[pandas] annotated tag v0.11.0rc1 created (now 1b7e4d1)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:12 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to annotated tag v0.11.0rc1
in repository pandas.
at 1b7e4d1 (tag)
tagging 258c7e3c5ec5dca7bec32308925b94267fbcff61 (commit)
replaces v0.10.1
tagged by Wes McKinney
on Fri Apr 12 18:59:28 2013 -0700
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.11 RC 1
Adam Greenhall (3):
ylabels for secondary_y axis
BUG: fix scatter matrix axis labels for odd number of columns
DOC: add example and warning on fallback indexing for float indexes.
Alvaro Tejero-Cantero (4):
DOC: Paragraph line-length in HDFStore section limited to 79 (PEP8).
DOC: Apply PEP8 to code chunks in HDFStore doc (except Term lists, for readability).
DOC: Typos + little PEP8 spacing instances and reverted inadvertent add at doc/source/conf.py
DOC: prepend missing >>> to docstring Examples in set_index.
Andy Hayden (22):
keep name after DataFrame drop, add check_name to assert_dataframe_equal
default check_names to True, and fix calls where this is problematic
BUG join with missing values on right (GH_2843)
Merge pull request #2965 from hayd/iss2843-left-join-on-na
Merge pull request #2962 from hayd/issue2939_drop_loses_name_2
Merge pull request #2964 from hayd/assert_frame_equal_check_names
DOC release notes add assert_frame_equal checks index and column names
Merge pull request #3174 from hayd/assert-frame-equal-doc
Merge pull request #3175 from waitingkuo/fix-rename
TST fix broken tests (which were using fancy asserts, broke travis py2.6 and py3)
Merge pull request #3200 from hayd/fancy_asserts
BUG MultiIndex sometimes tupled on apply, 2902
Merge pull request #3199 from hayd/GH2902
Merge pull request #3207 from hayd/GH2836-resolve-merge-conflict
ENH index diff respects names
Merge pull request #3225 from hayd/index_sub_names
TST add regression test for GH2753
Merge pull request #3227 from hayd/GH2753
Merge pull request #3184 from waitingkuo/fix-append-empty-frame
ENH add time to DatetimeIndex
DOC add missing arguments to to_datetime docstring
Merge pull request #3314 from hayd/DOC_dayfirst_to_to_datetime
Brad Buran (2):
Raise more specific exceptions when parsing fails
ENH: Allow read_frame to use parameterized queries
Chang She (18):
BUG: Series.apply fails on empty Series #2815
BUG: DataFrame.plot does not respect integer index as x-ticks #2726
Small tweaks to PR #2785
BUG: PeriodIndex.tolist boxes to list of Periods #3178
BUG: PeriodIndex.get_loc KeyError now reports Period instead of ordinal #3179
CLN: pass in Period instead of Period repr to remove extra double quotes #3179
TST: fix broken test case on py3 and add assertRaises #3179
BUG: stacking with MultiIndex column with some unused level uniques fails #3170
BUG: remove unused columns from final result
BUG: week of year incorrect at year boundaries #2768
BUG: KDE plot fails with color kwarg #3187
BUG: week of year fix around leap years #2768
BUG: Series diff(0) fails #3257
BUG: DatetimeIndex bug adding offsets to tz-aware indices #3210
BUG: anchored week to_timestamp conversion run #2742
BUG: suppress error raise by nonnumeric columns when plotting DataFrame #3108
Merge pull request #3073 from qwhelan/series_figsize
BUG: add raise_on_error to plot when handling errors raised by attempting to plot non-numeric columns #3287
Chapman Siu (2):
DOC: update scipy.py #2916
CLN: docstring fixes
Chris Withers (1):
fix docstring for date_parser option
Christian Geier (1):
lag_plot() accepts variable lags
Christopher Whelan (2):
DOC: Fix syntax so bug listing renders properly
Handle figsize= correctly in plot_series
Damien Garaud (2):
BUG: Add test to read_csv with usecols and regexp separator. #2733
Replace the regexp separator by a whitespace delimiter with the same data text.
Dan Birken (3):
ENH: Pass **kwargs through to matplotlib .scatter()
DOC: Add more detailed description of commit prefixes
ENH: Declare a BoolBlock as a NumericBlock
Dan Davison (1):
DataFrame.from_items clean-up
Dieter Vandenbussche (2):
BUG: handle single column frame in DataFrame.cov
BUG: Handle concat of series with same name, GH2972
Dražen Lučanin (1):
Remove confusing default val hints from docstrings
Dražen Lučanin (3):
cython dependency and a pip tip
pip/pypi clarification
Resample docstring default values changed
Garrett Drapala (4):
DOC: add "kde" and "density" to plot kind docstring
ENH: add escape parameter to to_html()
DOC: mention new to_html() escape argument and & escaping
BUG: fix to_html double escaping
Illia Polosukhin (1):
Added count of columns when DataFrame is printed out
James Casbon (1):
Update doc/source/install.rst
Jeff Reback (4):
BUG: incorrect default in df.convert_objects was converting object types in applymap (#2909)
BLD: fixed file modes
DOC: cookbook examples
DOC: fix file modes
Jeremy Wagner (1):
BUG: fixes handling of the 'kind' argument in Series.order (GH #2811)
Jonathan Chambers (2):
pycharm gitignore
DOC: added section for to_pydatetime method
K.-Michael Aye (1):
DOC: improving docstring for swaplevel method #2648
Loïc Estève (4):
BUG: Creating DatetimeIndex from empty array with datetime64 dtype raises IndexError
BUG: automatic color cycling when plotting Series without style or color argument
Share color cycle between left and right axes
Add note in RELEASE.rst
Nicholaus E. Halecky (6):
EHN: Expand Yahoo finance features, idx components
TST: Expanded test coverage of yahoo finance funcs
BUG: Fix backwards compatibility in get_data_yahoo
CLN: tweaks in io.data (yahoo)
BUG: Fixed decode issue in get_data_yahoo() GH2847
TST: Better tests for yahoo finance features.
