theta[s][tt] = stream.rnorm(h, std::sqrt(H));
+	  }
+	  else if (thetaineqdata[s] > 0){
+	    theta[s][tt] = stream.rtbnorm_combo(h, H, 0.0);
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    theta[s][tt] = stream.rtanorm_combo(h, H, 0.0);
+	  }
+	} // end backwards tt loop
+      } // end theteqdataa[s] == -999 
+      // sample smoothing parameters (tau2)
+      if (c0[s] > 0 && d0[s] > 0){		
+	double SSE = 0.0;
+	for (int t=1; t<ntime_s; ++t){
+	  SSE += std::pow((theta[s][t] - theta[s][t-1]), 2.0);
+	} 
+	const double param1 = (c0[s] + ntime_s - 1) * 0.5;
+	const double param2 = (d0[s] + SSE) * 0.5;
+	tau2data[s] = stream.rigamma(param1, param2);
+      }
+    } // end s loop (end of theta tau2 loop)
+    // store draws
+    if (iter >= *burnin && (iter % *thin == 0)) {
+      if (*storeability == 1){
+	int internalcount = 0;
+	for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+	  for (int t=0; t<theta[s].size(); ++t){
+	    thetadraws[M(sampcount, internalcount, *nrowthetadraws)] = 
+	      theta[s][t];
+	    ++internalcount;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      if (*storeitem == 1){
+	for (int i=0; i<*nitems; ++i){
+	  alphadraws[M(sampcount, i, *nrowalphadraws)] = alphadata[i];
+	  betadraws[M(sampcount, i, *nrowbetadraws)] = betadata[i];
+	}
+      }
+      for (int s=0; s<*nsubj; ++s){
+	tau2draws[M(sampcount, s, *nrowtau2draws)] = tau2data[s];
+      }
+      ++sampcount;
+    }
+    // print output to stdout
+    // print output to stdout
+    if(*verbose > 0 && iter % *verbose == 0){
+      Rprintf("\n\nMCMCdynamicIRT1d iteration %i of %i \n", (iter+1), tot_iter);
+      /*
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[1].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[1][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[7].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[7][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[5].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[5][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[8].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[8][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[2].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[2][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[4].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[4][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[0].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[0][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[3].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[3][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      for (int t=0; t<theta[6].size(); ++t){
+	Rprintf("%f ", theta[6][t]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      Rprintf("\n\n");
+      Rprintf("alpha[0] = %f \n", alphadata[0]);
+      Rprintf("beta[0] = %f \n", betadata[0]);
+      Rprintf("alpha[0]/beta[0] = %f \n", alphadata[0]/betadata[0]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[1] = %f \n", tau2data[1]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[7] = %f \n", tau2data[7]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[5] = %f \n", tau2data[5]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[8] = %f \n", tau2data[8]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[2] = %f \n", tau2data[2]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[4] = %f \n", tau2data[4]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[0] = %f \n", tau2data[0]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[3] = %f \n", tau2data[3]);
+      Rprintf("tau2[6] = %f \n", tau2data[6]);
+      Rprintf("\n\n");	
+      */
+    }
+    R_CheckUserInterrupt(); // allow user interrupts 
+  } // end iter loop
+} // end  MCMCdynamicIRT1d_impl function
+extern "C" {
+  void MCMCdynamicIRT1d(double* thetadraws, const int* nrowthetadraws,
+			const int* ncolthetadraws,
+			double* alphadraws, const int* nrowalphadraws,
+			const int* ncolalphadraws,
+			double* betadraws, const int* nrowbetadraws,
+			const int* ncolbetadraws,
+			double* tau2draws, const int* nrowtau2draws,
+			const int* ncoltau2draws,
+			const int* nsubj, const int* nitems,
+			const int* ntime,
+ 			const int* Ydata, const int* nrowYdata, 
+			const int* ncolYdata,
+			const int* ITdata, const int* lengthITdata,
+			const int* burnin, const int* mcmc, const int* thin,
+			const int* uselecuyer, const int* seedarray,
+			const int* lecuyerstream,
+			const int* verbose, 
+			const double* thetastartdata, 
+			const int* lengththetastart, 
+			const int* thetainfodata,
+			const int* nrowthetainfo,
+			const int* ncolthetainfo,
+			double* alphastartdata,
+			const int* lengthalphastart,
+			double* betastartdata,
+			const int* lengthbetastart,
+			double* tau2startdata,
+			const int* lengthtau2start,
+			const double* c0,
+			const int* lengthc0,
+			const double* d0,
+			const int* lengthd0,
+			const double* a0,
+			const double* A0,
+			const double* b0,
+			const double* B0,
+			const double* e0,
+			const double* E0inv,
+			const double* thetaeqdata,
+			const int* nrowthetaeq,
+			const int* ncolthetaeq,
+			const double* thetaineqdata,
+			const int* nrowthetaineq,
+			const int* ncolthetaineq,
+			const int* storeitem,
+			const int* storeability
+			){
+    MCMCPACK_PASSRNG2MODEL(MCMCdynamicIRT1d_impl, thetadraws, nrowthetadraws,
+			   ncolthetadraws, alphadraws, nrowalphadraws,
+			   ncolalphadraws, betadraws, nrowbetadraws,
+			   ncolbetadraws, tau2draws, nrowtau2draws,
+			   ncoltau2draws, nsubj, nitems, ntime,
+			   Ydata, nrowYdata, ncolYdata,
+			   ITdata,  lengthITdata, burnin,  mcmc, thin,
+			   verbose, thetastartdata, lengththetastart, 
+			   thetainfodata, nrowthetainfo, ncolthetainfo,
+			   alphastartdata, lengthalphastart, betastartdata,
+			   lengthbetastart, tau2startdata, lengthtau2start,
+			   c0, lengthc0, d0, lengthd0,
+			   a0, A0, b0, B0, e0, E0inv, thetaeqdata, nrowthetaeq,
+			   ncolthetaeq, thetaineqdata, nrowthetaineq,
+			   ncolthetaineq, storeitem, storeability );
+  } // end MCMCdynamicIRT1d
+} // end extern "C"

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-mcmcpack.git

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