Peter Prettenhofer (2):
tests if plotting.hist passes kwargs to matplotlib.hist
pass kwargs of grouped_hist to matplotlib.hist
Phillip Cloud (5):
ENH: add display.max_info_rows option
remove inconsistent validator
add a test for setting display.max_info_rows to None
add validator for max_info_rows option
BLD: fix time module import conflict
Robert Gieseke (2):
Fix typo in performance_doc
DOC: Fix typos
Skipper Seabold (5):
ENH: Add title string method
BUG: Fix broken YearBegin offset. Closes #2844.
BUG: Fix corner case in YearBegin
STY: Remove unnecessary old code.
TST: Use correct expectations for AS in tests
Spencer Lyon (7):
Updated options data file
BUG: Small bug in helper functions _unpack and _parse_options_data
BUG: Small bug in helper functions _unpack and _parse_options_data
Restored the options to TextParser. They got removed on a copy/paste from my local test file and I just caught it
Moved line to be pep8 compliant
BUG: in data.io.options.get_forward_data for puts
DOC: Added note about changes in Options class to v0.11.0.txt
Stephen Lin (25):
BUG: Period slicing with period_range returns error
BUG: Slicing and setitem inconsistent with getitem using DateTimeIndex with timezone
BUG: Timestamp constructor not handling timezone conversions correctly
BUG: naive datetime keys not localized to DateTimeIndex tz
TST: add vb_suite test for reindex with upcasting
ENH: Optimize take_*; improve non-NA fill_value support
BUG: Various inconsistencies in DataFrame __getitem__ and __setitem__ behavior
ENH: time slicing on datetime indicies
TST: improve at_time/between_time test
BUG: Mismatch between get and set behavior for slices of floating indices
TST: fix failing #2752 tests for 32-bit builds
BUG: Various issues with maybe_convert_objects (GH #2845)
BUG: Another issue with maybe_convert_objects (GH #2845)
TST: Corner case tests for maybe_convert_objects (GH #2845)
CLN: add fill_value return value to common._maybe_promote
ENH: Consolidate and further improve performance of take functions
ENH: optimize Cython take functions with memmove where possible
RLS: add release notes for 'opt-take-2' and 'fix-maybe-convert-objects'
RLS: fixup RELEASE.rst links
BUG: Series construction from MaskedArray fails for non-floating, non-object types
BUG: nanops.var produces incorrect results due to int64 overflow
BUG: timezone offset double counted using date_range
BUG: DateTimeIndex.append broken with tz-aware indices
CLN: cleanup arguments in generate_code.py
PERF: Limit memmove to >= 256 bytes, relax contiguity requirements
Thierry Moisan (5):
add comparisons operator to the Period object and fixes issue 2781
move the Period tests in test_period.py and add assertRaises tests for comparisons
use a function factory for comparisons of Period objects
fix issue 2926
add tests for issue 2926
Thomas Kluyver (1):
Update doc/source/io.rst
Tim Akinbo (1):
removed the requirement of pandas to have numpy
Vytautas Jancauskas (85):
Added rplot stub
Added an RPlot class and a simple geom class
Added GeomDensity2d
Small improvements
Set colours from a column
Added a docstring to filter_column
Added parse_facets function
Work on layer class
Added docstring to scale_size function
Added scale_gradient function
Added scale_gradient function
Added a test function to display grouped plots
Added TrellisGrid class
Added scale_constant function
Added scale_gradient2 function
Added scale_shape function
Adjust spacing and axis limits in trellis plots
Display shingle variable values in a matplotlib table
Redefined GeomPoint class
Removed an unused function
Added aes function
Work on RPlot class
Reworked the GeomDensity2D class
Implemented sequence_layers and merge_aes functions
Removed old GeomDensity2d class
Fix a typo
Numerous typo and trivial mistak fixes
Added default aes dictionary constructing function
Fixed issues with GeomPoint and GeomDensity2D
Work on TrellisGrid class
Got rid of the is_trellis method, use isinstance instead
Added sequence_grids function
Added work_grid function
Make sure the user supplies a list of length 2 to group by
Make sure the user passes a Layer instance to RPlot + operator
Implemented adjust_subplots function
Added the ability to group by a single attribute in to either rows or cols
Some adjustments
Created a random colour scaler
Added GeomPolyFit class
Added GeomScatter class
Added GeomHistogram class
Added GeomDensity class
Docstring updates
Docstring updates
Enabled x axis label for histograms
Finished updating docstrings
Allow users to specify non-callable objects in make_aes
Implemented scale_shape as a class
Added dictionary_union function
Work towards displaying legends properly
Implemented legend display for scatter plots
More progress towards correct legend display
ScaleShape fixes
Fix a mistake with ScaleShape
Make sure the legend is nicely sorted
Added test_rplot.py file
Added docstrings to ScaleConstant class
Finished implementing ScaleShape class, complete with docstrings
Implemented ScaleSize as a class
Implemented ScaleGradient as a class
Implemented ScaleGradient2 as a class
Simplify the Layer initialization method
Fix a problem with aes dictionaries
Added a ScaleGradient test class
Implemented a test class for ScaleGradient2, re-implemented tests for ScaleGradient
Added test_make_aes1 method
Added type security checks to make_aes
Added test_make_aes2 method, fixed a bug with make_aes
Added test_dictionary_union method to TestUtilityFunctions
Added test_merge_aes method
Added TestScaleRandomColour class
Added TestScaleConstant class
Added TestScaleSize class
Added test_sequence_layers method
Added TestTrellis class
Added test_grid_sizes method
Added test_trellis_cols_rows method
Added TestRPlot1 class
Added TestRPlot2 and TestRPlot3
Reorganize TestRPlot
Added the iris data set example to tests
Make sure legend displays with non-trellised plots and fix a bug with legend sorting
Changed + to add
fix the case when there is no legend
Vytautas Jančauskas (2):
Added rplot examples to doc
Some more documentation
Wes McKinney (71):
BLD: also clean pyo files
Merge pull request #2774 from y-p/fix_guidelines
ENH: don't make unnecessary data copy in groupby
Merge remote branch 'jreback/dtypes'
Merge PR #2752
Merge remote branch 'stephenwlin/opt-take'
RLS: bump dev version to 0.11
TST: handle #2804 bug in cython
Merge remote branch 'spencerlyon2/options'
RLS: add release note about #2795
Merge PR #2750
RLS: add some release notes
DOC: fix up whats new stuff
TST: tweak #2733 test and raise exception when usecols + python engine
Merge PR #2755
BUG: don't show [] for empty series. close #2775
ENH: create array core module
ENH: adapt stdlib _strptime module to Cython for 2.5x speedup
DOC: release notes
STY: remove unneeded cruft
BUG: initialize other fields of datetimestruct to 0
BLD: fix python 3 build
Merge remote branch 'y-p/feature/limit_printing_long_seq'
BUG: fix scalar date_parser issue in read_csv. close #3071
BUG: fix closed='left' erroneous resampling logic regression. close #3020
BUG: guard against i < -len(series) in get_value_box fast code path. re: #3168
DOC: release notes
ENH: replace some usages of DataFrame to more generic self._constructor. #2865
ENH: better error message when discretization might create an ambiguity. close #1978
BUG: fix parser case using Timestamp as a date parser. close #2932
DOC: release notes
Merge remote-tracking branch 'Moisan/period_bug'
DOC: release notes
BUG: fix bug when concatenating series with axis=1 and they have the same name. close #2797
API: return None when inplace=True. re #1893
ENH: handle ragged CSV files nicely when specifying explicit list of column names. close #2981
Merge pull request #3212 from wesm/inplace-not-return-self
DOC: add brief note to gotchas about threadsafety. close #2729
DOC: release notes
Merge pull request #3271 from y-p/bye_TODO
Merge pull request #3273 from y-p/clean_sandbox
API: raise TypeError out of GroupBy.agg
DOC: release noets
Merge remote-tracking branch 'jseabold/fix-2844'
BUG: fix segfault introduced by prior #2981 fix
Merge pull request #3285 from bburan-galenea/bburan-galenea/sql-cursor-to-dataframe
BUG: fix engine='python' integer outside fp rep range issue. close #3258
Merge pull request #3266 from cjw296/doc_fix
ENH: silently return NA in String.str.get when values are too short. close #3223
BUG: test case showing why assigning to dtype is unsafe
Merge pull request #3292 from jreback/unsafe
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pydata/pandas
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pydata/pandas
Merge pull request #3208 from lodagro/issue_3201
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pydata/pandas
Merge remote-tracking branch 'orbitfold/rplot'
STY: untabify
Merge remote-tracking branch 'pprett/hist-kwargs'
BUG: remove scipy top level import
BUG: also remove pyplot top level import
BUG: long->int on 32-bit platforms for exception checking purposes
BUG: another pesky mpl import
Merge remote-tracking branch 'gdraps/to-html-escape-parm'
Merge pull request #3264 from anomrake/latex-tables
Merge pull request #3287 from changhiskhan/nonnumeric-plot
Merge pull request #3322 from jreback/index_astype
BUG: segfault when set_index with MultiIndex. close #3308
Merge PR #3310
Merge PR #2881 and fix unit test
BUG: fix raw path to github raw data file
RLS: version 0.11 release candidate 1
Will Furnass (2):
Override Matplotlib's Axes.format_coord method for tseries plots
ENH: Enabled display of cursor coordinate info in t-series plots
Wouter Overmeire (12):
ENH: add link to travis build status image
TST: avoid platform dependency, close #2854
BUG: take into account adjoin width, closes #3201
BUG: fix max_columns=0, close #2856
TST: add test for diplay options max_rows and max_columns
BUG: fix expand_frame_repr
TST: add test for display option expand_frame_repr
WIP: rework full/info/expand repr decision tree.
DOC: add docstring
WIP: finish on #2856
DOC: fix typo
TST: run benchmark for repr wide frame with/without interactive mode
anomrake (1):
modified to_latex method of DataFrameFormatter to make nicer typeset tables
davidjameshumphreys (1):
DOC: Added error_bad_lines to the summary options
dieterv77 (3):
Merge pull request #2975 from dieterv77/FixCovIssue
Merge pull request #2851 from meteore/fix-set_index-docstring
Merge pull request #3058 from dieterv77/FixGH2972
jreback (263):
BUG: DataFrame.clip arguments were inconsistent to numpy and Series.clip, closes GH #2747
BUG: various bug fixes for DataFrame/Series construction related to:
BUG: issue in PyTables with too many selectors in a where
TST: use ensure_clean contextmanager to avoid spewing temporary files if
DOC: added DataTypes section to HDFStore
ENH: provide dotted (attribute) access in stores (e.g. store.df == store['df'])
BUG: provide backwards compatibility to DataFrame.clip if arguments are reversed
ENH: allow propgation and coexistance of numeric dtypes (closes GH #622)
TST: changed rows to test in hdfstore vbench to 25k from 100k
ENH: provide squeeze method for removing 1-len dimensions, close (GH #2544)
TST: added addtl datetimes test in construction (ref GH #2809/2810)
DOC: migrated 0.10.2 remaining changes to 0.11.0
Merge pull request #2840 from jreback/pytables_doc
BUG: HDFStore - missing implementation of bool columns in selection
Merge pull request #2849 from jreback/pytables_bug
BUG: proper conversion of string to bool HDFStore selection
Merge pull request #2855 from jreback/pytables_bug
Merge pull request #2848 from lexual/typofix_propgate
Merge pull request #2857 from lodagro/issue_2854
BUG: fixup GH #2751; make sure that we cast to platform numeric
DOC: RELEASE and whatsnew updated for DataFrame from lists change
CLN: cleaned up _possibly_convert_platform
CLN: moved some functionality from series._sanitize to com._dtype_from_scalar
DOC: whatsnew updates
CLN: in common.py merged _dtype_from_scalar and _infer_dtype
CLN: in common.py - revised _maybe_upcast to use _maybe_promote
ENH: provide boolean indexing with dtype preservation if possible
ENH: return dtype on invalid function in where is now float64
BUG: fixed bug in IntBlock splitting
TST: force rebuild
CLN: change call signature of _maybe_promote (from stephenwlin branch)
Merge pull request #2846 from stephenwlin/fix-maybe-convert-objects
Merge branch 'dtypes_bug' of https://github.com/jreback/pandas into jreback-dtypes_bug
Merge pull request #2867 from stephenwlin/opt-take-2
Merge pull request #2871 from jreback/dtypes1
BUG: fix sparse_frame printing (bug introduced in dtypes)
TST: added tests for GH #2837
Merge pull request #2875 from jreback/sparse
Merge pull request #2910 from pydata/applymap
BUG: support data column indexers that have a large numbers of values
Merge pull request #2914 from jreback/pytables_bug1
Merge pull request #2880 from stephenwlin/sanitize-masked-array
BUG: Series ops with a rhs of a Timestamp was throwing an exception
Merge pull request #2889 from stephenwlin/nanops-int64
Merge pull request #2899 from jreback/timedelta_issue
Merge pull request #2920 from pydata/modes
CLN: replace np.flatten() with np.ravel() if copy is not necessary
Merge pull request #2921 from jreback/ravel
BUG: formatting for Series printing was multiple Dtype lines
BUG: pathological case on SparseSeries with 0-len array and compression (GH 2931)
Merge pull request #2933 from jreback/pytables_2931
Merge pull request #2930 from jreback/series_format
DOC: updated dtypes docs
Merge pull request #2947 from jreback/dtypes_doc
BUG: in-place conversion of integer series to float (on putmasking), GH #2746
CLN: argument order and dtype formatting to be consistent with standard
BUG: negative timedeltas not printing correctly
BUG: issue with timedelta64 and numpy 1.6.1 (used on travis), fixed by using views
Merge pull request #2950 from jreback/intna_2746
Merge pull request #2951 from jreback/series_dtype
Merge pull request #2955 from jreback/timedelta_issues
BUG: fixed .abs on Series with a timedelta (partial fix for 2957)
BUG: changed Dtype to dtype on series displays
Merge pull request #2959 from jreback/series_dtype2
BUG: HDFStore didn't implement != correctly for string columns, GH 2973
Merge pull request #2976 from jreback/pytables_select
BUG: Series.argsort failing on datetime64[ns] when NaT present, GH #2967
Merge pull request #2977 from jreback/argsort
Merge pull request #2958 from jreback/timedelta_2957_new
BUG: Bug in idxmin/idxmax of ``datetime64[ns]`` Series with ``NaT`` (GH2982_)
Merge pull request #2985 from jreback/idxmin
ENH: add .loc attribute to provide location-based indexing
TST: new test suite for indexing
ENH: added loc/at/iat indexers ....almost done
DOC/TST: revised indexing section in docs
DOC: added 10min newbie intro to pandas
DOC: revamped dtypes section in basics.rst
DOC: added sorting examples to 10min
Merge pull request #2922 from jreback/by_loc
ENH: support min/max on timedelta64[ns] Series GH #2989
ENH: optimization on possibily_convert_datetime to only try conversion in certain cases
Merge pull request #2990 from jreback/timedelta_fixes
DOC: doc updates/formatting in basics,indexing,10min
Merge pull request #2992 from jreback/docs
ENH: numexpr on boolean frames
ENH: added ability to use single or multi-threads in numexp testing
CLN: remove setup.py changes
Merge pull request #2925 from jreback/compare
DOC: added recommended dependencies section in install.rst, linking from v0.11.0.rst, and basics.rst
Merge pull request #2999 from jreback/doc2
BUG: fixed value_counts with datetime64[ns], GH 3002
Merge pull request #3003 from jreback/value_counts_3002
BUG: pytables not writing rows where all-nan in a part of a block
Merge pull request #3013 from jreback/pytables_3012
BUG: Bug in DataFrame column insertion when the column creation fails, existing frame is left in
Merge pull request #3018 from jreback/insert_3010
BUG: Bug in DataFrame update where non-specified values could cause dtype changes (GH3016_)
BUG: Bug in user-facing take with negative indicies was incorrect producing incorrect return values/failing (GH2892_)
Merge pull request #3021 from jreback/update_3016
Merge pull request #3027 from jreback/take
BUG: Formatting of an index that has ``nan`` was inconsistent or wrong (would fill from
DOC: added cookbook.rst to main docs
DOC: more recipes
Merge pull request #3034 from jreback/set_index
Merge pull request #3036 from jreback/cook
BUG: Unstack of a frame with no nans would always cause dtype upcasting (GH2929_)
Merge pull request #2935 from stephenwlin/daterange_tz
BUG: Bug in DataFrame combine_first where non-specified values could cause dtype changes (GH3041_)
Merge pull request #3040 from jreback/unstack
Merge pull request #3043 from jreback/combine_3016
BUG: Bug in groupby with first/last where dtypes could change (GH3041_)
Merge pull request #3044 from jreback/groupby_3016
DOC: more cook examples
Merge pull request #3049 from jreback/cook3
DOC: more examples
Merge pull request #3051 from jreback/cook4
ENH: Allow setitem in a frame where only mixed numerics are present (e.g. int and float) GH 3037
DOC: more examples
Merge pull request #3052 from jreback/cook5
BUG: loc was failing on integer slices (incorrect implementation), GH 3053
Merge pull request #3055 from jreback/loc
Merge pull request #3050 from jreback/numerics_3037
ENH: to_csv using masking to simplify dtype processing
PERF: cythonized parts of to_csv for increased perf
PERF: more cython tweaks
PERF: cythonized parts of to_csv for increased perf
PERF: more speedups
ENH: add chunksize parameter to DataFrame.to_csv to enable constant memory usage
REF: add com._ndarray_to_native_types
BUG/ENH: guarantee blocks will upcast as needed, and split as needed
Merge pull request #3065 from jreback/replace
ENH: _maybe_upcast_putmask now has the keyword, change to provide inline
PERF: added frame_to_csv2 vbench, revised frame_to_csv_mixed
Merge pull request #3068 from jreback/replace2
BUG: replace with a dict misbehaving (GH 3064), due to incorrect filtering
Merge pull request #3072 from jreback/replace3
TST: test for to_csv on failing vbench
ENH: refactor series from dict to list, eliminate one level of indirection
ENH: make chunks process constant element count
TST: test for to_csv on failing vbench
CLN: csv refactor
DOC/CLN: cookbook addition, minor cleaning in internals.py
Merge pull request #3079 from jreback/minor
ENH: New keywords ``iterator=boolean``, and ``chunksize=number_in_a_chunk`` are
Merge pull request #3078 from jreback/pytables_iter
TST: fail early on duplicate columns
TST/ENH: more helpful exceptions on trying to store invalid data
DOC: more examples in cookbook.rst
Merge pull request #3088 from jreback/hdf_error
PERF: added convert=boolean to take routines to enable negative index conversion
Merge pull request #3093 from jreback/perf_indexing
TST: added ensure_clean file cleanup context manager for file based tests
Merge pull request #3103 from jreback/ensure_clean
BUG: GH 3106, adding timedelta64[ns] objs to a frame, then consolidating didnt' correctly combine the blocks
Merge pull request #3107 from jreback/timedelta
BUG: incorrect ensure_clean (was ensure_path)
Merge pull request #3116 from jreback/ensure_clean_fix
TST: less likelihood of random failing tests
Merge pull request #3120 from jreback/hdf_travis
TST: test for GH2623, object in frame upconverting a datetime64[ns] in another column
BUG: GH2817, raise the correct KeyError that the multi-index is not sorted
BUG: HDFStore bug when appending to a table, .typ not recreated on 2nd appends
BUG: GH2719, fixed reshape on a Series with invalid input
Merge pull request #3126 from jreback/hdf_bug
Merge pull request #3127 from jreback/reshape
BUG: fix NameError issue in GH2787
Merge pull request #3135 from jreback/GH2787
ENH: added selection to an unordered timeseries the same semantics as an ordered timeseries (GH2437)
Merge pull request #3136 from jreback/GH2437_2
ENH: GH3070, extend slicing semantics for datelike indexed DataFrames with a string to work like
DOC: cookbook examples
Merge pull request #3137 from jreback/GH3070
Merge pull request #3124 from jreback/GH2817
BUG: GH2903, implemented xs for axis=1 with a level specified
Merge pull request #3125 from jreback/GH2903
BUG: GH3042 Timestamp now supports classmethod fromordinal similar to datetimes
Merge pull request #3138 from jreback/GH3042
BUG: GH2745 Fix issue with indexing a series with a boolean key and specifiying a 1-len list on the rhs (GH2745_)
Merge pull request #3139 from jreback/GH2745
DOC: cross reference cookbook and docs
Merge pull request #3140 from jreback/cooker
Merge pull request #3128 from adamgreenhall/doc_fallback_index
Merge pull request #3142 from jreback/GH2623
TST: putmasking changing dtype when not necessary
ENH: allow Int64Index to have a platform int dtype
Merge pull request #3144 from jreback/dtypes
BUG: GH3094, timedelta64 failing on numpy 1.7.0 (on 2.7) as np.array(td series) converts to int64 dtype
Merge pull request #3148 from jreback/timedelta_170
BUG: GH2763 fixed downcasting of groupby results on SeriesGroupBy
DOC: more cookbook examples
Merge pull request #3153 from jreback/cook6
ENH: added numexpr support for where operations
Merge pull request #3152 from jreback/GH2763
BUG: GH3163 fixed to_csv with a boundry condition issue at the chunksize break
BUG/CLN: Exception in HDFStore are now ValueError or TypeError
Merge pull request #3166 from jreback/GH3163
Merge pull request #3167 from jreback/hdf_error2
DOC: minor edits in io.rst
Merge pull request #3172 from jreback/docs
DOC: better error message on ndarray construction, GH3105
Merge pull request #3131 from jreback/GH3105
TST: resample test custom_grouper haveing dtype comp error on 32-bit
Merge pull request #3176 from jreback/resample_dtype
PERF: groupby transform
PERF: added vb_suite test for groupby_transform
Merge pull request #3154 from jreback/ne2
Merge pull request #3145 from jreback/transform
DOC: provide an axis alises example in the cookbook.rst
BUG: fixed issues where passing an axis of 'index' would fail (as its expecting an axis number)
Merge pull request #3110 from jreback/aliases
Merge pull request #3177 from jreback/alias_cook
TST: fix for tseries/test_period for py3k
Merge pull request #3204 from jreback/period_py3
ENH: add __ne__ method to period comparisons
Merge pull request #3205 from jreback/tests_fix
CLN: refactor core/index and tseries/index,period to have their formats and to_native_types be consistent
BUG/TST: format multi-index nan correctly
Merge pull request #3193 from jreback/index_fmt
DOC: minor cookbook/io doc corrections
BUG: GH3216 Upcast when needed to DataFrame when setitem with indexer
Merge pull request #3219 from jreback/GH3216
TST: more robust tests in HDFStore
Merge pull request #3226 from jreback/hdf_test
BUG: GH3235 fix setitem on Series with boolean indexing and rhs of list
BUG: GH2808 Apply with invalid returned indices raise correct Exception
Merge pull request #3228 from jreback/GH2808
Merge pull request #3236 from jreback/GH3235
Merge pull request #3162 from danbirken/bool_as_numeric_type
ENH: support top-level read/write API for HDFStore using read_hdf/to_hdf (GH3222)
Merge pull request #3244 from jreback/read_hdf
BUG: GH3243 accept list of DataFrames as constructor input
BUG: setitem with list elements in the indexer broken
Merge pull request #3246 from jreback/iloc_set
DOC: cookbook examples courtesy of @timmie
Merge pull request #3248 from y-p/doc_io_cleanups
Merge pull request #3245 from jreback/GH3243
ENH: In HDFStore, add select_column method, deprecate unique method
DOC: cookbook example
Merge pull request #3256 from jreback/hdf_column
ENH/BUG: allow pivot tables to downcast the output (e.g. float -> int)
Merge pull request #3286 from jreback/GH3283
BUG: GH2893 Produce a series on apply if we only generate a singular
DOC: minor changes in 10min.rst
BUG: fix unsafe dtype changes in putmasking on series
TST: test fix on GH3235 (failing because of system dtype on different systems)
BUG: GH3311 Dataframe where with a datetimelike was not correctly selecting
Merge pull request #3313 from jreback/GH3235_test
Merge pull request #3312 from jreback/GH3311
CLN: moved all data for tests to /data sub-dir of the tests
ENH: added legacy pickel generation/testing suppport
BLD: fix setup.py to load correctly data files
BUG: reading py2 pickles in py3 ok now
ENH: added py3 pickles, revsied to include SparseSeries/SparseDataFrame/Index/MultiIndex
BUG: ensure index casting works even in Int64Index
PERF: fixed int64 indexing perf issue when conversion to int64
Merge pull request #3331 from jreback/index_perf
PERF/CLN: infer Period in infer_dtype, later index inference is faster
Merge pull request #3332 from jreback/period_perf2
PERF: series construction perf enhancements, use a fast path based on dtype
Merge pull request #3333 from jreback/series_perf
TST: properly raise the quoted exception when trying to unpickle on py2
Merge pull request #3336 from jreback/fixes
TST: py3 compat on test_pickle.py
lexual (3):
Typo fix: propgate -> propagate.
docs refernce 0.10.2 -> 0.11.0
ENH: value_counts() can now compute relative frequencies.
stephenwlin (1):
DOC: fix typo in CONTRIBUTING.md
thauck (1):
Add documentation for the classes parameter of the to_html method
vytas (1):
Added doc stubs
waitingkuo (4):
Bug: Fixed Issue 2993, Incorrect Timestamp Construction by datetime.date and tz.
BUG: Fix the rename for Series and DataFrame, #3165
BUG: Append the empty frame with columns, #3121
Remove the duplicated test cases
y-p (239):
DOC: put contribution guidelines in CONTRIBUTING.md
DOC: show travis build status on github page
BLD: Travis - only install numpy when we have to, and use 1.7rc1 for 3.3
BLD: Travis workaround for latest breakage
Merge pull request #2757 from dandavison/dataframe_from_items_cleanup
Merge pull request #2820 from stephenwlin/patch-1
Merge pull request #2812 from rgieseke/patch-2
Merge pull request #2762 from jamescasbon/patch-1
DOC: fix corr() docstring
Merge pull request #2822 from rgieseke/patch-3
ENH: add option chop_threshold to control display of small numerical values as zero GH2735
ENH: update describe_option to report default and current value
TST: update describe_option to report default and current value
BLD: bring back build_ext warning message cython is missing #2439
BLD: use 1.7.0 final in travis py3.3 environment
BUG: util.testing.makeCustomIndex results were not sorted properly
BUG: test_yahoo provider results may change. disabled test_vector tests. GH2853
Merge pull request #2879 from stephenwlin/release-fixup
BUG: util.testing.makeCustomIndex dies when nlevels > nentries
BUG: get_dtype_counts() works too hard to count column dtypes, GH2807
VB: add vbench for df.get_dtype_counts(), df.repr() for wide frame
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
BUG: missing () on method call in io.data _calc_return_index
BUG: fix vbench command
DOC: correct docstring to reflect default value in df.plot GH2863
DOC: update docstring of ts.resample with missing arguments GH2861
ENH: add script for locating undocumented arguments in docstrings
DOC: docstring fixes
Merge pull request #2917 from gdraps/plot-doc-kde
ENH: update find_undoc_args to generate github task lists ftw
ENH: find_undoc_args.py, sort by filename
Merge pull request #2937 from wj/master
CLN: clarify series.order() logic
TST: pathological objects cause infinite loop when passed to pprint_thing
BUG: pathological objects cause infinite loop when passed to pprint_thing
TST: fix test on python3
ENH: add display.max_seq_items to limit len of pprinted long sequences
TST: add test for com.is_sequence
DOC: update release.txt with display.max_seq_items option
BLD: update tox.ini, replace py3.1 with py3.3
DOC: mention new option display.chop_threshold in v0.11.0.txt
DOC: fix IPython snippet
TST: str.contains respects na parameter, GH2806
BUG: str.contains ignored na argument GH2806
Merge pull request #3048 from y-p/GH2806
DOC: update RELEASE.txt
DOC: Update v0.11.0.txt
DOC: remove stale note GH2981
VB: fix intermittent vbtest `unstack_sparse_keyspace` failure
TST: Don't segfault when categorical groupby differs in length from series, GH3011
BUG: add length check on categorical grouper, GH3011
TST: df.from_records should accept values deriving from ABC collection.Mapping
ENH: df.from_records should accept values deriving from ABC collection.Mapping, GH3000
TST: add tests for Period().to_timestamp(tz=foo), GH2877
ENH/BUG: add tz argument to to_timestamp of Period, GH2877
TST: add bounds-checking preamble to groupby_X cython code
ENH: add bounds-checking preamble to groupby_X cython code
TST: Enforce grouper=f() result has len(labels) == len(data) GH3035
BUG: Enforce grouper=f() result has len(labels) == len(data) GH3035
DOC: Update v0.11.0.txt
ENH: improve performance of df.to_csv GH3054
Merge pull request #2860 from y-p/GH2439
Merge pull request #3005 from y-p/GH3000
Merge pull request #2991 from y-p/GH2877
ENH: more perf tweaks in df.to_csv
PERF: cythonize improved python version
CLN: move repeated cast out of loop
CLN: make guard more defensive
REF: apply native type conv to ix, cols before write_csv
Merge pull request #3017 from y-p/GH3011
BUG: add sanity check to groupby agg function, outside main loop
ENH: replace variable lookup by constant .
PERF: avoid iteritems->iloc panelty for data conversion, use blocks
Merge pull request #3067 from kermit666/patch-1
BLD: force numpy 1.6.1 most everywhere on travis
Merge pull request #3031 from y-p/groupby_bounds
VB: add regex filtering to test_perf.py
TST: SparseSeries.density shouldn't die
BUG: SparseSeries.density shouldn't die GH2803
Merge branch 'GH2803'
DOC: RELEASE.rst is a full changelog, v0.x.y.txt is what's new/changed
DOC: RELEASE.rst is a full changelog, v0.x.y.txt is what's new/changed
ENH: add (undocumented) legacy kwd to df.to_csv, just in case
CLN: revert matrix plot ticks to traditional arrangement
Merge branch 'scatter_matrix_labels_fix'
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
Merge pull request #3084 from ilblackdragon/master
CLN: preallocate data array only once
TST: test the hell out of the new df.to_csv()
BUG: MultiIndex to_native_types did not obey slicer
DOC: update what's new, RELEASE.rst
TST: mark csv test @slow
Merge branch 'GH3054/to_csv_perf'
DOC: fix typos in RELEASE.rst
TST: fix test to test dupe columns, instead of null op
BUG: to_csv should allow writing of dupe cols if within same block GH3095
Merge pull request #3098 from cpcloud/time-import-fix
BLD: fix cython artifact caching, for fast testing with tox
BLD: check for BUILD_CACHE_DIR envar in setup.py
BLD: improve test_perf messages
CLN: eliminate py2.5 workaround from setup.py (cython caching)
BLD: more test_perf messages cleanup
Merge pull request #3014 from waitingkuo/fix-timestamp
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
BUG: series.plot(kind='bar') should respect pylab color scheme GH3115
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
BUG: fix cython caching in setup.py
Merge branch 'stephenwlin-memmove-limit'
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
BLD: shove the plotting tests into the LOCALE_OVERRIDE build
ENH: add is_one_of_factory option validator factory
ENH: add option display.with_mpl_style GH3075
TST: fix test_bar_colors tests
TST: groupby.apply assumed list of np.arrays had elements of equal len GH1738
BUG: groupby.apply assumed list of np.arrays had elements of equal len GH1735
Merge branch 'GH1738'
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
VB: add random seed option, and default value to test_perf.sh
BUG: fix failing test TestSeriesPlots.test_bar_colors
BLD: make LOCALE_OVERRIDE travis build use numpy 1.7 for some extra testing
Merge pull request #3147 from davidjameshumphreys/error_bad_lines
SCR: format tweaks to test_perf
BLD: speed up test_perf.sh
Merge pull request #3159 from danbirken/kwargs_to_scatter_plot
Merge pull request #3160 from danbirken/commit_prefix_explain
Merge pull request #3085 from kermit666/patch-3
SCR: test_perf can save results frame to pickle file, -d
ENH: assert_X_equal with check_less_precise should apply to index/columns too
TST: Test to_csv in more cases and faster
TST: add test for test in test_testing
BUG: check_less_precise in assert_almost_equal with val=float throws exception
BLD: fix path handling, and possible import surprises in test_perf
TST: add test for mom._flex_binary_moment blowing the stack GH3155
BUG: _flex_binary_moment should validate it's arguments' type
TST: added rolling_corr test with cener=True GH3155
BUG: rolling_corr should pass center=True to it's delegates
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
CLN: change to_csv 'legacy' keyword to engine=='python', consistent with c_parser
BLD: move perf_HEAD functionality into test_perf. -H arg
BLD: fix path handling in test_perf
BLD: test_perf will read BUILD_CACHE_DIR from .build_cache_dir if it exists
BLD: test_perf, add -n, number of vb runs to average results over
BLD: test_perf, add -N, run HEAD vbenchmarks multiple times seperately
TST: DataFrame.to_records(index=True) doesn't work with MultiIndex GH3189
Merge pull request #3173 from y-p/less_precise
TST: bring back disabled tests in test_to_csv_moar after GH3173
BUG: DataFrame.to_records(index=True) doesn't work with MultiIndex GH3189
Merge branch 'GH3189'
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
DOC: various editing
CLN: clarify message for deprecated #2918 df._verbose_info_
TST: PeriodIndex pickle roundtrip does not recreate freq GH2891
BUG: PeriodIndex pickle roundtrip does not recreate freq GH2891
Merge pull request #3224 from y-p/GH2891
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
BLD: Compact builds to fit into travis's 5-job concurrency limit
BLD: Travis revamped their log widget, be verbose and fold furiously
TST: mom._center_window should validate axis value against data dims
BUG: mom._center_window should validate axis value against data dims
Revert "BLD: Travis revamped their log widget, be verbose and fold furiously"
BLD: tox, don't clean up build dir, permissions often get in the way
TST: check and raise on df.applymap with df having dupe columns
BUG: check and raise on df.applymap with df having dupe columns
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
BLD: in test_perf, canonize file paths passes on command_line
BLD: test_perf -H shouldn't die if a vbench raises
BLD: test_perf -H shouldn't die if the benchmark list is empty
BLD: test_perf, be careful about initializing vars
VB: rename duplicate-named vbench join_dataframe_index_single_key_bigger/_sort
VB: cut down worst runtime offenders in vb suite
BLD: test_perf, progress indicator, catch kb interrupts
BLD: test_perf, progress indicator, catch kb interrupts
BLD: add --ncalls to test_perf, to override excessive runtimes in vbench
BLD: test_perf, adjust column widths
BLD: test_perf, print pickle filename if specified
BLD: test_perf, supress Futurewarnings, DeprecationWarning
TST: Log scale on bar chart hides bars GH3247
BUG: Log scale on bar chart hides bars GH3247
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
DOC: cleanups
BUG: df.plot(grid=None) (was False), obey mpl's default style GH3223
BOOK: keep code examples in wes's book current, until the 2nd ed.
Merge pull request #3250 from y-p/book
Revert "TST: Log scale on bar chart hides bars GH3247" mpl 1.2.1 regression
BLD: test_perf, set cpu affinity and do a gc collect between vbs, in --head mode
BLD: test_perf, add burn-in, warn if 'affinity' missing, transpose running order in --head
BLD: test_perf, explicitly disable gc for runs, correct help message
BLD: numpy 1.7.0 is on pypi, no need to get it from GH anymore
BLD: more travis.yml cleanup
BLD: test_perf, do a collect once per --repeats, after each b.run()
Merge pull request #3262 from chappers/docstring
TST: refurbished to_csv ignores file mode GH3263
BUG: refurbished to_csv ignores file mode GH3263
BLD: setup.py, proper init of arg in cython cache code
CLN: remove stale TODO.rst
DOC: modify conf to remove extra modules link in header GH(pandas-website/20)
DOC: too mani typos
DOC: switch sphinx to 'nature' theme
CLN: delete sandbox/stats, that's all statsmodels now
DOC: modify sphinx theme to use global TOC
DOC: remove OLS docs, it's in statsmodels now
DOC: css tweaks to sphinx theme
DOC: css tweaks to sphinx theme
DOC: rephrase paragraph
DOC: uniform image width in docs
DOC: use display.mpl_style='default' in figures
BUG: fix legend in andrew_figures GH3278
DOC: out with numpydoc, back in with use_modindex
ENH: add to_series() method to Index and subclasses GH3275
TST: Series ctor should respect ordering in OrderedDict GH3283
BUG: Series ctor should respect ordering in OrderedDict GH3283
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
DOC: modify theme css to keep navigation fixed on screen
DOC: Spihnx theme, don't sticky nav on api ref page, toc too long to fit on screen
Revert "DOC: Spihnx theme, don't sticky nav on api ref page, toc too long to fit on screen"
Revert "DOC: modify theme css to keep navigation fixed on screen"
BUG: fix pprinting of singleton tuples GH3291
BUG: pprint_thing mishandles sets GH3294
Revert "Revert "TST: Log scale on bar chart hides bars GH3247" mpl 1.2.1 regression"
Merge pull request #3280 from y-p/GH3275
BUG: work around mpl 1.2.1 regression, bar(log=True,bottom=None)) GH3254
BUG: work around mpl 1.2.1 regression, ax.axhline(0) with log=true GH3298
Merge pull request #3300 from y-p/log_bar
ENH: add OrderedDefaultdict to util.compat
TST: Panel ctor and from_dict should respect ordering when given OrderedDict GH3303
BUG: Panel ctor and from_dict should respect ordering when given OrderedDict GH3303
DOC: update RELEASE.rst
Merge pull request #3304 from y-p/panel_od
VB: correct start_date for vbs importing core.expressions
BUG: fix log bar plot again #3309
SCR: add a script for tracking down all commits touching a named method
Merge pull request #3316 from y-p/tooling_find_touchy
BUG: fix integer division operator under py3 in rplot
DOC: Try and clarify tz_localize docstring, always found it confusing
BLD: travis make nose test selection clear via env_var
No new revisions were added by this update.
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